HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage @ CutchogueSOUTHOLD TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Town Hall P. O. Box 1t79 [ 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971-0959 Phone (631) 765-1938 ! Fax (631) 765-3136 TO: Ms. Amy Thiel Senior Planner FROM: Neboysha R Brashich Chairman DATE: July 6, 2007 RE: Heritage ~ Cutchogue Griff'mg Street & School House Lane SCTM #: 1000-102-1-33.3 An initial review of subject project was held on June 25, 2007. The Commission tabled its comments and will review the project once again at its July 23 meeting. Our comments will be submitted shortly thereafter. In the meantime, it should be noted that the Town never requested a light on Depot Lane and State Route 25 Town of Southold - Proposed Residential Site Plan Heritage at Cutchogue Tax Map # 1000-102-1-33.3 CMARLES R. CUDDY Attorney at Law 445 Grilling Avenue Biverhead, New Y~rk 11901 T%1%631-369-8200 Fax #631-369-90S0 TO: Anthony Trezza Fax %: 765-3136 TELECOPISR COVER S~LEE~ Total nuraber of pages including cover sheet: 6 If transmission is faulty or incomplete, please inform ~s aa soon a5 possible. Operato=: Iwona Date: June 5, 2007 Comments: The Heritage at Cu~chogue Purmua~t to your request 91ea~e $~ attached letter fzo~ Du~n ~ngineer~ng Assoeia~ end page 1~ and ].9 of the traffic study. PAGE ~if06 Charles R. Cuddy fo= ~he ret~ will be ~ald ~ ~i~ fi~. .............. . ................................ ................................. JUN - 6 2007 ,. Ftgutre 7:2007 No Build Wc,',kday PM Traffi~ Volum,, TH~ H~-~TA, GE AT CUTCHOGf. YE 2007 Na Build l~idday Saturday Traffic Volumea 19 May .~- 2007 The Herffagelat Cutoh0gue Plim(~ing Board Comment{: NelSon &Pop~ No. 0002~' '"' ' : ::' D~ Nfs.'Woodhous'm ': · , ·: - ~ ,. : _. ::, ~;i ' ' .... :. '~ ': ,-- · .- ' "-.--. .: 'As .reqnast~d'.af the'Town Planplng Board.meetiti~'bh.AlSf-il,23,:2007 Nelson &:laope lm~' -"" ': ~- '-: . reg~ewe~i.the Town's ¢onm~&nts ai~d 0ffer:the foll0WingresponseS? . : :.' i:::" : '. ~'; .: .'." ... ' -.:~ , .~..;: ·. · ::.-':. CO!)iment.#1:. Thg ToWii. r~que~ted N, elson &. Pope .to .revie~O the .~To.wn 'of 'Southold - ·" ~ .' ~bmitor .$~udy , pre)~ared, by $~h~ie~de~."~nghi'ee~.ingi PLLC sUbn~i[ted, on : Febhtat;y. 13, ~007. !n addition, comp/,i'¢ the seasonal variatio)~ ih 8~t~wiin~d j~ the: cO~:Hdor ~tU~j; ~o: tl~e ~oith} i)ai.~htiO~is' acbo, tlted ~o).. ~ in :the. Traffic:Imph~t stUro, devel°Ped,.f°p :~he He)iii~ge~t.' C~ti~ho~te ~pfilication, prepared, by~. Helson ' ,& :*Pdpe, submitied, in. Jub/ ·2006, Re~.on~e:' ' K~er 'a:~eview of ~e Tdwn of.S0ut[old Co~dor Smdv it w~ reVe~ed ' ~g~ Sqlme[d~[ Efl~e~g foC~ed'o~ th.e. tCR .48 ~7~:.25 co~dor~ ' : fl~o~ghont"~e To~ of Southold: Traffi~ data,was ~olle~ted' off ~0 sepmat0'veel~ "dt~g ~e 2006 July[Au~tst.smmer. pedod, 'one ~eek d~g'the )uly 4~~ H0fid&y wee~ and i1~¢ oflie;.on fi~n6nzh0fiday.~k h' ' .... or er to cfleulate seconal adjus~ent facfors,' ~affic coUnts need ~to be condu~lefl on:a.~6a~6nal bagis. 8ihee fll~ s~i~eid~nsmdg'enly e~'lbeted data d~ng fl~e mm~mer.p6fio~;, a..idh~pafison of sm~er ~c Versus n?nrsumm~r.~c~c~ n0tbe perf6~ed, ~ Ther0fore:Mflmut.flle abi~t~ to cOmp~e ~e ~fferenees} Seasbn~ adjua~xem hct0rs w~r~ nbt e~t~hed ~n fl~e Sclmeider report nor cmffl~ey be'.cflculated ~om fl~e published data in that s~dy. It is recommended by Nelsdn & Popp ~at ~e seasonal adjus{ment h~tofs u~zed in'fl!~ a-~c ~pacr study prepped for ~e proposed'project w~ch are based on '~e 2005 .New York'State DOT.cont~nous cotmt proem :traffic volt, es be accepted ~-a conse~ative projection' 6f smxm~ert~e ~affic conditions ~hthln the stady area. ;' "'.'.' "' ~-'~' ':~;-'." · ,' ' -'~':~ '.~%' .'.."14: ::'; ':"'""' ': .'.'.'.: .... ":.:'. ',".'> "· ';':.' ".'.' "2. : .:'....: .'"'". v. : R0ad-~ 25) ~e~.Tffck~r L~e. Thes~ Vol~e~ .were eo~ed:to'.t~a~c .-....:....... : ..... . ..~ ..... · .... ~ ..~c:~p~ctS~dy .... ~ .... · .. ~': ':' ' ~ ~h6~ ~ .ihe'l~le a~o~e ~"seasonally: ~djusied Au~st 2006. ~c: ' :' - Hentage..at..Cutcho~e::~fie. ampact:.s~tdy.~e .Mglmr.'th~ ~e nepal . . ~Sffie '~!~es eollected.~. 7~y/A~t 2'006. ,~aet~fo~e'. . tho Heritage 'at : .' : Comme.t g2:' ~e'Fbwn .reqitbst~d: '~1~ "Will b&mder consmcfion at :Onxsite cogsmcfion Work is expecteO2to.::b~ .perfo~ed hY fl:e local 'workfotce and to odm~ be~oen 7 00"~ M to. 4;00 p]M]' ~l~ese ~orkem Wotd~ t~ically affive before ~e A ~' con. ute( pe~c' ~efiod ~d most of 35 workers would be: present on;site for daily cons~cfion activities -md a m~m of 53 Wo~lcers~9(tld be required during p e~c cons~ction , .:..-.....; ' ,'.,::. , ~' , ..' .:..... .... ~ '.'. ,,..' ~ '...'.: .'.~'.,..' R6,.TheHenl~ge,at,.Cu.l~.ho~Le ..... ,<.: F.::'~..:,-': ·., ::"~,.,:'.~': .~._ ::...'.. :, ...< ~....': .,;~:...': .:.~.,'.. · '/. :', .:' .'..: ,.':. ~:~ ;" :..', >': :,.:for, ~re.si~:ro.ad~ays/Ra~g ::'-.!, ,:- .t. '... ;.."t ":'-:., ', ,;., . ".~:~,m~ o~sit~'.foitl~ d~dn'~'~'~sj~ :,:..'. ,¢. ;;".:' :,:-,'.':: ':' '::: ::'""':,~ <' ;;': ',~:: ~'., ~'": '.:.: ,..::' '.::'9:' '.:-..-, '..'.,-':....,:.. '.' b~e~n...~2 ~d, !9. ~v~ ~d depm~e,mps'dafly..:.:It zs mficmated ~at .' ":' "..' .". ":' ~....,::: < t, .~0 m~ ~=~a.¢qr ~' ~j~,~::~ .~::~.in:-i~¢ ~:~ay' ~. ;: .:',.t :',::"~::: · · .- "..~':.'~.~::::'.-: :~.': :~:.:,.'?:: :.:.:'.:: ;'<, ...." cm!se:~i~fi~t a~ve~ ~p~c~:~n:~b:l~l ~O~d~y~...~ ,<::: ~-~ .-.>..'::;..~.~t:.:.::?: .?..~:-: :'?t ::5. &u,;'.,':..:':'...:, ;,:. '::.::.',:' ~:..:..:' ; :,..,...,:..:..::,,....,.::........:.. :.:,.:~:~.~ ....~;....:,_:..:,..: ... , .........:. ,. ....... . . . ~ .....~:,..... ,.. . . .[.::.~..:-...., : ~espo~se: - _ ,. .:.. .... .... . .._, : -.: ~:: ~C~Ss' t~. ~g~?~Ci'CS .. ..... :....: .: ~h0~n:~ ~'s~dyit. i · ;""~ ' by ~e proposed d~velo~meni'~oUid .ufi~e .... , . ~):.The ~xpeeted res.[dts.0f ~e ~P:~ay'~affie geegafio~bn.t~e~pur,Ro~ ..... . access is dem0ns~ated ~[:-.. : ~, '.--'-pSieiifialiy .~6m 'the M~in :'Ro~d on' ~ .:86'ea~i6fl'-:~li~n' d0~i0~h :- :', ",'" by-~a~shag 'd6mt0 ' .' gh0uld be noted ~at '>iUt-~6u~",k~He i~'lfl(~l~ i0 b~ perfomed by local ~affic' fmfi~ wi~.~e ~ea. By-p~s~g'do~nto~ ~ffic by ~ay of ' ' Hi.and R6ad, Sp~ Road Schoo~ouse ROad, ~fl DePot :Road is not Dcely to be ~ed by ~c not loc~ to tlie area, · - . (C) The expected results .of De. ane-way ~xi~g ~affic s~enafio 0n :the Spin Road i&ess w;uide~fecti~ely ~i'e~e' ~h'e Griffin $~ee~hn Road ~tersecfiOn by 3-4 ve~cles per pe~c.ho~, ' . wlfich is not expected to caus~ ~y adveise ~Ph6tsJ TISs wotfld, also SUBIMAL CHAKRABORTI, REGIONAL DIRECTOR Februi~y 2, 2007 Ms. Kerri M. Collins, P.E. Nelson & Pope Engifleers & Surveyors 572 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747-2188 Dear Ms. Collins: STATE Of NEW YORK DEPaRTMeNT Of TRaNSPORTaTION REGION TEN 250 VETERaNs Memorial HighWaY HAU P P:A U G ~1,j~7~ ~ ~ J.~MADI$ON , JR. MMIS$IONER ~"D~cember 11, 2006 St~bmission The Heritage at Cutchogue Site Plans Dated 1/17/06 Traffic Impact Study Dated July, 2006 Route 25, Cutchogue SCTM 1000-102-1-33.3 Our Case No. 06-357P This is in regard to the site plans for the referenced project which were submitted to us for review. Prior to an approval of the site work and issuance of a New York State Highway Work Perm/t, the following items must be addressed: 1. An eastbound left tum lane should be installed on Route 25 at Griffin Street. 2. Plans should be developed to implement comment nUmber 1. The existing shoulders should be evaluated to ensure they are capable of supporting traffic loads since it appears likely that the shoulder sections will be used as a portion of the travel lanes to accommodate the installation of an eastbound left turn lane. In order to take shoulder cores a highway work permit Shall be secured from us. 3. All re-submitted plans shall show all work and material details referenced to NYSDOT specification item numbers. Please subm/t four (4) sets of revised plans. Review of the subject material is being coordinated by Mr. Mark Wolfgang. He can be contacted at (631) 952-7973 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Please send all Mr. Kerri M. Collins February 2, 2007 Page 2 correspondence to his attention. Kindly refer to the subject case number and County tax map number in all correspondence. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Very truly yours, Origin.a.[ Signed By Sha,k A. Saad SHAIK A. SAAD, P.E. Civil'Engineer III Traffic Engineering and Safety cc: Mr. Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold ~Ms. Jerilyn Woodhouse, Planning Board Chairperson, Town of Southold r. Anthony Trezza, Senior Site Planner, Town of Southold SAS :MDW:JMN December ! l, 2006 Shaik A. Saad, PE Traffic Engineering and Safety State of New York Department o~f~r.~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ 20~1 ~ ~ . t e Heritage at Cutcho.ue ooo:, .. above referenced project as requested per your letter dated November 16, 2006. addition, we have reviewed the co~ents included in th~ letter and offer the following responses: Comment #1: The volumes are confusing, (a) the site generated counts see~n low and (b) the absence of pages 18 and 19from the Traffic Impact Study (TIS)further the confusion. Response: (a) As stated in the TIS, the site generated volumes were based upon statistical data provided in the manual, Trip Generation, 7th Edition, published by the Institute of D'ansportation Engineers (ITE) in 2003 for Land Use: 251 Senior Adult Housing-Detached. In accordance with the ITE manual, senior adult housing cousists of detached independent living .developments, including retirement communities, age-restricted housing, and active adult communities all of which are consistent with the proposed residential development. These types of developments typically generate low trip totals because compared with single family home developments, they tend to have fewer residents, fewer vehicles per unit and a higher portion of the residents do not work, or work part-time. Nelson & Pope has performed site counts at age-restricted developments on Long Island. A count performed at a development known as Woodcrest Estates in Port Jefferson shows data that corresponds with the ITE trip generation rates. For example, ITE provides rates of 0.20 and 0.26 trips per unit for AM and PM street peak hours respectively. The site data indicates rates of. 19 and .27 for the same time periods. More importantly, the site data shows the peak trips occur during the midday at noon with a rate of 0.36. Shaik A. Saad, PE Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue December 11, 2006 Page 2 of 2 Similarly, ITE cites a peak generator rate of 0.35/0.36. The data is attached. The traffic study used the trip generation rates for the peak of the site and applied those trips to the counts taken during the peak of the adjacent intersections. Therefore, the analysis was conservative. In addition, Griffin Street, south of the site, contains a number of services that residents would typically patronize, such as a Post Office, bank, library and a municipal parking lot. Developments, such as this, that are located near central business districts (CBD), tend to generate fewer trips on the main roads than other residential land uses that are located farther away from trip attractors. For these reasons, we believe the trip generation estimate to be approphate and somewhat conservative. (b) The copies of the TIS, in its entirety, are includ, ed in this submission. Comment #2: Response: The TIS states there will be two (2) means of access to the site. The plans only show one. As shown on the revised site plans, included in this submission, the two means of access referred to in the traffic study are the intersections of the proposed site roadway with Schoolhouse Road/Griffin Street and with Spur Drive. Spur Drive currently terminates at the western boundary of the site. An emergency access will be provided via a connection to Bridle Lane. We trust that this supplemental information will assist with application. Please contact us if you have further questions. your review of the Sincerely, Kerri M. Collins, PE Attachments cc: Charles Cuddy, Esq. Jeffrey Rimland, Rimland Equities I'!2000~O00261TRAFFIC!G,4B Lit 12 05_06 DOT Response (loc STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REGION TEN 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK ! 1788 www.dot.state.ny, us THOMAS J. MADISON, JR. COMMISSIONER November 16, 2006 · Vh'. Anthony Trezza, Senior Site Planner Town of Southold Town Hall P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11791 Dear Mr. Trezza: Your October 6, 21106 ,-- ' The Henta~e at C~k~,~., , ..)..-,,~ ~:~:~ Site Plans Dated 1/17/06 Traffic Impact Study Dated July, 2006 Route 25 Cutchogue SCTM 1000-102,1.33.3 Our Case No. 06-357P This is in regard to the site plans for the referenced project which were submitted to us for review. Prior to an approval of the site work and issuance of a New York State Highway Work Permit, the following items must be addressed: 1. The volumes are confusing, the site generated counts seem low and the absence of pages 18 and 19 from the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) further the confusion. 2. The TIS states there will be two (2) means of access to the site. The plans only show one. Please have the applicant submit foUr (4) sets of revised plans and two (2) copies of a TIS that have all pages included in order to avoid confusion. Review of the subject material is being coordinated by Mr. Mark Wolfgang. He can be contacted at (631) 952-7973 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Please send all correspondence to his attention. Kindly refer to the subject case number and County tax map number in all correspondence. Mr. Anthony Trezza November 16, 2006 Page 2 Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Sha k A. Saad SHAIK A. SAAD, P.E. Civil Engineer ~I Traffic Engineering and Safety cc: Iq~. peter HarriS; SuPerint6ndent Of HighwaYs, T0wn'of.SoUthold ~/ Ms. Jerilyn Woodhouse, Plann)ng Board ChairPerson; T0wn of Southold SAS:MDW:SME SCOTT A. RUSSELL SUPERVISOR TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD Fax. (631)-765-9015 JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)- 765 - 1560 SAMIE.RICHTER~TOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jerilyn B' W°°dh°use Chairperson - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Heritage at Cutchogue L-- ' SCTM #: 1000-102-01-33.3 ~:-' ~'~'~ Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the site plans for the above referenced project, This project has been designed by the office of Nelson & Pope which have been stamped received by the Planning Board on August 25, 2006. Please consider the following: 1. Please note that the proposed disturbance resulting from construction activities'and grading of this site will be greater than one (1) acre in area. This project will require coverage from NYS Department of Environmental Protection (DEC) under the Phase II State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Program. The Developer must obtain coverage under the General Permit for Storm-water Runoff from Construction Activity (GP-02-01) prior to the initiation of construction activities. 2. Drainage Calculations have been provided and meet the minimum requirements of Town Code. Drainage details, as provided, are adequate but they should also indicate the following: a. b. Cross Sections and Details of the proposed leaching pools should be indicated on the plans. Cross Sections and Details of the proposed Culveds that will be installed under the roadway should be indicated on the plans. c. The type and size of drainage piping should be indicated on the plans. d. Cross Sections and Details of the proposed Headwails and/or Pipe End Sections should be indicated on the plans. e. Test Holes should be provided in the general area of the drainage systems to indicate the depth of soil types and the overall depth to Ground Water where and if encountered. 3. The proposed roadway between the end of Spur Road and the end of Griffing Street should be provided with a separate or individually described Right-of-Way (ROW) to make it possible for dedication to the Town. It is recommended that this dedication be made as a condition of the Site Plan Approval process. This ROW area should be a minimum of fifty (50') feet wide and all road construction should meet the Minimum Standards found in the Towns Highway Specifications. In addition, the parcel for dedication may also include the open areas where drainage has been proposed on the southerly side of the roadway or as you may deem appropriate. Easements will also be required to allow road run-off from this road to enter the pond drainage system that will be coming from Catch Basin # 37 & 38. Page 1 of 2 Jedlyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson- Planning Board Re: Heritage at Cutchogue $CTM #: 1000-102-01-33,3 November 8,. 2006 Page. 2 of 2 4, Belgian Block curbing has been indicated for the residential roads within the development, This item is no longer approved by the Highway Specifications. However, because this section of the road will not be dedicated to the Town, the Highway Superintendent has made an exception to this Specification and has approved, the use of Belgian Block. 5. The proposed construction of an emergency access to the site from Bridal Lane has been approved by the Highway Superintendent with the following stipulation. All work associated with the required improvements to facilitate this access shall be the responsibility of the Developer. Ali new work within the existing Town ROW will require final approvals from the Highway Superintendent. 6. The plans indicate a typical rear yard setback of thirty (30') feet around the perimeter of the site. For those building envelopes and/or footprints that do not back up on this setback, will there be a maximum depth established for the footprint? What buffers or landscaping will be required between the existing residential properties where there is only a thirty (30') foot rear yard setback proposed? It is recommended that actual dimension or overall area of all Building envelopes be provided to ensure consistency with approved plans. 7. Will the Planning Board require the installation of Street Lighting throughout the project? 8. Will the Planning Board require a landscaping plan for the project? It is recommended that the items noted here be incorporated into the Planning Board Site Plan approval process. It is also recommended that Mark Terry be requested to review the proposed project for consistency with the Towns LWRP. If any of the items listed herein have already been addressed to the Planning Boards satisfaction please disregards my comments. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. CC: Peter Harris (Superintendent of Highways) STATE Of NEW YORk DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REGION TEN 250 VETERANS MeMoRIal HighWaY HAUPPAUgE, NEW YORK 11788 www. dot.state.ny, us SUBiMAL CHAKRABORT[, REGIONAL DIRECTOR October 16, 2006 THOMAS J. MADISON, JR. COMMISSIONER Mr. Anthony Trezza, Senior Site Planner Town of Southold Town Hall P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11791 Dear Mr. Trezza: Your October 6, 2006 Submission The Heritage at Cutchogue Route 25, Cutcho~ue SCTM 1000-102-1-33.3 Our Case No. 06-357P This is to acknowledge receipt of your preliminary submission on the above permit application: We are in the process of reviewing your submission. When our conceptual review is complete, we will notify you by letter and provide you with further direction in the Highway Work Permit application process. This permit application should be sensitive to the unique visual and historic setting of the Long Island North Shore Heritage Area, which runs from the Queens/Nassau County line to Orient Point, and from Route 25 or 1-495, (whichever is farther south), to Long Island Sound in the north. Review of the subject material is being coordinated by Mr. Mark Wolfgang. He can be contacted at (631) 952-7973 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Please send all correspondence to his attention at the above address. In all future corres, pfipden~q~,~glease~.~ refer to the subject case number and the County tax map nu~hber. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Very truly yours, Otigin,a,I Signed By S HA I ~lhl~i.l[~ ~I~, p. E. Civil Engineer III Traffic Engineering and Safety cc: , Mr. Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold ~ Ms. Jerilyn Woodhouse, Planning Board Chairperson, Town of Southold Ms. Wendy Brodsky, Long Island North Shore Heritage Area Planning Commission SAS:MT:SME