HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubrecipient AgreementSUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT Name of Subrecipient: Project Name: THIS AGREEMENT, made the day of between the (Name of Municipality) Corporation having its principal office and place of business at ยท New York, (Zip) "MUNICIPALITY"), and the with offices at (Address: # Street, City (hereinafter referred to as the "AGENCY"). ,20 , by and , a municipal (Address: # Street, City) (hereinafter referred to as the Name of Non-Profit Organization , New York, (Zip) WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Village/Town Board of the (Name of Municipality) by resolution authorized the execution of an agreement with the AGENCY for the services of conducting (Name of Program) WHEREAS, the MUNICIPALITY has received funds through Suffolk County from the United States Government under Title I of the Housing and CommUnity Development Act of 1974, as amended (HCD Act), Public Law 93-383; and WHEREAS, the MUNICIPALITY wishes to engage the AGENCY to assist the MUNICIPALITY in utilizing such funds; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the AGENCY and the MUNICIPALITY as follows: I. ACTIVITIES The AGENCY will be responsible for administering the (Name of Program) in a manner satisfactory to the MUNICIPALITY and consistent with any standards required as a condition of providing these funds. Such program will include the activities eligible Under the Community Development Block Grant program as described in Exhibit A - "Program Description and Budget" attached to this agreement and made a part thereof. II. CONSIDERATION AND TIME OF PERFORMANCE In consideration of the payment by the MLrNICIPALITY of the sum of ($. J DOLLARS, (Project Allocation Amount) the AGENCY agrees to implement the programs and provide the services described in Exhibit "A" for the period of ,20 __ through , (Start Date) (End Date) 20 funded under the Community Development Block Grant Program. THE AGENCY agrees to provide services as described in Exhibit "A". The MUNICIPALITY may extend or approve modification of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, such as are appropriate to the carrying out of the purposes of this Agreement. III. PAYMENT It is expressly agreed and understood that the total amount to be paid by the MUNICIPALITY under this Agreement shall not exceed $ Drawdowns for the payment of eligible expenses shall be made against the budgets specified in Exhibit "A" herein and in accordance with performance. IV. NATIONAL OBJECTIVES All activities funded with CDBG under this agreement must meet the CDBG Program's National Objectives of benefiting low- and moderate-income persons. The AGENCY certifies that the activity(ies) carried out under this Agreement will meet this National Objective. V. PERFORMANCE MONITORING The MUNICIPALITY will monitor the performance of the AGENCY against goals and performance standards as stated in Exhibit "A". Substandard performance as determined by the MUNICIPALITY will constitute noncompliance with this Agreement. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the AGENCY within a reasonable period of time after being notified by the MUNICIPALITY, contract suspension or termination procedures will be initiated. VI. NOTICES Notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered via mail (postage prepaid), commercial courier, or personal delivery or sent by facsimile or other electronic means. Any notice delivered or sent as aforesaid shall be effective on the date of delivery or sending. All notices and other written communications under this Agreement shall be addressed to the individuals who executed this Agreement at the address set forth on page one of this Agreement, unless otherwise modified by subsequent written notice. 2