HomeMy WebLinkAboutLoiacono, Dennis & PatriciaELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork, net TO: FROM: DATED: OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK c'-x r~ ~. _ IIDJ C~ol Hydell, Southold Town Clerk's Office I ~ ~ ~ow~ OF SO~T~O~O S~t~ber 2 ], 2009 - RE: Cesspool Construction Application Transmitted herewith is a copy of application No. Permit submitted by: Siuy Liu for Dennis & Patricia Loiacono 3901 for a Cesspool/Septic Tank Construction Please review the application and location map and advise if this office may issue the permit. Please complete the form below and return it to me. Thank you. Carol Hydell I have reviewed the application and location map of the project cited above and make the following recommendations: ~ APPROVE DISAPPROVE Comments: Final approval required from the Suffolk County Health Department Signature Datedt~) ~ SOU'I~OLD WASTKWATs:R DISTRICT APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION or ALTERATION CIISSPOOL or SK_PTIC TANK I~esidenlial @ $I0 orE] Non-Residential ~ $25 Appli~mt Namo: "3 I~ ~ Applicant Mailing Addrc~: Septic Tank [~ Cesspool ~ Pe.~t No. Name and Telepho~o No. of Contact Per,on: Taxi. No.: 10oo Section: Lz~z~r Block: ~ '~- Lot: Nearest Cross Street NOTE: LOCAIION MAP MUST BE ~D WITH APPLICATION. NEW CONSTRUCTION ~RES SURVEY WITH HEALTH DEPARTMENT AP~P~.ROVAL. [t~/ Siganture of Applicant Date Received by: Min. 4" dia. class 2400 pipe or equivalent First Floor Elev. +14.9' Pitched 1/4" per ft. min. \Grade elev. +13' Mox. grade slope 5 ~ pitch away from house ~.~ b~'-- -- -- -~ .... Grode elev. +1~.' - ............ ~' ~ u 3 conc. macning nngs , pipe or equivolen[ r Install (5)-8 d~a. x3 high precos Pitched 1/8 per ft. m~n. Install (1)-1,000 gallon reinforced prec~st copc. septic t~nk NOTES: I. THE WASTE [:iNES F~OM THE SEPTIC TANK SHOULD ENTER THE DISTRIBUTION RINGS AS H]GH AS POSSIBLE Proposed Sewage Disposal System Profile (NTS) JAMES CREEK SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALT~ SERViC~I ' PERMI~ FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUC1'iON lrOR A /~--IN~LE FAMILY RESIDENCE ONLY t~3/t~IRES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL :andonmcnt ofcxiati~g sanita~-sy~tcm must bo in fonnanoe with dePra, rt~t r~uirement Submit plcted form WWM, uo~3 as proof. Water Line(s) MUST Be Inspected By The Suffolk County Dept. Of Health Services. 'Call 852-5700, 48 Hours In Advance, To Schedule Inspection(s). /I BAY SP Site Plan Loiacono RESIDENCE Siyu Liu Architect Si?uliu.atchitect~gmail,com Site Plan DWG. NO. A.1