HomeMy WebLinkAboutGabriella Court 10 yr Aniv Block Party ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 9, 2007 Ms. Christine Malone 2210 Gabriella Court Mattimck, NY 11952 Dear Ms. Malone: The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting held on July 31,2007, granted permission to the families of Gabriella Court to hold its 10 year anniversary Block Party on August 18, 2007. A certified copy of the resolution is enclosed. A Certificate of insurance must be filed with this office before the event. Please be sure to contact Capt. Flatley, at the Police Department, 765-2600, as soon as possible, to coordinate traffic control. Very truly yours, Lynda M Bohn Southold Deputy Town Clerk Eric. Southold Town Board - Letter Board Me~ting of July 31, 2007 RESOLUTION 2007-653 ADOPTED Item # 14 DOC ID: 3080 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-653 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 31, 2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the Christine Malone~ representing families of Gabriella Court~ Mattiuck to use the following roads for its 10-Year Anniversary Block Party on Saturda¥~ August 18~ 2007~ from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM: Gabriella Court, from Tabor Road to the cul-de-sac provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured and notify Capt. Flatley, upon notification of the approval of this resolution, to coordinate traffic control. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER: William P. Edwards, Councilman AYES: Krupski Jr., Edwards, Ross, Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated August 2, 2007 Page 27 POLICE DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CARLISI.E E. COCHRAN, IR Chitf of Policc Telephone Emergency Dial 911 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Lynda M Bohn, Deputy Town Clerk Chief Carlisle E. Cochran, Jr. ~ July 20, 20O7 Request for Special Permit - Christine Malone request to hold Block Party on Gabriella Court, Mattituck, Saturday, August 18, 2007 I have reviewed the above request for a special permit. I have no objection to the approval of this permit. Please have Ms. Malone, or her representative, contact Capt. Martin Flatley as soon as the Town Board grants approval to coordinate traffic control. ce: Capt, Mm'tin Flatlcy 41405 Route25" P.O, Box 911 · Pcconic, N.Y. I1958 Administrative(631) 765 2600/2601 · Fax (631) 765-2715 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAl. STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax ~631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nort h fork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Chief Carlisle E. Cochran, Jr. FROM: Lynda M. Bohn, Deputy Town Clerk~/~ RE: Christine Malone Date: July 16, 2007 Transmitted is request of the Christine Malone to hold a block party on Gabriella Court, Mattituck. Please review this request and send me your recommendations in writing. Thank you. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.north fork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 16, 2007 Christine Malone 2210 Gabriella Court Mattituck, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Malone: This office is in receipt of your request to close Gabriella Court for a block party. I have forwarded you request to the Police Department for approval. The Police Department will transmit its decision to this office. Once that is received, if approved it will go before the Town Board, August 8, 2007. If all goes well, and permission is granted, this office will need a certificate of liability insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured for the period of the block party. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at 765-1800. Sincerely, ~ynda M Bohn ~ Deputy Town Clerk July 12, 2007 JUL 1 6 2OO7 SUPERVI$OR'$ OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTitOLO Southold Town Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 To Whom It May Concern: For many of the families on Gabriella Court, 2007 marks the ten-year anniversary of owning our homes. To commemorate this milestone, a block party has been planned for Saturday, August 18, 2007, 3:00-8:00 p.m. We are requesting closure of Gabriella Court, from Tabor Road to the cul-de-dac, in order to ensure the safety of our residents and guests. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, Christine Malone 2210 Gabriella Court Mattituck, NY 11952 (631) 298-1499 cc: Mr. James McMahon ( AIIstate, YOu're in good hands. ALLSTATE PAGE 01/03 Tara Smith-Vera Exclusive Agent 29 Railroad Avenue · Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 (631) 471-5500 phone (631) 471-6597 fa.x Ematl: tarasmithvera@allstate, corn FAX To: Ly~da From: Tara Fa~: (631) 765-6145 Pages: 3 Phone: Date: August 14, 2007 Re: Christine Malone CC; August 18~Block Party [] Urgellt [] For Review [] Please ColTmaeot [] Please Reply [] Please Recycle I Co~0nrnents: Evlderlce of instttance to follow, Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should need anything fi.lrther. 08/14~/2007 , 15:14 631471~597 '( AIIstate. You're in good hands, ALLSTATE EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE PAGE 02/03 Coverage afforded by the policy is provided by theAllstate Indemnity, Northbrook, Illinois Number :078262782 Insured's name, mailing address and zip code: DANIEL & CHRISTINE MALONE 2210 GABRIELLA COURT MATTITUCK NY 11952 Location of Premises (If different than shown above): Additional Interested Party, address and zip code: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 53095 MAIN ROAD P O BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 The POLICY PERIOD and PREMIUM PERIOD will be Annual and begin on The date shown. The POLICY PERIOD and PREMIUM PERIOD will begin at 12:01 a.m. Standard Time on 06/20/2007 to 06/20/2008 Insurance is provided as follows: POLICY TYPE - DELUXE Policy Limit of Liability Coverage X - Liabilty Protection HOMEOWNERS $1,000,000 08/1~/~0~7~ ~:1~ 63~471~597 ALLSTATE ~A~E '( )AIIstate. You're in goad hands, PROVISIONS: This form is not the contract ofinsuran.ce. The provisions of the policy shall prevail in all respects. All premiums for the insurance policy shall be computed in accordance w~th Allslate's rules, forms, premiums and minimum premiums applicable to the insurance afforded which are in effect at the interception of the insurance and upon each anrfiversary thereof, including the date of interim changes. It is understood that should the insurance protection evidenced herein terminate for any reason, due notice will be give to the Insured, to the mortgagee, and to all other interested parties in accordance wit the standard mortgagee clause. A copy of the Policy Declarations reflecting the annual premium will be sent, if required, to the mortgagee mad tO any other interested parties. Date Countersigned at 08/14/2007 Rorflconkoma Authorized Agent Agent Signature Tara Smith-Vera Exclusive Agent 29 Railroad Avenue Ronkonkoma , NY (631) 471-5500 (631) 421-6597 fax , / 11779 03/0~ (~)AIIstate You're in good hands Al~tateMortgage Re~tions C~nter POBox 660649 Dallas, TX75266-0649 h,,Ih,,llhh,h,,h,,lllh,,hh,,hhhh,h,,Ihh,,,hll Town o~ Southold P O Box 1179 Southold NY 11971-0959 Policy number: Reprint key: Transaction: 0 78 262782 06/20 0708145300606 ENDORSEMENT ADDITIONAL THIRD PARTY PBOP ' 5100031010814§3006060401 ' Moo2,, IIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli ( AIIstate You're in good hands Hj Smith Ins Brkrs 29 Railroad ~tvenue Ronkonkoma NY 11779 h,,Ih,,llhh,,hh,,hh,hhh.lh..Ihh,.,lllh,.hh,I Daniel L & Christine Malone 2210 Gabriella Court Mattituck NY 11952-2479 Verily the information listed in the Policy Declarations, Please call if you have any questions. Now you can pay your premium before your bill is issued -v[sit allstate.corn or call 1-800-Allstate®, Confu'ming Your Policy Change We've sent along this mailing to verify the changes to your policy that you recently requested. The changes took effect on August 18, 2007. Please look over all the information in this mailing, and call us right away if you have any questions or if anything isn't exactly right. The accompanying Amended Policy Declarations includes these changes: An Additional Interested Party has been added. A policy coverage has been changed. Your premium for this current period has been increased by a total of $16.00. The coverages and limits you carry for your property, and the costs of those coverages, are listed in detail on the enclosed Amended Policy Declarations. You can see the specific changes to your policy by comparing this Amended Policy Declarations to the Policy Declarations previously mailed to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (631) 471-5500---or call the Allstate Customer Information Center at 1-800-ALLSTATE (1-800-255-7828). Sincerely, Smith Your Allstate Agent MCD21 3 IIIIIillllllHIIIl$111111111111111111ffillllllilili EP29 Allstate Insurance Company ( )AIIstate Summary NAMED INSURED(S) Daniel L & Christine Malone 2210 Gabriella Court Mattituck NY 11952-2479 AMENDED Deluxe Homeowners Policy Declarations YOUR ALLSTATE AGENT IS: Hj Smith Ins Srkrs 29 Railroad Avenue Ronkonkoma NY 11779 CONTACT YOUR AGENT AT: (631) 471-5500 POLICY NUMBER POLICY PERIOD PREMIUM PERIOD 0 78 262782 06/20 Begins on June 20, 2007 June 20, 2007 to June 20, 2008 at 12:01 A.M. standard time, at 12:01 A.M. standard time with no fixed date of expiration LOCATION OF PROPERTY INSURED 2210 Gabriella Court, Mattituck, NY 11952-2479 MORTGAGEE(S) (Listed in order of precedence) · JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA ISAOA ATIMAC/O CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC P O Box 47020 Doraville GA 30362-0020 · CITIMORTGAGE INC ITS SCRS &/OR ASSIGNS ATIMA P 0 Box 7706 Springfield OH 45501-7706 Loan # 1945247901 Loan//0630099567 Ol 1D ADDITIONAL INTERESTED PARTY · Town of Southold P 0 Box 1179 Southold NY 11971-0959 Total Premi#m for the Prernium Period (Your bil/ wi// be mailed separata/y) Premium for Property Insured $1,075.00 TOTAL $1,075.00 Your policy change(s) ore offectivo au of Aug. 18, 2D07 PROP ' 510003101081453006060403 ' Illllillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll P.,., Allstate Insurance Company Policy Num bet: 0 78 262702 06/20 Your Agent: Hi Smith Ins Brkr$ (631) 471-5500 For Premium Period Beginning: June 20, 2007 POLICY COVERAGES AND LIMITS OF LIABILITY COVERAGE AND APPLICABLE DEDUCTIBLES (See Policy for Ap plJcable Terms, Conditions and Exclusions) LIMITS OF LIABILITY Dwelling Protection - with Building Structure Reimbursement Extended Limits $238,000 · $500 Other Peril DeductJbleApplies · Deductible for Severe Hurricanes Applies* Other Structures Protection $23,800 · $500 Other Pedl DeductJbleApplies · Deductible for Severe Hurricanes Applies* Personal Property ProtacOon - Reimbursement Provision $166,600 · $500 Other Peril Deductible Applies · Deductible for Severe Hurricanes Applies* Additional Living Expense Up To 12 Months Family Liability Protac~ion $1,000,000 each occurrence Guest Medical Protection $1,000 each person Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Statutory/See Form Coverage for Residence Employees * $11,900 ( 5% of your Dwelling Protection limit) is your Deductible for Severe Hurricanes, which applies to the total of all losses under the coverages indicated above. DISCOUNTS Your premium reflects the following discounts on applicable coverage(s): Multiline 15 % Protective Device 5% RATING INFORMATION The dwelling is of Frame construction and is occupied by 1 family Page 2 ALlstate Insurance Company ( AIIstate Policy Number: 0702627~2D6/20 YourAgeet: fljSmilhlneBrkrs (631)471-5500 For Premium Period Beginning: June 20, 2007 You're in good hands, Your Policy Documents Your Homeowners policy consists of this Policy Declarations and the documents listed below. Please keep these together. - Deluxe Policy form AP316 - New York Amendatory Endorsement form AP497-1 - NY Amendment of Policy Provisions form AP1948 - Amendment of Policy Provisions form AP521 - Declarations Supplement Pg (New York) form AU233-1 - Domestic Workers' Comp & Emp Liability APl105-1 - New York Amendatory Endorsement form AP1721 - Deductible for Severe Hurricanes End. form AP585-1 - Bldg. Struct, Reimb. Ext. Limits End. form AP693 Important Payment and Coverage Information The property insurance adjustment condition applies using the Boeckh Publications Building Cost index developed by The American Appraisal Associates, Inc, Do not pay. Mortgagee has been billed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Allstate has caused this policy to be signed by two of its officers at Nodhbrook, Illinois, and if required by state law, this policy shall not be binding unless countersigned on the Policy Declarations by an authorized agent of Allstate. Edward M. Liddy President Robed W. Pike Secretaly