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HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/24/2009Southold Transportation Commission
August 24, 2009 Meeting
Chairman Neb Brashich, Tom Fox, Councilman Tom Wickham, Heather Lanza, Jim
Baker, Bob Feger, Peter ~s, jamie ~ehter, Margaret Brown, Capt. Martin Fiatiey.
Meeting called to order at 1005 hrs.
Motion passed to accept the minutes from the July, 2009 meeting.
EETC Update
Neb reported on the most recent meeting of the commission and reviewed the work
ahead as outlined in the handout. Neb reported that Volpe will be conducting a
presentation for their final report at Southampton Town Hall on Wednesday, August 26,
2009 at 1000 hrs. Each Town Board will also be addressed by Tom Neely on this final
report after this date.
Supervisor/Planning Board Requests
Heather forwarded a complaint from a resident regarding the overgrown brush on
Manhanset Ave. in Greenport. Request was forwarded to Pete Harris, Highway
Superintendent, for action.
Heather also forwarded an email complaint of the new LIRR bridge construction
in Greenport requesting either sidewallca or guardrails to enhance the safety of
pedestrians and cyclists. Jamie advised that the project will not have sidewalks or
guardrails, but rather extra wide shoulders for both travel lanes.
Follow-Up of SCDPW/NYSDOT Issues by Chairman Brashich
· SCDPW was asked about the proposal for the re-striping of the traffic lanes of Rt.
48 in Southold by Tueker's Lane made by the Commission. The DPW stated they
had no record of such proposal- will call back on same.
· SCDPW was also reminded of the request for warning signs on Rt. 48, Greenport
for the ELI Campground. No action has been taken yet by SCDPW.
· Another query was made to SCDPW of the signage/traffie lights at Rt. 48 and
Cox's Lane, Cutehogue. There was discussion of which type of traffic control
should be installed at this location and decided to request that the SCDPW look at
this intersection again and look at a dedicated light for the tuming lanes and a 'no
right turn on red' sign for Cox's Lane northbound.
A discussion over the letter sent to Supervisor Russell regarding the intersection
of Rt. 25 and CuSffing Street, Cutchogue took place involving opinions of which
course of action the Commission should take after being requested to look into
this complaint. After discussion, the Commission believes that the elimination of
2-3 parking spaces on the north side of Rt. 25 east of this intersection would
enhance the safety of the intersection, but is tabling the topic until the Town
Board visits it again.
Current Transportation Issues
Southold/Greenport Bus Shelters- Jamie reports that he met with Suffolk County and
the Southold Library already agreed to the site in front of their Library property for
the shelter and they will move forward on the construction.
Orientation/Interpretive Signage Project- A sampling of the signs was passed around
for viewing.
Southwold Project- Nothing new
Shizen Project- Nothing new
Valero Service Station Project- Nothing new
Harbes Farm Winery Project- Nothing new
Cutchogue Heritage Project- Nothing new
Crossing for Students at 7-11- Nothing new
Old Business & New Business
Bob F. eger introduced the topic of traffic concerns at the intersection of Rt. 48/Rt.
25 and Main Street in Greenport. Jamie advised of the current study for a
roundabout which has yet to be funded for the site. Neb informed Bob of the
background of the proposals for this intersection.
Heather repoFts meeting with Chris Kempner, Greenport Village Trustee,
regarding the TIGER grant program and advised the Commission of an
opportunity to be part of a 20 million grant proposal to be shared with Southold
Town and Riverhead Town to be used on transportation issues. Heater reported
that the above intersection in Cxreenport and the proposed project for the Love
Lane/Rt. 25/Sound Avenue, Mattimck could be included in this proposal. Neb
reported that the Commission would support this grant application and would
follow-up with a letter stating so.
Meeting adjourned at 1115 hrs.
Next month's meeting will be September 28, 2009 at 1000 hrs.
Submitted by: Captain Martin Flatley
P. O, Box 1179
53095 Main Read
S0uth01d, NY 11971~959
Phone (631) 765-1938
Fax (631) 765~3136
· Approval of August 24 Meeting Minutes
8EP 2 8 2009
· EETC Update
· Supervisor's Requests
$outhold Town Clerk
· Planning Board Requests
· Current Transportation Issues - Updates:
SoutholdlGreenport Bus .Shelters Update - SoutholdlGreenport?
Orientation/Interpretive Slgnage Project - RBA Phase II
Champlin Place .P. arkin, g, Gresnport
CR48 & Intemection with Tucker Lane, Southold
o CR48 & Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Southold
o CR48 @ Cox Lane, Cutchogue
o Southwold Housing Project, Southold Update
o Shizen Proj.ect, East Mario.n - Update
o Valero Service Station ProJect, Cutchogue - Update
o Harbes Farm W";nery Project, CR48 - Update
o Cutchogue Heritage Project- Update
o Crossing for Students at 7-11, Greenport Update
· Old Business & New Business
· Adjournment