HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-59.-4-5.1 . S~]) COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS- GREENFIELDS AT SOUTHOLD 1. No blllldlna shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain, btber than one private dwe11m, for the IIS& and occupelDcy of one family /Dot to exceed two atories lA bei,llt, aDd a private ,ara,e for not more thaa two ca.... A one stol')' dw.UlnC ereeted tbereOll, ahall have a first floor area of IlWt less tban twelve Iblllll- dred (1,200) square feet an.i a two story dwelling ahall have a first Roor area of not le.s than aip hWlldred (900) squ... feet, not lncludlq porchea, breezewa,., carports or ,ahps. All garages mat be attached to tbe dwelllq. No strllCtf.11'8 shall be erected on any lot lIlIltU tbe buUcllne plans foil' It have been approved, lA writing, by the Dedarant. 2. No mobile type homes or traUer. shall be kept, aed, moved or allowed on said premt.sea reprdleas of their alse, with th& exceptloA of boat traUers, wblcb ma" be kept In the real' of the premlsea. 3. No asbestoa siding ahall be IISed In the COll8trllCtlOD ot any dwelling or any other atructare on any lot. 4. No fellCes or waUs or simUar structure shall be bllUt or placed apon any lbt except that split raU fellces or natllral hedges Dot more than foW!' feet illo height are permitted. 5. No noxious or offell18ive activity shall be carried OD upon alll.ylot. nor shall anything be done tbereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nlllisance to tbe neigbborhood. 6. The exterior of all buildings on tbe lot mlllSt be maintained in good condition and repair so as not to become Wlsigbtly, the lawns must be kept Cllt short, and the premises In general mlllst be neat and tidy. 7. Tile Declarant reserves tbe sole right to grant franchise and consent for the installation and maintenance of any public IItility in. over, upon and across any of tbe streets in tbe development. including, witbout limitation. tbe right to lay water and gas mains, erect pole Unes for tbe transmission of electric power and install otber utilities in, over, upon and across the aaid streets. The Declarant does also reserve for bimself and bis succeasors in lntereat a perpetual easement not to exceed five (5) feet in width, along the rear and side lines of each lot in tbe development, for utllity installation and maln.tensnce. -1- . . 8. .h:ach and every lot conveyed in the subdivision shall be subject to an annual charge ,n such amount as will be fixed by the Declarant, his successors anJ assigns, not, however, exceeding in any year the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per lot. The assigns of the Declarant may include a property owner's association which may hereafter be organized, and in case such association is organ- ized, the sum provided for in this paragraph shall be payable to such association. fhe owner of any lot for himself, his heirs, successors and assigns covenants that he will pay this charge to the Declarant, his successors and aSdigns, on the first day of January in each and every year, and further Covenants that said charge shall on said date in each year recome a lien on the land and shall continue to be such lien until ful1y paiJ. Such charge shall be payable to the Declarant or his successors and assigns, and shall be devoted to the maintenance of the roads, and such other public purposes as shall from time to tLne be determined by the Declarant, his successors and:or assigns. And a party by the acceptance of a deed, hereby expressly \.ests in the Declarant, his successors and assigns, the right and power to bring all actions against the owner of the pren,ises hereby conveyed or any part thereof for the collection of saLl charge an.1 to enforce the aforesai.:! lien therefor. 90 fhe Declarant reserves the rivht to Jedicate all streets, roads, Jrainage areas and easements to the fown of Southold for highway and drainage purposes. 10. fhe Declarant, his successors or assigns, whether or not owning any part of the aforesaid land, shall ha.e the right to alter, n,odifyor annul any of the covenants, restrictions or conditions of this declaration and shall also have the power to assign such rights (with or without a conveyance of any title to any part of the aforesaiJ land) ~ an instru- ment in recordable form. Should the Declarant at any time assign such ri.ght, assignees thereof shall succeed to all the rights and powers of the Declarant hereunder, whether or not such assignees have any title to any part of the aforesaiJ land. 11. Failure by the Declarant, his successors or assigns, or an owner, to enforce any of the provi.sions herein shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter, In valiJation of anyone of these covenants by judgment or court order shall. in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effecL 12. These covenants anJ restrictions shaH run with the land hereby conveyed and shall bind and inure to the benefit of the saiJ parties, their heirs, administrators anJ assigns until January 1, 1990.. and said covenants and restrictions n,ay be enforced by action for damages or injunctions or both until the first day of January, 19ffi. -2- . iir.\\H 1 .''Il '....~ml,..I,."..- k.. ' . d ... ~"Of h" : i7.14l,n ~:. f ~ . I' I~":"'::" 'I'~ ' . ::: , >f:~' J I'f~"~,~ :iJ'~~;., '1'r."<'~ RODERICK VAN TUYL. P. C. FRONT STREET AT MAIN GREENPORT. NEW YORK 11844 :I PHONE 477:11170 De.ember 11, 197' DBSCRIPTION: Green:fi~4. at SouthoJ." Bel1ftn1~ at the intersection of the eaaterJ.y J.1De o:!' 1'ucker Lane with the northerly line of J.an4 of Long Irslan4 lIailroad Co.; from said pOin.t of beginning running a::.ong said easterly line of Tucker J..ane, two coursesl (1) B. 220 05' 00. W. - 592.13 feet; thence (2) B. 210 50' 30" W. - 339.49 feet to land 8f Ilc:mal1q, thenoe aJ.ong said land of Donahue, If. 68 '9' 10. lI. - 999.18 f.et.to landoof Conway; thence alQng ea1d J.and of Conway, S. 24 58' 20" E& - 602.05 feet, thenae aJ.ong land of Campbell, S. 25 18' 00" E. _ UO.22 feet, thence aJ.ong J.and of Grat~an and along said J.e~ ot Long IsJ.and Railroad Co., S. 25 01' 50. E. - 235.65 fut, thence along said land of Long Island Railroad Co., three courses: ( 1 ) S. 700 31' 20. W. - 652.0 feet; thence (2) N. 250 54' 40. W. - 10.05 feet; thence (3) S. 700 31' 20. W. - 399.30 feet to the point of beg:inn1ng. Containing 22.465 acres. RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.C. , 2.. V~. f'f''7l JIS/mg feu Gary "I. Olsen JlatUtuck ... ~ ?;, . . rh~" :~ . ~.-\ . .. " ~'1F I I I I I 1 ',,"i'l:~ . ~'V,:~."?' ".:;..:.',;"'>~>':'-' "1'-' .<'c~,. , . AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP the applicants ,in re, the above captioned sulidivision. 2. That we' submitthis affidavit of ownership in support of our application for a major subdivision approval pending before the Southold Town Planning Board. 3. That we are the sole owners of record of the 22.465 acres which are the subject matter of our subdivision applicatIon and said property is hEld in our individual names and not in a corporate name. Sworn to before me this ;1 day of December. 1973. / ') ~il f 1JJ . " ,tary Public NQTARY PUBLIC, STATE 0' A.ORln,~ alLARGE MYCO.~~W::r..~-:~, ~-'/'~'q:7']::"r. 1',1')" 12 1974 BONDED'Tt"IROUGH FR'ED' \V. DIr::STEI..HORS1 \/ :5) 1~,:LtJ ~ ., // I? "1 C:.l !i u~ ""';:'~:":"1;S.;., fj >"~~4~-~' --;i' ::;,7~' :,,~ . "",r,...-,'.' -""__',"__ '''''''''-''''."""",''.;,_ . . r-.---t; ".:","-r-""-"-.'~i-r""-' . Greenfililds At Southold SCHEDULE "c" Tucker Lane '.-,..."...,..,......-.- .,. _".",.,L~,~__..~>".,__