HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Suffolk Ave Speed LimitSOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall 53095 Main Road ] Southold, NY 11971-0959 ~ Phone (631) 765-1938 [ Fax(631) 765-3136 TO: FROM: DATE: Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk Request for change of speed ~mit on New Suffolk Avenue, December 5, 2005 Mattituck Further to your November 29 request, the Commission discussed the request for speed limit change on New Suffolk Avenue, Mattimck at its November 28, 2005 meeting. The Commission's recommendation is to place additional "Children at Play" and "School Bus Stop" signs as well as provide periodic Town radar-based speed limit monitoring coverage. Commissioners Captain Many Flately and Peter Harris concur with this decision. CC: Town Board Town Attorney Town Police Department Town Highways Deparhnent JOSHUA ¥. HORTON SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 4, 2005 John Cart~ 635 New Suffolk Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Dear Mr. Carter: Thank you for your recent letter regarding the traffic situation on New Suffolk Avenue, especially in Mattituck. Your letter has been forwarded to thc Police Department and the Transportation Commission for their information and input. Upon receipt of their recommendations, the Town Board will consider your request. I appreciate heating from you and will keep you apprised of the status of this issue. S'/m/erely you[s, J~shua Y. ttorton Supervisor /rbw cc: Police Chief Carlyle Cochran Transportation Commission October 26, 2005 / $outhold Town Hall Southold Town Board Dear Supervisor Hutton and Town Board Members: RECEIVED OCT 2 8 2005 Southold Town Clerk In June of this year, my neighbors and I provided to Southold Town a signed petition identical to the attached (and unsigned) petition. Unfortunately, back in June, I absent mindadly failed to make a copy of that signed'petition before providing it to the Town and, so, I cannot provide a copy to you now. With this letter, I ask that the requests listed in the June petition be addressed or, at least, acknowledged, and I take the opportunity here to restate those requests. I do so because this section of NewSuffolk Avenue, roughly between Main Roan and the Mattituck Airport, is a hilly, twisQng, relatively narrow stretch of roan. Large and small trees and utility poles line the road, severely limiting lines of sight for drivers on the road and for those attempting to.enter or cross the road. Combining these conditions with the speed of the traffic on this road creates a very real threat to the neighborhood. The posted speed limit in the area of 35 miles per hour is routinely ignored. Far too many drivers - private and commercial, car and truck - treat this se6tion of road as a thoroughfare, highway or race track and not as a neighborhood street. New Suffolk Avenue should return to what it has the built capacity to be, a neighborhood street with: · A 25 miles per hour speed limit · . P~riodic ToWn police speed traps ~*i~ P&iodi¢'de~ployment of up to two weeks of tho Town,s ranar, based speed limit moultoring device · More and better placed "Children at Play" signs · At least two "School Bus Stop" signs This is as reasonable request today as it was in June. At its intersection with New Suffolk Avenue, Main Road has a 35-mph speed limit and: · Far wider traffic lanes than New Suffolk Avenue · Wide road shoulders (New Suffolk Avenue has no shoulders) · A major commercial component, and · The d~signafion of a New York State highway. Since providing the petition in June, there may have been a Town response to it: An existing "Children at Play" sign on the south side of the road just past the Handy Pantry, which for the previous two years had been twisted 180 degrees and pushed face down to the ground, was righted. If that was in response to the petition, thank you. A double-yellow line was painted down the middle of New Suffolk Avenue, but that was likely the conclusion of road repaving this summer. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, John Carter 635 New Suffolk' Avenue MattimckNY 11952' 631-298-0042 I1~ ~ SUPERVfSORSOFFtCE ,; J I ~IOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~' ! June, 2005 Dear Supervisor Ho~ton and Town Board Members: We submit this petition to request that the Town of Southold help us protect our neighborhood, its adults, end - especially- our children by reducing the speed of vehiCUlar Ir'affic on New Suffolk Avenue in Matfitock. Om:section of New Suffolk Avenue, roughly between Main Road and the Mattituek Airport, is a hilly, twisting, relatively narrow stretch of road. Large and small lrees and utility poles line the road, severely limiting lines of sight for drivers on the road and for those attempting to enter or cross the road. Combining these conditions with the speed of the ffaffic on this road creates a very real threat to the neighborhood and its inhabitants. This must not be allowed to continue; The posted speed limit in the area is 35 miles per hour end it is routinely ignored. There are few speed limit signs. In the last two years, there has been no apparent enforcement of.the speed limit on this section of road, and there has been no deployment of the Town's radar-bused speed monitoring device. Far too many drivers - private and commercial, ear and truck - treat this section of read as a thoroughfare or a highway, and not as a neighborhood s~et. We want New Suffolk Avenue in this densely populated area to return to what it was built to be and is capable of safety acting as: A neighborhood street. 'To that end, we request that along this section of road: · The speed limit be reduced to 25 miles per hour. · The Town police periodically nm speed lraps. · The Town's radar-based speed limit monitorin~ device be placed on the side of the read for at least ' two weeks (end periodically thereafter, if necessailt) to show drivers how fast they are going end to show thom the actnel speed limit · Install "Children at Play" sign(s). · Instal] "School Bus Stop" sign(s). · Paint a double yellow line down the center of the road. This is a reasonable request. At its intersection with New Suffolk Avenue, Main Road has a 35-mph speed limit and: · Far wider traffic lenes than New Suffolk Avenue · Wide road shoulders, whereas New Suffolk Avenue has no shoulders · A major commercial component (and limited residential component), and · The designation of a New York State higtm, ay. We ask that at your first opportunity, or the next Town Board meetingl whichever is first, you initiate the appropriate actions to accommodate this request. Thank you. Signed: