HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoundabout at CR 48 & Rt 25TRAFFIC STUDY OF A ROUNDABOUT AT MIDDLE ROAD (C.R. 48) AND MAIN STREET (N.Y.S. ROUTE 25) SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Prepared for: SIDNEY B. BOWNE & SON Prepared by: DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 2000 INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1 BACKGROUND ON THE C.R. 48 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ....................................................... 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS ......................................... 7 Roadway/Intersection Descriptions ............................. 8 Traffic Control ............................................. 9 Traffic Volumes ............................................ 9 Accident Analyses .......................................... 10 FUTURE CONDITIONS: ROUNDABOUT ........................... 12 Roundabout Guidelines ...................................... 13 Preliminary Roundabout Design .............................. 14 SIDRA Roundabout Capacity Analyses ......................... 21 Comparison of Roundabout Operation to Traffic Signal Operation .... 24 Geometric Design .......................................... 26 CONCLUSIONS ................................................. 29 APPENDIX ..................................................... 31 WHB\C.R. 48-9816800 File: TIS.wpd INTRODUCTION WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TlS.wpd INTRODUCTION As part of the roadway improvement project for Middle Road (C. R. 48) from Horton Lane to Main Street (N.Y.S. Route 25), it was required that the use of a roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 be examined. Two roundabout designs were requested~ne for traffic volumes based on a 1% growth factor and another for traffic volumes based on a 2.5% growth factor. Traffic volumes at the 1% growth factor reflect conditions if a building moratorium is imposed and strictly enforced in the Town of Southold; traffic volumes at the 2.5% growth factor reflect conditions at a growth rate more typical for the Town of Southold. Geometric designs were developed for roundabouts at both 1% and 2.5% growth factors. These designs were based on New York State Department of Transportation 0X!YSDOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) design guidelines. To ensure that these designs provided sufficient capacity for the projected number of vehicles on the roadways, SIDRA roundabout capacity analyses were performed. The results of these and other analyses and an indication of the process by which the roundabouts at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 were designed are provided in the following sections. WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: T[S.wpd 2 BACKGROUND ON THE C.R. 48 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd 3 BACKGROUND ON THE C.R. 48 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The roadway improvements that are being made along C.R. 48 from Horton Lane to N.Y.S. Route 25 in the Town of Southold include drainage improvements, the insertion of two-way left-turn lanes or raised medians along C.R. 48, the addition of right-tum lanes as necessary along C.R. 48, and the establishment of at least a five-foot wide shoulders along C.R. 48. The shoulders along C.R. 48 are expected to serve as bicycle lanes. Signs will be installed which designate the roadway as a bicycle route. According to the NYSDOT Scoping Procedure Manual, the design life for a roadway improvement project is ETC + 10 years. Since the estimated time of completion (ETC) for this project is 2003, roadway and traffic signal improvements associated with this project should typically be designed for 2013 traffic volumes. Figure 1 shows the location of the Town of Southold within Suffolk County. Figure 2 shows the area of the roadway improvement project within the Town of Southold. WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 4 File: TIS.wpd Roc WESTCHESTER CONN. LONG ISLAND SOUND BRONX QUEENS NASSAU SUFFOLK KINGS FIGURE I RICHMOND AREA MAP DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES CALE: DATE: 1'= 7.4mi SEPT. 2000 5 Cove / / / / / / N.Y.S. ROUTE 25 FIGURE 2 LOCATION PLAN I DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 2000 1"=1200' (~ WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd EXISTING CONDITIONS 7 EXISTING CONDITIONS Roadway/Intersection Descriptions C.R. 48, for the length of this roadway improvement project, is a major east-west, undivided Suffolk County roadway. It has one travel lane in each direction and separate turn lanes as necessary at major intersections. N.Y.S. Route 25, for the length of this roadway improvement project, is a major east-west, undivided New York State roadway. It has one travel lane in each direction and separate turn lanes as necessary at major intersections. At the eastern end of the roadway improvement project, N.Y.S. Route 25 curves northward and forms a T qntersect~on w~th C.R. 48. C.R. 48 terminates at this intersection, while N.Y.S. Route 25 curves back eastward and continues to Orient Point. The lane configurations at the intersection of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 are as follows: Eastbound Approach on C.R. 48 Westbound Approach on N.Y.S. Route 25 Northbound Approach on N.Y.S. Route 25 One thru lane and one separate right-turn lane One left-turn lane and one thru lane One lefMum lane and one separate right-turn lane. Approximately 140 feet east of the intersection of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 is another "T"-intersection, N.Y.S. Route 25 and Sound Road. Sound Road is a minor north-south Town of Southold roadway. It has one travel lane in each direction and intersects N.Y.S. Route 25 from the north. Sound Road provides access from N.Y.S. Route 25 to the residential area just north of C.R. 48/N.Y.S. Route 25. The lane configurations at the intersection of N.Y.S. Route 25 and Sound Road are as follows: Eastbound Approach on N.Y.S. Route 25 Westbound Approach on N.Y.S. Route 25 Southbound Approach on Sound Road One left-turn/thru lane One thru/fight-turn lane One left-turn/thru/right-turn lane. WHB\C,R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd Due to the proximity of Sound Road to the intersection of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25, it will be necessary to incorporate Sound Road into any roundabout design. Traffic Control The intersection of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 currently functions as a stop-controlled intersection. Yellow flashers operate in the eastbound and westbound directions, and a red flasher operates in the northbound direction. The intersection of N.Y.S. Route 25 and Sound Road is also stop-controlled. There is a STOP sign on the northwest corner of the intersection for southbound traffic. Traffic Volumes Traffic counts were collected at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 in 1998. These counts are located in the Traffic Counts section of the Appendix. Traffic counts were projected to the years 2000, 2013, and 2023. These years are the existing year, the design year of any traffic signal installed for this project, and the design year of any roundabout installed for this project. Counted and projected traffic volumes are provided in the Projected Traffic Volumes section of the Appendix. Traffic counts, projected to the year 2000 at both 1% or 2.5% growth, are already high enough at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 that the intersection meets the peak-hour volume requirements for the installation of a traffic signal. By 2013 then, some alternative to stop-control at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 will definitely be required. The results of unsignalized Highway Capacity Software (HCS) analyses reinforce that an alternative to stop-control is required at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25. The existing stop-controlled intersection fails during the P.M. and Saturday peak periods for year 2000 traffic volumes at both 1% or 2.5% growth. Detailed results of existing unsignalized HCS analyses are provided in the Unsignalized HCS Analyses section of the Appendix. A summary of these results at both 1% and 2.5% growth is provided in Table 1. WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 9 File: TIS.wpd PP Dela ,~ I~ (~ec/veh~ (see/veh): Eastbound/ A 8.2 A 8.2 A.M. Peak Westbound Northbound C 20.7 C 21.7 Eastbound/ A 8.1 A 8.1 P.M. Peak Westbound Northbound F 54.1 F 64.3 Eastbound/ A 9.9 A 10.0 Saturday Peak Westbound Northbound F 376.6 F 455.8 Table 1 Unsignalized HCS Results C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 Existing Conditions As indicated in Table 1, the eastbound and westbound traffic at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 moves well during all peak periods. Northbound traffic, which must always yield to high volumes of eastbound and westbound traffic, does not move well, however. During the Saturday peak period, the delay to northbound traffic is 376.6 sec/veh (over 6 min/veh) at 1% growth and 455.8 sec/veh (over 7 min/veh) at 2.5% growth. These delays are excessive and suggest that existing stop-control at the intersection does not provide sufficient capacity for northbound vehicles. Accident Analyses Accident records for C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 from 1996 to 1998 were obtained from the Southold Town Police and the New York State Department of Transportation. These records indicate that, during the entire three-year period, only four accidents occurred at the intersection of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25. These accidents are diagramed and summarized in Figure 3. As shown in Figure 3, all four accidents at the intersection resulted in property damage only-no fatalities or even injuries. There is, therefore, not an existing accident problem at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25. W HB\C. R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS wpd ] 0 C.R.48 ROUTE 25 LEGEND: R~~OF MOVING VEHICLE V ', ~AKE TURN PEDESTRIAN PA'B-I------z RXED OI~ECT , r'l HE.,M~ON ' - DEER -----,.B ~DESWIPE V , ~iCYCLE "^ RIGHT TURN 'h PARKED VEHICLE .-El OTHER OTHER ACCIDENT TYPE ~. ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR END OVERTAKE HEAD-ON OTHER TOTAL FATAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INJURY 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 Pi) ONLY 1 0 TOTAL 1 0 3 0 0 0 LEGEND: (DATE) ~ (TIME) (I OR PD) A PAVEMENT pAVEMENT D-DRY I-ICY W-WET B WEATHER C=CLEAR F-FOG R-RNN SL-SLEEI' S-SNOW C lIGHT COND. Y~,DAY N-NIGHT K-DUSK D=DAV/N IiINJURY pD=PROPt. KI'Y DAMAGE ONLY U-UNKNOWN F-FATAL DUNN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ~ ~. tl~ FIGURE 3 ACCIDE~ DIAG~ C.R.48 AT ~ATE RO~ 25 1996-1998 FUTURE CONDITIONS: ROUNDABOUT WHB\C.R. 48~98168.00 File: TIS.wpd 12 FUTURE CONDITIONS: ROUNDABOUT Roundabout Guidelines Reasons for Use A roundabout should be installed at an intersection primarily to improve the capacity or safety of the intersection. In some cases, a roundabout may be installed for traffic calming or aesthetic purposes. At C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25, it has already been demonstrated that safety is not a problem. However, providing sufficient capacity for existing, and certainly for future traffic volumes, as a stop-controlled intersection is a problem. The installation of a roundabout would increase intersection capacity. There is also a desire to create a visually appealing gateway to Orient Point. A well-landscaped and well- maintained roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 could serve as an attractive entrance to the extreme North Fork Site Conditions A roundabout should only be installed at an intersection when site conditions are conducive to its effective and safe operation. One site requirement for a roundabout is that it be located on fairy level terrain. This allo~vs for proper drainage and sufficient sight distance. Another site requirement is that traffic volumes be fairly balanced. This ensures that gaps in traffic are available and fairly evenly distributed. In the vicinity of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25, the terrain is very flat. Drainage and sight distances should not be problems. The unbalanced distribution of traffic at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 may be a problem. As shown in the Projected Traffic Volumes section of the Appendix, during any peak hour, approximately 75% of the projected roundabout volume is concentrated on two approaches; fewer than 8% is located on the southbound approach. Excessive delays may, therefore, be incurred on the third and southbound roundabout approaches due to a lack of available gaps in traffic. Detailed roundabout analyses will have to be conducted, however, to determine whether or not this is a significant problem. WHB\C.R. 48-98168,00 File: TIS.wpd 1 3 Capacity A roundabout should be designed to provide adequate capacity for traffic volumes at ETC + 20 years. A roundabout should also be demonstrated to reduce delay more than an alternative form of traffic control. Detailed roundabout analyses have been conducted at 2023 traffic volumes to determine whether or not a roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 can provide sufficient capacity in the design year for the roundabout. Detailed roundabout analyses have also been conducted at 2013 traffic volumes so that a realistic comparison can be made of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 as a roundabout and C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 with a traffic signal at the design year of the traffic signal. Preliminary Roundabout Design Traffic Volumes The FHWA Roundabouts: Informational Guide states that, unlike traffic signals which are usually designed based on peak hour volumes, roundabouts should be designed based on peak 15-minute volumes. To determine the 2013 and 2023 traffic volumes for which roundabouts at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 should provide sufficient capacity, it was, therefore, necessary to extract A.M., P.M., and Saturday peak 15-minute volumes at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 from 1998 traffic counts. These peak 15-minute volumes were multiplied by four to provide 1998 hourly volumes based on peak 15- minute volumes. The hourly volumes were then projected to the years 2000, 2013, and 2023. Traffic volumes along Sound Road were estimated based on tax maps and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation manual. It was estimated from the tax maps that approximately 70 lots north of C.R. 48/N.Y.S. Route 25 would use Sound Road to access C.R. 48. The number of trips expected to be generated along Sound Road were, therefore, calculated from ITE Trip Generation as the number of trips generated by 70 single family detached homes. These traffic volumes were then projected to the years 2000, 2013, and 2023. Traffic volumes expected to be generated by proposed developments in the immediate vicinity of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 were also added to the roadways. The proposed developments included a 23-unit low-density housing development just west of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 and an 8-room bed & breakfast with a 100-seat restaurant on the northeast comer ofN.Y.S. Route 25 and Sound Road. The traffic was distributed to C.R. 48, N.Y.S. Route 25, and Sound Road based on driveway configurations WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd 14 and existing directional distribution information available from 1998 traffic counts at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 and the NYSDOT count program. Once traffic volumes for the proposed developments were added to projected 2013 and 2023 traffic volumes along C.R. 48, N.Y.S. Route 25, and Sound Road at their existing configurations, the volumes were re-distributed as necessary to reflect changes which would result from incorporating the roadways into a roundabout. Counted and projected traffic volumes based on peak 15-minute volumes and existing roadway configurations are provided for C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 in the Projected Traffic Volumes section of the Appendix. Roundabout volumes based on peak 15-minute volumes and the incorporation of Sound Road are also provided in this section of the Appendix. Number of Lanes Planning Approach To determine the expected number of lanes that roundabouts at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 will require at 1% and 2.5% growth, information from the planning section of the FHWA roundabout guide was used. For the planning approach, it was necessary to obtain average annual daily traffic (AADT) volumes for C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25. Available AADT estimates were taken from the information in theAgency Counts section of the Appendix and then projected to 2013 and 2023 at 1% and 2.5% growth. The resulting AADT's for each approach of the existing intersection of C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 are shown in Table 2 below. Eastbound C.R. 48 12,500 13,800 16,000 20,500 Westbound N.Y.S. Route 25 5,700 6,300 7,200 9,200 Northbound N.Y.S. Route 25 8,700 9,600 11,000 14,100 Table 2 Projected Average Annual Daily Traffic in 2013 and 2023 C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 1% and 2.5% Growth Rates WHB\C R, 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd 1 5 As shown in Figure 4, the number of lanes required for a roundabout may be estimated based on the maximum AADT on any leg of the roundabout and on the percentage of left tums at the roundabout. The percentage ofleft turns for a roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route was calculated fi.om the roundabout volumes in the Projected Traffic Volumes section of the Appendix as 25%. The percentage of traffic on the minor approaches was calculated as approximately 33%. When the maximum AADT's in Table 2 are plotted with 25% left turns, it appears that a one-lane roundabout will provide sufficient capacity for 2013 and 2023 volumes at 1% growth and for 2013 volumes at 2.5% growth. A one-lane roundabout wilt probably not, however, provide sufficient capacity for 2023 volumes at 2.5% growth especially considering that roundabouts should be designed to operate at 85% capacity or less. At 1% growth then, a one-lane roundabout is required. At 2.5% growth, a two-lane roundabout is required. Operation Approach The expected number of lanes that roundabouts at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 will require at 1% and 2.5% growth were also determined based on information fi.om the operation section of the FHWA roundabout guide. For the operation approach, it was necessary to determine entry flows and circulating flows for each approach of the roundabout. HCS roundabout analyses were conducted to determine the entry and circulating 2023 volumes for roundabouts at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 based on 1% and 2.5% growth rates. These analyses were conducted both with all volumes included in the roundabout and without eastbound and northbound right- mm volumes included in the roundabout. The latter analyses were made since eastbound and northbound right-turn volumes are very high and since it was anticipated that separate right-turn lanes may be necessary on these approaches. The results of 2023 HCS roundabout analyses at 1% and 2.5% growth with and without ali right-turn volumes are provided in the HCS Roundabout Analyses section of the Appendix. The maximum entry flows and corresponding circulatory flows for each scenario are provided in Table 3. WHB\C.R. 48-98168~00 File: TIS.wpd 16 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 ' · 1 Lane(50% Minor) O 2013 (1% Growth) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Left Turn Percentage · I Lane (33% blinor) ~' 2 Lanes (50% Minor) ~< 2 Lanes(33% Minor) · 2023 (1% Growth) O 2013 (2.5% Growth) · 2023 (2.5% Growth) Exhibit 3-1. Maximum daily service volumes for a four- leg roundabout. Figure 4 Number of Lanes Required for 2013 and 2023 Roundabout Volumes - Planning Approach C.R. 48, N.Y.S. Route 2S, and Sound Road 1% and 2.S% Growth Rates CONCLUSIONS WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd 29 At C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25, roundabouts can be designed to provide sufficient capacity for 2023 traffic volumes at both l% and 2.5% growth rates. At 1% growth, a one-lane roundabout with separate eastbound and northbound right-turn lanes is required. At 2.5% growth, a two-lane roundabout is required. The installation of either roundabouts necessitates roadway re-alignments and the significant taking of land. Based on the comparison of roundabout operation to traffic signal operation at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25, it appears that the installation of a roundabout does not provide any significant advantage over the installation ora traffic signal. At 1% growth, C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 operates better as a signalized intersection than as a roundabout. At 2.5% growth during the A.M. and P.M. peak periods, C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 also operates better as a signalized intersection than as a roundabout. At 2.5% growth during the Saturday peak period, C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 operates slightly better as a roundabout than as a signalized intersection. However, the signalized intersection still operates at level of service C. This is a good level of service and no roadway realignments or land takings are required to achieve this level of service. The installation of a roundabout would require both roadway re-alignment and extensive property acquisition. WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 30 File: TlS.~vpd APPENDIX WHB\C,R. 48-98168 00 31 File: T1S.wpd WHB\C R. 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp APPENDIX Traffic Counts WIIB\C R. 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp iJunn i=nglneerlng Associates 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 SHEET NO. OF: CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PAGE: 1 te Code : 94036 FILE: None S street: MAIN ST/RT 25 W Street: RT 98 %Y OF WK : Th~IRSDAY Movements by: Primary DATE: 7/90/98 ~1 me From North From East From South From West Vehicle ~gin RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT Total ........................................................... ~ .............................................. :90 0 0 0 0 26 9 16 0 16 18 29 0 114 :45 0 0 0 0 21 7 18 0 15 15 37 0 113 ~ TOT~.L 0 0 0 0 47 16 34 0 31 33 66 0 227 :00 AM 0 0 0 024 12 26 0 17 9 48 0 196 7:15 0 0 0 022 13 21 0 7 11 67 0 141 7:30 0 0 0 033 28 28 0 14 17 65 0 185 :45 0 0 o 038 22 19 0 12 16 58 0 165 ~ TOTAL 0 0 0 0 117 75 94 0 50 53 238 0 627 :00 AM 0 0 :~ 044 24 29 0 15 20 60 0 188 :15 0 0 0 040 25 2B 0 11 18 52 0 174 8:30 0 0 0 031 20 22 0 14 17 49 0 153 ":45 0 0 9 046 33 29 0 11 29 53 0 201 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 161 102 104 0 51 84 214 0 716 9:00 AM 0 0 0 0 42 34 33 0 25 26 76 0 236 :15 0 0 0 0 37 30 24 0 14 22 61 0 188 y TOTAL 0 0 0 0 404 257 289 0 171 218 655 0 1994 PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 6:30 AM - 9:30 AM DIRECTION SWART FROM PEAK HOUR North 12:00 AM East 8:30 AM South 8~15 AM PEAK ~ ........ VOLLrMES ....... -.'' PERCENTS FACTOR Right Thru Left Total R~ht Thru Left 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~86 0 156 117 273 0 57 43 0.75 112 0 61 173 65 0 35 0,82 94 239 0 393 28 72 0 Entire Intersection North East South West 8:30 AM 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.86 0 156 117 273 0 57 43 0.74 108 0 64 172 63 0 3? 0.82 94 239 0 333 28 72 0 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PAGE: 1 ;re Code : 94036 FILE: None ~ Street: MAIN ST/RT 25 rW Street: RT 28 =Y OF WK = THURSDAY Movements by: Primary DATE: 7/30/98 Total Turning Volumes for the Period: 8:30 AM - 9:30 RT 239 94 0 0 MAIN ST/RT 25 273 333 li~~ MAIN ST/RT 25 0 108 N 0 156 117 RT ~8 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PAGE: 1 te Code : 94036 FILE: None Street: MAIN ST/RT 25 Street: RT 48 DATE: 7/30/98 Movements by: Primary OF WK : THURSDAY me From North From East From South From West Vehicle Total RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU LT ;:30 279 3:45 0 0 0 0 52 31 46 0 49 25 76 0 ~ TOTAL 0 0 0 0 112 74 89 0 80 55 115 0 525 ~:00 PM 0 0 0 061 40 50 043 26 58 0 278 4:15 0 0 0 059 43 42 050 21 49 0 264 ~:30 0 0 0 049 32 39 048 25 57 0 250 !:45 0 0 0 0125 51 55 053 28 52 0 364 ~ TOT~J~ 0 O 0 0 294 166 186 0 194 100 216 0 1156 ~:00 PM 0 0 0 091 42 50 040 33 45 0 301 %:15 0 0 0 086 47 56 044 24 58 0 315 5:30 0 0 0 081 40 45 031 20 63 0 280 .:45 0 0 0 075 36 37 034 7 55 0 244 ~T~ 0 0 0 0 333 165 188 0 149 84 221 0 1140 6:00 PM 0 0 0 0 71 29 40 0 24 24 50 0 238 5:15 0 0 0 0 73 34 33 0 20 25 57 0 242 ~.y T(3T;%L 0 0 0 0 883 468 536 0 467 288 659 0 3301 PEAK PERIOD AN~kLYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 3~30 PM - 6:30 PM DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ VOLUMES ........ FROM PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Left Total .... PERCENTS ... Right Thru Left 0 0 0 0 68 32 52 0 45 29 71 0 North 4:45 PM 0.00 0 0 0 0 EaSt 0.80 0 383 180 563 South 0.87 206 0 168 374 West 0.97 105 218 0 323 0 0 0 0 68 32 55 0 45 33 67 0 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PAGE: te code : S4036 FILE: None Street: MAIN ST/RT 25 Street: RT 48 DATE: 7/30/98 Movements by: Primary OF WK : THURSDAY ....................................... L ....................................................... Total Turning Volumes for the Period: 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 218 105 0 0 MAIN ST/RT 25 ~ 563 323 t MAIN ST/RT 25 374 --I 0 206 N 0 383 180 RT 48 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PAGE: 1 ire Code : 94036 FILE: None S Street: MAIN ST/RT 25 [:00 AM 0 0 0 0 60 61 58 0 38 49 128 0 394 ~:15 0 0 0 0 65 64 72 0 40' 55 130 0 426 ~1:30 0 0 0 0 81 83 66 0 36 43 128 0 437 i;45 0 0 0 0 41 55 57 0 28 48 90 0 319 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 247 263 253 0 142 195 476 0 1576 ~:00 PM 0 0 0 070 67 64 026 42 124 0 393 2:15 0 0 0 039 44 58 046 49 62 0 298 ~2:30 0 0 0 045 54 50 012 32 78 0 271 %2:45 0 0 0 045 50 60 039 37 118 0 349 ~ TOTAL 0 0 0 0 199 215 232 0 123 160 382 0 1311 1:00 PM 0 0 0 0 83 28 56 0 34 32 58 0 291 1:18 0 0 0 0 65 53 57 0 43 35 92 0 345 1:30 0 0 0 0 51 65 42 0 19 51 99 0 327 1:48 0 0 0 0 30 30 36 0 20 29 64 0 209 ~ TOTAL 0 0 0 0 229 176 191 0 116 147 313 0 1172 -2:00 PM 0 0 0 087 56 30 046 33 53 0 305 2:15 0 0 0 058 62 56 040 34 75 0 325 2:30 0 0 0 049 45 61 045 38 65 0 303 2:45 0 0 0 0135 71 45 027 43 53 0 374 ~R TOTAL 0 0 0 0 329 234 192 0 158 148 246 0 1307 ,3:00 PM 0 0 0 0 96 65 61 0 52 37 73 0 384 3:15 0 0 0 0 52 50 53 0 43 39 71 0 308 3:30 0 0 0 0 86 73 56 0 38 20 41 0 314 3:45 0 0 0 0 68 50 50 0 41 22 43 0 274 ~R TOTAL 0 0 0 0 302 238 220 0 174 118 228 0 1280 nAY TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1306 1126 1088 0 713 768 1645 0 6646 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PAGE: 2 .e Code : 94036 Street: MAIN ST/RT 25 FILE: None PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 11:00 ~34 - 4:00 PM DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ VOLUMES ............ PERCENTS FROM pEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left North 12:00 A~ 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 East 2:45 PM 0.76 0 369 259 628 0 59 41 South 11:00 ~ 0.88 253 0 140 395 64 0 36 West 11:00 ;~4 0.91 195 476 0 671 29 71 0 North 11:00 AM 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 East 0.78 0 247 263 510 0 48 52 South 0.88 253 0 142 395 64 0 36 West 0.91 195 476 0 671 29 71 0 DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES ;re Code : 94036 PAGE: 1 Street: MAIN ST/RT 25 FILE: None Street: RT 48 OF WK ~ SAIT;RDAY Movements by: Primary DATE: 8/08/98 Total Turning Volumes for the Period: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 0 0 476 195 MAIN_ ST/RT 25 ~ 510 247 N 671 395 --I 0 253 Projected Traffic Volumes WHB\C R 48-98168 00 File: Dividers wp 1% Growth WHBXC R 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp 2.5% Growth WHB\C R 48-9816800 File: Dividers.wp 500 36~ 3321 725 473= 156 383 247 164~ 402~ 26a 242 ~84 37[ 310 747 48z ~IAi N/Al N/A N/A/ N/AI 2731 563i 5~u 287/ 5921 536 42o~ 853i 77. 538'i 1,0921 99; 641 168~ 142 67~ 177~ 14~ 94 2~8 21( 121 317~ ~1: 172~ 374 395 181~ 393] 41. 2561 556/ 59; 3281 712~ 758 NIA' NJA N/A N/A NrA N/A N/A N/A N/~ N~ N/~ N/A ~IA ~ N/A ~ N,~ N,;~ N/A N/A/ NIA N/A Intersectio~ ~ ~ 1,65~ ~' 1,896 2,381 ~470' 405 357 426 74~ 521 613 1.0¢~ N/A ~84N/At 1.381Nl.~ NIA NIA ~IA 68~ 8191 1,422 347 42~ *,'29 365 4451 766 N/Al N/Al N/A NIA N/A/ NIA N/Al N/A N/F* ~ N/AI 25~16i ~46T 32~. 494 18 ~ 2641 574[ 519 19 ~ 5~6-- 801 72( ~ 3: 469 1.025 -- 92~ 257 578 512 --270 607 538 375~ 847 74( ~ 95~ 18 11L 18 19[ 1,1,~t 1~ 43 35; 62 ~56[ N/A44 ~,~80 ~/A N/A 22' ~ ~[ 23 1] ~ 52[ 55 ~1i 223 21c~ 53~ 330 317J i 406! ~99 132 204i 332J 139 214 349 200[ 304 497 2561 3~ bJb ~ : i84! ~OOt 324 1931 5~ ~40 282~ 7~ 490 362~ 9~ 627 ~' T;';( ~n 264 22[ 23i[ ~77 174~ _ 222 4211 51~ T~ O' 0 O 0 O/ ¢ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 10 1( ~ 11' li ~ 23 ~ 30 ~ '~h~i-- 20~~ ~8 49( ~1~l 20~ 52' ~19~ ~3~ 757 408 ~8~ 970 ?nm i ..^' ~ i22~ ~i[ 18 72 165l 252 221 211! 323 RT 116 ~zi ,- -, TOt61 328! 320 68~ 345 33[ 71 5031 482' 1,033 643/ 617 1 %~% 12~ 199' 323J 126 2091 339 182 297 484 234 380 6~'~ 8 32 20 ~ 34~ 21 12, 46 29 15 59 37 ;WB~.,~;TO~i 2961 719j 658 311 755i 691 453 1.079 989 580J 1,3811 LT 44 1321 1~4 46' 139 151 65[ 196 213 83' 250 ~:~ 1~2i ~i~ 2~6 ~8 )22' 269 ~mi 3~7 2~5~ 404 LT 32 ~11 20 34~ ~2] 2~ 4~[ le; ~ 59[ 2¢ Unsignalized HCS Analyses WIIB\C R 48-9816800 File l)i~idcrs xxp 1% Growth WHB\C R 48-9816800 File l)i~idcrs ~p HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(TWSC) ANALYSIS_ nalyst: DEA/2MC ~tersectJon: CR48 @ SR 25 ~,unt Date: 8/23/00 me Period: 2000 AP1 @ :[% ~tersection Orientation: East-West Major St. ~hicle Volume Data: -~overnents: 2 3 4 5 7 9 olume: 244 96 :[~_9 :[59 65 :[:[0 IFR: 298 117 145 194 79 134 ~,F: 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 ~V: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 :destrian Volume Data: :ovements: ~ne width: 'alk speed: Blockage: JedJan Type: None of vehicles: 0 Flared approach Movements: of vehicles: NoKchbound 0 # of vehicles: Southbound 0 ane usage for movements :[,2&3 approach: Lane ! Lane 2 L T R L T R L N Y N N N N N £hannelized: Y ;rade: 0.00 Lane 3 T N R N -~ne usage for movements 4,5&6 approach: Lane i Lane 2 L T R L T R L y N N N Y N N Channelized: N ~rade: 0.00 Lane 3 T R N Lane usage for movements 7,8&9 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L Y N N N N N N Lane 3 T :hannelized: Y lade: 0.00 Iane usage for movements 10,11&12 approach: Lane ! Lane 2 L T R L T R L N N N N N N N ,~annelized: N Grade: 0.00 Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Major Street Vehicles: Eastbound Westbound ~hared In volume, major th vehicles: 0 0 ~;hared In volume, major rt vehicles: 0 0 ,at flow rate, major th vehicles: !700 /,700 ~at flow rate, major rt vehicles: :[700 1700 Number of major street through lanes: i ! Lane 3 T N R N Length of study period, hrs: 0.25 ~/orksheet 4 Critical Gap and Follow-up time calculation. ',ritical Gap Calculations: 4ovement 4 7 9 c,base 4.1 7.1 6.2 c, hv 1.0 1.0 1.0 hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 c,g 0.2 0.! 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,It 0.0 0.7 0.0 stage 0.00 0.00 0.00 stage 4.1 6.4 6.2 Follow Up Time Calculations: Movement 4 7 9 t f, base 2.2 3.5 3.3 t f, HV 0.9 0.9 0.9 ~Phv 0.00 0.00 0.00 tf 2.2 3.5 3.3 ~ Worksheet 6 Impedance and capacity equations Step 1: RT from Minor St. 9 12 ~ Conflicting Flows 356 Potential Capacity 692 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 · Movement Capacity 692 Probability of Queue free St. 0.81 ~ep 2: LT from Major St. 4 1 ~nflicting Flows 298 ,tential Capacity 1275 ~edestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 4ovement Capacity 1275 obability of Queue free St. 0.89 :rep 4: LT from Minor St. 7 10 ~onflicting Flows 840 Potential Capacity 338 edestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 ,aj. L, Min T Impedance factor 0.89 ~laj. L, Min T Adj. Imp Factor. 0,91 Cap. Adj, factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0.91 iovement Capacity 309 .~orksheet 10 delay,queue length, and LOS Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 (vph) 145 79 : m(vph} 1275 309 692 ~/c 0.11 0.26 95% queue length ~ntrol Delay 8.2 20.7 OS A C ~pproach Delay 20.7 Approach LOS C HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(TWSC) ANALYSTS_ nalyst: DEA/.1MC ~tersection: CR48 @ SR 25 ,unt Date: 8/23/00 ~me Period: 2000 PM @ 1% .tersection Orientation: East-West Major St. ~ehicle Volume Data: ovements: 2 3 4 S 7 9 }olume: 222 107 184 391 171 210 JFR: 222 107 184 391 171 210 iF: 1.00 1.00 t.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -HV: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,edestrian Volume Data: iovements: Flow: ane width: Calk speed: ~/o Blockage: ~edian Type: None j of vehicles: 0 Flared approach Movements: 4 of vehicles: Northbound 0 # of vehicles: Southbound 0 'Lane usage for movements 1,2&3 approach: Lane i Lane 2 L T R L T R L ' N Y N N N N N :hannelized: Y .Grade: 0.00 Lane usage for movements 4,5&6 approach: Lane I Lane 2 L m P- L T R L y N N N Y N N Channeiized: N Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T Lane 3 T R N R N Lane usage for movements 7,88~9 approach: Lane i Lane 2 . L T R L T R L y N N N N N N Lane 3 T ChannelJzed: Y 'ade: 0.00 lane usage for movements 10,11&12 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L N N N N N N N ~annelized: N Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T R N Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Major Street Vehicles: Eastbound Westbound ~hared In volume, major th vehicles: 0 0 =hated In volume, major rt vehicles: 0 0 at flow rate, major th vehicles: 1700 1700 -_at flow rate, major rt vehicles: 1700 1700 Number of major street through lanes: i i ~ength of study period, hrs: 0.25 '~orksheet 4 Critical Gap and Follow-up time calculation. --:ritical Gap Calculations: iovement 4 7 9 lc,base 4,1 7.1 6.2 c,hv 1.0 1.0 1.0 _-hr 0.00 0.00 0.00 t c,g 0.2 0.1 -q 0.00 0.00 0,00 3,It 0.0 0.7 0.0 1 stage 0.00 0.00 0.00 C -1 stage 4.1 6.4 6.2 ollow Up Time Calculations: vlovement 4 7 9 t f, base 2.2 3.5 3.3 _ f, HV 0.9 0.9 0.9 _'hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 tf 2.2 3.5 3.3 -Worksheet 6 Impedance and capacity equations Step 1: RT from Minor St. 9 12 -Conflicting Flows 276 Potential Capacity 768 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 ,. Movement Capacit7 768 Probability of Queue free St. 0.73 ~ep 2: LT from Major St. 4 i ,nflicting Flows 222 ,tential Capacity 1359 ~'edestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 Movement Capacity 1359 obability of Queue free st. 0.86 "~ep 4: LT from Minor St. 7 10 ~onflicting Flows 1035 Potential Capacity 259 ~destrian Impedance Factor 1.00 aj. L, Min T Impedance factor 0.86 I~aj. L, Nin TAdj. Imp Factor. 0.90 Cap. Adj. factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0.90 ovement Capacity 232 'orksheet 10 delay,queue length, and LOS Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 [vph) 184 171 m(vph) 1359 232 768 ~/c 0.14 0.74 95% queue length ontrol Delay DS ~pproach Delay Approach LOS 8.1 54.1 A F 54.1 F HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(I~VSC) ANALYSIS '~qalyst: DEA/.1MC Intersection: CR48 @ SR 25 ount Date: 8/23/00 mime Period: 2000 Sat @ 1% tntersection Orientation: East-West Major St. ,~ehicle Volume Data: 'lovements: 2 3 4 5 7 9 '~olume: 486 199 268 252 145 258 HFR: 540 221 298 280 161 287 'HF: 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 ~HV: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 i'edestrian Volume Data: 4ovements: Flow: '_ane width: /Valk speed: ~/o Blockage: 4edian Type: None ~ of vehicles: 0 Flared approach MovementS; _¢ of vehicles: Northbound 0 # of vehicles: Southbound 0 ._ane usage for movements 1,2&3 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L --~ N Y N N N N N ~£hannelized: Y ~Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T R N Lane usage for movements 4,5&6 approach: , Lane i Lane 2 = L T R L T R L y N N N Y N N Channelized: N ,Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T N Lane usage for movements 7,8&9 approach: Lane i Lane 2 L T R L T R L y N N N N N N Lane 3 T N R N Channelizech Y rade: 0.00 Lane usage for movements 10,11&12 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L N N N N N N N ,m~annelized: N Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T N Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Hajor Street Vehicles: Eastbound Westbound Shared In volume, major th vehicles: 0 0 Shared In volume, major rt vehicles: 0 0 ~t flow rate, major th vehicles: 1700 1700 ~t flow rate, major rt vehicles: 1700 1700 Number of major street through lanes: i i ~ength of study period, hrs: 0.25 "J';orksheet 4 Critical Gap and Follow-up time calculation. ritical Gap Calculations: iovement 4 7 9 tc, l~se 4.1 7.1 6,2 c, hv 1.0 1.0 1.0 hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 c,g 0.2 0.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,It 0.0 0.7 0.0 c,T: stage 0.00 0.00 0.00 stage 4.1 6.4 6.2 =ollow Up Time Calculations: lovement 4 7 9 t f, base 2.2 3.5 3.3 f, HV 0.9 0.9 0.9 'hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 tf 2.2 3.5 3.3 ~Vorksheet 6 Impedance and capacib/equations ';rep 1: RT from Minor St. 9 12 ~Conflicting Flows 651 Potential Capacity 472 'edestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 :~qovement Capacity 472 Probability of Queue free St. 0.39 J~:ep 2: LT from Major St. 4 inflicting Flows 540 ~tential Capacity 1039 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 Movement Capacity 1039 obabilJty of Queue free St. 0.71 ~'ep 4.: LT from Minor St. 7 10 ~onflicting Flows 1526 Potential Capacity 131 ~destrian Impedance Factor 1.00 ~aj. L, Min T Impedance factor 0.71 Maj. L, Min T Adj. Tmp Factor. 0.78 Cap. Adj. factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0.78 ovement Capacity 102 ~orksheet 10 delay,queue length, and LOS Movement I 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 (vph) 298 161 m(vph) 1039 102 q72 ~/c 0.29 1.58 95% queue length :ontrol Delay ~OS 9.9 376.6 A F Approach Delay 376.6 Approach LOS F 2..5% Growth ~IIB\(-' R 48-98168 00 File: DMdcrs x~p HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.tc TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(TWSC) ANALYSIS_ Analyst: DEA/]MC Z~ersection: CR48 @ SR 25 unt Date: 8/23/00 ~ne Period: 2000 AM @ 2.5% ~ tersection Orientation: East-West Major St. ~hicle Volume Data: ,vements: 2 3 4 5 7 9 ~olume: 251 99 123 164 67 113 ]~FR: 306 121 150 200 82 138 IF: 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 ;~IV: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ~,;~destrian Volume Data: Flow: ~ne width: 'alk speed: ;~o Blockage: edian Type: None :.~ of vehicles: 0 dElared approach Movements: ~ of vehicles: Northbound 0 # of vehicles: Southbound 0 ~ane usage for movements 1,2&3 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L N Y N N N N N ;hannelized: Y ;rade: 0.00 Lane 3 T ane usage for movements 4,5&6 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L y N N N Y N N Channelized: N Srade: 0.00 Lane 3 T N R N Lane usage for movements 7,8&9 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L y N N N N N N Lane 3 T N R N Channelized: Y grade: 0.00 Lane usage for movements lO,11&12 approach: Lane I Lane 2 L T R L T R L N N N N N N N :~hannelized: N Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T N R N Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Major Street Vehicles: Eastbound Westbound C:~hared In volume, major th vehicles: 0 0 ~Shared In volume, major rt vehicles: 0 0 at flow rate, major th vehicles: 1700 1700 -___.~at flow rate, major rt vehicles: 1700 1700 Number of major street through lanes: 1 1 ;;~ength of study period, hfs: 0.25 ;~Vorksheet 4 Critical Gap and Follow-up time calculation. :ritical Gap Calculations: lovement 4 7 9 tc, base 4.1 7.1 6.2 ~'hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 t c,g 0.2 0.1 ~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,it 0.0 0.7 0.0 1stage 0.00 0.00 0,00 :~1 stage 4.1 6.4 6.2 :oliow Up Time Calculations: qovement 4 7 9 t f, base 2.2 3.5 3.3 ~ f, HV 0.9 0.9 0.9 .~'hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 t f 2.2 3.5 3.3 .:;Worksheet 6 Impedance and capacity equations Step 1: RT from Minor St, 9 12 :~Conflicting Flows 366 Potential Capacity 683 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 ._Movement Capacity 683 --Probability of Queue free St, 0.80 ~ep 2: LT from Major St. 4 --,nflicting Flows 306 · tential Capacity 1266 ~edestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 Movement Capacity 1266 obability of Queue free St. 0.88 ~ep 4: LT from Minor St. 7 10 ~nflicting Flows 866 Potential Capacity 326 -- :destrian Impedance Factor 1.00 ~j. L, Min T Impedance factor 0.88 ~'~aj. L, Min T Adj. Imp Factor. 0.91 Cap. Adj. factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0.91 ;)vement Capacity 297 orksheet 10 delay,queue length, and LOS Movement i 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 'vph) 150 82 m(vph) 1266 297 683 ~'/c 0.12 0.28 95% queue length --~ntrol Delay :-,~pproach Delay Approach LOS 8.2 21.7 A C 21.7 C HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(I~VSC) ANALYSIS .nalyst: DEA/.]MC ~rsection: CR48 @ SR 25 !nt Date: 8/23/00 ~me Period: 2000 PM @ 2.5% ~rsection Orientation: East-West Major St. lehicle Volume Data: vementS: 2 3 4 5 7 9 ~olume: 229 110 189 402 177 216 '-R: 229 110 189 402 177 216 F: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ~V: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pedestrian Volume Data: ne width: ~lk speed: % Blockage: =dian Type: None -~ of vehicles: 0 'ared approach Movements: ~ of vehicles: Northbound 0 # of vehicles: Southbound 0 '-~ane usage for movements 1,2&3 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 ~ L T R L T R .... _L_ .... ]hanndized: Y -~rade: 0.00 Lane 3 T N R N ane usage for movements 4,5&6 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L .......... y N N N Y N N Channelized: N Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T N R N Lane osage for movements 7,8&,9 approach: Lane 1 Lane 2 L T R L T R L y N N N N N N Lane 3 T N R N iannelized: Y ade: 0.00 :ne usage for movements 10,11&12 approach: Lane I Lane 2 L T R L T R L N N N N N N N '~annelized: N rade: 0.00 Lane 3 T ara for Computing Effect of Delay to Major Street Vehicles: Eastbound Westbound i~ared In volume, major th vehicles: 0 0 hated In volume, major Kc vehicles: 0 0 ~t flow rate, major th vehicles: 1700 1700 =t flow rate, major rt vehicles: 1700 1700 umber of major street through lanes: ength of study period, hrs: 0.25 ~orksheet 4 Critical Gap and Follow-up time calculation. ritical Gap Calculations: .ovement 4 7 9 c,base 4.1 7.1 6.2 c,hv 1.0 1.0 1.0 ,hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 c,g 0.2 0.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,Jr 0.0 0.7 0.0 c,T: stage 0.00 0.00 0.00 c '1stage 4.1 6.4 6.2 ollow Up Time Calculations: lovement 4 7 9 f, base 2.2 3.5 3.3 f, HV 0.9 0.9 0.9 ~ hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 f 2.2 3.5 3.3 ~orksheet 6 Impedance and capacity equations -~tep 1: ET from Minor St. 9 12 Conflicting Flows 284 Potential Capacity 760 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 Hovement Capacity 760 Probability of Queue free St. 0.72 · ~ep 2: LT from Major St. 4 1 nflicting Flows 229 jtentJal Capacity 1351 · edestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 -~vement Capacity 1351 3bability of Queue free St. 0.86 ~L~p 4: LT from Minor St. 7 10 ~nflicting Flows 1064 · otential Capacity 249 -destrian Impedance Factor 1.00 ~j. L, Min T Impedance factor 0.86 ,laj. L, Min T Adj. Imp Factor. 0.89 ~ap. Adj. factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0.89 3vement Capacity 222 ~orksheet 10 delay,queue length, and LOS Movement i 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 vph) 189 177 m(vph) 1351 222 760 ~'/c 0.14 0.80 95% queue length 3ntrol Delay 8.1 64.3 ~_~S A F Approach Delay 64.3 Approach LOS F HCS: UnsignalJzed Intersections Release 3.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL(TWSC) ANALYSIS ~.nalyst: DEA/JMC Intersection: CR48 @ SR 25 :ount Date: 8/23/00 ~ ime Period: 2000 Sat @ 2.5% Tntersection Orientation: East-West Major St. =!ehicle Volume Data: '4ovements: 2 3 4 5 7 9 'Volume: 500 205 276 260 149 266 HFR: 556 228 307 289 166 296 · HF: 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 .'HV: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ='edestrian Volume Data: .tovements: Flow: ' ane width: Yalk sp~ed: % Blockage: 4edian Type: None 7 of vehicles: 0 Flared approach Movements: ,'? of vehicles: Northbound 0 # of vehicles: Southbound 0 -ane usage for movements 1,2&3 approach: Lane I Lane 2 L T R L T R N Y N N N N Channelized: Y Srade: 0.00 L N Lane 3 T Lane usage for movements 4,5&6 approach: Lane I Lane 2 L T R L T R Y N N N Y N Channelized: N Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T Lane usage for movements 7,8&9 approach: Lane 1 L T R L Lane 2 T Y N N N N R N Lane 3 T R N Channelized: Y :rade: 0.00 Lane usage for movements 10,11&12 approach: Lane i Lane 2 L T R L T R L N N N N N N N ¢~hannelized: N Grade: 0.00 Lane 3 T N R N Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Major Street Vehicles: Eastbound Westbound ~;hared In volume, major th vehicles: 0 0 Shared In volume, major rt vehicles: 0 0 ;at flow rate, major th vehicles: 1700 1700 Bat flow rate, major rt vehicles: 1700 1700 Number of major street through lanes: i i -_ength of study period, hrs: 0.25 Worksheet 4 Critical Gap and Follow-up time calculation. ~ritical Gap Calculations: qovement 4- 7 9 tc, base 4.1 7.1 6.2 c, hv 1.0 1.0 1.0 .'hv 0.00 0.00 0.00 t c,g 0.2 0.1 G 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,It 0.0 0.7 0.0 i stage 0.00 0.00 0.00 lc stage 4.1 6.4 6.2 Follow Up Time Calculations: Movement 4 7 9 t f, base 2.2 3.5 3.3 t f, HV 0.9 0.9 0.9 .Phv 0.00 0.00 0.00 tf 2.2 3.5 3.3 Worksheet 6 Impedance and capacity equations Step 1: RT from Minor St. 9 12 Conflicting Flows 669 Potential Capacity 461 Pedestrian Impedance Factor 1.00 Movement Capacity 461 Probability of Queue free St, 0.36 :ep 2: LT from Major St. 4 1 ~nflicting Flows 556 Jtential Capacity 1025 ~destrian Impedance Factor 1.00 iovement Capacity 1025 obability of Queue free St. 0.70 rep 4: LT from Minor St. 7 10 ,Jnflicting Flows 1572 otentiat Capacity 123 -~destrian Impedance Factor 1.00 aj. L, Min T Impedance factor 0.70 ;aj. L, Min TAdj. Imp Factor. 0.77 ~p. Adj. factor due to Impeding mvmnt 0.77 ovement Capacity 94 'orksheet 10 delay,queue length, and LOS iovement :L q 7 8 9 10 11 12 I II I · /vph) 307 166 m(vph) 1025 94 461 ~c 0.30 1.75 .'5oA~ queue length -ontrol Delay 10.0 455.8 -)S B F -',pproach Delay 455.8 · ,pproach LOS F Agency Counts WHB\C R 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp NEW YORK STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY REPORT A~M EASTBOUND 12-1 32 1-2 16 2-3 8 3-4 6 4-5 13 5-6 51 6-7 217 7-8 395 8-9 392 9-10 388 10-11 420 11-12 474 ** PM 12-1 442 1-2 415 2-3 403 3-4 383 4-5 416 5-6 415 6-7 363 7-8 267 8-9 203 9-10 140 10-11 106 11-12 59 WESTBOUND 37 15 11 10 23 51 160 274 358 323 343 344 378 387 415 429 447 ** 392 404 261 294 159 149 82 CR 48 MIDDLE ROAD YOUNGS AVENUE TO ROUTE 25 AUGUST 05,1996 FILE NAME CR 48 0766T0896 DAILY TOTAL 11,770 EST. AADT 10,540 ** DENOTES PEAK HOUR TOTALS 6,024 5,746 NEW YORK STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY REPORT AM EASTBOUND 12-1 34 1-2 15 2 -3 10 3-4 6 4-5 8 5-6 22 6-7 66 7-8 105 8-9 136 9-10 174 10-11 214 11-12 245 PM 12-1 260 ** 1-2 237 2-3 254 3 -4 243 4-5 246 5-6 224 6-7 170 7-8 156 8-9 147 9-10 140 10-11 92 11-12 56 TOTALS 3,260 WESTBOUND 18 9 5 4 4 18 41 85 135 174 202 223 ** 212 209 214 194 184 156 152 142 133 100 67 41 2,722 ROUTE 25 ROUTE 114 TO MIDDLE ROAD JULY 1993 FILE RT25 NAME 070520793 DAILY TOTAL 5,982 EST. AADT 4,700 ** DENOTES PEAK HOUR Vo Ci~ ~tib~ VOi~ V4iUme CkCuiati~n ~bi~e With All Right Turns A.M. Peak 445 218 644 315 P.M. Peak 855 198 1381 286 Sat. Peak 915 466 1323 673 Without Eastbound and Northbound Right Turns A.M. Peek 402 73 581 105 P.M. Peak 855 198 1381 286 Sat. Peak 876 220 1266 318 Table 3 Maximum Entry Volumes and Corresponding Circulatory Volumes in 2023 With and Without All Right-Turn Volumes C.R. 48, N.Y.S. Route 25 and Sound Road 1% and 2.5% Growth Rates When the entry and circulatory flows in Table 3 at 1% growth are plotted as shown in Figure 5, it appears that a one-lane roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 should provide sufficient capacity for 2023 volumes at 1% growth. To ensure that the roundabout operates at less than 85% capacity, however, separate eastbound and northbound right-turn lanes should be installed. As shown in the HCS Roundabout Analyses section of the Appendix, the roundabout will operate at Saturday volumes well above recommended capacity if the separate right-mm lanes are not provided. When the flows in Table 3 at 2.5% growth are plotted as shown in Figure 6, it appears that a one-lane roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 will not provide sufficient capacity for 2023 volumes, even if separate r/ght-tum lanes are installed. At 1% growth then, a one-lane roundabout with separate eastbound and northbound right-turn lanes is required. At 2.5% growth, a two-lane roundabout is required. More detailed analyses must be conducted to determine if the two-lane roundabout also requires separate eastbound and northbound right-mm lanes. WHB\C.R. 48-98 ] 68.00 File: TlS.wpd 1 8 SIDRA Roundabout Capacity Analyses SIDRA Software Capacity analyses were conducted for the roundabouts at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 using aaSIDRA (aaTraffic Signalized & Unsignalized Intersection Design & Research Aid) version 1.0. This Australian developed software package is commonly used to evaluate roundabouts in the United States. It is also recognized in the FHWA roundabout guide. One-Lane Roundabout To determine whether a one-lane roundabout with separate eastbound and northbound right turn lanes will provide sufficient capacity for 2023 design year volumes, S1DRA capacity analyses were conducted for the design for 2023 A.M., P.M., and Saturday volumes at 1% growth. Detailed results of these analyses are provided in the SIDRA Roundabout Analyses section of the Appendix. A summary of the level of service (LOS), volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratios, delays, and 95% back-of-queue lengths is provided in Table 4. Eastbound B .235 12.3 2 A.M. Peak Westbound B .228 13.3 2 Northbound A .113 9,4 1 Southbound B .085 12.7 1 Total Intersection B .235 12.1 N/A Eastbound B .255 12.8 2 P.M. Peak Westbound B .617 14.0 6 Northbound A .206 9.9 2 Southbound B ,085 19.2 1 Total Intersection B .617 12.8 N/A Eastbound B .596 15.0 7 Sat. Peak Westbound B .591 14.6 6 Northbound B .485 15.9 5 Southbound B .108 19.2 1 Total Intersection B .596 15.1 N/A Table 4 SlDRA Capacity Analyses Results Summary for 2023 One-Lane Roundabout Design with Separate Eastbound and Northbound Right-Turn Lanes For 1% Growth Rate Only WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS,wpd 21 It can be seen from Table 4 that a one-lane roundabout with separate eastbound and northbound right-turn lanes will operate well at 1% growth through the 2023 design year. Levels of service are very good (B or better) for all peak periods; delays are low; queue lengths are short; and all approaches operate significantly below 85% capacity. The design life for the one-lane roundabout was determined by mrming A.M., P.M. and Saturday traffic volumes in SIDRA at variable flow rates. The flow rate at which there was no longer any spare roundabout capacity was the rate which was used to determine the design life of the roundabout. Detailed results of the variable flow rate analyses are provided in the Roundabout Flow Rates section of the Appendix. The calculation made to determine design life is also provided in this section of the Appendix. At 1% growth, the design life of this one-lane roundabout is ETC + 31 years or 2034. Two-Lane Roundabout Before any analyses were made of a two-lane roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25, it was decided to ensure that the one-lane roundabout would not provide sufficient capacity for A.M., P.M., and Saturday volumes at 2.5% growth. To do this, variable flow rate analyses were conducted for the one- lane roundabout at 2.5% growth volumes. The results of these analyses are provided in the Roundabout Flow Rates section of the Appendix. According to these analyses, the design life of a one-lane roundabout at 2.5% growth is ETC + 10 or 2013. This one-lane roundabout will, therefore, not provide sufficient capacity for volumes in the 2023 design year. This verifies that a two-lane roundabout will be required. To determine whether a two-lane roundabout without separate right-mm lanes will provide sufficient capacity for 2023 volumes, SIDRA capacity analyses were conducted for the design for 2023 A.M., P.M., and Saturday volumes at 2.5% growth. Detailed results of these analyses are provided in the SJDzV, A Roundabout Analyses section of the Appendix. A summary of the LOS's, v/c ratios, delays, and 95% back-of-queue lengths is provided in Table 5. WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd 22 Tme ApProach EOS A.M. Peak Eastbound B .263 12.7 2 Westbound B .183 12.8 1 Northbound B .188 10.6 2 Southbound B .133 12.2 Total Intersection B .263 12.3 N/A P.M, Peak Eastbound B .280 13,3 3 Westbound B .524 13.6 4 Northbound B .339 10.8 3 Southbound 8 .124 17.6 1 Total Intersection B .524 12.9 N/A Sat. Peak Eastbound C .775 22.8 16 Westbound B .521 14.4 4 Northbound C ,846 22.3 14 Southbound B .158 17.4 1 Total Intersection B .846 19.5 N/A Table 5 SIDRA Capacity Analyses Results Summary for 2023 Two-Lane Roundabout Design Without Separate Right-Turn Lanes For 2.5% Growth Rate It can be seen from Table 5 that a two-lane roundabout without separate right-tum lanes will operate well at 2.5% growth through the 2023 design year. Levels of service are good (C or better) for all peak periods; delays are Iow; queue lengths are acceptable; and all approaches operate below 85% capacity. The design life of this two-lane roundabout was determined by nmning A.M., P.M., and Saturday traffic volumes at variable flow rates. Detailed results of variable flow rate analyses are provided in the Roundabout Flow Rates section of the Appendix. The calculation which was made to determine design life is also provided in this section of the Appendix. A 2.5% growth, the design life of the two-lane roundabout without separate right-turn lanes is ETC + 20 or 2023, the design year of a roundabout for this project. WHB\C.R. 48-98168 00 File: TIS.wpd 23 Comparison of Roundabout Operation to Traffic Signal Operation To determine whether the use of a roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 provides any significant advantage over the installation ora three-color traffic signal at the intersection, a comparison was made between roundabout and traffic signal analyses for 2013 volumes at both 1% and 2.5% growth. Intersection operations were compared for 2013 traffic volumes since the design year for a traffic signal at the intersection is ETC + 10 years or 2013. Signalized HCS analyses were conducted at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 for 2013 traffic volumes during the A.M., P.M., and Saturday peak periods. Sound Road was not incorporated into the signal. Instead, the alignment of Sound Road and the traffic control at N.Y.S. Route 25 and Sound Road were left as existing. The detailed results of signalized analyses at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 are provided in the Signalized HCS Analyses section of the Appendix. SIDRA roundabout capacity analyses were also conducted for 2013 traffic volumes during the A.M., P.M., and Saturday peak periods. A comparison of SIDRA roundabout results to signalized HCS results is provided in Table 6 for both l% and 2.5% growth rates. As shown in Table 6, the installation of a roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 will not provide any significant advantages over the installation of an actuated three-color traffic signal. At 1% growth, the signalized intersection operates at equal or better levels of service and with less delay than the roundabout. At 2.5% growth, the signalized intersection also operates at equal or better levels of service and with less delay than the roundabout during the A.M .and P.M. peak periods. At 2.5% during the Saturday peak period, the signalized intersection does not operate quite as well as the roundabout. However, it does still function at level of service C. It also functions this well without any drastic geometric changes being made to the intersection. In fact, the only difference between existing conditions and design conditions is that the existing separate right-tm lane has been converted to an exclusive right-mm lane. The installation ora two-lane roundabout, on the other hand, requires roadway re-alignment and extensive property acquisition. Based on this analysis, it appears that the installation of a roundabout at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 does not provide significant advantages over the installation of a conventional three-color traffic signal. WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd 24 i I i i I i i Eastbound A .23 4.5 B .21 12,2 A .30 5.3 B .19 12.3 A.M Westbound A .19 2.4 B .20 13,3 A ,26 3.0 B .14 12.8 Peak Northbound C .42 34,4 A ,10 9,2 C .48 34,1 S ,13 10,1 Southbound N/A N/A N/A B .08 12,4 N/A N/A N/A B .10 11.6 Total Intersection A .38 6.4 B .21 12.0 A .45 7.0 B .19 12.0 Eastbound A .18 5.8 B .22 12.6 A .24 6.5 B .20 12,7 P.M. Westbound A .33 4.9 B .55 13.7 A .43 6.0 B .39 13.1 Peak Northbound C .55 31.3 A .18 9.7 C .64 33.1 B .24 10.3 Southbound N/A N/A N/A B .07 17.4 N/A N/A N/A B .07 14.2 Total Intersection A .39 9.3 B .55 12,8 B ,48 10.4 B ,39 12.3 Eastbound A .45 7,9 B .61 15.4 C .71 23.7 B ,49 14.6 Sat Westbound A ,48 6.9 B .52 14.3 B ,59 19,3 B .38 13,8 Peak Northbound C ,60 34.2 B .34 12.5 D .69 37,1 B .49 13.5 Southbound N/A N/A N/A B .08 17,6 N/A N/A N/A B .09 14,4 Total Intersection B .62 10,3 B .61 14.4 C .89 23.4 B .49 14.1 Table 6 Comparison of Roundabout Operations to Traffic Signal Operation C.R. 48, N.Y.S. Route 25 and Sound Road 1% and 2.5% Growth Rates WHB\C R 48-98168.00 File: TIS wpd 25 Geometric Design The one-lane roundabout with separate right-turn lanes and the two-lane roundabout without separate right-utm lanes were both designed based on parameters provided in the NYSDOT Engineering Instruction, EI 00-021. The roadway re-alignments and locations of roundabout features were also designed with the intention of taking as little property as possible from owners in the vic/nity of C.R. 48, N.Y.S. Route 25, and Sound Road. Final designs for the one-lane and two-lane roundabouts at C.R. 48 and N.Y.S. Route 25 are provided in Figures 7 and 8, respectively. The geometric design guidelines portion of EI 00-021 is provided in the Geometric Design Elements for Roundabouts section of the Appendix. It should be noted that the one-lane roundabout was designed with a track apron around the center island. This allows vehicles larger than the WB-20 (metric) design vehicle to negotiate the one-lane roundabout more easily. It should also be noted that the two-lane roundabout requires the construction of sidewalks and sidewalk ramps. These sidewalks are meant for the use of both pedestrians and bicyclists. The separate facilities provide bicyclists who wish to avoid traveling with the stream of traffic through the roundabout an alternative way to cross the roundabout. These facilities are required at multiple-lane roundabouts with sigrfificant numbers of bicyclists, since the negotiation of multiple-lane roundabouts may be dangerous for bicyclists. WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: TIS.wpd 26 817 C REVISIONS DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. S.C.D.P,W. C.R. 48 FIGURE 7 ONE-LANE ROUNDABOUT ON 1~ GROWTH RATE CR 48, NYS ROUTE 25, AND SOUND AVENUE ~/oo 27 REVISIONS DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. S.C.D.P.W. C.R. 48 FIGURE 8 TWO-LANE ROUNDABOUT ON 2.5% GROWTH RATE CR 48, NYS ROUTE 25, AND SOUND AVENUE Tour ng Section I Count Route Length Start Description / ~d Description ~, Year AADT 1~ RT 110 /DEPOT RD / PIGEON HiLL RD ~ 95 31,440/ 1.45 DEPOT RD / PIGEON HILL RD /CB 35 PARK AVE / 94 33,530 I 179 CR 35 PARK AVE ~CR 10 ELWOOD RD / 96 22,760/ 1'12 CR 10 ELWOOD RD ]LARKFIEL~ RD ! 96 32,480 J 015 CR 4 COMMACK RD ~ RT 454 VETS MEN HGWY [ 94 47,370 ~ 0.48 RT 454 VETS MEN HGWY /ACC SUNKEN MEADOW PKWY ~ 94 28,400 [ 2.55 ACC SUNKEN MEADOW PKWY /OLD WlLLETS PATH ~ 96 34,500 ~ 1 37 OLD W LLETS PATH /START 25A O~P , ~ 99 31,57~ / 0.80 Ri OVERPASS liT 111 END 25A OLAP [ 97 30,050/ 1.91 RTl11 END 25A O~P /LAKE AVENUE / 99 32,100/ 0 87 LAKE AVENUE / BT 347 [ 99 24,690 / 0'88 RT347 , / HALLOC~ ..... I 98 26,260l ~;18 HAWKINS AVE/STONYBROOK RD/ CR 97 NICOLLS RD~ 98 38,010 / 2,33 CR 97 NICOLLS RD ~ CR 83 N OCEAN AVE / 97 38,550~ 1.01 CR 83 N OCEAN AVE IRT 112 COrM ~ 97 20,800/ 0.31 RT 112 COrM /MT SINAI-C~,~ R~ , ~ 98 28,1201 3 03 CB 2~ M DDLE SLAND RD ROC~ PT Re /CR 46 W FLOYD PKWY / 99 15,0301 2~84 !CR 46 W FLOYD PKWY /WADING RIVER RD / 99 14,040 1 2.50 WADING RIVER RD / RT 25A ~ 99 7,250 2.20 i RT 25A JEDWARDS A~ , ~ [ 97 1~,770 0.52 CR 58 OLD COUNTRY RD IRT 495 L I E ~ 98 4,450 1.68 RT 495 L I E ] MILL RD ~ 98 8,370 1.20 MILL RD ~ CR 94A RIVERHEAD ] 98 10,170 0.40 CR 94A RIVERHEAD ~CR 6~,RO~.~OK~.AVE ........ 1 ,97 9,800 0,40 CR 58 OLD COUNTRY RD ~ CR 105 CROSS RIVER DR ] 98 22,410 3.30 CR 105 CROSS RIVER DR ] SOUTH JAMESPORT AVE / MANOR ~ I 99 14,670 3.80 SOUTH JAMESPORT AVE / MANOR LA /SOUND AVE MAIN RD MATTITUCK ~ 98 14,660 2.90 SOUND AVE MAiN RD MATTITUC~ IN ~UFFOLK~E CUZCHOGU~¢ , [~ 98 ! 11 470 5.~ TUSKER LA SOUTHOLD / RT 114 I 98 7,430 1.14 BT 114 [CR48 I 97 7,410 5.58 CR 48 [ NARROW RWER RD I 98 4,950 2.67 NARROW RIVER RD / ORIENT PT END 25 I 98 3,540 NEW YORK STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY REPORT AM 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 PM 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 EASTBOUND 5 3 3 2 6 19 98 161 181 118 168 117 140 141 168 138 144 96 76 49 43 28 26 12 TOTALS 1,942 WESTBOUND 3 2 0 4 3 15 56 94 150 115 115 108 159 109 224 ** 158 178 96 90 59 45 36 12 14 1,845 ROUTE 25 CR 48 MIDDLE ROAD TO NARROW RIVER ROAD OCTOBER 1995 FILE NAME RT25 072961095 DAILY TOTAL 3,787 EST. AADT 4,200 ** DENOTES PEAK HOUR HCS Roundabout Analyses WHB\C R 48-98168 00 File: Dividers wp 1% Growth with all right-turn volumes WHB\C R 48-98168 00 File: Dividers wp HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS 'malyst: DEA/jmc --intersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 Scenario Date: 8-24-00 ;cenario Time: 2023 AH @ 1% w/RTs ~Approach Flow Approach Volume Va,e = VI+V2+V3 445 ta,w = V4+V5+V6 402 -,/a,n = V7+V8+V9 212 Va,s = VlO+Vll+V12 77 ;irculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc ~/c,e: V4+V10+V11 218 Vc,w = VI+V7+V8 73 -tc, n = Vl+V2+V10 333' ~tc, s = V4+V5+V7 450 Critical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) ower bound 4.6 3.1 ~lpper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB ~apacity, upper bound 1167 1308 1066 971 ...~pacity, lower bound 964 1091 873 788 v/c ratio, upper bound 0.381 0.307 0.199 0.079 ~/c ratio, lower bound 0.462 0.368 0.243 0.098 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS malyst: DEA/jmc ntersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 · cenario Date: 8-24-00 alenario Time: 2023 PM @ 1% w/RTs ;pproach Flow Approach Volume /a,e = VI+V2+V3 427 /a,w = V4+V5+V6 855 ~a,n = V7+V8+V9 465 ~a,s = VlO+Vll+V12 35 :irculaUng Flows CirculaQng Flow, Vc 'c,e = V4+V10+V11 183 'c,w = Vl+V7+V8 198 'c,n = Vl+V2+V10 295 'c,s = V4+VS+V7 987 CCtical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) ower bound 4.6 3.1 Ipper bound 4.1 2,6 EB WB NB SB ~pacity, upper bound 1200 1186 1099 629 ~_pi~city, lower bound 993 981 902 488 lc ratio, upper bound 0.356 0.721 0.423 0.056 lc ratio, lower bound 0.430 0.872 0.515 0.072 HCS: UnsJgnalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS ',,nalyst: DEA/jmc intersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 Scenario Date: 8-24-00 ~cenario Time: 2023 Sat @ 1% w/RTs Approach Flow Approach Volume ,Va,e = Vl+V2+V3 915 !a,w = V4+VS+V6 876 !a,n = V7+V8+V9 541 Va,s = V10+V11+V12 50 '_irculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc Vc, e -- V4+Vl0+Vl! 466 Vc,w = Vi+VT+V8 220 '~c,n = Vl+V2+V10 718 ~c,s = V4+V5+V7 1039 Critical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) · ower bound 4.6 3.1 Jpper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB · ~pacity, upper bound 959 1166 783 603 :mpadty, lower bound 777 962 622 466 v/c ratio, upper bound 0.954 0.752 0.691 0.083 :~v/c ratio, lower bound 1.177 0.910 0.870 0.107 WHB\C R. 48-98168 00 File: Divlders wp 1% Growth without eastbound and westbound right-turn volumes HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS nalyst: DEA/jmc ~'ntersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 .,~cenario Date: 8-24-00 cenario Time: 2023 AN @ 1% w/out RTs ~pproach Flow Approach Volume ~-~a,e = Vl+V2+V3 292 a,w = V4+VS+V6 402 --~a,n = V7+V8+V9 63 Va,s = V10+V11+V12 77 irculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc 'gc, e = Vq+V10+V11 218 ,,~Vc,w = Vl+VT+V8 73 c,n = Vl+V2+VlO 333 ~:,s = Vq+VS+V7 450 Critical Gap(sec) Followuplime(sec) ~ ,wer bound 4.6 3.1 _pper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB 3pacib/, upper bound 1167 1308 1066 971 =~apacib/, lower bound 964 1091 873 788 v/c ratio, upper bound 0.250 0.307 0.059 0.079 --'c ratio, lower bound 0.303 0.368 0.072 0.098 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS _Analyst: DEA/jmc Tntersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 ~Scenario Date: 8-24-00 :,cenario Time: 2023 PN @ 1% w/out RTs Approach Flow Approach Volume · "Va,e = Vl+V2+V3 281 ~a,w = V4+V5+V6 855 -~/a,n = VT+V8+V9 185 ._Va,s = V10+V11+V12 35 ~rculating Flaws Circulating Flow, Vc --Vc,e = V4+V10+VI! mVc,w = V:I+VT+V8 198 ~c,n = Vl+V2+Vl0 295 _~c,s -- V4+V5+V7 987 Critical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) ~ ower bound 4.6 3.1 ---Jpper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB ~apacity, upper bound 1200 1186 1099 629 ~apacity, lower bound 993 981 902 488 ratio, upper bound 0.234 0.721 0.168 0.056 ratio, lower bound 0.283 0.872 0.205 0.072 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS _a, nalyst: DEA/jmc Intersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 --Scenario Date: 8-24-00 -~cenario Time: 2023 Sat @ 1% w/out RTs '-Approach Flow Approach Volume --Va,e = V:L+V2+V3 692 ,/a,w = V4+VS+V6 876 ='Va, n = VT+VS+V9 199 Va,s = V10+Vll+V12 50 ]irculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc "'Vc,e = V4+V10+VI! 466 ._Vc,w = Vl+V7+V8 220 ,/c,n = Vl+V2+VlO 718 ~,~c,s = V4+VS+V7 1039 Critical Gap(sec) Followup lime(sec) -- ower bound 4.6 3.1 ...Jpper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB ~apacity, upper bound 959 1166 783 603 --Capacity, lower bound 777 962 622 466 v/c ratio, upper bound 0.721 0.752 0.254 0.083 --,/c ratio, lower bound 0.890 0.910 0.320 0.107 2.5% Growth with all right-turn volumes WHB\CR 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS · .nalyst: DEA/jmc --Intersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 _.Scenario Date: 8-24-00 ;cenario Time: 2023 AM ~ 2.5% w/RTs ~Approach Flow Approach Volume · ~la,e = VI+V2+V3 644 /a,w = V4+VS+V6 581 --Va,n: V7+VS+V9 305 Va,s = V10+V11+V12 111 ~rculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc -"Vc,e = V4+V10+Vll 315 ,_Vc,w: Vi+V7+V8 105 Ic, n = Vl+V2+Vl0 482 _~c~s = V4+VS+V7 649 Critical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) ~ ower bound 4.6 3.1 _.Jpper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB mpacity, upper bound 1081 1276 947 828 --capacity, lower bound 887 1062 766 661 v/c ratio, upper bound 0.596 0.455 0.322 0.134 m,/c ratio, lower bound 0.726 0.547 0.398 0.168 HCS: Unsignalized intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS. ~nalyst: DEA/jmc intersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 ..~cenario Date: 8-24-00 ~cenario Time: 2023 PM @ 2.5% w/RTs ~Approach Flow Approach Volume .=~a,e = Vl+V2+V3 617 'a,w = V4+VS+V6 1381 ~/a,n = V7+VB+V9 671 ,..Va,s: V10+V11+V12 51 :irculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc ~c,e = V4+V10+Vll 409 ~Vc,w = Vl+V7+V8 286 'c,n = Vi+V2+Vl0 426 'c,s = V4+V5+V7 1572 Critical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) ower bound 4.6 3.1 _Jpper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB ~pacity, upper bound 1004 1106 990 387 ~apacity, lower bound 817 909 805 284 v/c ratio, upper bound 0.615 1.248 0.678 0.132 '~/c ratio, lower bound 0.755 1.519 0.834 0.179 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS · .nalyst: DEA/jmc rintersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 ..~cenario Date: 8-24-00 ;cenario Time: 2023 Sat @ 2.5% w/RTs Approach Flow Approach Volume · -Ua,e = Vl+V2+V3 1323 ~a,w = V4+V5+V6 1266 -~/a,n = V7+VS+V9 783 Va,s: V10+Vll+V12 71 ;irculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc -'Vc, e = V4+V10+V11 673 ,,..Vc,w = Vl+V7+V8 318 'c,n = Vl+V2+Vl0 1037 _'c,s = V4+VS+V7 1502 Critical Gap(sec) Followup lime(sec) ower bound 4.6 3.1 -Jpper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB mpacity, upper bound 812 1079 604 410 --~Japacity, lower bound 648 884 467 304 v/c ratio, upper bound 1.629 1.173 1.297 0.173 m/c ratio, lower bound 2.043 1.432 1.678 0.234 WIIB\C R 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp 2.5% Growth without eastbound and westbound right-turn volumes HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS_ ;nalyst: DEA/jmc intersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 Scenario Date: 8-24-00 ~enario Time: 2023 AM @ 2.5% w/out RTs Approach Flow Approach Volume Va,e = VI+V2+V3 423 ~a~w = V4+VS+V6 581 .'a,n = V7+V8+V9 90 Va,s = V10+V11+V12 111 :irculating Flows Circulatipg Flow, Vc ¢c,e = V4+V10+V11 315 ,/c,w = VI+V7+V8 105 'c,n = Vl+V2+Vl0 482 'c,s = V4+VS+V7 649 Critical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) ower bound 4.6 3.1 'pper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB ~pacity, upper bound 1081 1276 947 828 apadty, lower bound 887 1062 766 661 v/c ratio, upper bound 0.391 0.455 0.095 0.134 "/c ratio, lower bound 0.477 0.547 0.117 0.168 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYS][S ;nalyst: ' DEA/jmc Intersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 ~cenario Date: 8-24-00 ;cenario Time: 2023 PM @ 2.5% w/out RTs Approach Flow Approach Volume -'-~a,e = Vi+V2+V3 406 /a,w = V4+VS+V6 138! ,/a,n = VT+VS+V9 267 Va,s = V10+Vll+V12 51 :irculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc Vc,e = V4+V10+V11 409 ~c,w: Vl+V7+V8 286 /c,n = Vl+V2+V10 426 /c,s = V4+VS+V7 1572 Critical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) Bower bound 4.6 3.1 Jpper bound 4.1 2,6 EB WB NB SB ~_pacity, upper bound 1004 1106 990 387 ~apacity, lower bound 817 909 805 284 v/c raUo, upper bound 0.405 1.248 0.270 0.132 ~'/c raUo, lower bound 0.497 1.519 0.332 0.179 HCS: Unsignalized Intersections Release 3.1c ROUNDABOUT ANALYSIS. ~nalyst: DEA/jmc Intersection: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 ~cenario Date: 8-24-00 ~cenario Time: 2023 Sat @ 2.5% w/out RTs Approach Flow Approach Volume Va,e -- Vi+V2+V3 1000 /a,w = V4+V5+V6 1266 ,/a,n = V7+V8+V9 288 Va,s = V10+V11+V12 71 _irculating Flows Circulating Flow, Vc Vc, e: V4+V10+Vll 673 Vc,w = Vl+V7+V8 318 !c,n = Vl+V2+Vl0 1037 ,/c,s: V4+V5+V7 1502 Critical Gap(sec) Followup Time(sec) ower bound 4.6 3.1 ,Jpper bound 4.1 2.6 EB WB NB SB ~pacity, upper bound 812 1079 604 410 Capacity, Power bound 648 884 467 304 v/c ratio, upper bound 1.231 1.173 0.477 0.173 ,/c ratio, lower bound 1.544 1.432 0.617 0.234 SIDRA Roundabout Analyses WHB\C R 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp One-Lane Roundabout Design for 1% Growth WHB\C R. 48-98168.00 File: Dividers wp Figures for 1-Lane Roundabout Roundabout Geometry Movement Descriptions 2013 Traffic Volumes WHB\C R 48-98168 O0 File: Dividers wp Akcelik & Associates Pry Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. A0711 Licence Type: Professional, office Time and Date of Analysis 2:51 PM, Aug 25,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 SIDR31 US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version * 10@i%AM * RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@i%AM * Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE pAPJIMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway Vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 197 2.00 0.239 4.51 2.34 Thru 1 Dominant 197 2.00 0.239 4.51 2.34 Right 2 Excl. Slip 160E 2.00 0.199 4.00 2.00 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Dominant 301 2.00 0.234~ 4.91 2.58 Thru 1 Dominant 301 2.00 0.234~ 4.91 2.58 Right 2 Excl. Slip 292E 2.00 0.226~ 4.00 2.00 East: WB C.R. 48 Loft 1 Dominant Thru 1 Dominant Right 1 Dominant North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant Thru 1 Dominant Right 1 Dominant 66 2.00 0.022# 3.64 1.84 66 2.00 0.022~ 3.64 1.84 66 2.00 0.022~ 3.64 1.84 406 2.00 0.424~ 4.77 2.55 406 2.00 0.424~ 4.77 2.55 406 2.00 0.424~ 4.77 2.55 Exiting flow for slip lane traffic "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@i%AM * Table S.3 - INTERSECTION pARAMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total vehicle flow (veh/h) person flow (pers/h) vehicle delay (veh-h/h) person delay (pets-h/h) effective vehicle stops effective person stops cost (USS/h) fuel (L/h) CO2 (kg/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) (pers/h) B B 12.0 13.3 13 17.36 0.208 3O8 7871 1030 1236 3.44 4.13 648 778 146.37 73.6 183.34 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@i%AM * Table S.6 - iNTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed Rate (km/h) (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) INTERSECTION: 1030 3.44 12.0 0.311 0.63 17.36 47.2 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@I%AM * Table S.7 - LJkNE PERFORMANCE .......... r ........................ Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1 265 1272 0.208 13.2 0.66 1.5 13 2 R 2 138 1559 0.088 10.1 0.56 0.6 5 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 3 58 972 0.060 13.1 0.67 0.3 3 2 R 4 135 1354 0.100 7.6 0.55 0.6 5 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 5 364 1777 0.205 13.3 0.65 1.3 11 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 6 70 937 0.075 12.4 0.67 0.5 4 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@1%D~4 * Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. No. TIP Flow Cap. Util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 265 1272 100 0.208* 13.2 0.66 1.5 3.84 2 R 138 1559 100 0.089 10.1 0.56 0.6 1.73 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 58 972 100 0.060 13.1 0.67 0.3 0.86 4 R 135 1354 100 0.100 7.6 0.55 0.6 1.57 East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 364 1777 100 0.205 13.3 0.65 1.3 8.21 North: SB Sound Road 6 LTR 70 937 100 0.075 12.4 0.67 0.5 1.16 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - A~4 ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@1 oAM Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMIssIONS AI~D COST - TOTAL Fuel Cost HC CO NOX CO2 Lead Mov Total Total Total Total Total Total Total iNTERSECTION: 73.6 146.37 0.233 10.18 0.388 183.3 0.00000 pARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS Pump price of fuel (USS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (usS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) HeaXry vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@i%AM * Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Elf Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt .......... %~IV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane No. - ......... (sec) (m) (m) L T R Tot Satf- 1st 2nd x West: EB C.R. 48 0.208 13.2 13 1 LT 10 255 0 265 5 2 R 0 0 138 138 5 0.088 10.1 13 .......... 0.208 12.2 13 10 255 138 403 5 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 52 6 0 58 7 0.060 13.1 5 0.100 7.6 5 2 R 0 0 135 135 5 0.100 9.2 5 52 6 135 193 6 East: WB C.R. 48 0.205 13.3 11 1 LTR 146 208 10 364 5 ...................................... .......................... ~0.205 13.3 11 146 208 10 364 5 North: SB Sound Road 0.075 12.4 4 1 LTR 37 14 19 70 6 .................................... ............................ 0.075 12.4 4 37 14 19 70 6 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max X Delay Queue Arr. HV 0.208 12.0 13 1030 5 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or sign- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes- Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S. 15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg - Aver. LOS No. TIP Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /n) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 265 1272 0.208* 13.2 B 138 1559 0.089 10.1 B 2 R 403 2831 0.208 12.2 B South: NB N.Y.S- Route 25 3 LT 58 972 0.060 13.1 B 135 1354 0.100 7.6 A 4 R 193 2326 0.100 9.2 A East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 364 1777 0.205 13.3 B 364 1777 0 .205 13 .3 B North: SB Sound Road 6 LTR 70 937 0.075 12.4 B * 10@i%AM * 70 937 0.075 12.4 B ALL VEHICLES: 1030 7871 0.208 12.0 B INTERSECTION: 1030 7871 0.208 12.0 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 1-Lane Roundabout-2013 A.M. Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 1-Lane Ronndabout - 2013 A.M. Peak Period Queue Lengths v/cRatios Akcelik & Associates Pry Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Time and Date of Analysis 4:17 PM, Aug 16,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10.years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version * iO@i%PM * RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%PM * Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE PARAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway Vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 257 2.00 0.300 4.63 2.42 Thru 1 Dominant 257 2.00 0.300 4.63 2.42 Right 2 Excl. Slip 244E 2.00 0.287 4.00 2.00 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Dominant 268 2.00 0.206~ 4.77 2.50 Thru 1 Dominant 268 2.00 0.2065 4.77 2.50 Right 2 Excl. Slip 256E 2.00 0.195~ 4.00 2.00 East: WB C.R. 48 Lef~ 1 Dominant 179 2.00 0.160# 3.71 1.92 Thru 1 Dominant 179 2.00 0.160# 3.71 1.92 Right 1 Dominant 179 2.00 0.160# 3.71 1.92 North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant 985 2.00 0.736# 3.97 2.36 Thru 1 Dominant 985 2.00 0.736~ 3.97 2.36 Right 1 Dominant 985 2.00 0.736~ 3.97 2.36 E Exiting flow for slip lane traffic ~ "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** LrNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%PM * Table S.3 - INTERSECTION PARAMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) Performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total vehicle flow (veh/h) person flow (pets/h) vehicle delay (veh-h/h) person delay (pets-h/h) effective vehicle stops (veh/h) effective person stops (pers/h) cost (USS/h) fuel (L/h) CO2 (kg/h) B B 12.5 17.4 40 31.88 0.546 56 7087 1708 2050 5.95 7.14 1104 1325 273.21 137.6 342.59 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, 1-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%PM * Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFOPdvLn-NCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (km/h) INTERSECTION: 1708 5.95 12.5 0.424 0.65 31.88 48.8 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S- Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%PM * Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE .......... Queue Arv Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff- 95% Back Short ane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane L -~ /hI /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) No. No. ! J - ....................... West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1 255 1135 0.225 13.7 0.68 1.6 14 2 R 2 132 1420 0.093 10.5 0.58 0.6 5 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 3 168 1057 0.159 13.0 0.68 1.0 8 2 R 4 253 1391 0.182 7.5 0.56 1.2 10 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 5 866 1586 0.546 13.7 0.66 4.7 40 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 6 34 499 0.068 17.4 0.78 0.4 4 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%PM * Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg- Aver. Eff- 95% Perf. No. TiP Flow Cap. util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 255 1135 100 0.225 13.7 0.68 1.6 3.81 2 R 132 1420 100 0.093 10.5 0.58 0.6 1.70 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 168 1057 100 0.159 13.0 0.68 1.0 2.50 4 R 253 1391 100 0.182 7.5 0.56 1.2 2.96 East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 866 1586 100 0.546* 13.7 0.66 4.7 20.23 North: SB Sound Road 6 ~TR 34 499 100 0.068 17.4 0.78 0.4 0.69 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED ~IERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%PM * Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL ......................... CO NOX C02 Lead Mov Fuel Cost HC Total Total Total Total Total Total Total pARA/METERS USED IN COST CALCLILATIONS Pump price of fuel (uSS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (usS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass (kg) = 0.400 = 0.70 = 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 = 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S- Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%PM * Table S.14 - SUMM3L~Y OF INPUT AbrD OUTPUT DATA L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) ( ) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 12 243 0 255 5 0.225 13.7 14 2 R 0 0 132 132 5 0.093 10.5 14 12 243 132 387 5 0.225 12.6 14 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 157 11 0 168 5 0.159 13.0 10 2 R 0 0 253 253 5 0.182 7.5 10 157 11 253 421 5 0.182 9.7 10 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 238 591 37 866 5 0.546 13.7 40 238 591 37 866 5 0.546 13.7 40 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 13 7 14 34 9 0.068 17.4 4 13 7 14 34 9 0.068 17.4 4 ALL VE~ICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. ~rV X Delay Queue 1708 5 0.546 12.5 40 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or si~n- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 1% ~rowth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%PM * Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total De~. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /n) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 255 1135 0.225 13.7 B 2 R 132 1420 0.093 10.5 B 387 2555 0.225 12.6 B South: NB N.Y.So Route 25 3 LT 168 1057 0.159 13.0 B 4 R 253 1391 0.182 7.5 A 421 2448 0.182 9.7 A East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 866 1586 0.546* 13.7 B 866 1586 0.546 13.7 B North: SB Sound Road 6 LTR 34 499 0.068 17.4 B 34 499 0.068 17.4 B ALL VEHICLES: 1708 7087 0.546 12.5 B INTERSECTION: 1708 7087 0.546 12.5 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 1-Lane Roundabout - 2013 P.M. Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 1-Lane Roundabout - 2013 P.M. Peak Period Queue Lengths v/cRatios Akcelik & Associates Pry Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Time and Date of Analysis 4:18 PM, Aug 16,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 SIDKA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version * iO@I%SAT RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRAUS Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@I%SAT Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE PARAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway Vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 421 2.00 0.443 4.34 2.33 Thru 1 Dominant 421 2.00 0.443 4.34 2.33 Right 2 Excl. Slip 398E 2.00 0.425 4.00 2.00 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Dominant 649 2.00 0.557~ 4.41 2.46 Thru 1 Dominant 649 2.00 0.557~ 4.41 2.46 Right 2 Excl. Slip 630E 2.00 0.546~ 4.00 2.00 East: WB C.R. 48 Left 1' Dominant 199 2.00 Thru 1 Dominant 199 2.00 Right 1 Dominant 199 2.00 0.209~ 3.73 1.93 0.209% 3.73 1.93 0.209~ 3.73 1.93 North: SB sound Road 4.03 2.37 Left 1 Dominant 941 2.00 0.724~ 941 2.00 0.724~ 4.03 2.37 2.37 Thru 1 Dominan~ 941 2.00 0.7~!~ .... !_~ ............ Right 1 Dominan ' E Exitin~ flow for slip lanetraffic ~ ,'Extra bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%SAT Table S.3 - iNTERSECTION pARAMETERS _-- ---intersection Level of SerVmc~ = ~ Worst movement Level of Service 14.4 Average intersection delay (s) = Largest average movement delay (s) = Largest back of queue, 95% (m) performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) Total vehicle flow (veh/h) Total person flow (pers/h) Total vehicle delay (veh-h/h) Total person delay (pers-h/h) = Total effective vehicle stops (veh/h) = Total effective person stops (pers/h) Total cost (USS/h) Total fuel {L/h) Total CO2 (kg/h) 17.6 64 42.01 0.611 39 5923 2158 2590 8.63 10.36 1611 1933 318.49 158.5 394.74 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%SAT Table S.6 - iNTERSECTION pERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. prop. Eff. perf- Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed Rate (km/h) (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) iNTERSECTION: 45.4 2158 8.63 14.4 0.618 0.75 42.01 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION-*** Roundabout * 10@i%SAT Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1 626 1024 0.611 16.7 0.85 7.5 64 2 R 2 202 1235 0.163 11.4 0.64 1.3 11 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 3 181 692 0.261 16.1 0.82 1.7 14 2 R 4 311 906 0.343 10.5 0.75 2.7 23 Bast: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 5 793 1527 0.519 14.3 0.67 4.4 37 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 6 45 538 0.084 17.6 0.79 0.5 5 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@I%SAT Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE SUPS~L~RY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. No. Typ Flow Cap. util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 626 1024 100 0.611' 16.7 0.85 7.5 11.72 2 R 202 1235 100 0.164 11.4 0.64 1.3 2.81 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 181 692 100 0.262 16.1 0.82 1.7 3.18 4 R 311 906 100 0.343 10.5 0.75 2.7 4.61 East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 793 1527 100 0.519 14.3 0.67 4.4 18.76 North: SB Sound Road 6~LT~ 45 538 100 0.084 17.6 0.79 0.5 0.91 *Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL ............................ CO NOX C02 Lead Mov Fuel Cost Total Total Total Total Total Total Total INTERSECTION: 158.5 318.49 0.506 22.43 0.846 394.7 0.00000 * 10@i%SAT pARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCLrLJkTIONS Pump price of fuel (uSS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (usS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * iO@i%SAT Table S. 14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA ................... Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Ad3 . Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane No. - ................... (sec) (m) (m) Satf. 1st 2nd x L T R Tot West: EB C.R. 48 0.611 16.7 64 1 LT 19 607 0 626 5 2 R 0 0 202 202 5 0.163 11.4 64 19 607 202 828 5 0.611 15.4 64 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 171 10 0 181 6 0.261 16.1 23 0 0 311 311 5 0.343 10.5 23 ltl 10 311 492 5 0.343 12.5 23 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 388 382 23 793 5 0.519 14.3 37 388 382 23 793 5 0.~519 14.3 37 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 23 11 11 45 7 0.084 17.6 5 23 11 11 45 7 0.084 17.6 5 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arv. HV X Delay Queue 2158 5 0.611 14.4 64 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or sign- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 10@i%SAT Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap- of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 626 1024 0.611' 16.7 B 2 R 202 1235 0.164 11.4 B 828 2259 0.611 15.4 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 181 692 0.262 16.1 B 4 R 311 906 0.343 10.5 B 492 1598 0.343 12.5 B East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 793 1527 0.519 14.3 B 793 1527 0.519 14.3 B North: SB Sound Road 6 LTR 45 538 0.084 17.6 B 45 538 0.084 17.6 B ALL VEHICLES: 2158 5923 0.611 14.4 B INTERSECTION: 2158 5923 0.611 14.4 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output 1-Lane Roundabout - 2013 Sat Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 1-Lane Roundabout - 2013 Sat Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios 2023 Traffic Volumes WHB\C R 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer Mo Cato Registered User No. *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Time and Date of Analysis 4:21 PM, Aug 16,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S- Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version * 20@l%AM * RUN iNFORMATION * Basic Parameters: intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRAUS Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S- Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%AM * Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE pARAMETERS .................... Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow Turn Lane Lane Up No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Flow Headway Vehicles (s) Headway (s) (pcu/h) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 2.34 Left 1 Dominant 218 2.00 0.261 4.50 Thru 1 Dominant 218 2.00 0.261 4.50 2.34 Right 2 Excl. Slip 177E 2.00 0.218 4.00 2.00 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Dominant 333 2.00 0.268~ 4.86 2.57 Thru 1 Dominant 333 2.00 0.268~ 4.86 2.57 Right 2 Excl. Slip 323E 2.00 0.260~ 4.00 2.00 East: WB C.R. 48 Left' 1 Dominant 73 2.00 0.033~ 3.64 1.85 Thru 1 Dominant 73 2.00 0.033# 3.64 1.85 Right 1 Dominant 73 2.00 0.033~ 3.64 1.85 North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant 450 2.00 0.45~ 4.70 2.54 Thru 1 Dominant 450 2.00 0.458# 4.70 2.54 Right 1 Dominant 450 2.00 0.458~ 4.70 2.54 E Exiting flow for slip lane traffic # "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** IINREGISTEREDVERSION *** Roundabout * 20@1%AM * Table S.3 - INTERSECTION pAi%AMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) = Performance Index = Degree of saturation (highest) = Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) = Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) = Total vehicle flow (veh/h) = Total person flow (pers/h) = Total vehicle delay (veh-h/h) Total person delay (pers-h/h) Total effective vehicle stops (veh/h) Total effective person stops (pers/h) Total cost (USS/h) Total fuel (L/h) Total C02 (kg/h) = B B 12.1 13.4 15 19.37 0.235 262 7724 1140 1368 3.85 4.61 724 869 162.43 81.7 203.33 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@1%AM * Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (km/h) INTERSECTION: 1140 3.85 12.1 0.333 0.64 19.37 47.1 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%AM * Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1 293 1248 0.235 13.4 0.66 1.7 15 2 R 2 153 1533 0.100 10.2 0.57 0.7 6 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 3 64 950 0.067 13.3 0.68 0.4 3 2 R 4 149 1314 0.113 7.8 0.57 0.7 6 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 5 404 1769 0.228 13.3 0.65 1.4 12 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 6 77 909 0.085 12.7 0.68 0.6 5 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%AM * Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf o No. T!rp Flow Cap. util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 293 1248 100 0.235* 13.4 0.66 1.7 4.29 2 R 153 1533 100 0.100 10.2 0.57 0.7 1.93 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 64 950 100 0.067 13.3 0.68 0.4 0.96 149 1314 100 0.113 7.8 0.57 0.7 1.77 4 R East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 404 1769 100 0.228 13.3 0.65 1.4 9.12 North: SB Sound Road 6 ~TR 77 909 100 0.085 12.7 0.68 0.6 1.30 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%AM * Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX CO2 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total L/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h INTERSECTION: 81.7 162.43 0.259 11.30 0.430 203.3 0.00000 PARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS Pump price of fuel (USS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (USS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%AM * Table S. 14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AIqD OUTPUT DATA --- Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt No. _ ................... %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 11 282 0 293 5 0.235 13.4 15 0 0 153 153 5 0.100 10.2 15 2 R 0.235 12.3 15 11 282 153 446 5 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 58 6 0 64 6 0.067 13.3 6 0.113 7.8 6 2 R 0 0 149 149 5 58 6 149 213 5 0.113 9.4 6 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 162 231 11 404 5 0.228 13.3 12 162 231 11 404 5 ~ 0.228 13.3 12 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 41 15 21 77 5 0.085 12.7 5 41 15 21 77 5 0.085 12.7 5 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. HV X Delay Queue 1140 5 0.235 12.1 15 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or sign- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** LrNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@1%~4 * Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /n) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 293 1248 0.235* 13.4 B 2 R 153 1533 0.100 10.2 B 446 2781 0.235 12.3 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 64 950 0.067 13.3 B 4 R 149 1314 0.113 7.8 A 213 2264 0.113 9.4 A East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 404 1769 0.228 13.3 B 404 1769 0.228 13.3 B North: SB Sound Road 6 LTR 77 909 0.085 12.7 B 77 909 0.085 12.7 B ALL VEHICLES: 1140 7724 0.235 12.1 B INTERSECTION: 1140 7724 0.235 12.1 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDP~A Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 1-Lane Roundabout - 2023 A.M. Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 1-Lane Roundabout - 2023 A.M. Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Time and Date of Analysis 4:22 PM, Aug 16,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 SIDP~A US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version * 20@l%PM * RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@1%PM * Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE pARAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 283 2.00 0.325 4.61 2.42 Thru 1 Dominant 283 2.00 0.325 4.61 2.42 Right 2 Excl. Slip 269E 2.00 0.312 4.00 2.00 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Dominant 295 2.00 0.238# 4.74 2.50 Thru 1 Dominant 295 2.00 0.2385 4.74 2.50 Right 2 Excl. Slip 282E 2.00 0.226# 4.00 2.00 East: WB C.R. 48 Left i Dominant 198 2.00 0o184~ 3.73 1.93 Thru 1 Dominant 198 2.00 0.184~ 3.73 1.93 8 2 00 0 184~ 3.73 1.93 Right 1 Dominant 19 - · ....... North: SB Sound Road 2.32 Left 1 Dominant 1087 2.00 0.770~ 3.83 Thru 1 Dominant 1087 2.00 0.770~ 3.83 2.32 1087 2.00 0.770~ 3.83 2.32 Right 1 Dominant ~ ...... · lane traffic E Exiting flow for slmp - ~r~ase or decrease in the amount ~ "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percennage ~ .... of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%PM * Table S.3 - iNTERSECTION pAR3kMETERS ............................. ............... ......... intersection Level of Service B Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) = 12.8 Largest average movement delay (s) = 19.2 = 49 Largest back of queue, 95% (m) 35.69 Performance Index 0.617 Degree of saturation (highest) 38 practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) % 6843 Total vehicle flow (veh/h) = 1883 Total person flow (pers/h) = 2260 Total vehicle delay (veh-h/h) = 6.68 8.02 Total person delay (pers-h/h) 1237 Total effective vehicle stops (veh/h) Total effective person stops (pers/h) 1485 302.22 Total cost (usS/h) = 152.0 Total fuel (L/h) = 378.49 Total C02 (kg/h) C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** LrNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@1%PM * Table S.6 - iNTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. prop. Eff. perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (km/h) (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate iNTERSECTION: 1883 6.68 12.8 0.470 0.66 35.69 48.6 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%PM * Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE ................. Qu e u e Arv Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Elf- 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs} (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1 281 1103 0.255 13.9 0.69 1.9 16 2 R 2 146 1385 0.105 10.6 0.59 0.7 6 South: NB N.Y.S- Route 25 1 LT 3 185 1029 0.180 13.2 0.70 1.1 10 2 R 4 280 1356 0.207 7.7 0.57 1.4 12 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 5 955 1547 0.617 14.0 0.67 5.8 49 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 6 36 424 0.085 19.2 0.82 0.5 5 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout Table S. 10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE sUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg - Aver - Eff · 95% Perf. No. TIP Flow Cap. util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index Rate Queue (veh (veh /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 281 1103 100 0.255 13.9 0.69 1.9 4.26 1 LT ~A~ 1385 100 0.105 10.6 0.59 0.7 1.90 2 R ~o South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 185 1029 100 0.180 13.2 0.70 1.1 2.79 3 LT 3.33 4 R 280 1356 100 0.206 7.7 0.57 1.4 East: WB C.R. 48955 1547 100 0.617' 14.0 0.67 5.8 22.63 5 LTR - North: SB Sound Road * 20@l%PM * 6 LTR 36 424 100 0.085 19.2 0.82 0.5 0.77 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%PM * Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX CO2 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total L/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h pARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS Pump price of fuel (uSS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (USS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S- Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@1%PM * Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Ad]] Eff Grn Deg Aver 95% Shrt No. _ ................... %HV Basmc (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 13 268 0 281 5 0.255 13.9 16 2 R 0 0 146 146 5 0.105 10.6 16 13 268 146 427 5 0.255 12.8 16 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 173 12 0 185 5 0.180 13.2 12 0.207 7.7 12 2 R 0 0 280 280 5 ..................... 173 12 280 465 5 0.207 9.9 12 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 263 651 41 955 5 0.617 14.0 49 263 651 41 955 5 -0.617 14.0 49 .......................... North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 14 7 15 36 8 0.085 19.2 5 0.085 19.2 5 14 7 15 36 8 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. HV X Delay Queue 1883 5 0.617 12.8 49 Total flow period = 60 minutes- Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or sign- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane intersection ID: 1 *** UNREGISTERED VERSION *** Roundabout * 20@l%PM * Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg. Aver. LOS No. TIP Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 281 1103 0.255 13.9 B 2 R 146 1385 0.105 10.6 B 427 2488 0.255 12.8 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 185 1029 0.180 13.2 B 4 R 280 1356 0.206 7.7 A 465 2385 0.206 9.9 A East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 955 1547 0.617' 14.0 B 955 1547 0.617 14.0 B North: SB Sound Road 6 LTR 36 424 0.085 19.2 B 36 424 0.085 19.2 B ALL VEHICLES: 1883 6843 0.617 12.8 B INTERSECTION: 1883 6843 0.617 12.8 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods End of aaSIDRA Output --- 1-Lane Roundabout - 2023 P.M. Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 1-Lane Roundabout - 2023 P.M. Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. A0711 Licence Type: Professional, office Time and Date of Analysis 4:57 PM, Aug 28,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version * 20@I%SAT RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@i%SAT Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE pARAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway Vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 466 2.00 0.477 3.76 2.03 Thru 1 Dominant 466 2.00 0.477 3.76 2.03 Right 2 Subdominant 466 2.00 0.477 4.00U 2.00U South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Subdominant 718 2.00 0.594~ 4.41 2.50 Thru 1 Subdominant 718 2.00 0.594~ 4.41 2.50 Right 2 Dominant 718 2.00 0.594~ 4.00U 2.00U East: WB C.R. 48 Left '1 Dominant 220 2.00 0.236~ 3.74 1.94 Thru 1 Dominant 220 2.00 0.236# 3.74 1.94 Right 1 Dominant 220 2.00 0.236# 3.74 1.94 North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant 1039 2.00 0.759# 3.89 2.33 Thru 1 Dominant 1039 2.00 0.759~ 3.89 2.33 Right 1 Dominant 1039 2.00 0.759# 3.89 2.33 U User specified critical gap or follow-up headway for an entry stream # "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@I%SAT Table S.3 - INTERSECTION PARAMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) Performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total vehicle flow (veh/h) person flow (pers/h) vehicle delay (veh-h/h) person delay (pers-h/h) effective vehicle stops effective person stops cost (USS/h) fuel (L/h) c02 (kg/h) (veh/h) (veh/h) (pers/h) B B 15.1 19.2 61 55.71 0.596 43 5655 2445 2934 10.28 12.34 1890 2268 452.53 222.3 553.58 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@i%SAT Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (km/h) INTERSECTION: 2445 10.28 15.1 0.667 0.77 55.71 48.3 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@i%SAT Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ......... ~- Lane No. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1 692 1161 0.596 16.1 0.82 7.2 61 2 R 2 247 1154 0.214 11.7 0.69 1.7 14 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 3 200 610 0.328 17.0 0.87 2.0 17 2 R 3, 380 783 0.486 15.3 0.90 4.4 35 4 East: WB C.Ro 48 1 LTR 5 876 1483 0.591 14.6 0.68 5.3 45 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 6 50 465 0.108 19.2 0.83 0.7 6 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@l%SAT Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. No. Typ Flow Cap. Util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 692 1161 100 0.596* 16.1 0.82 7.2 12.37 2 R 247 1154 100 0.214 11.7 0.69 1.7 6.37 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 200 610 68 0.328 17.0 0.87 2.0 3.69 4 R 380 783 100 0.485 15.3 0.90 4.4 11.21 East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 876 1483 100 0.591 14.6 0.68 5.3 21.01 North: SB Sound Road 6 LTR 50 465 100 0.108 19.2 0.83 0.7 1.07 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@i%SAT Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX CO2 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total n/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h INTERSECTION: 222.3 452.53 0.691 27.99 1.122 553.6 0.00000 pARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS Pump price of fuel (USS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (USS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@l%SAT Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT Ai~D OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt No. _ ................... %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 21 671 0 692 5 0.596 16.1 61 2 R 0 0 247 247 5 0.214 11.7 61 21 671 247 939 5 0.596 15.0 61 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 189 11 0 200 5 0.328 17.0 35 2 R 0 0 380 380 5 0.486 15.3 35 189 11 380 580 5 0.486 15.9 35 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LTR 428 422 26 876 5 0.591 14.6 45 428 422 26 876 5 0.591 14.6 45 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 26 12 12 50 6 0.108 19.2 6 26 12 12 50 6 0.108 19.2 6 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. HA; X Delay Queue 2445 5 0.596 15.1 61 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or sign- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 1% growth, l-lane Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@l%SAT Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 692 1161 0.596* 16.1 B 2 R 247 1154 0.214 11.7 B 939 2315 0.596 15.0 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 3 LT 200 610 0.328 17.0 B 4 R 380 783 0.485 15.3 B 580 1393 0.485 15.9 B East: WB C.R. 48 5 LTR 876 1483 0.591 14.6 B 876 1483 0.591 14.6 B North: SB Sound Road 6 LTR 50 465 0.108 19.2 B 50 465 0.108 19.2 B ALL VEHICLES: 2445 5655 0.596 15.1 B INTERSECTION: 2445 5655 0.596 15.1 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 1-Lane Roundabout - 2023 Sat Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 1-Lane Roundabout - 2023 Sat Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios Two-Lane Roundabout Design for 2.5% Growth WHB\C R 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp Figures for 2-Lane Roundabout Roundabout Geometry Movement Descriptions 2013 Traffic Volumes WHB\C.R 48-98168 00 File: Dividers wp Akcelik & Associates Pry Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. A0711 Licence Type: Professional, office Time and Date of Analysis 9:32 AM, Au~ 18,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM * 10@2_5~1 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - ~4 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5-1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE p~qAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway Vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Subdominant 245 2.00 0.288 4.06 2.48 Thru 1 Subdominant 245 2.00 0.288 4.06 2.48 2 Dominant 245 2.00 0.288 3.62 2.21 Right 2 Dominant 245 2.00 0.288 4.00U 2.00U South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Subdominant 377 1.49 0.214~ 4.61 2.89 Thru 1 Subdominant 377 1.49 0.214~ 4.61 2.89 Hight 2 Dominant 377 1.49 0.214~ 4.00U 2.00U East: WB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 83 2.00 0.041# 3.09 1.83 Thru 1 Dominant 83 2.00 0.041# 3.09 1.83 2 Subdominant 83 2.00 0.041# 3.91 2.32 Right 2 Subdominant 83 2.00 0.041# 3.91 2.32 North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant 506 1.38 0.377# 4.14 2.66 Thru i Dominant 506 1.38 0.377# 4.14 2.66 Right 1 Dominant 506 1.38 0.377# 4.14 2.66 U User specified critical gap or follow-up headway for an entry stream # "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5-1 no RTs Table S.3 - INTERSECTION PARAMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) Performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total vehicle flow (veh/h) person flow (pers/h) vehicle delay (veh-h/h) person delay (pers-h/h) effective vehicle stops (veh/h) effective person stops (pers/h) cost (USS/h) fuel (L/h) C02 (kg/h) = B = B 12.0 13.5 12 21.79 0.194 339 8875 1282 1538 4.27 5.12 821 986 = 183.60 = 91.9 = 228.91 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout 2-lane EB and WB approaches, * 10@2 5~1 no RTs Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (kin/h) INTERSECTION: 1282 4.27 12.0 0.323 0.64 21.79 47.4 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5~1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.7 - IJ~NE PERFOP34ANCE Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane NO. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1, 229 1184 0.194 12.7 0.65 1.2 10 2 2 TR 2, 274 1414 0.194 11.9 0.63 1.4 12 3 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 78 72 849 0.085 12.6 0.69 0.4 3 2 R 9 168 1263 0.133 9.0 0.64 0.8 7 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 4, 255 1832 0.139 13.5 0.63 0.7 6 5 2 TR 5, 198 1426 0.139 11.8 0.61 0.7 6 6 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 10 86 908 0.095 11.6 0.69 0.5 4 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM * 10@2 5~1 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY ~ PERFORMANCE SUMM3LRY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. No. Typ Flow Cap. Util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (yah Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 12 62 100 0.194' 12.7 0.67 1.2 0.18 2 T 319 1647 100 0.194' 12.5 0.64 1.4 4.54 3 R 172 888 100 0.194' 11.9 0.63 1.4 2.33 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 72 849 100 0.085 12.6 0.69 0.4 1.09 9 R 168 1263 100 0.133 9.0 0.64 0.8 2.09 East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 182 1309 100 0.139 13.5 0.'65 0.7 4.17 5 T 259 1863 100 0.139 12.3 0.61 0.7 5.71 6 R 12 86 100 0.140 11.8 0.62 0.7 0.26 North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 86 908 100 0.095 11.6 0.69 0.5 1.41 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5~1 no RTs Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX CO2 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total L/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h INTERSECTION: 91.9 183.60 0.289 12.42 0.477 228.9 0.00000 pARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS Pump price of fuel (USS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (USS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.4O 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM * 10@2_5~1 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt No. _ ................... %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 12 217 0 229 5 0.194 12.7 12 2 TR 0 102 172 274 5 0.194 11.9 12 12 319 172 503 5 0.194 12.3 12 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 65 7 0 72 6 0.085 12.6 7 2 R 0 0 168 168 5 0.133 9.0 7 65 7 168 240 5 0.133 10.1 7 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 182 73 0 255 5 0.139 13.5 6 2 TR 0 186 12 198 5 0.139 11.8 6 182 259 12 453 5 0.139 12.8 6 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 46 17 23 86 5 0.095 11.6 4 46 17 23 86 5 0.095 11.6 4 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. HV X Delay Queue 1282 5 0.194 12.0 12 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or sign- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of c/ueue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - A/M ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5-1 no RTs Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 12 62 0.194' 12.7 B 2 T 319 1647 0.194' 12.5 B 3 R 172 888 0.194' 11.9 B 503 2597 0.194 12.3 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 72 849 0.085 12.6 B 9 R 168 1263 0.133 9.0 A 240 2112 0.133 10.1 B East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 182 1309 0.139 13.5 B 5 T 259 1863 0.139 12.3 B 6 R 12 86 0.140 11.8 B 453 3258 0.~40 12.8 B North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 86 908 0.095 11.6 B 86 908 0.095 11.6 B ALL VEHICLES: 1282 8875 0.194 12.0 B INTERSECTION: 1282 8875 0.194 12.0 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 2-Lane Roundabout - 2013 A.M. Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 2-Lane Roundabout - 2013 A.M. Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios Akcelik & Associates Pry Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. A0711 Licence Type: Professional, office Time and Date of Analysis 9:35 ~M, Aug 18,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version RUN iNFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile * 10@2 5~2 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM -- ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE pARAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Subdominant 320 2.00 0.359 4.03 2.49 Thru 1 Subdominant 320 2.00 0.359 4.03 2.49 2 Dominant 320 2.00 0.359 3.63 2.24 Right 2 Dominant 320 2.00 0.359 4.00U 2.00U South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Subdominant 333 1.45 0.178~ 4.17 2.59 Thru 1 Subdominant 333 1.45 0.178~ 4.17 2.59 Right 2 Dominant 333 1.45 0.178~ 4.00U 2.00U East: WB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 223 2.00 0.205~ 3.19 1.94 Thru 1 Dominant 223 2.00 0.205~ 3.19 1.94 2 Subdominant 223 2.00 0.205# 3.88 2.36 Right 2 Subdominant 223 2.00 0.205# 3.88 2.36 North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant 1229 1.41 0.689~ 3.22 2.40 Thru 1 Dominant 1229 1.41 0.689~ 3.22 2.40 Right 1 Dominant 1229 1.41 0.689~ 3.22 2.40 U User specified critical gap or follow-up headway for an entry stream # "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5-2 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.3 - INTERSECTION PARAMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) Performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total vehicle flow (veh/h) person flow (pets/h) vehicle delay (veh-h/h) person delay (pers-h/h) (veh/h) effective vehicle stops (veh/h) effective person stops (pets/h) cost (usS/h) fuel (L/h) co2 (kg/h) = B B 12.3 14.2 21 39.71 0.387 120 8089 2127 2552 7.28 8.74 1412 1695 = 341.73 = 171.6 = 427.30 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5~2 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (kin/h) INTERSECTION: 2127 7.28 12.3 0.404 0.66 39.71 49.1 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5-2 no RTs Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1, 220 1089 0.202 13.2 0.67 1.2 10 2 2 TR 2, 262 1299 0.202 12.2 0.66 1.5 12 3 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 78 209 1013 0.206 12.3 0.69 1.0 9 2 R 9 316 1304 0.242 9.0 0.65 1.6 14 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 4, 599 1556 0.385 13.6 0.66 2.4 21 5 2 TR 5, 480 1247 0.385 12.5 0.66 2.4 20 6 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 10 41 581 0.071 14.2 0.80 0.3 3 * 10@2 5~2 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM -- ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. No. Typ Flow Cap. util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 14 69 100 0.203 13.2 0.70 1.2 0.22 2 T 303 1501 100 0.202 12.9 0.67 1.5 4.43 3 R 165 818 100 0.202 12.2 0.65 1.5 2.30 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 209 1013 100 0.206 12.3 0.69 1.0 3.14 9 R 316 1304 100 0.242 9.0 0.65 1.6 3.97 East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 297 772 100 0.385 13.6 0~67 2.4 6.99 5 T 736 1912 100 0.385 12.9 0.65 2.4 16.88 6 R 46 119 100 0.387* 12.5 0.67 2.4 1.04 North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 41 581 100 0.071 14.2 0.80 0.3 0.75 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS ~ COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX C02 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total n/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h INTERSECTION: 171.6 341.73 0.530 21.68 0.877 427.3 0.00000 PARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS Pump price of fuel (USS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (usS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT ~ OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt No. _ ................... %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. let 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 14 206 0 220 5 0.202 13.2 12 2 TR 0 97 165 262 5 0.202 12.2 12 14 303 165 482 5 0.202 12.7 12 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 196 13 0 209 5 0.206 12.3 14 2 R 0 0 316 316 5 0.242 9.0 14 196 13 316 525 5 0.242 10.3 14 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 297 302 0 599 5 0.385 13.6 21 2 TR 0 434 46 480 5 0.385 12.5 21 297 736 46 1079 5 0.385 13.1 21 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 16 8 17 41 7 0.071 14.2 3 16 8 17 41 7 0.071 14.2 3 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. HV X Delay Queue 2127 5 0.387 12.3 21 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or si~n- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 10 years at 2.5% ~rowth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5~2 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total De~. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 14 69 0.203 13.2 B 2 T 303 1501 0.202 12.9 B 3 R 165 818 0.202 12.2 B 482 2388 0.203 12.7 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 209 1013 0.206 12.3 B 9 R 316 1304 0.242 9.0 A 525 2317 0.242 10.3 B East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 297 772 0.385 13.6 ~ B 5 T 736 1912 0.385 12.9 B 6 R 46 119 0.387* 12.5 B 1079 2803 0.387 13.1 B North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 41 581 0.071 14.2 B 41 581 0.071 14.2 B D~LL VEHICLES: 2127 8089 0.387 12.3 B INTERSECTION: 2127 8089 0.387 12.3 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 2-Lane Roundabout - 2013 P.M. Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 2-Lane Roundabout - 2013 P.M. Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios Akcelik & Associates Pry Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. A0711 Licence Type: Professional, office Time and Date of Analysis 9:37 AM, Aug 18,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 SIDRAUS Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (BCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE PARAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 526 2.00 0.518 3.39 2.19 Thru 1 Dominant 526 2.00 0.518 3.39 2.19 2 Subdominant 526 2.00 0.518 3.75 2.42 Right 2 Subdominant 526 2.00 0.518 4.00U 2.00U South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Subdominant 809 1.43 0.497~ 3.74 2.56 Thru 1 Subdominant 809 1.43 0.497~ 3.74 2.56 Right 2 Dominant 809 1.43 0.497~ 4.00U 2.00U East: WB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 248 2.00 0.251# 3.33 2.03 Thru 1 Dominant 248 2.00 0.251~ 3.33 2.03 2 Subdominant 248 2.00 0.251# 3.91 2.39 Right 2 Subdominant 248 2.00 0.251# 3.91 2.39 North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant 1173 1.41 0.675~ 3.27 2.43 Thru 1 Dominant 1173 1.41 0.675# 3.27 2.43 Right 1 Dominant 1173 1.41 0.675# 3.27 2.43 U User specified critical gap or follow-up headway for an entry stream "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.3 - INTERSECTION P~=DgLMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) Performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total vehicle flow (veh/h) person flow (pers/h) vehicle delay (veh-h/h) person delay (pers-h/h) effective vehicle stops (veh/h) effective person stops (pers/h) cost (USS/h) fuel (L/h) CO2 (kg/h) = B = B = 14.1 = 14.8 = 39 = 52.10 0.491 73 6797 2688 3226 10.53 12.63 2089 2507 399.64 198.3 493.70 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (km/h) INTERSECTION: 2688 10.53 14.1 0.595 0.78 52.10 45.7 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5-2 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.7 - LJ~NE PERFORMANCE Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1, 530 1079 0.491 14.8 0.78 4.3 36 2 2 TR 2, 502 1022 0.491 14.7 0.80 4.6 39 3 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 78 225 674 0.334 14.6 0.85 1.6 14 2 R 9 387 797 0.485 12.9 0.96 4.0 34 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 4, 541 1432 0.378 14.7 0.67 2.4 20 5 2 TR 5, 448 1188 0.378 12.7 0.67 2.3 20 6 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 10 55 606 0.091 14.4 0.81 0.4 4 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE SU~9~ARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. No. Typ Flow Cap. Util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 23 47 100 0.489 14.8 0.80 4.3 0.40 2 T 757 1541 100 0.491' 14.7 0.80 4.6 12.74 3 R 252 513 100 0.491' 14.7 0.78 4.6 4.16 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 225 674 100 0.334 14.6 0.85 1.6 3.88 9 R 387 797 100 0.486 12.9 0.96 4.0 6.61 East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 484 1282 100 0.378 14.7 0~.68 2.4 11.62 5 T 476 1261 100 0.377 12.9 0.66 2.4 11.02 6 R 29 77 100 0.377 12.7 0.67 2.3 0.66 North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 55 606 100 0.091 14.4 0.81 0.4 1.02 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, Intersection ID: Roundabout * 10@2 5~2 no RTs Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX C02 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total L/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h INTERSECTION: 198.3 399.64 0.628 27.43 1.044 493.7 0.00000 PARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCUI~iTIONS Pump price of fuel (USS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (USS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heav~; vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 10@2 5~2 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt No. _ ................... %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 23 507 0 530 5 0.491 14.8 39 2 TR 0 250 252 502 5 0.491 14.7 39 23 757 252 1032 5 0.491 14.7 39 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 213 12 0 225 5 0.334 14.6 34 2 R 0 0 387 387 5 0.485 12.9 34 213 12 387 612 5 0.485 13.5 34 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 484 57 0 541 5 0.378 14.7 20 2 TR 0 419 29 448 5 0.378 12.7 20 484 476 29 989 5 0.378 13.8 20 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 29 13 13 55 5 0.091 14.4 4 29 13 13 55 5 0.091 14.4 4 ALL VE~ICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. HV X Delay Queue 2688 5 0.491 14.1 39 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or sign- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 10@2_5~2 ETC + 10 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg. Aver. LOS NO. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 23 47 0.489 14.8 B 2 T 757 1541 0.491' 14.7 B 3 R 252 513 0.491' 14.7 B 1032 2101 0.491 14.7 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 225 674 0.334 14.6 B 9 R 387 797 0.486 12.9 B 612 1471 0.486 13.5 B East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 484 1282 0.378 14.7 B 5 T 476 1261 0.377 12.9 B 6 R 29 77 0.377 12.7 B 989 2620 0.378 13.8 B North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 55 606 0.091 14.4 B 55 606 0.091 14.4 B ALL VEHICLES: 2688 6797 0.491 14.1 B INTERSECTION: 2688 6797 0.491 14.1 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output 2-Lane Roundabout - 2013 Sat Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 2-Lane Roundabout - 2013 Sat Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios 2023 Traffic Volumes WHB\C R. 48-98168.00 File: Dividers.wp Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. A0711 Licence Type: Professional, Office Time and Date of Analysis 9:40 AM, Aug 18,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM * 20@2 5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM * 20@2 5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE PARAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway Vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Subdominant 315 2.00 0.354 3.99 2.47 Thru 1 Subdominant 315 2.00 0.354 3.99 2.47 2 Dominant 315 2.00 0.354 3.56 2.20 Right 2 Dominant 315 2.00 0.354 4.00U 2.00U South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Subdominant 482 1.50 0.299~ 4.47 2.85 Thru 1 Subdominant 482 1.50 0.299~ 4.47 2.85 Right 2 Dominant 482 1.50 0.299# 4.00U 2.00U East~ WB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 105 2.00 0.075~ 3.10 1.84 Thru 1 Dominant 105 2.00 0.075~ 3.10 1.84 2 Subdominant 105 2.00 0.075# 3.89 2.31 Right 2 Subdominant 105 2.00 0.075~ 3.89 2.31 .............................................. 2 ...................... North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant 649 1.38 0.457# 3.95 2.61 Thru .1 Dominant 649 1.38 0.457# 3.95 2.61 Right i Dominant 649 1.38 0.457# 3.95 2.61 U User specified critical gap or follow-up headway for an entry stream # "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@2 5~1 no RTs Table S.3 - INTERSECTION pAPJtMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) Performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) Total vehicle flow (veh/h) Total person flow (pers/h) Total vehicle delay (veh-h/h) Total person delay (pers-h/h) Total effective vehicle stops (veh/h) Total effective person stops (pers/h) Total cost (uSS/h) Total fuel (L/h) Total C02 (kg/h) = B = B 12.3 13.6 17 28.59 0.263 223 8421 1643 1972 = 5.63 = 6.75 = 1093 = 1311 = 236.58 = 118.3 = 294.47 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - ~J~ * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (kin/h) INTERSECTION: 1643 5.63 12.3 0.384 0.67 28.59 47.0 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - D24 * 20@2_5-1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No. NO. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1, 294 1124 0.262 13.2 0.68 1.7 15 2 2 TR 2, 350 1337 0.262 12.3 0.66 2.0 17 3 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 78 91 788 0.115 13.1 0.73 0.5 5 2 R 9 215 1143 0.188 9.6 0.69 1.2 10 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 4, 326 1789 0.182 13.6 0.64 0.9 8 5 2 TR 5, 255 1398 0.182 11.9 0.61 0.9 8 6 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 10 112 840 0.133 12.2 0.74 0.7 6 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@2 5~1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY ~ PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. No. Typ Flow Cap. Util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 15 57 100 0.263* 13.2 0.70 1.7 0.23 2 T 408 1559 100 0.262 12.9 0.67 2.0 6.02 3 R 221 845 100 0.262 12.3 0.66 2.0 3.11 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 91 788 100 0.115 13.1 0.73 0.5 1.43 9 R 215 1143 100 0.188 9.6 0.69 1.2 2.82 East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 234 1284 100 0.182 13.6 0-.65 0.9 5.39 5 T 332 1822 100 0.182 12.4 0.61 0.9 7.36 6 R 15 82 100 0.183 11.9 0.62 0.9 0.33 North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 112 840 100 0.133 12.2 0.74 0.7 1.90 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX CO2 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total n/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h INTERSECTION: 118.3 236.58 0.373 16.09 0.616 294.5 0.00000 PARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS Pump price of fuel (USS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (USS/h) Time value factor Average Occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AiqD OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt No. _ ................... %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 15 279 0 294 5 0.262 13.2 17 2 TR 0 129 221 350 5 0.262 12.3 17 15 408 221 644 5 0.262 12.7 17 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 83 8 0 91 5 0.115 13.1 10 2 R 0 0 215 215 5 0.188 9.6 10 83 8 215 306 5 0.188 10.6 10 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 234 92 0 326 5 0.182 13.6 8 2 TR 0 240 15 255 5 0.182 11.9 8 234 332 15 581 5 0.182 12.8 8 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 59 22 31 112 5 0.133 12.2 6 59 22 31 112 5 0.133 12.2 6 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. HV X Delay Queue 1643 5 0.263 12.3 17 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or si~n- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - AM ETC + 20 years at 2.5% 9rowth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@2 5-1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total De9. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 15 57 0.263* 13.2 B 2 T 408 1559 0.262 12.9 B 3 R 221 845 0.262 12.3 B 644 2461 0.263 12.7 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 91 788 0.115 13.1 B 9 R 215 1143 0.188 9.6 A 306 1931 0.188 10.6 B East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 234 1284 0.182 13.6 ~B 5 T 332 1822 0.182 12.4 B 6 R 15 82 0.183 11.9 B 581 3188 0.183 12.8 B North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 112 840 0.133 12.2 B 112 840 0.133 12.2 B A3~L VEHICLES: 1643 8421 0.263 12.3 B IN~fERSECTION: 1643 8421 0.263 12.3 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDP~A Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 2-Lane Roundabout - 2023 A.M. Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 2-Lane Roundabout - 2023 A.M. Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios Akcelik & Associates Pry Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. A0711 Licence Type: Professional, office Time and Date of Analysis 9:41 AM, Aug 18,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 SIDRA US Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDRAUS Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE PARAMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway Vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Subdominant 409 2.00 0.433 3.93 2.48 Thru 1 Subdominant 409 2.00 0.433 3.93 2.48 2 Dominant 409 2.00 0.433 3.54 2.23 Right 2 Dominant 409 2.00 0.433 4.00U 2.00U South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Subdominant 426 1.46 0.261~ 4.07 2.57 Thru 1 Subdominant 426 1.46 0.261# 4.07 2.57 Right 2 Dominant 426 1.46 0.261# 4.00U 2.00U East: WB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 286 2.00 0.274~ 3.18 1.96 Thru 1 Dominant 286 2.00 0.274~ 3.18 1.96 2 Subdominant 286 2.00 0.274~ 3.85 2.37 Right 2 Subdominant 286 2.00 0.274~ 3.85 2.37 North: SB Sound Road Left i Dominant 1572 1.41 0.777# 3.04 2.27 Thru 1 Dominant 1572 1.41 0.777~ 3.04 2.27 Right 1 Dominant 1572 1.41 0.777~ 3.04 2.27 U User specified critical gap or follow-up headway for an entry stream "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM * 20@2_5-1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.3 - INTERSECTION pARAMETERS Intersection Level of Service Worst movement Level of Service Average intersection delay (s) Largest average movement delay (s) Largest back of queue, 95% (m) Performance Index Degree of saturation (highest) Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) Total vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total vehicle flow (veh/h) person flow (pers/h) vehicle delay (veh-h/h) person delay (pers-h/h) effective vehicle stops (veh/h) effective person stops (pers/h) cost (USS/h) fuel (L/h) CO2 (kg/h) B B 12.9 17.6 32 52.76 0.524 62 7399 2722 3266 9.78 11.74 1920 2304 440.98 220.8 549.87 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@2 5~1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (km/h) INTERSECTION: 2722 9.78 12.9 0.503 0.71 52.76 48.5 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@2 5~1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE Arv Queue Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1, 283 1011 0.280 13.8 0.71 1.8 16 2 2 TR 2, 334 1194 0.280 12.9 0.70 2.2 19 3 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 78 268 944 0.284 12.8 0.74 1.5 13 2 R 9 404 1193 0.339 9.6 0.71 2.4 21 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 4, 767 1464 0.524 14.0 0.68 3.8 32 5 2 TR 5, 614 1172 0.524 13.1 0.70 3.7 31 6 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 10 52 421 0.124 17.6 0.90 0.6 5 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout 2-lane EB and WB approaches, * 20@2 5~1 no RTs Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. No. Typ Flow Cap. Util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 19 68 100 0.279 13.8 0.73 1.8 0.31 2 T 387 1383 100 0.280 13.5 0.71 2.2 5.94 3 R 211 754 100 0.280 12.9 0.69 2.2 3.09 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 268 944 100 0.284 12.8 0.74 1.5 4.19 9 R 404 1193 100 0.339 9.6 0.71 2.4 5.39 East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 380 725 100 0.524* 14.0 0~70 3.8 9.16 5 T 942 1798 100 0.524* 13.5 0.69 3.8 22.24 6 R 59 113 100 0.522 13.1 0.71 3.7 1.37 North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 52 421 100 0.124 17.6 0.90 0.6 1.08 * Maximum degree of saturation C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AArD COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX CO2 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total L/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h INTERSECTION: 220.8 440.98 0.684 28.22 1.135 549.9 0.00000 PARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS .................................... Pump price of fuel (USS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (USS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Heavy vehicle mass 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@2 5~1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt No. _ ................... %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 19 264 0 283 5 0.280 13.8 19 2 TR 0 123 211 334 5 0.280 12.9 19 19 387 211 617 5 0.280 13.3 19 South: NB NoY.S. Route 25 1 LT 251 17 0 268 5 0.284 12.8 21 2 R 0 0 404 404 5 0.339 9.6 21 251 17 404 672 5 0.339 10.8 21 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 380 387 0 767 5 0°524 14.0 32 2 TR 0 555 59 614 5 0.524 13.1 32 380 942 59 1381 5 0.524 13.6 32 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 20 10 22 52 6 0.124 17.6 5 20 10 22 52 6 0.124 17.6 5 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. HV X Delay Queue 2722 5 0.524 12.9 32 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or si~n- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - PM ETC + 20 years at 2.5% ~rowth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@2 5~1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay (veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 19 68 0.279 13.8 B 2 T 387 1383 0.280 13.5 B 3 R 211 754 0.280 12.9 B 617 2205 0.280 13.3 B South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 268 944 0.284 12.8 B 9 R 404 1193 0.339 9.6 A 672 2137 0.339 10.8 B East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 380 725 0.524* 14.0 ~ B 5 T 942 1798 0.524* 13.5 B 6 R 59 113 0.522 13.1 B 1381 2636 0.524 13.6 B North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 52 421 0.124 17.6 B 52 421 0.124 17.6 B ~J~L VEHICLES: 2722 7399 0.524 12.9 B INTERSECTION: 2722 7399 0.524 12.9 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 2-Lane Roundabout - 2023 P.M. Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 2-Lane Roundabout - 2023 P.M. Peak Period Queue Lengths v/c Ratios Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd - aaSIDRA 1.0 Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer M. Cato Registered User No. A0711 Licence Type: Professional, office Time and Date of Analysis 9:44 AM, Aug 18,2000 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, Intersection ID: 1 SIDRAUS Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version * 20@2_5~1 no RTs RUN INFORMATION * Basic Parameters: Intersection Type: Roundabout Driving on the right-hand side of the road aaSIDILAUS Highway Capacity Manual (1997) Version Input data specified in Metric units Default Values File No. 10 Peak flow period (for performance): 15 minutes Unit time (for volumes): 60 minutes (Total Flow Period) Delay definition: Control delay Geometric delay included Delay formula: Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service based on: Delay (HCM) Queue definition: Back of queue, 95th_Percentile * 20@2 5-1 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat -- ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table R.1 - ROUNDABOUT GAP ACCEPTANCE pAP~AMETERS Turn Lane Lane Circ/ Intra- Prop. Critical Follow No. Type Exit Bunch Bunched Gap Up Flow Headway vehicles (s) Headway (pcu/h) (s) (s) West: EB C.R. 48 Left 1 Subdominant 673 2.00 0.607 3.65 2.43 Thru 1 Subdominant 673 2.00 0.607 3.65 2.43 2 Dominant 673 2.00 0.607 3.26 2.17 Right 2 Dominant 673 2.00 0.607 4.00U 2.00U South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 Left 1 Subdominant 1037 1.36 0.619~ 3.46 2.49 Thru 1 Subdominant 1037 1.36 0.619~ 3.46 2.49 Right 2 Dominant 1037 1.36 0.619~ 4.00U 2.00U East': WB C.R. 48 Left 1 Dominant 318 2.00 0.330# 3.30 2.04 Thru 1 Dominant 318 2.00 0.330# 3.30 2.04 2 Subdominant 318 2.00 0.330# 3.87 2.39 Right 2 Subdominant 318 2.00 0.330# 3.87 2.39 North: SB Sound Road Left 1 Dominant 1502 1.41 0.764# 3.08 2.30 Thru 1 Dominant 1502 1.41 0.764# 3.08 2.30 Right 1 Dominant 1502 1.41 0.764# 3.08 2.30 U User specified critical gap or follow-up headway for an entry stream # "Extra" bunching (i.e. a percentage increase or decrease in the amount of bunching in the flow entering the roundabout) specified by the user has affected bunching in the circulating flow in front of this approach. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout 20@2 5-1 no RTs Table S.3 - INTERSECTION pARAMETERS Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Intersection Level of Service = B Worst movement Level of Service = C Average intersection delay (s) = 19.5 Largest average movement delay (s) = 25.3 Largest back of queue, 95% (m) = 130 Performance Index = 87.52 Degree of saturation (highest) = 0.846 Practical Spare Capacity (lowest) = 0 vehicle capacity, all lanes (veh/h) = 5750 vehicle flow (veh/h) = 3446 person flow (pers/h) = 4135 vehicle delay (veh-h/h) = 18.67 person delay (pers-h/h) 22.41 effective vehicle stops (veh/h) 3601 effective person stops (pers/h) 4321 cost (USS/h) 565.06 fuel (L/h) 270.1 CO2 (kg/h) 672.52 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.6 - INTERSECTION PERFORMAINCE Total Total Aver. Prop. Eff. Perf. Aver. Flow Delay Delay Queued Stop Index Speed (veh/h) (veh-h/h) (sec) Rate (km/h) INTERSECTION: 3446 18.67 19.5 0.764 1.04 87.52 41.3 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout * 20@2 5~1 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Table S.7 - LANE PERFORMANCE Arv Q u e u e Flow Cap Deg. Aver. Eff. 95% Back Short Lane Mov (veh (veh Satn Delay Stop ........... Lane No. No. /h) /h) x (sec) Rate (vehs) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 1, 616 805 0.765 23.1 1.18 13.1 111 2 2 TR 2, 709 926 0.765 22.6 1.17 15.4 130 3 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 78 288 537 0.536 17.2 1.01 3.3 28 2 R 9 495 585 0.846 25.3 1.60 14.2 120 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 4, 693 1338 0.518 15.3 0.70 3.7 31 5 2 TR 5, 574 1109 0.518 13.4 0.71 3.6 31 6 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 10 71 450 0.158 17.4 0.89 0.8 7 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 20@2_5-1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.10 - MOVEMENT CAPACITY ~ PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Mov Mov Arv Total Lane Dego Aver. Eff. 95% Perf. NO. Typ Flow Cap. Util Satn Delay Stop Back of Index (veh (veh Rate Queue /h) /h) (%) x (sec) (veh) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 31 40 100 0.775 23.1 1.18 13.1 0.82 2 T 971 1268 100 0.766 22.9 1.18 15.4 25.22 3 R 323 422 100 0.765 22.6 1.16 15.4 8.23 Southi NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 288 537 100 0.536 17.2 1.01 3.3 5.83 9 R 495 585 100 0.846* 25.3 1.60 14.2 15.20 East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 619 1195 100 0.518 15.3 0.71 3.7 15.26 5 T 611 1180 100 0.518 13.6 0.71 3.7 14.62 6 R 37 71 100 0.521 13.4 0.71 3.6 0.87 North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 71 450 100 0.158 17.4 0.89 0.8 1.48 * Maximum degree of saturation * 20@2 5~1 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat -- ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.12A - FUEL CONSUMPTION, EMISSIONS AND COST - TOTAL Mov Fuel Cost HC CO NOX C02 Lead No. Total Total Total Total Total Total Total L/h US$/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h kg/h INTERSECTION: 270.1 565.06 0.875 38.28 1.422 672.5 0.00000 pARAMETERS USED IN COST CALCULATIONS Pump price of fuel (uSS/L) Fuel resource cost factor Ratio of running cost to fuel cost Average income (USS/h) Time value factor Average occupancy (persons/veh) Light vehicle mass (kg) Hearty vehicle mass (kg) 0.400 0.70 3.0 15.00 0.40 1.2 1360 9070 C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% growth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.14 - SUMMARY OF INPUT AND OUTPUT DATA Lane Arrival Flow (veh/h) Adj. Eff Grn Deg Aver. 95% Shrt NO. _ ................... %HV Basic (secs) Sat Delay Queue Lane L T R Tot Satf. 1st 2nd x (sec) (m) (m) West: EB C.R. 48 1 LT 31 585 0 616 5 0.765 23.1 130 2 TR 0 386 323 709 5 0.765 22.6 130 31 971 323 1325 5 0.765 22.8 130 South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 1 LT 273 15 0 288 5 0.536 17.2 120 2 R 0 0 495 495 5 0.846 25.3 120 273 15 495 783 5 0.846 22.3 120 East: WB C.R. 48 1 LT 619 74 0 693 5 0.518 15.3 31 2 TR 0 537 37 574 5 0.518 13.4 31 619 611 37 1267 5 0.518 14.4 31 North: SB Sound Road 1 LTR 37 17 17 71 6 0.158 17.4 7 37 17 17 71 6 0.158 17.4 7 ALL VEHICLES Tot % Max Aver. Max Arr. ~V X Delay Queue 3446 5 0.846 19.5 130 Total flow period = 60 minutes. Peak flow period = 15 minutes. Note: Basic Saturation Flows are not adjusted at roundabouts or sign- controlled intersections and apply only to continuous lanes. Values printed in this table are back of queue. C.R. 48 at N.Y.S. Route 25 - Sat * 20@2_5~1 ETC + 20 years at 2.5% ~rowth, 2-lane, 2-lane EB and WB approaches, no RTs Intersection ID: 1 Roundabout Table S.15 - CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE (HCM STYLE) Mov Mov Total Total Deg. Aver. LOS No. Typ Flow Cap. of Delay {veh (veh Satn /h) /h) (v/c) (sec) West: EB C.R. 48 1 L 31 40 0.775 23.1 C 2 T 971 1268 0.766 22.9 C 3 R 323 422 0.765 22.6 C 1325 1730 0.775 22.8 C South: NB N.Y.S. Route 25 78 LT 288 537 0.536 17.2 B 9 R 495 585 0.846* 25.3 C 783 1122 0.846 22.3 C East: WB C.R. 48 4 L 619 1195 0.518 15.3 - B 5 T 611 1180 0.518 13.6 B 6 R 37 71 0.521 13.4 B 1267 2446 0.521 14.4 B North: SB Sound Road 10 LTR 71 450 0.158 17.4 B 71 450 0.158 17.4 B ALL VEHICLES: 3446 5750 0.846 19.5 B INTERSECTION: 3446 5750 0.846 19.5 B Level of Service calculations are based on average control delay including geometric delay (HCM criteria), independent of the current delay definition used. For the criteria, refer to the "Level of Service" topic in the aaSIDRA Output Guide or the Output section of the on-line help. * Maximum v/c ratio, or critical green periods --- End of aaSIDRA Output --- 2-Lane Roundabout - 2023 Sat Peak Period Traffic Flows Delays and Levels of Service 2-Lane Roundabout - 2023 Sat Peak Period Queue Lengths v/cRatios Roundabout Flow Rates WHB\C.R. 48-98168 00 File: Dividers wp One-Lane Roundabout Design at 1% Growth WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: Dividers wp Flow Rates: 1-Lane Roundabout based on ETC + lO-year volumes at 1% growth A.M. Peak Volumes Table V.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE Flow Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Scale Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total (%) Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) US$/h 280 5168 0.827 3 18.3 0.91 19.1 67.7 453.4 281 5152 0.832 2 18.4 0.91 19.5 68.4 456.6 282 5138 0.835 2 18.5 0.92 19.8 69.1 459.3 283 5121 0.840 1 18.7 0.92 20.3 69.8 462.3 284 5106 0.844 1 18.8 0.93 20.6 70.4 465.0 285 5091 0.849 0 19.0 0.93 21.0 71.1 467.9 286 5077 0.854 0 19.1 0.94 21.5 71.9 471.3 287 5062 0.861 -1 19.4 0.94 22.1 72.7 474.8 288 5048 0.866 -2 19.5 0.95 22.6 73.4 477.8 289 5031 0.870 -2 19.7 0.96 23.0 74.3 481.4 290 5017 0.875 -3 19.9 0.96 23.6 75.1 484.6 P.M. Peak Volumes Table v.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE Flow Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Scale Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total (%) Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) US$/h 140 6127 0.840 1 14.8 0.74 15.2 51.0 390.5 141 6103 0.849 0 14.9 0.74 16.0 51.8 394.5 142 6079 0.856 -1 15.1 0.75 16,6 52.6 398.3 143 6055 0.864 -2 15.2 0,75 17.3 53.3 402.1 144 6027 0.872 -3 15.4 0.76 18.2 54.3 406.6 145 6002 0.881 -3 15.6 0.77 19.1 55.2 411.4 146 5979 0.887 -4 15.8 0.77 19.9 56.1 415.3 147 5951 0.896 -5 16.1 0.78 20.9 57.2 420.4 148 5926 0.907 -6 16.4 0,79 22.3 58,6 426.9 149 5903 0.914 -7 16.7 0.80 23.3 59.6 431.4 150 5879 0.922 -8 17.0 0.81 24.6 61.0 437.8 Saturday Peak Volumes Table V.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE 129 130 + 24% fl0w ~ 21.3 years 1% compounded growth Design Life g ETC+10+21.3 years Design Life ~ ETC + 3 ! years Flow Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Scale Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total (%) Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) US$/h 120 5148 0.808 5 17.4 0.87 17.2 58.6 403.0 121 5112 0.819 4 17.6 0.88 18.0 59.9 408.7 122 5076 0.830 2 17.9 0.90 18.9 61.3 415.0 123 5040 0.840 1 18.2 0.91 19.7 62.6 420.3 124 5001 0.852 0 18.6 0.92 20.8 64.1 426.9 125 4966 0.863 -2 19.0 0.94 21.9 65.7 433.5 126 4930 0.875 -3 19.4 0.95 23.0 67.4 440.2 127 4894 0.886 -4 19.9 0.97 24.2 69.3 447.4 128 4860 0.897 -5 20.4 0.99 25.5 71.1 454.7 4826 0.909 -6 21.0 1.00 26.8 73.1 462.2 4791 0.921 -8 21.6 1.02 28.3 75.2 470.4 One-Lane Roundabout Design at 2.5% Growth WHB\C R 48-98168.00 File: Dividers wp Flow Rates: 1-Lane Roundabout based on ETC + lO-year volumes at 2.5% growth A.M. Peak Volumes Table V.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE Flow Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Scale Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total (%) Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) US$/h 220 5247 0.803 6 17.6 0.88 17.2 64.4 438.8 221 5227 0.808 5 17.7 0.89 17.6 65.2 442.5 222 5208 0.814 4 17.9 0.89 18.0 65.9 445.6 223 5189 0.821 4 18.0 0.90 18.6 66.7 449.2 224 5171 0.827 3 18.2 0.90 19.1 67.6 452.7 225 5153 0.832 2 18.4 0.91 19.6 68.3 456.0 226 5133 0.838 1 18.6 0.92 20.0 69.2 459.8 227 5114 0.844 1 18.7 0.92 20.5 70.0 463.2 228 5094 0.849 0 18.9 0.93 21.0 70.9 467.1 229 5076 0.856 -1 19.2 0.94 21.7 71.8 470.7 230 5058 0.863 -1 19.4 0.94 22.3 72.7 474.7 P.M. Peak Volumes Table V.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE Flow Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Scale Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total (%) Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) US$/h 110 6199 0.817 4 14.4 0.72 13.4 48.9 380.1 111 6167 0.827 3 14.5 0.73 14.2 49.8 384.3 112 6137 0.838 1 14.7 0.73 15.0 50.7 388.9 113 6107 0.848 0 14.9 0.74 15.9 51.7 393.8 114 6077 0.858 -1 15.1 0.75 16.8 52.6 398.8 115 6047 0.867 -2 15.3 0.75 17.6 53.6 403.4 116 6012 0.878 -3 15.5 0.76 18.8 54.9 409.6 117 5983 0.887 -4 15.8 0.77 19.8 56.0 415.0 118 5950 0.898 -5 16.1 0.78 21.2 57.5 421.9 119 5920 0.909 -7 16.5 0.80 22.7 58.9 428.6 120 5890 0.919 -8 16.9 0.81 24.1 60.3 435.0 Saturday Peak Volumes Table V.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE Flow Scale (%) 9O 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 / ~ 99 100 - i% flow -- -- ~ -O.lyear 2.5% compounded growth DesignLife ~ ETC +10- 0.1years Design Li£e ~ ETC + lO years Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) US$/h 5447 0.727 17 15.8 0.81 12.3 50.8 366.1 5397 0.739 15 16.0 0.82 12.9 51.9 371.5 5346 0.753 13 16.2 0.83 13.7 53.1 377.2 5297 0.765 11 16.5 0.84 14.4 54.4 383.7 5249 0.779 9 16.7 0.85 15.2 55.8 389.8 5204 0.792 7 17.0 0.86 16.0 57.0 395.9 5158 0.803 6 17.3 0.87 16.9 58.4 401.9 5113 0.818 4 17.6 0.88 18.0 60.0 409.3 5068 0.831 2 18.0 0.90 19.0 61.6 416.0 5021 0.846 1 18.4 0.91 20.2 63.3 423.6 4975 0.860 -1 18.9 0.93 21.6 65.3 431.7 Two-Lane Roundabout Design at 2.5% Growth WHB\C R. 48-98168.00 File: Dividers wp Flow Rates: 2-Lane Roundabout based on ETC + lO-year volumes at 2.5% growth A.M. Peak Volumes Table V.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE Flow Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Scale Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total (%) Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) US$/h 275 6187 0.806 5 19.5 1.02 17.2 89.0 573.3 276 6172 0.814 4 19.7 1.03 17.6 90.0 577.3 277 6157 0.822 3 19.9 1.04 18.0 91.2 582.4 278 6143 0.829 2 20.1 1.05 18.3 92.2 586.4 279 6128 0.836 2 20.3 1.06 18.8 93.2 590.5 280 6112 0.847 0 20.6 1.07 19.2 94.6 596.0 281 6096 0.854 0 20.9 1.08 19.8 95.9 601.1 282 6082 0.862 -1 21.1 1.08 20.0 96.9 605.7 283 6067 0.869 -2 21.3 1.09 20.4 98.1 610.4 284 6053 0.875 -3 21.6 1.10 20.9 99.3 615.1 285 6101 0.904 -6 21.5 1.09 19.9 98.8 615.3 P.M. Peak Volumes Table V.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE Flow Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Scale Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total (%) Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) US$/h 180 6251 0.830 2 16.6 0.89 13.8 90.1 646.4 181 6126 0.838 1 17.0 0.91 14.2 92.0 653.4 182 6102 0.842 1 17.2 0.91 14.7 93.4 659.2 183 6078 0.848 0 17.4 0.92 15.1 94.8 665.0 184 6054 0.857 -1 17.6 0.93 15.7 96.2 671.2 185 6029 0.862 -1 17.9 0.94 16.2 97.8 677.9 186 6024 0.868 -2 17.9 0.95 16.8 98.5 681.4 187 5999 0.878 -3 18.1 0.96 17.5 100.2 688.5 188 6030 0.987 -14 19.2 0.97 18.1 103.7 703.8 189 6001 1.068 -20 20.5 0.99 18.8 107.2 721.1 190 5981 1.147 -26 21.3 1.00 19.5 109.9 733.6 Saturday Peak Volumes Table V.22 - INTERSECTION SUMMARY FOR VARIABLE FLOW SCALE Flow Total Intersn Prac. Aver. Stop Longest Perf. Cost Scale Veh. Deg. of Spare Delay Rate Queue Index Total (%) Cap. Satn Cap. (sec) (veh) uS$/h 120 6045 0.718 18 17.0 0.93 10.8 73.3 503.9 121 6008 0.734 16 17.2 0.94 11.3 74.7 510.0 122 5986 0.751 13 17.5 0.96 11.8 76.4 517.7 123 5936 0.764 11 17.7 0.97 12.2 77.8 524.0 124 5947 0.788 8 17.9 0.97 11.8 78.8 529.6 125 5910 0.805 6 18.2 0.99 12.6 80.5 536.5 126 5828 0.810 5 18.7 1.01 14.0 83.1 546.6 127 5790 0.830 2 19.0 1.03 14.6 85.1 555.1 ~ 128 5756 0.846 0 19.5 1.04 15.2 87.2 563.8 / 129 5721 0.860 -1 19.9 1.06 16.0 89.4 573.0 130 5686 0.878 -3 20.4 1.08 16.7 91.8 582.5 + 28% flow ~ c~rowth ~ 9.9 years Design Life ~ ETC + ! 0 + 9.9 years Design Life ~ ETC + 20 years Signalized HCS Analyses WHB\C R. 48-9816800 File: Dividers wp 1% Growth WHB\C.R. 48-98168.00 File: Dividers.wp HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c Inter: CR 48 @ NYS ~nalyst: DEA/jmc ~]ate: 8/24/00 E/W St: CR 48 Route 25 City/St: Southold, NY Proj #: 98168 Period: AM 2013 @ 1% N/S St: NYS Route 25 70. Lanes ~GConfig yolume ~,ane Width _~TOR Vol Eastbound L T R L T R 1 1 1 0 R L T 113 143 194 10.0 10.0 12.0 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Westbound Northbound L T R 0 1 0 L 75 14.0 0 1 T 296 12.0 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 ~]uration 1.00 Phase Combination 1 KB Left Thru Right Peds '%~ Left A Thru P Right Peds ~B Right ~B Right _~reen 'ellow _~11 Red Cycle Length: Area Type: Ail other areas Signal Operations 2 3 4 NB Left P Thru P Right Peds P SB Left P Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right 5 6 7 8 A P 4.0 53.0 8.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 80.0 secs Intersection Performance Summar~ ~pr/ Lane Adj Sat Lane Group Flow Rate ~rp Capacity (s) Ratios Lane Group v/c g/C Delay LOS Approach Delay LOS Eastbound ~ 1283 ~ 1262 Westbound ~, 736 1496 ~orthbound 217 ~outhbound 1900 0.28 0.675 5.8 1507 0.11 0.837 1.3 0.24 0.787 2.6 1900 0.16 0.788 2.3 1925 0.42 0.112 34.4 A 4.5 A A A A 2.4 A C 34.4 C Intersection Delay = 6.4 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = A HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c ~ennifer M. Cato · unn Engineering Associates ~6 Main Street ~esthampton Beach, NY 11978 ~hone: (516) 288-2480 E-Mail: dea@northeast.net Fax: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (516) 288-2544 ~ntersection: City/State: nalyst: ~roject No: Time Period Analyzed: --ate: _asr/West Street Name: North/South Street Name: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 Southold, NY DEA/jmc 98168 AM 2013 @ 1% 8/24/00 CR 48 NYS Route 25 VOLUME DATA Volume --HF K 15 Vol -~i Ln Vol -% Grade deal Sat ~arkExist NumPark -- Heavy Veh o. Lanes ~GConfig mane Width TOR Vol ~dj Flow ~InSharedLn top Turns _umPeds NumBus Eastbound L T R 296 113 0.82 0.82 90 34 0 1900 1900 0 0 0 1 1 T R Westbound L T 143 194 0.82 0.82 44 59 0 1900 1900 Northbound T R Southbound L T R 12.0 10.0 0 361 138 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 L T 10.0 12.0 174 237 R L 75 0.82 23 1900 0 0 1 L 0 0 0 0 14.0 91 0 0 0 uration 1.00 Area Type: Ail other areas J_nit Unmet rriv. Type ~it Ext. I Factor ---~st Time _~t of g Ped Ming ~.hase Combination 1 Eastbound L T R 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Left Thru Right Peds Left A Thru P Right Peds Right Right OPERATING PARAMETERS Westbound L T R 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Northbound L T R 0.0 3 3.0 1.000 2.0 3.0 3.0 PHASE DATA 2 3 4 Southbound L T R P P 5 6 7 8 P P NB Left A Thru Right Peds Left Thru Right Peds SB EB Right P WB Right ~reen 4.0 53.0 8.0 ellow 3.0 3.0 3.0 --11 Red 2.0 2.0 2.0 ~ycle Length: 80.0 secs ~pr. / Mvt ~[ovement Volume ¥ PHF VOLUME ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET Adjusted Prop. Prop. Flow No. Lane Flow Rate Left Right Rate Lanes Group RTOR~ In Lane Grp Turns Turns :stbound ,- Left Thru 296 0.82 361 Right 113 0.82 138 Westbound Left 143 0.82 174 Thru 194 0.82 237 Right ,rthbound Left 75 0.82 91 Thru Right 0 1 T 361 1 R 0 138 1 L 174 1 T 237 0 1 0 0 L 91 ~outhbound Left 0 Thru 0 Right 0 -- Value entered by user. SATURATION FLOW ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET -pr/ Ideal X~ane Sat f f ~roup Flow W HV ,.~stbound f f f f f G P BB A LU 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f f RT LT Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 0.850 .... Adj Sat Flow 1900 1507 ~stbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 0.474 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 841 1685 1900 _Drthbound L 1900 1.067 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1925 ~outhbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: b pr/ ~vmt Lane Group CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Adj Adj Sat Flow Green Flow Rate Flow Rate Ratio Ratio (v) (s) (v/s) (g/c) --Lane Group-- Capacity v/c (c) Ratio '[~tbound Pri. Sec. Left ~Thru T Right R ~stbound Pri. ~Sec. Left L Thru T Right ,rthbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru Right ,uthbound Pri. Sec. Left Thru Right 361 1900 ~ 0.19 0.675 1283 0.28 138 1507 0.09 0.837 1262 0.11 147 1685 ~ 0.09 0.087 147 1.00 27 841 0.03 0.700 589 0.05 174 0.787 736 0.24 237 1900 0.12 0.788 1496 0.16 91 1925 ~ 0.05 0.112 217 0.42 Sum (v/s) critical = 0.32 Time/Cycle, L = 12.00 sec Critical v/c(X) = 0.38 Appr/ --aRe _~P Ratios v/c Unf Del dl LEVEL OF SERVICE WORKSHEET Prog Lane Incremental Res Adj Grp Factor Del Del Fact Cap k d2 d3 Lane Group Approach Delay LOS Delay LOS ~stbound 0.28 0.675 5.2 0.11 0.837 1.2 ¢stbound 0.24 0.787 2.4 0.16 0.788 2.1 orthbound 0.42 ~outhbound 1.000 1283 0.50 0.5 0.0 5.8 A 4.5 A 1.000 1262 0.50 0.2 0.0 1.3 A 1.000 736 0.11 0.2 0.0 2.6 A 1.000 1496 0.50 0.2 0.0 2.3 A 2.4 A 0.112 33.1 1.000 217 0.11 1.3 0.0 34.4 C 34.4 C Intersection Delay = 6.4 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = A SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for exclusive lefts "APPROACH -~cle Length, C 80.0 sec i~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G ~fective Green Time for Lane Group, g '~osing Effective Green Time, go -aber of Lanes in Lane Group, N ~_~%ber of Opposing Lanes, No ~justed Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt ---i-oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~justed Opposing Flow Rate, Vo Mst Time for Lane Group, tl !~ft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 · posing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo !~posing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) ~=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g ~osing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) ~=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g ~ =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf ~---(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 ~ho=l-Plto .~l~=Plt [1+{ (N-l) g/(gf+gu/Ell+4.24) }] .~1 (Figure 9-7) ~2=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 _~in=2 (l+Plt)/g or fmin=2 (l+Pl) /g i!~ ~iff=max (gq-gf, 0) ~'--~=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/{I+Pi(Ell-1) }] , (min=fmin;max=l.00) ~t=fm=[gf/g]+gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~Igu/g] [1/(l+Plt (Ell-l) ] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) ~ flt EB WB NB SB 62.0 56.0 54.0 1 1 174 0.00 361 4.00 3.87 8.02 1.00 0.0 0.32 7.33 48.67 3 67 1 00 1 00 1 83 1 00 0 07 0.00 0.47 or flt=[fm+0.91(N-1)]/N** 0.474 ?~or special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, ~-'~e text. ~If Pi>=i for shared left-turn lanes with N>i, then assume de-facto left-turn lane and redo calculations. For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. Or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach ~r when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for shared lefts -- APPROACH ~,cle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G ~'ffective Green Time for Lane Group, g Opposing Effective Green Time, go lmber of Lanes in Lane Group, N ..amber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt '-~4oportion of Left Turns in Lane Group, Plt ~oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~djusted Opposing Flow Rate, Vo 3~st Time for Lane Group, tl ~ft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 ~posing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo .O_~posing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) ' ,=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g __~posing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) gq=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g ~, =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf (gq-gf)/2, n>=0 ~tho=l-Plto ~l*=Plt[l+{(N-1)g/(gf+gu/Ell+4.24))) ]1 (Figure 9-7) ,.12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 fmln=2 (l+Plt)/g or fmin=2 (l+Pl) /g --~iff=max (gq-gf, 0) ~,=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/{i+Pi(Ell-1) }] , (min=fmin;max=l.00) "~lt=fm= [gf/g]+gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~[gu/g] [1/(l+Plt (Ell-l)] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt Primary EB WB NB SB or flt=[fm+0.91(N-1)]/N** --or special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, ee text. ~ If Pi>=i for shared left-turn lanes with N>i, then assume de-facto -- left-turn lane and redo calculations. * For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. ~or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach _Dr when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL UNIFORM DELAY WORKSHEET ~dj. LT Vol from Vol Adjustment Worksheet, v m~/c ratio from Capacity Worksheet, X cimary phase effective green, g ~condary phase effective green, gq (From Supplemental Permitted LT Worksheet), gu --fcle length, C 80.0 Red =(C-g-gq-gu), r __~rivals: v/(3600(max(X,l.0))), qa Primary ph. departures: s/3600, sp ~condary pho departures: s(gq+gu)/(gu*3600), ss ~Prot ~Case ~eue at beginning of green arrow, Qa ~aeue at beginning of unsaturated green, Qu Residual queue, Qr --uiform Delay, dl EBLT WBLT 174 0.24 7.0 7.33 48.67 17.0 0.05 0.468 0.27 0.21 0.35 1 0.82 0.35 0.00 2.4 NBLT SBLT DELAY/LOS WORKSHEET WITH INITIAL QUEUE Initial Dur. Uniform Delay Initial Final ~ppr/ Unmet Unmet Queue Unmet Lane Demand Demand Unadj. Adj. Param. Demand roup Q veh t hrs. ds dl sec u Q veh Initial Lane Queue Group Delay Delay d3 sec d sec ~astbound estbound ~orthbound outhbound Intersection Delay 6.4 sec/veh Intersection LOS A ERROR MESSAGES No errors to report. HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c Inter: =nalyst: DEA/jmc ate: 8/24/00 E/W St: CR 48 o. Lanes LGConfig uolume ane width RTOR Vol CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 T R 266 124 12.0 10.0 0 City/St: Southold, NY Proj #: 98168 Period: PM 2013 @ 1% N/S St: NYS Route 25 SIGNALIZED Westbound L T R INTERSECTION SUMMARY Northbound L T R 1 1 0 L T 216 468 10.0 12.0 1 0 0 L 199 14.0 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 -uration Phase Left Thru Right Peds Left Thru Right Peds _B Right SB Right ~reen ellow ~11 Red 1.00 Combination 1 Area Type: Ail other areas Signal Operations 2 3 4 NB Left p Thru p Right Peds p SB Left p Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right A P 5 6 7 8 A P 4.0 47.0 14.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ~ycle Length: 80.0 secs _ppr/ Lane Lane Group ~rp Capacity Intersection Performance Summar~ Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Flow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Approach Delay LOS ~astbound 1140 1900 -~ 1262 1507 Westbound 711 1354 1900 ~orthbound 361 1925 outhbound 0.23 0.600 7.9 0.10 0.837 1.3 0.30 0.712 4.4 0.35 0.712 5.1 0.55 0.188 31.3 A 5.8 A A A A 4.9 A C 31.3 C Intersection Delay = 9.3 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = A HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c ~ennifer M. Cato ~nn Engineering Associates ~6 Main Street ~esthampton Beach, NY 11978 ~one: (516) 288-2480 E-Mail: dea@northeast.net Fax: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (516) 288-2544 Intersection: ~ity/State: nalyst: ~roject No: ~ime Period Analyzed: ate: wast/West Street Name: North/South Street Name: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 Southold, NY DEa/jmc 98168 PM 2013 @ 1% 8/24/00 CR 48 N¥$ Route 25 VOLUME DATA Volume --HF wK 15 Vol Hi Ln Vol ~ Grade deal Sat 'ParkExist ~umPark Heavy Veh ~o. Lanes LGConfig --ane width TOR Vol -~dj Flow ~InSharedLn rop Turns ~umPeds NumBus Eastbound L T R 0 266 124 1.00 1.00 67 31 0 1900 1900 0 0 1 1 T R 12.0 10.0 0 266 124 0 0 0 Westbound L T 216 468 1.00 1.00 54 117 0 1900 1900 0 0 1 1 L T 10.0 12.0 216 468 Northbound T R L Southbound T R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R L 199 1.00 50 1900 0 0 1 L 14.0 199 0 _uration 1.00 Area Type: Ail other areas mnit Unmet -riv. Type ~nit Ext. I Factor ,st Time __:t of g Ped Ming Eastbound L T R 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Phase Combination 1 Left Thru Right Peds Left A Thru P Right Peds Right Right 2 P P P P OPERATING PAP3kMETERS Westbound L T R 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Northbound L T R 0.0 3 3.0 1.000 2.0 3.0 3.0 Southbound L T R PHASE DATA 3 4 5 6 7 8 NB Left A Thru Right Peds SB Left Thru Right Peds EB Right P WB Right ~Lreen 4.0 47.0 ~llow 3.0 3.0 Red 2.0 2.0 14 . 0 3.0 2.0 --Fcle Length: 80.0 secs ,pr. / Mvt ~ovement Volume PHF VOLUME ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET Flow No. Lane Rate Lanes Group RTOR Adjusted Prop. Prop. Flow Rate Left Right In Lane Grp Turns Turns :stbound Left Thru 266 1.00 Right 124 1.00 Nestbound Left 216 1.00 Thru 468 1.00 Right 0 266 1 T 266 124 1 R 0 124 216 1 L 216 468 1 T 468 0 ,rthbound Left Thru Right 199 1.00 199 1 L 0 0 199 Southbound Left Thru Right 0 0 0 Value entered by user. SATURATION FLOW ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET ~pr/ Ideal Lane Sat ~roup Flow _astbound f f f f f f f f f W HV G P BB A LU RT LT Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 0.850 .... Adj Sat Flow 1900 1507 ~estbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 0.509 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 903 1685 1900 ~orthbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: L 1900 1.067 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1925 eouthbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: Appr/ Mvmt Lane Group CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Adj Adj Sat Flow Green Flow Rate Flow Rate Ratio Ratio (v) (s) (v/s) (g/C) --Lane Group-- Capacity v/c (c) Ratio ~_mstbound Pti. Sec. Left Thru T Right R Westbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru T Right ~orthbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru Right Duthbound Pri. Sec. Left Thru Right 266 1900 0.14 0.600 124 1507 0.08 0.837 147 1685 0.09 0.087 69 903 0.08 0.625 216 0.712 468 1900 # 0.25 0.712 199 1925 ~ 0.10 0.188 1140 0.23 1262 0.10 147 1.00 564 0.12 711 0.30 1354 0.35 361 0.55 Sum (v/s) critical = 0.35 ~ost Time/Cycle, L = 8.00 sec Critical v/c(X) = 0.39 lppr/ Ratios ~ne ~p V/c g/c LEVEL OF Unf Prog Lane Del Adj Grp dl Fact Cap SERVICE WORKSHEET Incremental Res Factor Del Del k d2 d3 Lane Group Approach Delay LOS Delay LOS z~stbound 0.23 0.10 -~stbound 0.30 0.35 orthbound 0.55 0.600 7.4 0.837 1.2 0.712 4.2 0.712 4.4 0.188 29.5 1.000 1140 0.50 0.5 0.0 1.000 1262 0.50 0.2 0.0 1.000 711 0.11 0.2 0.0 1.000 1354 0.50 0.7 0.0 7.9 A 5.8 A 1.3 A 4.4 A 5.1 A 4.9 A 1.000 361 0.15 1.8 0.0 31.3 C 31.3 C ~outhbound Intersection Delay = 9.3 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = A SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for exclusive lefts 'APPROACH %,cle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G -£fective Green Time for Lane Group, g ~)posing Effective Green Time, go ~mber of Lanes in Lane Group, N amber of Opposing Lanes, No ~djusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt ~oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~justed Opposing Flow Rate, Vo ~)st Time for Lane Group, tl .eft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 oposing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo ~posing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) ~f=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g pposing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) q=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g ~u =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gl ~=(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 tho=l-Plto -l*=Plt [1+{ (N-l) g/ (gf+gu/Ell+4.24) } ] ::11 (Figure 9-7) -12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 min=2(l+Plt)/g or fmin=2(l+P1)/g ~diff=max(gq-gf,0) :m=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/{i+Pi(Ell-1) }] , (min=fmin;max=l.00) lt=fm=[gf/g] +gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~ [gu/g] [1/(l+Plt (Eli-i) ] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt EB WB NB SB 56.0 50.0 48.0 1 1 216 0.00 266 4.00 4.80 5.91 1.00 0.0 0.40 7.24 42.76 3.62 1.00 1.00 1.68 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.51 or flt=[fm+0.91(N-1)]/N** 0.509 For special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, ~ee text. If PI>=I for shared left-turn lanes with N>i, then assume de-facto left-turn lane and redo calculations. · * For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. ~or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach or when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for shared lefts ~APPROACH · ~;cle Length, C 80.0 sec :tual Green Time for Lane Group, G ~fective Green Time for Lane Group, g ~pposing Effective Green Time, go Rmber of Lanes in Lane Group, N _,mber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt --~oportion of Left Turns in Lane Group, Plt ~oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~djusted Opposing Flow Rate, Vo J~ost Time for Lane Group, tl Dft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 ~posing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo Opposing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) --f=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g _pposing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) gq=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g ~u =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf -(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 ~tho=l-Plto pl*=Plt[l+((N-1)g/(gf+gu/Ell+4.24))) All (Figure 9-7) _12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 fmin=2(l+Plt)/g or fmin=2(l+Pl)/g ~diff=max (gq-gf, 0) m=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/{I+Pi(Ell-1)}], (min=fmin;max=l.00) ~lt=fm= [gf/g] +gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~[gu/g] [1/(l+Plt (Eli-l) ] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt Primary EB WB NB SB or flt=[fm+0.91(N-1)]/N** ~or special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, ee text. ] If Pi>=i for shared left-turn lanes with N>i, then assume de-facto left-turn lane and redo calculations. * For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. ~'or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach ~.or when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL UNIFORM DELAY WORKSHEET ~dj. LT Vol from Vol Adjustment Worksheet v ~Jc ratio from Capacity Worksheet, X -imary phase effective green, g b-econdary phase effective green, gq .[From Supplemental Permitted LT Worksheet), gu ;cle length, C 80.0 Red =(C-g-gq-gu), r _rrivals: v/(3600(max(X,1.0))), qa Primary ph. departures: s/3600, sp ~condary ph. departures: s(gq+gu)/(gu*3600), ss Perm %Prot ~Case ~eue at beginning of green arrow, Qa ~eue at beginning of unsaturated green, Qu Residual queue, Qr ~uiform Delay, dl DELAY/LOS WORKSHEET WITH EBLT INITIAL QUEUE Initial Dur. ~ppr/ Unmet Unmet Lane Demand Demand roup Q veh t hrs. Uniform Delay Unadj. Adj. ds dl sec WBLT NBLT SBLT 216 0.30 7.0 7.24 42.76 23.0 0.06 0.468 0.29 0.24 0.55 1 1.38 0.43 0.00 4.2 Initial Final Initial Lane Queue Unmet Queue Group Param. Demand Delay Delay u Q veh d3 sec d sec Eastbound estbound ~orthbound --~outhbound Intersection Delay 9.3 sec/veh Intersection LOS A ERROR MESSAGES No errors to report. Inter: ~-~alyst: ~te: ~/W St: Lanes LGConfig ~olume ~ne Width RTOR Vol HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 DEA/jmc 8/24/00 CR 48 City/St: Southold, NY Proj #: 98168 Period: Sat 2013 @ 1% N/S St: NYS Route 25 Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 T R 584 229 12.0 10.0 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Westbound L T R 1 1 0 L T 318 303 10.0 12.0 Northbound L T R 1 0 0 L 168 14.0 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 aration 1. O0 Phase Combination 1 ~ Left Thru Right Peds K Left A Thru P Right Peds _~ Right SB Right ~reen ellow ~11 Red Area Type: Ail other areas Signal Operations 2 3 4 NB Left p Thru p Right Peds p SB Left p Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right 5 6 7 8 A P 4.0 49.0 12.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ~Cycle Length: 80.0 secs _pp~/ Lane Lane Group ~rp Capacity Intersection Performance Summar~ Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Flow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Approach Delay LOS Eastbound 1188 1900 ~ 1262 1507 Westbound 5O5 1401 1900 ~orthbound 313 1925 :outhbound 0.55 0.625 10.4 0.20 0.837 1.6 0.70 0.737 10.0- 0.24 0.738 3.8 0.60 0.162 34.2 B 7.9 A A A A 6.9 A C 34.2 C Intersection Delay = 10.3 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = B HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c --%nnifer M. Cato ~nn Engineering Associates ~6 Main Street ~sthampton Beach, NY 11978 ~one: (516) 288-2480 E-Mail: dea@northeast.net Fax: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (516) 288-2544 Intersection: ~ty/State: .Aalyst: ~roject No: ~,ime Period Analyzed: ~te: ~st/West Street Name: North/South Street Name: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 Southold, NY DEA/jmc 98168 Sat 2013 @ 1% 8/24/00 CR 48 NYS Route 25 VOLUME DATA Volume ~F _K 15 Vol Hi Ln Vol ~ Grade deal Sat ~arkExist ~umPark Heavy Veh ~o. Lanes LGConfig '--ane Width TOR Vol ~dj Flow .~InSharedLn rop Turns mumPeds ~umBus Eastbound L T R 0 584 229 0.90 0.90 162 64 0 1900 1900 0 0 1 1 T R 12.0 10.0 0 649 254 0 0 0 Westbound L T R 318 303 0.90 0.90 88 84 0 1900 1900 0 0 1 1 L T 10.0 12.0 353 337 0 0 Northbound L T R 168 0.90 :47 1900 0 1 L _4.0 ~87 0 0 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 ~uration 1.00 Area Type: All other areas ;.nit Unmet ~riv. Type ~it Ext. I Factor -- ,st Time _-~t of g Ped Ming OPERATING PARAMETERS Eastbound L T R 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Westbound L T 0.0 3 3.0 1.000 2.0 3.0 3.0 Northbound T 1.000 3.0 R L 0.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 R L 0.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 Southbound T R PHASE DATA ~hase Combination 1 Left Thru Right Peds Left A Thru P Right Peds Right Right 2 P P P P 3 4 NB SB Left Thru Right Peds Left Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right 5 6 A P 7 8 ~reen 4.0 49.0 ellow 3.0 3.0 Red 2.0 2.0 Length: 80.0 secs 12.0 3.0 2.0 ~,pr. / Mvt ~ovement Volume PHF VOLUME ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET Flow No. Lane Rate Lanes Group RTOR Adjusted Prop. Prop. Flow Rate Left Right In Lane Grp Turns Turns ~stbound Left Thru 584 0.90 649 Right 229 0.90 254 Westbound Left 318 0.90 353 Thru 303 0.90 337 Right Drthbound Left 168 0.90 187 Thru Right 0 1 T 1 R 1 L 1 T 0 1 0 0 L 0 649 254 353 337 187 ~outhbound Left 0 Thru 0 Right 0 -- Value entered by user. SATUP~ATION FLOW ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET ppr/ Ideal ~ane Sat ~roup Flow ~astbound f f f f f W HV G P BB 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f f f f A LU RT LT Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 0.850 .... Adj Sat Flow 1900 1507 ~estbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 0.311 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 551 1685 1900 _orthbound L 1900 1.067 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1925 ~outhbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: Appr/ Mvmt Lane Group CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Adj Adj Sat Flow Green Flow Rate Flow Rate Ratio Ratio (v) (s) (v/s) (g/C) --Lane Group-- Capacity v/c (c) Ratio ~,~stbound Pri. Sec. Left Thru T -- Right R Westbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru T Right ,.orthbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru -- Right Duthbound Pri. Sec. Left Thru Right 649 1900 0.34 0.625 254 1507 0.17 0.837 147 1685 # 0.09 0.087 206 551 ~ 0.37 0.650 353 0.737 337 1900 0.18 0.738 187 1925 # 0.10 0.162 1188 0.55 1262 0.20 147 1.00 358 0.58 505 0.70 1401 0.24 313 0.60 Sum (v/s) critical = 0.56 ~ost Time/Cycle, L = 8.00 sec Critical v/c(X) = 0.62 Appr/ Ratios --~ne _.4p v/c g/C LEVEL OF SERVICE WORKSHEET Unf Prog Lane Incremental Res Del Adj Grp Factor Del Del dl Fact Cap k d2 d3 Lane Group Delay LOS Approach Delay LOS ~-~_stbound 0.55 0.20 zstbound 0.70 0.24 Drthbound 0.60 0.625 8.5 0.837 1.3 0.737 5.6 0.738 3.4 0.162 31.1 1.000 1188 0.50 1.8 0.0 10.4 B 7.9 A 1.000 1262 0.50 0.4 0.0 1.6 A 1.000 505 0.27 4.4 0.0 10.0- A 1.000 1401 0.50 0.4 0.0 3.8 A 6.9 A 1.000 313 0.19 3.2 0.0 34.2 C 34.2 C ~Duthbound Intersection Delay = 10.3 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = B SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for exclusive lefts -- APPROACH ~-~cle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G ~-~fective Green Time for Lane Group, g ~posing Effective Green Time, go ~mber of Lanes in Lane Group, N _nmber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt ~oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~justed Opposing Flow Rate, Vo ~ost Time for Lane Group, tl L~ft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 Jposing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo ~pposing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) ~f=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g ~posing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) _~=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g gu =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf ~-(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 ho=l-Plto F£*=Plt [1+{ (N-1)g/(gf+gu/Ell+4.24) }] ~11 (Figure 9-7) ~2=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 _~in=2(l+Plt)/g or fmin=2(l+P1)/g gdiff=max(gq-gf,0) '~n=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/Il+Pi(Ell-i)}], (min=fmin;max=l.00) ~ t=fm= [gf/g] +gdiff [1/fl+Pit (El2-1) }] T[gu/g] [1/ (l+Plt (Eli-i)] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt EB WB NB SB 58.0 52.0 50.0 1 1 353 0.00 649 4.00 7.84 14.42 1.00 0.0 0.38 13.34 38.66 6.67 1 00 1 00 2 39 1 00 0 08 0 00 0 31 or flt=[fm+0.91(N-i) ]/N** 0.311 For special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, --~e text. If Pi>=i for shared left-turn lanes with N>I, then assume de-facto left-turn lane and redo calculations. ~* For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach ur when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for shared lefts -- APPROACH ~cle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G ~Tfective Green Time for Lane Group, g Opposing Effective Green Time, go ~mber of Lanes in Lane Group, N _.lmber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt ---oportion of Left Turns in Lane Group, Plt -oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~-djusted Opposing Flow Rate, Vo Lost Time for Lane Group, tl ~ft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 ~posing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo Opposing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) --=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g __~posing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) gq=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g --, =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf (gq-gf)/2, n>=0 ~tho=l-Plto P_.i*=Plt [1+{ (N-l) g/(gf+gu/Ell+4.24) ) ~1 (Figure 9-7) _12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 fmin=2(l+Plt)/g or fmin=2(l+Pl)/g ~iff=max (gq-gf, 0) ~= [gf/g] + [gu/g] [1/{l+Pl(Ell-1) }] , (min=fmin;max=l.00) ~-lt=fm=[gf/g]+gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~[gu/g] [1/(l+Plt (Eli-i) ] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt Primary EB WB NB SB or flt= [fm+0.91 (N-I) ] /N** --Dr special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, 2e text. ~ If Pi>=i for shared left-turn lanes with N>I, then assume de-facto -- left-turn lane and redo calculations. * For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. ~or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach ar when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL UNIFORM DELAY WORKSHEET ~dj. LT Vol from Vol Adjustment Worksheet, v ~c ratio from Capacity Worksheet, X ~imary phase effective green, g b-econdary phase effective green, gq ~From Supplemental Permitted LT Worksheet), gu ~cle length, C 80.0 Red =(C-g-gq-gu), r __crivals: v/(3600(max(X,1.0))), qa Primary ph. departures: s/3600, sp ~condary ph. departures: s(gq+gu)/(gu*3600), ss XProt ~Case · eue at beginning of green arrow, Qa ~deue at beginning of unsaturated green, Qu Residual queue, Qr --~iform Delay, dl EBLT WBLT 353 0.70 7.0 13.34 38.66 21.0 0.10 0.468 0.21 0.64 0.84 1 2.06 1.31 0.00 5.6 NBLT SBLT DEIJ~Y/LOS WORKSHEET WITH INITIAL QUEUE Initial Dur. Uniform Delay Initial Final ~ppr/ Unmet Unmet Queue Unmet Lane Demand Demand Unadj. Adj. Param. Demand roup Q veh t hrs. ds dl sec u Q veh Initial Lane Queue Group Delay Delay d3 sec d sec Eastbound estbound ~orthbound outhbound Intersection Delay 10.3 sec/veh Intersection LOS B ERROR MESSAGES No errors to report. 2.5% Growth WHB\CR. 48-9816800 · File: Dividers wp HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c Inter: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 ~alyst: DEA/jmc ate: 8/24/00 ~/W St: ce 48 City/St: Southold, NY Proj #: 98168 Period: AM 2013 @ 2.5% N/S St: NYS Route 25 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY ~o. Lanes LGConfig --olume ane Width ~TOR Vol Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 T R 369 140 12.0 10.0 0 Westbound L T R 1 1 0 L T 178 242 10.0 12.0 Northbound L T R 1 0 0 L 94 14.0 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 uration 1.00 Phase Combination 1 B Left ~ Thru Right Peds B Left A Thru P Right Peds _B Right SB Right -reen ellow Ail Red Cycle Length: Area Type: Ail other areas Signal Operations 2 3 4 NB Left p Thru p Right Peds p SB Left p Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right 5 6 7 8 A P 4.0 52.0 9.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 80.0 secs ~pPr/ Lane Lane Group ~rp Capacity Intersection Performance Summary Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Flow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Approach Delay LOS Eastbound 1259 R 1262 Westbound 659 =' 1472 !orthbound 241 ;outhbound 1900 0.36 0.663 6.8 A 1507 0.14 0.837 1.4 A 0.33 0.775 3.3 A 1900 0.20 0.775 2.7 A 1925 0.48 0.125 34.1 C 5.3 A 3.0 A 34.1 C Intersection Delay = 7.0 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = A HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c -ennifer M. Cato dnn Engineering Associates ~6 Main Street ~esthampton Beach, NY 11978 ~one: (516) 288-2480 ~:-Mail: dea@northeast.net Fax: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (516) 288-2544 Intersection: -ity/State: nalyst: Project No: Time Period Analyzed: ate: =ast/West Street Name: North/South Street Name: CR 48 @ NYS Route Southold, NY DEA/jmc 98168 AM 2013 @ 2.5% 8/24/00 CR 48 NYS Route 25 25 VOLUME DATA Volume HF K 15 Vol Hi Ln Vol ~ Grade deal Sat ParkExist NumPark Hea~-yVeh ~o. Lanes LGConfig ,ane Width TOR Vol ~dj Flow mInSharedLn · rop Turns ~umPeds NumBus Eastbound L T R 369 140 0.82 0.82 113 43 0 1900 1900 Westbound L T R L78 242 0.82 0.82 54 74 0 1900 1900 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 T R L 12.0 10.0 10.0 0 450 171 217 0 0 0 0 0 1 T 12.0 295 Northbound L T R 94 1900 0 1 L 14.0 115 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 0 0 0 3uration 1.00 Area Type: Ail other areas /-nit Unmet ~-riv. Type unit Ext. I Factor ~st Time _ct of g Ped Ming Eastbound L T R 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 ~ase Combination 1 Left Thru Right Peds Left A Thru P Right Peds Right Right 2 P P P P OPEP~ATING PAR3~METERS Westbound L 0.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 T 0.0 3 3.0 1.000 2.0 3.0 3.0 Northbound T R L Southbound T R 1.000 3.0 R L 0.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 PHASE DATA 4 5 6 7 8 NB Left A Thru Right Peds SB Left Thru Right Peds EB Right P WB Right ~reen 4.0 52.0 ellow 3.0 3.0 ~11 Red 2.0 2.0 9.0 3.0 2.0 --ycle Length: 80.0 secs ppr./ Mvt ~ovement Volume PHF VOLUME ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET Adjusted Prop. Prop. Flow No. Lane Flow Rate Left Right Rate Lanes Group RTOR In Lane Grp Turns Turns astbound Left 0 Thru 369 0.82 450 1 T 450 Right 140 0.82 171 1 R 0 171 ~estbound Left 178 0.82 217 1 L 217 Thru 242 0.82 295 1 T 295 Right 0 orthbound Left 94 0.82 115 1 L 115 Thru 0 Right 0 ~outhbound Left 0 Thru 0 Right 0 Value entered by user. SATURATION FLOW ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET ppr/ Ideal Lane Sat f f f f f f f Group Flow W HV G P BB A LU mastbound 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f f RT LT Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 0.850 .... Westbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 0.420 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 T 1900 .1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 Adj Sat Flow 1900 1507 745 1685 1900 Jorthbound L 1900 1.067 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1925 ~outhbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: Appr/ Mvmt Lane Group CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Adj Adj Sat Flow Green Flow Rate Flow Rate Ratio Ratio (v) (s) (v/s) (g/c) --Lane Group-- Capacity v/c (c) Ratio ~---~stbound Pri. Sec. Left Thru T Right R Westbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru T Right ~,orthbound Pti. Sec. Left L Thru Right outhbound Pti. Sec. Left Thru Right 450 1900 # 0.24 0.663 171 1507 0.11 0.837 147 1685 # 0.09 0.087 70 745 0.09 0.688 217 0.775 295 1900 0.16 0.775 115 1925 ~ 0.06 0.125 1259 0.36 1262 0.14 147 1.00 512 0.14 659 0.33 1472 0.20 241 0.48 Sum (v/s) critical = 0.38 ~ost Time/Cycle, L = 12.00 sec Critical v/c(X) = 0.45 ~_ppr/ Ratios rp v/c g/C Unf Del dl LEVEL OF SERVICE WORKSHEET Prog Lane Incremental Res Adj Grp Factor Del Del Fact Cap k d2 d3 Lane Group Approach Delay LOS Delay LOS ,~stbound 0.36 0.14 zstbound 0.33 0.20 3rthbound 0.48 0.663 6.0 0.837 1.2 0.775 3.0 0.775 2.4 0.125 32.6 1.000 1259 0.50 0.8 0.0 1.000 1262 0.50 0.2 0.0 1.000 659 0.11 0.3 0.0 1.000 1472 0.50 0.3 0.0 6.8 A 5.3 A 1.4 A 3.3 A 2.7 A 3.0 A 1.000 241 0.11 1.5 0.0 34.1 C 34.1 C ~outhbound Intersection Delay = 7.0 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = A SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for exclusive lefts -- APPROACH ~.,cle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G E~fective Green Time for Lane Group, g ~pposing Effective Green Time, go ~mber of Lanes in Lane Group, N ~mber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt --~oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~justed Opposing Flow Rate, Vo ~ost Time for Lane Group, tl ~ft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 ·posing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo ~mpposing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) j~f=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g ~posing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) ~=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g gu =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf ~-(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 Lho=l-Plto ~l*=Plt [1+{ (N-1)g/(gf+gu/Ell+4.24) }] ~11 (Figure 9-7) 12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 ~min=2 (l+Plt)/g or fmin=2 (l+Pl) /g gdif f=max (gq-gf, 0 ) -~,~=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/{l+Pl(Ell-1) }] , (min=fmin;max=l.00) lt=fm= [gf/g] +gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~[gu/g] [1/(l+Plt(Ell-1) ] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt EB WB NB SB 61.0 55.0 53.0 1 1 217 0.00 450 4.00 4.82 10.00 1.00 0.0 0.34 9.03 45.97 4.51 1.00 1.00 1.99 1.00 0.07 0.00 0.42 or flt= [fm+0.91(N-i) ]/N** 0.420 For special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, --ee text. If Pi>=i for shared left-turn lanes with N>i, then assume de-facto left-turn lane and redo calculations. ~* For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach -~r when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for shared lefts APPROACH ~!cle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G Effective Green Time for Lane Group, g ~pposing Effective Green Time, go ~mber of Lanes in Lane Group, N ~.amber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt ~coportion of Left Turns in Lane Group, Plt roportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto Adjusted Opposing Flow Rate, Vo Lost Time for Lane Group, tl 2ft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 upposing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo O~fposing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) =[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g pposing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) gq=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g ~u =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf ,(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 Ptho=l-Plto ~l*=Plt [1+{ (N-1)g/ (gf+gu/Ell+4.24) } ) 11 (Figure 9-7) =12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 fmin=2(l+Plt)/g or fmin=2(l+P1)/g ~dif f=max (gq-gf, 0) m= [gf/g] +[gu/gl [1/{i+P1 (Ell-i) }] , .(min=fmin;max=l.00} ~lt=fm=[gf/g]+gdiff [1/{i+Plt{E12-1) }] ~[gu/g] [1/{l+Plt(Ell-1)], (min=fmin;max=l.O) flt Primary EB WB NB SB or flt= [fm+0.91 (N-i) ] /N** -='or special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, ee text. * If Pi>=i for shared left-turn lanes with N>I, then assume de-facto ~ left-turn lane and redo calculations. * For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. For special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach =Dr when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL UNIFORM DELAY WORKSHEET Adj. LT Vol from Vol Adjustment Worksheet v ~c ratio from Capacity Worksheet, X ~imary phase effective green, g ~econdary phase effective green, gq ~From Supplemental Permitted LT Worksheet), gu fcle length, C 80.0 Red =(C-g-gq-gu), r ~rivals: v/(3600(max(X,l.0))), qa Primary ph. departures: s/3600, sp ~gcondary ph. departures: s(gq+gu)/(gu*3600), ss Perm XProt ~Case ~eue at beginning of green arrow, Qa ~ueue at beginning of unsaturated green, Qu Residual queue, Qr ~niform Delay, dl DELAY/LOS WORKSHEET WITH INITIAL QUEUE EBLT Initial Dur. Uniform Delay Initial Final Appr/ Unmet Unmet Queue Unmet .~ane Demand Demand Unadj. Adj. Param. Demand roup Q veh t hrs. ds dl sec u Q veh WBLT NBLT SBLT 217 0.33 7.0 9.03 45.97 18.0 0.06 0.468 0.25 0.29 0.46 1 1.09 0.54 0.00 3.0 Initial Lane Queue Group Delay Delay d3 sec d sec Eastbound estbound ~orthbound ~:outhbound Intersection Delay 7.0 sec/veh Intersection LOS A No errors to report. ERROR MESSAGES HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c Inter: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 :~lalyst: DF~A/jmc ~te: 8/24/00 ~/W St: CR 48 City/St: Southold, NY Proj #: 98168 Period: PM 2013 @ 2.5% N/S St: NYS Route 25 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY _O. Lanes LGConfig ~olume ane Width RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 T R 332 155 12.0 10.0 0 Westbound L T R 1 1 0 L T 269 584 10.0 12.0 Northbound L T R 1 L 248 14.0 0 0 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 uration 1.00 Phase Combination 1 ~B Left Thru Right Peds B Left A Thru P Right Peds _$ Right SB Right ~reen ellow ~All Red Area Type: Ail other areas Signal Operations 2 3 4 NB Left p Thru p Right Peds p SB Left p Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right 5 6 7 8 A P 4.0 46.0 15.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Cycle Length: 80.0 secs ~ppr/ Lane Lane Group ~rp Capacity Intersection Performance Summary Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Flow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Approach Delay LOS Eastbound 1116 1900 1262 1507 ~.Westbound 646 1330 1900 --Iorthbound 385 1925 0.30 0.587 8.9 A 0.12 0.837 1.4 A 0.42 0.700 5.4 A 0.44 0.700 6.3 A 0.64 0.200 33.1 C 6.5 A 6.0 A 33.1 C ]outhbound Intersection Delay = 10.4 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = B HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c ~nnifer M. Cato ~nn Engineering Associates ~6 Main Street ~sthampton Beach, NY 11978 -none: (516) 288-2480 ~:-Mail: dee@northeast.net Fax: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (516) 288-2544 ~ntersection: ~ ty/State: ]alyst: ~roject No: ~ime Period Analyzed: ~te: ,.dst/West Street Name: North/South Street Name: CR 48 @ NYS Route Southold, NY DEA/jmc 98168 PM 2013 @ 2.5% 8/24/00 CR 48 NYS Route 25 25 VOLUME DATA ~olume ~F _K 15 Vol Hi Ln Vol ~ Grade deal Sat ParkExist ~umPark Heavy Veh ..o. Lanes LGConfig 'ane width TOR Vol Adj Flow ~InSharedLn rop Turns mumPeds ~umBus Eastbound L T R 332 155 1.00 1.00 83 39 0 Westbound L T 269 584 1.00 1.00 68 146 1900 1900 1900 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 T R L 0 1900 0 1 T 10.0 12.0 Northbound T R L 12.0 10.0 0 269 584 0 0 R L 248 1.00 62 1900 0 0 1 L 14 . 0 248 0 0 0 332 155 0 0 0 0 Southbound T R 0 0 0 ~uration 1.00 Area Type: Ail other areas OPERATING PARAMETERS ;.nit Unmet ~riv. Type onit Ext. I Factor Dst Time Kt of g Ped Ming Eastbound L T R 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Westbound L T 0.0 3 3.0 1.000 2.0 3.0 3.0 R L 0.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 Northbound T R 1.000 3.0 0.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 Southbound L T R PHASE DATA phase Combination 1 2 =B Left Thru P Right P Peds 3 4 NB Left Thru Right Peds 5 6 A 7 8 Left A P Thru P P Right Peds SB Left Thru Right Peds _B Right ~B Right EB Right P WB Right ~reen 4.0 46.0 ellow 3.0 3.0 ~11 Red 2.0 2.0 15.0 3.0 2.0 ~ycle Length: 80.0 secs VOLUME ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET 3pr./ Mvt Flow No. Lane [ovement Volume PHF Rate Lanes Group RTOR Adjusted Prop. Prop. Flow Rate Left Right In Lane Grp Turns Turns ~stbound Left 0 Thru 332 1.00 332 1 T Right 155 1.00 155 1 R 0 332 155 ~estbound Left 269 1.00 269 1 L Thru 584 1.00 584 1 T Right 0 269 584 ~rthbound Left 248 1.00 248 1 L Thru 0 Right 0 248 ~outhbound Left 0 Thru 0 Right 0 Value entered by user. SATURATION FLOW ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET _ppr/ Ideal Adj Lane Sat f f f f f f f f f Sat ~roup Flow W HV G P BB A LU RT LT Flow Eastbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 0.850 .... 1900 1507 ~estbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 0.459 814 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1685 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1900 ~orthbound L 1900 Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.067 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1925 Couthbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: Appr/ Mvmt Lane Group CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Adj Adj Sat Flow Green Flow Rate Flow Rate Ratio Ratio (v) (s) (v/s) (g/C) --Lane Group-- Capacity v/c (c) Ratio ~astbound Pti. Sec. Left Thru T Right R Westbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru T Right ~orthbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru Right outhbound Pri. Sec. Left Thru Right 332 1900 0.17 0.587 155 1507 0.10 0.837 147 1685 0.09 0.087 122 814 0.15 0.613 269 0.700 584 1900 # 0.31 0.700 248 1925 # 0.13 0.200 1116 0.30 1262 0.12 147 1.00 499 0.24 646 0.42 1330 0.44 385 0.64 Sum (v/s) critical = 0.44 ~ost Time/Cycle, L = 8.00 sec Critical v/c(X) = 0.48 Appr/ --ane rp Ratios v/c 9/c LEVEL OF SERVICE WORKSHEET Unf Prog Lane Incremental Res Del Adj Grp Factor Del Del dl Fact Cap k d2 d3 Lane Group Approach Delay LOS Delay LOS ~astbound 0.30 0.587 0.12 0.837 estbound 0.42 0.700 0.44 0.700 orthbound L 0.64 0.200 8.2 1.000 1116 0.50 0.7 0.0 1.2 1.000 1262 0.50 0.2 0.0 5.0 1.000 646 0.11 0.4 0.0 5.2 1.000 1330 0.50 1.1 0.0 8.9 A 6.5 A 1.4 A 5.4 A 6.3 A 6.0 A 29.4 1.000 385 0.22 3.7 0.0 33.1 C 33.1 C ~outhbound Intersection Delay = 10.4 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS B SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for exclusive lefts APPROACH ~zcle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G El fective Green Time for Lane Group, g ~posing Effective Green Time, go ~mber of Lanes in Lane Group, N ~amber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt m~oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~justed Opposing Flow Rate, Vo Lost Time for Lane Group, tl z-~ft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 ~posing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo ~mpposing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) ~f=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g ~posing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) ~=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g gu =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf ---(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 Lho=l-Plto ~l*=Plt [1+{ (N-1)g/(gf+gu/Ell+4-24) }] ~11 (Figure 9-7) 12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 ~min=2(l+Plt)/g or fmin=2(l+Pl)/g gdiff=max(gq-gf,0) --m=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/{l+Pl(Ell-1) }] , (min=fmin;max=l.00) lt=fm= [gf/g]+gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~[gu/g] [1/ (l+Plt (Ell-l)] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt EB WB NB SB 55.0 49.0 47.0 1 1 269 0.00 332 4.00 5.98 7.38 1.00 0.0 0.41 8.86 40.14 4.43 1.00 1.00 1.78 1.00 0.08 0.00 0.46 or flt= [fm+0.91(N-i) ] /N** 0.459 For special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, --ee text. If Pl>=l for shared left-turn lanes with N>I, then assume de-facto left-turn lane and redo calculations. ~* For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. 'or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach ~r when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for shared lefts APPROACH ~Tcle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G ~fective Green Time for Lane Group, g ~posing Effective Green Time, go ]mber of Lanes in Lane Group, N ~.amber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt --~oportion of Left Turns in Lane Group, Plt ~oportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto Adjusted Opposing Flow Rate, Vo ~-ost Time for Lane Group, tl Dft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 ~pposing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo O~posing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) ~=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g f~posing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) gq=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g ~ =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gl if gq<gf =(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 ~tho=l-Plto ~l*=Plt [1+{ (N-1)g/ (gf+gu/Ell+4.24))) 11 (Figure 9-7) ~12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 fmin=2(l+Plt)/g or fmin=2(l+P1)/g --dif f=max (gq-gf, 0) m=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/(i+Pi(Ell-1)}], (min=fmin;max=l.00) ~lt=fm=[gf/g]+gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~[gu/g] [1/(l+Plt (Eli-i)] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt Primary EB WB NB SB or flt=[fm+0.91(N-i)]/N** --'or special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, _ ee text. * If Pi>=I for shared left-turn lanes with N>I, then assume de-facto -- left-turn lane and redo calculations. * For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. -For special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach .Dr when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL UNIFORM DELAY WORKSHEET Adj. LT Vol from Vol Adjustment Worksheet, v ~/c ratio from Capacity Worksheet, X rimary phase effective green, g ~econdary phase effective green, gq ~From Supplemental Permitted LT Worksheet), gu ycle length, C 80.0 Red =(C-g-gq-gu), r rrivals: v/(3600(max(X,1.0))), qa Primary ph. departures: s/3600, sp ~ccondary ph. departures: s(gq+gu)/(gu*3600), ss Perm XProt ~Case ueue at beginning of green arrow, Qa ~eue at beginning of unsaturated green, Qu Residual queue, Qr --niform Delay, dl EBLT WBLT 269 0.42 7.0 8.86 40.14 24.0 0.07 0.468 0.28 0.33 0.71 1 1.79 0.66 0.00 5.0 NBLT SBLT DELAY/LOS WORKSHEET WITH INITIAL QUEUE Initial Dur. Uniform Delay Initial Final ~ppr/ Unmet Unmet Queue Unmet Lane Demand Demand Unadj. Adj. Param. Demand roup Q veh t hrs. ds dl sec u Q veh Initial Lane Queue Group Delay Delay d3 sec d sec ~astbound estbound ~orthbound --outhbound Intersection Delay 10.4 sec/veh Intersection LOS B ERROR MESSAGES No errors to report. HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c Inter: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 --nalyst: DEA/jmc ate: 8/24/00 ~/W St: CR 48 City/St: Southold, NY Proj #: 98168 Period: Sat 2013 @ 2.5% N/S St: NYS Route 25 _o. Lanes LGConfig -'olume ,ane Width ~TOR Vol Eastbound L T R 0 1 1 T R 728 285 12.0 10.0 0 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SLrMMARY Westbound L T R 1 1 0 L T 397 378 10.0 12.0 Northbound L T R 1 0 0 L 210 14.0 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 uration 1.00 Area Type: Ail other areas Derations Signal O 3 4 Phase Combination 1 2 --B Left Thru P Right P Peds B Left A P Thru P P Right Peds _~B Right SB Right ~reen 14.0 38.0 ellow 3.0 3.0 All Red 2.0 2.0 Cycle Length: 80.0 secs NB Left Thru Right Peds SB Left Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right =ppr/ Lane Lane Group :rp Capacity 5 6 7 8 A P 13.0 3.0 2.0 Intersection Performance Summary Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Flow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Approach Delay LOS Eastbound 926 ~ 1074 Westbound 510 1378 ~orthbound 337 :outhbound 1900 0.87 0.488 31.0 1507 0.30 0.712 4.9 0.86 0.725 33.4 1900 0.30 0.725 4.5 1925 0.69 0.175 37.1 C 23.7 C A C A 19.3 B D 37.1 D Intersection Delay = 23.4 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = C HCS: Signalized Intersections Release 3.1c --ennifer M. Cato · unn Engineering Associates Main Street ~esthampton Beach, NY 11978 ~hone: (516) 288-2480 E-Mail: dea@northeast.net Fax: OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS (516) 288-2544 Intersection: ~ity/State: .nalyst: --Project No: ,~ime Period Analyzed: ~ate: ~ast/West Street Name: North/South Street Name: CR 48 @ NYS Route 25 Southold, NY DEa/jmc 98168 Sat 2013 @ 2.5% 8/24/00 CR 48 NYS Route 25 VOLUME DATA Volume _'K 15 Vol Hi Ln Vol --~ Grade deal Sat ~ParkExist _NumPark ~ Heavy Veh ~o. Lanes LGConfig --,ane Width %TOR Vol --Adj Flow -~InSharedLn 'rop Turns ~umPeds NumBus Eastbound L T R 728 285 0.90 0.90 202 79 0 1900 1900 0 0 1 1 T R 12.0 10.0 0 809 317 0 0 0 Westbound L T R 397 378 0.90 0.90 110 105 0 1900 1900 0 0 1 1 L T 10.0 12.0 441 420 0 0 0 Northbound L T R 210 0.90 58 1900 0 1 L 14.0 233 0 0 0 0 Southbound L T R 0 0 0 0 _)uration 1.00 Area Type: Ail other areas OPERATING PAP~AMETERS ~nit Unmet rriv. Type onit Ext. Factor ost Time _xt of g Ped Ming Eastbound L T R 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Westbound L T 0.0 3 3.0 1.000 2.0 3.0 3.0 Northbound T 1.000 3.0 R L 0.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 R L 0.0 3 3.0 2.0 3.0 Southbound T R PHASE DATA .~hase Combination 1 2 ~B Left Thru P Right P Peds 3 4 NB Left Thru Right Peds 5 6 A 7 8 -~B Left A P Thru P P Right Peds SB Left Thru Right Peds __B Right -~B Right EB Right P WB Right .~reen 14.0 38.0 ellow 3.0 3.0 ~11 Red 2.0 2.0 13.0 3.0 2.0 ~ycle Length: 80.0 secs _ppr./ Mvt Movement Volume PHF VOLUME ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET Adjusted Prop. Prop. Flow No. Lane Flow Rate Left Right Rate Lanes Group RTOR In Lane Grp Turns Turns astbound Left Thru 728 Right 285 0.90 0.90 0 809 1 T 809 317 1 R 0 317 Westbound Left 397 Thru 378 Right --orthbound Left 210 Thru Right 0.90 0.90 0.90 441 1 L 441 420 1 T 420 0 233 1 L 233 0 0 Southbound Left 0 Thru 0 Right 0 Value entered by user. SATURATION FLOW ADJUSTMENT WORKSHEET ppr/ Ideal Lane Sat f f f f f f ~roup Flow W HV G P BB A ~astbound 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f f f LU RT LT Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 0.850 .... Adj Sat Flow 1900 1507 ~estbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 0.167 296 1900 0.933 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1685 1900 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.000 1900 ~orthbound L 1900 1.067 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: 1.00 1.00 .... 0.950 1925 -~outhbound Sec LT Adj/LT Sat: Appr/ Mvmt Lane Group CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Adj Adj Sat Flow Green Flow Rate Flow Rate Ratio Ratio (v) (s) (v/s) (g/c) --Lane Group-- Capacity v/c (c) Ratio ~astbound Pti. Sec. Left Thru T Right R Westbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru T Right ~orthbound Pri. Sec. Left L Thru Right outhbound Pri. Sec. Left Thru Right 809 1900 ~ 0.43 0.488 317 1507 0.21 0.712 358 1685 # 0.21 0.213 83 296 0.28 0.512 441 0.725 420 1900 0.22 0.725 926 0.87 1074 0.30 358 1.00 152 0.55 510 0.86 1378 0.30 233 1925 ~ 0.12 0.175 337 0.69 Sum (v/s) critical 0.76 ~Lost Time/Cycle, L = 12.00 sec Critical v/c(X) 0.89 Appr/ Ratios --ane _rp ~/c g/C LEVEL OF SERVICE WORKSHEET Unf Prog Lane Incremental Res Del Adj Grp Factor Del Del dl Fact Cap k d2 d3 Lane Group Approach Delay LOS Delay LOS ~astbound 0.87 0.30 estbound 0.86 0.30 orthbound 0.69 -~outhbound 0.488 18.3 1.000 926 0.50 12.7 0.0 31.0 C 23.7 C 0.712 4.2 1.000 1074 0.50 0.7 0.0 4.9 A 0.725 16.8 1.000 510 0.39 16.7 0.0 33.4 C 0.725 3.9 1.000 1378 0.50 0.6 0.0 4.5 A 19.3 B 0.175 31.0 1.000 337 0.26 6.1 0.0 37.1 D 37.1 D Intersection Delay = 23.4 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = C SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for exclusive lefts -- APPROACH ~¥cle Length, C 80.0 sec ~tual Green Time for Lane Group, G ~ffective Green Time for Lane Group, g O_.pposing Effective Green Time, go umber of Lanes in Lane Group, N _~mber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt -~roportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto djusted Opposing Flow Rate, Vo ~ost Time for Lane Group, tl Left Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 pposing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo ~pposing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) ~f=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g pposing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) ~q=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g gu =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gl if gq<gl --=(gq-gl)/2, n>=0 tho=l-Plto ~l*=Plt [1+/ (N-1)g/(gf+gu/Ell+4.24) }] _~11 (Figure 9-7) 12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 ~min=2 (l+Plt) /g or fmin=2 (i+P1) /g gdif f=max (gq-gf, 0 ) "m=[gf/g]+[gu/g] [1/fl+PI(Ell-I)}], (min=fmin;max=l.00) lt=fm=[gf/g] +gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~ [gu/g] [1/(l+Plt (Eli-i)] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt EB WB NB SB 57.0 41.0 39.0 1 1 441 0.00 809 4.00 9.80 17.98 1.00 0.0 0.51 21.98 19.02 10.99 1.00 1.00 2.78 1.00 0.10 0.00 0.17 or flt=[fm+0.91(N-i) ] /N** 0.167 For special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, mee text. If Pi>=I for shared left-turn lanes with N>I, then assume de-facto left-turn lane and redo calculations. ~* For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. 'or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach ~r when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for shared lefts -- APPROACH ~¥cle Length, C 80.0 sec stual Green Time for Lane Group, G ~ffective Green Time for Lane Group, g ~pposing Effective Green Time, go umber of Lanes in Lane Group, N _umber of Opposing Lanes, No Adjusted Left-Turn Flow Rate, Vlt --roportion of Left Turns in Lane Group, Plt roportion of Left Turns in Opposing Flow, Plto ~djusted Opposing Flow Rate, Vo ~ost Time for Lane Group, tl eft Turns per Cycle: LTC=VltC/3600 ~pposing Flow per Lane, Per Cycle: Volc=VoC/3600fluo ~pposing Platoon Ratio, Rpo (Table 9-2 or Eqn 9-7) f=[Gexp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g _pposing Queue Ratio: qro=l-Rpo(go/C) gq=(4.943Volc**0.762) (qro**l.061)-tl, gq<=g --u =g-gq if gq>=gf, =g-gf if gq<gf =(gq-gf)/2, n>=0 ~tho=l-Plto ,~l*=Plt [1+{ (N-1)g/ (gl+gu/Ell+4.24))) 11 (Figure 9-7) ~12=(1-Ptho**n)/Plto, E12>=l.0 fmin=2 (l+Plt) /g or fmin=2 (l+P1)/g --dif f=max (gq-gl, 0) m=[gf/g] +[gu/g] [1/{i+Pi(EIi-i) }] , (min=fmin;max=l.00) ~lt=fm= [gf/g]+gdiff [1/{l+Plt (El2-1) }] ~ [gu/g] [1/(l+Plt (Eli-I) ] , (min=fmin;max=l.0) flt Primary EB WB NB SB or flt= [fm+0.91(N-i) ] /N** '~or special case of single-lane approach opposed by multilane approach, ~ee text. If Pl>=l for shared left-turn lanes with N>i, then assume de-facto left-turn lane and redo calculations. For permitted left-turns with multiple exclusive left-turn lanes, flt=fm. ~or special case of multilane approach opposed by single-lane approach .pr when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL UNIFORM DEL~Y WORKSHEET EBLT Adj. LT Vol from Vol Adjustment Worksheet v ~/c ratio from Capacity Worksheet, X rimary phase effective green, g ~econdary phase effective green, gq ~From Supplemental Permitted LT Worksheet), gu ycle length, C 80.0 Red =(C-g-gq-gu), r __rrivals: v/(3600(max(X,l.0))), qa Primary ph. departures: s/3600, sp ~econdary ph. departures: s(gq+gu)/(gu*3600), ss Perm ~Prot ~Case ueue at beginning of green arrow, Qa ~ueue at beginning of unsaturated green, Qu Residual queue, Qr ~,niform Delay, dl DELAY/LOS WORKSHEET WITH INITIAL QUEUE Initial Dur. Uniform Delay Initial Final Appr/ Unmet Unmet Queue Unmet ~ane Demand Demand Unadj. Adj. Param. Demand !roup Q veh t hrs. ds dl sec u Q veh WBLT NBLT SBLT 441 0.86 17.0 21.98 19.02 22.0 0.12 0.468 0.18 1.49 0.60 3 4.35 2.69 1.65 16.8 Initial Lane Queue Group Delay Delay d3 sec d sec Eastbound ~estbound --Northbound ~outhbound Intersection Delay 23.4 sec/veh Intersection LOS C ERROR MESSAGES No errors to report. Geometric Design Elements for Roundabouts WHB\C.R 48-98168.00 File: Dividers wp 8 ROUNDABOUTS: INTERIM REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDANCE 3.0 GEOMETRIC DESIGN ELEMENTS 3.1 ~ Design criteria must be established for the approach highways, roundabout, and any right-turn- bypass lanes. When the proposed design will not meet any of the critical design elements, a nonstandard feature justification shall be prepared in accordance with HDM Section 2.8 and approved in accordance with the TEA-21 matrix in the Design Procedure Manual (DPM). Figure 1, on page 15, graphically shows many of the following critical design elements. Refer to FHWA's "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide" for a detailed description and other figures. 3.1.1 Approach Highways and Right-Turn-Bypass Lane Design Criteria The Design Approval Document must contain a list of critical design elements must be provided in a table for the approach highways and right-turn-bypass lanes. The critical design elements are to be established using NYSDOT HDM Chapter 2. The design criteria table shall include the existing value, criteda value (or range of values), and the proposed value for each critical design element. At least two sets of criteria will generally be-- needed for the approach highways. For example, a typical roundabout project will require design criteria for the north/south highway and for the east/west highway. 3.1.2 Roundabout Design Cdteria The following critical design elements must be included in a design criteria table for a proposed roundabout. The table shall include the criteria value (or range of values), existing values if a traffic circle currently exists, and the proposed value for each critical design element. a. Maximum Entry Speed - The maximum entry speed is 50 km/h. The basic principle of roundabout design is to restrict the operating speed within the intersection by deflecting the paths of entering and circulating vehicles. The vehicle path should be determined by finding the fastest path (i.e., a racing line) through the roundabout while maintaining a 1 m offset to curb, edge of pavement, and centerline. Safety and capacity benefits can be fully achieved only if vehicles are physically unable to traverse the roundabout at speeds higher than 50 km/h. b. Maximum Entry Superelevation - The maximum entry superelevation is 5.0%. El 00-021 June 30, 2000 L01/11/01 ROUNDABOUTS: INTERIM REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDANCE 9 Effective Flare Length - A flare may be used to increase the entry width and capacity of a roundabout by providing additional lanes at the entry. The effective flare length is equal to the distance from the entry width to a point where the approach width is equal to half the sum of the entry width and the approach traveled way width prior to influence from the roundabout. Where flaring is used, an effective flare length of 12.5 m to100 m should be used in urban areas and 20 m to 100 m should be used in rural areas. 30 m is preferred in both urban and rural areas. Minimum Entry Lane Width - The minimum entry lane width is 3.0 m, measured between lane markings and/or the curb(s) along the entry width, as defined below. Maximum Entry Width - The entry width is the perpendicular distance from the right curb line of the entry to the point where the left edge line or curb intersects the yield line (inscribed circle). A flare may be used to increase the entry width and capacity of a roundabout by providing additional lanes at the entry. Because flared entdes tend to increase the potential for accidents, they should be used only when required by traffic volumes. The maximum width for single lane approaches is 10.5 m. The maximum width for two lane approaches is 15.0 m. Entry Radius - The entry radius is the minimum radius of curvature for the compound curve measured along the right curb at entry beginning before the yield line. The entry radius shall be from 10 m (6 m no trucks) to 100 m. The practical entry radius is approximately 20 m. Smaller radii may decrease capacity, while larger radii may cause inadequate entry deflection. Refer to section 3.2(c) of this document for further layout guidance. Entry Angle - To provide the optimum deflection for entedng vehicles, the angle of entry shall be from 20° to 60° and desirably from 30° to 40° degrees. Smaller angles reduce visibility to the ddver's left, while larger angles cause excessive braking on entry and a resulting decrease in capacity. Approach Stopping Sight Distance - The approach stopping sight distance is the minimum stopping sight distance to the back of queue or yield line at the roundabout entry. Determine this distance by using Section 6.3.9 of the FHWA "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide". Intersection Sight Distance - The intersection sight distance is the minimum sight distance to the left required to detect conflicts in the circulating roadway or on another approach to the roundabout. Determine this distance by using Section 6.3.10 of the FHWA "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide". Sight Distance to Crosswalk - The sight distance to crosswalk is the minimum intersectiOn sight distance to the right required to determine if pedestrians or cyclists are entering the crosswalk. Determine this distance by using Section 6.3.9 of the FHWA "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide", El 00-021 June 30, 2000 L01/11/01 10 ROUNDABOUTS: INTERIM REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDANCE Inscribed Circle Diameter - The inscribed circle diameter is determined from the largest diameter circle that can be inscribed in the circulating roadway. The diameter of the inscribed circle may range between 15 m and 100 m. The minimum diameter shall accommodate the design vehicle with a 1 m horizontal clearance. However, the safety advantages of a roundabout may begin to diminish when the diameter of the inscribed circle exceeds 75 m. Diameters over 100 m should not be used. Circulating Roadway Cross Slope -The pavement may be either crowned or sloped to one side, depending on the need to facilitate drainage or minimize adverse rollover rates for vehicle paths. Desirably, roundabouts should be sloped away from the center island. The allowable range is 0.5% to 2.5%. Circulating Roadway Width - The width of the circulatory roadway depends mainly on the number of entry lanes and the radius of vehicle paths. The roadway must be at least as wide as the maximum entry width and generally should not exceed 1.2 times the maximum entry width. The circulating roadway width and truck apron, if present, should accommodate the design vehicle with a 1 m [~orizontal clearance. Control of Access & Parking - Driveways and parking are not permitted along the circulating roadway except that commercial driveways are allowed if designed as an intersecting leg of a roundabout. Driveways and parking are also prohibited between the crosswalk and yield line. Where no crosswalk is provided, driveways and parking are not permitted within 25 m of the yield line. Minimum Circulating Sight Distance - Circulating Sight Distance is the stopping sight distance for the circulating vehicle. Determine this distance by using Section 6.3.9 of the FHWA "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide". Minimum Exit Radius - The exit radius is the minimum radius of curvature measured along the right curb at exit. The exit radius is to be 20 m to100 m. The desirable exit radius is 20 m for single lane roundabouts and 40 m for multilane roundabouts. Pedestrian Accommodations - Pedestrian accommodations which comply with Americans with Disabilities Act & American with Disability Act Accessibility Guidelines, must be provided. Design Vehicle - The design vehicle has a substantial impact on the roundabout geometry. For maintenance operations, all state highways shall accommodate a single unit truck (SU). Larger design vehicles need to be used where bus or truck traffic is present. Consideration should be given to all vehicles legally permitted on the facility by the New.York State Vehicle & Traffic Law. Refer to HDM section 5.8~1 for additional guidance. Rollover Rate - The rate equal to the algebraic difference in cross slope, with 4.0% being the maximum between travel lanes. El 00-021 June 30, 2000 L01/11/01 ROUNDABOUTS: INTERIM REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDANCE 11 3.2 Other Desiqn Elements The following is a list of other design elements used in roundabout design. Refer to FHWA's "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide" for a more detailed discussion. Central Island - The central island is usually delineated by a raised, nonmountable curb, and its size is determined by the width of the circulatory roadway and the diameter of the inscribed circle. Fixed objects should not be placed within the central island on roundabouts with high speed approaches (85~ percentile speed of 80 km/h or greater). Truck Apron - A truck apron is a traversable portion of the raised center island to accommodate the wheel path of oversized vehicles. A truck apron may be used for single lane roundabouts and generally should not be used on multilane roundabouts. When the truck apron is sloped away from the center island, the apron should be sloped at a maximum of 2.0% to facilitate drainage while minimizing rollovers and loss of load accidents, which can be induced when the left side wheels mount the apron. Additionally, the outside edge of the apron shall be traversable (1:3 maximum slope) with no vertical reveal and a maximum height of 75 mm. Splitter Island - The splitter island is placed within the leg of a roundabout to separate entering and exiting traffic and provide vehicle deflection prior to entering the roundabout. The splitter island and entry curvature should be designed so that the deflection occurs using a sharp radius (e.g., 20 m) curve terminating 10 m to 15 m before the yield line. A large radius or tangent is then used to guide vehicles into the roundabout. The splitter island is usually designed with raised mountable curb in rural areas and non- mountable curb in urban areas tO help inform motorists of the entry deflection and to provide a refuge for pedestrian crossings. Splitter islands are to be designed in accordance with AASHTO guidelines for island design as shown in Section 6.3.8 of the FHWA "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide." Fixed objects should not be placed within the splitter island for medium or high speed approaches (85t~ percentile speed greater than 60 km/h). Bypass Lane - A bypass lane may be warranted for heavy right turn volumes as it allows traffic to bypass the roundabout. Bypass lanes shall be designed as turning roadways in accordance with HDM Chapter 2. Approach Width ~ The approach width refers to the width of the entering travel lanes before flaring or any other influence from the roundabout. Design the approach width in accordance with HDM Chapter 2. Exit Width - The exit width is the perpendicular distance from the right curb line of the exit to the intersection of the left edge line and the inscribed circle. The exit width should be designed to accommodate the design vehicle. Departure Width - The departure width refers to the width of the lanes departing from the roundabout at a point where the width is no longer influenced by the roundabout, Design the departure width in accordance with HDM Chapter 2. El 00-021 June 30, 2000 L01/11/01 12 ROUNDABOUTS: INTERIM REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDANCE Pedestrian facilities - Where pedestrian accommodations are to be provided: Pedestrians should not cross the circulating roadway and/or enter the center island. Therefore, benches, sidewalks, etc., are not to be located in the center island. Crosswalks should be installed 7.5 m upstream of the yield line at single lane roundabouts and between 7.5 m and 22.5 m back from the yield line at multilane roundabouts. Bringing crossings closer to the circle would reduce roundabout capacity, while placing them further away would expose pedestrians to higher vehicle speeds. The splitter island should be a minimum of 1.8 m wide at the pedestrian crossing. · The pedestrian crossing through the splitter island shall be flush with the approach roadway to avoid the need for ramps in the splitter island. · Speed tables and other vertical shifts, as defined in HDM Chapter 25, are not to be used on state highways. · For additional information see FHWA "Roundabouts: An Informational Guide" and HDM Chapter 18. Bicyclist facilities - A bike lane is not to be carried into a roundabout. A shoulder or bike lane is to be terminated to permit a merge during the last 22 m to 30 m of the approach before the entrance to a roundabout. Where bicycle traffic is heavy, a separate bicycle path should be considered for multilane roundabouts. 3.3 ~ There are two approaches to calculating the capacity of a roundabout. The first method involves an empirical formula based on field measurements at saturated roundabouts. The second method uses an analysis based on gap acceptance. The 1997 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and version 3.1 c of the Highway Capacity Software include .a procedure for determining the capacity of single lane roundabouts using the gap acceptance approach. For analyzing multilane roundabouts, the HCM suggests the use of software programs, but no specific program is mentioned. The Department recognizes that there are advantages to using empirical models to develop relationships between geometric design characteristics and roundabout performance. Therefore, all Department projects shall be analyzed using the empirical methodology. The Department has selected RODEL 1 as the standard software for analyzing roundabouts. Other programs are permitted, provided a RODEL I analysis is performed for comparison purposes since the fundamental differences between the empirical and analytical methods may sometimes produce inconsistent results. The RODEL 1 analysis is to be performed using a 0.85 confidence level. The use of the 0.85 confidence level will help avoid a gross underestimation of delays. To ensure reasonable output, the input data must be carefully checked for accuracy. For example, since the RODEL software was developed in England and vehicles travel in opposite directions from that in the United States, designers must label the roundabout entrance legs consecutively in a counterclockwise direction to ensure proper vehicle movement. A U_~_ni~d States version of_the__ RODEL software manual is available on DQAB's IntraDOT site and on the Design Division's Server u~er Documei~'~ F~'.o.~_u_F~es/Roundab~t~RO---~EL. E100-021 June 30,2000 L01/11/01 Figure 1 Roundabout illustration SIDEWALK~ BIKE L MULTI-USE PATH~ CROS ENTRY LANE WIDTH---~ CIRCULATING ROAOWAY'~ SPLITTER ENTRY BY-PASS LANE EXIT EFFECTIVE FLARE RARTURE WIDTH WALK ]STRIAN CROSSING WIDTH (X) APRON (IF REQUIRED) ISLAND LiNE TRY RADIUS (R) INSCRIBEO CIRCLE NTRY WIDTH (E) LARE LENGTH ;HOULDER ACH WIDTH (V) June 2000