Minutes of Meeting held
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman Maureen Cullinane
Ray Huntington Chris Baiz
Monica Harbes Lillian Ball
Members Absent: Eric Keil
Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary
Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison
Stephen Searl, Peconic Land Trust
The meeting began at 7:12 p.m. with six LPC members present.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes:
Acceptance of meeting minutes from June 23, 2009
HOLD for next LPC meeting as John Sepenoski suggested revisions.
Addition to Agenda per Stephen Searl, PLT:
SCTM #: 1000-25-2-20.20 Zoned: R-80/B
Location: 950 Tabor Rd, Orient CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 10.15 acres (10.06 GIS acres) Subdividable: Yes
F/M Wet: 0 Halo: Yes
Reviewed PLT/landowner inquiry.
Landowner has contacted PLT regarding preservation options. Property is located within the Orient
halo area, not farmed and covered in trees and overgrown vegetation. LPC requires additional
information and review of property and will discuss at a future LPC meeting if landowner makes
formal inquiry.
Applications and Inquiries:
SCTM #: 1000-108-3-6.2 Zoned: A-C
Location: 2458 Elijah’s Lane, Mattituck CPF: No
Total Acreage: 11.32 acres (11.3 GIS acres) Subdividable: Yes
F/M Wet: 0
Reviewed PDR inquiry.
HOLD – Melissa has been unable to schedule appointment with landowner.
SCTM # 1000-53-1-1.2 Zoned: R-80/LB (3.39 acres)
Location: 68775 Route 25, Greenport CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 10.38 acres (GIS) Subdividable: Yes
FWet: 6.65 acres
SCTM # 1000-53-1-1.3 Zoned: R-80/LB (0.79 acre)
Location: 650 Albertson La, Greenport CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 19.1 acres (GIS) Subdividable: Yes
FWet: 10.66 acres
Status update.
Court issue has been settled and landowners ready to proceed to contract with The Nature
Conservancy, and TNC with County/Town contract in which County/Town will purchase fee title to
property with an undivided 50/50% interest minus the proposed house lot and lot line change
necessary to eliminate encroachments.
County ready to proceed with current accepted offer. Melissa was directed to contact County to
inquiry into whether or not an updated appraisal, an appraisal opinion, or a County re-review of the
appraisals due to time lapse between acceptance of offer and preparation of contract is necessary at
this time.
Applications & Inquiries for Uses or Structures on Preserved Property:
Melissa told LPC that Town Board at their last meeting held up audit (approval to pay for RCA). Jim
provided follow-up memo explaining RCA amount and cost for parking area improvements by Pavilion
Area and on another Laurel Lake property (Town Park).
LPC would like to verify Jim McMahon’s memo regarding amount of RCA blend needed for lower
parking area that is located on Town parkland, adjacent to the McFeely property. It was suggested
that a budget modification be made only in the amount of RCA blend purchase for the lower parking
area that is not located within property purchased using CPF funds.
Melissa explained that the Town received a grant award of $97,500 from NYS Parks, Recreation and
Historic Preservation for the Laurel Lake Preserve Area. The Laurel Lake Preserve Area is made up
of properties owned by New York State, Suffolk County, the Suffolk County Water Authority and the
Town of Southold. The Town is making improvements for preservation purposes within the Laurel
Lake Preserve Area. Improvements included within the grant award will be funded by the awarded
grant. The current Town budget includes the $97,500 grant award as a line item within the
Community Preservation Fund Expenditure budget Worksheet. The $97,500 is a grant award, not
CPF generated revenue. Parking area improvements in the amount of $1,085 are proposed for a
Town owned property within the Laurel Lake Preservation Area which was not purchased with
Community Preservation Funds. The grant award is not CPF generated revenue; therefore, $1,085 of
the grant award is being transferred to the General Fund Whole Town budget to ensure that CPF
funds are not appropriated to the improvements on Town land which was not purchased with CPF
Jim McMahon, DPW, has set a public informational meeting for July 23, 2009, at 6:00 p.m., to discuss
the plans for the removal of the residential home, pool, pool house, and bulkheading on the Bittner
property for which a $195,000 grant has been awarded.
Demolition plans that were submitted with application to the Department of the Army were reviewed
by LPC. LPC would like to know the finished elevation of dune reconstruction and to receive a
planting plan for their review prior to public informational meeting. LPC requested that Melissa contact
Jim McMahon for RFP status of submissions, acceptance of bid dates, and date when demolition
project is expected to begin.
Addition to Agenda:
Field inspection and findings by John Sepenoski.
John Sepenoski found that trails have been established through Tall Pines using green paint on trees
and laminated directional arrow signs to point the way. The Town has not established or granted
approval for anyone to establish such trails. He also noted the installation of laminated interpretive
signs, existence of two deer stands, and tags from winter deer hunting program were left on site.
Update from Lillian Ball.
Lillian Ball reported back to LPC on her meeting with the DEC – Sea Level Task Force. The task
force is suggesting that properties adjacent to wetlands be purchased for the purpose of protecting
the marshlands and wetlands. They anticipate that as the sea level rises, the marshlands and
wetlands areas will be pushed back and these adjacent lands will become the new generation of
marshlands and wetlands and in need of protection.
General Land Preservation Items:
Memo to Town Board re: $4 million Farmland Bond review and prepare comments.
Melissa distributed outreach excel sheet with sorted information. Outreach to begin focusing on
properties next to or in vicinity of blocks of preserved farmland acreage. List was reviewed by LPC
members for comments and personal knowledge of lands’ ownership.
MELISSA SPIRO’S STATUS REPORT [executive session re: status of offers]
P&E LLC (Peter Harbes) Town Board Public Hearing – July 14, 2009 @ 7:32 p.m.
Suffolk County Farmland Committee meeting – July 28, 2009 @ 6:00 p.m., Riverhead
Annual Town Board meeting @ Fishers Island – Wednesday, August 5, 2009
John Sepenoski would like to attend.
Next Regular Meeting:
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 4, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., in the Town Hall
Annex Executive Board Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. by the six attending LPC members.
Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary