HomeMy WebLinkAboutStatement of Estimated Fund BalancesRr-cEIV :D 0 2009 Town CJec[~ Statement of Estimated Fund Balances Remaining Estimated Estimated Fund Balance as Fund Balance Appropriated Unappropriated Unreservec Code Fund of December 31, 2009 for the 2010 Fiscal Year Fund Balance A General Fund Whole Town $2,644,395 $100,000 $2,544,395 B General Fund Part Town 239,397 119,000 120,397 DB Highway Fund Part Town 531,017 265,000 266,017 CD Community Development Fund 0 0 0 CS Risk Retention Fund 181,938 0 181,938 H3 Land Preservation Fund 5,094,743 5,000,000 94,743 MS Employee Health Plan 0 0 0 SF E-W Fire Protection District 14,975 6,900 8,075 SM Fishers Island Ferry District 0 0 I 0 SR Solid Waste District (296,289) (300,000) 3,711 SS1 Wastewater Distdct 254,915 225,000 29,915 SS2 Fishers Island Sewer District 34,443 7,100 27,343 Totals J $8,699,534 $5,423,000 $3,276,534 Date prepared: September 28, 2009 S:~Accounting\Comptroller~Budget\Statement of Estimated Fund Balances NYS - Real Property System County of Suffolk Town of Southold - 4738 Assessor's Report - 2009 - Currant Year File S495 Exemption Impact Report Town Summary Equalized Total Assessed Value 11,858,094,811 RPS221/V04/L001 ate/Time - 9/21/2009 10:13:11 Total Assessed Value 125,695,805 Uniform Percentage 1.06 Exemption Code 10100 12100 13100 13500 13650 13800 13870 13890 14100 14110 18020 19950 25110 25120 25210 25300 26100 26400 27350 28540 29350 29500 33201 41101 41121 41123 41131 Exemption Name SPEC OiST USED FOR PURPOSE EST NYS - GENERALLY CO - GENERALLY TOWN - GENERALLY VG - GENERALLY SCHOOL DISTRICT SPEC DIST USED FOR PURPOSE EST PUBLIC AUTHORITY - LOCAL USA - GENERALLY USA - SPECIFIED USES MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEV AGENC MUNICIPAL RAILROAD NONPROF CORP - RELIG(CONST PRO NONPROF CORP - EDUCL(CONST PR( NONPROF CORP - HOSPITAL NONPROF CORP - SPECIFIED USES VETERANS ORGANIZATION INC VOLUNTEER FIRE CO OR DEPT PRIVATELY OWNED CEMETERY LAN[ NOT-FOR-PROFIT HOUS CO - HOSTE TRUSTEES - HOSP, LIB, PLAYGROU PERFORMING ARTS BUILDING TAX SALE - COUNTY OWNED VETS EX BASED ON ELIGIBLE FUND ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMI ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMI ALT VET EX-WAR PERiOD-COMBAT Statutory Aothor~y RPTL 410 RPTL 404(1) RPTL 406(1 ) RPTL 406(1 ) RPTL 406(1) RPTL 408 RPTL 410 RPTL 412 RPTL 400{1) STATE L 54 RPTL 412-a RPTL 456 RPTL 420-a RPTL 420-a RPTL 420-a RPTL 420-b RPTL 452 RPTL 464(2) RPTL 446 RPTL 422 RPTL 438 RPTL 427 RPTL 406(5) RPTL 458(1) RPTL 458-a RPTL 458-a RPTL 458-a Number of Exemptions 3 59 92 210 33 15 27 23 11 2 3 1 52 2 3 133 5 9 22 2 8 1 2 730 649 2 467 Total Equalized Value of Exemptions 3,622,642 31,330,189 62,311.321 66,635,377 16,867,925 275,313,962 14,622,642 8,000,000 306,509,434 2,632,075 15,782,547 2,528,302 91,377,358 3,141,509 8,707,547 101,040,094 7,264,151 20,632,075 5,594,340 1,396,226 13,320,755 481,132 1,452,830 169,581,038 36,590,472 90,283 47,016,038 Percent of Value Exempted 0.03 0.26 0.53 0.56 0.14 2.32 0.12 0.07 2.58 0.02 0.13 0.02 0.77 0.03 0.07 0.85 0.06 0.17 0.05 0.01 0.11 0.00 0.01 1.43 0.31 0.00 0.40 Page 1 of 2 NYS - Real Property System County of Suffolk Town of Southold - 4738 Assessor's Report - 2009 - Current Year File S495 Exemption Impact Report Town Summary Equalized Total Assessed Value 11,858,094,811 RPS221/VO4/LO01 ate/Time - 9/21/2009 10:13:11 Total Assessed Value 125,695,805 Uniform Percentage 1.06 Exemption Exemption Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value of Code Name Authority Exemptions Exemptions 41133 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT RPTL 458-a 4 354,717 41141 ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-DISABILI RPTL 458-a 43 4,910,755 41161 COLD WAR VETERANS (15%) RPTL 458-b 102 1,212,453 41171 COLD WAR VETERANS {DISABLED) RPTL 458-b 2 70,283 41400 CLERGY RPTL 460 40 6,084,906 41640 VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS AND AMI RPTL 466-c, 466-f 403 22,135,849 41700 AGRICULTURAL BUILDING RPTL 483 18 9,537,736 41720 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AG*MKTS L 305 292 88,933,962 41730 AGRIC LAND-INDIV NOT IN AG DIS AG MKTS L 306 87 29,754,717 41800 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 422 80,707,075 41801 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 40 5,676,604 41931 DISABtLITIES AND LIMITED iNCOM RPTL 459-c 14 2,611,321 42120 TEMPORARY GREENHOUSES RPTL 483-c 2 179,245 49500 SOLAR OR WINO ENERGY SYSTEM RPTL 487 I 18,868 Percent of Value Exempted 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.19 0.08 0.75 0.25 0.68 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.00 Total Exemptions Exclusive of System Exemptions: 4,036 1,566,030,755 13.21 Total System Exemptions: 0 0 0,00 Totals: 4,036 1,566,030,755 13.21 Values have been equalized using the Uniform Percentage of Value. The Exempt amounts do not take into consideration, payments in lieu of taxes or other payments for municipal services. Amount, if any, attTibUtable to payments in lieu of taxes: Page 2 of 2 NYS - Real Property System County of Suffolk Town of Southold - 4738 Village of Greanport SWlS Code - 473801 Assessor's Report - 2009 - Current Year File S495 Exemption Impact Report Town Dotaii Report RPS221/VO41LO01 ate/Time - 9/21/2009 10:13:12 Total Assessed Value 5,903,150 Uniform Percentage 1.06 Equalized Total Assessed Value 556,900,943 Exemption Code 12100 13100 13500 13650 13800 14110 19950 25110 25210 25300 26100 26400 27350 28540 29350 41101 41121 41131 41133 41141 41161 41400 41640 41800 41801 Exemption Name NYS - GENERALLY CO - GENERALLY TOWN * GENERALLY VG - GENERALLY SCHOOL DISTRICT USA - SPECIFIED USES MUNICIPAL RAILROAD NONPROF CORP - RELIG{CONST PRO NONPROF CORP - HOSPITAL NONPROF CORP - SPECIFIED USES VETERANS ORGANIZATION INC VOLUNTEER FIRE CO OR DEPT PRIVATELY OWNED CEMETERY LAND NOT-FOR-PROFIT HOUS CO - HOSTE TRUSTEES - HOSP, LIB, PLAYGROU VETS EX BASED ON ELIGIBLE FUND ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMB ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOO-COMBAT ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-OISABILI COLD WAR VETERANS (15%) CLERGY VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS AND AMB PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER Statutory I Number of Author~y Exemptions RPTL 404(1 ) 4 RPTL 406(1) 1 RPTL 406(1) 1 RPTL 406(1) 32 RPTL 408 1 STATE L 54 1 RPTL 456 1 RPTL 420-a 9 RPTL 420-a 2 RPTL 420-b 2 RPTL 452 1 RPTL 464(2) 2 RPTL 446 2 RPTL 422 1 RPTL 438 2 RPTL 458(1) 36 RPTL 458-a 24 RPTL 458-a 22 RPTL 458-a 2 RPTL 458-a 3 RPTL 458-b 1 RPTL 460 1 RPTL 466-c, 466-f 17 RPTL 467 33 RPTL 467 4 Total Equalized Value of Exemptions 1,084,906 18.868 207.547 16,490,566 9,434 2,415,094 2,528,302 19,245,283 7,971,698 6,103,774 3,037,736 4,160,377 1,064,906 735,849 3,037,736 4,575,472 1,162,547 1,697,642 176,415 55,094 11,887 141,509 567,453 4,390,189 285,849 Percent of Value Exempted 0.19 0.00 0.04 2.96 0.00 0.43 0.45 3.46 1.43 1.10 0.55 0.75 0.19 0.13 0.55 0.82 0.21 0.30 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.10 0.79 0.05 Page 1 of 4 NYS - Real Property System County of Suffolk Town of Southold - 4738 Village of Greenport SWIS Code - 473801 Assessor's Report - 2009 - Current Year File S495 Exemption Impact Report Town Detail Report RPS221/V04/L001 ate/Time - 912112009 10:13:12 Total Assessed Value 5,903,150 Uniform Percentage 1.06 Equalized Total Assessed Value 556,900,943 Exemption Exemption Code Name 41931 DISABILITIES AND LIMITED INCOM Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value of Authority Exemptions Exemptions RPTL 459-c 1 132,075 Percent of Value Exempted 0.02 Total Exemptiop~ Exclusive of System Exemptions: 206 81,328,208 Total System Exemptions: 0 0 Totals: 206 81,328,208 14.60 0.00 14.60 Values have been equalized using the Uniform Percentage of Value. The Exempt amounts do not take into consideration, payments in lieu of taxes or other payments for municipal services. Amount, if any, attributable to payments in lieu of taxes: Page 2 of 4 NYS * Real Property System County of Suffolk Town of Southold SWIS Code - 473889 Assessor's Report - 2009 - Current Year File S495 Exemption Impact Report Town Detail Report RPS221/V04/LO01 ate/Time - 9/21/2009 10:13:12 Total Assessed Value 119,792,655 Uniform Percentage 1.06 Equalized Total Assessed Value 11,301,193,868 Exemption Code 10100 12100 13100 13500 13650 13800 13870 13890 14100 14110 18020 25110 25120 25210 25300 26100 26400 27350 28540 29350 29500 33201 41101 41121 41123 41131 41133 41141 41161 41171 Exemption Name SPEC DIST USED FOR PURPOSE EST NYS - GENERALLY CO - GENERALLY TOWN - GENERALLY VG - GENERALLY SCHOOL DISTRICT SPEC DIST USED FOR PURPOSE EST PUBLIC AUTHORITY - LOCAL USA - GENERALLY USA - SPECIFIED USES MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEV AGENC NONPROF CORP - RELIG(CONST PRO NONPROF CORP - EDUCL(CONST PRO NONPROF CORP - HOSPITAL NONPROE CORP - SPECIFIED USES VETERANS ORGANIZATION INC VOLUNTEER FIRE CO OR DEPT PRIVATELY OWNED CEMETERY LAND NOT*FOR-PROFIT HOUS CO - HOSTE TRUSTEES - HOSP, LIB, PLAYGROU PERFORMING ARTS SUtLDING TAX SALE - COUNTY OWNED VETS EX BASED ON ELIGIBLE FUND ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMB ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-NON-COMB ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-COMBAT ALT VET EX-WAR PERIOD-DISABILI COLD WAR VETERANS {15%) COLD WAR VETERANS (DISABLED) Statutow Authority RPTL 410 RPTL 404(1) RPTL 406(1) RPTL 406(1) RPTL 406(1) RPTL 408 RPTL 410 RPTL 412 RPTL 400(1) STATE L 54 RPTL 412-a RPTL 420-a RPTL 420-a RPTL 420-a RPTL 420-b RPTL 452 RPTL 464(2) RPTL 446 RPTL 422 RPTL 438 RPTL 427 RPTL 406(5) RPTL458(1) RPTL 458-a RPTL 458-a RPTL 458-a RPTL 458-a RPTL 458-a RPTL 458-b RPTL 458-b Page 3 of 4 Numbar of Exemptions 3 55 91 2O9 1 14 27 23 11 1 3 43 2 1 131 4 7 20 1 6 1 2 694 625 2 445 2 4O 2 Total Equalized Value of Exemptions 3,622,642 30,245,283 62,292,453 66,427,830 377,358 275,304,528 14,622,642 8,000,000 306,509,434 216,981 15,782,547 72,132,075 3,141,509 735,849 94,936,321 4,226,415 16,471,698 4,509,434 660,377 10,283,019 481,132 1,452,830 165,005,566 35,427,925 90,283 45,318,396 178,302 4,855,660 1,200,566 70,283 Percent of Value Exempted 0.03 0,27 0.55 0,59 0.00 2.44 0.13 0,07 2.71 0.00 0.14 0.64 0.03 0.01 0.84 0.04 0.15 0.04 0.01 0.09 0.00 0.01 1.46 0.31 0.00 0,40 0,00 0,04 0.01 0.00 NYS - Real Property System County of Suffolk Town of Southoid SWIS Coda - 473889 Assessor's Report - 2009 - Current Year File S495 Exemption Impact Report Town Detail Report RPS221/V04/L001 ate/Time - 9/21/2009 10:13:12 Total Assessed Value 119,792,655 Uniform Percentage 1.06 Equalized Total Assessed Value 11,301,193,868 Exemption Exemption Statutory Number of Total Equalized Value of Code Name Authority Exemptions Exemptions 41400 CLERGY RPTL 460 39 5,943,396 41640 VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS AND AMB RPTL 466-c, 466-f 386 21,568,396 41700 AGRICULTURAL BUILDING RPTL 483 18 9,537,736 41720 AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AG-MKTS L 305 292 88,933,962 41730 AGRIC LAND-INDIV NOT IN AG DIS AG MKTS L 306 87 29,754,717 41800 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 389 76.316,887 41801 PERSONS AGE 65 OR OVER RPTL 467 36 5,390,755 41931 DISABILmES AND LIMITED INCOM RPTL 459-c 13 2,479,245 42120 TEMPORARY GREENHOUSES RPTL 483-c 2 179,245 49500 SOLAR OR WIND ENERGY SYSTEM RPTL 487 1 18,868 Percent of Value Exempted 0.05 0.19 0.08 0.79 0.26 0.68 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.00 Total Exemptions Exclusive of System Exemptions: 3,830 1,484,702,547 Total System Exemptions: 0 0 Totals: 3,830 1,484,702,547 13.14 0.00 13.14 Values have been equalized using the Uniform Percentage of Value. The Exempt amounts do not taka into consideration, payments in lieu of taxes or other payments for municipal services. Amount, if any, attributable to payments in lieu of taxes: Page 4 of 4