HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcKenna, Charles - Irish Cultural Centre of LI~ Southold Town Board - Letter RESOLUTION 2007-671 ADOPTED Item # 7 DOC ID: 3109 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-671 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON AUGUST 8, 2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby denies the application of Charles McKenna of the Irish Cultural Centre of Long Island & Great Hunger Memorial to hold the Long Island Irish Festival at Strawberry. Field on September 1 through 3, 2207. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANZMOUS] MOVER: Daniel C. Ross, Councilman SECONDER: William P. Edwards, Councilman AYES: Krupski Jr., Edwards, Ross, Evans, Russell ABSENT: Thomas H. Wickham Generated August 15, 2007 Page 10 KEN REEVES RECREATION SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 970 PECONIC LANE P.O. BOX 267 PECONIC, NY 11958 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECREATION DEPARTMENT (631) 765-5182 APPLICATION FOR USE OF SOUTHOLD PARKS FACIILITIES PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY TODAY'S DATE: July 19, 2007 REQUESTING ORGANIZATION: Long Island Irish Festival for Irish Cultural Centre of Long Island & Great Hunger Memorial APPLICANT*S NAME: Charles McKenna, Executive Director, Long Island Irish Festival and Irish Cultural Centre of Long Island ADDRESS: 4 Chips Court, Port Jefferson, NY 11777 HOME TELEPHONE: 631.828.4947 BUSINESS TELEPHONE: 631.278.6986 E-MAIL ADDRESS: mckenna2~optonline.net FACILITY DESIRED: Entirety of"Strawberry Fields", Sound Avenue, Matfituck, NY DAY(S) AND DATE(S) OF USE: Event Dates are September Im~, 2~d and 3*~. Would need use of property two days prior and one day following for set up and break down. REQUESTED TIME FOR FIELD/PARK/COURT USE: FROM: II:00AM TO: II:00PM REQUESTED TIME FOR LIGHTS TO BE ON (IF APPLICABLE): FROM: TO: NOTE: LIGHTS MUST BE TURNED OFF BY 10:00 P.M. REASON FOR USE: Irish Cultural Fuudraising Event for Irish Cultural Centre of Long Island & Great Hunger Memorial IS ADMISSION BEING CHARGED? YES l~ YES, HOW MUCH IS BEING CIlARGED? $10 Adult, $8 Seniors, 12 & Under free [Discount tickets available online] PLEASE PROVIDE A DETAYLED EXPLANATION OF HOW ~ PROCEEDS ARE TO BE USED: The proceeds are being used to produce the event and anything above and beyond that will go directly to the establishment of the main campus of the Irish Cultural Centre of Long Island & Great Hunger Memorial APPLICANT*S SIGNATURE: HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The applicani/group/organization agrees to indemnify and bom harml~s the Town of Southold, its officials, employees, and/or agents from aH claims, lawsuits, hospital and/or doctor bills, actions, proceedings, and liabilities for the Ioes or damage to property, or any injury, the death of a person, i~cluding any expenses incurred by the Town of Southold defending any claims, lawsuit, or action that my arise as n result of the comiuc~, actions, including the negligence of the applieani/group/organizafion to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. I have read the attached "SOUTIiOLD TOWN FACELITY RULES AND REGULATIONS" and agree to abide by them. NAME OF ORGANIZATION: LONG ISLAND IRISH FESTIVAL PLEASE PRINT :O t"X't) { .~'~ CHARLES MCKENA~ Executive Director DATE / PLEASE PRINT (PRINcIPAL/AUTIiORIZED REPRESENTATIVE) APPLICANT'S SIGNA~ ~ ****************************************************************** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FACILITY IS: REQUEST IS: AVAILABLE {,~"~ APPROVED { } NOT AV.AILABLE { } DENIED { } CE~I~ INSURANCE REQUIRED? Recreation Deparhuent [~S [~ NO Supervisor 10. 11. 12. STRAWBERRY FIELDS FAIRGROUNDS GUIDELINES Group permits are required for all groups. The applicant must be a resident of the Town of Southold and groups must consist of at least 50% Southold Town Residents. Reservations are to be made through the recreation office. Persons requesting use of a town facility are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance naming the town as additional insured. The Certificate of Insurance will not be accepted unless it states all the correct information. It is up to the applicant to maintain a current and up-to-date certificate of insurance. The applicant must sign a hold harmless agreement. The facility must be left clean and orderly and in its original condition. Town sponsored activities shall take precedence in the use of the facility. If necessary, groups may be asked to change scheduled dates or cancel facility use. We will try to avoid this situation and adhere to your scheduled activity. The responsibility for safety and order during facility use is that of the applicant. It is up to the applicant to make sure that if food or beverages are to be sold at your events, the vendor has the proper health department certificates and certificates of insurance. Requesting organization must approve vendors. Outside vendors will not be allowed on the facility. The town may require proof of these documents from vendors. Alcoholic beverages are NOT permitted on town property. No open fires are allowed. Consider other park users. Boisterous, immoral, or indecent conduct will not be tolerated. It is unlawful to use profane or abusive language or to conduct oneself in a manner that interferes with the reasonable use of the park by the general public. Trash, garbage, and all other litter shall be placed in containers provided for this purpose, and shall be limited to litter accumulated during use of town recreation areas. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any refuse brought from private property in receptacles located in town parks or facilities. Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit the disposal of refuse generated from park use such as picnics, barbecues, ltmches, etc. Use or discharge of any type of air gun, slingshot, or explosive is prohibited. Please cooperate in keeping the rest rooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition. 13. 14. 15. 16. It is unlawful to remove, destroy, mutilate or deface any structure, monument, statue, vase, fountain, wall fence, railing, vehicle, bench, shrub, tree, fern, plant flower, lighting system or sprinkling system or other property in any park. It is unlawful to play car stereos, radios, or "boom boxes" - portable audio equipment, such as tape or compact disc players - so loudly they interfere with normal conversations or cause annoying vibrations at a distance of 75 feet or more. The applicant must assume prompt responsibility for any damage to the grounds while being used by their group or organization. The applicant/group/organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Southold, its officials, employees, and/or agents from all claims, lawsuits, hospital and/or doctor bills, actions, proceedings, and liabilities for the loss or damage to property, or any injury, the death of a person, including any expenses incurred by the Town of Southold defending any claims, lawsuits, or action that may arise as a result of the conduct, actions, including the negligence of the applicant/group/organization to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE SOUTHOLD TOWN RECREATION DEPARTMENT AT 631.765.5182. , Document Page 1 of 1 LAWS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, v77 Updated 05-15-2007 PART IV REGULATORY LOCAL LAWS (Chapters 201 -- 500) Chapter 378, PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS § 378-4. Prohibited acts. § 378-4. Prohibited acts. A. No person in a County park shall: (1) Willfully destroy, injure, deface, damage, remove or displace any County real or personal property. (2) Deposit or leave any bottles, cans, boxes, paper, rubbish, garbage, waste or trash in the park or waters in or contiguous thereto, but all such shall be placed in the proper receptacles where these are provided, and where such receptacles are not provided it shall be carried away by the person responsible for its presence. (3) Be under the influence of intoxicating liquor or illegal drugs. (4) Carry a knife upon his person having a blade three inches or longer in length or bring in or discharge any fireworks, gun, rifle, shotgun, air gun, BB gun, bow and arrows or firearms, except in the case of police officers, the Sheriff, Deputy Sheriffs, park rangers, authorized park personnel or a person given express authorization. (5) Bring in or permit any horses, cattle, livestock or domestic animals of any kind in or on any parkland, except that a dog or cat may be permitted to use County parkland on a leash, in areas designated for such use and in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 566-1998 "Authorizing County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation to Construct Dog Runs within County Parks." EN No dogs shall be permitted off cfa leash outside of an authorized fenced in dog run area. Horses may be permitted on approved trails and special permits must be obtained from the Commissioner for any events involving horses, dogs, etc. No animals shall be allowed at large. NOTE: Local Law NO, 17-2003, also provided aa follows: Section 1. Legislative intent. This Legislature hereby finds and determines that Resolution No. 566-t998, adopted by the County Leglslaturs on June 19, 1998, authorized the Commissioner of the County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation to construct dog runs for the use of families with pet dogs within West Hills County Park and dog runs for the use of families In such other separate County facilities as he or she may deem pertinent and appropriate. This Legislature also finds and determines that an impediment to the construction of a dog run at Coindre Hall in Huntington has arisen from a provision of Chapter 378 of the Suffolk County Code which Ilmite the ability of pet owners to utilize County parklands with their pete. Therefore, the purpose of this law is to amend Resolution No. 666-1998 and Chapter 378 of the Suffolk County Code to allow greater use of County parkland by pet owners and the construction of a dog run in Colndrs Hall and West Hills to be used by families with unleashed pet dogs. Section 3. Applicability. This law shall apply to all actions occurring on or after the effective date of this law. http://gcp.esub.net/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID= 102971 &advquery:recreation&depth=3 &... 8/6/2007 · Document Page 1 of 2 LAWS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, v77 Updated 05-15-2007 PART IV REGULATORY LOCAL LAWS (Chapters 201 -- 500) Chapter 378, PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS § 378-4. Prohibited acts. (6) Conduct any business, solicitation or advertising except licensed concessionaires or others when granted permission by the Commissioner or his designee. (7) Build or set fires except under rules and in areas designated by park personnel. (8) Enter or use areas closed to public use or use any area in violation of posted notices. (9) Engage in indecent or disorderly conduct or disturb or interfere with other persons occupying any area under authority of a permit. (10) Fail to comply with directions or instructions of the Commissioner, his representatives, park attendants, park rangers, lifeguards and police officers. (11) Trap, kill, catch, injure or pursue any wild birds or wild animals except as authorized by the Commissioner. (12) Play any game of chance or bring into any park or use, play, sell or have in his possession any implement or device used for gambling purposes. (13) Make any mechanical repairs or do any work on any motor vehicle in any park, except repairs of an emergency nature. (14) Pour or cause to spill or permit to escape, in any park, any oil, gas, salt, acid or other deleterious substance, whether liquid, solid or gaseous. (15) Horses shall be well-broken and ridden only with bridle and saddle and shall not be ridden in a reckless manner. Horseback riding is permitted only in certain designated parks and, in those parks, only on those routes and trails specifically established for that purpose. Any person hiring a horse at riding stables licensed by the Commissioner shall obey any rules or regulations of said licensee regarding the use of said horse. (16) Prune, cut, carry away, pull up, dig, fell, bore, chop, saw, chip, pick, move, sever, climb, molest, take, break, deface, destroy, set fire to, bum, scorch, carve, paint, mark or in any manner interfere with, tamper, mutilate, misuse, disturb or damage any tree, shrub, plant, grass, flower or any specimen of floral or faunal life except when specifically authorized by the Commissioner for scientific, educational or other purpose. (17) Bring beer, ale or other alcoholic beverages into any park where such is specifically prohibited, except by special written permission of the Commissioner or his designee. (18) Engage in any cutting of wood except as authorized by the Commissioner or his designee. (19) Exhibit, sell or offer for sale or hire any object, merchandise or service except pursuant to a permit issued by the Commissioner. No photographs or motion pictures shall be taken for advertising, commercial or publicity purposes except pursuant to a permit. (20) Obstruct or interfere with any lifeguard or other park employee in the performance of his http://gcp.esub.net/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientlD= 102971 &advquery=recreation&depth=3 &... 8/6/2007 Document Page 2 of 2 duties. http://gcp.esub.net/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID= 102971 &advquery=recreation&depth=3 &... 8/6/2007 · Document Page 1 of 2 LAWS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, v77 Updated 05-15-2007 PART IV REGULATORY LOCAL LAWS (Chapters 201 -~ 500) Chapter 378, PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS § 378-4. Prohibited acts. (21) Enter, remain or loiter in any comfort station or other public structure in a park area except to use such facility for the purpose for which it is intended. (22) Play baseball, football, tennis or frisbee throwing or engage in any game or sport except if permitted and done only upon the grounds provided for such purpose, nor shall any person throw stones or any other object not intrinsic to such sport. (23) Operate any motor-powered plane, rocket device, sail device or unlicensed vehicle unless authorized to do so in writing by the Commissioner or his designee. (24) Use electronic amplification equipment except by prior permit. Bands or other group activities using amplified equipment will be permitted only after application in person at the administration office at West Sayville. At no time may the volume of the sound interfere with the enjoyment of others in the park. § 378-5. Buses. Buses, in the discretion of the Commissioner, whether operating on a schedule or charter basis, shall enter the park only after first obtaining from the Commissioner or his designee a permit upon application therefor in such form and containing such information as the Commissioner may prescribe. No bus shall load, unload or park except in accordance with directions of the Commissioner and park attendants. Such permits will be issued only to buses transporting passengers who are authorized to enter the park under the rules and regulations. § 378-6. Restricted activities. No person in a park shall: A. Bathe or swim in any waters in or adjacent to the park except at places designated therefor and in compliance with all rules prescribed and during hours designated by the Commissioner. B. Dress or undress in the park or in any toilet or other place except such bathhouses as may be provided for that purpose. C. Use the shore for dockage except as authorized by the Commissioner or his designee. D. Fish or hunt except from or on areas designated by regulations and rules prescribed by the Park Commissioner. E. Picnic or lunch in places other than those designated for that purpose. Park attendants are authorized to regulate such activities to prevent interference and secure maximum comfort and convenience of all. F. Conduct games or sports contrary to the instructions and directions of park attendants. http://gcp.esub.net/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID= 102971 &advquery=recreation&depth=3 &... 8/6/2007 ,¢ument Page 2 of 2 G. Use water spigots to wash clothes, dishes or your person under them. Water spigots are provided for obtaining drinking and/or cooking water only. Water spigots may not be permanently hooked up to a trailer campsite. http://gcp.esub.net/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientlD= 102971 &advquery=recreation&depth=3 &... 8/6/2007 Town of $outhold PC/Codebook for Windows [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL REFERENCES Boats, docks and wharves -- See Ch. 96. Parking at beaches -- See Ch. 189, Art. 1. ARTICLE I, Use Regulations and Restrictions [Adopted 2-10-1981 by L.L. No. 1-1981] § 193-1. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein: RECREATIONAL AREAS -- Includes all parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, boat-launching ramps, all areas between the ends of highways and tidal waters and other recreational areas, including approaches, driveways, parking areas and buildings and structures located thereon, owned, leased or operated by the Town of Southold. SUPERINTENDENT -- The head of the Department of Public Works of the Town of Southold, who shall be in charge of all recreational areas. VEHICLE -- Any vehicle which is or may be mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled, either by its own power or by another power-driven vehicle to which it may be attached. The term shall include any trailer of any size, type or description. § 193-2. Certain acts prohibited. No person in a recreational area shall: A. Mark, deface, injure or damage any building, structure, property or equipment in or on any recreational area. B. Dig and/or remove sand or gravel or other material from a recreational area, or cut, carve, Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows remove or otherwise damage any tree or plant in such areas. C. Hunt, molest, disturb, injure or kill any animal or mammal in or on any recreational area. D. Bring in or dump, deposit or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage or refuse or other trash. No such refuse or trash shall be placed in any waters or left anywhere on the recreational area grounds, but shall be placed in the proper receptacles where these are provided. Where receptacles are not so provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away from the recreational area by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere. § 193-3. Regulations concerning motor vehicles. A. No person in a recreational area shall: (1) Fail to comply with all applicable provisions of the state motor vehicle traffic laws and the laws of the Town of Southold in regard to equipment and operation of vehicles. (2) Fail to obey all traffic officers and recreational area employees, such persons being hereby authorized and instructed to direct traffic whenever and wherever needed in the recreational area and on the highways, streets or roads immediately adjacent thereto in accordance with the provisions of these regulations and such supplementary regulations as may be issued subsequently by the Superintendent. (3) Fail to observe carefully all traffic signs indicating speed, direction, caution, stopping or parking and all others posted for proper control and to safeguard life and property. (4) Ride or drive a vehicle at a rate of speed exceeding 10 miles per hour, except upon such roads as the Superintendent may designate by posted signs for speedier travel. (5) Drive any vehicle on any area except the paved roads or parking areas or such other areas as may on occasion be specifically designated as temporary parking areas by the Superintendent. (6) Park a vehicle in other than an established or designated parking area, and such use shall be in accordance with the posted instructions thereat and with the instructions of any attendant who may be present. (7) Fail to immediately notify an attendant of an emergency in the nature of a breakdown requiring the assistance of a tow truck, mechanic or other person. (8) Fail to use a muffler adequate to deaden the sound of the engine in a motor vehicle. 2 Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows (9) Repair, wash, wax or perform other maintenance on his or another vehicle. B. The provisions of this article shall not apply to the following motor vehicles: (1) Motor vehicles of the United States of America, the State of New York, the County of Suffolk, the Town of Southold and any agency, instrumentality or department thereot when used on official business or motor vehicles operated by officers or employees of such governmental agencies when used on official business. (2) Motor vehicles commandeered for use by police officers in the performance of their duties. (3) Ambulances or motor vehicles used as ambulances. (4) Motor vehicles operated by a Fire Department or fire district in the performance of its duty. (5) Motor vehicles used for launching and hauling boats at public boat launching sites. § 193-4. Regulations concerning bathing and swimming. No person shall: A. Swim, bathe or wade in any waters or waterways in or adjacent to any recreational area except in such waters and at such places as are provided therefor and in compliance with such regulations as are herein set forth or may be hereafter adopted. Nor shall any person frequent any waters or places customarily designated for the purpose of swimming or bathing o~ congregate thereat when such activity is prohibited by the Superintendent upon a finding that such use of the water would be dangerous or otherwise inadvisable. Such designated bathing areas shall be kept free from any form of water equipment or other floating objects or any other form of device that, in the Superintendent's judgment, may cause inconvenience, injury or discomfort to bathers, except if such equipment is intended for the protection of life. B. Frequent any waters or places designated for the purpose of swimming or bathing or congregate thereat except between such hours of the day as shall be designated by the Superintendent for such purposes for each individual area. C. Erect, maintain, use or occupy on or in any beach or bathing area any tent, shelter or structure of any kind unless there shall be an unobstructed view into said tent, shelter or structure from at least two sides; nor shall any guy wire, rope or extension or exterior brace or support be connected or fastened from any such structure to any other structure, stake, rock or other object thereof. 3 Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows D. Dress or undress on any beach or in any vehicle, toilet room or other place, except in such bathing houses or structures as may be provided for that purpose. § 193-5. Beach activities. No person shall: A. Bring into or operate any boat, raft or watercraft, whether motor-powered or not, upon any waters at places designated for bathing. B. Fish offshore from Town-operated beaches, except from such portions thereof as may be staked off and posted therefor, nor shall any person at any time fish in any area while bathing is permitted. § 193-6. Hunting and use of firearms prohibited. No person shall hunt, trap or pursue wildlife at any time. No person shall use firearms of any description or air rifles, spring guns, bows and arrows, slings or any other forms of weapons potentially harmful to wildlife and dangerous to human safety or any instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges or any kind of trapping device. Shooting into recreational areas from beyond their boundaries is forbidden. § 193-7. Use of picnic areas. No person shall: A. Picnic in a place other than those places designated for that purpose by the Superintendent. Recreation area representatives shall have the authority to regulate the activities in such areas, when necessary, to prevent congestion and to secure the maximum use for the comfort and convenience of all. Visitors shall comply with any directions given to achieve this end. All organized picnics and outings shall first obtain a special permit from the Superintendent. B. Violate the regulation that use of the individual fireplaces, together with tables and benches, follows generally the rule of first come, first served, except if it is an organized picnic and exhibits a permit duly issued by the Superintendent. C. Use any portion of the picnic areas or of any of the buildings or structures therein for the purpose of holding picnics to the exclusion of other persons, nor shall any person use such area and facilities for an unreasonable time if the facilities are crowded. 4 Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows D. Ignite or maintain a fire on any beach or in any recreational area, except in a properly designated area and in fireplaces. E. Leave a picnic area before a fire is completely extinguished and before all trash in the nature of boxes, papers, cans, bottles, garbage and other refuse is placed in the disposal receptacles where provided. If no such trash receptacles are available, then refuse and trash shall be carried away from the recreational area by the picnicker to be properly disposed of elsewhere. § 193-8. Restrictions concerning certain games and sports activities. No person shall take part in or abet the playing of any games involving thrown or otherwise propelled objects, such as balls, stones, arrows, .javelins or model airplanes, except in areas set apart for such forms of recreation. The playing of active sports or games such as football, baseball and golf is prohibited except on the fields and courts or areas provided therefor. § 193-9. Behavior and conduct. No person shall: A. Be present in any recreational area while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. B. Bring a dog or other domestic animal into recreational areas other than automobile parking concourses and walks immediately adjacent thereto. Nothing herein shall be construed as permitting the running of dogs at large. All dogs in those areas where such animals are permitted shall be restrained at all times on adequate leashes not greater than four feet in length. C. Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such regulations as may be designated by the Superintendent. D. Fail to produce and exhibit any permit from the Superintendent which he claims to have upon request of any authorized person who shall desire to inspect the same for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any law or rule. E. Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area or participating in an activity under the authority ora permit. F. Erect any structure, stand or platform or hold any meetings, perform any ceremony, make a speech or address, exhibit any performance or form any parade or procession in any recreational area without first obtaining authorization. Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows § 193-I0. Hours of use. Recreational areas shall be open to the public at such periods and during such hours as shall be fixed by resolution of the Town Board. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to post notices of the opening and closing hours in each recreational area. § 193-11. Authority to promulgate rules and regulations. The Superintendent shall be authorized to otherwise set down rules and regulations that he may deem proper to maintain the safety and welfare of those persons using Town recreational areas as defined herein. § 193-12. Enforcement; penalties for offenses. A. The Superintendent and recreational area personnel shall, in connection with their duties imposed by law, diligently enforce the provisions of this article. The Superintendent, any recreational area personnel or members of the Southold Town Police Department have the authority to enfome and/or eject from the recreational area any person violating the provisions of this article or any other provisions of the law. In addition to any other penalty as provided for by law, any person or persons, association o7 corporation committing an offense against this article or any section or provision thereof is guilty of a violation punishable by a fine not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 15 days for each such offense, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The Superintendent and any recreational area personnel shall have the authority to seize and confiscate any property, thing or device in the recreational area or used in violation of this article. § 193-13. When effective. This article shall take effect immediately.