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12/31/2000 & 1999
;EcEIVED APR 2 4 2001 ~o~nola Iown ¢l®rk NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEARS ENDED 12/31/00 & 12/31/99 JOSEPH W. IR I~IN, CP~I 6 Sterlington Commons Greenport, NY 11944 (516) 477-3011 (516) 477-9533 (fax) To the Board of Directors of North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. P.O. Box 297 Southold, NY 11971 We have reviewed the accompanying statement of financial position of North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. (a Non-Profit Corporation) as of December 31,2000 and 1999 and the related statements of activities and fund balance for the years then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. All information included in these financial statements is the representation of the management of North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. A review consists principally of inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data. It is substantially less in scope than an audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should__be made to the accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in conformity wi~ a~cepted / accounting principles. ~,~/~l~t/~ ~t~/,~N.~,~ .~ / ~JOSEPH W. II, WIN Certified Public Accountant April 19, 2001 Greenport, NY N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC EXI{IBIT A COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET PAGE 1 ASSETS Cash-SCNB General Checking Cash-NFB Thrift Checking Cash-Prud. General Trust Cash-Prud. Thrift Trust Cash-SCNB General Trust Cash-SCNB Thrift Trust CD-NFB MM-NFB&T Petty Cash/General Petty Cash/Thrift Security Deposits TOTAL ASSETS DEC. 31, 2000 DEC. 31, 1999 $ 15,392 $ 9,878 28,486 28,614 384,490 0 72,896 0 0 367,542 0 68,665 0 9,034 5,260 5,183 130 130 100 100 600 600 507,354 489,746 LIANILITIES Accounts Payable Deferred Income Federal Tax Payable Other Taxes Payable State W/H Tax Payable Disability withheld Sales Tax Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES 653 9,756 11,330 0 4,376 2,998 350 286 720 875 0 117 388 206 17, 817 14,238 FUND BALANCES Fund Balance League Fund Balance Restr. Town Fund Balance Restr/Bldg. Fund Balance-Thrift Shop TOTAL FUND BALANCES 400,086 404,903 ( 118,272) ( 108,373) 100,000 100,000 107,723 78,978 489,537 475,508 TOTAL LI~BILITIES & EQUITY 507,354 489,746 N F ANIMA2L WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2000 JAN. 1, 1999 TO TO DEC. 31, 2000 % DEC. 31, 1999 % REVENUES Dues Shelter Donations Trust Fund Interest Income-Treasury Interest Income Accrued Interest Paid Dividend Income Net Capital Gain (Loss) Fund Raising Events Dogs Dogs S-N Cats Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Sponsorship Income Town Contract Income Thrift Shop Sales Misc. Income ~ Total Revenues 4,237 53,195 8,897 I'7,667 5,346 ~ 41) f . %7,014 6,359 42,981 179 270 11,872 820 1,783 20 466 1,995 132,000 41,207 100 326,367 1.3 $ 5,730 1.8 16.3 ~,~ f? 5~,414 18.9 2.7 ~'1~ .0 2.3 O~ .0 1.6 10,717 .0 0,[ .0 2.1 ~ ~ 8,453 2.7 1.9 '[~ ~ ~c?~21, 385 6.8 13.2 ~ 16,052 5.1 .1 385 .l .1 1,430 .5 3.6 2,158 .7 .3 1,175 .4 .5 11,725 3.7 .0 585 .2 .1 356 .1 .6 1,175 40.4 126,000 40.1 12.6 40,124 12.8 .0 6,963 2.2 ~ ............... 100.0 313,827 100.0 EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Veternarlan Fees - Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Expenses Telephone Utilities Office Expense Insurance Advertising Professional Fees Bookkeeping Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage 38.6 15,515 4.8 16,321 5.2 9,375 2.9 9,700 3.1 22,252 6.8 28,119 9.0 15,950 4.9 13,929 4.4 2,645 .8 2,280 .7 1,922 .6 1,474 .5 508 .2 143 .0 3,811 1.2 2,733 .9 8,437 2.6 8,862 2.8 1,552 .5 2,270 .7 7,347 2.3 7,293 2.3 9,763 3.0 11,480 3.7 1,600 .5 0 .0 6,000 1.8 6,000 1.9 220 .1 334 .1 820 .3 3,039 1.0 2,005 .6 2,382 .8 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 JAN. 1, 2000 JAN. 1, 1999 TO TO DEC. 31, 2000 % DEC. 31, 1999 Postage Education Expenses Cat Medical & Supplies Cat Food Fund Raising Expenses Investment Fees Rent-Thrift TOTAL EXPENSES $ 1,457 .4 $ 495 .2 473 .1 92 .0 14,877 4.6 17,245 5.5 5,861 ~.8 2,636 .8 18,874 r~.8 6,594 2.1 5,052 1.5 4,115 1.3 71200 2.2 7,200 2.3 303,302 92.9 ~ 275,923 87.9 Net Profit(Loss) 23,065 7.1 37,904 12.1 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT League FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2000 JAN. 1, 1999 TO TO DEC. 31, 2000 % DEC. 31, 1999 % REVENUES Dues Shelter Donations Trust Fund Interest Income-Treasury Interest Income Accrued Interest Paid Dividend Income Net Capital Gain (Loss) Fund Raising Events Dogs Dogs S-N Cats Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Sponsorship Income Misc. Income Total Revenues EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Veternarian Fees Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Expenses Telephone Utilities Office Expense Insurance Advertising Professional Fees Bookkeeping Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage Postage $ 4,237 53,195 8,897 7,667 5,346 41) 7,014 6,359 42,981 179 270 11,872 820 1,783 20 466 1,995 100 153,160 2.8 $ 5,730 3.9 34.7 59,414 40.2 5.8 0 .0 5.0 0 .0 3.5 10,717 7.3 .0 0 .0 4.6 8,453 5.7 4.2 21,385 14.5 28.1 16,052 10.9 .1 385 .3 .2 1,430 1.0 7.8 2,158 1.5 .5 1,175 .8 1.2 11,725 7.9 .0 585 .4 .3 356 .2 1.3 1,175 .8 .1 6,963 4.7 45,724 29.9 40,392 27.3 5,171 3.4 5,507 3.7 3,179 2.1 3,234 2.2 9,995 6.5 12,586 8.5 15,950 10.4 13,929 9.4 827 .5 1,131 .8 641 .4 509 .3 169 .1 48 .0 1,152 .8 797 .5 2,327 1.5 2,232 1.5 448 .3 898 .6 2,449 1.6 2,431 1.6 9,701 6.3 11,095 7.5 1,600 1.0 0 .0 2,000 1.3 2,000 1.4 53 .0 111 .1 376 .2 1,199 .8 595 .4 749 .5 1,448 .9 422 .3 100.0 147,703 100.0 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPAP~ATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT League FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 2 JAN. 1, 2000 JAN. 1, 1999 TO TO DEC. 31, 2000 % DEC. 31, 1999 % Education Expenses Cat Medical & Supplies Cat Food Fund Raising Expenses Investment Fees TOTAL EXPENSES $ 473 14,877 5,861 18,874 5,052 148,942 .3 $ 92 .1 9.7 17,245 11.7 3.8 2,636 1.8 12.3 6,594 4.5 3.3 4,115 2.8 97.2 129,952 88.0 Net Profit(Loss) 4,218 2.8 17,751 12.0 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT Town FOR THE PERIODS PAGE JAN. 1, 2000 J~_N. 1, 1999 TO TO DEC. 31, 2000 % DEC. 31, 1999 REVEAPgES Town Contract Income $ 132,000 100.0 $ 126,000 100.0 Total Revenues 132,000 100.0 126,000 100.0 EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Expenses Telephone Utilities Office Expense Insurance Advertising Bookkeeping Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage Postage 91,448 69.3 80,796 64.1 10,344 7.8 10,814 8.6 6,196 4.7 6,466 5.1 12,257 9.3 15,533 12.3 1,654 1.3 799 .6 1,282 1.0 966 .8 338 .3 95 2,304 1.7 1,595 1.3 4,654 3.5 4,465 3.5 895 .7 1,136 .9 4,898 3.7 4,862 3.9 62 .0 385 .3 4,000 3.0 4,000 3.2 106 .1 223 .2 261 .2 1,543 1.2 1,190 .9 1,498 1.2 9 .0 73 .1 TOTAL EXPENSES 141,898 107.5 135,249 107.3 Net Profit(Loss) ( 9,898) 7.5 ( 9,249) 7.3 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPAP~ATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT Thrift Shop FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2000 JAN. 1, 1999 TO TO DEC. 31, 2000 % DEC. 31, 1999 % REVENUES Thrift Shop Sales Total Revenues EXPENSES Salaries Repairs & Maintenance Telephone Utilities Office Expense Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage Rent-Thrift TOTAL EXPENSES $ 41,207 41,207 100.0 $ 40,124 100.0 100.0 40,124 100.0 2,614 6.3 0 164 .4 350 .9 356 .9 341 .8 1,456 3.5 2,165 5.4 209 .5 237 .6 60 .1 0 .0 183 .4 297 .7 220 .5 135 .3 7,200 17.5 7,200 17.9 12,462 30.2 10,725 26.7 Net Profit(Loss) 28,745 69.8 29,399 73.3 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE, INC. CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR YEARS 1999 & 2000 Total League Town Bldg. Thrift Beginning. Bal. 1/1/9~ 437,604. 387,152. + Net Income 1999 37,904. t 7,751. Ending Bal. 12/31/99 475.508. 404.903. Beginning Bal. 1/1/00 475,508. 404,903. + Net Income 2000 23,065. 4,218. *Prior Period Adj. <9,034.> <9,034.> Ending Bal. 12/31/00 459.537. 400.087. <99,127.> 100,000. 49,579. <9,249.> 29,399. <108.373.> 100.000. 78.978. <108,373.> 100,000. 78,978. <9,898.> 28,745. <118.272.> 100.000. 107.723. *In October 1998 a CD in the amount of $9,034. was transferred to the operating account and incorrectly booked as a donation. The impact would have the following effect on the 1998 financial statements: Net Income would have changed from $25,846. to $16,812.