HomeMy WebLinkAboutMattituck Inlet/Creek: WaterwashTerry, Mark
Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Thursday, April 30, 2009 10:51 AM
Terry, Mark
Russell, Scott; Al Krupski
Subject: Re: Waterwash grant SOLUTION update
Education IS the primary mission of this grant project, but it is unfortunately time consuming. Thats
how we accumulate the hours!
I just spoke to Bob Govenale about it again. He'll give you a call when he gets a chance. He also
suggested we call Vinnie Orlando who knows him and could verify that the truck can do it. So I spoke
to Vincent and he has an idea for a kind of dolly to be made from an old lawn mower that could hold
the hose and be pushed around the Filterpave surface. He thinks 4-5 hours could do it and will call Pete
and Al.
It was a question th'e DEC asked at the pre-approval Bob and I went to and they were satisfied that the
town had a Vacon truck to do the maintenance. Here's what the company says:
Its aesthebcally-pteasmg color and use of reCyCled mte~ats rake ~ s/stem ideal
bu~ cer~cabo~ credits.
~ capturing ra~nlall as it lands and allowing it to infiltrate into the ground, the Fitte
Pavement can signit~card~y minimize or eliminate runoff and the prol~ems and costs associa~
Rainfatl throngh tine pavement can a
and transported to storage contain(
in landscaping and olP, er facility ~
~g and installation are w
co~ventJ~lal c.c~crete pavements, t
the FiltesPaver'* system is tully cure
use in 48 bourn_
No, mat maintenance consists
and/or mg the Filte~PaveTM
year or when required_
Research at Ire Unn~-rsity of New
shown that in cold climates, porous t
sav~gs of 10etween 75% and
rnaterials. Air c~culabon through the open pores of the paveme~, and the redudio~ of natu;
created by standing water accelerates the natural melting process.
By greasy reducing the need for de-icing mate~qals, the FilterPaveTM system causes signif
in chtonde runoa', wh~ is an increasing concern of both EPA and slate regulators.
Traditional site ~L-,~einpment cosls such as curbs, catch basins, pm-treatmefa syste
drainage ~.vstems, inlet/oultet protectx~ mea~jms, etc_ related to paved areas can general
or greatly reduced in size and cost.
The FilterPave"* system is r~ ~ ~ienciy to
b'te envimmeflL it can lower coe~m, Jction and
ma~.enance costs now and in tt'e ~ure.
Best, Lillian
On Apr 30, 2009, at 9:08 AM, Terry, Mark wrote:
It is all about educating everybody.., based upon what you describe it is a non-issue~
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938
Mark. Terry~.town.southold ny,us
From: Lillian Ball [majlto:bBIIstudio@thipg..net]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:02 AN
To: Terry, Mark
Subject: Re: Watervvash grant SOLUTION update
Hello Mark,
I spoke with Pete about this April 14,+17 and December 3 as well as March of 08. I know
his reservations.
Its not that he doesn't want to, he has never done it. In the first place there are no tiles- it is
solid like asphalt. Filterpave and Bob Govenale, (the excavator and engineer) say the
Vacon Truck is perfectly capable and just needs an operator who understands the issues.
Please give him a call. 631-9291388 or cell 631-774-6227.
I'll see what the manufacturer has on it.
On Apr 30, 2009, at 8:19 AM, Terry, Mark wrote:
Good Morning Lillian,
Did Pete commit the hours recently...or does that amount reflect past conversations? Also Al
reminded me that Pete does not want to use the vacuum truck for maintaining the tiles. His
concern is that the truck's suction is to great and it would pull the files up. He proposed using a
commercial hand vacuum, like the mini-street sweepers you see. Do you have any manufacture
information on recommended maintenance you could forward?
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938
Mark Terry@town southo!d ny us
From-' Lillian Ball [mailto:ba!!studio@thing,net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 9:42 PM
To: Terry, Hark
Cc: Russell, Scott; Al Krupski
Subject: Re: Waterwash grant SOLUTION update
I was so sorry to hear of Scott Hilary's loss. it has been a tough last few weeks.
In going over the budget again I see I made a mistake below in the match list. Pete Harris is
the 5 hours I attributed to Jim King.
( Jim and I have had several conversations but I didn't include him in the town match list.)
That maintenance is needed annually so we could actually use more for a match. Pete said
4-5 hours should do it with the Vacon truck. Should we consider it 3 years or 12 hours? He
hasn't gotten back to me about his hourly amount but I used the same rate as Jim Mc
I have been keeping an excel spread sheet weekly on my own hours, including most
conversations, emails, meetings and phone calls before submitting the application and after
we received the grant. Any estimates of other folks matching hours are just that- estimates
based on my time. So just do your best to figure it out as accurately as possible.
Bob Deluca and I filled out the DEC application today and are having it checked by a
consultant. As you know we had a good pre -approval mtg so hopefully the new survey is
the only thing missing. I would like to bring it by tomorrow or Friday since we need your
signature on it, Scott.
Thm~s to you both for your efforts on this.
Best, Lillian
On Apr 29, 2009, at 3:38 PM, Terry, Mark wrote:
Scott and I will work on securing the items you need.
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938
Mark. Terry~to_wn.southoldn¥.qs
From: Lillian Ball [ma!!to;bal!studio@tbi0g,net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 4:50 PM
To: Terry, Mark
Cc: Russell, Scott; Al Krupski; Hilary, Scott; Peggy Dickerson
Subject: Re: Waterwash grant SOLUTION
Dear Maxk and All;
The EPA has agreed to switch our funds from the town to GFEE. So now we need to have
a few items emailed to Lynn. Dwyer(a3~l\vf. org ( please cc me) to make the transition
complete. As you know, we are behind schedule so it would be much appreciated if
you could do this asap. She has requested:
# 1 a formal letter of permission from the Town to Group for the East End and LB
as project manager to do specific project work on this site.
#2 a letter indicating that the Town formally accepts that we will be
transferring the grant to another entity.
#3 a list of the hours that have already been finished by town employees. Here's
an estimate from my notes:
Heather Cusack-30, Jamie Richter- 12, Jim McMahon-10, Scott Hilary-35,
Jim King-5, Mark Terry-20
We still require the assistance of Pete Harris and his Vacon truck for 4 hours
annually but everything else will be taken care of by GFEE.
I gave the plans, drawings,.and a synopsis to Lauren in Trustees today, for approval at the
May 20th meeting. We are aiming to submit the DEC permit this week. Since we have met
with them for pm-approval, hopefully we will be able to proceed with construction in late
May as planned so the plantings and Spartina restoration survive.
Best, Lillian
On Apr 23, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Terry, Mark wrote:
I think that it is a terrific solution. Thanks for working so hard on
this project. Let me know what you need to legitimize GFEE
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938
Mark~Terr3 (a}town~southo!dlny~us
..... Original Message .....
From: Cushman, John
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:44 PM
To: Lillian Ball; Russell, Scott
Cc: Al Krupski; Hilary, Scott; Terry, Mark
Subject: RE: Waterwash grant SOLUTION
Indeed it is. Thanks Lillian.
..... Original Message .....
From: Lillian Ball [maj/to:ba!lstudio(a)thing~ngl]
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:32 PM
To: Russell, Scott
Cc: A1 Krupski; Hilary, Scott; Terry, Mark; Cushman, John
Subject: Re: Waterwash grant SOLUTION
I spoke with most concerned this morning and F&W has approved that Group
for the East End will be able to take over as fiscal agent.
The town will get credit for what it has already done, the contractor
needs no RFP, and we can move forward to get the permit and meet our
goals for June work. I think its an elegant solution for all concerned.
More specifics will follow.
Best regards,
On Apr 15, 2009, at 11:51 PM, Russell, Scott wrote:
I went over issues with john cushman, mark terry, jim mcmahon and
scott hillary this afternoon. This is going to be a very hard grant to
meeet and we need to restructure most of it. i asked scott and mark to
reach out to the contact to try to rearrange it however, we will need
to sit down with you to go over some of these obsticles.
We simply can't meet a friday deadline and we understand the grant
will not be affected by waiting to submit next week. Scott
From: Lillian Bail [mai!to;ba!lstudio(u3thing,net]
Sent: Wed 4/15/2009 3:52 PM
To: Russell, Scott
Subject: Re: Waterwash grant
Good to talk this AM.
I have downloaded the permit and am ready to go. What is our status?
Best, Lillian
On Apr 15, 2009, at 7:45 AM, Russell, Scott wrote:
I look foward to talking to you. I have meetings from 11 to 1 how
about 107 Scott
From: Lillian Ball [mailto;bal!studio~t~thing,net]
Sent: Tue 4/14/2009 11:31 PM
To: Russell, Scott
Subject: Re: Waterwash grant
All the points you mention below are not true.
Please talk to me Scott, it is my project, my 2 years of work and
evidently I am the only who who can accurately answer all the
questions. Even Mark did not know the facts that I have been
communicating to Scott, I was shocked at what he didn't know
when I
spoke to him on his cell today. So much wasted time.
I have a new manufacturer, a recycled glass permeable pavement,
better than the previous. ( Incidentally Jim at the landfill is
thrilled that we might use some of the glass that he has just sitting
them since it isn't currently being recycled) And a new excavator
who is willing to do the whole job including the survey, material,
grading installation etc for half of what it should cost - exactly
the $25000 in the grant.
We don't need jamie or Jim for that matter. Everyone is donating.
all within the perameters of the grant money. I would never expect
the town to come up with anything extra IN THIS CLIMATE
(even though
both Jamie and Jim were consulted originally and agreed to
Things can be reallocated in this grant as long as $ don't change,
they give the money up i¥ont.
I should have contacted you before but didn't wm~t to step on
anyone's toes, so I would much appreciate speaking to you
Should I come by around 11 ?
On Apr 14, 2009, at 10:55 PM, Russell, Scott wrote:
We can talk about this tommorrow. However, the
stormwater mgmt
committee felt this was a project that could no longer
be supported
(Scott Hilary is not on it). There are several aspects
about this
that the Town could not possibly verify. First, the
time expected to
be documented by Jim and his crew could never possibly be
The hours are substantially overestimated. The same
is true of
Jamie's hours. We also examined the estimated costs
of items such as
the benches and could not possibly verify those costs. Also, John
Sep mentioned the the manfacturer went bankrupt so
is unable to
donate the portion it committed to. Let's talk at my
office if you
have time some we can try to clear this up. Scott
From: Lillian Ball [mai!to:ballstudio(~thi~g.nct]
Sent: Tue 4/14/2009 6:51 PM
To: Russell, Scott
Subject: Waterwash grant
Dear Scott,
It seems there are some misunderstandings because
though well
intentioned, Scott Hilary hasn't been involved from
the beginning
like Mark and myselfi Mark has been too busy and
hoped Scott had a
handle on it. We need very little matching from the town at this
point other than writing the permit and vacuuming the
pavement once
a year. I will personally cut the small amount ofphrag
if Jim can't
do it. I'm sure I can clarify things so all understand what a girl
this is on the part of everyone involved. We have
done a huge
amount of work on it already and no one will make
any profit.
The DEC loved it at our approval meeting yesterday
so much they came
to look at the site and encourage our permit.
Everyone involved from Comell to the Allen Connell
at the NRCS has
been extremely enthusiastic. We have a very short
window of
opportunity here for planting. The papers are all
excited and want
to write articles.
Please help us make sure this valuable stormwater
education project
doesn't go down the drain.
Page 1 of 3
Hilary, Scott
From: Terry, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:32 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: FW: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Education
Lets meet on this.
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938
Ma rk. Terry(~,town~soqt;qQId. ny us
From: Lillian Ball [mailto:ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April ].5, 2009:1.1:30 AFl
To: Lynn Dwyer
Cc: Russell, Scott; Terry, Mark
Subject: Re: Hattituck Tnlet Stormwater Mitigation & Education
Thanks Lynn,
We are working on the rearranged matches now and will have them into you both soon.
After my excellent meeting with the supervisor today, we are hoping to have the permit application in
this week as well.
All best,
On Apr 15, 2009, at 9:33 AM, Lynn Dwyer wrote:
Dear Lillian,
Re: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Education
Q: Please provide what forms of match are acceptable and over what time frame regarding our Long Island
Sound Futures Fund Grant for the storm water remediation/education park at the Mattituck Inlet.
A: First let me reassure you that we are quite pleased and excited about this grant award because it is so
innovative and location-wise we like to see funds go into the boundaries of the eastern Sound as well as
the western sound. The fact that you have found an innovative use of nonrecyclable glass as part of the
project is just another interesting conservation layer associated with this project,
As discussed, I would ask you to work with the grant agreement budget, forms of match and deliverables to
reflect any changes you need to make. Pencil in the changes to this document and send to Parthena and
I. Parthena at our DC address N FWF, 1133 15th Street, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 2005. My address is
below. We will rework the budget and match as discussed and reissue the grant agreement. I just need to
look at it more closely to revise it within the approved categories of expenses.
Page 2 of 3
As to match, of course cash match is always the best if you have some to offer, but we accept both cash and in-kind
nonfederal in source. Given your dedicated time and the Fair Market Value reduction in cost from the excavation
company you are likely to have no trouble at all reaching your match goal of $48,100. Remember you don't need to
have match in hand at this point. You just need to have all your match at the end of the grant period which gives you a
year or greater to gather the match. NFWF staff would be pleased to work with your or the Town to figure out sources
of inkind or cash match if you are at all concerned. We do this all the time and I imagine there are sources you may
not even considered.
We wish you continued positive forward movement on this project and are quite pleased to learn the DEC is also
excited as they are partners on the Long Island Sound Study and Long Island Sound Futures Fund.
Best wishes,
Lynn Dwyer
Assistant Director, Eastern Partnership Office
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
40 West 4th Street, #151
Patchogue, NY 11772
o: 631 627 3488
c: 516-381-1717
f: 631-475-9716
From: Lillian Ball [!i!!ian8ball@gmai!~com]
~ent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 9:17 AH
To: Lynn Dwyer
Subject: match
Lynn Dwyer
Assistant Director, :Northeast, Eastern Partnership Office
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
40 West 4th Street, #102
Patchogue, NY 11772
W: 631/289-0250
F: 631/475-9716
1~ n .d~ yer(~th~ 1\~ t~org
Dear Lynn,
It looks like we will need to move some things around due to the current economic climate.
Please provide what forms of match are acceptable and over what time frame regarding our Long Island
Sound Futures Fund
Grant for the storm water remediation/education park at the Mattituck Inlet.
Thanks for your help.
Southold Town Board -
B°ar~eeting of March 24, 2009
Item # 5.21
DOC ID: 4863
MARCH 24, 2009:
WHEREAS the Town of Southold has received notice of a $40,000 grant award from the
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for the Mattituck Inlet Siormwater Mitigation project
(NY) #2008-0065-020, and
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has determined that the finandial activity
for this project should be reported in the Capital Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the establishment
of the following Capital Project in the 2009 Capital Fund:
Capital Project Name:
Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-
0065 -020
Financing Method:
Capital Grant from National Fish and Wildlife
Capital Grant, Federal Government
US Fish and Wildlife Service/EPA
Stormwater Mitigation
Capital Outlay
Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Louisa P, Evans, Justice
SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman
AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell
Generated April 2, 2009
Page 31
_sc cav Services Inc
PO Box 409 Wading River NY 11792
11 March 2009
Proposal for the preparation and installation of site improvements incorporating
WATERWASH system into Town of Southold Recreational Boat launching facility
Mattituck NY
Robert Governale
Excav Services Inc
PO Box 409
Wading River NY 11792
rcg(~excavscrvices.com; www. Excavservices.com
Cell 631-774-6227
Heavy Equipment Construction Services Phone & Fax 631-929-1388
Page I of 3
Hilary, Scott
From: Cushman, John
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 11:13 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: Clarification of signatures for the Executed Agreement
Good. Take a look at the below for establishing the capital budget for this project.
WHEREAS the Town of Southold has received notice of a $40,000 grant award from the
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for the Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation project, and
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has determined that the financial activity
for this project should be reported in the Capital Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the establishment
of the following Capital Project in the 2009 Capital Fund:
Capital Project Name: Mattituck Inlet St_o_r_.m..~_a_Le_.r___M__itig_a_tj_o_n
Financing Method: Capital Grant from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Capital Grant, Federal Government
US Fish and Wildlife
Stormwater Mitigation
Capital Outlay
Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:57 AM
To: Cushman, John
Subject: Clarification of signatures for the Executed Agreement
All we (thc Supervisor) nccd lo do at tiffs point is sign lwo copics ol'granl agrccmcnl on pagc 6 o1' 12 and mail
them both back to USFWS. [ will hold olT I'or now x~ith submilting thc request for payment until we get
approvals fi'om TB as per your direction.
Also. are you going to e-mail me the capital budget tbrmal?
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:ParthenaXydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent'- Monday, March 16, 2009 10:06 AM
To-' Hilary, Scott
Page 2 of 3
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
I Ii 'Scott.
I'he reporting lbrms will be filled out thronghout thc project; tile phase reports will bc filled out after thc
completiou of each phase, aud thc olhcr lbrms are only lilled out at the end of thc project (the Final Financial
reporting Ibrm. thc Certificatioa of Malch R)rm, and the Final Programmatic Fom~ and thc MBE/WBE form) At
this point, all you uccd to do is sign hoth granl agrcemcnls (including the date and your title) and mail them both
back to me.
l'hauk you,
From: Hilary, Scott [maJlto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:03 AM
To: Parthena Kydes
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
Thank you for the clarification! O.K. then what forms need to be filled out and returned?
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena.Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:57 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
Iii Scotl.
I apologize, thai document was not supposcd to have been mailed lo you. Thai is simply a NFWF fouling sheet
thai x~e use x~hen routing arotlnd granl agreements Im' approval,
When you mail back the grant agreemenls, would )'()ti mind ineludiug thai sheet iu the package so 1 can put it in
tile appropriatc file? Again. sorry for lhe conti~sion!
Pa rthcna
From: HJlary, Scott [mailto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:55 AM
To: Parthena Kydes
Subject: 2008-0065-020
I have a few questions regarding the Grant Agreement reuting sheet. The first question; Have all the documents
listed on left side-margin of the Grant Agreement Routing Sheet been provided (were and X or N/^ is indicated)?
Second question; who is the appropriate Town representative to be identified as the Project Accounting Manager
and does this require a signature or just name identified?
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
Page 1 of 2
Hilary, Scott
From: Parthena Kydes [Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:06 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
Hi Scott,
The reporting forms will be filled out throughout the project; the phase reports will be filled out after the
completion of each phase, and the other forms are only filled out at the end of the project (the Final
Financial reporting form, the Certification of Match form, and the Final Programmatic Form and the
MBE/WBE form) At this point, all you need to do is sign both grant agreements (including the date and
your title) and mail them both back to me.
Thank you,
From: HJlaw, Scott: [mailto:scott. hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Honday, March 16, 2009 10:03 AH
To: Parthena Kydes
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
Thank you for the clarification! O.K. then what forms need to be filled out and returned?
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NRNF.ORG]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:57 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
Hi Scott,
I apologize, that document was not supposed to have been mailed to you. That is simply a NFWF
routing sheet that we use when routing around grant agreements for approval.
VVhen you mail back the grant agreements, would you mind including that sheet in the package so I can
put it in the appropriate file? Again, sorry for the confusion!
From: Hilary, Scott [maJlto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Honday, March 16, 2009 9:55 AH
To: Parthena Kydes
Subject: 2008-0065-020
I have a few questions regarding the Grant Agreement routing sheet. The first question; Have all the documents
listed on left side-margin of the Grant Agreement Routing Sheet been provided (were and X or N/A is indicated)?
Second question; who is the appropriate Town representative to be identified as the Project Accounting Manager
and does this require a signature or just name identified?
Page 1 of 3
Hilary, Scott
From: Cushman, John
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 11:13 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: Clarification of signatures for the Executed Agreement
Good Take a look at the below for establishing the capital budget for this project.
WHEREAS the Town of Southold has received notice of a $40,000 grant award from the
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for the Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation project, and
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has determined that the financial activity
for this project should be reported in the Capital Fund, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the establishment
of the following Capital Project in the 2009 Capital Fund:
Capital Project Name: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation
Financing Method: Capital Grant from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Capital Grant, Federal Government
US Fish and Wildlife
Stormwater Mitigation
Capital Outlay
Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:57 AM
To: Cushman, 3ohn
Subject: Clarification of signatures for the Executed Agreement
All ;',c (1he Supervisor) need to dc) at this poinl is sign two copies of grant agreemen! ou page 6 of 12 and mail
tbcm both back to USFWS. I will hold offfor now with submitting the request lbr payment until we get
approx als from Ill as per your direction.
Also. mc you goiag to c-mail mc thc capital budget Ibrmat?
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena,Kydes@NFWF,ORG]
Sent: Monday, Harch 16, 2009 10:06 AM
To: Hilaw, Scott
Page 2 of 3
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
I Ii Scott,
'lhe reporting t'orms will be filled out throughout tile pro,~ecl; tile phase repo~ls will be filled om after the
completion of each phase, and thc other tYrms are only filled out at the end of the project {the Final Financial
rcpo~Xing lbrm~ the Cerlification of Match lYrm, and thc Final Programmatic Form and the MBE/WBE lbrm) At
this point, all you need to do is sign both grant agreements (including the date and your tide) and mail them both
back to mc.
Ihank you.
From-' Hilary, Scott [mailto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:03 AM
To: Parthena Kydes
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
Thank you for the clarification! O.K. then what forms need to be filled out and returned?
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:57 AM
To: Hila~, Scott
Subject: RE: 2008-0065-020
I Ii %colt,
I apologize, that document ~as not supposed to have been mailed to you. Thai is simpl5 a NFWF routing sheet
thai ~e use when routing arotmd grant agreements tYr approval.
When ?u mail back the grant agreements, x~ould you mind including that sheet in the package so 1 can put it in
tile approlmatc Id¢: Again. sorry for thc confusion!
From: Hilary, Sgott [mailto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
~ent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:55 AM
To: Parthena Kydes
Subject: 2008~0065-020
I have a few questions regarding the Grant Agreement routing sheet. The first question; Have all the documents
listed on left side-margin of the Grant Agreement Routing Sheet been provided (were and X or N/A is indicated)?
Second question; who is the appropriate Town representative to be identified as the Project Accounting Manager
and does this require a signature or just name identified?
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
Page I of 1
Hilary, Scoff
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 11:11 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Bid Package and Contract
Thats great. Especially if we can make the town board mtg on the 24th. Otherwise we can't really call
tbr the survey with Bob.
He won't have to rewrite his bid will he?
Can we zero in on a projected time to do the permit app? After Wed next week?
45 days is the minumum Heather Young says. Even if we applied right now thats May 1.
Its all one big domino effect, but we are slowly making progress.
Keep up the good work. Let me know if there's anything I can do via email.
All best, Lillian
On Mar 13, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
The proposal Excav Services Inc submitted is well prepared and respectively written. Since we last
spoke on Wednesday I have received two examples of requests for proposals from Jim McMahon
and one bid package example Jamie had prepared. I will need to develop
a bid package somewhat similar to Jamie's example. There is not much to it but I will have to make
sure to include all the required language which I still need to confirm what that language is. Most of
the bid package was language Jamie borrowed from another source and then filled in the allotted
spaces with the applicable project information. I have an appointment with John Cushman in the
a.m. on Monday to finalize signatures and payment request. The bid package will require a TB
resolution, so I will do my best in developing the bid package, if feasible for the next TB meeting. If
not feasible I will try for the following TB meeting.
At this time, I will need to focus on LWRP deadlines through until next Wednesday.
Safe travels!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scoff
From: Liilian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 10:01 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Cc: Terry, Mark
Subject: Re: Water Wash BID
Attachments: Waterwash proposal.doc; ATT906121.htm
ls this what you have in mind from BOB?
I haven't had a chance to look at it but we can discuss this afternoon.
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Cushman, John
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 3:05 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: What time on Monday?
See you then.
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 3i04 PM
To: Cushman, John
Subject: RE: What time on Monday?
I will come down @ 9:00 a.m. on Monday.
From: Cushman, John
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 3:00 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: What time on Monday?
How's 9AM?
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 2:40 PM
To: Cushman, John
Subject: What time on Monday?
What time woutd you like to meet on Monday to further discuss the Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation NFWF
grant and associated Grant Agreement Routing Sheet?
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
Page 1 of 2
On Mar 5, 2009, at 11:37 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
The contract is already in process for turn around. How about 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday?
I will give you a call today~
From: Lillian Ball [~ai!to;ba!!studio@thjng.net]
Sent: Thursday, F4arch 05, 2009 11:05 AM
To; Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Lets talk on the phone today please. I'd like to get the contract and payment request turned
around asap.
Tuesday is looking like a nightmare with worksession, town board for Goldsmiths and LPC.
Wed would be OK at 3.
On Mar 5, 2009, at 10:12 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
How about 3:00 p.m on Tuesday the 10th?
From: Lillian Ball [mailto:ballstudio@thing..~et]
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 5:40 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Tomorrow Thurs or next Tues should be good for a mtg. Then I'm offagain on Friday.
Back on Monday
Did you get my long message?
On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
file://C:\Documents and Settings\scotth\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKA\A... 3/25/2009
Page 1 of 1
Hilary Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 4:07 PM
To: 'Lillian BaW
Cc: Terry, Mark
Subject: Water Wash
I just received this afternoon the NFWF contract. I have made one copy for our immediate reference and will
forward originals to be reviewed by the Town Attorney and signed by Supervisor.
Let's schedule some time so as we can catch up with all topics applicable to Water Wash.
Talk to ya tomorrow!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
Page 2 of 2
I just received this afternoon the NFWF contract, I have made one copy for our immediate
reference and will forward originals to be reviewed by the Town Attorney and signed by Supervisor.
Let's schedule some time so as we can catch up with all topics applicable to Water Wash,
Talk to ya tomorrow!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
~givision of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
file://C:\Documents and Settings\scotth\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKA\A... 3/25/2009
Page 1 of 2
On Mar 5, 2009, at 11:37 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
The contract is already in process for turn around, How about 2:00 p.m, on Wednesday?
I will [live you a call today,
From: Lillian Ball [maiKo;ballstud!o@thing,net]
Sent: Thursday, Harch 05, 2009 11:05 AM
To: Hilary, Scott'
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Lets talk on the phone today please. I'd like to get the contract and paymem request turned
around asap.
Tuesday is looking like a nightmare with worksession, town board for Goldsmiths and LPC.
Wed would be OK at 3.
On Mar 5, 2009, at 10:12 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
How about 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 10th?
From: Lillian Ball [mailto:ballstudio~thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, hlarch 04, 2009 5:40
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Tomorrow Thurs or next Tues should be good for a mtg. Then I'm off again on Friday.
Back on Monday
Did you get my long message?
On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
file://C:\Documents and Settings\scotth\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKA~... 3/25/2009
Page 2 of 2
I just received this afternoon the NFWF contract. I have made one copy for our immediate
reference and will forward originals to be reviewed by the Town Attorney and signed by Supervisor.
Let's schedule some time $o as we can catch up with all topics applicable to Water Wash.
Talk to ya tomorrow!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
file://C:\Documents and Settings\scotth\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKALA... 3/25/2009
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: McMahon, James
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 3:22 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
I am sending a condensed version on the Laurel Lake Project....you don't need the wage rates and some of the
other miscellaneous paperwork
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 10:57 AM
To: McMahon, James
From: McMahon, 3ames
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:20 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
I bid the Laurel Lake Demo and I can send you a copy....I did not do Bitner yet
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 4:14 PM
To: McMahon, ]ames
Thanks....would you have the RFP's for Bitner or Laurel Lake as well?
From: McMahon, 3ames
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 3:32 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Page 1 of 1
Hiiary, Scott .
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 2:05 PM
To: McMahon, James
Could you send over a copy of an example(s) of an RFP package you put together for bid requests etc?
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Southold Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
Page 1 of 2
Hilary, Scott
From: Terry, Mark
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 1:24 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: Water Wash
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O, Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938
Ma rk:Terry@town,soutt~o!d ny,us
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:41 AM
To: Terry, Mark
Subject: FW: Water Wash
Can you meet w/killian and I on Wednesday the 11th at 2:00 p,m.?
We need to formulate a resolution for the RFP strategy, bid package etc.
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:37 AM
To.' 'Lillian Ball'
Subject: RE: Water Wash
The contract is already in process for turn around. How about 2:00 p,m. on Wednesday?
I will give you a call today,
From: Lillian Ball [mailto:ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:05 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Page 2 of 2
Lets talk on the phone today please. I'd like to get the contract and payment request turned around asap.
Tuesday is looking like a nightmare with worksession, town board for Goldsmiths and LPC.
Wed would be OK at 3.
On Mar 5, 2009, at 10:12 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
How about 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 10th?
From: Lillian Balk [mailtq;bal!studjo@thing,net]
,Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 5:40 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Tomorrow Thurs or next Tues should be good for a mtg. Then [~m off again on Friday. Back on Monday
Did you get my long message?
On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
I just received this afternoon the NFWF contract. I have made one copy for our immediate reference and will
forward originals to be reviewed by the Town Attorney and signed by Supervisor.
Let's schedule some time so as we can catch up with all topics applicable to Water Wash.
Talk to ya tomorrow!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Roule 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
Page 1 of 2
Hilary, Scott
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 11:58 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Yes, but how about the request for funds which should accompany that?
I's like to tell Bob to go ahead and order the survey.
I'll be here til 3 today and Wed ~2 should work.
Looking forward to talking,
On Mar 5, 2009, at 11:37 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
The contract is already in process for turn around. How about 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday?
will give you a call today.
From: Lillian Ball [mailto:ballstud[q@t_hing.net]
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 ! 1:05 AH
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Lets talk on the phone today please. I'd like to get the contract and payment request turned
around asap.
Tuesday is looking like a nightmare with worksession, town board for Goldsmiths and LPC.
Wed would be OK at 3.
On Mar 5, 2009, at 10:12 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
How about 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 10th?
From: Lillian Ball [maittQ:..b_a_.[!s_tudio~thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 5:40 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Page 2 of 2
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Tomorrow Thurs or next Tues should be good for a mtg. Then I'm off again on Friday.
Back on Monday
Did you get my long message?
On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
I just received this afternoon the NFWF contract. I have made one copy for our immediate
reference and will forward originals to be reviewed by the Town Attorney and signed by Supervisor.
Let's schedule some time so as we can catch up with all topics applicable to Water Wash.
Talk to ya tomorrow!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
Page 2 of 2
From: Lillian Ball [mai!to;bol!studjo@thjng.net]
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 5:40 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Water Wash
Tomorrow Thurs or next Tues should be good for a mtg. Then I'm off again on Friday. Back on Monday
Did you get my long message?
On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:06 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
I just received this afternoon the NFWF contract. I have made one copy for our immediate reference and will
forward originals to be reviewed by the Town Attorney and signed by Supervisor.
Let's schedule some time so as we can catch up with all topics applicable to Water Wash.
Talk to ya tomorrow!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
543 75 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Office: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
Page 1 of 3
Hilary, Scoff
From: Liliian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 1:35 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Follow Ups
Spoke with Parvena again today or we left messages. She still says a week or so but its back from
We will work on Bill and get this set for once and for all I hope.
Here's last weeks E that maybe you did not receive. Please acknowledg And here's a new plan for the
filterpave recycled glass.
We have to get those permits for the pavement going soon.
On Feb 18, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Lillian Ball wrote:
Page 2 of 3
Spoke with Parvena on Friday. She says the contract should go out this week and she will
make sure this time. Once it is signed and returned
we should have the check within 2 weeks. She apologized. I will keep on it.
1 figured out the paver design process in Photoshop finally so I won't need your computer
for any mosaic design program. Its evolving nicely.
Things are coming along well with the Firmapave, recycled glass, material. They are free to
have the mixer machine here in LI in late april, early May so I hope we can get the permits
for then. The frag permit would be good asap but there is no drawback to cutting later since
we don't have to walk on the Spartina to do it. John Sep jokes that you really don't need
permits to cut dead phrag.
When we get the contract, I'd like to do the survey so we can complete the drawings to
submit to Jamie before we go to DEC. What do you think?
Hope you had a nice weekend. I'll be giving my lecture ( for a panel called "Proof- Science
and Art" at the College Art conference in LA next week and will be back on March 3. (
have to be in a dark convention ctr so don't imagine me on the beach! !)
You can be in contact via cell or email, though, since I'm never really offiine;
Best, Lillian
PS - Hope I have a Natural Resources Div to come back to. Good Luck Tues!!
On Feb 26, 2009, at 8:39 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
I have not heard if we received the contract from the NFWF to date. I have inquired w/Betty Neville
to See if the Clerk's office has received the contract, and I'm awaiting a response.
Now regarding the NRD, I was as suriprised as anyone would have been given our prior knwoledge
of the issues (resolution language) and the undersatnding the issues were being addressed. Though,
I do not think the NRD is completely dead/ My understanding is that the Supervisor did not have
the votes (3 to 3) and at this time Bill Ruland appears to be the swing vote. Bill has publically
stated his concerns and they are centerd around the civil service requirments (financial
ramifications) for establishing a division such as the NRD. I am not familiar with anyone to date
whom has solicited that information from civil service to satisfy Bill's apprehensions.
I will be in the majority of the day if you want to give me a call. Sorry I missed your call the other
day but have been pulled away from my desk a lot this week especially in Mark's absence.
Talk to ya soon!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
SouthoM Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Page 1 of 2
Hilary, Scoff
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thingnet]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:12 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Update on Contract
Thanks, Scott, this is good.
Enjoy your weekend.
On Feb 27, 2009, at 8:20 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
Please find below an update on our NFwF contract.
Have a wonderful weekend!
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Ti~ursday, February 26, 2009 5:07 PM
To: Terry, Hark
CC: Hilary, Scott; Cushman, John
Subject: Grant agreements for #2008-0065-020, Hattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY)
Hi Mark,
I am mailing out 2 copies of the grant agreement today, along with hard copies of the
reporling forms you will need. When you receive the grant agreements, please sign both
copies and return them to me. I will then reute both copies for counter-signature and mail
one back to you, for your records.
If you're ready to begin phase 1 work (or have been working on phase l's activities) feel free
to submit a Request for Payment along with your signed grant agreements.
I have attached electronic copies of the forms you'll need throughout the project. Let me
know if you have any questions!
Parthena Kydes
Project Administrator
1133 Fifteenth St., N.W.
Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20005
202-857-0166 (main)
202-857-0162 (fax)
Page 1 of I
Hilary, Scott
Hilary, Scott
Friday, February 27, 2009 8:20 AM
'Lillian Ball'
Update on Contract
Attachments: 2008-0065-020 form pack.doc
Please find below an update on our NFWF contract.
Have a wonderful weekend!
From: ParLhena Kydes [mailto:Parthena.Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 5:07 PM
To: Terry, Hark
Cc: Hilary, Scott; Cushman, John
Subject: Grant agreements for #2008-0065-020, Mattituck Tnlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY)
Hi Mark,
1 am mailing out 2 copies of the grant agreement today, along with hard copies of the reporting forms you will
need. When you receive the grant agreements, please sign both copies and return them to me. I will then route
both copies for counter-signature and mail one back to you, for your records.
If you're ready to begin phase 1 work (or have been working on phase 1 's activities) feel free to submit a Request
for Payment along with your signed grant agreements.
1 have attached electronic copies of the forms you'll need throughout the project. Let me know if you have any
Parthena Kydes
Project Administrator
t 133 Fifteenth St., N.W.
Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20005
202-857-0166 (main)
202-857-0162 (fax)
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
Parthena Kydes [Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Thursday, February 26, 2009 5:07 PM
Terry, Mark
Hilary, Scott; Cushman, John
Grant agreements for #2008-0065-020, Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY)
Attachments: 2008-0065-020 form pack.doc
Hi Mark,
I am mailing out 2 copies of the grant agreement today, along with hard copies of the reporting forms
you will need. When you receive the grant agreements, please sign both copies and return them to me.
I will then route both copies for counter-signature and mail one back to you, for your records.
If you're ready to begin phase 1 work (or have been working on phase l's activities) feel free to submit
a Request for Payment along with your signed grant agreements.
I have attached electronic copies of the forms you'll need throughout the project. Let me know if you
have any questions!
Parthena Kydes
Project Administrator
1133 Fifteenth St., N.W.
Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20005
202-857-0166 (main)
202-857-0162 (fax)
Best, Lillian
On Feb 18, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Lillian Ball wrote:
> SCOtt,
> spoke with Parvena on Friday. she says the contract should go out
> this week and she wi]] make sure this time. once it is signed and
> returned
> we should have the check within 2 weeks, she apologized. I wi]] keep
> on it.
> I figured out the paver design process in Photoshop finally so I
> won't need your computer for any mosaic design program. Its evolving
> nicely.
> Things are coming along well with the Firmapave, recycled glass,
> material. They are free to have the mixer machine here in LI in late
> april, early Nay so I hope we can get the permits for then. The frag
> permit would be good asap but there is no drawback to cutting later
> since we don't have to walk on the Spartina to do it. 3ohn sep jokes
> that you really don't need permits to cut dead phrag.
> When we get the contract, I'd like to do the survey so we can
> complete the drawings to submit to 3amie before we go to DEC. what
> do you think?
> Hope you had a nice weekend. Ill be giving y lecture ( for a panel
> called "Proof- science and Art" at the college Art conference in LA
> next week and will be back on March 3. ( have to be in a dark
> convention ctr so don't imagine me on the beach!!)
> You can be in contact via cell or email, though, since I'm never
> really offline.
> Best, Lillian
> PS - Hope I have a Natural Resources Div to come back to. Good Luck
> Tues!!
Page 1
Terry, Mark
Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:23 AM
Terry, Mark
Cusack, Heather; Sepenoski, John
Subject: LISFF
Dear All,
Sorry I can't be there today but I had a prior commitment in Philadelphia and the train schedule just
wouldn't work. Here's a synopsis.
This is a nonpoint source pollution control and public education project, for the Large Grant application and will probably be
for approx. $40,000. The location is a public boat ramp on Mattituck Inlet, between the county lot and the Mattituck Park
district lot. As you all know, the inlet has much wildlife and shellfish that are affected by the pollution and it is often closed. Jim
King has given me an excellent history of the area and the County improvements. He has also alerted me to the unsightly
trench remaining which we could include in our project. The folks at Natural Resource Conservation Service are enthusiastic
about the project and have offered to do a soil analysis and work with us. The Group for the East End has agreed to donate
$5000 worth of plants and assist with the interpretive signage aspects. We have had very positive input from the LISFF
regional director who was extremely helpful when I wrote the successful grant in 05 with PLT. With the LISFF or 1/4% grants
we have the opportunity to continue the improvement of a special Southold place and meet the upcoming 2nd phase
stormwater requirements for educational outreach.
The proposal is to replace the current parking lot surface with permeable pavers and restore
some tidal wetland areas. (This gravel based tile is new but in the DEC approval process and
has been used for stormwater and sewage treatment in Australia.) Stormwater will enter the
ground through the pavers and be directed through a level lip spreader area into the plantings
of specific wetland plants that will take up the nitrogen and phosphorus in the water. A small
berm could prevent the runoff from going down the current concrete ramp and direct it towards
the wetland. A message can be written in the tiles (possibly Clean Water). Other educational
tools will be on site to let the public know that this is a stormwater project; i.e. interpretive
signs, and benches, explaining what the pavers and plants do. Mark and I would work on the
design with some input from Chris Pickerel on plantings. Jamie Richter could do the
appropriate engineering. I would do the signage/benches and also function as the outreach
coordinator. The goal is to create a public commitment to responsible and effective
environmental stewardship.
Possible Preliminary Budget Follows
Salaries & Benefits: List each position with the annual or hourly rate and percentage or number of
hours to be spent on the project. Include only those who are employed by the recipient organization
(salaries/benefits for anyone not employed by the grant recipient should be described under "Other" as
contractual services). The Foundation cannot pay for the salaries of permanent federal employees, but
may be able to fund seasonal labor.
Salary & Benefit
Page 1 of 3
Hilary, Scott
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 1:43 PM
To: Lynn Dwyer
Cc: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: need advice
Dear Lynn,
Good to know you're still near by.
We all had a big meeting yesterday at the site. It was a bit nippy but we figured it out. The new
contractor/engineer is working well with us, since unfortunately Allen Connell's dept can't give us any
engineering help, just advice. Our environmental planners, Scott Hillary and Mark Terry have been
wonderful. It doesn't look like we will be needing any actual changes to the plan. We will just have a
slightly larger vegetated swale with a slightly smaller permeable pavement area both entirely within the
existing budget perameters. There will be no change in dates provided DEC grants us our permits in a
timely fashion.
Don't worry about saving this. You know me, Lynn, I am like a dog with a bone until things get done.
Artists don't give up.
All the best,
On Feb 5, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Lynn Dwyer wrote:
Hi Lillian,
Thanks for kind word. Decided to stay on LI because of significant changes in economy didn't seem to
make it the best time to go west and build new partnership and financial relationships. Yes it has been
Page 2 of 3
We have been working away on our stormwater park but have hit some unexpected snaffus.
The Permapave company that gave us quotes for material and installation was sold.
The new owners seem to have no interest in even returning calls. So we have assembled a
new excavator and paver supplier who are rea!ly behind the project.
Other than the aesthetics, the problem is now we have to deal with town policies on
contractors. Such as getting bids, using the prevailing wage, etc. Its making it much harder to
stay within the budget and really taking up lots of our supportive town environmental
planner's time. If you have any suggestions of who might advise me on this it would be much
1. Have planner look at your original budget in budget proposal. In each category show the original
projected budget. Create a new column and show us anticipated changes in budget in each category.
We can't give you more but we can move money around.
2. Look at the deliverables in the proposal. Determine what you believe can be done with funds. You
can potentially reduce the size or range of project, l just need to see what was proposed and what will
be reduced in terms of project deliverables given the problems.
3. Given the need to rebid etc with a new contractor provide me with some sense of the new start date
and completion date. I need to look at funding sources.
4. When you have all of that we will set up a conference call, go through the items and figure our how
to move forward to try and save this.
All the best,
Best wishes,
Lynn Dwyer
Assistant Director, Eastern Partnership Office
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
40 West 4th Street, #151
Patchogue, NY 11772
o: 631 627 3488
c: 516-381-1717
fi 631-475-9716
From: Lillian Ball [ba!lstud!o@~hing, net]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 11:24 AH
To: Lynn Dwyer
Subject: need advice
Dear Lynn,
Hope you and your doggie are having fun in SF, it has been quite a winter here.
We have been working away on our stormwater park but have hit some unexpected snaffus.
The Permapave company that gave us Cluotes for material and installation was sold.
The new owners seem to have no interest in even returning calls. So we have assembled a
new excavator and paver supplier who are really behind the project.
Other than the aesthetics, the problem is now we have to deal with town policies on
Page 3 of 3
contractors. Such as getting bids, using the prevailing wage, etc. Its making it much harder to
stay within the budget and really taking up lots of our supportive town environmental
planner's time. If you have any suggestions of who might advise me on this it would be much
All the best,
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Hilary, Scott
From: Richter, Jamie
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2009 7:41 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: Survey for Water Wash project
If there is a survey with the information we need already on it, that survey would be OK.
However, I do not believe that the details we need will be indicated or shown.
(i.e, line of existing pavement, edge of wetlands, line of trees, location of existing County drainage ponds,
accurate location of existing boat ramp, County road curb cut, grade elevations, etc.)
Let me know if you find a survey and I will take a look at it.
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Tuesday, .lanuary 06, 2009 3:10 PM
To: Richter, Jamie
Subject: Survey for Water Wash project
I know we may have already covered this but how about utilizing a survey of the area that was used for the
county/town drainage swale project that we may have on file?
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Division of Natural Resources
Southold Town Hall Annex
543 75 State Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Off~ce: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
Page 1 of 2
Hilary, Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 10:46 AM
To: Richter, Jamie
Subject: RE: Water Wash Project
Yes, Jamie the same project.
From: Richter, .]amie
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 8:12 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: Water Wash Project
Hi Scott:
I spoke to Lillian about a month ago regarding a project at the Boat Ramp.
Is this the same project?
If it is, call me, we need to talk.
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 8:01 AM
To: Richter, ]amie
Subject: FW: Water Wash Project
Please respond at your earliest convenience.
Happy New Year!
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:28 AH
To: Richter, 3amie
Subject: FW: Water Wash Project
See below the request I e-mailed to you on December 17th.
Wishing you and yours a prosperous New Year!
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:28 AH
To: Richter, Jamie
Subject: Water Wash Project
Page 2 of 2
I would like to discuss the Mattituck Inlet "Water Wash" project with you at your earliest convenience. As the
project coordinator I have been charged with the implementation of this National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
funded project. The project will require a drawing/survey to scale integrating the project design and site
specifications. I would like to request your professional knowledge and assistance with this aspect of the project.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:28 AM
To: Richter, Jamie
Subject: FW: Water Wash Project
See below the request I e-mailed to you on December 17th.
Wishing you and yours a prosperous New Year!
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:28 AM
To: Richter, 3amie
Subject: Water Wash Project
I would like to discuss the Mattituck Inlet "Water Wash" project with you at your earliest convenience. As the
project coordinator I have been charged with the implementation of this National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
funded project. The project will require a drawing/survey to scale integrating the project design and site
specifications. I would like to request your professional knowledge and assistance with this aspect of the project.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Page 1 of 1
I said my piece at TB last night. How do you and Mark feel about the Natural Resources Division? I
think we should keep pushing for a full dept.
Best, Lillian
On Dec 16, 2008, at 1:50 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
Could you send me via an e-mail w/attachment the Water Wash grant file you have on your
file://C:\Documents and Settings\scotth\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKA\A... 3/25/2009
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:28 AM
To: Richter, Jamie
Subject: Water Wash Project
I would like to discuss the Mattituck Inlet "Water Wash" project with you at your earliest convenience. As the
project coordinator I have been charged with the implementation of this National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
funded project. The project will require a drawing/survey to scale integrating the project design and site
specifications. I would like to request your professional knowledge and assistance with this aspect of the project.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 1:51 PM
To: 'ballstudio@thing. net'
Subject: Water Wash Request
Could you send me via an e-mail w/attachment the Water Wash grant file you have on your computer?
Page 1 of I
Hilary, Scoff
Hilary, Scott
Thursday, December 11, 2008 1:59 PM
'ballstudio@thing. net'
water wash aerial
Attachments: water wash live search map view.doc
Find attached the live search maps aerial of the water wash project location.
Page 1 of 2
Hilary, Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 3:19 PM
To: 'Lillian Ball'
Subject: RE: Measurements and Brainstorming
See ya tomorrow!
From: Lillian Ball [ma!lto:ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 2:49 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Measurements and Brainstorming
Tomorrow at your office, Thursday, around 11 would work.
See you then,
On Dec 10, 2008, at 2:22 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
How does either Tomorrow or Friday, late morning work for you?
From: Lillian Ball [mai!to;ba!!studio@thing,net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:56 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject= Re: Waterwash Update
Met with Jamie Richter yesterday to go over the project, since I'm working on the design.
We agreed on the basic requirements for the paver installation. But he had 2 issues of concern that are
First, he would normally call for a survey with such a project. Second, I have to orient the parking
spaces ( he wanted 5 )
away from the swale + pavers where they are currently. Space is fight.
So I'm having difficulty doing drawings to scale with just Google info. Currently, the only solid
reference point 1 have is the 14' boat ramp.
Can the 2 of us just measure it together? Any other suggestions how we could approach it?
Page 2 of 2
Best, LIllian
On Dec 5, 2008, at 12:35 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
No worries! I'm sure 't s o.k.; we might have to produce additional budget explanations (amendments) or jump
through a hoop or two etc.
I am working on the e-mail issue. I will keep you posted.
From: Lillian Ball [mailto:ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 10:37 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Waterwash Update
Hope its ok. I wonder if we should still apply for permits for the phrag?
Do you need anything more specific for the paver permit other than an itemized estimate?
I'm sorry I didn't have time to organize anything for the NRD, my Mom died unexpectedly last week.
I'm still a bit
in shock.
On Dec 5, 2008, at 8:05 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
The grant is still under financial review, Parthena indicated at least a few more weeks and once approved the
USFVVS will send out a contract agreement to the TOS,
Page I of 2
Hilary, Scoff
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:56 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Waterwash Update
Met with Jamie Richter yesterday to go over the project, since I'm working on the design.
We agreed on the basic requirements for the paver installation. But he had 2 issues of concern that are
First, he would normally call for a survey with such a project. Second, I have to orient the parking
spaces ( he wanted 5 )
away from the swale + pavers where they are currently. Space is tight.
So I'm having difficulty doing drawings to scale with just Google info. Currently, the only solid
reference point I have is the 14' boat ramp.
Can the 2 of us just measure it together? Any other suggestions how we could approach it?
Best, Llllian
On Dec 5, 2008, at 12:35 PM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
No worries! I'm sure it's o.k.; we might have to produce additional budget explanations
(amendments) or jump through a hoop or two etc.
I am working on the e-mail issue. I will keep you posted.
From: Lillian Ball [maj!to;ba!!studio@thing,net]
~ent: Friday, December 05, 2008 10:37 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Waterwash Update
Hope its ok. I wonder if we should still apply [hr permits for the phrag?
Do you need anything more specific for the paver permit other than an itemized estimate?
I'm sorry I didn't have time to organize anything for the NRD, my Mom died unexpectedly
last week. I'm still a bit
in shock.
On Dec 5, 2008, at 8:05 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
Page 2 of 2
The grant is still under financial review, Parthena indicated at least a few more weeks and once
approved the USFWS will send out a contract agreement to the TOS.
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scoff
From: Lillian Ball [bar,studio@thing.net]
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 10:37 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Waterwash Update
Hope its ok. I wonder if we should still apply for permits for the phrag?
Do you need anything more specific for the paver permit other than an itemized estimate?
I'm sorry I didn't have time to organize anything for the NRD, my Mom died unexpectedly last week.
l'm still a bit
in shock.
On Dec 5, 2008, at 8:05 AM, Hilary, Scott wrote:
The grant is still under financial review, Parthena indicated at least a few more weeks and once
approved the USFWS will send out a contract agreement to the TOS.
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:03 PM
To: 'Lillian Ball'
Cc: Terry, Mark
Subject: RE: Waterwash Grant-Salary spreadsheet for Outreach Coordinator
I received your e-mail w/spreadsheet attached. I have a call into Parthena Kydes regarding the update with our
contractual agreement which should be in process since I met all of her budgetary requests back on the 13th of
November. I recall Parthena mentioning contracts take around a month to expedite. I'm pretty sure the Town
needs to secure a contractual agreement w/USFW before we can disperse any monies associated with the
Waterwash project.
Talk to ya soon!
From: Lillian Ball [mailto:ballstudio@thing,net]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 9:47 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Re: Waterwash Grant-Salary spreadsheet for Outreach Coordinator
Here's the filled out form which I sent yesterday. Maybe it will work better in reply to your e.
Please let me know that you get this.
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: HJlary, Scott
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:44 PM
To: 'ballstudio@thing.net'
Cc: Terry, Mark
Subject: Waterwash Grant-Salary spreadsheet for Outreach Coordinator
Attachments: 2008 LB Waterwash Grant Salary Worksheet.xIs
Please find attached spreadsheet for accounting your time working on the Waterwash grant. As well please keep
records of your (match) time spent on the project.
Thanks~rthe suppo~!
Page 1 of 3
Hilary, Scoff
Hilary, Scott
Thursday, November 06, 2008 9:36 AM
'Parthena Kydes'
RE: Documents Requested for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Attachments: 2008~0065-020 budget and phasing NFWS Water Wash.xls
Below, see budget questious answered,
Near the top of the document tmderneath the "Other" categog', you iasertcd $9,700 for l,illian Bali's
salaD. and $9,600 fi)r Permapavers, but below that you list $14.400 as thc Permapavers expense. How
much is going to l'ermapavers, total? Material costs for the Permapavers is $14,400.00 and
$9,600.00 for installation. Also there is a $14,400.00 match for the Pemapavers
(engineering, grading and installation).
Also: Is Lillian Bali's salm? supposed to go under tile "SalaD" catego~, or under "()tiler'?" tie, is she
part of the Town ot'Southold, or is she an independent contractor?) Lilian Ball is an independent
contractor. In the budget she is listed nnder ()ther. but in the Phasing section (near the end of the
document) her expenses are listed uuder Salary. If she isn't an empk)yee of your orgauization, that
$9,700 should be under "Other." Lilian is listed under Other/Contractual Se~wices for $9,700.00. I
have amended the phasing-budget section to reflect $9,700.00 for Lilian (as an independent
contractor) inclusive of the $35,200.00 (Other) Total in Phase # 1.
Attached is amended budgetJphasing excel spreadsheet.
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena.Kydes@NFWF.OP, G]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 12:47 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject.' RE: Documents Requested for Hattituck Inlet Stormwater Hitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Hi Scott,
SorD, for tile delay in getting back to you on this. It looks like there are a few errors on tile doctanent:
3) Ncar tile top of the document underneath tile "()tiler" categms', you inserted $9.700 lbr Lillian Bali's
salary, and $9,6(10 tbr Permapavers, but below that you list $14,400 as the Permapa~ers cxpeuse. I iow
much is going to Permapa'~ers, total'? Permapavers will cost
4) Also: Is Lillian Bali's salar3 supposed to go nnder the "Salary" catego~', or uuder"Other?" tie. is she
part of the 'l own of Southold, or is she an independent contractor?) In the bridget she Js listed under
Other. but ill tile Phasing seclion (near tile end of thc document) I~er expenses arc listed under Salar5. If
she isn't an employee of your organization, that $9,700 should be under "Other."
Page 2 of 3
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your help,
From: Hilary, Scott [mailto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 3:45 PM
To: Parthena Kydes
Subject: RE: Documents Requested for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Hopefully the budget phasing categories are appropriately filled out.
Please inform if othem/ise.
Thanks again!
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:50 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Cc: Terry, Hark
Subject: RE: Documents Requested for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
;Ii Scott,
Thank you for tile docnments! One question about the budget/phasing spreadsheet: the categories are supposed to
be SalaD', Equipment, and/or Other, but it looks like you added the category of"Permapavers and signs"? I
wasn't sure which category this was supposed to fall under. Are you asking to use NIWF fimds to purchase
equipment that costs more than $5.0007 If the equipment costs less than that. than it should be lumped in to the
~'()ther" categoD. Jt~sl thought I should check..lhanks!
From: Hilary, Scott [mailto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:35
To: Parthena Kydes
Cc: Terry, Hark
Subject: Documents Requested for Mattituck Inlet Storrnwater Nitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Ms. Kydes,
As per your request find attached two documents; TOS 2007 financial statement and budget/phasing excel
Following the review of the documents attached, please let me know if you need additional information at this time
in moving our project forward-Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020.
Page 3 of 3
Thank you again for your assistance!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Page 1 of 2
Hilary, Scott
From: Parthena Kydes [Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday. November 04, 2008 12:47 PM
To: Hilary. Scott
Subject: RE: Documents Requested for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Hi Scott,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. it looks like there are a few errors on the document:
Near the top of the document underneath the "Other" category, you inserted $9,700 for Lillian
Bali's salary and $9,600 for Permapavers, but below that you list $14,400 as the Permapavers
expense. How much is going to Permapavers, total?
Also: Is Lillian Bali's salary supposed to go under the "Salary" category, or under "Other?" (ie,
is she part of the Town of Southold, or is she an independent contractor?) In the budget she is
listed under Other, but in the Phasing section (near the end of the document) her expenses are
listed under Salary. If she isn't an employee of your organization, that $9,700 should be under
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your help,
From: Hilary, Scott [mailto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 3:45 PM
To: Parthena Kydes
Subject: RE: Documents Requested for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Hopefully the budget phasing categories are appropriately filled out.
Please inform if otherwise.
Thanks again!
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:50 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Cc: Terry, Mark
Subject: RE: Documents Requested for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Hi Scott,
Thank you for the documents! One question about the budget/phasing spreadsheet: the categories are
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scoff
From: Parthena Kydes [Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:50 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Cc: Terry, Mark
Subject: RE: Documents Requested for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Hi Scott,
Thank you for the documents! One question about the budget/phasing spreadsheet: the categories are
supposed to be Salary, Equipment, and/or Other, but it looks like you added the category of
"Permapavers and signs"? I wasn't sure which category this was supposed to fall under. Are you
asking to use NFWF funds to purchase equipment that costs more than $5,000? If the equipment costs
less than that, than it should be lumped in to the "Other" category. Just thought I should check_thanks!
From: Hilary, Scott [mailto:scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent-' Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:35 PM
To-' Par~hena Kydes
Cc; Terry, Hark
Subject= Documents Requested for Hattituck Inlet Stormwater Hitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Ms. Kydes,
As per your request find attached two documents; TOS 2007 financial statement and budget/phasing excel
Following the review of the documents attached, please let me know if you need additional information at this time
in moving our project forward-Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020.
Thank you again for your assistance!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Page 1 of 3
Hilary, Scoff
From: Parthena Kydes[Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 2:37 PM
To: Ter~t, Mark; Cushman, John
Cc: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: [NEVVSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message
is from an unknown sender
Hi Mr. Terry,
Just to clarify; when you say the project will not be phased, do you mean that everything will be done in
one phase? For larger grants, we typically have at least 2 phases (1 phase projects are usually only
used with very small grants). The final phase is used as a "holdback" (in which at least 10% of the total
Award is in the final phase) to provide incentive for the grantee to send us the completed final reports at
the end of the project.
No worries about the delay, thanks for the status update.
Parthena Kydes
From: Terry, Mark [mailto:mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 2:00 PM
To: Parthena Kydes; Cushman, John
Cc: Hilary, Scott
Subject: RE: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Hattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message is
from an unknown sender
Ms. Kydes,
Sorry for the delay in responding to you, my office is in the process of addressing the items. A package will be
mailed to you by Friday containing the audited financial statements and amended budget. I spoke to Lillian Ball
and agreed that the project will not be phased.
Thank you
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1:03 PM
To-' Terry, Hark; Cushman, John
Subject: RE: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message is
from an unknown sender
Hi Mr. Terry,
Just following up; will you or Mr. Cushman be addressing the Phasing/budgetary information that I'd
mentioned in my original email from Oct. 2? Also--will either of you be mailing the audited financial
Page 2 of 2
supposed to be Salary, Equipment, and/or Other, but it looks like you added the category of
"Permapavers and signs"? I wasn't sure which category this was supposed to fall under. Are you
asking to use NFWF funds to purchase equipment that costs more than $5,000? If the equipment costs
less than that, than it should be lumped in to the "Other" category. Just thought I should check_thanks!
From: Hilary, Scott [mailto:scott. hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:35 p[vl
To: Parthena Kydes
Cc: Terry, Mark
Subject: Documents Requested for [qattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Ms. Kydes,
As peryourrequestfind attached two documents; TOS 2007 financialstatement and budge~phasing excel
Following the review of the documents attached, please let me know if you need additional information at this time
in moving our project forward-Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0085-020.
Thank you again for your assistance!
Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Page 1 of 3
Hilary, Scott
From: Terry, Mark
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 8:42 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: FW: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message
is from an unknown sender
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
From: Terry, Mark
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 8:19 AM
To: 'Parthena Kydes'; Cushman, John
Cc: Lynn Dwyer
Subject: RE: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Hattituck Tnlet Stormwater Hitigation - Message is
from an unknown sender
Ms. Kydes,
Mr. Cushman has also advised me that the Town is not required to submit the form. He is correct.
Enjoy the day!
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.Q. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
From; Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:43 PH
To: Terry, Mark; Cushman, .~ohn
Cc: Lynn Dwyer
· ubject: RE: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Hattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message is
from an unknown sender
tli Mr. Terry,
I just wanted to clarif~ that (based on Mr. (_ ushman s most rece t email) ~.ou do NOT have to submit an A- 133
audit form? Your email below says that you are required to submit one, but the other email I received fi'om Mr.
Cushman stated that you do not. [just need to knox~ ~bich one has the correct information regarding the A-133
Thank you?
Parthena Kydes
From: Terry, Mark [mailto:mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us]
Page 2 of 3
~ent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:18 PM
To: Parthena Kydes; Cushman, John
Subject: RE: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message is
from an unknown sender
Ms. Kydes,
I have been speaking with Lillian Ball whom is in contact with Lynn Dwyer regarding this grant. Ms. Ball has let
me know that The Town of Southold is required to fill out an A-133 form which I have not received due to email
problems. Is it possible for you to email me the form?
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
· ent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 5:21 PM
To: Cushman, John; Terry, I~lark
Subject; [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Nitigation - Message is from
an unknown sender
Iii Mr. Terrs.,
I received your voicemail yesterday, but when 1 attempted to call you back at the number you left, it sounded like
1 got someone else's voicemail. If you ]lave questions about this email, feel fi'ee to call me at the number below.
l~artbena Kydes
From: Parthena Kydes
~ent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 3:54 PM
To: 'john.cushman@town.southold.ny.us'; 'mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us'
Subject: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation
Hello Mr. Terry,
I've been going through the application you submitted for this project and familiarizing myself with your
project's goals, and I had a few questions about the budget/phasing section of your application.
The way that you have allocated NFWF's funds looks accurate, although there looks like there's a slight error in
calculating the Match. The application stated that $48,100 would be raised in Match, but the different amounts of
Match within the application did not add up to $48,100 (the Total came up about $8 short.) Additionally, no
phasing information was typed into the Project Phasing area. We'd need to know what specific activities would be
assigned to each phase.
I have attached a budget and phasing document for this project; please fill it out, including the Match areas, and
email it back to me when you can. Feel free to email or call if you have any questions about the document, or
about the project in general.
Thank you!
Project Administrator
Page 1 of 3
Hilary, Scott
From: Terry, Mark
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 8:42 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: FW: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message
is from an unknown sender
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
From.' Terry, Hark
Sent.' Thursday, October 16, 2008 8:19 AM
To.' 'Par~hena Kydes'; Cushman, John
Cc.' Lynn Dwyer
Subject.' RE: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Hattituck [nlet Stormwater Mitigation - Hessage is
from an unknown sender
Ms. Kydes,
Mr. Cushman has also advised me that the Town is not required to submit the form. He is correct.
Enjoy the day!
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena. Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:43 PM
To: Terry, Mark; Cushman, .John
Cc: Lynn Dwyer
Subject: RE: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message is
from an unknown sender
Hi Mr. Terrs,,
I just wanted to clarity, that (based on Mr. Cushman's most recent email) you do NOT have to submit an A-133
audit f'orm? Your email below says that you are required to submit one, but the other email I received from Mr.
Cushman stated that you do not. l just need to know which one has the correct information regarding the A-133
l'hank you,
Parthena Kydes
From: Terry, Mark [mailto:mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us]
Page 2 of 3
~ent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:18 PM
To: Parthena Kydes; Cushman, John
Subject: RE: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message is
from an unknown sender
Ms. Kydes,
I have been speaking with Lillian Ball whom is in contact with Lynn Dwyer regarding this grant. Ms. Ball has let
me know that The Town of Southold is required to fill out an A-133 form which I have not received due to email
problems. Is it possible for you to email me the form?
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena.Kydes@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 5:21 PM
To: Cushman, John; Terry, Mark
Subject: [NEWSENDER] - RE: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message is from
an unknown sender
Hi Mr. Terry,
I received your voicemail yesterday, but when I attempied to call you back at the number you left, it sounded like
1 got so~neone else's voicemail. If you have questions about this email, fbel free to call me at the number below,
Parthena Kydes
From: Parthena Kydes
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 3:54 PM
To: 'john.cushman@town.southold.ny.us'; 'mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us'
Subject: Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation
Hello Mr. Terry,
I've been going through the application you submitted for this project and familiarizing myself with your
project's goals, and I had a few questions about the budget/phasing section of your application.
The way that you have allocated NFWF's funds looks accurate, although there looks like there's a slight error in
calculating the Match. The application stated that $48,100 would be raised in Match, but the different amounts of
Match within the application did not add up to $48,100 (the Total came up about $8 short.) Additionally, no
phasing information was typed into the Project Phasing area. We'd need to know what specific activities would be
assigned to each phase.
I have attached a budget and phasing document for this project; please fill it out, including the Match areas, and
email it back to me when you can. Feel free to email or call if you have any questions about the document, or
about the project in general.
Thank you!
Parthena Kydes
Project Administrator
Page 1 of 2
Hilary, Scott
Terry, Mark
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 4:34 PM
Terry, Mark; Hilary, Scott
FW: [NEWSENDER] - Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation - Message
is from an unknown sender
Attachments: 2008-0065-020 budget and phasing 10 01 08.xls
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
From: Cushman, John
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 8:27 AH
To: Terry, Hark
Subject: FW: [NEWSENDER] - Budget and phasing for Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Hitigation - Message is from
an unknown sender
I am not at all familiar with this project, so am completely in the dark. Let me know how I can help.
From: Parthena Kydes [mailto:Parthena.Kydes@NFVVF.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 3:S4 PM
To: Cushman, 3ohn; Terry, Mark
Subject: [NEWSENDER] - Budget and phasing for Hattituck Inlet Stormwater Hitigation - Message is from an
unknown sender
Hello Mr. Terry,
I've been going through the application you submitted for this project and familiarizing myself with your
project's goals, and I had a few questions about the budget/phasing section of your application.
The way that you have allocated NFWF's funds looks accurate, although there looks like there's a slight error in
calculating the Match. The application stated that $48,100 would be raised in Match, but the different amounts of
Match within the application did not add up to $48,100 (the Total came up about $8 short.) Additionally, no
phasing information was typed into the Project Phasing area. We'd need to know what specific activities would be
assigned to each phase.
I have attached a budget and phasing document for this project; please fill it out, including the Match areas, and
email it back to me when you can. Feel free to email or call if you have any questions about the document, or
about the project in general.
Thank you!
Pa~hena Kydes
Pr~ect Administrator
Page I of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Lynn Dwyer [Lynn. Dwyer@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 10:46 AM
To: Hilary, Scott
Cc: Terry, Mark; Lillian Ball
Subject: RE: Response-Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Edcuation Project
Thanks Scott. But may I have the documents now?
Lynn Dwyer
Assistant Director, Eastern Parmership Office
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
40 West 4th Street, #102
Patchogue, NY 11772
W: 631/289-0250
F: 631/475-9716
!ynn~dwycr(dj;nfwf. org
From: Hilary, ScoU: [scott.hilary@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Friday, Hay 23, 2008 10:42 AH
To: Lynn Dwyer
Cc: Terry, Hark; Lillian Ball
Subject: Response-Hattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Edcuation Project
Please find attached two word documents in response to the reviewer's questions regarding Mattituck Inlet
Stormwater Mitigation & Education, Town of Southhold. Request: $30,000 w/Match: $42,900.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in our request for funding this project!
Senior Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Hilary, Scott
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 10:43 AM
To: 'lyn n.dwyer@nfwf, org'
Cc: Terry, Mark; 'Lillian Ball'
Subject: Response-Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Edcuation Project
Please find attached two word documents in response to the reviewer's questions regarding Mattituck Inlet
Stormwater Mitigation & Education, Town of Southhold. Request: $30,000 w/Match: $42,900.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in our request for funding this project!
Senior Planner/LWRP Coordinator
Page 1 of 1
Hilary, Scott
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:36 PM
To: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Fwd: Lillian need your help
Begin forwarded message:
From: Lynn Dwyer <L~/n~D_wyer~NFWF.ORG>
Date: May 21, 2008 9:16:09 AM EDT
To: Lillian Ball <ba!lstudio@thing,net>
Subject: Lillian need your help
Hi Lillian,
I sent the message below to Heather Cusak and it has bounced back twice. Would you be
able to get these answers from the Town? Thanks.
Reviewers had a few questions for you associated with the grant proposal sent to the Long
Island Sound Futures Fund. i will need your responses in an attached Word
documen! by close of business Thursday, May 22, 2008. Please, please,
please no PDF files or responses in the body oflhe email! Thanks:
Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Education, Town of Southhold. Request:
$30,000 w/Match: $42,900.
1. What is the contributing watershed area that this stormwater treatment train will
2. What amount of use does this boat launch normally/seasonally receive, relative to
other public access sites in the area?
3. How does this treatment train proposal address the LIS pathogen TMDL referred to
in a supporting letter of the application packet?
4. Will a floristic study be conducted and reported prior to permitting decision on
quarterly manual cutting ofphragmites?
5. Is it appropriate to be infiltrating managed fresh water runoff within close proximity
to tidal waters, in terms of concentrated fresh water flow being treated as a pollutant
to tidal waters?
Lynn Dwyer
Assistant Director, Eastern Partnership Office
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
40 West 4th Street, # 102
Patchogue, NY 11772
W: 631/289-0250
F: 631/475-9716
!y 0 ~,d~ ~ e!2a~nl\~ f. org
Page 1 of 2
Cusack, Heather
From: Lynn Dwyer [Lynn.Dwyer@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1:31 PM
To: Lillian Ball
Cc: Cusack, Heather; Terry, Mark; Russell, Scott
Subject: RE: LISFF grant - Review Team Feedback
Hi All,
Several more comments, please describe in detail:
1. the specifications on the pavers?
2. where the wetland will be built or "restored." Please note if the project involves constructing a
wetland in an existing or historic upland area than it is not eligible for funding. Specificy whether it a
freshwater wetlands or tidal wetlands that would be constructed (restored)?
3. You would be better served to use the word restoration rather than construction of a wetland.
4. You will be well served to read and use the special instructions for preparation of a Habitat
restoration proposal. These can be
found at http://www.long~81andsotmdstudy.net/habitatrestoration/habitat_guidelines.pdf
5. If you don't use these guidelines I absolutely guarantee your proposal will be turned down. The
reviewers are very strict about what they will and will not approve involving restoration and want all
applicants to use these guidelines. Guidelines are reflected in questions in application.
Hope this all helps. I do think you should go for it. Interesting Low Impact Development idea. Very
first adopter approach.
From: Lynn Dwyer
Sent,' Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:57 AH
To: Lillian Ball
Cc: Heather Cusack; Hark Terry; Scott Russell
Subject: RE: L[SFF grant - Review Team Feedback
Feedback from Review Team
We like that this a an on-the-ground BMP installation combined with
signage for education and awareness. They should be asked to highlight
and support the contention that runoff from the surface contributes to
Page 2 of 2
the water quality impairments and the degree that they expect the pavers
and wetland to remediate it.
So go for it...
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:11 AH
To: Lynn Dwyer
Cc.' Heather Cusack; Mark Terry; Scott Russell
Subject: LISFF grant
Dear Lyrm,
Building concensus is a time consuming process as you well know. Since September I have been
working on the idea
of a stormwater mn-off project with the town, attending committee meetings and talking it up with town
officials. It started out as an idea for Great Pond, but there were no suitable public spots there. Since I'm
on the town's Land Preservation Committee, we also considered some of the town's preserved
properties. Now we have finally come up with a spot we think is ideal for treatment, and visible enough
for real education value. Yesterday I met with the Natural Resources Conservation Service folks and the
Group for the East End, both have been very positive about the concept.
This is a nonpoint source pollution control and public education project, for the Large Grant application and will probably be for
approx. $40,000. The location is a public boat ramp on Mattituck Inlet, which leads into Long Island Sound. The inlet has much
wildlife and shellfish that are affected by the pollution and it is often closed. Our proposal is to remove a replace the current
surface with a permiable paver and small constructed wetland. This gravel based tile is new to this country and has been used
for stormwater and sewage treatment in Australia. Stormwater will enter the ground through the pavers and run into an area
that will be planted with wetland plants that will take up pollutants in the water. A message will be written in the tiles (i.e. Clean
Water). Other educational tools will be on site to let the public know that this is a stormwater project; i.e. interpretive signs,
benches, explaining what the pavers and plants do. The goal is to create a public commitment to responsible and effective
environmental stewardship.
The town processes move slowly and Town Board will have to approve the proposal. The environmental
planner (Mark Terry) + environmental technician ( Heather Cusack) are very supportive but are busy
wearing many hats. I got this email from Heather yesterday:
The biggest problem with applying to the LISFF right now is that we will not be able to make the Feb 19th deadline. So first
please find out from Lynne Dwyer if it would be possible to extend that, until March 7th, and second if this sounds like a good
project for their funding.
I remember that with the previous proposal you were able to give us a bit more time. Do you think that would be
possible again?
Thanks for your help,
Page 1 of 2
Cusack, Heather
From: Lynn Dwyer [Lynn.Dwyer@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:53 AM
To: Lillian Ball
Cc: Cusack, Heather; Terry, Mark; Russell, Scott
Subject: RE: LISFF grant
Hi Lillian and everybody,
[ sent your idea off for some vetting and feedback to our review team. [ will have a response very soon as to
their interest level under L[SFF. ! like it myself.
Yes you can have until Harch 7, but ! need it in DC first thing in morning on Harch 10.
! need by Feb 19 the following so ! can enter into a spreadsheet
Project Name, Organization Applyin , A~z.~ess, Project Officer Name and contact info, Financial Officer Name and
Contact info, Congressional District ~LIS,.~l-I~S~FF~mount Requested, Nonfederal Hatch ink!nd, Nonfederal match cash
Federal Match nk nd, Federa match
[n terms of match we are most interested in any nonfederal cash and ink!nd match you may be able to offer
towards the project. We also ask if you are using any federal cash or ink!nd match towards the project.
cannot be used towards match, we just like to get a picture of total funding committed towards the project.
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:11 AH
To: Lynn Dwyer
Cc: Heather Cusack; Hark Terry; Scott Russell
Subject: L[SFF grant
Dear Lynn,
Building concensus is a time consuming process as you well know. Since September I have been
working on the idea
ora stormwater run-off project with the town, attending committee meetings and talking it up with town
officials. It started out as an idea for Great Pond, but there were no suitable public spots there. Since I'm
on the town's Land Preservation Committee, we also considered some of the town's preserved
properties. Now we have finally come up with a spot we think is ideal for treatment, and visible enough
for real education value. Yesterday I met with the Natural Resources Conservation Service folks and the
Group for the East End, both have been very positive about the concept.
This is a nonpoint source pollution control and public education project, for the Large Grant application and will probably be for
approx. $40,000. The location is a public boat ramp on Matt!tuck Inlet, which leads into Long Island Sound. The inlet has much
wildlife and shellfish that are affected by the pollution and it is often closed. Our proposal is to remove a replace the current
surface with a perm!able paver and small constructed wetland. This gravel based tile is new to this country and has been used
for stormwater and sewage treatment in Australia. Stormwater will enter the ground through the pavers and run into an area
that will be planted with wetland plants that will take up pollutants in the water. A message will be written in the tiles (i.e. Clean
Page 1 of 2
Cusack, Heather
From: Lynn Dwyer [Lynn.Dwyer@NFWF.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:58 AM
To: Lillian Ball
Cc: Cusack, Heather; Terry, Mark; Russell, Scott
Subject: RE: LISFF grant - Review Team Feedback
Feedback from Review Team
We like that this a an on-the-ground BMP installation combined with
signage for education and awareness. They should be asked to highlight
and support the contention that runoff from the surface contributes to
the water quality impairments and the degree that they expect the pavers
and wetland to remediate it.
So go for it...
From: Lillian Ball [ballstudio@thing.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:11 AM
To: Lynn Dwyer
Cc: Heather Cusack; Mark Terry; Scott Russell
Subject: I_]SFF grant
Dear Lynn,
Building concensus is a time consuming process as you well know. Since September I have been
working on the idea
of a stormwater run-off project with the town, attending committee meetings and talking it up with town
officials. It started out as an idea for Great Pond, but there were no suitable public spots there. Since I'm
on the town's Land Preservation Committee, we also considered some of the town's preserved
properties. Now we have finally come up with a spot we think is ideal for treatment, and visible enough
for real education value. Yesterday I met with the Natural Resources Conservation Service folks and the
Group for the East End, both have been very positive about the concept.
This is a nonpoint soume pollution control and public education project, for the Large Grant application and will probably be for
approx. $40,000. The location is a public boat ramp on Mattituck Inlet, which leads into Long Island Sound. The inlet has much
wildlife and shellfish that are affected by the pollution and it is often closed. Our proposal is to remove a replace the current
surface with a permiable paver and small constructed wetland. This gravel based tile is new to this country and has been used
for stormwater and sewage treatment in Australia. Stormwater will enter the ground through the pavers and run into an area
that will be planted with wetland plants that will take up pollutants in the water. A message will be written in the tiles (Le. Clean
Water). Other educational tools will be on site to let the public know that this is a stormwater project; i.e. interpretive signs,
benches, explaining what the pavers and plants do. The goal is to create a public commitment to responsible and effective
environmental stewardship.
The town processes move slowly and Town Board will have to approve the proposal. The environmental
planner (Mark Terry) + environmental technician ( Heather Cusack) are very supportive but are busy
wearing many hats. I got this email from Heather yesterday:
The biggest problem with applying to the LISFF right now is that we will not be able to make the Feb 19th deadline, So first
please find out from Lynne Dwyer if it would be possible to extend that, until March 7th, and second if this sounds like a good
Page 1 of 2
Sorry to bother you with this but Jamie is so difficult.
On Jan 26, 2009, at 8:24 AM, Terry, Mark wrote:
Lillian see below.
Mark Terry
Principal Planner
LWRP Coordinator
Town of Southold Planning Department
P.Q. Box 1179
53095 Main Road
Southotd, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938
Mark. Terry~town.southold.n,,b us
From: Lillian Ball [ _m. aflto;ballstu0io@thing,!~t]
~ent: Friday, January 23, 2009 9:43 AH
To: Terry, Mark
Cc: Hilary, Scott
Subject: Fwd: Mattituck Park
Dear Mark,
Bob is on the case with these technical concerns, a big improvement over Black Gold!!
You have more experience in this area.
1 gravel along edges? Or a berm of some sort between the pavers and swale?
Gravel will function better, but wilt not hold the blocks in place. A mountable curb would accomplish
that. I do not recommend a berm because it would stop water flow.
2 What do you think we should do for the swale? Make it bigger? I don't like the idea of the
chambers or sections.
The swale should be as large as necessary to hold the volume of the drainage area. We need to
confirm the drainage area with Jamie Richter and make sure the existing system is not serving the
area calculated. Do you have any idea how he calculated the 19,500 SF.
3 Sounds reasonable
Yes it is.
Let me know what you think and I will give him a call. Thanks,
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Robert Governale" <[.c_g@~_x...~services~om_>
Date: January 23, 2009 6:22:51 AM EST
To: <ballstudio@thing.net>
Subject: Mattituck Park
file://C:\Documents and Settings\scotth\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKAL~_... 1/26/2009
Page 2 of 2
Thanks again for getting me involved, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project.
I spent a few minutes working the drainage area of the [project and I have a few concerns. Please
remember that rainfall events >3" have occurred: I spring 2005, 2 summer 2006, 1 summer 2007 1
summer 2008. Many of these caused damage to projects where I was working so they instill
A few Points:
1. The pavers we are talking about are meant to absorb rainfall which falls onto them, not
necessarily to act as a catch basin and allow quantities in multiple of their own surface area to
penetrate. I have had installations of catch basins and trenchdrains where water flow cascaded
right over the system in heavy events. Some type of more readily absorptive materials should be
used at least at the leading edge of the area.
2. Allowable area for swale as shown is approximately 50 LF by 17' wide. To accommodate the
drainage area (approx 19,500 SF) it would need to be 6' deep (which is too deep), or be modified
for much larger area. Ideas to increase storage include precast sections or the cultec
chambers, http;//w~w~gU!~f; J;om/sto rmwat~r_q.b a n~ ber~htmL
3. Nathan (Surveyor) is familiar with the area and has some benchmarks out already. For scope of
work including scale plan showing wetland delinations, editing to include typical sections we want,
and a final as-built of the installation: $2,000.00 which is my cost.
Storm is unforgiving and has a way of wiping out all but the best designs. We do not want to build
something we are not completely confident in. Let me know your thoughts on the above so we can
come up with a workable design.
Robert Governale
Excav Services Inc
PO box 409 Wading River NY 11792
www.excavservices~com; rcg~excavservices.com
file://CSDocuments and Settings\scotth\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKA~A... 1/26/2009
Terry, Mark
From: Chris Smith [cfs3@cornell.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 5:19 PM
To: Terry, Mark
Subject: RE: [Phase_ll_LI] Long Island Sound Study funding announcement
sounds good!
..... Original Message .....
From: Terry, Mark [mailto:mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us]
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 5:00 PM
To: Chris Smith
Subject: FW: [Phase_H_L[] Long Island Sound Study funding announcement
There may be some opportunities in this RPGA. Let's discuss at the meeting.
From: Phase_II_L[@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Phase_II_LI@yahoogmups.com] On Behalf Of Eileen
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 10:10 AM
To: Phase_H_L[@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Phase_H_L[] Long Island Sound Study funding announcement
The following funding announcement from the Long Island Sound Study is Recent Activity
of interest to north shore municipalities. The application deadline is
Feb 19. Please direct any inquiries to Lynn Dwyer at (631) 289-0150 or
by email at LISFF~nfwf. org.
What is the Long Island Sound Futures Fund?
The purpose of the Sound Futures Fund is to support projects that
restore and protect the health and living resources of Long Island
The Fund seeks to:
· Stimulate restoration of important habitats;
· Encourage locally-based projects that improve water quality and
protect water resources;
· Support communities in developing and implementing watershed
management plans;
· Encourage environmentally sensitive development and land-use
· Develop the capacity of state and local governments, citizens
groups, educational, and other organizations to promote community
based stewardship;
· Increase public access to water and open space;
· Provide opportunities for direct educational experiences with
Sound; and
· Promote a greater understanding of the estuary and the
interrelationship between the health of the Sound and the condition
of local watersheds.
Visit Your Group
Yahoo! Groups
Parenting Zone
Share experiences
with other parents.
Food Lovers
Real Food Group
on Yahoo! Groups
find out more.
Green Y! Groups
Environment Groups
Find them here
1133 15th Street, NW Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20005
P202-857-0166 F202-857-0162 nfwf. org
February25,2009 ~
Mark Terry
Town of Southold, New York
54375 Main Road
Southold, NY 11971
Re: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Dear Mr. Terry:
The Board of Directors of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) approved an
award of $40,000 in federal funds to the Town of Southold, New York to support the Mattituck
Inlet Storrnwater Mitigation (NY) project. This award was made on the condition that these
funds be matched by $48,100 in additional non-federal funds raised by the Town of Southold,
New York specifically for this project. Please be sure to review the enclosed Matching Funds
Eligibility and Documentation guidance and note the requirements of the Certification of
Matching Funds that you will be required to submit upon completion of the Project, to ensure
that the contributions you receive are eligible as matching funds.
Enclosed please find two copies of the Grant Agreement, as well as one copy of the additional
enclosures listed below. Since this Award involves federal funds, please note specifically
Section A13 FEDERAL FUNDS - FEDERAL REGULATIONS of Appendix A, and provide for
your Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, or legal counsel to review the Agreement and
enclosures. If the terms and conditions of the Agreement are acceptable, please sign and return
both copies of the Agreement to the Foundation; you should retain the additional enclosures for
your files. The Foundation will then countersign both copies of the Agreement and return one
copy to you for your files. Signing this Agreement indicates an understanding of, and intent to
comply with, all of its terms and conditions and those of the additional enclosures. Failure to
return two signed copies of the Agreement within 60 days may result in funds being released to
other conservation projects.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, I
wish you success with your project. Please contact Parthena Kydes with any questions or
Michael Slat~ery ~/~
Director, Eastern Partnership Office
Grant Agreement (two copies)
Matching Funds Eligibility and Documentation Guidance (Version 02.17. 06)
Certification of Matching Funds Form (Version 02.17.06)
Request for Payment Form (Version 02.17.06)
Project Phase Reporting Form (Version 02.17.06)
Annual Reporting Form (Version 02.17.06)
Final Financial Reporting Form (version 02.17. 06)
Final Programmatic Report (Version 09.04.08)
MBE/WBE Certification Form
1120 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 900
Washington, D,C, 20036
P 202-857-0166 F 202-857-0162 nfwf.or§
Mark Terry
Town of Southold, New York
PO Box 1179
Southold. NY 11971
September 19, 2008
Re: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Dear Mr. Terry:
We are pleased to advise you that the Board of Directors of thc National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation has approved a grant of $40,000 to the Town of Southold, New York to support the
Mattituck Inlet Slormwaler Mitigation (ND pr(tject. This grant is provided on the condition that
these funds xvill be matched by $48,100 in matching funds raised by the Town of Southold, New
York. All matching flmds must be non-federal donations, contributed specifically for the projcct.
Plcase do not make any official announcement of this award in newsletters, press or other forms
of communication. The Long Island Sound Study will be making an official press
· 9
announcement in August or September _008.
In the next few weeks, Parthena Kydes will be generating a grant agreement and will contact you
wkh any quesfiona. Please feel Free to contact Pmthena Kydes at 202-857-016o or
Parthena. Kydes~i'n~'f.o~ in thc meantime with any concerns On behall o.~'the Board and staff'
of th~' National Fish and WildliI~ Foundation, ! wish you thc best of luck with your project.
Director, Eastern
Lynn Dwyer, Assistant Director, Eastern Partnership Office National Fish
and Wildlife Foundation
Scott Hilary, Planner Southold Town and Lillian Ball, Grant Outreach Coordinator
May 22, 2008
Response to reviewers questions regarding the Matfituck Inlet/Creek Storm
Water Inlet, Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Education.
Response: The stormwater treatment train is part of the Mattituck Inlet/Creek watershed within
Reach 1 as referenced in the Town of Southold's planning document-LWRP Local Waterfi:ont
Response: This boat launch is the most accessible and widely utilized public boat launch site
within the Mattituck Inlet/Creek area. This boat launch site can accommodate greater than 25 vessel
seasonal demand and daily rotations.
Response: Stormwater runoff pollutants will disperse into the sandy substrate through the
permeable pavement and underlying filter fabric (first buffer zone). The stormwater runoff that is
not absorbed through the first buffer zone of the treatment train will go into the vegetated swale of
native grasses as the second buffer zone. The third buffer zone, consisting of existing phragmites
will act as a third filter r nutrients from the stormwater.
Response: No floristic study wilI be implemented. The Natural Resource Conservation Service, a
project collaborator recommemded the quarterly cutting of phragmites to harvest any pollutants taken
in the third buffer zone.
Response: According to all sources referenced and further citing the August 2003 NYS DEC
Stormwater Design manual. The interception of the stormwater runoff into the three proposed buffer
zones will treat the pollutants before they can enter tidal waters of the Mattituck Inlet estuary.
03/06/2008 15:47 6317273 USDA NROS PAGE 01/07
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If you do not receive all pages, please contact:
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 110
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Phone: (631) 727-2315 Ext.3 FAX: (631) 7:~7-3160
Natural Resources Conservation Service
423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 110
Riverhead, New York 11901
Telephone: (631) 727-2315 Ext. 3
FAX: (631) 727-3160
Email: alia n .co n nell(~,,ny, u sd a .q ov
March 5, 2008
Ms. Lillian Ball
2045 Lake Drive
Southold, NY 11971
Dear Lillian:
I am in full support of the project you are proposing to filter storm water runoff entering Mattituck Creek
from the town owned boat ramp. This is a very innovative project that will demonstrate the use of new
products for storm water runoff reduction. This project will have a positive impact on the water quality of
Mattituck Creek and Long Island Sound. I look forward to working with you on this project if it is
Allan S. Connell
District Conservationist
The U. S. Depmtment of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age,
disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or
part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who
require alternative means for communication of program in fommtion (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202)
720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW,
Washington, DC 20250 9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Heather Cusack, Environmental Technician
John Bredemeyer, Public Health Sanita~
March 4, 2008
Requested Mattituek Creek Surface Water Quality Data 2000-2005
Heather, I hope you find the sampling map and data on the disk helpful. Unfortunately, the
database has not been updated after 2005-I am in the process of trying to gather more data
for you presently.
As per our conversation, please credit the use of this data in the grant application. It should,
at minimum, acknowledge and read:
Suffolk County Departemnt of Health Services, (Humayun J. Chaudhry, Commissioner)*
Division of Environmental Quality, (Vito Minei, Director)*
Office of Ecology
*names optional
And...please do not distribute this data to a third party(consultant/etc.) or use it for more
extensive analysis or reporting than is necessary for the grant application without contacting
a representative of this office for the wording of a general disclaimer for data use that may be
required in the near future.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.
360 Yaphank Avenue, Suite 2C, Yaphank NY 11980 (631) 852-5700 FAX (631) 852-5755
· 34o(2s')
Nlattituck ¢
Captain Kidd
'l '~';'
'Yo" ../U
PROJECT: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) (2008-0065-020)
~r Please reference project title and number on all correspondence
NFWF RECIPIENT: Town of Southold, New York
RECIPIENT TYPE: Local Government
PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: August 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
AWARD: $40,000 in federal funds is provided in consideration for the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation (NFWF) Recipient's agreement to perform the Project in accordance with Section 1 below,
and the NFWF Recipient's agreement that it will raise and spend at least $48,100 in Matching
Contributions on the Project.
Environmental Protection Agency (FR.2222)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FA.2192)
CFDA Number:
Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Defined Terms. All capitalized terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings attributed
to such terms in the 2006 Glossary found on NFWF's website <www.nfwf. org/glossary.htm>,
which is incorporated in this Agreement by this reference.
NFWF agrees to provide the Award to the NFWF Recipient for the purposes of satisfactorily
performing the Project described in a Full Proposal received by NFWF on March 7, 2008, and
incorporated into this Agreement by reference.
Town of Southold will replace the current surface of a public boat ramp with
permeable pavement,construct a small treatment wetland and develop public
education materials about the project keyed to reducing nonpoint source pollution
into Mattituck Inlet.
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Construction of drainage field and installation of
permeable pavers.
native ve
Installation of public awareness (education) signage and
* Design a stormwater reduction and education project using a vegetated swale and permeable
pavers to reduce direct storm-water pollutants from entering the water body, such as nitrogen,
phosphorus, hydrocarbons and fecal coliform.
· Aerate an existed impacted gravel substrate parking area, plant a 20' by 50' vegetative swale
with warm weather grasses, install interpretive signage, pavers, dark skies lighting fixtures, and
Aldo Leopold benches.
· Protect significant shellfish and bird habitat currently polluted by stormwater runoff and buffer
an area of wetland open space owned by Southold Town.
· Demonstrate water quality improvement over the long term. Significant improvement would
allow the southem end of Mattituck creek/inlet to be open in the winter months as the rest of
the inlet is now.
· Design effective signage that will communicate all the activities present in the project to a wide
range of ages and levels of knowledge.
· Create community partnerships for educational outreach between Southold town government,
local residents, and other environmental stakeholders such as the Group for the East End, and
the North Fork Audubon.
· Engage support from technical advisors who have visited the site such as Allan Connell,
NRCS, Heather Young, DEC restoration, Robert Wilkinson, storm-water engineer, and John
Bredemeyer, Suffolk County Department of Health, Office of Ecology Public Health
1.3. DILIGENCE AND COMMUNICATION REQUIRED. The NFWF Recipient agrees to pursue
completion of the Project diligently and to communicate with the Project Administrator on a regular
basis with respect to the status of the Project, including but not limited to providing the reports
discussed in Section 5 below. Failure to so pursue completion of the Project according to the timetable
associated with the Phases described above and, in any event, within the Period of Performance and/or
failure to so communicate with the Project Administrator will be deemed a material default in this
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Agreement, entitling NFWF, in its discretion, to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Section
A4 "DEFAULT; TERMINATION" of the Standard Provisions set forth below by written notice to the
NFWF Recipient and to pursue all other legal remedies to which NFWF may be entitled.
No Funds provided by NFWF pursuant to this Agreement or Matching Contributions may be
used to support litigation expenses, lobbying activities, terrorist activities or activities in violation
of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
The Term of this Agreement shall be the Period of Performance set forth above, unless sooner
terminated in accordance with Section A4 "DEFAULT;TERMINATION" of the Standard
Provisions set forth below.
NFWF FUNDS. Payments of the NFWF Funds for this Award will be m~de ;n2j~.~lments.
· Project Phase One installment will be disbursed to the NFWF ~e~i~F-~hen NFWFq:kas
received a fully executed agreement and a Request for Payme~ (via mail, fax, or e-mai~)
from the NFWF Recipient certifying that it is ready to begin pro~ivitie~rst
Phase described in Section 1.1 immediately upon receipt of the funds.
· Subsequent Phase installments will be disbursed to the NFWF Recipient when NFWF
receives and approves a completed Project Phase Reporting Form certifying that (i) the
NFWF Recipient has completed the previous Project Phase as described in Section 1.1 and
(ii) the NFWF Recipient has expended NFWF Funds and Matching Contributions
consistent with the Project Phase Budget as described in Section 1.1; and the NFWF
Recipient provides NFWF a Request for Payment (via mail, fax, or e-mail) certifying that it
is ready to begin Project activities for the next Phase immediately upon receipt of the funds.
· Payment for the Final Phase Of the Project will be made in arrears, upon the receipt and
approval by NFWF of all required reporting for this Agreement.
· Under no Circumstances will any payment under this Agreement be made if any Financial
or Programmatic Reports are due and outstanding.
4.2 BUDGET CHANGES. In the event the NFWF Recipient determines that the amount of the
Budget is going to change in any one Budget Category by an amount that exceeds more than 10% of
the NFWF Project Total (see Section 1.1), the NFWF Recipient must seek~ approval from the Project
Administrator. If approval is received, both parties must sign a written amendment to this Agreement
reflecting the new Budget.
5.1 PHASE FINANCIAL AND PROGRAMMATIC REPORT. Upon completion of each Phase,
the NFWF Recipient will submit, via mail, fax, or e-mail, a Project Phase Report on Project
accomplishments and financial expenditures incurred during the Phase.
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submit an Annual Financial and Programmatic Report, via mail, fax, or e-mail, no later than October
31 st of each year during the Period of Performance, summarizing all of the activities accomplished and
expenditures made between and including the immediately preceding October 1 st and September 30th
of the current year.
5.3. FINAL REPORT. No later than 90 days after the completion of the Project, the NFWF
Recipient shall submit two copies (one hard copy and one electronic file) of a Final Financial and
Programmatic Report to NFWF, that includes: 1) a Final Phase Report, 2) a Final Financial Reporting
Form accounting for all receipts of Project funds, Project expenditures, and Budget variances (if any)
compared to the approved Budget; 3) the Certification of Matching Contributions Form, certifying
Match secured and expended by the NFWF Recipient for the Project; 4) a statement of the efforts to
comply with Minority Business Enterprise / Women's Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) requirements;
and 5) the Final Programmatic Report summarizing the accomplishments achieved during the term of
the Agreement. A representative number of digital photos (preferred) or color 35mm slides depicting
the Project and copies of all publications, press releases and other appropriate "products" resulting
from the Project should also be provided to NFWF as part of the Final Report. Any requests for
extensions of this Final Report submission date must be made in writing to NFWF Project
Administrator and approved by NFWF in advance.
This Agreement is also subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Appendix A "2006
STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR AWARDS," each of which is incorporated in this Agreement by
this reference.
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For NFWF Recipient: Mark Terry
Town of Southold, New York
54375 Main Road
PO Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Phone: 631-765-1938
Fax: 631-765-3136
E-mail: mark.terry~town.southold.ny.us
Unless from the e-mail address set forth above, electronic mails will be deemed unauthorized. If
multiple users are authorized to send electronic mails on behalf of the NFWF Recipient, please
list all authorized sources.
Parthena Kydes
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
1133 Fifteenth Street, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
Parthena. Kydes~nfwf. org
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[Signature page to Grant Agreement for NFWF Project No. 2008-0065-020]
I1'4 WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement, intending to be bound legally.
Michael Slattery
Director, Eastern Parmership Office
(Print name and title legibly)
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This Award is subject to the following terms and conditions, as indicated by [].
[~]A1.1 The NFWF Recipient may not assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any other
individual or other legal entity without the prior written approval of NFWF.
[]Al.2 The NFWF Recipient may not provide subawards nor enter into subcontracts without the
prior written approval of NFWF. Subawards and subcontracts with known parties disclosed in the
Proposal Budget are deemed to be approved.
Any funds provided by NFWF and held by the NFWF Recipient and not expended at the end of the
Period of Performance will be returned to NFWF within ninety (90) days after the end of the Period of
[] Section A3. AMENDMENTS
This Agreement can only be amended by a written amendment, signed by both parties. Counterpart
originals, emails with PDF formatted documents, and/or facsimile copies of amendments are
[]A4.1 Failure by the NFWF Recipient to comply with any material term of this Agreement shall
be deemed to be a default in this Agreement and constitute cause for NFWF to terminate this
Agreement by written notice to the NFWF Recipient and to pursue any legal remedy to which NFWF
may be entitled.
[]A4.2 The NFW'F Recipient may terminate this Agreement by written notice to NFWF. In the
event of termination of this Agreement prior to Project completion, the NFWF Recipient shall
immediately (unless otherwise directed by NFWF in its notice ifNFWF initiated the termination)
undertake all reasonable steps to wind down the Project cooperatively with NFWF, including but not
limited to the following:
a. Stop any portion of the Project's work that is incomplete (unless work to be
completed and a different date for termination of work are specified in NFWF's
b. Place no further work orders or enter into any further subawards or subcontracts for
materials, services or facilities, except as necessary to complete work as specified in
NFWF's notice.
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c. Terminate ail pending Project work orders, subawards, and subcontracts for work
that has not yet commenced.
d. With the prior written consent of NFWF, promptly take all other reasonable and
feasible steps to minimize and/or mitigate any damages that may be caused by the
failure to complete the Project, including but not limited to reasonable settlements of
any outstanding claims arising out of termination of Project work orders, subawards,
and subcontracts.
e. Deliver or make available to NFWF all data, drawings, specifications, reports,
estimates, summaries, and such other information and material as may have been
accumulated by the NFWF Recipient under this Agreement, whether completed or in
f. Return to NFWF any unobligated portion of the Award.
In making this Award, NFWF assumes no obligation to provide further funding or support to the
NFWF Recipient beyond the terms stated in this Agreement.
I-~lA6.1 All claims, disputes, and other matters in question arising out of, or relating to this
Agreement, its interpretation or breach, shall be decided through arbitration by a person or persons
mutually acceptable to both NFWF and the NFWF Recipient. Notice of the demand for arbitration
shall be made within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute, or other matter in question has arisen.
The award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators shail be final.
I"~lA6.2 This Agreement shall be subject to and interpreted by the laws of the District of Columbia,
without regard to choice of law principles. By entering into this Agreement, the NFWF Recipient
agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the District of Columbia.
I"~lA6.3 The terms of this Section will survive termination of this Agreement.
[]A7.1 In conducting its activities relating to the Project, the NFWF Recipient agrees to conduct all
such activities in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and
ordinances and to secure ail appropriate necessary public or private permits and consents.
[~]A7.2 The NFWF Recipient agrees to obtain and maintain all appropriate insurance against
liability for injury to persons or property from any and all activities undertaken by the NFWF
Recipient and associated with this Award in any way.
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[-~'[A7.3 The NFWF Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless NFWF, any Funding Source, their
respective officers, directors, agents, and employees in respect of any and all claims, injuries, losses,
diminution in value, damages, liabilities, whether or not currently due, and expenses including without
limitation, settlement costs and any legal or other expenses for investigating or defending any actions
or threatened actions arising from or in connection with the Project.
[~A7.4 The terms of this Section will survive termination of this Agreement.
All notices required or allowed to be given by this Agreement shall be by first-class mail (postage
prepaid), facsimile (with telephone call required to confirm that fax has been received), by e-mail, or
overnight mail delivery by a nationally known courier and addressed using the contact information
provided in this Agreement. Each party agrees to notify the other within ten (10) days after the change
in named representative, address, telephone, or other contact information.
[-~A9.1 The NFWF Recipient agrees to give appropriate credit to NFWF and any Funding Sources
for their financial support in any and all press releases, publications, annual reports, video credits,
dedications, and other public communications regarding this Agreement or any of the Project
Deliverables associated with this Agreement. The NFWF Recipient must obtain prior NFWF approval
for the use of the NFWF logo and any public information releases concerning this Award.
[]A9.2 The NFWF Recipient gives NFWF the right and authority to publicize NFWF's financial
support for this Agreement and the Project in press releases, publications and other public
communications. The NFWF Recipient hereby acknowledges its consent for NFWF and any Funding
Source for the Project to post its Final Reports on their respective websites. In the event that the
NFWF Recipient intends to claim that its Final Report contains material that does not have to be
posted on such websites because it is protected from disclosure by statutory or regulatory provisions,
the NFWF Recipient shall so notify NFWF and the Funding Source and clearly mark all such
potentially protected materials as "PROTECTED," providing an accurate and complete citation to the
statutory or regulatory source for such protection.
[] Section Al0. DISCLAIMERS
Payments made to the NFWF Recipient under this Agreement do not by direct reference or implication
convey NF.WF's endorsement nor the endorsement by any other entity that provides funds to the
NFWF Recipient through this Agreement, including the U.S. Government, for the Project. All
information submitted for publication or other public releases of information regarding this Agreement
shall carry the following disclaimer:
"The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not
be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U.S. Government or the National
Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not
constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government or the National Fish and Wildlife
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[] Section A11. WEBSITE LINKS
The NFWF Recipient agrees to permit NFWF to post a link on any or all ofNFWF's websites to any
websites created by the NFWF Recipient in connection with the Project.
[] Section Al2. EVALUATION
The NFWF Recipient agrees to cooperate with NFWF by providing timely responses to all reasonable
requests for information to assist in evaluating the accomplishments of the Project for a period of five
(5) years afier the date on which the Final Financial and Programmatic Reports are provided.
[] A 13.1 If all or a part of the Award consists of Federal funds, the text box at the beginning of this
Section should contain an X and, before proceeding with its Project, the NFWF Recipient must read
and understand certain Federal regulations, including but not limited to, those identified below
which may be located on the Internet at <www~whitehouse. govlombleireulars/iudex, htmi>. Ifa
NFWF Recipient does not have access to the Internet, it should ask its NFWF Project Administrator
for copies. Many Federal agencies have agency-specific regulations that govern the issuance of
awards and suhawards with their funds; it is the obligation of the NFWF Recipient to review and
comply with any such regulations issued by its Federal agency Funding Source(s).
[] A13.2 If the NFWF Recipient is a non-profit organization, it will need to understand and comply
with (i) OMB Circular A-110 "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With
Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations" and, (ii) depending
on what kind of organizatign it is, either (a) OMB Circular A-21 "Cost Principles for Educational
Institutions" or (b) OMB Circular A-122 "Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations," in addition to
other applicable Federal regulations.
[] A13.3 If the NFWF Recipient is a State, Local or Tribal Government, it will need to understand
and comply with OMB Circulars A-102 "Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local
Governments" and A-87 "Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments," in addition
to other applicable Federal regulations.
[] A13.4 If the NFWF Recipient is any type of U.S. organization and it expends an aggregate of
$500,000 or more from all Federal sources, it is subject to a special kind of audit as detailed in OMB
Circular A-133 "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations," which it will
need to understand and comply with, in addition to other applicable Federal regulations.
The NFWF Recipient shall enter into no contract or subcontract using Federal funds provided by
NFWF with any party listed on the General Services Administration's Lists of Parties Excluded from
Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs in accordance with Executive Orders 12549 and
12689 (Debarment and Suspension). If this Award exceeds One Hundred Thousand Dollars
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($100,000) in Federal funds, the NFWF Recipient must provide certification of its exclusion status and
that of its employees on a form provided on NFWF's website.
Any interest earned in any one year on Federal funds advanced to the NFWF Recipient that exceeds
$250 must be reported to NFWF, and the disposition of those funds negotiated with NFWF.
The NFWF Recipient shall be subject to the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a to a-7)
as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR part 5, "Labor Standards Provision
Applicable to Contracts Governing Federally Financed and Assisted Construction").
The NFWF Recipient shall abide by the provisions of 37 CFR Part 401 (Rights to Inventions Made by
Non-Profit Organizations and Small Business Finns Under Government Grants, Contracts, and
Cooperative Agreements) and any implementing regulations issued by the Federal agency(ies) that
provide funds for this Agreement.
[] A13.9 The NFWF Recipients agrees, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that:
a. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the
undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of
any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a
Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of
any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering of any cooperative agreement,
and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract,
grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
b. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any
person influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member
of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the
undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report
Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions.
c. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award
documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under
grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose
[] Al3.10 If one of the Funding Sources for the Award is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, the Award also is subject to the Department of Commerce's Financial Assistance
Standard Terms and Conditions, which may be located on the Interact at:
http://oamweb.osec.doc.gov/docs/GRANTS/pdf/ST&C-rev- l OO2.pdf
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~ Al3.11 If one of the Funding Sources for the Award is the Environmental Protection Agency,
the Award also is subject to the Agency's Guidance for Utilization of Small, Minority, and Women's
Business Enterprise in Procurement Under Assistance Agreements - 6010, which may be located on
the Internet at http://www, epa.gov/osdbu/pubs.htm.
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National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Project Name:
Project Number:
Phase number:
Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY)
Please see attached Project Phase Reporting Form for completed Phase gl (not required for advance
payment of Phase # 1).
By its signature below, the Town of Southold, N6w York hereby certifies that (please check as
[] it is ready to begin project activities for Phase number ~ immediately upon receipt of the
funds requested above.
[] it has completed the project activities for above-referenced Phase and requests reimbursement.
Please wire payment in the amount of/to:
Bank Name:
Bank City and State:
ABA Routing Number:
Name on Account:
Account Number:
Tax I.D. Number:
International recipients will also need to include the following information for the U.S. bank conducting
the transfer for international beneficiary banks:
Bank Name:
Bank City and State:
ABA Routing Number:
(Please double check your bank information to avoid delays in payment.)
Print name and title legibly
* *If submitting electronically, please type in name, date and title in the signature lines above and submit
from the e-mail address designated in the grant agreement.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Project Phase Reporting Form
*F~Il i~ all shhded a%as
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) (2008-0065-020)
Phase Number: # 1
Phase Budget:
Category Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant Agreement)
Salaries & Benefits $0 ~ ~ ~,:~ :, ~
Equipment** $0 , ~ ,~ ~ ~.. ~· ,~ ·
Other $35,200
I Total Phase I $35,200 I I
**Equipment only includes tangible nonexpendable personal properly having a useful life of more than one year and
an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.
Matching Contributions Required for the Phase:
Matching Contributions Expended for the Phase:
$ OCrom Grant AgreemenO
I hereby certify that the Phase described above has been completed and that the above
information is accurate and complete,
Town of Southold, New York
il Date:
Print name and title
E-mail: ~ Telephone://l/II
Note: Forms sent by e-mail must come from an e-mail address authorized in the Grant
Agreement or an amendment to the Grant ~tgreement.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Project P~as~ Rep~rtlng Form
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) (2008-0065-020)
Phase Number: # 2
Phase. Budget:
Cat~gory Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant Agreement)
Salaries & Benefits $0
Equipment** $0 .
Other $4,800
**Equipment only includes tangible nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and
an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.
Matching Contributions Required for the Phase:
Matching Contributions Expended for the Phase:
$ 4,810 (from Grant Agreemen0
$ ~
I hereby certify that the Phase described above has been completed and that the above
information is accurate and complete.
Town of Southold, New York
Print name and title
E-mail: Telephone: ~
Note: Forms sent by e-mail must come from an e-mail address authorized in the Grant
Agreement or an amendment to the Grant Agreement.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Annual Financial and Programmatic Reporting Form
~itl i~all ~haded are~ ~ ~etarn t° th~ ~ ~;3 0~
Project Name:
Project Number:
Reporting Period:
Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation ('NY)
Town of Southold, New York
October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009
Expenditures of NFWF Funds for the reporting period:
Category Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds
Eq ip
Other ,
Expenditures of Matching Contributions for the reporting period:
~ of the Project for the
I hereby certify that the accomplishments and expenses described above have been completed
and that the above information is accurate and complete.
Town of Southold, New York
Print name and title
E-mail: /llll Telephone:
Note: Forms sent by e-mail must come from an e-mail address authorized in the Grant
Agreement or an amendment to the Grant Agreement.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) g2008-0065-020
Period of Performance (from GrantAgreemenO: August 1, 2008 to June 30~ 2009 ·
Note: All project expenditures, including match, must take place between the project start and end dates
designated in the Grant Agreement.
for Phase gl:
Category Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant AgreemenO
Salaries & Benefits $0 ~
Equipment** $0 ~' ~;o ~-
Other, $35,200
Total $35,200
Matching Con~ibutions Required for Phase gl: $ (from Grant AgreemenO
Matching Contributions Expended for Phase gl: $. ~:~,. '~
Budget for Phase #2:
Category Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(fi'om Grant Agreement)
Salaries & Benefits $0
Equipment** $0
Other $4,800 .'. · ~ ~ ~,
Total $4,800 ~ '~ ~ ~ · :~ ~ .'~
Matching Contributions Required for Phase g2: $~ (from Grant AgreemenO
Matching Contributions Expended for Phase g2: $!!i ,~. ~i ~i:!;
Total Project Budget:
Category" Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant AgreemenO
Salaries & Benefits $0
Equipment** $0
Total $40,000
**Equipment only includes tangible nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and
an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.
Total Matching Contributions Required for Project: $ 48,100 (from GrantAgreemenO
Total Matching Contributions Expended for Project: $i **
**This total must match the total contributions described on the Certification of Matching C6ntributions form.
I hereby certify that all expenditures described above are complete and that the above
information is accurate and complete.
Town of $outhold, New York
Print name and title
E-mail: Telephone:
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Matching Contribution Eligibility and Documentation
This document is intended to help determine whether contributions received by a NFWF
Recipient are eligible as Matching Contributions and how they should be documented.
Matching Contributions, whether in the form of cash, contributed goods and services, volunteer
hours, or property, must be:
Non-Federal in nature. Federally appropriated or managed funds are ineligible (e.g.,
Pittman-Robertson, Dingell-Johnsun, Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act,
North American Wetland Conservation Act, Coastal Wetland Protection and Restoration
Act) as match for NFWF Federal funds. NFWF Recipients are advised to discuss sources
of funding with their Project Administrator to verify eligibility and to ensure that they are
not Federal funds administered by a non-Federal third party. Depending upon the
program, some NFWF non-Federal awards may be matched with Federal funds.
Committed directly to the Project. Matching Contributions in the form of cash,
contributed goods and services, volunteer hours, or property must be used within the
Period of Performance identified on Page 1 of the Grant Agreement. Services rendered
in connection with: (a) the preparation ora Pre-Proposal and the Full Proposal and
negotiation of the contract between the NFWF Recipient and NFWF; or (b) fundraising,
will not qualify as Matching Contributions.
Voluntary in nature. Funds presented for fulfillment of mitigation, restitution, or other
permit or court-ordered settlements are not eligible (e.g., Natural Resource Damage
Assessment, Supplemental Environmental Projects).
If Matching Contributions meet the above conditions, the NFWF Recipient must document them
in one of the following ways:
Cash, Goods and Services, and/or Property. The NFWF Recipient must submit the
Certification of Matching Contributions form, provided with the grant agreement, using
the paragraphs applicable to the type of Matching Contributions received by the NFWF
Recipient and expended in connection with the Project. The Certification of Matching
Contributions must include the name and address and contribution amount of any donor
who contributes $500 or more to the Project. Fair market value of donated goods and
services, including volunteer hours, shall be computed as outlined in the OMB Circulars
referenced in Section A13. FEDERAL FUNDS - FEDERAL REGULATIONS of the
Grant Agreement.
· 2. Property. The NFWF Recipient may have a third-party donor submit a letter to the -
Foundation, documenting the fair market value and date of a Matching Contribution and
stating that the donation is non-Federal, voluntary, and intended to qualify as a Matching
Contribution. A letter provided to document a donation of real property must be
accompanied by an appraisal by a certified appraiser; a letter provided to document rental of
equipment or space must list three comparable rentals in the location of the Project.
The NFWF Recipient must retain detailed time records for contributed services and original
receipts and appraisals of real property and comparable rentals for other contributed property at
its place of business in the event of an audit of the NFWF Recipient as required by applicable
Federal regulations.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Certification of Matching Contributions
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) (2008-0065-020)
Period of Performance (from grant agreemenO: August 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
, hereby certify on behalf of the undersigned NFWF Recipient that:
1) the NFWF Recipient has allocated the mount of $
funds to the Project;
from its general operating
2) the NFWF Recipient has received a total of $ in cash Matching Contributions,
from the donors whose names, addresses and amounts of contributions are listed on the attached
Exhibit A, each of whom donated an amount equal to or greater than $500; in addition, the
NFWF Recipient has received a total of $ in cash Matching Contributions, from
donors who have given an amount less than $500;
3) the NFWF Recipient has received in-kind donations of Contributed Services and volunteer
hours at a total of $ (none of which were generated in connection with the
preparation of the Pre-Proposal or Full Proposal submitted to the Foundation or fundraising for
the Project), from the donors whose names, addresses, number and value of hours are listed on
the attached Exhibit B, each of whom contributed an amount of time equal to or greater than
$500 in value; in addition, the NFWF Recipient has received in-kind donations of Contributed
Services and volunteer hours valued at a total of $ , from donors who contributed an
amount of time less than $500 in value.
4) the NFWF Recipient has received in-kind donations of Contributed Goods or Property valued
at a total of $ ~ fi'om the donors whose names, addresses, and value of property
donated are listed on the attached Exhibit C, each of whom donated property valued at equal to
or greater than $500; in addition, the NFWF Recipient has received in-kind donations of
Contributed Goods or Property valued at a total of $ , from donors who have given
Property valued at less than $500; and a certified appraisal is attached for each donation of Reai
5) all such Matching Contributions, which total $ , are summarized on the Final
Financial Report and were spent or expended within the Period of Performance as required by
the Grant Agreement and relevant policies set forth by the Foundation on its website;
6) the NFWF Recipient may have to produce detailed proof of such Matching Contributions and
that OMB Circular A-110 requires the NFWF Recipient to maintain such records for a period of
three years after submission to the Foundation of the Final Programmatic and Financial Report
regarding the Project; and
7) the undersigned is authorized to deliver this Certification on behalf of the NFWF Recipient.
[Signature page to Certification of Matching Contributions for NFWF Project No. 2008-0065-
Town of Southold, New York
Approved: Date:
Print name and title
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Final Programmatic Report
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY), #2008-0065-020
Recipient Organization/Agency: Town of Southold, New York
Recipient Organization Web Address:
Date Submitted:
1) Summary of Accomplishments
In four to five sentences, provide a brief summary of the project's key accomplishments and
outcomes that were observed or measured.
2) Project Activities & Results
If your grant agreement included an approved logic framework, paste the logic framework table
· Describe and quantify the primary activities conducted during this grant (refer back to
your approved logic framework, if applicable).
· Briefly explain discrepancies between the activities conducted during the grant and
the activities agreed upon in your grant agreement.
· Describe and quantify progress towards achieving the project objectives or outcomes
described in your grant agreement. (Quantify using indicators from your approved
logic framework, if applicable, or by using new indicators not included in the
· Briefly explain discrepancies between what actually happened compared to what was
predicted to happen.
· Provide any further information (such as unexpected outcomes) important for
understanding project activities and results.
3) Lessons Learned
Describe the key lessons learned from this project, such as the least and most effective
conservation practices or notable aspects of the project's methods, monitoring, or results. How
could other conservation organizations adapt their projects to build upon some of these key
lessons about what worked best and what did not?
4) Dissemination
Briefly identify any dissemination of lessons leamed or other project results to external
audiences, such as the public or other conservatiOn organizations.
5) Project Documents
a) Include with your report 2-10 representative photos from the project. Photos need to
have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
b) Include with your report publications, GIS data, brochures, videos, outreach tools,
press releases, media coverage, and any project deliverables per the terms of your
grant agreement.
POSTING OF FINAL REPORT: This report and attached project documents may be shared
by the Foundation and any Funding Source for the Project via their respective websites. In the
event that the Recipient intends to claim that its final report or project documents contains
material that does not have to be posted on such websites because it is protected from disclosure
by statutory or regulatory provisions, the Recipient shall clearly mark all such potentially
protected materials as "PROTECTED" and provide an explanation and complete citation to the
statutory or regulatory source for such protection.
Approved: Date:
Print name and title
Grant Agreement Routing Sheet
Project Name: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY)
Project # 2008-0065-020
Manager: Parthena Kydes
Financial Review (project budget and organization's fiscal integrity acceptable). Attached (or N/A):
X Budget justification
N/A IRS determination letter
N/A IRS form 990
X Most-recent GAAP-andited financial statements
N/A A-133 Audit
X Balance Sheet
Project Accounting Manager:
Legal Review (grant agreement language acceptable).
X As per template (no legal review or signature needed); OR
Template modified (legal review and signature needed)
Legal Counsel:
Name D~e
Policy Review.
X Congressional notification sent. Date: 08/18/2008
N/A Agency checklist attached (or N/A)
Grant Agreement / CRITTERS Review (entire file is accurate and complete). Attached:
X Proposal
X Grant agreement
X Award letter
X CRITTERS checklist
Director of Region:
Grant Agreement sent:
Grant Manager:
Name Date
Name Date
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Project Name:
Project Number:
Reporting Period:
Mattimck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY)
Town of Southold, New York
October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009
Expenditures of NFWF Funds for the reporting period:
· Category Actuhl Expenses
NFWF Funds
Salaries & Benefits
I Total [ [
Expenditures of Matching Contributions for the reporting period: $
Describe All Expenses: (Use additional space if necessary.)
I hereby certify that the accomplishments and expenses described above have been completed
and that the above information is accurate and complete.
Town of Southold, New York
Print name and title
E-mail: Telephone:
Note: Forms sent by e-mail must come from an e-mail address authorized in the Grant
Agreement or an amendment to the Grant Agreement.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Request for Payment Form
Project Name: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitieation {NY)
Project Number: 2008-0065-020
Phase number:
Please see attached Project Phase Reporting Form for completed Phase (not required for advance
payment of Phase #1).
By its signature below, the Town of Southold, New York hereby certifies that (please check as
~ it is ready to begin project activities for Phase number ~ immediately upon receipt of the
funds requested above.
,>:!:~ tt has completed the project activities for above-referenced Phase and requests reimbursement.
Please w~re payment tn the amount oI to:
Bank Name:
Bank City and State:
ABA Routing Number:
Name on Account:
Account Number:
Tax I.D. Number:
International recipients will also need to include the following information for the U.S. bank conducting
the transfer for international beneficiary banks:
Bank Name:
Bank City and State:
ABA Routing Number:
(Please double check your bank information to avoid delays in payment.)
Print name and title legibly
**~f submitting electronically, please type in name, date and title in the signature lines above and submit
from the e-mail address designated in the grant agreement.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Project Phase Reporting Form
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) (2008-0065-020)
Phase Number: # 1__
PrOjeCt phase ScoPe of Work: ~0m
* c0nstmCti6n of drainage field and inS~llati0a of permeable pavers:
*Removai Of phra~tes ~uStmtiS With{n high marshl
construction and grade stormtWater retention SWa!ei
[; ~ Planting of the st6rm~water retenti°n Swale with native vegetati0ni
Category Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant AgreemenO
Equipment**Salaries & Benefits $050 :
Other $35,200
Total Phase ]
* *Equipment only includes tangible nonexpendable personal prop ,e~ having a useful life of more than one yc,u' and
an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per trait.
Matching Contributions Required for the Phase: $ 43,290
Matching Contributions Expended for the Phase: $
(from Grant Agreement)
Describe All Expenses. (Use addittonal space if necess ry.?
I hereby certify that the Phase described above has been completed and that the above
information is accurate and complete.
Town of Southoid, New York
Print name and title
E-mail: Telephone:
Note: Forms sent by e-mail must come from an e-mail address authorized in the Grant
Agreement or an amendment to the Grant Agreement.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Project Phase Reporting Form
*Fill inali Shaded areas
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) (2008-0065-020)
Phase Number: # 2__
[ erol et Phas I
.~ti blieaW~eness educati°n si ge and benehes
on ofpu ( ) ~ ,
Category Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant Agreement)
Salaries & Benefits $0
Equipment** $0
Other $4,800
**Equipment only includes tangible nonexpendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and
an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.
Matching Contributions Required for the Phase: $ 4,810
Matching Contributions Expended for the Phase:. $
Describe All Expenses: (Use additional space if necessary.)
(from Grant AgreemenO
for this Phase of the Project.
1 hereby certify that the Phase described above has been completed and that the above
information is accurate and complete.
Town of Southold, New York
Print name and title
E-mail: ~~ ,~.~ ~ .' ~ Telephone:~
Note: Forms sent by e-mail must come from an e-mail address authorized in the Grant
Agreement or an amendment to the Grant Agreement.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Final Financial Reporting Form
*Fill in ali ShadOd a~ea~ '
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) #2008-0065-020
Period of Performance (from Grant AgreemenO: August 1, 2008 to June 30~ 2009
Note: All project expenditures, including match, must take place between the project start and end dates
designated in the Grant Agreement.
Category Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant AgreemenO
SalarieSEquipment** & Benefits $050
Other $35,200
Total $35,200
Matching Contributions Required for Phase #1: $ 43,290 (from Grant Agreement)
Matching Contributions Expended for Phase #1: $
Bud et for Phase #2:
Category Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant AgreemenO
Salaries & Benefits $0
Equipment** $0
Other $4,800
Total $4,8001
Matching Contributions Required for Phase #2: $ 4 810 (from Grant Agreement)
Matching Contributions Expended for Phase #2: $
1 oral l-FO jeer ~)uol~ct;
Category Approved Budget Actual Expenses
NFWF Funds NFWF Funds
(from Grant Agreemen0
Salaries & Benefits $0
Equipment** $0
Other $40,000
Total I $40,000
**Equipment only includes tangible nonexpendable personal property having a usefi y. r and
an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.
Total Matching Contributions Required for Project: $ 48 100 (from Grant Agreement)
Total Matching Contributions Expended for Project: $ : **
**This total must match the total contributions described on the Certification of Matching Contributions form.
Describe All Expenses: (Use ad&tlonal space if necessary)
I hereby certify that all expenditures described above are complete and that the above
information is accurate and complete.
Town of Southoid, New York
Print name and title
E-mail: Telephone:
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Matching Contribution Eligibility and Documentation
This document is intended to help determine whether contributions received by a NFWF
Recipient are eligible as Matching Contributions and how they should be documented.
Matching Contributions, whether in the form of cash, contributed goods and services, volunteer
hours, or property, must be:
Non-Federal in nature. Federally appropriated or managed funds are ineligible (e.g.,
Pittman-Robertson, Dingell-Johnson, Inter/nodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act,
North American Wetland Conservation Act, Coastal Wetland Protection and Restoration
Act) as match for NFWF Federal funds. NFWF Recipients are advised to discuss sources
of funding with their Project Administrator to verify eligibility and to ensure that they are
not Federal funds administered by a non-Federal third party. Depending upon the
program, some NFWF non-Federal awards may be matched with Federal funds.
Committed directly to the Project. Matching Contributions in the form of cash,
contributed goods and services, volunteer hours, or property must be used within the
Period of Performance identified on Page 1 of the Grant Agreement. Services rendered
in connection with: (a) the preparation of a Pre-Proposal and the Full Proposal and
negotiation of the contract between the NFWF Recipient and NFWF; or (b) fundraising,
will not qualify as Matching Contributions.
Voluntary in nature. Funds presented for fulfillment of mitigation, restitution, or other
permit or court-ordered settlements are not eligible (e.g., Natural Resource Damage
Assessment, Supplemental Environmental Projects).
If Matching Contributions meet the above conditions, the NFWF Recipient must document them
in one of the following ways:
Cash, Goods and Services, and/or Property. The NFWF Recipient must submit the
Certification of Matching Contributions form, provided with the grant agreement, using
the paragraphs applicable to the type of Matching Contributions received by the NFWF
Recipient and expended in connection with the Project. The Certification of Matching
Contributions must include the name and address and contribution amount of any donor
who contributes $500 or more to the Project. Fair market value of donated goods and
services, including volunteer hours, shall be computed as outlined in the OMB Circulars
referenced in Section A13. FEDERAL FUNDS - FEDERAL REGULATIONS of the
Grant Agreement.
2. Property. The NFWF Recipient may have a third-party donor submit a letter to the
Foundation, documenting the fair market value and date of a Matching Contribution and
stating that the donation is non-Federal, voluntary, and intended to qualify as a Matching
Contribution. A letter provided to document a donation of real property must be
accompanied by an appraisal by a certified appraiser; a letter provided to document rental of
equipment or space must list three comparable rentals in the location of the Project.
The NFWF Recipient must retain detailed time records for contributed services and original
receipts and appraisals of real property and comparable rentals for other contributed property at
its place of business in the event of an audit of the NFWF Recipient as required by applicable
Federal regulations.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Certification of Matching Contributions
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY) (2008-0065-020)
Period of Performance (from grant agreement): August 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009
, hereby certify on behalf of the undersigned NFWF Recipient that:
1) the NFWF Recipient has allocated the amount of $
funds to the Project;
from its general operating
2) the NFWF Recipient has received a total of $ in cash Matching Contributions,
from the donors whose names, addresses and amounts of contributions are listed on the attached
Exhibit A, each of whom donated an amount equal to or greater than $500; in addition, the
NFWF Recipient has received a total of $ in cash Matching Contributions, from
donors who have given an amount less than $500;
3) the NFWF Recipient has received in-kind donations of Contributed Services and volunteer
hours at a total of $ (none of which were generated in connection with the
preparation of the Pre-Proposal or Full Proposal submitted to the Foundation or fundraising for
the Project), from the donors whose names, addresses, number and value of hours are listed on
the attached Exhibit B, each of whom contributed an amount of time equal to or greater than
$500 in value; in addition, the NFWF Recipient has received in-kind donations of Contributed
Services and volunteer hours valued at a total o£$ , fi'om donors who contributed an
amount of time less than $500 in value.
4) the NFWF Recipient has received in-kind donations of Contributed Goods or Property valued
at a total of $ , from the donors whose names, addresses, and value of property
donated are listed on the attached Exhibit C, each of whom donated property valued at equal to
or greater than $500; in addition, the NFWF Recipient has received in-kind donations of
Contributed Goods or Property valued at a total of $ , from donors who have given
Property valued at less than $500; and a certified appraisal is attached for each donation of Real
5) all such Matching Contributions, which total $ , are summarized on the Final
Financial Report and were spent or expended within the Period of Performance as required by
the Grant Agreement and relevant policies set forth by the Foundation on its website;
6) the NFWF Recipient may have to produce detailed proof of such Matching Contributions and
that OMB Circular A-110 requires the NFWF Recipient to maintain such records for a period of
three years after submission to the Foundation of the Final Programmatic and Financial Report
regarding the Project; and
7) the undersigned is authorized to deliver this Certification on behalf of the NFWF Recipient.
[Signature page to Certification of Matching Contributions for NFWF Project No. 2008-0065-
Town of Southold, New York
Approved: Date: Signature
Print name and title
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Final Programmatic Report
Project Name and Number: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation (NY), #2008-0065-020
Recipient Organization/Agency: Town of Southold, New York
Recipient Organization Web Address:
Date Submitted:
1) Summary Of Accomplishments
In four to five sentences, provide a brief summary of thc project's key accomplishments and
outcomes that were observed or measured.
2) Project Activities & Results
If your grant agreement included an approved logic framework, paste the logic framework table
* Describe and quantify the primary activities conducted during this grant (refer back to
your approved logic framework, if applicable).
· Briefly explain discrepancies between the activities conducted during the grant and
the activities agreed upon in your grant agreement.
Describe and quantify progress towards achieving the project objectives or outcomes
described in your grant agreement. (Quantify using indicators from your approved
logic framework, if applicable, or by using new indicators not included in the
· Briefly explain discrepancies between what actually happened compared to what was
predicted to happen.
· Provide any further information (such as unexpected outcomes) important for
understanding project activities and results.
3) Lessons Learned
Describe the key lessons learned from this project, such as the least and most effective
conservation practices or notable aspects of the project's methods, monitoring, or results. How
could other conservation organizations adapt their projects to build upon some of these key
lessons about what worked best and what did not?
4) Dissemination
Briefly identify any dissemination of lessons learned or other project results to extemal
audiences, such as the public or other conservation organizations.
Project Documents
a) Include with your report 2-10 representative photos from the project. Photos need to
have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
b) Include with your report publications, GIS data, brochures, videos, outreach tools,
press releases, media coverage, and any project deliverables per the terms of your
grant agreement.
POSTING OF FINAL REPORT: This report and attached project documents may be shared
by the Foundation and any Funding Source for the Project via their respective websites. In the
event that the Recipient intends to claim that its final report or project documents contains
material that does not have to be posted on such websites because it is protected from disclosure
by statutory or regulatory provisions, the Recipient shall clearly mark all such potentially
protected materials' as "PROTECTED ' and provide an explanation and complete citation to the
statutory or regulatory source for such protection.
Approved: Date:
Print name and title
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Statement of efforts to comply with Minority Business
Enterprise/Woman's Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) requirements
Sea Research Foundation, Inc. is aware and has complied with the Environmental Protection
Agency's Guidance for Utilization of Small, Minority, and Women's Business Enterprise in
Procurement under Assistance Agreements - 6010, located on thc Intemet at
http://www.epa.gov/osdbu/pdfs/complete guidance.pdf.
By: Date:
(Print name and title)
E-mail: Telephone:
Note: This form must accompany.final reports and requires an original signature.
Mattituck Inlet/Cr, Low, and tidal tribs (1702-0020) Impacted Seg
Waterbody Location Information
Water Index No:
Hydro Unit Code:
Waterbody Type:
Waterbody Size:
Seg Description:
(MWSAe) LIS- 7t
02030201/080 Str Class: SA
125.0 Acres (100% impacted)
tidal portion of stream and tribs
Water Q.a!i~ Problem/Issue Information
Use Impairment(s)
Revised: 03/14/01
Drain Basin:
Quad Map:
Allantic-Long Island Sound
Long Island Sound
1/Suffolk Co. (52)
(CAPS indicate PRIMARY Impair/Poll/Source)
Problem Documentation
Type of Pollutant(s)
Suspected: Nutrients
Possible: - - -
Source(s) of Pollutant(s)
Known: OTHER SOURCE (boat pollution), URBAN RUNOFF
Suspected: Failing On-Site Syst
Possible: - - -
ResolutiOn/Management Information
Issue Resolvability: 3 (Strategy Being Implemented)
Verification Status: 5 (Management Strategy has been Developed)
Lead Agency/Office: ext/WQCC Resolution Potential:
TMDL/303d Status: 2c (TMDL Unlikely (Other Control Actions More Appropriate))
Further Details
Shellfishing in the Lower (tidal) Mattituck Inlet/Creek (Shellfish Growing Areal # 30) is restricted
due to the designation of the area as uncertified for the taking of shellfish for use as food. The
upper (headwaters) of the creek are closed year-round; the lower portion is subject to a conditional
closure. Pathogens from stormwater runoff and other urban nonpoint sources are the suspected
sources of contaminatinn. Failing on-site septic systems and boat pollution (popular summer boating
area) have also been cited as a contributing source. (DEC/FWMR, Region 1, October 2000)
The inlet/creek experiences limited flushing which exacerbates water quality problems. The
waterbody is included within the scope of both the Long Island Sound Study and the Long Island
Coastal Management Plan. Suffolk County Public Works is initiating road nmoffremediation work on
County Route 48 impacting the south end of the waterbody. The Town is pursuing other road runoff
projects. (DEC'DOW, Region 1, 2000)
Lynn Dwyer, Assistant Director, Eastern Partnership Office National Fish
and Wildlife Foundation
Scott Hilary, Planner Southold Town and Lillian Ball, Grant Outreach Coordinator
May 22, 2008
Response to reviewers questions regarding the Mattituck Inlet/Creek Storm
Water Inlet, Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Education.
1. What iS the ~ontribut!ng Watershed ~ that t~ st°nnwa~ !reatment ~am ~!l!addrms?
Response: The stormwater treatment train is part of the Mattituck Inlet/Creek watershed within
Reach 1 as referenced in the Town of Southold s planmg docmnent-LWRP Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program, (*see attached Reach ! de~¢ripfi99)~
~ites in the area?
Response: This boat launch is the most accessible and widely utilized public boat launch site
within the Mattituck Inlet/Creek area. This boat launch site can accommodate greater than 25 vessel
launches daily, depending on seasonal demand and daily rotations. '
l:~ 6f the appiicafi0n packet?
Response: Stormwater runoff pollutants will disperse into the sandy substrate through the
permeable pavement and underlying filter fabric (first buffer zone). The stormwater runoffthat is
not absorbed through the first buffer zone of the treatment train will go into the vegetated swale of
native grasses as the second buffer zone. The third buffer zone, consisting of existing phragmites
will act as a third filter removing nutrients from the stormwater.
4. Wil!~ fi6fisfie study be conducted and report~ Prior t0 pe~ttLUgde¢ision 0nquart~!Y manuat cutting
~ phragmites?
Response: No floristic study will be implemented. The Natural Resource Conservation Service, a
project collaborator recommemded the quarterly cutting of phragmites to harvest any pollutants taken
up,by through the phra, gmites in the third buffer zone.
i~ ~&ncentmt~ flesh: ~ater fi~ bring treat~ ~ :~ ~611utnnt t6ti~ waters?
ResponSe: According to all sources referenced and further citing the August 2003 NYS DEC
Stormwater Design manual. The interception of the stormwater nmoff into the three proposed buffer
zones will treat the pollutants before they can enter tidal waters of the Mattituck Inlet estuary.
DOCUMENT REFERENCE: Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
Treatment train described as part of the Mattituck Inlet/Creek Watershed
The designation of the Reaches was designed as a mechanism for enabling an organized discussion of the coastal
resources and issues within the Town.
Reach 1 stretches east along the Long Island Sound shoreline from the boundary between the Town of Riverhead and
Southold to Duck Pond Point, Cutchogue. Its inland boundary is Old Sound Avenue and County Route 48. The Reach
includes the communities of Mattituck Hills and Oregon Hills, a well as the northern reaches of Mattituck hamlet.
The Reach 1 shoreline runs from the Riverhead-Southold Town line eastward to the west side of Duck Pond Point on
Long Island Sound. The eastern boundary is on the west side of the two small subdivisions at the northern end of Duck
Pond Road, on the west side of Duck Pond Point. The boundary continues south along Duck Pond Road, then Depot
Lane to CR 48. The southern extent of this Reach is CR 48 and Sound Avenue. Reach 1 borders all of Reach 9 and part
of Reach 8 to the south. This Reach contains Mattituck Inlet and Creek, the Town's only navi~,able creek on
Long Island Sound. Mattituck Creek is the only safe harbor on Long Island Sound east of Mount Sinai Harbor,
a stretch of more than 40 miles.
The main east-west roads in this Reach (CR 48, Bergen ~venue, Westphalia Avenue, Wickham Avenue-Oregon Road
and Sound View Avenue) mn roughly parallel to the shoreline. CR 48 forms the southern boundary of the Reach. On
the west side of the Creek, Bergen Avenue provides secondary access from Sound Avenue to Cox's Neck Road.
Westphalia Avenue parallels the west bank of the Creek head and provides an alternative route to Cox's Neck from
the heart of the hamlet. On the east side of the Creek, Oregon Road runs parallel to the shoreline at a mid-point
between CR 48 and the shore. Further north, Sound View Avenue parallels the shoreline behind the soundfront lots for
approximately a third of the distance. South of Oregon Avenue, Wickham Avenue runs north from SR 25 in Reach 9,
crosses CR 48, then runs roughly parallel to CR 48 before merging with it near Elijah's Lane. On each side of the
Creek, the local road network branches off a main north-south route. A circuitous and sometimes tangled network
of public and private roads access the residences nestled in the branches of the Creek.
Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats (SCFWH)
Most of the tidal wetland system described above is part of a designated Significant Coastal Fish
and Wildlife Habitat in Reach 1. This is the Mattituck lnlet Wetland SCFWH.
Town of Southold
Employee Time Record for Grants
Name: .I. illian Ball
Employee Title: Consultant
Grant Contract
Number: 2008-0065-020
Grant Title/
Description: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitti(aation
Amount: $9,700
Per/Hour Rate: ~35
Jan Feb Mar
Description of work accomplished
Perma pave
stormwater committee/Mark Terry
Alan Connell
Heather Young
Bob Wilkinson
photos renderings
prep, email LynnDwyer
Group for the East End
Jim King
Melissa Albino DEC shellfish
Aplication/Heather + Mark
Fossil signage issues
Plant estimate/selection/Jim GIover
Followup questions/Scott Hilary
Hours I Rate Total I Hourly Rate I
4.30 $ 157.50 $ 35.00
1.45 $ 61.25 $ 35.00
2.30 $ 87.50 $ 35.00
4,00 $ 140,00 $ 35.00
6.00 $ 210.00 $ 35.00
18.00 $ 630,00 $ 35.00
7,00 $ 245,00 $ 35.00
2.45 $ 96.25$ 35.00
4,00 $ 140.00 $ 35.00
3.45 $ 131.25 $ 35.00
29.00 $ 1,015.00 $ 35,00
4.45 $ 166.25 $ 35.00
2.30 $ 87.50$ 35,00
9.00 $ 315.00 $ 35.00
$ 3,472.5O
Town of Southold
Employee Time Record for Grants
Name: Lillian Ball
Employee Title: Consultant
Grant Contract
Number: 2008-0065-020
Grant Title/
Description: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mittiflation
Amount: $9,700
Per/Hour Rate: ~35
Description of work accomplished
mtg MT + SH, calls BW+ PP
Hours I RateTotal I Hourly Rate
3.00 $ 105.00 $ 35.00
Nick Garone + Matt Freedman Perma Pave
mtg MT+SH, budget, RCA, stakeholders
mtg Jim McMahon- phrag, RCA layers
drawings to scale for PP adjustments
Mattituck stakeholder mtg
Garone call,emails
2.30 $ 87.50 $ 35.00
1.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00
0.30 $ 17.50 $ 35.00
4.00 $ 140.00 $ 35.00
2.00 $ 70.00$ 35.00
0.45 $ 26.25$ 35.00
total 13.45 $ 470.75 $ 35.00
For official use only: #
Long IslandSound Future, Fund (LISFF) 2008
Bronx River Watershed Initiative
PROJECT NAME: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation and Education
Town of Southold
54375 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Web Page: southoldtown.no~thfork.net
Federal Congressional District of Organization: First Congressional District
Organization Type: Local government agency
Project Officer:
Mark Terry
Telephone: (631) 765-1938
Fax: (631) 765-3136
E-mail: Mark.Terry~town.southold.ny.us
Financial Officer: John Cushman
Telephone: (631) 765-4333
Fax: (631) 765-1366
email:John. Cushman~town.southold.ny. us
Tax Status: exempt
Tax ID#: 11-6001939
Fiscal Year End
Location(s) of Project: City: Southold
State: New York
County: Suffolk
Federal Congressional District(s): First
Project Start Date: August 2008
Project End Date: June 2009
Received from: ~anount Describe:
(Cash (C)
or In-kind
Allan Connell, USDA, Natural Resource Conservation $52x 20 hours=S1040 (I)
Sub-Total $1040
Received from: Amount Describei
(Cash (C)
or In2kind
Town of Southold $16,640 (~0, (I)
Lillian Ball 7,000 (I)
permapave 14,40,0 0 (I)
Rick Bird Carpentry ~ ,.~ (I)
Group for the East End (7,652 ) (I)
Sub-Total $48~092
Total ~197132'"
Project Description
Project is an educational model for non-point source storm-water treatment that will significantly
improve water quality and wildlife habitat. Project outreach will inspire public commitment to
effective environmental stewardship through innovative design and signage.
Proiect Need
The project is located at the head of Mattituck Creek, a major tributary of Long Island Sound.
This area of the creek remains closed year round because of uncontrolled rainfall which has
proved to be detrimental to water quality and shellfish species. The name of the project is
Located on the north shore of Long Island's North Fork, Mattituck Creek is a narrow, winding
creek that reaches about two-and-a-half miles inland to the hamlet of Mattituck. Numerous creeks
feed into the Creek from the east, west and south and, despite its small size, the density of
recreational boats and private docks is high. The entire Creek is classified as SA waters and is
closed year-round to shellfishing. The NYSDEC maintains fifteen water quality stations while the
SCDHS monitors four. (Shellfish Pathogen TMDLs for 27 303(d)-listed Waters (2007))
Fecal coliform within the Mattituck Creek exceeds regulatory standards. Tidal exchange in this
creek-estuarine system is significantly influenced by its narrow inlet and sinusoidal
characteristics. Agriculture and residential development comprises the majority of the land use in
its watershed. Potential sources to Mattituck Creek include agriculture and urban runoff, marina
sources, and waterfowl and other wildlife. Relatively poor tidal exchange compounds the effects
of these potential sources.
In addition, the 2001 Mattituck Creek Watershed Analysis states in its conclusions: "One of the
maior non point sources of fecal coliform bacteria is storm-water runoff especially on the
southern part of the Creek. Agricultural activities in the watershed area also contribute to high
fecal coliform levels. The open farm fields are habitat to many waterfowl which contribute to
fecal coliform production." The study indicates that storm-water discharges are the most
important factor causing periodic and episodic increases in fecal coliform levels within the creek.
They are linked to rainfall events and occur quickly after the onset of uncontrolled runoff.
The creek is subject to high vessel use resulting from the public boat romp at the head of the
creek adjacent to County Route 48. Due to the use, pollutants and resultant hydrocarbons are
delivered directly in to the creek via storm water runoff(sheet flow). In addition, the area is used
to walk pets that contribute to the fecal coliform loading within the creek. Proper public
information signage and baggie dispensers would encourage people to clean up after their pets.
The current grade of the boat ramp, parking area, and surrounding pervious surfaces is such that
significant quantities of sheet runoff from all the above sources are discharged directly into
Mattituck Creek and tidal tributaries.
Overall context
This proposal relates to eligible activities described in the following local and regional watershed
initiatives and plans:
1. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)
2. Mattituck Watershed Plan, 1987
3. Comprehensive Conservations and Management Plan for the Long Island Sound
Study Habitat Initiative
4. Long Island Sound Stewardship Initiative
5. Total Maximum Daily Load for impaired waterbody
WATERWASH complies with the following objectives:
Supports restoration and protection of important fish and wildlife habitats;
Encourages locally-based projects that improve water quality and protect water
Supports the Town in implementing watershed management plans (LWRP);
Encourages environmentally sensitive land-use planning and development;
Develops the capacity of local governments, citizens groups, educational, and other
organizations to promote community-based stewardship;
Increases public access to the Sound;
Provides opportunities for direct educational experiences with the Sound and tributaries;
Promotes a greater understanding of the Sound and tributaries and the interrelationship
between its health and the condition of local watersheds;
Demonstrates on the ground innovative technologies, conservation practices and Best
Management Practices (BMPs) that have the potential to significantly reduce excess
nutrient loads. This project uses an alternative stormwater design such as water quality
swale, will replace a percentage of existing impacted areas with a vegetative swale of
native vegetation. The result will be an on-site system for retention and treatment of
Addresses sources of pollution ranging from runoff to release of untreated sewage from
pet waste, wildlife, and boats;
The project will include educational signage on NYS Clean Vessel initiatives (pump out
requirements) for No Discharge Areas, focused on encouraging positive action by boaters
toward pollution reduction;
Water quality demonstrations to reduce nutrient loads to the Sound and its tributaries in
accordance with state policies;
Demonstrates strategies that overcome barriers to adoption of the most effective and
efficient BMPs and conservation practices for reducing excess nutrient loads. Barriers
may include social and cultural barriers, professional acceptance, and general lack of
awareness or technical assistance.
Nitrogen Reduction and Nonpoint Source Pollution Control
· There are documented fecal coliform impacts from nonpoint source pollution to shellfishing,
and the health of living resources. As discussed above, Shellfish Pathogen TMDLs for 27
303(d)-listed Waters (2007) and 2001 Mattituck Creek Watershed Analysis identify high
fecal coliform within the creek and tributaries;
· Generates a specific, quantifiable amount of nutrients to be reduced. The project will employ
a water quality monitoring program prior to implementation (baseline) and post completion of
the project. Benefits resulting from the project will be reported;
·Addresses multiple environmental benefits, including attaining water quality standards and
will demonstrate measurable improvements to living resources and their habitats.
I. Design a stormwater reduction and education project using a vegetated swale and
permeable pavers to reduce direct storm-water pollutants form entering the water
body, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, hydrocarbons and fecal coliform.
2. Aerate an existing impacted gravel s.ubstrate parking area, plant a vegetative
swale with warm weather grasses, install interpretive signage, pavers, dark skies
lighting fixtures, and Aldo Leopold benches.
3. Protect significant shellfish and bird habitat currently polluted by stormwater
runoff and buffer an area of wetland open space owned by Southold Town.
4. Demonstrate water quality improvement over the long term. Significant
improvement would allow the southern end of Mattituck creek/inlet to be open in
the winter months as the rest of the inlet is now.
5. Design effective signage that will communicate all the activities present in the
project to a wide range of ages and levels of knowledge.
6. Create community partnerships for educational outreach between Southold town
govemmen{, local residents, and other environmental stakeholders such as the
Group for the East End, and the North Fork Audubon
7. Engage support from technical advisors who have visited the site such as Allan
Connell, NRCS, Heather Young, DEC restoration, Robert Wilkinson, storm-
water engineer, and John Bredemeyer, Suffolk County Department of Health
Office of Ecology Public Health Sanitarian.
Continuing Proiects
This project compliments Suffolk County work to construct a retention pond on the westem edge
of the area. The retention pond serves the road nmoff from a section of County Route 48. The
retention pond did not specifically address the parking area associated with the boat ramp and the
generated runoff.
Project Output
Long-term. Project
Establish baseline
water quality
DEC and
Nitrogen Comell
Phosphorus Cooperative
Coliform Water Quality
Hydrocarbons resting
Construct and grade
swale, plant swale with water
native little bluastem
and switeli grass
Lack ot storm- } of sterm-wate~ retention
into creek
Install signage and Public
benches, garbage i awareness
Re-grade area and Sheet-flow to
install permeable Creek
Public Public awareness
Direct discharge Storm-water
into creek
Cut phragmites at
quarterly intervals
100% of
phragmites cut
Monitor results
Reduction in water
quality impacts.
Storm-water Control
Redaction in water
quality impacts.
Public involvement end
Storm-water Control
Reduction in water
quality impacts.
Reduction in water
10% of project Nitrogen and quality impacts.
area infested phosphorus Reduction in invasive
with uptake end minor species.
phragmites re-growth.
DEC and
Water Quality
Quantifiable analysis
The project will construct a storm-water retention system at the south end of Mattituck
Creek a major tributary of Long Island Sound. The project will be accomplished in three
1. Construction of a 40' x 60' drainage field using 12" x 12" permeable tiles.
2. Construction of a 20' x 50'x 3' storm-water retention swale and plant with native
3. Removal of the common reed (Phragrnite australis) within the high marsh west
of the boat ramp via manual cutting on a quarterly basis.
A. Drainage Field
A 40' x 60' drainage field will be constructed using 12" x 12" Permapave permeable
tiles. The area will be excavated to 6 inches. Sub-grade will be comprised of 3/4 to 3/8
blue stone rolled. The tile field will be pitched to the drainage swale. All spoils from
excavation will removed to an off-site location approved by the Town of Southold Board
of Trustees.
The sand/gravel beneath the drain field will trap and treat fecal coliform and
hydrocarbons while the vegetation located within the swale will take up nitrogen and
The Town of Southold Department of Public Works will perform maintenance tasks.
Maintenance of the tile field will involve the vacuuming of the tiles on an as needed basis
via the town vacuum truck.
B. Storm-water Retention Swale
The project will involve the construction of a 20' by 50' storm-water retention swale
(swale). The swale will be excavated to a depth of 3'. Side slopes of the swale will be 30
percent. Storm-water will be retained within the swale for bio4reatment and percolation
through the soil.
Mha~.nTOWn of Southold Department of Public Works will perform maintenance tasks.
tenance of the swale will involve the periodic excavation of the plants within the
swale. Removed plants will be disposed to an off-site location approved by the Town of
Southold Board of Trustees. Areas where plants are removed, new vegetation will be
planted on an as needed basis.
C. Manual Cutting of Common Reed
Common read occurring north of the swale will be manually cut to ground level every
three months within the growing season by the Town of Southold Department of Public
Works. The ama will be monitored and results will be published within a quarterly
monitoring report (see item D below)
D. Long Term Monitoring
Monitoring of the site will be accomplished by the Principal Planner, the Environmental
Technician, and the Director of the Department of Public Works on a quarterly basis.
Monitoring will be achieved using random sampling methods and quadrants. Reports
will include information on the condition of the drain field, water quality reports, species
composition, planted species survival rate, percent cover and species naturalization of the
swale and area in Which Phragmites australis has been cut.
John Bredemeyer, Public health Sanitarian, Suffolk County Department of Health
Services, Office of Ecology, Bureau of Marine Resources w!ll provide water quality data.
August to November 30, 2008 - Engineering plans will be developed and accepted by the Town
Board, upon acceptance site excavation will begin, grading will be accomplished and Permapave_
August 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009 - Identify target issues and conceptually design signage
April 1 to June 31, 2009 - Plant warm weather grasses within swale using local school groups.
Install final interpretive signage and benches.
Signage is the first level of communication about storm water issues to the public. However, there
is also an excellent opportunity to get press coverage on a wider level. Since this project makes
community awareness.a priority, we will issue a press release. As an environmental artist, Lillian
Ball has been approached by the culture editor of Canvas magazine to cover issues that she is
working on in Long Island. Previous projects have been covered in the NY Times, Suffolk Times
and Southampton Press. www.lillianball.com
Partner Justification and Community involvement
Group for the East End is donating the appropriate native plants and has offered to coordinate
school children to do the plantings. They will contribute statistics to the interpretive signage
education the public about stormwater remediation and explaining carbon offsets achieved by
these plantings. School groups will be invited to visit and learn about the processes in progress at
the site.
Attached are support letters.
Other Considerations:
NYSDEC permits are required for swale plantings, the cutting of the phragn'dtes, and permeable
pavement installation
The Town of Southold carries insurance for ali town owned properties. Permapave carries
insurance for the installation process.
'Budget Detail:
Salaries & Benefits: List each position with the annual or hourly rate and percentage or number of
hours to be spent on the project.
Salaries & Benefits % Time Salary & Benefit Rate Match $ LISFF $
Position title and brief Number of hours Total Salary or Hourly Amount Total
description of project to be spent on rate covered by dollars to
related duties, project contributions be
from contributed
matching from
sources LISFF
Heather Cusack ~ . .a $43 $2,150
Environmental . --
technician, 5tO~ '~
Mark Terry, Principal 60
Planner, coordination-
James McMahon30/~k,~150~ 65 9,750
Director, Departm~e~t ~
Public Works, ~la~i¥
phragmites cu~ing,
maintenance of plants;'
James Richter, Town 40 [ ~' 45 . 1,800
Engineer' planning and
en~neerinl~ ofproje~cOt, o ,~ -- $0.00
Total $16,640 $0.00
Contractual Services: List and provide a brief description for each service to be contracted. Include
hourly rates and total hours when applicable. If you will not be conducting a competitive bid process
we will need you to justif ~ a sole source bid.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Lillian Ball, Concept, $35per/hour
Design and Outreach 477 x $35 =$16,700 ~Q ·
coordination 477 hours .~ ~--. $7,000
engineering, grading, 240~)sq.ft=$24,000~J
and installation 2400 sq. fi. M.._.~___~~' ~
Total (. $i9,300
Sole source bid justification: Permapave is the only locally available comp~making thi.. ~s$pe, Alf.~
gravel permeable pavement which appears more natural than other types such as concrete pavers.
Supplies and Materials. -
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Permapavers ~,~ ,,. ,2409 $6 $0 $1~.0
Benches I,%OO?]qbobI ex?i'~k(~0q 4~00 $1,200 2,400~--~ 2,406'
Signposts ~
4 $ 375 0 $1,50~)
Total $2,400 $18,300
Printing: List each type of item being printed with the number of items of that type and the per-unit
cost. NFWF may not be able to cover printing expenditures, depending on the source of the federal
funds for your [grant. Please try to use your matching funds to cover printing costs.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Permanent signs
32 x 40" 4 $600 0 $2,401~
Total $2,400
Equipment: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Total $0.00 $0.00
Travel: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Additional explanation:
Contributed Goods and Services: Please describe all goods and services cOntributed to this project as
match from project partners.
Description Total # Units Per,..Unit-C~ Match $
Group for the East End Number of plants y' N~ ~
plants to be decided{ $50,.00 ,~/ $5,0~0
GFEE school children ~ ~
coordination for planting 78 hours $34 x ~78y 2,652 $2,652.
Total $7,652
Additional line items: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Total (ALL Other $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL BUDGET: Please make sure these numbers agree with totals listed above under
each category, as well as with numbers listed as FUNDS REQUESTED and MATCH
FUNDS on first page of application.
Budget Category Total Project Matching Funds LISFF Funds
Budget by Categor~
Salaries &Benefits $16,630 $16,640 $ 0.00
Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other 71,452 31,452 40,000
TOTAL $88,092 $48,092 $40,000
*** Each Phase must include NFWF funds.
*** Final Phase must contain at least 10% of the project award. Please note 10% of the
final payment will be held in arrears by NFWF until final programmatic and financial
reports are submitted by grantee. Upon completing your phasing, please check all
expenses to make sure they align with the expenses listed in your budget.
Nonrfederal In-kind and Cash Match TOT~IL
Contributions allocated to Phase 1:
Project Phase 1: Budget . LISFF
Category Funds
Design and Construction Salaries &
Equipment: 0.00
Other: $30,000
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match Phase 1 LISFF $30,000
Contributions allocated to Phase 1: Funds
Project Phase 2: Budget LISFF
Complete Category Funds
construction; Monitoring Salaries &
and Maintenance Benefits:
Equipment: 0.00
Other: $10,000
Nonrfederal In-kind and Cash Match Phase 2 LISFF
Contributions allocated to Phase 2: Funds $10,000
Final Project Phase
Budget LISFF
Category Funds
Salaries &
Equipment: 00.00
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match
Contributions allocated to Final Project Phase:
Final Phase
Note: Project total should equal the amount you are requesting from LISFF
(LISFF $40,000
(An original signature page must be received with this application)
1 certify that the above information is true and accurate.
Signature of Executive Director or Project Officer
Name, Title
TOTAL: $88,100
Federal Sources
Received from: Amount Describe:
(Cash (C)
or In-kind
Allan Connell, USDA, Natural Resource Conservation $52x 20 hours=S1040 (I)
Sub-Total $1040 (I)
Non-Federal Sources (e.g., ?rivate or state)
Received from: Amount Describe:
(Cash (C)
or In-kind
Town of Southold ~d4t;6~ ~ c~ ~ (~ (I)
Lillian Ball , 7.--a~- 90,00 (I)
Rick Bird Carpentry ..,2n400-- (I)
Group for the East End 7,652 ~ (.0 '~ ~.- (I)
Sub-Total $40,092 q~ t~)~. (I)
Total $49,132 (l)
Contractual Services: List and provide a brief description for each service to be contracted. Include
hourly rates and total hours when applicable. If you will not be conducting a competitive bid process
we will need you to justify a sole source bid.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Lillian Ball, Concept, $35per/hour
Design and Outreach 477 x $35 =$16,700 q ~ 0 D
coordination 477 hours ~$7~000, $9,700
engineering, grading, ~ ~Z,, .~00 9_~, O~
and installation~03~ 2400 sq. ft. "~' · ~
Total (/'Y fLLO 'C'9~/19,J,~> .,, ---$-2i~,.90,~,~d}) $19,300
Sole source bid justification: 'l~nnaat~is the only locally available com )any making this type of
gravel permeable pavement which appears more natural than other types such as concrete pavers.
~uoniies and Materials. " · '
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Benches 4 ~ ~00 ~ 2,400
Total $2,400 $18 300
P..i~ll~g: List each type of item being printed with the number of items of that type and the per-unit
cost. NFWF may not be able to cover printing expenditures, depending on the source of the federal
funds for your grant. Please try to use your matching funds to cover printing costs.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Permanent signs
32 x 40" ~ ~ 0 $2,400
Total $2,400
Bud,,et Detail:
~[ffiLl~L~lg,~: List each position with the annual or hourly rate and percentage or number of
hours to be spent on the project.
Salaries & Benefits % Time Salary & Benefit Rate Match $ LISFF $
Position title and brief Number of hours Total Salary or Hourly Amount Total
description of project to be spent on rate covered by dollars to
related duties, project contributions be
from contributed
matching from
sources LISFF
Heather Cusack (~q6.
~ .... 0 I~/qD
Environmenm, [
technician, ~ tl~¢A) 70
Mark Terry, Principal
Planner, coordination
James McMahon,
Director, Department of
Public Works,
phragmites cutting,
~ames Richter, Town C~
Engineer, planning and
engineering of project $0.00
_F~lltiP. llLe~: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Total $0.00 $0.00
Travel: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LIsF~~ $
additional ex ,lanafion:
Contributed Goods and Services: Please describe all goods and services contributed to this project as
matCh from project partners.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $
Group for the East End Number of plants
plant~ to be decided $5000 $5,000
GFEE school children ·~/
coordination for plantin$ 78 hours $34 x 78= 2,652 $2,65,~.~
Total $7,652
Additional line item~: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISVF $
Total (ALL Other $0.00 $0.00
~)_T.I~_B_U.~a~: Please make sure these numbers agree with totals listed above under
each category, as well as with numbers listed as FUNDS REQUESTED and MATCH
FUNDS on first page of application.
Budget Category Total Project Matchi, ng Funds LISFF Funds
Budl~et b~' Category ~,~, ~
Salaries & Benefits $16,630 -~'~,.~,,.,~'~"~ $ 0.00
Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other 71,452 31,452 40,000
TOTAL $88,092 $48,092 $40,000
*** Each Phase must include NFWF funds.
*** Final Phase must contain at least 10% of the project award. Please note 10% of the
final payment will be held in arrears by NFWF until final programmatic and financial
reports are submitted by grantee. Upon completing your phasing, please check all
expenses to make sure they align with the expenses listed in your budget.
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match I TOTAL $
Contributions allocated to Phase 1:
Project Phase 1: Budget LISFF
Category Funds
Design and Construction Salaries &
Equipment: 0.00
Other:. $30,000
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match Phase 1 LISFF $30,000
Contributions allocated to Phase 1: Funds
Project Phase 2: Budget LISFF
Complete Category Funds
construction; Monitoring Salaries &
and Maintenance Benefits:
Fxluipment: 0.00
Other: $10,000
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match Phase 2 LISFF
Contributions allocated to Phase 2: Funds $10,000
Final Project Phase
Budget LISFF
Category Funds
Salaries &
Equipment: 00.00
TOTAL: $88,100
Received from: Amount Describe:
(Cash (C)
or In-kind
Allan Connell, USDA, Natural Resource Conservation $52x 20 hours=S1040 (I)
Sub-Total $1040 (1)
, :
Received from: Amount Describe:
(Cash (C)
or In-kind
Town of Southoid ~ ~ ¢~ '~ ~ (I)
Lillian Ball ~ ~ ~) 0 0 (I)
Rick Bird Carpentry ...,2n400-~ (l)
Group for the East End 7,652 ~ ~0~- (I)
Sub-Tom S4S~ q~ O'gZ. (0
Total $49,132 (I)
~l~ll~llll~.~d~: List and provide a brief description for each service to be contracted. Include
hourly rates and total hours when applicable. If you will not be conducting a competitive bid process
we will need you to justif ! a sole source bid.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISI~' $
Lillian Bali, ConCept, $35per/hour
Design and Outreach 477 x $35 --$16,700
coordination 477 hours $7,000 $9,700
Permapave- $10 x
engineering, grading, 2400sq_ft=$24,000
and installation 2400 sq. ft. $14,400 $9,600
Total $21,400 $19,300
Sole source bid justification: Permapave is the only locally available company making this type of
gravel permeable pavement which appears more natural than other types such as concrete pavers.
~unnli'es and Ma~erialn. ....
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Permapavers 2400 $6 $0 $14,400
Benches 4 ~ '%00 .--2.;400-- 2,400
4 $ 375 0 $130o
Total $2,400 $18300
l~l:illtillg: List each type of item being printed with the number of items of that type and the per-unit
cost. NFWF may not be able to cover printing expenditures, depending on the source of the federal
funds for your grant. Please try to use your matching funds to cover printing costs.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Permanent signs
32 x 40" 4 $600 0 $2,400
Total $2,400
F. glllipJlle~: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LI~V'V' $
Total $0.00 $0.00
Travel: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Additional explanation:
Contributed ~mds and Services: Please describe ali goods and services contributed to this project as
match from project partners.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $
Group for the East End Number of plants
plants to be decided $5000 $5,000
GFEE s~hool children
coordination for planting 78 hours $34 x 78= 2,652 $2,652.
Total $7,652
Additional line items: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Total (ALL Other $0.00 $0.00
Budget Detail:
al~J~t~ll~ti: List each position with the annual or hourly rate and percentage or number of
hours to be spent on the project.
Salaries & Benefits % Time Salary & Benefit Rate Match $ LISFF $
Position title and brief Number of hours Total Salary or Hourly Amount Total
description of project to be spent on rate covered by dollars to
related duties, project contributions be
from contributed
matching from
sources LISFF
Heather Cusack
Mark Terry, Principal -00- "~ ~ 49 ~ [ 7 ~,~
Planner, coordination
James McMahon, 'Ib'I3' 55 65
Director, Depamnent of
Public Works,
phragmites cutting,
maintenance of plants,
James Richter, Town ~ ~.
Engineer, planning and
engineering of project $0.00
*** Each Phase must include NFWF funds.
*** Final Phase must contain at least 10% of the project award. Please note 10% of the
final payment will be held in arrears by NFWF until final programmatic and financial
reports are submitted by grantee. Upon completing your phasing, please check all
expenses to make sure they align with the expanses listed in your budget.
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match TOTAL $
Contributions allocated to Phase 1:
Project Phase 1: Budget LISFF
Category Funds
Design and Construction Salaries &
Equipment: 0.00
Other:. $30,000.
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match pha~ 1 LISFF $30,000
Contributions allocated to Phase 1: Funds
Project Phase 2: Budget LISFF
Complete Category Funds
conslxuction; Monitoring Salaries &
and Maintenance Benefits:
Equipment: 0.00
Other: $10,000
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match Phase 2 LISFF
Contributions allocated to Phase 2: Funds $10,000
Final Project Phase
Budget LISFF
Category Funds
Salaries &
Equipment: 00.00
· Organization's mission and goa~g.
· List of Organization's Board oPDirectors or Trustees.
· Statement of any legal actions.i'elated to the Organization's conservation activities or
legal actions xvhere the Orga~ization is a party, which are pending, are anticipated, or
were completed within the past year.
· Most recent IRS Form 990 (ho older than 2006).
· IRS determination letter.
· Proof of previous FederalAwards, ifapplicable.
· An A-133 audit for recip/ents of Federal grants that total in excess of $500,000 in one
· Most recent GAAP audited financial statements or balance sheet (no older than 2006).
· Please note your audite~l financial statement or balance sheet should be for the same
year as your IRS Fo~m' 990. If you do not have an audited financial statement we can
provide you with a template for a balance statement. Send us a note to us at
LISFF@nfwf. org to t .
r,equest this document.
The e-mailed copy does not replace your official application package that must be
delivered in hard copy form to:
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Attn: Jennifer Heieck
Long Island Sound Futures Fund
1120 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036
7_ q o .5o
Applications must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, February 19, 2008. Electronic
copies must be received on the same date by 5pm, Eastern Standard Time at
LISFF~nfwf. org.
A complete application package should include the following: · One co_m~l~_t.~._~n_d.~sigu~e__d_b, ard£o.p3. application form and applicat!0n.p~ackage which
ihc~fi-d~: narrative budget phasing and if appropriate map~, p~m~tos~ lettgrs of support,
conceptual or scale plans etc. and supporting documents describ~d
· One electroni~c~ copy of the application form and application package sent to
~'i§~'~~lease atfach')this application package in MS Word format to the email.
Restorati~q Proposal Special Instructions at
http://w~ww.{ongislandsoundstudy.net/habitatrestoration/habitat~ guidelines.pdf
· Do not e-mail the supporting documents described below.
· The proposal narrative should not to exceed(l~
· If appropriate, a map indicating the specific !ocatjon.~f.~t~he ~9_j~.ct.
· If appropriate, conceptual or scale project plans.
· Letters documenting partner contributions, support and participation and if appropriate
indicating permission to work on private, federal or nonfederal land.
· Do not send oversized documents, photos or maps (no larger than legal size accepted e.g.,
8.5 x 14 inch).
· Do not send documents unrelated to specific project purpose e.g., general organizational
brochures, newsletters articles etc.
· Do not staple or otherwise bind your proposal.
· Do not put a cover or back on your proposal.
STATE OR LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY: · Organizational mission and goals.
· List of Applicant's Board of Directors, Trustees, Commissioners, Selectmen etc.
· Most recent organizational A-133 audit for recipients of federal grants if that total is in
· excess of $500,000 in one year (no later than 2006).
· Most recent GAAP audited financial statements (audited financial statement should not
be older than 2006). If you do not have an audited financial statement we will require a
balance sheet. We can provide you with a template for a balance statement. Send a
note to us at LISFF~nfwf. org to request this document.
1 .Project Name: Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation & Education
2.Organization Applying: Town of Southold
3.Project officer Name and Contact information:
Mark Terry/Heather Cusack
Southold Town Hall Annex
Planning Department
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-1938, ext. 5022, 5020
Heather. Cusack(&,town.southold.nv.us
4. Financial Officer Name and Contact information:
John Cushman
Accounting Department
Southold Town Hall Annex
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
(631) 765-4333 ext 5005
John. Cushman~town.southold.ny.us
5. Congressional District: 1
6. LISFF Amount Requested: $40,000
7. Nonfederal Match inkind:$27,000
8. Nonfederal match cash: $5,900
9. Federal Matc~_hh _inkind: Allan Connell, USDA Natural
10. Federa~aIch ca'gl~: none
Resources Conservation Service
Long Island Sound exotic species, native plant sales, beach grass
plantings, pet store and garden store pollution prevention
Long Island Sound curriculum inventory, signage, posters,
videos, National Estuary Day events, school programs, seal census,
and spill prevention programs.
What is the Geographic Focus of the Grant Program?
Projects must fall within the coastal area boundary established by
the LISS (e.g., the Long Island Sound and its coastal watersheds).
This includes the coastal portions of New York City and the
of Westchester, Nassau, and Suffolk in New York that drain to Long
Island Sound, and the coastal area of Connecticut. Proposals for
watershed protection, stormwater management, and nonpoint source
pollution control and anadromous fish passage projects may be in
portion of Westchester County that drains to Long Island Sound, and
all of Connecticut, with a special focus on portions of the major
drainages (i.e., Connecticut, Housatonic, Quinnipiac, Thames
emptying into the Sound.
BRWI projects must be within the boundary of that watershed. The
Bronx River begins in Valhalla, New York near the Kensico Reservoir
and flows south, draining a 56 square-mile watershed and emptying
into the East River between Soundview and Hunts Point in the South
Who are the Eligible Applicants?
Under the Sound Futures Fund - State and local government,
organizations, for-profit entities, educational institutions, and
interstate entities or regional water pollution control agencies
eligible for funding. Governmental and for-profit entities are
encouraged to partner with local govermnents or non-profit
Under the BRWI - Federal, state and local government; non-profit
organizations; educational institutions; and interstate entities or
regional water pollution control agencies are eligible for funding.
Governmental entities are encouraged to partner with local
governments or non-profit organizations.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) contains the guidelines needed to
submit a proposal and is available through a link from
http://www.longislandsoundstud¥.net or at
http://www.nfwf, org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Browse All Programs&CONTENTID=
Fund Partners?
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) works with the
partner agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection
(EPA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the National Oceanic
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation, and the Connecticut Department of
Environmental Protection. The agencies identify funding priorities,
review applications, and provide technical assistance as
to applicants and grantees. Major funding support for this program
provided by EPA, NFWF, the Shell Marine Habitat Program and FWS.
What are the General Funding Priorities?
There are three categories of grant awards available under the
Futures Fund:
Large Grants: Awards of $10,000-$150,000 are available through the
Sound Futures Fund. Funding priorities include: Restoration and
enhancement of coastal habitats and riverine migratory corridors;
species conservation; Control and management of invasive animal or
plant species; nonpoint source pollution control projects;
planning and management; projects to enhance the values of
stewardship; projects that improve public access; and educational
Bronx River Watershed Initiative (BRWI) Grants:
Awards of $50,000 to $250,000 are available through the Sound
Fund for projects in the Bronx River Watershed. The BRWI is a new
source of support for stormwater retrofit projects, including Low
Impact Development initiatives, to address the root causes of
pollution from stormwater outfalls to improve water quality and
ecology along the Bronx River. The funds come from a $7 million
settlement generated by the New York State Attorney General's
Approximately $1.5 million is available during FY 2008.
Small Grants:
Awards of $1,000-$6,000 are available through the Sound Futures
in the form of Small Grants. Funding priorities include:
environmental festivals, mobile exhibits, boat tours, educational
theater, estuary exploration, fishing clinics, beach clean ups,
your dog campaign, discouraging waterfowl feedings, septic system
maintenance, household waste collections, watershed initiatives,
storm drain stenciling/marking, monitoring, a guide or curriculum
connect with others.
The deadline for submissions is February 19, 2008. Applicants are
notified of selection the following Summer.
For more information please contact Lynn Dwyer at (631) 289-0150 or
by E-mail at LISFF(~_,nfwf. org.
Mark A. Tedesco, Director
EPA Long Island Sound Office
Government Center, Suite 6-5
888 Washington Blvd.
Stamford, CT 06904-2152
Phone: 203-977-1541
Fax: 203-977-1546
email: tedesco.mark~epa.gov
Eileen Keenan
NY Sea Grant NEMO Program Manager
NYS DEC Division of Water
50 Circle Road
SUNY Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409
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3. Identifying sources of illicit discharges and adopt laws prohibiting them.
4. Adopting rules for construction site runoff control.
5. Identifying and mitigating post-construction sources of runoff.
6. Establishing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices.
Ms. Lewis put the new program in perspective: '~/hile all of this looks overwhelming, we may not be as far
behind this curve as it looks because we have been so vigilant about our water for some time."
During the December 11 work session, the Town Board also discussed:
* Requiring all committees to submit official letters for review by the Town Supervisor prior to mailing. The
issue arose after the Deer and Tick Committee sent a letter soliciting state funds to pay for the 4-poster pilot
project. The Town Board had already made a written request. "This committee sending its own [letter] has
the effect of making us look like we're scattered," Ms. Lewis said.
* Use of fund balance monies. Ms. Lewis offered to set up a meeting between the Reporter and the town's
accountant and financial clerk to review the town's procedure for spending unexpended funds.
DOCUMENT REFERENCE: Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
Treatment train described as part of the Mattituck Inlet/Creek Watershed
The designation of the Reaches was designed as a mechanism for enabling an organized discussion of the coastal
resources and issues within the Town.
Reach 1 stretches east along the Long Island Sound shoreline from the boundary between the Town of Riverhead and
Southold to Duck Pond Point, Cutchogue. Its inland boundary is Old Sound Avenue and County Route 48. The Reach
includes the communities of Mattituck Hills and Oregon Hills, a well as the northern reaches of Mattituck hamlet.
The Reach 1 shoreline runs from the Riverhead-Southold Town line eastward to the west side of Duck Pond Point on
Long Island Sound. The eastern boundary is on the west side of the two small subdivisions at the northern end of Duck
Pond Road, on the west side of Duck Pond Point. The boundary continues south along Duck Pond Road, then Depot
Lane to CR 48. The southern extent of this Reach is CR 48 and Sound Avenue. Reach 1 borders all of Reach 9 and part
of Reach 8 to the south. This Reach contains Mattituck Inlet and Creek~ the Town's only navigable creek on
Long Island Sound. Mattituck Creek is the only safe harbor on Long Island Sound east of Mount Sinai Harbor~
a stretch of more than 40 miles.
The main east-west roads in this Reach (CR 48, Bergen Avenue, Westphalia Avenue, Wickham Avenue-Oregon Road
and Sound View Avenue) mn roughly parallel to the shoreline. CR 48 forms the southern boundary of the Reach. On
the west side of the Creek, Bergen Avenue provides secondary access from Sound Avenue to Cox's Neck Road.
Westphalia Avenue parallels the west bank of the Creek head and provides an alternative route to Cox's Neck from
the heart of the hamlet. On the east side of the Creek, Oregon Road runs parallel to the shoreline at a mid-point
between CR 48 and the shore. Further north, Sound View Avenue parallels the shoreline behind the soundfront lots for
approximately a third of the distance. South of Oregon Avenue, Wickham Avenue runs north from SR 25 in Reach 9,
crosses CR 48, then runs roughly parallel to CR 48 before merging with it near Elijah's Lane. On each side of the
Creek, the local road network branches off a main north-south route. A circuitous and sometimes tangled network
of public and private roads access the residences nestled in the branches of the Creek.
Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats (SCFWH)
Most of the tidal wetland system described above is part of a designated Significant Coastal Fish
and Wildlife Habitat in Reach 1. This is the Mattituck Inlet Wetland SCFWH.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Project Budget and Phasing:
Please read the guidance th roughout this document, corn plete you r project budget, and return the form to you r project administor via email. If you h ave
questions regarding matching funds eligibility or allowable costs, please contact your project administrator.
Overall Budeet:
Budeet Detail:
Project Implementation:
Equipment: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Total $0.00 $0.00
Travel: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Additional explanation:
Contributed ~oods and Services: Please describe all goods and services contributed to this project as
match from project partners.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $
Group for the East End Number of plants $5000 ~c/~,00,~t~
plants to be decided $5,00~
GFEE school children
coordination for planting 78 hours $34 x 78-- 2,652 $2,652.
Total $7~2
Additional line items: NONE
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Total (ALL Other $0.00 $0.00
Contractual Services: List and provide a brief description for each service to be contracted. Include
hourly rates and total hours when applicable. If you will not be conducting a competitive bid process
we will need you to justif f a sole source bid.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Lillian Ball, Concept, $35per/hour
Design and Outreach 477 x $35 -$16,700
coordination 477 hours $7,000 $9,700
Permapave- $10 x
engineering, grading, 2400sq.ft $24,000
and installation 2400 sq. ft. $14,400 $,9,600
Total $21,400 $19,300
Sole source bid justification: Permapave is the only locally available company making this type of
gravel permeable pavement which appears more natural than other types such as concrete pavers.
Supplies and Materials.
Description Total'# Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Perrnapavers 2400 ' · $6 $0 $14,400
Benches 4 $1,200 2,400 2,400
4 $ 375 0 $1,500
Total $2,400 $18,300
Printing: List each type of item being printed with the number of items of that type and the per-unit
cost. NFWF may not be able to cover printing expenditures, depending on the source of the federal
funds for your grant. Please try to use your matching funds to cover printing costs.
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match $ LISFF $
Permanent signs
32 x 40" 4 $600 0 $2,400
Total $2,400
*** Each Phase must include NFWF funds.
*** Final Phase must contain at least 10% of the project award. Please note 10% of the
final payment will be held in arrears by NFWF until final programmatic and financial
reports are submitted by grantee. Upon completing your phasing, please check all
expenses to make sure they align with the expenses listed in your budget.
Nonrfederal In-kind and Cash Match [ TOTAL
Contributions allocated to Phase 1:
Project Phase 1: Budget LISFF
Category Funds
Design and Construction Salaries &
Equipment: 0.00
Other: $30,000
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match Phase 1 LISFF
Contributions allocated to Phase 1: Funds $30,000
Project Phase 2: Budget LISFF
Complete Category Funds
construction; Monitoring Salaries &
and Maintenance Benefits:
Equipment: 0.00
Other: $10,000
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match Phase 2 LISFF
Contributions allocated to Phase 2: Funds $10,000
Final Project Phase LISFF
Salaries &
Non-federal In-kind and Cash Match
Contributions allocated to Final Project Phase:
Final Phase
Note: Project total should equal the amount you are requesting from LISFF
(LISFF $40,000
(An original signature page must be received with this application)
I certify that the above i~/brmation is true and accurate.
Signature of Executive Director or Project Officer
Name, Title
Budget Detail:
Salaries & Benefits: List each position with the annual or hourly rate and percentage or number of
hours to be spent on the project.
Salaries & Benefits % Time Salary & Benefit Rate Match $ LISFF $
Position title and brief Number of hours Total Salary or Hourly Amount Total
description of project to be spent on rate covered by dollars to
related duties, project contributions be
from contributed
matching from
sources LISFF
Heather Cusack 50 $43 $2,150
Mark Terry, Principal 60 49 2,940
Planner, coordination
James McMahon, ' ~'5'h 150 65 9,750
Director, Department of
Public Works, (
phragmites cutting,
maintenance of plants,
pavers j
· James Richter, Town 40 45 1,800
Engineer, planning and
engineering of project $0.00
Total $16,640 $0.00
Federal Sources
Received from: Amount Describe:
(Cash (C)
or In-kind
Allan Connell, USDA, Natural Resource Conservation $52x 20 hours=S1040 (I)
Sub-Total $1040
Non-Federal Sources (e.~,., ?rivate or state)
Received from: Amount Describe:
(Cash (C)
or In-kind
Town of Southold $16,640 (I)
Lillian Ball 7,000 (I)
Permapave 14,400 (I)
Rick Bird Carpentry 2,400 (1)
Group for the East End 7,652 ~ ~t ~(.X5 (I)
Sub-Total $48~0923c~ _t~?30 (I)
Total $49,132
TOTAL BUDGET: Please make sure these numbers agree with totals listed above under
each category, as well as with numbers listed as FUNDS REQUESTED and MATCH
FUNDS on,first page pf application.
Budget Category Total Project Matching Funds LISFF Funds
Budget by Category
Salaries & Benefits $16,630 $16,640 $ 0.00
Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other 71,452 ~ }l~b~ 3,J44~ ['~ 40,000
TOTAL $88,092 $,~09~ 4'~ $40,000
Pathogen and Nutrient Control
This measure includes waterfowl waste management and control. This entails
adoption and enforcement of a "No Feeding Waterfowl" Ordinance, including a public
information/outreach program. Another measure is grass management, limiting lawn size
and extant. Physical barriers for geeses swans and ducks can be installed between water
and feeding areas. Also, land use regulations and planning can be applied to discourage
developments and landscaping which would attract additional nuisance waterfowl to an
area plagued by nuisance waterfowl. Other, less passive forms of waterfowl waste
management can be explored if it is felt that this is a large source nfpollutant loadings to
Mattituck Creek. The costs range from no cost (for homeowner-inltiatad auditory
harassment or feeding prohibition) to very costly (for intensive efforts to interfere with
reproduction over a large area).
Another measure of pathogen and nutrient control includes institutional control
measures employed by local governments and management measures employed by
individuals to prevent non-point source pollution by canines and felines. Expenses
involved are associated with municipal enforcement and personal responsibilities
connected to spaying, neutering and purchasing of"pooper scoopers".
Retention Pond (Wet Pond)
A retention pond (also known as wet ponds) are typically excavated ponds with a
dam and emergency spillway, designed to accept stormwater nmoff from watersheds
greater than 10 acres in size. Ponds vary in size according to design; however, they
usually have a shallow inlet area 0.5 to 2 feet deep, and a permanent pool of 3 to 8 feet in
depth. Retention ponds maximize the hydraulic residence time of the detained
stormwatcr runoff, and allow pollutants to settle out from 2 to 14 days.
Retention ponds control post-development peak discharge rates to pre-
development levels, and can achieve a high removal rate of pollutants due to gravity
settling, chemical floccolation and biological uptake. Retention ponds generally cost less
than extended detention ponds. Routine maintenance of retention ponds includes
removing woody vegetation, mowing side-slopes, embankments and the emergency
spillway, inspections conducted annually and aRer design storms, debris and litter
removal, erosion control of vegetated areas and nuisance control of insects, weeds, odors,
and algae. Non-routine maintenance includes structural repairs and replacement, and
removal of accumulated sediment in thc bottom of the pond (performed every 2 to 5
R oo£ RunolT $Fstem
A roof runoff system handles roof runoff by directing it to down spouts and into
trenches prior to infiltration into permeable soil. Estimated costs are very low.
Street and Pavement Sweeping
Street sweepers are designed to dislodge debris and dirt from the street surface,
transport it onto a moving conveyor, and deposit it into a storage hopper. The most
common types of street sweeper is a mechanical sweeper, which uses a rotating gutter
broom to transport particles from the gutter area into the path ora large cylindrical broom
which rotates to carry the material onto a conveyor belt. Water is sprayed on the
collected material to control resuspeusion of the fine particles. Intensive cleaning of
streets and pavements can result in up to 50% reduction of fecal coliform and a 15%
reduction of total coliform; however seasonal differences may occur. Overall, the
practice is limited in pollutant load reductions. Estimated costs of this measure are high.
In 1988, the City of Milwaukee swept 86,000 curb-miles for about $25 per curb mile
Peat/Sand Filter SFstems
Peat/Sand filters are gravity-driven, consl~ucted filtration systems designed to
reduce nonpoint source pollutant loadings from watersheds to receiving bodies. These
systems capture and treat the first ~-inch of runoff from impervious areas by temporary
detention and infiltration. Peat/sand filter systems consist ofthr~ basic concepts:
· A small pre-treatment wet pond: for gravitational settling and temporary storage.
· A flow-splitting concrete weir and earth embankment (to control the depth of stored
stormwater runoff)
· An off-line grass/peat/sand filter bed basin area: for temporary surface ponding, rapid
infiltration and treatment of urban runoff.
An addition of a gate valve to the end of the peat bed underdrain system provides
greater flexibility in controlling the hydraulic residence time of stormwater runoff. Also,
reed canary grass is typically used in peat/sand filter bed basin to harvest nutrients from
the surfaee-ponded stormwater runoff. Based on experimental data, it is believed that
peat/sand filter systems can remove up to 90% of suspended solids, 70% of total
phosphorus, 50% of total nitrogen, 90% of biological oxygen demand (BOD), 80% of
trace metals, and greater than 90% of pathogenic bacteria found in stormwater runoff.
The engineered designs of these systems are expensive.
D. Example Project
Hashamomuck Pro/ect
The USDA, NRCS and the Suffolk Count Soil and Water Conservation District,
with funding and support from thc Town of Southold and NYDEC, designed and
installed a stormwater retention and conaol sln~cture in the Town of Southold. The water
control structure was designed to store an identified amount of water. This water is held
in the ponded area, as shown in the photo below. The water is then slowly released to a
stream that feeds Hashamomuck Pond. This structure replaced a culvert underneath the
road that directly discharged all stormwater from the gully seen in the photo to the stream
that feeds Hashamomuck Pond. An easement was obtained by the property o,amer to the
west of this retention pond and an agreement was made as to the design levels of the
pond, This project was implemented to reduce the amount ofcoliforms in Hashamomuck
Pond. Though no water quality data directly suppoas the effectiveness of this structure,
the project has clearly been successful in holding water for a significant amount of time
before allowing it to flow into the Pond.
Photo Description: The water control structure can be seen in the center of the photo
(barrel riser covered by a gridded trash rack), and the water being retained is covered in
snow and surrounds the structure.
E. Projects to be Completed
Location: Intersection of Mill Road and Oregon Road
Project Components:
* Easement or purchase of triangular parcel
· Installation of two catch basins
· Excavation
Sand fill
· Installation of concrete weir with adjustable elevation
· Rip-rap/headwall
· Topsoil and seed
· Re-alignment of Mill Road end
· Erosion control
Estimated Cost: -$50,000 (Plus easements/purchases)
#2) Location: Mill Road East
Project Components:
· Easements
· Installation of two catch basins
· Installation of culvert pipe
· Headwall and Rip-rap
· Asphalt Patch
· Erosion control
· Topsoil and seed
Estimated Cost: -$25,000 (Plus easements)
#$) Location: Cox Neck Lane
Project Components:
· Easements
· Raise road 300 linear feet (+/-)
· Installation of two catch basins
· Installation of culvert pipe with outfall headwall
Installation of concrete weir structure
· Topsoil and seed
· Erosion control
Estimated Cost: -$50,000 (Plus easements)
Location: Intersection of Grand Avenue and Wickhem Avenue
Project Components:
· Demolition
· Installation of guard rail
· Erosion control
Installation of two catch basins with inlet grate
· Installation of two leaching pools
Permeable paving is a broadly defined group of pervious types of pavements used for roads,
parking, sidewalks, and plaza surfaces. Permeable paving provides an alternative to
conventional asphalt and concrete surfaces and are designed to infiltrate rainfall through the
surface, thereby reducing stormwater nmoff from a site. In addition, permeable paving reduces
impacts of impervious cover by augmenting the recharge of groundwater through infiltration,
and providing some pollutant uptake in the underlying soils. Due to the potential high risk of
clogging the pavement voids and the underlying soils, permeable paving should be limited in its
use and should require strict adherence to manufacturer's specifications for installation and
The different types of paving can be broken into two basic design variations: porous pavement
and permeable pavers. Porous pavement is a permeable asphalt or concrete surface that allows
stormwater to quickly infiltrate to an underlying stone reservoir. Runoffthen percolates directly
into the underlying soil, which recharges groundwater and removes stormwater pollutants.
Runoff can also be drained out of the stone reservoir through an underdrain system connected to
the stormdrain system. Porous pavement looks similar to conventional pavement, but is
formulated with larger aggregate and less fine particles, which leaves void spaces for infiltration.
Permeable pavers include concrete grid and gross pavers, interlocking concrete modules, and
brick pavers (Figure 1). Often, these designs do not have an underground stone reservoir, but
can provide some infiltration and surface detention of stormwater to reduce runoff velocities.
Recommended Application of Practice
Permeable paving can be used to treat low
traffic roads (i.e., a few houses or a small cul-
de-sac), single-family residential driveways,
overflow parking areas, sidewalks, plazas,
and courtyard areas. Good opportunities can
be found in larger parking lots, spillover
parking areas, schools, municipal facilities,
and urban hardscapes. Permeable paving is
intended to capture and manage small
frequent rainfall events. These events can
include as much as 30 50% of the annual
precipitation (Schueler, 1987). The system
does not readily work for storms greater than
1-inch or with high rainfall intensities.
Figure 1: Application of Permeable Pavers
Permeable paving can have many benefits when applied to redevelopment and infill projects in
urban centers. The most notable benefits include:
· Groundwater recharge augmentation
· Runoff reduction to ease capacity constraints in storm drain networks
· Effective pollutant treatment for solids, metals, nutrients, and hydrocarbons (see
pollutant removal performance, Table 1)
· Aesthetic improvement to otherwise hard urban surfaces (e.g., interlocking permeable
pavers, lattice pavers)
Two long-term monitoring studies of porous pavement systems conducted in Rockville, MD, and
Prince William, VA, indicated high removal efficiencies for sediments and nutrients (see Table
1). The Rockville study also reported high removals for zinc (99%), lead (98%), and chemical
oxygen demand (82%) (Schueler, 1987).
Total Phosphorus 65
Total Nitrogen 80 - 85
Tota~ Suspended Solids 82 - 05
Major limitations to this practice are suitability of the site grades, subsoils, drainage
characteristics, and groundwater conditions. Proper site selection is an important criteria in
reducing the failure rate of this practice. Areas with high amounts of sediment-laden runoff and
high traffic volume are likely causes of system failure. High volume parking lots, particularly
parking drive aisles, high dust areas, and areas with heavy equipment traffic, are not
recommended for this practice. Ownership and maintenance responsibility should also be
considered in determining the potential for success.
Soil It is important to confirm that local soils are permeable and can support adequate
infiltration, since past grading, filling, disturbance, and compaction can greatly alter the original
infiltration qualities. The underlying parent soils should have a minimum infiltration rate of 0.5
inches per hour. To maintain effective pollutant removal in the tmderlying soils organic matter
content in the subsoils is important.
New York Slate Stormwater Ma/~gomont Do~;igtt Ma~t Chapter 9
Permeable pavers are typically not installed over a gravel chamber, but can be placed on a sand
bed to facilitate drainage. Pavers generally provide more surface storage than infiltration
capacity, but have the same limitations in terms of clogging. Permeable paving should generally
have a drainage time of at least 24 hours.
Cold Climate Considerations Permeable paving practices can be used effectively in cold-
climate areas, but should not be used where sand or other materials are applied for winter
traction since they quickly clog the pavement. Care should be taken when applying salt to
permeable pavement, since chlorides can easily migrate into the groundwater. Care should also
be taken to select a surface material that can tolerate undulations from frost movements, or to
protect pavements from frost damage (Ferguson, 2005).
Land Use Like any stormwater infiltration practice, there is a possibility of groundwater
contamination. Therefore, permeable paving should not be used to treat stormwater hotspots,
areas where land uses or activities have the potential to generate highly contaminated nmoff.
These areas can include: commercial nurseries, auto recycling and repair facilities, fleet washing
facilities, fueling stations, high-use commercial parking lots, and marinas. Additionally, certain
types of permeable pavers, such as block, grid pavers, and gravel, are not ideal for areas that
require handicap accessibility.
Sizing and Design Guidance
The two types of permeable paving, porous pavement and permeable pavers, have specific sizing
guidelines, which are described below.
Porous pavement areas are generally designed to accommodate a 1-inch or less design storm.
Storms greater than that will either sheet flow off the site, or if not graded properly, will pond
on-site. Other design considerations for porous pavement include:
· Soils permeability should be between 0.5 and 3.0 inches per hour. Soil testing is
required as defined in this Design Manual.
Clean, washed aggregate must be
specified for the grovel bed/stone
reservoir (Figure 2).
The bottom of the stone reservoir
should not exceed a slope of 5
percent. Ideally it should be
completely flat so that the infiltrated
runoff will be able to infiltrate
through the entire surface. Perforated
pipes may be used to distribute runoff
through the reservoir evenly.
Figure 2: Porous pavement with a gravel
bed/stone reservoir
Located at least 3 feet above the seasonally high groundwater table, and at least 100
horizontal feet away from drinking water wells and 25 feet down gradient from
structures and septic systems
As a back-up measure in case of clogging, permeable paving practices can be
designed with a perimeter trench to provide some overflow treatment should the
surface clog. The trench may be connected to the stone reservoir
· The contributing drainage area should generally be less than 5 acres, and where
feasible, water should sheet flow onto the practice.
· If stormwater flows onto a permeable paving surface the use of pretreatment practices
should be considered so effective pollutant removal can be achieved.
The basic equation for sizing the required porous surface area is as follows:
Ap=Vw/(n xdt)
-- the required porous pavement surface area [square feet]
= the design volume [cubic feet]
= porosity of gravel bed/reservoir (assume 0.4)
= depth of gravel bed/reservoir (maximum of four feet, and separated by at least three
feet from seasonally high groundwater) [feet]
New York Slate Stormwafer Management Design Manual Chapter 9
An example calculation for porous pavement is provided in Table 1.
A porous pavement area is being designed to treat a 20,000 square foot drainage area.
Based on the water quality volume required to treat this area, an assumed gravel
bed/reservoir porosity of 0.4, and a gravel bed/reservoir depth of one foot, the following
calculations were completed to determine the required porous pavement surface area.
Stap 1: Calculate the WQv
WQv = (P) (Rv) (A) / 12
P = 90% rainfall number = 0.9 in
Rv = 0.05+0.009 (I) = 0.05+0.009(100) = 0.95
I = percentage impervious area draining to site = 100%
A = Area Draining to Practice (i.e., treatment area) = 20,000
WQv = [(0.9)(0.95)(20,000)] / 12 = 1,425 ft3
Step 2: Calculate porous pavement surface area:
Ap = WQv / (nx dr)
n = assumed porosity = 0.4
dt = gravel bed/reservoir depth = 1 ft
Ap = 1,425 ft3 / (0.4 x 1 ft) Ap = 3,562,5ft~
I Therefore, to treat the 20,000 square feet, the porous pavement area needed is
approximately 3, 560 fl2.
Permeable paver (e.g., interlocking block, concrete gird pavers, etc.) areas are most ellective
when designed to accommodate small rainfall depths (e.g., less than 1 inch) that fall directly on
the paver areas. They are less effective and more prone to clogging when used to also receive
runoff from other areas. Unless underlying soils are extremely permeable, larger storms will
either sheet flow offthe site, or if not graded properly, will pond on the site.
For permeable pavers, treatment level will be based on the area covered by permeable pavers
multiplied by a "discount factor" (F), that reduces the accounts for the likely effectiveness of the
paver based on the application, as described below.
TA = (permeable paver surface area) x (F)
TA = Treatment Area
F = 0.5 or 0.75 (based on high or low usage area designation, respectively)
High-usage areas: 0.5 discount factor
This includes sites where permeable pavers are likely to receive fairly
high levels of traffic, potential compaction, or where the underlying soils
have poor infiltration capacity (e.g., hydrologic soil groups C and D).
Examples include multi-family and commercial overflow parking, urban
Now Yot k :~ ]h~' '~-~lorn~wolr~r M~t~}gc, m~ ~t D¢~ign M~mu;~l Chaplet 9
plazas and hardscapes. The assumption is that these areas will be more
prone to clogging and compaction of the void spaces and decreased
function over time.
Low-usage areas: O. 75 discount factor
This includes low-traffic areas such as single family residential uses,
institutional overflow parking with only periodic use, emergency access
areas, grass paving systems, and schools, and includes sites with sandy
parent materials. The assumption is that these areas will maintain some
infiltration capacity and will have minor compaction and clogging
An example calculation for permeable pavers is provided in Table 2.
Area covered by permeable pavers = 10,000 ~ of commercial overflow
parking and 2,000 ~ of emergency access road/path
Solving for treatment area (TA):
TA = 10,000 ~ x 0.5 + 2,000 ft2 x 0.75 TA = 6,500 ft2
Environmental/Landscaping Considerations
Stringent sediment controls are required during the construction stage, and all adjacent land areas
should be stabilized prior to installing permeable paving practices. Where feasible, a grass filter
strip is recommended to pre-treat adjacent land areas that drain to porous pavement areas.
New Y~)t k Stole Storrnwater Management De:;ign Manual ()hapler 9
The type of permeable paving and the location of the site dictate the required maintenance level
and failure rate. Concrete grid pavers and plastic modular blocks require less maintenance
because they are not clogged by sediment as easily as porous asphalt and concrete. Areas that
receive high volumes of sediment will require frequent maintenance activities, and areas that
experience high volumes of vehicular traffic will clog more readily due to soil compaction.
Typical maintenance activities for permeable paving are summarized below (Table 3).
Ensure that paving area is clean of debris Monthly
Ensure that paving dewaters between storms Monthly and after storms >0.5 in.
Ensure that the area is clean of sediments Monthly
Mow upland and adjacent areas, and seed bare areas As needed
Vacuum sweep frequently to keep surface free of sediments Typically 3 to 4 times a year
Inspect the surface for deterioration or spalling Annual
When maintenance of permeable paving areas is required, the cause of the maintenance should
be understood prior to commencing repairs so unnecessary difficulties and recurring costs can be
avoided (Ferguson, 2005). Generally, routine vacuum sweeping and high-pressure washing
(with proper disposal of removed material and washwater) can maintain infiltration rates when
clogged or crested material is removed. Signs can also be posted visibly within a permeable
paving area to prevent such activities as resurfacing, the use of abrasives, and to restrict track
Costs for permeable paving are significantly more than traditional pavement (Table 4).
However, incorporating savings from not having to build a separate stormwater infrastructure in
addition to paving, the ov.erall project costs are often reduced.
The estimated annual maintenance cost for a porous pavement parking lot is $200 per acre per
year (EPA, 1999). This cost assumes four inspections each year with appropriate jet hosing and
vacuum sweeping.
Asphalt $0.50 to $1.00
Porous Concrete $2.00 to $6.50
Grass/gravel pavers $1.50 to $5.75
Interlocking Concrete Paving Blocks $5.00 to $10.00
New Yot R ~.~l~te S[or z~w~ et' Ma~;~[?(~men~ D( sign Moz~l Chaplet '.)
Ferguson, B. 2005. Porous Pavements. CRC Press.
Low Impact Development Center, Inc. (LID)
Schueler, T.1987. Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical manual for Planning and Designing
Urban BMPs. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Washington, DC
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), "Storm Water Technology Fact Sheet,
Porous Pavement", September 1999.
Watershed Management Institute (WMI). 1997. Operation, Maintenance, and Management of
Stormwater Management Systems. Prepared for: US EPA Office of Water. Washington, DC.
N(~v',, Yo R 5:l~'*tc; S~,c:rmwat(;r M~n~a!~oment Destgt~ Mat~uaJ Chapter'9
Proprietary practices encompass a b~read range of manufactured structural control systems
available from commercial vendors designed to treat stormwatar runoff and/or provide water
quantity contre~. The focus of this profile sheet is on those proprietary practices that provide
some level of water quality treatment and are accepted for redevelopment applications as a
standard practice. Manufactured traatment systems are oftan attractive in redevelopment
scenarios because they tend to take up little space, often insta]lod underground, and can
usually be retrofitted to existing infrastructure.
Common proprietary systems include:
Hydrodynamic systems such as gravity and vortex separators -devices that move water in
a cimular, centrifugal manner to accelerate the separation and deposition of pdmadly
sediment from the water. They are suitable for removal of coarse particles, small drainage
areas, and are more effective in an off'line configuration.
Wet vaults -water-tight "boxes" that include a permanent pool and promote settling of
particulates through detention and use of internal baffles and other prepdetary
modifications. Manufacturers recommendation may base the sizing of the vaults based
on water quality volume or flow rate, incorporate bypass, and sediment capacity.
Media filters -surface or subsurface practices that contain filter beds containing absorptive
filtering media that promotes settling of particulates as well as adsorption and absorption of
other pollutants attracted to the characteristics of the proprietary filter media. Similar to
traditional filtering systems, they are flow through systems which function based on
contact of polluted stormwater with the filtering media, commonly contained in
prefabricated devices. Commercially available media range from fabdcs, activated
carbon, perlite, zeolite, and combination of multiple media mixes, with varied treatment
Underground infiltration systems- prefabdceted pipes and vaults designed as alternative
treatment systems to capture and infiltrate the runoff. Various proprietary products are
marketed as space saving structures utilizing the infiltration capacity of the sites. The
offline underground infiltration modular structures have potential to perform at an
acceptable treatment level when designed according to all the technical specifications of
the standard infiltration systems. Manufactured infiltration systems ara considered
standard practices when all the required elements, design guidance, soil testing, siting,
and maintenance requirements, as defined in the Design Manual, are followed.
New York ,State Stom~wr~ter Management Design Mattu~.~l Chaplet 9
Evaluation of Alternative Practices
As a group, the performance of manufactured stormwater management practices (SMPs) have
been verified thus far only to a limited extent, with a majority of the verification studies limited to
laboratory testing. Where verification data does exist, they generally indicate that these
practices do not meet both an 80% total suspended solids (TSS) and 40% total phosphorus
(TP) removal efficiency target that is specified in Chapter 5 of this Manual. However, selected
proprietary practices that provide some level of water quality treatment meet criteria for
redevelopment applications as follows. Those practices, which have demonstrated a minimum
TSS removal efficiency of 50% with an average d50 particle size < 100 microns under
laboratory testing, are allowed to be used in redevelopment applications. This allowance is
conditioned upon the system being operated at the specific tested design flow rate, defined
based on the verified performance of each specific system. Based on the conclusions of the
verification sources, it is believed that these treatment systems have the capability of achieving
a TSS removal efficiency of 50% in field applications.
NYSDEC's evaluation of proprietary systems for demonstration of minimum removal efficiency
for redevelopment application are based on one of the following stormwater management
practice evaluation systems: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental
Technology Verification Program, the state of Washington Technology Assessment Protocol -
Ecology (TAPE), the Technology Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership Protocol (TARP), the
Intemational Stormwater Best Management Practices Database, and several other evaluation
The proposed manufactured treatment systems that are verified or certified through ETV, TAPE,
or TARP (primarily New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology) process and meet the
criteria stated above are allowed for redevelopment applications in NY. Proposed manufactured
treatment systems that are not vedfied yet may be considered for acceptance in NY if verified at
any time through one these verification soumes.
All the manufactured treatment systems must be sized appropriately to provide treatment for the
water quality volume or the runoff from the entire contributing area. Due to the proprietary
nature of the practices, designers are responsible to ensure that manufacturer's
recommendations concerning all the design details such as structural integrity, configuration,
assembly, installation, operation, and maintenance of the units are followed. Designers ara also
responsible to address, at minimum, all the relevant requirements set by NYS standards such
as quantity controls, pretreatment, bypass, overflow, head configuration, inflow/outflow rates,
maintenance, separation distance, accessibility, and safety issues concerning the selected
Recommended Application of Practice
Many proprietary systems ara useful on small sites and space-limited areas where there is not
enough land or reom for other structural control altematives. Proprietary practices can also be
reasonable alternatives where there is a need to tie in to the existing drainage infrastructure,
where site elevations limit the head for certain stormwater management practices (SMPs).
Hydrodynamic separators are generally more effective on sites with potential loading of coarse
particulates. While specific media filters may be suitable in most conditions, infiltration systems
must be limited to sites with the A or B hydrologic soil groups.
The benefits of using proprietary practices will vary depending on the type of practice, but may
· Reduced space requirements for practices located below grade.
· Reduced engineering and design due to prefabricated nature of systems and design
support and tools provided by manufacturer.
· Spill containment and control capabilities
Depending on the proprietary system, the following factors may be considered as a limitation:
· Limited performance data. Data that do exist suggest these practices don't perform at
the same level as the suite of standard practices in the NY Design Manual, particularly
with regard to nutrient load reduction.
· Application constraints such as limits to area draining to a practice, due to pre-
manufactured nature of products.
· High maintenance requirements (e.g., need for specialized equipment, confined space
entry training, frequency of recommended maintenance, and cost of replacement
components) that often are ignored or forgotten because many practices are
underground and out of sight.
· Higher costs per treated area than other structural control alternatives, but this can be
offset by value of land not needed due to subsurface nature of many proprietary
· Concern over mosquito breeding habitat being provided by practices that have wet
sumps as design components.
Sizing and Design Guidance
Sizing and design guidance will vary based on the product being used. Since sizing criteria is
integral to the verified performance of manufactured practices, designers should refer to the
capacities and flow rates associated with the models (sizes) of the manufactured SMPs
identified by the verification soume.
The New York State design standards calls for small storm hydrology and the use of Simple
Method for hydrology calculation. For practices with volume-based sizing approaches, sizing
should be performed to meet the water quality volume as defined in Section 4.2 of this Manual.
N~w ~,' ~ k ~lalo ~tomiw~lor M~)gement Design Manual Chaplet 9
For rate or flow-based sizing approaches, sizing should be performed based on the peak rate of
discharge for the water quality design storm, as described in Appendix B of this Manual.
Some proprietary practices can be designed on-line or off-line. On-line practices typically have
built-in bypass capabilities. Flow through systems, which do not have built-in bypass must be
designed as off-line systems
It is important for designers to specify proprietary practices based on their treatment capacities
(CASQA, 2003). Since hydraulic capacity can be as much as ten times that of the treatment
capacity, designer must ensure that hydraulic load does not exceed the performance rate
defined in the verification process. The above applies to all design elements that affect the
performance rate. Some examples of such design elements am head, orifice sizing, oil storage
or sediment storage capacities, baffle configuration, or screen size.
Practices with a volume-based sizing approach must be sized to capture and treat 75 % of the
WQv as defined in Chapter 4 of the Manual. Flow through practices must be sized to the peak
rate of runoff as defined in Chapter 4 and Appendix B of this Manual. For off-line practices, the
installation must include flow diversion that protects the practice from exceeding design criteria.
The list of verified technologies on DEC's website provides references to the key elements of
the design for each SMP. This list includes type of the system, proper applications, design
methods, treatment capacity and accepted operation rate for each SMP.
Environmental/Landscape Elements
There are few or no environmental or landscaping elements that designers can consider with
most proprietary treatment practices. They are frequently absent or predetermined by the
manufacturer. The use of land area above the facility needs to be selective and manufacturer
design codes must be strictly followed.
Maintenance is a critical component to ensure proper functioning of proprietary practices. Most
manufacturers provide maintenance recommendations. When these schedules are not
followed, proprietary practices can be expected to fail. Maintenance is often overlooked with
proprietary products because they are underground and out of view. Most proprietary practices
require a quarterly inspections and cleanouts at a minimum. In addition, specialized equipment
(e.g., vactor trucks and boom trucks) may be required for maintaining certain proprietary
products. Similar to standard practices, a maintenance agreement between the municipality and
the property owner should be executed to cleady identify required or recommended
maintenance activities, schedules, reporting, and enforcement procedures.
Prepdetary systems are often more costly than other SMPs on a per-area-treated basis, but this is
sometimes made up for in space savings. Manufacturers should be contacted directly for unit
pricing, which will vary based on size of unit specified. As a rule of thumb, installation cost of most
Now York Slate S[ormw ]ler Managemw~t Dosigt~ Ma~u ~! Ch~p[c,~ '~
proprietary practices will range from 50 to 100% of the unit cost (CASQA, 2003). Other proprietary
practices, may not have high initial capital or installation costs, but require frequent (i.e., at least
quarterly) replacement of component parts for proper operation.
References/Further Resources
Atlanta Regional Commission. 2001. Georgia Stormwater Management Manual.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Web site, "ASCE/EPA Stormwater Best
Management Practices Nationwide Database," http://bmpdatabase.orq/
California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA). 2003. California Stormwater BMP
Handbook. www.cabmphandbooks.com.
Center for Watershed Protection. 2001. "Assessment of Proprietary and Nonpropdetary
Products for Pretreatment of Larger Discharges",
www.sto rmwate rcenter, net.
Environmental Technology Acceptance and Reciprocity Partnership (ETARP). 2000. Six State
MOU, Interstate Reciprocity Technology Acceptance, Tier I Guidance.
ETV Verification Protocol Stormwater Source Area Treatment Technologies, Draft 4.0, March
New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology, Verification Process Web site.
http://www.nicat.orq/verification. Accessed November 2006
Washington State Department of Ecology. Stormwater Treatment Technologies,
http://www.ecy.wa.qov/proqrams/wq/stormwatednewtech/technoloqies.html. Accessed March
Invitation to Bid
Laurel Lake Preserve
5145 Route 25
Mattltuck, NY 11952
Dated: September 9, 2008
sotn~, o~ Tow~
DOC 112): 4210
SEPTEMBER 9, 2008:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby _authorizes and directs the
Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the demolition removal of concrete block bufldin s
wooden frame buildin s old tanks concrete and as halt ads and miscellaneous debris on
the Laurel Lake Preserve in accordance with the lans & s ecifications re ared b James
Richter~ RAt Office of the Town Engineer.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Vincent Orlando, Councilman
SECONDER:Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman
AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell
Project: Demolition and removal of wooden buildings, concrete block buildings, asphalt
and concrete pads, and miscellaneous debris, at the Laurel Lake Preserve, 5145 Route 25,
Mattituck, NY 11952.
The Town Board of the Town of Southold will receive bids at the Office of the
Southold Town Clerk, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971,
until 10:00 a.m., Thursday, October 23, 2008.
This invitation to bid is not an offer and shall in no way bind the town of Southold to
award a contract for performance of the project. Should the Town of Southold decide to
award a contract, it shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
The Town of Southold reserves the right to waive any informality and reject any or all bids
and to retain bids for 45 days from the date of receipt The CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT
withdraw his bid during this period.
Please advise ffyou intend to bid or not.
By: Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
Laurel Lake Preserve - Demolition and Site Restoration Project
Demolition and removal of wooden, concrete block buildings, asphalt and
concrete pads and other miscellaneous debris, at the laurel Lake Preserve,
as outlined in the Plans & Specifications prepared by James Richter, RA,
Office of the Town Engineer.
Project Location: 5145 Route 25, Mattituck, New York 11952
The contractor shall be responsible for all demolition work and the disposal of all debris
generated by the project.
The contractor, its employees shah have the required access to the job location and work
site in order for the herein described work to be accomplished.
The Town of Southold will obtain all the required permits and approvals having authority,
control or jurisdiction over the herein described work.
Attention: James A. Richter, RA (631) 765 - 1560
$outhold Town Hall
53095 Main Road
SoL, thc)Id, NewYork 11971
The foregoing IxoJect description Is provided for general Information only. It Is not a part of
the contract documents. For the speo~ pmvisk)ns and requirements of thIs project,
please refer to Ihe full 8padflcatlons and Contract Drawings contained herein.
Proposals must be made in strict accordance with the "Pmpceal Form" provided. The bidders shall write
In Ink, both in words. & numerals, the price for which he proposed: to furnish ell materials, plant,
equipment, tools, shoring or bracing, scaffolds, or other facilities, & to perform all labor and services
necessary for the proper completiOn of the work in strict accordance with the plans and specifications, and
subject at all times to the approval of the Archltact.
Each proposal must be signed in writing with the full name and address of bidder.
Proposals shall be addressed as Indicated on Invitation for Bids and shall be delivered enclosed in an
opaque sealed envelope marked "Proposal" beadng tiffs of work, and Bidders Name,
No proposal shall be considered which has not been received by the Southold Town Clerk prior to the
hour and date stated.
A proposal will not be accepted or co~s~ered un~i~ss accompanied by a guaranty in the form of a bid bond
or certified check In the amount o.f §~N[Of the .t~il bid, for each item bid, and made payable Io the Town of
Southeld. ./~. ,~-
As soon as the proposa~ pr' .m~e~ compared, the Owner shall return the bidder's bond or the
certified checks accompanlcL~s~#"oposats as, in his judgment, would not likely' be Involved in making
e~xeeou~ed~fteAIr 'w~n~c~r tC~,l~ielast~Sed~Jlr rl~.,,held until the conlract and contract bond have been
accompanied, y ~ re~easea or returned to the respective bidders whose proposals they
Bidders should carefully examine the drawings and specifications, visit the site of work, and fully inform
Ihemselves of all ceadltlons and matters which can In any way affect the work or the cost thereOf. Should
a bidder find disorepancies in or omissions from the drawings, specifications, or other documents or
should he be In doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the Architect who may issue a written
Instruction to ell biddem.
Proposals will be opened and read publicly at the time and place icdicated in the Invitation for Bids.
Bidders, their authorized agents, and other interested parties are Invited Io be present.
Award of oonlmct will be made as soon as p~. ^ contract may be awarded to a responsible bidder
other than the lowest money biddor, If It is In the best Interest of the Town. No bid may be withdrawn after
scheduled dosing time for receipt of bids for a period of 45 days pending execuUon of a conlmct by
successful bidder. The competency and respenslbiflty of the bidder and his sub-osntractors wfll be
considered In maidng the award, The Town reserves the right to waive any technical error, to accept any
bid, or to.reject any or afl bids.
*lhe Town will either award the projGct or reject all prot~als recalved within forty-five (46) days altar the
formal opening of proposals, The acceptance of a proposal will be a notice In writing signed by the Town
Clerk and no uther act shall constitute the ameptanoe of a proposal,
An)' bidder upon his or her authorized representative's written request presented not later than the hour
set for ~he opening thereof, will be given permission to withdraw his proposal. At the time of opening the
proposals, when such Proposals are reached, it will be returned lo him unread.
The Town reserves the right to waive any teshnlcal error and to reject any and/or all proposals. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, any proposal which In incomplete, obscure, or irregular may be
rejected; any proposal accompanied by an Insufficient or Irregular certified check or bidder's bond bay be
rejected, any proposal having interlineations, erasure or con'ections may be rejected.
The bidder shall state In his bid Ihat be has available or under his control, plant and equipment of the
character and in the amount required to complete the proposed work within the specific time.
An), bidder whose proposal shall be accepted will be required to appear bel'ore the Town in person; or if a
firm or cofl~oretion, a duly aulhorized representative shall so appear, and execute slx (6) copies of the
Contract and fumlsh satisfacto~ Performance and Payment Bond within ten (10) days after nctice that the
Contract has been awarded to h~m. Failure to execute Contract shall constitute a breach of the
agreement effected by the acceptance of the Proposal.
The damages 1o the Town for such breach will Include loss f~om interference with his construction
program and other items, the accurate amount of which il will be dlfficutt or Impossible to compute. The
amount of the cerfl§ed check or blddar's bond accompanying the Proposal of such bidder shall be retained
by the Tow~, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for such breach. In the evenl any bidder whose
proposal shall he accepted shall fall or refuse to execute the Coctracl as herein before provided, the Town
may, at there option, determine Ihaf such *bidder has abandoned the Contract, and thereupon, his
proposal and acceptance thereof shall be null and void, and the Town shall be entitled to liquidated
damages as above provided,
The contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after the date stipulated in the notice to
proceed which was given to him by the Town of Southold and shall complete the work within the calendar
daylimit as sel forth by him In his Proposal, but not more Ihan sixty (60) working days.
Project Description
Invitation to Bid
Instructions to Bidders
Index to Specifications
Proposal Fdrm
N.Y.S. Affirmative Action Certification
Non-Discrimination Clause
Statement of Non-Collusion
A- 1 through A- 1
B - 1 through B - 2
C~ 1 through C- 1
D-1 through D-2
E- 1 through E- 1
F - 1 through F-~ 2
G-1 through G-1
AIA General Conditions
Supplementary General Conditions
C-,eneml Release
Prevailing Wage Rates
Payroll Certification forms
Compliance With the Labor Law &
Other Dept. of Labor Regulations
AIA Document # A201
H-1 through' H -2
I - 1 through I - 1
J -1 through J -X
K-1 through K-2
L-1 through L -8
Summary of Work
Construction Facilities & Temporary Controls
Page 1
Page 2
Page 2
Page 2
Thermal & Moisture Protection - General:
Page 3
Page 3 through Page 8
Index to: DRAWINGS
Laurel Lake Preserve - Demolition and Site Restoration Project Drawing#R-1
Date: NAME of
The undemigned as bidder, declares that the only pemons, company, or parties.interested in
this proposal as principals are named below; that this pmpesal Is made without any connection,
directly or indirectly with any other bidder for the same work; that it is in all respects fair and
without collusion or fraud, and that no pemon acting for or employed by the aforementioned
owner is or will be interested directly or indirectly, in the performance of the contract, or the
supplies relating to it, or in any portion of the profit thereof; that he has carefully examined the
contract documents dated: September 9, 2008:, Including ,bidding requirements, contract,
general & special conditions, specifications, contract drawings, ahd addenda,(Note:
acknowledgement of addenda and their dates must be Included as indicated on bottom page);
that he has satisfied himself by personal examihation of the proposed work, and by such other
means as he may have chosen, as to the COnditions and requirements of the work; and he
proposed and agrees that if his proposal be accepted he will contract to furnish all materials not
provided by the Town (See Specifications), and to perform all the work required to construct,
~rform and complete the work at:
Laurel Lake Preserve, 5145 Route 25, MattitUck, New York 11952
and all other work in connection therewith, in accordance with the contract documents and
addenda, If any, prepared James A. Richter, R.A., Southold Town Engineering Department,
Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, 1'1971, and shall comply with all
the slipulations contained therein and that he will start the work as directed by Ihe Town, he will
accept, in full payment thereof as~listed below:.
Demolition and removal of wooden and concrete block buildings, asphalt and
concrete pads and miscellaneous debris at the Laure Lake Preserve, 5145 Route 25,
Mattituck, NY 11952 '
FORM Cnrlt
And he further agrees that if this proposal shall be accepted by the Town and that if he shall
refuse, fail or neglect to enter into a Contract pursuant to such proposal and to the
requirements of the Town and shall fall to give the required security within the ten (10) days
after notice of the acceptance of said proposal, Shall have been deposited in the mail
addressed to him at the address given in the proposal, that he shall be considered to have
abandoned the contract and the sum represented by the certified check accompanying this
proposal shall be forfeited to the Town as Liquidated damages; otherwise the certified check
shall be returned to the bidder within forty-five (45) days after the date of receiving the bids.
We the Undersigned, further agree that this proposal is a formal bid and shall remain in effect
for a period of forty-five (45) days, the Town will accept or reject this.proposal or by mutual
agreement may extend this time period. The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the
following addenda:
Addendum Number:
of Bidder:
A bidder will not be eligible for award of a contract under this Invitation for Bids. unless such
bidder has submitted as a part of its bid the following certification, which will be deemed a pad
of the resulting contract:
Certifies that:
1. It intends to use the following listed construction trades in the work under the contract
.; and,
A. As to those trades set forth in the preceding paragraph one hereof for
which it is eligible under Part 1 of these Bid Conditions for participation in the
Nassau-Suffolk County Plan
It will comply with the said County area within the scope of coverage of that Plan,
those trades being:
; and/or,
B. As to those trades for which it is required by these Bid Conditions to
comply with Part II of these Bid Conditions, it adopts the minimum minodty man-
power utilization goals and the specific affirmative action steps contained in said
Part II, for all construction work (both state and non*state) in the afore-mentioned
area subject to these Bid conditions, these trades being:
.; and,
It will obtain from each of its subcontractors and submit to the contracting or
administering agency prior to the award of any subcontractor under this contract
the subcontractor certification requlred by these Bid conditions.
(Signature of Authorized Representative of Bidder)
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment
because of race, creed, color, or national odgin, and will rake affirmative action to insure
that they are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of
race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not
limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion,
transfer, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and
selection for training or retraining, including apprenticeship and on-the-job training.
The contractor will send to each laSor union or representative of workers with which he
has or is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a
notice, to be provided by the CommisSion of Human Rights, advising such labor union or
representative of the Contractor's agreement under clauses 'a." through "h." hereinafter
called '.non-discrimination clauses", and requesting such labor union or representative to
agree ~n writing, whether in such collective bargaining or. other agreement or
understanding or otherwise, that such labor union or representative will not discriminate
against any member or applicant for membership because of race, creed, color, or
national origin, and will rake affirmative action to insure that they are afforded equal
membership opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or
national origin. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not be limited to:
recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer,
layoff or termination, rates of pay, or other forms of compensation, and selection for
training or retraining including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. Such notice shall
be given by the Contractor, and such written agreement shall be made by such labor
union or representative, prior to the 'commencement of performances of this contract. If
such a labor union or union representative fails or refuses, so to agree in writing, the
contractor shall promptly notify the commission for HUman Rights of such failure or
The Contractor will post and keep posted in conspicuous places, available to employee
and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Commission for Human
Rights setting forth the substance of the provislon of clauses 'a." and 'b." and such
provisions of the State's Laws against discrimination as the Commission for Human
PJghts shall determine.
The Contractor will state, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by
or on behaff of the Contractor, that all qualified applicants will be afforded equal
employment opportunities without discrimination because of race, creed, color, or
national origin.
The Contractor will comply with the prevision of Sections 291-229 of the Executive Law
and the Civil Rights Law, will fumish all information and reports deemed necessary by
the Commission for Human Rights under these non-discrimination clauses as such
sections of the Executive Law and will, permit access to his books, records, and
accounts by the Commission for Human Rights and Owner representatives counsel for
the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with these non-discrimination
clauses and such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law.
This Contract may be fodhwith canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in pad,
by the contracting agency upon the basis of a finding made by the Commission of
Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these non-discrimination
clauses, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for future contracts made by or
on behalf of the Owner/Contracting Agency until he satisfied the Commission for Human
Rights that he has established and is carrying out a program in conformity with the
provisions of these non-discrimination clauses. Such finding shall be made by the
Commission for Human Rights after conciliation efforts by the Commission have failed
to achieve compliance with these non-discrimination clauses and after a verified
complaint has been filed with the Commission, notice thereof' has been given to the
Contractor and an oppodunity has been afforded him to be heard publicly before three
members on the Commission. Such sanctions may be imposed and remedies otherwise
provided by law.
If this Contract is canceled or terminated under blause "f.", in addition to other rights
of the Owner provided .in this contract upon its breach by the Contractor, the
Contractor will hold the Owner Harmless against any additional expenses or costs
.incurred by the Owner in completing the work or in purchasing the services, material
equipment, or supplies contemplated by this contract, and the Owner may withhold
payments from the contractor in an amount sufficient for this purpose and recourse
may be had against the surety on the performance bend if necessary.
The Contractor will include the provisions of clauses 'a.", through "g." in 'every
subcontract or purchase order in such a manner that such provisions will be binding
upon each subcontractor or vendor as to operations to be performed within jurisdictional
local of the Project being contracted by the Owner. The Contractor will take such action
in enforcing such provisions of such subcontract or purchase as Owner/Contracting
Agency may direct, including sanctions or remedies for non-(~ompliance. If the
Contractor becomes involved In or Is threatened with litigation ~ a sub-contractor or
vendor as a result of such direction by the Conlra~on Agency/Owner, the Contractor
shall promptly so notify the Owner's representatives/counsel, request him to Intervene
and protect the Interests of the Owner (Contracting Agency's jurisdictional area).
(To be completed by each Bidder)
In accordance with Section 103-d General Municipal Law, effective September 1, 1966, every bid or proposal
hereafter made to a pol~cal subdivision of the State of any public department agency, or official ~hereof or to a fore
district or any agency or official thereof for work or se~ces performed or to be performed or goods sold or to be
sold, shall contain the following statement subscribed to by the bidder and affirmed by such bidder as true under the
penalties of Perjury; non-collusive bidding cartflcation.
A. By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the
case of a Joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to
the best of knowledge and belief:
(1) The prices In this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation,
communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating
to such prices with any other bidder or any competitor.
(2) Unless othen,~ise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been
knowingly disclosed by the bidder end will not knowingly be disclosed by lhe bidder prior to
opening, directly or Indirectly, to any other bidder or to any cetnpetitor.
(3) No attempt has been made or will be made bythe bidder to Induce any other person, partnership,
or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the puqx)se of restricting competition.
B. The person signing this bid or pmpesal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of
the statements contained in this certification, and under the statements contained in this certification, and
under the penalties of perjury, affirms the truth thereof, such penalties being applicable to the bidder, as
well as the person signing in Its behalf,
C. That attached hereto (E a corporate bidder) is a certified copy of resolution authorizing the execution of this
certificata by the signature of this bid or prepesal on behalf of the. corporate bldder,
Resolved that of the be
(Name of slgnatoq/) (Name of Corporation)
authorized to sign and submit the bid or proposal of lhis corporation for the following Project:
Laurel Lake Preserve, Demolition & Site Restoration Project,
5145 Route 25, Mattituck, NY 11952
and to Include in such bid or proposal the certificate as to non-collusion required by section one-hundred-
three-d (103-d) of the General Municipal Law as the act and deed of such corporation, and for any
Inaccuracies or miss-statements in such cerfirmate this corporate bidder shall be liable under the penalties of
The foregoing is true and correct
copy of the resolution adopted by
c(xporation ata meeting of the
Board of Directors, held on the
day of ,20
Laws of New York, 1965
C~ 761, Sec, t03,,cl, as m'nGnded &
effective off September t, t965.
T H 1~ A M E E I ¢ A ~ ~ N $
A R C H I T ~ C T S,
AL4 Document ,4201
General Conditions of the Contract.
for Co. nstrucflon'
~ L msu~c~. ~m) ~ora>s
· ~2. tmc0w~o ~um commc~.o~ or' womr
Laurel Lake Preserve
5145 Route 25
Mattituck, NY 11952
(Annex Dept. of Labor Wage Rate Information Here)
Laurel Lake Preserve
Site Restoration/Clean Up Plan/Specification
Item #
Description of Clean Up
21' X 50' One story concrete block building.
Debris pile consisting of miscellaneous metal, wood,
asphalt and other un-natural waste products.
Flagpole & surrounding asphalt pavement +/- 500 S.F.
Abandoned metal storage tanks (stockpiled above
ground) masonry foundation (+/- 30' X 30') projecting
between one & two feet above ground.
Dilapidated wood frame building on masonry piers.
50% coHapsed.
8' X 8' (+/-) masonry box with concrete slap for top
cover, projecting about two feet above ground and
appears to be approximately 6' deep.
Metal frame children's climbing apparatus and metal
well casing immediately adjacent.
Several wood frame buildings, totally collapsed.
20' X 30' one story concrete block building.
Small concrete block building.
50' X 75' (+/-) Concrete slab, with protruding metal
50" X 75' (+/-) Concrete slab, with Protruding metal
50' X 75" (+/-) Asphalt slab.
Miscellaneous debris (wood, metal, concrete)
One story wood frame building (+/- 1,200 $. F.)
1 ½ story wood frame building (+/- 2,600.S.F.)
All work in this Division shall comply with all particulars of the General Conditions and
the Supplementary General Conditions of these Specifications.
Section 1010. SU'MMARYOF WORK -
A. It is the intent 'of these Specifioations that the Contractor shall provide all bite
preparation work as needed or required to accommodate the Demolition Work.
Limits of work under this contract shall include the entire site. Any and all damage
caused by Demolition activities to the existing road surface~ beyond these limits will
extend the construction limits listed herein.
B. Streets, roads, trees, buildings, adjacent properly and other works to remain shall
be protected throughout the contract in accordance with the New York State Building
C. Trees larger than 6 in d~ameter are not to be damaged or removed without
written permission from the Department of Public Works (hereinafter - DPW).
D. It is the intent of this specificat on that all footings foundations, mechanical
equipment and related construction materials and debris fields shall be removed
from the site in there entirety.
E. All other construction related debris fields noted herein or encountered in the field
shall be removed from the site in there entirety.
F. The burying of debds and related materials shall not be approved.
G. All excavations and/or open holes shall be filled in a uniform manner with an
approved, dean, natural fill. This approved fill material shall align with existing
contours & the natural topography of the site. All backfilled areas shall be
compacted to the satisfaction of the DPW.
H. All debds generated from the demolition activities shall be disposed of by the
Contractor at an approved upland site. Burning of matedal on the site will not be
permitted. Matedal to be removed shall be removed from the site daily as it
I. Unauthorized excavation shall consist of the removal of materials beyond the
limits of buildings and debris material Indicated in the plan. Unauthorized excavation,
as well as remedial work directed by the DPW shall be at the Contractor's expense.
J. If at any time the Contractor encounters any debris or objects not specifically
Indicated or noted herein, it shall be the Contraclors responsibility to coordinate the
removal of add~onal debris materials or demolition work with DPW.
useful indicator of the potential impact that each subwatershed has to Mattituck Creek (in
terms of feacl coliform input). The priority rankings (the column on the right) were
determined by using an average of the three rainfall rates (1.0, 2.7, and 3.5 inches per day).
Once these numbea's were averaged, a priority ranking was determined in descending order
(from highest loading rates to lowest). This priority ranking is an important factor in
determining the overall ranking of the potential for mitigation projects in each
subwatershed. These loading rates allow the det~mdnafion of the greatest amount of fecal
coliform reduction potential by subwatershed.
TABLE 4: Fecal Coliform Loading Rat~
Fecal Coliform Loading Rates by Subwatemheds
Coliform Total Vol. Fecal Coliform
Subwatarshed Acres Level Rainfall Of Runoff I ,.-,~lno Rata priodW
MPN/100ml hfs, Gallons MPN
1 5.3
2 123,2 24 1.0 33452 3.03 * 10^7 1
2.7 2140912 1.94 * 10^9
3.5 3746597 3.4 * lO~:J
3 69.4 34 1.0 0 0 3
2.7 716063 9.21 * 10~8
3.5 14ta~a~ 1.82 * 10^9
4 76.8 12 1.0 0 0 6
2.7 0 0
3.5 145971 66.3 * t0~6
5 23.8 14 1.0 0 0 5
2.7 32311 1.71 * 10~6
3.5 129245 6.85 '10^7
6 19.6
7 21.4 10 1.0 0 4
2.7 151076 5.72 * 10~7
3.5 331205 1.25 * 10~8
8 663.9 1 $ 1.0 0 0 2
2.7 7390856 3.63 * lO~J
3.5 14421183 7.09 * 10^9
MPN = Most Probable Number
Fecal coliform loading rotes were not det~mdned for Subwatershed # 9 or # 10. There was
no corresponding water quality sampling location for Subwatershed # 10, so there was no
available data on fecal coliform levels. As discussed previously (and below), it was
deten~dned that Subwatershed # 9 was isolated from the Mattituck Creek watershed.
Determination of Hydrologic Factors of Subwatersh~d~
NRCS Technical Release 55 (TR-55) was used to estimate the hydrological
factors necessary for det~m~ning the amount of stormwater each subwatershed is
contributing to the entire Creek under separate storm events. TR-55 presents simplified
procedures to calculate storm runoff volume, peak rate of discharge, hydrographs, and
storage volumes required for floodwater reservoirs. These procedures are applicable in
small watersheds, especially urbanizing watersheds. The TR-5$ model being with a
rainfall amount uniformly imposed on the watershed over a specified time distribution.
Mass rainfall is converted to mass runoff by using a runoff curve number (CN). CN is
based on soils, plant cover, amount of impervious areas, interception, and surface storage.
Runoff is then transformed into a hydrograph by using unit hydrograph theory and
routing procedures that depend on runoff travel time through segments of the watershed.
Rainfall: A regional rainfall time distribution for a 24-hour period is included in
the TR-55 model. One critical parameter in the model is time of concentration, which is
the time it takes for nmoffto travel to a point of interest from thc hydraulically most distant
~ Soil Grou~: Soils are classified into four Hydrologic Soil Groups
(HSG's) (A,B,C, and D) according to their minimum infiltration rate, which is obtained for
bare soil after prolonged wetting. The HSG's are as follows:
A = Sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam - low nmoffpotential and high infiltration rates even
when thoroughly wetted. Deep, well to excessively drained sands or gravels.
B = Silt loam or loam - moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist
chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils.
C = Sandy clay loam - low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist of soils
with a layer that impedes downward movement of water.
D = Clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, or clay - high runoff potential, very
low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted.
Esthna_~g Runoff By increasing runoff and decreasing travel times, urbanization
can be expected to increase downstream peak discharges.
XII. Findings by Subwatershed
As discussed previously, in 1986, the Southold Conservation Advisor/Council
identified and mapped all known stormwater runoff sites in the Mattituck Creek area. This
map was updated in 1994, with completed drainage projects noted on the map. From these
identified stormwater runoff sites, water samples were collected at 16 locations within
Mattituek Creek. From these 16 sampling stations, eight were chosen that had the highest
coliform levels. The NRCS identified the 9 subwatersheds with identifiable outlets. These
subwatersheds coincided with eight of the sampling stations with one exception; there is a
substantial contributing area located west of Cox Neck Road south of sampling station # 5
referred to as Subwatorshed # 9. Runoff from this watershed is reaching Cox Neck Road,
and flows over the road during severe storms, according to a leeal source. There is no
culvert pipe under the road at this location. A final subwatershed (Subwatershed # 10) was
identified and studied by EEA. However, since there was no corresponding water quality
sampling station, no pollutant loading rotes were estimated. The boundaries of each
subwatershed were determined by using topographic surveys (Two-foot interval contour
maps), and by ground-truthing to distinguish the contributing drainage area of each
subwatershed. There are additional land areas within Mattituck watershed that contribute
to the Creek that are not addressed in'this report. The reason these areas are not addressed
in the following part of this report is that these areas did not correspond to discrete outfall
locations identified by the NYSDEC. The Town may address these in a more generic
fashion by Best Management Practices or land use recommendations.
B. Prioritization List
Each of the ten subwatersheds were evaluated and given a priority ranking with
regard to the other subwatersheds. The major attributes that were considered were the
amount of contributing water to the entire Mattimek Creek watershed (using TR-55), the
interpretation of all available water quality data, the fecal coliform pollutant loading
rates, and an overall evaluation of the positive impacts that mitigation measures could
have on the subwatersheds. Priority was given to subwatersheds where a combination of
high pollutant loading rates, and the opportunity for a highly beneficial mitigation
measure existed.
Rank (According
Rank to Availability and
(according to Degree of
Average Beneficial
Pollutant Loading Rates for the Pollutant Mitigation
Subwatershed Following Storm Events (in inches) Loading Rates Measures
1.0 2.7 3.5
1 8
2 3,03 * 10^7 1.94 * 10~9 3.4 * 10~ 2 1
3 0 9.21 * 10^8 1.82' 10~ 3 5
4 0 0 66.3 * 10~6 6 4
5 0 1.71 * 10~6 6.85 * 10^7 5 3
6 9
7 5.72 * 10^7 1.25 * 10~8 4 6
8 0 3.63 * 10~ 7.09 * 10~:J 1 2
9 7 N/A
10 7
C. Project Practices by Subwatershed
Subwatershed 1
Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline
Maintenance of Street cleaning and $185,000 Completed
existing structures catch basin
Subwatershcd 2
Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline
Retention basins Raise inlet N/A Suffolk County
elevations of drop Dept. of Public
stmcturc in swales Works to complete
within median of this project.
CR 48
Subwatershed 3
Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline
Wet pond/retention Utilize large natural N/A Suffolk County
basin depression on the Dept. of Public
south side of CR 48 Works to complete
to accept runoff this project.
from CR 48
Subwatershed 4
Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline
Wetland Filtration Install a water $50,000 Not yet detcmfined,
control structure on since this mitigation
the outlet culverts project was not
on Westphalia ranked highly
Avenue to divert
water into existing
wetland area
Subwatershed 5
Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline
Storm Water Installation of new $50,000 Summer 2001
Drainage Facilities storm water
drainage facilities
underneath Cox
Neck Road
Subwatershed 6
Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline
Maintenance of Street cleaning and $185,000 Completed
existing structures catch basin
(AirVac Track)
Depth to Major Mean Fecal
Subwatershed Ground Soil Drainage Mean Coliform
Number Acreage water Type Class Slope Levels
(feet) ~PercenttMPN/IOOml
1 5.3 -5 PI/Rd NB 7 N/A
2 123.2 -.-5 Ha B >1 24
3 69,4 -.5 C A >1 34
4 76,8 '-.5 C A 1.8 12
5 23.8 -5 Rd A 4.8 14
6 19.6 -5 C/Rd A/B 8 N/A
7 21.4 ~5 C/Rd A/BIC 8 10
8 663.9 '-'5 Ha B 3 13
9 NtA -5 Ha B 1,7 N/A
10 19,2 ,-.5 CtPI/Rd NB 3.4 N/A
1. Subwatershed #1
3. Subwatershed # 3
Photo Description
The photo above shows the discharge pipe that extends offof the comer of CR 48
and Westphalia Avenue, at the head of Mattituck Creek.
Subwatershed # 3 is 69 acres in size. This subwatershed consists mostly of County
Road 48, and portions of Youngs' Avenue and surrounding properties.
Tol~oeranh¥ and Depth to Groundwater
Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public
Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health
Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County,
NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately
within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed.
The stormwater converges from the east and west along CR 48 in Subwatershed #
3. The highest elevation in this subwatershed is approximately 46 feet above sea level,
which occurs along CR 48, at the western-most part of this subwatershed. The lowest
elevation of 3 feet above MSL occurs near the intersection of CR 48 and Westphalia
Avenue. The median watershed slope is very gentle, less than 1%.
Land Uses and Land Coverage
This subwatershed includes a significant drainage area (approximately 5 acres)
from County Road 48. There are 16.5 acres of impervious areas in this watershed.
Soil Tvoes and Relationship to Runoff Generation
The majority of soils within Subwatershed #3 are within hydrologic soil group A.
There are substantial amounts of Carver soils within this subwatershed. These are
relatively well-drained sandy soils. The generation of runoff within this subwatershed
would be relatively less than in Subwatersheds #1 and #2, due to the high amount of
infillxation. However, County Road 48 also constitutes a significant portion of this
subwatershed. Much of the runoff f~om this subwatershed comes from pipes and storm
drains along this road. Therefore, the impervious surfaces associated with CR 48and the
presence of the stormwater piping system would have a more significant impact in this
portion of the watershed than the soil types.
Documented and ldemified Potential Contaminant Sourcae
Several outfall pipes were observed discharging directly to Matfituck Creek within
Subwatershed # 3. The origin of many of these pipe outfalls are not known, and thereby
are suspect. A high concentration of waterfowl was also observed in Subwatershed # 3.
Additionally, numerous smaller homes are concentrated at the head of the Creek. It is
unknown whether all subsurface septic systems are fully functional. Due to the shallow
groundwater conditions and proximity to the water's edge, it is likely that several of these
systems may be failing, thereby contributing to the nutrient and pathogen loads in the
Ouantitativel¥ Estimated Non-point Pollution Loade
The mean fecal coliform level for Subwatershed # 3 was calculated as 34 MPN/100
mi. These calculations were made fi.om water quality data taken at sampling station 6.1.
The following pollutant loading calculations were estimated:
For a 1.0 inch rainfall:
Total volume of runoff: 0.0 gallons
Fecal coliform loading: MPN
For a 2.7 inch rainfall:
Total volume of runoff: 716,063 gallons
Fecal coliform loading: 9.21 * 10* MPN
For a 3.5 inch rainfall:
Total volume ofnmoff: 1,413,282 gallons
Fecal coliform loading: 1.82 * 109 MPN
Proper_fy Ownership
A portion of this watershed is Town (Trustee's) property and currently constitutes
the parking lot area adjacent to the boat ramp. This area is immediately south of the Creek.
The rest of the subwatershed is privately owned, as ofthe printing of this report.
Applicable Treatment Strategies
A large natural depression exists on the south side of Pa)ute 48 directly south of
Shirley Road, section 122 block 1 lot 2.2. If an easement could be obtained, this depression
could accept a significant amount of the runoff generated and conveyed by County Road
48. The depression would require alteration/engineering to handle the runoff.
It is also recommended that dye-testing be conducted for two outfatl pipes which
flow directly into the creek. The original design plans for the pipes cannot be located, so it
would be very important to know where the water is originating that is directly entering the
4. Subwatershed # 4
Mattituck Inlet/Cr, Low, and tidal tribs (1702-0020) Impacted Seg
Waterbody Locafi99,Information
Revised: 03/14/01
Water Index No:
Hydro Unit Code:
Waterbody Type:
Waterbody Size:
Seg Description:
(MWS.4e) LIS- 71
02030201/080 Str Class: SA
125.0 Acres (100% impacted)
tidal portion of stream and tribs
Drain Basin:
Quad Map:
Atlantic-Long Island Sound
Long Island Sound
1/Suffolk Co. (52)
Water Quality Problem/Issue Information
(CAPS indicate PRIMARY Impair/PolL~Source)
Use Impairment(s)
Problem Documentation
Type of Pollutant(s)
Suspected: Nutrients
Possible: - - -
Source(s) of Pollutant(s)
Known: OTHER SOURCE (boat pollution), URBAN RUNOFF
Suspected: Failing On-Site Syst
Possible: - - -
Resolution/Management Information
Issue Resolvabllity: 3 (Strategy Being Implemented)
Verification Status: 5 (Management Strategy has been Developed)
Lead Agency/Office: ext/WQCC Resolution Potential: Medium
TMDL/303d Status: 2c (TMDL Unlikely (Other Control Actions More Appropriate))
Further Details
Shellfishing in the Lower (tidal) Mattituck Inlet/Creek (Shellfish Growing Area # 30) is restricted
due to the designation &the area as uncertified for the taking of shellfish for use as food. The
upper (headwaters) of the creek are closed year-round; the lower portion is subject to a conditional
closure. Pathogens from stormwater runoffand other urban nonpoint sources are the suspected
sources of contamination. Failing on-site septic systems and boat pollution (popular summer boating
area) have also been cited as a contributing source. (DECAeWMR, Region 1, October 2000)
The inlet/creek experiences limited flushing which exacerbates water quality problems. The
waterbody is included within the scope of both the Long Island Sound Study and the Long Island
Coastal Management Plan. Suffolk County Public Works is inihating road runoff remediation work on
County Route 48 impacting the south end of the waterbody, The Town is pursuing other road runoff
projects. (DEC/DOW, Region l, 2000)
MA-I 1
Mill Road, Mattituck
(Krupski Farm Runoff / Newman Swale)
Priority 9
Construction Costs: $ 15,000.
Easements - Fee Title Costs: ................................. $ ???
Westphalia Road, Mattituck
(Culvert Reconstruction - Installation of Drainage)
Construction Costs: .............................................
$ 50,000.
Mathews Triangle, Mill & Oregon Road, Mattituck
(Construction of shallow Recharge Basin - Installation of Drainage)
Construction Costs: $ 25,000.
Easements - Fee Title Costs: ................................. $ ???
Cox Neck road, Mattituck (Foster Drainage Sump)
(Construction of New Sump, Installation of Drainage)
Construction Costs: .............................................
$ 25,000.
Duck Pond Road End Restoration Project
Cutchogue Hamlet, Town of Southold
Construction Costs: ............................................. $ 80,000.
¥oung's Ave. & Old North Road, Sou~_old
Expansion / Construction of Shallow Recharge Area & Drainage
Construction Costs: ............................................. $ 20,000.
Easements - Fee Title Costs: ................................. $ ???
NS- 1
First Street & Jackson Street, New Suffolk
Drainage Problem {Raise Road & Install Drainage)
Construction Costs: .............................................
$ 20,000.
Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue
Drainage Problem (Install French Drain & Rip-Rap Blankets)
Construction Costs: .............................................
$ 10,000.
Terry Lane, Southold (Warf House)
Drainage Problem (Remove Boat Ramp & Install Drainage)
Construction Costs: .............................................
$ 5,000.
Pine Neck Road, Southold (Existing Boat Ramps)
Drainage Problem (Reconstruct Boat Ramp & Install Drainage)
Construction Costs: .............................................
$ 5,000.
Harbor Lane, Cutchogue
Drainage Problem (Remove Boat Ramp & Install Drainage)
Construction Costs: .............................................
$ 5,000.
I$ 260,000.
B-1 Runoff from State Route 25 at the Head of Brushes Creek 2
B-2 Drainage pipes through road shoulder East of new Bridge 5
MA-1 County Route 48 Drainage Project (Under Constmction)
MA-2 Grand Ave Culvert Pipes - Replacement of flapper valves
MA-3 Old Grand Ave. Bridge Abutment (North Side)
MA-4 Knollwood Lanb - Road End Drainage Project
MA-5 Westphalia Ave. Culvert Pipe / Drainage (DEC Permits in Hand)
MA-6 _Mill Road West ~ Old Mill Restaurant / Drainage Project
MA-7 End of Bayv/ew Ave. - Road Runoff- Drainage Project
MA-8 Westview Drive - Private Property - Pipes through Bulkhead
MA-9 Old Mattituck Fishing Station - Private Property- Drainage Project
MA-10 County Route 48 Drainage Project- Sidor Farm - (Outfall at MA-2)
MA-11 Mathew's Triangle - Mill & Oregon Road - Property Acquisition - Drainage Project
MA-12 Mill Koad - Newman Property (Natural Swale Area) - Krupski Farm- Drainage Project
MA-13 Old Grand Ave. Bridge Abutment (South Side)
MA-14 Cox Neck Road - Drainage Easements to Pond Area - Private Property
MA-15 Cox Neck Road- Foster Property Drainage Basin -
MA-16 Breakwater Road - Coopers Farm - Easements - Drainage Project
7Z:Z; ......................
JA-1 State Route 25 Storm Water Ouffall Pipe - Drainage Project Done
JA-2 Boat Ramp - Private Marina - Drainage/Erosion Project Done
DP DUCK Porn) Roar) Priori.
DP- 1 Duck Pond Road End - Drainage Project - Emergency Access (Project Designed - No Permits) 8
DH-1 Runoff from New Suffolk Ave. (400' West of Deep Hole Dr.) 2 culvert pipes through shoulder. 8
Two large culverts also drain wetland from North under New Suffolk Ave. to Deep Hole Creek.
DH-2 Boat Ramp at end of Park Ave. Sandy soil subject to Erosion Problems 2
DH-3 Catch Basin at intersection of Marratooka Road & New Suffolk Ave. is connected to a Culvert. 8
Culvert drains under New Suffolk Ave. into Wetland and continues toward Deep Hole Creek.
DH-4 Culvert drains under Marratooka Road and continues toward Deep Hole Creek. 6
DH-5 Run-off from Locust Road enters drainage and swale areas that mn into Deep Hole Creek. 7
HC-1 Runoff from New Suffolk Ave. (200' West of Dean Dr.) Culver~ pipes extend through shoulder. 2
DC-1 Runofffrom New Suffolk Ave. (East side of the Bridge) 2
3 Culvert pipes direct mn-off through shoulder to wetlands of Downs Creek
WE-1 Runoff from New Suffolk Ave. (12" Pipe 200' West of Bridge) Culvert pipes through shoulder. 2
Drains into Spartina on the North side of Road.
WE-2 Runoff from Kimogenor Point. (Private Road) 12" Plastic Culvert pipe extend through Bulkhead. 2
Drains into Marsh Area on the North side of Road.
WE-3 Runoff from New Suffolk Ave. ( 12" Pipe 400' West of Bridge) Culvert pipes through shoulder. 2
WE-4 Runoff from Grathwohl Road. Boat Ramp across from George Road. 2
WE-5 Runoff from G-rathwohl Road at LILCO Pole #16. North of Fanning Road. 2
WE-6 Runofffrom Grathwohl Road through 12" metal Pipe. Between Tuthill and George Road. 2
WE-7 Runoff from Grathwohl Road (200' North of Tuthill Road) 12" Pipe through shoulder of Road. 2
NS-1 Road drainage at intersection of First & Jackson Streets. (New Suffolk post Office). 8
NS-2 Road drainage from First Street. (Legends Restaurant) Overflow Culvert through Bulkhead. 4
Page 2 of 8
SH-1 Road drainage at intersection of New Suffolk & Fanning Roads directs nm-off to Creek. 5
Overflow pipe from Drainage and surface runoff over road shoulder is causing erosion problems.
Runoff from Catch Basin at end of West Road. 12" Plastic Pipe overflow through bulkhead.
Runoff from Catch Basin Drainage on West Creek Ave.
12" Plastic Pipe overflow through bulkhead at Cutchogue Harbor Marina.
Runoff from West Creek Ave. immediately south of Boat Ramp.
12" Metal Pipe through road shoulder area.
Runoff from West Creek Ave. over Cutchogue Harbor Marina Boat Ramp.
Runoff from West Creek Ave. over sand beach.
Runoff from Stillwater Ave. (0.6 miles off Main Road) ~ 12" Metal Pipe directs water to wetland. 3
Runoff from 4955 Stillwater Ave. New Drainage installed with overflow pipe to East Creek 2
Runoff from End of Pequash Ave. drains into Peconic Bay through 12 ......
culvert mpc. Done
New Drainage installed by TOS.
Runoff from Eugene's Road. 12" Metal Pipes at three locations - directs water to wetlands. 2
Runoff from B eebe Drive between Moose Trail & Fawn Lane. 12" Metal Pipe into swale. 2
Runoff from Wilson Landing Boat Ramp directs water into wetland area. 2
Runoff from end of Harbor Lane. 2 Metal Pipe directs water to the wetland. 2
Runoff from end of Pierce Drive is directed into wetland. 2
Runoff from end of Little Neck Road. A steep ramp directs water into East Creek. 2
Runoff from Fleetwood Road (0.1 miles from Pequash Ave.) is directed into the wetland. 2
Runoff from end of East Road is directed down steep slopes out over the beach area. 2
Runoff from Eugene's Road & State Route 25. Drainage Overflow directed into wetland area. 2
NYS DOT Installed new Drainage (2005).
Page 3 of 8
MU-1 Runofffrom Skunk Lane'(15' North of LILCO Pole ~48) 12" n~etal pipe into the wetland. 2
MU-2 Runoff from Skunk Lane (20' North of LILCO Pole #50) 12" metal pipe into the wetland. 2
MU-3 Runoff from Skunk Lane (LILCO Pole #51) 12" metal pipe into the wetland. - HcaW Volume! 2
MU4 Runoff from comer of Skunk Lane & Eugene's Road. l
Drainage Project / Retention Pone / Stone Reed Bed Filter. (Completed by TOS early 1990's)
HY-1 Runoff from Mason Drive. (West Road End) Town Boat Ramp 2
HY-2 Runoff from Mason Drive. (East Road End) Construction of Earth Berm by TOS fixed problem. 2
HY-3 Runoff from Skunk Lane / Bay Ave. (Adj. to LIPA Pole #70) 4
Pipes through Bulkhead at Broadwaters Cove Marina - 2 Culvert Pipes to the marsh westerly.
HY-4 Runoff from Broadwaters Road. (on Nassau Point) 12" Metal Pipe at bottom of hill to small 4
Catch Basin with overflow pipe into the Creek.
HY-5 Runoff from Fisherman's Beach Road. (Private Property) Drainage Problems / Erosion XX
LC-1 Runoff from Meadow Lane. (Off Pine Tree Road) Severe Wash Out into Little Creek. 6
W'U-1 Runoff from Little Peconic Bay Road. Additional drainage installed by TOS. 2
12" Metal Culvert Overflow through Town Easement sheds water to the Pond.
NP-1 Runoff from Nassau Point Road. An additional series of drainage pools were installed by TOS. 2
Final pool is a bubble basin directing overflow down to the beach. Erosion reduced but still exists.
Page 4 of 8
GS -2
GS -3
GS -6
GS -8
Runoff from Little Main Bayview Road. (South of Glenn Road) 2
Town Drainage overflows to Goose Creek
Runoff from Little Bayberry Road. (Will become a run-offproblem if road is paved with asphalt.) 2
Runoff from West Creek Drive Road End enters the Wetland. 2
Runoff from Smith Drive South. (Goose Neck Estates- Private Manna) 2
Washed out cement pipe delivers large volume of nm-off to the Creek.
Runoff from Waterview Road is directed by a pipe that goes into R~ ........ '~ '~: 2
Runoff from Hickory Ave. runs into Goose Creek. (Private Road) XX
Runoff from Cedar Ave. runs into Goose Creek. TOS has installed additional Drainage. 2
Runoff from Pine Ave. runs into Goose Creek. TOS has installed additional Drainage. 2
Runoff from Goose Creek Lane (Private Road) enters Goose Creek. XX
Runoff from North Bayview Road. (Southeast of Bridge) - 12' Pipe directs run-off to Creek. 2
Runoff from Gagen's Landing Boat Ramp. TOS installed French Drains with some success. 1
Excess Run-off continues to enter the Creek.
Runoff from Sleepy Hollow Road End. Minor run-off Problems exist at this location. 2
Runoff fi'om the end of Glenn Road. Large quantities of rnn-offenter the Creek at this location. 2
Runoff from Glenn Road. (0.1 mile past Shepard Drive) 12" metal pipe through Bulkhead. 4
JO-1 Runoff from Wells Road enters Town Recharge Basin attached to 18" overflow Culvert Pipe.
Culvert Pipe runs through Private Property (2145 Wells Road) to dredged canal and Creek.
Recent Development has doubled the size of the Recharge Basin and improved conditions.
JO-2 Runoff from State Route 25. Drainage Structures are connected to the Creek by a 42"x72" Culvert.
This.Pipe goes through a bulkhead of an adjacent Marina. Additional wetlands to the North are
mnmng adjacent to Ackerly Pond Lane and also discharge excess nm-off through this Culvert pipe.
Page 6 of 8
TOWN CREEK .priority
T-1 Runofffi'om Hobart Road enters a Town Recharge Basin. (Hobart Road Drainage Projeo0 2
T-2 Runoff from State Route 25 drains through a culvert on Young's Ave. to a Marsh Area on 4
Mechanic Street. DOT recently added drainage and cleaned existing system.(2005 Project)
T-3 Runoff from Young's Ave. & Calves Neck runs through Park District property and into Creek. 4
T-4 Runoff from Creek lane (Private Property) sheds run-off into the Creek. XX
T-5 Runoff from the end of Terry Lane. (Boat Ramp) sheds run-off into the Creek. 5
T-6 Runofffrom Hobart Road runs through the Goldsmith's Property. (18" Pipe through Bulkhead.) 4
T-7 Runoff from Pine Neck Road runs out over Boat Ramp into the Creek. TOS has installed new 5
Drainage systems in road shoulders. Existing Boat ramp encroaches onto Private Property.
Boat Ramp Reconstruction Project is Pending.
" -;iPiOZ;iZi ....................
HI-1 Runoff from State Route 25 drains through a Culvert Pipe at the head of Hippodrome Creek. 2
NYS DOT Installed new Draiange.
PE-1 Runoff from State Route 25 and Laurel Ave is directed to Drainage Structures. 2
This system is attached to 18" overflow Culvert Pipe under Route 2.5 to the Head of Petty's Pond.
Runoff from County Route 48 drains through a Culvert Pipe at the northerly end of the Creek. 2
Recent County Drainage Project has reconstructed the outfall to flow through a series of shallow
Drainage Swales on the North side of Rte. 48 before it enters the wetland. Quality of ran-off has improved.
Runoff from Grove Road is collected at Catch Basins and drains through an overflow Pipe 2
at the Road End and enters the Creek.
Runofffrom the end of Laurel Ave. has a minor drainage Problem.
Runoff from Bayview Ave. Road End enters the Pond. TOS has installed new Drainage.
Page 7 of 8
AL-1 Severe Storm Events and Heavy Rain in the Spring of 2005 incapacitated County Route 48,
The same conditions Closed Albertson's Lane due to Flooding. It was recommended that
At least two locations on Albertson Lane be raised to satisfy Safety Concerns and to maintain
Traffic accessibility of needed Emergency Equipment.
PiN ems
PN-1 Runoff from State Route 25 enters Moore's Drain. Recent DOT Project created Town Ponds. 2
GP ?riori
GP-1 Runoff from Gull Pond Parking Lot enters the wetland from the Boat Ramp.
The Catch Basin in the Lot is connected to the Pond with a 4" pipe through the Bulkhead.
GP-2 Runoff from Manhanset Ave. enters Gull Pond at the entrance to the Parking Lot, 2
ML~I Runoff from Bay Avenue enters the Lake at the Town Bridge.
ML-2 Rabbit Lane - There is a County Vector Control Culvert from the Lake extending to Peconic Bay 2
This Culvert is used to regulate the elevation of the Lake.
ML-3 Runoff from State Route 25 enters the existing Roadway Drainage Structures. The outfall pipe 4
From this system on the south side of the road directs nm-off to a Swale at the head of Marion Lake.
m · · m · · i · · Imm · · m · · m · · m · · m · · m · · m · · m
HB LOC 'S BAY Priority
ItB-I Runoff from State Route 25 goes to a Recharge Basin. The overflow from the Basin is a 2
Culvert running under Route 25 and empties into a drainage ditch that empties into ltallock's Bay.
ItB-2 Runoff from State Route 25 (+/- 800' East of narrow River Road) enters the wetland through
a Drainage Ditch and a Culvert to Halloek's Bay.
Page 8 of 8
48" MIN.
~ 1/2'x6' STNNLESS
8"x 3/8' STEEL PLATE
3 1/2"x5/8" SLOTS AT 16' C.C. (TOP OF SLOT
4B" MIN.
~ 1/2"x6' STNNLESS
5 1/2'x5/8' SLOTS AT 16' C.C. (TOP OF SLOT
Detail of swale weir
~::'roperty line
Elevation ol
PAVEMENT f~ I~.,,,,,,,
#: 1000-114-07-15
Long Island Sound
2007-08 Mattituck Creek
Conditional Program
December 12, 2007 ~ January 31, 2008
Conditional Area A
Rainfall = 0.20 inches
February, 1 2008 ~ April 30, 2008
Conditional Areas A and B
Rainfall = 0.75 inches
Uncertified Area
Conditional Area A
Conditional Area B
1085 West View Dr.
Residence Red
From: "PERMAPAVB INDUSTRIES,LLC" <dana@permapave com>
Date: March 3, 2008 2:56:43 PM EST
To: ballstudio@thing net
Cc: heathercusack@town southold ny.us
Dear Lillian:
Per Bob Wilkenson, your estimate is attached. Please review the list of items on the order
Also if you could please confirm Heather Cusack's email address with me and let me know that you received this.
Thank you
Dana Jarrett, Bookkeeper
366 North Broadway,
Suite 200
Jericho, NY 11753
Ship TO
P O No Project
Item Descnption Ordsred Amount
2,400 SQ FT
xcavation to a depth of 6"
Subgrade stone added
3~4, ~12 and 3/8 bluestone sub base rolled
Pen~apave installed as per design specifications
All spoites to be removed to a site selected by Town of
Southold Representative
:olor selection by Town of Sour hold
Pi~ot Program Monitoring by BlackGold Industdes,
Eastporl, NY
Installation 24,00000
Why Use FilterPaveTM Porous Pavement?
The cost and complexity of complying with state and federal Stormwater regulations is a fact of life. The
single most important driving force of that cost and complexity is the amount of impervious area on a
project site.
The more impervious area devoted to parking lots, internal roadways and sidewalks, the less available
area for buildings or other amenities. Expensive and complicated measures to capture, treat, store and
control the resulting Stormwater runoff are also required.
The FilterPaveTM system is a unique advance in pavement technology combining improved
performance and safety with environmentally friendly components.
The FilterPaveTM system is comprised of
either a 4" layer of specially-treated 70-80%
post-consumer recycled glass, 20-30%
granite and a polymer binder or, a 2" layer of
the above mix installed in a recycled plastic
substrate for higher torsional loads and
surface wear.
1'he FilterPave'" system is a hard-surfaced
pavement with porosity comparable to an open
graded base course and a riding surface
similar to concrete.
Its aesthetically-pleasing color and use of recycled materials make the system ideal for LEED® green
building certification credits.
By capturing rainfall as it lands and allowing it to infiltrate into the ground, the FilterPave" Porous
Pavement can significantly minimize or eliminate runoff and the problems and costs associated with it.
Rainfall through the pavement can also be collected
and transported to storage containers for later use
in landscaping and other facility applications.
Mixing and installation are very similar to
conventional concrete pavements. Unlike concrete,
the FilterPaveTM system is fully cured and ready for
use in 48 hours.
Normal maintenance consists of sweeping, flushing
and/or vacuuming the FilterPaveTM system once a
year or when required.
Research at the University of New Hampshire has
shown that in cold climates, porous pavements offer
savings of between 75% and 100% on de-icing
materials. Air circulation through the open pores of the pavement and the reduction of natural ice insulation
created by standing water accelerates the natural melting process.
By greatly reducing the need for de-icing materials, the FilterPaveTM system causes significant reductions
in chloride runoff, which is an increasing concern of both EPA and state regulators.
Traditional site development costs such as curbs, catch basins, pre-treatment systems, subsurface
drainage systems, inlet/outlet protection measures, etc. related to paved areas can generally be eliminated
or greatly reduced in size and cost.
The FilterPaveTM system is not only friendly to
the environment, it can lower construction and
maintenance costs now and in the future.
For parking lots, driveways, sidewalks,
pedestrian and recreational pathways,
landscaping and architectural applications, the
FilterPaveTM system is unquestionably
A Pavement Like No Other!
Appleton, Wisconsin
P: 800-548-3424; 920-738-1707
E: info(~,prestoqeo.com www.prastoReo.com
Geosystems®, FilterPaveTM and creating sustainable
environmentsTM are trademarks of Presto Products Company.
P: 732-602-9500 E: infoC, raqen.com, www.raqen.com
November 2008
E×CAV SERVICES INC Mattituck Park ~ /,- ~ Shop Sketch
Wading River NY 11792
Elevation. of top of weir -2~ +/- highest point of boat ramp
i'~[i~-,'A.~.'~.~ · t~',~.~-.~., t-~.':~.~.~-.'~~-.~;~.~ ...... -.x ~x VEGATATED
~W~U'~T /.~ I"' *'"""' '"' ...... ""' ',',',',': ;:~. ~. SWALE
Page 1
PO Box 409
Wading River NY 11792
Detail of swale weir
Mattituck Park
Shop Sketch
Page 1
Bxcav Services Inc.
Po Box 409
Wading River N Y I 1792
Mattituck Park Water Wash
Porous pavement surface area
Water Quality Volume WQv = (P) Rv A / 12
P = Rainfall # 90% =.9
Rv = Formula x % of impervious area
A = Area Draining to pavement
WQv = 9'14.76 Cubic Feet
Porous pavement SA
Ap = WQv/(nxdt)
n = Assumed gravel bed porosity of .4
Dt = Gravel bed reservoir depth of 1 foot
Enter valu{ Total
80 0.77
0.4 See guide
I Depth in feet
18150 total sf- 2310 new pavement
Therefore 2286.9 SF is surface area reouired with I Foot qravel bed
Swale Capacity
Treatment and storage for one year (2") event:
Considering total volume of 18150 SF times two inches rainfall less volume covered by permeable pavement
(18150'.166)/2 = 1506 CUrT roughly a volume of 1500 CF
Swale equivalent to 60 feet by 12 feet by 2 feet deep.
10 year storm 5" rainfall = .415 feet therefore 1850'.415 = 7532.25 CUrT / 24 hours = 313 GPM flow over we~r.
Groove sizing to allow 313 GPM of flow at 1/2 capacity over 70 feet length
Francis Formula: Cuft/sec water =3.33(w-.2H)H to the 1.5 power
There fore:
ENTER in Feet
Height 0.15 EXP 0.058095
Width 0.2
Cu E/sec 0.019346
US GPM 8.898954
Total number of grooves = 64 @ 3" ht and 2 inches wide total area
TOTAL GPM 569.533
NOTE: Height of top wier 1" over top ramp theref, o. re surplus ramp area flow capacity yeilds:
Ramp 10' wide
Height 0,1 EXP 0.031623
Width 10
Cu E/sec 1.031978
US GPM 474.7097 Additional flow in 10+ storm events
x cav Services Inc.
PO Box 409
Wading River NY 11792
Project Name&L~cation )ate & TimeStarted: 12/27/08 11:15 :
MATTITUCK WATERWASH o,te & Time Completed: 12/27/08 11.45, APPROX LOW TIDE
Robert Governale
Elevation 5.9 +/-
(ft below
Rich organic topsoil to 8" below grade
medium tan sand trace silt
Same as above.
Same as above.
4.2' gray sand and gravel moist
5 4.8~ ,~oundwater I~a~ course sand with l~'avel
.tu___r e
83,"86./2888 15:47 6317273160 USDA NRCS PAGE 82/87
Soil Management Guide
Nutrient Management
· ~1YJs nutrient manaoement necessary?
Leach/no of nltrate-nitmoen to aroundw~t~
· Phos~horu~runoff Into surface waters
· Basics ~f nutrient manaaement
· Challenaes to nutrient management
· ~
Table 4.1 Effe~ivanea$ of buffer ~trlps from Various sClentJflc papar~
(Journal of Soil and Water ~nse~atlon a~d 3oumal of Environmental
.Nuthent Movement and Removal in a Switchgrass Bioraass-Filter Strip Systera Treated ._ Page I of $
~ FIiz~rss..Only
Nutrient Movement and Removal in a
Switchgrass Biomass-Filter Strip
System Treated with Dairy Manure
MaR A. Sandersona, Ronald M. Jonesb,
Marshall J. MeFarlandb, Jason Stroupb,
Roderick L. Reedb and Jarues P. Mu|rb
~ USDA-AK$, Paslurc, Systems and Water~hed Managerr~nt Pu~tch
Uni~ ~]dg, 3702, ~n Rd, Univ~si~ Par~ PA 16802-3702
b Augeto S~ Un~e~i~, San Angclo, ~ 76~
Con'esponding author (ma.s4~l~psu,~!u)
Received for publication February 7, 2000. Manure use on
cropland has raised concern about nutrient contamination of
mfface and ground waters. Warm-season perrnnial gra~es
may be useful in filter strips to trap raanUre nutrients and as
bioraass feedstock for nutrient removal We ~xplored the uso
of'Alamo' switchgrass (Panic],n virgatum L) in a bioraass
production-filter strip sy~m treated with dairy manure, We
raeasurgd changes in extractable p in the soil, NO3-N in soil
water, and changes in total reactive P and chemical oxygen
demand (COD) ofmnoffwater befog and after a
switchgrass filter strip. Five rata of dairy raanure (target
A~h~! Fevw~rdis)~ __
Pa~t: i
rates of 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg N ha'l from solid manure in 1995; 0, 75, 150, 300, and 600 kg N ha-
l fi.ora lagoon effluent in 1996 and 1997) were surface-applied to field plots of switehgrass (5.2 by 16.4
fa) with a 5.2- by 16.4-m switohgras9 filter st'dp below the raanured area. Yield of swimhgrass fmra the
raanured area increased linearly with increasing manure rate in :a~h year, Soil water sampl~ collected
at 46 or 91 era below the soil ~rface on 30 dates indioated <3 rag L'l of NO3-N in all plots.
Concentrafious of total reaotiv¢ p in surfaco runoffwater were re. du~xl an average of 47% for the 150 kg
N rate and 76% for tho 600 kg N rate in 1996 and 1997 after pa~ing through the strip. Manure could
http://jeq.scij oumals, org/cgi/contcntdabstiact/3 O/1/210 3/4/2008
83,/86/'2888 15:47 5317273158
PAGE 84/87
Vegetated Stream Riparian Zones: Their Effects on
Stream Nutrieats, Sediments, and Toxic Substances
An Annotated and Indexed Bibliography of the world literature,
ndudmg buff~r strips and interactions w~th hyporhe~c zones and floodplains
by Days Cea'ell
3970 N. Timucua Point
CE~tal River, FL 34~28 USA
Thirteenth Edition, April 2003
The goal of this docum~t is to comprehensively cite and subject index thc World literature on
vegetated stream riparian zone wa~er quality effects. The scope of the bibhography has been
expanded to include literan~e on hyporheic zone and floodplairff~x~arn chatmel interactions.
Buffer s~p rezesr~h is also included, since these studies su~xn eadly transferable. Unless
de~oted by an agtsrizk, each citation has bean obtained, studied for content, and cro~.~indexed
for other relevam citations. Only publications which were readily obtained through a research
~br .a~ system were included. Publications on tidaly-influenccd wetlands and exclusively lake
npanan zones were excluded.
In order to make this goal tenable I have established somewhat arbi~y, but fairly rigid
boundaries for r~levant subject matter. Studi~s of all types of vegetation were inclu0ed; forest,
grass, h~rbacenus. Relevant studies include influences on water quality of mputs of surface and
groundwater from the uplands and interactive effects among the water in the channel, the
hyporheic zone, and the floodplain. Water quality includes concentrations ofnutrlents,
suspended sedimeniz, disanlved and particulate organic matter, pH, metals, and pesticides of all
ty~es. Studies of large woody debris are specifically excluded. Also excluded are studies of the
application of municipal sewage and mdas~al/mining effluent to riparian zones. However,
studies were inciudcd of effects on agricultural wastewater and a limited number o£ studies on
urban or suburban drainage waters. I have exclud~i riparian vegetation habitat effects, both
terrestrial and aquatic, and in-stream pmeesa~ such as productivity, nutri~mt cycling/spiraling,
water temperature, and channel morphology.
A/1 citations except for those of student theses have brief annotations to help identify thc aspects
ofthcse studies, which are partlcnlatly relevant, They am also coded for subject matter as listed
~ http://www.unl.~du/nac/ripa~ anbibliography.htm
83/86/2888 15:47 5317273150
PAGE 05/87
Jerry C. RItchia and Carole A, Ritchie (Complters)
Listed below are publication related to warm season grasses and the use of
grasses as filter strip and hedges, While it is long it is by no means
Comprehensive. If you have publications relates to the subject send them to us
(jritchie@hydmlab.arsusda.gov) and we will add them to the bibliography, We will
post updates list.
Aase, J.K,. and J.L. Pikul, Jr. 1995. Terrace formation Jn cropping strips
protected by tall wheat grass barriers. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Aase, J_K., and L.L. Reitz, 1989. Conservation production systems with and
without grass barriers in the northern Great Plains. Journal of Soil and Water
Conservation. 44(4):320-323,
Abrams, $,M., H. Hartadi, C.M. Chaves, J.E. Moore, and W.R. Ocumpaugh.
1983. Relationship of forage-evaluation techniques to the intake and digestibility
~Ltropical grasses, pp. 508-511, In: J.A. Smith, and V.W.,~ays (ed.).
ceedings of the International Grassland Congress, 14~", Lexington, KY. 15-24
June 1981. Westview Press, Boulder, CO,
· ---) Http://hydrolab.ars.usda. sov/-j dtcbic/¢lgre£ him
15:47 6317273160 USDA HR,2S PAGE 08/07
Meta-A~aly$is o£Ni~og~ RemoYal i~ Rip.an Buffer~ -- ~¢r et al, 36 (~): ! !7: - }o~mal of... ~ag¢ ~ o~:
Pub~hed online 27 June 2007
~lls~ ~ ~ E:v ~ ~136:1172- ~ 18 o (~7)
DOE ~0.2134/jeq~0~,~62
877 S. Seg~ Rd., Madi$o~ ~ 53711 USA
Meta-Analysis of Nitrogen Removal in
Riparian Buffers
Paul M. Mayer*, Steven lC Reynolds, Jr., Marshall D. McCutehen
and Timothy J. Caufield
US£PA, Ofliee of R~s,n:b and Developmem. Nat/e~l Risk M~ag~ ~mh
74821.8.K. R=~ol~. Jr, m~t a~, D~, of Biot~7, ~e Erie College, 3~1' W,
Was~g~ St., P~lle. OH ~. M.D. Mc~tch*~ c~t ad~, Hom~ L,
~c D~. ofP~slcs ~d ~my, Univ. of O~homz, 440 W, ~ks St,
No~ OK 73019
* Corre~pamdin$ author (~.maT_~,pal/l!l~lag,goE)
Received for publication October 21, 2006. Riparian buffers, the
vegetated region adjacent to stream~ and wetlands, are thought to be
effective at imemepling and reducing nitrogen loads entering water
bodie~. Ripa~un buffer width is thought to be positively rclated to
nitrogen removal effectiveness by influencing mtrogen mention or
removal. We aurveyed the ~cientifi¢ literature containing data on riparian
buftL'~ and niirogen concentration in streams and groundwater to identify
trends betwem nitrogen removal effectiveness and buffer width,
hydrological flow path, and vegetative cover. Nitrogen removal
effectiveness vari~widely. Wide buffers (>50 m) more coraistently
removed significant portions of nitrogen eatering a ryarian zone than
narrow buffers (0-25 m). Buffers of various vegetation types were equally effective al removing nitrogen but
buffers composed of hei'bacenus and foresvherbacenus vegetation were more effective whm wider. 8ubsur~e
removal of nltrogen was efficient, but did not appear to be related to buffer width, while surface reraoval of
nitrogen was partly related to buffer width. Th" mass of nitrate nitrogen removed per unit length of buffer did
not. differ by buffer width, flow path, or buffer vegelation type. Our meta-analysis ~uggests that buffer width is
an ~mpomnt consideration in managing nitrogen in watersheds. However, the inoonsistent effects ofbutT~
width and vegetation on nitrogen removal suggest that soil type. subsurface hydrology (e.g., soil saturation,
groundwater flow paOa~), and subsurface biogeochemi~try (organio e. arbon supply, nitrat~ inputs) alsu ar~
important factors governing nitmg~ removal in
httP://jeq.scijoumals.or$/c~ff¢ontent/abstraetd3614/l 172
83/06,/"2L~VI8 15:47 631727316,8 LIISDa tlRCS PaGE 07/07
' l'~u~ncnt Uptake by W~-Season Perennial ~asses in a Swine E~uent Spray Field -- M... Page 1 ors ~
~OI~RN&L Ou~c~ ~c.:
~o~: Dl~op -. DIg~l ~ Ubra~ ~r ~DA J S~n In Via User Nam~Pa$~o~ ~el: P~e: ~
~bli~ in ~on. ~. ~6:484~93 (2~4),
677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 5.'3711 USA
Nutrient Uptake by Warm-Season
Perennial Grasses in a Swine Effluent
Spray Field
M. R. McLaughlin*, T. E. Fairbrother and D, E. Rowe
USDA-ARS, Crop Sci, Res, Lab., Waste Manage, md Fora~ Res. Unit,
P.o. Box 5367, MississiPpi State MS 39762. Misaiislppi Ag:dc and
For,~U'y Enp, ~tn ' '
Corresponding aufl~or (;r~claug.~lin~ars,us~lm gob' )
Received for publication March 25, 2003. Haying r~moves
soil nu~euts in manured fie{ds. Grass hays were compared
for nutrient removal in an effluent spray field. Eastern
gamagass (.Tripsacurn dactyloid&~ L.), indiangrass
[ $orghastrum nutans (L.)Nash], joltnsongrass [Sorghum
halepen~a (L) P~z.], ~rwitchgrass (Panieum virgatum L.), and
common and 'Cons{al' berrandagrs~s [Cynodon dactylon (g)
Pors.] w~re grown on a Brook~ville silty clay (fmc,
monimorillonltlc, thermic Aquie Chromuderts) in Mississippi.
The field produced johnsongrass hay and r~¢ived swine ($us
.~crofa domestic-us) effluent (estimated 371, 61, and 629 kg
haW yr-I of N, P, and K, respectively) for 8 yr before the
study. In the 3-yr study, common bermudagrass produced 4,6
to { 5.0 Mg dry matter (DM) ha-] yr-] and was not different
~LUng.At~J,~..yl~ FllghWlre
~0~1~ Scholar
Related Collecti~s
fi'Om Coastal bermudagrass (5.2 to 13.7 Mg ha-1 yr-{).
Highest annual DM yields ofjohnsongress, eastern gamagress, switchgraas, and indiangrass w~t¢ 9.7,
9.5, 9.1, and 5,5 Mg ha-1 yr-1, respectively. H'igheat annual uptakes o£N by common a_,id Coastal
berrnudagrass, jolmsongrass, eastern gamagrass, switchgmss, and indiangrass w~re 314, 280, 188, 181,
167, and 106 kg ha-1, res~otiv¢Iy. Respective high~st annual uptakes alp were 44, 35, 23, 21, 19, and
14 kg ha-]. Uptakes of Ca, K, Ma, Cth Fa, Mn, and Zn were as high o£ highor ~ common berrnudagrass
as in th~ othex grossa{. Dry matter yield of common bercoudagrass was correlated (r = 0.99, P = 0.0001)
http://agron, scijounlals,org/cgi/contentJabstract/96/2/484 3/3/2008
sc cav Services Inc
PO Box 409 Wading River NY 11792
Currently, the Town of Southold launching ramp and adjacent property is acting as a conveyance for storm
water runoff into Mattituck creek. Non-point source pollution entering via this conveyance ranges from
floatables, oils and grease from cars and boats and fecal coliform from pet walk areas. This proposal is
designed to mitigate runoff using a series of storm water "Best Management Practices" (BMP's).
Additionally and most important, it will use this very public setting to draw attention to the storm water
issues through interactive signage, aesthetically pleasing plantings as well as text and design in the porous
pavement section of the project. The proposed project will be an example of how people can lessen impact
and beautify as well as enhance the use of a natural resource. Through education and example, it can also
serve as a demonstration piece for BMP's for waterside development and potential "green" enhancement of
existing properties.
1. Survey Delineation, Planning
2. Site Preparation and Repairs of Existing Structures
3. Basic site work, Vegetative Swale & Weir
4. Porous pavement
5. Signs and markers
6. Topsoil seeding and planting
1. Survey delineation and planning
Provide survey of town property to include ramp, adjacent properties and wetland species delineation. Storm
water plan to demonstrate proposed systems ability to control storm water through a 90%, one year, and ten
year design storms~. Provide a soil boring test to determine beating and permeability.
2. Repairs and Site Preparation
Install combination of silt fencing/hay bales/geotextile to prevent construction activity siltation of waterway.
Existing boat ramp is undermined on western side from storm water scour. Currently, ramp is conduit for
runoff from parking area to enter estuary. Scour is cracking from gravity settling and tilted to the west as
result of settlement. There is an approximately one-foot deep scour immediately adjacent to the ramp which
is potential for trip/fall injury in attempts to launch/recover a vessel. As this project is geared to enlighten
and enhance responsible recreational use of the LI sound estuary, this project should address the settlement.
Excavated soils from the vegetative swale will be used to in fill and stabilize ramp edge along with a
geotextile and plantings. Any other scours will be similarly filled and planted while on site.
~ NYS DEC storm water design manual
Heavy Equipment Construction Services Phone & Fax 631-929-1388
Services Inc
PO Box 409 Wading River NY 11792
3. Vegetative Swale and Weir
Excavate and remove soils to create and grade a vegetative swale. Common and effectix/e BMP to allow
filtering and recharge of water into the substrate. Excav Services to provide equipment, labor and tooling to
design, excavate and grade, place organic topsoil (on-site materials or supplied by others) and a jute mesh
fabric over area prior to planting. The Vegetative swale is a component of the storm water system and will
be sized/designed to handle a portion of the overall run-off expected from the parking lot and roadway.
Vegetative swale will be planted with indigenous species (by others) and result in an attractive and
interactive demonstration of this BMP
Note that design will incorporate other hard structures (weir) which will protect from breakout/overflow of
phragmitites slope and potential future scours and consider volumes incurred in NYS DEC ten year event.
4. Porous Pavement
Excav as an exclusive dealer for Presto Geosystems, will design and install a recycled glass and polymer
pavement. This pavement is again a component of the overall storm water system to be installed at the site
and perform a specific function in filtering groundwater and allowing re-charge through sub-soils and
therefore it will be designed and sized accordingly.
5. Signs and markers
Excav will provide bases/installation of posts and/or supports for signs and benches.
6. Topsoil, Seed, Plantings and Restoration
Adaptive grading, topsoil and seed will be performed post operations with careful attention to prevent mn-off
from getting to the ramp and distribute run-offin sheet flow to the components of the new system. Topsoil
saved from the vegetative swale area will be redistributed raked and seeded. Indigenous species plantings
will be done by others.
Following site operations remove and dispose of silt protection and MPT elements.
Above operations will be performed for a lump sum of $25,000.00
Heavy Equipment Construction Services Phone & Fax 631-929-1388
New York Stormwater Management Design Manual Appendix C
Specifications for Open Channels and Filter Strips
Material Specifications
The recommended construction materials for open channels and filter strips are detailed in Table G.3.
Dry Swales
Roto-till soil/gravel interface approximately 6" to avoid a sharp soil/gravel interface.
Permeable soil mixture (20" to 30" deep) should meet the bioretention planting soil specifications.
Check dams, if required, shall be placed as specified.
System to have 6" of freeboard, minimum.
Side slopes to be 3:1 minimum; (4:1 or greater preferred).
No gravel or perforated pipe is to be placed under driveways.
Bottom of facility to be above the seasonably high water table.
Seed with flood/drought resistant grasses; see your local NRCS Standards and Specifications guidance.
Longitudinal slope to be 1 to 2%, maximum [up to 5% with check dams].
Bottom width to be 8'= maximum to avoid braiding; larger widths may be used if proper berming is supplied.
Width to be 2 '= minimum.
Wet Swales
Follow above information for d~y swales', with the following exceptions: the seasonally high water table may
inundate the swale; but not above the design bottom of the channel [NOTE: if the water table is stable within
the channel; the WQv storage may start at this point]
Excavate into undisturbed soils; do not use an underdrain system.
Filter Strips
Construct pea gravel diaphragms 12" wide, minimum, and 24" deep minimum.
Pervious berms to be a sand/gravel mix (35-60% sand, 30-55% silt, and 10-25% gravel). Berms to have
overflow weirs with 6 inch minimum avilable head.
Slope range to be 2% minimum to 6% maximum.
4B;' MIN,
'lWO 1/2'x6" STAINLESS
8"x 3/8' S1[EL PLA~
--5 1/2'x5/B' SLOTS AT 16' C,C. (TOP OF SLOT
- _ . . ~.~,,~,ter Mitigation project "WATER wASW'
45 -25
49 120
Terry, ?rinc;pal
D?W/Maintenance oE Swale, 45 ~0
, permeable Surface,
$ ~6o.o0
Mattituck Inlet Stormwater Mitigation Project "WATER WASH"
Salaries and Benefits
Position & Title % Time Salary & Benefits Match % Time Match Discrepancy
Scott Hilary, Planner/Grant 50 45 2,000 + 25 + 1125.00
Manager (Project Monitoring)
Mark Terry, Principal 60 49 2,940 - 25 - 1225.00
Planner/Project Monitor
James McMahon, Director of 150 65 9,700.00 - 120 - 7,800.00
DPW/Maintenance off Swale, ,
Phragmites, Permeable Surface,
and Monitoring }~ /
Jamie Richter, Town 40 ~ 45/~.~_.~ 1,800.00 - 40 - 1,800.00
En~neer/Project Engineering
Sub Total $ - 9,700.00
Contractual Services
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match Match Discrepancy
Perma Pavers; engineering, 2,400 sq. ff. $ 24,000.00 $14,400.00 $ - 14,400.00
grading and installation by: ($10.00 x 2,400 sq. ft.)
Black Gold
Sub Total $ - 14,400.00
Supplies and Materials
Description Total ]~er Unit Cost Match DPW Per Match Discrepancy
#~/.. Unit Cost
Units / ;~
Benches 4 $1,200.00 $ 2,400.00 $160.00
£ .... Sub T~ot al
Matching Funds Analysis
TOTAL ! $ - 26,500.00
Mattituck Inlet Sto~ Mitigation Project WATER WASH
Position & Title % Time Salary & Benefits Match % Time atch Discrepancy
, Adjustment
Scott Hilary, Planner/Grant 50 45 2,000 + 25 / + 1125.00
Manager (Project Monitoring)
Mark Terry, Principal 60 49 2,940 - 25 - 1225.00
Planner/Project Monitor
James McMahon, Director of 150 65 9,700.00 - 120 ~ ,: 7,800.00
DPWFlVlaintenance of: Swale, ..
Phragrnites, Permeable Surface,
and Monitoring
Jamie Richter, Town 40 45 1,800.00 - 40 - 1,800200
Engineer/Project Engineering
Sub Total ~. $ -_ 9,700.00
Contractual Services ~
Description Total # Units Per Unit Cost Match Match Discrepancy
Perma Pavers; engineering, 2,400 sq. ft. $ 24,000.00 $14,400.00 $ - 14,400.00
grading and installation by: ($10.00 x 2,400 sq..ft.)
Black Gold Sub Total $ - 14~400.00
Supplies and Ma,terials
Description Total Per Unit Cost Match DPW Per Match Discrepancy
# Unit Cost
Benches 4 $1,200.00 $ 2,400.00 $160.00 $ 2,400.00
I Sub Total $ - 2,400.00
Matching Funds Analysis
TOTAL / $ - 26,500.00
Mattituck Inlet Storm-Water Mitigation Project No. NY 2008-0065-020
Project Description: Project is to construct a storm-water reduction (conveyance) system using a permeable
driving surface, vegetated swale and weir that will reduce storm-water pollutants from entering the water body of
Mattituck Inlet location: South end of Mattituck Creek at Town of Southold's boat ramp north of county Route #48.
Scope of Work:
1. Survey certified by a registered land surveyor or registered professional engineer, licensed by ~e Sate~of
New York. '
Survey Specification:
· Scale (i.e. 1"- 40') and north arrow.
· Project design including a detailed engineering plan, demonstrating & describing the storm-water
retention capability of the conveyance system.
· Wetlands delineated within a two-hundred foot radius from which the removal or placement of
material will occur.
· Wetland setback distances referenced from all actions within 100' of the tidal wetland boundary.
· Contours at two-foot intervals including contours of retention swale.
· (t~e following landmarks and references shall be depicted on the survey; test hole location (date &
'time), apparent high water line (AHW), apparent low water line (ALW), neighboring properties
(i.e. Mattituck Park District property to the east), boat ramp and bulkhead, parking area, curb and
curb cuts, county route #48, cross roads, vegetation within project locati?n and parking area (i.e.
phragrnites, trees, tidal wetland species).
NOTE: That the survey must meet all criteria for NYS DEC's tidal wetland application. For tidal
wetland application criteria visit NYS DEC's website
2. Construction of a drainage field (driving surface) 40' x 60' (2,400 sq. fl.) using permeable materials.
Drainage Field Specifications:
· The area will be excavated approximately to a 1 foot depth depending on site soil conditions and
storm-water retention design capabilities of the proposed conveyance system.
· Permeable driving surface area will be pitched towards the retention swale.
· The words Water Wash will be incorporated into the driving surface materials (lettering to he 2' x
2' and readable from a southerly advantage).
· The permeable surface must be designed to wit/stand n~,~htr/boat-trailer traffic consistent with
the Town Boat ramp usage of this location.
· The permeable surface must be designed to with[§iand the ordinary maintenance of the parking
area of this location including snow plowing.
· Volume of material to be removed in cubic yards.
· Volume of material to be placed in cubic yards.
· Source and type (description) of materials to be placed~
· Materials from excavation will, removed to an off-site location approved by the Town of Southold
Board of Trustees.
NOTE: That the drainage field and permeable materials must meet NYS DEC's storm-water
performance standards. For performance standards see New York State Storm-water
Management Design Manual Chapter Six: http://www.dcc.n¥.gov/chemical/29072.htn~l.
3. Construction of an irregular shaped storm-water retention swale approximately 20' x 50'x 3'.
Retention Swale Specifications: / '
· The swale ~ shape will~a.e.eaa~ted to a depth of 3 fe~._
· Side slopes ofthe swale will b~'~0 percen).~ .~xJx~)~. 'rv'~'~- ,~b'
· Volume of material to be remove~Pffrellb'Tc yards. ~ '. \ ~;,t(x;OkO teN.'
· Volume of material to be placed in cubic yards.
· Source and type (description) of materials to be plac~ed.
· Final grading of swale for plantings; NOTE: Plantings are not within the scope of work for
this bid.
· All materials from excavation will removed to an off-site location approved by the Town of
Southold Board of Trustees.
NOTE: That the retention swale must meet NYS DEC's storm-water performance standards.
For required performance standards see New York State Storm-water Management Design
Manual Chapter Six: http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/29072.html.
4. Construction of a weir which will serve as an over wash and erosion mitigation system (control)·
Weir Specifications:
· To be constructed seaward of the retention swale.
· Approximately 50' in length.
The weir is to be installed sub surface with minimal above grade exposure required to meet over
wash and erosion performance standards.
Construction of the weir must incorporate public health and safety standards.
Test hole(s) and soil analysis of the 2,400 sq. fl. drainage field and 20' x 50' x 3' drainage swale
(referencing; time, date and location) to determine substrate composition and permeability.
6. ~,Aerate an existing impacted gravel substrate parking area approximately 34.2' x 133.4' x 120.9' x 154.9'.
/~' Instal[base,s, ~ , [~r, 4-park, benches (Aldo Leopold). \
{,.8~. InstalFpostsfor4-tnterpretat~ves~gns(32 X40 ).
9. Install a line of hay bales and silt fence seaward of the proposed action as an erosion control measure to
retain runoff sediments during construction.
10. Pursuant to local and state regulations, additional; design specifications, material descriptions and
methods of construction may be required of the successful bidder.
Prepared by: SAH
Long Island Sound Futures Fund Fish & Wddlife grant for MA'I-rlTUCK INLET
WATERWASHwa Synopsis
This is a nonpoint source pollution control and public education project, for Long Island
Sound Futures Fund which has awarded the project $40,000. The site for this grant was
selected after consulting with Mark Terry, senior environmental planner, Jamie Richter,
tow? angineer, and the stormwater committee. The location-is a public boat ramp on
Mattitubk Inlet, on a town-owned lot next to the Mattituck Park district lot. While it is not
the most crucial storm water site in town, it was determined to have poor grading that
sends water down the ramp during storm events and to have good potential for public
visibility. The inlet has threatened wildlife and shellfish that are affected by runoff
pollution from county Route 48 and the southern part is always closed to shelifishing.
Town Trustee, Jim King, has contributed an excellent history of the area and the county
improvements several years ago. Allen Connell, from the Natural Resource
Conservation Service was enthusiastic when he looked at the project site and has
offered advice and technical info to us. The Group for the East End is doing
administrative and organizational work in addition to donating $5000 worth of plants. The
GFEE educational dept ara coordinating volunteers from local high school environmental
clubs to do the plantings and some maintenance as well aa water quality monitoring. We
have had very positive input from the DEC and NFWF regional director and many others
who are extremely supportive. With this LISFF grant we have the opportunity to continue
the improvement of a special Southold place and meet the upcoming 2nd phase storm
water requirements for educational outreach.
The proposal is to replace the current perking lot surface with permeable pavement and
native warm weather grasses and wetland species. The recycled glass and gravel
material is new to our area, but has been tested extensively in varied dirnetas across the
country. Storm-water will enter the ground through the pavement and bluestone
substrate, with over flow moving into a swale where native plants will take up a
percentage of the nitrogen, phosphorus, and fecal coliform bacteria in the runoff. Proper
grading will prevent the rainwater Eom going down the current concrete ramp and direct
it towards the buffer zones of the vegetated swale, weir, and managed phragmites. The
currently scoured area to the left of the ramp will be filled in with clean send and planted
with Spartina to match the existing plants. Lillian Ball, an environmental artist, has
developed her concept with collaboration from Southold town agencies, the Group for
the East End, and Excav Services. She has designed the overall area, the educational
signage, and also functions as the outreach coordinator. The interpretive signs will
explain what a variety of permeable pavements and plants do to clean the road runoff
before it enters the inlet. They will also focus on the hab'~t for wildlife created by the
native plants. School children can visit the park as part of science curriculum. There has
been significant interest in this project from journalists as well as stakeholders, which will
spread information to the wider public, inspiring graatar understanding of these important
issues that affect the health of our waterways.
APR 2 8 2009
P O Box 409
Wadirlg River NY 11
Mattituck Park
Elevation of top of weir -2" +/- highest point of boat ramp
,¢¢z; z,..",.",..'~,.'~: ~%~ ~f.~;.~.~`~`.%~.`~.:!: ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ :~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ : ~ : ~ ~ ~ : ~ : ~ ~ ~ : ~
Shop Sketch
Confidential 2/5/2009 Page 1
PO Box 409
Wading River NY 11792
Mattituck Park
Shop Sketch
Detail of swale weir
Confidential 2/5/2009 Page I
Bxcav Services Inc.
PO Box 409
Wading River NY 11792
Mattitu~:k Park Water Wash
Porous pavement surface area
Water Quality Volume WQv = (P) Rv A / 12
P = Rainfall # 90% =.9
Rv = Formula x % of impervious area
A = Area Draining to pavement
WQv =
Porous pavement SA
Ap = WQv/(nxdt)
n = Assumed gravel bed porosity of .4
Dt = Gravel bed reservoir depth of I foot
914.76 Cubic Feet
Enter value Total
80 0.77
0.4 See guide
1 Depth in feet
18150 total sf - 2310 new pavement
Therefore 2286.9 SF is surface area re(~uired with 1 Foot qravel bed
Swale Capacity
Treatment and storage for one year (2"} event:
Considering total volume of 18150 SF times two inches rainfall less volume covered by permeable pavement
(18150'.166)/2 = 1506 CUrT roughly a volume of 1500 CF
Swale equivalent to 60 feet by 12 feet by 2 feet deep.
10 year storm 5" rainfall = .415 feet therefore 1850'.415 = 7532.25 CUrT 1 24 hours = 313 GPM flow over weir.
Groove sizing to allow 313 GPM of flow at 1/2 capacity over 70 feet length
Francis Formula: Cu ft/sec water =3.33(w-.2H)H to the 1.5 power
There fore:
ENTER in Feet
Height 0.15 EXP 0.058095
Width 0.2
Cu fi/sec 0.019346
US GPM 8.898954
Total number of grooves =
64 ~ 3" ht and 2 inches wide total area
NOTE: Height of top wier 1" over top ramp theref.o, re surplu~ ramp area flow capacity yeilds:
Ramp 10' wide
Height 0.1 EXP 0.031623
Width 10
Cu fi/sec 1.031978
US GPM 474.7097 Additional flow in 10+ storm events
Z.,ccav Services Inc.
PO Box 409
Wading River NY 11792
~ro}ect Name & Location Date & Time Started: 12/27/08 11:1S
MATTITUCK WATERWASH rate & Time Completed: 12/27/0S 11.45, APPROX LOW TIDE
Robert Govemale
Elevation 5.9 +/-
(ft below
Rich organic topsoil to 8" below grade
medium tan sand trace silt
Same as above.
Same as above.
4.2' gray sand and ~ravel moist
5 4.8' I~oundwater ~a~ course sand with ~avel
· -, \ I
\ /
i /
/ / ~ I
~.~" RCP End Section x~x~.~ N.~.]nv~4,59
~h ~ne~Y DissxpaLt~nxx