HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Budget MessageSCOTT A. RUSSELL
Town Hall, 53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Fax (631) 765-1823
Telephone (631) 765-1889
SEP 3 0 2009
~uthold Town Cled,
This budget reflects the realities of an economic climate of unprecedented
turmoil. Revenues have dropped sharply and ! have no illusions that the picture will be
brighter in 2010. This budget includes realistic projections of revenue for 2010 and
anticipates mortgage tax to remain at historically low levels. Further, this budget reduces
appropriations across all departments and reduces spending overall despite having to
appropriate substantial increases in mandated costs such as the New York State pension
payments, the newly created MTA payroll tax, and account for a 1.2 million dollar
shortfall created by the Town Board amended budget of 2009.
Other key features of this budget are:
1. Includes a total appropriation of $36,596,526 which will result in a tax
increase of 8.55%.
2. Calls for no increase in salaries and no promotions for all employees,
personnel and elected officials
3. Requires an employee paid contribution to medical costs for all employees,
appointed and elected officials.
Strictly abides to the recently adopted Town Board policy of
ensuring the fund balance equals no less then 10% of the general fund
Continues to provide resources for Southold Town is aggressive efforts to
combat pollution through its Storm Water Mitigation program and provides
resources to ensure compliance to the new MS4 mandates.
6. Reflects strict compliance to Town Board goals of reducing the payroll by
attrition. In addition, this budget eliminates several seasonal positions.
7. Calls for a continued reduction in all overtime not critical to the health, safety
or welfare of this community.
I urge the Town Board to maintain the sound and fiscally conservative outline that
I have followed and to resist any efforts to find short-term quick fixes or to over-estimate
revenue that simply will not materialize in the coming year. The direction of this
economy is uncertain, we need to be pre-emptive and assume the worst.
Further, the economic turmoil that has taken place over the past two years does
provide opportunities for Southold Town. We must continue to evaluate our efficiencies
and our deficiencies and fundamentally change the way we do business. The multi-year
budgeting concept I brought to the Board a few months back is a good start and should be
a top priority in the coming year. Wall Street has viewed our efforts favorably and has
given us our highest bond rating ever. The work must continue and another priority for
2010 should be a complete review of the Solid Waste District. We have an able manager
and a knowledgeable workforce there yet past Town Board decisions have resulted in
investments and expenditures that make that district a substantial economic liability to the
Town. It continues to run at an aimual deficit and that will not change without a
fundamental change to its overall operation and long term management plan.
Finally, I would like to thank Town Comptroller John Cushman, Assistant Town
Comptroller Connie Solomon and all of the department heads in helping me develop a
budget that is fiscally sound and will meet the needs of this community over the coming