HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-55.-2-5.1 ~ .\ ,') y,\ (.J .d' DECLARATION made this I day by Vito Amari and Teresa Amari his I No Number Old North Road Southold, I. -aftewrHEcRaEIISedt thhe "ownerh"; t' tl t t. 1 d . A, e Owner as ~ e 0 cer a~n an s s~tuate, I lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, II" County of Suffolk and State of New York, said lands herein- -after being more particularly described; and WHEREAS, it is the owner's intention that the aforesaid ! lands be subdivided into a minor subdivision consisting of /,i.... not more than three residential lots; . NOW, THEREFORE, the following described lands shall be restricted as hereinafter set forth: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, I lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County I of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as i i follows: I' BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of North Road about 1380 feet westerly along said southerly side from [Middle Road (said point being the northeasterly corner of II the premises herein described and the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Grigonis); RUNNING THENCE along /' said land now or formerly 9f Gri~~nis, two courses as follows (1) South 4 degrees 29 mi~~t~~4Wes~ 435.50 feet to a corner : fence post; (2) North 76 degrees 27 minutes 20 seconds West 296.97 feet; I [RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of Clement W. Booth 'on a line parallel to the first course hereinabove described, 'North 4 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds East 458.80 feet to , : said southerly side of North Road; IRUNNING THENCE along said southerly side of North Road, two Ii courses as follows: i (1) South 70 degrees 59 mi))#~~20,fclsst 157.32 feet; i (2) South 73 degrees 16 minures~East 144.25 feet to the point lor place of BEGINNING. , DECLARANT does hereby warrant, Covenant and represent I [that on approval of the aforesaid lands as a minor subdivisio* fby the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, no further I !apPlication will be made to that Board or to any other Board I in the Town of Southold to further subdivide any of the lots I set forth in said minor subdivision. I , DECLARANT does hereby further warrant, covenant and I represent that the aforesaid described lands within the U?f./13. ,minor subdivision cannot be subdivided into more than E"Sl:ilf nv-r ~ flots and that each Such lot shall comprise an area of not I Iless than Forty Thousand(40,000) sq feet. ' DECLARANT does hereby further warrant, covenant and I .::represent that the foregoing restrictions and agreements Shall ibind the undersigned, his heirs, SuccessQrs and assigns, and , I'any and all person or persons who shall Succeed to the Owner I ship of any of the lots shown on said aforedescribed premises ,/in said minor subdivision by transfer or otherwise. I II' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has caused his hand Ii/and seal to be affixed this /a day o. f ~6-r"(.t t:J......(j .' 1975. i ~.~ OmtUtA- ' Vito Amari ! ~ 0 I laA.L<\A (~ I: ~eresa Amar~ I I " USf~ 7815 PAGt 7( I , . . " of hJrGl A.. Y , 1975, wife, both resYding at New York 11971, herein- as lI";l ~ ~ , , I I ! I I , " l"~~ 7815 l'lliE 75 . , , ~ i i' STATE OF NEW YORK s.: II COUNTY OF SUFFOii!: On the / day of Feb-v-l(C{..\['L{ , 1975, before me I personally came Vito Amari and Teres~ Amari his wife, to me . known and known to me to be the individuals described in and I who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same I: I I [! i I II I, I I i RUDOLPH H BRUER N~TAg PUBLIC. S';,. of Now York C o. . -.0465530 . Suffolk County ommUSlon Expl'res M<lfch 30, /975 I I I Ii H , -2- . . .