HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuck, Arthur C. pUBLIC HEARING TOWN BOARD TOWN OF $0UTHOLD Greenport, N. ¥. July 29. 1959. Present : NORMAN E. KLIPP, HENRY A. CLARK, Supervisor Justice of the Peace RALPH TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LOUIS DEMAREST, Justice of the Peace LESTER ALBERTSON, Councilman ROBERT TASKER, Town Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: We have a p'ublic hearing scheduled for 2 p.m. I will open the hearing at this time by reading the Notice of Public ifearing: "Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 16 of the Southold Town Ordinance entitled 'Southold Town Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of Tourist Camps, House Trailer Camps, House Trailers, or Similar Establishments,' a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on the 28th day of July, 1959, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, upon application of Arthur C. Buck to establish, maintain, certain real property generally or operate a cottage colony on described as follows: i. Ail that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situate, lying, and being at Mattituck in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York; generally bounded northerly by land now or fo~nerly of Husak, easterly and southerly by land now or formerly of D. by Luther's Road. person desiring to be heard on Cooper, and westerly this matter should appear at the time and place above specified. 3 Dated: July 8, 1959. attached hereto. at~ached hereto. And at this BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD R~LPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk." I have the affidavit of publication. The application is made for a permit for a camp cottage site and a map is Certificate of the Health Department is time is there any person who wishes to speak in favor of the granting of the permit? ~RTHUR BUCK: I am the owner of the property. The colony has been there for twenty years, I understand, and I am requesting for the permit. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person who wishes to speak in favor of the granting of the permit? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any person who wishes to speak in opposition to the granting of the permit? OTTO UHL (Sound Road, Greenport, N.Y.): What do you mean by "cottage colony"? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I might be able to explaim that. This is a similar site that might be compared with Browm's cottages in East Marion. This particular establishment was there prior to the adoption of that ordinance and the ordinance requires that a permit be issued to these premises. This is ~ot a new thing. It has been there for quite MR. UHL: It is just to continue it? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: That's right. It has been operating without a permit and the owner wishes to comply with our ordinances and he is requesting a permit to operate. He some time. has his Health Depar~tme~t permit. It is an old establishment. So do you have any objection to it? MR. UHL: No, not at all. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Is there any other person that has any objection to it? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I will close the hearing at this time for the further deliberation of the Board. MR. CLARK: Does it answer all the provisions of the Ordinance? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: I don't know if it answers it all in detail. MR. ALBERTSON: Mr. Buck, do you have driveways and lights in accordance with the ordinance? MR. BUCK: Yes. MR. ALBERTSON: I see some of your buildings are not far enough back from the property line at the moment, and you understand if you add anything you have to set them back? 5 MR. BUCK: Yes. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: Any pe~it we issue at this time would be simply what is indicated on the plan now. MR. UHL: A cottage colony, is that subjected to a code which is different than Residential A? SUPERVISOR KLIPP: It is considerem a camp cottage when it is under 350 sq. ft. of area, floor ar'ea. MR. ~LBERTSON: Well, if the gentleman has complied with the provisions of the ordinance, anm there is nobody here in opposition, I see no reason to hold it up. SUPERVISOR KLiPP: I think it is understood that the provisions of the ordinance must be complied with and if we issue a permit it is revocable i:F it is not complied with. So where it is an old established site, I don't know whether they want to consider further on it or act on it right now. I move that we grant the application of MR. TUTHILL: Arthur' C. Buck. MR. DEMAREST: (The vote on I second the motion. the motion was as follows:) Supervisor Kiipp, yes. Mr. Clark, Yes. Mr. Tuthil!, yes. !~r. Demarest, yes. Mr. !~lbertson, yes. SOUTHOLD TOWN ORDINANCE °ROVIDING FOR THE RCGUL \TION OF TOURIqT CaM°S HOUSE TRAILERS, OR SIMILAR ESTABLISHMENTS PERMIT NO. 7 THIS IS TO CERTIFY TH>T °URSUANT TO THE °ROVI$IONS OF TII~ >BOVE MENTIONED ORDINbNCE, Arthur C. I~UC~ IS HEREBY >UTHORI?ED /'ND PERMITTFD TO ~-ST~BLISH, MAINT.~IN, ;ND OPERATE ~ Tourist Camp DT Luther's Road, Mattituck, New York FROM THE D;TE HEREOF T)~k~j~9~XX~YX UNLESS THIS ~ERMIT IS SOONER REVOKED BY THE TOWN BO~D OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. Dated: ~,,,~ ~ 19 59 at Greenport, New York. By TOWN OF .cOUTHOLD, N.Y. S upe r/viZ~o r NOTIOE OF ~C I-I~2~NG ~suan~ ~ ~e ~ov~o~ of ~c- ~ion 1~ ~ ~e ~old T~n Or- ~e enticed "~utho~d Town ~d~ance ~ovid~g for the Reg- ~ation ~ ~r~st C~, Hou~ ~a~er C~, Ho~e Trailers, or ~Sim~ar ~tabli~ments," a public h~i~ w~l be held by ~e Town ~rd of the T~ of ~u~hold, , S~f~ C~unty, ~ew York, at the ~ Superv~r's Off,ce, 16 South Street, ~Green~t, New York, on the 2Sth ~day of July, 1959 at 2:~ o'clock In ~e ~te~n of that day, u~nap- ~caGon of Ar~ C. Buck to es- ter, maintain, or operate a corse colony on certain real prop- erty g~eraHy described as follows: 1. ~ that certain tract, piece or ~ of l~d situate, lying ~ being at Mattltucf in the Town ~ Southold, County of Suffolk, and S~te of New York; g~nerally bounded north- erly by land now or formegly of ~ak, e~terly and southerly by land now or formerly of D. Coo~r, and westerly by Luth- er's Road. ~y per~n desiring ~o be heard on ~e ~ro~ed ~endment sho~d appe~ ~t ~e t~e and p~ace a~ve $~Eied. ~l~: J~y 8, 1959. BY O~ OF ~ SO~O~ TO~ ~D ~ C~ l~y17 STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ........ '~f:i" '~~'"'~'~ .......... Being duly says that ...... ~...... is Printer and Publisher of the SUF~ OLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ............................. ~ week~ successively commencing on the ..................................... ............ ~ ........................ 19 ......:.. Sworn to before me this ....../..7....~.~..._. } CORNE'LIA C. J(~O~l~ NOTARy PUBLIC, State of New York N3. ~2-2093890 Qualified in Suffolk County Ter., Expires MJ~ch 30, i961 C 0 p y AN~,UAL PERMIT which expires December 31, 1959 TO OPERATE A FARM LABOR CAMP OR A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE Arthur C. Buck ~arm labor camp x temporary residence known as , the operator of a Breakwater Cottages located in the Town o- Southold in Su~-olk County is granted this permit t~ operate the above-named -arm labor camp as provided by Chapter XV o- th~ Sanitary Code, or temporary residence as provided by Uhapter VII o" the Sanitary Code established by the Public Health Council o- the State oe New York. This permit will expire on the above-entered date or upon ch&nge o" the operator. It is not transferable or assignable. It may be r~voked as provided in the Sanitary Code. It shall be posted or kept on ~ile and made available by the operator on request. This permit is granted subject to any and all State, local and municipal laws, ordinances, codes, rules, and regulations. Signature o- Issuing Oe~icePhilip J. Ra~le~ MD , Title Cbmmissioner o" Health Department o~ Health Address Riverhead, N.~. Date July 6, 19~9 Form San. 1~(12/5!+) prescribed by State Commissioner of Health, Albany, NY J~LIC ' TiON Fcqi -~,R~AIT SOUTHOLD TO~WN ORDINANCE ~ROVIDING FOR THE REGUL fi-TION OF TOURIST CAM~S, HOUSE TRAIL, F~R C :kM?S HOUSV TRAILERS, OR SIMILe'IR EST ~BLISHMFNTS (~lace) To the Town Board of the Town of Southold Cffice of the gupervisor 16 South Street Green,port, New York Gentlemen: Application is hereby made by the undersigned for a permit to establish and operate aT ~ ~ f- , Co/Ta,~C-:*=~ --~%/0,~7. and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: Name of Owner: Arthllr G. Buck Name of person to he entruste(l with direct management Location of ~roperty: ~st side Luther's Road, LEG/~L DESCRITTION: ~orth by Husak East by D. Cooper South by D, Cooper West ~y Luther's Road ~LtN OF C~M'~: See map attached ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: " (~C~gnature of pphcant ~bltc he.inK w1~l ~ held b~ ~e ~o*~ ~d oe ~he ~o~ 8ou~o~d, 8u~olk Co~ New ~ork, at ~ Su~sor's ].6 8ou~ ~t~ Or~-n~rt~ ~w York, ~ th~ 28th day o~ eatt~ o~ ~ur C. 6~k to es~Af~h~ ma~tain~ ~ o~ra~ a of ~ew fork$ gene~ ~ed hOrSefly ~ ~¥ ~ ~o~ly o~ Hus~ eas~rly ~d ~o~rly b~ la~ now or formerly of D. Coo~r, ~,d *~est:er~ ~ ~er,s Road. ArT per,,on dehiring ~e be heard on t~/s matter mhould appear a~ the time and place above mpeeified. B~ ORD~',H O~ THE 80UTIIOLD TOW}~ BOABD o TOWN CLERK I,~CTI~ I~ H~iil~Y GIVEN tim t pursuant tc the provisions of Section 16 of ~ Southold T~ ~nee ~titl~ "Sou~ld 0rdina~e P~vid~g for th~ Relation ~ To~i~t C~p~ p~ll~ ~ ~!1 ~ ~14 ~ ~e ~ ~d of ~ To~ Sout~ld, S~o~ Co~, New ~ork, at ~ Su~sor'$ Offiee~ 16 Sou~ S:~t~ ~reenport, ~w Xork, ~ ~ 28~ day of 19%9~ at 2~ o'el~ ~ t~ a~n oF that d~, u~n appli- cation of ~ C. ~e~ to establlah~ ~ta~ ~ o~rate a ~t~e eolo~ on ~r~ ~ ~o~rty ge~ deseri~ fo~ows ~ 81t~ate, lying~ and being at Mattituek i.~ ~he Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk~ and State of ~New Zork~ generaJ.ly bounded northerly ~ land now ~ formerly of Husak~ easterly and sou%herly by land ~ow or formerly o~* D. Cooper~ and westerly by Lu~er ' ~ Road. ar~ person dezirin~ to ~e heard on this matter should apt~ar at the tt~v~ amd place above specified. DATED, Jttly 8, 1959. O~D~:R O~ THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD. RALPH P. BOOTH, TOWN C L~2HK SOUTPIOLD TO~N ORDINANCE ~RO¥IDING FOR TPIE REGUL CTION OF TOURIST CgM~S, PIOUSE TR ~Ii,F,R G PIOUSTM TRDILERS, OR SIMIL,'tR t~ST ~BLIgHMt2NTS (-~lace) '(Date) To the Town Board of the Town of Southold Cffice of the ?upervisor 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: ~pplicat~on is hereby made by the undersigned for a permit to and in connection therewith the following information is submitted: Name of Owner: Arthur C. Name Of person to be entrusted with direct management/~f/-/ff-'//~ ~,, Location of~roperty: ~ast side Luther's Eoad~ ~.~attiguck LEG2~L DESCRITTION: ~orth by h~usak East by D. Cooper South by D. Cooper 7.,est by Luther's ~oad ~L~N OF C~M-): Se~-; raap attached .~ DDITI©NAL INFORMATION: (Signature of~ pplic*nt / / ,~ ...................... ro~ o~ po~ 7-//UR C. .DO'= 1" L~ U C tK AT MIITTITM~t(~ N. ,Y MATT/TUCK,