HomeMy WebLinkAboutMulvihill, James - Camp Momoweta, Inc.TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. CAMP COTTAGE COLONY NAME STREET James Mulvihill Sound Ave. DATED July 18, 1961 Camp Momoweta, Inc. TOWN MATTITUCK~ N.Y. Your application for a Camp Cottage Colony permit was reviewed by the Southold Town Board on the llth of July, 1961, and (was) (~x~m~) approved. A permit is hereby issued to locate a Camp Cottage Colony at Sound Ave. Mattituck, N.Y. pursuant to application dated and the following conditions: June 22, 1961 TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD /s/ Albert W. Richmond Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD July 11, 1961 PRESENT: LESTER M. HENRY A. CLARK, RALPH TUTHILL, LOUIS DEMAREST, CORWIN GRATHWOHL, ALBERTSON, Supervisor Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Councilman Councilman ALBERT W. RICHMOND, Town Clerk APPLICATION OF JAMES MULVINILL a/c CAMP MOMOWETA FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A CAMP COTTAGE COLONY~ MATTITUCK~ NEW YORK. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I will open the hearing by reading the legal notice and affidavit of publication. "LEGAL NOTICE, Notice of Hearing. Pursuant to Section 20 of the Southold Town Ordinance providing for the regulation of Tourist Camps, House Trailer Camps, House Trailers or similar establishments, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on July 11, 1961 at 7:30 P.M. on said day upon the application of James Mulvihill, a/c Camp Momoweta, Inc. for the establishment and operation of a Camp Cottage Colony on property located on the south side of Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York, generally bounded and described as follows: Northerly by Laurel Lake, easterly by william Unkelbach, southerly by Cecil Young and westerly by Thomas Buchak. "Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. "DATED: June 27, 1961, By Order of the Southold Town Board Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk." "STATE OF NEW YORK~ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) F. Langton Corwin, being duly Sworn, says that he is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper printed at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Suffolk Times once in each week, for one week successively commencing on the thirtieth day of June 1961. /s/ F. Langton Corwin 3 "Sworn to before me this day of June 1961. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: 30th /s/ Stanley S. Corwin, Notary Public." Is there anyone here who wishes to be heard in favor of this application? JOHN McNULTY, ESQ.: I appear as attorney for Mr. Mulvihill. I hand to the Supervisor a photo copy of the Department of Health Permit which expires December 31, 1961, giving James Mulvihill, the operator of Camp Momoweta permission to operate the camp as provided by Chapter XV of the Sanitary Code. The original copy is at the camp as required by law. Also, I wish to present to the Board a sketch drawn by the Building Inspector, Mr. Howard Terry. This sketch is of the layout of Camp Momoweta. (Mr. McNulty described the sketch.) I will give you a little of the background. Mr. Mulvihill has operated this camp for the past 14 years. It is a boys camp. JUDGE CLARK: The cottages were erected 14 years ago? MR. McNULTY: The small ones were erected prior to Zoning, but the larger ones are new ones within the past three years. To go on, this camp is for boys ages five to 15. The camp has been approved by~e New York State Camp Organization, Parents, Vogue, Redbook, New York Times Camp Bureau, Herald Tribune Camp Bureau, Private Schools and Colleges Directory, and others. Mr. Mulvihill lives in New Jersey. He conducts tours for schools and prior to that he was a school teacher. Mr. Mulvihill has a well run camp, there have never been any complaints. Mr. MulVihill is the father of eight children and is a graduate of LaSalle College in Philadelphia. 4 Mr. Mulvihill is here tonight to answer any questions you might have. I believe he has complied fully with all provisions of the Camp Cottage Ordinance. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: The regulations have all been complied with you say? MR. McNIrLTY: Yes, with the exception of the fire extinguishers. There are several existing in the buildings now, however new ones have been ordered and as soon as they arrive they will be placed in the buildings. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: What is the distance between the buildings? XMr. McNulty when over the sketch and gave the distances between each building.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Are there any other questions anyone would like to ask Mr. McNulty or Mr. Mulvihill? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else present who wishes to be heard in favor of th~ camp? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone present who wishes to be heard in opposition to the establishment of this camp? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: One thing I wish to bring up is that some of the debris from the camp that accumulated had been thrown on adjoining property. Has that been cleaned up? MR. MULVIHILL: I cannot answer for the winter months, there might have been some ash cans around. H~ever we had $119.00 in damages to take care of after the winter resulting from broken 5 windows and doors in the cabins. I wouldlike to say that we had knocked down some of the buildings and there was some debris placed near Mr. Youngs property by the builder, but that has been taken away. MR. McNULTY: There is a garbage collector who comes in twice a week. For the record I would like to say that Mr. Mulvihill lives in New Jersey and he contacted a local building supplier and the building supplier contacted the builder to erect a new camp building. The builder demolished an old building and placed the lumber on or near someone elses property. That debris has been removed by now. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: I had heard that some debris was placed on Mr. Young's and Mr. unkelbach's property. MR. MULVIHILL: That has been removed. SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak for or a~ainst this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR ALBERTSON: Hearing none I will declare the hearing closed for the further deliberation of the Board. 01~ A T1EMPOF, ARY ~uthold in S~. oi.~ ~u.~ iV ?itla Del~r tmon t Address Co,missioner of Health of flealt~b ~iw~r~ead, SOUTHOLD TOWN ORDI~.-,~ICEi method PROVIDING FOR THE REGU- LATION OF TOURIST CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILER CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILERS, OR SIMILAR ESTAB- LISHMENTS. As Amended September 24, 1958 Section 1 Definitions. (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby de- fined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more tents, tent houses, camp cottages, house cars, or trailers usod as living or sleeping quarters are or may be locatod, said camp b~mg operated for or without compensation. (b) A unit is hereby defined to be any section or plot of ground, upon which is erected any tent, tent house or camp cottage, and/or for the ac- cermnodatlon of each automobile trailer or house car. (c) Camp Cottage is defined to be any small building of whatever ma- terial constructed~ having less than 350 square feet of enclosed floor area and used sa living or sleeping quarters and constructed and equipped only for (d) AutomoWile Trailer or House Car shall be defined to be any vehicle used as hying or sleeping quarters and winch is or may be mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled either by its own power or by another power driven veincle, to winch it may be attached. (e) Board or Department of Pub- lic Health shall mean any such Eoard or Department established pursuant to the laws of the State of New York snd entrusted ~qith the regulation, control and supervision of matters pertaining to and affecting the public health in the Town of Southold. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firms, associations, corporations or co-partnership to estab- lish, maintain or operate within the innits of the Town of Southold, any tourist camp on any lecation or plot of ground for uso of transients by thc day, week, month or season, whether a charge is or is not made, who does not possess a permit from the Depart- ment of Health and the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The permit issued by the Town Board sba11 not be transferrable or assignable and may be revoked for cause by such Board after a hearing. Section 3. Any person or persons, firm, association, corporation or co-parther- ship hereafter a~plylng for a permit and/or a license to establish and op- erate a tourist camp must first file with the Town Clerk a complete plan of the proposed can~p. This plan with the legal description ~f the property shown, shall be dra~n to scale and must show clearly '~he extent and area to be used for camp purposes. ~1 pro- posed roadways and/or driveways, of sewage disposal, plan forI ~c~2~on 12. Each tourist camp shall water supply and lighting, and each keep copies of ail records pertaining to proposed lecation or site for tents, tent i the management or supervision of the houses, camp cottages, and/or trailers or camp cars must be shown on such plan. Section 4. AI1 land used as a tourist camp shall be located on well drained sites of ample size, free from heavy or dense growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to insure rapid drain- age during and. following ram. Section 5. Each site used as a touris~ camp shall be provided with au sanple and adequate supply of water of safe sarutary quality, approved by the Beard of Health. Where wate~ from other sources than that of the muni- cipal supply is proposed to be used, the sources of supply shall first be a~proved by the Board of Health. Section 6. E~ch tourist camp shall 'be provided with safe and adequate provision for the collection and re- moval of garbage and shall provide a proper and acceptable sewer system either ~by eenneetion to a municipal sewer system, where such is available, or to septic tanks; all of which shall comply fully with all laws, ordinances and/or requirements prescribed by the Board of Health. Section 7. Each unit in any tourist camp upon which a tent, tent house, trailer or housocar is erected and placed and each unit in any tourist camp u~on which a camp cottage is hereafter erected or placed, shall be not less than 40 x 50 feet in area clear- ly defined by markers in each corner. Section 8. No cottage hereafter erec- .ted or pLaced upon a ilte shall be less than 15 feet distant from any other building. Section 9. NO trailer or camp car shall be located on any site where there is less than 15 feet between the trailer or camp car and other build- ing, trailers, or camp cars included in the camp. With the exception of cottages previously placed or erected, no cottage, trailer or camp car shall be placed witinn 20 feet ~rom the vroperty or high~ay line. Section 10. Adequate roadways or driveways shall be provided which shall be so located that each unit of the can~p is easily accessible thereto. Said roadways or driveways shall be ade- quately lighted winle such camp is oc- cupied and such ro~vays or driveways shall be so constructed and maintained that a dust nuisance shall not be cre- ated. All entrances and exits from the camp shun be well marked and so arranged that they will be easily een- trolled and supervised. Section 11. Each tourist camp shall be under the direct management of the owner or licensee or his agent or representative for whose acts he or they shall be fully resppnsible. The names of the persons entrusted with the direct management of the camp shall be flied for reference with the Southold, Town Police. camp which records shall be available for inspection. [Section 13. It shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager, to keep a register of ali persons accom- modated in the camp, said register to ~nciude the names of ali persons, their home addresses, the registration num- ber and description of their automo- bile or other vshicle. It shall also be the duty of the owner, ins agent, or manager to provide for the collecfion and removal of garbage or other waste materials; to proinbit the placing or storage of unsightly materiaI or ve- incle within the camp; to provide at least one 2~/z gallon soda and acid fire ex/~mguisher, or its equivalent, for each 5 units, so locatod that all units shall be within 200 feet of an extinguisher, to report to the Board of Health all suspected cases of comrauincable dis- eases affecting any occupant of the camp; to report immediately to the public authority all acts of disorderly conduct committed by any person or persons within the camp. Section 14. r/he provisions of this ordinance shall be in addition to and supplementary to the provisions of all other ordinances of the Town of Southold and where there is any con- flict between the provisions of this ordinance and any other ordinance, then the orang,nee providing the stricter regulation shah prevail SecUwn 15. On every Trailer Camp, a suitable planting shall be erected and maintained to screen the Trail- er Camp from public lands and pub- lic highways. Such planting shah be not less than five (5) feet high, the leeation of ~inch ahall be s~pprovod by the Town Board. Section 16. Each application for a per- mit shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Upon re- ceipt of an application for a perndt provided in this Or~ma,~ce, the Tesvn Clerk shall cause a notice of public hearir~g thereon, specifying the time and place thereof, to be published once in a newspaper published in the Town at least 10 days before the day of the hearing. Section 1"/. Tins Ordinance shall not apply to any territory included within the limits of the incorporated Village of Greenport. Section 18. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of an offense and shall uper~ convic- tion be punishable by a fine of not to exceed $I00.00 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months 'or by beth such fine and imprison- ment. Each day that a violation is per- fretted to exist shall constitute a ~ separate offenso. i~t~ce of He~ring ¢~ursaan~ ~ ~n ~ of the ~uthold TO~ ~dina~e ing ~r ~ :~a~n of ~ur~ ~e ~s or ~milar ~b- ~eld by ~e ~u~old T~n ~rd ~t t~ offie~ of the Su~e~r, 16 ~u~ Street, GranarY, New Yor~, ~ ~ld ~ ~ ~uly 11,~ u~n th~ a~pli~on Mul~, a/c ~ ~oweta,~ ~uth ~d~ of Sound A~ue, Mat-~ ti~ck, N~ York, gen.er~lly b~und-~ ~o~h~ly by Laarel La~e, .erly by W~ Un~elb~h, ~utherly by ~il You~ ~d~ w~ly by ~ Bu~k. ~ny person ~esi~ng ~ be heard' ~ the a~ve matter ~hould p~r ~t the ,~.e ~d pla~ ab~e~ ~cified. DA'I'~: June 27, 1~1, By .Order' of ~e ~ou~ho~ ~~ard~' W. Richm,ond ~o~ STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~ ss: ....... :~'......~..~.~.'.~.~.~ .~....~r/.._.!~.~.~:~.~~. ..................... , being d~y Swo~, says that ......... '~ ....... is ~nter ~d Pub~sher of the SUFFOLK ~S, a newspaper published at Green~, ~ said county; ~nd that the notice, of which the a~exed is a p~nted copy, bas been published in the ~d Suffo~ ~mes once in each week, for ............................................................................................................ ~ ~-- week~ .................... .......... ................... successively commenc~g on the ~-~' ~ -~ ~ day of .................... ~.~;~...~: ...................... 19.~L ...... Swo~ to before me t~s ....~;~..~....~ ~ ~ ~ ,/ .... ~-~~~ .................. I~EG~L NOTICE l~tice of I-IearLug ~ur~uauh to Section 20 of the Southold~"own Ordinance provid- ing for ~he regulat,ton of T~uri~t Camps, House Trailer Oa~nps, I~use T~ail~s or ~i.milar est, ab~ lishmenf~, a public hcaring will be ~eld by the Southold T~wn B~ard at the office of the SupervLsor, 16 ~outh Street, Greenl~rt, New York, in said Town ~0~ July 1961 ab 7:30 P. M. on said upon the application of Mulv~hill, a/c Camp Momoweta, Inc. for th.e establLs.h~nent and operation of ,a Camp Oo~tag,e Col- oily on property located ~ the south sid, e ,of Sound Avenue, Mat- titucl~ New York, generally bound~ ed and described as follows: Northerly by Laurel Lake, east- erly by WlL!l~am ~outherly by Oecil Young and~ westerly by Tk~nas Buchak. Any person c~esiring to be heard l on the above matter should ap-I pear at the ,time and place above specified. DATE~: June 27, 1951, By OrderI of the ~,outhold Town B~ard ! Albert W. Richmend Town Cl.erk. i STATE OF NE~,V YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY- OF SUFFOLK, j ........ :[:~.~...~.~:~:~:~.~.~.:..~:~....~.'.!.~:~:.,..:-.:~.:.?.:m: ................ , being duly Sworn, says that ......~!. ........ is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, bas been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for .............................................................. ~?..-~.-. ............................... week~ successively commencing on the ............ .~:.'.!iL..?..~.:~:~:~.:[..~[~: ..................... day of ................ ~:~..~ .......................... 19.~[.:.! ...... / ...... Sworn to be£ore me this ............. I / ,~-~ JOHN I~. MCNULTY COUNSELLOR AT LAW June 24, 1961 Mr. Howard Terry Building Inspector Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. Re: Mulvihill Application for camp cottage permit Dear Mr. Terry: I enclose herewith a metes and bounds description of Mr. Mulvihill~ property at Laurel Lake. Through an in- advertance, the metes and bounds of parcel 2 were left off the schedule attached to the application. I would apprecia~ it if you would substitute the enclosed for the schedule annexed to the application. Thank you for yottr cooperation. Sincerely, Jo~n R. McNd}ty Eno. To the Town Board of the Town of Southold Office of the rupervisor 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: Xpplication is hereby made by the undersigned for a permit to establish and ooerate a BaT's S-minor Camp known as Camp Momowota and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: Name of Owner: James V. Mulvihill (Laurel Lake ) Address of Owner: 17 Libby Ave. Pompton plains, N.J. (Mattituck, N.Y.) Name of person to be entrusted with direct management J~mes V. Mulvihill Location of ~roperty:S/W side of Laumel Lake at the Southerly end of a private road loaalng rrom ~ne sou~n sloa or sound Ave. at Ma%~ituck,N LEG.~L DESCRIPTION: See Schedule A armexed he~eto and nmde a part hereof. ~'L, tN OF CPM-~: ~DDITICNAL INFOR MA TION: / (Signature o/f ' pplicant 'ITUCK L.~.. ~.~. ~--~LIC :TiON FOR ~-ERMIT T S©UTHOLD TO~N ,---,, ...... oR'-OUDING Tr~R TL,~ RFGUL 7TiON Mattituck, N.Y. June 22 ,1961. (.?lace) To the Town Board of the Town of Southold Cffice of the Cupervisor 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: Application is hereby made by the undersigned for a permit to establish and ooerate a Boy,s Summer Ceres known as Cam MomoweSa and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: Name of Owner: James V. l;.ulvihill (Laurel L~ke ) Address of Owner: 17 Libb~ Ave. Pompton plains, N.J. (~attituck, N.Y.) Name of person to be entrusted with direct management J~es V, 5~ulvihill Location of ~roperty:S/W side of Laurel Lake at the Southerly end of a private road leading from the south side of Sound Ave. at Fatbituck,~' LEGAL DESCRI?TION: See Schedule A annexed hereto and m~de a pert hereof. DL.~N OF CPM->: A DDITICNAL INFORMATION: / (Signature of 'iSplicsnt PARCEL I. BEGINNING at a point on t~e shoreline of Laurel Y~ake formed by the intersection of the soatheasterly line of land of William Unkelbach with the shoreline of Laurel Lake, running thence along the shoreline of Laurel Lake South 6~° 11' 40" East 100 feet to a point and the northwesterly line of land now or f~merly of John Young; running thence along land last mentioned 5 courses as follo~? (1) South 20° 17' 30" West 289.60 feet; thence (2) South 35° 57' West 89.30 feet; thence (~) South 42° 2~. 40" ~est 133.40 feet; thence (4) South 47" 51' 1% West 219.90 feet and thence (5) South 46° !j0' 10" West 355.ft to the e£sterly line of Buchak; thence along the easterly line of land last mentioned North 20" 54t 25" Weet 665.60 feet to a point, thence ~orth 20" 59' 30" West 100.18 feet to a point; thence along land of Urzkelbach North 72~ 27' 40" East 551.72 feet to a point on t~e westerly line of a certain right of way lead- ing~ to Sound Avenue0'thence4' along the westerly line of said ri&~ht of way South 31° 3~' East 88.15 feet to a point; thence N~rth 5~" 21t 20" East 15.00 feet to a point which point is the northwesterly corner of is. nd of Unkelbach; thence along land of Unkelbach South 5%° 23' 40" East 16~.79 feet to a point, thence North 37~ 48' 20" East 200.00 feet to the shoreline of Laurel Lake and the point or place of beginning. PARCEL II. BEGINNING e~t a point on the southwesterly shore of Laurel Lake at a point 100 feet northwesterly along said shore line from the division line between the lsnd of Effie A. Kirkmp and land now or formerly of John Young and running frc~ said point of beginning along other land of said Effie A. Kirkup thi~ee courses as follows: (1) Ssuth 37" 48' 20" %~est 200.00 feet; thence (2) North 55° 23' 40" West 168.79 feet to a stake; thence (3) North 58" 21' 20" East 201.45 feet to an iron pipe set at the shore of said Laurel Lake; thence along the shore of said Laurel Lake, to the ooint of beginning, which is South 64e 11' 40" East 100.00 feet from the last described point. LEC_~L ~'O~ICE I~tice of He~ring ~lrsuant to ~on 20 of the ~uth,old To~ ~dinance p~vid- ,~ for ~e ~a~gn of, C~mps, H~e Tr~l~ ~ps, ~e ~s or ~lar ll~en~, a public ~ng will be h~d by ~e ~uthold T~ ~rd ~t t~ 9ffice of the Supe~r, 16 ~u~ Street, G~n~, New J Yo~, ~ ~id ~wn ~ J~uly 11, ~1~1 a~ 7:30 P. M. on ~ day u~n the ,appli~Mon of ~es Mulv~hiH, a/c Camp M~owela, Inc. f~ the ~bl~ent ~d~ ep~ra~n of ,a C~p ~e o~ on p~p~y 1~ on t~ ~uth ~e of Sound Avenue, Mat- tituck, New York, generally baund- ~ and ,descend as fol~ws: ~o~hexly by Laurel, Lake, ~ly by ~ Unkelb~h, ~u~erly by ~il You~ ~d ' westerly by ~ Bu~k. · nv per~n ~esiring to be heard. on ~e a~ve matter should pear .at the t~e and p~a~ able, DA'I~: June 27, 1~1, By Ord~ of ~e ~outhold ~ ~ard, ~bert W. Ric~ond To~ Clerk. STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, j ............................ :.~...~ ........................................................ , being duly Sworn, says that ........ C-~.../...... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenp0rt, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, bas been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ................................................................ ~d.,:..~: ........................... weekS. successively commencing on the ........... ~::~.:~.?...:~.~.~.:~ .................... day of ............... ~. !.~ ............................ 19.[:.! ...... ............. Sworn to before me this .....:~..~-[~. ....... ] / ~ . / /u..=.~ ~:.......:~.~ ~.~~ STANL~ S. C0~W~N Residing in gaffolk C0~lnty L~.GAL NOTIC~ NDtice of Hearing ~urst~ant to Section 20 of the' South.old Town Ordinar~e provid- ing for the regulation of Tourist C~mps, House Trailer Caa~ps, F~oase Tr, ai/qrs or $~ilar estab- lishments, a public he.ring will be ~*eld by the Southold Town Board at the offioo of the Supervisor, 16 Sout~h Street, Greenport, New York, in ~aid Town o~ JUly 11, 1961 at 7:30 P. M. on said day upon the ~pplication of James Mulvi~hill, a/c Camp Momoweta, Inc. for the establish~enb and ope~at~n of .a Ca~np Oott~ge Col- ony on iY~opor~;y ~oeatod on the south side of Sound Avenue, Mat- tituck, New York, generally bvund- ed and described as follows: Northerly by Laurel Lake, east- :erly by VfUll~n Unkelb~ch, southerly by Cecil Young ~d~ westerly by T~omas Buchak. -Aw person c~esiring to be heard On the above matter should pear at the ,time and p~ace able specified. DATE~: June 27, 1961, By Order of the Southol,d Town Board ,Mbert W. Richmond l~J30 Town Clerk.I STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, /~.~...~7~:~.::~::~.~.:.....~::.L!:k:f:~.~=~ ................... , being duly Sworn, says that ........ ~'.~; ....... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ............................................................. ~:..!.~ .................................. week~ successively ~.ommencing on the ............ ~..~.~...5:~:~-..¢.~ ....................... day of ................... ~ ~...~....~ ..................... 19. Sworn to before.~ me this ...../.-_:~, STANLEY S. \COltW~I~ Residing in ~.ffolk County LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Pursuant to Section 20 of the Southold Town Ordinance providing for the regulation of K Tourist Camps= House Trailer Camps~ House Trailers or similar establishments~ a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street~ Greenport, New York, in said Town on July 11~ 1961 at 7:30 P.M.s on said day upon the application of James Mulvihill~ a/c Camp Momoweta: InCo for the establishment and operation of a Camp Cottage Colony on property located on the south side of Sound Avenues Mattituck, New York, generally bounded and described as follows: Northerly by Laurel Lake, easterly by William Unkelbach, southerly by Cecil Young and westerly by Thomas Buchako Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. DATED: June 27, 1961, By Order of the Southold Town Board Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk°