HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District Assets. For the fiscal year ended December 31 Operating Fund Balance Sheet Cash Cash in Time InveStments Taxes Receivable Other Receivables State and Federal Aid Receivables Due from Capital Fund Prepaid Expenses Due From Pdmary Government ,2008 $3,730.42 326,078.62 $59,238.76 $389,047.80 Liabilities & Fund Equity Accounts Payable Due to Capital Fund Due to Other Governments Deferred Revenues $9,879.54 72,730.00 $82,609.54 100,000.00 206,438.26 306,438.26 $389,047.80 Total Liabilities Fund Balance ~ Appropriated ensuing year Fund Balance - Unreserved Total Fund Equity Total Liabilities & Fund Eouitv Page 1 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 Operatin,q Fund Analysis of Changes in Fund Equity Fund Equity - Be.qinnin,q of Fiscal Year Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Eauitv - End of Fiscal Year* 513,737.23 455,655.21 $248,356.24 58,082.02 $306,438.26 * Total includes Appropriated and Unreserved Fund Balance Page 2 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 Operating Fund Detail of Revenues and Other Sources Revenues Real Property Taxes Real Property Tax Items Non-property Tax Items Departmental Income Use of Money and Property Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss Gifts and Donations Miscellaneous Local Sources State Aide Federal Aide Budget $481,229.00 9,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 $510,229.00 $50,000.00 $560,229.00 Actual $481,229.00 422.12 10,440.00 11,470.11 800.00 9,376.00 $513,737.23 $513,737.23 Total Revenues Interfund Transfers Proceeds of Obligations Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues and Other Sources Page 3 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 'Operatin.q Fund Detail of Expenditures and Other Uses Expenditures Personal Services EquiPment and Capital Outlay Contractual Expenses Employee Benefits Debt Principal Debt Interest Budget $172,665.00 64,525.00 201,520.00 29,222.00 50,000.00 $3,297.OO $521,229.00 39,000.00 Actual $163,552.02 40,883.82 138,832.45 25,816.11 50,000.00 3,297.00 $422,381.40 33,273.81 $455,655.21 Total Expenditures Interfund Transfers Total Expenditures and Other Uses $560,229.00 Page 4 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District Assets For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 Capital Fund Balance Sheet Cash Cash in Time Investments Taxes Receivable Other Receivables State and Federal Aid Receivables Due From Operating Fund Prepaid Expenses Due From Primary Government $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 199,800.00 15,191.10 59,238.76 $274,229.86 Liabilities & Fund Equity Accounts Payable Notes Payable Due to Other Governments Retainages Payable Due to Operating Fund Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Appropriated ensuing year Fund Balance - Unreserved (174,229.86/ Total Fund Equity Total Liabilities & Fund EauJtv (174,229.86) $100,000.00 Page 5 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 Capital Fund Analysis of Changes in Fund Equity Fund Equity - Be,qinnin,q of Fiscal Year Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Eouitv - End of Fiscal Year* $133,273.81 313,229.86 5,726.19 (179,956.05) ($174,229.86) * Total includes Appropriated and Unreserved Fund Balance Page 6 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 Capital Fund Detail of Revenues and Other Sources Revenues Real Property Taxes Real Property Tax Items Non-property Tax Items Departmental Income Use of Money and Property Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss Miscellaneous Local Sources State Aide Federal Aide Budget $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $39,000.00 199,800.00 5,726.49 Actual $100,000.00 $100,000.00 33,273.81 $133,273.81 Total Revenues Interfund Transfers Proceeds of Obligations Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues and Other Sources $344,526.49 Page 7 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 Capital Fund Detail of Expenditures and Other Uses Expenditures Personal Services Equipment and Capital Outlay Contractual Expenses Employee Benefits Debt Principal Debt Interest Budget $344,526.19 $344,526.19 $344,526.19 Actual $0.00 313,229.86 $313,229.86 $313,229.86 Total Expenditures Interfund Transfers Total Expenditures and Other Uses Page 8 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 General Fixed Assets Assets Land Buildings Other Improvements Construction in Progress Machinery & Equipment Total Assets 511,340.00 692,162.83 331,419.86 228,655.00 1,763,577.69 1,763,577.69 Investment in General Fixed Assets Page 9 Name and Location of Bank Capital One Bank Capital One Bank MBIA/Class Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 3~, 2008 Cash, Per Balance Sheet Operatin,q Fund Less: Outstand!ng Bank Balance Checks $5,155.42 1,425.00 199,950.28 126,128.34 Add: Petty Cash Funds Total Adjusted Bank Balance and Petty Cash Name and Location of Bank CaPital Fund Less: Outstanding Bank Balance Checks Add: Cash on Hand Add: Cash on Hand Adjusted Bank Balance $3,730.42 199,950.28 126,128.34 $329,809.04 Adjusted Bank Balance Add: Petty Cash Funds Total Adjusted Bank Balance and Petty Cash $0.00 Page l0 Certification of Fiscal Officer I, John A. Cushman II, certify that I am the fiscal officer of the Mattituck Park District1 and that this report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions and fiscal condition for the fiscal year  Sign~-ur"~- - Title · . Box 1413 February 9, 2009 Official Address Date Mattituck, NY 11952 (631) 298-8213 Telephone Number Please mail report to: Town Comptroller Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 If you have any questions relating to this report, please call Town Hall: (631) 765-4333 Page 11 2008 Capital Additions Mattituck Par~ District Items conver~ed from Construction in Progress to Completed as of December 31, 2008 Veteran's Park Bulldinu Capital Protect ~ 111/08 5/21/2001 Pimlice Group 3,049.00 5/9/2002 Warren Sambach 3,300.00 5/8/2004 Bob Grigonis Contracting 6,000.00 5/8/2004 Bob G~gonls Contrachng 4,700.00 5/8/2004 Bob GHgonis Contracting 14,500.00 9/7/2004 Bob Grigonis Contracting 33,500.00 10/18/2004 Bob Grigonis Contracting 68,600.00 11/8/2004 Penny Lumber 708.97 12/5/2004 Bob Grigonis Contracting 10,000.00 12/6/2004 Penny Lumber 411.20 12/8/2004 Bob Grigonis Contracting $57,700.00 3/14/2005 Keyspan Energy 4,410.00 4/1112005 Bob GHgonls Contrac~ng 23,100.00 5/11/2005 Penny Lumber 1,650.00 911/2005 Bond Interest 844.86 9/5/2005 Bob GHgonls Contracting 73,925.00 9/9/2005 Artce Drainage Corg. 5,000.00 10/10/2005 Artco Drainage Co~o. 5,151.00 12/8/2005 Artce Drainage Co~p. 3,100.00 12/8/2005 Corazzini Asphalt Inc. 5,050.00 3/6/2006 Matfituck Sanitation 3,237.30 0/10/2006 Artce Drainage Corp. 4,000.00 3/10/2006 Russell Williamson 2,077.00 7113/2006 Bob Grigonis Contracting 25,680.00 7/13/2006 North Fo~ Mechanical 2,424.34 9/14/2006 John Ehlera Land Surveyor 2,850.00 2/8/2007 Mart( K. Conklin 85.00 3/5/2008 Bob G~gonis Contracting 5,000.00 3/8/2008 Coastline Cesspool 1,500.00 0/14/2007 Michael Mapas 1,275.00 5/21/2007 Bob Gdgonis Contrachng 5,000.00 9/13/2007 North Fod( Mechanical 3,200.00 9113/2007 North Fork Mechanicel 5~240.00 386,268.67 Aldrich Lane Llehts O t1130/~8 8/9/2007 Ward Associates 5,000.00 9113/2007 Ward Associates 3,190.00 0/13/2007 Ward Asssciatee 8,000.00 11/6/2007 Ward Assoc~atee 2,000.00 10/15/2008 Ward Associates ae9 600.00 11/10/2008 Ward Associates #11 4,200.00 12/10/2008 Ward Aseodates #12 1,200.00 12/11/2008 Welsbach #1 144,809.80 12/15/2008 Welsbach #2 159,012.20 12/15/2008 Wickham, Braseler, Gon:lon & (~ 211.28 12/15/2008 Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & (; 3~196.58 331,419.86 Notice Publication Architect Fee Fencing, excavation Footings Foundation Floor, cast iron Framing, roof, sheathing Windows Electrical Windows Electhcal,plumbing, heat, doom,siding,trim, porch ceiling, painting Electrical,plumbing, heat, doors,siding,trim, porch ceiling, painting Plumbing, Insulation, drywall Carpet Bond Interest Plumbing,beating,electric, drywall, doors Deposit on precast Septic System DP~wells, tie into downspouts, spread excess fill Grade, add RCA base, pave 2" asphalt Dumspter-Bldg Removal Building Removal Bathroom Tile Guttem, bath, contract Pump/tank, install tiles Survey Test back-flow preventors 1st haJf Final Payment ~bandon Cesspools Certif'/Sanlta~y System 2nd half Final Payment Partition French Doom * Amhitect Fee · Arci3itect Fee · Architect Fee · Architect Fee 10% of Conatmchon Admin 70% of Construction Admln Final Const~Jction Admin Payment Request #1 Payment Request ~ Services on Grant Contract Servicee on Lighting Contract Total Construction in Progress · operating fund expenses 717~688,53 Account A.200 A.201 A.205 A.391 Mattituck Park District Balance Sheet As of 12/31/08 Assets Account Name Cash Cash in Time Cash in MBINCLASS Due from Capital Fund Total Assets Balance 3,730.42 199,950.28 126,128.34 59,238.76 389,047.80__ Account A.600 A.690 A.909 Liabilities & Fund Balance Account Name Accounts Payable Deferred Revenues Total Liabilities Fund Balance Balance 9,879.54 72,730.00 82,609.54 306,438.26 Total Liabilities plus Fund Balance 389,047.80