HomeMy WebLinkAboutHurwitz, AnnSuffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village, Main Strccl, V.(). Box 2003. Bridgehampton, New York II 932-2003 (631) 537-5160 Fax: (631) 537-5198 Bruce Anderson, M.S., President November 10, 2004 Kieran Corceran, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application to Dredge - Quit Claim Deed Situate: Bayview, Southold SCTM # 1000-88-5-41 Dear Mr. Corcoran, As discussed and agreed I enclose the deeds for all properties that share a common property line with the parcel referenced above. They are: 1000-88-5- 35, 36,37,38,39,40,42, 43, 44, 45 and 55 (Community Park and Beach). Please be advised that Lot 88-5-45 is part of the Community Park and Beach. You will conclude as I have that none of the deeds contain a written meets and bounds description that extend to Mean High Water or surface waters of any kind. Some of the deeds refer to the Boat Basin as shown on the filed subdivision map, but the term "boat basin" is treated as a lot. Please stay on this and discuss this mater with Mr. Krupski. Please let me know what the outcome of your discussions is and what further I can do to assist you and Trustees in bringing the proposed project to fruition. e A./~nderson Cc. A. Krupski Southold Towe Beard of Trustees Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village, Main Street, RO. Box 2003, Bridgehampton, New York 11932-2003 (631) 537-5160 Fax: (631) 537-5198 Bruce Anderson, M.S., President October 20, 2004 Kieran Corcoran, Assistant Town Attorney Southold Town Hall P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re~ Application to Dredge - Quit Claim Deed Situate: Bayview, Southold SCTM # 1000-88-5-41 Dear Mr. Cocoran, As requested enclosed herewith please find a copy of the deed for the parcel referenced above. You will recall that this is the parcel for which the Trustees wish to assert ownership and cause the dredging of its inlet from the bay. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future and again offer my assistance in this matter. Bruce A. Anderson Cc. A. Krupski, Southold Town Trustees I ..; ,,:,,.=. J. :~ .... .., . . ,.. . ...... , ........~ , . ~, ...., .. . , · .,, :/ ; ~ -- ........ ~y#~..u,~.~,,.~,,.~ ....... ~J- , . .. . . .~:~; .. - . . · ..... ~ ~3'~tea ~0 seco~ ~t-~ ~t~ce ~.978.56 foot, t~nce ~: ": :"{ South ~ d~,,reosTM ~%e~ )~'soC~ da E~st'u d!atemo of ~'.~,:" '. ' .:,'~ P~q~iL ~.~' ,- ," ',, ': .' ', · · .... · ' "' ' ' " :" .......... '"~ ' ' "' - , , -..-.' Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village, Main Street, RO. Box 2003, Bridgehampton, New York 11932-2003 (631) 537-5160 Fax: (631) 537-5198 Bruce Anderson, M.S., President October 7, 2004 Albert Krupski, Jr., President Southold Town Trustees P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Application to Dredge - Quit Claim Deed Situate: Bayview, Southold SCTM # 1000-88-5--41 Dear Mr. Kruspski, ard You will recall that your Board and I met at the home of Ann Hurwitz who resides at Rambler Road in Bayview on September 16, 2004. The purpose of our meeting was to ascertain the Board's interest in pursuing a dredging operation at the mouth of an un-named tidal pond, which has turned brackish and substantially anaerobic. The restricted tidal flow has promoted the growth of Phragmites around its boarders and the pond is rapidly filling in. It was your Board's position that the mouth of the tidal pond should be opened to the Bay to permit tidal flushing to the pond area thereby revitalizing the wetland and restoring its historical environmental quality. You asserted that you own the pond and a quit claim deed should be filed documenting your ownership of the parcel. As recommended by your staff, Ms. Tretrault, I enclose the following documents for your review: Copy of the tax map that shows the parcel at its connection with Southold Bay; Copy of the subdivision map known as Map of Terry Waters filed on December 29, 1958 as Map # 2901; Abstract No. 3152; Copy of correspondence from Howard Terry and Edward Mills to the Board of Trustees dated April 5, 1954 along with application for permit to dredge and accompanying map; and Copy of Permit to dredge issued by the Southold Trustees to Howard Mills and Edward Mills dated May 25, 1954. The submitted materials reveal (i) that the parcel exists and connects to the Bay; (ii) that the parcel is described on a filed subdivision map but is not designated a lot (it exists as a gore); that a dredging permit and a permit to construct jetties was issued by your Board; and (iii) that the parcel was previously dredged and one out of the two permitted jetties was constructed. The same materials attached herewith have forwarded to Pat Finnegan of the Town Attorney's office. I have requested a meeting with Ms. Finnegan although I understand that she will be on vacation next week. I again offer our services and all required support services in furtherance of the dredging project already discussed and accepted by your Board. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Cc. P. Finnegan, Southold Town Attorney's Office / NECK ---~-- ~ ............................ NOT[CE ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ~~'~ ..... ~* SOUTHOLD SECTION NO ........................... ~ Reol Property I x Ser ice Agency 0 8 8 ~ ~ ~ . k m~ m 1000 HDWARD M. TERRY 5~DUTHnLD, L, I,, N, Y, itoard of Trustces~ Tov;u of ;Zo~ '-oft' old. q.3. Dear c~ , 'e are r~lst?i'q? to o}reF, a host channel end bssin in the "dramn" and :{:ond w!':icb laFs between our propretFs ,~na empties dir~tlv il-i~ neconic bay at This area w~:s once f,esh water ~z, onds ~',~i_h since the .]_sst ~' d _ _ nov; salt snd the tide r~ses few ne=v5 stoPns ~,n the resuqtin~ er, osion is and fa~] s to so,ne degre~ in there. ,~e hove to develop our ~and surroundinf tPis pond area into buildin~ lots. On advise of the Rr~}' Ln~'ineers~ we are told we r,~ust get ~,clearance:~ fror~ the tov,n of :~ov,%~o]o st~t. in~ there are t~o objections tn the nrolcsed 'vcr' we ~,;snt to do. ] ands. As ~-e'l: no del['inr be dste bes been set to b~sfn this work; but v:e hol:e to beyin soon after se [ret t~.e necesser': ~,err,!Jts. jJrustiNf' t!~e enclosed dravrin[ wJil be self e!?lenitory and the t ?,e v:i q ] be favor?d vii th your c'1 eers~nce ~ e veRgJn 3oliPS trr].y c? N-e ler~?,r Nar intrests~ And ~ , , z ~ IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF HOWARD M. T~RRY and FOR EDWARD MILLS TQ TP~ TOWN TRUSTEES OF ~.~-~ T0~, 0I4 o0U~,~0IJD. TP~ UNDERSIGNED DOEo ~REoY REQU-ZoT FROM T~ SOUTLOLD TOUN TRUoT=~o (a) permission to dredge (b) permission to erect ~ 7 (c) a-g=-ant 'of land under water / J rry And~ Ti~ UNDZ~RSIGNCD D0.~,S .,.~RE,.~Y AGREE to hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold ~,~.~:,~oo ~,~,m free '~ "' ~,t mud all d~lag~s and claims arising under or by virtue of said ~o~/~ STATE OF IfEi~ Y0RK~) COU~ff'f OF SUFFOLi[~)SS: , 0n the 8th day of April ~ 1954 ~ before me personally came HOP~ARD M. TERRY and EDWARD }~ILL5~ ........................... to rna =~nown and known to me to be the :..ndividua]~ described in and who executed the foregoing instrUment~ and they severally duly acknowledged to that they executed the sam~ '~' ~ar y Puol S MONICA G. GAT.T,&GHER, Notary ~b~e, State of New York No. ~13~o~ ~untF T~m ~p~es ~ch ~, ~55 THIS PE~'IIT made in duplicate, the %~ day of ~ 1954, between TO%~ OF SOUTHOLD, in the County of Suffolk and State~ of New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees and by ~ virtue of Chapter 615 of the Lsws of the State of New York, passed in 1893, and pursuant to a written resolution adopted by a majorit~ of the Board of Truetees of said Town of Southold, at a meeting held pursuant to notice duly given to a].l tho members thereof, on the ~. g day of ~1~ , 1954, party of the first part, and .H.0WAHD M. TERRY and ELW;ARD MILLS, parties of the second part, WITNESSETH, the party of tho first part in consideration of the sum of $ ~ ~ ~ , duly pai~ to the ~arty of the first part, before the delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby duly ack, nowledgod, has granted and does hereby grant unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, forever, permission to dredge adjacent to their proH~ises fronting on Poconic Bay (also known as Hog Neck Bay) at Southoild, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for a distance of approximately 1500 yards, 8nd permission to erect two Jetties, in accordance with the plans attached to tho application. Subject, however, to the public r,ight of navigation and sub- joct to the right of the public to pass and repass along that portion of the beach between ]ow and high water mark. On condi- tion, however, that the party of the second part will hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said dredging and erection. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the s~id Town of first part, has by a vote of a majority of of said Town, caused its corporate seal to Southold, party of the the Board of Trustees be hereunto affixed~ and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of tho said Board of Trustees, the day and year above written. STATE OF NEW YORK ) COU~I~Y OF SUFFOLK ) ( came EMMON$ DEAN, of Greenport, N.Y.; 1954, before me personally LYLE F. TUTHILL, of Orient, IN.Y.; ALVAH B. GOLDSFSTH, of Southold, N.Y.; JOHN McNULTY, of Laurel, N.Y. and FRANK DAWSON, of New Suffolk, N.Y., all personally known to mc, who being by me duly sworn, severally said that they .each resided in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and were members of the Board of Trustees of said iTown of Southold and constituted a majority of the same; that they. knew the corporate seal of said Town of Southold; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument was such corporate seal; that it was affixed thereunto by order of the Board of Trustees of said To~ of Southold and that each one signed his name thereto as a Trustee and by like order. Notary Public, Suffolk County. 30, I~ Board of Trustees, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, N. Y., Claimant Tn Mr. Howard Terry and Edward Mills Address ...... .s..o..~..h..o.~.:...~.:.~.: .................................................................................... May 2~, Permit to dredge through beach and open up pond - Cedar Beach Alvah B. goldsmith, Clerk Ann Katzenberg Hurwitz PO Box 634 60 Rambler Court Southold, NY 11971 631-765-3341 160 Crescent Avenue Leonia, NJ 0760~ 201-461-5663 Trustees of Southold Town Main Road Southoid, NY 11971 August 8, 2004 To the Trustees of Southoid Town: I have summered in Southold for over 70 years and have a deep attachment to the North Fork. My family home on Town Harbor Lane was sold approximately ton years ago and in 1997 my husband and I purchased a small house oa Rambler Court. The house overlooks what was, when we purchased it, a lovely pond coming off of a small pond which was fed, in part, by Little Peconic Bay. Since we moved here we have seen major changes in the pond and the surrounding area. In 1997 the bay flowed in and out of the pond quito regularly at high tide. In the years following, the opening to the bay has remained closed except for a few days each year after a heavy fall or winter storm. The opening has been completoly closed for the last year and a half. It has become evident that the pond is drying up. The pond is at least one-third smaller than it was five years ago. What has been lost has been turned into mud flats. The formerly plentiful bird life has markedly diminished with each passing year. I have observed a number offish kills with litorolly thousands of tiny fish left high and dry along the jetty which was placed some years ago alongside the inlet to the pond by the Terry Waters Property Owners Association. There is often an offensively stagnant odor emanating from the pond. The mosquito population around the pond is truly incredible. Three summers ago there was an algae bloom (similar to the one on Marion Lake) which covered approximately half of the pond in different configurations from day to day. Since there has been such a visible change over the past three years it appears that this has come close to or is already an emergency situation. The jetty has eaased large amounts of sand to pile up creating a barrier that does not regularly allow the bay waters to come through and the pond wators to flow out. Other homeowners have reported that dredging has taken place several times in the past. There is an old dock in the smaller first pond. One resident has provided me with photos showing that in years past the pond was quite widely open to the bay. Research has confirmed that the portion of the beach in question is not owned by either Terry Waters or Angel Shores, the adjacent development. Infrared photos taken in the early 90's by the NYSDEC indicote that what is happening now is not cyclical It seems to me that opening the channel in order to regularly flush out the two ponds is now necessary. The ponds serve as a nursery for many fish which will then be able to move out into Little Peconic Bay to mature. We will once again be able to attract the bird life that has in the past been so rich and we will sustain the beauty of this small wetland gem that is figuratively in aH of our backyards. It is my understanding that field inspections are conducted on specific days. Accordingly it is my hope that you will come and look at the beach and ponds and consider my request. Bruce Anderson, President of Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. is helping me address this problem. He lived for several years on Rambler Road and is an old friend. You are cordially invited to join me or Bruce Anderson on my deck which provides a good overall view of the second pond. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Bruce Anderson (631=537-$160) if there are further questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Ann Hurwi~ 721 4 66~ 4 64I 28 I 49 " 3! 147 :1.43 ) 35' J 7,2 . 2.0 /9 x ',11 3 9 3}5 '. 51 5Z FILJ D ';" , "i'° 290t 7-y?ica/