HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Permits - Town CodeTown of Southold, NY Page 1 of 2
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 6-2-1987 by L.L. No. 6-1987; amended in its
entirety 8-25-2009 by L.L. No. 10-2009. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
§ 205-1 Certain entertainment restricted; permit required.
To preserve public peace and good order and to prevent tumultuous assemblages, the following special events
shall be prohibited in the Town of Southold, unless a permit is obtained in accordance with the requirements set
forth below:
All events or activities occurring on property owned, leased or controlled by the Town, having more than 50
persons in attendance, open to the public, conducted outdoors, with or without en edmission or invitation fee, e
sponsorship or requested donation and held on a one-time or occasional basis, including but not limited to
carnivals, circuses, fairs, bazaars, outdoor shows, parades, walks, runs, marathons or bicycle races are prohibited
in the Town of Southold, unless a permit is obtained in accordance with the requirements set forth below,
Outdoor events at a winery, for profit, at which the expected attendance exceeds the maximum occupancy of the
public area of the building.
Application for events on or utilizing property owned, leased or controlled by the Town:
All applications for a special events permit shall be made to the Town Board of the Town of Southold at least 60
days prior to the proposed date of the event and filed with the Town Clerk, together with a fee of $100; a cleanup
deposit fee of $250; and a certificate of insurance not less than $1,000,000 naming the Town of Southold as an
additional insured during the time of the event.
Where the Town Board determines that there is no specific Town benefit from the event or that the event is
conducted for profit, a deposit shall be made in an amount to be determined prior to issuance of the permit based
upon the estimated direct costs attributable to additional police and highway costs associated with the event, After
the event, the deposit will be used to cover such costs.
Upon filing an application for a special event on property owned, leased or controlled b~; the Town, the applicant
shall send written notice to every property owner abutting or adjacent to the public property, as shown on the
current Town of Southold assessment roll, and directly opposite (by extension of the lot lines through a street or
right-of-way) of the property owned, leased or controlled by the Town that is the subject of the application. For
applications for a special events permit for a parade, walk, run, marathon, bicycle race, or similar events, notice
shall be given to property owners abutting or adjacent to the location of the commencement of the event and to all
property owners abutting or adjacent to the location of the terminus of the event. The Town Board may require
additional notice, including but not limited to publication and signage, based upon the circumstances involved in
each application, as necessary. Said notice shall include the date, time and location of the proposed special
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Town Board shall have the discretion to waive any application requirement set
forth in § 205-1B(1 ) through (3) above.
Town Board review criteria: In determining whether to issue a special events permit on an application for an event
on or utilizing property owned, leased or controlled by the Town, the Town Board of the Town of Southold shall
consider the following:
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The size of the premises in relation to the number of people attending the event;
The sufficiency of arrangements made to control traffic, parking, noise, lighting and refuse;
The frequency of events proposed or approved for the premises and whether the frequency is so groat that the
events constitute a persistent usage of the property incompatible with its character or with that of the surrounding
Conflicts with ordinary public use of the land or facilities involved;
Whether the applicant has been convicted for failure to comply with the terms of this chapter within the past three
years; and
Special events are strongly discouraged at Town beaches and parks from the Friday before the observance of
Memorial Day until Labor Day.
Applications for tents under this chapter must be submitted to the Building Department.
If a winery holds an outdoor event, for profit, at which the expected attendance exceeds the maximum occupancy
of the public area of the building, the winery must obtain approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals. An
application shall be accompanied by a fee of $50. In granting such approval, the following factors must be
All parking must be off street, and traffic control must be provided by the winery.
Adequate sanitary facilities must be provided.
All food must be catered and prepared off site.
Events for 300 or more people require preparation of a traffic control plan.
All other public activities which are not a permitted use under the Southold Town Code shall require the approval
of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Penalties for offenses. An offense against the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a violation of this chapter
and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $2,500.
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