HomeMy WebLinkAboutHodges, Bessie L.· SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTmenT OF HF~LTH _Camps &, Gen,eral Sanitation ~ ~O$ Southold To~ Building Department Department of Social Services, Hauppauge, NY FROM z James L. Corbin, Senior Sanitarian D~TE: January 24, 197h SUBJECTs .~ Brseze Co%ta~e.~ 7th Str~et~ Greenport~ New Yokk This Department has inspected the above-captioned facility which has been determined ~o be a roo~ng house as def~ed in Part 2~ of the New York State Sanitary Code. A Rooming HOuse Permit has be~n issued to the Operator, Bessie L. Hodges whose address is 32~ 7~h Street, Greenport, New York The ¢~pacity of the rooming house has~be~ determined to be 6_ people. The above is being supplied fo~, your information. NOTICE OF HEAItING Pursua~ to Section !~ ~ ltjl~iuth- ~ ~ s~~, New Y~ 2~o'e~k p~of ~d ~y u~n me a~~e for ~e ~b~ ~d/or o~on of a ~ ~ near (l'r~ the Towll~Of South- old, sue'Om ~ New, Yor~; con- P~ l~':~ the ~e ~ ~ ~e~ ~ of ~e. ~ of ~.f~t ~ 151 ~t m0~ or' 1~; ~ on ~e W~ ~ ~ven~ ~ 1~ f~t p~ H: ~ on the ~ f~ mo~ ~ 1~; on ~ ~ ~ ~ S~t 119 f~t, m~; ~ t~ ~u~ ~t~ S~t ~. f~t,' ~d 'on W~ ~[ ~d no~ ~or fo~ of W. Phel~ 61 f~t'~ or le~. ~ ~ ~d~ ~ ~ h~ on ~e a~ mt~ shouM ap~ at the t~ ~d p~ a~ve ~fi~. Da~: J~ 6, ~59 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS. Adele Payne, being duly sworn, says that she is the Associate Editor of the LONG ISLAND TRAVELER- MATFITUCK WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County, and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Matfituck Watchman once each week for ...... . ......... ~...,....,./...:z...weeKs successively, commencing on the '~ dav of .......................................... 19..,.~... Sworn to before me this ..... .............. ~..~...~ ............. ,y..--.:.. .: ............ day of . ~ ,.~:..~.....L. ........... ~ .............. Z.....~<. ...... Notary Public SOUTHOLD TOWN ORDINANCE °ROVIDING FOR THE RI!GUL TION OF T©URI%f C~M°F HOUSE TRAILERF, C'R SIMILAR EST.~:BLISHMENTS ~ERMIT NO. ~ THIF IS TO CERTIFY THaT '°URSUANT TO THE °ROVISIONS OF THE Y,B©VE MENTIONED ORDINr'NCE, Mrs. Bessie Lee Hod~es IX HEREBY ~UTHORIZF~D PND PERMITTFD TO ~rSTgBLISH, MAINTglN, ~ND OPERgTE F Tourist Camp ~T Flint & Seventh Streets~ located near Greenport in the Town of $outhold~ Suftolk Co. ~ N.Y. ~ known as "Sea Breeze Cottages" FROM THE D~TE HEREOF ~){~]~X~XX~UNLESS THIS ~ERMIT IS SOONER REVOKED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. Dated :~1959 at Greenport, New York. By TOWN OF ?OUTHOLD, N.Y. -- Superwsor PUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Greenport, N.Y. January 20, 1959. Present : NORMAN E. KLIPP, Supervisor HENRY A. CLARK, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman ROBERT TASKER, ESQ., Town Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. APPLICATION OF BESSIE LEE HODGES SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Now, we have a hearing on the application for the establishment of a camp cottage site. I will read the Notice of Hearing: Pursuant to Section 16 of the Southold To~m Ordinance providing for the regulation of Tourist Camps, House Trailer Camps, House Trailers or similar establishments, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Green- port, New York, in said Town on Januaz-y RO, 1959, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. of said day on the application of Bessie Lee Hodges for the establishment and/or operation of a tourist camp on property located near Greenport in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, consist- ing of two parcels of land generally ~nded and described as follows: PARCEL l: Bounded on the North by Long Island Railroad Company 154 feet more or less; on the East by the boundary line of the Village of Greenport 165 feet more or less; on the south by Flint Street 151 feet more or less; and on the West by Seventh Street 130 feet more or less. PARCEL II: Bounded on the North by Long Island Railroad Company 256 feet more or less; on the East 3 by Seventh Street 119 feet more or less; on the South by Flint Street 250 feet, and on the West by land now or formerly of W. Phelps 61 feet more or less. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place above specified. Dated: January 6, 1959. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOT~, To~rn Clerk. I have an affidavit of publication on this matter. Now, at this time, is there any person who wishes to be heard in favor of the granting of this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLtpp: Hearing nonw, is there any person present who wishes to speak in opposition to the granting of the application? CHAUNCEY HULSE (Greenport): I would like to go on record as being very much opposed to the granting of this trailer camp and the reason is very obvious, because I live in the neighborhood and know the type of business that is being conducted over in that section. Even though nothing has been proven there are many things which go on there during the summer which should be corrected over there. And I think if we grant this trailer camp it will be Just adding to the trouble that is already existing in that section. ~nd there are quite a few neighbors here and I think they will voice the same opinion as I. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Well, that is the purpose of the hearing. Is there any other person? JULIAN FEIDLER (Greenport): I am the closest neighbor and I am too in opposition to this establish- ment being erected there, for the mimple reason that there is an awful state of, I don't know, call it rowdyism exists there now as it is, and by establishing this trailer court, it would not add anything that would lessen the already existing rowdyism. And we have a few neighbors here, as M~'. Hulse said, and there were as many more that wanted to be here today, but for different reasons could not be here, and they are all opposed to it, too, and we can't see it would increase the valuation of our property by building anything like that, because we already have a slum area there now, and there is a movement to do away with that existing problem now. I have some photographs that were taken of the slum area that exist there now that they are t~ying to fight down. 5 (Three photograph referred to were received in evidence and marked Objector's Exhibits l, 2 and 3, respectively.) MR. FEIDLER: We have dates showing what business that is being run there now. Back in September 30, 1951 there was an arrest made there by the A.B.C. Board for selling liquor without a license, and since that ti~e there have been a number of arrests of which I would not have the dates right now, but I think they will be available in time, and numerous complaints have gone in. This morning there was a State Police Car and a Town Police car there,and that goes on on an average of twice a week, the Police are called up for one or more different reasons. Either for speeding, or as one of the neighbors indicated, that a murder was committed, and the Police went through there looking for him. So you can see the type of element coming into this immediate vicinity where this trailer court is to be established. We have homes and children, and it has gotten to the state where I have a daughter sixteen years old, and it isn't fit for her to walk the street at night. And as I say, other neighbors have children, and we 6 don't Just take the chance because it isn't safe. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I have a letter from Mrs. Chauncey R. Hulse: Dear Sirs, Because my daughter is sick I cannot attend the meeting. In regard to granting a permit to Mrs. Hodges for "T~urist" Camps I am very much opposed. The locati~ is Just a block from our residence. At the present time we have two houses across from us that rent "rooms" for transient men and women. All summer long there is a steady run all day and all night of cars racing up the street -- lights on -- doors slamming all over our lawns and even the "girls parading around in flimsy nightgowns! -- liquor bottles from the City" They leave these "abodes" and head over to the "Hodges Restaurant"-- and there is a continuous parade at all times. The rest of the time there seems to be a police car over there for some reason or other! Today I took a picture of the State Police over there with the Town Police car in back of it. Last Saturday the F.B.I was checking in regard to a man as a material witness to a murder in N. Y. City. In the house this State Trooper is in, is the house that the man living with a woman killed another, as you know~ 7 Also this summer one of the women came home drunk about 7:00 p.m., fell in the street and rolled a~ound with a man on top of her! Dress above her middle! Very c~ude perhaps but we have boys 17 and 13 and I don't feel this is the type of thing they should see! These are several reasons I feel a "Tourist" Camp would be wrong as we have too many "Tourist~" of this type now! Let's try to discourage these things and let the people stay in New York if they want to--and not come to Greenport in "droves" every weekend! Sincerely, kLICE HULSE. SUPERVISOR KLI??: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition to? REGIN~T~ HUDSON (Greenport): What provisions are there in the law to protect the health of the individuals that live in the area there? Are there provisions made in the Zoning Law? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: This has nothing to do with the a Zoning Law. This is^separate and distinct ordinance known as "Trailer Camp Ordinance." There is a Health Department certificate signed by the Commissioner of Health of the County, but the date expired on the 31st day of December, MR. HUDSON: having now? 1958. This is Just a hearing that you are SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That's right. MR. HUDSON: I have Just heard about this recently. I am not familiar with the facts. I mean the people still have a chance, if they think it is objectionable to put it into writing? SUPERVISOR KLI?P: purpose of in writing, Not necessarily. That is the the hearing, to record any recommendations or hear any person who wishes to speak in favor of or in opposition to. The hearing has been duly advertised in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance in the official papers of the Town. MR. SHIPMAN: In the first place, you can't have a sewer there. The village owns the easement. It is out of the village. sewers. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Water goes through there, but no As I say, this Health Department certificate was submitted at the time the application was made and has expired as of December 31, 1958. Natur- ally, the Town Board would not grant any permit if it had not been first approved the Health Department. At the time the application was made, the Health Department 9 had approved regardless of whether there were sewer connections. MR. HUDSON: To tell you the truth, I just heard about it. I haven't had a chance -- How much space is allowed for a trailer, etc.? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: This isn't for trailers. This is a camp cottage. This is an established place. MR. HUDSON: I thought it was to be a trailer camp. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: No, no, I have a map here, if you would llke to look at it. This is what is proposed and what the Town Board has acted upon. No further expansion or anything of that nature. Is there any other person who wishes to be heard? RUSSELL HARMON (Greenport): I represent my mother- in-law. We have to go out in the morning to pick up the beer cans and they go up and down the street hooting and hollering half the night. There of deck hands f~om the bunker boats, that there you will have twice as much. against it. is a constant parade and when you get So we are all SUPERVISOR KLIPP: There seems to be some misunder- standing here. This is not further expansion. It is a place that exists there now, and only things that are indicated on the map filed with the map is what we would lO lB approve or disapprove MR. HARMON: You let twenty-five come in and you will have a hundred following. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: It could be. MR. HARMON: We don't want that. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard in opposition? JOSEPH PICCARD (Greenport): I feel like the rest. MRS. J~MES HEANEY (Greenport): I feel the same as the rest. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I want to give you all you are here for that purpose, be heard. Is there any other person? an opportunity to be heard, if and this is the place to MR. HUDSON: In other words, this is to get the approval for something that is already in existence, and not to expand something further, is that what I understand? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That's right. MR. HUDSON: H~w does it happen to exist? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: The place was there prior to when we had any trailer camp ordinance or an ordinance applying to that or similar establishments in the Town. There are many cases of that where I might outline a I1 few like Spicer's Camp, Brown's Camp in East Marion happens to be one, and many places like that where there were camp cottage sites situated prior to the time we had any ordinance in the To~n whatever. ~R. HUDSON: Where something already exists what could you do about it anyway? SUPERVISOR KLI?P: That is for the Tour~ Board to determine. The Town Board is limited. It can't do everything, and doesn't do everything in accordance with everybody's thought on any of these matters, but when we have an ordinance, we have a public hearing before the adoption of the ordinance, and any amendments made to theordlnance, that requires a public hearing. That is the purpose of a public hearing for the people who wish to be heard, and the To~n Board decides whether to adopt, amend or check the whole thing. Their decision is not final and it can be taken to the Courts to decide. I Just throw this out for what it is worth. Once you have an ordinance and a person complies in every ~ay with the provisions of the ordinance, the Town~oard is mom or less mandated to grant a permit. An example of that is that within the past few m~nthe a denial on trailer camps within the Tow~ of Southampton, the two instances where the Town Board denied the application, I assume on acemnt of what they heard at a public hear- ing, and the matter was taken into the Court, and the Court reversed the decision of the Town Board and directed the Town Board to issue the permits because of the fact, a person who was applying had complied with everything in the ordinance. If the ordinance is not satisfactory, it should be changed. So the Town Board's determination, and no matter which way it is, it is not final. MR. HUDSON: 159 ft. by 30 ft. The point in questionis this: what is and has about 8 or 9 places and that makes it a trailer camp? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Camp Cottage Site. MR. HULSE: It can be added to, it is already there? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: No. Assuming we should approve on this we approve on the data we have in our hands now. MR. HULSE: In other words, no more buildings to be built? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: No. MR. HUDSON: I think the rumor around town was that it was going to be like an automobile trailer camp. SUPERVISOR K~.TPP: The~ would be no point in providing us with a map indicating all the buildings on there if 13 tomorrow morning you were to change the whole physical aspects of the place. I~.there any other person who wishes to be heard? MRS. HODGES: (Greenport) I am very sorry this gentleman spoke like he did. I am not open in the winter. I saw the two cops there today and there is nobody there. I have nothing to do with the places across the track. I have nothing to do with that, with the rest he said, and whatever he spoke of, he is speaking of some other place. I don't have anything there. I only open in the summer. There is not anyone there now. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I don't want to get into a debate about this. All we are supposed to do is sit here and listen. I assume that these pictures we have in evidence apply to the matter. MR. HULSE: Apply to the general vicinity. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: But not this particular place. MR. HULSE: The same circumstances. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: But not this matter we have here now. MR. HULSE: No. We know for a fact the Police have been ovem to the place now. MRS. HODGES: Haven't been over there for eight or nine years; I only have guests come out f~om the city 14 and I advertise in the papers and I have no business and that is really the truth. MR. HULSE: I have no personal feeling against you. MRS. HODGES: I know those people you refer to across the track. I have nothing to do with them. ~u make your complaint over there, but not my place. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to be heard? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: If not, we will close the hearing at this time for the further determinationof the Town Board. TOWN ElF SOUTHDLD OFF~CE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TDWN CLERK'S OFFICE SGUTHOLD, N. Y. TEL. SF'IIJTHGLD 5-2660 l~arch 19, 1959 Town Board, 16 South St Greenport~ To~n of Souohola N. Y. SUBJECT: Report of Building Inspector Oentlemen: At the request of Supervisor Klipp I have ~de an inspection of the premises at 7th & Flint S%~ Greenport, ~7.Y. which is the subject of an application by Mrs Bessie Lee Hodges for a "Tourist camp". The inspection wes on !~[arch 17~ 1959. I fin? that the buil(]in~s o~ the prepes~s are as shown on the map submitted, and attache5 to the file fel¢!er. ? of these bu,]dings qualify as Tourist cotta~es or camp cottages under the c~m~,.. ~, cottages· ordinance. At this time the buil'Jin? are being repsire~l aid c]e~ned and being put, iD order for the coming season. The grounds are also being c!eape~ up as the work on ~ .... in ' goo6 conf J. tion. the bud!d~ngs progresses. At this tir. e the p_~me=~, ara fairly I find that a pern~it for 1,~9 nas Oeen secure<~ r~ m the Co~>ntv ,,al.,, ?spt, ~, 'h ' before the ~or *'-~, : o[era?ion of_ u e camp~ '~': due apy]]catioil for Town ~ermit. ~s now Town Boar8 for consi~erstion. These cott~fes were built before the requirment of rr~Tu]ar 8riveways was taera~ ere is made part of the ordinal, ce regulating these establishments, ' '~ there no ~efinately estab!ish~C ~rivewaFs as such. ~ov'ever ~here is a parking space on each s~de of 7th st ample for the needs of the camp, also there are spaces a~]oinirg mos~ of t:e buii~ings which have been use~ for guests p~r~ing in t~e past~ there are no sign~ mn, ]ca~in~ these periling ~poc~ or ~nu in view of the construction prior to the adoption of the or~insnce I feel that signs in~icating such areas might ~ · x~ar~ wished her to ~r~ ~oc~es ten~ to be somwhat con. using, however if ire Town u ~ ~- ~ ~n~ for ~he have signs made an~ erecter~ ~ndlcat~ng the la~rger~ p~zk,n~ ar~as restaurant operat%on has ar~arently been one in the ?ib]~c streets, an~ w?] in all probability continue ~s C]~ere is little available m~ce for sa~e,o~) h~r rrey~?%y. I hs~p inc]c ..... in re~ ink or ~na attache~ nap +~%p ]occaSion of the fire extiu~ui~hers~ rTrs ?o~e~ ~ k~s_ ~r~urchas~ Z General "she-fog" CO2 extinguishers of capacity sn~~ will ~e~rt ti~em in locations ~h~ n, also showu ar~ the locations of ~bp lights ~'-~,"~ i]]u~ix, ate th~ areas. I can~ot state ~+h~' ~e? a~e I ha~.~e not s~rl' t'em lit a: nfght~ It i~ ?,ss~blc tka~ they maw need larger bulbs is ~ .~1~ r~rponsP)q.e ~or ~,~. ,, ~ ..... n , ~'e ca"ip or court. 6 new garbage ca~ ?r~rnesis. They have [r~ the ~ast ~sk,~n +~?~ o,.'n ,'~-~ to +~ lip tbs ~r~,c I.J A' +''-~ ' sa-:']e ef +h'~ re~istrati::,n ca-, s used fo? r,?'isterfn' ~) TEL. sr-ILITHOLD 5-2660 TOWN DF SDUTHOLD OFFICE OF' BUILDINB INSF~EOTO~ TOWN I~.LERK'E~ r'IFFIEE E~nLITHDLD, N. Y, IMSPECTORS PEPORT PAGE 2 their car licence etc. ~s Hodges states that she has records for past years on file. I believe t~hat this covers a report on all of the requirements of the ordinanee~ however I think that it would be in order also to report that the public streets need clearing up and some work done on them, there is an accumilation of grass and weeds on one dead end, and tb~t on ~he west ~nd of Flint st the road is soft and at times impassable to reach some of the par~ing area of the premises in question. Respectfuly submitted Howard ~erry Building Inspector. SOUTHOLDTO)~'N ORDIN~EI method o~ sew~e disposal, plan for I~ater supply and ~ght~, and each PROVIDING FOR THE REGU-~ ~oc~tion or ~te ~or ten~, tout ~TION OF TOURIST G~PS, ho~, ~P centares, ~d/or ~r~ers or camp c~s must be sh~ on such T~ O~ ~ ~TA~- s~tion 4. ~ land ~ed ~ a touris~ LI~ME~. camp ~ be lcoat~ on we~ &~ed sites of am~le ~, free from heavy As Amended September 24, 1958 Secsion i l)efinltions. (al A Tourist Camp is hereby de- fined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more t~hts, tent houses, comp cottages, house cars, or trailers used as llvi~ or sleepto, g quarters are or may Be located, said camp being operated for or without compensatton. (bi A unit is hereby defined to be any section or plot of ground, upon which ts erected any tent, tent house or camp cottage, and/or for the ac- cco~iatlon of each automobile trailer or house car. (c) Camp Cottage is defined to be any s~aall b~l,Jn~ of whatever ma- terial constructed having less than 350 sqnsxe feet of enclosed floor area and ~'~ used as living or sleeping quarters and constructed and equipped only for seasonal occupancy. (d) Automobile Trailer or House Car shall be defined to be any vehicle used as llv~g or sleeping quarters and which is or nmy be mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled etther by its own power or by another power driven vehicle, to which it may be attached. ~ (e) Board or Department of Pub- llc Health shall mean any such Board or Department established pursuant to the laws of the State of New York and ~ntrusted with the regnlatlon, control and supervision of matters pertaining to and affecting the public health in the Town of Southold. Section 2. It ~h,~, be unlawful for any porson, persous, firms, associations, corporations or co-partnership to estab- lish, mainteJn or operate within the lhnlts of the Town of Southald, any tenrlst camp on any location or plot of ground for use of transients by the day, week, month or season, whether a charge is or is not made, who doe~ not possess a permit from the Depart- ment of Health and the Town Board of the Town of Southcld. The ~ermit issued by the Town ~oard shall not be ~-ansferr~ble or assignable and may be revoke~ for cause by such Board ' n 3. Any person or ~ersons, firm, association, cm~paration or co-partner- ship hereto*ret applying for a permit and/or a lleeuse to ~ and op- erate a tourist camp must first file with the Town Clerk a complete plan of the proposec~ cam~. This plan with the legal dsecrlptien of the property sho~vn, ~han be drs~rn to scale and must show clearly tho extent and area to be used for comp purposes. All pro- pezed roadways and/or driveways, The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to in~ure rapid drain- age during anc~ following rain. approved by.he Board of Health. comply fully with all laws, ordinances and/or requirements prescribed by the camp u~on which a camp cottage is there is less than 15 feet between the ated. All entrances and exits from the arranged that they ~ be ~aslly be under the d~lrect rn~.n~ernent of ~on 12. Each tourist camp shall keep copies of all records pertaining to the nmnagement or supervision of [he camp which records shall be available for inspection. Section 13.~ shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager, to keep a register of ail persons acoom- modatod In the camp, said register to include the no~nes of all persons, their home a~td~esses, the registration num- ber and deecr~ption of their automo- bile or other vehicle. It ~h.l~ also be the duty of the owner, his agent, or manager to provide for the coilectlon and removal of garbage or other waste materlaic; to prohibit the placing or storage of unsightly m~risl or ve- htcle within the camp; to provide at least one 2~ gallon soda and acid ~ire extinguisher, or its equivalent, for each 5 units, co located that all units shall be within 200 feet of an extinguisher, to report to the Board of Health all casee of communicable cLiseases or suspected cases of comm~micable dis- easee affecting any occupant of the can~; to report immediately to the public authority all acts of disorderly conduct committad by any person or persons within the camp. Section 14. ri'he provisions of this or,~na,~ee shall ,be in addition to and supplementary to the provisiens of all other ordinances of the Town of Southoid and where there is any con- flict between the provisions of this ordtn~,lee and any Other ord4nst~ee, then the Ordinance l~0~d~n_~ the stricter regulation ~h~.. prevail. Section 15. On every Trailer Camp, a suitable planting ~h~,l! be erected er Camp from public lands and pub- Itc bt_ghways. Such planting ~h~! be not less than five (5) feet high, the locatton of w~ich ~ha. be approved by the Town Board. Section 16. Each application for a per- mit shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Upon re- ceipt of an application for a permit provided in this Ordt,~ance, the Town Clerk shall cause a notice of public hear~g thereon, spec~ying the time and place thereof, to be published once in a newspaper published in the Town at least 10 days before the day of the hearing. Section 17. This Ordinance shall not apply to any te~tory included within the limits of the incorporated Village of Greenport. Scotion 18. Any person, firm, or corporation who ~h~. violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions i of this ordt-a~ee, shall be guilty of an offense and shall upon convic- tion be punisimble by a ~ine of not to exceed $I00.00 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Each day that a violation Is per- misted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SOUTHOLDTOWNORDINZv~;E method c,£ sewage disposal, plan for water supply and lighting, and each PROVIDIHG [:OR THE REGU- proposed location or site for tents, tent LATION OF TOURIST CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILER CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILERS, OR SIMILAR ESTAB- LISHMENTS. As Amended September 24, 1958 Section 1 Definitions. (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby de- fined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more tents, tent houses, camp cottages, house cars, or trailers nse~ as Uving or sieel~m~ quarters are or may be located, said camp being operated for or without compensation. (b) A unit is hereby defined to be any section or plot of ground, upenj which is erected any tent, tent house[ or camp cottage, and/or for the ac- houses, camp cottages, and/or trailers or camp cars must be shown on such plan. Section 4. All land used as a tourist camp shall be located on well drained sites of ample size, free from heavy or dense growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to Insure rapid drain- age during and following ram. Section 5. Each site used as a touris~ camp shall be provided with an ample and adequate supply of water of sanitary quaUty, approved by the Board of Health. Where wate~ from other sources than that of the muni- cipal supply is proposed to be used, the sources of supply shaU first be ,~opreved by the Board of Health. Section 6. Each tourist camp shall ~be provided with safe and adequate k~on 12. Each tourist camp shaU ocp copies of aU records pertaining to the management or supervision of the camp ~vhich records shall be available for inspection., Section 13. It shall be the duty of the owner, bis agent or manager, to keep a register of ail persons accom- modated in the camp, said register to include the names of aU persons, their home addresses, the registration num- ber and description of their automo- bile or othel' vehicle. It shall also be the duty of the owner, his agent, or manager to provide for the collection and removal of garbage or other waste materials; to prohibit the placing or storage of unsightly material or~- hicle within the camp; to provide~at least one 2% gallon soda and ac~d gire extingnisilsi', or its equivalent, for each 5 units, so ,located that ail unite shalle,,~ be ~ithin 20~ feet of an extinguisher,,~ to report to the Board of Health all- (c) ~ is defined to be any small b~n_~, of whatever ma- terial constructec'~ having less than 350 squ~re feet of enclosed floor area and used aa living or sleeping quarters and constructed and equipped only for seasonal occupancy. (dl Automobile Trailer or House Car shall be defined to be any vehicle used as llvl~ or sleeping quarters and and Is or may be propeilod either by driven vehicle, to which it may be attached. (el Board or Dopartment of Pub- lic Health shall mcan any such Board or Department established pursuant to the laws of the State of New York and entrusted with the regulation, control and supervision of matters pertainin~ to and affecting the pt~blic health in the Town of Southold. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firms, associations, corporations or co-partnership to estab- lish, maintain or operate within the limits of the Town of Southold, any tourist cam9 on any location or plot of ground for use of transients by th~ day, week, month or season, whethsi~ a charge is or is not made, who does not pess~s a permit from the Depart- ment of Health and the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The permit issued by the Town Board shall not be ~ansferr~ble or assignable and may be revoked for cause by such Board after a hcaring. Section 3. Any person or persons, firm, assoelatlon, cor~paration or co-partner- ship hereafter applTln~ for a permit and/or a ilcellee to establish and op- erate a tourist camp must first file with the Town Clerk a complete plan of the proposo~ camp. This plan with the legal description ~f the property shown, ~h~]] be drawn to scale and must show clearly the extent and area to be used for camp purposes. All pro- p~ed roadways and/er driveways, a proper and acceptable sewer system eases affecting any occupant of the either by connection to a municipal camp; to report immediately to the sewer system, where such is available, public authority ail acts of disorderly or to septic tan~s; all of which shall conduct committed by any person or comply fully with all laws, ordinances I persons within the camp. and/or requirements prescribed by the [ Section 14. ~l'he provisions of this Board of Health. ordinance shall ,be in addition to and Section 7. Each unit in any tourist supplementary to the provisions of all camp upon which a tent, tent house, trailer or housecar is erected and placed and each unit in any tourist camp upon which a can~p cottage is h~eafter erected or placed, shall be not less than 40 x 50 feet in area clear- ly defined by markers in each corner. Section 8. NO cottage hereafter eroc- ~od or placed upon a site shah be less than 15 feet distant from any other quately lighted while such camp is oc- that a dust nuisance shall not be cre- camp shall be well marked and so arranged that they will l~ easily con- / other ordinanees of the Town of Southold and where there is any con- flict between the provisions of this ordinance and any other ordinance, sMlctsr regulation shall prevail. Section 15. On every Trailer Camp, a suitable planting shall be erected and maintained to screen the Trail- er Camp from public lands and pu~b- lic highways. SUch planting ~h~.11 be not less than five (5) feet high, the location of which shall be a~proved by the Town Board. Section 16. Each application for a per- mit shall be accompunicd by a foe of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Upon re- ceipt of an appl~ation for a permit provided in this Ordinance, the Town Clerk shall cause a notice of public hearing thereon, speclfyin~ the time and place thereof, to be published once in a newspaper published in the Town at least 10 days before the day of the hearing, Section lT. This Ordinance shall not ~pply to any territory included within the limits of the incorporated Village of Greenport. Section 18. Any ~erson, firm, or corporation who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of tion be punishable by a fine of not to exceed $10~.00 or by imprisonment for a term not e~ceeding six months or by beth such fine and imprison- ment. Each day that a violation is per- mitted to exist shall constitute a ~oLIC ?TION FOR oERMIT $OUTHOLD TC~ ORDIN;NCE ~ROVIDING FOR THE REGUL.7'TIoN OF TOURIST CAM~-S HOUS? TRAILV. RS, OR SIMILtR EST ~ BLISHMFNTS ( -~lac e") T8 the Town Board of the Town of Southold Cffice of the ?upervisor 15 South Street Oreenport, New York Gentlemen: .~pplication is hereby made by the undersigned for a permit to .establish and o~erate a Q- ~ . .. and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: ^ddress of Owner, ~ ~- ~ ~ Name of person to be entrusted with direct management LEG/aL DESCRI?TION: '~L, tN OF C~M-~: .~DDITIONAL INFORMATION: Have Suffolk County Dept. of Health Annual Permit dated Jan.10, 1958, expiring Dec.31, 1958 (Signature of pplicant OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK November 26, 1955 Nm. Robert Tasker Town Attorney Greenport, N. Y. Dear Bob: I am enclosing papers in the Bessie Hodges application for Permit to operate cottages on Flint Street Just~outside the Village of Greenport. The application has been made out in duplicate so I am sending it on that way, though I do not know if that is required. The attached descriptions of the two parcels are duplicated also, but there is only one print of our map of the premises. Please advise me if another copy would be helpful, or of any other material I can furnish in order to get action at the next Town Board meeting. Yours sincerely~ Otto W. Van TNyl ~Ar, BoBert Tasker · Tow~ Attorney Greenport, Norther 26, 1958 Dear B6bl I am enclosing papers in the Bessie Hodges application for Permit to operate cottages on Flint Street Just ~utside the Village of Greenport. The application has been ~de out in duplicate so X am sending it on that way, though X do not know if that is required. The attached descriptions of the two parcels are duplicated also~ but there is'only one print of our mat of the premises. Please advise me if another copy would be helpful, or of any other material ! can furnish in order to get action at the next To~n ~oard me:ting. Yours Otto ~.. ~an T~yl ~ ~ounded ~orthbyL. !. RailRoad Co, 154 East by Village of Green orr Boundary ~outhby Flint ~treet 151t Heat by Seventh ~treet 130~ ~ou~ded ~orth by L. I. }~&ilre~d Co. 356 ~s~ by Seventh 5tr~e~ 119~ ~outh by Flint Street 250~ ees~ by, ~, Phelps 61s k SOUTHOLD TOWN ORDINA ~ PROVIDING FOR THE REGU- LATION OF TOURIST CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILER CAMPS, HOUSE TRAILERS, OR SIMILAR ESTAB- LISHMENTS. As Amended September 24, 1958 Section 1 Definitions. (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby de- fined to be any lot, piece or parcel of ground, where two or more tents, tent houses, camp cottages, house cars, or trailers used as living or sleeping quarters are or may be located, said camp being operated for or without compensation. (b) A unit is hereby defined to be any section or plot of ground, upon which is erected any tent, tent house or camp cottage, and/or for the ac- commodation of each automobile trailer or house car. (c) Camp Cottage is defined to be any small building of whatever ma- terial constsucted~ having less than 350 square feet of enclosed floor area and used ~ living or sleeping quarters and constructed and equipped only for seasonal occupancy. (d) Automobile Trailer or House Car shall be defined to be any vehicle used as llvio~ or sleeping quarters and which is or may be ,mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled either by its own power or by another power driven vehicle, to which it may be attached. (e) Board or Department of Pub- lic Health shall mean any such Board or Department established pursuant to the laws of the State of New York and entrusted with the regulation, control a~d supervision of matters pertaining to and affecting the public health in the Town of Southold, Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firms, associations, corporations or co-partnership to estab- lish, maintain or operate within the limits of the Town of Southald, any tourist camp on any location or plot of ground for use of transients by the day, week, month or season, whether a cl-~rge is or is not made, who docs not possess a Board of the Town of Southol~l. The permit issued by ~he Town Board shall not be transterr~ble or assignable and may be revoked for cause by such Board after a hearing. Section 3. Any person or persons, firm, a~sociatlon, corporution or co-partner- ship hereafter applying for a permit and/or a license to establish and crate a tourist camp must first file with the Town Clerk a--C/~ll2~e~,,~l~k~ of the proposed camp. This plan with the legal deccrl~tion ~f the property shown, shall be dra~vn to scale and must show c~le~a, rly tl~e extent and area to_~c,f~g~ ~es. ~ pro- peecd ~s~ and/or driveways, / method of sewage disposal plan for St a 12, Each tourist camp ater supply and hghtl~g, and each ~ ~gj~s of aH ,records ]~)ertaining ~15~i0n'6~ ~i~e'f0r tents, tent the~,~ag~ ~'~[~v'i~i6~ ~f'~l~ houses, camp cottages, and/or trailers cam~"~f ~r~'~l~lI be avall~b~ or camp cars must be shown on such for inspection. plan, Section 13, It shall be the duty ni Section 4. All land used as a tourist the owner, his agent or manager, tot camp shall be located on well drained ~1~ persons accom-~ ~'~'~f[~a~all persons, their sites of ample size, free from heavy or dense growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to insure rapid drain- either by ocnuection to a municipal ~e ~, located that each roadways or driveways shall be.~,~ quate~L~F,h~t_~ while such camp is oc- ate& All en/~%~.~ ~p_d~ ~ts from the; camp shall be ~e)l~ ~.n~ed and arranged that they ~l~'~nsily con- [ Th~e~ ~f the ~)?rsons en~te~ {camp k~llan be filed for re~erence with home addresses, the registration ntun- her and description of their automo- bile or other vehicle, It shall also be the duty of the owner, his agent, or manager to provide for the collection and removal of garbage or other ~aste matsrlals; to prohibit the placing or storage of unsightly material or ve- hicle within the camp; to provide at ~~ ackl ~lre ~ 200 feet of an extinguisher, to repor~ to the Board of Health all cases of communicable diseases or suspected cases of communicable dis- eases affecting any occupant of the camp; to report immediately to the public authority all acts of disorderly conduct committed by any person or persons within the camp. Ssotion 14. rFhe provisions of this ordinance shall be in addition to and supplementary to the previsions of all other ordinances of the Town of Southold and where there is any con- flict between the previsions of this ordinance and any other ordtuance, then the or~in~uce providing the stricter regulation shall prevail. Section 15, On every ~.~r Camp, a suitable planting shall-~e erected and maintained to screen the Trail- er Camp frem public lands and pub- lic highways. Such planting shall be not less than five (5) feet hl~h, the location of which shall be approved by the Town Board. Section 16. Each application for a per- mit shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Upon re- ceipt of an application for a permit Osuvided in this Ordinance, the Town Clerk shall cause a notice of public hearing thereon, specifying the time and~ place thereof, to be published once in a newspaper published in the Town at least 10 days before the day of the hearing. Section 17. This Ordinance shall not ~pply to any territory included within the limits of the incorporated Village of Greenport. S~tion 18. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of an offense and shall upo~ convic- tion be punishable by a fine of not !to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or by beth such fine end imprison- ment. Each day that a violattsn is per- mitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. February 24, 1959 Southold Town ~olice ~econic, New York Gentlemen: This letter is to advise you that in compliance with Section 11, of the Southold Town Ordinance providing for the regulation of Tour- ist Camps, House Trailer Camps, House Trailers or similar tablishments, that the name of the manager of my tourist camp, located at Flint and Seventh Streets, Greenport, N.Y. is Mrs. Bessie Lee Hodges, and that I am wholly responsible for the operation of this camp. Yours truly Bessie Lee Hodges SOUTHOLD TOWN O~INANCE PROVIDING FOR/THE REGU- LATION OF TOt~RIST CAMPS, HOUSE TRAI LER/~.~4PS, HOUSE TRAILERS, OR ~IMILAR ESTAB- LISHMENTS. As Amended April 14,~1~958 Section 1 Definitions. (a) A Tourist Camp is hereby de- fined to be ~nY lot, piece or parcel of ground where two or more tents, tent houses, camp cottages, house cars, or trailers used as living or sleeping quarters are or may be located, said camp being operated for or without compensation. (b) A unit is hereby defined to be any section or plot of ground, upon which is erected any tent, tent house or camp cottage, and/or for the ~ac- commodation of each autemoblle tral~r ~,.~,(c) ~e is defined to be /'any ~I~d~f whatever ma- terial constructed, having less than 350 square feet of cross section area and used sa living or sleeping quarters and consteucted and equipped only for seasonal occupancy, (d) Automobile Trailer or House Car shall be defined, to be any vehicle used as living or sleeping quarters and which is or may be mounted on wheels and is or may be propelled either by its own power or by another power driven vehicle, to which it may be attached. (e) Board of Department of Pub- lic Health shall mean any such Board or Department established pursuant to the laws of the State of New York and entrusted with the regulation, control and supervision of matters pertaining to and effecting the public health in the Town of Southold. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firms, associations, corporations or co-partnership to estab- lish, maintain or operate within the ,imits of the Town of Southold, any tourist camp on any location or plot of ground for usc of transients by the day, week, month or season, whether a charge Is or is not made, who does not possess a permit from the I~apart- merit of Health and the Town Board of the Town of Bouthold. Such permit shall not be transferable or assignable. All Town Board permits my be re- voked for cause ,by such Board after a 3. Any person or persons, firm, association, corporation or co-partner- ship hereafter applying for a permit and/or a license to establish and op- erate a tourist camp must first file with the Board of Health and the Town Clerk a complete copy of the plan of the propused camp. This plan with the legal description of the prop- ~rty shown, shall be drawn to scale and .nust show clearly the extent and area to be used for camp purposes. All pro- posed roadways and/or driveways shall be shown together with each proposed location or site for tents, tent houses, camp cottages, and/or trailers or camp ears; location Of all proposed sanitary conveniences, laundry buildings and slop sinks; the proposed method of sewage disposal or removal and the plan for water supply and lighting. A typical plan for ~_~e~d camp cot- rages, toilet and w~ach~i~o-m and laun- dry shall be filed for future referenc~ Section 4. Ail land USed as a teurl~t camp shall be located on well drained sites of ample size, free from heavy or dense growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be free from marsh and shall be graded to insure rapid drain- s~5-. '~ unit in any tearer co~.~.ttage, trailer or house car is erected ~r placed shall not be leas than 40~x50 feet in area clearly defined by in~ quarters shall be less than 2~0 floor of each cottage shall be rul~ed separating Fhe camp from aclJoining Section 13. Each camp upon which two or more tents, tent house~, camp cottages, trailers or camp cars are erected or placed and where private conveniences for each site or cottage are not provided shall provide at lo- cations hereinafter defined, toilets, urinals, wash basins, slop basins showers, or baths, water faucets or spigots in sccordance with the follow- lng: (a) One toilet or stool for each unit. (b) Each toilet room provided for me~ shall have in addition urinal stalls. (c) Each toilet room shall be pro- vided with one lavatory or wash basin for every five toilets or fraction there- of. (d) One shower or bathtub be provided for each sex for each 10 units or fraction thereof. (e) All toilets, basins and showers, shall be placed in properly constructed ,buildings conveniently loeated as to each cotts~e or unit. (f) Buildings shall be well lighted at all times, day or night, well venti- lated with screened openings, a~d constructed of such moisture-proof material as shall permit rapid and satisfactory cleaning, soousin~ and (g) The floors shall be of water- proof material elevated not less than four inches above grade and each floor provided with floor drains. (h) ~lop sinks or ,basins with water supply over shall be provided to serve each seven units and shall be con- i structed in accordance with deei~n, size and material approved by the Board of Health. Section 14. E~ch tourist camp shall be under the direct management of the oWner or licensee or his a~ent or representative for whose acts he or they shall be fully responsible. The names of the persons entrusted with the direct management of the camp shall be filed for reference with the Board of Health and with the Police Department of the Town of Southold. Such person or persons must be of good reputation and character and shall satisfy the public authority of their experience and capacity to and maintain good order in the camp. Section 15. Each tourist camp shall be provided with a buildin~ to be known as the office in which shall be kept copies of all records pertaining to the management or supervision the eamp, such records to be avall~le for inspection by the B~ard of Health or by the Police Department. Section 16. It shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager, to keep a register of all persons accom- modated in the camp, said retdster to include the names of all persons, their home addresses, the registration num- ber and description of their automo- biles or other vehicles; to prescribe rules and regulations for the manage- ment of the camp; to make adequate provision for the enforcement of such rules; to subscribe to and adopt sush general rules and regulations which may be hereafter adopted for the man- agement of such camps. Further, it shall be the duty of the owner, his agent or manager, to: (a) Provide for regular inspection of the water and the sanitary con- veni~nces. (b) Provide for the colieetion and removal of garbage or other waste ma- (c) ~'rohibit she placing or storage of unsightly material or vehicles of any kind. (d) Provide for the regular clean- lng, painting, repairing, disinfecting of all buildings, and (e) Provide at least one 2% gallon soda and acid fire extinguisher, or its equivalent, for each 5 units, so located timt all units shall be within 200 feet of an extinguisher. (f) Take such other measures as may be deemed to be necessary by the Board of Health to preserve the health, comfort, and safety of all persons re- siding in the camp and the general mblic. (g) Oause each dog, eat, or other ~et animal to be kept under control at all times, either by being tied up or confined in proper enclosure. (h) Report to the Board of Health all cases of communicable disease or suspected cases of communicable di. seasc affecting any occupant of the camp. (i) Report immediately to the pub- li¢ authority all acts of disorderly character committed by any perzen or persons inside the camp; and (~) See that copies of Standatrd Rules and Regulations shall be pre- )ared and ~ostsd in conspicuous cations throughout the camp. Section 17. Each tourist camp shall clearly indicate one or more entrances and exits, the use of which shall be enforced. Where it is established by complaint of adjoining property owners that their property is being trespasecd upon ,by inmates of any tourist camp, it shall be the duty of the owners, manager or other person responsible to provide fence or other effective barrier to insure such owners of ad- joining property protection against trespessin~. Section 18. The provisi~ns of this ordinance shall be in addition to and supplementary to she provisions of all other ordinances of the Town of Seuthold and where there is any con- flict between the provisions of this ordinance and any other ordinance, then the ordinance providin~ the stricter regulation shall prevail. Section 19. On every Trailer Camp, a suitable planting shall be erected and maintained to screen the Trail- er Camp from public lands and pub- lic highways. Such plantin~ shall be not less than five (5) feet high, the location of ~vhich shall be ~Pproved ~ the Town Board. Section 20. Each application for a per- mit shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Upon re- ceipt of an application for a permit provided in this Ordinance, the Town Clerk shall cause a notice of public hearing thereon, specifying the time and place thereof, to be published once in a newspaper published in the Town at least 10 days before the day of the/ hearing. Section 21. This Ordinace shall not aoply to any territory incinde~t within the limits of the incorporated Village of Oroenport. Section 22. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon con- viction be punishable by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor to exceed $10~.00 or by impriscmnent for a term not exceeding six months or by beth SUch fine and imprisonment. Each day that a vfolation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 16 of the Southold Town Ordinance providin~ for the regulation of Tourist Camps, House Trailer Camps, House Trailers or similar establishments, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Hoard at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, in said Town on January 20, 1959, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. of said day upon the application of Bessie Lee Hodges for the establishment and/or operation of a tourist camp on property located near Greenport in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, consisting of two parcels of land generally bounded and described as follows: PARCEL I: Bounded on the North by Long Island Railroad Company 154 feet more or lees; on the East by the boundary line of the Village of Greenport 165 feet more or less; on the South by Flint Street 151 feet more or less; and on the West by Seventh Street 130 feet more or less. PARCEL II: Bounded on the North by Long Island Railroad Company 256 feet more or less; on theEast by Seventh Street 119 feet more or less; on the South by Flint Street 250 feet, and on the West by land now or formerly of W. Phelps 61 feet more or less. person desiring to be heard on the above matter s,hould appear at the time and place above specified. l~ted: January ~ 1959 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RALPH P. BOOTH. TOWN CLERK iON FOR -~,RMIT SOUTHOLD TCV~,~q ©RDIN/~NCE °ROVIDING FOR THE REGUL CTI©N OF TOURIST CAMPS, HOUSE TR ~Ii,~,lt C iMPS HOUSTM TR~ IL~R$, OR SIMIL ,'iR F$ T ~ BLIFHMI!NTS To the Town Board of the Town of Southold Office of the ~upervisor 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: ;.pplication is hereby made by the undersigned for a permit to Tourist Camp establi6h and o~erate a and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: Name of Owner: Mrs. Bessie Lee Hodzes Address of Owner: Second Street, Greenport, N. Y. Name of person to be entrusted with direct management Bessie Lee Hedges Location of ~roperty: Nn~th.h ~a~ m~n~ Street, E. ~, W. e£ Seventh St. LEG~.L DESCRITTION:( See s~parate sheet attached) :L, tN OF CPM'~: (See separate map attached) ,~ DDITICNAL INFORMATION: (~ignature of 'pplicant A~LIC "TION' FOR ~ERMIT EOUTHOLD TC~ ORDINANCE ~ROVIDING FOR THE REGUL '~'TION .OF TOURIST C~M~'$, HOUSF TR~ILF. R C %M.~S HOUSe' TRAILERS, OR SIMIL ~R ES T ~ BLI.=.HMFNTS To the Town Board of the Town of Southold Cf/ice of the Cupervisor 16 South Street Oreenport. New York GentXemen: ,~pplication is hereby made h¥ the undersigned for a permit to establish and operate ~ Toll1"ISt 081119 and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: Name of Owner: Mrs. ]~es~ie L~A 14m~_~e~ Address of Owner: Second Streett Greenports It. Y. Name of person to be entrusted with direct management, ,bessie Lee Hedges Location of-~roperty: ~l~.l, ~4a.,__uw*-+. -~+---~' -"-, ,~' ,.. ~f ~=~m141i o~. LEG~.L DESCRI?TION: ( See s~parate sheet a~aohecl) ~L, tN OF CAM-~: (See separate map attached) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: OTTO W. VAN TUYL RODERICK VAN TUYL REG. PROF. ENGINEER LICENSED LAND SL~RVEYOR OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK DESCRIPTION: LAND OF BESSIE LEE HODGES PARCEL I. Bounded north by L. I. RailRoad Co. 154' East by Village of Greenoort Boundary 165' South by Flint Street 151~ West by Seventh Street 130~ PARCEL II. Bounded North by L. I. Railroad Co. 356' East by Seventh Street 119~ South by Flint Street 250~ West by Yr. Phelps 611 OTTO W, VAN TUYL RODERICK VAN TUYL REG, PROP', ENGINEER LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR L[C' LAN{~ SURVEYOR ~'HONE GE 7-1008 $~HONE GR 7-i487 OTTO W. VAN TUYL & SON GREENPORT, NEW YORK DESCRIPTIONt LAND OF BESSIE LEE HODGES PARCEL I. Bounded north by L. I. RailRoad Co. 154' East by Village of Green'~ort Boundary 165t South by Flint Street 151t West by Seventh Street 130' PARCEL II. Bounded North by L. I. Railroad Co. East by Seventh Street 119~ South by Flint Street 250' West by W. Phelps 61! 356' ANNUAL PERHIT which expires December 31. 1958 TO OPERATE A FARM LABOR C~P OR A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE Bessfe Lee Mod~es D farm labor camp known as [~] temporary residence SEA PREEZE COTTAGES the operator of a located in the town of Southold in Suffolk county is granted this permit to operate the above-named farm labor camp as provided by Ckapter XV of the Sanitary Codej or temporary residence as provided by Chapter VII of the Sanitary Code established by the Public Health Council of the State of New York. ~his permit will expire on the above-entered date or upon change of the operator. It is not transferable or assignable. It may be revoked as provided in the Sanitary Code. It shall be posted or kept on iile and made available by the operator on re- quest. This permit is granted subject to any and all State~ local and municipal laws, ordinances, codes~ rules, Gna regulations. Signature of Issuing officer Title Department Address Suffolk County Department of Health 246 Gritting Avenue, Riverhead, New York Date Ja%ltlarv 10. 1958. NO~MAN E. KLIPP OfflP. e :RVISOR Town '~' Gi~EENpnRT, L. I., N. Y. November 18, 1958 Mrs. Bessie Lee Hodges Greenport, New York Dear Mrs. Hodges: At a recent meeting of the Town Board, your application for a camp cottage permit was discussed. Before the Town Board can advertize for a public hearing, it will be necessary for you to furnish a legal description of the property involved, a plan of the property showing the buildings located thereon, / the road~ways, sewer disposal, water supply, etc., as called for in the tourist camp ordinance. It is my recommendation that you have the firm of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son prepare these plans and description.' t am returning here~vith the papers pertaining to this matter. Yours very truly Norman E. Klipp Supervisor NEK/ea Surf 'k Count:y Depart:men{: ol: 'lealt:h PIeD'LIP J. ~A.W-~, ~. D., Oommls.slone~ ~0, EATING PLACE PERMIT ................................. 3EA, ,R]LEEZ~., DD~TAGFS~. gFATAUP~IT,, (Mtso, ,B~s~a. Lea,/~3clF~ --) ................. 321-7th St.~ Oreenpor%~ and further subject to the 1ollowing condltion~: THIS PERMIT MUST BE CONSPICUOUSLY POSTED THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION FOR CAUSE--NOT TRANSFERABLE Re. newel apphtlon must b~ submitted on er before lqW~eh 1 of the ~ of permit e~pJeltlon dat~ oF' 0 ~h T BE$.~IE /EE HOP~E ._~ I