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Postage Machine
INNOVATIVE MAILING & SHIPPING SYSTEMS October 26, 2004 Elizabeth Neville Town of Southold Reciever of Taxes 53095 Main Street Southold, NY 11971 Dear Betty: It was a pleasure meeting with you in reference to your mailing system applications. With today's high cost of postage, it is important that every company evaluate its existing mailing methods and procedures. I have submitted our proposal for the new mailing system from Ascom Hasler. Please review the enclosed information, at your leisure, and contact me at (631) 435-9100 if you have any questions. I look forward to adding Town of S3uthold Reciever of Taxes to our growing list of satisfied customers. Respectfully, Systems Consultant Innovative Mailing & Shipping Systems, Inc. 395 MORELAND ROAD · SUITE 501 · HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-3950 · SALES: (631) 435-9100 · SERVICE: (631) 435-146Z · FAX: (631) 435-1478 www.4ims.com · EMAIL: sales~4lms.com DSee attached Schedule A (q list equl~meflt below) Ilstalllltal alhk.la (il iiltalell frem iblvl) / j' /~ ~ ~urchasQ b~O~ ~ Put.asa for FMV FOR KEF USE ONLY X GUARAIITOR SIGNATURE X lille Dill INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS I/'~J EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AGREEMENT ~ UMBER CUSTOMER N~ER ' EFFECTIVE DATE TAX EXEMPT NO. RENEWAL DATE BILLING FREQUENCY ANNUAL RATE CHANGE RENEWAL OPTION SPECIFICATIONS: [MS SERVICE'TELEPHONE NO.: (S16)435-1462 SPECIFIED CHARGES, PENALTIES AND LIMITATIONS:. ' IMS SERVICE HOURS: MON.-FRL 8:30 TO 5:00 IF YOU ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE PLEASE SIGN HERE ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: ~J~hua Y. Horton ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: FOR IM$ PRINT NAME OF SIGNER · DATE TITLE OF SIGNER Tm.E OF SIGNER Supervisor, Town of~Southold Purchase Order # 13398 Date January 2, 2005 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tax Exempt # A1§3§54 Account# A.1670.2.200.400 IDetiver and send billing to: Department Town of Southold Southold TOwn Hall Address 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 IVendor Hasler, Inc. PO Box 898 Shelton, CT 06484 VENDOR **Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment** ITEM postage meter QUANTITY 1 Hasler No ct DESC R I PTION JNIT COST 0 $74.00 TOTAL 0 $3,552.00 THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE APPROPRIATION CHARGED I CERTIFY THIS TO BE A JUST AND TRUE PURCHASE ORDER Supervisor HASLER America's better ch ce:" ~[] BI nga aratso $. V permonthfor L'~'~ months 'l~ereaffer$ -'~%"~ per month for ~ months Biffing frequency [] Monthly [~'~uartoriy [] Semi-Annual [] Annual Chooee one of the following: ;]'//All resets are included (Total Postage) or [] I agree to pay for each reset Hasler Meter Agreement For use with all Hasler Meter products Meter Model ~" I. Bose Model Lease / Pumhase Term (months,. DeB er / Branch Number Choose one of the taifowlng payment methods for rental invoicing (not applicable for Hasler Leasing): [] Mail me a rental inval~e [] BIll my credit card: []VISA lIMO F"IAMEX Acct # EXP I acknowledge that this pricing Is valid for one year unless otherwise Indicated above. After the flint year the then current rental rate will be che~ged. I undemtand that Hasler will establish a TMS postage account on my behalf with the Postal Sen/ice as a prepayment account for poatage. I agree to the terms and conditions specified in the USPS Acknowledgement of Deports Agreement, and understand that all deposits (wire, ACH and checks) are payable to the USPS. [] I authorize Hasler to inflate an ACH Debit to my corporate bank checking account to pay the USPS for postage each time funds are ds~n~oaded into my Hasler Postage Meter. I agree to the terms and conditions specified in the PoatageNowTM - ACH Authorization Agreement. I am not required to maintain a balance of funds in my TMS postage account. Hasler shall periodically e-mail an ACH activity statement to the 6-mail address listed below. In order to test that my account is set up properly, Hasler will perform a single $10.00 transaction. The $10.00 will be credited to my pre-payment account. I [~/undsrstand that there is a one-time, $15.00 set-up fee that is not refundable. Please complete Part B below ~nd include a vofd~d check. I will forward funds directly to my TMS postage account. I understand that I will not he able to download postage until the USPS has received my check or wire transfer and credited funds to my account. Please send me coupons and envelopes that will expedite credit of funds to my TMS account. Pleas~ include a check made payable to the USPS with your order. Do not complete Part B. Part A - Customer Record Information Contact Name// . [ f / Mailing Add~)(if diffe~o~l~nstailTt~o~ss below, E-Mail Address I [ Part B.- PostageNow Telefunds Enrollment Nan~nancial Institution Financial In. ailing Addre~" State [] I already have a TMS account with Hasler and would like to fund this meter using my existing account. My account number is:~ L Part C - Postage Meter License Information Company~.~.._~ ~Name (or name.e/~l ndiJ/~u~a~_.)(..<:~,O [~4:~/'/----- Contact Name (if different from Part A) Installation Stre~t. Addr~ Line I (cannot be a~.O.. Box) th~tallatloa Street Address Line 2 Company's Primary Business Function - __ Anticipated Annuai Metered Postage $ ~ Annual Pementage of Metered Mail (must total 100%) Lettem (~'~% Flats ~ % Parcels Your Post Office ZipCode ~J '~ '-/'~( Does Your Business Have an Authorization to Use Permit Impdnts at this or any other Post Office? ~;~ES [] NO ~ Does Your Business Prepare and/or Mail for other (third) Parties? [] YES ~ I agree to the terms of jrta Hasler Postage Meter Rental Agreement (the ~Agreemeni"). I luMher agree to abide by the terms and condi~o~s that are associated with use of postage r~ters, as speciadd ]~y the United States Postal Sewica in the USPS Application for a License to Lease and Use Postage Meters I (we) have read. understand, a~l ~ree ~.a b~ b~all terms and conditions as specified in the entirety of this agreement. x SiGNATURf · [ - ~'1 - v TITLE ¥. Horto. PRINTNAME Supervisor, Town of Southold DATE Hasler Form # 51001 PostageNow is a registered trademark of the USPS Hasler Inc., P.O. Box 898, Shelton, CT 06484 DATE ACORDRA CERTIFICATE OF PROPERTY INSURANCE JAN270~ PRODUCER Phone: (631)29~4700 Fax: 63%298-3850 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ROY H REEVE AGENCY, INC. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE PO BOX 54 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR MATTITUCK NY 11952 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE' COMPANY A Pmetortan Ins. Co. INSURED COMPANY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD B CIO SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL P.O. BOX 1179 COMPANY SOUTHOLD NY 11971 C COMPANY D COVERAGES THIS iS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN iSSUED TO THE iNSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NO3~VITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT ~JTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS 30 TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION COVERED PROPERTY EMITS TH DATE (MMIDD/YY) DATE (MMIDD/YY) X~ PROPERTY BUILDING $ 11,786,033 CAUSES OF LOSS PERSONAL PROPERTY $ included __ BASIC TBA JAN 1 09 JAN 1 10 BUSINESS INCOME $ BROAD EXTRA EXPENSE $ A-- Certificate holder is listed as loss payee wit]l respect to Account #PFE0001536 - W J¶35, AES30D, 1006A - Mailing Equipment valued at $6,187.00. Building & personal property coverage Is one combined limit. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Bellevue WA 98009 ATTENTION: ACORD 24 (t/95) Certificate # 12863 Thomas A. Dickerson © ACORD CORPORATION 1998 Non-Apl~lion "Lease'L beeA~m. KEY EQUIPMENT FIt,~NCF. A DMSION OF KEY CORPORATE CAP.AL INC., as L~..~,~, mid 'T~ .' ~ ,,as FOR VALUE RECEIVED. g~e ~--,,~J~ed lucy agn~ that Ihe L~se sh~ inc~q~m~ Ibe k~,M~j pm~sion as i ~t was ~ ~ ~ KEY EGUIPMENT fiNANCE.. A DIVISION OF KEY CORPORATE CAPITAL INC. B~. Joshua Y. Horton Name: 'fide: Supervisor, Town of Southold Date: 1211710q 1~mlqo-: }i~'App~pr/at/oaAddeadam(R~. lr~02) Pa~ 1 ~] ~. e{ivecy and Acceptance ~ls ceril~c~.~ aclmov~edgs~ ac~emance of the aquipment f. or pumoses of the below reierenced I~se. sram: { /V'_~/. ' ½~y =quipmen{. Rnan~ South PeerLSt. * P,O. Bo~ '{'~39 . Albany, ~Y i2Z~-13~ Phun.: (BOO)4'/'/.*/443; F.a~: lBO0] 539-4759 I-la~le~ In¢ Mailin~ $¥mtema PO Box 895 Shelton, CT 06484-0895 Phone (800) 446-6027 Key Equipment Finance P.O. Box 1865 Albany, NY 12201-1865 1-800-477-7~. ~. 3 Innovative Mailing & Shipping Systems 415 Oser Ave Suite K Hauppauge, NY 11788-3644 Phone (631) 435-9100 Fax (631) 435-1478