HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-06/16/2009ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
PO Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Fax (631) 765-6145
Telephone: (631) 765 - 1800
June 16, 2009
7:30 PM
A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held Tuesday, JunE 16, 2009 at
Hall, 53095 Mmn Road, Southold, NY. Supervisor Russell o~ the ~t~ng at ~}O?:PM with
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag ~4~ ~ ;~
Call to Order ;:~
7:30 PM Meeting called to order on June 16,
Southold, NY.
Attendee Name
William Ruland
Vincent Orlando
Albert Krupski Jr:
Thomas H. Wickham
Louisa P. Evans
Hall, 530t)5 Route 25,
Title Status Arrived
Scott Russell
Elizabeth A. Neville
I. Reports
Supervisor Present
Town Clerk Present
Town Attorney Present
May 2009
Justice William H. Price Jr.
May 2009
Program for the Disabled
May 2009
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Trustees
May 2009
Department of Public Works
May 2009
Recreation Department
May 2009
Judge Bruer Monthly Report
May 2009
Town Clerk Monthly Report
May 2009
II. Public Notices
License Renewals with NYS Liquor Authority
E. Trotta Inc. d/b/a Emilio's, 400 Main St., Greenport
Dorset Farms, Inc., Lenz Winery, 38355 Main Rd., Peconic
Diana S. DiVello, Porto Bello Restaurant, 1410 Manhansett Ave.., Greenport
Riverhead Town Code Amendments
Amendment to NYS Liquor License
Amend license to sell alcoholic beverages on site's outside patio. The Grille at Fisherman's
Rest, Main Road, Cutchogue.
SCDOH - Caloric Content on Chain Restaurant Menus
9:30 a.m. - July 29, 2009 Public Hearing
Page 2
SC Dept of Health Public Hearing
7/29/09 at 9:30 AM at Media Room, H. Lee Dennison Bldg., Veterans Memo. Hwy, Hauppauge
Re: Posting Caloric Content of Menus in Chain Restaurants
Banning the Use of Artificial Trans Fats in Food Establishments
1II. Communications
IV. Discussion
1. 9:00 Am - Trustees
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 3
Dredge Spoil Fees
2. 9:30 Am - Chris Baiz
Ag Advisory recommendations for farmland fund
3. 10:00 Am - EXECUTIVE SESSION Jerry Geohringer
ZBA employment history/status of particular person
4. 10:30 A.M. - John Cushman
East End Transit Proposals
Board Policies
Southold Response Re-Visited
Establishing Priorities
Fees, General Discussion
(yard sales, etc.)
Follow Up
Unresolved Site Plan, Community Conflict
Follow Up
TDR Status
Set Code Committee Meeting
Lighting Code, Energy Code
NYS DEC's Request for Yearly Banding of Canadian Geese
At Marratooka Lake
16. SCWA LaurelLake Preserve Easement
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 4
2:00 Pm - EXECUTIVE SESSION - Melissa Spiro
Potential property acquisition and discussion of property value
Executive Session
Heritage - litigation status update
Pledge to the Flag
Supervisor Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Please risc and join with mc in thc Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Thank you. Would anyone like to come up and address the Board on any of the items that are on
thc agenda? (No response) Okay, let's move forward.
Minutes Approval
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the minutes dated:
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
~ vote Record ~ Acceptan~e of Minntes for June 2, 2009 4:30 PM
Yes/AYe N~/Nay Abstain Absent
William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Accepted Vincent Orlando Voter [] [] [] []
[] Accepted as Aanended 6!b~ ~Psk! Jr, Vp~er ~
[] Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder [] [] [] []
Louisa P. Evans Initiator [] U1 [] []
Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
RESOLVED that the Town Board of thc Town of Southold hereby accepts the minutes dated:
Friday, June 05, 2009
~' Vote Record- Acceptance of Minutes for June 5~ 2009 3:00 PM
V~s(Aye N~y Abs~in Ab~t
William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Accepted Vincent Orlando Voter El [] [] []
[] Accepted as Amended [] [] El []
Albert Krupski Jr. Voter
[] Tabled Thomas H. Wiekham Seconder I~ [] [3 []
Louisa P. Evans Initiator [] [] [] []
Scott Russell Voter [~ [] [] []
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the minutes dated:
Friday, June 12, 2009
Vote Record - Acceptance of Minutes for June 12~ 2009 1:30 PM
Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain ' Absent
William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Accepted Vincent OrlandoVoter ~ El [3 FI
[] Accepted as Amended Xib~ ~p~i ii; El
[] Tabled Thomas H. Wickham Seconder [] [] [] []
Louisa P. Evans Initiator [] [] [] []
Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 5
V. Resolutions
Approve Audit 6/16/09
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the audit dated
June 16~ 2009.
Comment re: resolution 521
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Mr. Supervisor, I will have to recuse myself from that vote as there
is a conflict of interest between myself and one of the vendors.
Set Meeting
Town Clerk
Set Next Meeting 6/30/09 4.'30 Pm
RESOLVED that the next Regular Town Board Meeting of the Southold Town Board be held,
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York at 4:30 P. M..
Vote Record - Re~olution RES-2009-$22
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Voter [] [] [] : []
[] Tabled ~!b~ ~p~ki Jr: Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
Thomas H. Wickham Seconder []
[] Supervisor's Appt ~tfi~ P. Eels initi~i~ 13 Fl 13 []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
June 16, 2009 Page 6
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Tabled 5/19/2009 4:30 PM, 6/2/2009 4:30 PM
CATEGORY: Employment - FIFD
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
FIFD Longevity Salary Increase Nina Schmid
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District adopted a
resolution at their May 5, 2009 meeting to award a salary increase of 4% (due to 10 years in
service) to Assistant Manager Nina Schmid, effective May 19th, and
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is required to approve appointments and
salary adjustments of employees of the Fishers Island Ferry District, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby increases the salary of
Assistant Manager of the Fishers Island Ferry District Nina Schmid to $26.856 per hour (4%
increase having completed 10 years of active service). This increase will be effective May 19th,
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009-486
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Defeated William Ruland ~ Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Albe~t Krupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] El []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] E] []
Next: Jun 30, 2009 4:30 PM
Tabled 5/19/2009 4:30 PM, 6/2/2009 4:30 PM
CA TEGORY: Employment - FIFD
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
2009 COLA Increase for Part-Time FIFD Personnel
WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District adopted a
resolution at their May 5, 2009 meeting to grant the following part-time personnel a
3 lA % cost of living increase effective June 1, 2009, and
June 16, 2009 Page 7
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold is required to approve appointments and
salary adjustments of employee~ of the Fishers Island Ferry District, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby increases the salaries of the
following part-time Fishers Island employees by 3 ½ %:
Nicholas Bence
Ben Burdick
Josh Davis
Logan Glidewell
Tim Keating
John McElligott
Adolph Carl Ricker
Russell Smith
Debra Doucette
Leslie Tombari
Edward Bridgman
Don Casavant
Paul Foley
David Grote
Derek Marks
John McVeigh
Ken Ricker
John Stanford
Nicholas Powell
Rod Brown
Robert Craft
Peter Gilmore
John Steve Gural
Jason Marks
Anthony Mirabelli
Jack Searle
Andrew Tulba
Debra Silva
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009-487
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Defeated William Ruland Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Vincent Orlando Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Albert Krupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Voter ~ [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter ~1 [] [] []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Next: Jun 30, 2009 4:30 PM
cA TEGOR Y: Budget
DEPARTMENT: Accounting
Increase Garbage Bag Fees
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in accordance with Section 48-
2.C(4) of Chapter 48, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse, of the Code of the Town of Southold,
hereby sets the following per bag prices for Town Garbage Ba~s~ effective June 22~ 2009:
Volume Size Thickness Retail Wholesale*
Small 16 gallon 25" x 29" 1 millimeters $1.00 $0.9000
Medium 36 gallon 34" x 36" 1.25 millimeters $1.75 $1.5750
Large 56 gallon 40" x 40" 1.4 millimeters $2.50 $2.2500
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 8
* Note:
Wholesale bags are sold in case lots only
500 bags per case for $450.00
250 bags per case for $393.75
"99 bags per case for $222.75
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009=523
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Albert Krupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Initiator [] [] [] []
Louisa P. Evans Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Employment - Town
Appoint Provisional Site Plan Reviewer
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases Kris .ty Winser
from the position of provisional Senior Planner, effective immediately, and be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Krist3, Winser to
the position of provisional Site Plan Reviewer, effective June 17~ 2009, at the Step 5 salary
of $50~394.28 per annum.
Vote Reem, d. Resolution RES-2009-524
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Voter [] [] [] []
Employment - Town
Release Provisional Planner
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases Scott Hilary from
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
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the position of provisional Planner effective immediately.
vote Record ~ Re~olutinn RES-2009-525
[] Adopted Ye~/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Voter [] []
[] Tabled
[] Withdrawn Albert ga'upski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Initiator
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Seconder [] [] [3 []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Comment re: resolution 525
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: With a great deal of regret, yes.
Committee Resignation
Town Clerk
Accept the Resignation of Margaret Minichine from the Housing Advisory Commission and Have Town
Clerk Advertise for a New Member
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the resignation of
Margaret Minichine from the Housing Advisory Commission, effective immediately, and be
it further
RESOLVED to authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for a member to the Housing
Advisory Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009-526
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Rulm~d Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tabled
[] Withdrawn Albert Krupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Tho~nas H. Wickham Voter [] 13 [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
CATEGORY: Close/Use Town Roads
Grant Permission to the New Suffolk Waterfront Fund and the Peconic Land Trust to Use Certain Town
Roads in New Suffolk for Its 5K Run/Walk in New Suffolk, on August 15, 2009 Beginning at 10:00 AM
Fiscal Impact:
Estimated Police Department cost for event is $471.62 if the roads need to be closed.
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 10
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to The
New Suffolk Waterfront Fund and the Peconic Land Trust to use the followin~ town roads
for its 5K Run/Walk in New Suffolk~ on August 15~ 2009 beginning at 10am, provided they
file with the Town Clerk a $100 fee, a $250 Clean-up Deposit fee, and a One Million Dollar
Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured, and contact
Capt. Flatley upon receipt of the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control: New
Suffblk Road, New Suffolk Avenue, Main Street, Orchard Street, 1st Street and Grathwohl
Vote Record - Resolution RES=2009 -527
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Albert Kmpski Jr. Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Voter
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham [] [] [] []
[] Tax R~ceiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Close/Use Town Roads
Town Clerk
Grant Permission to the North Fork Country Club's Annual Golf Tournament in Cutchogue for a Limited
Closure of Moore's Lane on Friday, July 17, 2009from 7:00 AM to 6.'00 PM and Saturday, July 18, 2009
from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Fiscal Impact:
Town Police Department cost for Event = $304.40
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the
North Fork Country Club's Annual Golf Tournament in Cutchogue for a limited closure of
Moore's Lane~ from the Main Road to the southerly line of the "Country Club Estates"
subdivision~ total closure from that southerly point south to the northern line of the
William Tyree land parcel, and limited closure from that point south to the intersection of
Moores Lane and New Suffolk Avenue {closures would permit access to residents of
Moores Lane and "Country Club Estates")~ on Friday~ July 17~ 2009 from 7:00 AM to 6:00
PM and Saturday, July 18~ 2009 from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM provided they file with the Town
Clerk a $100 fee, a $250 Clean-up Deposit and a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
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naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured and notify Capt. Flatley immediately upon
the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control.
Vote Record - Resolution RES.2009-$28
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vh~cent Orlando Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tabled
[] Withdrawn Albert Krupski Jr. Initiator [] [] [] []
Thomas H. Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
CA TEGORY: Close/Use Town Roads
Grant Permission to the New Suffolk Civic Association to Use Certain Roads for Its Annual Independence
Day Parade on ,July 4, 2009
Fisca! Impact:
Police Department cost for event = $281.22
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the
New Suffolk Civic Association to use the following route: line up on Old Harbor Road and
Tuthill Road, begin parade on New Suffolk Road to Fifth Street~ left onto Main Street~
ending at the New Suffolk Waterfront property~ for its Annual Independence Day Parade
in New Suffolk, on Saturday~ July 4~ 2009 beginning at 10:30 AM, provided they file with the
Town Clerk a $100 fee, a $250 Clean-up Deposit and a One Million Dollar Certificate of
Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured and contact Capt. Flatley upon
receipt of the approval of this resolution to coordinate traffic control.
~ Vote Record - Resolution RE8-2009-529
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando voier [] [] [] : []
[] Tabled Albert Krap~ki Jr. ~ F1 F1 [3
[] Withdrawn Voter
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Seconder [] [] : [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Town Attorney
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
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Requests Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota to Designate Southold Town Attorney, Martin
Finnegan, as Special Assistant District Attorney,
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests Suffolk County,
District Attorney Thomas Spota to designate Southold Town Attorney~ Martin Finne~an~
as Special Assistant District Attorney, for the purpose of prosecuting violations of the Code
and Ordinances of the Town of Southold, to serve at the pleasure of the Town Board.
Vote Reeord- Resolution RES-2009-530
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay , Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Albert Krupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Initiator ~ [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Seconder ~ [] [] []
[] Rescinded Scoit Russell Voter V~ [] [] []
Seasonal Employees
Employment - Town
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold releases Emily Hudson from the
position of 2nd year Beach Attendant for the Recreation Center, effective immediately, and
be it further
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints the following 2009
seasonal summer staff for the period June 27 - September 7~ 2009 as follows:
Colin Palladino (4th year) .........................................$12.99
Matt Marinace (lst year) ........................................... $9.42
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
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Vote Re~ord - Resolution RES-2009-531
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[3 Adopted as Amended William Ruland Initiator ~ [] [] []
[] Defeated
Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Alb~ Kmpski Jr, Voter "[] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Town Attorney
Authorizes a Refund (From Account H3.1189.10) to Peconic Abstract, Inc. From the Town of Southold in
the Amount of $4,400. O0
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes a refund (from
Account H3.1189.10) to Peconic Abstrach Inc. from the Town of Southold in the amount of
$4~400.00 in connection with its payment of the Community Preservation Fund tax, on behalf of
the Mattituck Fire District, on property in Mattituck (SCTM #1000-140-3-6) purchased by the
Fire District on 4/27/09 for a public purpose, as such transaction is exempt from the CPF tax,
said refund to be issued upon the Town's receipt of the CPF funds from the Suffolk County
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009-532
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Seconder [] 13 El 13
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Initiator [] 13 [] []
[] Tabled
Ai~e~ Krupski Jr. Voter [] El [] []
[] Withdrawn :
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Employment - Town
Police Dept
Hire Matron - Police
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Deborah Taylor
to the position of Detention Attendant - Matron for the Southold Town Police Department,
effective June 17, 2009, at a rate of $15.22 per hour.
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Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Vote Record - Reso ution RES~2009;533
[] Adopted ~es/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Pdnended William Ruland ,. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Albert Kmpski j; i~iii~i0~ ~ [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
Thomas H, Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt
Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Bid Acceptance
Solid Waste Management District
Reject Bid on Compost Bldg. Foundation
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rejects the bid of
Debut Concrete and General Contractor to construct a concrete foundation at the compost
facili~, in Cutchogue at a cost of $29,531., all in accordance with the plans and specifications
provided by the Town Engineer and with the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009-534
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Defeated ~iilia~n Ruiand Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tabled ~incent Orlando Voter [] [] [] : []
[] Withdrawn Albert Krupski Jr. V0[er [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P. Evans initiator [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] : [] []
Next: Jun 30, 2009 4:30 PM
CA TEGOR Y: Property Usage
Grant Permission to the Southo[d Yacht Club to Park Overflow Vehicles in the Town's Parking Lot at
Goose Creek Beach on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 (Rd 7/22)for the Carol Smith & JGJSA Qualifier Regatta
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the
Southold Yacht Club to park overflow vehicles in the town's parking lot at Goose Creek
Beach on Tuesday~ July 21~ 2009 (rd 7/22) for the Carol Smith & JGJSA Qualifier Regatta,
provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Insurance naming the
Town of Southold as an additional insured *u~d provided the cars are displaying a special
June 16, 2009 Page 15
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Southold Yacht Club Parking Permit and the yacht club contact Captain Martin Flatley of the
Southold Police Department immediately for proper placement of the permits.
· /Vote ReCOrd ~ ReSOiafl~n RE8-2009-53~
Iii Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tabled
[] Withdrawn Albert Krupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
Thomas H. Wickham Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt ~ui~h Pl ~v~; Se~hder wi [] ri []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Budget Modification
Remove Asphalt Resurfacingfrom Highway Budget
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2009 Highway
Fund Part Town budget as follows:
General Repairs, C.E.
Resurfacing Projects
DB.5990.00 Appropriated Fund Balance $100,000
¢' voge Record - Res0iution RES-2009-536
[~1 Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Initiator [] [] ; [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tabled
[] Withdrawn Albert Krupski Jr. Voter [~ [] [] : []
Thomas H. Wickham Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [3 [3
Budget Modification
Budget Modification Police Sick and Vacation
Page 16
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board MeetingMinutes
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2009 General
Fund Whole Town budget as follows:
Police, P.S.
Vacation Earnings
Police, P.S.
Sick Eamings 217,300
A. 1990.4.100.200
Police Retirement Reserve $ 319,100
~' V0i~ R~ed ~ R~i~ti0n RES-2009-538
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/NaY ~bstn!n Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Tabled
Albert Krupski Jr. Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn ~omas H. Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
U] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [3 [] []
Budget Modification
Budget Modification -- Capital Project
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2009 budget
as follows:
Capital Fund
Remove appropriation entitled Storm-water Mitigation in the amount of $20,000, which was
funded through an inter-fund transfer from the General Fund Whole Town.
General Fund Whole Town
Transfers to Other Funds
Transfer to Capital Fund
A. 1990.4.100.100 Contingent
$ 20,000
June 16, 2009
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Unallocated contingencies $ 20,000
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009-S39
~ Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Initiator [] [] [] · []
[] Tabled
[] Withdrawn Albert Kmpski Jr. Seconder [] [] [] []
Thomas H. Wickham Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Budget Modification
Budget Modification for Property Survey
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 2009 General
Fund Whole Town budget as follows:
Unallocated Contingencies
Town Board, C.E.
Surveys $925
Vote ReCord - Resolution RES~2009-540
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] DefEated Vincent orlando Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Albert Kxupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Thomas H. Wickham Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] ~ gl
Property Acquisition Public Hearing
Land Preservation
P&E LLC (Peter Harbes) Set Public Hearing
RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and
Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands) of the Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold
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Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 18
hereby sets Tuesda¥~ June 30~ 2009 at 4:32 p.m.~ Southold Town Hall~ 53095 Main Road~
Southold~ New York as the time and place for a public hearin~ for the purchase of a
development rights easement on properW owned by P&E LLC. Said property is identified a~
part of SCTM #1000-120.-3-11.11. The address is 5655 Aldrich Lane. The property is located in
the A-C zoning district and is on the westerly side of Aldrich Lane, approximately 1200 feet
south from the intersection of Aldrich Lane and Sound Avenue in Laurel, New York. The
proposed acquisition is for a development rights easement on a part of the property consisting of
approximately 18:~ acres (subject to survey) of the 22.17~: acre parcel.
The exact area of the acquisition is subject to a Town-provided survey acceptable to the Land
Preservation Committee and the property owner. The purchase price is $65,000 (sixty-five
thousand dollars) per buildable acre for the 18:t= acre easement plus acquisition costs. The
easement will be acquired using Community Preservation Funds.
The property is listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as property that
should be preserved due to its open space agricultural and aquifer recharge area values; and
FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned
parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375
Route 25, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009-541
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando [] [] [] []
[] Tabled A bert Krupski Jr [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
[] Supervisor's Appt Thomas H. Wickham [] [] [] []
Louisa P. Evans [] [] [] O
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scotl Russell [] [] [] []
Contracts, Lease & Agreements
Town Clerk
Rescind Resolution No. 2009-401
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 19
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rescinds Resolution No.
2009-401 adopted May 19, 2009 that reads as follows:
"RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Maintenance Agremnent between the Town of
Southold and Canon Business Solutions regarding the Highway Department copy machine,
commencing on May 24, 2009 through May 23, 2010, at a total cost of $692.70, subject to the
approval of the Town Attorney."
~ Vote Record - Res01ution RES-2009-542
[] Adopted : Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Seconder ~ [] [] []
[] Tabled ~ [] El Fl
Albert Krupski Jr. Voter
[] Withdrawn Thomas H. Wickham voter [] [] [] F1
[] Supervisor's Appt ~u.i~ P. E~ans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded SCott Russell Voter [] El [] []
Contracts, Lease & Agreements
Town Attorney
Lease Agreement W/Canon Business Solutions
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and direets
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Acquisition Agreement Lease or Purchase and
related Addendums between the Town of Southold and Canon Business Solutions, Inc. in
connection with the lease of one (1) Canon IR-3225 copy machine for use by the Highway
Department at a monthly cost of $107.61 for a period of sixty (60) months from the date of
installation, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Resolution RES-2009-543
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated ~ Vincent 0rlando Initiator ~ 12 El El
[] Tabled Alber~ Krapski Jr. Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
Thomas H. Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] : [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting .Minutes
Page 20
Town Attorney
Retains Frank A. Isler, Esq. as Special Counsel in the Supreme Court, Suffolk County Civil Action
Entitled "Nocro, Ltd. and the Heritage at Cutchogue, LLC V. Southold Town Planning Board, Et Al."
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby retains Frank A. Isler~ Esq.
as Special Counsel in the Supreme Court~ Suffolk County civil action entitled "Nocro~ Ltd.
and The Heritage at Cutchogue, LLC v. Southold Town Planning Board, et al." under Index
No. 09-19101.
Vote Reco,rd - Resolution RES-2009-544
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [21 [] []
[] Tabled Albert Krupski Jr. Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Thomas H. Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor~s Appt
Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] 12]
Property Usage
Town Clerk
NYSDEC Permission to Band Geese at Marratooka Pond
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Fish~ Wildlife &
Marine Resources~ Region 1~ to commence their yearly banding of resident Canada geese
starting in mid-June and continuing through mid-July at Marratooka Pond, Mattituck, New
Vote Record a Resolution RES~2009~545
[] Adopted Ves/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Voter [] [] [] []
12] Tabled Albert Krapski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Thomas H. Wickham : Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans initiator [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [2] []
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 21
Support Resolution
Town Clerk
East End Transit Proposal
WHEREAS the East End Transportation Council (EETC) was formed by the East End
Supervisors and Mayors Association in 1996 to address regional transportation issues; and
WHEREAS there has been public consensus to pursue transportation initiatives that involve a
coordinated intermodal hub system; and
WHEREAS in 2006 the Town of Southold supported the application for funding from NYSDOS
for an Intermunicipal grant to fund transportation-related planning and assessment activities,
which grant has been awarded and administered by the Town of Southampton; and
WHEREAS in April 2007 the Town of Southold, together with ten other East end municipalities
signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly pursue the evaluation of a coordinated
regional rail-bus transit network and appointed its representatives to the Council; and
WHEREAS The Volpe National Transportation Center was contracted under the grant to
evaluate two alternative models as recommended by the Council and its Technical Advisory
Group; and
WHEREAS in April 2009 the Volpe Center and EETC/TAG completed the first phase of their
study which recommended consideration of two models, namely the initial Coordinated Rail-bus
Network (Alternative 1) and a Flexible Transit Network (Alternative 2); and
WHEREAS these two alternatives were the subject of detailed review and discussion at the East
End Transportation Forum held April 27 at SCCC/Riverhead, at which time many participants
spoke in favor of Alternative 1; and
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 22
WHEREAS representatives of the towns of Southold and Riverhead are not convinced that this
model best meets the transportation needs of the North'Fork, and have identified several
elements they believe should be included in a North Fork Transit Concept as more fully
described in the attached memorandum; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Southold, together with the Town of Riverhead, hereby endorses
the following recommendations and directs that same be forwarded to the Volpe Center to
be integrated into the findings of their final document~
We need a transit service concept specific to the needs of the North Fork. We believe
this concept or model should be based on significant enhancements of the skeletal
services currently provided by LIRR and Suffolk Co Bus, and the original alternative
that met with approval at the Forum does not meet our needs well.
While a North Fork Transit Concept should take off from existing LIRR and Suffolk
Co Bus programs, we cannot expect those two organizations to meet our needs. It will
require a new management entity to provide the necessary focus on East end transit
A North Fork Transit Concept as we envision it would be largely met by Alternative
Two in the Volpe study, which was also presented at the Forum. There is enough
flexibility in that proposal to incorporate the key decisions that would meet our needs,
and the cost of Alternative Two is substantially less than Alternative One. We believe
Alternative Two is the best approach to attracting rider-ship in our towns and getting
residents to forgo their cars in favor of public transit.
The rationale for our conclusions is the fact that Riverhead and Southold towns have
extensive tracts of preserved land with relatively small hamlets plus downtown
Riverhead. The rail network is not well suited to meeting the needs of our residents
outside those hubs.
A North Fork Transit Concept should provide for increased connectivity with points
farther West at some time in the future.
and be it further
RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forward to the Town Clerk of Riverhead and
Thomas Neely, Executive Director of the Transportation Commission, Southampton Town.
June 16, 2009 Page 23
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Vote Record ~ Resolution RES-2009-~46
171 Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Absta n Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Rulag~l Voter [] [] [] []
[] DefeaTed Vincent Orlando Voter l~ [] [] []
[] Tabled Albert Faupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Thomas H. Wickham Initiator gl [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt
[] Rescinded Scoia Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Comments re: resolution 546
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: I don't believe that any of this will ever serve the transportation
needs of our town. I spoke against this in 2006 and I voted against it in 2007 and I will vote nay
now because I don't agree with most of the text.
COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: I vote yes because I think this is the kind of forward thinking our
town needs to engage in.
Property Usage
Town Clerk
Grant Permission to the Group for the East End to Use the Beach at Goldsmith's Inlet to Conduct a
Children's Ecology Program (Approximately 6 - 8 Children, Ages 8 - 10 Years) on Thursday, June 30,
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the
Group for the East End to use the beach at Goldsmith's Inlet to conduct a children's ecology
pro,ram (approximately 6 - 8 children, ages 8 - 10 years) on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 from
8:45 am to 3:15 pm and waive the parking regulations for two instructors' vehicles on that
date, provided they file with the Town Clerk a Certificate of Liability Insurance for one million
dollars naming the Town of Southold as additional insured, and contact Captain Flatley of the
Southold Town Police Department upon receipt of the approval of this resolution to discuss the
Vote Record - Resolution REs-2009~547
gt Adopted Yes,Aye No/Nay Abstain : Absent
[] Adopted as Amended William Ruland Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Albert ~pSki Jcl Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn
Thomas H. Wickham Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Louisa P, Evans Voter ~ [3 [] []
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 24
Support Resolution
Town Attorney
Opposes County of Suffolk Introductory Resolution No. 1546-2009 Introducing a Proposed Local Law
Entitled "A Local Law Establishing the Suffolk County Shellfish Aquaculture Lease Program in Peconic
Bay and Gardiners Bay
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby opposes County of Suffolk
Introductory Resolution No. 1546-2009 introducing a proposed local law entitled "A Local
Law Establishing the Suffolk County Shellfish Aquaculture Lease Program in Peconic Bay
and Gardiners Bay" and respectfully urges the County Legislature to not pass this legislation in
its current form.
Vote Record - Resolution RES~2009-548
[] Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Adopted as A~nended William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Defeated Vincent Orlando Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Tabled Albert Krupski Jr. Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Thomas H. Wickham Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receivegs Appt
[] Rescinded Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
Closing Statements
Supervisor Scott A. Russell
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That concludes the agenda, I would ask anybody that likes to
address the Town Board to please come up at this time. Mayor Nyce from the Village of
Mayor David Nyce, Greenport Village
DAVID NYCE: Good evening. I am here tonight on behalf of the Village Board to express our
concerns about the layoffs within the police department. Over the past several years there have
been stepped up patrols in the Village of Greenport which have been a great asset to the Village
as noted by people visiting there and the local residents. We are concerned that a decrease in
your staffing will immediately affect the Village as it is, at least during the summer months, the
most trafficked area in Southold Town on a regular basis. We are under a great deal of stress
the~re With the amount of people visiting. We love the fact that they are there but we need to
make sure the patrols are kept up. Also, concerned about the Bay constable situation. At this
point, my understanding with one guy out sick and laying off one, we would have one bay
constable to cover all the area out there, just basically, I want to voice our concern and I
understand that you guys are under a great deal of financial stress, everyone is at this time but we
are greatly concerned of the potential decrease in patrolling in the Village.
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Page 25
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. We actually have been having
very good discussions with the PBA. I think they understand the economic realities and we are
hopeffil that we can resolve issues with them and restore the coverage that is needed throughout
the Town.
MAYOR NYCE: Thank you very much.
Bill Walsh, CSEA Suffolk County
BILL WALSH: Good evening Mr. Supervisor, members of the Town Board, Town Clerk. My
name is Bill Walsh, I represent 3,500 members and employees throughout the county. All these
people here tonight, those are our people. Those are your people. Those are the people that
asked me to come here and speak on their behalf and quite honestly, last night we had a
membership meeting and you know, it is tough. I know it is not easy for any one of you either. I
want you to understand that. We know that the actions that you have taken, although we
disagree wholeheartedly, they can't be easy. It would be easy for me to stand here tonight and
attack each and every one of you for the decisions that you have made. But I believe now is the
time more than ever, on behalf of all the people in this room, I extend an olive branch to you Mr.
Supervisor and to you, members of the Town Board. I would like to propose that you set the
time, you set the place that we can get together and we can sit down like ladies and gentlemen,
we can forget what has happened over the last six to eight months, what ever period of time,
where maybe there were names being thrown around or characterizations of people that, you
know, not proper. It is time to sit down and really talk about what the problems here are because
these are people's lives. These are women, children, these are husbands. These are relatives.
This affects not only them people, it affects everyone left behind. It has to affect you. I know it
does. And it is going to affect the residents of this town and you won't know that until they are
gone. So I am asking you on behalf of all these employees and family members, can we sit
down, set the time, set the place with the entire Board. You know, we can sit and talk and see if
there is some way we can divert what you have already put into place. And I would ask this, if
any of you have any ideas that you think might be worthy of bringing forward that can save
money without cutting jobs, I ask that you do that. If you have any ideas now, clearly share them
with us. But most importantly, share them with us when we get together. So I would appreciate
that, you know, the sooner the better and I hope you will accept the olive branch, all of you, and I
hope you take this opportunity to sit down so that we can maybe work out and these people,
these families, don't have to be destroyed. Because that is what is going to happen. Thank you
very much.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. I will tell you not only do we accept your offer, we
have been asking for that for months. And I will tell you today, I would be prepared to set up the
meeting this week. We have plenty of options on the table that we would love to pursue but we
need help with you. I think that this economic climate is not unique to Southold, it is global.
And Southold has not been immune from the economic crisis that this country faces. If we all
agree to make small, tiny sacrifices, we can stay intact and get through this climate together,
intact; as a community, as a group of people I have been working with for 19 years. That is all I
ask was an opportunity to sit down and talk and I look forward to it. I would gladly set
something up for the latter part of this week, if you would be available.
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Page 26
MR. WALSH: Thursday is a better day or if need be, I could meet on Friday.
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Thursday is good.
MR. WALSH: I would like to give you my cell phone number, if I might, so that you can
contact me directly.
MR. WALSH: Thank you very much for your time.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you very much.
Donald Dzenkowski, Bay Constable
DON DZENKOWSKI: Hi, Don Dzenkowski, East Marion. I am also the senior bay constable
in the Town of Southold. I don't really envy the Board's position. This is probably the first time
in 26 years I felt that I had to talk to the Board about something. The position that, the 3rd bay
constable position that was abolished was established some 20 years ago after a fatal boating
accident in which two young lives were lost and the father was seriously maimed. Southold is a
town surrounded by 338 square miles of water, with 26 creeks, numerous bays, harbors and
coves. Since then, the bay constables have also been tasked with enforcing the ever expanding
wet land code, which includes all the tidal wetlands, fresh water wetlands. This ordinance also
encompasses the area within 100 feet of the bluffs lining our shoreline from Laurel to Orient
Point on the Sound and from Orient Point to Laurel on the Bay. As previously mentioned by
Mayor Nyce, since the abolishment of the Greenport police department, the bay constables have
also been tasked with patrolling that area. The Town Boards have always strived to make
Southold a destination luring tourists to our many parks and beaches. There are approximately
17 public and private swim areas from Orient Point to Laurel on the Bay with three public and
two park district swim areas on the Sound. Additionally there are numerous boat ramps on both
the Sound and the Bay, giving the boating public access to Southold waters. The swim areas
generate numerous complaints of jet skis, boats and skiers too close and sometimes in the swim
areas themselves. I believe the abolishment of this position will severely jeopardize the safety of
those using the town's recreational areas. This position has allowed the town to run shellfish
relay programs, conditional shellfish harvesting programs and allows the town the ability to
assist the New York State DEC with collecting water samples and daily rainfall data which
allows the town's shellfish areas to remain open and meet the Federal Food and Drug
Administration shellfish standards. Without the third position, some if not all of these programs
will be affected, which in turn will affect the town's bay man's ability to earn a living. This
position has allowed the bay constables to actively participate in operation SAVE which stands
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 27
for Suffolk aggressive vessel enforcement. The first year of this program saw a reduction in
vessel accident deaths to zero, which was an unheard of number in Suffolk county's history. In
2007, a seasonal position was added to the patrol force which allowed for some creative
scheduling, made it possible to combat the numerous complaints of fishermen on privat~beaches
and the litter that they left behind. I believe that due to these patrols and the summonses that we
issued, the problem has all but been resolved. In 2009 budget, the seasonal position was
eliminated effectively reducing my summertime coverage by 25%. The abolishment of this third
position will reduce my patrol by 50% during the busiest time of the summer season and by a
third the rest of the year. The third position assures that a bay constable is on duty seven days a
week, 52 weeks of the year. In a town surrounded by water, I would hope the town fathers
would like this to continue for the safety of its residents. In closing, I would like to give some
numbers. 338 square miles of water, if the shoreline was stretched out, would reach from Orient
Point to New York City and back. There are over 90,000 registered boats in Suffolk County,
with a large portion of those traversing the waters of Southold on any given day. Twenty two or
more private and public swim areas, with all the duties and responsibilities the bay constables
have, are two enough to afford the residents of Southold the protection they deserve? As a
taxpayer in this town, I am a lifelong resident, I have seen the Town purchase to preserve open
space so that people have lovely vistas to view, the town has bonded to purchase farmland to
preserve our farming families, they bonded to build a new animal shelter to care for the homeless
animals of Southold, they purchased the Peconic school which helped bail out a failing school
district and we might be or are now looking at purchasing Clark's beach from the Village of
Greenport which might help bail the Village of Greenport out. Why then can't this Board bond
to save 17 employees, their families and their families from possible extinction? Thank you.
Capt Joseph Frohnhoefer, Southold
CAPTAIN JOE FROHNHOEFER: Captain Joe Frohnhoefer, Sea Tow International and also
recently I have been appointed to Long Island Sound Area Maritime security committee by the
United States Coast Guard. One thing that Donny forgot to mention was the fact of Homeland
Security. Our bay constables are our ears and eyes on the marine or maritime domain awareness
program. Without them, god knows what could happen. There is more going on out here than
anybody knows. And the lack of one bay constable affects all of us. We don't do, as Sea Tow,
any law enforcement. We are not law enforcement people. When we have a drunk, boating
intoxicated person, let me tell you, it gets kind of nasty. We look for backup, we look for those
bay constables and we look for them to come out. It is pretty hard for a cop car to get out on the
water. But the bay constables are out there and they help us many, many times. In very tenuous
situations. By losing one bay constable, you have put on onus or a rope around the neck of the
one bay constable that is going to be there. We have got hundreds of miles of coastline to cover.
A lot of people forget about Plum Island, Long Island Sound, Mattituck Inlet, all the way up to
Laurel. A lot of stuff happens out there. There is a lot of crazy boaters. You don't need a brain
to own a boat, all you need is money. That is what they say. Now maybe you don't realize, a lot
of people in here, that the bay constable is CSEA. He is not PBA. We need these guys and we
need them badly. I will do everything in my power to help and see what I can do to help the
town maintain bay constables. Three doesn't even cut it. I don't know how you can run a 24
hour, 365, seven days a week with only a couple of guys. It is impossible. And we don't do the
law enforcement, we are not going to go out sometimes at night and in bad weather. We don't
have an obligation to go. So please, think about it and think about Homeland Security and
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Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 28
domain awareness.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I, you have been wanting to speak, Dave. I will get to you after this
gentleman goes. Let me just say, I agree with your sentiments with regard to the important role
that the bay constable plays. I have a list of 15 full time people and two part time people, I think
every single one of them is important. These are critical positions. We did not make decisions
based on the notion that we can somehow do without these people. We know it was going to be
hard. We have fiscal restraints and what we are looking for is, what would be nice is if we could
all sit down together and resolve these issues, work together and get through this critical
economic climate together, intact. But it is going to take help, it is going to take cooperation.
John Kirineie, Bay Constable
NATHAN ANDROSKI: Hi, I am Nathan Androski, I represent the Southold Town Bay men's
Association. I am president of it. I don't mean to beat a dead horse on the subject of the bay
constables but it, you know, it affects us. Like Donny said, the conditional areas and water
sampling. We lost a lot this year, just due to the state. Our organization is recently reformed,
beginning this year. I took presidency, one of the things we did this spring was the town allowed
us to do a relay. It is one of the things, we are trying to jumpstart a few of our creeks and you
know, I was looking to do projects like that every year. And it is impossible to do with one bay
constable. I mean, we are not allowed to do it with one bay constable. So, you know, it ends
projects like that and then the conditional area, and it is a big thing, the state took it away from
us. This past year we had no conditional area, which a lot of times for the past five or six years,
you know, I make my living solely off the water and other people that do make their living solely
off the water have depended on these conditional areas. And we, you know, thank god for
scallops last year. It didn't really affect us but you never know. and the state may give us these
conditional areas back, they are looking in to work their problems out there and if, you know, we
might get it back and we might not get it at all because we don't have the enforcement that we
need and I was told, if we do, we can only have it a couple of days a week and you know, it
presents, I depend on it. And there are other people that make a living on it, you know, we make
a living on the water and we depend on stuff like that and on a personal note, I don't think three
bay, you know, we have a lot of water in this Town and right now we've had three bay
constables since the end of last summer. That is ridiculous for a town that is surrounded by
water, to only really have two. I mean, we should have a lot more to make it safer out here on
the waters and that is all I want to say. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Captain Berson, I saw your hand up.
David B?, Charter Boat "Glory
DAVID BERSON: David Berson. I run the tour boat Glory for the past 11 years. Probably the
only certified Coast Guard boat on the north fork. I am not here to attack anybody but I am here
to bring up the point that the importance of the bay constable as the Coast Guard said to me
today because I called the Coast Guard and asked if I could get a quote from the inspecting
officers down and they basically said off the record, hey Dave, think about it this way. The
weather has been rainy, it has been terrible. As soon as the weather clears up you are going to
June 16, 2009
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 29
have boat to boat to boat to boat out there in Dating Harbor and Peconic Bay and you are going
to need as many people as possible on watch to make sure that there are no accidents. And we
all know the last terrible accident that took place, it was about 7 or 8 years ago, there was a fatal
accident out in the Breakwater, since then the presence of the bay constable is s6 important as a
psychological deterrent. When these yahoo's come in from where ever they come in and they
are barreling down the bay at 50-60 knots and they see the bay constable, they immediately de-
accelerate. I am not saying the bay constable could chase them all or get them all, but just the
presence of somebody in authority makes people respect that. My concern is a very selfish one.
I carry people that come out to the Village and Southold to view Peconic Bay, which is an
economic engine for this whole community and the baymen understand that and the last thing I
want to have happen is to have an accident because somebody is inattentive. According to the
United States Coast Guard website, operator inattention, careless, reckless operation, passenger
behavior, excessive speed, alcohol use are the four major causes of fatalities on the water. All of
these issues could be addressed even if we had somebody just sitting out there in a boat that did
not move. Just to be a presence with a blue flashing light. My hope would be that if we had to
terminate a bay constable, that we would wait until the end of the boating season and not the
beginning of the boating season in order to do that. In a couple of months the traffic kind of
eases out there a little bit. By September we don't have the kind of critical issues that we have
going into the summer and we all want safety and we want everybody to enjoy our beautiful bay.
And thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Mr. Tillman.
Art Tillman, Democratic Vice-Chairman
ART TILLMAN: Art Tillman, deputy to the Southold Democratic Committee. I just want it to
be known that at the next meeting of the Southold Town Democratic Committee, I am going to
propose a resolution supporting the CSEA and opposing the layoffs. I wouldn't say this ifI was
not confident of the people on our committee and I challenge the leadership of the Republican
party to also bring a resolution supporting the CSEA. Thank you.
Dean Yaxa
DEAN YAXA: Thank you. One reason the people come to the north fork or to Southold Town,
is for the salt water and water related usage. And I would urge you please, don't reduce the
marine police. The marine police, I don't know how many miles of shoreline but whatever it is,
they can't handle it now. If the marine patrol is reduced, people, I think, will say to themselves,
the police are not around. They will start taking chances. Taking undersize finfish and shellfish
in uncertified waters. The presence, which has been said before, of a full staff is a deterrent in
itself. Much, much money and time has been spent in re-seeding efforts, creating spawner
sanctuaries and so forth, when things get bad, people on the waters reduce their standards. The
Trustees would like to expand their jurisdiction out into the Peconic and Gardiners Bay.
Moorings, boat traffic, DWI's. This is a bigger area than the marine police have to cover now. it
is just impossible. And in closing, I want to say, if layoffs occur, the voters will have the chance
to say 'I told you so'.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Who else would like to come up and address the Town Board?
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Tom Skabry, President, CSEA
TOM SKABRY: Tom Skabry, President of the CSEA, the Town of Southold. As you can tell, I
am overcome by the sense of gratitude the public has demonstrated for us, the public workers of
Southold Town. But let's not also forget the public workers of the PBA as well. We all serve
the public, we all serve the public to the best of our abilities with what we are given. Yes, we are
suffering some serious economic problems and I hope these meetings, which will get started on
Thursday will be productive. We will respect each others positions, as to what we can and
cannot do, work around those issues and come to some kind of solution where we can maintain
the income that these workers bring to their families, as well as the chambers of commences,
when they spend the dollars that they earn in this town, to the store owners and everybody else.
It is a trickle down effect. I just hope we can put the politics off to the side and come to some
kind of a solution. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Who would like to be next in addressing the Town Board?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Nancy and Benja are flipping a coin. Nancy tonight? Okay.
Nancy Swastynowiez, Cutehogue
NANCY SAWASTYNOWICZ: Good evening. Nancy Sawastynowicz ofCutchogue. I want to
thank the Town Board for its support of land preservation. Southold has a great tradition of
understanding the importance of land preservation and I am thankful to see that this Board is
united in continuing our planning committee despite the increasingly difficult nature of
preserving land on the north fork of Long Island, our part of the American country. Recently,
Suffolk County legislators from Amityville and Islip proposed we raid a fund collected
specifically for land preservation and spend the money on property tax stabilization. The Ponzi
scheme by Dwayne Gregory and Carmen Malden lack any common sense. I am grateful this
Board took a position opposing this quick fix, which would be disaster in the long term. I know
this Board also realizes the difficulty of our present financial position, even I understand the need
to change how town government works in more ways than just having less workers, the budget is
being cut and the same time, the demands for government services are increasing. Diverting
funds earmarked for land preservation will result in collecting more taxes but also would result
in more town government expenses. We should be reducing, not raising expenses. Land
preservation, by limiting land use, benefits our entire community by providing open space,
drinking water protection and protection of the natural environment. Land preservation also has
long term economic benefits for town government. Councilman Krupski was right on when he
pointed out people tend to forget the large tax savings that come with land preservation. There is
less stress on the town highway department, schools, police, the list goes on. Less traffic, less
pollution, less garbage, more space for wildlife; just the beauty of the north fork is what the end
of the Island is all about. Land preservation is also about developers who only want to make as
much money as they can and then disappear. Even after they are gone, current taxpayers will
have to pay more to keep up for the tax breaks enjoyed by condo owners, which leads me into
the Heritage at Cutchogue, which would rather be developing housing for our community has
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chosen to develop a lawsuit against our community. It is not really much of a surprise that the
Heritage at Cutchogue in suing Cutchogue. This developer was never interested in developing
with our community. The corporation, Heritage at Cutchogue, is doing what it always has been
doing, developing for its private profit at the expense of our public interest. Now7 more than
ever, we cannot afford to let our common resources be overused and abused. The laws will be
challenged by the Heritage at Cutchogue. Our laws are good laws. We need more good laws. It
is unclear exactly what the lawsuit is for but it clearer that the lawsuit is intended to pressure
you, the Town Board, not to participate in what, in doing what you are supposed to do. Is being
civic minded wrong? Please do not cave into land profiteers. Please keep making laws to
protect the real heritage. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Just as a point of clarification that I have had to address
time and time again, the town has committed resources to buy open space. It was raised at a
meeting or so ago, why don't we stop buying open space to secure the payroll. We can't by law.
East Hampton tried it and they are facing crimes. They are facing jail. It is not allowed. The
voters voted on that specifically to be used for preservation only. They are unrelated by law.
Would anybody else like to come up and address the Town Board?
John Adamo, DPW
JOHN ADDAMO: Good evening, my name is John Addamo, I work as a groundskeeper in the
Department of Public Works. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I have heard a lot of
glowing praises of the PBA, of bay constables and they are all very worthy and very notable
positions. I have heard Bill Walsh and Tom Skabry speak to us about how we have to get
together and speak for one common purpose and that is the preservation of our town and the
preservation of jobs. I just would like to point out that we not only have bay constables, police
officers, we have some very common people here. We have groundskeepers, custodians, heavy
equipment operators, scale operators, clerks, these people, if they are let go by the town and their
jobs abolished, they will have a very difficult time finding meaningful employment in those
titles. Benefits surely not to be gained that they have with the town. A town that they have put
their trust in to maintain a fiscal responsibility so that they can serve the town, serve the public
and also serve their families. I want you to think about these people when you speak to CSEA.
Thank you very much.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Who else would like to come up and address the Town Board? Last
chance before we adjourn the meeting.
Margaret Skabry, Peconic
MARGARET SKABRY: My name is Margaret Skabry, I am sure I am going to embarrass some
of my family by being up here. I haven't been here since (inaudible) and I were much younger,
about another problem our town was having that we finally decided to stop being house mouse
ladies and come out and speak to our Town Board and Mr. Wickham was around at that time. I
just want to tell you that I don't envy your jobs, I don't know why you run for them, I don't have
a clue. i am going to have a target on my back for standing up here, I am going to be fodder for
the newspapers or a joke somewhere. But it is my responsibility to stand here and tell you that
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you are there because, you are there for us, okay? Now, I am not an accountant, I am not a
lawyer, I don't own properties other than our little ¼ acre and that is half his, okay? ! don't own
a farm or a family business. I just raised my family here the best I could, to be upstanding
people in the community and to do their best to work hard, which is-what I believe you were all"
raised to do and everybody here was raised to do. And to raise their families to know that their
families are not garbage to be disposed of the first time somebody makes a mistake. Which is
what the Board did. I am only a housewife, I never went to college. But I did hear stories about
depressions, recession, right Mr. Wickham? I am sure all of you heard those stories and read
them or even lived through some of them, like gas shortages in the past in the 70's. Maybe some
of you were driven to school by your moms and dads who had to wait on the lines to get you
there because we used to vote down the school budgets because we thought taxes were too high.
But the point is, we didn't make the mistake. We knew there were hard times coming. Why
didn't you? We elected you because you are smarter than us, supposedly. You understand more
about what it takes to keep this town running. We voted for farmland preservation, we voted to
take money out of our pockets for that. We vote for school budgets, even if we could be saving
some somewhere, we still do it. It is for our kids, it is for our families, it is for town. Okay? I
understand that somebody on the Board tried to tell us all you have got a bitter pill to swallow
and we didn't want to hear it. And we all started pecking away at you. Like, what do you mean,
13%, what do you mean more than 10% and we got all the infighting going and now we have got
I0%, which sounded better to most of because I don't like throwing money away any more than
anyone else. But you knew that things were going to get worse come the summer. You knew if
you have ever driven a car that the gas prices were going to go up, accountability was going to be
gone, we were going to need lifeguards. Nine dollars an hour to get a ticket to go into a parking
lot at a beach? Hey, I am seriously thinking about volunteering for that. I don't even know what
the minimum wage is anymore. Nine dollars you are saying for a kid? To go in and have
somebody go into the beach? I don't know what you are thinking. At any rate, you are wrong.
You screwed up. And you are not willing to own up to the fact that you screwed up and you put
a budget out there that you knew wasn't going to make it. And you are only talking about these
poor people being laid off until December? What do we have a boom town in December?
Nothing happens in December out here. Where are you going to get your revenues then? You
didn't put the fees on the vineyards and the farms for their parties years ago. Last week, that
lady, whoever she is, stood up and tried getting on you about that. She has been on you for years
about to do that. But oh, no. Because the farms and the vineyards have parties for the political
parties and this and that and I don't even want to know about the obligations you have once you
get in there. Every last one of you starts out to represent the people and that is why you run, with
a pure heart. But by the time you can get anything done in this town, you have been tainted
because you have a small circle of people who will surround you and they will get your ear they
will get your ear and as hard as you try, you don't hear the people of this town. It was explained
to me by Mr. Moore, I think it was, I remember when he was on the Board, too. It was explained
to all of us, for $50 a year, we wouldn't be here now. These people wouldn't be going through
the trauma that you have been putting them through week after week? For $50. Do you know
what that is? I have got a new label for you guys. You are really going to like this one. It is
pasta politics. That is one box of spaghetti a week. Per household. Would have saved these
people's jobs. The cost of one box of spaghetti. You couldn't ask our town, our citizens to give
up one box of spaghetti a week so that we don't have to worry about not having enough police in
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Greenport? Not having enough bay constables. You already don't have enough of these things.
Where is your moxie? Where is your chutzpah? What is the matter with you? Scott, everybody
is down on you now. I am sorry, I may be wrong on this but I think you were the only one that
stood up and said it is going to be more and you aFe still not even leveling with'rs because come
December, even if these people are gone, guess what? Then you will have to go back and say we
are broke, it is not enough.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I have leveled with the public and made it clear...
MS. SKABRY: I understand that. I understand you ....
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: And it is going to be worse next year. And I think one clarification
that needs to be made. These aren't layoffs until December. These were proposed as permanent
MS. SKABRY: Oh. So they are gone. Do they know that?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes, that is in all the wording. And let me tell you, I agree with a
lot of what you say.
MS. SKABRY: I want to know when did you notify them that it was permanent?
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We sent out letters today when civil service ....
MS. SKABRY: Today. Today.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: That is when civil service just gave us the confirmed list today.
There is a process and a policy that has to be followed.
MS. SKABRY: Today. You are finally letting the town know you are not just lay/ng these
people off. You are killing them.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: The individuals were just notified today. And let me tell you
something. No, no.
MS. SKABRY: Inaudible
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I have got a letter in my car, I have a letter in my car I have to
deliver to someone that I have been fhends with since high school and it kills me. I haven't slept
at all. I am willing to sacrifice. I am willing to forgo next year's raise, I am willing to forgo this
year's raise and did it. I am willing to cut my salary. I am willing to make sacrifices to keep
these people. I am willing to make small sacrifices. Are you? The CSEA members, who is
willing to make a sacrifice to keep these 16 families? I am. Who else is?
MS. SKABRY: I challenge this entire Board...
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SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: They all have. They have cut their salaries.
MS. SKABRY: You want to h~ar what the challenge is, Scoft? Let's see how sincere you are.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I have already done it.
MS. SKABRY: You have already said, part time employees in this Town, except for a lawyer,
don't get coverage. Right? Are you all part time? Give it up. Every last one of you. Give up
your coverage. Because when these people are, now cease to exist in this town, their family has
none. You have done that by not listening to the people. Thank you, Scott. And meet my
challenge, every last one of you. I don't want to hear another word from you until I hear you got
it. Good night.
Lori Salmon, Southold
LORI SALMON: My name is Lori Salmon, I live on Horton's Lane in Southold. My husband
works for the Town of Southold. I came here two weeks ago and I have the minutes from the
last Board meeting if you would like me to read them. I specifically asked, are these layoffs or
are they eliminations? And you said layoffs. Because there is a difference between layoffs and
eliminations. Eliminations means the job is gone. That is why I asked the question. Layoffs
mean that if, when we decide that we can hire these people back, those people have to be offered
the jobs.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: If and when we can hire back, they would be on a preferential hiring
list. Absolutely.
MS. SALMON: If they are layoffs not if you are eliminating a job.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I would need to get a legal clarification. I believe they are on a
preferential hiring list either way.
MS. SALMON: I asked if they were eliminations or layoffs and I was told layoffs. And I am
really, you know, I am really upset about that. I mean, you know ....
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: So am I. So am I. And let's work together, Bill Walsh extended ....
MS. SALMON: I am not upset that you know, you have decided they are eliminations, I am
upset that the answer I was given was not the right one. That is what I am upset about.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Then I will tell you I misspoke out of my ignorance. But to me, I
thought there was a clear understanding but the fact of the matter is, I don't want anybody to go.
We have made that perfectly clear, we need to work together.
MS. SALMON: I know that and I hope that everybody will work with that. And I think we live
in a small enough town and none of these people want to see anyone go. And hopefully we can
all work together. You can all work together. I am not a CSEA employee, my husband is. But I
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also, as Mrs. Skabry said, I had also sent you an e-mail and you sent me back a response right
away and I was grateful for that but I also, when, ifI go to work part-time at my job, I don't get
any benefits. I have to work full time to get benefits. Now besides maybe Mr. Ruland, I
understand he fs retired, but all these other p~ople work.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Let's get our information.
MS. SALMON: I said I didn't know is what I said.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Well, there is a lot of misinformation out there. We are talking
about things tonight, speculative...
MS. SALMON: How many hours do you work a week? A job. Not this. Although this is a job,
not this particular job, town board. That is the point I am trying to work. I mean, I know Mr.
Krupski, he is a farmer. Farmers spend more than 40 hours a week out on the farm. Mr.
Wickham, he is a farmer. He spends more than 40 hours. So you guys are all working 80 hours
a week so that you can have $20,000 a year benefits paid for by the Town? I don't think that is
right. You have no part-time employees in Southold who are getting benefits except the one Mr.
Russell spoke about two weeks ago when I asked that question.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Have you researched the information to make sure that your
statement is correct?
MS. SALMON: I asked Mr. Russell in an e-mail. I can print the e-mail.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I remember when you asked me the part-timers and to be frank, I
never thought that the Town Board was considered part-time. The State of New York did an
audit just a few years ago of hours served and the State of New York determined what was part-
time and what was full-time. I never viewed that. And I told you that in the e-mail. I don't view
them as part-time.
MS. SALMON: Inaudible. And I don't, I am sorry, full-time to me is 40 hours a week.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Oh, I believe they put in that, at least, actually full-time in Southold
Town is 35 hours per week by town schedule and they are putting in at least that.
MS. SALMON: Inaudible. Putting in 35 hours a week.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I have never been a Town Board member but working alongside of
them, I would disagree with that.
MS. SALMON: Scott, to tell you the truth, I think you do deserve benefits. I think you deserve
benefits. I don't, not that I dislike the other Board members, but I just don't think it is fair,
because if you have these other people out here working part-time, they don't get benefits. Then
make it equal. Because they are elected officials, that is why I Was told that they didn't get
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benefits. It was a matter of words.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Now the point I was trying to make, if you would listen, is have you
researched what Town Board members take benefits and what don't?
MS. SALMON: No, I have not.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Perhaps you should.
MS. SALMON: Why don't you tell me?
COUNCILMAN RULAND: I can only speak for myself. I don't.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: You know what I, an olive branch was extended just a little while
ago. Could we all get back to the spirit of that and work together?
MS. SKABRY: My name is Margaret Skabry. I would like an open vote as to gets coverage
from the Town. Mr. Ruland?
MS. SKABRY: Mr. Orlando?
TOWN CLERK NEVILLE: I work full-time. More than full-time. Full-time, maybe 40, 50, 60
hours a week.
MS. SKABRY: And that is absolutely true, Betty. Absolutely true. And you are full-time also?
So you don't count. You are the only one here that doesn't take coverage.
MS. SKABRY: I applaud you. Thank you.
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SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody else like to....sir?
Van Durett, Greenport
VAN DURETT: Good evening. My name is Van Durett, I have been a citizen of the United
States for 58 years. I voted for 40 years and I have lived in Greenport for 2 ½ years, so I am the
new kid on the block. I want to say that some words ring out to me and they begin by saying, we
the people, in order to form a more perfect union. I decided to come tonight because I got tired
of watching these meetings on TV, partly because of my schedule. I am director of the Center
for Environment, Commerce and Energy in New York. Look up my name on Google, the last
name is spelled Durett. I have a history in many of the areas that you have talked about. I stand
concerned that a lesson I learned perhaps needs to be learned by the Board and the union. When
I moved out here, there was a Montank daisy that was growing in front of the house in
Greenport. I asked my neighbor how to best take care of it. She told me the best way to take
care of a Montauk daisy is when you cut it, you make sure you cut it evenly. Because when you
cut it evenly, it will grow back stronger and better. So, I don't know your name, the young lady
that spoke, but I certainly agree that if there are to be cuts, whether it is in healthcare benefits or
in positions, let's make it even both with the Board and with the union. Let's move forward in a
way that sustains the families of this community. I am a Democrat, I will be transparent on that.
These are hard times, but I believe in that old time saying, yes, we can. We can do this and we
can do it in a way that honors we the people and honors the union. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I want to thank you for, absolutely articulate and eloquent way of
raising this. I do think we can work together and resolve this. I have hope, faith and confidence
in this process but we all do need to work together. And we all actually, all the workers here
don't work for me, they don't work for the Town Board. We all report to the same group of
people, it is the taxpayers. So let's work together on behalf of these taxpayers and get through
this economic crisis together. Who else would like to speak? Would anybody else like to speak?
Greg Schwitzer, Landf'fll
GREG SCHWEITZER: Greg Schweitzer, Transfer Station. Let's not forget, we talked about
the water. Let's not forget about land.
MR. SCHWEITZER: Disneyworld North over there, if you take a scale operator, co and a
laborer out of the landfill, which is one of the most popular places out here on the north fork. Put
you hand up. All right. You are going to have problems. You are going to be giving overtime
and that is no joke. You are going to be paying overtime. It happens now. Between guys with a
lot of seniority there, a lot of time off, somebody gets sick. We have done it with three guys.
We have managed with two guys, barely. It is going to cost money and the public, which is
Scott's biggest thing, I am sure it is for all of you, is going to be burdened, big time. They are. It
is just the way it is. Right now we have guys from the scale that have to go out and work the
floor because the floor guys have to go and do something else because there is a lot of work to
get done down there, believe it or not. And it is a very popular place. You can ask anyone that
comes in there. Guys are all over the place doing something. It is crazy. And mulch season
right now, it is incredibly busy. We serve probably 300 to 400 cars a day. You know, add that
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up from the spring through the summer and then your cleanups. Because they are out of control.
They are crazy. You know, thousands of cars. So, it is a lot. Now last night at the union
meeting, I asked everybody, in my opinion, I said, whatever standard we take with the Town, we
have to go to bed tonight and check your conscience at the door. You know, check yourself.
Most people are willing to give something up, work something out, do what they have got to do.
We are willing to, the olive branch. So I am really glad he brought that up. But I ask you to do
the same thing. It is easy to stand there and talk but when you guys sit at the table, you know
you are going to disagree. You know it. Let's get that out there right now. You guys are going
to disagree. So let's agree that we are going to disagree and start where we can find neutral
ground, somewhere, with Bill when you guys talk. Please. These people, 16 people, did not
create this budget problem. Technically, you guys did. Technically. Alright? She hit the nail
on the head. That is your job. I am not an accountant. Somebody gets paid a lot of money to do
that. But these things happen, it is not like you are expected to be perfect. The economy went
down, it hit me really hard. It hit a lot of people in this room really hard. Already, when the tax
increase came through, the workers of the Town also got a tax increase. So our taxes went up
already, with everybody else's in the Town. But we are working for the Town, you lose your job
for the Town, then you have been double hit and it is tough. It is going to be tough. I don't
know who these people are going to be, we have suspicions but you know what? It has been
agony, with this going on constantly. People driving through, you guys hear anything? I mean
the public is very concerned. Believe it or not. A lot of times, you would like to believe, put
something in the newspaper, the public will go this way. The public is very empathetic for the
Town workers. They are. They see what goes on, yeah, sometimes you hear negative stuff.
Hand in hand. But honestly, the olive branch has got to start with saying we disagree. Let's find
something we can agree on and make this happen, because I don't think any of these people
should bear the burden because of others mistakes. We didn't do it. But we are glad, let's try to
help and make it work. I am willing.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: We have been, thank you. We have been asking for that opportunity
since probably November and we are glad it is finally here. And we are going to take full
advantage of it and everybody is going to come to the table with an open mind. I can assure you
the Town Board has an open mind and I know Bill Walsh and I have dealt with him and I know
that everyone will be willing to listen and the dialogue is a critical component to helping us work
together. Would anybody else like to address the Town Board? Bryan?
Brian Weingart, PSD, East Marion
BRYAN WEINGART: I don't know if I want to, but. Bryan Weingart, East Marion. And full
disclosure, a town employee. I have been with the town for 20 years now, been through many
different Town Boards. I have been on negotiations once and as you know when we go through
negotiations, the Town has their stance and we have our stance. And CSEA, I believe in the past
has always been very open minded with the Town whenever it came and said, you know, times
are tough, we need to work things out. It was done with the health plan, way back when the
Town wanted to go self insured. The CSEA went with the Town because it was going to be a
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cost cutting effort. And we have been, we put ourselves up and we did that. When I was in
negotiations, the one thing that really bothered me was that I was sitting across from your legal
counsel. Never a Town Board member to deal with directly. I mean, it would have been nice if
it was one on one. We are there, town employees, negotiating with the town but nobddy from
the town was there other than your hired legal counsel. Which costs you money to do. I just
look at this now that, I am sure there is not any member of the union that is not willing to
sacrifice for their fellow members and that pretty much came out last night. I just don't like the
way it is happening. It feels like we are being strong armed. I mean, you are saying it is going
to be even worse next year. So what is going to happen? You are going to not have enough in
the budget again and we are going to be going through the same process again? Is this the new
way of negotiations between the CSEA and the Town? I would hope not. Because like I said,
we all live here, we love this town. I do more than my fair share at my job. I know there are
plenty of other people in this town probably do more than their fair share for the town, to benefit
the town and the town probably doesn't even know it because no one wants to say anything. I
put in a couple of extra hours here or there or something happens, we are there for the town. I
just don't want this to become the new way we negotiate. And I really hope that is not the point.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Okay. I appreciate that, Bryan. You, a lot of the CSEA brought that
to my attention when I first ran for this position. That you never got to talk to the Town Board,
they got to talk to counsel who was less than convivial. We changed that . You know we
changed that. We had an associate of that law firm start to negotiate and I was involved and
Town Board members were involved every step of the way we negotiated the contract. You
have come to us in the past, we needed to raise PSD's. We have agreed to re-open the contract
and give you raises, we even gave the union members an additional personal day. We have done
this, we have been convivial all along. We came to you in October to outline for you the critical
components. People talk about this budget being a mistake, it is the economic climate. We
didn't create the housing crisis that led to no revenue from mortgage tax which used to be over
$3,000,000 a year, is now about $400,000. You know, these are collective issues and like I said
earlier, this is the people we all work for, the people that are working this TV show. We can
work together to resolve it on their behalf, for all of our sakes.
MR. WEINGART: I appreciate that. Since you opened the door on that, when we gave the
salary increase to the PSD's that time, the Town's original proposal at that time was to increase
all the PSD salaries by $10,000 across the board. CSEA's proposal actually saved the town
money on that proposal. We worked to bring the lower salaries when we were having a problem
getting people to take the job, bringing those salaries up to a reasonable level and we did not
increase the higher salaries, only maybe gave them a little additional. Instead of $10,000 across
the board, spending $120,000, I think we decreased it to half of that.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I remember. And you remember that was not counsel doing that,
that was us, doing that with Pat and others.
MR. WEINGART: Well, it was a transition between the previous Board and then when you
came in we were able to get it settled. And everybody benefited on that...
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MR. WEINGART: CSEA worked with the Town and that is what we like to do and it is just that
we don't, you know, feel sometimes, this is kind of like a strong arm ~actic and we hope that that
is not going to be the wave of the future. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Who else would like to address the Town Board?
Linda Mysilborski, Greenport
LINDA MYSILBORSKI: Linda Mysilborski, Greenport. I am not a town employee, I am not
affected by this but I am here because these people are my neighbors. I recently lost my job in
the healthcare field. I can't imagine how hard it is going to be for a cop or a bay constable,
someone who works the scales, to be able to support their family. I have two degrees and I work
in the healthcare field, I can't get a job. These people have families. I was lucky enough when I
lost my job, my family was able to take me and my son in. I don't know if these people have
that opportunity. I pray to god that you can come to some kind of agreement to help these people
out because they are going to leave. I didn't want to leave, this is my town, I love it. I plan on
staying here and I am sure half these people want to stay here. And I have faith in you. I think
you guys can come to an agreement. I really hope you can because I know how hard it is. These
people have a lot more bills than I do. But I just want to say that I am here to support them and I
hope you guys can do something for them.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Who else would like to address the Town Board?
Every time I say last chance, someone jumps up. (No response) Motion to adjourn?
Motion To: Adjourn Town Board Meeting
COMMENTS - Current Meeting:
RESOLVED that this meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby is declared adjourned at 8:52
Southold Town Clerk
MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman
SECONDER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman
AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell