HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/30/2001 & 2000 R£L"EIVED NOV 2 0 2001 Southold Town Cle~ NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED 09/30/01 & 09/30/00 JOSEPH ~ IRWIN, CPA 6 Sterlington Commons Greenport, NY 11944 (516) 477-3011 (516) 477-9533 (fax) November 14, 2001 North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. P.O. Box 297 Southold, NY 11971 ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT We have compiled the accompanying statement of financial position of North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. (a Non-Profit Corporation) as of September 30, 2001 and 2000 and the related statements of activities for the nine months then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures and statement of cash flows required by generally accepted accounting principles. If the omitted disclosures and statements were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions, about the company's financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not infor~out s?h matters~] Joseph W. Irwin, CPA N F ANIMAL WELFkRE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET EXHIBIT A PAGE 1 ASSETS Cash-SCNB General Checking Cash-NFB Thrift Checking Cash-Prud. General Trust Cash-Prud. Thrift Trust Cash-SCNB General Trust Cash-SCNB Thrift Trust MM-NFB&T Petty Cash/General Petty Cash/Thrift Security Deposits Prepaid Insurance TOTAL ASSETS SEP. 30, 2001 SEP. 30, 2000 $ 28,559 $ 11,233 16,841 37,753 405,705 0 76,427 0 0 390,832 0 70,909 5,361 5,323 130 130 100 100 600 600 5,335 4,207 539,058 521,087 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Deferred Income Other Taxes Payable State W/H Tax Payable Disability Withheld Sales Tax Payable TOTAL LIABILITIES 7,288 11,330 930 830 0 1) 2,084 11,000 437 681 64 166 20,377 14,432 FUND BALJ~NCES Fund. Balance League Prior Period Adjustment Fund Balance Restr. Town Fund Balance Restr/Bldg. Fund Balance-Thrift Shop TOTAL Fl/ND BALANCES 415,922 420,785 0 ( 9,034) ( 124,256) ( 107,871) 100,000 100,000 127,013 102,773 518,679 506,653 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 539,056 521,085 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2001 TO SEP. 30, 2001 JAN. 1, 2000 TO SEP. 30, 2000 REVENUES Dues Shelter Donations Interest Income-Treasury Interest Income Accrued Interest Paid Dividend Income Net Capital Gain (Loss) Fund Raising Events Dogs Dogs S-N Cats Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Sponsorship Income Town Contract Income Thrift Shop Sales Misc. Income Total Revenues EXPENSES Rent-Thrift Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Veternarian Fees Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Expenses Telephone Utilities Office Expense Insurance Advertising Professional Fees Bookkeeping Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage $ 4,845 54,727 5,968 11,098 0 3,156 4,648 35,900 257 25 1,318 240 975 73 166 350 101,970 27,583 0 253,299 4 800 111 059 7 478 10 233 15 601 9 440 1 664 1 086 0 2,910 6,380 1,492 5,400 6,613 4,427 4,500 45 528 1,707 $ 4,147 33,841 5,258 4,339 41) 5,374 13,832 32,904 100 210 10,745 560 1,533 0 293 1,675 99,000 31,501 100 245,371 5,400 99,030 8,214 6,593 14,538 10,295 2,490 693 5O8 2,150 5,752 924 4,500 4,182 400 4,500 100 377 1,575 N F ANIMAL WELF~RE LEAGUE INC COMPAi{ATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 JAN. 1, 2001 TO SEP. 30, 2001 JAi~. 1, 2000 TO SEP. 30, 2000 Postage Education Expenses Cat Medical & Veternarian Cat Food Fund Raising Expenses Investment Fees TOTAL EXPENSES $ 913 $ 1,221 1,129 344 6,917 9,135 3,166 4,304 16,668 14,914 0 3,050 224,156 205,189 Net Profit(Loss) 29,143 40,182 N F A/qIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPA~qATIVE DEP~-RTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT League FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JA/~. 1, 2001 TO SEP. 30, 2001 JAN. 1, 2000 TO SEP. 30, 2000 REVENUES Dues Shelter Donations Interest Income-Treasury Interest Income Accrued Interest Paid Dividend Income Net Capital Gain (Loss) Fund Raising Events Dogs Dogs S-N Cats Cats S-N Memorials Guardian ~_ngels Rabies Clinic Sponsorship Income Misc. Income Total Revenues EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Veternarian Fees Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Expenses Telephone Utilities Office Expense Insurance Advertising Professional Fees Bookkeeping Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage Postage Education Expenses $ 4,845 54,727 5,968 11,098 0 3,156 4,648 35,900 257 25 1,318 240 975 73 166 350 0 123,746 37,022 2,492 3,411 8,297 9,440 330 356 0 922 1,384 487 1,800 6,613 4,427 1,500 0 193 526 829 1,129 $ 4,147 33,841 5,258 4,339 41) 5,374 13,832 32,904 100 210 10,745 560 1,533 0 293 1,675 100 114,870 33,009 2,738 2,196 5,962 10,295 734 219 169 622 1,480 337 1,500 4,176 400 1,500 23 197 466 1,212 344 PAGE 2 N F ~IMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT League FOR THE PERIODS JAN. 1, 2001 TO SEP. 30, 2001 JAN. 1, 2000 TO SEP. 30, 2000 Cat Medical & Veternarian Cat Food Fund Raising Expenses Investment Fees TOTAL EXPENSES $ 6,917 $ 9,135 3,166 4,304 16,668 14,914 0 3,050 107,909 98,982 Net Profit(Loss) 15,837 15,888 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT Town FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2001 TO SEP. 30, 2001 JAN. 1, 2000 TO SEP. 30, 2000 REVENUES Town Contract Income Total Revenues EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Expenses Telephone Utilities Office Expense Insurance Advertising Bookkeeping Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage Postage TOTAL EXPENSES $ 101,970 $ 99,000 101,970 74,037 4,986 6,822 7,304 6O8 731 0 1,749 2,768 989 3,600 0 3,000 0 225 1,052 83 107,954 99,000 66,022 5,476 4,398 8,575 1,630 473 338 1,245 2,961 377 3,000 6 3,000 47 7 933 9 98,497 Net Profit(Loss) ( 5,984) 503 N F ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 JAN. 1, 2001 TO SEP. 30, 2001 JAN. 1, 2000 TO SEP. 30, 2000 Bookkeeping Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage Postage Education Expenses Cat Medical & Veternarian Cat Food Fund Raising Expenses Investment Fees $ 4,500.00 45.00 527.92 1,707.33 912.52 1,128.76 6,917.15 3,166.21 6,168.36 .00 $ 4,500.00 100.00 377.12 1,575.09 1,221.43 344.00 4,751.50 2,993.88 4,281.64 2,038.36 TOTAL EXPENSES 213,656.39 205,189.11 Net Profit(Loss) 29,141.62 40,180.47 N F ANIMAL WELF~LRE LEAGUE INC COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT Thrift Shop FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2001 TO SEP. 30, 2001 JAN. 1, 2000 TO SEP. 30, 2000 REVENUES Thrift Shop Sales Total Revenues EXPENSES Rent-Thrift Repairs & Maintenance Telephone Utilities Office Expense Bank Charges Miscellaneous Garbage TOTAL EXPENSES $ 27,583 $ 31,501 27,583 4,800 726 239 2,229 16 45 110 129 8,294 31,501 5,400 125 282 1,310 209 30 172 176 7,704 Net Profit(Loss) 19,289 23,797