HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 Town Budget CalendarTown Budget Calendar
(Dates in parentheses apply to towns
in Westchester and Monroe Counties
As shown on the calendar, the budget
officer distributes estimate forms to the
head of each administrative unit of the
town, to be completed and returned to
the budget officer no later than Sept. 20
(Oct. 20). The budget officer reviews
the estimates, prepares the estimates
that were not submitted and prepares
the tentative budget. The budget ofricer
must prepare an exemption impact
report and annex it to the tentative/
preliminary budgets. The tentative
budget should be completed by the
budget officer and filed with the town
clerk on or before Sept. 30 (Oct. 30),
who must then present it at a regular
or special meeting of the town board
to be held on or before Oct. 5 (Nov.
10). At this meeting, the town board
reviews the tentative budget and makes
any necessary changes, revisions or
alterations consistent with law. Upon
completion of such review, the tentative
budget becomes the preliminary budget.
The preliminary budget must be filed in
the office of the town clerk who shall
reproduce for public distribution as
many copies as the town board directs.
The town board must hold a public
hearing on the preliminary budget.
Notice of the hearing must be published
at least once in the official newspaper
and, if the board so directs, in other
newspapers. The town clerk shall also
cause a copy of the notice to be posted
on the signboard of the town. The notice
of hearing should state the time, place
and purpose of the hearing and that
copies of the preliminary budget are
available at the office of the town clerk
for inspection by any interested people
during office hours. The notice shall
also state the compensation proposed
to be paid to each member of the town
board and an elected town clerk and
elected highway superintendent. At
least five days shall elapse between the
date of the first publication of the notice
and the date specified fur the hearing.
1. Budget Officer* 9/1 10/1 Recommended
Furnishes I leads of
Administrative Units
(Dcparunents and Of-
ficials) Mth Estimate
DistrictsbymiSsi°n2' Departmental(see note°f below)EStimate°n }:ireSUb 9/20** 10/20 Section 104
3. Budget Officer 9/30 10/30 Section 106(2)
Reviews and Prepares
Tentative Budget: Files
with Town Clerk by
4. Town Clerk Presents 10/5 11/10 Section I06(3)
Tentative Budget to
Town Board by
5. Review and RevisioI~ Upola completion of Upon comple Section 106(4)
by Town Board; Prepa review and modi~ I don of review and
ration of Preliminary cation of Tentafi'~ e [ modification of
Budget; Filed in Toxvn Budget, and prior to Tentaove Budget,
derk s D£hcc Public Hearing and prior to Publ~c
6. Notice of Public At least five days prior At least five days Section 108
[ learing Publication to bearing [ prior to hearing
7. Public Hearing by Thursday roi/owing I 12/10 - may bc Section 108
November Elect/on; [ adiourned, but not
may be adjourned, but I beyond 12/15
not beyond 11 / 15
8. Final Revision of After Public Hear l After Public Hear- Section 108
Preliminary Budget ing but prior to final ing but prior to final
adoption ] adoption
by**9' Adoption of Budget 11/20 12/20 Section 109
Budget Officer is the Town Supervisor, unless the Supervisor appoints a separate person as
Budget Officer
** Fire District Budgets must be submitted to the clerk on or before Nov. 7, and be annexed to
the Final Budge~
Once opened, the hearing may be
adjourned from day to day, but not
beyond Nov. 15 (Dec. 15). After the
public hearing, the town board may
amend or modify the preliminary
budget as it sees fit, so long as it
retains all of the required content. The
preliminary budget as submitted or
amended after the public hearing shall
be finally adopted by resolution of the
town board no later than Nov. 20 (Dec.
20), and entered in full in the minutes of
the town board.
The town clerk must prepare two
certified copies of the budget and annex
thereto copies of the fire district budget
(received by the clerk on or before Nov.
7). Within five days, the clerk must
deliver the copies to the supervisor,
who in turn must present them to the
governing board of the county within
10 days, so that such body may levy
taxes on the real property of the town at
the same time and in the same manner
as county taxes.
Talk q/'the Towns ~5 - September/October 2009