HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIPA underground Lines4, -,, The Suffolk Times · November 20, 2003 Buried lines idea buried Board: Orient causeway cost is too steep ORIENT~verhead power lines will remain stretched out across the causeway. Although most of the cost would have been covered by a grant, the Town Board on Tuesday shot down plans 'to participate in a feasibility study on burying the utility lines along the narrow mile-long stretch between East Marion and Orient. The reason is the project's cost, which could require the town to pay over .$400,000. Championed by the town's trans- portation committee, the project would provide a far more pleasant shoreline vista at one of the places where the town's road network is clos- est to the sea. Supporters add that put- ting the lines underground also would strengthen power service reliability at one of the distribution system's most vulnerable points. The Long Island Power Authority is not obligated to bury the lines, but should it opt to do so, the town would be reqtdred to put up 40% of the esti- mated $1 million cost. The prospect of paying that much prompted a majori- ty of board members to reject a call for the town to include its $30,000 share of the feasibility study cost in next year's budget. The~town previ- Joggers going under the wires on the Orient-East Marion Causeway on Tuesday. ously obtained a $170,000 state Wickham noted that the report wonld A dismayed Mr. Wickham ques- Department of Transportation grant not obligate the town to the larger tioned why the thvnx bothered to seek to cover most of that work. project and that the town could also the feasibility grant. Only Councilman Tom Wickham work to fred other outside ftlncVmg During a May appearance before and Fishers Island Justice Louisa sources to cover its share of the con- See Un~, paoe 42 Evans favored pursuing the study. Mr. struction. FALL LEAF AND BRU$It CLEANUP THE SOUTHOLD FALL CLEANUP PROGRAM WILL START MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24. Cleanup will begin in Orient. The highway crews will work in a westerly direction throughout Southold Town. Cleanup ends in Laurel. Residents must place their leaves in bags and any branches should be placed, unbagged, in separate piles. ONCE THE HIGHWAY CREWS PASS AN AREA, THEy WILL NOT RETURN. WE WILL NOT REMOVE ANY OF THI~ FOLLOWING ITEMS: · LAND-CLEARING DEBRIS · TREE STUMPS · FENCE POSTS ORRAILS · CONCRETE ITEMS · LUMBER · METAL OBJECTS · HOUSEHOLD TRASH · ANYTHING THAT IS NOT LEAVES OR BRUSH! This cleanup service is provided by the Southold Town Highway Department. Residents shbuld be aware that our cleanup may be interrupted due to emergencies and/or weather-related conditions. GRACE PERIOD AT CUTCHOGUE COMPOST SITE A four weak grace period will be provided at the compost site in Cutchogue for residents who wish to d/spose of their own leaves and branches. The grace period will start Satnrday, November 22 and end Sunday, December 21. YOU BRING YOUR OWN YARD DEBRIS TO rite COMPOST SITE: · You must display a valid disposal sticker or pay the applicable entry fee ($2 per Irip for residential vehicles, $30 end up for h'ucks). · You will be required to empty any plastic bags and dispose of the bags in the bin provided (or take the bags out with you to be used again). · Please be advised that the compost facility maintains a zero-toler- ance policy with regard to contamination in yard waste loads. Any loads found to contain plastic, papers, cups, metal, garbage, dirt, rocks, or other debris w/Il be treated as mixed waste loads and charged accordingly ($120/ton). THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING PETER W. HARRIS SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS In the future these power lines may be underground. Undergrounding LIPA Lines in Orient represented by Neb Brashich, Jim Fox and Margaret Brown, asked the board $30,000 (20 percent). Budgal Remain~ Same Suppose they held a budget hearing and nobody came? That is what hap- pened at the November 6 public hear- lng on the preliminary budget. The and one reporter showed up, along with Highway Superintendent Pete Harris who requested that an additional $128,000 bo added to his department for needed vehicles. "The board is dis- cussing the highway superintendent's request," said Hot,on. Town Attorney's Term Up board meeting,