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Huntting Scrapbook Vol. X
rVhew Park House I Mr. Prellwitz for his advice as to the Taxes! "That's one of the hest meetings ev- style of building and pavilion beat suit- ed to the Old Landing and the Memorial No one should be dismayed over the A verdict of the less than fifty people Gateway, proposed improvements for Southold, who met at the Engine Home on last Objections to the erection of any build- because of the large sums to be raised Ings on the property that would not be by taxes. We must remember that Saturday evening to disease the fusel- ornarnentaI to the Park were heard this school district is rine of the richest hilus of building a new Park House at. with approval. Even the bath-houses per capita in the ;Mate. Its assessed The Landing: must he made to fit in attractively, valuation is $1,336,000 and increasing We went out into the rain, at the incidentally, all the Parks were con- every year. A tax of $5,000 for the Close, almost dazed with wonder at the sidered and the steps that must be tak. park and $60,000 for the school will enthusiasm that came to the surface at en to maintain them in good order, burden no one, as these amounts are to this meeting—not only for our entire The only two motions actually voted be raised by such easy stages, the in- Park System, its valve to the town and upon and carried were: crease for each taxpayer will be hardly the absolute need of maintaining it, 1. That Dr. Marshall be appointed a appreciable. Were the amounts raised for all the prospective rete improvements. committee of one to attend at the open- all at once, the extra expense would be If that little group sat the keynote for all Southold, no "Boosters' Club" is ing of the Legislature to the matter of felt. necessary. As one person said, "It having the present law relating to the In raising $1,000 per year for five was worth living ten years in the Wharf properly so amended as to in- years for building a new park house, f silence that seems often to enwrap the elude all the public Parke of Southold the additfmal tax rate will be be- people of our town, to behold such a village under the jurisdiction of the tween .07 and ,013. The rental from the sudden, unexpected,and glorious awak- Park Commissioners. property will take care of the interest ening. Many of us attended half- 2. That the Park Commissioners be on the bonds. If you are assessed for heartedly, not caring which way the authorized to call a special meeting of $1,000, your tax for the new house pendulumswung, but after Doctor the voters in the Park District (which would be approximately 75 cents a Hartranft's speech, we all woke up, coincides with the School District), to year for five years, and 75 cents for and all, with no visible exception, vote on an appropriation of five thous- each additional $1,000 of your.assess- caught on to that pendulum, and swung and dollars, to be paid on easy terms, went. with him determinedly, and with the for the purpose of building a new house Southold is feeling the need of the , utmost good-nature in one and the same at The Landing, proposed improvements, and that being If this account of the meeting held on the case, she is going ahead to get direction—toward improvement for 'the evening of May 12, in the Engine them. Southold. Never in the history of our many House, with L. W. Korn presiding, and r- Fire Si J. N. Hailock recording, conveys to the (r ! J ren I �t 5 gatherings did a meeting pass off with 1 ao much unanimity of opinion, so little readers and voters in only a small The fire siren will be blown on Sat- measure something of the fine spirit urda next, shortly after 12 o'clock, formality, so much freedom of discus- y y sion and with results so clearly set for community welfare and enjoy- standard time, in order for the people forth at the end. We never knowment, there manifested, and it can be to become familiar with the signals Be- when the hour is to strike for the "for- I reflected in all meetings to follow, a and for those who will blow it to ac- ward march."' Many of us believe, or- period of good will and prosperity is custom themselves to the apparatus. cause of the manifestation on this be- to come such as Southold has never Beginning with — — (1.2), iknessed. >J. s. Cr, the code will gone through with casion of the only real thing in the w world—the right spirit—that the begin- several times. While counting long or "i�,rry, is C S: ot�a. to Et G Torr}'. Ent 4 lag of a long chain of bettor thing's for Iii,rtnn% ]ane adj Main Rt. Southold ....$9,0Oi? short blasts, note the length of the Southold will date from that Saturday peak, or even 'tone (highest tone)— evening meeting. Peconic, May 11th, Elizabeth J. Gold- that is, the interval between the rising smith, aged 58 years, and falling tones of the siren. Do not A protest was made against diverting Orient, May 15, Augustus William count the length of the rise and fall. I the Pageant Fund from the purpose for Hommel, aged 76 years, 1 month, 14 Familiarize yourself with the number which it was raised. This was acceded days. of the zone in which you are located. to, as was also the proposal that the Greenport Hospital, May 11,Babette, In case of fire, get to the nearest Park District be taxed to build a hou_e, widow of Charles Ullerich, of Southold, simple and suitable, but substantial, to where interment was made. telephone, call Central and Bay you replace tLe old. Wharf House recently Southold. May 13, by Rev. Father want to report a- fire. Be sure and burned. McGrath, Michaal Aetutes and Tophelia give your number and also owner of Mr. Nat, Booth offered plans roughly Pities. i property, if known. Central will ring drawn. These were examined with the Everett Goldsmith is having a house up somebody to give the alarm. keenest interest and considered a splen- built by his brother,'Henry, or, a lot NAT. E. BOOTH west of Mrs. Hannah Tillinghast's. Chief Engineer did basis fir more aompiete drawings. Everett will occupy this when. finished The wort. of Edwin M. Prellwitz done A band of gypsies, headed west for public improvements on different oc- with the addition of a Vail, went through town Tuesday. They f casione was retailed with appreciation Valentine Heubel and John Bucci will; p suggested close their barber sho s Monday of j 'traveled by automobile. 1` more Pic- and words of raise., It was su y P I turesque (?) horses for them. � ! that Mr. Rooth'a plans be submitted to nouns. - EtR <<[ixrtc in of a square, ana nne nenenes, accom- r wont:y-Five Years Agit Summer Time Table ma.iIated the thirty variable observers. 1 it �, A huge, mysterious pile of seaweed`s We had quite a heavy frost, and ice The summer time-table of the L. I. and smoldering wood close by was in! formed one-fourth of an inch thick. R. If., went into effect on Wednesday charge of Fred Hutchinson, who had r J. E Corey built a shop for Benj. F. Morning grains leave,Southold at 7:06 been performing rites there for hours. Macomber on Traveler St. and 7:33, Cape Horn at 2:19 and after- And now Mesdames Gaynor, Clark and The fishermen had their pounds badly noon train at 2:59. Sunday trains leave Davis are carefully removing wrap- damaged by the severe easterly gale. at 7:09 a. rn. and 4:26 and 8:56 p. m. pings from the center of the steaming A cyclone struck Postmaster M. T. Trains from Penn. Station leave at pile, and exposing the treasure, which Horton's barn, took off the roof 'and 4:56, 8:27 and 10:02 a, m. and 3:49 and able assistants hurry deftly to the landed it on top of the trees in the 4:57 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 and 9:25 a. seated star-gazers, who eat: chowder, orchard about 60 feet away, m, and 4:15 p. m.; Fridays only at 2.51 hard clams, soft clams, weakfish, white Walter W. Carpenter, Sr., a veteran P. in ; Saturdays only at 1:05 p. m. I potatoes, sweet potatoes —what 1'. of the Civil War, died, aged 56 years. The Board of Education has appoint- more 7—gorgeous cardinal lobster, then f' D. H. Jackson moved to Mrs. It. L. ed Wm. A. Wella a member, of the chicken—and cherry pie—and coffee_ Downs' house at Creekside. Board, in place of Harry Jennings, re- all The while the golden late afternoon Wm. J. Conway sold the Peconic sigwd. I light was on, the moon showing pale in House, Riverhead, to Frank Muller. a the east. Then, enter Hebe, with a CutchagMay 17, d kf Rev. James cake oman E. M. Millard was improving his �J. Reilly, James Edward Shalvey and y candles to set before the house at Creekside. Miss Florence Regina Donnelly. host—a•eurprise for his birthday anni- Grover Gardiner returned to South- versary. This led to a toastmaster, Bre May 19, Lizzie E., widow old, after maty yearsof business life in of Brewster Baylis and sister of Mrs. who called on various of the variable New York. Albert E Salmon of Southold. Burial observers. One, speaking of the effect The L. I. R. R. was giving excur- at Matt"ek. of the moon upon the tide, said it also'. cions to Camp Black, affected the untied. Miss Furness, Rev. Willard S. Ballou resigned the s ,_anomers at Southold Professor of Astronomy at Vassar, pastorate of the Huntington Universal- From Friday Inst to Monday there ,mentioned their telescope had a Fitz ist church.. lens, and Harry Fitz, "present as a was much animation at C. W. Elmer's H. R. Sbipherd, who had been in the place, Cedar Beach Point. Even days guest, spoke r reply. One le the as- employ of the TRAVELER for the past tronomers bears a remarkable group of six ears, left for Richmond Hill. p before that, Mrs. Gaynor could be seen y y eng vged in mysterious errands between whiskers, which seems constantly to At the annual meeting of the Suffolk the house and the beach; and [Mfrs. Interest the others.over was presented County Mutual Insurance Company, J. Clark, with Mrs. Davis, very buffy in cloy a giant razor, over four feet long, B. Terry was elected president and the house and about; and for more closed. treasurer; Samuel Dickerson, vice, than days, Henry Goldsmith had been Two sloops anchored close to shore, president; Silas F. Overton, secretary, bus on a which we hadsupposedpd were just for a and N. D. Petty, attorney. y puzzling house, whose roof •'setting," now proved to be there for had to turn around while curl ,na re- Martin twilight sail for such as wished to go. Martin B. Vandusen, a former editor'. trained still.. On Friday, cu'fminating and proprietor of the TRAVELER, died, (as this folk would say), on Saturday }And then, when sunlight waned, and aged 46 years. the astronomers' arrival took place, by tie moon ehone, the two telescopes automobile, by rail, by steamboat. were duly dedicated. The valleys of the moon, Saturn, and other planets The Champion Fishing Club, Commo- (One would expect them from the 1 and stars were visited by groups in the dore A. T. Dickerson, wet their net for skies l Perhaps another time). And Bed- the first time this season on Tuesday. the place was dotted with parked cars, Polar House and the observatory. Bed time was quite late. The first haul resulted in two horse- and moving cars in their orbits, and feet. It was thought that the reason men and women, and suit-cases and On Sunday some went, and Monday for this was that there were thirteen wraps—to the joy of the hosts and the morning others, then all—and this fishermen in the party. Later hauls, bewilderment of Rex, the dol;. Southold meeting of the Association however, proved that these fishermen The occasion was the meeting of the has passed into memory, fl. P. are rightly termed Champions. On the American Association of Variable Star Memorial service way over the proprietor of Arshamom- Observers, to dedicate Mr. Elmer's oque Inn and party were rescued from two telescopes—the reflector in the The Annual Union Memorial Service I being carried out to sea. They were "Polar House," as it was named, and ,was held in the Presbyterian Church towing a large float and one of the the refractor in the new observatory; Sunday evening. An able and eloquent oar-locks broke, so they were at the and to enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Elmer's patriotic address wag delivered by Ifrv. +mercy of the wind and tide. hospitality, and have a good time, Mrs. Abram. Conklin, pistor of the Univer- liallock and Mrs. Kellock generously salist church. Hollis Grathwohl recit- Cn), J Hann dLiJ &w to John J#,gave the shelter of their houses, for Drums, lot adj lands J Drunt and Louis ed Lincoln's Geltys!,urt{ Address, and L Heckman, Peconic. Tax $2.50 even star-gazers now sleep indoors. Flora Albe:lson, "In Flander's Field." The time of greatest culmination was There was inspiring singing of patriot- Il sin i hwayFJeet to Ted Hand 8:w, lot Saturday afternoon and evening. There is music by the united choirs. an main highway and Pequash rd, Cut- was a busy moving picture on the cltag�ue, tax, beach. Tables arrange,l on three sides ��ars Shorewood ago a log cabin was New Park House Bast End Amateur League Opens. built in the wilds of Paradise Point. Auspiciously for Local Branch of Our earthly Paradise was to have bean A special meeting of the Southold the Order of Sphere Swatters a realm of cabins, but to! it may soon Park Dietnet was held at Belmont Hall be a land of mansions. We have now Monday evening, May 281 1923.. Park STANDING OF THE CLUBS at Paradise a home that is approac':ing Commissioner L. W. Korn presided, �'1rY� �j Won Lost pe. completion, and we might alinwIl say, and 'Down Clerk J. N. Hallock record- Mattituck � � 1 0 1.000 perfection, so perfect is it in all its ed. Harry Jennings and John H. Lehr Southold 1 0 1.000 arrangemenos for comfort and for were appointed tellers_. East Hampton 1 0 1,000 Fifty votes were cast on the ro osi- 'Westhampton 0 1 .000 pleasing the most artistic taste. Thi is y P p Southampton 0 1 .000 "Shorewood," the home of John S. tion to appropriate $5,000 00, or so Sag Harbor 0 1 .000 Jenkins. much thereof as is-necessary, to erect For more than a year workmen have and equip a building for park purposes The Southold-Sag Harbor ytawe been busy eidarging and changing the upon the public park at Town Harbor, went only 61-2 innings, evidentllp be- house first erected, in order that the owned by the Southold Park District. cause Southold got tired of n:pking hies, and Sag Harbor got t!L*d of original plans made by James L. Bur- The tax is to be raised by installments chasin' 'em. The First Settlerij Con- ley, the architect, might be curried of$1,000 each year for a period of rave netted 12 times fad safeties and the out. Boss J. L+'. Corey, our veteran years and interest on the bends, each Whalers got 10. Batteries for South- carpenter, has had general charge of bearing interest at a rate not to exceed old were Covelski, Salmon and Cas- the building; Henry F_ Van Wyck, of five per cent per annum. The result of sidy; for Sag Harbor: Watson, Cro the mason work; and Charles H. Beck- the vote was that thirty-six votes were zier and Perrottet.: The score; told, of the plumbing. Mrs.G.G. Hess cast ifn favor of the appropriation, and -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 of New York City, a professional in- fourteen against. Southold 2 1 1 3.9 1 x-17 terior decorator and furnisher, has been J. N. HALLOCx, Town Clerk Sag Harbor :0 2 1 1 1 0 0 5 Southold fanned 6 times and Sag , in residence at "Shorewood" for Bever- Harbor 7. Umpire: Mr. Thornhill. al weeks and has worked out effectsBoard in U U finishing and furnishing that will be a. The regular monthly meeting of the Southold got off to a flying start in source of lasting pleasure to the own- Southold Town Board was held at the the East End League by winning from ers and their friends. The lovely lttle office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, Sag Harbor last Saturday by 17 to 5, Nantucket room, with its slender,quaint Saturday, May 26, 1923. Present, Su- and again Decoration Day, when they book-cases and pulled rugs and little, Pervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, won from Mattituck by a eccre of 7 to old wooden footstools, just warms the Justices Griffin, Corey, 'Terry and Rar1- 5. Southold has a smart ball club this heart tie one steps into it from the `bo, and Counsel Terry, season and should tie leading moat of hall. On into the dining room, the A petition was presented froin the the way. Saturday afternoon of thi;- smile broadens. The cheerful maral Town Board of Assessors, asking that week West Hampton will play here, decorations are irrisistible in color and in addition to their rvguh;r salary, they and our boys will probably give" a design. The historic scenes of early he paid the actual- i-zpPrse to which good exhibition of how the game should American life as conceived by French they are subject for their trips to Fish- be played and—won. sinters of that period provoke ers Island, also for the actual expense Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd, on his return P p F queries P and thought as well as amusement. The incurred in viewing and asse4sing new vast lining room is full of a misty pas- property. Assessors Fanning and trip from Indianapolis, came through °Tuthill resented the stilton signed Cincinnati, Ohio, and while there called tel beauty that can he produced by only p P g on Joseph B. Hartrauft. It is very the right combination in fabric and by all the members. pleasing to flnd our home bays doing color. There are sun-parlors and The Town Board voted to allow the well when they leave us. "Joe" took porches and an enviab,e ball that ex- Assessors a sum not to exceed $100 for complete possession of the Dominic, tends from woods to water. Thanks to above expenses. took him in his car and drove him the L. 1. Lighting Co. that now pen- 'there will be a Grand Opening of around and about Cincinnati to the ex- titrates the former wilds of Paradise, Charles F. Kramer's new, up-to-date tent of about sixty miles, kept him ov- every modern appliance from table- drug store on Saturday of this week. er-night in his ideal apartment at Nor-, toaster to a Kelvinator is established Souvenirs will be given away. Drop wood, where be"enjoyed the generous' in this home. in and see the new store. The pro- hospitality of Mrs. Hartranft and "our Yes, the wilds have been reclaimed. prietor will give you the "glad hand,". doctor's" little but lively grandson. At The dead wood, scrub oaks,and cat-briar and you will see much to admire. the office of his company the foilowing have vanished, and in their place,among day we were told confidentially by a the best of the native trees and about The play, "Miss 114at1y," given ley member of the firm that J. B. Har- the Senior Class of the Southold Hi men was among their most slued the house and grounds are hundreds of High men and that he held and filled a very the choicest specimens of evergreen and School at Belmont Hall last Friday ev- responsible position in the company. deciduous BIITabs from the nursery. ening, was well presented by the excel- What a study is here I Our landscape lent cast. The school has good reason Southold Lodge, I O. 0. F., held gardener, J. A. Thiebaldt, is once more to be proud of its dramatic talent. Memorial Services in the lodge room in his element, as he works early and . 'Sunday after,ioon, after which the late to make these grounds tbm suin- Frank D Peterson &w to Theo O graves of brothers in the cemeteries mer, if cisF ble, a fit setting for the Beebe, lot w r Cutchogue road, adj were decorated. P g land of F D Peterson,Cutchogue,nom, home beautiful _H. B. R. to right center for three bases, ana SOUTHOLD SNATCHES Blods= followed Strasser across the plate, ;ett.—At the E, L. I. Hospital, when Gagen, relaying the ball home, VICTORY. IN LAST FRAME May 27, to Mr. and 1VIrs. Lewis B1od- heaved it over Wolgo's head. Hits getL,.of Southold, a ,111, Lewis A. by Burt and Cassidy, and sacrifices Southold defeated Westhampton on Blodgett, by Cochran and Strasser tallied an- the former's field last Saturday af- Cutebogue, May 24, by Rev. F. G. other count in the third, and two ternoon by a score of 6 to 5 the Beebe, Philip Raymond Dickin on of more crossed the pan in the fourth, First.-Settlers" putting the winning Bay View and Miss Milured Louise when singles by Salmon, Burt and counter across in their half of the Young of Peconic. Cassidy, and Princes three bagger last inning with singles by Heaney, Cutchogue, May 19, by Rev. F. G. did the trick. Another run trickled Cassidy and Cochran. Al, Salmon, the in in each the fifth and seventh popular south-paw, who has pitched Beebe, Henry Irving Aldrich of Matti- frames. Mattituck's first score came Southold to victory on many oc- tuck and Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Morrell in the third. Gagen drove a safe one casions, occupied the mound for them of Cutchogue. to right, Wolgo's fly fell safely in again on Saturday. He struck out Twenty-Five Years Ago center, and Slats Reeve lined a two- eight men and walked only one. bagger to right scoring Gagen. The .Barber, who twirled for Westhamp- Fred G. Prince took the a enc home boys did some consistent hit.- ton, struck out only one and walked g y for ting in the fifth and threatened to tie four, Equitable Insurance Co. the score, but the rally stopped after The box score: L. H. Laley rented J. C. Booth's four runs were brought in. It was ISouthold, AB R H poo A E house and opened it for summer guests. started by Gagen, who got a lucky Burt, of ..,....., 4 Ii single when Strasser fell down Chas- 3 3 0 0 "Peck's Bad Boy" was played at ing his Texas leaguer, Squires forced Heaney,-s """• 5 3 3' 3 2 1 Belmont Hall, him at second, but Jit Wolgo hit one Cassidy, e 0 2 11 1 0 We had a severe thunder storm, through Woody Burt's legs in center Cochran' rf .,,... 4 0 1 1 1 0 Barr Aronstam while welkin aloe for two bases, scoring Squires. Downs l , hStrasser, 2b ., Harry g g singled, sending Wolge to third, and UlricJ� ]f 4 1 1- 2 0 2 the railroad track was knocked down by Lindsay chased them both in with a Scott, 2b ••••••••. 3i 0 1 0 4 0 a shock of electricity. Lightning en- hit to center, Bob then stole second Salmon, p •.., •,_• 4 L 1 02. 0 tered the railroad depot and stopped and scored on Ruland's hit. After Sanford, Ib ..,",, 3 0 0 6 a 1 the clock at 10:21 p. in. Lightning also that Salmon tightened up and gave — — — — — discontinued the telephone service at only one more hit during the rest of 35 fr 13, 27 10 5 the game" Three sparkling catches I Weigthamp'ton .AB R H PO A E 11 W. Prince's and W. C. Albertson's by Bob Lindsay in left field featured Schmitt, s,9 ...... .5 0 2 3 3 0 stores, the game. A big crowd watched the R. Raynor,if ..... 5 1 2 4 0 0 Edward Huntting Post, G. A. R,., contest. The score: E. Raynor, 3b .... 5 1 0 4 1 0 held its Memorial Services at Green- Mattituck AB R H O A E M_ Raynor,2b .... 3 0 1 3 2 0 port. Wolgo, e 6 1 2 5 1 1 Halsey, rf ,...,.. 4 4 1. 1 1 0 Wm. H. Terry purchased the insur- L.Reeve, ss-1b 6 0 1 7 2 0 Pi-2rson, 1,b 4 1 0. 4 0. 0 Downs Pugh, of .. - ..... 4 0 0 1 0 0 once business of the late M. B. Van , P 5 1 2 0 3 0 Hallock, c ........ 4 4 2 4 0 0 Dusen. Lindsay, ]f 4 1 1 3 0 0 Ruland 3b 4 0 2 3 2 2 Barber, p ........ 4 1 0 0. 4 0 Charles L. Fanning of Brooklyn was E.Leve, rf 4 0 0 0 1 1 — — — — — building a cottage for E. D. Cahoon at Wick'm, 1b-cf 4 0 1 4 0 0 38 5 a 21 11 0 Sound View. Gagen, 2b 4 1 2 1 3 3 Two base flits, Hallock, M. l-Laynor, Harry Aronstram, the shoemaker, Cantelmi, of 1 0 0 1 0 0 Ckaysidy. Sacrifice Hits—Scott Squires, ss 3 1 0 2 1 0 (Struck-out--By Salmon, &; by Bar- left far Boston. _ ber, 4. (Base an.Balls--off Snlanon, 1; Arthur T. Downs and Miss Lucinda Totals 41 5 11 *26 13 3 off Barber, 4. Wild Pitch—Berber. G. Morrell were married. *Scott out for bunting on 3d strike, Left on Bases—Southold, 1.1; Wtst- e i liam H. Tuthill died, aged 66,1 Southold AB R H O A E' hanSouthold.. 7. 4 stha a&c n Jerror— years. ror - Y _..�' Prince, ss 5 1 2 2 3 1 pire—Thompson. EAST END LEAGUE Cassidy, c 4 0 2 6 4 0 lstvre by innings: 1r r Cochran, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Southold .. ..'1 0 2 0 0 0 0• ?. 1 Coveleski, r —6 "—�— 1 0 0 0 0 0 STANDING OF THE CLUBS Strasser, 2bf 1 1 3 3 3 1 We-`thaanpton .0 0! 0' 2. 0 0 0 0 3— Won Lost P.C, Ullrich, if 5 2 2 1 0 fl Scott 3b 5 The eastbound passenger train, about Southold 3 0 1000 Salman, p 4 1 3 0 2 0 7.45 last Wednesday evening, struck an. Mattituck . . . . . 2 1 667 Sanford, lb 4 0 0 9 0 0 automobile driven by Louis Miles, Sag harbor . . . . 2 1 667 — — — — — colored, who is employed by George East. Hampton . . . 1 - 2 333 Totals 40 7 14 27 12 2 Wells of Peconic, and he and Miss Alma West Hampton . 1 2 333 3-'base hits, Prince, Ullrich; 2-base Mack, of Cutebogue, also colored, who, Southampton. . . . 0 3 000 hits, Prince, Wolgo, L.Reeve; Sacrifice hits, Cochran, Strasser; Stolen bases, was riding with him, were hurled about The First Settlers who have the Scott, Lindsay, Ruland 2" Struck out 75 feet. The accident happened at the appearance of a strong baseball team by Downs, 5; by Salmon, 6; Double crossing between Mattituck and Laurel.. this season, took the honors in the plays, Gagen to L. Reeve to Wickham; Miles escaped with a few minor cuts athletic grounds, defeating Mattituck left on bases, Mattituck 7, Southold 8. Umpires Thom and bruires, but Mina Mack was quite 7 to 5. The Southold boys had the p Thompson and Tuthill seriously injured in the head and lower wallop, and found Downs' shoats easy Score by Innings to solve, starting in the second inning limbs. The automobile was badly when Strasser led off with a hot Mattituck 0 p 1 p 4 0 p 0 0-5 wracked. The step of the locomotive single to left. Ullrich then poked one Southold 0 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 0-7 was torn off by the impact. 7 Receptloo to Father McGrath The New Drug Stare trip o g Harbor on Saturday after- On Wednesday evening, June 6th, a And new it is in sailor's parlance, noon, with the Southold Baseball Club, reception was given in Belmont Hall by "from clew to earin." New building, may do so by being at Southold wharf the members of St. Patrick's parish, in new location, new fittings and new punctually at 1 o'clock_ Fare, round honor of the rector, Rev. Edward F. people to run it. Coming from the trip, $1. McGrath. The occasion was the toren- gest, which is the way most strangers Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. Glover are tieth anniversary of his ordination to enter our village, the outside effect of visiting their parents. Mr. Glover has h the priesthood. the store in wonderfully attractive. been Asst. Principal of the school at The hall, which was decorated with When one enters the store this effect 'B'North Gerard, Pa., the past year. He flags and banks of white flowers and;',greatly increased. The interior is fin- will teach at Cornwall-on-the-liudson table decorations of red roses, was a ished in dark, dyed wood, the ceiling next year. very pretty sight. The tables were panelled in quiet outline; the yellow arranged to seat the two hundred peo- hangings at the windows and the shades Frank Terry, son of George Terry, ple who attended, and the dainty over the candle effects-at the sides, all was home over Sunday for the first luncheon served was enjoyed by all. ive a ver leasin restful at- time in three years. He was printer's A very fine musical program follow- g y o g' devil a the Traveler office several m o s p h e r e to the place. The years ago. ed, in which members of the pariah and general f i t t i n g a are complete Treasurer H. H. Huntting is attend- s few invited guests took part. Among and in extremely good taste, and the ing the convention of the National Sav- those invited who were able to come, quite complete stock, most attractively t were Rev. Father Justinian, C. P•, of arranged. The laboratory in the rear wee Bank Association at Buf[alohis this Shelter Island Heights, Rev. John Ma- has in it the outfit needed at the pres- week' hon of Inwood, a cousin of Father Mc- eat day, and the proprietor, Mr. Chas. During the thunder storm Wednesday Grath, Rev. Francis Connelly of Green- F, Kramer, is capable, from long afternoon, lighting struck the cowshed port, and Rev. James Reilly of Cut- and active experience in the city of E. P. Baker, but did not do much chogue. Addresses were made by all of fulfilling all of its requirements. damage. the visitia g priests, in which they told Mr. Kramer proposes to keep strict- Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Millard and Mr. i of their great love for Father McGrath ly to the line of goods desired by those and Mrs. Latson and family of Brook- and of the wonderful work accomplish- who go to a general drug store for sup- lyn are at their Creekside home for the ed by him. At the conclusion, Father plies. Mahon fittingly expressed the senti summer. g y There are several tables at one aide, ment of the members of the parish and away from where custemers enter, The rain of Wednesday afternoon presented Father McGrath with a purse where ice cream and its accampani- thing for strawberries and as a small token of love and appreeia- ments are served in a willing manner, other was a great great tion. Father McGrath responded in his and, by those whose business and pleas- 'usual pleasing manner. ure it is to promptly wait on those who The Champion Fishing Club made a Father McGrath was born in Brook- may desire service. This seems a sort great haul Monday evening—half a ton lyn, received his education at St. Ma- of an aside, and is Out of the way, be-hof weakfish. ry's Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and, ing attended to by other members of E L L Hospital, Greenport, June St, Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie,and' the family, which leaves the druggist 13, Mrs. Amelip Barge of Brooklyn and was ordained at St. John's, Brooklyn, free to attend to the rest of the busi- Southold. Interment at Fayette, N. C. by '.he late [light Reverend Bishop ness. The public may expect from all McDonnell. After acting as ass"sstant wh the general all promisee Charles 1Brown,Townie dyn, at Trinity uCastan May- at two of the Brooklyn churches far a when one enters the store. ' er and Miss He ten Louise, daughter of few years, he was appointed rector, Geo. xotarox TErerty Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moore of Brooklyn in August, 1916, came to Southold. and Southold. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kuhn were at Chas. During the time Father McGrath has F' Kramer's over the week-end. Mrs. Clly,Frae, June 5, d Rev. James J. ReillyFrancis Edward Burkhardt and spent here he has labored faithfully, Kuhn is a sister of Mrs. Kramer, with Miss Margaret Agnes Delaney, both of both far the spiritual and temporal whom Miss Miriam Kramer, who will New Suffolk, welfare of his people. He is much lov- be one of the corps of teachers in our Pe- ed by all not one by the members of The will o.t`Joseph M. Terry of$10,- his High School next winter, is at present coni-., gives an estate valued at $10,- his congregation, but by all the people staying while finishing her course at 000 to his friend, John N. Baucr, who of the village. While we would be Maxwell's Training School for teachers is now deceased. pleased to have him promoted as rector in Brooklyn. The will of Barbara Ullerieh of of a larger pariah, it is the hope of alU Southold, disposing of$7,000, fives all of the estate to Ernest fes., Ray- that be will remain among us for many' Leslie B. Eldredge is building a bun-, mond F. Ullericb, cons, and Elizabeth years. galow at Pine Neck for W. $. Chad- Dean of Greenport and Hilda Ullerich burn of Yonkers for his own occupancy. of Southold, daughters, with the ex- ception of$1,which is liven to Mamie The will of Frances J. ;^ase late of Mr. Chadburn has rented his present Downey, whose last acldress, the peti- Peconic, in disposing of an estate bungalow on Jockey Creek to city par- tion for probate ays, was 215 Clinton valued at over '$10,000, bequeaths Wil- ties. St., Jersey City„ and that was twelve liam C. Case, son, $2,000; Lizzie D. --- ,years ago. Case, daughter, furniture, etc., and William M Beebe &w to Theodore divides the residue of the estate be- 0 Beebe, lot on highway leading to tween the son and daughter. New 'Suffolk adi other land of said William M Beebe, Cutcbogue, nam.. c.2- Twenty-Five Years Ago i The Southold sluggers opened up New 'school goose �� 7 I _ � � -their heavy artillery in the fourth, -E and "bombed' the opposition in the Southold took a forward step last Sereno H. Smith closed his school at fifth, .sixth, and eighth stanzas, push- Friday night, when by a vote of 63 to North Sea and was home for the sum- ing two counters across the plate in S it voted to build a new school house. each stanza. The fans sure witnessed met at mar vacation. some hefty wallops and the players The special school meeting Misses Grace and Edith Marks sailed i;eemed anxious to give the fans their the school house and organized and for a tour in Europe. money's worth. immediately adjourned to Belmont J. _:'. corey was building an additien : :The score: Hall, where all further business was to Ezra G. Beebe's barn. Sag Harbor AB R .H Pio A E transacted. Fred K. Terry, President Henry F. Van Wyck, mason and con-I .Wills, rf ......... 4 0 2 1 0' 0. 3 0 0 2 0. 1 (Donohue, if of the Board of Education, presided, tractor, of New Suffolk, sPLded in Watson, ss ....... 4 0 0 1 0 1 and Clerk W. L. Williams recorded. Southold. R. Wagner,1b .... 4 0 1 8 0 0 H. L. Jewell and John H. Lehr were R. S. Sturges was building a,house C. Pulver, c ...... 4 1 1 10 2 0: appointed tellers and were sworn by for Melrose I. Rooth. Perrottet, of .. - 4 0 1 1 0 1 1 Notary Public Geo. C. Terry, Str. bang Island went'on the route, !Crozier, 31i ...... 4 b, 0 0 0 3 The first proposition to rescind the between Sag Harbor and New London. Waring, 2b ...... 13 0, 1 J 2 0 ;E. Wagner, p .... .3 0, 0' 1 1- 0 action of the special school meeting of The N. Y. & N. J. Telephone Co. W. Pulver, rf .... 1 0 0 2 0 0 Jan. 14, 1920, when it was voted to ap- connected all the stations of the L. I. _ — _ _ _ propriate $65,000 for building a new It, 1,, with long distance tel,phoue. 34 1 6 27 5 6 school house, was carried by a unani- 1 The Greenport Dramatic Troupe Southold AB R H PO A E mous vote. fplayed "Tlie Confederate Spy" at Burt, of ........ '5 1 1 2 01 0 The second proposition to appropriate Belmont Mall. Heaney, ss . 15 11 1 1 1 0 60 000, to be raised b the levy of a 'Cassidy, c ....... 'S 0 0 1.2 1 1 $ y Rev. B. D. Boivin commenecd his Cochran, rf ...... '5 2 3 1 0 0 tax by yearly installments of $3,000 pastorate of the Univereaiiat ci,urch. Strasser, 2b ...... 4 1 1 1 1 0 I each, with interest, for a term of Halstead Rhodes and Mies Grace T. Ullrich, If ........ 4 1 2 1 0 0 twenty years, beginning Jan. 1, 1925, Payne were married, Scott,2b ......... 4 1 1 1 0 1 for the building of an addition to the Mrs. Daniel 'Gerry died, aged 73 'Salmon, p ... .... 3. 0 01 0 1 0 present school building and to equip years. I Sanford, Ib ...... 4 0 1 8 0. 0 said building and addition with heating, Standing of the Clubs: 39 7 10 27 4 2 plumbing, and necessary furnishings Won Lost pc. Three-Base Hits—Cochran, Stras- and fixtures, was carried by a vote of Southold 4 0 1.000 ser. Two,Base Hits—,Ullrich. Sacri- 63 to 8. Mattituck 2 2 .500 'Oce Hits—Strasser, Salmon. Stolen The Board of Education will meet Sag Harbor 2 2 .500 Bares—Ullrich, Scott Sanford, Don- with Architect Tooker this Friday p Westhampton 2 2 .500 ahue, Perrottet, Waring.,Struck-out— Southampton 1 3 .250 By iSalmon, 12; by Wagner, 11. Base evening, and in all probability an ad- E East Hampton 1 3 .250 on Balls—Elf£ Salmon, 0; off Wagner, vertisement will be published next 0. Wild Pitch—Wagner. Left on week calling for builders to submit Results June 9th Bases—Southold 7; Sag Harbor, 0• bids. Westhampton 6; Mattituck 1. First Base on .Error—Southold, 5; The addition planned is two-story, 60 Southampton 9; East Hampton 2. 'Sag Harbor, 1. Umpire—Mr. Bur- x 60, with basement. There will be Southold 7; Sag Harbor 1. gess. 'The score by innings: four 40-pupil class rooms and two 30- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pupil class rooms, a principal's room,, The League leading"'First Settlers'" Sag :Harbor. ...0 1 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0-1 teachers' room, and an auditorium,' invaded 'Sag Harbor and "harpooned'" Southold ......0 0 0 1 `2 2 0 2 0:x--7 the "Whalers" on their own little _ 38x58, that will seat about four trun- "ocean," last ,Saturday afternoon, by dred. The stage of the auditorium the most deceptive score of 7 to 1. WASHOUT AT CUTCHOGUE will reach beyond the main building. Yes, deceptive in more ways than one. The evening train which usually ar- It is planned to building the addition To begin with, Al Salmon, Southold's rives at Cutchogue about 8 o'clock just to the north of the present school ,southpaw slant artist, struck-out was over an hour late last Thursday building, and there will be three pass- twelve of the opposition, and issued night, and was further delayed a cou- narry a free pass. Cochran and ple of hours after leaving that station age-ways connecting the two buildings, 11 'Strasser bath connected for three when it ran into a washout near the one for the basements and one for each sacks, and Ullrich for a double, which bridge!' The heavy rhM had literally of the two stories. A new steam- together with seven other safeties! floated the track at this point, and the heating plant will heat both buildings. and a few stolen bases, accounted for wheels of the pony truck on the loco- seven perfectly good run_.' But "old motive were derailed, but no one was One of the heaviest downpours of war horse" Ed 'Wagner, of the hurt. Motor cars were hired by the "Whalers," a veteran of many exert- railroad compony to transport the pas- rain we ever witnessed took place last ing diamond contests, and as goon] a stingers to points east. ;i"""" -i Thur evening. The streets were ballplayer as was ever developed on flooded and in many eases you needed eastern Long Island, made things in- Miss Freda Williams, who has been rubber boots, if not a rowboat, to get teresting for ;Southold by striking out so successful as a stenographer and out of the house. The rain was of eleven men and never walked a bat- typewriter in Riverhead, started for great advantage to growing crops. ter. Ed. deserved to win, but his California on Monday for a trip, and teammates did not hit behind hint, for possible tarry. She has an uncle Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fleming, have had they done so, the Harbor "vet." there. would have achieved a well-earned # moved to Huntington, where Mr.Flem- victory. ing has an excellent position. �72t Miss Emma Hutzler has moved into �� � Day P. J. Mahoney, Jr., is building a po her new home—the Wd Col. John H. S. U tato house, 28x50, two stories, at Pe- Youngs' place--which has been fully The students of the Southold High conic, It is located north of the rail- repaired, preserving the old lines. School and Eight Grade observed Class road track, west of the station. henry This is the old'eat place in Southold Day last Friday afternoon in the High Goldsmith is doing the work. Mr. Ma- Town, having been built in 1$47. Miss School room, which had been beautiful- honey has been with his father in the Rutz:er is to be highly commended for ly decorated with roses and syringa. potato business at Southold for many preserving this old landmark, t—w_,`% The program was as follows: years and thoroughly understands the Last xti+�elc, it i., reported, a hundredAmerica, the Beautiful, Everyone business. We wish him abundant suc- i dlars were spent for ice cream in Piano solo Helen Boisseau cess, rue: day in this village by people try- Essay, Athletics !Helen Booth „ , to cool off. It was not Sunday. Neapolitan Serenade Glee Club Fire at Southold Miss lois Watson of Freeport, a Class Will Altha Smith The alarm of fire was sounded about former teacher in our High School, Essay, Child Welfare Marie Gagen. 3:30 Saturday morning, when a small Albertson Alber spent the week-end at H. C. Prince's. Piano solo Flora barn and shed belonging to Geo. H. Advice to the Juniors Harry Case ,Stelzer were discovered on fire. The Mrs. John S, Jenkins and daughter Reply to the Seniors Harold Downs shed was completely consumed and the Leah sail on Saturday for a trip to Song of the Strollers Glee Club barn badly damaged. The Fire Depart- Europe. Essay, Forests Harry Case Presentation of a ten dollar gold piece invent prevented the fire from apread- Bulkeley, D C P &ano to School n;�t ria�, ing to adjoining buildings, which were Southold, lot w Osklawn av aa3 land of far new hooka for the library,from In clo a proximity. The origin of the school, Southold .......................$1,000 the Senior Class, by the president fire is not known. !Horace Dumars to iMary E Dumars, Clement Donahue lot on Jackson st, adi land ,Benjamin School Song, Everyone Russell F. Dorsch of Brooklyn,grand- Roach, New Suffolk, nom. One might have wished to see more son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Vail, gradu- Southold, lune 7, Georgn Miller of the townspeople present, but those ated from Stevens Institute of*Tech- Howell, aged 83 years, 10 months, who came expressed the feeling that nology, Castle Point, Hoboken, N. J., 18 days. they had enjoyed the exercises which I June 19, after a four years' course, Greenport, June 11, Chester L., won mean the last little informal function 'I'he degree of Mechanical l£ngineer of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I. Tuthill of New of the Seniors as members of the was conferred upon Mr. Dorsch. Suffolk. Interment at Cutchogue. school. d71 Sunday Cutchogue, June 10, Carolina S., nlorlung next, tnr l:ul- wife of Julius A. Tuthill, aged 78 It is interesting to note in connection C grit of the Universalist Church will be' years. with the Macon Celebration, to which' occupied by Rev. Scovill of Amag•an- space was given last week, that the Ott Presbyterian Church. T'w'enty- Riverhead, June 10, at St.. John'sfive years ago such an announcement hurcb, by Rev. Father Curran, Henry floats prepared under the supervision ould have caused surprise, now no- Delaney of New Suffollt and ' i s Mary of Miss Jessie Prince of the W. A. ;e notices it. Shields of Riverhead, formerly of Doody Firm, were declared the most Southold. distinctive and artistic of any 4 Rf;v. VT. M Stanley will fill the pul- Cha.rles L. Fanning of Chester, in the grand street parade. The pit of Shiloh Baptist church next Sun- Conn., a native of Southold and broth- prize, however, was given to a Pullman !day. The morning subject is "Sin er of the late Mrs. Carrie Bersenger, Observation car on which a Georgia f Lieth at the Door," and the evening of Greenport, visited relatives here railroad had spent twelve thousand subject is "Jesus was found Walking i ..eek. dollars. Again Southold may sit up in the Fire." and feel proud of the p$rt it had in this sails for Twenty-FlPt3 Yearly Ago. 100th anniversary through the efficient plias ]Dorothy Sa�r'e `/rem e Z "*4 efforts of one of its daughters. Ea1•ope r Saturday neat, It will 'Strawberries were about two weeks con e.stant she was the fortunateOfth contetant for the trip a•z osis of tl�e later than usual. Dr. J. W. Stokes wishes us to state employees of the Double-Day Page & The Locust Grove school closr d, and that he does not want to be considered Co of Carden City. the teacher, Irvin H. Beadle, returned a "•joy-killer," but he considers that it S. L. Bowland of Brooklyn is again to his home in Oswego. would add to the real happiness of par- in Mrs. Daisy L. Prince's house occupying The Southold Fire Deparlmont voted ents and children, too, if the parents pY g to have a arada on Jul 4th. for the summer. Mrs. Prince has tak- e y would not allow their children to use en rooms at Mrs- purcell's. go A. R. Vail and Michael Lucey blank cartridges and other fireworks. were piling up lumber at Southold He was recently called to attend a se- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Goldsmith wharf, the pile fell over on them, and sere wound from the use of a blank of Maplewood, N. J.. are again occu- Mr. Vail was bruised very badly. cartridge..The danger of tetanus from pying one of Mrs. Frank D. Smith's The Town Board voted to widen and these wounds is very great. Dr. Stokrs bungalows at Town Harbor. straighten portions of the roads at Bay is doing all he can to discourage the Summer is Bore in earnest. Tuesday View and Pine Nock. use of these dangerous articles, and he the ther- The old Silas Horton homestead at is to be commended for so doing. was hot and on Wedn the day Bay View was completely remodeled. mometer registered 92, of the season. r Commencement Exercises only in doing their best could they IVs. M. W, Golder wife of our grow better. They must have vision, aforetime druggist, and her little son, The Camrner►eenTent Exercises of confidence in their fellowmen and con- are at the Pine Neck home for a sea- the Southold High School were held at fidence in themselves, complete trust in soil. Belmont Hall, Mon la evening, and as their God, and they should met oppo- ltaymonn uunarrue, woo graduated I usual the peoplo showed their interest sikior fur only by overcoming opposi from Cornell University last week, is, in the school and the graduates by fill" borne. tion can one become stro►,ger. The o ing the hall. As the curtain rose on speaker reminded the people that the Walter Gagen is clerking in Chas. F. the nine graduates, Board of Educa- graduates must have their ha.lp, sym- Kramer's drug store. tion, principal, clergy, and speakers, pathy and encouragement. Mr. Peck' . there was a burst of applause, showing said the might be considered old-fashion 4Ir. Winkleman of Westbury, hws the kindly feeling of the audience, ed, but he believed that the supreme ought the W. R. Lewis place onThe members of tile t less of 1923 are ambition of every young woman should Harbor Lane, but there will be no Clement Benedict 'Donahue, president; change of occupants this suu►nie►•. he the creation of a true American Harriet Terry liortnn, vice president; home. No finer address, or one more CutchoRue, June 14, by Rev. P. H. Marjorie Rhodes Hagerman, secretary; worthwhile, was ever given to a South- Dodd. Theodore O. Beebe of Cutchogue Gertrude Adelaide Koko, treasurer; old graduating class than that given by and Miss Hannah Goodale of Greenport. Helen L:►werre Booth, H a r r y Mr. Peck before the Class of 1:123. We Green C a se, Marie Letitia belive,all who heard it will profit there- Twenty-Five Years Ago { Il Hagen, Charles Andrew Gagen, and bY. e Answer Jroti,.e Z l ®4© a, I Y-/ � Altha Natalie Smith. This is the larg- 11 Percy W. Clark sold his residence on est class that ever graduated from the Bay Avenue to Mrs. R. Swain of school, except in 1914, when ten were The Town Hall Committee has had Brooklyn, Mise Ade.Terry graduated from the' graduated. The class colors are Blue its anxwer Co the question, •'i10 you Oswego Normal School. and Silver, and the class motto i4 ""A want a Town. Hall?'" The figures and letters in the altar of good name keeps its lustre in the out of live hundred inquiries sent out d irk," over four weeks alto, less than fifty St. Patrick's ilburch were regilded. King's Orchestra played selections dur- have been returned. Among those fif- W. Corey Albertson graduated fromins the evening. The High School ty, the majority has been in favor of Claverack College. Glee Club sang "Song of the Stroll- rebuilding tielrncnt Nall. The M. E. church gave a reception "" to Rev, Horace W. Byrnes and family. ere" and The dance." The invoca- But that majority, aster all, is only a Z:e . Harald Union School and the tion was given by Rev. Father Me- minority of tho entire village of S�auth- Southold Academy cl"sed for the sum- Grath. Harriet Horton was the sale- old. mer vacation. tatorian, and 'Marjorie Hagerman the We realize that flee rn+juries do not valedietori►n. Fibs. Joseph L. Town. want a Town halt. The response has send of Greenport presented silver brought that fact home to us. � � L medals from Yennicott Chapter, D. R., Perhaps the time is not propitious.. to Cho following pupils for best essays Perhaps there are too many other prop- in the school on `"Valley Forge" : 7th ositions 'before the public just now. Southampton 3, Mattituck 2. grade, Doris Williams; 8th grade, Jo- Perhaps the cost of maintenance is too Sag Harbor 1, Westhampton 0. septi Band; 1st year h gh school, Mari- heavy a burden at this time. Southold 4, East Hampton 0. on Albertson; 2d year high school, Ar- I a So the committee has agreed to re- Another shut-nut game was pulled thur Gagen. Robert Booth received tire cheerfully, possibly only tempor nfy nn the Southold diamond. when the high honor of winning the gold illy. That will depend entirely upon the the home team defeated the vellarites medal at the Fast End Contest. The disposition of the pe.rple at some future from East Hampton, 4-0. The game diplomas were presented by Fred K. date, was a fast one, consuming only -17 Terry, president of the Board of Edu- In the meantime the committee will hour and a half of the fans' valuable keep a record of the questionnaires,with time, The Homesweethomers played cation. a clean errorless same, but were not The speaker, Hon. John G. Peck of 'their generous offers of help, financial there with the stick work, gathering Southampton, Member of Assembly and otherwise. And it will retain its in only Boor hits to the First Settlers' from the First District of Suffolk,was spirit of willingness to cooperate for a Pleven. Ullerilh of Southold did the introduced by 1tev. Abram Conklin. new hall at any time the village feels I'M— work with the wagon tongue. Here's the record: We were never more proud of our rep- the need for it. 1 2 2 4 5 ti 7 8 9 resentative at Albany than we were , TOWN LIALL COMMITTEE Southold0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 x-4 Monday night. Farr many ye=ars, as E. Hampton 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0-0 Raymond Donahue Southampton y graduated from Principal of the `Southern tan High Syracuse University last week with a Standing of the Clubs School, he ranked as one of the fore- B. S. after his name. He will apply his scientific training to agriculture Wnn Lost t, most educators in Suffolk and ho gave this summer. Southold a message that commanded the und vid- Westhamnton 3 3 1. oo1 eel attention not only of tl►e Class of J. Leo Thompson is to commence Sag Harbor 3 2 .500 1923 but of the entire audience. The work at once on the new $5,000 Park Southamuton 3 3 .500 speaker said he liked to talk to young House on the property of the Southold Mattituck East Hampton � � 'y211,` people, for he had been daint; it all his ,Park District at Town Llorhor. It is .167 life, He reminded the graduates that hoped to have it finished by Aug. 1st. ------lwwdmssawx.. COMRADE JOHN GAVISTON John P. Ruebsamen has sold'for H. � Grade VIII-Marguerite Ehrhardt ANSWERS THE "LAST CALL" A. Ritter of Brooklyn, a plot and dwell- 89, Joseph Bond 87, Flora Albertson 86. ing on Bay Home Ave., Southold, to Grade VII-Doris Williams 89, Louise John Gaviston, who has been a re- Robert Lang. The same broker has Overton 88, Grace Vreeland 87, Alice spected resident of Riverhead for eold for W. E. Fey of Brooklyn, a plot Bloomfield 86, Marion Carey 86. many years, died at the home of on Bay Home Ave., to Mr. Lang. Grade VI-Evelyn Van Wyck 91, Henry C. Jeffries on Tuesday evening. His health had been declining for sev- The Reydon Company of Southold Helen Dickerson 89, Francis Thompson eral years. For sometime he had been has be-n chartered by the Secretary of 88, Alice Downs 86, Frances.Gordon 85, almost blind. Mr. Gaviston was born State to engage in the realty business Dwight Bridge 85. at Southold 79 years ago last March. with 150 shares of common stock of no i Grade V-Eather Booth 93, Marie He enlisted in the Sixth New York I Artillery in New York City and served par valu;3. The compr:ny will begin Doherty 92, Noreen Wiseman 92, through a greater part of the Civil business with$500. Directors are: E Horace Symonds 92, Walter Williams f War. He was a painter by trade and H. Brown, Edward Mills and John S. 89, Robert Gagen 86, Helen Kart M, followed that occupation in Riverhead Jenkins Eileen Mahoney 85, Adeile Payne 85. j for many yrars. His wife died sev- eral years ago. He had been kindly Mr, and Mrs. H. J. Cusack will move Y An- cared for at the Jeffries •home for the into the rooms in the Albertson House na Zaveski 90, Leta Ehrhardt 89, Mur- past three years. Funeral services vacated by Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. 11. iel Young 87, Jerome Grattan 87, Rose- will be held there this Friday after- Overton. mart' Grattan 86, Clifford Wiseman 86, noon at 1:3'0, the Rev. C. C. Cornwell, 9,ertha Hipp 85. pastor of the First Congregational Miss Minnie Andrews of Brooklyn is Grade III-William Williams 94, church, officiating, and the burial will be in the Riverhead cemetery, the ser- to open a millinery establishment in the Rensselaer Terry 93, Carol. Gomez 92, vices at the grave being in charge of Hartranft store. • Pauline Albertson 92, Agnes Zebroaki Henry A. Barnum Post, G. A. R., of The Bank of Southold took tho $5,000 91, Fannie O'Visianik 90, Mary Butler which. Mr. Gaviston was a member. bonds of the Southold Park District, at Sial, Margaret Kart 89, Joseph Ostroski The ranks of the G. A. R. in this sec- tion are rapidly thinning. five per cent. 86, Joseph Savage 85. GOOD-'«WILL DELEGATESGrade Il-Lloyd Dickerson 91, Edgar SAILED SATURDAY Mrs. Luella K. Chandler, Mrs. Char- Smith 91, Anne Thompson 91, Beverly Miss Dorothy Sayre, formerly of lotte C. Overton and daughter Rulh Gordon 90, Dorothy Howell 90, Terry Peconic and now of Garden City, who left:Tuesday fur Auburn, Mass. Jennings 90, Constance Terry 88, was elected as a Good Will Delegate Mrs. Lytle Browne of Chester, 1'a., Charles Bennett 87, Ethel Conklin 87, from Doubleday, Page & Company to Clarence Tillinghast 87, Mildred Berry visit devastated France, sailed on the is Visiting her sister, VP[ra. W H Lloyd• 86, Ruth Christiansen 86, Joseph Con- Lafayette Saturday with the LongWilliam A Fleet to Frank B Ryder, way 85, Vincent Droscoski 85, Island delegation to tour the Basque lot e s private rd belonging to Norma Grade I-Pauline Howell 98, Edna Country, the Pyrenees and Southern H Fleet, Southold, tax, 50c. France. The delegates will spend the - Dickerson 97, Daniel Bridge 95, Robert Fourth of July in Bordeaux and dur- Nassau Point Chit Pror,erties to i B stee, Romanski 93, Shirley Fisher 93, Wil- ing the month of July will visit Paris,!]os rr1. rig r;, sir, notrit ............ 3`a,acn� ham Grattan 92, Mary Moffat 91, Hen- B2arritz, Lourdes, Garcassone, Nimes ry Romanski 91, John Bednoaky 90, :end Avignon, There will also be au- Peeonic. June 22, at the residence of tnmobile trips through the devastated the bride's parents, by Bishop Samuel Faye Goldsmith 90, Anna Savage 90, regions, including the American, Can- Babcock of Boston, Edwin Mitchili I Frances 'Van Wyck 89, John Grattan adian, British and French battlefields. Prellwitz and Miss Eunice Browning, 188, George Klos 88, George O.3troski 88, The July 20th will sail for New York on SCHOOL NOTES ty y Sylvia Payne 87 Kathleen Grattan 86, The protratracted heat and drought . Laura Kramer 86, Joseph O'Visianik r have been taxing the capacities of A a result of the Regents' Examina- B;'Following is a list of pupils who have both our drug stores in supplying tions held in the Southold High School, �had perfect attendance for the quarter: cream to lessen the bodily heat and the following students obtained a mark drinks to assuage the thirst of the of 90 per cent or ever: l High School-Henry Dickerson, Har- sweltering public. Mr. Barnard needs ;riet Horton, John Kramer, Marian more hey and Mr. Kramer has to call English 4-Marjorie Hagerman 92. p English 2-Helen Thompson 91. Sayre. Helen Thompson. on all the members of his family for History B-Helen Thompson 941[ar- Grade VIII-Harriet Dickerson, Ber- assistance. How did we manage to ex- , nice Simons, Harry Weygand, rst before the came`? Proving that jorie Hagerman 91. y g increased facilities but add to demand Aigebra-Mary Strasser 97, Katber- Grade VI-Eugene Gagen, Franc ine Thorn and trade. plan 94, Henry Dickerson 93, Gurdon, Henry Kress, Doris Leicht,� Clara Tuthill 9l, Helen Boisseau 90. Evelyn Van Wyck. Rev. H. M. 5ter1irig will fill the put- ory- Elementary U. S. HistJose h Grade V-Esther Booth, Dorothy pit of Shiloh Baptist church on Sunday. p Christie, Marie Doherty, Dorothy Jere The morning subject is "Do Not Call Bond 97, Marguerite Ehrhardt 92, God's Pe�3ple Common,°' and the even- Katherine Hilliard 93. Wings, Noreen Wiseman, Alfred Bakes The following students were on the George Berry, Gerald Hobson, Horac ing subject is "Stay on Board the Honor Rall for the final quarter,having Symonds. Ship." maintained an average of at least 85 Grade III-Edna Leicht, Willis per cent, with no subject below 75: Smith, William Williams. Mrs. L. N. Seaford will open her High School-Helen Thompson 88, Grade Ii-Lloyd Dickerson, Herrman ` house for Ice Cream Parlor and ,'Tea Katherine Thompson 87. Howard, Robert Leicht, Edgar Smith, Room on Saturday, June 30. Constance Terry. � 4 M 9 2- Grade I—Pauline Howell, Elizabeth Standing of the Clubs the last inning reeve n-ot a tree racier Jennings, Mary Moffat, Anna Savage, Won Lost c, to first, and was forced by Downs. P Eels Mitchell was safe on Squires' er- I Bertha Savage, Alice Surozineka, Southold 7 1 .875 ror and Lindsay helped his own cause Glary Surozineka, Egbert Malmborg, Westhampton 5 3 -625 by doubling lustily to left center, two Joseph Slavonik. Sag Harbor 5 3 •625 runs coming in. Andy Cybulski's hit 13elen Thompson and Harry Wevgand Mattituck 3 5 .375 to center scored. Lindsay with the ty- Southamptvn 3 5 .375 ing run, but Andy was out trying to had perfect attendance for the entire Easthampton 1 7 .125 extend his hit into a two-,bagger. year, having been neither absent nor Wickham ended the inning by ground- tard Results June 30 y� ing to Salman. The Mattituck de- Twenty-rive x emrs Ago Mattituck 8; Easthampton 7 fense showed an improvement over Westhampton 1; Southold 0 their former games, Cybulski and Cov- �+� Sag Harbor 5; Southampton 1 eleski making pretty catches in the T. lel, Shipherd was attending the Results July 4 outfield, while for Southold Ullerich Students' Conference at Northfield, Southall 5; Mattituck 4 made a neat catch of a line drive, and Mass. Scott, the third sacker, started two Westhampton 4; Southampton 0 doublelas The score•. Silas A. H Dayton of Phillipa Acad- Sag Harbor 9; Easthampton 6 p Y emy, Andover, Mass , was home for Mattituck AB R H 0 A E the summer. Games Scheduled for Saturday Ruland, 3b 5 0 0 2 1 0 William H. Clark went to Sheeps- Sag Harbor at Mattituck Reeve, ss 3 1 2 3 4 0 haad Bay as ticket agent and telegraph Easthampton at Westhampton Downs, 2b 5 1 2 1 3 0 Southampton at Southold Mitchell, c 5 1 1 6 1 0 operator of the L. 1. R. R. Lindsay, p 4 1 2 1 1 0 James Moett of Newark, N. J., The Fourth of July game at South- Wickhma ff , if 3 0 1 2 0 0 formerly of this place,joined the Army old between the First Settlers and Barker, 1b 4 0 1 6 1 1 and his regiment went to Florida. Mattituck wound up with a thrilling Coveleski, of 3 0 0 4 0 0 Mrs. J. N. Hallock was speaking on ninth inning finish when Mattituck — physiology and hygiene before teach- came from behind and tiers the score morals 41 4 11 *26 11 1 with an old fashioned batting rally, *Two out when winning run was era' institutes in Massachusetts, under and lost out when Southold pushed scored. the auspices of the State Board of a run over in the last half on a play Rcuthold AB ;R H O A E Education, which was questioned by the -Alattitnek F'nrt, of 3 1 0 0 0 0 Rev. Samuel D. Willie, Chaplain of fans and team,and on which the game 7-cant', p 4 1 2 0 2 0 will be protested. Burt, the first hat- Cassidy, c 4 1 1 1 1 1 the 127th Regt., N. Vol., during' ter for Southold in this inr.in„ walked C,cbran, rf 4 1 3 1 1 0 the Civil War, died at his home in N. and stole second. Heany singled ad- Gtrasser, 2'b 2 0 0 3 0 1 Y. City. vancing Burt to third, but took too 1711erielh. if 3 0 0 1 0 0 Promise Rebekah Degree Lodge was much liberty between the bases and Scott, 3b 3 1 1 3 4 0 organized here. ryas caught at second, Cassidy bunted Salmon, Ib 4 0 2 10 0 0 Bicho McDonnelladministered con- a pop fly to Barker for the second Squires, ss 4 0 0 0 4 1 P out, and this brought Cochran to hat, — — — — — firmation to 35 children of the Church who already had thre,3 hits to his Totals 31 5 9 27 12 3 of the Sacred Heart, Cutchogue, and credit. Lindsay, attempting to keep Two-base hits.Downs, Barker, Lind- to 20 children of St. Patrick's Church, the ball as far from his bat as pos- say; Sacrifices. Heaney, Cassidy, Ulle- Southold on Sunda sible pitched wide, and Mitchell rich: Stolen bases, Burt, Heany 2, Sunday- missed the ball, which rolled behind Cassidy, Scott 2; Double plays, Scott Prin. Joseph Andrew Hallock of New- him into the crowd behind home plate. to Salmon Scott to Strasser; Struck ark, N. J., well-known here, complet- Burt tore for home, and on a close out. 'bv Heaney 9, by Lindsay 5; Base ed fifty years as a schoolmaster and play at the plate, was called safe, but nn halls, off Heany 4 off Lindsay 3; retired to private life. �rlat.tituck claims that a fan in the Fit by pitcher, by Lindsay, Strasser A ver helpful book, "What Are crowd kicked the ball away from t2).- by Heaney, Coveleski; Passed 9 P Mitchell, or Mitchell would have had balls, Mitchell 2, Cassidy. Umpire, You Doing Here? was issued by the' time to make the putout. There was Thompson. author, Rev. Abram Conklin. also considerable kicking at the unip's Score by Innings decisions on balls and strikes. ichael KRnney died, aged fib years. i 2 3 4 F 6 7 8 9 The frame was interesting through- Mattituck 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3-4 Mrs. L. N. r mirordi opened her out, with both teams having oppor- Southold 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1-5 „Tea Room" on Saturday. Those tunities to score every inning. South- who recall the cozy place which old filled the bases in the first but Mrs. A. Ally, who has taught in our Mrs. Sanford had a few ye-ars ago lacked the punch, while Mattituck academy so successfully during the across the street and the service ren- filled the bases in two innings without past year, finished her labors las, dered there, will be glad to see the scoring. A hit and steal by Scott "Week and has returned to her hcme sign and visit this lee Cream parlor followed with a hit by Al Salmon in Kentucky. The former teacher, in its new location. gave Southold its first run in the sec Miss Nancy Bethel, will re-assume and inning. Hits by Cassidy and charge at the Academy next fall. Dwight Bridge left on Sunday for` Cochran, a hit batter, sacrifice fly b Camp Lerrape, Pocono Mountains, for Ullerich, and an infield out, gave Sadie S McClelland to Allen P Btll- the summer. Mr, and Mrs. Bridge and them two in the third. With two out ter, lot 8.3 A, map of proposed subdi- Prop- son Fredericlt took him is their auto- in Mattituck's half of the seventh, vswatln See B, Nassau Point Club Prop- Slats Reeve singled, and made the erty, Inc., Nassau Point. Tax $1.50 mobile. circuit on a long wallop by Downs for Annie H Mitchell to Marianne Mit- two bases. Southold came back with cbell &ano, Iot on Main ,st, adj ]and Miss Beryl Horton of Pierce School, another in the same frame, when of Lucy Goniez, .Southold, nom. Philadelphia, is home for the Hummer Heany singled, stole second and third, vacation. and tallied on CochraWs third hit. In Meetingone of Goo. G. Richmond's bungalows Tw ent Five Years Ago Of Town Boar on the North Road caught fire, and it Y' The Southold Town Board and Town was feared it would endanger the Trustees met in joint session at the of- building. It was put out before the 'Our farmers gathered a very large lice of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, Department arrived, The second fire crop of hay. Saturday, June 30,1923. Present,Sup- was the debris of the old burned Park The floating debt of the Presbyterian ervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallocic ilouoe at Town Harbor, which occurred Church. Society was cancelled on July Justices Griffin, Gorey, Terry and Rat. Monday evening. It was feared that 1st. bo, Supt. of Highways Fleet, Town nearby buildings would be endangered I LeRoy and Eleanor Howell of the Oa- Counsel Terry, Town Trustees Prince, from the aparka and the Department` wego State Normal School were home Schaumburg, Beebe and Tabor. was called out. The fire was allowed for the summer vacation. The Town Board adopted a resolution to burn and the ruins are now ashes. IPerkins' Jubilee Singers gave an en- regulating the parking of automobiles tertainment in Belmont Ball. and other vehicles in the village of, P The statement of the RiverheadI Clarence Davis won first prize, a Southold. Parking is prohibited be- F Savings Bank, one of the most re- watch, in the juvenile bicycle race at tween the westerly line of Beckwith markable banking institutions of this Sag Harbor on July 4th. Time, 1:33. Avenue and the westerly line of the kind in the State of Now York, shows A union patriotic service was held in total resources of $10,147,117.76, the Presbyterian church. driveway at the Southold Savings Bank. `whish is an increase for the full year Chapter 552 of the Laws of 1923 gives —July, 1922, to July, 1923—of $524,- Sunday was the hottest day in 17 Town Eoards full authority to pass and 834.52. years. In N. Y. City it was 99 de- enforce such regulations. The reeolu- Again are the highly efficient offi€- grees. cors of this bank to be congratulated The store of Wm. A. Williams was tion becomes effective an and after for the splendid results of their ef- July 15, 1923. forts to make the bank grow in burglarized. A Special Constable for Mattituck strength for the protection of the The 80th semi-annual statement of was appointed, funds of the 11,513 depositors trust; the Southold Savings Bank showed to- ing their money with these officials. tal assets of$2,204,877 11 and a surplus The Town Trustees elected George The total number of depositors now C. Terry of Southold as their Counsel. is an increase of 748. of$262,045.33. J. N. HALLocx, Town Clerk i To the depositors alone there is f1 due the handsome sum of $&,344,648.- � interesting Find r :12, which is an increase for the year Parking Vehicles or $467,548.21.; the ,� e surplus apar When you go to Nat Booth's for Chapter 552 of the Laws of 1923 reads alue is $1,802,469.44, an increase of $57,186.41; the surplus at investment choice fruit, just ask him to slow you as follows: value is $1,903,266.07, an increase of his latest find in Indian relies. They Parking vehicles on public highways $103,079.59; and the surplus at Haar- are nine Indian pots that he unearthed' in towns. The town board of any town ket value is $1,913,197.22, an increase °in many pieces only a few feet from in the counties of Suffolk and Nassau of $116,403.62. the surface of the earth. They are may restrict and regulate by resolution The July statement of the Southold somewhat globular in shape, delicately the parking of automobiles or other ve- Savings Bank shows another Suffolk colored of a pale brick color, of differ- hicles in or on the portions of public County financial institution that re- flects within such town, except flects great credit on its officers. This ent sizes, and appear to be of fragile bank now has total resources (at par) construction. One small one was such portions of such highways as may of $7,802,302.18, and at investment found in nearly perfect condition. Us- be within a village. The board shall value, $7,835,822.34. ing this as a guide in shape, color, and provide in such resolution that a viola- The amount clue depositors is $6,- tion of the provisions thereof is a mis- 497,928.66; the surplus at par is $1,- decoration, with infinite patience and 304,373.52; at market value, $1,329, skill, Mr. Booth restored the pots of demeanor, punishable by a fine not ex- 022.89; at investment value, $1,337,- various sizes to their original condi- ceeding fifty dollars, but such resolu- 893.68. tion, When we learned there were tion shall not become operative or effee- During the past year—July to July tive until it shall have been published, I —the bank has gained $328,034.78 in only twenty-six of these pots in all the with s particular description of the total resources at par value; the de- �Cue llections in Eastern United States, posits have increased $248,232.52; the could understand the gratification portions of such highways affected, surplus at par has increased $79,802.- felt by our collector of Indian relics in once a week for two weeks in a news- 26; and at investment value the sur- Ithe possession of these specimens. paper published in such town or, if no plus increase is $85x,490.92. P newspaper ie published in such town, in This bank is also one of the famous The land about here must have been p Long Island institutions paying the once the center of Indian life. It is an a newspaper published in the county in depositors 5 per cent on deposits from interesting coincidence that following' which said town is located, and the par- $1 to $500, 'inclusive, and 4 per cent the first inhabitants, should come one tions of such highways affected there- on the balance. by shall have b,-en marked and indicat- who appreciates their remains aMr. The late Jesse Lewis Case's laugh= I3aath does. Mr. Booth's collection of ed by suitable permanent signs. ter. Mrs. Davidson from Barre, Vt.. lndfan relics is Probably one of the is here finishing the clearing, out of Two Alarms of Fire her father's old office over Barnard's finest private collections in the coun- drug store which he occupied so try, numbering between six and seven There have been two alarms of fire ( n7 my years. thousand pieces. Nearly all were found the past week, to which the Fire De- on the North Fork east of Riverhead. partment responded, but fortunately no Miss It. Bergamirai of N. Y. City is damage was done. fhe first was last 'spending the summer at her enttage at Saturday afternoon, when grass near. the Sound. Standing of the Clubs The store by innings: A Possible Solution 1234 5 6789 Won Lost pe. Southold .... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4-5 In its most laudable efforts to save Southold 8 1 889S,outhanipton . 0 3� 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-4 life and avoid accidents the Town Westhampton 6 3 667 Three-Base Hits—Cassidy. Two- Sag Harbor 5 4 .556 Base 'Hits+—Smith. :Solenski, Turner. hoard comes out with an additi final Mattituck 4 5 .444 • pronouncement, which will become Southampton 3 6 .333"Strasser. Stolen Bases—But, Stras- p ser, Mahr, Heaney (3). Sanford, Ben- operative next week. About every- Easthampton 1 $ 111 nett (2) Struck-Out—By:Heaney, 2; thing from the creation down seems to by Salmon, 4; by'Dollard, 4. ,Base on need trying out before it will be found Results July 7 Ball—Off 'Dollard, 4. Number of In- if the plan is workable. Mat+ituck 5; Sag Harbor 3 nings pitched py Salmon, 5; by Westhampton 1; Easthampton 0 Heaney, 4. Hit by Pitcher—Ullrich, It is chimed that the present zone r- ",nuthampton 4Left on Bases—Southold, S; South- is too much extended, also that if care ULLRICH KNOCKED OL'T ampton, 3, First Base on Error— may not halt in front, or nearly in SALMON FAINTS IN GAME Southold, 3; Southampton, 1, Umpire front, of stores, trade is driven away In a game replete with thrills from —Mr. Squires, and people in business lose custom. istart to finish,the"First Settlers" de- feated the fast 'Southampton nine by again, the configuration of the cruse- the close score of 5 to 4. Al Salmon, SOUTHOLIP TAKES GAME streets east of the zone is such that if ISouthold's portuide hurler, fainted in FROM MA`I`TITUCK, 5-4 cars are parked there (and they must the second -inning, and Heaney took In an interesting game on their be put somewhere) the middle of the his place on the mound. Ullrich, the home field on July 4i Mattituck. lost road is so narrowed that it is not safe "First SebtlerV' left gardener, was, to Southold by a score of 5 to 4. to drive, and the corners so obscured knocked out in the same stanza by a, Heaney, who twirled for the visitors, that there is danger of collisions; and ,pitched ball, and .lack Turner, who struck out 0 men and allowed 4 free had a tryout with the New York passes. Lindsay, Mattituck's rnounds- besides, those who shop at the red Giants some years ago, replaced'him, man, struck out 5 and passed 3. front stores have quite a distance to 'putting up a fast brand of ball. In The box score: carry bundles. So, as usual, any the sixth, Heaney stole second and 1AIJ3 R 'H O A E change from what we've been in the honfe in a most sensational manner. ,Southold With the score 4 to .1 against them Burt, of 3 1 0 0 0 0 habit of doing, creates unrest and dis- the Southolders, led by Turner, who Heaney, p 4 1 2 0 2 0 satisfaction. connected 'safely for two bases, start- Cassidy, c 4 1 1 9 1 1 Is it necessary to have so wide a ed their ninth-inning rally. Scott Cochran, rf 4 1 3 1 1 0 zone? Who will enforce the regula- popped a fly to center. Al Salmon, Strasser, 2b 2 0 0 3 0 1 tions? W h) will he on hand to arrert Ulrich, I a a good back in the game, (you can't keep Scott, 3bf 3 10 1 3 4 0 those who do not obey the restrictions ond man dawn,) amt across with a clean hit, sicoring Turner. Al tSatmon, lb 4 0 2 10 (f 0 and hale them before a Justice? And Squires, ss 4 0 0 0 4 1 Teached second on an error and went Sq _ _ _ _ _ is there not a chance for some iitiga- to third on 'Si iHart's furnble -of San- — tion if there is an effort made to en- Totals" rays cutter„ Sanford stole Totals 31 5 9 27 12 3 second. .Burt went out on a fly. Rap Mattituck force these enactments . iecond was issued a free ass, . Ra Y 'AB R H O A E Cannot the Town Board employ a p f Ruland ab 5 0 0 2 1 () duly commissioned officer, who, having the bags. The stage was all set for Reeve, ss 3 1 2 3 4 0 the local Babe Ruth to "do his -s.tuff.ip Downs 2b 5 1 2 1 3 0 authority and knowing how to use it, Joe Cassidy +vas the `Club Van," in Mitchell, c 5 1 1 6 1 0 at mail time, when traffic is greatest this im!� nce. Joe slarnrned a hot one Lindsay, p 4 1 2 1 1 0. and rncst congested, to be on hand to over the center�frelder'a head, and Cybulski, rf 5 0 2 1 '0 0 sae that for a rod or more in width in 'everything was 411 over, Its the hit Wickham, if 3 0 1 2 0 0 front of the post office the way across in the pinch that counts. Barker, 1'b 4 0 1 6 1 1 Southold AB ,R .H PO A E 'Coveleski, of k 3 0 0 4 0 0 the street be kept measurably clear, so Burt, of . ..., . . 3 0 1 1. 0 0 — — — — — pedestrians may be able to cross to the Heaney, fis and p , 4 2 0 3 3 0 Totals 41 4 11*26 11 1 other side in a straight line? No joy- Cassidy, c .....,. G 0 1 7 1 0 *Two out when winning run was walking on the part of font people any Cochran, rf ... 4 0 0 .1 0 0 scored, Strasser,2b .. 3 0 1 2 4 Il Two-base hits—Downs Barker, more than joy-riding on the part of Ullrich, If ........ 1 0 0 0 0 0 Lindsay. Sacrifice hits---�Heaney, Cas- autoists. This officer should be ex- Scott, "3b ......... 4 0 0 1 2 0 pidy, Ullrich, Stolen bases—Heaney, pected to check foot folks from run- Salmon, p and 1b . 4 1 1, 5 1 0 Burt 2, Cassidy, 'Scott 2. 'Struck out ning into danger and also halt autos if Sanford, lb and so 4 1 0 6 3 1 by(Heaney, 9; by Lindsay 5. Base on neceseary. One is safer in the 'city, 'Turner, if ...,.... 3 T! 1 1 0 0 balls off Heaney 4; off Lindsay 3. where regulations are obeyed, than at — Passed balls—Cassidy, Mitchell. Hit 34 5 5 27 14 1 by pitcher—Strasser 2, Mitchell. home, where he roust make his legs .Southampton SLB R H PCO A E Double plays—Scott to Salmon; Scott save his neck. It is just as much a Hart, ss . ... ..... 4 0 1 3 4 1 to Strasser. Left on bases—Matti- person's buoiness to look out for him- Zelenski, 3b ..... 4 0 0 0 1 1 tuck 12, ,Southold . 7. Umpire scif as- ISwann, c ,....,.. 4, 0 0 4 2 0 Thompson. aut to'lonkt is tout fc rchim a delver of an :Smith, if ........ 4 1 1 1 0 0 The score by in4.ings: PETER PIPER Solens_ki, of ...... 4 1 1, 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f Laughlin, 2b ..... 4 1 1. 2 3 0 Southold 012000101—J John F, Ruelisamen has sold for F. MMohr, '1b ......., 4 0' 1 11 2 0 Mattituck 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3---4 rohr rf ......... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Boergessen a plot and house near Dollard, p .,...,. 3 0 0 2 1 3 South Harbor to G. Peterson of Brook- Bennett, rf ,..... 2 1 .1 1 0 0 lyR- 34 4 8..2613 5 nn yaeph W. Turner and trusty Same of our (armors have cnmmer�c` In Case got fire 'Till+nade a bumper scoop of fish ed to dig potatoes. The price Wedne:,- r draw seine at the Sound Tues- day morning was from $6.50 to $8 00 On your own or nearby property skip ging. By actual count, Secre- per bbl. Large quantities are b0i0g for the nearest telephone, call Central mmel entered the catch as 208 shipped daily from Orient. The out- and say you want to report a fire. Give h, 22 Sounders, 1 kingfiah, 1 look for farmers is very bright indeed, Central the zone number in which it is we are happy to state. located and also the owner's name, if and lesser specie in great num- known. Central will call the proper Leland Booth, a member of tie I Twenty-Five Years AV I person to start the fire siren. Call Cen- .ny, had the Y'ennicock truck onp, tral at once, as the apparatus is not P to whirl the contemplated ,1 } ��� " / allowed to leave the houses excepting to town, but he underestimated William Bassett went as cook on one on orders or when an alarm is blown. c.k of the haul, and Grocer At- of the vessels of the U. S. Navy. if the fire is NOT scorching your n, member of the Champion Fish- Mrs. Kate Prince purchased the place, property, and you are not a fireman, Company, a rival concern, was occupied by Rev. F. G. Leonard of C. please, for the "love of Mike" and also Ped with his delivery car to E. Overton and Gen. H. Terry, for the sake of efficiency, leave the the fish to the packing plaice, Prof. W. F. Metz of Southold Acad- ,,phone to the use of the firemen for ten stensibly to personally witness the emy secured the right of entering Stu- minutes after the alarm, unless you 'Pull." Painter Joe Gomez, the dents on certificate in Wellesley, Wil- wish to make a necessary call. Central h member, Showed his skill in a liams and Union Colleges, does not know when a fire is going to rotation by helping to ice and pack The Southold Town Cyclists'Associa- start,where it is to be, if it will require �ntil a late hour, for early ship-_ tion made arrangements to hold a pie-I it the middle of Aagustmuch or little water,who the culprit is, n . to Fulton Market Wednesday if it is a large affair or only a medium Ing. That night the company Cassidy Bros. caught 15,000 mackerel P y or small one, if it is really hot or only i spread their twine, but Dame in one haul in their pound, j one of the sort that will just about turn line did not follow on the set. In- Alfred R. Vail represented theAmer oleo into a liquid state, and it really i of smiling, the fickle one ican Society for the Prevention of Cru- does not know how long the conflagra- ped, and a single barrel only of elt.y to Animals. tion is going to last. knny tribe was shipped ThursdayThe Southold Methodist Church re- Thank you for the ten minutes,if you !ng. The market is quivering, ceived a bequest of$1,000 from the late can give it. is very little stack for sale, but Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Terry. NAT. E. BOOTH, Chief of Dept. p member, a prominent builder, pnrolied yesterday. Standing of the Clubs The "Blair Brothers" of Summit, N. Won Lost pc. J., were again heard in the Presbyter- i�s� WOWS Tee ���� Southold 9 1 .900 ian Church on Sunday morning Iast. Westhampton 6 4 .600 These young men have improved rap- te following item appeared in the Mattituck 5 5 .500 idly since being here two years ago, ogue correspondence of the Coun- Sag Harbor 5 5 ,5000 one having taken up the cello, who view The River Avenue School Southampton 4 6 sloes wonderfullly well. Their violin Easthampton 1 9 '100 "and cello solos and duets were listened id a glee club organized and prat- to with extreme pleasure. Young I for the past several weeks. Results July 14 people seldom realize the charm which are over 50 members, boys and Mattituek 9; Westhampton 6 they may exert over older people{ from the fifth, sixth and seventh; Southold 1; Snag harbor 0 when they are giving their best. :a. Miss Lucy Kanold, the teach- Southampton 7; Easthampton 5 the third grade in the building, i9 i Serious llesieess I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Mitchell and trector and leader. Miss Kanold° 11 daughters,Jane and Caroline Parker,of 'ear had special instruction in pub- On Tuesday,Supt.of Highways Fleet, Bayamon, Porto Itico,are visiting their ,hool music and is well'trained to by order of the Town Board, put up aunt, Miss Carrio Hutchinson, at South on this activity. The first public signs defining the limits of the non- Harbor They will spend part of their Iarance of the club was on Flag parking zone in front of the Southold vacation motoring through New Eng- June 14, on the occasion of the post office. That night the signs were land. rg of the flag on the flag pole in 'torn down and carried away. The par- 1a memorial ark. At that ties who did the act probably did not A card from Mrs. Lottie M. Howard hey sang, under the leadership of realize that they had committed a seri- from Mt. Lowe reports a happy time t Kanold, the song entitled: '"How ous offense against the law, and that for herself and companion, Miss Freda Ross mar's the American Flag." they could be dealt with severely, if Williams, in their trip through Califor- is club sang also at the grammar `caught. ']hey also probably forgot the nia. — 1 commencement exercises in thei death of Jesse Lewis Case. of M. Smith Grammar School an� Er�vard Fourth (Senator Ford) the ' Potatoes sold for $5.50 per bbl. this; very popular monologist and his wife lo-t June 26. week. Two or three truck-loads a day are at their South Harbor home for lward and Curtis Cosden, who have are being shipped from here. Large the summer. Edward has just re- attending the Fay School, Mass„ shipments by truck are being made turned from a 44-weeks' tour through daily from Orient. the 1T. S. and Canada on a B. F. Keith rending their iaeation with their _. _ circuit. at his fishing camp in Canada. V Z_ Rensselaer Terry is giving his new ' ably adapted for -klub purposes. Un I Twenty-Five Years Ago purchase and old home a coat of paint the first floor at the right is a living Id and improving the front and rear, has room or lounge, with the old fireplace "(j$af0o were yielding from 1,50 too certainly changed tWtigs fol• tjl(, retained; at the,left are office and din- I better. ing room, the latter supplemented by 175 1 bushels. i)Fr acre, large porches. Two kitchens are at the Sere'- Smith and Miss Ada Routh I IV Mrs. R. Collier and family of Brook- rear. On the second floor rooms are, were attending the State Summer yn are Occupying S. L Albz,rtson's arranged nicely so as to provide for a' Greenport. residential property for the remainder ladies' suite of rooms and agentlemen's Ivy, Win, H. Lloyd left on ms an- of the season. nual trip to W411(�s. suite. One of the most interesting Prin. L. A. Blodgett and family are, features is an addition at the rear, sep. Forty 1104ra' devotions were held in I ;it. Patrick's Church. spending the summer at Mrs.Blodgett's arated by a few steps from the main former ho building. This is a tiny house in itself 11, One day Cassidy, Bros. sent 20 me at Worcester, N. Y. and comprises the: rooms of a modern boxes of fish to jr�ulton. Market, for Joseph Walters its doing good work as,I apartment—kitchen, living-room, bed- which they-received$JOO. "rraffic COP" in Southold Town. room and bath. No cosier, shut-off, Thin M. 1,,. Sunday school rdenic was I place could have been specially designed held of Ffeet's Neck. The Southold Henry A Ritter &w to Robert Lang, for the independent manager or man- Cornet Band added much to tile enjoy- lot w s Bayhome ave, adj land ofdagereas. nient of the Qb,bt Lang, Southold. Tax .$3.1� Nothing was to be said this week in Geta. H. Wells, the biggest farmer Christiansen, 6 C & w to E H Brown, lot I the TRAVELER about the new Club in this section, had 35 acros of potatoes e B land C E Terry adj Goose Creek, , S013thold .............. Bay View, in Bay View, but a brief call ,,vid was, t!? plant 20 acres Of cauji- there one morning so impressed the d�wer. Gagen, S E to E H Brown, lot e s land C 1,; visitors with the possibilities soon to be� Edward F. Taber, formerly editor of Terri adj Goose Creek, Bay View, Southold. I the TRAVELER, issued a small $6,000 realized, a foreword had to be forth- of his poems. volume IBrown, r" w t" C E Hyde. lots 24-216 coming, The place is teeming with Wm- C. Albertson shiPppd hi® first N—au Point ........... workmen indoors and out. Henry Gold-i ........S4,50u smith has charge of the carpenter work;, carload Of POtRtoes. The price paid Heydon Club S. H. Howell, of the decorations; T. S. was 65 cents per bushel. At this price Stacey,of the lighting; and M. Stelzer, 'farmers considered they made. a big Where is it ? and what is it ? and' of the mason work. In a very few days profit. Last Year Mr. Albertson why is it named "Reydon Club" ?, R,ydon Club will be open to its mem_ shipped 72,000 bushels Of Potatoes, for Thereby hangs a bit of association that, here and the tennis courts completed.i which he.paid our farmers$54,000. will appeal to every true Southolder. The golf links will be under construc- Near Southwold, England, about two tion during the summer. An illustrated The game of ball here last Saturday miles distant, is Reydon,a place closely article is to appear soon in the TRAV- between Mattituck and Southold was linked with the history of Southwold ELER, and then all our queries will be both a ball game and a burlesque. For and with John Youngs, the first pastor. answered as to the change of location eight innings fandom was content, but of our Southold. In a little bookletfrom the end of the road to the present the remaining frames to the thirteenth, from Southwold, England, I read on a I site, which, in turn, we understand, is were not conducive for good attend- picture, in somebody's handwriting,: only temporary also. It is a pleasant ances to many games like it at the stifl! "St.St. Margaret's Church at Reydon,the spot, however, the building attractive charge of fifty cents. Verbal wrang- Mother Church of Southwold," and in but unpretentious in its architecture, ling and miscues were thrown in to make another place "the water supply of suited finely, we think, to a country up for any deficiency, but no one cared .Soutbwold is from Reydon,"—and very club, and one bearing the interesting for that. The only person who ctm- good water it must be, "soft for wash- name of "Reydon Club." E. R. H. sidered it a grand allair was Phil, the ing and pleasant to drink. So much MILLER IS FINED $50 AND refreshment rna% The long game and for the name. Some way, it sounds LOSES HIS MOTOR LICENSE extra sessions brought to the ice cream, good to us now, and a little thrill is land ginger pop vender the swell sum of awakened at the fitness of calling this Frank Miller, the Peconic youth, ninety bucks. Everybody was hot. near-by place for recreation, "Heydon whose automobile struck and instant- thirsty, and diogusted—except bim Club. instant- ]y killed Lawyer Jesse L. Case at In the ninth, the score was 9-9, but Everybody of this generation living Southold last February, was arrested the final count was 9 to 13, in favor of in Southold knows where Bay View is again last week for speeding, and Mattituck. This week Southold plays and where the olp John H.Young farm- Justice Charles Corey, of Southold, at Southampton. imposed -fine of $5D and he was also house. stood. Drive out to Bay View, deprived of his license to drive a car. about two miles away, and see if you Justice Corey warned young Miller Standing of the Clubs can recognize this old house in the new not to drive a car again, declaring Won Lost pe. Club House. It looks very attractive that if he did and was caught, he Southold 9 2 .818 c B18would be given a jail sentence. Mattituck 6 5 .546 and homelike though, and colonial linea About a month ago Miller was ar- Sag Harbor 6 5 .546 are well preserved. The interior has rested for speeding at Sound avenue Westhampton 6 5 .546] been left pretty much as the last own. by Winfield Robinson, who was then Southampton 4 7 .363 er, Goo. R. Bidwell,left it. It is admin- serving ,as motorcycle cop of River- East Hampton 2 9 .182 head Town, being arraigned before Justice of the Peace Robert Burnside, A who im.22s.d. Results July 21 r-.,_„- Mattituck 15; Southold 9J Qn-PaTlil g �Lofle a �] n Country ._-"4 Easthampton 4; Westhampton 2 ,I y club Sag Harbor 5; Southampton 2 There seems to be a mistaken idea as We are able to give further interest- The score: to the meaning of the word "parking" inb data relating to the Reydon Coun- Southold AB R H 0 A E in the ordinance adopted by the South try Club, of which the first notice was Burt, of 5 0 0 1 0 0 old Town Board, in regard to the Non- made in last week's,TRAVELER, the il- Ileany, piss 3 2 1 2 2 2 Parking Zone in front of the Southold, histrated article being still in prospect. Cassidy, c 6 2 2 11 0 1 'Post office. The Town Board had no. The initial meeting of the founders of Cochran, rf 5 1 1 2 0 1 idea of preventing cars from stopping I this Club oecurred one year ago and its, Strasser, 2b 6 0 3 2 3 1 in this zone long enough for the occu-I object was to provide at the east end Ullerich If 6 1 2 2 0 0 Scott, 3b 4 0 1 3 3 2 pants to get their mail,groceries,meat, of Lyng Island a golf course with more Salmon, p-lb 5 2 1 3 2 0 provisions and merchandise, Parking attrao ve features than any other ex- Sanford, 1b-ss 4 1 0 10 1 1 a car means to leave the car for an un- isting there and of eciunl,or,if possible, — — _ - _ reasonable length of time. If people isuperior quality, and to provide addi- Totals 44 9 11 36 11 8 want to do their necessary errands and tion-11y, in due time, tennis courts, then drive on there is no objection. bathing and boating facilities.and vari- Mattituck AB R H 0 A E !But there is objection to people stop- ous other outdoor amusements. Fleet, 1b 8 0 0 13 0 0 in their cars in this zone sit there Although no Reeve, ss 8 3 1 3 7 0 ping � g golf course is ready for Downs. 2b 7 1 1 4 2 1 for a long time and read their mail, or ine today, yet the founders have not Mitchell, c 7 1 3 10 1 0 stay for an unreasonable length of beenA,vithout other accomplishments. Ruland. 3b 7 2 4 1 3 0 time while they gossip with their Much time was devoted to securing Lindsay, prf 7 f 4 2 0 1 0 g 3 2 0 1 2 Wickham, neighbors. laird having the natural features de- R. Barker, cf 7 1 4 3 1 0 The Town Board did not pass this aired. Owners of some of the lands that Cybulski, If 2 0 1 1 1 1 ordinance to impose a hardship on any• they hoped to incorporate in their orig- J. Barker, p 4 0 1 1 1 0 one but it did pass it to save the liwf inal scheme were reluctant and in some and limbs of those passing across the instances obstinate about parting with Totals 63 15 19 36 18 4 p g Home runs, Downs: 3-base bite, street in the most congested place in any ]and, but ultimately their opposi- Ullerich: 2-base hits. Ruland, Mifeb- our village. tion was overcome. During the nece8- ell. J. Barker; Sacrifice hits, Cybul- After Jesse L. Case was killed the sarily protractad negotiations for such i ski: Stolen bases, Heany 4. Sanford Town Board was criticised because it lands, a club house of more than ordi. 2, Burt, Cochran, Salmon, Ruland 2, did not prevent the parking of auto- *nary accommodations was being built Lindsay 2. Fleet, Windham, R. Bar- m der; Struck out by Lindsay 5, J. Bar- obiles in front of the Southold poet and is. due c.,urse this, was completed. ker 6, Heany 8, Salmon 3: Base on ollice. Then it had no power. Since But just before starting work on the balls, off Lindsay 5, off Barker 3, then the Legislature bus passed a law golf course a large estate which it had Salmon 1, Heany 1; Hit by pitcher, empowering Town Boards to create not been thought possible to purchase y by J. Barker. Cochran; Umpires, non-parking zones for the public safe- was ofrered for sale and its hillcon- Tuthill and Gomez; time of game, , y 3 hours, 50 minutes. ty, and now that it has done this it is tour appealing to the founders as emi. -; criticised for so doing. It seems to be n crtly adapted for a golf course, they s Train Juni11s Track a case of "damned if you do and damn- thut.trht it would be better to abandon Y ed if you don't." wbut they had done, secure this estate On last Friday afternoon, as the Fri- The Town Board has acted for land and proceed anew. As the club .j day special train reachNd John J. How-�'I what it considered the best inter- house which had been completed was aid's, just west of the bridge over Mil] eats of the people. It seems as if the susceptible of being converted into two r t5 Creek, the trucks of the tender jumped people ought to be willing to put up I dwelling houses,it was possible to elim- the tracks. The train lurched and badlywith the little inconvenienceof walking inate from the golf enterprise the ex S shook up the pa-engers, but before it B to and from their car if it isarked could be stopped the entire train had outside pensee incurred in building it. outside of the zone, if by so doing they So the estate land was acquired, crossed the trestle, the derailed trucks rl it - — struck afros at SanFord's brick yard can add to the general safety of the I havingbeen . possib]e to secure it on public.Do the people want this ordinance, joining, favorable Fa, terms. Afterg in con- siding, derailed themselves, and the joinni; farms, similarly rolling in con_ r danger was over. The track was so passed with the best of motives, re-, tourwere added. The residence of this badly torn tip that no more trains were v , sent over it until Saturday morning. pealed estate has been remodeled to form a J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk. temporary club house and will,in a few Other trains landed their passengers at The prolonged drought was broken clays, bo.furnished in all ways ready as � Southold,where motors carried them to Tuesday night, but we need more rain a place of entertainment for nr embers c Greenport. It was indicated that the derailed trucks on their way across the badly. The late crop of potatoes is and their friends. C trestle had traveled within an inch of suffering and it looks is if we would The organizers of Reydon Club are: the edge of the stringer out over the have a small yield. Many of the canii- Edwin if. Brown, Edward Mills, John I . water. It was a narrow escape from a lower plants set out have died, and it S. Jenkins, John B. Coleman, Frank G very serious accident. is hard to get plants. Cz to Charles 13. Byron, ('harles W.I. for X1.25 per Elmer' la. L°II M^Girrnis, Daniel D L George Cbristianscn c..d iaaii!5, hav- , Potatoes are selling Jackson, ThYoduro W. Brigham, Fcarris ing sold thein place a,t Boy 'View, have I bushel. The stock is first-claw, but L It. Francisco,an,l Silas A,H Dayton.` moved to Greenport. the yield is not heavy. I liw prc.4ont c;ruLge has b%wn lrlxnnNd Last Saturday's Results Southold-5; Southampton-1. Capt. J. W. Turner,,of the. East End The Southold Fire Department was Sag Harbor-1; Easthampton-0, Fishing Co., captured a 5J ft. shark of called to Pine Neck Sunday afternoon ?llattituck-4; Westhampton-3. the man-eating specie in his draw to subdue a hruah fire, which it was Standing of Clubs seine at the Sound, Monday evening. feared would endanger the many cat- Won Lost P.C.A small catch of edible fish was made, tages there. Southold ......... 10 2 .833 which was unusual for this company, — Mattituck ........ 7 5 .58:3Sag Harbor ...... 7 5 .58:3 on account of the shark choosinghis Mrs. t N. Sanford has installed a Westhampton ...., 6 - ti .500 playground in close proximity to Shore. soda water fountain at Shady Lawn Southampton .. ... 4 8 .3:38 Capt. Turner holds that no man ever Tea R-xom and is prepared to Serve ice Fasthampton ..... 2 10 .167 caught fish with rope, and as very pit cream sodas Her cooked food is meet- The "First Settlers" had a lively tie line was used, the. `hark realized he ing with a big demand these days, session with the Southampton dia- wae n "gone.r." ;nxond stars on last .Saturday after- Another truck load of excellent faarn- noon, in the latters bellyard, winning fell out by the interesting score of 5 to Odd le�10��9 installation iture just received at auction room of 1. ,Toe Cassidy, the Babe Ruth of ! Geo. A. Maier, which will be di4pused the Sunrise League, sure did knock On Monday rvenind District Deputy of in private sale. Anything y(,u need I ''em cold. Joe had his war club all Grand Master Peter M. Campbell, and Sailed up, making; four safe hits in suite, of Huntington, installed the oft5- Dr. J• L. Stokes has a screened-irr 'two five trip ileo the nc3 l a e. circuit clout, cars of Greenport and Southold Lodges breakfast rooin now, handy to the kit- bad," iskit? Southpaw A] Salmon, at the rooms of Southold Lodge. There- chen and so cool he and Mrs. Stokes was "right,"' and the opposition found was a good attendance of the members eat. with wraps on. it pretty hard going all through the of both Lodger;, as well as members of Estate Phebe Ann Dunlccl, South- - contest. Al struck out eleven, while ether Lodges. The officers of Southold Dollard, the Southampton twirler, old, gross, $5,786.08; net, $5„385.83; fanned eight. Both pitchers worked Lodge are as follows: N. G., Thomas tax, $3.86. All net to Theresa A. Re- fine and the crowd was well pleased D. Baird; V. G., H. W. Gurdon; P.G., i ney, daughter, Southold. _ with the exhibition. Southampton. Wm. H. Rafford; R. S. N. G. lierliert scored their lone tally in the fourth jM. Hawkins; L. 5, N. G., Albert W. borne tau adi land Lancs, SutholdR Law- lToot vn $$BOoo frame. Southold scored in the first, Albertson; War. Henry W. Fisher; second, fi-fth, and final chapters. .An War., Sullivan, E to O Aikiee ez, lot adi oth€r interesting game well played. Con., William H. Terry; Chap., John land party of second mart, New Suliolk.$1.000 The score: I3reitstaalt; I:G., Roland Horton; O.G., Wilbur R Lewis &ors to Chap M Southampton Wm. Richmond; R, S. S.,J.1.Fa€rning- Winkelm(3yer, lot w s Town Harbor AB R H A 0 E. L. S. S., Stewart W. Horton; It, S. V. lank*, adj land of Wm H Tuthill, Ielenszi, 3b ....... 2 1 1 0 1 1 G., Teunis Bergen; L. S. V. G., Orrin Southold, noire_ Hart, ss ......... 3 0 0 2 1 1 A. Prince. Aftar the meeting refresh- Smith, Ill4 0 0 7 0 0 rxxents were server;. Melville A Morrell &w to Pcconic Bennett, If . 4 0 1 3 0 2 Trucking; Co., lot n s Main hicrhway. Sc�lnski, cf .....,.. '4 0 1 3 (1 0 Shiloh pp h adj land of Daniel G Case, Peconic• Axtell, 2b ........ 2 0 0 0 2 0 d �h� 11a�I}� # � �C�II Tax rocs. Swann, c ......... 3 0 0 9 0 0 Jil 1 h Baptist Ch Rufw, 'I' Morrell &w to Pcconoc McLoughlin, rf&2b i3 0 0 2 1 0 The Lord was with us last week in Trucking Co., lot :30x39 adj ]and of Dollard, p ........ 3 0 2 1 3 0 ,our revival. We had a glorious time. o Peconle Truckint Co., Peconic, nu ii. Mahr, rf ......... 1 0 0 Q 0 0 The pastor preached many stirring ser- At the Mount Varnon Hospital on Totals .... ..29 1 5 27 8 4 mons. Rev. Mr: White of Riverhead July 18th, a daughter was born to Mr. Southold will preach Sunday morning. Come and Mrs. W. L. Hagen. Z AB R H A 0 E out; and hear this wonderful speaker. Burt, of ....... ... �3 0 0 0 0 0 The pastor will take charge Sunday I �'� Iicancy, ss ....... 3 2 1 1 2 0 night. We are 'inviting everyone to '1'L W0T1y�Y'']VeYears t d4sidy, c .. '5 1 4 11 1 0 come nut and help us, as we are going A—& 3 ��avv �� Cochran, rf ....... 5 0 1 0 0 0 on in Jesus' name. Subject at 8 P. M. Charles Dickerson was news agent on Strasser, lb .,.. 4 1 0 2 1 1 next Sunday: "I was promised to die a` the early morniUllrich, if .. 1 4 0 0 2 0 ng and late evening Scott, 3'b ......... 4 0 1 0 0 0 natural death.” trains. Salmon, p ....... 4 0 0 1 4 0 Rev. H. W. STANi EY. Pastor. H. R. Shipherd returned from an ex- Sanford, 1b :...... 4 0 0 10 1 0 tended trip through the Eastern and Prince, rf .........2 1 1 0 0 0 William Howell Wells, who gr adu it- Middle Western States. 'Totals ....... .28 5 S 27 . 9 1 ed from Harvard in June, has sailed There was very little demand for pre- for Europe,after a brief visit at South home runtwo-b se thressidy; tatoes, The price paint was GO cents. :hit—Prince;. two-base hit—Cassidy; Harbor. He will visit bis aunt, Mrs. Dr. J. G. Huntting disposed of his ,jacrifice hit—Hart; stolen bases— Kranenburg, in Holland and travel in practice at Huntington and was per- Meaney, Strasser, Ullrich, Bennett; France and Switzerland for two months. p struck out by Salmon, 11; by Doi- manently located at Southold. lard, 8; base on balls—off Salmon, 2; Slectric fans have been installed by J. G. Schmitt gave up his bakery off Dollard, 2• double play—Salmon, T. A. Stacy in the rear of the Uoiver- business here. to :Sanford; left on lyase—Southold 8, Southampton 4; first base on error— salist church. They added much to the 'Southold 4, Southampton 0; umpire— comfort of the large audience resent Druggist Charles F. Kramer is right Mr. O'Brien. at the Musical Itecitaf, Last Sunday up-to-date with his three electric Signa The score by innings: afternoon, in front of his store—"Drugs." "Hor- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t xn`s Ice Cream," r'United Ggars." Southampton ..0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 Southold . .....1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1-5 �t 7' � Boar On Tuesday, Aug. 2, at the Sou tt Meeting 1 Southold Parc[ District diamond, the Southold Cuba, under tt,,. M management of Edwin Meyer, beat the The Southold Town Board met at A Special Meeting of the Southold g y the ofitiee of Supervisor Tuthill, Green Park District was held at Protection !Camp Carey Club of Sound Avenue by port, Saturday, July 2$, 1923. Present, Engine House, Saturday evening, July a score of 9 to 7. The leading hitters Supervisor Tutbill, Town Clerk apt. 28, 1923, for the purpose of- electing a were "Picklei" and Max Horowitz. lock, justices Griffia and Corey, Supt. Park Commissioner, to fill out the un- Pat Rooney, Jr., played first base in of Highways Fleet, and Counsel Torry expired term of Dr. Jos. H. Marshall, creditable style. The other players Bridge Builder Harry Tuthill was also resigned. were Bridge p., 'Stelzer c., Courtney i present. Meeting was called to order by Park 1. f., Prince 2d b , G. Stelzer a. s., Petitions were received from the Commissioner Lewis W. Korn, who on Thompson r. f. Umpire, Joe Carey. business men in the Non-Parking Zone motion was elected chairman of the Hurrah for the Cubs 1 at Southold, and also from forty-eight meeting. Town Clerk J. N. Hxilock Rides, Shows, Concessions, Merry- other residents of Southold, requesting recorded. Geo. C. Terry and F. Fick- that the Town Board repeal the ordi- eissen were appointed tellers. They G°-Round, Big Eli Ferris Wheel,Charlie, nance relative to parkin automobiles ing Gallery, Swings, Walking Charlie, g were sworn by Notary Public F. K. and many ether attractions, at the on Main St., in the village of Southold, Terry. adopted by the Boarrl, June 30 1923. Firemen's Carnival next week. £l an d , The whole number of votes cast for ng every night. Merry-Ga-Round and As the people evidently do not wish Park Commissioner were forty-eight.,of a non-parking zone, and the Town which flat. E. Booth received twenty- swings open every afternoon for the Board wishes to respond to the will of nine, and Nathan Davis, nineteen. Mr. j children. the people, it was voted to repeal the Booth was declared elected by the The August number of True Story ordinance of June 30, 1923, relative tc chairman. I hap a picture of 'Miss Hilda Burt, parking automobiles. IAll file ladies daughter of Harry Burt, formerly of It was voted that an officer be ata To ASouthold. Miss Burt is a professional tinned in front of the Southold Post All the ladies of Southold wl.n are toe dancer, and played in the comedy Office during rush hours. Deputy Sher- interested in the furnishing(if th r,ew Elsie,,, at the Broadway Theatre, ifl Fred E. Booth was appointed a8 Wharf House are invited to ml'Ft At during the past seaeLn, Special Constable to look out for traffic The Landing Park on Saturday of thus Pat- and watch for the safety of those week, at 3:30 p. m. d. s. The ids.+is i, Tne estate of Mary R. beery of Pat- . get suggestions as to the most .mRahi,- chogue is valued at $42,512.54. J. crossing the street It was voted to transfer $1,000 from'furniture for the pavilion, rest room, Elbert Swezey and Sarah F. Swezey, the Contingent Fund to the Machinery and kitchen that will be for the use of cousins, of Southold, each receive $1,642 86 Fund. the public. This advice from the ladies Ji N. IIALLOCK, Town Clerk will be of value to the Park Commis• Miss Gertrude Koke. who graduated stoners, and if possible, will be Actor from the Southold High School in June, Shiloh Baptist Church upon. So come, ladies, and bring a1 will teach the Bay View School the Five joined the church last Sunday. your good ideas on this subject, ant coming year. A number of visitors were prey+antbring, too, if you like, your supper They are always welcome. and christen the. new porches by plc Potatoes sold for $L50 per bushel Edward A. Green has been called to nicking together on them. Wednesday morning, and our farmers ill preach PARK CoMmISSIONERS are happy. We are all glad for them preach the gospel and lie w his trial sermon on Wednesday even- Mrs. J. B. Terry celebrated last Sat- G. T. G. Post, A. L., has moved its gAug. headquarters from Foresters' Hall to in Au $. Rev. P. H. Dolt will preach for as on urday her 90th birthday, sitting, as� the basement in the W, H.`Gerry build- the fourth Sunday of August. All,both usual, by her cheerful southwest win ing white and colored, should come out to (lows, that welcome the sunshine, and sur- Mrs. L. N. Sanford will close her hear this wonderful speaker. look out on her [lowers. She was a rounded inside also by flowers. the Tea Room and lee Cream Parlors this On the 31st of August we will have week, on account of ill health. a Recognition Council from 2 to 3:30 tributes of her much prized friends. a. m. and a Recognition Sermon will be Many messages were all o her by mail or brought in person, all of which were We had a splendid downpour of rain preached from 8 to 11 P. M. by Rev. Saturday night, which did a world of W, .s. naris.,f l�l:*w York; President received with a keenness of pleasure undimmed by age. May Mrs. 'ferry good. A of the New York Association, r continue many years in the enjoyment I ne grecs value of the estate of Mrs. 'Wm. H. Joost gave $25 to the church, in memory of a faithful ser- of her knitting and reading, and may Prances R. Gildersleeve, late of Mat- tier friends be given annually. or often- tituck, has been appraised at $38,- vant 435.49, and the amount of transfer All.contributions to help us in our er, the pleas-ire °£ hearing the strong, tax is $37.75. The net estate valued cordial note of her welcome. at $32,196.62 is disposed of as fol- work will be thankfuliy received. lowo: Cornelia D: Gilder6leeve, A Chicken Diviner will be served on daughter, $5;3'x5.18; Jainea A. Gil- Saturday evening, Aug. 25, from 8 to Mrs. M. L Booth has returned from dereleeve and Sidney If. Gildersleeve, 11 p. m. Tickets, $1.25. Mt. Pocono, Pa„ where she visited her Sons, each $6,710.36; Annie G. Tut- REV, H. W. STANLEY, Pastor daughter Emma, who is spending some Bill and Helen G. Terry, d,au;h,ters. time there. and Louis Gildersleeve and Donald Gildersleeve, sons, each $3,355.18. PRESIDENT WARREN G. HARDING SAN DIFF AT F k A message was received at the Suffolk Times Office early this morning announcing the death of Warren G. Harding, President of the United States, at the Presidential Headquarters in the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, at 11:30 Thursday night. The President was stricken while on his western tour and has been in a critical condition for several days. The President's illness started from eating copper tainted crabs, complications following, which, together with the Pres- ident's weakened heart, strained by the strenuous Alaskan trip, proved more then he could stand. In spite of all that medical science could do for him, he passed on to the Great Beyond. Our New President Anent Addition 10 S0001 BU11A M tr op culd on be casted to vote upon a proposition to raise an additional sum The new President of the United On Friday evening, Aug. a, 1923, the ct of$15,000, and should the tax payers States, Calvin Coolidge, came into na- Board of Education met with E. Post so vote, the lowest bidders to com- tional prominence by virtue of a single Tooker,of the farm of Tooker & Marsh, mance operations at once. act. It was when, as Governor of architects, for the purpose of opening 1 Accordingly you will find in the cur- Massachusetts, he was confronted by the various bids for the erection and rent issue of the `fRAVELErt, the pub- the strike of the Boston police force completion of a pr,posed extension to lished notice of a special school meet- that he showed courage and capacity of the present School building and the in- ing to be held on the evening of Sept. the highest order. "No one," he said, stallati-n of a new heating and venti- 4, 1923, to vote on the proposition to "has the right to strike against public cation system in the present building. appropriate an additional$15,000. safety anywhere, at any time." And If you wilt remember, at the annual The Board of Education, as well as again: '°Ivlo man has the right to place mooting held in may, estimates re the people of the district, knows some his own case or convenience above his ceived from contractors, based on the thing must be done, and at once, to re- duty to the State." And yet again: ruhag, of the propnsed extension, lieve the conditions at present prevail- "We cannot think of arbitrating the ,aced the cost of aach proposed exten- ing, and the Board also feels the plan government." These were phrases that ,inn at not strove $45,000, and it was adopted is a good one and should not appealed to the imagination and stuck thought the sum of $60,000 would be be modified. It seems uasiese to the in the memory of the country,especial- ample to do all that was planned. Board to spend perhaps a number of ly as they were backed by action re- Acting upon the expression of ap- thousand dollars on temporary relief storing order and vindicating law, The proval received from the tax payers at and in a short time do away with it Boston police strike and his handling of the annual meeting, the Board of Edu- and perhaps be forced to charge all that difficult and perilous situation cation called a special meeting to vote spent to profit and loss. made Calvin Coolidge the nominee of Ion a proposition to bond the district in Some people have an idea that the his party for Vice President of theon amount of$60,000,and at this meet. cost of building is coming down, while United States. The general comment ing the proposition was carried with others feel that it will not diminish for of the party and the country was that but ve,y little apparent opposition. a number of years to come. The Board in safe The Board thereupon proceeded to feels that one man's guess is ee good the succession had been placed hands. And so, we believe, it will have complete plans and specifications as another's and does not feel like tak- rove, drawn up, following exactly the prig ing a chance in waiting for such reduc- TWenty-Five Years Ago incl plan adopted by the Board of Edu- tion. / �+ ✓ 444,4 / "�r— cation. These plans and specifications It was originally planned to retire The telephone station at the store of were submitted to contractors for bids, the$60,000 bond issue in twenty equal H. W. Prince was made Central for with the result printed below. The annual installments of $3,000, com- Peconic and Cutchogue. lowest bids from the various cuntrac. mencing Jan. 1, 1925. If the proposed Potatoes were selling for 45 cents a tore exceeded the amount suthorized additional $15,000 is voted, it io the bushel and there was very little demand to be expended by over $11,000. intention of the Board to retire the at that price. After carefully considering the mat- $76,000 it, twetlty-five equal annual in- At the annual school meeting, James ter from its various angles, the cis- atallments of$3,000 each, commencing Thompson and Wm. A. Cochran were ion reached by the Board of Education Jan. 1, 1925. In doing this the burden elected members of the Board of Ed. is as follows: on the tax payer would be no greater ucation; Wm. Y. Fithian, District To award the contracts to the lowest for retiring bonds, only it would be Clerk, and S. S. Shaw, Librarian. It bidders, with the understanding their extended ovor an additional five year was voted to raise $1600 by tax, figures would stand, until a special period The additional burden on the meeting of the tax payers in the dis- tax payer for the payment of the in- EASTERN LONG ISLAND terest on the $15,000 ut the present. A31ATEUR LEAGUE Railroad Avenue is nearly coneret- I ed now from curb line to curb line,I assee,.ied valuation would be six centb Last Saturdays resui-ts. 1L V I Michael Steltzer having the work in on each $100 of assessed value. That Southampton 6—Mattituck 41 5 1 charge, The tree roots that have been I is. if your property were assessed for Sag Harbor 8—Westhampton $3,000 it would cost you $1 80 addition- Southold 8--East Hampton 2 sacrificed and the necessary changing Stand�ing of clubs: . ,of grade entrances to private prop- al tax a year. Won Lost P.C. erty, causes one to wonder if all mod- The bids r,ceived were as follows: SoutholA . ........ 11 2 .909 really improve-Jern innovations are General Construction Sag H.&bor ..... . 7 5 .583 Intents in a wide sense. We were quite Mattituok . ....... 7, 6 .538' comfortable in the old days, are we 1O. L. WAdman & Son, New Westhampton ..... 6 7 .461 York City $48,656.00 Southampton ..... 5 7 .416, any more comfortable now? Sarles Construction Co., New East 114mpton ... 2 11 181 The Southold Savings Pank, Bank of York City 52,836.00 Southampton plays East Hamptoii, Southold and some other pieces of busi- Wines & Homan, Mattituek 54,906.00 next Sa-iurday in Southampton. WilConstruction Co., Long ness will be closed all day Friday, the Iscoxland City 60,468.00 LEAGUE LEADERS day of the late President Harding's Frank Richards, Brooklyn 65,14800 DEFEAT EASTHAMPTON funeral. All places of business will be Al. Salmon, and his League leading closed during the memorial service Ifeating 0 "First Settlers" made a flying trip here, from 3 to 4 p. m, standard time. Johnston Heating Co , New to Easthampton and defeated the tail- York City $19,700.00 enders in an easy manner, by the Last Sunday morning about five Austin 1-nginvering Co., New score of,8 to 2. Al. was "right" and o'clock, a fire was discovered in the York C ty 20,87200 the Hamptonites only connected safe- home of Mrs. Miriam Horton of ly nine', times, while the Southold Peconic. The Southold fire truck was Goo. B & B. H. Steinke Co , sluggers,' got to LOddy for nine safe summoned and with its chemical New Yoik City 21,00000 wallops, The League leaders scored soon put the fire out. Appearance Wm. ii. Raffnrd, Southold 21,083 95 four times in the first chapter, once would indicate that it was of incen- Miller & Brady, Inc , New in the sixth and eighth and twice in diary origin. York Ctty 22,165 00 the final,session. Easthampton scored I Plumbing one cou> ter in the Ofth and seventh James H. Rambo of Mattituck is Win. R. Raiford, Southold $1,395 CO sessions. Prince, Strasser and Sal- loading potatoes at Southold, using the mon all garnered a trio of -hits, The W. C. Albertson Co. scales and build- Electrical Southold "boys" are certainly setting - Overton Electrical Co , Rivo-.r- a fast #ace in the race for the 1923 1,19. head $1,398.00 Pennant. William Billard, a Southuld pro- Thomas A. Stacy, SoulbAd 1,912.()o The score: duct, and his wife who was Carri Easthampton AB R 11 PO A E Horton, have been visiting her sister, Cosmo Electrical Construction - 4 () Co., New York City 2,10000 Brewer, 3b . ... ... 4 0 0 4 7Slr.!, ?%l;iy Hurnmel. Anderson, If . . .. . 4 0 () () 1 Lowest Bidders, who have tenta- Edwards, lb . .... . 4 0 1 10 0 0 Lawyer George C. Terry is spending:, tively been awarded contracts; Leddy, p . ....... 3 0 2 0 .5 1 eke with friends in St.Lawrence Ross, 2b . .... ..... 4 0 1 4 6 0 two we r A General Construction—O. L. Barnes, c ........ 4 0 1 4 2 0 County, where he used to teach school Weidman & Son $48,656.00 Petereit, s8 ...... 4 0 0 2 1 1. and practice law. Ideating—Johnston Heating Talmadge, of ._. 4 2 2 3 0 0 1 I Co. 19,700.00 Strong, rf ..... ... 4 0 1 0 0 0 Haven Emerson &ano to Francis C, Plumbing—Wm. 11. Rafford 1,395.00 Horton &ors lot bounded by Wood- Electrical—Overton Electrical 35 2 9 27 18 2 land of Martin Lehr and by land of Co. 1,398.00 Southold AB 3 E R If PO A parties of second part, Southold, Prince, 3b ........ 5 2 1 2r 0 nom. Heany, ss ........ 4 2 1 2 3 0 $71,149.00 i 13L'r91'n. T S. gdn, to C G Terry, ]e,;.Cassidy,.c 5 1 2 6 0 0 Pne Nvk r4, a,Jj land A Gagcn. snutholj. 130ARD OF EDUCATION Cochran, rf ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Strasser, Zb ...... 5. 1 3 2 2 2 The Firemen's Carnival was wL11 Ullrieb, of ... ..... 4 2 2 0 0 0 Cutchogue, Aug. 8, at the �IoE M 1, advertised by a long auto paradc Levit, If ........ 4 0 1 2 0 0 Church, by Rev- P. H. Dodd, , �I last Friday evening, going to Mat- Salmon, p ... ..... .4 0 3 0 4 0 Monroe Reeve of Mattituck, and Miss tituck and then to Greenport. Chief Sanfod, lb ........ 4 0 0 12 1 0 [,-in, Gertrude, daughter of Mr. Find Nat Booth led the parade with his — — — — — — Mrs. J. Curtis Horton of Poc truck, in which were a -number of 39 8 16 27 9 .2 leather-lunged and brazen throated Three-base Hit, Ullrich. Two-base DIED youths of both sexes, who could haveHit, Edwards. . Sacrifice Hits, Coch- Southampton, Aug. 5, at the HoRPit- put any steam caliope that ever was ran, Brewer. Stolen Bases, Prince, al, Leopold Wegel of Southold, aged 72 invented out of business. Their vigor-St,,s,ser�, Ullrich, Sanford. Struck years. Burial in Presbyterian Cpmc- and tirelessness were quite remark-Outby Salmon, 5; by Leddy, 4. tery. able. Base on Balls—off Salmon 1; off Led- Southampton, Aug. 7, at the Hospit- Goo. W. Smith has purchased three d y, 1. Double Plays, Strasser to al Assistant Postmaster Frank B. building lots and the barn on the old 4leaticy to Sanford; Salmon 'to San Youngof Riverhead,formerly of South- ford to Cassidy; 'Brewer to Petereit; old, aged 51 years. Conway place of Silas A. H. Dayton. Leddy to !Ross to Edwards. Left on Auburn, Mass , Aug. 1. Mrs, Emma 2 B. Two of the lots are on Railroad Ave., Bases, SDutliold-6; .Easthamptun-8. Whiting, formerly of Southold. 50 ft, front by 1,00 ft. deep, and the F1 rs t Base on Error Southold-2; Umplre,*Frjck.. Amagansett, Aug. 3, Katherine M.,79 Easthampton-2. other lot is in the rear of these two. The score by innings- - widow of Benjamin H. Terry, aged 79 Mr. Smith is to convert the barn into 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 years. 8 months. two six-room and bath bungalows, with Easthampton 9 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-2 all improvements. Southol.4 4 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 2-8 Westhampton Wm, D. Faulkner has torn down the Early Sunday morning fire was dis- AB R H 0 A E old Baumann store and has moved it covered in the home of Mrs. Henry D. Schmidt, ss 4 0 0 2 2 0 across the street to fit up as a garage. Horton. Mrs. Florentino De Jesus, Lindley, 2b 4 2 2 2 1 () Frank Dries made a catch of 54 blue, who with her family live in the house E. Raynor, 3b 4 0 1 4 2 1 with Mrs. Horton, came down stairs M. Raynor, lb 4 1 1 9 0 2 fish, early in the week, trolling off about five o'clock to get a drink Of. Butler, , 4 0 2 1 2 1 Jessup's. The fish ran from Ij to 4 water. She smelled smoke and called R. Raynor, If 4 0 0 5 0 0 Ms. her husband, who on investigation Barbour, p 3 0 0 0 2 0 found fire at the head of the cellar Halsey, rf 3 0 0 0 () 0 The Southold Fire Department re stairs. He put it out and went out- Pugh :cf 3 0 0 3 1 0 ceives upwards of$500 as its share of doors to do the chores. When he re- , turned his wife said she still smelled — — — — — — the receipts of the Firemen's Carnival smoke. On further investigation lie Totals 33 3 6 24 10 4 held here last week. Southold's groms found still another fire in a closet the Three base bit—E. Raynor; two other side of the house. The closet base hit—Strasser; sacrifice hit— receipts were about$700. The biggest was full of old clothes and they were Scott; stolen base—Prince; struck LO'Ut item of expense was the electricity. burning. The Southold Fire Depart- —by Salmon 4, by Barbour 1; base ment responded to call and did good on balksoffSalmon 0, off Barbour 3; Wm. 1J. Beebe, Henry Jennings, work with its chemicals. Kerosene- hit by pitcher—Heaney 2; double �TficimaH C. Fox, Frank Moffatt and soaked rags were found on the cellar playE—M. Raynor, unassisted; left on Edwin Donahue have returned from an stairs and later a pail of kerosene was bases—Southold 7, Westhampton 3; fw .found. It is hoped the person ho first base on error— Southold 4,West- Inspection trip of the seed potato fields set fire to the house may be caught hampton 1; umpire—Mr. Phillips. in Vermont and Northern New York and punished for his dastardly deed. The score by innings: They report a most enjoyable time. If Mrs. De Jesus had not come down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 stairs,the result might have been very Southold 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 x-7 Geo. W. Smitb has sold One of the serious. As it was, the two fires were Westhampton ton 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-3 houses he is building on Railroad Ave. put out before much damage was done. What could have been the mo- to James Gallagher. tive of the person who committed the E. L 1. Hospital Mrs. Mary H. Dayton of Bay View deed is a mystery. 4—.A- !S— The annual meeting of the E. L. I. celebrated her 87th birthday Monday Twenty-Five Year A.ge Hospital Association was held last by taking an auto ride to Montauk and Wednesday afternoon. taking dinner there. Potatoes were selling for 40 cents a The following Directors were re- Itis, ,au 11(jinL Club Proile-rtles Inc. bushel. elected to serve for another term: Dr. to John A Davidson, lots 213 & 23.4 4 J. H. Marshall, Dr. C. C. Miles, Mrs, oil map A A of Nassau Point, Sou ,h- Prof. Isaac F. Russell of Brooklyn occupied the pulpit of the M. E. church C. P. Brigham, Brewster Smith, Mrs. old, tax, George Post, Mrs. George Preston, Smith to Ig1jo,t',us M Smith, Sunday morning, Mrs. Ralph Preston, Louis Jaeger. As jlarcel,s W s Dcp)t lane adi land of The Town Harbor Oyster Co. cleaned there were two vacancies in the Board, Mary E Dayton, Cutchogwe, to up 25 acres of oyster ground and plant- ed 10,000 bushels of shells it. Mrs. Theodore Brigham and Fred L A Rainbow Bazar was given in Bel- Corwin were elected to fill these vacan- Southold, Aug. 14, Albert E.Salmon, mont Hall by the Ladies' Aid Society I cies. in his 63d year. of the W E. church. One of the interesting features of Twenty-Five Years Ago this meeting were the plans and a J9 small model of the proposed addition to 19,4 / 9 EASTERN LONG ISLAND the hospital, which the crowded condi- Potatoes were selling for 45 and 50 AMATEUR LEAGUE tion of the present building renders im- cents a bushel. "t Saturday's results: 'Y7 11 perative in the near future. W. B. TillingbaBt, H. W. Simons and East Hampton 11—Southampton 6. The number of cases admitted to the Mcasrs. Green and Sweet had a Klon- Southold 7—Westhampton 3. hospital from Aug, 1, 1922, to Aug. 1, dike at Montauk. They erected a rest- Sag Harbor 4—Mattituck 1, Standing of Clubs 1923, were 507. Number of cases djB- aurant near Camp Wikoff and were Won Lost P.C. charged as cured, 466. Number of kept busy feeding the soldiers. Southold ... ....... 12 2 .855 cases transferred to other hospitals, 3. Co. H.127th Regt., N. Y. Vol.,made Sag Harbor ...... 8 5 .615 Number of cases discharged, improved, arrangements to hold its annual reunion Mattituck . ........ 7 7 -500 9. Number of cases discharged unim- at Ocean Beach, Ct. Westhampton ...... C) 8 .428 Southampton ...... 5 8 .384 proved, 3. Number of cases died, 16. East Hampton 3 11 .273 Number of cases remaining in hospital, The Universalist church audience Southold 2. had a real treat last Sunday in the AB JR H 0 A E The Treasurer's report showed total musical line. Athelstane Kendrick, of Prince, 3b 5 2 4 3 2 0 receipts of $37,239.93; disbursements Now York, a basso, gave two delight- Heaney, ss 2 0 o 0 5 0 $32,094.16; balance on hand, $5,145.77. ful solos. Miss Jean Murray played Cas�jjdy, � . pieees on the Cochran,. 'rf 5 0 0 3 0 0 The Endowment Funds amount to violin. Mrs. Mildred Williams also Strasser, 2b 4 0 1 2 2 0 $47,125; Contingent Fund, $9,000; sang a solo and then with Mrs. Thos. Ullrich, of 4 1 1 2 0 0 Children's Fund, $511.08. The receipts A. Stacy, a duet most satisfactorily, Scott, If I 1 0 1 0 0 of the Ladies' Auxiliary were $772.44; Miss Vera Terry accompanied very) Irtion, p 4 1 0 tastefully. Of course, the audience Sanford Sa, 1 1 0 disbursements, $258 66; balance on WZLs allowed to help in singinh the 4 1 2 10 1 3 hand, $513.78; received from card hymns. An entirely delightful ser- Totals347tt,g_7 party, $500. vice. 1, . ,j 5'Z SoutholdFred 1±ickeis,sen and C. T. Gordon LAND AB R H 0 A E are supplying the local markets with EASTERN LONG ISLEAGUE Prince, 3b ,....... 7 0 0 2 .2 0 fine, early tomatoes. AMATEUR -- Last Saturday's results: Heaney, 5s 6 0 1 3 5 2 Mattituck 8—Southampton 2 Cassidy, c ....... 4 1 2 12 3 0 Southold, Aug. 21, James Thom I Sag Harbor S—East Hampton 5 Cochran, rf ...•. 5 2 0 3 5 2 aThompson,78 years. ' Westhampton 6—Southold 5 1Str asser, 2b (14 innings) Ullrich, of r 0 i 0 0 0 Three Plays ! c 4i"`� Scott, if . 5 0 2 0 0 0 Standing of Clubs: Salmon, p ..... 5 2 3 0 3 0 Here's a starter 1 Begin to get Won Lost P.C. ib 6 0 3 21 0 0. Southold 12 3 .8D0 Sanford, ....._ _ _ _ _ — ready for three of the best ane-act Sag Harbor ...... 9 5 .649 Totals 49 5 13 41 18 4 plays yet presented by the Southold Mattituck $ 7 .533 glome Run--Strasser; Three-Base Community Dramatic Society. They Westhampton ...... 7 8 .466 Hit--Cassidy; Two-Base Hit—Scott; ,will be given on Thursday and Friday Southampton ...... b 9 .357 Sgerifice H i ts—Cassidy, Salmon; evenings, August and 31. The titles East Hampton .. 3 12 ''200 Stolen Base:;—Salmon. Schmidt, Lind- follows: F Next Saturday's games: Butler, Hughes (2); Struck Out and cast are as faio Southampton at Southold ley, 8• Base on. I Sag Harbor at Mattituck by Salmon, 13; ' n Way, Westhampton at East Hampton Sans—ofF Salmon, 1; cuff Way, 2; THE FLORIST SHOP Passed Ball—Butler; Hit by Pitcher— By Winifred Hawkridge Strasses, Scott; Double flay—Way Westhampton defeated''the League to M. Raynor; Left on Bases—South- Maude Marguerite McMann leading "First Settlers", on the for- mar's diamond, last Saturday �aftef•- gold, 8; Westhampton, 8; First Base Henry Willie Carroll noon, after fourteen innings of hair- -on Error—Southold, 0; Westhampton, Blovsky x aising baseball by the close score of, 4; Umpire—Finkenour. Miss Wells Marjorie Hagerman 6 to a. But there's- an "Etheopian in Score by innings: Mr. Jackson Will Wells the Kindling". The Southsiders had Westhampton II the aid of "Py" Way of Yale, one of 0 0 0 0 0.. 4 0 0 1 f0 0 0 © 1�6 THURSDAY EVENING the niftiest hurlers in collegiate .cir- Southold Iles today. The famous collegian 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-5 By Christopher Morley was rapped pretty hard throughout Gordon Johns Alvah Goldsmith the fourteen sessions and was a lucky The drought was broken Wednesday Laura Murdn Young winner. Al. Salmon, the "First Set- morning, but we need more rain for Mrs. Sheffield Katherine Salmon tler's" port side hurler, struck out our cauliflowers and Brussels sprouts. Mrs. Johns Elsie McMann Carroll thirteen of the opposing batsmen and cracked out three safe hits. Al. only It is the longest drought we have had III issued one free pass and had all kinds in years. WATCH THE CLOCK of "stuff" on the ball. Way .struck By Core Maynard out eight and walked two. Strasser Not the Driest Summer Known Mr. Timothy Todd Paul Browning connected for a circuit clout and his Writing to the Patchogue Advance Mrs. Timothy Tadd teammates Sanford and Salmon each C. M. Rbe-Raynor of Manorville� Mrs. Louise Goldsmith garnered three hits, apiece. Schmidt, the Westhampton short-stop camp points out that while the prolonged through with a trio of safeties. Joe drouth has caused damage in various Twenty-Five Yoars Ago �.p Cassidy slamxnc:c] out athree-bagger. ways, yet this is not the driest sum- mer ever known. "In the boyhood of '" r It was a weird aft sir all the way' George Co'beat through. Southold played under pro- Raynor, who was born A merry-go-round was on Oscar L. in 1810," he writes, "the drouth was Wells' lot. test, the r le that Westhampton via- so severe the Peconic River here drie+l 0. F. Payne engaged to teach school fated the rules e. of the'league play, allow- up altogether, and the boys of that ing Way, a pored i first i to play clay traveled the bed of the stream to at Melville, L. I. Southold scored .first in the second look for the occasional hole deep in A number of our people went on the chapter, twice in the sixth, and once the mud that showed a little moisture, Glen Island excursion. again in the seventh. The Southside where it would be found aterrapinhad potatoes were moving very lively at stars failed to score until the sixth settled down to be soon dislodged by when they put across a ouartet of the youthful hunters. A team of 50 cents a bushel, and the fermata were counters. One in,the ninth tied mat- oxen could be driven across the river happy. ters up, and the final and winning and meadow any place and cordwood Prof„ Henry M. Payne accepted a run was put over in the fourteenth. inaccessible at other times was easily position as Vice Principal of Milton Southold claims some of the decisions carted to the higher ground. This has Academy, Baltimore. Md. of the empire were simply awful. It never been repeated since that time, The Universalist Sunda was some game. nearly one hundred years ago." y School re. The score: ceived a gift of 38 volumes for their Westhampton Eugene(Gilles of Brooklyn, formerly library. AB R H 0 A E buyer for the McCreary Department The Hoard of Education organized by Schmidt, ss ...... 7 2 3 1 7 0 Lindley, of 7 1 1 6 0 0 Store, N. Y. City, has purchased the electing Win. C. Albertson, president, E. Raynor, 3b .... 7 0 1 1 2 0 A. E. Salmon farm. This was the and Wm. H. Terry, secretary. A. T. M. Raynor, lb .. 6 1 1 17 0 0 Costello farm, and now through Mr. Dickerson was appointed treasurer; D. Butler, 'C ..... 6 1 2 9 2 0 Gilles' purchase, goes back into the T. Conklin, collector, and William Y. C. Raynor, if ..... 6 0 0 2 0 0 Costello family, Mrs. Gilles being of Fithian, janitor. Barbour, rf ..... . 6 0 1 2 0 0 y Hughes, 2b ...... 5 1 1 2 1 0 that fainily. During a heavy thunder storm I' Ways p ,,......., 6 0 1 1 5 0 ning struck J. E. Corey's house, t _ The Arshamomonue Inn is having n Totals 56 6 11 41 i7 0� very successful season, with every jog off a few shingles. 111 room occupied. The location is ideal, the menu fine and service competent. f R A STERN'LONG-ISLAND tits out by Dollard—G; by Salmon Wm. E. Frey & ono to Robt. Lang,. AMATEU —6; by Brvn�ian# 1. Base on balls— lot w s Bayhome ave adj land of R LEAGUE off Dollard 4; off Brennan-2. Hit.-, Henry A. Ritter, Southold, 110111. off Doliard—(j in 6) ilining's- off l3r,,- Standing� of the Cluhs M111-1 in 2 Losing Pitcher— Southo!d, Aug. 29, Henry J. Brown Won Lost P.C. Dollard. Wil"IbIg Pitcher—Salm,on. in his 86-h year. Funeral services at, Southold. ..... .. ... 13 3 .812 Left,on bases—Southold 2i Southamp- his late home, South Harbor lane, Sag Harbor ........ 10 5 .666 ton 7. . Passed, ball—Swann. Urn- on Sunday at 3:30 O'clock, d. 9. t. Mattituck ......... 8 8 .500 pires—Thornhill, Brown. Time of. "Nesthat"pton ...... 7 D ,437 game—one hour and forty n-iinutes. Twenty-Five Years Ago S,outhanipton . ..... 510 .333 East Hampton .... 4 12 .250 Mator Ford" at Plays il 6- The candidacy of Joseph N. Hallock Last Saturday's Results 42' Another attraction has been added to for the Republican nomination for Southold t;—Southampton 1 the programs for Thursday and Friday Member of Assembly was endorsed by East Hampton 9—Westhampton 3' Sag Harbor 4—Mattituck o I evenings of this week ! We have with the Southold Town Republican Primary. SOUTHAIMPTON BOWS TO us, down by the bay at South Harbor, Rev. Wm. 11. Lloyd returned from SOUTHOLD, SCORE in a charming little bungalow all Of his trip to Wales. With a crippled team, Southampton their own planning, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- During the month of August W. C. sufferod its third straight defeat at ward Fauth of New York. Many of us Albertson Bbipped 35,000 bushels of the hands of Al. Salmon, Southold's know -ddie" Fauth as a popular sum- potatoes, mostly for export trade. "Al's" twirling was me "L pitehinv ace., mer resident, whose father (George Steamer Shinnecock was taken by' very effective in pinebes, and the best that Southampton could do was to Fauth) went to school with us. He the U. S. Government to transport ."ore in the first inning. -Brennan is known, however, in a much wider troops from Cuba. singled, Maher sacrificed him down circuit than ours, as "Senator Ford" Gilbert W.Horton died,aged 74 years. to -,ccond and "Skinny" Bennett's ter- and is rated by theatrical critics as"the Mrs. Mary Ann Bennett died, aged rific :.smash to center field that went beat monologuist traveling over the for two 4)ases brought Brennan home. .78 yeam During several stages of the game Keith Circuit," and as giving "one of I SouthanilAon would have men on sce- the best twelve vaudeville acts of last Shuots Two Buys and and third with no outs and un- season." This famous entertainer has 4�t able to score theni, due to the battersiBecause they were eating grapes being over anxious. Errors played consented to give one of his unique ten- from a vine which he claimed as his a part in helping Southold to winas minute talks on each evening of the Swn, John Stepnoski, 50, a laborer, I " has developed Southold earned only one run. Eddie plays. "Senator Ford Breaker of Mattituck played a cork- a style all his own, unlike any other in shot and seriously wounded 8-year-old ing game at third for Southampton hie special field. He handles current. John Slavonik and his churn, Chester and out of four visits to the plate, topics in a delightfully droll manner, Keiokoski, 16, last Friday evening. -he smashed out a double and single; outstanding feat- but underneath is a Yankee philosophy, The Slavonik Tamil noski y and the Step his fielchng was the ure of the game- Westhampton plays that has been described as "Abe Lin- family live on the same property at -it Southampton this coming Saturday, coinesque" and one that our legislative� Peconic. The grapevine in the yard The score of the Southampton-South- friends even might do well to profit by. became a matter of contention Friday old g4me: Southold His deliberate and apparently sponta. when the Slavonik lad and his friend, AB R H A 0 E neous remarks are full of fun and—wis. Chester Keiokeeki, began picking Prince, 313 5 0 0 3 0 1 dom. He's different—that's all, and bunches of grapes and eating them. Heaix,y, 2b 4 2 1 2 3 0 that's why he's busy all the tima, and Stepnoski declared that the vine be- Cochran, rf 4 1 0 () 3 0 that's why we all want to hear him at longed to him. The Siavoniks said Strasser, c 2 2 2 1 8 0 Belmont Hall on Thursday and Friday that it was the property of both ten- U11rich, ref 4 0 1 0 1 0 Scott, If 3 0 1 0 1 (1 evenings of this week. ants. The two boys continued eating. Squires, ss 3 __0 0 3 2 0 Stepnoski then got his double-barreled Salmon, p 3 0 0 0 2 0 Mrs. John S. Jenkins and daughter shotgun, threw it to hie shoulder and Sandford, 1b 4 1 2 0 7 0 Leah have returned from a two months' fired both barrels, one at John Slavonik 33 — 6 7— 9 — 1— I trip to England, France, Belgium, and the other at Kejokoski. The form- 27 Southampton Switzerland and Italy. They report a er was badly wounded, his whole thigh AB R IT A 0 F wonderful trip, being torn open by the charge of shots. Brennan, 1b, p 4 1 2 1 8 1 The older hoy was wounded in the Mahr, ef 2 0 0 () 3 1 The splendid rain of Tuesday night arm. Stepnoski calmly "broke" his Swann, e3 0 0 1 8 1 Bennett, If 4 0 1 1 2 0 W88 worth thousands and thousands of gun, extracted the empty shells, and McLaughlin, Ss 4 0 1 3 0, 3 dollars to our farmers. it was the first reloaded the weapon. The boys were Breaker, 31) 4 0 2 2 1 0 heavy rain we have had since June 7th. I rushed to the E L. 1. Hospital, and Beek, .2b 4 0 1 0 0 0 Stepnoski was arrested within ten min- F. 7€len rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 � The Public Library will open at 3 utes of the shooting by Deputy Sheriff Dollard, p, lb /3 0 0 1 2 0 instead of 2 o'clock. F. E. Booth. fie was taken before 33 1 8 9 24 6Justice Charles G. Corey and held for — Two base hitsBennett, Breaker, Silas .A• TL Dayton to Howard G.1 the action of the Grand Jury and is Brennan, Reaney, 'Strasser. Sacrifice Irlithill, lot formed by intersection w 5 now in Riverhead Jail. It waa only hits—Xabr, Swann. Stolen bases *,h land of L. I. R- R. Co., — R, R. ave w, $7.00. week before last that Deputy Sheriff ;Strasser, Heaney, Prince, Bennett. Sou�j,lold, tax, Booth returned the shotgun to Step- 7Rq noski, having seized it the week before The three plays by the Southold C. The will of Albert E. Salmon of on complaint of Stepnoski's own fami- D. society were given in Belmont Southold gives Wm.Q. Salmon,broth_ ly, who said that he had threatened to Hall on Thursday and friday eve- $500; Don Salmon Whitcomb, Al shoot them. nings to crowded houses, with enthus- iastic audiences. The 63tage setting's Salmon and Sreahen O. Salmon, nep- Robert P. Griffing appeared before were particularly appropriate; the hews, and Florence Beebe and Murlin Judge Snaith of!Nassau County, sitting costuining and the acting quite satis- Young, nieces, each$300; life use of in place of Judge Furman, who is on a factory, and in some cases more thrn the remainder of the estate goes to weeks' vacation, and asked for bail for that. The music gave pleasure be- the widow, Nellie, and at her death the Stepnoski. The motion was denied. tween the plays, but the general clic- real property goes to Ste The death of John Slavonick is ex- tum is that the real piece cls resist- p P 9 iL Peen a Sel- ected at an time if it has not ahead ante was the monnlogues or "Few mon and Albert Salmon, nephews, and P Y y Remarks by Edward Fauth," "Senat the remainder of the personal property occurred, as blood poisoning has set in. for Hord." of New York city. The is divided as follows: $4,000 to Wm.O. The other boy, Chester Kroloaki, is "Senator" can certainly hand out fun. Salmon, brother; $2,000 to Jennie Bry Fecovering satisfactorily. His serious cfluntenance, resonant an, sister $1,000 each to Alice A. Sal- voice and distinct artieulat.is a are mon and Alberta Truitt $ a,,�,� �-A Bad Acctdent< 0 (wonderful assets to a viand wlu ck to , sisters 500 :grasp the bright. no!_nts which maize each to Don Salmon Whitcomb, Flor- A bad accident occurred here an a monologue so telling. �ence Beebe and Marlin Young; residue Wednesday morning. Mies Lillian Pur- to Fewtemarks �� at Plays to Stephen 0. and Albert Salmon. cell came out of E. Ernest Boisseau"s V driveway on her bicycle and started I The opinions heard from many and lAdditlon to School House north on the left side of tine road. Mrs. II varied sources seem to give the palm 5-' B a vote of 59 to 1 and one blank Albert Salmon was coming down Bois- for the very best work at the Per— Beau Avenue in her car at a rapid rate formances in the hall last week to the people of the Southold High School of speed. The car and bicycle came I Edward Fauth, the monologist, whose District, on Tuesday evening, voted to together and Miss Purcell was thrown i 11 Few Remarks" rendered the audi- appropriate$T9_,0_00, in addition to the violently from her wheel and her head ence oblivious to hard chairs, poor $60,000 already appropriated, to build struck the handle of the door of the ventilation, or any .other physical or and equip an addition to the school car. She was injured very badly. We mental drawbacks. But then, consid, house, and installing a steam-heating hope and pray that she may be fully ering his hereditary advantages in the Plant in the whole building. restored to health. facts that Iris father went to school F. K. Terry, President of the Board with the TRAVELER'S editor, and to of Education, presided; Secretary W. r,-Boys Badly Hurt school to Geo. Horton 'ferry, who L. Williams recorded, and A. W. Sy. On Saturday afternoon Dr. J. H. seems r#t to have developed so marked monds and C.W.Booth acted as tellers. Marshal a co ored chauffeur started on it taste for "a number of women, as STAND(\C' OF THE CLUBS an auto trip to Sag Harbor to ace the usual," until late in life, the reasons T ball game. The following boys were in for Ed's smartness are not far to seek. Won Lost Pe. ; the car : Frederick (fridge, Chester 8csides, living in and among Southold- Southold 15 3 .833Sag harbor 12 6 .66'7 Rich, Frederick Prince, Harry Wey ers would have n tendency to sharpen Mattituck 9 9 •500 gaud, George and Joseph Stelzer, the wits of almost anybody, even of W. Hampton 8 10 .444 When s little east of Riverhead, the . SIMPLE SIMON S. Hampton 5 13 .278 chauffeur started to pass another car, E. Hampton a 13 .278 when another car loomed up directly Senator Ford's Entr'acte ults Sept. 1 111atttuck Res Sag Harbor 2 ahead, coming east. The chauffeur put Senator Ford, nee Edward -Fauth, W. Hampton 16, S. Hampton 15 on the brakes and the car skidded in of South Harbor and Keith's Circuit, Southold 6, E. Hampton 1 the sand at the aide of the road and New York, entertained the "Three Results Labor Day turned over. Ifarry Weygand had his Plays" ' audience between the acts Southold 6, Mattituck 2 collar-bone and wrist broken and was with his congressionally humorous re- Sag Harbor 2, S. Hampton 0 cut on the ear, Chester Rich had a marks. Humorous doesn't apply eith- E. Hampton 12, W. Hampton 11 11 broken wrist, and George Stelzer a er—spicy is much better. Southold's The "First Settlers" have at last broken collar-bone. The other boys traffic cap system, two drug stores, achieved their main ambition for the escaped injury. The chauffeur was -Call' Coolidge, the modern woman, year 192:3 and that is the clinching of Ile. Marshall's new the Eastern Long island League hurt somewhat. the fighting propensities of Europe, Baseball Pennant. All of the gannet: sedan was wrecked. The injured boys, called forth sage wisdom tipped with have bran closely contested, which iwere taken to the E. L. I. Hospital f pepper and salt—never stinging, al- makes their victory till the more brU- where their injuries were treated,after Y ways pleasing. Everybody enjoyed liana, On Saturday, Southold de- which Cheater Rich and George Stelzer i end liked Mr. Fauth. lie is a rattling feated East Hampton oil the former's were able to go to their homes. Harry diamond by the .score of 0 to 1, while good monologuist and a mighty fine Mattituck. was.handing; the Sag Har- Weygand is still at the Hospital, but is neighbor for his kindness in giving his bot. "Whalers" a 3 to 2 trimming. getting along nicely. services on the two-evenings. Southold won again on Labor Day by defeating the crack Mattituck nine The Principal engaged for the Pe- Ralph Glover has returned to New t of 2• p conic school declined to come, and Mrs. York, where he will resume his duties By winning heath Saturdand ars bog Day, file Southold diamm and stars f Joseph Carroll has been engaged for with the Western Electric Co. are three games in the lead,with only the present, / ! 23 Twenty-Five Years Ago two remaining games to be played itched- by Salmon 8; Hca- � �/ In the East Hampton game Salmonanaxings p ofi � `� the tiotrlhold hurler, held the o osi Do 1. Hit by pitcher—Anderson. Our farmers lost a good many hogs pP Double 1,�tlays—.Heaney to Sanford; tion to four frits, while his team mate�Sanford to Strasser to Salmon. Left by disease. garnered eight safeties. Sabnoron bases—Southold 5; Easthampton At,,the opening of the Southold Un- pitched eight ilnnings and Heaney one,3 First base on error—Southold ion School, 105 pupils were registered. Southold seared 4 in the third, one rn5 Umpire—Thornhill. Benj. F. Macomber purchased the the seventh and one in t1w eighth, Score by innings; stove and tic huginess of the late M. B. while East Hampton only managed toSoutixold . 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 x-6 put over a lone tally in the fourth. Easthampton () 0 {) 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 Van Dusen. On Labor Day, Southold displayed At Mattituck Cassidy Bros.cbught a dozen Spanish' real frig league class by defeating Mattituck mackerel in their pound one morning.' Mattituck. Heaney was on the mound AB It II 0 A E riffles Annie Korn was teaching school for the "First Settlers", while Barker Norris, ]b .. ..... 5 0 1 11 1 () in the Free "rt Union School. hurled for Mattituck. Ray -smashed Reeve, ss 4 1 1 1 2 0 p out a three-bagger and pitched a 'w"V'olgo, c 4 0 0 7 1 0 Mrs. Jennie Whitcomb took a special good game, keeping his hits well scat-iDowns, 2b ...... 4 1 2 0 2 C course in literature and composition at tered. His team mate, Strasser, made Lindsey, if ... 4 0 1 0 0 0 the Harvard Summer School. three safe hits in four trips to the y7,i,clkham, of .... 4 0 3 3 '0 0 The weather the first days of Sep- plate. Wickham, Mattituck's reliable 'Cyboulski, rf ..... 4 0 1 1 0 0 tember brake all records for duration center garnerer, ,came across with , 4 0 1 1 4 0 three safe wallops in four trips to the B Barker, p .... Plate. It'rams a slug-fust all the way B. Barker, 3b .. 4 0 1 3 4 2 and intensityof heat. For a week the y mercury was up in the nineties. through, each team making 11 hits. Totals 37 2 11 27 1.4 2 The Assessors completed their tax A snappy double play was executed ,At Mattituck by Sanford and Strasser of the "First. Southold book.. The total valuation of property Settlers". Mattituck scored her duet AB R H 0 A E in the Town was$55,914,610. of counters in the initial chapter, prince, ss 5 1 1 1 .1 1 The barn and contents of Samuel L. while Southold scored one in the first, He.arrev, p ....... 4 2 2 1 1 0 Bennett were burned. one in the second, two in the sixth 4 1 1 4 0 r0 and two in the lucky seventh. South- Cas"cly, c ......• Rev. Edwin Warriner, a former past- old has won most of itsgames by cochran, rf ...... 4 0 2 9 0 0 or of the Southold M. E. Church. died plugging hard throughout the nine Strasser, f ...... 4 1 3 2 3 4 Ullrich, of . 3 0 0 2 1 {! at Stepney. Conn. innings and the entire team is en- Scott, If ..... 4, 0 1 2 0 0? Mrs.'Margaret Feeley died, aged 65 titled to a great amount of credit for years. the good work which they have done Salmon, lb ....... 3 Q 0 11 Q 0 i —.�. — inbringing to Southold another East- Sanford, iss ...... 4 1 1 1 5 1 eras Long Island League Pennant. STANDING OF THE CLUBS The much coveted flag will be an Totals 35 6 11 27 13 2 Southold 15 4 .790 incentive to future Southo'Id diamondI Three base hits–Heaney Two base Sag Harbor 13 6 .684 protegees, who will represent tine old- 4 hits—Cochran; Norris. Sacrifice hits 10 9 .526 est town on Lon Island in W. 14uck Long years to —Ullrich; Salmon. Stolen bases- W. Hampton 9 10 .474 some. Heaney; Strasser (2); B. Barker. S. Hampton 5 14 .263 The scores: Struck out by Heaney 3; by Barker E. Hampton 5 14 .263 At Southold. 5. Double play— Sanford to Stras- Southold ser. Left do bases—Southold 4; Mat- Results Sept. S AB R H- 0 A E tituck 8; First base on error—South- Mattituck 5, E. Hampton 3 Prince, 3b ....... 4 1 1 1 1 0 old 1; Mattituck 2. Umpire—MT. W. Hampton 2. S. Hampton 0 Heaney, ss-p ..... 4 2 0- 1 5 0 Stark. Sag Harbor 2, Southold 1 Cassidy, c ........ 4 1 2 7 0 0 Score by innings; Cochran, rf ...... 4 0 1 4 1 0 Mattituck 2 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 2 The Sat,* Harbor "Whalers" are hot Strasser, 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 1 0 Southold 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0-6 an the trail of the League leadin,r Ulbrich,of .. 4 0 1 5 0. 0 -- "First Settlers," even though it be a Scott, If ... ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 The Southold Academy opened for fact; that Southold has'the 19,23 East- Salmon, p-lb .... 4 0 1 3 2 0 t lb-she fall term on Tuesday, with Mies ern Long Island League pennant "un- Sanford, lb-ss .... 3 1 0 5 1 0 Nancy Bethel again in charge. der cover." That's what snakes the Totals34 6 $ 27 11 Q Mise Marie Gagen has gone to the ball games in the "Sunrise League" Easthampton so close and interesting. You never 4B R H, 0 A E King's County Hospital, where she know who will get trimmed,until the Edwards, ib ...... 4 0 0 7 0 1 will learn to be a trained nurse. last man is out in the final stanza. Anderson, ss 3 1 1 2 5 1Well, getting back to Squthold, the Ross, 2b . ....... 3 0 0 3 2 2 Af 9r8hamomo ue Inn was full to over-I "Whalers" invaded the championship Barnes, ef. ..... ... 4 0 1 2 0 0 precincts of the ",First Settlers" on Brewer, 3b ... ... 3 0 0 1 1 1 flowing over Labor Dap. last Saturday afternoon and went at ' Talmage, If ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Oliver B Goldsmith &ano to .it hanxmer acid tongs for eleven hard Strong, rf ....... 3 0 1 2 1 0 Howard S Palmer &ano lot Peconic' fought innings. 'The Harbor tossers L. Petereit, p .... 3 0 0 2 0 0 Bay & by Mud creek & by land Platt came through with the "bacon," but A. Petereit, c .... 3 0 1 4 2 0 T. Gould, Cutchogue, $1,000. it took some Big League ball playing — — Wickham, r•, p to L B Horton, rot on aloin to do it. Al. Salmon unlimbered Totals 29 1 4 '24 11 5 rd adi land M McCarthy, Cutchmme ....$soo some of his tantalizing twisters and Two base ]zits—Barnes; Strong. I thirteen of the opposing batsmen Stolen bases—Heaney; Ullrich (3); "bit the dust.", Reholtz, his youthful `1'crry—�.t the E. L. 1 Hospital, Salmon, Cochran; Scott (2). Struck 'I Au uSt 2 tlr, to irllr. and i1Irs. Mer- opponent'on the mound, is credited out----by Salmon 6; by Heaney 1; by with eleven strikeouts. There seerns Petereit 3. Base ors ballsoffSal- jis.r Terry, of Southold, a slaughter,o to he but Tittle que tion but that these -non 1; off Petereit 1. Number of Merle. - I ftwo hurlers are the clash of the Y2 League. Both teams made seven � -�,— hits, but Southold played guilty of r � 1549753 r� �o ball, while Sag Harbor was guilty of 1`JW� 1(Jt BIC KLAN A N ME�^►J!""I�►G one rnisnlay. Another- little thing a $35t 9 [fLH G1 l�lA thatought to be mentioned is the fact i that Sag harbor carne over. with 1FF LASSESSMENTSON FLANDERS FIELD eight .hien and Southold very kindly "donated" the rL7ervicea of "Woody" Between Four and Five Thousand Burt, who incidentally won the game Total Amount of Equalized for the Harbor by time!y hittin;; and Gather in Rain Saturday Night clever "Work lYt `the' field. But°t i5 Figures Fixed By State Tax Around Fiery Cross South- pretty frisky for an old timer. Commission Is $215,668,- east of Riverhead Sag Harbor scared first in the fifth 750 Direct State Tax The Ku Flux Klan held another inning, Southold tied things rd one of its mysterious meetings in the eighth. Both teams tried hard $484,179.91.9.g1. tig•' last to ocore in the ninth and tenth, but Saturday night in a big open lot on to no avail. The "Whalers" extendedAn increase of $35;154 758 has the Flanders Pleasure Drive, near } the State road south of Riverhead, themselves in they eleventh and put been made this year by the State actors the winning -counter. .Pulver Tax Commission in the equalized val- and in spite of the showers, it is of the Harbor and;"'Home Run" Cas- action of the real said that between 4,004 and 5,000 property and spe- sidy of the "First Settlers were the tial franchi3es in Suffolk County, the people, i<ncIuding many women, went only extra base hitters to connect total amount being $215,068,7x50. Last to the konklave to see upwards z=.safely. Pulver doubled and Joe year the amount at which the State of 400 men initiated into the order. tripled. Prince i as speedy as ever, equalized Suffolk assessments was' Several reporters of Suffolk Coun- comrnitting two base thefts. If lie $1.80,513,992. Thy eoualization com- ty papers were invited to attend and keeps this up Fred Booth will get mittee of the Suffolk Board of Super- those who went write that they wit- him. It -was some ball game from visors equalized the figures placed on nessed. a very, impressive and orderly start to finish and let,- hojie we ;get the property by the Boards of A,, ceremony. The Reponter is informed more 'of em• sessors of the ten towns thisthat people in the crowd around the The score: Year at only $140,1wv1,132, or $75;537,018 less. roPed-in portion of the lot were Southold than the amount fixed by the State seen who carne from all parts of AB R H D A B Tax Commission. Suffna;. County, and that when the Prince, 31i j 1 1 2 3 0 Suffolk's share of the direct State candidates were marched onto the fleane y, ss 5 0 0 2 2 0 tax for the fiscal year beginning July field, a band from Patchogue led the Cassidy, c 5 4 2 13 0 0 1, 1923, is $484,179,91, which is an, procession. followed by many KIans- Cochran, rf 4 0 1 2 0 0 increase of $210,981.122 over 1922. men in full regalia and bearing aloft Strasser, 24 5 0 1 1 2 0 The direct State tax includes the fol- a flaming cross. 1711rich, of 3 0 1 1 0 0 lowing: State debt service, $153,- Apparently the peaceful little ham- Scott, if 4 0 0 0 0 0 232.65; for school teachers' ,90aries,1 let, Flanders, knew nothing of the :Salmon, p 4 0 1 1 1 0 $278,144.85; armory tax, $40,142.50,, "doin's" in its immediate ricinity Sanford., lb 3 0 0 11 1 0 court stenographers' tax, $12,700.34. s — — — — — — Suffolk will have to raise $13,792.87 Boy 'BIOS of Wounds , 38 1 Sag Harbor 7 33 0more year than in 1'922 as an ar- mory tax. John Slavonik, the eigbt-year-old boy AB R H 0 A E The total rate the county will have whom John Stepnoski shot down be- T'errot.ett, c 5 4 0 13 1 0 to levy to pay the State tax is $2 on cause he was eating grapes from a vine lTranahue,21) 5 0 1 2 1 0 each $100 of assese,vd valuation. that Stepnoski claimed as his own, died Wagner, lb 5 1 1 11 0 0 SubstEntial increases have been IScholtz, 5 0 1 1 2 1 of his wounds Monday night in the P made year the State Tax Commission Greenport Hospital. Atsiatant District Pulver, if 5 ll 1 1 0 0 each year in equalizing Suffolk's as- � p p tiat5on, ss 5 1 1 0 1 D •se sments. Attorney Hildreth has made a charge Burt, of 4 0 2 4 0 0 1 of first degree murder against Stepnus- Crozier, 3b 3 0 0 0 2 C Capt. J. W. Turner of the Down ki. The Slavonik family and Stepnoski Mach in, rf 4 90' 1 0 C Town Fishing Co. made a draw for each occupied a house on the same 41 2 7 33 7 1 ""blues" at the Sound Tuesday even- premises. In the yard is a grapevine. Three base hit—Cassidy. Twc ing, but mistook the breaks and hooked The Slavoniks claimed that each family Bess hit—Pulver•. Sacrifice hit— on to the stern end of an old derelict had an equal share in its fruit. Step- Crozier. Stolen bw.es--Crozier, ,Which had reposed on the bottom for noski said that it belonged wholly to Prince 2, Cassidy, Cochran. Struck countless years, tearing the seine of him. On the afternoon of August 31st �,�t—by Salmon 13, by: Scho3tz '11. g Bases on balls--off Scholtz I. Hit' fishermen back to the captain's boy- John Slavonik and a boy Chum, Chester by pitcher—Sanford, TAIrich. Left on hood days. But Joe did more than Kelokoaki, began picking the grapes. lases—Southold, 7; Sag Harbor, 5 the other fishermen, for he solved the Stepnoski, according to witnesses, got Tlznpire—Mr. Stark- mystery. With his own gang and a double-barreled shotgun and fired one Southold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 the help of others, the timber and berrel at Slavonik and the other at :gag Har. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1—` metal were hauled ashore and revealed. Keiokoski, both charges reaching their We are pleased to state that Miss The copper and brass may be of much marks,Slavonik's whole side being torn Lillian Purcell, who was taken to the value. open. Kelokoski was wounded in the E. L. I. Hospital for treatment last arm, After being in business in Southold week, is getting along nicely. Miss Gordon Taylor, who is with the ' Purcell was struck by a car last for upwards of twenty-five years,Theo, Baltimore Locomotive Works as me Wednesday and thrown violently from Homkis has closed the Southold Hotel charical draftsman, has been with his lher bicycle, her head striking the han- and off era it for sale. He is to build a parents, Moses Taylor and wife for a dle of the door of the car. bungalow on his lot. 'week. Bad Auto Accident Twenty-Five Years A H Reunion A bad auto accident occurred went '-I /" V_ reunion of Co. 11, 127th junction of Kenney'a Road and the 0. F. Payne opened big school qt The annual at the Regt., N. Y. Vols., took place at the Sound View Road on Sunday afternoon, Melville, L. I. Wyandank House, Greenport, last Sat- Wm. Gittinger of Newark, N. J., hav- Harold Skidmore entered Union C. urday. At the appointed hour about ina In his car his wife and Mrs. John lege• thirty entered the spacious dining room, Breitstadt and daughter Lillian, was There was a better demand for pota- where a faultless dinner was splendidly going up Keeney's Road. When they toes at 45 cents per bushel. served. The passage of time has.*re- arrived at the Bound View Road they Mh4ses Dora Qumrty and Efizabbth sulted in making very few the number slowed up and had just reached the Terry resumed their studies in the of veterans who were able to be prcs- road when a car driven by Dr. Benja- Oneonta State Normal School ent, but children and grandchildren min's Bon of Riverhead, going west at Mrs. Maria J. Hallock Bold her farm helped to make the be remembered occasion one long to a rapid rate of speed on the left hand at Bay View to Stephen Walter. - After dinner, all re- side of the road, struck the Gittinger Over one hundred attended the an- paired to the parlor, where a greatly car. Mrs. Gittinger was severely cut nual reunion of Co. 11, 127th Regt., at enjoyed informal program was carried on the arm, Mrs. Breitstadt on the leg, Ocean Beach. Ct. out, with Mrs, Leila Heath at the pi- and Lillian was severely hurt on the Steamer Montauk made excursions ano. Miss Alice Louise Conklin sang head,a large lock of hair being sheared to Camp Wikoff. Montauk. to the joy of all. The pastor of the close to the scalp. The Gittinger car Many boats were engaged in catch-I Jrient Methodist church gave an inter- was considerably damaged. The Ben- ing seed oysters off Horton's Point. 3sting talk. 'Comrade John H. Youngjamin car was slightly damaged,but its ,ave cheerful recitations. -C omrade" occupants received no injury. EASTERN LONG ISLAND 1. L. Conklin responded to the call for I emarks, which were fully appreciated. AMATEUR LEAGUE _11 Southold ....... ..�. 16 4 company sang patriotic songs and place in the western part of the village Won Lost, P.C. Mrs. Lottie M. Howard has Bold her� th 1 .800 A 8 P. m. the parting hour arrived. to Herbert W. Wells of Peconic. Sag Harbor . .... ... 13 6 .684 present were John D. . ...... 11 9 .550 The veterans Mattituck .. 'IL Mrs. Daisy L. Prince has Bold her Westhampton ...... 10 10 .500 , weland, John H. Young, Henry 0. lorton and Henry Hallock. Those place to Mrs. Margaret J. Connor. Southampton ...... 5 14 .2613 La.t Hampton ... . 5 15 .250 absent were Leonard T. Butler,Edward Thompson, L & w to F S Taggart, lot Last Saturday's scores- Ging, A. Wickham Case, Robertffolk av ado land H V Downs, Cutsb'5 Southold 7, '.-.�outhampton 5 bitts, Henry W. Prince, Oliver Eb)= ...................... .......�1,500 Mattituck 8, East Hampton 2 May" Westhampton. 10, Sag Harbor 6. i Charles E. Terry and E. W. Taber, Wm C Cas� -to"Mary L Wiles, lot Indian s ' i P 'an ?Neck road where same is The outstapding feature- of Tue.— nt letter f rol), If obert Lindy recQ ., inbirsecintersected �y w q land property of daya primaries in Suffolk county A of Peconic, DOW ill British Guiana, party, of second part, near- Peconic. prospecting were the defeat of Jonathan Bake;, spect'r?9 for Valuable mine- Southold.. - - I :With W- A. Macomb, civil mineral Tax third term candidate for Superinten- lineer dent of the Poor, the eleventh hour at- Aug. I I th, states: ',We ar'I Dickerson—At the E.L. I.Ho tempt of the Ku Klux Klan to nomi- ind elated I ell-c i'ived at Geor,vetown all O. K Hospital, nate Dr. E. Agate FoiAer. of Pat- and are Sept. 6tb, to Air. and Mrs. mahlon Southold, a son, Chester which 10 on a toll". Tempe was unsuccessful and the er to & 'Member of Assembly, Pat- getting our (!"ew and supplies Dickerson, of So chogue, for degree smashing defeat administered to Mar- - firsBaker's campaign man- qualre, arae Brooklyn, Sept.S, s Fah Iip�],t shock of earth t experience. We will I lock, enjamin A. Hai- vin Sbiebler My several weeks. pt- 6 t . it be aW a former resident Bay View, ager on Shelter Island. Shiebler was ews Shoot some aged ged 69 Years. Interment at Southold. defeated for member of the County one Until spring, Committee by a vote of three to one this "'Y," IT, expected to be Cutehogue, Sept. 12, Jacob Wolf, aged 78 years. by Francis A. Meyer, a contractor. We received a pleasant call Wpdnes- E. L. I. 1 Republio�an organization won out Hospital. Greenport Sept. with flving colors in the Superinten- dayfrom one of the old TRAVELER boys, to. John Slavonik of peconic, 11. Robinson Shipherd, Mr. Shipherd years. Greenport, 8 denta£ Poor -fight. is now Professor of English in BostonLThe unofficial figures of the vote in University. If "Rob" makes as good . 1. R. R. BREAK ALL each town on County Superintendent of Poor, with the above mentioned a teacher as he was a printer, and we LABOR DAY RECORDS district- missing are: know he is, he is doing good work, New records of a most impressiveYoung Baker Huntington .............. 352 136 Frederick M. Bridge left on Monday character as tending to show.the pop- Smithtown ............... 81 54 for Bellfonte Academy, at Bellfonte, i clarity of Tong Island as a play, Babylon ................. 186 157 Penn, round, were made by the L. I. R. R. Islip ............. ....... 195 214 during the five day period known as Brookhaven Druggist Chas. F. Kramer is putting .............. 706 448 the Labor Day week-end for 1923. Riverhead ................ 440 73 down a cement sidewalk in front of his Duri"lg that time the railroad cots_ Southold ................. 396 64 place. pany carried a total of 1,677.100 pas- Shelter Island ............ 49 82 Southampton ............. 457 479 Potatoes are selling for $120 per sengers, which was 261,00 more than East Hampton............ 152 207 bushel. The crop of late potatoes is the company carried during a similar — — very good. 1period in 1922. 2931 1901 r' The unofficial figures of the vote Yor HAVE TO PAY Peck and Foster in the six towns of $10 FINES Thursday was Southold Day at the- the First Assembly District, with the FOR .ST"EALING MELONS County Fair and a big crowd of South- First District of Southold missing, Four Peeonic young men entered olders were present. The Southold follows; pleas of guilty before Justice of the Dramatic Society presenter) the three PeekFoster 616 Peace James H. Rambo at attituck one-act plays, "The Florist Shop," Brookhaven to the charge of stealing musk melons Riverhead ... ........... 344 72 "Watch the Clork,•, and "Thursday Southold 302 76 from the farm of George H. Wells, ,. Shelter Island .......... 121 5 Peconic, and they were fined $10 Evening, at the Little Theatre, music 508 374 each. The defendants were John Bauer, being furnished by the Southold Town Southampton Fred Bauer, Adam Dorowski and Symphony Orchestra. The Southold Fast Hampton ........,. 226 44 Raymond Davids. a Baseball team, champions of the Last 1915 1188 Mr. Wells, who has one of 'the ,End League, played the South Side F{�UD SIRE . largest farms in Southold Town, hasICLOSE been annoyed for several years b� League champions, the Islip team. persons raiding his melon patch and STOCKHOLDERS LOSE stealing many melons and destroying TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS others. A few nights ago he and his two sons, Herbert and William, Due to unavoidable circumstances, were watching the melon when they we are very sorry to announce to our Several Judgments Filed Here Last observed three men enter the field. friends and patrons, the necessity of When the intruders found they leaving Southold. We extend our Week in Suffolk Concern and were discovered they ran into the woods. The g heartiest thanks to those who have so Sheriff Takes Action yours .man who .had re_ steadfastly proven the-sr ideals, and mained in the automobile was cov- Speakin.g of the trials and tribula- erect" with a gun by Herbert Wells I may they take advantage of our clos- and the latter's brother, William was ing safe, that they may reap the re- tions of the Suffolk Food Stores,which sent in search of Deputy Sheriff Fred ward which we now offer--everything followed the demise of the Country Booth, of Southold, one sof the clever- at cost. E. J. BARNARD Club Butter Co., in which many Suf- est sleuths in the county. With the folk County people invested,. the Pat- aid of a flashlight the other men were Southold Pharmacy chogue Argus says. located in the woods and arrested by Booth on the charge of petty larceny. It seems as if we had gone hack a The stores of the Suffolk Food young Dorowski dost his spectacles hundred years to the days of the stage Stores Corp. were closed last week by while making his -hasty retreat from coach, not to have any daily papers. ,Sheriff's attachments and the goods the melon patch. and other assets of the company will Since Tuesday we have known nothing be sold for the benefit of creditors, Fat Rooney has spent a fortune to 'of the happenings in the world. We whose claims are about $4,500. The produce a new act, to run an hour, en- trust the pressmen's strike will soon be stockholders have put in$11,000 cap!- titled, "Shamrocks." It is a musical settled and we can again peruse our tial, and the six directors are person- comedy and is"headlined at the Orphe- favorite newspaper. The New York ally obligated on a $5,504 note in the um Theatre this week. He and Marion Tribune is printing a combination of Patchogue Bank. Since the re-organization of the Bent will star in the piece, which,has a all the New York papers and a few original company some time ago, Mr. company of twenty, and five resplend- copies have been seen here. VanBrunt and Mr. Chichester have ent scenes. Martucei`s Shamrock Or- struggled hard to put the proposition chestra is a part of the show. Pat has Martin Lehr bad only $300 insurance over, working night and day, but lack of working capital, the death of the Put his faith into a musical comedy for on his barn, whish, with its contents, treasurer, Geo. Kiernan of Sag Har- vaudeville with complete story, lus- was burned last week. it was a big bor, which tied up what working capi- cious score, smart lyrics, expensive loss to Mr. Lehr, as it could not be re- tal they had, and the lack of support costumes, and a crack company. placed for probably$3,000. by stockholders all conspired to bring "Shamrocks"" is big enough to occu- defeat of what looked to be a success- Clement W. Beath repre€anted the ful enterprise. py practically all of the last half of the County Legion at the State Legion Mr, VanBrunt has worked without Orpheurn bill. salary since June. He says the assets Convention at Saratoga Springs last - ought to total from $4,000 to $6,040, week. He was accompanied by his which will cover all claims for mer- Sh114h Bapthl3t Church mother, Mrs. M. I. Booth. c iandise. The stockholders stand to rarcv. x. W. STANLaY, Pastor - lose their investment and the directors about $1,000 each on the note. The Last Sunday was a happy day at this In the accaunt'of the 127th Regiment six directors are: George M. Biggs, church. Rev. Edward Green preached Reunion, recently held at Greenport, Sayville; Cortland Kiernan, Sag Har- at the morning service, and the pastor' the name of Veteran Isaac T. Moore of boy, the. attorney; Monroe Ba'ldwzn, preached at night, which was also Com- Patchogue was inadvertently oma.e Peconic; Irvin J. Long, Bay Shore; munion. George Conklin, Patchogue; T. G. On Sept. 12th Rev. Mr. Stanley was Deputy Sheriff Fred E. Rooth is VanBrunt, Patchogue. again in charge of the police arrange- week, too, a number of judg- installed pastor by Rev. Dr. W. A. ments at the County Fair. He is just against the Suffolk Food Ilarris of New York. president of the the man for the lob. s were docketed in the County Association. :'s office. None were in favor of The church will be closed 'Sunday Miss Lillian Purcell has retur .1 or county people, all being, ap from the E. L, I. Hospital and is fently, for goods purchased from night. The pastor and congregation proving rapidly. ,ho1L:,ale houses. It is expected- that will meet with Samuel Morris to help P g many.more judgments in which coun-I him in his Christian work. ty residents will be the plaintiffs will Potatoes are selling for $1.40 ,per alsr be docketed. �bushel. 2 Itev- Wm- H. Lloyd returned frorril L. V. 1. S. his trip to Wales Sunday night, The Ladies' Village Improvement MUST MEETIM OF Frieda E. Morgapn to Edna D. An- Society of S-uthold was organized to T SATURDAY derson. lot 16 maof Proposed sub- "improve ana beautify the village." A KLAN IA division See. A, Nassau Point Club 1,onstitution and by-laws were drawn ll� __. Pll,Nassau Point, tax, $2.00. up and adopted. A goodly company of Held in Willis Field, Hain- women the E. L. I. Hospital, women joined the society and helped Pauge—Estimates of Crowd Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. William carry forward the work, but for vari- Rafford of Southold, a son. ous reasons seemed to "weary in well Rtins From 20,000 to 70,, doing," until now only about a dozen 000—Speeches, Initiation, Southold, Sept. 17, by Rev. Ed .ward whose aticktoitiveness remains to carry and Fireworks. F. McGrath, Paul Edward Purcell and on the good work. Miss Charlotte Aurelis. Kart. A surnmary of the things accomplish- A crowd, f-stinflates of which run ed is asked for, and the Secretary has from 20,000 to as -high aii 70,000, in- 110 cluding thousands of WDIM11 and ehil,- N Y.-City, Sept. 8, Abraham W- gone through the books and the follow- dren, attended a gathering of the Ku Moynihan,a summer resident of South- ing most important accomplishments old, aged 78 years. Klux Klan in Willis, field, between rice selected Central Islip and HAumuge, Satur- NewLondon, Sept. 12, Ernest New- LightiQg our streets with acetylene. day night. The progran, was car- comb, husband of Kate Griswold New- Having cross-walks put down. ried out as planned in spite or the comb, in his 37th year. rain. It was the most largely attend- ed the means of foraiing a Park ed ineeting the Klan ha�13 held on Twenty-Five Years Ago District and purchasing the Town Har- Long Ill and the first to which 'S,Z`,q 17�z ppt, / k,?5--- bor property for a water-front village 1 women anti children were invited. T. M. Shipherd returned to Williams park- Klansmen from New Jersey and var- College to enter his Senior year. The Town Creek Park was taken in 10- section,; of New York State par- �tici,)ated. W. Corey Albertson entered Syra- obarge and large sums of money ex- The Knights of Columbus, the Jews cure University. pended to build a cement bulkhead and and negrov,,4 were attacked by the Frank L. Downs became proprietor beautify the property, which the ladies speakers. Attacks were also made on! of a fine drug store in Brooklyn. have now given into the hands of the Governor Srnith and Mayor' Hy-lan. Prin. Shaw and Misses Benham and Park Commissioners, hoping they will One of the speakers. made an appeal 1 41 Deale were attending Teachers' Insti. riot neglect to keep it up. LO restore the real standard of American wr)manhood." tute at Babylon. Oiling our streets became necessary Four or i've hundred candidates Potatoes were selling for 50 cents a and was attended to, were snit steel. They ,were marched bushel. Our beautiful trees were being ru- Put or a Ntent, thirty abrealsit, each Cuban children gave in entertain- ined and were at once sprayed and the wearing a white r5iask. They entered ment in the Presbyterian chu d,3ad limbs removed. a big square forined by hooded Klang- The wonderful Pageant at our 275th n1c'n in front of the olatform, wh2re thQv were que,7tioned by the State The faculty of the High School is ss Anniversary was materially assisted by Kle-agle and answered the usual ques- follows: L. A. Blodgett, Principal, the society in-attending to feeding the tions as to their color, relit ion and multitude and assisting in the prcitizenship. After swearing to de- Cornell University, Corning, N. Y.; program fend the country and "white i3u_ Mrs. Marion DeLong, Preceptress, N. at Creekside on the Bliss grounds. The gateway at "The Landing" is also to premacy." they knelt in the grass Y. State Teachers' College, Gouver- . and mud and prayed. near, N. Y.; Miss Helen Howell, H.S., their credit. After the ��p&eches and initiation Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; The first cement walk was placed in there was a display of fireworks. Miss Mary Keohane, H.S., St. Law- front of the post office. Mrs. Daisy L,Prince met with a ver rents University, Port Leyden, N. Y.; The city of the dead was taken in y charge and commendably kept in good serious accident Wednesday morning. p Miss Anna Tilden, 7th Grade, Brock. She was going to take the early morn- part Normal, Himira Heights, N. Y,; c)ndition for a number of years, ing The Civil War Soldiers' Monument train to the city and got tip to light Mrs. Ruth Symonds, 6th Grade, Hoch- 'lamp' when she fell down stairs at ester University, Southold, N. Y,; 11 lso,receives ottentiun by the ladies' Miss Miriam Kramer, 5th Grade, Max- kindness. Michael Purcell'q, where she has been The list of gifts to various societies StaYini-,r this summer. Mr. Purcell heard well Training School, Southold, N. Y.; Red Cross, E. L. L Hospital, et ` the fall and went to her assistance. Miss Ruth Conklin, 4th Grade, Genesee, C., is rlecorded. She fractured her collar-bone and log Normal, East Hampton, N. Y.; Miss The last large undertaking was the just below the hip. She was taken to Mhrguerite McMann,3d Grade,Geneseo purchase of the World War Boulder, the & L. I. Hospital for treatment. Normal, Greenport, N. Y.; Miss Ethel which can be seen on the Bank la " Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Prince. Thompkins, 2d Grade, Tfainipg Class, the pride of all patriotic citizens.lawn to Walton, N. Y.; Miss Margaret Deal, L. CONKLIN, Secretary The Rich boys are all away at school. Ist Grade, Training Class, Greenport: Fred is at the University of Michigan, N. Y. Nat. E. Booth received at the County Ann Arbor, Mich ; James at Dart- Thomas A. Stacy is wiring-the,TRAv- Fair 27 first and 15 second prizes on his mouth College, Hanover, N. H., and, ELER building for electricity and our fruit—apples, peaches, grapes, pears Chester at the Lawrenceville, N. J., presses will be run by electric power. and plums. Pretty good record School. N / 72. � a Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Glover and There were a lot of things brolden Nirs. It, .t: Yaacock of Now York, and Mrs, Lottie Howard has returned at the Fahr in IZiverhea(1 last 'Yhuz's- Rollins White afrom California and is visiting South- day—broken records :for attenchatice, Mirs Patty, 'Spent the week at the i old friends. She reports that Mise broken heads on the ball field, broken Arobicom, their Southold home. f'rleda Williams, whom Rhe accampa- records, broken windshield,,,olden -----_ " nied to California, has a tine position broken p det or two Mrs, Rase T. Greeley has accepted a„as hoskkeepor in the University of I into by pickpockets, buildings antlfine offer to return with Mr. and Mr&, Southern California, at Los Angeles, tents entered -and tirticles s+tole3l, and 1 Rowell Fisher to their home at Gar- and is delighted with everything per. I so forth. Yet in spite of it all it was i mantown, Pa. twining to her work and home in the surely Y great dlay at h SMiss Helon Booth, who graduated onlythose wlnQ suffered erne of the fromtheSouthold Schaailla6t West, ' - "bad breaks” were displeased with Juno,.line entered the I{atherine Gibbs he Library will be open hereafter at the show. `Secretarial School Boston, the regular hours, 2 to 5'p. m. and 6:80 -- _ . to 8:80 P. m. The October issues of all Early in the morning the crowds -- r� bon•an piling through,all of the gatcs, Mies Beryl Marton has resumed liar the Magazinoa are now an the reading ntad they kept coning until well into studies at Pierce Business College, room tables. Come and enjoy them. __._. ..... . - the afternoon. Tn spite of rancreanser _... _�__..-.._._ Philadelphia. _. ,grandstand facilities this year still -_..._. An arc electric light hila replaced the there was not room enough, Crowds regular sGroet overflowed everywhere. People were Work has commenced on the addition light in front of the post; spread alit from one end of the lm.- to the Southold High School butydsng. nthca, 4n'1 th;tt place wh€ills has hereto. li od nthatch -- tone times rluiing be- I Franl McNish, rt ocn ran�& ave to �dlola?3d light somewh s now well mense grounds to the other; yet they at dark i the 1height of the afternoon am there of I,o,.tns & I aubne Boduoski, South - Old,alt€, tax �t.50,. Clinton .i', Voorhees formerly ' ' must have been tt:t least 15,000 people I __._ _ _--- .. � � Y of t on the grounds, possibly more. t was.•1 I-lartranft, .J ll to 3,1 1• 5t&ene, set n s Southold,has been renominatod for Tam ' Lr week. ] j win rd ,till limit D i[ Iannmg, Southold, Receiver of Riverhead Town an the fat •nnul away the go-,eao Anil it rained nearly all night Sat- ltepuhlican ticket, * hest crowd o! the ds ooll oil -.- _ - ri- Quinby F 11 dl: w to M 11 Harris, lot 11R _ -------- day � _— urd�ty,rlclea napg il u`st trio time Ln dry zing-sau reint . .... Rev. Tamil Roth is the champ€an book $1,000 out the track so the horse races and and line tiehermau. IIo recant] caught Prunetty Holders ttualty Co to M G field,! Y it motorrar laces could be ?'un. q`heso lot e s Vanaton.nl Nassau Paint. • $2,rao a wealtf€sh that was 36 inches tang and are reported in another column•. In --- -- -� weighed 12Ibe. spite of the heavy rain during Sat- 1•lassnu Point club Propertie% to s r Fisher __.-.._._....... ......... urrlay morning a big crowd hail Bath- lot �a trassnu rotor _ $r,ao-° The Atshannomoque Inn is deserteii eyed at the grounds by afternoon, tine now as Mr. DeBeixerion has closed lip` receipts for that d-ly—};ate and TWOXIty-Five Yours Ago and gone Track to his business Ili granw grandstand—being upward of $3,000, - � 0000 Brooklyn. Southold is quite �vititeut For Ii ridgy the society collected $1,000 in rain insurance; for Satur-4 The Republicans nominated Colonel any hotel accommodations now. day it Collected•nothing., because thel Theodore Roosevelt for Governor of _ rain slid not fall in. sufficient quanti#.yl New York State. `1'haa'Hoink€a has torn down his barn betweeiti.10 A. X and 2 P, Mi . It car-: H: G. Booth moved his stock from and is to erect a bungalow for hit3 own lied at $5,000 policy for Wednesday; his store to the Korn store building, oecupancy on the site, ,and Thursday,, but no rain fell on� 1 those clays;. so the Only day on which; Steamer Lang Island made her last Goe, C Tarr attended thg1Ttepubli- rain insurance was collected was for trip for the season. Y Friday. _ S. Grover Gardiner was elected Su. can Judicial Convention rn.73rooklyn as nor. ana mrs. A. 1'.uiaidexson start perintendent of the Methodist Sunday .a delegate, last week. ed on an auto trip on Saturday last, School. Through the real estate agency of E. going to Atlantic City, N, J., to the Mrs. Illi W. Howell died, aged 74y. Beicht,Alvah Mulford has sold his farm Bankers' Convention, also to the Bela- --_ --.._ at. Mattituck to John Rutkoski of ware Water Gap and to Binghnmpton Druggist E, J Barnard has closed Southold. to visit relatives tilers, They left their the Southold Drug Store and loo inti Salmon, N{w & Calle Qxya torr rite3,tot little flock in care of Grandma Boutcher Mrs Barnard. will return to Wast s s Nottli rat nal band 's' latsey let a+tl land and Mre, Butler, and are in touch with sp'i1Qa klampton Beach, where Mr. T3arnartl Cosde,t Snntltotd ',. home every day try phone or telegraph. will assist ins his father-in-law's drug I Paten J Il1lhoney, Jr. &w to Ralpls store. Mr, and Mrs. Barnard made T'. Booth & w, lot G, amabn'l hunting- In s rte of inroads made b many friends here during their stn in burst prop A zn'1 Ii Horton erS and poachers into Farmer George Southold, who writ regret thetr depart- Nona ax, title. p� y ptxrchais_ y prop,}, awned 1rY 11. Wella' marvolous crop of muskmel-;, T'leet to Geo. B. Gardner, one, they still bald out, and can he oh_': ur°` Beat wishes fellow them far thew lot c s Fol ctwoud Road adj land Frank one, t e calling at his house, Those future welfare. B. Ryder, Cutchog•ue, tax, 50c. Y g _ - - . Nornna H. I�`leet to IT award S. who have sampled them say unanimous. The Board of Education Tian appoint- Brower, lot c s FleetwoQgl Road, ady ly, "host ever seen or eaton�." ed J. E. Corey and Wm, It, Newbold a land Frank 13..Rydee; utchogue,,ta:c,;,, -- - — — Building Committee, to assist in'build- - Q�': Miss MariorleWHagerman 3s attend i Ing the addition to the school house; Long Meadow,,.J�IIass, Sept 26,; ,' yg the School of Art and Costume De-I Mr,'Corey has been appointed Clork af. lieu. Mr. Morrill; '�homas D: B Sept'_ 26,i and Mins Harriet Lah; gning in the Brooklyn Y. W C. A ilio;Works -`an excellent choice.- pE t,vpq Meadow, t: / The cottage formerly owned by Wil- r�'�8gtt�-�'11�8 �8&1r9 Ago Greenport, E. L. I. Hospital, Oct. 4, bur R. Lewis on Saq Avenue was Our- ,1 o®oo ! Mrs. Daisy L.Prince of Southold. aged chased iu 3uly by Charles M. Winkel- ' Fred i Conklin entexed the employ 66 years. Funeral services in M. E. church, Saturday, at 2:30 p. m. meyer of Westbury, L. L, who will of the Rogers Silverware Co. at Meri- { Greenport, Sept. 26, Miss Marionsummer here for the next two years, den, Ct. ' Heath, aged 55 years. Interment at after which time he will come to live .. John L. Havens, a former student at r Southold. here permanently with his family, Southold Academ Town was Board a appointed 5 rTW811ty MVO Years A cratc ca O - _ — indidate for State Senator. + ! a000 George Horton vas,moved into the The Southold To d ,t rooms vacated by Mie Agnes .Gold- Joseph N. Hallock was nominated smith, who, with her niece, Mi.s Eu- Joshua T. Beebe of Cutchogue as �, o gone to live in the east- Town Trustee, to succeed the late it for Member of Assemblyfrom the First il Gilbert H. Terry's house. ol. J Truant Officer. ht' nice Cox, has ro District of Suffolk. ern part of Gilb _ _ _ Jeremiah G. Tuthill. James S. Dewe -__ Louts Levinson moved his dry goods Joseph A Clark of East Marion, who of Orient was app business to Patchogue, operates traps at South Harbor and the The following Overseers of High- ie McCabe was attending Mise. Agg Sound,ound, bus sold via fishing business to ways ware appointed in this section: All Saints' Academy in New York. Oliver Case of Cutchogue. k Geo. A, Maier, Wm: R. Newbold, ' A photograph gallery was established ._ _...—`_,=z _ ---_-_- _ Waldo Thrown, John Beitstadt, Henry a on Railroad Avenue. Raymond 'Donohue, who graduated . Gsf-ga and Wm. H. Gagen. CIarence Davis won the boys' bicycle from'Ccsnell University in June, bas, John M. Ryan of Greenport and Mies 11 irace at the Riverhead Fair. secured a fine position as chemist with Maggie J. Hodgins of Southold were Capt. Wm. M. Maynard was keeping the Mohawk Milk Co., at Gorey, Pa. married. y] i the restaurant in the rooms formerly — - — occupied by H. G. Booth under the I lane ado 1 nd°W O David', Peconia s $l neo Southold, died at her home rat Rock-_ �rly of � post office. _.. _ I ville Centre. _., Wolf J H Ss w to E w Morell & ane, lot — --- — N.�'h0li�as Place burned s s Main rd oda land P Peterson Cnteh_ eetlog o ToWD Boar . �ogua ,.$10,000 The o'.d heu�e on the North road Overton x to s DeAlbertis, lot s s other The Southold Town Board met at the"' in Arshamomoque, at the head of the land pasty of second part Cutchogue ....$5001 office of Supervisor Tuthill, green ort lane leadiU to the Albertson grave - — — p p. yard, was destroyed by fire Sundav Nassau Point Club Properties to x w Burn Saturday, r Tuthill, Town .Clerk Hallock, Saturda Oct. 13 1923, Ffesent Su- afteinoon. This house had an his aid lot 38 Nassau Paint ... $1500^II p f, _--- toric interest,in that during the War Mattituck, Oct, 6,by Rev.George R. Justices Grlffrn,Corey, Terry and Ram- P of 1812 it~vas fired into'bv a British Garretson of Maplewood,N. J.; Earle bo, Supt. of Highways Fleet, Counsel ' t warship on a Sunday:while Deacon Davis Richmond of Peconic and Miss Terry, and Health Officer Peterson. g) Abram Mulford and ibis family-were Carolyn Wells lsrownson of Ruther It was voted that a ballot vote be t at church in this village, only a ne- ford, N. J. a gro .slave being at home. Traditinn Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 17,Philip R. taken on Election Da on the following says the captain of this+ vessel came Danz, formerly of Southold, and Miss propositions severe, entered the'house and stole Raney. several articles; one of tivlich wa;^ G Greenport, 29, by Rev.Wn,illaaanm Numerouslysigned petitions were re' Mrs. MXord's best black silk gown, calved from Mattituck Cutcho ieppoof x 'and he also killed-and took away a Miss Elsie May Brown of Southold. Southold and Greenport, asking that I� sheep. When Deacon Mulford: went' Greenport, Oct. 6, by Rev. R. R. $5,000 be appropriated each year, to be , r, home and ,heard this he was so in,- Roberts, Cornelius A. Raynor and Miss divided among the Free Libaries of-tbe censed he took a rowboat and went ]Kathryn Kirby; both of New Suffolk. Town according to the assessed valva out on board the ship and demanded -- ----- - ------- f b his property and payment for the The estate of the late Mrs. Daisy L. tion covered by weir school, dlstricts. i sheep. The captain so admired the Prince is valued at over$4,500. By the An amendment to the Education Law, Qo spank of Deacon Mulford that he re.- terms of the will the son Wesle L. passed by the Legislature, permits this t�LE stored the purloined goods and paid y action by Towns. Accordingly there .,l for the sheep __;.__---------- Prince, is to receive the income o€ the will appear on the appropriation ballot: estate until he attains the age of 36 is All the activities of the Long Island years, when he is to receive the princi- $5,000 for support of Free Libraries an Railroad will cease for a period of two` pal. If he dies before attaining that of the Town for the year 1924. 14fi minutes, beginning at 11:15 Friday I a e without leavin $5,000 for support of Free Libraries , mornin out' of respect to the late g s issue, his wife, g, p Gladys L. Prince, is to receive $500, of the Town for the year 1926. President Ralph Peters, whose funeral end the remainder of the principal goes It was voted to insert the following o will be held at Garden City, beginning i to the Methodist Episcopal Church of Special District Taxes in the Tax Bud- at 11 o ud at110 'clock. ! Southold,the income to be used.for the get for the year 1924; from $100 is left to the Presby.in Mrs, Charlotte Overton and dsu h- maintenance of the church. The g Dr. and Mrs. Ii. E. Stevens are via- ter, is ter, Ruth; and Mr.�+. Overton s mother, come y iting Mre. Stevens' brother, Joseph B Mrs. Luella Chandler, are again oc- terian church of Southold to care for ` Hartranft, of Cincinnati. During the cupying a part of the Albertson testatrix's grave. The son and Dr. H. ; Doctor's absence Dr. J. M. Iiartranft t� house. Harry Cusack and wife have E. Stevens are named as executors. moved into Mrs. Sara Booth's rooms. _ is looking out for his patients, and his as Mrs. Booth will spend the winter'. hand has lost nothing of its cunning i}th her daughter, Mrs. White. Miss May C. Case has had the old and he is still the came skillful phy- i ""�" M taf li W Wells, lotT w s Main. Case store fixed up in fine shafie for xd erly of C Williau�s, 8outhoId,�" Eldredgesician as of old. s Rai Jana torr rental to two families. Leslie _- - -- - -1 ----- ----.-----$ '60� Aid ltio__w_ork, The will of James Thompson, late of The tablies prepared show that tlrc Shiloh. Baptist C:ITurctt Southold, disposes of an estate valved personal property :tonnes by tbc� as- rt,rv' kr, W. Krnxr.w�r, Pastor ,,at$10,500, two-thirds of which is to be se,sors is dwrn(lling every ,year. This haat Sunday was a stirring day at equally divided between Susie M. Yezu it is only $5`29,850, wliieb is ar ' Shiloh, Our pastor preached an Ef- yeduetion s about $10,),000 from last fcctiveness sermon'in the moinini, and ,Thompson and Rose L. Thompson, year. It o also Shawn that if all st aughtera, and the'remaining one-third the real estate in the county had been in the evening we had our Communion Is to be held in trust by the daughters, assessed at full value at the rate n1' service. who are named as executrixes, and equalization, .69 and a fraction, the Our Sunday School is of great inter- they are directed to pay the income total for the county would have been est, Supt, Howard and Asst, Su t $204,977,258, which is an increase of P.• from same for the support and main- about $2,000,000 aver the 1922 figures- Hobson aro doing good work and are teciance of the testator's son, John J. Last year the rate of equalization was asking everyone to come out, especially Thompson, during. his lifetime. The •68; this year, as stated, it as .fig, the mothers, daughters are also to use as much of The total amount of real estate. and Brother l3 speciisal franchises, is $14,3,480;607, dward A. Green.will preach the principal as may be necessary for These sub divions, with tine personal 5un(JaY morning. Asa Young man in the proper support of the son and I propertyadded make, a total ()f the ministry, he is growing in grace. whatever remains after hie death goes $144,010,457, at"I that the +ta"ces cwi�l be lrasrcl• night` Oct, 3 ,will11preach Wegdnesday. to theca. 1 for the Willing Worlc- �` am tarn u7 and 1t is ill the 1 rto 11 oilto Our castor all- The fawns of Fust Hurn>t(xr Sau i P , Southold and Hurltcnlrton era Club, Deacon Thomas Morris, cap. The Frank Hummel residence has have no personal property as i) fain, On Friday night, Nov. 2, he will. been bought by George Smith, who The little town of Shelter Island preach to the Morning Star Club Sister 1 ,will fit .the house up for renting, founts $32,200; Riverhead farlrul 'W-',- ' the plat Dorf land next ,Hummel Ave- 700; Brookhaven, Helen Walker, captain. 245 i $b0,200; Ihlip, r roue has ,been sold to a a oupla of $ •:300; B bylon, $,(,),400; Our paster has been in corxrmunica- Riverhead ladies. Sr..i ht wlr 8000, tL1cl tion with some of our leading ministers g ofT the real olio ing table shows, cihl �alue ;of New York, keeping in touch with ; Geor e Smith has made a fine loop- pe all tng b�ouse out .of a rpar-t .of the old ebises as returners by the town assess- Conway I the movement of the churches. His :baron; also a bungalow to ors and the amount fixed for each progress is highly esteemed by Shiloh. stand•07 the street which its to paras_ town by the equalizers: Subject Sunday evening, "Cast Me! I�el the railroac' and still has some i Assniixorx' 1,;annlLz;,n' _out.'" Ieft for a.a, ., bungalow, Totals j OWN Q..9_.p._n. .:g�._) ®(_�_.___.. rest Httml,tot, $10,1751472,48 lot(Ik A. 4os�4n Iilll11 IJ�[ra4 u, . -- - �x,72z u4o.o0 110 i75 470 4,, Southampton 21473 594.00 22,104,625.10 � 4 George W. Smith is t0 build a ane 'l Spelt+, h land 2:648,440 2,60.375.90 and-one-half story bungalow for Theo ;Snuthol11 8.407,02:,N n,lca,nlu3.1 The large and valuable barn of Al- 72ivcrh�,ut ...., 5,670,427.00 a sl x,,340.4.: tied H. Coeden on the Sound View Hoiakison the rear of the Southald �riroolchaven 23 426 295.00 2i,Di�5,7srs2 Hotel property. 18111) .. .... . 25,810,1x0.00 24,089,0x,5.97 Road, Southold, was discovered to be R,tbylon ...,... 10,109,1'i4.0(1 Lq,111:1,92'i.3N _--- Hunting ton ar,237 s90.an r l,nsn,n1,,i n The S u the r P 29 154 m. Tuesday ay morning.; Wort 40ven Smithtown ,. S,:Ir4 690.00 Ir 369,Gr1';7 ire'Department res^ � Y- years age Tuesday, apples froze on the trees and the $143,480,007.00 alarm and did fine work J.-ground was covered with Anow, cel•-16, The total sum for each town nn 'in saving the adjoining garage and --- -_---._---- -_- i which taxes will be bused which is _ pump-house. The wind was plowing a ltltherr, s D to $ Peterson, lot n s sound the above figures, together with he gale. Fortunately, the roof of the av adi 1ani1 C P Klippel, Southold.$1,4.00 personal as'ses'sments added, i5 as fol- to C P KhppoL lot n s Sound 'View av I Iotas: barn was slate and the aides brick, so t S w Ilavie, sonthold ........$1,400 r:,s,t Hamptonthere was no danger from flying Shing — Southamr tnn .., n10 1 i5 4;2.4 l r 104(.2u in lea. The fire started from the inside Sol>th01d, Oct. 12, at the home Of Shelter rsland ............... 4 80 02,Do that'fid 'a parents, by Rev. Abram Southold ........., .,;,,.,; ' ,118 011 ,;i and the cause is not known. The in- p r Riverhead .. .-.... ..:: b 698,040.43 terior of the barn was completely gut- Emmett Young and Miss ilrooichatcn .. [16P y g > I owe11 both of Southold. illi+ 1 si 1., ted, and the contents, hay, straw, d:flet, 17 at St. Patrick's ii;rt.;zzs ton :: (,,449,.,11,1,2 grain, implements, etc., were destroy- ay Rev, Edward McGrath, Smitldo�i n ... •,,,, 5 dward Gallagher of Mattituck I " . ed. The horses ware saved. Mr, Cos- — __.. se,:Monica Rita, daughter of - - $144,010,4157.00 den greatly appreciates the good work and I(1rs,'Daniel W. Grattan, 7'he Southold I+"ir@ Department rc of the Southold firemen. -- - bgue Oct. 14, by Rev. I sponded to the call for help from Har- The town has purchased a conveyor rosy Adam Zaveaki of Southold old Price's, Bay Avenue, Peconic, on which is being used at the Sound to s, ophie Sepenoeki of Peconic. Wednesday morning. The fire was un- load the gravel into trucks to supply �` iiy "1F8 Y0a1's Ago - such headway when' the Depart- g €, flus material to the new school build- der- in and the concreting, of I'cconlc arrivedment that the wasentsd ere destroyed,obut thealan barn aisechaeMcCabe sThe Southold Saving Bank has in-1 rd Mil nAtories. _ stalled a school savings bank in the erry went to Stratford, , 1 5. Eney David o,l :tao1 r ;3arre,1 Southold High,Sebool. Deposits from at-load of seed nysters l Vt., 15 here enr aged rlr asornpll~tznY;; the! one cent up can be made. This is a fine ` [beds at Town Harbor. Se t,1J119 up of her faacher's affairs.( idea for teaching thrift to the children. F.T. Wells were off l Ie :e L. Case's sudden death left --"�' It is quite a sight to see (,histoptrer to Philadelphia, Get- }much legal buti4nesx to be attended ta. Prof. Davidson is principal of the Gad- Grattan's ]tick driving a g jackass, lag ton. dazci School at Farre Yclept "I3Ynanrite," bout the streets. " _ I3e a_uhs.like molawses on a cold (lay. Sale of School Bands Charles E.Terry lila sold his flim at " Oar Public Libraries Bids for the$75,000 bonds of Union Bay View to William Zueas of the FFree same place, and has moved' to the Several years ago the State passed a ree School District No. 5 weropened 1 o'clock P. m,on Mondayopct. a house at Pine Neck, formerly oecupied Haw allowing Towns to appropriate a and the Southold Savings Bank, being.1. Y-his son, the late Charles G. Tarry, J certain amount of money each year for the highest bidder, was awarded the. Thomas a. rnxiizps nes.sero nes place the support of its Free Public Libraries bonds it era the North Road to Leon Warciski. Several Towns up the State have adort- paying $70,184 87 for the ed this plan with very satisfactory re $75,000 issue—a premium of $4,184.87, Mr. Phillips reserves his residence and Other bidders were: Sherwood and will move it to big fine lot at Town: salts. Acting under this statute, the Merrifield of New York 9 Harbor, fronting l'econic Bay. taxpayers of our Town are to have the $76,567.50;1 _ _ __-_- -�----__:T chance to vote,an appropriation for our George B. Gibbons&Co. of New York, -William Hummel is having a small Libraries this year. s $76,410;Union National Corporation of bungalow built on the corner of Hum- There seems to be idea in some of New York, $76,260; C, W. Whittle & mel and Boisseau Avenues• the villages that they will not benefit, k; Co.of New York, $75,400; Hodgson, Horace Booth .has ourcaa d the lot Benjamin I Healy of Now York, next to his residence, to t.ze east. but such is not the case,as if this mon- 0 $76,187.50: _ _ ey is voted all the Libraries in the Silas A I1 Dayton to James E Gal- Town will be free for use of any resi- One of the reasons for the muchlagher, lot w s ,Railroad ave adj land higher bid of the Southold Savings, nf__4_.A H.Davton,_Southold tax $4,00 dent of the Town. I Bank was that it bought the bonds to - For instance, e present Orient and Mary M H�Dayton &Ors to Bela M East Maxton have no library, If this '1 hold, while the brokers who bid on Stebbins, lot n s Sound View aveadj t therm did so with the idea of reselling land of Mildred M Hancock, Feconie, appropriation is granted the Greenport them to ingestas at a profit. Another tax, $1.00. Library will probably be able to open I reason was that the Bank believed it Mary M H Dayton &ors to"Mildred every day In the week instead of three 11 Hancock, lot n s Sound View ave days a week as at , and also should do as well as possible for its adj land of Howell M Fisher, Feconic, ' present home school district. tax, $1.OQ. have more funds for books. This Li• n > .__ - brary will be just as free -for Orient f Thus E Brown to Gladys G Dep- A Praising and East Marion as far Greenport. It m sey, lot Pequash ave adj land of_Adel Many of our young people 'will re- tide Frost, Fleets Neck, tax $6.50, will probably work just the same in the tneurber George Upson Scudder, son of Henry Anderson &w to Mary E I other villages, Delany, lot n s Orchard st adj Iand It does seem to be a very sane and Rev. Geo. W. Scudder who was pastor of Goldsmith & Tuthill, New Suffolk, sensible way to take care of this public ppublic of the Universalist church several ( tax $2.50 benefit. F. B. Comy,years ago; and now young Scudder i z� President Floyd Memorial Library, promises to follow in the footsteps of zaozn. 4��r, lI Beebe, & to Win Gook, Iot tiv �, Third st ad! land fv Ruth II Tait ��:...._ leis father, who is stationed at St hill, Neov Sz ft'olk -- dofansbury,, Vt., and possibly out-dist `Vzz, m Beebzn &w to Frank S DaGw- , tip • Athieiie ASSpCiQ on ante him. In a recent issue of the -,on,lot w s Third A adj land of Rut11 In the absence of b,th the President Universalist Leader, the organ of that{Il Tuthill. Ncv, duff_oll:, - nc,ni.i and the Vice,President, a meeting_ of denomination, there was a notice of 1 Geo I1 Flert &w to henry L Fleet,! the Southold High School Athletic. As- this young rig � s he is but 17 years 40 acres s :blain rd adj laud of aociation was called by Principal Bled 'a old answering cai9e°for pulpit supplies N'a+_'ma li Fleet Cutchogue, tax$10. gett on October 30th. After a brief and giving satisfactory promise of be l:utcnogue, uct. 20, at. the M, E. announcement of business by Mr. Blod coming s worthy occupant of the plat_ church,char»Re9 P. H. Dodd, Spencer gett, Miss-Howell was appointed tern. form, His friends here will watch with'Mar'orie of Mattituck, and Miss porary chairman. The following officers interest the development of his talents_ ,__ Harris of Cutebogue. were elected: Free,$ Robert .tooth in this direction - - - Southold, Oct 20, Amy Conklin,wifVice Pres., Theresa Fielder; Sec.; of Albert G. (;ase, aged 55 veers. We had one of the Heaviest easterly Frances of Bon; Treks,, Mr.Bl Team, ea , storms on record on Tuesday. The __1 Manager of Boys' Basket 33 1 '1'eaan, �areuty4F�io'a '�'ears.A a �d wind blew a gale and the rain fell inflr ov;, �e ! Harold Downs; Asst.Manager,Charles torrents. There was an unusually high. Simon; Manager of(,iris' Basket:Bali tide. Samuel Tuthill became a clerk in the Team, Marion Albertson; Aset. Mana 'I.Ile sL,anagh r. -" --- ;--drug s ore of VrIauk L. Downs, Brook- ger, Helen Thompson. Miss Howell and his hize.t was elected fifth member of the execu-' who was bless 4ia s :a Giattan, halve Mrs. Lucretia Glover had been an far as and are u r occUp5lin;;, as t ve committee. It was decided that far as it is con 7 ted, their new 'active member of the M. E. church for the County dues be paid and that the; ho_z.e on P. B. A�save. ?2 years. S. H. S. A. C.remain a meanirer of the _ .._ -_ Ezra G. Beebe has sold his shore e y R Three hundred voters were registered Count League. in this eleetion:distrieta front property,west end of Great fond Reg.George, D. ]Muller of Warsaw, FOArrC>ts OYFR2oN, Ser, and bordering on Long Island Sound,25, ara �-, h N. X.,Presbyterian church, was 'ed tea a former pastcar of the Southall Joseph Turner,- dr,, nes bought n, acres,to Dr. Luvia M. Willard of Ja- lot on Horatnel Ave. and will have maica. We understand she is to erectwm a bungalow plated ,there, 'Tis said a lummox camp for girls an the prop- he has selected .a mate to occupy erty. T ___._. _..._.___._ _ ...... this cage with him, A good fellow, s Ngo � t ��Cy Test L. W. Korn has gold he old 'Jotst 'lice public schools urs open this week TW'E7CEf � 'AV€ltt�" Korn homestead to Patrick Carey, Jr.', P p Mey. fl to give the literacy test to those whoalso a house and lot on Korn Av. to �1 n autumnal servxre war held in the 1 pa were refused registration because they Canriid iii� also a house and. lot an M. R. church. Korn Av. to Mr. Nichols. Mr. Korn diel not have a ere registered re literary,or Mrs. Ant.ono 1!lei.iehmann, a former is to move one of his houses on Korn' to those wlin wPcO registered after talo resident of Suuthold, a sed at her home Av. to his lot at Pi¢ie Neck Ing _ e test en by inoptoctiors, rather vthan the the testelection pre in l',rcn Kor. through than meal estate agency of ' ' � John Korn, Jr., who was one of'.Cor- scribed by the Board of ltegents. Reg- try's Rough 1tic30rs o®gra had been in El. W. Gordcin, A. J, Case of Peconic istrations accepted' after taking elec- has sold his place in Peconic to Ander- camp at Tampa, Via,, vvtiq vilitin"T h1H tion inspectors test are liable to chal• falher. It was 17 ys.,.ar"(+snag her left son,C;ook, and iMxo. .v'. Willis Horton of lenge, and voters are advised to takeSouthold for the Wow (-sonl rlaaring that Southold has soil her place on the Bay the literacy test this week in order to time he had beers in V�1'Wt9l, 1sllocitarrr:, View[toad to Jos.W arci®ki of Southold. av id all question of the 10811dity of _Ipp,: Idaho and other Vila +I �s'rc se Lns•t, � Lewis W ��cx�ra 4�v,' to Conrad Hipp, their registration. - Ariiss Angle M. lbue.aAna r>a is,y Viow lot s � hosn .(ve ad land of Albert It the cauliflowers our friend, John (lied, aged 65 yNsis Hipp; SnU Lhold, "'ax, $1.50. - 1+'rank Kentiey, loft at our door are a saitnple - -:. - I n Umliby to Seven ort liealtp C u, lots 119, 120, 121, 207, of those in his field, ire has Horne crop. William G Neuro i� ami Mrs. Neu- 208, 209 w 3:iU ori mop of Nassau Whey were as(1110 as any we ever saw. inan arrived on hllrs.l rota Day,to spend Point, Southold, tai:, $1.00.. Mr. i{ nn0y is osis of the most success- the winter in Iiev i�ug-ene Conklin's Frannie 1� flar d to Nassau Point house on Town ar Iran°Larne.'.Chir;is a Club Propa I tic , tne,, lots Nos. 72 8t fol farixlerH in the Cown,and h0 always 7 i on map ul �Jar•�sau Point Southold familiar stamping r r.,ound far Mr. ' Southold, ' has burnpsr crops. tai, X20 p w --—j Neuman, for his boy and young niali_,-_ _ I ' b r i hood summers were pent on the Lane') Sullivan, J E to 1 Lr.nowski lot ads 4� 1 h rant Stores her e clr releG. tlPrin el with the late William and "Aunt Bet-�.� Alex.Now Suffolk '1 her e has iters. Fred _.... _^ has the ltou'l•ton lrt°arsch .rnd Chx,s-i sy 'Tuthill, who kept a boarding �&lr, an 1 nl, Cecriial;e W. Sn"th are tie haG one back to his Fii place i.r; house for many years, the vill.ag(., in the A. & P. branali rejoicintr over s,lae advent of a little' a girl into their Nobly of boys. t 4 Now t I as re is no rivalry for each Irian Peter Chrr�,tiaw, � % bu with his - - -is deservedly perpul:a.l'• tsxntlo her bin❑ 1 ins tit( _rr,,,°rx tsraenl•otG ov. 1, by lieu F. P. l,- � F . ni' Connell}°, sr�ncviG 13;(']tvard Gagen of start r and for an G. Fre pd triltnel will ,I To ver llw-hOr 1„�,, ;I a Cxreplgw� t and Ilii, ulatheri,n Margaret Mr. and lis. G}. Fred linin 1 :. i in Bu- Ivhounc 'hon , l rs ,_ come, Berry of�raar6@sn!d p.._ the ell cote rope. They will spend must of the getups• ahn 11),.6;1 1 , r' >>• IVIG rrquxpesl ll(r:, real, Brooklyn. time ii Italy. i Peck 1 j to improv the f;t paling.. Nota 1, 16 hes,11. i<s iterri, aged 58 gears. Capt. Joe Turner, SST., managed to � I utlttne,t at ��la.11 pati hill Cemetery, c,in a ge ry R y 1 , erows bunch of Schub Town Clerk J. N itovic left San- e lasct week. day morning b to°r e:s for New London HEATH Miss Gertrude Heath,' The a. Prank Hommel place has been to deliver the ballot Har 'O'itihe island. ' daughter of the late Henry Heath, ,s Hos- sold e (leo, W. Smith, who in turn has it is a long and oxpt s +v: l;:°ip to dr•liv-i died at the YI asterii Tong Island Hos sold � n V. H. Langdon of Brooklyn. er"the ballots, but rurtsad to be taken,as!, I pital on Monday, November 5th. Fun- the boat from Grec vpovt tar New i.on�I eral services were held in orient, on uMich sel se M.of the Purcell t has contracted too thin had been taken s„A. i Wednesday. inter-inent was in the If P rouses that Geo - - I Presbyterian, Ceineteiy at Southold W. 5 ith is erecting on Railroad Ave Mrs. Mahe] Cla asy(! o; Hark y, - apppe rpartdofi UI;y I �o r,sl lues b rnidr „ S acrlliam es at and �sew aeebe to inEdwin fJohBrown, ' 3 acres rt B roti yew Mrd' land of John ' Jose h Warciski has Iiurcliasdd the cg's er Brown, i owtivil b Mins M ,. B. Wil is Horton place. part i; occupied l,s _South old, taz, y litl 1ttiv�P ..,. - t I t €.i., c hf� (lTJecb(y to huvia M Willard,, laok4 out for 25, ac"Os n s Sound r a $9 The gaff hrllr; ;e;,, View tapetaL L I t suird, Southold, _ __ to;.°itself the En,�!(,�la ns1JIle of lteyiipti ..� Club. �ncy to Geo W Geo l,, °H^ummel &nno Haru1d Booth ttnrl f,�iniilV are mov- Smit (fano, lot s s Itnrlraad ave adj f;names Grattan, Snut d 7 ing fronn s the Carroll roll house, home lane to his father's, 1' F. L',)ot1. No rma H Fleet fah to Sadie Wool-� I'au�l Piirceil r nracu r in the pleetwood road adj land of 1 y � Jay,1 of 0 Tder, Cutchogue, tax 50c. ro ars on the, lowe, flour -of the ran k B Ry". _ . _ rms (house on le asllnad Avenue. Bu _ G port, at P. 1, C. 'Hospital, {7ct „S Tester Albe�i 1 on' house i'S oc-1 Q." ,iay An of �ilas.J.I3akI c*pied by Mrs l+'lcsy c yrce �4c.rwiii and olT xth I, , aged years. . harp �Vallac og�ae,Oct. 25 James C Grip'i'ng $god: ' rears. , _ __..,... , Prince since fainily have moved ° , C�eralt3 arnum's house, nag_ aImbor'K'90. u, urns tna J1 13 14 Member of`tselbly � 37 1�,2 114 87 112 1t► 1 ,} lam} 14 1$ 8 46 30 53 24 10 60 130 43 .xtl l Barry Fowler D �. ' a2 ► '1,► john G peck R 28 150 47 160 125 163 153e 1 73 •93 146 102 154 88 10 56 82 1119 G4 81 114 r l x k`s atigd Arthrlr H Meyers Ind p ty Treasurer62 72 ,1f, 341 � Daniel R Davis D, 21 23 32 81 71 75 98 22 101 56 0 ' . X11 l Sfiapherd M Scudder R 22 207 93 .202 166 .211 14G 28 1611 16{; 1fd1 734. 11r+", 1"�`�� l. °ev pisiot Attorney Wallace E J Collins D 21 20 26 96 81 110 115 26 128 72 65 85 4" 71 ilra2 �F r eorge W liildratli R 22 212 106 216 173 217 140 28 1:32 157 149 127 1er1 17;1 L1'kl;1 Coll of ;Poor J'Alonzo Hulse D' 20 35 47 94 72 105 88 21 83 fig 61; 5r; .12 61 JAloe W Young 11 21 2D0 74 205 x69 220 .:150 28 176 171 154 l60 174: 2iC L+1itr; A UflYle7.srr allock Luce D 16 44 26 93 85 98 54 25 116 r69 809. 8rl l3ti >dwin S Moore R 31 139 73 129 122 147 111 32 146 IT) 120► 112 9ti, 1'22 1 1`1 (ljazopee'C MilesR 1.9: 218 128 273' 204 264 174 23 159 171 15a 137 1.4L) 1551,2 tom, u David W Tgrvisor utbill D 37 131 112 216 185 257 207 43 180 122 1351 1.12 72 1"�K 1',1„2 William H Wood R 8 131 43 142 104 124 67 14, 91 118 99 92 131 143 l im 1r justices of Peace Frank T Well D 22 33 37 121 101 115 114 29 109 ill 77 91 44 xI IWri Herbert M Hawkins R 32 211 99 211 171 210 .148 34 17G 168 .164 120 1:.8 111 ar�a1 Oscar B Robinson R 18 178 76 149 a 1251 152 98, 25 123 1.20 135 149 173 21yj 1,:31 __I�.9S8ssOrS. G Sanders No D 17 36 83 81 75 92 86 25 83 fib 45 41 .33 674 M24 a ;,Harbert W Rackett D 19 - 57 97 222 159 191 162 38 117 79 78 1;13 44 72 1:1,4:3 Gilliam L Williams D 18 22 32 84 77 82 98 22 142 108 100 71 11 79 tai 1ozce G King D 18 12 29 7? 6G 75 88 23 111 434 is7 3; 12 1 3'a waxdtLTuthill D 26 23 27 87 68 83 106 23 116 63 G1 C1 t,1 1t9t.4;1 �» 'Jobn B.Brown R 29 237 93 156 126 161 109 213 132 14.8 130 11.7 Vill 114 3 111 -t ii!ng er Rogers Smith R,R. �'21. 2W 4 - tip 96 '2 123 27 1� 12 11=4 it 7 136z�!# * 23 191 76 1 laeoz a H Terry R 23 197 86 155 138 :171 y7 22 1 )l 10 1 2, 151 116, 1 311, o€nt- Fataning H 19 196 74 136 132 158 96 21 131 158 151 1417 1„ 1735 1752 utbar'G Tuthill:R 22 194 85 145 134 161 91 21 121 156 146 142 l6t; 2t11 1 <-! � stablee K �YYlliam A Booth.D 19 50 48 135 114 138 103 30 176 121 1411? 67 13 3t; }°fit► Peter Hand D 17 46 32 109 86 106 110 27 124 tali 87 118 1,1 11d*, John W Donogan D 19 27 24 81 74 97 -104. 26 91 58 74 78 1x11 93 8a►1� laxed T Jennings R 21 ”180 77 136 135 171 115' 20._""fl .1(,)g 122 112 129 14,1 }56,; «� William Mason,Jr R 22 I74 65 147 131 155 115 20 136 138 1445 141; 1.1.3 167 1114 � w Johd L Sturgis g 19 170 . 61 137 177 150 105 21 127 13f; 1'26 101 161 Igl 1� Proposition 7 . Public LibftyAes 9 43 41 122 57 68 137 13 102 66 87 85 74 !ll 1rtf� public T;ibrar No 3 47 35 51 29 25 43 9 47 019 Ai.i 11 ;313 ll 411 0, y AteiIdinent Soldiers Bonus Yes 19 49 54 111 82 129 83 26 76 52 51;165 ,7 SoldierwBonua No 21 133 35, 77 90 70 69 1997 107 97 c ,5 «l,, 91l 14lpit1 lM nt 3 � , 7, Ysa !Bt Prea�exve Xes 14 33 15� 55 •40 68 51. 12 41 41 37. 34 29 4"a 517 Use forest Y?reaexwe Na 28 136 48 7G 102 8i. 76 21 101 94 108 112 Jt 1159 �` =�u�an�;�syYum�3`Xea` 21 1.22 9:6 96 95 :116 45 25 123 106 99 �0 713 112 Y l59 F,: ;.�" }l, .J�fio 3 46 27 35 48 40 •:30 11 3.3 41 42 57 flr »� `r' r Result of Election The complete returns of. SoutholdI'aor Overseer r of As a result of the election on Tues- Town appear elsewbere. Supervisor ThOvomas Hassett 2422 David W. Tuthill again demonstrated iy, the Republicans gain seven in the Albert%Albertson 2339 his wonderful powers as a vote-getter, ext State Assembly and they will have „ . Town Auditors and has a majority bf 645. Dave is f majority of 22 in that body, Edward F Dewey 2264 a•mighty good fellow and has:made an IrP The Democrats swept New York H Seymour Casa: 2265 it electro all the Tammany Candi- excellent Supervisor, and he enters on �', g y I Arthur L Down a 2282 'hies for Judges. his fifth term with the best wishes of all for a suceessful administration, As Constable fog Orient 11 .Brooklyn elected the entire Demo- never before in this Town, we hada Edward F Hommel 2112 .retic County ticket. The Democrats were eucessfal in union ticket. In all cases where.there Constable fur Greenport acting all their candidates for GGov- was opposition, except on Supervia , Chauncey Reeves 1948 nor in the three States where guber- the Republicans won by big majorities. Constable for l+inners Island ijn►torial elections were held—Maryland, Herbert M. Hawkins, for Justice of James S Young 2176 the Peace, leads the Town ticket with Gantucky and Mississippi. Town Trust;ecs The Republicans eledted their Candi- 944 majority. Frederick 'tabor 232, ldate for United States Senator in Ver- All the Town Appropriations were Frank D Sebaua iburl; 2265 7lDDnt. carried,including the$5000 appropria-' Henry W Prince 2293 Mclvluh In New York State the-soldiers' bo- tion for the Public Libraries. William M Bee&we 2291 ;nusand appropriation for •insane asy- .� The Southold Town majorities on the Charles J 2248 : County ticket are as follows: Peck for j$ttma are carried, while the proposition School 'c^a 4or Assembly, 870; Scudder for County. ,.,to take the forest preserves for water Joseph F L`acsial 2227 1 for private Companies is defeated. treasurer, 1188; Hildreth for District _ sl0lie Republicans swept Suffolk Coun- I Attorney, 1041; Young for Supt. of $5000 Public , Libraii , 192€m Yes 942 tg,,:electing every,man on their ticket. Poor,1267; Miles for Coroner, 1106, No 478 40ho Q. Peek was re-elected Member , .1 `.t°went� ^ r v ? Ago i the Assembly in the First District Bard Of Supervisors !�!u t y100, and John Boyle had a large The next Board of Supervisors of Mrs. 'ila 13. 1 ,# f v ��speaking J�jority for Assembly in the Second ' SuffolkCounty will be as.follows: ) before Teacherw is :;al.xal.c;:a in Massa wl,p Shepherd; M. Scudder, for. Southold, David W. Tuthill, D. chuaetts tJonntyTreasurer, leads his ticket*with Shelter Island, Charles H. Smith, D. ( The L. d. R, was erecting ,; 3ii00 majority., George W. Hildreth, Riverhead, Dennis G. Homan, D. snow fences. ''°;District Attorney, has a majority Southampton, .Benjamin G. Halsey, R. Out of a total a i010 :c,,•istered vot- ['r, 10,700. Albert W. Young, for Co. East Hampton, Kenneth E.Davis, R. ers, 259 votes wern in Sonthold on 'S terintendent of Poor, hoe•a majority Brookhaven, Robert MacIntosh, R. Election Day. otX798, Dr. Clarence C. Miles for Wrn, H. Pile v a F,)-+irwteu Justice . Babylon, John Clinton Robbins, R. + I bas a majority of 6,000, Islip, Frank Rogers, R. of the Peace, to 131 the w;as ancy caused The great fight in Suffolk County was Huntington, Abram L;Field;R. the death of tieunc,:� I Tuthill of d over the election of Member,of Smithtown, Charles S.Butler, R. Mattitucic. #asc*ly in the First District. , Marr :.----- o Harry Col.Theodore i o i vee was elected g � "awler, the Democratic-,candidate,. Assembly_-first District Governor of New f na�c State by 17,000 pot in the running., The contest Assembly'—first the entire Re s4 i fi mn State ticket atween John G. Peck, Republi- 'r Town Fowler Peck Myers.1 was elected. Toe rac'i Scudder was (Dem.) (Rep') (Ind.) 4sindidate for re-election, and Ar- R,H, elected Member ou o ress. t Myers, Coalition, who was +Brookhaven 1348 2229 3127 John L. " }" i East Hampton 360 802 235 Havens ,was elec a e st<ato Senator. d.b'the Ku Klux Dian and the Riverhead 379 991 794 ,Joseph N. Hallocalb legis H. Post nization Republicans. Peck were elected Mem of Assembl " Shelter Island 81 173 137 Y. by 900. He carried Southold, 'Southampton 748 2003 1291 p` = The J Lal. Roosevelt car a s! Southold eland, Riverhead, Southam Town b 300. �fEast Bampton Towne, while � Southold 424 1543, .1273 3 ' cried his home town, Brook- Total 8340 7751 6859 Jockey Gie ' is finally, usob.epublicaus will control the Peck's plurality, 892. �� ,beenlposted + m ,`' ' �'eck has The road d a clan l v las„ April. The following were on both the .Re- It probably will n, cl c eleiixexats, rd of Supervisors by.a vote of if the winter is a as l severe publican and Democratic tickets. ., that 'three.' The present Board long to put this so 4 a, isilpt'overnent s• Town Clerk out of commis ia;a_, ' Republicans to .four Dorno- .�— _ mss F. Richardson was Oe. Joseph N Hadlock 2718 slip: Taw;n by four votes Tax Receiver Much to the reffrot of his Many,: Shelter Island and'Riperheac,1 Anton Kraneber. 2837 friends, Salvatore Tedeseld is to leave resented b Demaerats,vvta;" town. -He has sold his shoemaking; y , ,Superletendeapt of Hi hways Awns will ha�!e nb)xa a " buainesato E. LeicRnt, who will move imp o, a Haar a HFleet - 2786' the goods to his shop &1r. Tedeschil 1 we for Fishers Isli; d leaves town after Thanksgiving.2`2 .. h " — —_ SRI, Rev. Alimm Conklin being ineapa- citated and unable to occupy the' 1 J. STEPNOSKI IS CarmR.r Church pulpit last Sunday Sheuaudoah Crows Sonthold SENT TO PRISON moming, Melrose Booth conducted I,011"PE N YEARS :e services, a-ad Mrs. F. D Smith TeSd The giant naval dirigible Shenandoah Peconic Man 1��,oKffled Boy Eating Van Dykes "God of the Open Air." passed-over Southold about 9-.40 Tues- Grapes 610-1-icts?d Of First De- Albert Fulk is quite univell just day morning and presented a striking now and confined to the house. He gree Manslaughter picture as she soared over the Placet Convicteti fj !rs- tlegree man- is much missed in his office =d on her silver sides shining in the Bunlight- slaughter for lllvillz caused tile death the stxeet.., She left the naval air station at Lake- A of little joiqel�;' si�,vonik t P le Ilic "'�, I"' ' Ralph Glover of Southold and Chas, wood, N.J., for a non-stop round trip John StelmcsKi Nva�, senten,_d th� 5 County Coart Tuthill of New Suffolk sailed on Satur- to Boston at 6:37 a. m., arriving there C I'day, Nov. 10, for Jacksonville, Fla. I 1by Juage Furman to lit"P.-S-11111--- at 12:28 p. m. The air route of the big Sing Sink� fjr Lo,. taan ten ycari balloon was over New York, Brooklyn, nor Mole than tvivw�y. Michael Romanski has purchased-a Long Island, across Long lsla4 Sound T, g is tt�, n haven, L. I., and will g chapter her �,f t Iserj__ 1 as caused late Place at Wood Gti thut, w, to New London, Newport, Providence, Imove there with his family this week in the sul�uuie,17 wiien uffieer Fred E.I --- - - � �- 1-1.1-1- - ,___ *I and Boston. The return trip was by' Booth was callal to the home Of Step- 11'er Street Real Estate I—— ingfield, Worcester, Hart-� noski to 'arrvit hill- fer hol-ing �;D Ab - Go to t way of Spr tguelly shot dOWn 3 little boy who i James J Fitz trick, lot w s Third New Haven, Bridgeport, New .11�� �11 � - . I adi land of Ibner St R,E Co New ark. The airship was E lived )n the sam aild WhO York and New efl 111's I.Suffi)lk, tax $3. Steptioaki said, ii.,�d e . tuting -four officers and men, manned by forty grapes. it 1 Maria V Albin to Joseph R Glover, in charge of commander F.111.McCrary. bteppoild, who !� '�V years old, was lot n s bigh-way adi land of Joseph One for tile flight tried for sectina Gegree, murder, with Tile weather conditi 11 A Glover, _Cuufhogue, nom, AssUtalir 1)isjr�ct 1,uuorney Hildreth were most favorable prosecuting, aiiu' )I)prt 1% (.11-iffljgr Don-an. J W to S A Danowski I t 01 Zidn' and Nathan 0. PL-1.% 11�11)eitrillg fur North rd adi land p (, Petvrson, S,I The report of the Bank of Southold adai-it. . ,, - shows&surplus and undivided profits the defe In reciting Jij�R ver4lon of the affair outbold, Nov. 13, j Stepnoski &,,Id LE�1! 'hL shooting pid Ohn George', of more than the capital stock 'of $25,- qcl7hafe,, aged 54 years, 9 moi, death of the little feliow were nothing days. 11 1 000—$25,115.72.The stock is now worth but a terrible aceitleiit. To some his story appearet! to be phuisible. It was over 200. The Bank, under its capable not shaken On cros, exanination, and TWenty-Five Yeo-ra Ago and conservative management, has record and is a erediL to unlloub,,��ily the 4,ury conit*le--d it made a fine [sufficient 'Lo reduceJ03e severily oi the Cauliflower were selling ,at from$2 the place. cri-me to$4 per barrel. Sixtus Heether of South Coventry,, Arrangements were being made fa t ad the funeral of John G. t., atten ir C, Id Uad AU10 ROOM S� a Lecture Course in Southold. hafer last Thursday, There was a bad auto accident at the Aelases Grace and Edith Marks were toot of mill Hill Tuesday evening about in Florence, Italy. WesleY Baumann has a place. now Vclock. Frank Kline of Greenport, Mrs. Kate Prince was having her ill the printing �"Z,+abhsllnlent Of tile Greenport Tinies. He'll inake g-ood. drivinga Forddelivery car, came out newly purchased property in the west- 6f Bowery Lane headed east, and it is ern part of the village greatly im- Tvaniy-F-i-re- kears Ago Wd on the left side of the road. One proved. Nt.,J, 3 0, ***,* / �- C 7- X of Terrell's oyster trucka of Green- Heary P. Tuthill of Mattituck and Howard W, Hallock was elected Port, loaded with oysters, was going Miss Henrietta A.Williams of Southold Elder of the Presbyterian chiArch at Wast- The two cars came together, Were married. York, Pa. the truck striking the Ford an the sMe The L. L R. R. erected, anowfances, to the west Of the Southold station. aear the driver's spot and inou ted it. Edward R. and Agnes Scott Foun- quantities of cauliflower were The Ford wae wrecked and K�i,,,. " tain of N. Y. City are rejoicing in the hipped, at from $4 00 to $4 So Injured, and it i,;a wonder 1w wrA."I I-It birth of a son,born on Armistice Day. per barrel. kilie,4. The truck was iriond, The boy certainly odght to be apatti- Union Thanksgiving services of the Kline was rushed to tile E, L, 1� lfog.- otle American, born on Armistice Day, Methodist and Universallat church,, pital for treatment, were held in the Universalist church, . ...... Bon of a father who was a soldier In Rev. H. W. Byrnes of the U.R.church i Justice-elect Herbert M. Hawkins h the World War, and a mother who was preaching the sermon. fixing up a Justice's offiLe on the west a U, S. Army nurse, and his great. f Thanksgiving services were held in of his stdre building and will have it grandfather, George S. Prince, urns a the FrOsbyterian church, the pasto�r, f1ttod up in good shape when he takeelsoldier in the Civil War. Rev. Wra. H. Lloyd. preaching the office Jan. 1, 1924. y serum. Rev. Dr. Whitaker was the author of the two hyaum Sung, and he conducted the devotional servives, paul Vigtrosal uu"V�*,&nwau zur me ag�i, not keepnig cnw�� went,-.o Albertson Csse,'H. 11. Hmtft t"Iell ',)T end 'tonolderatiou of$15M the old tenement the ne-71-hbmrS for a -;UrT1Y Samml Dickerson wace, xppmted a h, "98 belonging to Thomas years rhcye wn� a q11"knian who ped- Parley, �11 commission to determine"00 WI& dlel the !UL�',11 -flu�,L Nuw the '"In i�� 'Pow Staith and family have U �s again �n ic�v`"Ien"e and �,, oping of J00"stmt, ftit pa. vory U. Gaveston, who sor Ue past ton mm ni"Ic -n botles which 91`0�10r� Kee? WU hem,i at'Sfttboldl and owlaw to ea��ez, b r ingi u' t f, I"_ ' 'I )oaea,as dc�,,,r, and in g�mv after. 7,1 the u-�,rk. 1�.� Tax Rate Large quantities of caulifloweare The Tax udoet being shipped doily. They go forr the Budget for Southold Town The tax rate in Southold Town is as j most part by tru,-k. Monday was the The Taxi follows: biggest day's shipment we have had. I,s as follows: Sighway Tax .716; The continued mild weather is a great STATE AND COUNTY Town Tax 1.224il boon to our growers. t{ ` 27.811.91 _ - .'State Tax $ Greenport Village 1,20 Silas A. 1-1.Dayton was the purchaser 76 'Armory Tax 2,541. Southold Fire District .24 ',�itpreme Court 804.17 of the Quarty property,corner of Oak Southold Light District .26 sawn Ave. and fine Neck Road,at the. ,County Tax 31,003,3b Southold Park District .14 »rroneous Assessments 121.71 Mattituck Light District .54 partition sale on Saturday. Price, $5,- Orient Mosquito District .13 200. port Children and Families 1 826,60 - -- Su ort of Poor in Almshouse pr 1923 and 1924 Orient Fire District 096 Supp $ Miss Miriam Iioisseau has returned -_ Support and 1924 500.00 Orient Light District .46 from the Sunny hest Sanitarium,W hit, Child Welfare for 1923 and 1924 2,200.00 Fishers Island Light District 185 Haven,Pa p,t•eat,ly improved in health, Insane C7ommitments 1. priest Po e are happy to 3t;1tP. 60.00 SCHOOL DISTRICTS w 3 East Marion .55 2.10 Mr. and Mrs. Clement W Booth are psurancepMotar Trucks Salary 02.97 23.24 Dista 2, Orient on 1.10 I spending the winter at NewOrleans,La-. Total State and County $68,594.56 4, Fishers Island 1.35 Conklin, J L to S Mott, rot s s ,tanu •�• SOUTHOLD TOWN HIGHWAYS 5, Southold 1.80 merle of W wcE la adii land formerly of S South Harbor, Southold Highways $48,000.00 6, Bay View .73 Hutchinson. Bridge Fund 3,000.00 7, Peconle 1.02 _.: Brooklyn, st 60 New York Ave., Machinery Fund 3,000.00 8, East Cutchogue 1.02" Nov. 23, Miss Mary Antoinette Lyman. Miscellaneous Fund 8,600.00 9, Mattituck 1.75 formerly of Southold, aged-80 years, 4 10, Greenport 2,00 months, 7 days. Total Highways $62,600.00 11, Laurel .60 Brooklyn, Nov. 21, Cornelius A. Town BUDGET 12, Cutchogue 1.37 Rorke, foriiierly of Bay.View.� Contingent Fund $5,000.001 140 Oregon 2.22 lle1 �aa [QatoQs Audited Bills 4,578.691 16, New Suffoik 1.65 ort of Poor 4,000.00, As a result of the,.regular quarterly supe The total tax rate in Southold village examinatlos s recently held in the South- Gard of Health 1,500.00; for Town, School and District taxes is old high School, the following students 'clic Libraries 6,000.00 4.379. _--- obtained- mark of 90 per cent.or over: Me""'Aorial Day 50.00 _._ _-__ Theresa English 4, Charles Simon 95, Omitted Taxes from 1922 111,00" The enrollment in Sufolk CountyFielder 93, prances Overton 90. - -� this fall for the Presidential primar- Total Town $20,239.69 .les -of next spring, consists of 22,489 English 3, Adelaide Sterling 97iHslen l Repubhcans,11,408 Democrats and 97 Thompson 93, Ruth Silleck 91. DISTRICT TAXES Sociallists�--a total-of 33,994. � . F.+'ngllah 2, Clara Tuthill 93, William 1 Southold Fire District $3,045,12 There were also. 3,081 blank ballots Carroll 92, Marion Albertson, 90. Southold Light District 1,556,42 and 112 void ballots handed back to English 1, Ilelen Sterling 90. Southold Park District 1,790.63 the inspectors, making a total of 37; g Mattituck Light District 3,044,13 187 that the officials in the elections French 2, Helen Thompson 90, g bureau here had to canvass. French'Id Katherine Thompson 95, Orient Mosquito District 800.78' ----— -- Orient Fire District 360 66 The enrollment by towns 'is as fol Clara Tuthill 94, Dorothy Robinson 92; lows: Marion Albertson 92,Helen Boisseau 90. Orient Light District 1,992.66 Rep. Dem. Sec. Latin 2® Katherine Thompson 92. Fishers Island Light District 1,60284 Huntington 3,299 1,472 16 Latin a1, Helen Sterling 96,, Rita Smithtown ...... 1,016 717 4 SCHOOL DISTRICTS Babylon .. 2,248 1,815 13 Dickerson 96, Virginia Malmborg 95, ` Islip ...... ., 4,188 2,850 12 Dist. 1--Orient Point $1,030.40 Iirookllavon 4,622 2,141 25 Katherine Hilliard 95, Dorothy 'Robinr ® Rivexbead .... ,..... 1,249 595 4 2-6rient 9,1 E 17.94 Southold 1,630 758 a son 94, Hazel Baumann,94; Flora Al 1 3-East Marion 3,493.42 shelter Islaia :., 271 123 bertson 93, Ilarriet Dickerson 90, Wil- _ ' East Hampton ... 1,186 669 9 b—Southold Fishers eland 23,022,31: Southampton .......... 2;391 11380 11; Haim Carroll 90,MargueriteEbrlardt90. 22,4e9 11.406 9� History C, Helen Thompson 94 6- Bay View 1,820.13 Physics, Frances Overton 90, Donald 7—Peconic 4,020.73 The Long Island Cauliflower Asso- Robinson 97. 8--East Cutchogue 4,990,56 ciation its using Corey Albertson's ' ' Biolog;y, Clara Tuthill 98, Florence 9--Mattituek 15,975,36 'barn as -a receiving istation, and to Akscin 97, Helen Sterling 94, Flora 10--Greenport 45,264 82' see the wagons unloading there looks Albertson 94, Harri6t= Dickerson 93, ` 11--Laurel 1 285.66 'like good busiiness. Trucks cleave James Cogan'93. Bernice Simons 91. 12--Cutchogue 5,484.28 daily for the city markets, care Latin 30 Helen Thompson 92. s 14—Oregon 8,017.08 as many as 300 orates to the load. Ge®ui®try, Robert Booth 96. tl. 15 New Suffolk 5,147.46 Algelir®, Helen sterling 100, Harriet G Charles U. Becktold will move his he total tax budget in Southold Dickerson 97, ltiareellka Akec n 94,Flora electrical shop into'the Hawk as"�atore plc wn for all purposes is$233,960,1,,, ,vauaCed by Salvatore Ted'e>l 't t lbertson 93; atguerite"Flii�hardt 90, n 90 _ inia idaimborg' Geadle 8, t,oreg Albertson, Danieli �l�l � �� i��� Set. � Subtly, ,loofa yes Vreeland, Lyle Mere HONOR FCsaa.i. dith, dacrya lilYaomfleld, Cora booth, l 1"he Onion service of the Univ eirsal- The following studerafs are on the Dori l waaalliaarrw': ist, Presbyterian, and Methodist Honor Roll for the gtagrter, having Orade 11, Belem Dickerson, henry Me- I churches was held this year in the i111, t maintained a general as vort19f,,of &R,ver Keon, ri'velyn Van Wyck, Ernest Dick• E. church. The ritual for Thanksgiv- cert,, with no subject below p:aiisivg, erhiou, Henry Kress, Floyd Van _. clt; y , ing Clay was followed. The paasucir, l High Sobooi, Helen Sterllug93Jialer1 Francis 71falappson. Rev. J. `l', Langlois, presided; Rev, ! 4 ,Thompson 92, Adelaide Steri.fa;; Eltl trade 6,` Marie Doherty, Herbert ,Abram Conklin and "Rev. J. G. Hehr Flora Albertson 89. Katherine `t°hapinp- faith, Horace Symonds. offtired prayer; Rev, rra, H. Lloyd� 3 son 89, Clara Tuthill 89, Katherine Grade 5, Alhorta Dickerson, Leta preached the Thanksgiving seenaona Hilliard 87, 'Thereon Fielder 87, Harriet Ehrhardt, Annabel 8horp, Henry Stel- 'the speaker hod,im cause to refer to Dickerson 86, Frances Overton 86, Vir- zer. himself as not being in the line; of ginia Malmborg 85. Grade 4, Pdahrio Albertson, Mary "°utiostolic Bovicession" to the elaiqu ant t Grade 8, Floris Williams 92, Grace Butler, James Baker, Rul Kober, J os- greacbers who had preceded him. flis� l Vreeland 89, Lillian Stelzer 89, Louise epb sgvage, 'William Smith, Louis w asasermon stamped with originalityin� ;Overton 85. Str_lmi, Y i hput willjums. thought and ry anner of Presentation a `Grade 7;Helen Dickerson 87,Frances t7ra(sr ,, Anne Thompson, Constance spirit oG" breadth wad of good will to f : Gordon 86, 'Alice Downy 86, lt,arolYn Terry, Mary Am) Hobson, Vincent man;'sa faith in God and gratitude "for� �I Vail Wyck 86, Droscoskie, Ch `Ethel Conklin, Daniel Char- all His benefits." The fine thoughts f l Grade G, Estbea Pooth 92, Doreen news, Elizabeth Baker. presented and the power of their tatter- Wiseman 92, Horace Symfiazds 96, Wal- Grade 2, Pauline Howell, Laura ance were sun,med tap in a beautiful tet Williams 94 Marie Doherty 89, Krarner, manner by An Lloyd repeatisag fat th€ t Robert Gagen 89, Eileen ahaaaaey 88; grade 1, Katie Cherry, Lucy Green, e4oae .a Ipsern, "ThankBgivanir®`" lay Adella Payne 87, Joan'Wells,87. Berths Manaweiler, John Butler, Louis Joyce giltner. l Grade 5, Anna Zaveskl 95 Norma D+1,3 k'taielers, Emmet Hobson, ' Charles .,The roar cif the World til in.aaay atom' = t Van Wyck 91, Leta 1+f1 rbai,dt K s t,Ehart 6lfaborgHerbert Maln- Titit supa. for tho roar f the world; Poliw®da 87, Annabel,,harp € , RENO-,berxtCliver petty, rsplrThank clod for the mighty title of fearrr, mar Grattan 85, Bertha Hipp Iar AgitluHtaxsalways hurled. d t fl £1 o'er t s Ago Ood for the bitter and ooar elr7sr grade 4, Lsonie Stacey 92, V iMpraa ']lank utrtta. Williams 90,Ren8solaor Terry 89,&goea / � Aad tate sting of his atasaasenane red Evelyn Nialrrabor 87, - Mrs. , A. Clark w nt to B ra,oklyn ' Tlarank U d for tf as astras®a and t1le araalxs� C.l Zelaroskie 88, to spi-ad the'vvintrr: °f safe° l Margaret hart 86, Carol Gomez 85: George G. Iltict,rraolaal a=au alxt .a 11.31. Acid oil t tuaank God fa"00d,s°° s Grade 3, Annie Thompson 83, Terry striped bass in his pound. rsatast interesting 1°hon s Eivur Jennings 92, Conetauce Terry 92, Dor- othy Howell 92, Lloyd Dickerson 92, Many of those folio came home to 'program was held in the High School t , l Edgar Smith 92, Beverly Gordon 91, spend Thanksgiving had to stay oyer room list Wednoad.ay afternoon Na,v. l Ruth Christianson 89,Alice Grattan 87, several digs on account of the enow 28. It consistent of numerous reel as ' Charles Bennett$7, Loretta Stelzer 86�blockade, No mail was received from bolas sand songs. 1'iia recittats yeas we:rz ar °Saturday night until Thuredaay morning, The First `I`h;aakRviving U,ay, i_, :� George Bridge 85, r Ti Grade 8, William .Grattan, Pauline The remaing of the old steeple of t",e Heredith; Whin the F'rca a is +ata die Howell, Helen Rutkowski , M E. church, which blew uta it, the Fum Akin, Helen Poiq 'ata; .fit"e We Grade l Rosie 'oliwcalla 9Z Fronk blizzard, were gold at auction, i Truly Thankful ? "oras Williaw r, When °�tanewiez89;Ralph Hawkins$9, Har. t 'orsaaa $' 1"Wrcl land Miss Ilelaana ,Feather Carves the: Duck, Ruth Grath- iallilighaagt veva rnarried. wohl; The First `rhanket iving, Henry old Boergesson 88, lEgbert' Aialmboxg Dickerson. A piano duet, played h 88, William Moffat 88, Joseph Slavonik lyfasei halt% l'ria z alr�rf; aged 34 years � P 1 y y Dorothy and Donald Robinson, was i 88,Lucy Green 88, Carol Cosden 86 P a.;l ,z i j i7 r,t,t,. viae of oitr t John Conrad 86, Louis Des Hosiers 86, c nt.h ild tboys �•5htia joined -he U. -S. greatly appreciated. -_- at,ed. 11 _tl Mary Surozinaka 86, 'Frances Zaveski t; .,;y' tpur ye=ars ago, but its noryir Miss Marjorie Van Wyck graduated i '86, Kenneth Tuthill 85, Muriel Christie Free, v s lye:E ku"t tiveek to attend as a trairwd nurse from Peak IV emoriait I 85, Lillie Howard 85, Bertha Dann- l i"= Qlanln ofher',s flareral. Mis. Hospital, Brooklyn, lash week. "floe Plarnr cttncilaatds h�, been a reseal- p , y , weiler 86, Charles Kart 85. graduating exercised averts held in flee PERFECT ATTENDANCE tat. ofoatlpall an the Horth Road 8 t ar a lrtst tine . Her R. Academy of Music. The class num Following is a list of the students J. a:r ca a ' , died a nan 1 err of -. ea}s bered fourteen Bev. S. Parkea Clad- who have had perfect attendance for aTo, si i w-hi h time and aI�.x filer,man gave the aaddrepa to the graduates. the quarter,havingrbeen neither absent AT M,t on anti t .3 shi inns n anagrd j Mr. Van Wyk and gamily attended t nor tardy. hey pl t unaided tantll faalia health I the >sycoses High J'Iehool Clara .Tutlaiil Flelen calloc glnlr 'Nins.7 aunt xra is anus Bernice Simons Doroth Bob 1tirm,an f ar ape tai aii averlt, ra�bil lei lrr Pi„r, 't.1hn nWp. h i Sterling, y ley, t a u ,v,n".i I t,d, f €ingc and in at 1 FT C o a r!n's T a=rson,VirginiaMalmborg, Helen Koko, clt,rta ons, .ah an Iii,7�nesa.'_tnf!,g of }171�gt�=ait -.nd aero,,n 1 to he, fapmel � Kjthorine,Hilliard, Fruth Grathwohl, th ni n1, quire ai n<art aha if n s w s hour, in Ne,,v Srpflik Tolin Me, Al ce Gordon, Helen Boisseau, Flora 5 r n, `^a.aaai ia.y In 'St. Pa ti 1--1 s , rfr, y ,of Grce"rort a,;;ll take hay `1 Albertson, Donald Robinson, William t,.iuren, an the bccl, taken spa bas Carroll. lien ,son L) tnid on Sunday aaatssating, - - --- --- for 'huff<al. OF 1° da6 inch m otnei ti nc atrcr. �' .}� $trip to ayli,ti?' "a, �''. (". - _ ._ .. to HoMe t�,gain Miss Lucy ICanold,. teacher of the Protection � , Patchogue second grade River Ave. The annual meeting of PrOte[trot: i Robert J. F. Lindsay is at his moth. school, has for some time had tele lee ' �er's, Mrs. Sarah Lindsay's, is Peconic. I; Engine to. was held last Friday even-, with his club of that building organized. It is ing, where tho folhrwing ofY'rcers were ' friend, o. Thanksgiving Day, composed of boys and girls of the older friend, W. Randolph McComb, a min- unanimously re-elected :Foreman, hied I Ing Engineer and Geologist, graduate grades who thus gain some knowledge 'r. Jennings; Asst. Foreman, Van, H. of vocal music. An orchestra is in the Raiford; Secretary,R. G.Terry;Treas- off Harvard University. Together they''sarne school under the same lea,lershi Trustee, for p urer, Fred K. Terr, s have been exploring in Northern South,as the glee club. Miss I{an[>ld has three years, Win. H.'retry. America, When they were ready to,taken special work in music and is file members enjoyed an excellent leave "t,he bush,"on the way to the(much interested in giving to the pupils i'clarii chowder, prepared by H ureman coast, Robert had an attack of fever;the advantage of her training, Jennings. due to some malarial poison. He was _ _._..__ taken to the Government hospital at John V. M. Howell left this week to Last week Bennett De Beixedon Georgetown, B. G., and treated so visit his sister, Mrs. Charles E. Sharp: posted, as prescribed by law, ttie Arch- audceasfully as to be able to take the of Montesano, Washington State. elle amomorlue Inn property against hunt-i ocean voyage and reach home by train, makes the trip by water all the way-- ing. Several tunes tilis fall, bunters when some of the still remaining virus via Atlantic Ocean, 1'anaarna Canal and have shot hie tarried ducks and also �got in its fine work for a time. But Pacatae Oce an. killed many of his squirrels, which se prompt and skillful treatment oana have been a great attraction for eutn� to have gotten the best of the poison, otd mei uests. grass, R . . <70.77; g so he was able to-go to the city on tax, $387.59. i ? ,lr=ieled ass Monday last. SIMPLE SIMON , f,ollo�i s: County Judge George H. For has PRY chrr:ran arnrl HenryI ��nslntiv, L',.rn 7'. ll WN OW, 029; R-nese A. Kennev, , Mahlon aPPointed Miss Rosalie Baker, of East The Bank of Southold will ay out in IJ Dicker- Hampton,as County Superintendent of Christmas Club checks on December 7, son, grandsons, each $1.00; Sarnu&l the'Voor to succeed her father. Jona- $9,750, which is the largest club the J Diehe ron �ut �3,67c'; A�llb^rt T., thin Baker, who died suddenly at his Bank has ever had. Caeorge, I-I teles ,. ld Hnuar( Name last week. The appointment is� _ r w W2 95 New York, Nov. 2;1, at the Church of f iter the unexpired term wti ch territe-0 s . tinnchu n �� 1 Die. Intercession, by Rev. Lawrence Kelly, nates an January L Ferdinand Baumann of Southold, and Twenty-dive Yt3ars Miss Mary Post of Springfield, L. 1. �� John Norn is a native of this glace ., [ CutchOgue, Nov. 29, by Rev. F. G. � but icri`t }tome early unci visited cv�ry Beebe, gWesley, N Anderson and 41u Benj. F. Macornber.sold his building state in tile union but two. H calYre Mary Johnson, hoth of New Suffolk. on Traveler St. to W. C. Albertson, lack several years ado and his r;r- - The thermometer registered eight rnaiited contentedly until recently Tle Soutbold, Nov. 29, Katherine M., hadn't visited Georgia or California. widow of Richard J. Sandlands, aged ab we zero. aril now he has hone to attend to that 70 years Interment at St.John's Cem- The State Insurance Exniuinei for du'fy. etery, Middle Village, L. 1. the first time. in twenty years, Word has been received from the Southold, Dec. 2, Miss Anna E. Bee• ined t h e cwdition of the be, aged 75 years. Sufrolk County Mutual Insurance (,.0, Post office Department at Washington Twenty-Five Ye-ara Ago Everything was found in first-class that no mail delivery will be made on i, "� V� v �' � condition. the Rural Free Delivery routes oil hee L. I. R. R. carpenter. were, The L. 1. It. It, bad anew rotary Christmas Day. ThL building the snow fences higher. snow plow. We bad the first snow storm of the The five-act drama, "Under the Lou- season early last Friday morning. °lhie While cleaning the snow from the reds," was to be given in Belmont flail, fall Of snow was six days later than I.lre ' roof of his house, N. H. Cleveland fell to the ground, sustaining a painful in-j under the direction of George Horton record. The latest snow had fallen be- Terry. fare was on Dec. 8, 1912 jury.During the blizzard thousands of tons Savings hat a wonderful h ss party it The Sautliold :�avirrgs dialed[; has lay- of earth were carried ofr' from the must havewbeen! Miss OuseConsarty t stalled school Savin-'s banks in the' Sound banks"by the force of the sea. cert)oo h School, as well as in Jenkins,now of the faculty of. Adelphi Greeny B During the heavy easterly storm the ,College, entertained for a week-end the Southold Ijigh School. village of Orient was cut off entirely seventeen girls of the active chapter of -- - -_ from the rest of Long Island,the beach Salvatore Tedesehi is to Open a oboe the Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity of connecting East Marion and Orient be- -' Adelphi, at her summer Home, shop at cutchogue. Shure- -- iug submerged. wood, during that specially balmy Silas A 1-I Dayton to Michael VI 1 lied_Hommel, while riding his bicy-% weather of a few days ago. All the Purcell &w, lot w s llsi]rnaci rv€rnue, cle across Jersey City,was struck by a joys of canoeing, tennis, tramping, and adj land of Mrs. 1'crrci,ll Southold. trolley car and four bones in his foot 'inTax X4.50 i daor sports by the -open tires w[re _�— �, _.. _>_._— —. --.- were broken indulged in. The Great White Velary Weconic, Dec 19, Miriam R. O., wid- g T,-t, „'r ( a_re. 5o,�tihold. pro . �was dimmed in its brightness where ow of Henry h Horton at{ed 79 ysar�. X2,$45 211: tax. $117.2'1compared with the rose tints that bung 1 tHite to vimn+inia Chnlnier". over woods and water during those days isrATlecember, at Shorewood, 1923„ signs or Names7 �> ' nrotats, q3 3'3,000. The book value of AND BANK the stock of the South Side Bank of (` outfits, Right on the heels of the � !'trete carne as call a short tkxate ago MUM Bay Shore, which is $569,82 per share Twenty-Five Years Ago new came the Old, in the appearance for suggestions about namingor re- TAXESe APPORTIONEDt j" �-y o£ the first hand engine that ever Daek of SoUthold iS they lei�petit Of' all of thy. banks in t f v�. cv000 "j naming the various crlaert ways tiiru a %he eounty, `i"his 'taaank h aS outstand- Idin a barrt for came to Southold, 'way aback in 186, Tile condition of the Sank of So ill)- J. E, Corey was baa g drawn by at happy bunch of young- South. 6 which we waik or drays to reach an 3'' r0 ���ua, <z.s..� y �l- �h,aars; of stock and its capi- � g- old Dec. 31, 1923, showed total resous- Objective amt in the village, ai,, sail,! a l r luotits total $14'2,4,16, himself. - :eters. After the lraracle, 'the new ces o£ 496,794,88 capital,1 Ta g , and tits "' $73,312 _ .._.._.__ __,. ._ .,... ! J. N. Hallock left for Albany to at pieces, of apparatus were inspected � petal, $25,000; r writer was solicited to give advice in e Distributed � Isurplus and undivided profits earned, 1 this ixtatter, sea!tete goes. Robert, the nine years old son of ttend the inauguration of Gov.Theodore and put through their :paces, and, in g .a�Y"t'9ong the Ten Towns of; Mr, and, Mrs. R.omanski of Woodha t Roosevelt and to begin his new dutke r the evening the clay was rounded $26,880.61; deposits,•$444,914.37. ri An avenue is a wide,principal street r ven, formerly of Southold died at the l as Member of Assembly. During his with the Firemen's Ball in Belmont This Bank opened for business April Suffolk Year. St.Mlary'herHospital at Jamaica, Lang ;absence Foreman L. P. Wilkinson was Hall, which was Iargely attended. 13, 1908, and it has shown a stead especiallycane bordered with trues f}iae The e he hoc} gone for treat, y r :sidewalks, etc., ser that is not aplallca- l ha zuorti.tltic. t,aai. t:callc.a teal in Suf- ment after vaccination to have charge of the TRAVELER, and „., ._ - growth. It met a long-felt creed in our s ble here, In the country. That leaves r Fol}c t c,.ai,t;• lry t'ounty Clerk li m'd i g aDepcas.t,, in t;he threw Riverhead community and is a great aac - ua with tiro slain old-fashioned T'ulva r'i taftace rlurrrtg tkre !fares! I B. T. Payne was to have charge of the bail!.., slrrnv a ut>t c;+aan art uses°I 4 g o oinmoda plain, n d krigh- c a Geo W smith cR Is, to David ITal 1 editorial work. 300,000 aluriu yrs; Y l•' tion to our people. Under the able way, road lane or street, °sear ending October :,i, 1.,) .3, inr•lud- „, r the }e,':aa t.- 3,w}iich i , yet whish carr Rot on JCai,toarl and Tltunairvi avenues ' die zirn�st Colivmein kin r ° ,,, management of its officers incl direct. Y n{ inti aces fit>zYa ttrr h.arrl:;; un th<' Southold bodge, 1. 0. 0. F., elected t, d ,t i r ,o{ of ect o; 'fro pretentious, and once fixt in the !:.rrosit:a, airrroamLed to $118',"94,88, Thu loaithold, Tax $1. H thus prosperity of this :vection. i'}rr, ors, it has proven a good investment the following officers. N. G., W rllowancw fry the Statu toward tlaer total resourc,tF s of these three .institu for its stockholder " P mind and properly labeled key signs—as �i" 11. t;woot ttr Patrick Meaney, Simons,'V. G., F. J. Maier; Sec,, L. s. l.he Bank now ,.£ no doubt they will be—it would be an cal ry .,f Miss Flora 11011 llaallovk, 10( ai s: Pin 'c I I tion;--the Itivc,a•he td S:aviligi; Bank, pas a semi-ani xrortl,.l;o, '.pax dc'put.,s in this; county, f ek road, adj. ialad. W. Korn; Per. Sec., Wm, h. Terry'; the Suffolk ("";ount f'r ,. at dividend az£ five per a l W he a ca A. t,oldolo Satathnld, Cax$1, ti u t Co.C..oduel the, cent, and is steadily adding,, t ' easy matter to direct a stranger to any aat4 $1,t;Gc;.(,43, icsivinV a b.dancc� of Tress J. E. rustee,G.A. aier® Sutl',alk C,.runt, y „ .o its sur- tn6•--a carcla place in this locality. ., , 2 , Davis;' t 3 \atiuraal Iia plus, which now amounts 1;0 more iiia �t,7,813.1.3.1, cat" wh,i�xlx $3,1,.3�1�,1rt was ; Tc,rtaais Bergen s w;y"e w'vo wa •_ . - the.a�tupcen:}rru;,. :vunr of �1 r,02i,2U.,.,i,,, n I, At the eastern end is Laurol Lane, jaaid to the ,tate. The munty',�i :rhaare ra Newbold (lied nn s. l• __....__ which t:urth+er clizrches . . its capital stock. s modern, then comes 'Town Harbor S $34,200.'28, which includes bank in- last after ,,r Tuesday znoz;l f ire D� art ent arae tilt?. :citte that A cereal auontlzs of I}ngerin no r I c� #.., �ncsinl center .of „ .. . r � a'w tiverha.arl z�: the hn' "!.ants, lase been lar; next, Hobart rest rrr .,8.11. illness, S]w lceavei a ycruzrg son a The Southold and Greenport Fire De- t rn y >n.lclli County, but that the the thermometer regiatrt°ad l.0 shovel the $,34,"00.214 wits apportioned iortioned by two � bout ' I1 yc<ars Of fieri, , ,�,, Crrtr rte 'Seat hanks` aonnbined re- zero Wednesday mornini ages coldest Lane, suggested by Dr. Whitaker; hes lioura Or Supervisors tbN week i artmente made a fine appearance in ;ourct's are lagx ver t'ran any other sir,- y t'. • r} t? of the season. All receircior have been Boisaeau Road, wlaicli was onto the, +irxznug• the^ towrris seals! ins;rrr,praraatecl� e,:i as in;ret rnF; of the stockholdora' ' their New Year's Day parade at South- z;3c vi}lea.;c' or,raatirrici aa}it; on ona• . only highway to Greenport; Wella' 111aam4 cif the cotant. _ of >l';aruain; lfriwitrdss 5;s. Grt en Inc,, old. Green ort sent its Fina De art- T�land outside o£ Cxrc.attcz New �or1� broken for the mildness of the winter 1 y T3 as l 3 e t, y o low5a g p p , !toad, leading to slid least the station, '3aasrt Ila mptorr Town $ ,35£3,71 hod Monday niglit, step,,, were taken , Haus far. Our farmers have, been ship- " = -•••• ' went Band, Chief's Car Phoenix Hook carr boast, Youngs' Street, leadingtea the (,reek. ov.;rtst Hamilton Villa ax 281.78 to dissolve :alae corporation, which � The total resources ca{' the lovely Ping cauliflower right out of the to and Ladder Co., Eagle Pumper No. 1, - g t u heart Savinzs Bank oil Januar 1 a to the present time. Tile ix. r side Park; Mechanic Street, if you �,rgtllaasbox• Village ...,, 27,55 1 � a{ argaaruzod�iri 1921. with u capital. and Star Hose No. 3. Southold was ` �• y r t i aald whiter ,, , u hampton Town ...... . 1,863,18 Nation ..f $150,000, and which has investiarent value., wero $10,72;„5;3(1.09,' has been wish;;Beckwith Street; i.raveler Street; ,eutlizamptoa VUlagc ..,., :388.'.33' l4casn :auc,c^65f,aI.1 o icrat,ino v✓ath h represented by Protection Engine Co,, ati increase ca' �<,r a great boon to ilei cauliflow- Y 1 ), sad f $i.3 r ��,,,,,)� foe. riot, Ilunitnel ltcaad; Ilartnta`s Lane, cn- €” Harbor Village. 83 >3'. cluaar°lets in atii�c.hcsaci, No. 1, Eagle Book and Ladder Co„ year, I)urin th ycaax 101,815.33.'ergrowers ',a , .,.... erne! branches. n _.. tirely appropriate; Oak Lawn !toad;, `8bczltc-r Phand Town .., .., 751,08 at Slouthuld -arae! Bridgeham,pton, The Protection !rugine Co., No. 2, and ,Tun- coats added to the c.;ur.phas, which at Far gathering •, , • . _, . meas athezrri c,<.arli,lu�cct from g' 3, :PineNock , , D erinir Harbor Village .... X19,,"r1 " rcw on for• :t,}re dissolution is becatun , zor Protection Engine Co. A large num- investment valuer,, totalled $1,957,442- the fields and sending, away truck- ]toad; Tuekwx a Southold Town 1`70.0; of g g• 69 on .Januar 1. The mounclue loads is January! Banc; Bowery Lane; and to perlic:tu- ',, a , r, ,2„r 17tr;ar health of, the president,;{bar of citizens in autos were in the c, y a nasty. 1st'.t<>t' the,use .,t r crab rr t. Village ..,,,... l;,,a.18 ,salsas T., Fannin,, nv^lro :[sunder!the 11,.321 doopsitbrs on .Janir.tz,y`1, with of people .rain South vvh(�,, there is y interest aIt the, rate of: 5 per , � p p going ate the memory of one greatly es- oiveerbeard 1%4n ,...,., .., 811J3 s; , , parade. The parade was headed h the ac cent. on oil (rest enough r lrtayina, s .suss �r its before ancaxrpara _.__..._ _ - 1. y gh to scv.,,ac.,r tr.arrups. teemed and universally rosptrcteed, and ,S'tata1,d AraiO, arlltrlde 38,42 Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs of the two „ t.r r: arsri �vh<i .:s tvelI known !in that, $1. to7U0 such at 4 er cent. on tlar� The memory of the "ca?,9c.t nahalra- who walked to Bay View huazalredis of lbookhswm Town ....... 4,994.5G line of hu:x:inss. A year or two Departments. The lane of mareb was excess Of .$500 seep , tant can recall nothing {il•.cs it but Patchogue fir V01a e l8ol1,1; `$8,766 09,3,40. tunas over this not over easily travelled f t g '174.012) aizo), Mr. F Fanning met -with a serious as far west as "The Run,” and as far During the year there was a he would say "Winter woa% not in the liallPort Village .....,.... 1 r4 0!3 !Cain v� „ way. call this part, frcm the "'Run,"i �+hoze}a u�a Valla ,e .. ar , raceidesnt at the r:ailr4md Grassing in east as Town Harbor Lane, and around about 8G0 Klepnsitors, '.Che acturil dc sky. X5..3;i lfam-ptora Rays, tea which he nearly'' the two blocks in the center of the vii- p y Assessor ueor Whitaker Ituad, The Main Highway Islip Town .. g .......,, 8,450.12 cassis Heade between .Jul 1, and Jan �e Aa <tyarl flea, gni ht be so deaal n 13ri�^htwiaters Villar, ,. .r+a, twit his lifer, and from the effects of la e. Refreshments were served the nary 1, amounted to over $1;000,0011, Terry entertained their a (ia lanai - 2.04 g ly g gated. 'i"be !{fila s l.,e 4� ��hiala lie has nt'vcr fully recovored, , lhca total resources o£ alae Suffolk an Christmas Day T"',,, ltc,a,re na Highway would be a misnomer now �'alt+sirea,Village ... ,... 48,T14 }r w, firemen. In the evening a Firemen's Corinty Trust Cir.Un Janna lazes enou h b : a )ec::zra I,r•seep Village ..,,,, r8 AL1 gal,: nu h the corporation as to be B 1 i r �, zy 1,were $ g , ut tl.e.,c r., allele �. main Street is unthinkable, since San- 13aliylran I`cawn o cls.<rrlvcri, the bus}ne4s will not bedis Ball was held in Belmont Hall, with :$ ,.}42,.,,1,44, a gam tri $356,597.03 lasts room, of y _-_ 11 ,r,.......»..,. r,7fi7.13 - ___� Cn,uaic by rho Greenport Department g• the ear. -T'he..aanount dare de- ,._.-_ clakr Lewis made its people tan small. l:al,�lnri Village posrtors was•: 3 470 30ti; laotatoes are ,1.26 a teas 645.19 continued, Mr. Fannin though RA�,1•. _ , $ , 47. $ !rel, but Nuw, this does not includes all the lanes! :'1 ilrityvillo Villag;ar .,...,.. 549,03 to take an �' g nob' The Suffolk u � the ,are not freshly active hart to it, will awn•j The 37•th annual inspect}on and County National Brinks y o r shly duty„ eaui-iflower or streets, but enough to make a start t-luntingtcrra Town 7 808.15 � arade of - 'the ,orf the lot are ,'4 ;. c g , aanue ills 1liverhead cold, ,vvith his= p the Southold Fire D total resources an January 1 were$2, � isle, and Those more interested should follow° �lortlriruz°t WVkllaage ., 434.7+, son-in-law, William went was -h �`�� 355,438.95, a gain of ,bout $:;w 00 plenty. Who says 'tis n d Town Of Sriaathtcrwra .,.,,. t)07.U,) IT. Howsner,aa, held .in that village New + $ 0 grffte l�nt s of a with further advice. So far as any cha rgra=. I. Theron Edwards will can°° Yeah�s Day. The l for the year. The amount due'de-de- fat year. tinue the livid luncheon served parade followed a 1rmitars was $1,90f,369,83. _ ttuttitirity to fix hese names is soli- $34,200.28 gehamgitarn bxaneh,ant to visiting firemen The sSotttlaold S v' n estimated that 8,000,000 linshela the Southold.branch twill The cnnduotW': in BelinOut Hall at noon, and was a s b Bunk in It is eat mat d t carried, there is axone, except that The, total a�kiKaurat (if the Bank Tax by a new c ° ? , rax r le<ded .b creased easel its total assets by more than of potatoes have been shipped from which Webater'ri 1)}et}canary gives Earl rlaicl by the 32 State and National the A, 1 ation, to be knowtlni y the chiefs of the Southold 1„00;000 during the six`mr, Bank.�r in Suf;alk Count this Southold Matual .SlIpply Co i land Greenport departments, .behind in ', December' t nths ends gui#alk,Count the past c as a number o£ wnrds,."the have come r y year 31, the lata! assettw at y p y ;• y ta'nn with authorized ea rtxl nf�a`. ;Greenport _.-.-- on use, If these was waas$'0 7,which was apportioned ' p whom maxche;d the Green or Fire- ,anvestnapnt value on Januar '1 be' ,7.11.7 000, William T. Gagen and J y ink* Miss Louise IvIo rti R 1 fella comm' y �amant, t})e various tax d}sti•icts ta£thci n ; ilei s Basad and one vamps ,,$8 1313 923.17. � + e 1: Carroll will 'own the h from that village, with ' ' The total surplus at 3otrnf ;iianist of 1 Have signs put up, that are permanent, eti trrcvnn ca:f the county, The follow- bulk o£mt a:, g , •three pieces investment value on t J'13 1.. iris l they will be so designated, There is ng are the ,<amiounts the towns are to stock in ,the new concern alt l of then .apparatus. Then, f that date was lse>Qu visiting at the,lx:,. ,. -i 3 hou b, olio�ve�d, '$1,370i,8ti6,78 and the amount due de- . aeras}j receive. 'Soraie of it, is to i y w!in automobiles, the .surviving c atter �posltor%a the rate o Mrs, Prance, an Well, ata xxrcanoperiy or omnlsekencs claimed, be tal,�en b �ameri�rers o t e f 5 e East Ilam• ton re customers and friends troughout the,: p p x ectal. per neither zs it expected or even desired p .••• •.....$ 7£31„rr3 N f the Southold £ire depart- annum on all sums from $1 to $5ooll In the recent sales contcsat o th Southampton ?0lifi,(aAa For The men in ,all IQ i Ment; the oldest of whom us Benjamin and at the rate of 4 per cent: on t' £ e A North Fo IJP. & P. stores in this district, Harold that everybody will be suited, The 5outhald ,.». 3,539A,13 of the communities where the ibusin Forton; 92, Henry W. Prince r suggestions ver well lease Riverhead o 808,3`2� dent of the Southold � presi- 'excess of $500, was $6,7S2,Q66 38. R; "Booth manager o the Southold y p is a;tablitshecl enjoy 'the highest oa a� ___� ld Savmgrs Rank, g f S utl old store, P xi:)t I'IF'I:tZ lSloo4:hs yen 6,700,77 Pidonce of the farmers -with ;.;William ,4iu ___._..- Mr. and Mre, D, W, !received first prize, _-__. De Long and }3. Ter 1,43 z,(if3 they .c1a ,lrusaness and It i Terry, Joseph Booth and!Mr. and Mrs. Geo: C. T®rr Is 'un1i1N several 'otizexs w E,. S. There is no expectation there liiclzylon fi,70S,f,3 that anything but success 111 a he were noted.Folloryvin y made the will be any necessity for seeking safe- TTuntangton , , x 846.90 . ,diem in their friar m same the g trip.from Southold to St. Lawren Opening a copy, o£ the 0ritlook for ty from any persecution; the vitae Smithtown ' r �� - e acivities, ,46 modernized Southold 7rO. f) _ „m_ . partnient, 'with eight; men !in dine County, in their car, in.one day. How November, we discovered a full page; ,. y The lisank of Huntin ton lea<a the' roudly showing orf ripe new malas y got a pretty earl start photo of our Dr. McGinnis, entitled r which glues immunityfrom any attack g ever the was in force long ago. I', 1;,s �arf*rat afi3prrnt of capital;:,rat, •,:c ;::rdJ, uln'Pex and mlotor husk end ladder all the same it was some tri . but $'The Pilot."_---_ ... , 1 in one — -- ,' ry .div, p �� �: On Saturday, Dec. 29 J / Jose h W. Turnor killed four hogs, serves such rating. Let us keep mov- 5 weighing 1600 lbs,, for John Carey. Rsv, zi. W. f�TANGSY, Pastor y years 7le TWeYIt�-dive �iPlal"S ®gO � �hilci'h Baptist Ghu�roh �p ,t ,tof Greenport ywho tweet ohn S.Gait®®k a�u i.adder �. ing for better and best, along all lines, whether public rating is given or not. _ Shiloh is striving�each day to cap-i established the Gaffga Marine Motor At the annual meeting of Eagle +_ Miss Irene A.Sawyer,of Riverhead, In the meantime, we thank the aeries- Thomas B. Wells and Charles lb.Case ' and Mr. Louis E. Baker, son of Mr. ture Old Man Satan, while he is so.Works, retired from business, and pre-. Hook and Ladder Co., held last Thurs- pondent for his recognition and en- were re-elected trustees of the Presby- l were marred December Soot at ecus,to create so much trouble vented each one of his employees with day evening, the following officers .anal Mrs. Edward Baker, of Southold, courageous, couragement, terian church. Southold, by the Rev. William H. in the email village of Southold. We a one hundred dollar Liberty Bond. The, were elected: Captain, Chas. T. Gor• need the prayers of all, Our employees P h g Rev. B.D,Boivin and Frank D.Smith pastor em to eea resented Mr. Gaffga with a don; Lieutenant Jacob Tyler; Seere- ore Public Recognition'Lloyd.Mr,and Mrs.Baker are making left for a winter trip to St. Augustine, 'their home in Southold. Mr. Baker is stands firm for the truth. As we know' beautiful leather traveling bag. Mr, tary, Edwin L. Donahue; Treasurer, Fla. sin loved by the Munci al Light and that God is able to overcome and tear Gaffga during all the y9ars that he has, Nat. E. I.oath; Trustee, Lewis W. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle is certain n p p g ly bringing Southold into prominence Geo. H, Wells of Southold and Miss dower Plant at Greenport. down Old Man Satan's walla, we as been in business endeared himself to; Korn; Chief Driver, A. W. Albertson; Kittle Horton of Sayville — - members have decided to stand b our his employees as few managers have Janitor, Harry Payne. through the reports of the latter'sweremarried. p p, The present drivers are to hold over doings and people. Now it's a person, The Southold Dramatic Co. organized aill the li4a�h Jon dlo you play i�a It its aster and to hold hfrn u as a be, ever done., � o !leve he is to sent b a living one-very much alive-who has with the following officers: Pres.,John t brought hour toms of Muth-Jon sous y y God. While until four new ones are appointed by g o hczc 'l'hc levo oil ted m man!oaks an the outward a At the Presbyterian Parish Meeting, the Captain at the February meeting. merited and received a charming trib- H. Lehr; 'Vice Pres., Howard E. Dick- lastweek, so one may learn all about appearance," held last Saturday, the finances of the ute of high literary merit from the pen arson; See.,Miss Bertha Corey; Treas., � the points of the compass, which God looke'on the heart. Mr. Korn retired as secretary,aftee ' way the wind i:• what t1he wenther church were reported in good condition, of one of the Eagles able writers. Miss Anna Terry; Critic, Geo. Horton There was zti live! tinid in th i rendering faithful service as scribe for may be and viliat o opi- to !slant by � all bills paid,and a balance in the tress- the company for twenty-six years. i Somebody besides Southolders reads Terry; Business Manager, C.T.Gordon, I tnani ulatin the 400-�ocl,d Shiloh I14tptist, (hurclt (colored) at ury. Christopher Leicbt and Alfred C. the TRAvuLnie evidently-not not' onl its - - -��---- � P 1 piece o•£�' y y balie ,aard the (bone spluiteis whia�a;louthold on 'I*hursclay evening ('If la.;t Simons were re-elected Trustees for After adjournment, thirty partook of (news, but its "adva. One of the Father McGrath •LOMS Southoldr week when the pastor, the Rev. 11, �V. I the yearly feed in the upper ball. latter, and in y, � ' accornpany ahem. Pa ices Elam y;10'!Stanley,. deelared a motion to cxpei three years.J � Cigars "topped off" the menu, and poetry, too mann local Parishioners of St. Patrick's Church to 1000. r _ two of the wuti.c,n rnenilaei, .incl to J. N. H., who has put a b i reduce three o£ the deacons,•cavried. John Bucci has ranted the office of for the first time not a alum was on it. and non-parishioners heard with keen Twent ive "Years Ago ____ -- _, � regret that Father Edward F.McGrath When the battle was at its height, H. M. Hawking on Beckwith Ave., Bank ®t Southold p g paper-i. _ poetry in his lova a er i e., one a aniissttries ref thasc why sided with the George Horton `Terry s rhymingadva lit>>rl t ®�'�� ° former! occupied b Chas. H. Beck f had been transferred from this to in and lris - oppon Bats both y P y that appear in the cent a ward col- other parish. On the first of February, Skating�as good at(least Pond, but' � � told, diad.will open a music store. The The annual meeting of the stock- umn,"has attracted the attention of the ice had not been thick enough for rushed off to get Deputy 'sheriff Ii rod store will be in charge of Misses Agnes holders of the Bank of Southold was some diligent reader and good writer ' he will leave Southold and become Sec-, E. Booth, who with the assistance of harvesting, Turnor and Teresa Fielder. held at the banking on Tuesday tar of the Church of Our Lady of his �twa sous, liar•�ald and William _ and very Felicitously indeed .has. the Nicholas McQuillen ,celebrated his his t o sons Gomez, Tanmas Care;, afternoon. poetry Grace, at Howard Beach, L. I. 101St birthda $is,sister, Mrs. John Dr. A. W. Fismer offers $50.00 re- Southold Wearer and his ootr been. y- and Raymond Ulrich restored. quiet It uvea voted to reduce the number of psycho-analyzed. It is a pretty '=sto-' Father McGrath has been `with ria Thompson, was in her 92dyear. after considerable difficulty. ward for information leading to the Directors from fifteen to thirteen. nearly eight years, and in'that time A. Folk eves paying a visit to Vere has been trouble brewing to arrest of the individual having the The followings, Directors were re ry that appeared m the Eagle"of Jan. we have had a fine example of what is Albert l g . l relatives here. the church .for some time. One of twisted, yuletide inspiration to cut a 8th. It is said that Browning wrote r elected: Albert A. Folk, Howard G. more deeply than he knew, as his Btu- priest may be to his people and to-his the f�ttions which is said 'to lx: cant- Christmas tree from his front yard Tuthill, S. Lester Albertson, Albert.T. town. His life with us has proved the l+a Southold:Dratnatic Society pre- dents d.•eecovered. We wonder if sonted thedrama,"Under the Laurels,` posed-, . the better eletn��nt, has been pines. __ . Dickerson, Silas A. H. Dayton,Win.H. sincerity of a statement he has made. ' opposed to-Air. Stanley and ha:; beets Glover, L. W. Korn, J. N.-Hallock,Dr. ''George" doesn't feel as if a little He Baid: '.There are threethings !• elisideavoring to have Iziin ousted. The A sold wave struck .Southald Satur artranft Albert W. Albertson, more had been extracted froin his lines have loved intensely, viz.,my God, my�! at Belmont Iia1 climax was reached when t.lic d.stnaiid y g l J. M. H Core Albertson, fellowman, and these good old United f, r meter re istBred 10 above zero E E. Boisaesu, W Y ; them, Walt Whitman, dead many States." To know that he has been l Barn Burned at the niectin�• last week 111-oved to day night, and Sunda morning the than he aver thought of putting into expel Mrs. �Willia,m Hobson, wild, of therms g and S. Edgar Tuthill. ut 11:80 Sunda morning the barn Deacon William Hobson, and Mrs. Pa; -the coldest of the season—and the ,john V. M. Howell, Edwin Donahue' years, has yet to come to his own, loyal to his church, one has only to `Abp y e ebarn tieuc, • -latchen and to ycicmotc Here is our singing weaver crowned in of°Bennett DeBei>Eedoa of the g and George A. Maier were elected Yn- P .p lorounds ok at the leaveshthe rexteri�ox and ow nn, I]uacon C,levaland wiod,blew_a- ale. _ .leucon -lobs his day as "poet," "genius," "di !o- 'ammoque Inn,situated a little back of Howard, and 'Dea'con Morris, When The Christmas Collection at St. Pat- specters of Election. ___ „ g the opponents of the minister prat& t mat, all because of the subtleties interior parts in a condition that speak i'. the main highway, was discovered on 'w.- ricks Church amounted to$715.96-the flee and was totally destroyed,with its ed at wliitt ;they dlee!nad were high- Christmas Collection since Father t Pabllc ��Ca�n���a� found in a six line stanza that tells of neatness, beauty, and comfort. handed inathnds, the parson's bast _ 66oterats of bay, grain and straw, and McGrath has been pastor. Again the correspondent of the Brook- why."Short on Warps, Threads are ! Everything has been m owed under �'a ie for the East End'has been Brown. Genius will out., Read the ate top red their voices by shngini., -- his,hand.. The love of bis people at.. Three `stacks of stalka outside. Far- -_- wife {ilitVi e ; of her voice. Joseph C Booth &ors'.to Nat'haincl lye g _s}rticle, It's Etna. tunately, the live stock was rescued. There was another hot debate 'It j land good to our,Southold Community Dra 1 Shiloh Baptist Church test to his faithful ministering to their The Southold ire Depart.mentrespond- 'I Booth, lot w s La live ad needs, and his counsel on all occasioncq _ a subsequent meeting. Tuesda,� VW– of Geoige h Gaffl=r, Southold, uoni.� � uratic Society and the Southold TOWv, ed to the alarm but nothing could be �ning anther Meeting wa,s. hd4d, but - - _ . . -___ __... - --. z Symphony Orcbestra. Two finely il- t REV. FTC. W. BTANLBY�Paa61r last has rung true to the highest ideals of as the fire had slued such head- it was a i#rnified affair. henry L h'leca to Michael Ti How:lad, lastcated articles descriptive iof the t The day was well agent i Shiloh I right. In community affairs, Father ; done, g "t ivied and the wind was Last Thur,day the Rev. A1.r. iatan- lot n s Peduash Svc aulj land of Ted � p McGrath has been heard with interest � way when i ars Ila d, Cutchogue tax s0c.� aims and scope of these two eacielees Sunday. Our pastor ordained two was from ley lead the following notice inserted ___- >_ __.__ .._�.__... .�__ _ eared recently in the Brooklyn ¢ Deacons, Bros. Brown and Cook. after and profit-interest, because he was blowing a gale.' The wind _ -P have app Peter A Gaffga to Joseph Bladdis, the.worth and no buildings were On- tor the Southold.Traveler: Our liar-, frank with his hearers, original in ltia for is trying to establish a trlre re-�11 aero, ns L, I R R� ad` land of Will Eagle of Dec. 2,?and Jan 4. The pec- which the church moved that ilhe i tures of some of the present officers Brown be Head Deacon. thought, and fearless and eloquent in k da irgered. The barn"was large and I,ligion in the hearts of mien and wonien�liarn'L3 Vatil, Southold tax, __X5.00. g uttering what to him was truth, al- ,t new. The rause of the, fire es not who ,will believe. We had. ' great Southold, t and leaders were shown, and the write- Shiloh ie awned by the church ov- g Lewis W Korn&w to Patrick Carey, sample- ernment discipline, creed of confer- knowra. _:__.___.__.__._ -_-__� time Watch Night and the spirit did Jr, lot air Korn,ave ad1 Lowery es- t up in a few words gave a very d he covenant which is the ways yielding, almost demanding. the s. We are asldiirl the tate Southold, tax, mentary tribute to the conscientious aeon an t , same adherence in others to what they i dwell �anio•nl, u .$7,60, i ., � . The officers of Peconic Lodge, F. and community to pray for us, that we - - err to W. Znka�s 24 t efforts that have been made in South- principle. believed true, A. M., were installed'Wednesday eve- inay have a.successful New Year.:' Charles E. T y ares south sideof ,Nonfh road, �amd old to promote goad work in the drama The B. Y.P. W. is of mush interest. What better advice can aleader give' Ging by Ht. 9Vor. 'Joseph Ogle, and 'Several very respectable colored acoibs lame Ba View, i These artecles era desery We invite everyone come out. people residing' in- Riverhead are tea large group of individuals than- Worshipful Master Fred K. Terry took, p' p' ' g� �� 'acres on J y and music. a iember o pilo t Southold, mean not Satan continues to fight this tour, for each to prove mall his acts and ' n Ing of sincere thanks. They . g his sent in'the East. Worshipful MaBt g f the S. _h .Baptist L.7,Hos ital Sun• ch to n ersori whose picture ageous band, but we as true believers words that he.is a good,Christian and a or Fred C. Rie'l was presented with a eh ch'-_..__._ Fail. At the E. --- - - any p be ; are still.striving to a mark of higher day, Jan. 6th, to Mr and Mrs. Carl E. may be shown or whose name may good citizen. If this advice aIane could , handsome Masonic ring on his retire Rev. T. M. Shipherd and family Vail,of Peconie, a daugliter,Mary.. a to the town. It is a calling with our pastor in the lead. be followed in fur town, 'Bather 14Ic- i•. he East. have moved from Milwaukee W ie. to, --= mentioned a ment from t _._. ____-- a _..... e a supreme _------� �- pleasure to have Southold rated 0s a Bro. Edward Green will preach Suri^ -�_-- C Grath would have don y clay morning. Come out and hear this lk. ___ work for Southald. , .Southold' Jan. 6 Evelyn G. wife of ----_-� Scarsdale, N. Y. _ _ -_---�.� _ :, y - � _ -- - Harvey W. Gordon, aged 53 years. leatlec-in an social world if she dam- wonderful young hero, _ i an Mrs. W. Stokes are o 0 -,� ,�yr ,�o� �� �..�:• gig+ # ry+ i l y g 6� Dancing Classes We had the most severe weather of 0'he will of Myra s. lii•er en int Southold Savings Bank Twenty-Five �•8a1C8 .�d.gO "True � st Sauthold,° gives an estate vallu�ed ,aft g tho winter Monde and Mondaynight. � "!� L1f� Stories The annual meetin of the Trustees ' • ar®c 4 ' over $3,000 to her husband, Teuniis We learn that the prospective Dane- of the Southold Savings Hank was held The wind blew a gale and the mercury There will never be anything half so S. Bergen. ing Classes have materialized not tlatg dropped steadily till it touched six. A Geo. J,Tillinghast resigned as sexton two, the Bank last Thursday. The fol-;I large limb blew off the tree in front of of the M. E. Church. interesting to big, warm-hearted pea- The will of Anna E. Beebe of but tbree-one to be held in the after, lowing officers were re-elected b a pie as--other people. We enjoy= music, Sauthold, disposing of $4,500, has g Y Hawkins store and fell on the electric Bev. IYr. Jess®L. Ilurlburt delivered these ;laeclue.is: Violet W. Conklin, noon and two in the evening on Satur- unanimous vote: President, Henry.W. a lecture in the M. E. Church on light wires, so that the light service we are interested in art and science, r i , days. The classes number about thirty Prince; 1st Vice President, H. Howard was put out of commission for a short "Sweepings of Gold." niece $000; IaiLhel i1I. Si�lk�warth y ` but nothing so tugs at our heart-strings niece, $,300; Olifford iB. 1Cc�owland, members each. Mr. James Myers of Huntting; 2d Vice President, Dr. C. C. Eat the annual meeting of the Trustees as the things which happen to people Eunice S. Dowliand personal effects; Columbia University time. , P' y is the instructor, Miles; Secretary and Treasurer, ]fi, _ - _ _ __ _. _ of the Southold Savings Bank,Barnabas just like ourselves. Myra Rowland and George IAL Row- A new •Edison phonograph has been Howard Hunttin • 1st Asst. Treasurer, J•-L• Tompson has completed build- The-folders, written in storyform, to " .land, $100 eaa:h .and personal effecits• p g p of the Is: H. Booth declined a re-election as p'' rented to furnish the ,Hosie, Mrs. A, Frederick K.Terry; 2d Asst.Treasurer, Mr. Ul]ereclais' ltavfingn a pump lip- President on account of ill health, The Rbe distributed Sarah E. Beebe, s.istc r; and Ezna 11. Cosden and Mrs. F. K. Terry kindly £ensselaer G, Terr Member of Fi- every y' G. Beebe, brother, residue. y; stalled in the barn. following officers were elected: Presi- _ Vice Presidents, _. �. seting as managers of flee records, Hanes Committee for three years, Wm. dept, J. B. Terry; recti ved with the keenest interestt�and _ P. J. Mahoney, Sr., has sold his house f3 u't➢arles T. Gordon' is advancing the The onlookers of the movement are H. Terry; Member of Examining Com- Silas F. Overton and H. W. Prince; ;approval. • According to the officers of on Hommel Avenue, now occupied by house of T. J. Phillips by ,slow stage's glad of the success that has attended mittee for three ears Wm. A. Fleet. Secretary and Treasurer, H. H. Hunt- the institution, these stories aro to deal on-its two-mile "'Slip" fi00 feet a day the efforts to form these classes. There The Trustees were the guests of M M. Purcell, to Wm fl Griswold. ,___ ting;Asst, Treasurer, A. F. Lowerre; with the lives and fortunes of a typical lactims ;tn be the xante of ispaed', Not has been a growing feeling among Sven 'Treasurer Huntting at a fine turkey iMaria J'Haliock to-John G Jenkins, Counsel, B. H. Reeve; Financo Com- Treasurer genic es, nor people Athe •o much fasterthan.it-traveled nearly the most serious-minded, that dancing dinner at the Southold Hotel. A pleas• lot s Ipeconic bay, ad;i laud of Car- mittee,J. B. Terry, Chas. E• t➢vertoea, least bit out of the ordinary, but "Just 100 years ,ago.with.oxeye. „ was here to stay; that the young people ing feature of the dinner was the pre oline L Jenkins, -Paradise Point, W. C, Albertson; folks" Examinigg Ilam- $ folks lake the rest of us. The dustMr9. . and Mrs.Geo. R. Jennings left who used to play games, now would sentation by Mr. Huntting, on behalf Southold. Tax'ms, mittee H. W. Latham, W. C. Aibert- story relates in a most interesting. Thursday morning for Miami, Florida, dance. Why not. then, teach them to of the Trustees, of a$10 gold piece to :lot J Hillock to John S Janklot w s Pecoaric Bay, adz land' of Ella eon, S.F. Overton. The total assets fashion an adventure in thrift of "San- where they will spend the winter. They dance properly? How? Where? Mrs. Hoinkis and a $10 gold piece to 1B'Hallock, known as'Cabin Lot, Parr of the Bank amounted to $2,454,103 83, { lay Homer, an engaging youngster vain make the trip by water. When? Who could supply the ways "Matilda,"in recognition of the twen dise Point, 'Southold: Tax $b and the total. deposits, $2,069,'0U.fi5,I who will remind the reader of his own - - - and means for them to learn? Mrs. t -five ears of service given the Trus- Ella B iHaiioek to John .S Jeni,ir�, y y g leaving a surplus of$884,8703 a eon, or of his kid brother, or, perhaps, Wahlaaa Dickerson and bits wife Coaden kindly took up the problem as tees at their annual dinners. lot+e s highway leading to Paradise of himself at that age, have 'gone to dive with Tennis Ber- hers. Site would attempt its solution. Point. adi land of .Rev. R J Kent, - In discussing the folder,Mr.Ilunttin gen on Tucker lane, Bev Vicw, So➢athold. Tax $ '�BB Ct7iJT1 RU!, W, g g Ambrose Ott and Mrs, Ott have Whatever the result may be, she de- The business formerly conducted by! Joseph iN Ha flock &w to John said: "If we are to make thrift, ap» moved ,to wharf was the Farley lace serves gratitude for the motive she put tannin 1+dwards & Gagen, Inc , at pealing-if we are to snake the children. y p g, Jenkins, lots e s lii�livvay to Paradise $O1TTH®LD HAS DANCEM; on the'"Norah Roads the house,vacated into the work and the swift, efficient Southold, is now conducted by Wm. T. saint, adj band of Frank G Carter, CLASSES AND SP]CLLI ti', ibrf,S true believers is the principle of by ta1➢e Dickersons. manner an which classes have been �iy_V➢ew,j$Puthold,_ thrift-we must lead them to think of ". _ . *atm, Gagen acid Joseph P- Carroll under the l ___ ___.__ Alhnugh Southold villi i il.: Lowis W:Born cc;.w to A,.laline Ni(7hol, brought to pass. firm nnme of Gagen &Carroll. Messrs, i ase, A T&w to"A Cook, rot's s Main ra oldest settlement on >;1..tr ,; Luny } thrift as the open gateway through >. , , __..� d (with apologies t) ; oaatir- P g y g lot s s .born are ad la➢,ci :al' l;:.ta 1. Anybody who has had sometime [n w I y Y , (,igen and Carroll are wide-awake aai rand J niers,_Pecon_1_c_ S2.5oo Island which they pass to the things they need Carey, Jr. Southold,.tux, -S i.a0• his lifetime good instruction in dane- j d hustlers. That they may Nassau Point Club Properties to � Gz Ad-1 ainntonl it"is one ov tin he neer igin ire_ _ _ _. , g Hess mon an S . ern earl piaf, ties e end want." Wesley in meet with abandant S1iCCesl�is the wial➢�ams,_lot 330 Nassau toQJ M Wickham, 6a a s s {*omen ,f 9'outh- The reader will learn from this ha j L Prince &ano tcs i'<'�ar g mart g, knows what a benefit these classes ; psats.T'roaninciit i ' meet, w A old amort them all's. I happy J Connor, lot s ➢ Meehan; 9'.,t yell land may lee to our young people. '1'laere is of their many frieradN throughout the Main Bt udi Wick�ams Creek, Cuteho$1 600 , g Tc The united family group much that wall be cr G�;ee S)t rnlo-y, Sonthcaid, tax, so.51)., continued large patronage -- -- and Mrs, A. S. Ceelen, Llac latter + no other form of phyeacal exercise that town. The contin g P y 1 bf lief to hien and much that will - Mr. and Mrs.P. J. Mahone , Jr..,are being the wife:of, one of the „loan l P give well do so much for the whole person as of the people wall be greatly appreiiat-; g l him a firmer, truer graspon the reali. Michael I1 .I-lo-war l +&w to a.f oh11 relo[cirag an the advent of x tittle laugh tzars of Riker-Iiege�nan DI'Ll, Co", ' BLICi*el0k ct.w, aci-(%; 1; s Middlerd dancing. On, the trounles that have ed by this deserving new firm, ter in their home. Mother and child and a miiliona.re, have -or, .aciized tees of life. The literature to be die- ' aul latul of 7 .ec;fa fi LIa111oe1, ( -cct`- fled with the master of t},is art-from -�- - - ,n cilias for the ;i mall<, hen- s tributed is not only interesting, in that chu ue t a 4 ly.Otl- y !- 4 short time ago Revs. J. T. Lang-1 doing well, and "Juidor" has a broad, plc a➢fethe village and an iris rirctar he stories relit a o true t l stiff joints to stiff manners and oh smile, _.__-____.__ _.I Prom Caliambia University l; beeaa i ed are trg o life, __ J , lois William H. •Lloyd, E. A. Me-i the grit and determination that has ° i�ra7th and Abram Conklin, and Dr. H. I put also because they are so handsome- Cutebogue, Jan. 14, Mrs. Martha A. - Ewart, aged 84 sere. been n eessar to keep on practicing " R. Stevens and Dr. J. W. Stoker each farigagi'd' 'to teach the c1a I iy photographs, .._ _y_._. I , e y p g , . Cretin ortrJan. 2e E. I, I. Hospital, educated reis no larger pcic rti e of illustrated from some' ,�' 7.--1h 1^ 1F® �Yf►8r8 e$gO until mastery came 1 liven a young , received, Supposedly as a Christmas I p rel to Mr. and Mrs. and talented peoi ie in any An full color--likely to be retained and ft a box of beautiful apples, cola- `ti'alter McNish, of Peconic, a laugh- village of this size anywhere than rued for their artistic worth. t 'a ��"';' I teacher confessed she heel never shed i .anin a l,ushel. Phis fruit was prows,4 g y p. - tears over anything in her professional 4, at -AAre,,atchee, Washington, and canoe ter. there is e Southold, but us, lead _.._-.. �+ Aaseanbiyman J. N. Hall7k was y g I;oma.-;�.t Are�harnomaclue, Sunday, ixi, residents are o anxious, ;,r ini- A Terrific Storm placed on the anllo J. N Committees in training as she did in ,trying to bring ' frons, Now, York by express, with. no!I:Ian. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Dewey prove their education that the), are P indication to tell the donor's name. A f The hardest Southerlystorm on ree. the Assembly-, Fisheries and Gains those muscles and joints of hers under ' ane way to send.a ifs because then f lt�se,--°f PeconicLa holding spelling bac,and +a➢c, utrl at. control m dancin g well as the young„ are h,nein; ord took place Wednesday night. The Commerce and Navigation, and Educe- g there acnes with it na sense of boli- i James Allen, the tailor, who during ficin interest in thran, Here is hoping that every growing -- ' wind Mews gale and the yelp fell in tion• gation, further than, having received i his long stay with as, has become well youth may rove the "good stuff" in -- torrents. The electric light system was The official members of the M. E l y y P a ble9'ip- to ass one on.pass - '� known in Southold for his goad work Following are the newly elected put out of business. Two wires were 'church extended a unanimous call to him and "stick" till he has gained the and generally accommodating spirit, , d broken at Miss Whitaker's and wires Rev. Horace W. Byrnes to remain as mastery. If he learns, said learns The dancin classes startedy, anoff in passed away on Wednesday morning at officers of the Ladies Aid Society of are down at other places along the line. pastor another year. properly, 6e will have much to be fine •sha-pe last Saturday, one in the the M. E. Church: Pres., Mrs. Win.' the E. L, I. Hospit�He-had been ill barge limbs of trees we lmont Athletic Glub organized r all his life Something is afternoon for the youngest members, n;lstViee Pres,, Mrs. P4rm. _ re`blown off. The Ids thankful, in a ersun'e make-up if frond three to ifi�ve, the next for older. for several months, alone, in his hams, A. Wells- g p A. Walls;2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. B. H. with the following officers Pres., t �k ones, from. seven to nine, and fo.r the every kindness possible being extended I Tuthill; 3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. M. A. the Itev. George D. Sherman of the he cannot move rythenioally to music. Ernest Maier; Vice Pres., Benjamin': oldest class, frown nine to eleven him by his neighbors. Not until last Hammond; Sec., Mrs. I+'. T. Wells;lI C,hureh of SS. Simon and Jude has Wells; Sec. Joseph Wells; Treas. Al _.__.._._ _..__..m ONLOOKER P. M. 'inhere are about thirty in week was it thought beet to take him areas., Mrs.Mary Harrison. hegira appointed rector of St. Patrick's W +Ibertson. P each -class, so Sauthold vri11 Ibe likely Ito the hospital. He will be remember- - -- ---� bert A John Embert from Q'geeA,s to turn out some good dancers ei f,hureh, Southold, to succeed the Rev, ' r ed as a fine workman and an interest- Potatoes are t th i 3o' at`. ' Rev. fly. S. Parks Cadman gave big Maryland, has arcep�ted the poa�t„tQad: long. The Universalist Parish House $1.16 a bushel, but tl,F,- „�,iF c'on be- Ii'dwarsI F. McGrath, who has been ap- on Abraham 'Lincoln, at as operatror in the Sauthold Stat%oti. , ; is gradually filling the iplace whiseh ,inn character. Funeral,services will n to "sprout" and l .c: e „"'>t ane#`' great lecture He as ver e b •p , b the Presbyterian Cemetery, ;➢-ouble.,•l x y y there'll be ➢ranted rec,tar of Uur Lad of Greco'- , y .efficient Young an aid N its founders anticipated, and becomd- a held at arm, and the Southold. i <a Chun h, set Iioward Beach I,. I. I fulfills the duties assigned to h:F ing the general utility such a Ibu 'tti.aday, at 2:80 p. m. Via^^ Farmers leu heir at ➢, .:,, ---— ___..__. __ _---- Thoinas Gagen of Southold and Rose; very Well. Hs is also knofvaa � � in - should fill Hand of Cutchogue were married. �ablagi _azianners. u r ' Young carried off her part of the Brook- WBxihy-�+1 P @1ZI°8O ;Helen Walker, William Davis, Rev. H. A IaO"1 HER `"HOT °1'1111,,"" .AT y�, �• lqn girl with her usual piquancy and 'W. Stanley, and Deputy Sheriff Fred I amnian Rnoowhit washnpreacherr0I tell Mutual Benefit Association "` �' ,,a� success. Harold Goldsmith who plays S1rO,,PrHOLD C01,t1111 D CHURCH W. A. Williams and Geo. C ''1'erry ' p y E. Booth. the Gospel flat-footed. A.man of God At a meeting of the stockholders of , That `�Batitiv or Sikiathcald"' aviey re- A always with a freedom blended with Thealle ed attempt at assault teak' filled their ice-houses at Great Pond. 1 g ought to have peace in..the church. If the Mutual Benefit Association of 5uf- fop ht in tics whilr,li !l a ata,t Churchdelightful restraint, was as pleasing lace at Shiloh Ba tist Church on the es red) at,the 1ar,tye't''nice t11t s• iAreri lieu. A. la. WrightWilit of J.3rooklyn as ever. Harry Cusack did a good bit P p a•man or woman does not like the way folk County, held at Riverhead Monday 1 preached in the Universalist Church, I evening of Jan. 30, 1924, at 8.45 the church is run, let them get out and afternoon,it was voted to dissolve the k rhssda evvnirg• aced! a h result caf tht 1 of character work as Alphonse Pettibois. o'clock, at the conclusion of the church y No one was more enjoyed than Tony, he gist of the evidence of making a die-. 7 as established in skirinl,5h the Rei, E. W. Stanley, the I7. mcqueen ur en of Brooklyn was in town not make trouble. I wall tell an one organization, which w l�a-son, Iraq threatened at.ened to swear iwL eeekie►g data ora the early history of serves®. T g to shut up if they are g 1876 and has paid several hundred� +. warrant for the tr!TSt of .ulnaue+l Strasser as the much rattled lover of ell the plaintiff°a Witnes®sa was that turbance." In closing, he said he thousand dollars in dead benefits. nota iti, cane of it(rc� nn.�aubcrr; UE the:; the town. Julie, and "Scottie" as Abie came inMorris at u from his seat sold rushedThere are g P this wanted eou rights as a minister from a ciation, many of them old nand the crip- . . • Uela.ut;� Sheriff !for laurels in the making of fun. to the pulpit, as if in anger, with his ' congi•rl;atiair, The draminic �rclnm. �a All we can say at this lata baht is ' rrisEassaulte i haniri nn G, he ani ss Buddies hand upraised, and demanded of the I Justice Hawkins charged the jury, pled, and some,have paid$600 in assess- Booth and } that everybody connected with "Bud- aster if he told him to "shut up"; �1! who went to churei, antieipatink• p and• with leaving their seats the 'ments, and now there will not be a i OFFERED BY G. T. G. POST, A. L• ;dies covered himself or herself with trouble, hurl their irranrls full for "Night thoughts" with the TRAY that then Deputy Sheriff Fred F. ,jury 'brought in a verdict of "No deet death benefit. During the past awhile, but they isueeeeded in soon au btp bTRAY-,glory, and director and Post an well. Booth, who was present, dragged Mor- cause of action." Year the surviving members have been restn!°irg rluiet;..nd p!e ti e;rrt•ing auryorre )vLER people are poor th g r May the crown that surely rests on the fif®awav, presumably before he could __, _---... _..___-._ - assessed about$55 to pay death icer e- £rain Ilreir�g an,}ureci citaran the rne.lec, time (after the play) at must las night ,director's brow to night in nowise tm&ct any damage on the pastor; that a ar fits. There}are stili thirteen laenefits Th+. trairblc was :started! by the thoughts or nothing, as we go to Pre disturb his slumbers. May the tour in ;during the excitement some one in the A Bastardly�a ACS to be paid ($13,000) and the assoeiation nartor ro errW,g to the: chargo that i had been ,made by Deacon Villi:, in the morning. �� „ be as successful t the Post � , has approximately $11,000 in the The 3-act comedy, prospect church'said "Don't hit him, Sam." Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dickerson had a Buddies suss ay Rev. Stanley testified that he was! narrow escape from serious injury or 11 11ob'.vn's wit's that he tiva a a onvir:t. as it deserves to be, not only in an y p j y treasury. When the association was Mrs. Hobson, who was; pr4sent'; great success, even greater than we artistic sense, but (we feel like aped- i denied she calIr:d liiiai a coni^pre do- antics aced and we expected then. I • felling his people to hush up and not even death Ttiuraday night. They originally started the members pledged P ing it in large letters) FINANCIALLY. ` oke so much noise, that they must were returning home in their car about themselves to each pay$1 to tlae f.uffl;* clawing• than -ho said he had ,been in was Sll e4 eatrafactory in getting and NIMIT EDITOR , r tail. �,axnuel Morris, •and •the rrrirai.�tei�' o la critic, lbw �a've peace in the church when Samuel 12:30 and turned from the Main. Road of the one dying, Later,policies �v��i•e bac!` sone rword+s and they were et., acting, one forgot t p y It would be interesting to know the' orris rushed up to the pulpit in great into Beckwith Ave., when they were ting dangerrnrA ,cl'lol to blows in�he thing swung along so easily and natur-I issued promising the payment of °p1.,ti0- Uu�lpit when Officer Rooth sc:aar•at•e:d it never occurred to anybody even details in the work of putting ore ger and asked him if he told him to struck by a car coming from the west. .an the death of a member witlao�i'u re• 1 ally, "Buddies" so perfectly--the making �ehut up," and that ]fdorrea attempted This car carried no lights and was to look for faults. Some presiding gen` y prevented goingspeed. gird to the number of members. t,t -' Rev. Father McGrath, who left for ins bad ideas and somebody bad worked ®f first a model, ane inch to the foot, Homs edoi g by Deputyhim, and was nSheriff Booth Dickerson carrwasrthrpwn over on that time the association had iagavraard his new field of labor at Howard Beach a replica of the stage as it was to ap- of 1,500 members. The members con- his tremendously bard on that play. Such L. T, this weals, was presented last fine effects in stage setting and in act-'pear; the care with which each Item v ;egging Morris away. Deputy Sheriff side, the glass of the wind-shield and I stantly growing older and deaths more with s orae of 46t ae a 't drop dawn from the clouds. in properties was worked out, even to Booth testified that there were several sides was smashed, the steeringwheel frequent, with very few new and young Saturday h p $ , ins don p the;reproduction of the croix de guerre, Iavoxd battles between members of the bent and the car was otherwise damaged.I mark of affection and esteem from his They are born first In a fertile brain p p, Y men joining, gave.notice a few e=.ars and then skilful hands must wank hard,' worn by Mine. Benoit, which was a �bek,and he was trying to make peace Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson had theft ago that the end of the associaaiioo waasI 9 parishioners, that he did not see faces cut by the broken lass and the night and day to bring them into being.' product of lir. 11itz's skilful fingers, etween them, Y inpVitahlH._T_-- -- -- ut that he did take serious injury, we are happy to state B[umm�e�ll Road is to be extenderl Belmont looked transformed on en- inadelled after anti ire Mrs. la'itz's leas- Qdiuprafsedp b to the pulpit with his were ball bruised but suffered no, Southold Lodge fflc !' west of Wells Road to parallel the term with 1)eaUttful Hage on the walla,i yossion. railroad, and opened to Horton',5 lane;, g sf orris away, as he did not want to see The most dastardly part of the accident Following are the newly installed the enlarged stage, new curtains, and �,No Cause of Action ' was that the driver of the other car • Ground was broken for this purpose, >sny trouble. officers of Southold Lodge, :i, G. G. ➢'.° although tine authorities have taken, shaded lights. There was a feeling of Jro actron as yet, _ Y= __. little theatre about the place. And "No cause of action" was the ver- The witnesses for the defence were did not stop to see what damage he N. G.,H. W. Gordon; V, G., _ W. real diet of the 'ux in the case of the Pao- the defendant, Samuel Morris, Cleve- had done, but kept right on seat, For, 'Fisher; P. G. T. D. Baird; R. i., F. ! ,Jim" when the curtains were drawn, the jury .aim iMalianey its the proud father ®d. The ®tone plc of the State of New York vs, ,sod Howard, Thomas Morris, Willis all he knew, he had killed the occupants 1 F'ickeissen;'F.S., L. W l�iorra; `g'reao., ;of a daughter. 1VTrs,'Mah•one y<end t'he feeling was strengthened. „'it�obson, Mary Morris, Mrs. Willis of the other car. It is too bad he pig. R. Newbold; War.,Harry 0r. Smith; Mahoney Samuel Morris tried before Justice baby,tare rlr?ing fine. _ house and courtyard in Brittany trans- Anna Morris 1 apprehended and get his j r , " Jr, taw to Wnr,` ported the audience far from Southold. Herbert M. Hawkins at Eagle Hook Hobson, Gerald Hobson, , t could not be a Gan., W. H. Terry;Chap., alolcia ireit- i Pot-er T. Mahoney, Y just deserts. There is no clue of who i stadt• R. S. N. G. H. M. ErmAins° 1J Griswold, lot s :Hoaninell ave, Lack of °'atmosphere" could not be and Ladder house Monde afternoon. tlliam A. Booth and Deputy Sheriff , t mine!! Southold, 'Was there in The members of the jury were Sereno both. Samuel•Morris, in hes defence,, _therndriver was. L. S. N. G.,A. W. Albertson, R. S. arl0 land of,Anna lTn charged to the play. It w ith la tan J3. Billard Oscar s, id that Rev. H. W. Stanle told him t V G,, C. G. Corey;L. S. V,(',_ 1°eunis i Tax $5.5 abundance because of the perfect set- p y ]PRICE Op POTATOES _. .• $• Sm' C y � ,, p h pulpit and asked Bergen; %.,G., C. A. Prince; O. G.,� John P 'Rucbsamen LQ tiv to V�csl1- S... Case Lewis S. Tuthill, John J. X11 but up, and that he semi walked D�T,B TO $11P A BUSHEL ting, Probably no play ever put on in ' h�Iirr fs artpe, lot w s 1'utvn Iliri be>r Diller and Ernest C. Maier. This was -rushed)u to the P p J. I. Fanning. Southold received the attention in all I rhe if he told him to abut up, that he Last week the .price buyers were ------ "^ lane, acll lane! of Jonathan B Terry, that this one did. Judge Hawkins first trial and he ac paying for potatoes at the River- Post Players, under the{ r the details of setting vgas not angry, did not have his hand I y g P The G. T. G. Y �noutheld� T'`a $tiL.''{!' M . Charles F. Kramer, the dire'. quitted himself well presidia with ed nd Had no idea of striking head station dropped from $1.15 perso direction of Charles 1+ iaMisr. g �. r C a s rvis:r,stn•. z w « t.C> AT ,i a,,:xnsun, int :,u pace in theatrical pro- dignity and i'alrnaaa. lPr is one called out to $1.10 •a bushel 'The denr�ncl is p ,,gudd"fes" at le.ntheneum Y !; flack fit! Nrtxa,s,r Point ...............�nr,rl,)le has indeed set a pa p Rev. H. W. l�tanle , the pastor of t18%1a9tar and that n0'0 , rn Wrll present . .•. , not ver cstran Large. quantities r'w n: ti� tr, N r C,jnsjAt ,,, lot l duction that will be hard to follow. b was the cot- �,`Ilon't hit him, Sam-' He was cor- of,spuds were stored last fall when Hall,.Sag Harbor, Monday evl�ning, -_s� Gu 3-; The soldier boys were all simpl fine. Shiloh Baptist Church, a - , - y he and the defendant,' +roborated in this testimony by his in •,Itrve�rliead and Southold Towns" ' Feb. 11; at Library Hall, iirl,ettituck, Rudson, L T & ors t„ h,mr,.tont Paint co, r+ and son well. fine and- plainant. 7Both the growers could have sold the Feb. lJ; at the ' ` t lot on Jackson :•t arli land 0.trearn, New s,rr_ They played g Mr. Moxris eanducted their cases. er witnesses. They else testified . Wednesday evening, soar ....:.. �i„oris, fence liked them and thoroughly enjoy- for $1,44 a bushel. Farmers whb m_ There was an abundance of witnesses, tb'at Rev. Stanley said, "Do you want Naw Piltz, N. X., Jana 21, John B. ed them., The little Fenchmaidswer� „ have tihousands of bushels in star. Auditornam, Greenport. "v`Jerinesday the being about evenly divided on itQ, fights and that Rev. Stanley's age are sitill lhapeful that the !price evening, Feb. 20. Reeve, formerly of Greenport, aged 86 charming in action and aceent. Miss y .. „ 1 - years. n e Mme, Benoit, hostess each side. The charge was attempted' � e said, his closing add est to M�. will ���e�-enough bitiooi�a�spra��' The slay school has been dismissed Hazel Ka g, a orris on the erg orris, in s” g to p to the Buddies. played a difficult part assault by Samuel M P for their .trouble in 1 for a week the Sunday schools did. ue Jan. 31, Miss Lillian son of Rev. H. W. Stanley. The wit- t 1 rYr said he Had told the truth and storaug+e -and to •allrowngfo r the not tett on�':Sunday, and the dancing Patches a whole truth when he said that he Goldsmith of Cutebogue, where inter- with much delicacy and fine feeling. nesses for the plaintiff were Anderson, shrinkage, which is figured at to classes were omitted on Saturday last Golds Miss Kramer was perfectly adapted to r Mrs. Annie Cook,' r _ � tent thole place. Cook, Willie Brown, � ver raised his hand to strike any- or l,i per dent. � because of �a scare about tt7c danger o ue Jan, 29, Michael Doroski, the part of rare, dainty little,Julie and teen Mrs.' ody• Again is 'Clarence from some form of i .anild, eruptive, t Cutch g , I Jennie Brown, Edward A. Green, Q. Conklin on slightly febrile distemper, of which Green ]Bertha, to Stanley, in summing pp his the staff of the Traveler. 'Tis a tlkere several cases. Preventive aged 44 years._ :..._.__--i acted with a vivacity and grace seldom H. W.. Stanley,: Xrs , seen on an amateur stage. Miss Marlin e,,said: It is not the mission of a number of years since ;he `,grade- measure are wise. _. Cook Edward Thomas, Thomas Clark.-!! ated." f s/ The groundhog must have seen its At the meeting of Eagle Hook and r+ ,�31�r3: atiO SOOietp Mrs. A. F. Lowerre; the bird wa- �� g g William i Case to Mary L Wiles; 14EAP LEGAL shadow if it came out at the right Ladder Co. last week . J. Leo Thom - �`'` ma on Monday found a wounded :It s Indian Neck rd adi land I time, for the sunt shone at intervals on' p President,Miss Marguerite McMazan. Jacob Tyler, Vtice President, Alvah Goldsmith. - _ . S I'eeonic, las, �,1A0. sun was elected Lieutenant in lace of 1F 22ll 9�17,riand now alias t izibeher Alar L Wile, -- _ _ � P g y Wolk Mutual Spent Only $1.75 in the 2nd. Perhaps seeing will waver- resigned. Chief Driver 'fell- come x come and then retire, and then come A. W. Albertson appointed for Assist. Secretary, Miss Murlin Young. Gilbert Terry :w to ITef Tera» l ` Year, Report Showa ears. She would be glad to find and ulnas, 1?i acres atij land of Henry « `again to stay. As a matter of ]iteral int Drivers, in the order named, Jacobi Treasurer,9i<rs. A. W. Albertson. return it to the owner. Jeia11 9 and Li�vis II. Tuthill, j Certainly the Suffolk County Mu- {f get,groundhogs Were reported numer- 'Tyler, Leland Booth, Geo. L. Gaffga,� Director, Mrs. Margie W. Jennings. :aouthald, tax, 5tic. foal Insurance Co., an old and hon- l in certain localities, I'tar s-All the officers and J. N.Hal- sous on Saturday Ernest Ullcrich. After the meeting, y Harold Booth and family have - l bored organization, did not have any twhile from Connecticut we hear that twenty-five enjoyed a fine au lock, W T. Gagen, Harold Goldsmith, moved -to Greenport, though "Hail" School to Remain Qpen pper of several during' trial that consumed i bluebirds, blackbirds, robing, and r y,hot griddle-cakes and sausage and Ella B. Hallock. several weeks of trral work in court, e still has char of the local A � P At a consultation held Tuesdaymorn- for it is noted in the annual reports swinged blackbirds are sighted every.'cofree Nati; and Music-Director Mrs. �t�,a of ing in the High School building, at just issued that the total sum spent ' p. l , The will of Michael, e vol l i. a p ,where, orad to ca the climax seven _..: ' for legal expenses was $1,75. l Margie Jennings, E. E. Bick, Mrs. C,aatchogue gives an estate valued at which Dr. F. D. Peterson, Health Ofla- I ' That seems to indicate that the so- ; wedgea of wild gases are reported fly- Copts Rowland Retires Minnie Terry Smith. 4 over $"115,000 to his widow, Mary Dar-i Dr. ]:1. E. Stev- ` y p ing north. y Scenery and Lighting-Wiles d Miss'-osl i. _ _ ® car, Dr. J.Peckham the school nurse, W. Stokes, all mankind during the entire year. er, Ca t. George Rowland, com- Prellwitz, Mrs. I. R. ,W T, Twenty representatives�'0�rs ;� � ens' of ' Its is axboutl the smallest sum one call ' LIGHT RATE REDUCED waterer 6 P earn of ser Line steam- Marion Kramer, Harry Myers, ��� �.y pQe w tion pni lin Pc Principal, wase p esont, imagine being paid for tilts work o£ Beginning with the March bills mander of the Fall Rarer Alvah Goldsmith. law ers.. Some other items in he s of the Long Island Light' boat Priscilla, has retired. He will Gagen! - Smith, Mrs. H. C, Overseer George A Mirex had forty the advisability of cloying the achaal,in Y t cus'tamex Costumes F. D. 8mi J list of expenses show that others ing Co. in Riverhead and vicinity will men digging snow and.he reported that view o£the present epidemic of sassier' connected with this well known in- find their bills reduced. The cents live in Providence, 1t. I: He had tba' Goldsmith, Mrs. Elsie Carroll. surltnce company Gild not overcharge, an has decided to charge reputation of being one of the best pro erties-Mrs. A. W. Albertaon, on moot of the roads the snow was '' fever, was discuseed. It was the unan k elther. Take the expenses for ad- pally xykilowatt hour instead oe 12, as pilots of the Long Island Sound routes. p p imous opinion of all the physicians that '. p Airs. Ella B. Hallock, Mrs. Harry Cu- siix feet hi h. The thermometer regia- C Justing losses, $82.45, although the heretofore. Capt, Rowland is well-known in South. . sack, Mies Theresa Fielder. g the epidemic could be better controlled policy holders were paid a total of I The Daniel Thomas farm on the old and had a home here for a number if school were maintained. 13 743, and the commissions and Social Dancing-Joseph Grattan. teSa three below moand others con- i brokerage, $62.18, and the sundry of North Road, at Axshatnornoque, lads of years, - •Aesthetic Dancing-Mise Hazel King, Another nurse is now on dat;y,at the face expenses, only $24.75, and one recently been sold to parties in wound _ ed to the Universalist church so- school to examine all children at least finds his mind going back to those Publicity J, N. Hallock, Mrs. Hal- veY Avenue, a Mr. Henry Talmadge, and lack W. 7 Gag®n Geo.Horton Terr ciety a lot on the south aide of Main once a day to make sure that they have s '` «g „ p p •d. a Mr, Young, A new bungalow will be odd aid drays when people dl greatly Entertainments and Lectures-The St. for$285• Saufihaltl Park District.' , ' y� 'good day's work for fax less than they erected and the farm read im-1 The annual meeting of the Southold no symptoms of the disease, so that da now. proved. _ Park District was held at Belmont Misses Kramer, Kathryn Salmon, Mur- _.. - _ there will be no danger of any spread As usual the company had a sue- , Hari Monday evening. Town Clerk J. lin Young, Flora Albertson, Marion MONEY APPROPRIATED TO in the disease at school. The'present I aessful year. Its assets are $120,887.- xeorge Wiiakel,ra year, his sister and u C her husband, Richard FWNvlel, are N. Hallock conducted the meeting. Albertson , Alvah Goldsmith. TOWNS FOR I�IBItAItII;S nurse will visit the linings of all chil 51, and It has risks In force amount- domiciled in their haita� a3. The preposition which was carried dren who are absent to ascertain. the ing to $5,120,130. aaiugly ,i the whole number of votes east"for Town Harbor Lane. 141x. Fowler is Presbyterian Ladles' Aid by the voters of Southold Town at the reason. If the child is stck'rt• will be 41 The following directors and officers cyan aloycci by Cc,nitrii_,.=iat er 1?'last. the office of Park Commissioner, fora << I general election-last November, that were elected. i ' term o£three ,sore, was:13, William y Ladies Aid Sacra-�'the sum of $b,000 be divided among reported to a physician, and if the par, Directors-Nathan 0. Petty, Wil p t elected the folia ' The Presbyterian liaxn A. Fleet, Marcus W. Terry, WCODO W ',WILSON H. Beebe, the resent Commissioner y wing officers for the tkte several libraries in fixe different ante are keeping out any children of l 1st villages of the Town, the sum to be school age for fear of contracting the Franklin F. Overton,Erastus F. Post, Woodrow•"Wilson died quietly and whose term expired, receiving the year: Pree., Mrs. Wm..H. Lloyd; a portloned accordingto the assessed valuation of the school ol districts, has disease, they will also be seised to pro. Archibald S. Havens, S. Le%+ter Al- peacei'ully;in his sleep at 11.15 A. M. whale number of votes cast. Vice Pres., Miss Margaret W.Goedon; iC for the Following cure a certificate from their physician bertson, William H. Glover, J. Sheri- Sunday; Feb. 3, sit his home on S Thirteen votes wase cant an the 2d Vice Pres., Mra..Arthur B resulted in checks r daft Wells, David H. Young, Edwin street,in Washington, D. C., of the 3d Vice Pres., Mrs. J. E. Bloomfield; ;amounts being sent ny Su�ervisox 'stating the facts of the case. The I. Pierson, Albert T. Dickerson and maladythat four ears ago suddenlyproposition to raise $1500 by tax �.Taithill to the different libraries nurse will get these certificates and file r Ed aid T. Aayton, forced him to retire fromactive lif ($1,000 for one bond, $200 for interest Sec., Mrs. Henry M. Payne: Cr®a oP thx oughout E:Uuthold'`town: ( leers-Franklin F. Overton,Pres- ' _" "'-- on bnetda and$300 for incidentals of them with the Principal. J" Mott and treasurer; O Lester es ), Mrs. A. T. Dickerson; 'Chairman Fie-hers Island Library Asso ' 'Went x''3870 0L1 r8 � ® the Supper Committee for the Pins - .„. . . 366.65 We,the undersigned,certify that the �" which 12 votes were in the affirmative elation ••••_•••- hextson, vice president; Nathan 0, ,-_, /�J` �> t "`i'' ' and one blank. ° ;Neck and Willow Hill members, Mrs. Petty, attorney, Albert A. Falk, sec- ` 9 -.,_-.. !F 1 o y d Memorial Library shave ostiole represents our best open- xetgry. C 1,888,96 • D, Peterson, M. D. I. B. Terry and family were :pend- A resolutfan wag passed by a unapt pied C Leight; Chairman for the Greenport ...._.. ton. I Southold Man Wins in Highest 1 ex inP the winger an 13ronirl n. mous vote, re ueetin Geo. G. Tarr , Southold Free Library --, 1,707.30 Constance 1Z. Peckham,R.N. y q g 9 ,, North Road and dawn town rr embers, Cucchogue Free Library _.- 707,30 , Cent of Sugar Content Mrs, Jahn Butler died, aged 63 years. Esq , Counsel for the Town Board, to Mrs. H. M. Hawkins; Sawing Com- 903.14 J• W Stokes, M. ll V. Penney; Mattituck Free Library ._.- H E. Stevens, M D he 1923 sugar beet Rev, F. G. Leonard filled the pulpit prepare an amendment to the present mittee Chairman, Mrs. 0, __ OTC g a _ .__ ____ in announcing, the g � in on t o the the ont t in Suffolk County Hal.B. Ful- of the Universalist Church. Southold Park District Law, so that it Membership and Visiting Committee Owing ,s the the sixth and seve th l Twenty-Five Years g ; c ea grades are on part .lemon of Medford. notes that there The Brunswick Malo Quartette gave would include all Public Parka now is ;: Chairman, Mise Margaret W. Harper, b" , ,limo, The sixth. LE•-) grade works from eight tla twelve and /-61- competitors 004 , were 139 competitors located in ma.rly i an entertainment in the M. .E�. Church, the District (Town Creek Park and Finance Committee Chairman, Mrs.W. g '� ri rom Dias tn. Calviry Presbyterian Church of difrorent parts of the county. I Emerson Park) and any other Public H. Lloyd. •the"seventh grade ,�rir�s�. The sweepstakes prize for tl.e _----`- Cincinnati, Ohio, extended a call to safest tonnage per acre goes to E. F3grnn, C u to N r Lvron, lots•7-s FIar- Parks that may hereafter be acquired. This Society will give a Cake and, :fo�Irs: H. Z`i. .Booth has.rented the Rev. Wm, H. Lloyd to become its pas- Tinker of East Setauket, wba hall I locrc _pant,,southcia ..,,,.,.. s�_aon.� Our representatives in the Legislature Food Sale in the Parish House on rooms occupied by Miss Lizzie- Beebe little under 41 tons; l4�inxcol Delis' 'Jones, x m sc ors for whaler low 's s will be asked to introduce the mass- afternoon, Feb. 27. tor. a I Y __.__ _.____ -- down in the village for the Rev. H. W. Byrnes gave the last, kl of Calverton, using the lightest land i,Bgw_ty__lune adj_land x Cafflrs, 8aa&id nom •incl is ilea tot s 8 Indian __-... The scho-ol opened rthis wv�e�ek after �wmter-months« of any of the competitors, registerccl. ore. is 1 case. w C to Iva "w -.------. -- lecture in the M. E. church lecture 31 tons per acre' 'Anton Gadeniski of i Neck rd adi other land Wits,;'oean4e.$�s,00a a two-weeks' close-up in fear -of a Mrs. James H. Conklin was re-i course. l' Riverhead got 24 tons, same:to Seaaran Club }fealty Co, lot a 8 To Test Sail snarl p ase hasmoved to the E. L.1.Has ital on Sun-' at fever s read. hhe diose p Mrs. Phineas li anulus died, aged 85 Vincent Polawada of Southold won indlan Neck rd adi land a McKee, peaonic, ( the quarantined anise day in a critical condition - Indian Dr. Flint of the Texas Gulf Sulphur disappeared and the prize for growing beets with the _ 1 g g ___._ ._ _-: :. _ _ years. p cent- r,,, en & Carroll's, are nvondesin how they are going ___ .... .. - W Co. will be at Gag to get out. William C Ca, to �Seagyan Clash highest sugar content; his per lman, R E w to r kzussa, lot sx'Nae, - - In tfia Ninth Concert of the Morris- ?we orris ' e u to 23:8 and Henry`Ent? Ayintr __.. a e was w p , _ •... ... $1soa f --- - ' _yy __._ .t Southold, on _Tuesday, Feb. 19, to Diming rth�e enforced vacation, tlho, Rcsalty Co., bots s ncllan Neap rd ad1 J, levies of Calt�ertan took the third 1 test an air sail that is town Orchestral Society > Morristown, resigned make a soil heating plant far the school annex land of Mary L Wiles, Pccontc, tax,. prize for sugar content. Mlss Marton S. Terry has res g d sated, been installed and fila w.or1* of I $3.60, N.J.,we find the names of Russell the winners for sugar: brought to their place to be t, has „ ' going on Arthur R Robe drw, to John and William Blair among ,the leading. s time her Waitron as teacher in the Great t the Count* Vain p r re invited to bring a completing rite bualdinr, is g g Szezatha &w fat s s Main South:�rd b exhibitions a e e wf l take a course The farmers a ex ditrousl artiste. These boys are the sons of we� also announced, and it is natetl Neck ..ehool. Sh 1 a ecimen of their soil and have i —._ -- �-add land of Geor,.ge H Wells,,Pecani , that flxgt prize goes to Wallace Downs I at Columbia University. P tested fres of charge. Mrs. Dora Quarty Blair, a native of __.__- __ _ �1 ai, eVe1'A1GiG4• Southold. ? (,4 ; 4` C t latents Conklin,who has been taloMeetingTown hoard - . cooping', serving, and clearing away of ing a post-graduate course int Twenty-Five ell° .�.�;o Bloomfield Elected Secretary y« ra typo' gg The Southold Town Board no at the ��e 7y q,4,3,* �, . ,. food three times a da g.'f by at ills Traveler Olptce, has re-.1 ; W"3, RECORD !� e turned to his olddaughter r At. a special meeting of the Director:; The two things that leaven the joy f job with the Suffolk office of Supervisor'Tuthill, Greenport, J. B. 'ferry and daughterllinnie Trinting and Publishing f the Suffolk County Mutual I trance tuck. uesday, March 4th, 1924. In the ab- were in Florida. t, III Co., held at the office of the company t CAULIFLOWER � � kitchen wank, repetition and disagree- b Co.,oMatti- t Bence of Supervisor Tuthill at Albany, e season of 19`.x`; was one of the ableness of the tarps, were discussed. - aped to the chair. The Southold N own Prohibitionists til.Southold on Monday, J. 1:. Floim- e thea the Long; :Island farmers'! How could they be remedied'? Spon- Myren Clover and 'wife are at Justice Griffin was c Justices nominated Roswell Tuthill of Orient for field o:f Southold was elected SLereta- er had with their cauliflower crap, taneously came the first re 1 a light, W. 11. Glozi r,s for an enforced vaca- Town Clerk Hallock, Supnrviaoi Beni,[3 y- g Present, j B.'Tuthill of South- Y, 1 according to report:, presented at the in which to work; then tion, the �unlccz� Esc,}z�ool .where Myron Griffin, 'ferry, Hawkins and Robinson, old far Town Clerk, and G"lzrarles hi. r to fill the unexpired term of the annual meeting of the Long; Island cheerful place qtr tchees �h having teen closed 'because , and Counsel , late Albert A. Folk. Supt, of highways blest Cauliflower Association. good utensils; convenient arrange- of ;;t<ulr t fevc r epiderm.. A 9drich of Mattituck for Justice al° tl,e Mr. Bloomfield is well fitter3 for the About 00.000 packages of cauls-; anent, so as to save steps; wall and - Terry. 'Peace. [tower, each bringing ills farmer ani float coverings that looked well and lI. I,. Jr.zvel tzeis installed an else- bids were received for position. Before coming to Southold, more than 2.00 tyles': tzic meati clzaPl'rcr in lits ship. South- The following 200,000 gal- ,e The bicycle path zeas almonl: ruined he served as bookkeeper in the city for ttvrage of m ' were easily cared Por. All these re- roximately uld ice tt and to it ivcF such progressive furnishing app to by people driving zvitg ens an it, anon tiara. For the est few ears shipped from eastern Suirollx County � a 1 Per cent. asphalt, y Y P Y" during the season. j` plies would cover the Five I rajects. tell ula tri dtztc, merchants as Mr.Jew- Ions of road oi), 40 p __.._�_,� , �_ _. he has been the efficient clerk of the The bulk of the cauliflower was The one for the day, wast •`Can- � cI. be delivered in tank cars to the railroad - -- Board of Assessors of Southold 7.'awn« grown in and shipped from the two venienee, the Saving;of Steps." stations of the low": .0562 per gal. eCord-Brealtln Tides towns of Itivorheacl and Southold,; C�antnzis5ioncz Fleet Chas commenced � Standard Oil CO- Lal,t;crly he has done considerable work s r{iClclin in ti small section of i Plans were then spread on the table nncln" the side�vallcs so they may no 0563 for the Suf£nik Count Mutual lnsiar- with a p g I and each was carefully explained by lonwer il)e "Whir ntzzg• p•oolis. Texas Oil Co. Daring the severe easterly storm o£ Y Brookhaven Town. Substantially ficins, white the other ladies OG22 " was shipped nfrom an oilier part of I its owner, Clinton Carroll is looms TOT the Warner Quinlan Co. .. Monday night and`Tuesday, the terrific ante Co. aril during; Mr. Folk's ince aY Long Island. listened as carefully that they might season to retnpctai;e ifronn too close U. S. Asphalt Co. ,OG6 gale brought an retard-breaking; tides, [tachy for work on account of illness he Dwight T. Car- critics in eu geetiigi confinement to 1business• Tho Standard Oil Ca., being the low- 't,authald Wharf was completely under performed tho duties of Secretary. Mr. General LL Managerg, act as helpful c i g - Bloomf', ,'ry 'loin, of Riverhead, zeas applauded It is hard far ono to trill- water, and Gharles T. Gordon's hath p , tad telra t„an a;g art hoakkee°far `l cess:fitl z#.a* h€ alto-I changes. Jcr.,.tlz fl (.aGse. �C.ate, to ,tuba 0 est bidder, the contract was awards beautiful e"ttman, for the mo.,t suc Y I fa n and it{s safe to say that Zell, ,t acres at Indian ltieack, u s to it, at.0562 per gal. lzause at Town lAaxhor was wrecked. p'_ __. filled th aflairs of the association,i else h own, lire , aicl' land of Henry . N. H,ttLOCIt, Town Clerk I For several hundred feet west of Mill Mrs. John Fecitham has finished' I c.eanic Bay, J last school nursing in Southold where particularly its ftp anczal activities. every housekeeper present felt it was ,•A } ._.._.- - ( reek tlae road was covered with two The association is capitalized <.t 71711 a a worthwhile time because of the crit{ 1 z elizvttz i ocantc ilex '1.00,. the epidemic of scarlet fever ryas en- $10,000, Of this only $6;000 worth; The many friends of George Fauth, feet of water, and many cars were dangering the school children. Mrs. n "00 - On C{ems made. +flu; ;� I1 l)atytou �kattu d:u It , smiled there, The railroad bridge at of capital ever has been aa,. .1. urs was the sato*i 1I Soau•le, lot,on Little 1'cacol,it.bay atlj who spent his boyhood days in Ba g Peckham was there for four weeks. that sum the arsociatioli toads slur- An unexpected feat g g_�_ he re wa t required ltuzd of It Al ;eau ka, l'aradi c Point, View, will be grieved to hear of his I�lill Creek was under water. The tide George Smith has begun matin ing the 1.923 shipping :•otmon $7,912,-( pang of cake that t J el I.te q�.;,iQ, death at his Brooklyn home this week. on the house recently pur.i 21 net, adding; $7,100 to tut, .,utl,hua,' every student to make, Clot for the came over the rood from i1Ri11 Creek on alterations zr if 10 Par- n boll Vanning, l�,dzv ards & (,aged, Inc, Mr. Fautb wet}known to our present the North Road. The road at Bay View chased from Mrs. Virginia H. Cleve find declaring a dividend z p {, sake of the eake for almost a y y ,land. _ cent to the I.uclt; stockholders. The _ , rose tet �Vrtt 1.' (attt;'i,n Slano, fats .v Hnnt- i generation through his visite to has own was under water, and the house Decd- _ net assets of ills a7socitciiotr ii:tvv are can make a cake but far the purpose P ;tel otv01, a,lj I:aitd o1, t_.hu t, felly, •�5rnator Eddie Ford, the well-known pied by W. A. Thompson had one foot Frank Cochran and wtte are ae- reported.by Mr, Corwin to he $69,621.- of showing on each floor .plan, the S:uutbald, ,corn. monologist who has a summer home at 1?, with every bill paid, giving; Sha; os- routes of travel necessary for getting � n£orator an the lower toot. RD&d,ea to tlzetr 'home on inters in I Southold 4 _-_ __ The storm was the worst we have J3oad,Emma Hunbting's pe winter in sRacatacfn elrc,uglt zzanitc�y to properly he materials of the cake together, ev. Wm. H. after spending th t g Southold, Feb.Feb« 22, by Mrs. place. finance itself without the old of 'full- mixing them and taking finally to and Lloyd. Henry b;gbert Burton of Cut Through the real estate agency of had tit twenty years and left a wide Miss Mary Coogan -is now :a 'full- cts rho s,ttl,z af: g and Mkss Marjorie Odorrelll lith of destruction through the Middle banks. Of ills total . from the oven. The process brought drogue i x;32 000 f the in bazrzk:a. E. L,eicht, George W. Smith has .sold path fledged graduate overs and is at all a£ the. c(xuliC"lt,evel° lrotvil out with each several faults in ar- . E�tiantic S9;ates from Hatteras to East- ytomlt at her profession. Downs of Southold. i, his home-Place 971 the western .part of j Not tort Me. Lashed by zn$0-mita gala, _ Is handled by tile <t., atm iii rC� 1{ii:; rangtement Haat might easily be reme• Southold, Feb. 21, Albert A. Folk, the village to Alvah S. ferry. It will I 1 Dir the at:-.ociation lia.rdl('-d .h,_ ,.t„al- died. Secretary of the Suffolk County Mutual be occupied by Mr« Terry's Ban' Merlyn 'the seas cannonaded the c°�st,taking a I., Baumann commenced wank this uo't from only three stations, River- -- - Insurance Co., and President of the a inland fallen telegsraph week as ltoakkeep:>r• for tfiattituck Heavy t.oll,whil head, Calverton and SouC;lzolcf a totatl ', Nfillll 1plalDl)l AIt Bank of Southold. Funeral services at and family. and telephone poles crippled railroad Ggirage '2'w(),00iD tacltagr. pa :,in( tha0u+;lz lI_'111 YA 11) A + It(.DIJ',Ils , p P PP ' ---_---- f 1 r his late hams Saturday, at L p. ter. 20, ciettaort, _vos 01: this srunrzt,- and wire service generally. Miss Dorothy Case is acting as book the a A. Salter, tar 'Y(anlsc,e. p slrlltix, H, (,« I. Hospital, Greenport, Feb. Through the real estate agency of Y t1' vv€tit :foetvt+.rd in trztccls; but tlzr e.r ,.„�„la nlr(=e,n°tort on 21 Suaarl Dennis, wife of James H, H. W. Gordon, George W. Rose has During the storm on Tuesday a live' ive keeper for a time for Henry P Tuthill -r:•.. a(rlolrls :r a:l.` 1 <zlzt passed th.c „ C , ® &Son of Mattituck. I, vele Ifi-�1 tefrig,t t.-ttoz c p loose in front of Mx. Hoin- 01101 of leis trip'; ailio4lt, the:, island, 171,1 Conklin, of Southold, in her 84th year. � re broke to distant citt�:s« sold his lace at IPCCnniC to Carl A. wt as is his custom, stappesl 111 tet cote- ,Interment at Presbyterian Cemetery, Vesterland of Brooklyn. kes' Hotel and caused quite a licit of The saa-ion wa.; a 'x'enaCtrl�a,l+le Sten C c't.or zvlact 1.11czz° allot Southold. excitement for a while. A large limb Through the real estate agency of I. « zt a':;C their one. The ::c t111G t vets+ ival.t tar, c li _ .___ _...-_._ _____ . ail inolo 3 before he started mit on tai;; lir, in CLitchague, Feb. 24; Michael Henry -- blew across the wires just west of Lelcht, the Henry Gaf£ga Estate has titan was so Mold tb,a:, cl,+lime 1.r:t sett- bet The G. T. G. Post Players presented 3 Willow Hill and caused trouble. For t ; ,., i,, t:,, which he has r tt,lluctcd 1: i ray Howard, aged 59 years. '"Buddies" to a well-pleased audience� sold three acres of laird to George W. tinued through the «a;:.ar..at.ozl a tunately, however, the txozalble men of ri'. 12t.i. Ort that claav t}te fatrzar. seven years. Ile boas of 4,t17� <1.e- Bay Shore, Feb. 21, Chas. H. Moore, Smith. This laud adjoins on the rear' to . r. (..ntiatttanceS. - crate 1,_ 1 Formerly of, Peconic, aged 67 years, at fort Jefferson Saturday evening. the Long Island Lighting Co. got on x.rtvs:cl $3.$.t Itt,r crate. for the croft .a tt this time lie 11<ts, taavele.t sin £alit _ _... the job and the wires were fixed by, the property &1r. Smith r;�centljr pur- Intosm.'ent at Willow Cemetery, , the time the light was needed at levered. Ci+101 t rn,T.vrcr t°c.our,^i r; h. .tante onne w0ailcl g; g oirtgt' - Thomas C McG aH-ory S.vr to :you{s a lis; ct in g chased of Mrs. B. N. Cleveland. Mr. I shi t ta:,i1 1'?00 floc:�rtg e,t in December. r , 1-Id tinter er;nel a tlglxcl night.-_-- C 1 around the wa Peconie, Feb, 26 Ernest W., son of L lieckman&nv',Iot'e s Bridge Cane adj - _-_.___..___ Smith is to remodel the house fist his N(,w rr before vicre� !inch rocur(k lice;o'ki inti loll hats ctzrtie+l rt IOatrl alt this, d Gladys Krause a ed 20 days.~ land of John J, Dazzn, Pecanic, tax, The Southold Coanmunity Dramatic ti that a yo' sand strong- --- Wm. and Y. :_.g _ - - — _ ---- V _ journey y , X3.00. i - awn occupancy. _-_ ------ ,--- Society, which has simplified its _ — Twen.ty-Five Years Aga _ .-_...... . gr moan, without Mr. Sxitcr s 01i,.lzcr- :Local sportsmen r€cety€rl from ' true to S1oai-thold Players, by `w'hi'ff(..Through ills .real estate ag€nt<y of A e coe{leeleet Kitchen r � Kansas a, number of large jack-ra orlon, George W. hose fence, waulcl find fang uiztg. � � ; 2 ,t” b- name it will hereafter be known; Webster f /A Brook- very happy group of ladies Bath x01 Albertson, Jr.,' will be the r nd Mrs. John C. Eustabe went ” on Monday' sold one of his cottages' na. Pe bits toll cotton-tails on Tuesday and met at T. N. Hallacls s tired feat Thursday afternoon around Ca of the Chrkstian Endeavor So- M a a California, released them one or two at a time at evening to .the numberof about tw(Ti- r:on cNto Carl S. Ve litr,ltaenlarge the the table in Mrs, Ilallock s linin leader on a trip t convenient distances a Ott along the ty y g- ciety next Sunday evening. Let hep.. ' g Isorne t imeein re-modelirthe con- buil a , P 1 n, ' room. Each brought with her a well- era bear in mind that t henry G. Simpson, formerly ell tors and It s ha from l�uti�I isl aciditiant tM make and by-laws under Which Vpaney.f of his own yeas around ac the memo place, became one p stltution Y drawn plan of her kitchen floor, that i meeting begins at 6.15 p. m•, and be proprietors of the Northport Journal. rabbits hereabouts more Plentiful and the oa+ganization has .been w•orlting Estate unaries kr. aerry, ' 011111 <t showed the relative positions of work sure to be on hand promptly. Primaries were called for the nom1w by ills mixing of the breed the West fior the past three years. it was no,t t 1 -- - .--_ac,a s with our home rabbits to P this time to gross, $7,903.41; net, $6,ast be; ex- of tihoug'ht expedient at erupt from tax. S�lie largest ibenefici- ab e, cabinet, sink, stove „ ation of candidates far Tawn offices. aequareha'mare hardy breed. The aiy zs Norman N. Bergen, a grand etc., used by the housekeeper 1 "'Buddies" "went over the top at Sabah Ili, Cleveland, formerly o� J[�ch' ste these raJ� rd was cbtained undertake Ito compete ,for athe B�elascrohours a day, every day in the Bridgehampton on Monday night, when rott h volunt ti cvntrut_sns....._.._ CUP• nephew,who gets $4,400. g, coed 6Id, dat Middletown, N. Y,aaro - y __ year, in the collecting, pre Grin they played to a$300 house, . y__. . . r „ _ r C4 c_.( n ;ne 2-`i TW81]t�-�'1�8 Years Ago John V. M. Howell has returned Jolin Berry has bought .thecottage from his trip to Seattle, Wash. He on the west side if Michael Fisher's place and will prove it across the Nine new members were received in.,made the trip both ways by water, via ,Lane and ,fit .it up for his own �oc- ,the Panama Canal. While in Wash- cupancy. i 'to the Presbyterian church. I -- - The Grand Committee of Suffoilt' ngtori State he visited laic sister, 111ra. Charles L.Sharp. Mr. Howell reports J. Leo '.Thompson has contracted to District, 1. 0. 0. F., met at Southold. a big time. The Presbyterian Choir build several bungalows on the Daniel Charles H. Howell of Riverhead was gave him a reception in the Preabyte- N. Thomas farm, Arsbamomoque. re-elected District Deputy, Fred T. Conklin secured a position as ��an Parish House Wednesday even-III William B. Chris+tio and family have l tool dresser in the HartfordRubber George Smith has another clef place moved from Southold.' { Warks. _ Seed potatoes were selling for 75 to fix up. He has bought the place in the western part of the village, where I Smith, G W & w to A S ]Terry, lot cents a bushel. W. C. Albertson had "Uncle Jerry Horton" used to buil.l ,s s Main st adj land W H Taylor, sold 3400 bushels of seed potatoes to seine scows, make cof ins, etc., and t Southold $4,00 ' our farmers. his brother lElisha, worked a carpen- C h,s ries I, Terry S'aw to Edward Fred A. Thomas was engaged as try and once made a bass viol, which k(lills 2 aercs s, •s land of Mary M Il sexton of the M. E. church. was played in the Presbyterian )aytt)n adj land of G org-ci Wara:,ki, Church choir by. Volney Horton. 3av Vii w,IS,outhold,tax, 50:•. —— George is going to evolve from this H.Webster,Gordon, of Southold,' ancient horse something ahead of Tho-m as J Phillips Satin to Tl onia, was'stricken with .apop'ecy onanything he's undertaken yet. 3 Baird Lm,,ot s s North rel add 1, wl, __. ,f Ellena 'M Baird, Sou hold, tai" Rev. T. Langlois, who has been ;a1.00.f ittrsday and brought to the E. L. _ L Hospital. His right side is para- the pastor of the M E. church here j l;12W and his speech impaired. At for three years, gave his faicWell adNEW K M WEEKLY present his condition is considered dress on Sunday morning last,. Pre- serious. j to attendingconference. Mr. Grated of outho do Lodge, I. 0. 0 try fooi; has beenand he 11 active i retire KKl es- u u>Qers Issue a Newspaper With ori is Noble p� v F. He had set great store on hav ingot the Lodge's "Ladies' Night" viola stated work. A number of his Minister'as ]E;ditor gstra- village friends gave him a purse of amort la st weedy ne*spaper chief racial event of his admi to be held on Friday. evening, the �Ipp last-`veek, _ Th g the rnany in Suffolk,County is tion. On learning of his condition James Stryker, construction boss the Klan Kraft, e6pousing t�he cause the committee immediately lled on the new`school, and Harry G. Case of the Ku Klux, Its official,home is the social off, left on Thursday for Fultonville,New East Moriches, and the Rev, Howard -- _—. __-_.__ York, where a new school is to be E. Mather, pp r of the Methodist erected. Mr. Stryker will return to Church of tlast�village, is its editor HHUNTUNG, Southold to finish, the school building and proprietor, A ® !here, but Mr. Case will remain in Ful- It is believed that this is the first tonv>_Ile,-as representative_of the 0. paper of its kind.in'tl�e United States, lot the meeting on Thursday of and than verg'soon itwiil be issued as the.Trustees of the Southold Savings To offset the very high tides of a semi-weekly under the direct super- Bank, 11. Howard Hunttin who early last weelc there was an abnor- vision of.the County Elan. Even novo, g wally low tide on Sunday, which left Mr. Mather is quoted as saying, it has been with'the Bank 43 years and bare acres of clam grounds in all sec- has the sanction of the leaderq of that is now 80 years old tendered his res- tions of Peconic Bay. Scores of peo- much discussedL organisation. ple ,availed themselves of the oppor- From remarks attributed to 'Mr, ignation as Treasurer, Vice-presi- tunity to get a big ,mess. Mather it is assumed that the Klan'is µ dent and Trustee. He Was induced living on hrist Road, will scan been in announces vin itce,s secrecy Finance Committee. At this meet- -- now throwing off m ell of its he now Ito remain as Trustee and on the Peter Christiansen, tivho has been an this county. For g� d, y to that Selah V. Lis- a into the house Which has been the cox, a prominent resident of JPatch; r ing Hon. Joseph N. Hillock .was-'. home sof Lewis Wilkinson Tor a dozen agile; is the Count IC.leagle, or.diA- made Vice-president and Frederick of years. Wilkinson will -occupy the trice leaderof the an in this nous,: K. Terry Treasurer. hoine of Henry Sandford in the more ty. Heretofore it has Been almost buy. —._ easfern mart of the village. ]Possible to get anyone to admit who i ' _ _ , the inen bens or officers were, F011ndefiS Landing Pari we were misinformed in regard to ltiiather also sayaa that the Ngp the water cawing into ahspp in th nto W. A Tham Is county is novr'crovrrng robe recent high winds and tidos - 6,4Q0 earl that there acre'22 individual: son's hoose at Bay View :during the sed considerable damage to the dock Klans in as many different villages or M0,bulkhead at the Park at,Town Har- record-breaking tide of last week. The �sections of Suft4lk Oounty; u The,Park Commissioners wish to water came up to the house, but it did The Ilan is'.now to king'the credit r not enter it. for the recent successf"uFruna rai in -for radio and request those who i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Taylor have this county. ! ]air the damage done and also cart grading q Mr. Mather, owner said editor of NO, teams or auto trucks and ail oth- returned from Hendersonville,-N. C, the paper, is 29 years old, Ire East ere,able to work to take part in the Moriches hie is spoken of as"a Good 1 where they spent the winter with their preacher and popular in his Paris . d 'beautifying of this valuable property ,'daughter, Mrs. Frank Bly. Qs;uatt�rday, Marsh 22d. Bripg ham- ' Miss Anna Mahoney, a graduate lasers and saws, as well as 'iiltovels. nurse of good standing in New York, F PARK Co �TNFiRS is visiting her parents; lWr. and Mrs. P. J. —honey. a 7Q/ 6_3 S C ! ccThe Landing" io' Main street acid NewSutrolk roact,cJ ! c s7! V oared by Golclsn�ith & Tuthill, as a When is the new Wharf House to be CONTROVERSY �+g,+r�+ y hone far the bank. acalled and known by its right name ? SETTLED la Tite following, have been elte'ted Can we not speak of it henceforth as directors of the proposed bank: Dr. "The Landing" and have it mean as Rev. H. W. Stanley Asked to' Frank D. Peterson, William rm LI. Fl ebt Tan cs Hard,�i, e�ral arir A. Ouch to us as does the name applied once Resign Within Sixty Days � Fleet Unrieaqus 4Pen, Stp,art Flnr- o an old building that was used for After Special Meeting toil, C 13. Gold in4h Eder= Tuthill, freight purposes? Howard Robinson Ralph Zi Sten Now and then a donation still comes ling, Fred aiulford, JohnBurr •, John'. in for furnishing purposes. Mrs.C.W. controversy which has.been F int=r , Claren Fleet tui B. raging for several months in the°"Slit Frank Rowell, the latter beim, the Elmer who subscribed five dollars, sent loh Baptist Church (colored) atl c7,sliier of t re Suffolk Couri g Na- her check recently for double that !,Southold and which has divided the tionai Banc, Riverhead. amount. Raymond Sears has informed church, one portion of the congrega- t Y edpe!,d 2y night the direct=s nie, the committee thane has a large din- !tion supporting the Rev. H. W: Stan- and elected tare,followin;, olilc'rs; ley, the pastor, and the other side, Pres!dent,�t rat mq Fleet tike lyres ing-table in nice condition that he would i shish has bitterly opposed both the idents, Stcwrt W..Horton < td Lin like to present to the furnishing com- !pastor and his methods, has finally r aus AIIcn etre* ry, Ralph W. mittee if it will be of service. It ver- been settled. Several times during this I S.t e r 1 i n e , Raymond su+hill, of i tainly will be very useful and will be trouble in the church it has been net—i i4' ,ttr i, 1•a ___ __ accepted with thanks. essary to tali on Deputy Sheriff Fred 3ANIi INCREASES ITS Booth, of Southold, to separate the I The Old Hickory furniture for 'the Waring parties and one trial was held CAPITAL TO $75,000 Rest Room and the siz sets of tables in the Southold Fire House, when the and chairs to be painted, have arrived� pastor charged one of his Deacons By vote of the stockholders of the at "The Landing." Indications are, with assault. Alattitucl Danh. cast at a snejal that the chimney and fireplace will soon Last Thursday evening the Rev.1 ineeting called for Tuesday of this be in process of building. May 30th is! Church of'Brooklyn, the Moderator Adains of the +7ot i canitweekal4stock oofsthe ninstitution e-fohm the day set for the formal opening of the Long Island Association,presided 1 $25,000 to $75.000 was carried by a the building.; at a special meeting of the members substantial margin. When the wishes The Park dommissioners and the of of the church, called for the purpose of the voters are carried out, the of discussing what steps should be bank .will have 875,000 k coital and fivers of the furnishing Committee taken to settle the strife and carry on` '275000 surplus, and 1'hiie tQI+ is met on Wednesday evening at, Mrs•', the work of the church. After a leng- ;;;0.000 nio^e that the present figures, Albertson's and discussed informally thy discussion,it was voted to ask the` it is oat enough to enable the bank matters relating to the Keeper of The Rev. II. W, Stanley to resign within' to do business as a t12ist company. Landing, the lighting of the building, sixty days after date and the license I Out of 200 poss'ble votes there were 187 ` of Assistant pastor Edward Green be . aeually cis+„-168 for the proposition and the Opening on May 30. In regard revoked. unci 19 an in ,t it. to the last, the feeling lurked in the The pulpit_of the church was de- Each cif the present stockholders back of all minds that it should be clarecl vacant and the Rev. Stanley will receive as a stock dividend, one managed by representatives from the v:as given sixty days in Which to ,e-; bare for each .share now owned, and cure another pastorate. The members! entire community, but how, in these of the church were azdercd to pay the the remain=ng 250 shares Will be sold busy times, could the people be gotten pastor the two months' salary due to the generaI ptblic at X200 a share: together and organized? A way out hire. The resignation of the pastor'` _ -- Jim•been proposed and that is, to +work vaill be the means of ending the sir,i Southold Lighting l District through the heads of several societies among tine congregation and anew . roup the latter by twos, that ars IDoniiiiie at the head of the church will i A petition is being circulated in the and g mean that the old quarrel will soon be Southold Lighting District, and it is used to working together, something I forgotten and the work of the church being generally eneral! sig g ned asking that the. in the following manner : The Southold' go on in a helpful manner. Southold Ta Players and American Legion to have' g Board make i contract I charge of the program and of the!4UUTCHOGUE BANK with the Lighting Co, to install fif= ' booths;the two Fire Companies, of the I teen more street lights in the district,, The lights will be pieced as fMin S , dancing; the Tuesday Club and L.V.1. the Home Bu- EGA` T Commencing at junction d Mafia tp 5., of the Rest Room; and Hobart Ave., down said aveoue�h� reau and Parent-Teachers', of the �� Founders' Landing Park, then east children; the Grange and Farm Bu- AppliratiGn Has Been Nude the Wharf Road to Town Harbor reau, of land and water sports. No I For National Bank Charter �then north on the Lane to the Jigtatx formal action was taken on this plan, i front of Miss China Bootb's. At . 't hist it has been generally favored '—Capital l; VersubsCribed. y per light, this will entail an extra ` as one that might divide the work and The promoters of the proposed pence of$375. The petition Will lire; !B . bring splendid results: in co-operation national . bank for Cutchogue feel seated to the Town Board at its. and a good time. The ,Park Commis-, confident that they will be able to ing at Supervisor Tuthill's"o#, b i sinners and the Furnishing Committee obtain a charter, and if they sue Saturday. March 29. With �. t 1, will be glad to receive suggestionsthat�need the institution will he known as" ditional lights the district E t help in the completing the First National Bank of Cut- will in any way p chogue. The organization corunrittee lighted, except Maple Ava, tl r �!d the opening of;The Landing. has secured ,in option to pii ha not a public highway., the two-story brick bulldi= cprrser 1'., 1%czy small salaries :were paid when my-�"''ive 'Fears Ago M A T T I T U C K REPORTER 1VIr liuntti ng first became ithe head f.' til inMtrtntion. The year's total t Rev. If. W. Byrnes received a unan- L11±1arch 26 1924 '(r, aezin. ea8n(ticwls only $1,°5D and the i la t year wev2 f lreetis call from the Bay Shore M. l+a, VICE-PREPS. HUNTTIN�G 2:;, wliil„, Coz ItlIC year. 1923 the sale- chureh IZESIGNS BA:NIj POST ries paid amonntecl to ;20,070 and the other c�:1)ene5 to $'.>,1.62 '0. i) Barry G. Case was putting up a t building for a bicycle shop. b ih( �” vears Mz �Hunttinrn t y l it. lloward Iltutttlnl, who his been I)ntznt The Republicans made the following'' �conncett�i with the tiatzthold Saving~ hal~ rn tna��ad the �hatrk til re vaas r,e I nominations for 1'owtt oiliues: Super. for 1'oz tv three years —as t �cc,z�cd frnnz clel�iowitors the to"'II sum e i visor, Dr. I3, D. Skinner; `i.'owrz Clerk, itu;Cce rtitii C trot treatiurer, secretary- nr y�`�,6 34 19.20, paid to eposttors, i Wm.Y. Fithian; .ttaticea of the E'oaeo, ti(:isuz��z ( �3 t.trs) and v zee I,reSi- 22_122,794.).21;land during the saine ted 1 dent (10 yeaz;a), and who has reached �p(rtod the d��usitors were cztedhted y: Bsldweiu'C. Payne and Wm. If. Pike; $1ie� ata w u1: fi0 yeaz•s, feeling,, hintself with interest reaching a to �tal of $5,- Assessors, Fred G. Beebe, Isaac N. rzo longer able, to pe f nzn the duties SbF3,ti88.25. $ Teed, �+. Marmon Tuthill, Charles E. tniznccted with the +afhtcM irr. rocs-pre,- ���� st���� ��r �Qll�h�ld a hail ll(i secretary-treasurer to his c: ' Overton, John H. Brown, Henry O, 5 ttz lacti<,u, h z� z tFs'it;ne(I ,both these � li Horton, Overseers of the Poor, John c�llit es tool lztti z t i n.rtioz5 was ac- George W. smith ilea purchased of a . F. Fish and Albert B. Tuthill; Corn. of ec,.pted ihy the o'haarel -tA tz utii ec w at L. Leicht:the old Southold Drug Store' s 3 Highways, Luther 13. Cox, lbert W. Uheir zc alar zlloetizz r, to take street property, which Mr. Loicht recently ' Taber, Rabt. Y rt V. A. Fits; ColltTtor, -It the Close tli 4.,tu,zlcss Plzrc'h ill., urchaeed of Harr G. Rowell. Mr. t 1 George( , Cooper. 1924. blr. 1{u z(tiug, will ten�Hin with Smith will move the building (storeand the hank as t ti a�"tc e and as ar nzeTn- 'ho C)emocrats made the following l,i,y• of i , fin ane (unuz zttce�. banes) out to the street and rwawi two nominations : Supervisor, William W, To fill the vn itinr( .l,u.; irta(i(r vac stores of its The upper story will be Griffin; Town Clerk, CharhiH 1+1. (,ase; c,I,It, t'. :Vlil,.<, I T)., was used as •'Central" by the New York `I ! Justices of Peace, Albertson gage and i)ruiaul(tcl frulu qor-on(l vice presi(lent, Telephone Co. Later Mr. Smith may e ' I.,estor GilderHleteve; AsseesnrH, J.Mon. (ti lits h ofllm. he haul +.0(1 Eroll f build another store to the west. Re Wilbur t ne i,h n i t Ge.a ate, Or his a ones tic1zL has sold a lot in .the rear to Spencer ,a I� doe Ding, John K Gildersleeve, tti ,pli tiha bank a; a t,tttsta(, (:", first. h A. hedges, Samuel h. Bennett, Willis � c ,(Ic,nt. ;Petty. Mr. Smith xeserves a right of � n '' It. Youn , S. Spencer Case; (Overseers way from the rear. g P lion tw;opll 1�. lI ilio k, who h rs L _- -- -; P of Pour,Ansel V. Young and Wm. A. been ,r ti tz xe . 1'ur t n(y lour ye"ll"s Mrs Emlly"lChrn IldcGovern of San –Williams; Colin, of ISighwaye, Jacob t;le1 ;( nionthci ni' it �lnnuu� �com Eraneirco, (lal„ gava recently what rf A. Brown, Osman W. Yount, George nett(( 1%)l el(t c n tt N, �w t el(lutc'd rnustlzave been a very fine program, l 1.1, Fleet; Collector, Otto P. Hazllock, t ;c(clil vice prosld(,it. lnus" the'Writers' Section of the Al- .....-,-•...�.,a„a�-._.. ..... li't t(d 1 isle 7, Terry,1 , who h beell aturtla� afta�rncx,n ti�esley Ilal-� iu�((t" l tt ith the ih ln1 for nuns. cell lied Arte Club. consisted ated oa `Palk . mak, the szxteen_yearAuld son of •.19r• �(Lai'� is rn (. .• tit trc a user for on Eugene Neill Bes a Play-Wrikgr, with Iteadinga from "Anna Christie." rine Mrs, IaCkfnrd T. Ilalle,cl , of Ito- tll it i(" 15`` all((r((I'lsec z c tltz y(t (�atiurc,r She has been invited by lila Club to #rto`k�3, lost ills life when �t nzot(Sr- tru k in which hes and ILu",se11 Robin- 1,;, ,ul i'. !erry �tvizo h:t> boleti con- read the entire play at another meet- � sptz, san of Mill. and Mrs. Lelaand Y. n(,(�t" �.vit11 i"r 'h mk Boz �( y ars Ing We hope it may he our good for. Ilobinscszz, of �'ktoatnuke sand Iticezhe,, tit,ta; rle(•tcd an ar,istant 'ze . tlrc,r. tune to hear Mrs. McGovern speak and la were "filing, wa'� *tract: by the lutist- (�;u,zinlaz,(•iI1 , April 1, 1.!)`24, the or- read Borne day in her home town hound scoot" is all at tlx czo Stn; de hootot. di Lance c tat orf till Pit (a t i or N o talc will 1w:- short e: Now Methodist pastor, u ext dist ng ltuhznst,az �.as dz ivzztlr 'i ➢zit �V I'i ntc� pi c,i(l(nt, L 1 ar- h the ruck which wa.i owned by Inti ,-a,,,(� t . (4iil� tk1. D f,rst vie( pi(si- Rev. Edward S. Belden is the new lax. the truck, an` l+, tail N. llallu(k .econ(l P church TathoSc. "Plte Ilttllocic l;oy hat:l all arm and ai i ice fz,c i"1=ut ±((! i i ]c Terry, pastor of the Southold -M. D' lc, several. T?r. xanlb 1t. Peterse,zz, �,e,i(t lry 1� ( lei t!, iti a l(�t (:x• and will fill the pulpit next Sunday. zsa (rf C;utchoguc', ►n(i I)z John W Ir , t (i ,utt, tic wu.err, I.,rael 7-'. Mr. Belden comes from Westport, i ea.6 lti.-,f t int, tr( 1 urr,r where he has been til®past four years. 7 Stokes, of Southold, vt ci c' Suxninnned, ointments were:1903, �n. and they atlziztistc�red tt, the 1toY sort His previous app 1y0 NVa% reMOVed to the I,n cru Iaeint 1)iiis the 1t, VLA)", ni' ice that {}reenport, whom he l)(` has �z'(n to ,h" ul5t nation, 117 r. Unionville; 'U4.7, Lake Grave and St.j ot!' Island 11ospltnl, Iltnii'iis, has aider( it, to ,crow into '12-14, I old (lied about 'i o'clock that evening. >1f, 01 tlz"r ha , known Snvin�y l ink;; James, '0$-11, Kensington, ,1718, P "Phi It«ISin on >oy was thrown up on '15-16 Waterville, slatiornz and 'WAV 'from in til( �ttt( In 1hih period the Yalesville; , t® t i the station 1 ,"mount dna depu hors, h is g'rotivn supernumary;'19r Westbury. suffering frown shocl. he was unan- ,e� rrnfll [?");)}+ f,.it) to `G,76`�OUL,.3t), abeen n ured. These Is nc uv ttc'hntan art 'the ni ea( 1. e o i `,5,$t,`�,2,30; h "stlr+phaS Elmer K. warty, who has Auto Jur crosln}, tzrd rw ytang Robinson slid oat 1z,: a�tvu 1'rozn ,�106,772 ,' to $ ,- employe(t by the Greenport I hear the `tppraaching train. The, 37'11a.tfti, rn inc�ze.tsc of y,'1 22S 1'72.- Sales ComptinT ever sinco they estab- 'o ; truck was hurled a aznst ;TcfCe,rsun 5 133, l.lz<, ntturb(sr nt rnlien accounts has lished their f"'ord Agency, ia'r Gxeen-- ae store. The tr.'lin was slotvin; zip for ini�r i ur�ixl 6,0`25; the moit ages held, oz•t, has left the cozupany's employ t the stattioat when the collision oe- l,y },(, Ihanlc have rn( east rl $4,75 ,76E;, azul has taken the agency for the Gulf cg cared, S. Bergen le#t this week lc,r f y 7 21 it,(111 80 tvhil< �tduring tal izf last year Rofzni'ngha� peha s ptoducts,gallon'M>-new F d �rtznentstank and hVI ewill Tennis thr y wu,e �1,117,9.,0.60. _._ three compa tment Tank a dx des of Itay I3r�aok, Essex County,13..Y. Ilia uarty S ne three comp. friends trust he may y sail kerosene. i Iostoredto health, lubricating nil y return to us fully t Pat Rooney, who is routed for two l Twenty-Five Fears Ago` In response to a`petition signed by, 11 years, has re-arranged his tour so as ' 1,1 ;X,Y 4©4* / �-9f one hundred taxpayers of the Southold't b K. Voorhees sold her Lighting District, the Town Board to permit his appearance for single Mrs. Jaco I week at the Hippodrome, with Marion farm to George Henry Terry. voted to enter into a contract with the 1 Bent and his Company a new revue, Joseph W. Carroll, Clerk the Sur- Long Island Lighting Co. to furnish "Dances of the Hour,' which will have rogate's Court in Brooklyn, died at his fifteen additional street lights in the I its first presentation on the stage of home. He was well-known in South- district at a cost of$25 per light $375, the big play-house. "Dances of the old, where he spent his boyhood days per year. Said lights are to commence Hour," of which Mr. Rooney is the on the place now owned by Arthur M. at junction of Main Street and Hobart author, is said to be the most elaborate Janet. Avenue, thence running southerly on musical act in which he and Marion t�e®� said Avenue to Founders' Park, thence Bent have yet appeared. Meeting TOWn Board easterly on road to'I own Harbor Lane, then northerly on said Lane to where The property of Harry G Howell,I The Southold Town Board met at the the lights join those on the Lane. recently purchased by F. Le cht, has I office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, A petition was presented, signed by again chis Geoaiigel lrW. Smith, The nth. a r 1� we.be-e'v l�ri; Saturday, March 29th, 1924. Present Rev. J. G. Hehr, Geo. L. Gaffga and chaser ;Neve it is to be move l to tl str, A,Supervisor Tutbill,Town Clerk Hallock, Miss. Addie Asten, asking that the Viand stores made out of it. No- if Justices Griffin, Terry, Hawkins and ditches on Laurel Avenue, Southold, enterprising lean about to r'nRobinson :Su t of Hi hwa s Fleetwould buy the Southold Hotel prop r- p g y shouldbeeo drained as to take the lome vand make it over into rnediunr and Counsel Terry. water from the property of the peti>ized apartments, Southold would A communication from the State tions. Rev. Mr, Hehr appeared before ?ave_ soinetlung_i_t__has long_needed Highway Department relative to the the Board in behalf of the petition. Miss Catherine Gagen succeeds Misscost of the new concrete highway to be The Board decided to inspect the prop- Kathryn Fleet as bookkeeper for Supt.'built from Riverhead to Mattituck,was arty as soon as possible. + read and filed. Estimated cost of build- Dr. F. D.Peterson of Cutchoque was 1' of Highways Geo. H. Fleet. Miss ing said highway is $474,000. Of this reappointed Health Officer of the Town' Fleet will take a course at the South- the U. S. Government pays $152,587.- for a term of four years, at a salary of ampton Hospital, in training for a,60, the State of New York$100,587.00, $1,000 per year. nurse. __ the County of Suffolk 35 per cent, or ' It was voted that Joseph Walters of:' charge $136,325 00, the Town of Riverhead Southold be re-appointed as Specia APbert G_ Case is nova in l of the building operations at +the $57,900.00, and the Town of Southold Constable (Traffic Cop) for 90 days ,school house. Mr. Stryker has left $26,600.00. The proportion paid by the from April 4, 1924,to serve full time. land gone to another job near AHarry ase has gone Towns is for the extra width of four J. N. HAUOC%, Town Clerk one .with him,_-- feet, based on the amount in each C Mr and Airs. Harty G.•Howell have Town. As the Town Board had voted C. T. Cordon Barn Burned rented Miss Lizzie Beebe's rooms for on April 16, 1923, to petition the State The fine, practically new barn of lthe_sumxnez,______ - Highway Department to build the Charles T. Gordon on Town Harbor: ,r Hetbert L. Wel1s Is working in a extra width of four feet and agreed to Lane, together-with all its contents of pay therefor, and as it is necessary for two horses,a cow,farming implements, untington garage. g p , the Board to deposit with the State harness, bay, grain, etc., was totally John Peubsamen, real estate agent, Comptroller the amount to be paid by destroyed by fire Tuesday night. It has 11h uglit Belmont Hall -of Lewis the Town before the contract can be was a terrible night for a fire, but the, Sandford, presumably for the 'South- advertised and awarded, and in order fact that a blizzard was raging ` old platters. It looks now as though gin g probe, there right be a better place for to cause no delay in the construction of bly saved Mr. Gordon's house and alae t plays than formerly. It will require this much needed improvement, a reso other houses in that vicinity. The Fire time to make the necessary charges lution was adopted authorizing and Department responded to the call and; brit kith an energetic leader they'll directing Supervisor Tuthill to borrow !did good work. The fire broke out be made. the necessary sum to pay the share of ''about, bout midnight. Its origin is unknown. Pranklin P. Wells S,w to UA li Southold Town, on the credit of the 'Much sympathy is felt for Mr, Gordon zoivYi, lot on w s J'a colis lane adj. Town, and deposit the same without in his great lose, and we are glad to "'Yid of William Zucker; Bayvietiv, delay with the State Comptroller, bpd state it being expressed in a practi ting• that the said sum of$26,600 be raised Ca ullnflr E- by the issue of Town bonds, to take up Southold, March 20, by Rev. Abram { Frederick K.Terry became Secreta- nklin, Storrs Lester Albertson and the amount so borrowed, pursuant to I ry.Treasurer of the Southold Saving's his Anita Marques Gomez, both of the provisions of Section 142 of the III Bank on April 1st, succeeding H. uthold. Highway Law. On a roll nail, every Huntting, resigned, Mr. Terry bas Southold, March 22, by Rev. Geo. D. member of the Board voted for the, been connected with the Bank for the erman,William Ar<, Hansen of Green- resolution. past nineteen years and is well fitted rt, and Miss Anna Marie Caley of Representatives of the Board of As-; outbold. p by character, ability and expert Bliss sessors appeared before the Town for this important position. 'Plea are Marjorie Hagerruan is in Board and asked that they be allowed fully confident that he will msrit "and Philadelphia, studying music with Miss Katherine ,Mitchell, who is so $200 per year,for expenses. The re- receive the same confidew* tbA s quest was granted. people reposed in his pre �°'rs Pleasantly remembered here. ' �zLJ Judging from our returned tourists, Interesting Innonnee®ent ! Frederick 11, Terry Robbs Just Missed the it looks as if the Fountain of Youth Mr. and Mrs, Albert N. Tipple of It Was Robbery that Ponce de Geon sought In Florida pp probably only ,through a Terre Haute, Ind., .announce the fol- matter of minute's that Furede-Hek K. were really located there. Mr. and lowing: Terry, 'secrstiary�of the &ubh,old Save Mrs. George R. Jennings are home° [3' I Ings Bank, mmss-edbeing ass�assiftted, Listen, folks I the same as was :Mr. Whitman, for again after their two months sojourn Our family tree only a few minutes before the rob- at Miami, Palm Beach, and other Flor- ida resorts. To all appearances they Is bigger than bery and murder he, too,, had been to It used to be." the bank. It is cormidered that he l have drunk of the rejuvenating waters, Congratulations to the parents and was the last pexsion to enber aud,leave so fresh and fair and fine do they look g p the bank before Mr. Whitman. Prob- best wishes to little Mary MacDough. ably just as he left the :robbers en_ in every way. Nothing like $ play- Now for applied psychology—temper- tere:d; and just as, they wem leaving spell, and these two people deserve ited, we know, with love andgoodsense I Mr. Wihr:tnian entered. Whsthier he Mrs. Tipple is remembered as Esther sensed what was being doniel and tried John P.Ruebsamen has sold for Geo. to•block their escape, or whether they W,.Smith a lot,80x175 on Mechanic St., Watson, one of our most conscientious kilebed him as a matter of course, are Southold, to S. W. Petty. He has teachers and scientifically trained in matters that probably never will be d rented the Upton cottage at Orient for the welfare of children, determined. At ally rate at the mo - 1 __ _ -....__-J mlent.Mr. Whitman -entered the bank Charles Young to Mrs. Harding of Es-, he was shot down in cold blood. Then Twenty-Five Years Ago sex Falls, N.J. _ _---' r. the six robbers jumped into, a brand, +,axnxers are plowing for and plant- h`3.. 1 / vow •e I �_ , new Buick sedean,and fled. Ttvey x potatoes, uncovering and setting The following ticket was "ted at pursued by another car, which finally ou. cabbage for seed ,the stock;of Town Meeting: Supervisor, Dr. B..D, was forced to give up the chase because of a tire blowout. wl clr In 'many instances has kept ;skinner; Town Clerk, Wm. Y. Fithian; Near HdcksvaII6 tale robbers abat ', porrly, and some people are even find-i Justices of Peace, Albertson Case and ,doped the= car, but jumped mita an !ng Brussels sprouts that have sur-j William H. Pike; Arsassora S.Harmon :other and spedi on. Later it was vivad the winter and are ar otvig. liearned that the Buick had:been xtalen I __ecei -- Tuthill, Frederick C Beebe, Charles E. in Nevi, York and that the nuamberl Southold Town will receive$7,419.74, Overton, Isaac N.Teed,John 11.Brown, plate on it belonged to, a, Fiord. as its share of the.Lowman Act money, Henry 0. Horton; Overseers of .Poor, When: ,they entered the 'blank the 1 This will be used to finish the concrete John F. Fish and Albert B. Tuthill; robbers backed the twoemployes;then on,duty, a man and a woman,inlbo Ithee i road on Peeonic Lane up to the rail- Commissioners of Highways, Luther bas!ement, grabbed $6,000,rand left. No I g _ --_---__--_ B. Pity.; Collector, W. Young,, C. Cooper ; three ems 1' �was found can the� road, and concrete Depot Lane Cut- um of mon eho ue. A. Pity.; Collector, Geor a C, -Coo er.II , en captured at Nescanset. The The entire Republican ticket was elect I literally riddled 'Whitman's Rev. Edward S. Belden, the new body with 'bullets; -two were in lois Y .pastor of the M. V. church, filled his j ed, with the exception of one Justice; !head. pulprt last Sunday and made a'most of the Peace and one Commissioner off __.. ----�___-- --__- �- �F p'rable•impression. fl ighways. Ernest Whitman, who was so foully The Board of Education of Southold! rrrurdered at Bellmore, last week, was Iiev. and Mrs. J. T. Langlois and Union School voted to re-engagePrin, born in Peconic and grew up $there,j. ditughter Ruth left on Monday for Riv and is still pleasantly remembered by I �h S. S. Shaw and Misses Benham anthose who knew himd; q. sad end are now established in their , and counted as pleasant home on Second St. Deale for.the ensuing year. one of the finest products of the l ` - Seo t. The Fire Commissioners asked for an Young ones of 40 years agcy. Harold ("Goldie") Colds,p th went _ I, to Vlatex"bury Conn Monday morn- appropriation°f$250, Besides his widow, who was a Miss join the Baseball Ieai�ue thele 'r�' r� a _^ -- —SS S S.--- ---_-� Anna,Gerrodette,is' ller marriage, --_ to ;piny in its Cummer circuit. Mx. Whitman is' survived by two daughters; Eleanor,12 and Muriel,10; l Charles Post is clearing hi,�3 house BORN his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter rcif furniture and offering his place dor, I f Whitman of iSouthampton; a brother, sale, preparatory to taking a' long' I Addison, of Bay Side, Mrs Arthur i rin_.tn aliforhia_ IN Nuc Magowan, Mrs, 11-I•erbert Dimon and J ep'h C Albertson &rw to Robert l.eV d1liV! Mi-s. Emmet 'Ybude, of Southampton ,l N Moore biw, lot n s kings high Ygay and'Mrs. Arlton Jennings, of Water t adj Viand al Joseplx C Albertson CutSHOT IN BANK Mill. chotte, - noin.� — Harry G. Howell has purchased of 14awrence P Bradley as trustee vi. D. H. Horton a lot on Main Street and wry Kaeln to Volmer H. HoulBer r Patchogue' Bond ;salesman Murdered Tucker's Lane between the homes of fol s s Neiw'Suffolk avenue, adj. land' Rf George H. Case, Cutehogue, tax, �9 in Bellmore, L. I., Trying to J• E. Howell and Tennis S. Bergen. — °a0I31oek Escape of Rubbers Mr. Howell will build a residance there Brooklyn, April 2, Mrs. Annie Korn in the near future. While the house is alrlor, formerly of Southold, where being built Mr. Howell and family will fnterutent will take place on Saturday, One °� latest phases of the `aged 48 years. y' brutal murder of Ernest I,, Whitr can occupy the upper rooms in Miss Eliza- 'd Patchogue as' lieBras entering abeth Beebe's house on Oak Lawn Ave. }amiilc ha,Bell-more yasx lEx3cl y xuoo r;.is i Charles M, Post hes advertised his( ` tike holding of three men,arrese w at place for sale and intends going to Nescanset, Smithbonuen:, last Saturday' California. by Sheriff Biggs' mean, for murder. / ! improving Belmont Hall?, V4'iJl every. Larked improvements are being reader of this era ra b het the every ��� Fall 1923 I P g p. p made in the M. E, parsonage. A bath January 2.25 inches roan, and hot find cold water are being by sending word, without farther calls, itation, to the two vice-presidents of I February .58 " l installed, and new hard-wood floors are the old Pageant Committee, Dr. J. March 4.18 " 1 g bein laid. W. Stokes or Mrs. Albert A. Folk ?' � April 6.13 11 ---- --- _ __ Any amount, from $1.00 or .even May 1.10 George W Simtb has moved into lass, to an unlimited sum will he � July u yuat 2.20 .' he is building tris new home.- — interest shown and the help t;ivan. i June 3 50 the Quarty place at Pine Neck while gratefully received because of the !i g 1.36 .s Michael Fisher &w to John bels)7, " September 3.19 " � Simply say, put me down for - P sr. w, lot w s Foor House lane, dl October 4.05 " land of Isabelle Lucey, Southold, dollars." Then when Fri evening November 3.55 Belmont �p Tax: ,.1.50 1 "i`:tisis waekcoNnes, :he t ommittee_can llel on6 !i be satisfied on the second point, r _._ December 4_31 all Third,—The ownership, Who is to Total 1923 35.39 inches AN OPEN FETTER own the Hall? It was Mr. Huntting Total 1922 31.59 incheswho suggested at the ineeting, and in Average 8 yrs.,39.10 inches To All Interested Persons: which all others concurred, that every- At ameeting of the 275th Annivc i- bodywho gives at least, five dollars W O. DAVIDS Peeanic eery Celebration Committee, betel I st evening, in the Library, toward the purchase of the building Friday Now ffiCerS 0f OHR y g' y, far the should be a member of the Mall Asso- purpose of considering the turning over ciatithat would the buildin and y. At the monthly meeting of the Da" of the fund in its keeping for the Baur- on, wouoven g' rectors of the Bank of Southold on chase of Belmont, Hall at this time, that the giver of the smail gift he en- Tuesday, Howard G. Tuthill,First Vice three things were required by leve al titled to a Vote at tine meetings of the President, was elecked President, to persons before they felt they could en- Association, the same as the person succeed the late Albert A. Folk. Sec- dorse the plan. , They asked that p tense whose gift might be live hundred dol- 'ond Vice President S. Fester Albertson of the Committee favoring the p - lars, or more, There would be no was elected First Vice President. Wil- chills of Belmont Hall find out tfe3zsi°e stack or stockholders, the matter of Liam H. Glover was elected Second the next meeting on Friday evening, incorporating, the election of directors, Vice President. the fallowing: committees,superintendent of building, -- ------ First —The cast of the improvereierst,s etc., will be worked out later in detail. " William J. Mills of Greenport, wasrecommended by Mr. Walter jlartvvit;, would this plan suit you,? It is only elected Republican State Committee- tentative. man by nearly three hundred majority a Little Theatre architect, report over his opponent Robert MacIntosii, was read before the meeting; Fourth,—The ni a�nterianeo of the �} of Brookhaven Town, in one of the Second—The amount of money, Nl- Hall is a matter that depends on infer- �; most exciting Primary elections ever proximately, that could be raised by enc®from the past serail the prospects v held in the First Assembly Disteict. 'donations from the townspeople; for the future. Old Belmont Ball has � T1ae total vote in the First AssemUly Third,—Opinions or eferences of not been run at a lGss. Mew Belmont y District with Fishers Island missing, P Hall, with its comfoa to .and stage con- for Republican State Committeemon, the people in general as to who t..hall Veniences will be a hall to be desired � was, Mills-2,740; Macintosh-2,442;i own the Hall;, by entertainers fro�e� tErient° and Sag ma�orit for Mills-298. I. Fourth,—The method or mean:r of little social time was had by some maintaining it. Harbor to Riverhead. The rental fee * mbers of the dancing classes, held In brief, during this week, there €las is to be kept as lrsi,3 as possible. !b> lNir. Myers, of New York City,dur- �, ., Southold is growing, dwre is and will the winter in the Universalist to be a talking campaign —an efi'ort be in every live town a demand for a lx rich House, on last Saturday even- made to find out frons the people of Town Hall, Southold is no exception, at the close of the last lesson of iSouthold their interest in the project of series. Ice cream,fruit punch and! saving Belmont for hall purposnas, that We are not to have a"white elephant" e, helped to make this a pleasinghie came up suddenly and must be. set-, on our hands for suialaort, but a neat, ss�xt of "good bye" to Mr. Myers,whoi attractive, usefui, modest tmilding of tiros to have been competent to tied very soon. plain, colonial design, suited to general ch urd r_eeable tp le ets_cially.I A few wards relating to each point:I P To War aIl liQ® inner First,—The cost of improvements public needs, centr�ahy located. If the will depend on the money that can be income is not suffic iarst,one or awnthen- John A. 'Wilbur of Bay Sbore, form- raised. The changes are such res can efits will make uta away deficit occur- P. ,erly of Southold, has been appointed a be made gradually or all at once, Sev- ring. BUT, if the wearer thet a few special officer in Suffolk and Nassau era]are very necessary at the oealce,t, may picture should Peer be realized; if s Counties by the Federal Prohibition such as beating, seating, and Better the Hall is not patronized; if the doors Bureau. till. Wilbur'e duties will in-' are finally locked never again to be stage accommodations. aa. ,,elude co-operation with the Coast Second,—The donations froin the opened and the building is left desolate, laf•' to fall into decay, rheas there is still a daft ,Guard detachments in preventing the ,townspeople. Everything depends on smuggling of contraband liquor. holy interested the people are in retain- bright alternative The site and well built structure, located in the heart of Flat a pines in �5oizthold where, a ,ling and improving Belmont hall. The i an can go in poll gen a cup of tea,direct and important question that' the business section, €an always be sold Ute to' o eat, or.a place to sit and must be asked of everyone, man, wo- to good advantages -anei from the sales, ox where any person may & if we were ever csoiiged to sell, l man, or child, is, how much .arc, von Pageant Fund and all other donatipne s.odiaixlg. 4itce it vdzis i?q $e"', willing to give toward purchasint acrd l —_ 2 `?' u The estate of Jesse L. Case, South- 1lecttuso of this service and achieve- s can be turned over to the Library. l f„ his resigns old, gross, $15.382.05• net, $7,207.33; mint from Mr. }lanattir' Services in the Presbyterian church There seems tftt:li=,risk in our making tax, $22.08. 'The hulk of the estate T. Gagen, }Tents Prellwita., it. G. `lex•- As to the purchase, remodelling ', y tion is accepted by the Trustees as a is divided as follows: Encs C. David. and no the of the Hall,,mo that ; on Sunday will be held on standard thin purchase, but trlxieh to be gained ry, J. N. Hallock, Mrs. Sarah Wheeler, kindness that i,i due from them to their son daughter, 6;478.66; Andre was considered a m a t t e r i ra ! time. At the morning service the cora , for the civic welfare of iunthulcd• g $ y T'• ''Mrs• L. N Sanford, Mrs. F. G�E'i���k' wl)iel)sib the donate of fts roust have a re t'o will be asked to express their We need a Hall; we can keep Bel- lcounselor the incl friend. }'frits tonin his Case, granddaughter, $?28.67. Ki ' g ga t n p ' J fritts themselves, however. thaat in his moot;it can be inado to meet aur ntiods. i.Mrs. 13 N, Booth,.Mrs. E.tvlr. :urri Mrs. d%'ber•t M. Peale mo- ill r. stokes presided; Mrs. 1lallock voice. oo this ctual ork,order warm ked choice rc vote is tathe tinge of hold- atatlri;tnont frarn the Office of Secretor start anon to actual work it was moved Y Carr•i this week frurra Rochester•tel their y and carried that the chairman of the Ing church services—standard time or In plain English—How Hauch will sail and`.k'reasltrer, the Bank will still rc�.. ' °recuc�ied. A summer of the discus- toward its purchasra raiicl irnpecave- sorntnrar hrnnr, in !'arradise, ghat Mr sions that took place at the first meet- meeting of the Pageant Committeecail daylight saving titre, taut in 1N r. 1.lunttiug as a Trustee, an ment Y Can you, will you, send a reply Sr=irl+ perrsivls its oarnin r ' 1'he (;all of g, ported in the 7 RAV a meeting of the towns eo le nn Man_ adviser whose far-seeing and all-round � in having been re p P at cities, so that the decision can be t.}Ir> ( Ialns.°' Mr. A. Parsl,all of }cu_ ELER, this article served as a basis for day e°,erring, April 21, for the purpose Next Sunday all services in the understanding of banking business, rh°stir is their of consi lering the purch%Fe ref Belmont versalist church will begin on daylight made oil Friday evening, or as soon guest. continued discussion and the assing u g c a , slid whose sound judgment on financial ._ P f Hall and the farming irf an Association saving time. On Sunday morning there after as possible'. Tile Pageant Com- two important resolutions. or Corporation for its ownership, the questions, have raiser] and maintained teargo W. Sznith has turned the old As a desire had been expressed at will be music by the chorus choir, and mitten.will have charge of tlxe collect- ` P meeting to be held in Belmont E•lall. violin selections by Milton Samuel. to its present position, the Southold I Horton house around facing the road, the previous meeting, for more'defzttite The meeting adjourned. Mr. Conklin will reach S "The ink of tiro funds until an Associatiozn ,i, and will make an artistic ,lace of it Rev. P ,.+avint;s_Bank. is formed. is p tt l information as to the cost of improve- L t,LA B. HALL®CIC, Sec. pro tent, �_WRtTTa N AT REQUEST Az'Cc1MMYTTEI; Life AssuralIC08 for his own occupancy. �ments; the money that could be raised I School of Life." - '1�® Years U We were permitted to gist a glimpse for such improvements; and the pros- '�'G9E3 ° °aD.ty- �lpE8��8 � � E.J-Stutter,representing the Stand of a pilo of Ir tCcars on Mr, li. 11. blunt- Miss Vera Terry is taking a Teach• act of future maintenance these ip ' �- 17t .� ,k.„ ,. e'3 . ��� and Oil Go. of New York, was in tow'Ia Fes, tc;�ryW•'v l g, p , tin s rlaask that ought almost to Pae.• <is Course in Piano at t,hes David ointa were taken under consideration. , , this week, with a view of removiest, cr l It. S. Sturges was building a large long to tSoutbold. "My obituaries," Mantes' School, N. Y. City. !I Dr:,Stokes reported, over and above .l. If. Poise»au, L. L, Prince and B. company. The vaark -t,arri for Samuel L. 'Bennett. Mr, lluntt,in called ttaern. }'bray would Miss ltut,ti 131uotnf}eld is now ezn)fir - the sum for purehasing,about$2,111 i", Payne were re-eleeted trustees of road signs of that to be commended in g 1 y the i�1 i". church. of this company Rev. B. D. Boivin and Frank D. make go°ul stuff' for obituarirrra that guy rd ars stenographer and typowriter at promised, without any special canvass Y Rev. ilorice W. Byrnes and family removing signs that mar the bes.ut of l Snaith returned from their winter trip roan might fecal proud of', hut, wr+ hopo; the Southold Savings Blink. 'having been made;that,all with whnrn Y y the landscape to Florida. they will ,rirvr.,! cocain elf "life ttssur-j Ella 11I L'enuGtt $eh Sb he had talked were. enthusiastic over ii ft f+)r their new horns at Bay Share. hey t tn, to Lewis S A 1toV» Plenty E. }Y}lar was appointed ncc•a" for a lung t'ertn, Assurance,'! Tuthill, 1.0 } s s pretpr r,ty of Rosalie the plan to keep and improve Belmont, (E,irs I,ucret.iai glover celebrated her Southold. April 19, at the Universal- a Junes, td, 87th birdidaay. instar of the Southold M. E. church. Hall. Other me=mbers re ortrd thea est church, by Rev. Abram Conklin. 1 they cert.aiinly were,of a warm personal Southold. 1 1€tad of Albertson Cade P art of lhea rraprar$:)f t,lta highway Commis- !,Nelson S,lie Robinson of Montciciir,�l, Alpert A. Folk returned from fads friNrtds}rip, of rr kirldiiness of feeling Tax_ .$2. same favorable attitude on the p >. of elt'o - Iblary A° Schauanhur dors to e ns eo�le. Under these condi- siouears shoivcad arta outlay of $6003.45 J , and Mise Martha Sherry, daughter agencies in Illinois and Wiscnnsi❑ and and l;sod tvi hes for y i ars i J y f r ;the tow p l of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Salrauir of o m k Southold his future expressed in for U lu)mats iVl Hod-gins, 2U A n s .Nfain tions a notion seemed to br, in order i'ar t.}in o z aC year-$3860 for appropria- intended t a e rnent, not often r p North maul, adj land of Geo H Dick , S x066•15 for now roads and Peconic. home. lettr!rs of rigre•t on the retirement of a r.rsotr, Sautl{ulci, - efor tile turning over of the }eageant tiraraaa F` Southold, April 20, by Rev. tl rs. D- home. btlii rVI-4, aNd$,.i7 for returned highway The ald post office building at 1Tunt- bank ofi}rt}ail. Mr. Huntting's standing 1"Peet H L to A anowska !at e a G+und. Charles T. Gordon moo and r'' g Y Sherman, Oscar Smith T)ave s ;fa'., er tin burst was purchased by Mrs. It. L. abroad seeczts to tally wltki that dti his' 1-ridge e'lane ail' land M Sirrleik 1°ot s iv` henry Prellwitz seconded the following rr t3abylon, and Misa Irene L, dztri;liter lI abr t J , tt,e.v. B. H. x~i,ons,farnaerly of South- of Mr. and Mrs Wm- D. Crras sold. Downs and was to be moved on her lot oiling town. lie xs inure t}inn a b¢inls 1a'nrl D V Howell, Southold Town, �'lV�oved that the Fund from the 275th _ Anniversary(celebration, now amount- old, yr r art.t+d the colt to S.he prastorate __-_._-- tit Town Creek. ofilcial--he is a valued friend. May .. $2,500 �,' April 13,William H. Gagen aL teen- ear• to his life. Davids W 0 cel w t, H F * 'ta to about$3,600 00, be turned over of is}t,: tJ.aatariart r:hureh at.11,rver,N H. porn, formerly of Southold 60 3x. Darius Wheeler dnsd, every good word add a y J a L la.et, lit g near Bridge lance, adj land I) T T}o`n- _-,tQ an Association, to be formed in the 1lt ttaia:john ti meeting of the South- years. Interment at St. Patrsclb" cera- At sell Southtvlul ..a. )Ill lc'prc 1)i;ta.cat, J. H. Boisseau was, story, Southold,`__._ RdsatafilaII az 1ll3eeof the Joan I3ucea surprzsNd tat<+ friends by y' $500 r ,fear future, to help rn the purchase of t °rzanauracing to thein his marriage r Edith H Snaith' to "Juliet N Brun h Delmont Hall. The motion was car- a:Ieetcd t+"a•'' (Tommi sinner, and ET. G. Southold, April 17, Miss 1dyCiziibc;th Sau11101d 5allin said }t had taken ,lace a g arid Iot s s }Main highway, adj land aF ed b a'unanimous standing vote of 110w ll, C.i rl;. The following were. Lemmer, aged 54 years. (.lSCat' Sellick Jyeconfc. . . Tax 1 .-------------_--.—__._._- i l np µ „rn Y r p. Fire Dr2partmetrtt Chief II. Howard Huntting,i having served He as now receiving congratulations. - __._ . .__ _ � Isll present. The following proxies in afiicei°s r: tla r � � We learned by chance recently an San Bernardino, Cal., Jahn R But- its favor were read: Mrs. A. A. Falk, rtt;i.a+f`a', O. V. Penney; Asst. E gi item of much interest. lYic reading La Secretary and 'Y'reusurer of thea Mr, and Mrs.'i3ucci (tlxe latter frarn ler, formerly of Southold aged. 61 Booth, Miss Mar g neer, t eo. A. Maier; Sec., Charles 1r• l3outtinlrl avings Bank siert e tine resig- Hoboken, N. J.) will keep house in the, years.- 1 y f, ;„ 1� 1a. Smith, F. 1 . oat , y P. public has been much interested in the Da non, F. T. Wells Miss }4arol i_�rrr9vs t`reas, L. I. Wilkinson. lectures and articles b Di William nation of his uncle, Henry fluotting, upper L` y ' 1'ha ':.rtat.ttold `loon ]Wilk of Health y for a period of thirty-three years, feel- on pummel Ave. '._. . » ,Ding, miss Mattie Wells, Montgomery McGovern, who penetrat I] > er raa[rle Of W. l), Griswold's Minutes of Second Meeting afi electing Supervisor `"akin- ` As to a rough estimate of the cost of aiq;'auttrrtt by p' ,. g g ed "To Lhasa in Disguise".—the laced fro the neer] si rest and aP freedom the err{:•toilers of the c .xior 'Class of Pageant COM1011tee . improverneno, Mr. Kramer, who is ,).i, i „rlr;nf; 'mown Z;leric Fithian,' of seclusion and mystery loekoi] away frrnrn responsibility after t.hiri long the SoWljold Ifi.rh School Chttelea Si- Page , bad braes socrelary; T7r. J. M. 1[artranft,lTealth 1, Parailiar with work in„-plans in the heart of Thibet. 9dte lac•aw that term n service, 111124. :d his resigns- own, John Purcell, Peaoceu Overton Note.—That alt the people 5n South- g basis officer,and I:lrunry G. Howell, Citizen tion on March 211, 1324.. waked to ge;C as a mere working Dr. McGovern was a distinguished Ori. arid l'lieresa Fielder started on Monday old, who are interested in the purebase a proximate figures of the expense of Member. of Belmont Halt may know of the re- ental scholar, a member of the Royal er this first til 17, meeting held Y Belmont g Mrs, € ,1therine Byers died, aged 83 Geographical and Royal Asiatic Socle- d thereafter, on April 17, 1924, the'Trus- for tktr•ir trip to Washington. They . he change's that had been recommend- ware accompanied by okher Senear cent action of the sa called "Pageantd by Mr. Hartwig, a stage architect. >eatrs' ties, and Lecturer at rho Univ©rsity of teras of the Brink would place on record Classes from schools on Lon , Island. Committee," the fnilowinlr hSinutes of +. Mr» Kramer toolt his own method of °� the following rrsolutiun: g ___..___� — --- --. -- — London, who won the coveted doctor's its..last meeting are respectfully sub- y Resolved, That the'Trustees, and dr_ In -the Surrogate's Court yesterday, gettirxg such figures by making is Lesfi tau Forget"z� degree at Oxford, England. Ellis per- mitl:ed for publication. and then submitting into a carpenter. g ilous adventure into the Forbidden Pity positors as well, have cause for deep it was learned that the will o°f Albert Friday, April 11, 1924. P gratPudo to 11. Howard ITunttin y for A. Folk .of Southold -gives all estate meeting of the 275th Ali- g All this was done simply as a means of I want to thank the townsfolk for of Lhasa has been told on fibra and in valued at over $8,000 :to his wi-dow, T+txr.:second m g C getting a little more definite informs- laic long aril faithful allegiance to the Lucy 'HIall�ock l+odk. It was executed nivtarsary Celebration C✓ammittee, con- g filling in this winter the unsightly hole. print. Now we are to trail the linin of ' duties of his office as Secretary and in 1909. and names formerAssexn sisting of the oflicers and chairmen of tion as to the amount of money to be an Main street. But—from now on local interest—that this scholar and Treasurer,aiacl for the manner in which hflyman Joseph X. Tlallock as executor,' committees, was held in raised. Neither the sketch nor the please discontinue dumping tin cans, brave adventurer was born in our own P_ _. the various figures have an lace in the final de- thosoduties have been discharged. TJn- Y p ate., Too much is plenty.. If you have country and is a youth of 26, the son of guidance,a t e Will all those wishing to donate a tits public Library, on Friday evezxing, termination of toe changes to be made der hes t uida tt h Bank has risen to h g an extra wagon load of good top soil Chauncey McGovern, the band-writing singing Canary I-lird to help amuse,tile April 11, 1924. ; in the Hall. Mr. Kramer came into you have no use for, and should-you expert of San Francisco, who married a place of national renown and coin- '801 ex-Service Bos in the State Insti- Those present were: Dr: .l,W.t+tnitee, the business was , s a way, I'll promise one of our Southold Iris, rnixia I�girtr ' Boys S a l the meeting when h happen to pas that y, p 4 B islands to clay unshaken,confidence in ; uLiou at Kings 'P,ark kinds commune- Vice President, F. K, Perry,lreasnror, y over, and,his sketches were examined ciosa na a es while ou de osdt it Met3oveltta. .; y its reliabibty as an institution for sav- cafe with Lock Box,313, Southold 7 H ki- Huntting, Cbas, T. Gordon,Wn• t",..; with interest. -__ to remain yours for green grass al- Wave.-- " > _ X _.,• W. D. FAUt XP1$R A Two fires at Southold Since last summer, the Chub house `k'bis was secanneu anis carried urian. has been enlarged for the second time' imously. The following committee f t' Southold has bad two fires the pact' is now very commodious in room, 'was named:Albert T. Dickerson; Geo, week, and their origin is not known. farand restaurant and for dancing, besides C. '.ferry, J. N. Ilalloek, S. Lester rn The first occurred early Fridaymorn- including a separate assembly room for Albertson, 1-I, H. iluritting, John S. In 1pg, about 1 o'clock, when J. Edward male members. A new locker room Jenkins. gi Cochran's barn was discovered to be on will be completed shortly, Tennis The chairman announced that sub'- M4 fire. The barn, adjoining garage, a courts h been made, greens and tees scriptions had been received already at horse and one of the beat cows in the for nine holes of tlae golf course coria- thirty-three persons, amounting rn> from thin town were destroyed. A four-weeks' pieted, fairways for the same almost; to nearly $2200; the largest of which aft old calf ran out of the door when it lone :and work en the mil c r ��•nnd n;v la«ivc, were $.,00 and $200. There were ten was opened. Mr. Cochran was burned I started. `This course has charac.teris. who had contributed $100• three ,ng �Rbout the head and his hands in at-I tic differences from other courses, not. eight, $2a; three,' $1Q, and several $5. s t tempting to rescue his stock. The Fire i i,ht r p g able among which are its bay fr;ints, The Pd geant Committee lied voted to -Department respa�aded to the alarm, its ponds and its continuously uudulat- Igive toward the purchase of Belmont but the fire had gained such headway ing surface, including high hills, which Elaliits ftand($3,521.)0)rai�3ed nine years that nothing could be saver. Carlisle at numerous points afford expansive ago for is hall, and the Dramatic Socie., 400ohran was able to get his car out of ! views over land and bays. it is plan. ty had pledged$1,000 or its equivablen t,.. th. garage Much sympathy is felt tied also in the earl p future to have. a The outlook, therefore, seemed very rn for Mr. Cochran, and we are glad to salt water swimmin; tool quite nvo [ 1 1 �r favorable for not only the purchase, 2e note it is being expressed in a practical the Club House. iti manner. `1'o aid a neighbor in trouble _- but the improvement of Belmont Hall. 1'1 is one of the beat proofs of real Chris- - - �eliil®lit alt ss A,,Committee on Plane was rappoint ' " Meetiii 'et tiainit,�. 9 ort,� cc+nsistng of: henry 1 re]lwitz, Mrs. J. N. Hallock, Mrs. Albert W. i to, The second fire occurred about 2 1,, The citizens' meeting to consider the of ti ib no. on Sunday. Two ladies driving matter of Purchasing Belmont Hail was .Albertson, Mrs. William J. Rich is wrest in a car notified Geo. L. Gatl'ga ; held in Belmont Hall on Monday even- Charles F. Kramer, Fred'k K. i 0 irl E2 a ,that his brother's house (Benjamin's) inig. A large and interested audience 'terry, Wm. 1. Gagen, and Charles wer0 3•' was on tire. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin was present. T. (lordon. e' Gaffga were away and no one was in Dr. J. W. Stokes, Vice Chairman of The chairman promised to have the LIU!uOtbe house. George called up Central the Pageant Committee, who hnd been village and the surrounding community Is a.to Round the fire alarm and got down authorized to calk the meeting, was districted, as in the days of the Red Th wit to his brother's house it)quick time and elected Chairman of this and of any Cross Drives, and solicitors appointed 14c,10) D Tbroke in,the door. The Fire Depart- other meeting that might be held be- ; for each district---the districts and )I89t `was close behind im. The fire started fore a permanent Ball Association names to be published in next week's puth¢ should be formed, J. N. Flallnek was belts l� `ln the ceiling of the east room of the TuAVELr;a, It would be desirable to �outh( kltchen. Fortunately, the fire was put named by the Chairman to act as know, if passible, at the next meeting, ?Brook 4n out before much damage was done. Secretary. the amount of funds that would be Jslip The abject of the meeting was stat- available for improvements en the Ball. "Huntii c) Reydan Club led,,viz.:—to consider the advisability The meeting adjourned to meet one jl,&mith 'Ir of purchasing Belmont Hall to be week from Thursday, May 1, in the r Anyone passing tine li:eydon Club owned by an Association that should be same place, at the same hour, 7:30. Thi e; House in Bay View bee been aware of nomposed of persons who would donate J. N. 11ALLOCK, Secretary, count i changes and improvements being made 'a certain amount toward its purchase. - - ----_____-- Porte ri all during the winter. We have not ' George C. Terry, attorney, explain- Bi�1 FQiiD SURPLUS the < i known', however, just what they were. sum ed, on request, the dilrerenue•-between the c ( Naw that spring is here and the golf a Mrmbership Association and ra Busi- ' dicat 1season approaching, interest is awaak, tress Association, either of which might It is Now $442,000,000; Added $82, beeai e ening in these attractive near-by places, incurpnrate and own the Hall. He 000,000 Last Year year 1 i the vert in favor of a Membership Ayre pia- Motor Co, Perin all of which are distinct assets to stated that a sentiment seemed to re- q Th attractions of Southold. A fo.r al statement of the Ford Lowi t Here are some of the interesting published this week—a by t g ,tion, in which no stock was issued, no statement filed with the Massachus t items that have come to us from Rey dividends would be declared to mem- etts Commissioner of Corpora'tionsr 788'3 dan-now a suburb of Southold, as presents slom!e marvelous figures All t bcrs, and for the running of which Iit- gores in goes Heydon in England is of Southwold,our y money. ;p1�m tle red tape or machinery were re- ;' Mother Town. aired For instance the. surplus of this each ' we are 1 q concern now amounts to, upward of I high ia�{. gad to state that the old sweo e a few elowing� ave the for $442,000,000; total assets, over $568, fees ,armhouse by the wayside has been re- No discussionfollowin save the an- g p questions 000,000; there was,added in net prof lea Named for the Club Rouse, although so information, Charley`1'. Gordon moved its for the past fiscal year, upward of stan transformed as to be hardly recogniza- $82,000,000, substantially all of which l of t'. that a Membership Corporation be is divided between Henry Ford- and l for, ble. Still, the fine location, the shade formed for the purpose of buying,own. his son wlio own nearly all of floe only trees, and some of the old lines of the ing, and maintaining Belmont Hall and shares ,n the company. hat1ding make it a familiar lace for ar hares have a r value of riots p that a committee be appointed to at- a 's I3u $outholders. $100; each one earned476 per cent' he e tend to'the details .of its;formation: last year, to Q4ashan a Crip _ 9 Y , g ,rest work which the Order had ae!'J . a ODD g �s°LBRATE complislied in the past, was small `;�Wel1t$r.�'itr® QaI°a gip 1� VERSARY compared to the possibilities fort x I � t y 1 growth and benevolent' work which u j 1 I the future held for an organization, transferred here i founded on the principles of Friend Mrs. Susan Conway shi , Love and Truth. property opposite the R. R. station to Greenport and Southold Ledges , Wm. J. Conway. t the conclusion of Mr. Walker's her son, address Mrs. Mildred Williams ren The)-Highway Commissioners organ- Mold Joint Meeting �t the dered a vocal solo and Professor Biek I ized by electing Oamun W. Young, T7nlversaliSt (�hUrcil a violin solo• Mr. S. B, Horton then i ii chairman, and R. V. A. Fitz, secretary moved that by a rising vote,the audi- and treasurer. There was a large attendance at the enee thank Mr. Walker for his elo- Clarence M. Davis shipped as cabin! faint meeting of the Greenport slid �endereddsuch plea:ingress and also tmusical nuxnhose who k boy on steam yacht Vergana. Southold Odd Fellows Lodges,held on ,berg The benediction was pronauneed ' Rev. Eugene L. Conklin accepted the Sunday afternoon, in the Uidversalist by Rev. Aix. Woodworth and the Church at Southold, to celebrate the meeting adjourned. call to remain as pastor of the Univer- , -- salist church at LeRoy, N. Y., for the 105th anniversary of the founding of By a large majority the Presbyterian sixth year. the Order. Greenport Lodge and Rev. F. G. Leonard, formerly of; Friendship Rebekah Lodge were both church congregation voted last Sunday. ements had to bold services on da li rht saviag Southold, accepted a call to the paster weenrrmade forsenteda sufficient nuinber of time, The Universalist and Catholic, F ate of the Universalist church at MOr- autos to;carry the members to South- churches also hold their services on xis, N.Y. old. 'f Southold Lodge, I, 0. 0. F.,observed The Rev. Abram Conklin, liastor of daylight saving time, whsle the hHetho f s the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Universalist Church acted as the dist church sticks to standard time odd'Fellows ellowehip in America. I airman of the meeting;. Seated on plenry Goldsmith has begun work Rev. $, D.Baivin resigned se pastor the Platform with the chairman,weie. on the main house foi the gins' camp Charles Corey,of Southold;Rev.A.S. which is, to be situated on the Sound of the Southold Universalist church, LVoodworth, pastor of the East Shore•ust~vest of K.ennev's road. We owing to ill health. Marion Baptist Church; H. Seymour hope, t ,at this camp will be a :nuc- Ezra G. Beebe and miss Ida Leslie Case, S. B. Hartott, Fast District Dep- cessful as the camp on Shelter Island, titles; Harry Walker, Grand Secre-` for such an institution is a p;ood ad- were married. tary of the Grand Lodge, State of I vertisement for a village and we'be` 8.Grover Gardiner and 196uss.Selina New York; H. W. Fisher, Vice Grand, ]ievc.,_in_boosting eui glrip town. Harrison were married. of Southold Lodge, and William'N:on- signed the -- - -I sell,Noble Grand of Greenport Lodge, i Governor Smith has sig The motor vehicle fees have been it After the opening prayer by the `Southold Park District bill, and it is ap. ortioned to the various town's as I Rev. Woodworth, the following pro- I olo bynow Chapter 306, Laws of 1924. The 1 of Emer 4 gram wasrendered:ic , piano; nie Vocal by ll:son Park at Southact legalizes the Harborquisitioand Town ' East Hampton ........ $7,674.03 'I Professor Rick, accompanied by Mrs. Southampton 1s,s7o.s Sturmdorf on the pi , Shelter Island 2,021.685 R. Nelson Moore; ,Selection by the ',Creek Park by the Park Bist.riet. Shelters and ........ ... 6,876.98 I _._ ------- Riverheaa 5,061.46 ,xialE quartet, composed Qf H. Fick- — J Brookhaven .17,478.63 ieseil H. W. Wells, Sereno Snaith and Max Newbold of q,Mil red Asp O Islip ............................. 18,s52.69 ,i•olin Lehr. The chairman then intro- R.1„ and.Mise Mildred Asp of Babylon .. ......... 7,631A2 the speaker of the any' spent the Easter Huntington 21,987.20 auced Mr. Walker, East Greenwich, parents I Smithtown .... 4,864.03 r �� �` wt)Old's occasion.Mr. Walker delivered a most $108,608.33 interesting and instructive address vacation with Mr Ne on Oddfeliowship, tracing the growth Horace Booth bus drtted up the The total, of these.fees for the of the Order since it was first estab upper story of his garage into six county this year is $108,608.33, as re-(;lished in 1819,up to the present time. rooin;s and iba,h a'nd wild isoon move ported to the Supervisors Monday by The speaker told how before 1819 tl1ereir --___._the County Treasurer's office. This there were several Odd Fellow Lodges - - - S, C sum is nearly $25,000 greater •than established, the first being Shake-. Crl 23,Edward North sVincent and. the county received last year, andthan eare Lodge, which was founded in Ap more cars have p daughter of dicates, that many 1806 b a number of Englishmen, Masa Josephine Marshall, been licensed during the last fiscal , 3' _ _- year than there. were for the 1923 W came to this country to live• Due•Mr. andvirs. Kichard tip. Addy. to the war of-1812,this lodge was dig- Bayonne, N. J., April 26, Miss Ten- period, nie Chalmers, formerly of Southold.' The total in motor license fees and banded aro it was not until 1 o-mer arid roe that Interment at Centreport, Do Act money to . disbursed James Mermanent established the - - — L. I. Iby the ten towns this year-is $225,» Ridgley p Y !All as against$195,997.59 for 192'3. Order in this country. S1nce that time Mr, and Mrs. Edward Fauth oi'' All of the money from both funds the growth oft ere W er has been rad Brooklyn are_spending some time at goes to build permanent load's, cup- id until today, their summer home at South Harbor..; pXementing what may be raised by I three-quarter million members and, „Senator Ford,"as he is known in tire"; each town in its regular and direct {nearly seven milliolt of dollars at e highway budgets. The Moser vehicle 1 spent yearly 'in nevolent' work• vaudeville world, has just oigned a.' fees for the county are increasing by There,are sixtx Fido" NO contract to furnish a weekly humarorla1 leaps and bounds every year; for in- and turn arphan�es'su'pplp�*h � article for the National Newsier stance,in 1921,the first -ofyear that any, lodge. Service Chicago. We will guante of these fees came back to the county, Mr.Walker alscr spoke at leri,f�tth o�1 the Senator will furnish mighty for disbursing,those fees ainlouhte ,to the lZebek#h Lodge,which wa& ovlid ; only about $42,000; now the slum, as ed seventy-five,years ago arid:t[fltl 4f' bre"copy.,' noted,exceeds $1.08 000:; _ the great work which this.womz►n"$ 1111.T 4. Dudley B. Hagerman hoe accepted lodge had accomplished. kis clodeil` *is Dorothy Case h L address with the thdu grit tli4tw pose#ion as bookkeepe r the office of Chief' Chemist at. Baugh - - -' lliertsoii-Go. $c Sons' co.,Philadelphia. Annual school meeting �"Gq'e11'i1y-five Years Ago The Annual School Meeting of the o�sry �i r. Southold High School District was held Southold LOm anity hall at the school building Tuesday even- Old Belmont Hall will be rechristen- A, B. Gordon was second engineer ing, and was very largely attended, on Shelter Island ferry boat Menantic, about 150 being present. The meeting ed "Southold Community Hall" when Rev. A. E. Wright of Brooklyn filled was called to order by Fred K. Terry, the people of Southold, Peconic and the pulpit of the Universalist church. President of the Board of Education, Bay View take possession rof the hall. Assemblyman J. N. Hallock and ` and on motion be was elected' chair- So the peopledecided by unanimous familyreturned from Alban where vote at the meeting held in Belmont y� man. Secretary Wm. L. Williams re- g they bad spent the winter. corded. John H. Lehr, F. G, Prince, Hall last Thursday evening, May 1. J. E. Corey took the contract to W. Corey Albertson and Henry L Belmont Hall was built by the late build a Town Clerk's office for Win. Y. ! Jewell were appointed tellers. J. Henry Cochran and was named after Fithian. The call for the meeting was read N Perry Belmont, who at that time rep- The Board of Assessors organized by by the Secretary, and the minutesof resented the First District in Congress. electing Chas. E. Overton as chair- the last meeting were read and ap The hall has served a good purpose and has been the scene of many enjoyable man. proved. Elizabeth Benham declined the proved. times, But after nearly fifty years of The annual report of Treasurer A.T. call to teach in the Intermediate De- Dickerson was read and approved. It service, the people feel the need of a partment of our Union School. showed total receipts of$40,156.16,and larger and better equipped building for It was just 48 years ago that Rev. total payments of$29,952,12, leaving a public gatherings. And so the project Dr. Whitaker first saw Southold. balance on hand April 1st of$10,234.04., was started of buying and improving Our pound fishermen were catching. The old bonds remaining unpaid; the hall, using as a nucleus for the a few bunkers. amount to$1,4011. The receipts of the i funds needed, the money raised at the J. B. Terry was elected president, New Building Fund amount to $7G,-';275th Anniversary of the rounding of and l, Reeves secretary, of l y I the Town. The people have responded A. p p P Henryy r yA 648.].3 and the total to menta. are the Board of-Town Trustees. $66,211.66, leaving a balance on hand ;to the call for donations very general; j - yp 1'® Corey's Warn Burned April 1st of $10,436.47. ly, and already about $7,550 has been The budget prepared by the Board of I,subscribed, including the Pageant Fund. °Another mysterious fire occurred at Education was carried by the Secre-i'It.is hoped that at least$1,000 or$2,000 Southold Tuesday night, making the. tart' casting one vote. It calls for more will be added to this fund by pub- fourth one in a abort time. The large, total expenses of$33,200, and total re-I lic subscriptions. Almost everybody barn of Patrick Carey, Sr,, on Railroad 1, Ave, was discovered to be on fire shuntcelpts of $7,200, leaving a balance of i to Southold wants an "improved hall,"' $26,000 to be raid by tax. and it is expected that everybody will se 12 o'clock. The Fire Department res- For Members se the Beard of Educe- do his bit to see that we have it, ponded promptly to the alarm, but the tion, (leo. H. Dickerson received 140 The meeting Thursday evening was fire was under such headway when dis- votes of the 147 votes cast, and Wil- called to order by the chairman, Dr. covered that the barn and all its con liam A. dells received 130 votes of the J. W. Stokes. J. N. Hallock recorded. tents, including four horses, chickens, 141 votes cast. The minutes of the last meeting were calf, pig, dog, bay, grain, farm imPle- Chairman Terry said the finances of I read and approved. menta, etc., were destroyed. The house the school were in fine sh.spe, and in ,F The report of the Membership Cor- and adjoining buildings were saved• there would be a good Balance in tine f poration Committee was presented by The family of Mr. Carey suffered from new building fund after all expenses; the chairman, A. T. Dickerson. The shock and were ministered to. Ray are paid. A new roof has been put on Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, mond Ullerich was overcome by the; the old building at a cost of $700, a as drawn up by the committee, were amoke, Joseph Carey slipped and fell new ventilating system installed in the adopted by the meeting, and dislocated his thumb, and Michael old building at a cost of $700, and a Mrs. Ella B. Hallock, in the absence Furey fell and cut his face. The cause, new, fire well built at a cost of $500. of the chairman, made a preliminary' of the fire is unknown. Mr. Carey and The tax rate will not be over $2 00,1 report for the Plans Committee. One family are highly respected and bave and the handed indebtedness will be meeting of the committee had been the heartfelt sympathy of the commu reduced each year. held. On request, plans drawn by nity in their great loss, On Wednes J. E Corey, Clerk of the Work, Charles F. Kramer, were submitted at shout one hundred of Mr. Corey's good was introduced, and the chairman paid I that meeting, carefully examined, and neighbors gathered and cleared up the him a deserved compliment for the were unanimously recommended to the debris of the fire. good work he had done for the district Board of Trustees, for favorable con- - _._._ It z,, repot"ted thatArchie W. Sy- in supervising the construction of the sideration. The committee realized that Mr. Kramer, with his gift forpro- monsl; has pur•chasled the farm Owned new building. by Sereno 1-1. Srult'h in the western It was voted that the Board of Edu- ducing plays and drawing plans, added p trt of the villiage aml wilil take pos- to his practical knowledge of Belmont s+c,stc,n. on San. L We ,are glad *alit cation confer with neighboring school Lull, knew the limitations and possi- Mr• Syn-lands- has, decided to ,s!ettlie, districts in regard to employing a Dis- bilities of the building as well as, or down ;In oisr village. We need More trict Nurse. Arnier',can farmers,to keep the olid t;ra On motion of M. I. Booth, a rising • better than, any architect that might di ions and combine the hesit with the' vote of thanks was given the Board of be invited from swag to inspect and beset of'thee new._ -- Education for their efficient service advise as to changes, and it reported for the district. I l accordingly. / 2V J. N. Hallock, R. n Terry and Frank TWenty-Five Years Ago E Mrs. A. B.,iEimex has made great � Smith were appointed a Nominating; �, ®®�� �, change's .and a decided improvement +Committee to present the names of d `/ in the baker shop Me ,store hiias fifteen Trustees, five for a term of April was the driest month of that been enlarged, (celled with metal veil- three years, five for a term of two name on record. ing, painted white and has a gen years, and five for a term of one year, Wm. H. Beebe caught 10,000 butter rally up4o-�giate iappearance. Tiablie�s as provided by the By-Laws adopted, fish in his pound one morning. have .been placed in the shop amd '''The report was as farrows: Trustees-' Joseph Freeh of Greenport started a Mrs. Eimer is ztlow prepared do serve higlht lunches. Southold has long 1 for three years, H. H.Huntting,Henry shoe afore in Michael Stelzer`s base- needed a plane of 6his kind alnd we Prellwitz, John S. Jenkins, William T. ment. are glad thkat Mrs. Eimer has made Gagen, , �o Mrs. Mina H. Edwards accepted a the Trost of the o ort-unrt y _...— �_— __ i � Charles F. Kramer; for tw _ ears, Clement W. Booth, Williani h- position as teacher in a Brooklyn Tony Grodney, who has been five Williams, Charles T. Gordon, Albert T. I school, efi ono Gadney,t in J. M. Glover's Dickerson, John Diller; for one year, E. M. Jewell was fireman on the garage, na nit and will ego into S. Lester Albertson, Harold Goldsmith, noon passenger train between L. I. business for himself again. Louis Harry J. Cusack, Fred T. Jennings, City and Greenport. P. Fi.a4cer succeeds llZx. 1Gwadney vs ' Dr. J. W. Stokes. On motion the Wm. J. Conway moved from River- machinist. The West ''End •Service ticket was elected by the Secretary I head to Southold. Istation .is -a busy place ia14 day long. casting one ballot. The Nominating Richard Carpenter celebrated his 88th Mr, Oldver has proved ithat [prompt, Committee recommended the appoint birthday. caurteous careful htitention to he work in hand always payls. ~ ment by the Trustees of a Ladiea'Aux I Rev. Alice K. Wright of Brooklyn _ _. ---___ -,diary Committee. filled the pulpit of the Universalist I Misses Mary and Katherine Cogan; The Trustees met immediately after j church. who have taken a three:years' course the meeting and organized'as follows I Edward Huntting Post was invited at St. Catherine's Hospital, Brooklyn, President, Dr. J. W.Stokes; Vice Pre a- to bold its Memorial Day exercises at graduated this week Thursday. Mrs.. ident, H.H.Huntting; Secretary, Wm. Southold. Catherine Cogan and sone Lloyd and L. Williams; Treasurer, A. T. Dicker= Rev. F. G. Leonard left for his new James attended the graduation eo bort Avenue, - _1 field of labor at Morris, N. Y. _ GI9ea. -- --- Ho L'Hommedieu-Place Ata Epworth League Group Meeting —__— Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Phil"" and the lower part of Town Harbor was field at Southold, pleasant now, Lane are now lighted with electric , have moved into their 'lights Tl�e home at Town Harbor, or more atriWas f Officer Fred E. Boorth was obliged Daylight SaVtng 1 ap®akingr their old borne which was to arrest Ernest Leicht on Main S�t. Harbor. nd�a noon ion'aic^count Of h1s drunk- By a vote of 38to 21, the voted last Sunday moved from the North Road to rt Town Y a e church congregation _ o condition and abusive-langu_b_ morning to hold services on Daylight who have been . Michael Flemming, g 4 Mi, an e rei;akers 1Om a, large Mrs. The Bay View School District elected Savin time. With the eiCeeption of have returned the following officers: Trustee,Martin the Bank of Southold, which opens at estate at Hun ti :9'iion, Shipulesky; Clerk, Howard H. Terry; 8 instead of 9 o'clock, all the public in- to iS0mth0ld and care now diving in Treasurer, G. C. Kokes _ stitutions of Southold are now run on the 'house of J, S. Bciisseau On.1-10T_ Daylight Saving time. When this law ,^ton's Lane Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Cusack borvo first went into effect, Southold was P,,'oy,C Wilkinson has been recalled rented furnished rooms in the Southold from Fulltonv'ille, N..Y., to help finIZ11 Hotel ^__ about 50-50 in observing the new time. the mason work an the mew �addltion s --- Some of the farmers still observe to the schoolh;ause, --_ Edwin H Brown &w to William Standard time in their work, but for -Roslyn A�rtcultur.I corporation to Nassau Akscin,111 acres 5 s North Bay Viev point Club Propertic-s,rola w s land formerly Td. adj land of William Akscin, Tia: the djost p�:rt i�outhold hes fallen in If Hallocl aaj Butt hie other friars. aT,Aw. Southold_ tax----.,-_4.0 line with,the new time. The Metho• ,� Tuthill, R L+' & ors to H G Tuthill, lot s s: dist church was the last to change. Nassau Point Club Properties to Roslyn As- Tuthill, Corporation, lots 151-154 NassauMain rd adj land M Gritfing & other tracts; The Presbyterian church 'held to thE! porn+ GuTuthil, ......... .. $lo,UU Wells, G H s w to R T Nterwin, Tote s Tuthill, H G 3c w to II H Tuthll, lot s 5 old time for some time, but last year Oalc Lawn av 475 ft s land of cemetery,South Middle Country rd adj land M Dayton, Cutch , ........................ .....�__-$IAOU, '• ,ague . it voted for new time as did also the ala Same to O 00 B Goldsmith t/, interest n'lot High School. The Town Clack still s s Main rd adj land M C ifl'ing, Cutehogue, Dict. 5—Southold—Trustees,Goo. H. strikes the boors on Standard time. I Dickerson, Wm.A. Wella; Other Trus- Goldsmith, o B to a Drum, 2a, s s"other .The fire siren observes,both I Daylight tees, Fred K. Terry, Thomas C. Fox, land Drum; Cutcho,;ue ......... ......$5na ,and Standard time in notice of Same to H G Tuthill, lot s s Middle Country n givingAlbert W. Albertson, J. LeoTbomp- rd adj land M Dayton near depot; Cutchogue, the noon hour. Whether or not w0 •� � ei7,5nn son, Wm. L. Williams. � -- -- - L. View—Trustee, Martin f Bucci:At the E. L. I. Hospital, for all to observe the ssme time if we 'Shi uleak Clerk, Howard H. Terry; ay 2,to.Mr, and Mrs. John Bucci,of Would avoid confusion. Daylight Sav- p y' I Pouthold, a son. Treasurer,G. C. Koko. — ing time seems :to be now generally , Dist. 7-Peconie—Trustee, Riebard I Greenport, at E. L. I. Hospital, May observed throughout Long Island, P.I Vail; Other-Trustees, John Sjmon, 11 G, Miae Sarah F. Sweezey of Southold Mrs. Ruth Horton Varnum has sold Franklin F. Overton; aged 65 ygare,,7 months. 1 Salmon; Treasurer,Josiah C. Case. her place nexk,West of the M.E.church to Geo. C. Terry-. ty-Fiv'r Greenport,. May.11, by Rev. F. I. i East End baseball League 'Southold Community all, .Connelly, Harry H. Warner of Green- The Trustees of the Southold Com, be port,and bliss Anna Veronica,daughter The East End Amateur' Baseball', munity Hall Membership Association 0 So of Mr. and Mrs- Wm- Zakas of Hay League has been organized with Dr, met Monday evening and formally or. tP View._ Geo. W. Fitz of Peconic, as President, ganized after receiving their charter to 5outbold, May 9, Oliver A. Mayo, a and Louts Jefferson of that place, as from the Secretary of State. veteran of the Civil War,aged 84 years, y rs. secretary and Treasurer. Five and The officers are the same as hereto n Brooklyn, May 6, Hannah H., wife aaeibl six teams will join the League 1; of Orrin.Van Duzer, and mother of p y 7fore agreed upon,viz :Dr. J.W.Stokes, of Mrs. J. E. Bloomfield of Southold,aged this season. Southold, Mattituck,Bast President; H. I-I. Huntting, Vice Pres- phe] nand Southampton have en- ident; Win. L. Williams, 73Pyears. A Local Man HunoCed tered,^and effa tsnare a being made o A. T. Dickerson, Treasurer Secretary; � �. organize a teem y It away voted to purchase Belmont Tq William H. Terry has continuously'K. Terry of Orient, a former president Hall,"including ton feet extra to the represented the Continental Insurance and the retiring secretary and treasurer west and fifteen feet in the rear, as Company of New York gas agent at,of the League, is to arrange the ache- originally agreed upon with Mr. San- Ass Southold, 'since 1898. Twenty- dole _ - — ford„ also fifteen additional feet in the eodit Twenty-f! pears of faithful service hes been rec- Twenty-Five Years Ago rear, making thirty feet in all, for turf o nized by this strong American com- $4,465.00. Res parry in awarding Mr. Terry a solid Ralph P. Booth was clerD; �g for Another meeting will be held next hip gold decoration, which beara on the Jilin F. li'isla of Greenport, Monday evening,. when plans and epee h sr face an embossed Continental soldier; The Indian Neck shore seine fisher-'I' ifications, for the enl:irging and im- era'] on the reverse, the inscription: men were.getting large quantities of provement of the hall, as prepared by Th, William H. Terry Charles F. Kramer, will be considered. Southold, L I. menhaden. der t Griffin& Tuthill moved the Town Now that the charter has been re- 4u 1898 1923 ceived, the trustees ask that all money for t safe to the new Town Clork s office. The friends and acquaintances re- 0. F. Payne was invited to return as l.hat;has been promised, be paid in as l plac+ ,joice with Mr. .'Perry and wish him teacher of the Melville school. promptly as possible to the treasurer, Ja many years of activity in his chosen Albert T. Dickerson, of tho• Bank of turn Mr. and Mrs. J. Ambrose: Goldsmith turn profession, with health and happiness. moved from Southold to Southampton, Southold. Others who have not yet Pl When Mr. Terry was appointed agent F. S.Fanning had made great im- subscribed, but are fully intending to of the Continental in 1898,its resourced provements to E , D. Cahoon's place at 'make a donation, are regnested to pay wore: Capital, $1,000,000; net our. or signify the amount at their earliest the Sound. A plus, $3,479,235; assets, $9,077,114, as convenience. The time has come now A reception was given to the new compared with 1923-capital; $10,00+0,- pastor of then M. E. church, Rev.Hcnry when money is needed and needed bad- _ou 0 net surplus, $16,270,389; assets, E. Hiler. ly,,if the work on the old hall is to be- was Wm. J. Conway was to make great gin and go on swiftly. -- �: T t _ to d `Eo LP�IGh1 Not WHYimprovements to his place on Railroad Walter Smi th of 13ovbon's Point, met Ig Av. ds ihavirug buiibt a Barge icontrete stank, It ,f,� The jury in the case of the 'People The L. D. R. R. Co. purchased the in which ,he will rear `Itoraps." (Ye cha 1r vs.E. Lelcht brought`in a verdict of Montauk Steamboat Co. lixicagra+phisibs, hunt up this word ha .ti "Not Guilty"at the trial held before At the annual meeting of the Suffolk and repoitt). A half cenitury ago, OPustice 1i. Al. Hawkins and awry at' torup was a aarge, vfciiows water u j County Mutual Insurance Co.L,a. J. B• statrtbe, which, puss ioOten fattened fin fir d. Belmont'Hall Wednesday evening. Terry was elected president; Samuel ,swill ibarreJ;s, for -eating. l� d Mr. L leht was held an a charge of Dickerson, va ton,n�secretar re andnN. D�I vice president; S E y Petty,tpp Michael b fern niti ar,cl hi wife, din u disorderl conduct on the streets of t nae, aro now living in the Daley cot Southold village on May 2d,1924. Thee, attorney. tag back of iti4z,.;. Sturmdorf', where charge was made by State TroopersWilliam C. Albertson and Miss Ada; they resided ,ome twelve yetArs ago. Kaelstad and Williams,who testified to A. Byrnes, daughter of Rev. and Mrs � Michael has charge of the Daley that effect as dirt Deputy Sheriff Fred , married. l estate. E. Booth. Mr. Leicht testified m his Alt lash'iti Byrnes, the._ TI own behalf. Louis A. Tuthill also ave r thureh Mrs.W. I3. Murray will sail for Paris testjmony fayorable to the defendant• yes are Tun on D,. S. 'lune, isoL4,,„^'�'te s next month to spend a time with her Ar, 'n::tyh and Officer Sroitb of Careen- is no langem a idhance,ito enjoy two` daughter Jean, who has been studying , services in the, rPorenoon, ~lint it 4s at the Sorbonne for itis past year, and port also testified for the defense. The case was ably tried by F. C, Barber of .a ibitt restful +and givens one afeeling will return in August next. . sha+t some things are not ,subject to M,attituck, representing the District stihe vagailles loaf polilticis, ibo knots thut Another gas tank gain; in on fhe Attorney,and James Walsh of River- the cdock !in the isteerple of itlhe 'First ,premises of (.Tal+elf &C arfull to SUPP11 head, for. the defendant. The jury, Church tgoes calmly ton �.ibs 'Sitandard, ,the various maLhines this, firm conaisted of J. E. Bloomfield, Harry! way, unchang-eable, immutable and Soon there'll be a full upply Of hard- Midgley, Ralph Tyler.°William :A:ksein, sumer:_ - -_-_ -___�_. ____ -- ..ware there. ...... Philip H.Hortonamd John Simon.' Fred G. Prince and family have There is fine hook and line;fisbing for y weakfish in the bay and ,large catches moved into the G. F. Hommel house on Dt: WDseman and family have movedof big fish are recorded. ( �._. .__�- Railroad'Avenue. _ to Huntington. - �� Greeny I .,onnp' Southold, May 30, Emma L. Peck.} EAST END LEAGUE Decoration Day visitors at Southold widow of Dr. J. G. Hunitting, aged 82 -------110— were: Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hailock of years. Brooklyn, at J. F. Corey's; Mr. and !on Mrs. Teresa De. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Mrs. Clarence Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. A11Pbetrti.i,%gJeuo6e6 gears. Won Won Lost P.C. Arthur Goldsmith and family Of Maple- Southold . . . . . . 1 0 1000 wood, N. J., at their bungalow; Miss Twenty-Five YeArs Ago Riverhead . . . . . 1 0 1000 Nellie Welsh of Mount Vernon, at R. Mattituck . . . . . 0 0 000 M. Searles; Miss Lois Hedges, Henry ULU /q East Hampton . . . 0 0 000 Hedges and K*nneth Lawder of West Tuesday was the hottest June 6th in West Hampton . . . 0 01 000 Orange, N. J., at H. W. Prince's; Mr. 26 years. el Southampton . . . . 0 0 000 and Mrs. Wilmot M. Van Dusen of- The drought still continued and crops Astoria, at Mrs. M. B. Van Dusen's; were suffering, The buy crop will be 0 Results Last Week Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Child, daughter very short. o, Southold 7, Mattituck 0 Ir" 0 9.1,q Ruth and guests, at Cabin Paradise; Local strawberries were in market. Riverhead 5, East Hampton Thomas Hall of Stevens institute of Rev.H.A.Abbott of Abington,Masa,, 11 innings Technology, at his home an Maple filled the pulpit of the Universalist a. West Hampton-Southampton Lane; Dr. Richard Rodgins of Glen church. Itatne postponed Head, with his parents; Frank Gomez Win. 1. Hagerman rented a cottage ASTERN BASEBALL I of New York, at Lester Albertson's; on Tuthill Place for the summer. obert Ludlam of Brooklyn, at Albert iState Inspector Charles Whelock LEAGUE ORGANIZED Albertson's; Mr. and Mrs. Harold inspected the Southold Union School i , Hodgson of Brooklyn, at John S. Jen- and found everything in good shape. The Eastern Sunday Baseball Joseph Freeb moved his oboe repair- League, organized and captioned cn kiri Sibyl Boomer of Brooklyn, ati b t g a op 20 May 29th,will open its season on S�un- Thomas Casey's; Dr. A. W. Fismer in o the old Town Clerk's offige, q day, June 8th. The following villages I said family of Bloomfield, N. J., at his cor. Main St. and Boisseau Ave,, and a t will be represented: Southold, Gfeen-I summer home; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Chinese laundry was started in Mr, port, Westhampton, Quogue, Cutch- buri Stelzer's basement. ogue, and Bridgehampton. York, at their Dauth of New ams and A. S. Denman and family arrived at The Eastern League is in no way tow; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ad affiliated with any other league. It is little daughter Thelma, Mr. and Mrs, their cottage at the Sound. strictly amateur and will be confined George Bick and family of Irvington, The L. 1, It. R., which purchased the to players residing within -the terri- N. j., at E. E. Bick's. Montauk Steamboat Co., gave notice, tory from which this club is eligible that its New York steamers would diR. 9 to The league will award,in addition to draw. I' owing to ill health. Frank K.Coebran, continue landing at Southold Wharf, the pennant, a trophy to the winning has,resigned as janitor of the Southold C',ub. High School. The Board accepted the The estate of the late Augusta The popularity of Sunday baseball resignation with regret, isi Mr.Cochran Goldsmith of Cutchogue has been i ap- is steadily increasing and the Eastern as given excellent satiofRctiOn in his praised at $12,399.55 gross and $11,- League promises only the cleanest has Harry R. Vail has been 141.19 net. Out of the net estate the brand of sport. i long service- life estate of the husband, 0. 13. Goid- At a meeting of the Greenport play- elected in Mr. Cochrai Place. sinith, now -75 years old, the papers ��rs, held on Monday evening, Martin John Bucci will move the Sunrise filed in the Surrogate's (iourt state, is figured at $2,558, and the balance' slc�:afrery was elected manager Lnd ' Andrew Squires, captain of the team. Music Store stock to his barber shop On Sunday at "' u•c4wk� the Green- so custorners may be soothed w=ith is to be distributed this way: Trus. sweet pounds while occupying the bar- tees Cutchogue Presbyterian Church, -port team will play Bridgohampton, at 11181, for Ladies' Home and Foreign lGrepii-oort. Next Sunday the Green- Missionary Society; same church, port team will play Cutchogue at Christopher Leicht has mold about 15 $154 for care of cemetery plots; CUtChOgUi?. acres of shore front property at Indian Charles Kendrick, $231; Ruth Banks, Neck to Mr. Williams of Brooklyn. $77; Constance Kendrick, $77; May At last teotiuders' Landing has been A. Horton, $285; Martin Whitehorn, adequately opened. On Decoration Lewis S 'Tathill &w to H Chauncey $.385, Mary Wixson, $385; Catherine Day the sun drone, the wind blew, Moore, lot n -, new road, adj land of C. Goldsmith, $77; Ruth Moore, $77; Jack Frost hovered in the offing, but C Moore, Southold. Tax ,50c Mary Spencer, $77; trustees Presby- forebare to come 'too nigh. And Iterian Church, Cutchogue, $6,271,19.1 weren't there a lot of people out? If ,,Gertrude Savage to Geornianna the ,;end otr was in earnest, on a cool Tucker, lot lNo. 64 on map of NaLssau. American Legion Dance (lay, of popularity, what may a hot Point, Southold, nom.i Commencing this Friday evening, day brinp-? An 'ideal Incation. i,,() Dickerson—At the E. L. I. Hospital, June 13, G. T. G. Post. American time so warm as not to get a breeze. Greenport, June 5th., to Mr. and Mrs. a fine dancing floor, and probably Legion, will give a dance every Friday gooll service, What more could lie Raymond Dickerson, of Southold, a i evening,at theyark Pavilion.Fi-�,i riders' daughter. I asl�-ed for? ;Landing, Southold. Music by Ken . . . . - , . I tbPeconic, May 11, at the residence of I O'Brien's 5-piece orchestra, Dancing �rince is now secord man it, is bid." parents, by Rev F. G. 1 Fre(� McAvoy 1. Admission, $1.00 per the A P. Store, while P Beebe, Everett Terry Golds' ith of from 9 to has taken his place at Roulston's. Southold, and Miss Ruth Vail,Goldsmith couple. Ladies free- Refreshments Harold Booth still remain: manager!, of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Vail. on Bale. There is no liner dancing lat the hormer while Martin McCall-;; Riverhead, May 31, by Rev. C. C. pavilion on Long Island than that at cry's smiling face greets One on enter- Cornwell, Andrew Gordon MacNiah of 'F,,,d,r,' Landing and there k nal inj at the latter place. Peconic, and Miss Mary W. Olmsted of Mai more beautiful,location. e tFz - ` r _ BAST END LEAGUE Miss Hilda Burt, a show girl in"Pop- Fre(! Case goes to Detroit next weess / py," the musical comedy playing at to an automobile school to 'learn the ----o -- the Apollo Theatre, New York, daugb- real mechanical and technical part the work needed in a first cla-,s rr- STANDING OF THE CLUBS ter of bitr, and Mrs. Harry Burt, for- age. Won Lost P.C1 merly of Southold, was married on John P. Ruebsamen has moved his Southold . . . . . . 2 0 1000 1 May 23d, at Carthage, N. C., to Could real estate office to Wm. H. ltafford's Southampton . . . . 1 0 1000 q Shaw of Newton Centre, Mass. Mr. store, where he has fitted up a nice Riverhead 1 1 500 I Shaw, who is a student at Harvard, I met Mies Burt while "Poppy" was room. East . . . 1 1 500 in Boston a year ago. Colonel Ei ast Hampton . 0 2 400 l playing y g Mr. and I4Ire, W m. R. Newbold are West Hampton , . 0 1 000 I Robert Gould Shaw, famous Comman- attending the graduating exereisea of der of Negro troops in the Civil War, Greenwich Academy, R. L, at which Results Last Week `I�'" 'whose tablet faces the State House on their eon Max graduates. i Southold 4, East Hampton 3 the Boston Common, was young Shaw's J. B. Coleman and family of N. Y. E Southampton 5, Riverhead 2 grandfather. His father has approved City are again occupying Silas A. H. Mattituck 2, West Hampton 1 of the marriage and has bought his Dayton's place at Bay View. son an estate at Pinehurst, N. C. Frank K. Cochran will resume busi- wOUTI1'OLD DErEATED 4.2 Chief Engineer Nat. E. Booth, Fire ness, as painter and decorator, with EAST IIAlV1PTC7N' Harry Howell, about July 7th. Last Saturda,F afternoon, June 7, Commissioner S. [.,ester Albertson and ll and Fred Mannweiler wont to Bellport The Chamgian Fishing Club hag de- Southold ]apt year's pennant winners Drivers]aleph Walters, Leslie dews dcfeated East Ilaanpvon on their awn diamond by the score of 4-3, on Wedne®day with Protection Engine Glared,a 60 per cent cash dividend. Box score: to teat the fire wells there. The South- Ruth II 'Varnum to George C ferry Southold old Fire District is thinking of install- & , lot s -Vain st, adj land of M 1� ab. T. h. Po. a. e. church, Southold, Tax $3.501 ?lllrieb, cf, . .......`� 1 3 2 0 Cl ing similar wells. The I3ellport fire, Fismer &w Robert Heaney. s::, ......4 1 0 1 0 6 wells worked all right and the people L A n lot nVs Bayhomee ave,aadi land Cassidy c,. ..•••.,.3 0 C 7 1 0 there are pleased with them, of Robert Lang, Southold. Tax $1. Cochran, rf. 4 1 0 1 0 0 Strasser, 2b. ......2 1 0 3 2 © Joseph B. Hartranft, who has been Manisa !Cx Gallagher to Theodore Salman, P. • ••• • 3 0 0 1 5 0 at Cincinnati, Ohio, for some time as Iloin as&w, lot n s Main st, adj land Scott, $b. ... 3 0 1 0 1 1 manager of the Devoe& Reynolds Co., of henry W Prince, Southold, nom. 4 0 0 2 0 1 111iller, 1€. Alice F van ALA to ,sosepll �nnrrn .3 Q 0 10 1 0 has been promoted to be genera! &w, lets 24, 26, 28, map of Indian Sanford, lb, _ _ _ _ _._ manager of the Western business of Tax $2.50 ..31 4 4 27 10 2 Neck Park, Peconic. ' Totals . the firm, with headquarters at Kansas Katie 1Vlakos to Frank Machin East Hampton City, Mo. This ranks second only to s Cutchogue de- 8,b, r. h, po. a. e= ebick Beano., 12 A w Q the New York office. We extend Talin 19P, lf. .•....5 0 3 1 2 0 hearty congratulations on the advance- pot Cutchogueadj land of Isaac Tax $14. '£fuss 7b. .5 0 0 0 '3 2 ment of our young friend. Barnes, 's` ,5 0 '0 5 0 0 Oliver B Goldsmith to First Nat- Cheney, c. ,••••• .4 U 7 0 0 The Trustees of Southold Community Tonal Bank of Cautchogue, lot s r� Strang, 1b. ., 4 I 1 1 2 0 Hall have adopted the plans drawn by Main road, adj Ian d of O I3ld- Pettereit, 3b. ..., .4 0 0 4 0 0 - -_'Tax $12. Wtlls, Cf. •••• 0 0 Charles F. Framer,. with some modify- smith, Cutchogue_ Culloton, i f ......4 1 2 0 0 0 cations, for the remodelling of Belmont - _ _ — _ -- Hall. Mr. Kramer, J. E. Corey and S. School Auditorium opened Ay]es, p. ,.30 3 10 24 7 2 Lester Albertson were appointed a The new auditorium Totals .., . d eof the Highm Toto base hits—Scott, Strong, building committee. Plans and. School building was opened in nae'. Ryles. Sacrifice hits--Heaney. cations have been submitted to our and in fact by the school. There were Stolen basesfil'ettereit, Ullrich 3, builders for bids. no imported musicians, no imported Meaney `2, Cochran 1, Scott 2. Struelc out -by "�aljnon 6, by Ryles 5. Base Miss Marjorie Hagerman has return- speaker, not even grown-ups {unless on lady balls—off who led the Solman 0, off AY1es y. etcher—Stra dell, E Cassidy. dressmaking ad from he, studies rYarkg'andn Phila- hildrthe dainty little en be consideist redain the asny way 'hamn d Hit by p Left on bases—Soutbol delphia and is prepared First base on error-5outhalr3 2, E, tourers at her home on Youn 8 Ave..ua "first-night" affair. The program was IL-2• Umpire.—Mr. Burh, by the children. The school and aud`s- The score by innings: Southold 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 x-4 j� Ralph Glover of Southold and Charles torium are for them. One third of the L and Easthampton 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-3 Tuthill of New Suffolk have returned, audience was composed of pupils, after spending the winter in Florida, the entire program was by them, suit- tt• Treat Merwin has purchased two asad later taking a trip through theP g building lots of Geo, H. Wells on Clair ed to theircapacity,given with freedom West, visitiug several States. and joyousness, and heartily enjoyed Lawn Avenue. Henry Cold smith is to the build a cottage for Mr. MerWin in the Through the real estate agency of by all. The first night was by near future. Mr. Welles will sell build- I E. .Leicht, Dr. Haven Emerson has school and the second one likewise and' ing lots, 100 feet front by 200 feetpurchased seven acres of woa,dland at how fitting it was to have it 60 l So CiaETga deep, on the Avenue. We are very "first night" in the new auditorium, glare to nate this, for it is a very de- South Harbor of the Henry goes down as children's night. Estate - - . sirable place on which to build homes. Greenport. UAm_1L_h__.m_ onnefl,- TWO; 010 skillful acting of a -play, Dirt. "Tom, Dick and Harry," or "The Pi- 2 Quite one with her young charges rate's-Chest,'" and a song with panto- Twenty-Five Years was Miss Miriam Kramer, teacher of mime given by Grades Six and Seven, L1L(_"1,L, '4-V 444<i, f �y the Fifth Grade. She acted as guide, under the direction of Mrs. Symonds Crops were suffering greatly for in the delightful Travelogue, of which and Miss Tilden. want of rain. we are quite sure she was the author. The &t1c children carried their play The Southold Union School closed for By means of songs and dances from througli with winsome charm, entirely the summer vacation. the different nations,boys and girls in free from selfconsciousness. Every Rev. h. E. Leah of Orleans, Mass., captivating costumes, carried the audi- costume fitted into a carefully planned filled the pulpit of the Universalist ence in imagination around the world. color scheme. Daniel Bridge,as"June" church, As they drifted into the home harbor, the King of Summer, delivered his Steamer Long Island went on the we, could easily imagine them, all join- many lines with great juvenile bistro- route, between Sag Harbor and New ing in the old songs, that have beguiled onic ability, as did Pauline Howell, the Lo-nolon. the hours of many a Bailor homeward Queen of the Fairies, anti Shirley Fish- Wrn. H. Joust sold his beautiful bound. It was good to hear these er, who was Goldenlocks. place at Creekside to John A. lilies of songs once more and Bung so well. The pageant was a delight to the Brooklyn, Mr, Joust reserved the cot. The program included, besides the pro- spectators from start to finish. The Cage and some land to the west for his logue, interludes, and epilogue given in Sunbunnet Girls and Overall Boyo sing- own occupancy, Miss Elizabeth A. Terry graduated ,byme by Miss Kramer, the, following ing "Did You Ever See a La4sie?" the musical selections, costume songs and Rainy Day chorus.the skipping Fairies, from the Oneonta Normal School, danceE: the tumbling Bumblebees, tho Roses' Herbert V. Neal of Auburn, Maine, A TRAVELOGUE dance with the Lilies and Lilacs the and Miss Helen Howell were married. Program Butterflies and Bluebirds made this a Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Neal and 1. Leaving the U. S. A. Chorus of very dainty offering Miss Lillian Howell Bailed for a three "Sailing." Dance, "Hurrah for the To Tom, Dick and Harry, played by months' trip to Europe. Sailor Boy." Herbert "mith, Walter Williams and Sailors—Jerome and Robert Grattan, Eileen Mahoney, came a thrilling ex- perience with some real pirates, led by ASD LEAGUE Billie Williams. James Ducey, Harry FT EN Francis Thompson, who played "Black 0 aNgen. 2. In Ireland—"The Wearin' of the Do`g" with great gusto and Bang froid. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Green," Irish Folk Dance. Incidentally it was mentioned that he Won Lost P.C. Anne Thompson,Irma Wells, Beverly must be a "chip off the old block." It Southampton . . . . 2 0 1000 Gordon, Dorothy Howell. was easy to perceive that these actors 2 1 667 3. In Scotland—"My Heart's in the thoroughly enjoyed their parts as they Southold . . . . . . 2 1 667 Highlands,"recited by Rensselaer Terry StPmped about in true piratical fash- Riverhead 2 3334. In Holland—The Dutch Warbler, 1011. Beside those in the cast already Mattituck . . . . . 1 .2 333 "Oh Where is My Little Dog Gone?" mentioned were Gerald Hobson,L)wight East Hampton - 0 2 000 Bridge, Robert Gagen, Joe Krukow8ki West Hampton . . . Folk Dance—Margaret hart, Mary and Winifred Butler, Frances Stelzer. and Eugene Gagen. Results Last Week k.-44ir, 5. In Italy—Song, "Santa'Lucia." "Comin' 'Ibru the Rye" was Bung Southampton, 4; Southold, 2 Grade Five. by eleven girls, who with their ph-as- Riverhead. 3; West Hampton, 2 6. InJapan—Three liffleinaldsdant- Ing voices and graceful gestures made East Hampton, 6; Mattituck, 5 ing to "Chin-Chin-Chinaman." EEa very attractive chorus. Leta Ehrhardt, Norma Van Wyck, i The pictures loaned by the ElsonArt SOVTRAMVT0N DD,FEATS Hedwig Weygoind. Company, on display in the auditorium, SOUTHOLD, SCORE 4-2 7. The return trip—College songs were very fine indeed: All we regret S and patriotic songs—grades 3. 4 and 5. Southampton is that we could not have had the op.. townteam played MUSICAL Num]3ERS portunity of hearing Miss Kramer act their first home game of the season score as guide and interpret to us more clear. anti defeated Southold by the S () e of Thursday Evening ly the beauties of the wonderful col_ 4-2. Gilles pitching for Southanip- ton was in fine form, allowing South- Duet—Birds of Paradise...,. Streabog lection, as we were told she would do. old but six scattered hits and striking Fairy Waltz We wish Bueb guidance might have olit seven opposing batsmen. Leonia Stacy and Esther Booth been a regular part of the program. Southampton was the first to score Piano Solo—Chopin Waltz11 e rarticle in the TRAVELER of a few with two run.,, in the second innin�g- Doris Williams weeks --iinett sin-led, Sabaski walked arid . go, was a masterpiece as an 13 Friday Evening ntrodLclion to the treat awaiting us. Maher walked, filling the bases. Gil- Its on the first pitched ball, crashed Duet—La CapricieuBe........Eggeling We who have little time and training' ning one through short stop for a single, Dorothy and Donald Robinson in art art - tters would have prized being scoring two runs. reality Solo—Minuet in G....,.....Paderewski led Past the noble pictures, . In the Southold half of the third Helen Boisseau As we had in fancy a few minutes be. inning, Sandford got a free pass when The second night an enthusiastic an- fore, hopped around the world. Gilles hit him on -a pitched ball. Ul- rich singled, sending Sandford to sec- dience gathered to appreciate the sue- The students' exhibit in the. grade Dud on an attempt to steal third of ces8ful elrort of Miss Deale and Miss rooms looked very attractive and well Pulver. Hearney hit a pop to -f;;ht Tompkins in presenting a pageant, worthy of careful atudy When more I which Zaluska misjudged, sending Ul- "Merry June," with Grades One and time and better light would reveal,the r:,-h to third and Hem-ney to second. Cassidy dy singled, scoring their only full merits of the year's good work. two runs. In the seventh, Maher made first on The will of the late Emma L. Hunt- Twenty-five Years Ago a-s error by the third baseman, stole ting, of Southold, value of estate not second and scored on Perotte's sJjjgle, given, snakes a bequest of $250.00«to t��.a.o 7 4444 ! �� ,who advanced to second on the throw Mildred G. Dausch of Hempstead as Benj. W. Case was fishing at Bay- or in. Smith singled to left scorill a_ tiny remembrance of her love, devo- ville, L. I. Perotte for the fourth run. Bennett tion and care of Uncle Johnny and W Care Albertson aF u s'onnderl out ending the scoring. Aunt Emmy." Isabel P.Terry, Carrie 1 Syracuse Lineup: M. . Lowerre, Sarah Wheeler and Luv.v University was horse for the summer Soutlianspton AB R HPOA E Conklin, are given testatrix s nterest vacation. Lelenski, 3b ...... 4 0 1 1 3 0 in land at Southold; residue Al estate The bay crop was very short on at Peirotet. of . 4 1 1 1 0 0 to H. Howard Huntting, brother. account of the prolonged drought. Snzi,th, lb ...... 4 0 1 11 0 0 Theodore M. Shi Nord 1e Bennett, If ...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 The pay car or the Long Island Pail- p graduated IN road made it4 last trip over the rnair. from Williams College. i Pulver, c .,.... 4 0 1 10 1 1 Sne last vv@ek. For sassy years the Mise Mora i,}uarty graduated from ul 7aluska, rf ,... . 2 0 0 1 I pay train has made regular monthly the Oneonta State Normal School. Sabaski, 2b ... 3 1 0 i trips with the employees' wages. In J. E. Corey took the contract to of '~latter, ss . 2 1 0 0 0 0j the future the checks will be mailed direct to the employees. The mer. build a residence for J. N. Iisllock, t- (,ills, p ..... 3 0 0 0 5 1 I' Harold M. Skidmore, a student at is �,tenson, rf ...,.. 2 0 0 0 0 0 placed torpedoes on the track and in — - - — other ways celebrated the last trip of I Union College, was drowned while in d Total ..,., ..32 4 7 27 1� 3 the pay train.. I bathing. Harold was one of our most Southold AB R. 11 POA E 01rich, cf 15 1 3 2 0 0 The old drug store hag taken on the promising young men and his death 0, Meaney, 2b ....... 4 1 0 2 2 0 appearance of new life and is pushing was a great shock to the community. 3. Mack, ss ........ 4 0 1 1 3 0 out to the sidewalk. George Smith is Hopkins Thompson died, aged 82 Cassidy, c ... 4 0 1 7 0 1 building an addition to the front years. Irl Cockran, rf ...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 make a larger store below and quar- Henr lis Van W ck and I44ias Alice ;e Strasse, 3h ...... 3 0 1 0 0 1 tees for the telephone station upstairs, y y Solomon, p ....., 4 0 0 0 3 0 and housing for Mrs.hied Manweiler, G. Corwin were married. 3 0 A 0 0 1 who will be in charge when this is Scott,if ........•. Sanford, lb ..... 0 0 0 11 0 0 complete. EAST END LEAGUE Total — 2 — Russell 1.oavidson, A.13 'Who has Southampton 0 23 `� 0 0 0 0 40 8� boon principal of Goddard Seminary, Southold 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 at Barre, Vt., for many years, anti- STANDING OF THE CLUBS Stolen bases—Bennett 3, Smith 1, lipases coming to Solfbhoid this sum- Won Lost P.G. pitcher,by ri1er for a rest. Mrs. Davidson is the Southold 3 1 750 Pulver 1, Maher 1. Ilit by p daughter of the late Jesse L. Case, Gilles, SLatt and Sandford. Base on and the house on Hummel road, into Southampton . 2 1 4167 gall off Gilles 0, off Solomon 2. Uns- which Lawyer Case was moving at Mattituck . . . . . 2 2 500 Aire, 1'inkaue;. the time he was killed, is the one Mr. Riverhead . . . . . 2 2 500 f The new firm of Bsebe & Clark, not Davidson will occupy. East Hampton . 1 3 250 being content with driving the two oldMr. and Mrs F. K. Terry motored West Hampton . 1 2 333 fishing companies to cover, are now to Auburn, Masi'., last week, where causing a wail to be raised from the I they attended the commencement ex- Results Last Week �� V hook-and-liners. Most of the cher;sit 1 ercises of I..a Salle Seminary. Their daughter, Mi,s I3elen Terry, was one Southold, 2; Southampton, 1 (I3 inn.) having been shipped to market, they of the graduating class. West Hampton, 3; Riverhead, 2 5 now have commenced on bluefish and Triflic a Joseph Walters has a new Mattituck, 13; East Hampton, 2 porgies, and there is danger that the p p p g David A• Rothman will Occupy the boy's plentiful supply isy will exon be ex- manor cycle that is capable of ma haunted; then, after that--elams and 90 miles an hour, so auto speed stare that Geo• W- Smith h building 2 eels. The sportsman's anxiety sureiy i better beware. oo the site of the old Southold I]rnd Store. The stare will be large and le well founded. While Capt. Beebe'e Leslie B. Eldredge has transformed up-to-date in its conveniences and will 17 catch of blues this week has not been the Landon cottage at Creelieide into a p 'f over large, due to the earliness of the have a very handsome piste-glass front. pretty modern cottage, with all im- Mr. Rothman will run an up-to-date �- quantities season, his seine has landed quanes s provemente, i store, and it will be known as the R of porgies, and the 1J pound kind ate Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hummel have i`Southold Department Store. He~and that. .e returned from their extended trip to his family will occupy the rooms of the In view of the fact that no perms- neat hostess has as yet been found Europe. first floor on the west ea a residence, Id for Founders' Landing House, the Louis N Sanford &w to Southold and Mrs. K. Sturmdorf will occupy the 1- various organizations of the town Community Hall, Inc., lot s s Main upper rooms On the west. The upper =il have very kindly consented to act as floor over the store will be the head- e, hustesse.s there until one case be st, adj land of Writ II Terry, South- found. Last week the Parent-Teach- old. Tax :}14.50 quarters of the Southold Central Tele- rd ers' Association acted as hostesses, phone Station. en and a very enjoyable card party was Sanford.-4t the E. L. 1. Hospital, Jl- held there on Saturday under their June 13th, to Mx. and Mrs. Charles LeRoy Vail Dorsch, son of Mr. and' 'c- auspices. About 75 people attended Sanford, of 4outhold, a son. I Mrs. Frank M. Dorsch of Brooklyn, of This week it is the turn of the neem- Southampton, June 16, Albert Jasper graduated from Stevens Institute of ht bers of the Home Bureau to keep Freeman, formerly of Southold, where Technology, with the degree of Me- ill- open house, and they will probably interment took place, aged 75 years. chanical Engineer, on June 17th. id. hold some kind of party to celebrate. sl,y .rreenport. Mav 11_ Gono.n, _ port �4 4 We have gaol reason to teal proua at lyn Malmborg 88, Margaret Ka' Lnmmencement Exercises the work of the school under hie Pauline Albertson 87, Carol Gont direction. Grade 3-Anne Thompson 96, The Class of 1924.of the Southold In behalf of the Juniors, Miss I�elen Dickerson 95, `ferry Jennings 94, fie High School had the distinction of be- 'Thompson liresented the High School erly Gordon 94, )Ruth Christiansen 9 ins the first class to graduate from the Banner to the Seniors. Miss Frances Dorothy Howell 92, Charles Benne nese school auditorium. The exercises Overton responded on behalf of the 92, ,Edgar Smith 92, Alice Grattan 9 were held Monday evening before a Class of 1924. Constance Terry 90, Loretta Stelz large gathering of friends. The stage Excellent music was furnished by 87, Mildred Berry 87, Joseph Conwa was profusely decorated with flowers, King's Orchestra and the S. H. S. 87. gifts of friends to the Class, and the Girls' Glee Club, the selections of the Grade 2-Edwin Lucey 89, Pauli S. H. S. banner in gilt and gold,havinglatter being "Berceuse from Jocelyn" Howell 92, Shirley Fisher 92, Natal on it the 1924 Claes Motto, "Jog On." and "Neapolitan Serenade." Blades 92, Arthur McCaffery 91, Ma The Claes Flower was Lily of theMoff at 90,Daniel Bridge 90,John Gra Valley, and the Class Colors, Green Regents! Examinations tan 89, John Ber 85. and Gold. On the stage were the Claes The following pupils received an av Grade 1-Rosie--Pbliwoda 93, Jose of 1924, the Board of Education, Rev, erage of 90 per cent or over in the Slavonik 92, Frank Stankewiez 9 Wm.H.Lloyd,who gave the invocation, New York State Regents' Examina- Ralph Hawkins 91, Katie Cherry 91 and Mrs. Joseph L.Townsend of Green- tions, which were held in the Southold Kenneth Tuthill 90, John Terp 9 port, who presented the D. R. medals. High School last week: Bertha Mannweiler 90, Jennie Surozi The members of the Class are Frances French 2-Helen 'Thompson 90. Bka 89, Jennie O'Visianik 89, Wesle Sweet Overton, President and Vale- Latin 2-Katherine Thompson 93. Bednosky 89, Charles Kart 88, Joh dictorian; Kathryn Theresa Fielder, Conrad 86, William Moffat 87, Lei Vice President and Salutatorian;Charles History C-Helen 'Thompson 92. Elementary U. S. History -Doris Morrie 85, Louis Des Hosiers 85, Ma John Simon,Secretary,and John Joseph Williams 92. Louise Overton 92, Alice Surozinska 85. Parcel], Treasurer. Bloomfield 90, Lyle MerYdith 90 The following pupils had perfect a' We were very glad to note that the Civica-Katherine Thompson 90. tendance for the last quarter: Class was It at the exercises and had Intermediate Algebra - Clara Me- High School-William Carroll. gone back to the good old fashioned Cattery 90. Grade 8-Corey All,ertson, Lyle wap of each.member delivering his or! Geometry-Henry Dickerson 93,John edith, Charles Vreeland. her graduating essay. These essaya Kramer 92, Katherine 9 hompson 92, Grade 7-Ernest Dickerson, 1 were committed verbatim, and both in William Carroll 90, Arthur Gagen 90. Kress, Stanley Gadomski, Doris Le the composition and the manner of de- Elementary Algebra-Marcella Ak- Irene McKeon, Evelyn Van Wyck, livery the four graduates did great scin 100. Helen 'Sterling 100, Ruth Grade 6-Marie Doherty, Herbert credit to themselves and the school. Grathwohl 100, Flora Albertson 93, Smith. We were proud of our young friends, i Bernice Simone 91, Lyle Meredith 91. 'Grade 5-Leta Ehrhardt, Norma and everyone present felt that a school f Geography-Evelyn Van Wyck 91, Van Wyck, Marie[ Young, Francis that could turn out such graduates) should have our hearty support. Money II Francis Thompson 90, Alice Downs 91. Strasser, Alfred baker, spent for the cause of education is The following pupils were on the Grade 4-Pauline Albertson, Elmer honor roll, having maintained an aver- Butler, Winifred Butler, Edna Leicht, indeed money well spent. Miss Fielder age of 85 percent throughout the en- Frances Stelzer, Louis Stelzer, Ren gave the Salutatory and an essay on fire quarter: BelBer Terry. "The Community Theatre. y Mise High School-Clara McCaffery.Helen Grade 3-Elizabeth Baker, Overton gave the Valedictory and he Sterling, Helen Thompson, Katherine Dickerson, James Gagen Mary, 9 essay t "Historic Washington." The Thompson. Hobson, Terry Jennings, Loretta subject of Mr. :lemon's essay was Grade 8--Doris Williams. zer, Edgar Smith, Irma Wells. "Electricity u Everyday Life," and r Grade 2-Laura Kramer, Glrade 7-Julia McCaffery 90, Evelyn that of opl Purcell, °'The Evolution of Van Wyck 90, Alice Downs 90, Helen The followingy: pupils had perfect e the Aeroplane, Dickerson 89, Frances Gordon 88, tendance for the entire year, havin Mrs. Joaoph L. Townsend of Green- Leone Simon 88, Dwight Bridge 87, been neither absent nor tardy; ort, in behalf of the Daughters of the Kathryn Butler 87, Marie Ducey 86, Lyle Meredith, Corey Albertso Revolution, presented the D'. R. gold' Francis Thompson 86, Stanley Gadom- Stanley Gadomski. medals for the best essay on "Our ski 85. Carlson & Lee of Riverhead are in. Ping." Those receiving the prizes Grade 6-Eather Booth 94, Walterstalling two teat [ire wells for the were Helen Dickerson, 7th grade; Williams 92,Horace Symonds 91,Marie Harold Weygand, 8th grade; Flora! Doherty 89Robert Gagen -89, Southold Fire Department. One is at , Jean Albertson, lst year high, and Miriam J. Albert Goldsmith's and the other Wells 86, Dorothy Jennings 85. near Geo. G. Richmond's. If these Robinson, 2d year high. Southold grade 5-Leta Ehrhardt, Anna Za- work all right, two more wells will be High School won high honor, in that+ veski, Norma Van Wyck, Nora McCaf- installed, The wells are equipped Miss Robinson also received the Bret q Aped with prize in the County Contest, her essay fery, Muriel Young, Leonie Stacey, 6 in. 15 ft. Cook strainers. Rosemary Grattan, Helen Poliwoda. 'being adjudged the beat out of the 300 Jerome Grattan. Mise Eda Schloegel, of N. Y. City, preser.ted. Grade 4-William Williams 90,Agnes niece of the late Mrs. Kreulzer, is in Prin. L. A. Blodgett very feelingly Zebroeki 90, Rensselaer Torry 89, Eve- Southold to Bay good-bye to her friends and gracefully presented the diplomas^ before sailing for Germany on July tat, t J �- Fo�n�ler5' Landloo Miss Emma Booth is home Iookint3 chance when Gilles srnglen. ruiver tt tl fine. Everybody is glad to see icer. single d sending him to second and The Commissioners are pleased to Hobert Booth sailed for Europe fiat- -1mith fnllowed with a single to cen- urday for a two months' trill, terfield. Gilles failed to score on ac- announce that a highly acceptable — count of an injury which he sustained Manager of the new Park House has P. J. Mahoney, Sr., and P. J. while warming up and which caused been secured. Fred Bueler of Garden Mahoney, Jr., will act togethEr in buy- hirn a great deal of }gain throughout City will take charge of Bounders' ing potatoes this year. the whole game. g y robe- iNot a run was scored from the Landing in the ver near future, p_ S. L. Rowland, mother and sister are secrrnrl inning until the last half of bly July 1. Mr. Bueler is a native occupying J. E. Roney's home this the ninth when Sanford hit to center. of Switzerland, trained from child- summer. the ball going between Zaluski's legs hood in what ie considered today for a triple. Ullrich hit a fly for an Harry G Nowell &ors to f,corge I& out, Heaney out on another fly, but almost a profession, or, should we say, Saatith, lots s Main It, adj land of M I Cassidy came through with a pretty an art? He and Mrs. Bueler have Belle Van Dusen, Southold. Tax $7.,W single to right field winning the managed the restaurant of the gaane. Huntington yacht Club for four- George W Smith &w to Spencer W The box score. Petty, lot n s Mechanic street, adj. SOUTH©LD teen pears, where Mrs. Bueler is land of George W Smith, Southold. ab. r. h, o. a e, still located. Mr. Bueler was manager Tax $1, Ullrich, ef. ........6 0 0 '2 0 0 of the Doubleday Page Restaurant, Daniel H Horton &w to Harry G Heaney, ss. .......5 1 1 2 2 2 also of the Garden City Golf Club and Howell &w, lot No. 2, map of Hunt- Cassidy, c. .......6 0 2 15 1 0 of a Tea room in elle same city. W tin hurst Southold. Tax $1. Cochran, rf. .•....5 0 1 1 0 0 �__ -- - Strasser, 2b. ......5 0 1 1 5 0 comes with fine credentials. All that Salmon, 4 0 0 2 0 0 remains is for Southold to give support Joseph H Marshall &w to Georgia p• 1I Pettit, Iot n a Sound View, adj 'Scott, 3b. . ... ...4 0 0 1 3 1 and encouragement to this new enter- land of Hummel, Southold, nom. Davis, If. ........5 00 2 0 0 prise, and our village will have what Sanford, Ib. ......5 1 2 13 1 0 Mr. Bueler says no other village on Southold, June 22, by Rev. Abram Totals .........45 2 7 39 12 3 Long Island possesses, a resort,located CoakGn, l,ichmond Conklin of Peconic SOUTHAMPTONand equipped as beautifully and with and Myrtle Skinner of Greenport ab. r. h. o. a c. more promise than Founders' Landing. L. I. City, June 14, by Rev. James Zelenski, 3b. ......6 0 0 1 1 0 E. Sullivan, Joseph E.Turner of South- Pulver, c. ..6 0 2 10 0 0 "The MaglC RIng" old and Miss Edna M.Costello of Green- Smith, lb. .. ..6 0 1 16 0 0 port. Bennett, It. ..6 0 1 2 0 0 Children's Day exercises will beSOUTHAMPTON 1�fahr, ss ... ..5 0 0 2 2 0 observed in the M. E. church next Sun- LOSES Sabaski, e f. •,,.. ........5 1 2 3 4 0 7aluskr, c ..5 0 0 3 0 1 , day morning, when a pageant, "The I'tenson, alton, rf. .. ..'3 0 0 0 0 0 Magic Ring," will be given. T� SOUTHOL09 21 lles, p ...5 0 1 1 7 1 CxnRnCTEHa 1 U ll L1 LLL... rf. . ..2 0 0 0 0 0 Memory......... ......Theresa Fielder V - Total ...A ..47 1 7 38 14 2 Imagination.,..........Helen Boisseau Game Went 13 Innings--- Home runs—Sabaski. Stolen bases Reason.................Annabel Sharp Played at Southampton— —Strasser, Bennett. Struck out—by Wisdom ................Leta Ehrhardt Sabaski Knocks a Horne Salmon 12, .by !Gilles 9. Base on balls —off .Salmon 1, off Gilles 2. Hit by Knowledge Lillian Stelzer R . pitcher•—Heaney, Sabaski. Left on Modesty........ Irene McKeon buses—Southold 8, Southampton 9. Right Curiosity.....Virginia Malmborg On :Saturday afternoon Southolid de- ,first base on error—Southold 2, Honest Pride...............Jean 'Wells feated Southampton 2-1 in a thirteen Southampton 3. Umpire—Mr. Burt. h ducation................Svea Johnson inning game. The score by innings: C o uite a lar a assembly a f eo le Soui,hoid 1000000000001-2 Student..............I?a Forrest Payne 2 g g' p p carne to see both Salmon and Samt hamaton 0100000000000-1,Gilles 1Southampton pictures................Loretta Stelzer in aetiun. Last Saturday Gilles win- This Saturday 3:30 pton Songs......... ...........'Vary Moffat ning and this time Salmon won. play:; Easthanarilon on the local High Stories............ ..Sylvia Paytae ;salmon struck out eleven in 13 in- school grounds battery for Southamp- Something•to draw........Oliver Petty ping iGilles struck out 8 in 12 2-3 ton Gilles and Pulver while k xst- ha innangs. Southampton got to Salman mpton expects a Dartmouth bat- Sometlaing.to-do.,......William Moffat for eight hits all of which were in tery. Come and see the local boys Sometthing-to-make....Kenneth Tuthillfor innings, while Gilles up to the in action. First Book........Clarence Tiliingbastnint.h inning hold Southold's mighty We read recently in a Mississippi Second Book...........Terry Jermingssluggers to 3 hits in the unlucky 13th paper that the big feature of the they got two hits bringing their total celebration of the 44thy ear of the Beebe&Clark caught more than a in 13 innings up to 5 hits. A barrel shipment of weakfish in their Southold was first to score getting . & M. College of Mississippi was the draw seine Monday. The run of fish on, run in the first inning when baccalaureate address of Dr. Henry was extra large, none weighing lees Ileaney singled and Cassidy sent him Mace Payne,consulting miningengineer than 5 lbs., up to 10 pounders. Wednee- across with a triple being thrown out to the American Mining Congress of .rt the plate trying to stretch it into Washington, and formerlyeonauitir day they caught a 131 lb. striped bass, a double, l g among other fish. SouthampLon scored in the second engineer for the imperial itussian when Sabaski poled one in the potato government, His subject was Eu- E. Loicht has moved his shoe shop I field for a home run. Our only scoYe, cation in its Relationship to Industry. s into his store on Main St. +I In the fifth Southampton last a fine Dr. Payne spoke also before the Rotary " ' Club in Helena, Arkansas. POOP � z f Hein;; 7-2. the burning building. All the efforts , wrr ent -Five Years Ago The pitching of Salmon, Southold's of the firemen were directed toward baxnnanra g , was the feature of the ae, savingthe residence of Thomas Farley, S <f ;ilmoor, tossing ai tii;ht ball, per- only a few feet distant to the west. , cycle license taga were being sold. mitted*only two men to reach second The firemen did heroic work and success Samuel Tuthill was acting as news }arise• crowned their efforts. The roof of Mr.agent on the train. The box. scare is as follows: The loo da ~;outhold AB R H PO A E Farley's house caught tire, and the grou ht g was broken b y I,lierieli c f 5 2 1 1 0 0 house and contents were somewhat splendid fall of rain. Dvaney, ss .• . 4 0 1 3• 3 1 damaged by water, but the house was The Montauk Steamboat Co., opened t-n idy, c 1 1 3 5 0, sawed, without any great damage. It. the Block Island route. Cochran, r f 5 1 2 4 0 0 ';f r•asser, 2 b ..... 4 1 2 0 2 •0 was indeed fortunate that the wind was114 A union Fourth of July service was "','dMon, p ..,.... 4 0 2 1 4 0 the way it waa- north-west. if it had held in the Presbyterian church. ticev. Scott, 3- b . 3 0 2 0 0 1 been blowing hard from the cast, there Henry F. Hiler preached the sermon. Davis, I f .. ... 3 1 1 1 0 0. is no knowing where the fire would The Ladies' Society upholstered the Sanford, 1 h . ... 4 1 0 11 0 tl have spread. The entire - block to hacks of the pews in the Universalist -Biller, 1 f .,..... 1 9. 1 1 0 0 Harton's Lane would have been in church. — — — — — — The M. E. Sunday School held its 37 7 15 27 9 2 great danger. The fact that thea, Westhampton AB R H PO A F garage had a metal roof also ,greatly� annual picnic at Fleet's Neck. Pugh, c f . ....... 4 0 0 0 0 0 lessened the danger to surrounding i The musical prodigy, Blind Tam, Keating, ss .. ... 4. 0 0 2 3 I }lroperty, as the flames were eonfin,d gave an exhibition of his wonderful E. Raynor, 3 b ... 4 0 1 2 2 1 inside the building for some time. powers in Belmont Hall. X Raynor, 1 b ... 4 0 1 11 0 0 The Board of Education voted to en- Hogoncanip, 2 b ., 4 0 1 3 a 0 Large gasoline tanks were outside the P. Raynor, r f 4 0 0 0 0 0 building, under-ground, but fortunately gage Miss,Higgins of Corning, N. Y., R. Raynor, 1 f . 3 '0 0 1 1 0 they did not explode. The current of as teacher of the Intermediate Depart- I(evick, c 3 4 1 4 2 0 electricity was shut off, so there could ment, in place of Miss Benham, re- Gilmer, p, ........ 3 .0 1 1 5 0 he no danger from falling wires. The signed. — — — — — — IJMon College conferred the degree 33 0 5 24 13 2 Greenport Fire Department sent up of Doctor of Divinity on Rev. Pulliam Three-base Hits—Cochran. Two- apparatus, but the Southold firemen y base Hits--Hogencamp, Heaney. Bac- had the fire under control, Joseph Force Whitaker, pastor of the First rifice Hits—Heaney, Scott. Stolen Walters,in rushing to drive the engine Presbyterian Church of Albany. Bases—Heaney, Cassidy. Struck-out to the fire, and Wm. H. Rafford, in Lewis W. Overton of Southold and —By Salmon, 4; by Gilmer, 3. Base Mies Hattie Maverick of Greenlawn on Batls—Off Salmon, 0; off Gilmer, being overcome by the heat and smoke, 1. (Double Plays—Heaney to San- were under Dr. Stokes care for a were married. ford. Left on Bases—Southold, 8 while. The contents of the safe are Westhampton, 6. First Base on Er- -� y all intact and Mr. Jennings' books are EAST EVD LEAGUE ror—Southold, 2; WIsthampton, 2. L7mpire—Mr. Burt. saved. Mr. Jennings had an insurance; o The score by innings: of$1800 on the building and $1900 on f STANDING OF' THE CLUBS 1 2 3 4 5 Fr 7 8 9 the contents, but that will cover but a Won Lost 1'.C. Southold ..... 0 0 4 2 1 0- 0 0 x-7 small part of his loss. The seven new Westhampton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Southold . 4 1 800 t r Chevrolets were also insured for at,aut Mattituck . . . . . 3 2 6001 Southold Garage Burned three-quarters their value. Mr. Jen- Southampton . . . . 2 2 500 150EK nin s did a large and successful busi- Riverhead 2 3 400 ' The worse fire that ever came to ness, and this is just his harvest time Southold occurred Monde roaming, in the summer. He will rebuild at Feat. Hampton . 2 3 400 L---�� West l lsrnpton . . . 1 3 254) , about ten o'clock. when the Southold once on a large scale. The new garage � Garage, Fred T. Jennings, proprietor, will be 60 ft. front by 110 ft. deep, and Results Last Weekwas burned to the ground, with all its will have shallow-tile plateglass front, Southuld. 7'; West Hampton, 0 contents. The cause of the fire is un- known. 1t started in the rear .of with shave room for new cars. Much East. Hampton, 4; Southampton, 3 t h e garage and the flames sympathy is expressed for Fred in his Mattituck, 8; Riverhead, ti rest loss. He was not at home when spread with lightning-like..rapidity. In fire broke out, being at Riverhead Games .;uly Fourth a few seconds the garage was a Beeth. with the fires wife and sae, but was reached Southold at Mattituck ing furnace. There was no time to b tele hone. The new motor ap- S,�uthamptan at West Hampton the valuable contents. 5euen y p new Chevrolet care, and four second- paratus of the Southold Fire Depart- saveItiverhead at Ehst Ilsrn,�son hand care belonging to Mr. Jennings, ment paid for itself in fighting this fir-, C� r��u��� � VICTOR and four other cars belonging to S Lester Albertson attended sessions !A U ll S customers were consumed. The gara..ge of the National Democratic Convention OVER �'EST���iPTON was well equipped with expensive in N. Y. City the latter park of last machinery, and a large stock of auto tires, etc., was in stock. The Soutb- week.hn J. Purcell, who graduated from The Westhampton baseball team old Fire Department responded qusck- 1 to the alarm, and :t was seen at the Southold High Schaal in June,-baa went down to defeat at the hands of y entered the U. S. Coast Guard Aeade- the Southold nine at a gaine played i once that nothing could be done to save Saturday, at Southold, the final tally my at. New London, Ct. r SOUHO MAN CLAIMS The total amount due depositors is $6,- T 803,524.93. The surplus at par value is meeting of Town Board HE SET FIRES $1,11111,112.57; Eurplus at market value, The Southold Town Board met at the $1.425,763.24; surplua at investment office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, onf sses to Startling Blazes which value, $1,434,759.13. five per cent on The .Bank pays Saturday, June 29, 1924. Present, Consumed Several Southold Barns, cent Supervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hal- and insists that He Started deposits up to$500, and four per lock, Justices' Griffin, Terry, Hawkins the Mattituck Printing on the balance up to $5,000. Now is a and Robinson. Supt. of Highways House Fire. good time to start an account or add to Fleet* and Counsel Terry. the account you already have. -De- Harry P. Hooper of Brigbtwater,.4, Earl Cochran of Soutl4old told offi- posits made on or before July 12 will L. I., and Hermon Sweezey of Baby- cials hast week that he was th4rmala draw interest from July 1. Ion, of the White Bros.' Line now run- Who sedfire to several barns xh;cli mysteriously burned in Southold last Reports of the three Riverhead ning, appeared before the Board and Spring, also said that he was in banks, as of July 1, show aggregate iii� aii� made application for a perrhit, fret:- Mattituck on the night of the fire that resources of $17,072,755.24. The. chise or consent to operate a Motor destroyed the plant of the Suffolk Riverhead Savings Bank leads with Il Vehicle or Bus Line over, upon and Printing & Publishing Corporation, total resources at investment value C .along certain streets, roads and ave- and that he had touched it off. There of $10,934,754.68. The Suffolk County �nues in the Town of Southold, begin- is some doubt abut the truth of the -Trust Co. has $3,488,288.23 and the ning on the South Main Highwai in man's story however, as some of his Suffolk County National Bank, $2,- 1 statements don't hang together. For 649,712,33. No other community of be says that on the night said Town at the west line of the Town, instance, ght the the size of Riverhead anywhere in and running thence easterly along said printing shop burned, he was in Mat-V the country can make a better finan- highway to the Village of Greenport. tituck and had something to eat in cial showing. D The above gentlemen have also made avis Lunch Room, but Proprietor The Savings Bank has a surplus of 1. Davis says that the man was not inll,$2,010,495.39 at investment value and application to the Riverhead Town! his place that day, or at any timet heamount due 12,248 depositors on Board for a similar franchise in that near that day. week, 1, 1924, with interest at 5 per Town. -On Monday evening of this t 'cent per annum on all sums from $1 The following resolution was adapt- the man threw a scare intp Mattituck to $500 and 4 per cent on the excess when it became known that at about�-of $500, was $8,914,259.29. The in- ed: six-thirty,he went into the local rail- crease in resources for the year is Whereas, it appears that in order to road station and asked Agent L. C.1:approximately $950,000. insure the continued operation of cer- I Gildersleeve for "two large matches." tain motor bus lines, which are a great I He was not supplied, and went, going Hereafter the Public Library will convenience to the inhabitants of the up the tracks towards the west, andturning off on the Sound Avenue road. not be open Monday evenings. It will own of Southold. A few minutes later a man reported be open Monday afternoons, and Town Resolved, That the Town Board of that he had passed Cochran in the Wednesday and Saturday afternoons the Town of Southold adopt the pro-I neighborhood of N. S. Tuthill's fer- and evenings. visions of Section 26 of Chapter 667 of tilizer works, and that Cochran had a d by Chap- market basket on his arm in which Fred and Henry Rich and Robert the Laws of 1915 as amended was � lot of papers. Many people a Booth, who sailed on the Students' ter 307 of the Lawd of 1919, 80 far as indignant eon" - that a nian who is a self- isat 8 applicable to the operation of motor - d incendiary should be al-I Tour to Europe, have arrived outh- [ bus lines and franchises governing 1,,,d to roam about unwatched, ampton, England. same in the Town of Southold. Southold savings Batik The Southold Fire Department will A public hearing on the application for a franchise for the Motor Bus Line The 132d semi-annual statement of hold Tag Day on July 4th. will be held at the office of Supervisor the South6ld Savings Bank, issued Henry L Fleet to Joseph Novalka, Tuthill, Greenport, on Friday, July 18, July 1, 1924, is a credit to the manage-lot e & Pequash ave, adj land of Mi- ment of this well-known institution.chael Howard, Cutchogue, Tax 50c. 1924, at 10 a. m. 'With assets oover eight millions 8n( rhe*cornpen%dt6n of the Town Audi. f Bay View, July 2, at the home of I tors was placed at$5.00 per day. a surplus at investment value of nearI3 her daughter, Mrs. Harold K.1 lock, one and a half millions, this Bank is tbi Mrs. Mary E. Ali, aged 67 years. Re. The,compensation of the Town Coun- a mains taken to Fresh Pond Crematory. country second strongest Savings Bank I I set was placed at$7.00 per day. in the United States. This is indeei orwalk, Ct., June to Mrs Annie It was voted to employ Deputy Slit r the people of Southole Nneider, formerly of Southold. ,,T Fre e �,:loth, rn Uly 1 to SeptL high honor, and Schneider, from d cause to be proud of 15 te traffic n front of the Town have goo The high linanctil to their Savings Bank. Fo "uthol Post Offi.,,during ng mail hours. his institution has been Weis' Landing IteffiS It was voted to employ Constable. standing Of t John L. Sturgis to regulate traffic at won because of the able, conservative We are happy to state that the new Mattituck from July I to Sept. 15. management of the Bank, and secondly park house at Founders' Landing will It was voted to transfer $1,000 from! because of the absolute faith of the. be open on the Fourth, and that Mr. the Miscellaneous Fund to the Machin- people in that management. Bueler, the manager, will be sufficient- ery Fund. The total assets of the Bank at pari,ly settled in his new quarters to serve value are$8,192,067.50; total assets ati several good things to eat. He will J_ N. HALLOex, Town Clerk market value,$8 229,288 17; total assets not be able as yet to serve shore din- at investment value, $8,238,284-06. ners or any elaborate meals, but on the Fourth, he will have clam chow- Louis B. Rlolferz, now Prof. Wol- ham sandwiches, coffee, ice EAST END LEAGUE l ferz of Pekin University, China, a and soft drinks for sale. Let o - ! Finished scholar and a Presbyterian u� all go down some time during the STANDING OF THE CLUBS misaionary, will speak at the Presby- WE day and see what fun it is to order a Won Lost P.C. terian church next Sabbath morning, col i lunch in our own pavilion, looking outProf. Wolferz is a son of the late Rev. It Riverhead 4 4 3 671 on one of those matchless views of Southall . . , , . , 2 71 Louis Wolforz,and many of his young- ey Peconic Bay. Southampton . 3 3 5p0 er years were spent in Southold. He TE Mattituck 3 4 429 brings a message worth hearing and in C Be sure to read the notice elsewhere West 1Iampton . 2 3 400 +deeorres a large audience. fu le of the big social time an Monday even- m, V ing, and be sure to came and invite East Hampton . . . 2 4 333 Mrs. 1'red Mannweiler is the neve ole e your friends to corse with you. - "Central"telephone operator for South- ar A Results July Fourth old. succeeding Arra. Horace J. Booth, All panda are working now to a Southold 11 Vs4attituek 5 f1i ik g pay resigned. Mrs. I Mrs. H race hart much di e for the lights and to put in two wash Riverhead, 7; East Hampton, 3 experience in the business before com- tl I rooms at the park house and install a, West Hampton, 1; Southampton, 0 ing to Southold, and is thoroughly u water system. Grateful acknowledg- (11 innings) competent, ,i ment is made to'H. H. Iiuntting for a q donation of ten dollars toward a fund Result Saturday, July 5 Capt. Ezra G. Beebe went to Now rl for this purpose. Riverhead, 10; Southold, 2 London, Ct., on Tuesday and obtained 1 Southampton, 9; Mattituck, 2 his license to take out parties. He is s Silver and dishes, though they may And the game on Saturday, when ' now ready to take out sailing and fish- not match the sets purchased, will be the First Settlers from Southold re- ,ing parties or people an moonlight sails ceived the worst trimming they have i very acceptable to the Furnishing in his auxiliary catboat. kerns reason- ,h � Committee. Mrs, Sarah Wheeler has , ad in five years, was even more of a able. I slugging and running match, for the l donated a fine old tureen and platter,tallies at the end were 1.0 runs for - Saw Mrs. Julia. Weidman, a daugh- that will prove useful for many pur- Riverhead and only 2 for Southold. ter of late Mrs. Julia Edwards at poses. Mrs. Thomas Stacy made Air. Domiski was on the firing line for church on Sunday. She is pleasantly' f3ueler's heart l;Vad with a prrsi=el;t of Riverhead in the Saturday game. He -remembered by her friends of early allowed Southold only eight hits riur- days, leaving' been born at North some tea tower. ing the game while the Riverhead Sidle," in the home now occupied by batsmen were garnering fourteen off! Harrison Goldsmith. There is one item that almost any- Heaney. In this game Thegel and W. body can supply. and that is a pair of Stark for Riverhead are credited with The pier e+tendi.ng Out into the bars salt and pepper shakers. We horse to 2-base hits and Ludlivig came through in front of the Arsbamoniodtue bin- with another 3-sacker. has been further lengthened in ogler receive a dozen sets. The Local Box Scores 1 to furnish water sleep enoue.'h for It's hard enough to set u a house- R1vERHEAD boats of'asize to touch it, w t- live in g l , ab r h o e hopes of further dlevelopnrents. _ keepil,g for a couple, but when one B. stark as ........... 5 2 a 21 ��a wviro still remember Rev, attempts it for an entire village, help Moran. kn'lf3b ....,. 5 1 t s c C ifford Newton, who filled the pulpit B"k' g e. of the Corner Church here for a year is needed from every quarter. It has LudiThigel, e ..•••••• 4 2 ° ere he went "overseas," will be inter- all been a work of much joy, however. w. stark. 2b ................ 4 1 2 2 1 Mitchell. rf 4 1 2 a a s ted to learn that he is vw eil, 1lrlar- Twenty-Five Years Ago Creighton, lb .. ;. 4 1 1 1© o rigdl has a young son, and titin in r ! Domiski, p — — — active service a€°: a preacher. c 40 l0 14 38 2 Through the agency of E. Leicht, Rev, �Butler of Pennsylvania filled SOUTHOLD the pulpit of the Universalist church. Louis A.Tuthill baa sold his residential Mise Elizabeth Terry was engaged to Ullerieh, of 5 1 2 z 0 property at Creekside to William teach school at East Islip. Heaney. p •... ..... s 1 z 2 a Sofsky of Brooklyn, Mr. Tuthill re- Prince, a$ tains his greasabouse and barn. Itev. Win. B. Allis of Brooklyn filled Cassidy, a .. .. i e n Cochran. rf 4 0 1 6 0 the winter in New the pulpit of the Presbyterian church. Strasser. 2b After ;pendingrir in the Salmon; if .. Qriearle, Lester Albertson, who had been in Scott. sea ....-••••,•.•••.. ° 0 La., and the ep t3 business in 1J. Y. City, was assisting* Sanford ib ... ..... ........ 4 0 0 9 0 Middle W est, Jahn E. Karn returned his father in the wholesale potato busi- — 41 2 8 25 5 to bis native town last Friday. nese. Two-base hits--Thegel. W. Stark, Prince. y M.C.A. Secretary Three-base hitt—Lllterieh, Ludivig, ruse on John Merwin,a 11ia The 82d semi-annual statement of the I ball,Raverheadl 1: sautbold. 2. Birt by Nebraska; is visiting Southold Savings Bank showed total pitcher—Cassias. Left on bascs—Southold, at`Gets Mr b'A assets of X2,430,024. +2, and a total . w. Albertson, and his 5s; Riverhead. . struck nut—by ilomiski. sister, 4: by Heaney, 2, Umpire—Mr. Burt. brntldnr. R- T. Merwim surplus of 393,23ti.17. ,,Vers.J.M. Glover has a little daul;"h- The tenement house of Michael Fish- a4ty Elizabeth Edna, born last Satur There was every prospect of a good ter, as:_ing out cigars., crop of potatoes, er, which was recently purchased by dl=ry. Jay is p Steamer Ilalyoake gave an excursion John Berry, Sr., was moved across Southold, July S. at the; home of her the street Wednesday to Mr. Berry's niece, Mrs, W. I, Hagerman, Mrs.. to Goodepeed's Landing, Coml. S, Ackley, formerly of Green Horace Byrnes, son of Rev. Horace bat, also purchased of Mr, Fisher, car-. Henry ort, where interment took place, In W. Byrnes, took all three of the�ner Korn Ave. and Poorhouse Lane. �her dJath year. oratory prizes at Wesleyan University. C. T. Gordan did the moving. Riverhead, July 7, Judge Timothy M. Grilling. in his 82d ,year. the ".noutlru w-. � 1 Saturday, at Southold„ tele final tally ' �j��5 lldare dish towel have been received, Wafter 'Smith liar his torup tanl Founders WON title time from Mrs, C+loronce Mal£at. �tacice�l with 500 of these big watat6I The new Park House.and the new, It is acts such as these:that make tis turtles. -- _._. manager, Mr. Busler, received many feel that ours is a real Community, 1=lause. Twaxlity-Five Years Ago compliments on the Fourth of July. ��1 , �oo�o It was a perfect scene that greeted the. ,. eye as one entered about noontime. A compliment for the American Walter B. TIllinghast pure)Aped. of The. Roam in the background was Legion I May they and sill other clubs Albert Folk 'the duckery at Jockey in perfect order and the fitness of its. who dance at the Landing Pavilion Creek. furnishings and color scheme was n°ver: continua worthy of it. Arrangements were being made for more apparent. 'The little touches of Naar-by neighbors along the bluff!' 'a Harvest Home at Oak Lawn on Aug, old blue and burnt orange.in draperies have not felt very cardial over the idea ;9th, and cushions, seemed to concentrate of a dance pavilion breaking in on the Great improvemegta had been made cmdula,of quiet of their retreat. Imagine the joy 'to•S, I. Mitchel's residence, finally in the lovely double eol difrerent shades of orange that graced with which ono of the nearest exclaim- Miss Eliza Miller Howell gave a very' the center of the old hickory table• ed on Saturday morning, "Think of :a ,interesting and instructive address ill The iittlo blue and orungo tables in the dance breaking up last night and all the Presbytorian church on the origin, pavilion wore ready with serving plates those autos leaving and not a sound and work of.the institute in Brooklyn: in white and blue,waiting for the guests being bend i We never knew when ':ln wltiieh she hart studied far the past who might drop in for chowder And they left 1" Stich loses-taking should '`two years preparing for foreign mit' ors ar►d windows wore become a model in Sout"Id. It means nary work. sandwiches. Do sip open and tine sights' and soft breeze eonaidointlon:Por the co fort-of others came in from the bay. The kitchen not always met with. EAST END LE,A GUR Was open alio and the man who hold The Community Party was declared; -- the key to the euaceas of tbo day and with much sincerity,by all who attend- STANDING OF THE CLUBS season could he soon def tly preparing the g leasant, It could Pic de readetance of the day'a menu.. ed, as deli htfuilyvp WOO Last P.C. It was not without trepidation that the hardly be otherwiso.in that attractive Southold..': .. . . : fi 760 order was given. .Could anybody place. .The sum of$80.00 was redlized Riverhead . . , . ` 5 3 626 from adrttissians slid from donations, 9 1 500 transplanted to the East End,` even from Huntington. and; Garden City from chase who for sante gond.reason .west Hampton. , Southampton. , . . 3 4 428 Clubs, equal bur East End chefs in the could not attend. Mrs. Frank Garter 'Mattituck 8 5 375 left five dollars at.the door instead of East Hampton 2 ti 286 making of that dish or kettle o chowder , ; ane, Another friend sent the. same peculiarly the Iatter'a awn. We dog t . amount and'till another, absent, sub- Result Saturday; July 12 wantto disparage our own •.people scribed for a table. Southold, 4; East Hampton, 3 possibly an East Ender has not made scribed word ss to admissions, we are hop- comparisons, but a non-native was Riverhead,.7;. Southampton, 2 in the day will come molten geed times 6• Mattituck 4 t E heard to say that Der`,13uvler a chowder end not money will bo the-end .to he -West]Bampton, , [was "the beet he had ever tasted. served at this lovely Pavilion. With a JUDGE GRIF+'IIING .DID It seemed perfect in every way and if NOT LEAVE A WILL. he selves nothing oleo all summer, we bill of$150 for dishes; $68 for silver; t� prophesy a good patronage every day. $40 for cooking utensils; $50 for extra As fat` as is knawri no%v the late _ lighting fixture"; $100 towards plumb- Judge Timothy M. •Griffins, of kite In the.Itast Rnom we noticed a pair ing, all of which must b. .paid by a head, left no will. This is incl nap- in the fact that lake last week an ap 1 of bellows, marked 1821, a gift from group of Pauc ladies right now or its the plication was made to the Surrog'ate's 1 Mise Addis Asters. very near future, what can said ladies Court for letters of administration in of iftn two signs made of do but work.for money'! The friends his estate, and hist 011, LestyOT du Robert 5 'akin g GTIfin and P l7 times must .P. i g, of good t 12 in 'stard, with moulding to 'stay i of the Landing and g an 1VIrs. Grace G .dloen, will lie named the endo, were ordered of Wm. R. submit for the roaent to Pay as administrators. ® Newbold, W icon an order is given, the admission.to par The the Committee The'petition;filCes the value of the d Comrn1 too expect to pay the bill. 1 ladies all agree is more.tban they want "personal property as boilig in ex � te of the. Imagine their gratitude to learn the to charge far gond'times at Founders' reacesl ° n e xcess of�$25,000,and the i1z.As diets Y. material was donated, ,also the work, banding: We tick patience and charity is o will the entire pfow,,"W will it the latter.including the kind services ' for a'little time longer., pass to the widow..and .five child is of Mr. Newbold.and his interested Itis surprising to tilt' public, judg Louie I3adnoeki. ' Pi•lnetpal 131odgetr of our TTigli Ing front comments nude, to learn helper, Selioo1 it; tutoring tiie two sons of that Judge !Grifiing left 110 will I'll- Tho opening of a little box causod A, II Carden Burin the sun mer . ttt exclamatlons of genuine delight: Oaro- cause tl tir e_ �_._ -,�— �- � 1Vl;as I:yclla Ackley disci rt1, Mra, Jea, � 'S £ally wrapped in tissue, as tboy were Miasl3eryl;Herten bgs a positiatt as: Isle Hagenhan's"last *cult ;it the tip ' " ler. . packed at thelGift Shop, were throe rivets secretory yvith a firm lir 1'hila, �a,ge of 94 years. She'htzd beeit.an rtl 1, rs, lovely;, els of salts and poppers in old p valid for a 10119 time. 4Vith.iu'a radrttK 3n blue.aid orange luetre ware. On°a delphia. _ — of'I ; miles taking the past office as �. in „ V' .Pz ar}ny G 'a canter' there are seven nona}*ellat Piece a#paper were the words; Vol ChtlStglzhet I,r kcht thy The Founders' Lfinding from James W, Ac Williams l4 1-2 4 s s Pi_ 'N'ccic ians, all an possession of Thos sl facul� 1 road. ddj laltd of Christopher I,eicltt '.ties and fairly sties. `1'h0he Dight . _ A pie, gottthold, I�._I. Sotrtltald: Tax $25. years o£ age r oullted young het M,r, and Mra, Lemuel Wh€taker of ITREASURY STOPS SALE , lee��ng t Town3,-Beard °F Smadelphia are visiting Southold and i The Southold Town Board mot at thy' It ttiport friends: Mt. Whitaker is a Of SVII�GS STAMPS o�lee of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenpart� the Qr princlpai of Southold Academy,, Friday, July 18, 1924, Present, Super;' wr! "'ie, Whitnker Is a former teachori visor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock; Ho- ir public achual. --._-- -_-_ Tho'Treasiiry has ordered all sales . Justices Griffin, Terry, Hawkins and ;will f mon Wlirtcnmb,after a visit with of Treasury Savin ;,• certificates and Robinson, and,Counsel`ferry. peat. grandmother, Mrs. Susan }:st913llrs t usl�endcd on July 15th, ac- Harry G. Hooper of Brlgh.twaters; Ed h� it,.bas gone to the.Farmingdale cord€ng to an announcement made by y y L. X., and Herman Swaoxe of IIab (;h. p61turAl School to try farm. work AcOing• Secretary Winston last Fri- . soience, *er the summer. tray, Ion, I,. L, proprietors of the present' He le. estate ,of the late Albert A, The.Acting Secretary said that the White Bile Line, made application for' A. present money market dict riot war a permit, franchise, or consent to oper-: W of Southold, shows a net pro• rant the Treasutly paybig 4% per . ate a Motor Vehicle or Bus Line over, :oi $13,778,64 passing to the I emt, interest on the Saviligs seeur€- h wldo�v, Lucy TI, Folk, on which athero ties i Avhen funds .may be obtained at upon and along certain streote, roads'I J, is ----or!------- 3 .73 _ I nmclllower gates;of interest, . and avenues in the Town of Southold, an ]fdias Bettor Elmer, teacher of Nature More than ;400;0-00,400 iit Treasurybeginning an the South Main Highway El Study.in the schools of South 0411ge, certificates are now outstanding. The in said Town at the west line of the Pr A;rJ,,..is:spending the summer with : first sales, in the form. of War Sav- Town and running .thence easterly Ti hur'sister, Acre.+Elaie Williams. 'ngs Stnanps, were made in 1. 18, but along Bald.highway to the west int orpo- — _._._.....-_-.-----___._....------ -- those have alropdy been retireid and :caner year his peen a.new issue. Al- rated limits, of the Village of Green= The First National .Bank of. Gut n,uat $100,0 00,000 of the issue of 1924 port. chogue started out on Monde have -already dy been sold,T Coneont for above franchise was. very favorable auspices, the deposits) Tw.entyFive Yealcs A.go granted by a unanimous .vote of the by for-that day amounting to over$22,000.1 ' Board. It is to remain In"effect for a in' I.,.ICM ,ti ''�4m� ,r ( � terra of Ilve years, and the grantees i3c Harry Carrell is now acting� a5, A A. Folk purchased of Il H. Hunt- ai pctholegist at the B. L, I• Hosllit�l, are to pay the Town the au,n of $25.00 hatang charge of the laboratory beinly ting slot on Horton's Lane, opposite paryear, and filo a bond for .$2500 for am installed there.. _ Southold Academy, the faithful performance of the eon- G Misses Mary. and'Date Denny; the T. M. Shipherd waa doing Y. M C. tract, S fdrn�er:a teacher'In the High Soh of Massachusetts I A. work lb . He wp s to � phe rate of fares to be charged 'P at:G'otry, P., are 0 John 1Cenny's 4r enter Uniop .Thetilogical Seminary in . Z th_ a:aunlitlel, _ _.__ the public is as follower Laurel to the fall.. Mattituck to Cut- C 'the Universalist Sunday School held Mattituck, 10 ebnts; '�-We; n.pw. have an evening, through; chogne,10 cents; Cutcilogue to Peconic, its 110The city and pointe beyond. ,It its annual picnic at;F leets Neck. 10 cents; Peeonic tp Southold, 10 cents; 1 7 - -- _ - - ,_ Alar o number went- on the Eagle Pr hold to Pipe's Neck, 10 cents; r �u'seei at 6 o'clock, g ,, Southold C11iurE00 I..Fanning of Chester,Conn { Hook and Lnddor Co. excursion to p''s Neck to Greenport, 10 cents. Middletown, {.t., per str. I3alyoake I a#ormer resident of Southold, called 'No lose than two round trips daily ie>ol>�d'friertids on Tuesday, Iiant°r Watarmi�an'a housbboat, Tho y, � _ between the lmoura of 7 a. m. and 11 p. Ark,.was put in commission. l m, are to be made over the entire } harry BhArp of N. Y. City.le vtslt-; The Southold Tonnis Club was organ- ` ruute at times most suitable to the k fug Southold friends.' i ixed, with Rev. H, E: Hilar .as prosi- .'` public needs and demands, . X',r$tl,:]?rirace has Purchased rte old dent. No amulting will be allowed in the rpnk IIrimRmtal pikes on Walla ivaA Potatoes were yielding about 1,25 busses and the,Pubi€e Health Laws of. d his wife is.mos. ef�iclently Bete-. huehels`to.fha acre, and were selling f tiro Mate and Town will be adhered to. �rig'tq,get it in px�ex s e for 60 cents per bushel, J. N. HALLOGic, Towti Clerk]f { Hunttinz tI In I, 11I 'exh„h] let n w T RA n st oas Innd R A l Piy SnutHnld,.$7tSl;n, ----_— — EAST END LEAGUE t Walters---At the Eastern special Franchises -..---o--`� l pttad Thuzaday,,July 17th to Mr. and l ' -Mrs.)Joseph WglteL, of Southold, a Following is A list of,Special F ran- STANDING OF THE CLUBS c son. . chine Valuations in Southold" Town, as Won Lost P.C. prepared by the State "1'ax Depart ' Southold 8 2 800 P, C;utandgue, June 28, by Rev. P. Ii. l PVoilfi, Gerald Beebe and Miss Millicent menta �Wlvuarhead 6 3; 667 - 1'm�thill, Long.Island Lighting Co. , : $39,210 Mattituck 4 6 444 New 'Yarn Telaphoile Co. . 48,0'0$, West Hampton . 3 4 429 li ,; outhn d July 14, by Rev. E. 8.. ($68,"709,outside of Greenport, Southampton.. 3 6 , 363 2cid-ori, Charles R; McAnhm of Green- $9,884 in Ctiroonport Villager East Hampton . 2 7 222 0rt and Woe Agnea Lav€nia Gordon ,. f;�4outhald.. WgRtern Union.!e.legraph Co 114; k �qquahogue,duly 5,'bY.Itov. Edward isher0 Island Farms, Inc, . 8,070' Iitesult tlaturdny, July.19 - , lNortbrop, George l). Webb and halter Island Light and Power Southold, 5; bloat Hampton, 4, Rnsa Bell Horton, both of Now Eaet Side i3ewerage Co. 408 i Riverhead, 9; East Bampton, 8 ' 265; i Mattituck, 12; Southampton, 2 Mt and Aire L' iVi�"Detlrlta and (#reenport. 1,530 b1SdA N, Cmty are vreltlnfl at .LStirling . Reaulte Wednesday, July 23 y : . Is outhold;..IB; Mast Hampton, 5 , Aa Interesting Paper 290 Boys on Southold Beach a a In tearingdown the fence in front of �CABARET A Atone o'clock, Tuesday noon of this r the old Southold Drug Store, a paper, week, Founders' Landing Beach was CABARET DlINCL, . written by the first proprietor, H. G. strewn with boys of all ages and sizes. FOR COMMUNITY HALL Howell, was found in the gatepost. It adorned with bathing suits, sweaters The First Annual Cabaret Dime for d' was dated 1884, and was as follows: and baseball toga. Clamp Quinipet from the benefit of Southold Commutritq "This building was erected by J° Shelter Island was spending the after- Hall gives every promise of being the 1, Edward Corey for R. G. Howell. noon in Southold, on the beach for social bit of the season.. It will be held r- Cheater A. Arthur was President; lunch and later, on the school baseball on Friday evening, August 8,atFoUnd- it Henry A, Reeves, Supervisor; William diamond. ers' Landing Pavilion, Southold, under rr A. Cochran, Town Clerk; Oscar L. The 290 boys, 9 to 16 years old, with the auapsces of¢he Southold Players. r Wells, Constable; Dr. J. M.Hartranft, 36 leaders crossed to Greenport by ferry The first question asked,.if s.Dance Mail and hiked,to Southold in the morning. r, Physician; Samuel Weeks, is to be given, is, "Wh.,o is to Play?" is, '` J. W, Huntling, Justice of the Peace, Food and cooke came over to Southold We have had fine orchestras from dif- f, and quietness was over the land; Dr. in a boat. Besides consuming baked ferent parts of Long Island, but this ry Epber Whitaker was pastor of the heans and "weenies" of their own, the time we are to have one from nerasa boys cleaned out le Presbyterian church, and Rev. Georges Through;the of food, She Park the Sounq. ,, personal ef- ly Taylor,pastor of the Methodieteburch. House, Weckesser and various other forts of Charles F. Kramer, we have a- Southold Lodge Otticers spots. A leader gave the ipformatinn secured six players from Al Menard's n- "Melody Boys," that play District Deputy grand Master Peter that 30 per rent of the number came famous J. Campbell of Huntington, assisted from New York City, another 80 per nightly at Pleasant Beacb, Bridgeport. ae he Grand Officers, cent from New Jersey and the remain- Conn..., before an audience of five thous- installed stal1erl the otfieers ohis stag of Deputy of Greenport and ins 40 per cent from Florida and other and people. To hear these boys play s oand sing will alone be worth the price Southold l odges, 1. O. O. F ,at South- states. a0 per cent of the boys stay ea tar nine weeks at the camp and the old on Monday evening. The following of admission. 00 rest come for a month. Then between dances will come num- 'or are the officers of Southold bodge: N. the between bars by some of the most famous stars• in- G•, Henry W. Fisher; V- G., Barry J leaders rof the camp vs. Southold Cubs on the vaudeville stage. Pat Rooney, Smith; P. G., H. W. Gordon; Warden, dim° Ei, lieffard; Conductor, Wm. H. (Cuba winning 6-6), the boys returned who belongs to Southold as well as to ed all-the-world stage, will furnish one to ,Terry; Chaplain, Rev. Abram Conklin; to camp on the boat "`Prospect" which number for the benefit of our Hall and it- l t' • C• A. Prince; O. G., J. I. Fan- came to Southold Hock for them.'Jr4, lot the pleasure of his townspeople. His niQg; lt. S. N. G., Chas. G° Corey; a lan:tmithd l..iRR adiwland to �l:ate�ofei 7i Tuthill, %,,Too son will fallow in his footsteps. Eddie ts; L s° N. G., Teunis S. Bergen (in- „„thold F°suds, the unique, the only "Senator stalled by proxy); R. S. V. G., A• W Ella E Price bars to Robert W. Price, lot e. s. Bay ave., adi. land of Ford," will interpret the Wawa of the AlbAlbertson; L. s. V. G., H. M. Haw- e 5. S., John greitstadt; L. S. T+;lla F. Price, Peconic, tax, 41.00 day in his quietly brilliant manner that ,ilY Lawrence It Bradley as trustee, it ,strengthens- him with the years as a P. has. T. Gordon. After the installation ceremony, bankruptcy, to I M Younng & Co. favorite. It is hinted that floe Sime, ire Inc., 21/} acres e s Cutchogue lane ad who is heard always with delight. has , I speeches and refreshments were en- land of Patrick,Burns, Cutchogue,con. Sod for us on joyed. sideration. - 1&.000 something sorpaseingly r the At the meeting of Southold Lodge William R Newbold Sew to I N August 8th, Jack Sturges, who has of next Monday evening, the initiatory Young 8c Co., Inc., quit-claim deed to the enviable giut ft of oat only so 119, lhbe degree will he conferred on two eandi- 21/4 acres,e s Cutchogue Dunt lane adi of getting his songs over, to, land of Patrick Burns, Cutchogue, heard as alwaya with keen pleasure. k dates. nam. Who would miss this program and There was a whirlwind on .Monday" Henry Kaolin &w to I M Young thi dance, or the opportunity of paying which started near W. T. Gagen s Co., Inc., quit-claiQrr deed to 2/2 acres yard, and taking papers and other e s Cutchogue Depot lane adi land of one dollar for the benefit of our own frac a articles up in the air a long Patrick Burns, Cutchogue, noire. Community Hall? distance nearly out of sight. The ti orma jr. Fleet to Grathwohl C. Last, but by na means least, under 1 wrind lasted several minutes, finally Curran, lot e, s. Fleetwood road, adj. C. the direction of Mr. Kramer, the Pa- i00 breaking on Horace Booth privet land George Fleet, Cutchogue, tar, 5 00 viiion will be transformed into fairy- 00 - _ .. land with its decorations and lights. Mrs. Julia Weidman from Florida, West Hampton, July 20, by Rev. M. For days and nights work has been go- l44 i29 a daughter of the late William and C. Bulmer, Joshua A. Overton of ing on in that Wizard's studio behind Julia (Go]rtsinith) Edwards, has, after Southold and $bias Agnes Ann Green the thug Store, that will•prove once 163 years, been re- of Greenport. more, on the-night of August 8th. the Y an absence of fifteen .22 pp hewing friendships in Peconic and Southold, July 22, Mrs. Elizabeth E. process of our Play Director to-hand I Southold. ling settings. Bohn, aged 79 years. i Those Elto Outboard motors are be Mrs. Charlotte Overton, her mother,' The north shore known as The Dunes coming vert/ common and deservedly Mrs. Chadler,and daughter,Ruth, will I seems very popular for camps. At papular. Alvah Goldsmiththem. is kept move this week from the Albertson Camp Dune we bear there are one quote busy delivering theHouse, to the apartments in the ro hundred girls,. and on A. H. Cosden's , 2 made, Charles Case store in the west- I Mise Louise Monsell presided at the beach the Senior Boy Scouts have organ in the M. E. church last 'Sunda ern part of the village. Mrs. Mabel 1 g y°j Case, who occupied them,ha-•7ug gone pitched their tents, to be followed later to New Jersey. by the Juniors, 9 Y Pat Rooney's orchestra Twenty-Five Years Ago i EAST END LEAGUE Pat Rooney's own Jazz orchestra A��_ / j/ c7 i -------�_ will play Dance Music for the benefit OF T H E CLUBS of the Southold Lpgion, at Founders' The thermometer registered 94 in the STANDING Won Lost P.C. Landing, Southold, Friday evening, shade. 9 2 818 Aug. 15, at 8:30 sharp. This promises Rev. A. L. Eldredge of Edenton, N. Southold . . . . . .. 6 4 600 to be the best night of the year. Y., filled the pulpit of the Universalist Riverhead 4 500 Tables reserved for parties and families. church. West Hampton . 4 Potatoes were selling for 61) cents 8 4 5 444 Tickets, $1.50 per couple. Tickets on Southampton . . . . 6 400 sale at John RuebRamen real estate tl bushel. . k 4 Mattitue The Boys' (quartette 8 200 office. uartatte (colored) of East Hampton . . . Clafin University, South Carolina,gave Regular LURCheOR a concert in the M. E. church. Result Saturday, July 26 Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd left for his Soutbold, 5; Mattituck. 0 For the accommodation of patrons, a annual trip to his home in Wales. West Hampton, 4; East Hampton, 0 regular luncheon is served at Fouod- Prof. Henry M. Payne was elected Southampton. 14; Riverhead, 5 era' Landing every Sunday from 12 to to the principalship of the Stewarts- 2 p. m. This is virtually a hot dinner, OLD STILLW-INNING at a low price. When asked for the town Collegiate Institute, Penn. "Let PeOP16 John E. Bly, a former resident of S!outUhT,1!dEi' won its third straight menu, Mr. Bueler said .11 game over Mattituck Saturday. Sal- come and find out for themselves.'" If So;iuthold, died, &&vd 80 years. mon pitched a great game, allowing large parties wish to be served. it Meeting of Town Board only three hits. Only one man reach- would he better to give notice before- ed third base for Mattituck. In the The Southold Town Board met at the three games played Mattituck has .hand. offlea of Supervisor Tuffiffl, Greenport, s'(Tg'od score:runs against Southold. Telephone Founders Landing 23R. co e. Ssturduy,3tjIY26,1924 Present,Super- Southold . AB R H 0 A E' The Southold Fire Department was visor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallnek, Sue- Ullerich, c. f .... 4 0 0- 1 0 () :called out Wednesday afternoon 011� tires Griffin,Terry, Hawkins and Robin- Heaney, 3 b ... .. . 3 0 0 0 4 1 Recount of a fire in the woods between :son, and Counsel Terry. Prince, s s ....... 3 2 1 0 4 0 0. 0 L. W. Korn's and Miss Lucy Leicht's A petition, signed by sixty-two real- Cassidy, c 3 2 1 7 Pine Neck. The build- Cochran, r -f 01 3 0 1 3 0 bungalows at Pi dent taxpayers of the village of'South- Strasser, 2 b ..... 4 1 1 1 0 0 ingo, were Roved from harm. old, was presented, asking that after Salmon, P ........ 4 O 0 0 7 0 Miss Louise Mansell, granddaugh-' the roads in Southold Town. now Scott, I f .. ... .. . 4 .0 2 0 0 0 N ter of TOMIS14. C.g njand Rlr . Prince is a very mapped out for permanent improve- Sanford, 1 b 3 0 1 15 0 0 .eiaMn.sShe plays finely— — — — — — promising Ym ment under the Lowman Act are 31 5 7 27 15 1 on the, pia TM-and occupied the organ completed, that from the funds next Mattituck AB R H 0 A E stool in the IN1. E. Church, satisfac- available, Bay Avenue (Town Harbor Ruland, 3 b ...... 4 0 D 1 4 0 torily on Sunday. Lane), in the village of Southold, be R, Barker, 1 = .. 4 0, G 10 2 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot M. Van Dusen concreted from the Main Road to I Cantelmi, s s .... 4 0- 0 0 30 of Astoria and F. Clair Van Dusen of peconic Bay. Norris, c -f ... ... 4 0 0. 1 0 10 Bluefield, West Va., spent their The petition was laid nn the table Fleet, p .. ...... 4 0 1 G 2 0 Vacation with their motiner. until Supt. of Highways Fleet is able Littlefield, e ...... 4 0 0 8 2 0 Tom Hall has a position with the to m 0t with the Town Board. Lindsley, I f .... 3 1 1 0' 0 It was voted that the dilapidated Breaker, 2 b .... 0 () 0- 0 0 0 Radio Corporation of America nt Rocky wooden voting booths be replaced with Barker, r f . ..... 3 0 1 1 0 0 Point, L. L This work is much to canvas voting booths. JVolgo, 2 b ...... 2 0 1 2 0 1 Tom's liking and he is well fitted for it. James S. Young, Constable for — — — — — — Fishers' Island, being in poor health, 32 0. 3 24 11 2 Henry L. Root of that place was ap- Sacrifice hits—Barker. St,l,,,,l The Southold Railroad Station is be- pointed a Special Constable. Lases—Heaney, Prince '2' Strasser 2. 1 ing wired for electric fights—a great J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk Struck out—by Salmon 7, Fleet 2. improvement. Mrs. Margaret Glover, the wi(low 01 I'ase on balls off Salmon 1, Fleet 2. - Central hit III the lateJoseph A. Glover, reached her Left on bases—Southold 6, Mattituck I The Southold Telephone c. First base on errors—Southold L,I been moved to its new quarters onf] 90th birthday anniversary the 17th of Mattituck 1. Hit by pitcher---Prince. Q,;ain Street. this month. She is remarkably agile Umpire—Mr. Terry. and active for her age. Until very Score by innings: Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Golder and son recently, When her eyesight became 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 r a little affected one would see her 0-5 are t their Pine Neck home fo 1 Southold . .. . o 0 0 2 0, 3 0 0 caring for the chickens and flowers, 0 0, 0-0 time. like a young girl. Her wonderful am- bition has kept her up. Losing in The day after Camp Quinipet boys E. L. L. Hospital, Greenport, July terest in nothing, she has kept wellyiaited Southold they were obliged to 29, Mary A., wife of Wm. D. Griswold abreast of her age. She comes of an I v years. Interment old d sturdy family, being the� break camp on account of an outbreak of Southold, aged 61 in St. Patrick's Cemetery. daughter sof Mr. and Mrs. William i of measles. L Hospital Greenport, July used to know her mother j — .- ? Crothers,we u William C. Buckingham of Peconle, as "Aunt Sarah." We heartily con- The thermometer registered 92 on 24, W i 4 1 years. Interment at Willow. gratulate 'her and wish for her many aged 7 more 'birthdays. Wednesday the hottest Of the 00a Hill Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Terry left last IVE NNRSA EAST' END LEAGUE - Friday for an auto trip to Mrs. Terry's Y ._� old home at Hermon, St. Lawrence STANDING OF THE CLUBS County. They went, via str. Shinne- 0 F SETTLEMEN T, . Won Lost F.C. cock to New London, and thence Southold g 3 750 through New England for their desti- West Hampton . . . 5 4 556 nation. They took a camping outfit The 275th ,innivLrsary of the ::et- Riverhead . . . . . 6 6 645 With them, tlelnent of the town of East Hampton Southampton . . . . 5 5 500 John Leicht of Nebraska is visiting will be celebrated on Friday, Aug, 1. Mattituck . 5 6 455 his brothers and sister in Southold. Mr. A rcl`a glatrs service will take piece inEast Hampton . 2 9 182 Leicht left this village in 1£377 and has the morning in the Presbyterian since made his home in Nebraska. Church, the pioneer church of the ' own, and in the afternoon a pageant Result Saturday, Aug 2 Senator Ford" spoke this week in will be presented on the village green. 5 10; Southold,, 1 Rev. Howard Duffield, l),I3., one Pittsburgh, Pa., at a dinner given by time pastor of the first Presbyterian West Hampton, 6; Riverhead, 3 Charles Schwab, the steal magnate. Church of New York will be the Mattituck, 7; East Hampton, 3 He will return in time for the 8th. 4 speaker at the morning service. The SOUTHAMPTON young Lewis Davison is ready to pageant will consist of five episodes, AB R H 0 A E meet anyone his age in a contest of depicting historical events 5 in the his- pitching horseshoes, who May reside I ory of the town, among them being Hart, ss ...... 4 2 0 3 2 1 o n Indian scene, a 1{evolutionary epi- Porter, 3b ...... Hummel Road. on ogle and a whale rally and town meet- Smith, lb ...... 5 1 3 8 0' 0 who has been a, n Among, the rh:ar asters connected Pulver, a .. •.•., 5 0 1 9 1 2 W. W Williamson, time 4 2 2 0 0 0 summer guest here for a long 'ith the town that will be imper ton-I Bennett, If ro rt at Pine Neck 1 2 0 0 has purchased p pe y ted are Rev. T}r. Buell, John Il wilyd' Maher, e 4 1 1 3 1 1 and will build a large house there. ayne incl Pre,ulcnt and MTs. John Zeleaski, 2b .... t1a�r•. A gran&tanal with 1,000 scats Scholz,p .. .,... 4 1 Q 1 3 1 It is reported that Mr. Rooney has t.r+ be built, 4 loan exhibit will .Sahaaky, rf 4 1 2 0 0 0 purchased the lot next below his resi- lso be held in Clinton Academy fronT Zalu'ski, rf .... 0 '0 #1 A 0 dente, of Miss, Ada McLure of Berko my till to Aug, 8, m safe up of quaint — — — — — — clef, California. storicai articlea :,, the property of 38 9 11 27 8 5 Vail, brother of A. K- ara min old family, that will be with- willi x bee last week, greeting old r �+n from their resting, pl rren in SOUTHOL]) Vail, w g1 ,kts incl placed on exhibition—old AB R H 0 A E i acquaintances. cna rl lades of wearing apparel, 5 0 0 1 0 0 raai::if,thers'clocks and other nn- iIlrielt, of 5 2 2 1 4 2 Potatoes are selling far 76 Cents a clues Heaney, ss 4 2 3 7 3 bushel. Cassidy, e ...... 5 1 1 0 0 0 Twenty-Five Years Ago Cochran, rf ... Mrs. Frances Fickaisaen, teacher of � �y f "r Strassen, 2h ... 5 0 1 0 1 0 the Hay Ground school, is visiting Solomon, 4 4 1 0 1 0 Potatoes were selling for 50 cents a Scott, 3b P 5 1 2 4 0 0 Marion B Johnson to brne' a barbel. Strasser if ,- 4 0 0 0 0 0 Morgan, lot 313 on ramp of N1.50� 4 0 1 J 0 0 Rev. Mr. Metz of 'Somerville, N. J., Sanford: lbs ..... �point, Southold, taxr 4 occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian 41 6 11 24 10 2 &w; lot e s Railroad Geo w 'Smith orsad avve., adp land of to T' G Prince q church. Lecher Albertson was assistinghis Raymond H Hummel, Southold, tax, 1 2 34 5 6' 8 9 $6.001 father in the wholesale commission Southampton ..0 0 2 1 6 0 0 0 x-9 _ busiumes. Southold ......0 1 1 0 0 0 2 til 2-6., Tvtgb..a T„i,nt club Properties to R kT iiaown, Int 126, Nsssau Poitnt .$T110a} George I. Johnston was clerking for i a w s �" Board of Motion t,I. t, TT T to T* N[arhiRrhtct ue .nom _ L. W. Korn. land C. Mdrich. C`utc➢�,,. A delegation of twenty from Fenny' !fie Board of Education of the South- A card reef ived from Mr. and Mrs. T.edyard Chapter, D. A. R., of Mystic, old High School met Tuesday evening It. G.Terry states that they had just Ct., came on their annual pilgrimage and organized as follows: President, registered in the rooms in the Coolidge to this place. A brief service was F.K.Terry; Secretary, W.L.Williams; homestead at Plymouth, Vt., in which s 'carried out at the grave and refresh- Treasurer, A. T. Dickerson; 'Truant President Coolidge took the oath of 1 ments were served at the home of hire, Officer, Fred E. Booth; Medical In- office, given by his father on Aug. 3, R. L, Downs, the former home of spector, Dr. J. W. Stokes; Janitor, 11923. Fenny Ledyard. Harry R. Vail. I At the annual school meeting of List.1 The Board is having the old school We thought H, H. lluntting retired l $, it was voted to raise $1475 by tax.I building thoroughly renovated. Metal from the Savings Bank that he might Wm. C. Albertson and Wm. H. Terry ceiling is being put up in all the rooms; take life easy, but any one has only to were re-elected members of the Board the inside of the building is being stroll up Horton's Lane to correct that of Education; Win. Y. Fithian, Clerk, ,painted, and now desks and office idea. He "retired" that he might and S, S. Shaw, Librarian. It was furniture are being supplied. When „get busy" at something else. In full voted to adjourn until Sept, let, to completed we will have one of the regimentals he follows various trades I further consider putting a heater in most up-to-date and beet equipped .from morning till night, and his house the school building instead of the stoves. school buildir go on the Iylanri. and grounds and pleasantly enclosed 1 porch give proof that he and his helpers are working to a tine advantage. 1 ! L/ t'rei�hton, 1 b" ... charged by Fre • 4 0 1 1U 01 The case ofthePeople vs. Gerrnond Z+yFr@nty-Five Years Ago huc�ly ss .. . 4 0 0 1 � Cochran, d E. Booth ltihar is r f' ..• 4 0 2 0 with disorderly conduct, was tried Stanfsrrcl, c f before Justic 13e Hawkins and jury at The L. I. R. R. gave an excursion to L3otni%lci, p .......... 0 fl 0 0 0 elmnnt Glen island. Finn Monday afternoon. The Arthur Jackson was assistant clerk 36 3 8 3J' '0 members of the jury were Joseph Dietz, P4 SOUTHOLD AB It H PO E Geo. W. Geithw hl,Daniel pR Grattan, on etr. Puritan of the Fall River Line.. Ullrich, c f ....... . Y Koke F. S. Fanning and daughter, after Heaney, 3 !b ........ 5 1 1 3 1 Alvah S. 'ferry, spending a year in Southold, returned Prince, ss .......... 5 2 0 3 1 Harold E.t;ordnn. They tailed to agree to Brooklyn. Cassidy, e ...,...,. 4 1 1 i 1 on a verdict and were discharged. The R, S. Sturges built a summer cottage Cochran, a f ..._. 4 0 2 0 cage was ably tried by Le any Young d. Strasser, 2 b ..•.... 4 1 0 1 0 of Babylon for the People, and Robert e for De. Geo. W. Fitz et the Inlet. Snlxnon, p .... L. 4i rifling of Riverhead for defendant. 1 Peconic. Scott, I f .. 4 3 3 2 0 i. Misses Grace and Edith Marks return- Sanford, 1 b . 4 0 1 10, 0The long drought was broken by a � Ied from an extended European trip. 39 11 12 36 3 fine rain last Saturday night and on i N. Hubbard Cleveland presented a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tuesday we had a heavy downpour. � TRAVELER to the Riverhead .. 0 0 4 2 +0 1 0 0 0-- 3, We fear the rein came tun late to help complete file of the TRAV Suffolk County Historical Society. S�futlxol:l 2 5 'l 0 0 0 0, 3 0-11 late potatoes, but it will be of immense The Town Board voted to build an Two-base Hits—Sanford, 2; Creigh,- benefit to all other crops. !iron bridge at Mill Creek, at a cost not ton, 1. Base on Balls--Domiski. Robert Booth and Fred and Fleury to exceed $2.000. Struck-out—By Salmon, 5; by Do- The Annual Harvest.Home was bald by Mitchell, 3. Hits—Off Rich have returned from their seven lliicneil i innings. Left on Bases— abroad. They are fortunate; Bases— at Oak Lawn. J. N. Hallock presided. Ir,,,,,ht•a 1, 8; Southold, 5. Earned weeks'trip Music was furnished by the Southold Pun —Riverhead, 3; Southold, 8. boys to have visited several European Cornet Band. Prayer was offered by An unusual happening took place countries thus early in their school life. Rev. pr. Whitaker. Addresses were Monday on the main road near Laurel Frederick Whitcomb is stating with his aunt Alice Salmon, during the made by Rev. J. E. Hallman of Shelter avenue, in which a monster bird and a summer vacation. His brother,Don.is Island, Nat. W. Foater of Riverhead, car met in collision. A salesman driv. at the Farmingdale. Agricultural Rev. Ii. F. Hler of Southold,' Rev. C. ing the ever prevalent Lizzie was on i School. E. Craven of Mattituck and Rev. D. his way from Greenport. Quite con- _.-.fie Reyrlon Golf Club is making a H. {Overton of Brooklyn. Prof. Il. P. trary to their habits of flying, a hen special drive for members. $500 for Horton, the originator and for many hawk was on a low wing and made a ape 250 for annuals; $85 for dues years the moving spirit of the Harvest swoop below the tree limbs to cross and' privilege to buy everything on Home, was heartily cheered as he the highway. The car and the hawk wants to eat- 'stepped on the platform. met. Both the bird and the driver! Mrs, May Hummel is having con- FAST END LEAGUE were greatly jarred, and the car was late a modern house se withnepttto stopped—as was also the bird..l,er present home on Wells Road.. 14 or a time neither knew just what - STANDING OF THE CLUBS had happened. The hawk's nerves Shiloh Baptist Church held a bap- Won Lost P.C. were badly shattered, but it was very tistnal service at Town Harbor Sunday Southold . . . 10 3 768 ferocious and warned the man to keep, ofternoon. West Hampton . fi 4 600; back. The drummer drove to the vil- L Frank Gomez is to spend several Southampton . . - 6 5 545' lage, and spying Traffic Cop Joe Frank in Mexico!n the interest of oil Riverhead . . . . 6 6 500 Walters, told him of his experience business. Mattitnek . . . . . 5 7 417 and solicited his aid to capture the East Hampton . 2 10 167 obstruction. When they returned, Mr. Potatoes are selling for 6o cents a Hawk was perched on a limb of a tree, X bushel. Result Saturday, Aug. 9 preening and recuperating from shock Southold, 11; Riverhead. 3 before taking flight. He was still ugly l o, r Tuthill to William So£sky East Hampton, 0 F;.ai�a, parcel 110 x 160 feet w, s.i Southampton, 7; from humiliation, but the salesman Youngs Ave., adj. land of Grace West Bampton, 4; Mattituck, 21 declared he wanted him to take to the Stanley, Southold, tax, $5.50 Southold increased its lead in the city to show what a flivver could do. Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc., East 'End Awat(njr League pennant Joe decided it would have to be taken to John H. Thorndike &w lot 145, a xe by defc�atinry Riverhead, Satur- dead and,with a handy firearm,dropped amended map of Nassau Point, Pecon- d.,y affernoon, by a score of 11 to 3. the bird to the road. George Gaffga ic.tax $1.00 Salmon, who was on the mound for was working on his residence, and see- Blodgett Mille, N. Y., July 20, by the "First Settlers" struck out five ing the commotion and smelling pow- Rev. J. W. Redder, Robert W. Price men. der, rushed to the scene. Being a of Cutchogue and Miss Oral P,Stafford. Tha box score: PIVEPHEAD AB R 111 PO E carpenter, he possessed a rale, and B. :Start;, 2 b ....... 4 0 1 3 0 ;the hawk was measured from wing tip� Moran, h ......... 4 1 1 3 -0 towing tip. The span was just five W. Stark, l f . 4 2 2 4 0 Brawn, c ......... 4 0 0 4 0 feet—a bird sufficiently large, i! in Mita:hell, p, 1 f ...... 4 0 1 1 0 impact, to upset the equilibrium of I any man or Lizzie. Z CONDUCTOR HEEVER employes as well as the Railroad Com- teresting as the National Course on pany. For a number of years he has the South Side " Mr. George Forman, USTED IN "WHO'S WHO" served as a member of the Comiyattee formerly attached to tlae Creek Club at USTED 1T if of Management of the Dong Island Railroad. Employes' Mutual Relief As- Locust Valley se Go Instructor, be- sociation, and was the first division came Instructor at Reydon Club for l'opallar Railroad Man. Gets Merited chairman of the Railroad's Safety this year for all the above reagens. Committee. lie is a member of Long - "`i+M rite-uli" is Rectint L. i. R. R. Island Railroad Veteran Employes' TW�BYYI?Y-la'TV0 y8&�r�� Publication Association and of the Order of Rail- F ,�1— o�� road, Conductors. The official publication or house or- A brother, Charles McKeever, is in We erred last week in Stating the p K y R. S. Sturges was building a summer en ineman for several ears on the gan of the L. L R. R. Cor. of a recent Longi; Island Railroad. Another cottage for Dr. Geo. W. Fitz at the (i.ate hail a very interesting and merit- brother, Robert"McKeever, who died ed article on Conductor John J, recently, had also served the Long inlet, job Pecoraic, George W. Smith was ".lack") McKeever of the Greenport lsland for a long period in the Signal the builder, and this was his first noon mail train. Mr. McKeever is Department. Mr. McKeever is un- on his own account- very well ]mown in Riverhead, and Married, .and resides with his sister H. F. van wyck was building two here, as well i everywhere, he is in the old homestead at Mineola. justly held ill high esteem by all of _ fare wells fur the Southold Fire District. }� J E. Corey took the contract to build his owluPeo antes, whether they is RE ��n Clad calla oad people or passengers. on his R ! a eumrner'residence far J. C. Eua}tace trains. to Reydon on the site of the old Cochran home- The article referred to, which was. Road'-silnns are now pointing stead.. also ornamented by a good half-tone Club Houwe. We are glad to s,,e then for we want H. W. Simons was to build a bare likeness of the popular conductor, is on the King's Highway, as follows: this ideal club house—located with us for Wm. H. toast. Mr. McKeever was born in Mineola, Potatoes were selling for 50 cents a Lang I..:land, on June 1, 1.861; was Southolders, as Reydon is to,Southwald, bushel. educated in the public schools of Min-'I England—known and admired by every" eola, and it is a curious coincidence. body who enjoys seeing the right thiRev. leather James Lynch nch of the that lie_lsas not only remained con- Church of the Holy Cross, Brooklyn, in the right place. tinuously a resident of the County This is the second year of Reydon was assigned to the parishes of St. Seat of N is'au County, but still quiet- I'atrick'a Sautlaal•1, and Church of the makes his home in the same house of Club's existence. It hascome modestly q Cutchogue. .Father his birth. ly—we might say, Sacred 1leart, June 2�a, 1924, marked the forty- existence, we hardly know it is her® or Myles O"Reilly retired from the third anniversary of Mr. McKeever's how well it is eatahliaiaed. Its home, pastorate on account of ill health. employment with the Long Island but Railroad. He entered the railroad by the wayside is plain and simple, The Democratic Organization in Suf- service June '?5, 1881, as a passenger ,distinctively Iovely. No one can prig. trainman, and was promoted to pas- it without a lingering glance. It is folk triad to persuade S. Lester Albert stinger conductor June 1, 1886. Ad- the magnificent setting of this home- son to run for County Clerk this fail, vancement came again tat 1698, when like Club House, however, with its he became station master at Ioen but he declined to have his named used. island City. rolling surface, its heights, its woods. Mr. Albertson served as First Deputy Mi., McKeever held forth at Long and water views, that beggars de under County Clerk Richardson and Island City in the busiest years that seri tion, gave excellent sati�afaction, and he terminal ever experienced brought the A road is to lead to the highest paint would have made a fine run, especiaily (lays when the ferries brafter aver; from Manhattan boatload after boat- and how high that is, nobody realizes In his home fawn of Southold i Suffolk load of people, bound for the Roek , until he makes the climb afoot. N0 is strongly especially in a Republican, sap y away Beaches, the Sheepshead Bay i one realizes either until he arrives at Presidential year, and the odds are and Parkville Race Tracks and the Vanderbilt Cup Automobile Race.l the top, the sweep of land and bay cotn- very much against a Democrat being Upon the opening of the Pennsylvania mended from this point. In the very elected to a Uounly office. Station in 1910, when Long T.-land near future a beautiful pergolfl,ar sum- City Terminal ceased to be the main mer house, now in the process of build- Mrs. Julia (lonklin is having her terminus of the railroad, Mr. McKee- The hawse, which was ver went back into the train servicel ing, will be completed, to crown this modern sham Barbar lane ,put rata a Passenger conductor, wlticia pas"j summit, and urge—if urge is needed— built a. century ago for her grand- assition he holds at the present time. 9V pedestrians and motorists to come up father, Capt. Benjamin Wells, will for have I]utch doraners added, also a Gets Two "Citations'" and rest and observe and knowfrotn tch. The barn is tarn The service card of Mr. McKeever l themselves the spread of beauty down and there will be 'a garage put contains two items of commendation. this hill-top. up. It is worthy of note that in than ogle of thein is for prozmpt action house the mouldings are finer than taken a n the ease of the derailment of golf-course—aye e l float's those of today, that. atone of the doorsall a mail train at Acluebogue, May 2:1, What df the gaff c and that the boors are tigilt, the chief question? Here are the sag,the and beim fl:o r d by narrow 1921. He was commended a secancl strilzs cut into thf, hewn oak. time for preventing what might have words of one who knows golf courses been a serious accident, when a he in this and in other countries I stopped his train ora May 13, 1923, a Mr. and Mrs. Alex. S. Williams of after El. George B. Cunning- precasted fardori Course its natural,snot°artificial ' L. 1. City, who recently purchased Pine i ham t� (s stricken at the throttle and features, for the graceful lay of the Neck property on the bay of Chris. the tr:xin was *without a pilot. Mr. McKeever has always shown land, for the fine rolling holes. for its. Leicht, were in town this week. Mr. keen interest in the welfare of the pnesibilities which will mal€e it as in- Williams is to erect ra fine summer Koine on the property. EAST END LEAGUEE. Tumor of Shoulder 1; taceraied Hand L, Hospital 1; Dislocated Shoulder 4; Varicose Ul- 0�" ' The annual meeting of the E. L. I. cer 1; Polypus Uteri 1; Removal of STANDING OF THE CLUBS Hospital Association was held last I Kidney 1; Urethral Stricture 1; Mas- toiditis 2; Salpingitis 2. Won Lost P.C. ' Wednesday, The following Directors Medical cases requiring treatments Southold . . . . . . 10 4 714 were elected for a term of three gears: -Arterio Sclerosis 6; Pneumonia 8; West Hampton . 7 4 636 James B. Ford, A. H. Cosd'en, Samuel Pernicious Vomiting 3; Pyelitis 2; Southampton . . . . 7 5 683 L. Bennett, W. J. Sherwood, Mary E. OrcliitiF 1; Tonsillitis 1; Renal Colic JL; Clliservation 1; Peri Tonsil Abscess Riverhead 6 7 462 Barker, Henry P. Tuthill, Fr:d L. 3; Unclassified cases 10; Neuasthenia i Mattituck 6 7 462 Corwin, Dr. Joseph Ogie, and Dr. .1. 5• Uastritis 4• Chronic Nephritis 3; East Hampton . 2 11 164 W, Stokes was elected a Director to Purulent Cystitis 5; Paralysis 1; fill out the unexpired term of Miss Phlebitis 1; Pheumatism 1; Polyhy- Result Saturday, Aug, 16 Grace Floyd, resigned. The `1'reasur drosis 1; Paralysis Agitans 1; High Mattituck, 7; Southold, 1 er's report showed total receipts of "Mood Pressure 1. Southampton, 7; East Hampton, 0 $27,323.38, and total disbursements of Southold Community fall West Hampton, 5; Riverhead, 4 $25,782 49, leaving a balance on hand -MATTITUCK AB R H PO A >J of$1,540 99. Ata meeting of the Trustees of Ruland, 3 1) .,.... 4 0 1 1 1 0 The Drive to raise $75,000 for a Southold Community Hall, held 'rues- Reeve, 1 b •••••. 4 0, 1 8 0 0 much np eeded addition to the Hospital day evening, the Trustees decided to Cantel�iia, s s .... 3 1 1 0 1 0 is on this week, and the solicitors are furnish the material, and the contra^` Fleet,. p 4 1 1 2 3 d} !Downs„ c f ...., 3 1 9 3 0' 0 meeting with a generous response for the work of remodeling Belmon. 'Mitchell, 1 f .... 4 0 1 1 0 0 'ram our people, The Hospital must Hall was given to the lowest bidder for Littlefield, e ., .• 4 2' 2 11 1 0 not fail in doing its full measure of the work alone—henry A. Goldsmith. Lindsay, 1 f 4 13 1• 0 0 earvice 'nr Zack of our support. The plans call for the removal of the Barker, 2 b ...... 0 fi 0 0 1 0 p { present stage and boxes and throwing Barker, 2 b -•••.•• 4 1 1 0 1 1 Report of Medica 'Stag _ _ The number of cases admitted to that room into the present auditorium. 34 7 10 27 8 1 the Eastern Long Island Hospital, at rhe back wall will be torn down and a SQUTIIQLD 4B 0 1-1 0 2© 0 0 for August,Greenport, I1924,, from were 96. Number proscenium arch built, with a thirty- Ullrich,c f ... Heaney, 3 b ....•, 4• 0 1 0 3 0 eases discharged cured, 456. Number foot addition in the rear, to include Prince, s s ....... 3 1 1 0' 1 0 cases discharged improved, S. Num- stage, two dressing roans and a large Cassidy, c ..... 4 0 1 a 1 0 her cases disci, 22. Number of cases space for storing stage properties and Cochran, 1 f ...... 4 0 '0 1 0 0 remaining in hospital 14, stra&scr, 2 b ..... 4' 1 1 2 6 0- Cases who died—Arterio Sclerosis scenery. The roof over the stage will Salmon, p ....... 2 0 0, 0 3 01 3; Gunshot wounds, 1; Shock from; be raised on that there will he plenty a 0; 0. a 0 0 fractured Feinur 1; Shock from Pros-1 of room to raise curtains. A steam d,f 1 b .-.•.• '3 0 1 13 1 ii tateetomy 1; Cancer of Stomach 2; heating plant, running water and Sanfur _ _ — Pneumonia 2; Pneumonia from punc- toilets will be inetalied. The hall will 31 2 6 21 15 1 tured lung 1; Chronic Nephritis 4; Ruptured Appendix 1; Cancer of Blad- be resected with comfortable chairs. Home Runs — Prince. Three-base der 1; Cancer Uterus 1; Cancer of Will all who have subscribed toward Hits—Linil.say, Cassidy. Stolen Bases Hip 1; Fractured Skull 2; Convulsions the Hall Fund please pay the amount Cantelmi, Lindsay, Heaney. Struck- 1; Abnormal babies 3. out—By Fleet, 11.; by Salmon, 2. to the treasurer, a~i, T. Dickerson, as Ease nn Balls—Off Fleet, 1; off S•al- Surgical cases requiring operation— Pitchex—Salmon, Chronic Appendicitis 14; Acute Ap- soon as possible 7 There are others mon, 1• Hit by pendicitis 17 Ruptured Appendix 5; who have not subscribed for this groawa Downs, by Fleet; Prince. Double ,Tonsils and Adenoids 102; Pregnancy public benefit, whose donations wilt be Playa — fleet to Reeve, Heaney to 81; New Born Babies 81; Osteo Mye- thankful received, Southold Cnm- Str�R>sor to Sanford. Left on Bases— yids 3; Endometritis 5; Intestinal Ob y Mattituck, 5;Soutbold, 4. First Base ztruction 4; Cystic Ovaries 2; Frac munity Hall will be run solely for the on Error---Southold, 1; Mattituck, 1• tared Tibia and Fibula 4; Fractured benefit of our people. Southold cer- Unipire—•Mr. O'Brien, Southampton. Elbow 1; Amputation of Breast 3, tainly noels a public hall. What The score by innings: Eclampsideiia 2; Fractured Ankle 1; would we do without one 7 Let every, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Scalp Wounds 13; Wounds of Hand 4; Mattituck ... 0 dl 00 1 +61 o 0 x-7 us Removal Toe-mail 1; Fibroid Uterone do his share toward this great pub- Southold .. .• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-2 11; Foregin body in foot, Caesarear lic improvement for Southold. George C. Terry, Dean DeLong and Section 5; Abdominal Exploration 4- Postmaster Irving Fanning, started Fractured Wrist 1; Fractured Fore- Many of the older people will,re- in a car, last Saturday for the north- arm 1; Fractured Clavicle 3; Frac- member Jacob A. Appley, who had a ern part of the estate. This is our tured Scapula 1; Strangulated Hernia „fish factory„—so called, at Paradise postmaster's first outing since his ap- 2; Wounds in Leg 5; Dermoid Cyst 1; Point, sixty years ago, and ran the Zinintnient. Now the Cochran family Removal Gall Bladder 3; Laceration steamboat `Iotas" from the Tawn are handing out `the mail with the Perineum 5; Suspension Uteri 4; In- Wharf to New York. His son, Jacob, able assistance of Miss Nancy Bethel, complete Abortion 9; Fractured Fe- has recently been visiting Miss Mat- the Academy teacher. Younger blood, in 4; Ventral Hernia 1; Gastro Ent-I tie Wells, of Bay View. especially in the feminine farm, does rostomy i; Sprained Ankle 1; 5ubmu- tributing mail. cous Fibroid 1; Hemorrhoids 4; Phi Miss Norah Carroll,who took a trip expedite ,matters in dis2; Ectopic to 'Killarney, Ireland, last month, is The Southold Fire Department will Pregnancy 1; Kidney Suspension 1; back again visiting her mother. She net about$400 as its share of the Fire- Inguinal Hernia 3; Frozen Feet 1; is another graduate from our Acad- men s Carnival held at Southold last Papiloma of Bladder 1; Emovsema 2; emy and"has a fine position with Mac Millan Publishing Company, New j week. Yor�„City, i ill of Eiizabeth Hahn,adi$POG li '+� � L-'+ � +'�C�� r' ,�.� �A rat Storm r 9 Thew lues ht tinct Ha of over �3hose, address, b'he pati- ------10 ---• alarm nF Monday nig Hahn, a son, w 1000; resi. I 'C'unndny woo ane of the laaaviont that tion states, is unknown, $ Inland. Hahn and Eil» 1 STANDING OF 'l'I!L CI.,XJ1J due to Elizabeth E anddaug'h�'rsi Won 1,ost P.C, evor vieitetl li;netorn Long lion M. Redd,", suet, Brooklyn, Southold li d 788 Thorn wnn o mighty downpour nP r.u1n both,of,771.,Hancock- . . . By 4 GO + lilra. Ganrga(ltt of 13rooing klylt,mother Waal Hampton . S 6 61G ilanwind vcored to thoonorth•t nsttnnntl Miss Madnlillo Ott, Riverhead 0 S 420 a heavy blow accompaniocl lila rain. f''rif rB G0Aobroo i,. Ott of llummel Ave-, Southampton , . 8 and her daughter, are visit- Mattituck li S 429 (irc„at trans were blown down, and tall a prominent Beall ano] teacher, Ott's daughter, Mrs, Jahn C. East 1lamptnn . 2 12 14a bran cite of triacurud with`here Wall os v ry in{LMrs. Ave ----�"�” Moffat, Result Saturday, Aug. 23 Itigil Lido and boats wore blown ashore, Of 13aisseau l _..___ to the tour-. i, Our f;1e:enuinusi 2l 90 It ox elle Southampton, 4; Mattituck, & (i;l ion.} lalactric light wiroo wcro ltrnknn, but I nament.on A ;a: the new fire wall Southold, 4; Riverhaud, 1 the i,. 1. iAglating Co. uaan o In hle { drew water from hes, a the Nord' We�tllampton,7; Do Ilnnipton,'d lialrs. Tha tolrlphano nl:rvica hI this Carlson&, nnc;tiun was not lnterfurrad with• Thr sunk by seconds. more wells' IUVI.,ItI[P',AIt It c �n thirty 5uitably_,>Saeed. oat Ions titirnaboutn wttn the hlnl n to ba;.�_ . A.13 It It () A ISS big aro likely_. ._. r'q house has bloc- p, Stitrlc, 2h 4 1 1 4 4 :1 itig flown of hanci;lmmo trou% '1'hn rain .F lIuntRill,Coat of paint shncled S1in Purt1 cf. rl 1) 1. ;i (I I) wnd of Krait buneiit to our cnuli{lnwer soured -out old. It is an 'item inr Wursln, �c .. ; (i 0 'l �1 1 Anil 13rununlo sprouts growers. 'i'}taQ� like:the tltaxi{; to crt:15ider that ills Stark Sti ... those .PAllltltll only Ioduc.ing WeiStarin .1h 4 11 0 9 1 0 cropp Wnrif oull'.arinq for iarlc oP lain. nllnw,rfi Y P' . .. f , addition of Nt y a d5 Its.tluruhthtY• ..,1.Tnnn, ri .. l 0 1 2 0 0 This in th© benviaat a It Bunn pntte>l 14Citchell, 1C Q 0 i) I 0 0:axporicnced alneo 187%. a are, tint d Patatoea are Beifittg for 70 cents A ltir.harrlt;, 311 4 0 1 1 .1 I wurno nit tat+ 5nutlt tlido than it was Dollieski, 1.11 3 0 0 1 1 »w`hore, In Sag liarbnr, 1+lust 11493pton h�uslwtillam�__._,_ cors 'ta Milli f unci gollthalmpton houses were unroof ; 13 Codling a 27 11 i tolephone l P Bailey, lots 22 anrl;23 onrram GO f )OUTII()T,ll ad, clrittlnayn blown down, pstonlc Shores, Pecon1c. AD R I1 O A 1�'Ipolen strewn filiout, taundrads of. lnrga William B.Codling dors to Anna Zt lot 24, snap of Pecontc'Ullrrlrh, cf. 1i (1 {I 1 0 'OlLroaqupinnforl,ntrontnworo impasnnblo, Fasbender, Tax'fi0c ];Olin(°, sn 1 1 i 2 1 l and boutu blown aaltoro And damaged. Sho>,es, Pecontc {,,tt,wi(l , c . ... '1.'ilouanrida of tlaople vinttad the aaenn Yussn I1 I 1u t lUdsirts SrC �' ,tlsci 4 y Iic _. r ( 1Vsllsan c tt s� 1 y boaah to ser tiro magnificent Bt1CP Pot lat�n n 1, u+.m J wl/.1RSr'1', }11 rl' 1 1 1 0 0 (;O(Ill ill r1' `� } q r��}{ n,t�cppQ� Salmon, It ....,. 4 l} �. 1 r Q� 11�l��U �}LLlil�' ,F asses Cutchogue, Aug. 18, by 1Zcty. I t• I I 0 G 1 1; t4awiony, Stanley Cielatita of Pecontr�� 'A. Stj•a,aor, if .. d 0 1 2 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. l�rnost T. Cililil and aid Sophia Ueinaica of_Matt,tuck. ;WnCor(l, 1b 41 0 2 S 0 0 e, N,J,; _ _ _ _ _ _ cluughtt;r Ituth, til Want orange, Cutchoaue, Aug. 18, Annle,13.,widow Is 1 7 27 13 13` 'pro r;pnnclinq tito)r fourth and probably oflestaeN. Tee Ct., Aug. 19, Joseph Two-BILSo IIitS-- -Anna]. Sac'uifice. Inst Heanun in t]tciti)j Pnradlac--.,I four, Waterbury, ed 02 yatlrs IIiLS--Srntt, Ctw My, W. Stark, 3: of rbc+ jolliost summernr" af. Itis: iifc; I McGutnnis of_Southoid, ag St tag (lttilcl dealnratl. 1!inhing and skntch _ __ .__.._ ___ „ olcm 13tt;ati 1)llr!ricit, Gnsaidy. _ ' ll !)am, hhx. nccttpaMP1104: TWo11ty.FJVO Yoaxd3 jA;, Strunk Uut—by tsaltttu.n, ii; Y told A mo ing cam17 ( .. �Ici, 2. T31 on I3iilis—off aalulcilt, 'titirh as tsmcilsin>X and w xul-ciaopping, I u Z�0000 9� off Domoshi, 1 'Ilit by Pitchel --- : nava tiller] uphis npara hours 'Iiia. Potatoes sold from 3O to 46 canto per U'lletlell. I7nuble flay};-�W. Stalk, little nld (,shin, the first of all itis bushel. 13. Stihl;, C1rai;;htol1, f,eft on 1Firsr 3 ty- Edward Huntting font was flasking Southuld, 7; ltiverhonrd, 7. t cnmpa of Paradise,nieupneried.�will;tithe ill lire-iI f'c11 _ Moore ag - with ina;. arrangements to Attend, the Nationni.�ase on Er or—Ullertch, Satlford. five i;ncantpment at Philadelphia. I Y�__ � Flitllock prnparty from. the l E __ earner's hands, into[,he pnflsosston now The annual union of former students A woman in her ninotyfnurth year aP Dr It. ICent of Orient. 1'tte. of Southold.Actideliiy wall bald in the hoard. with kaon Interest that her Cabin hAa_sena pinnrcr dam and sinlEti 0, of Academy. .Addresses were made by granddaughter was playing Rolf on the of ti1R , o living that is almost a'thIT, the .president,.:Rev. D. IL Overton, Eloydnn Golf Cauroe. '1'llen she maids 1, pilot in tite Iovaly summer raeldeOCe ' a Huss Mary H. Ilowoll, Mrs. J. N Hul ;this impressive comment .You airs q. y. g R the sharna of Para se noiv slang . s he Zeck, T. D4. 8hipherd and Rev. 1Jr •l}t:t an Alf an the first farm laid out, :The Capin moat jlass like a13 thiQt vn Whataklir. The Alumni A.aeoclatlOn`ll what was flog Neck. Your great, also, but it halt' had "'a day" that' 1b, elected the toll() oilicera a .Presi-groat grandfather;Joseph I3allock, set- many will recall, with Mr. Child, P� �t- dent,T, M; Shiplierd; Int..Vice f res!-tied there And built tho first house on among rho jnllieet oP their 1i4es s dent, [,,'W. Kern;Korn; 2d'Vice President',the Nock, the one now mnde over intu ._�_�-- -- -- rip; Miss Julia Overton; Secretary, P. 'P�Roydon Club House, So you fire play. D. �otlnnaat and fthe ho are n4l� IS: Wells; Treasurer, A,T. Dickerson. big golf where he tilled the soil,,, The zn their now hot>tie in the house I1alA,'' he` _---- 4 beauty of it till was, that.the charip In `underll recently vacilte f 7`ha at� values from farm land to under the telephone oflace is ae4Y,1 td The Bay View School will open nen golf course rapt idl put In 811A a tfor acoulx tc Tuesday, wiEtt AQiao Gertrude Koko a ,that had come with.tho yearn, naemed �tnd:` o9s �At(� ' trrivtng on nealiy sv' teacher, Miss -Koko gave excellen to Interest And.pleaso. this reproaenta.. every 'ioayViawsatifastock._s . Southold. Aug. 22, by Justice H- lid. Twenty-Fivo Years Ago 5 and 4 Per Cent Hawkins, Malachaa Smalls ofJackson. r, [r �—. i,44© Ville, Fla., and Mian Millie Junior of Potatoes were Felling for 40 cents a At the regular monthly meeting of Southold. bushel. the 'Trustees of the Southold Savings outhold, Aug. 27, at the home of Mrs. Edina. H. Edwards was engaged Bank last Thursday, it was voted that her dawghter, Mrs. Nat. E. Booth, to teach the Locust Grove school. interest be credited depositors October Mrs. Andrew J. Beebe of Orient, aged 1, 1924, for the previous three months, 1 home$n Orient on l Saturday services safternoont her c, H. Hooper of N. n City hired S. B. at the rate of five per cent per annum Corey's stare building to open a drug on deposits up to and including $500, at 3 o'clock. stare, and at four and one-half per cent on The Westchester Construction Co., There was a great crop of beach the excess from $501 to $5,000 and of Yonkers,which is building the mid- plums at the Sound. dle section of the Part Jefferson- An automobile ownod at Shelter `aecnmulate:l interest. Riverhead Federal Aid highway, was Island heights was seen on our streets This action of the'Trustees should be the lowest bidder for the construction pleasing to all depositors in the Bank. of the highway,tbids fork which asand itrwasdtherfirsthere dseen fentThe Aid The hank from its founding until a few ago opened by the State Highway Com- Traveler said; "In a Few years we years R paid interest at the rate of mission in Albany last Friday, and it presume they will. I e a vary common four per cent p�-r annum on all sums up has been awarded the contract. This to$3,000. It then paid five per cent concern agrees to build the 9.3'9 miles sight.': on the first$500 and four per cent on Of re-enforced iccon $4 ,467.50 less reThe Board of Education organized I'y re-electing Wm. C. Albertson, presi. the balance up to $5,000, it will now than the next lowest bidder, that of dent, and Wm. H. Terry, secretary. ipay one-half per cent more interest on the R.W. S. corporation,whose figures The other members of the Board were the excess of $600. There are very were $369,140.20. This does not in- few Savings Banks that pay four and elude the cost of the undergrade, James Thompson, Wm, A. Cochran one-half per cent and still lees that pay crossing between Laurel and Matti- and J. N. Hallock. A. T. Dickerson tuck,which is a separate contract, the was elected treasurer; H. T. Mayne, five per cent on the first $500. If you estimated cost of about ;60,000 to be; I collector; A. R. Vail, truant officer, want absolute safety of principal and a borne by the L. I. R. R. Co., the State� �and Wm. Y. Fithian, janitor fair return for your money, deposit, and county. The following are the other bids'4 Sch. Hamlet, Capt. Wm. C, Horton, your money in the Southold Savings' submitted: Frederick R.oeber, Co.,Inc., was chartered for "The Two Dayb Bank. It is true that you may receive $383,285.20; HeI' Construction Car- Sail." The party spent the night oft a higher return for y,ur money, but in paration, Lindenhurst, $384,191.20; Saybrook Paint. The ladies repaired Construe doing sa, are you assured of absolute Good Roads Engineering & y p safetyof your principal? ..Wildcat" tion CO., Port Chester, N. Y., $387,- to the luxurious(?) staterooms below, offer investments which a big return 347.70; Rosoff Engireelin� & Con- while the gentlemen reposed on the struction Co., New Yorac, $3J0.214*45; spring mattresses(?) on deck. There should be shunned by all. ;Mento & Sarafine, Binghamton, $3`92,- was plenty to eat and all had a jolly 051.45; Charles E. Mf.,redden, Inc., Miss Mary E. Denney, who has been Brooklyn, $398,793 J5; G. W. Flakes- time. tMethods in History lee & Sons., New haven, Conn., X4407,- taking courses is 765.20; Arthur A. Johnson Corpora- and in Educational and Vocational tion. Long Island City, $417,641.55. FASB END LEAGUE Guidance at Colombia University, is in{ The estimate of the cost of the road 0 Southold at Jahn Kenney's, Miss! made by the engineers of the State STANDING OF THE CLUBS Kenney will teach history in Bridge-1 Highway h inclussion was $434,- art, Conn., high Schaal, next year, t,1'45' which included broken stone as Won bast P.C. p a filler, but later the specifications Southold 12 5 769 having resigned her position in Carry, were changed and native gravel was West Hampton . 9 5 643 Penn. We know she is doing splendid substituted for the broken stone, work as a teacher, which will effect a saving of about Southampton . . 3 6 600 $2,000 a mile, it is said. Co' Maattituck . 6 10 375 The fail term of Southold' Academy The Westchester thContracting c trach iron of will begin Tuesday, Sept. 2, with Mi=s expects to comp East Hampton. . . 3 13 188 its section of the Port Jefferson road p Nancy Bethel as Principal. bliss Bethel about the ,middle of August, and will Result Saturday, Aug. 30 is an excellent teacher and her pupils i la ing the concrete on the Riv- y, attatuck highway arnmedi- Riverhead, 2; Southold, 1 make fine progress in their studies. erbead-M To anyone wishing a typewriting and ately thereafter. '4"`�' 5' West Hampton, 3; Southampton, 0 business course, the Southold Academy Fleet's Neck should become failous East Hampton, 6; Mattituck, 4 j offers fine opportunities. as a picnic spot for this reason. It's Results Labor Day Harrlorlraer owner Henry L. Flee',? direct- y y ed that this spot be held in perpetuity e f moved from N Glover and family for the use of any who might wish to Southold, 6, West Hampton, , picnic there free o£ expense nr hill- Southampton, 7; Mattitaack, 4 L. 1. Mr. Glover writes us: We are ] nce. of course privilege of the Riverhead, 6; East Hampton, 3 going where we can smell God'a earth btu ld g should he paifor. The chit, and have quiet at night." clren of the Corner Church Sunday The Riverhead diaanond stars have Scitiool, much enjoyed last Friday af- resumed their "winning ways" once Protection Engine Co., with apps- ternoon spent there. again. The locals defeated the ratua, attended the Firemen's Tourns- League leading First Settlers" in. merit at lis Shore on Wednesda what was proclaimed to be by thele Bay y who witnessed the contest, the hard- _ .rte . est, battle of the season, by the hair raisi,n,� score of 2 to 1. , oad to Dort Jefferson Was Eddie Richard, whir by his ener nine hurling; aided the County sea i �y ]") l� Sunda nine in •'Irl,p the 'astern Lon,year, Completed at S P` j�l'j Island league pennant some year. ` 11LAA� �.�f.11ll���� vvvv P. ag-o, but who had been labeled as ; `h rsbeen" by close followers of the • national ,}pastime, is making a sue Riverhead ,Should Celebrate cessful comeback. Eddie simpll "slowballed" the Southold sluggers to ,where it was alrplell, become histnri- death, retiring• three healthy league That thing for whielr many rest- cal. When it ]vas llurr5ped the work- leaders in the eighth chapter on elevel and whistles pitched balls. He was opposed on tprecicrits of Suffolk County have long men danced, for joy, at mound by Heaney. Richard strucklooked forward to—a good road from cele tootel.yeito]rel" -butitwould i out five while his opponent fair edR'iverhe:ad, to Port Jeffers —is now seem that the event is of importance' eight at hand. The last bucketful of con- enough to warrant holding something Walter Sanford, one of the fleetestcretewas dumped on the central sec- more elaborate. s.ehoolboy athletes in .Suffolk county, Road Cost Over $606,000 who cavorts in the outer gardens, fvrtion—the connecting link—near the rewi4lenc€ of former Sheriff J. Sheri The locals, held a field (layof his own � 'Che road from Riverhead. to Fort on snatching no less than hat look*d`l`l'l V4'ells at 8 P. M. last Sunday. $60C),605.60 to be eight sure hits, from out of the. Thi, makes a draanr become a real- foffethe'tapproxiolatehas, cost lyu21 mil ',. It open spacos. This lad is destined toity, and is an it of such great 11-R 17een cnnst?l1(-+e'.l in three section, becon.e a wonderful all-around ath- ianlrortance to fire 5aciii and commer-yy t}1e, contract for the last section hav- lete. His showing on the gridiron tial life of Riverhead and Port• Jef=I 1922- In fact ]r,:.t year was sensational throughout.f`'r,on particularly, to say noihinC; if a it til beall of en let in July, n.A him every chance a develop and tile' incidental benefit to scorcti or 6 worklLjou. including thentnew railroad other villages, a suggestion iris been I w,,,,,, at the Forge, Riverhead, were he will deliver the goods. nr,lde that Riverhead should stag(' a! let within a few months of each tither. The entire Riverhead nine hit like celebration of tile' event—the ,inl r,ig: The first section to he completed champions and deserve the greatest of the North Shore with the Cou.•Ly� was the Riverhead end, built by the ru:pport from all of the home town Seat. by a fine concrete highway. in which fans. We are now only three games il„ ,be the sup geste:l celeUrat,on is Awixa Corporation of Islip, fans. the leaders. Let's o and give former County Clerk J times I 'Rich- fans. r matter that the new Icons Club will arclsoI is actively interested. The 'em a run for their money. takes up and arrange a program for. seeoud section finished, was the Porte The box score. It is something that the public feels JePFeiso, end, built by Charles Heling Southold ABR H Pa A E ik well worthy of the attention of all Je ersclenburst; and 'the last section, Ullerich, of ...... 4 0 0 3 0 0'civic workers. An inter-village cele- the connecting link between the two. Heaney, p ....... 4 1 1 1 5 0 ].ration, it is held would be a fitting Gn:asidy, c .. . .. 4 0 0 9 0 0 ��`ly of expressing the jubilation that l which has just now been completed, Cochran, ri 4 0 1 2 0 0 is felt at the completion of this very was built by the Westchester Con- Co riser, 2h .. .... 4 0 1 i 2 1 iniportalit highway. struction Co. There are also three P Iow that all of the concrete has types of reinforcing on the one road. Solomon, lb . ..... 3 0 0 9 01 2 hd eelaid it i5 uriclerstood that the ! This highway is known as a State . Scutt b ...... 3, 0 0 0 i 0 i roa,l will be actually opened for travel and Fedeeal Aid project. It cost the Pcoth, ss ... 3 i] 0 0 1 2 9 in two weeks -or so, without waiting;' county nothing, but Brookhaven and Sanford, if ...... J 0 1 2 0 1 i for the last of the shoulders, guard l Riverbead Towns have each spent rails, ete., to be put in place. Then s their proportionate part in having the 22• 1 4 27 3 6 Port Jefferson will be brought to I road built 20 feet wide for its entire Riverhead AB R H PO A E within less than an hour of Riverhead 'distance, . adding four feet to tlic I_' Star!:, 2b 5 0 0 1 2 0 —in going from Riverhead to fort �width paid for by the State and Gov- S: nford, -cf . 5 1 1 5 0 0 Jefferson, or vice versa, it will seem ernment. n, 1-13 . 4 0 2 6 0 0 as if the two- villages had actually Many of tire, former grades on tale Mora t _ie n.. c 4 °0 0 5 0 0 moved closer together. Heretofore, �old road have been eliminated in 1.h(- lt, Stark, ss 4 0 0 1 3 1 over the old roads, filled with bac] constructionwork,work, and railhroad cros - Dunn, 3b ........ 4 0 1 0 2 0 grades anr} rough spots, with dust in 1 ings have been avoided, and --,many Mitchell, if 4 1 0 3 0 0 dry times and mud in wet, the drive turns have been eased. from one village to the other has al- Now that the Westchester Con Richard, h .. 0 - 11 1'ay, rf 4 0 1 4 0 0 most'been something to dread, now atruction Co. has completed its con- _ _ _ _ _ it will be a pleasure, and both reit-. crdte work ori thii road it is planning 38 2 5 27 ? 1 lige`, as well as "all way stat rtr to begin work on the Riverlra d end of 1 Ititrs i+:rse. Hits—Heaney, 'Cochran. between,will be greatly bene=fited. 1 the Riverhead-Greenport roLlll at a The benefit of this smooth, Coil-! very early date. In fact the grade,` Sacrifice Hits—Thiegal, Richard. crete road will be even of more far. is now here, undergoing minor re- 1, �len Bases -- Solomon, Cassidy, reaching importance than lielping the.; parrs and overhauling, ansj, the big rs ,ser°, Mitchell, McKay. Struck- social and commercial life of River-� paver is also to be over°hauled before out—By ffi.aney, 8; by Richard, 5. head and Port Jeffel"Oil; it will be of I it is put to work in Riverheod, The ,eft on Bases—Southold, 3; River- great advantage to the entire North''chances are now that the grader `trill head,£t. First Base on Error—River- Shni°c people who have business in:the ready to go to work next week,and h gal, S, Tune of Game-1 hour, 45 Riverhead, the county seait, or any by the time the grading i, done the nut s: other of the villages on Eastern Long!paver will be ready to ]login laying. The score by innings: Flood, for they will be able to reach i concrete here. 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 here more comfortably and more i The News hears that the company, ]aid 0 0 1 0 0 0 0, 0 0-1 quickly. ihas leased the former McDermott •.... ` ,,ioa,d ... 0 1 0 0 00 0 1 0-2 So the lash bucketful of concrete'Farm Supply Co.'s buildings and side- used in Connecting the two ends of Itracl`s at AelueUogue, to be n t'6 as a the 'important highway, and the spot garage and for storage purposes. ' � 2 t Work Started Thursday on Alfred Vernon, N. Y., and Milian Ball d Mt. +rn, N. Y.„ guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Coleman for the Saturday TTy e( /�1• /�tyr9� night dance, arrived an schedule time Our Million dllu! Road under exciting cireumat ancea. The trip was to be made by n;otor-Loat and they The sweetest muic Riverhead has behind andput ttte forms in place, were due at a little dock on the Clayton heard in a long time was the jingle of and this work will be followed' by the waterfront at 9.45 Saturdaq morning. paver laying the concrete. Their motor broke down at Port JvfFer- the big gasoline-driven grader of the OrJy half of the road is to be torn son, and from there the trip was made Westchester Construction Co., which up at once, and only half -of the con_ stuck its nose into the, road bell on crete will be laid.. The State now de- by hydroplane. At 9:45 the q!aiet res- Main street, near Roanoke, avenue, at' mantis that a 20-foot road be laid in idents of Bay View knew that a plane 9.15 Thursday morning and thus for- two ten foot strips. After one side is 1 had come down in their flay. A few orally began work on the actual con- 16 nished for a certain distance the ma-I minutes later the passengers were on struction of the new "million dollar chines move back to the starting point i the little deck almost in front of the road" to Greenport. and begin over again. It is a rliscortlant racket that the The Westchester Co. has just fin- door of the host. The next morning grader is making,but it is sweet, nev- ished work on the Riverhead-Port the p"ane called for the guests and the crt'helemq, for it paeans the fulfillment Jeffersotl road, so its equipment is return trip was made. Reydon is Of a promise long ago made by. the close at hand to rush work on this setting ,ace in uato-d:jt,• mods of State that a. concrete highway was to job, and its officials thoroughly expect gap 1 be constructed, easterly from River- to lay about two miles of finished roadconvpyancP. head. Of course it will be a long time this fall. It has a contract to Matti- The coming of an airplane to the ,yet before the road is actually fin- tuck. fished, and there will be many vexa- The dirt being taken off of the road beach at Founders' Landing for a Hous belays and nuisances to contend has been given to the town and Town couple of days for the purpose of tak- with—but the people rejoice that a Superintendent Downs is having most ing pastaengers ane short joy-ride, start has at last been made, realizing of it carted an to the boulevard,which caused much excitement and drew a that if the road is once started it is in need of repairs. crowd. Among those wbo enjoyed the• must certainly be finished some time, p }h i thrill of an air-tri and the sooner the start the sooner Son1bg1d High Sftol faQ 1d p to Orient and the muss of construction work will bereturn, at the rate of a dollar a minute, over with. The Southold High School opened on k were Alvah Goldsmith, Leslie Jewell, Up to noon Thursday the grader' Tuesday with the following faculty in d had made rapid headway in preparing Spencer W. Petty, Spencer Petty, Jr,, charge: Principal, Lewis A.Hill Uni, p and George Price,�he la the forms to hold the A. B,, ofPcorning, r the roadbeds for the hand graders and N, y„ Cornell Uni- g sis Mrs c ec grid nIg ]work would b vquickly Long, Bc� of eGoeverneMarioon De- State State Bops WOWS P0101 a completed. The grading in the vel- i High Schaal, l l Albany Norma! College; At a coat of$ the Long,Island State principally Is not in taking off' it theconsists op of 'Miss Mary Keohane, B. S., of Cort Park Commission has just made an the present road. Leyden. N. Y., St. Lawrence Uni- interesting addition to the system of When the trading work started versify; High School, Misa Evelyn State Parks on Long Island which it John 0. Weston, one of the four men Sample, A. B., of Mooers, N. Y" waa authorized by the Legislature to who are chief owners of the West- Smith College; 7th and 8th Grades, establish, by the purchase, from the chester Construction Co., was in United States War Department, of charge of operations, with C. F. Mrs. Mabel.Metcalf of Elizabetbtow Morse, representing the State as en- N. Y., Potsdam Normal; 7th and 8th Gardiner's Point, in Gardiner's Bay. pincer; an•d Charles 0. Downs, Town Gradeh, Miss Miriam Kramer of South- and This third acquisition from the Federal Superintendent of Highways, looking old, Maxwell Training School; Government, Gard'iner's Point, is all ,after the towns interests in the can- struction work. The very busiest Grade, Mrs. Ruth Symonds, Ph- B-,Sita sandy island covering about three man all the whole job, though, was Southold. Rochester ilniversity; acres, on which stands a picturesque George Hoffman,who is operating the Grade, Miss Charlotte Locker of Green- ruin, Fort Tyler, a concrete fortress girder—and one watching him mtanip- port, Training Class; 4th Grade, Mase built daring the Spanish-American War. Mating the numerous levers on the btuth Conklin of East Hampton,Geneseo ponderous and powerful machine real- Marguerite The large black walnut tree on the' izes that it. requires a man of excep- Normal; 8d Grade, Miss Marg Bennett'place which was blown down tional skill and judgment to keep ticMannofGreenport.GeneaeoNormal; doling the recent. storm was ninety things moving smoothly. years •q}d, About thirtyeal, logs 21 Grade, Mies Ethel Thompson of Lay Concrete in About a Week Walton, N. Y., Training Class; let this tree the use o£as black and fall at Mr. Weston said that he expects Grade, Miss Margaret Deale of Green- gale By idled into place. It thsat time it was p naw to begin laying concrete a week ort, Training Class. seemed to suffer little from that ex- from Monday. His big paving ma- p perience and kept right on bearing chine is on „the way liege; a large A number of people have found good crops of fine quality nuts. It quantity of gravel is to be iat�ded this Great pond to afford splendid fishing. had 'bushels of nuts on it when .it fell week at Aquebogue; other supplies Sma11 children and even grownuPs this time. the end are being assembled there, and the 111 have great sport in catch ng the littleof trucks are in readiness to begin cart- pumpkin seed', that reac v take the Bathing in the Sound at,sa papular ing the mixture to the paver as soon bait. Most throw the f _, back as Kenney's toad has been as the read is ready for it, they are 'too small to warrant the this surnmei that the ars frolli the upland' As soon as the grader gets a suit trouble of dressing and cooking. ers often fi I,the ;. .'. able start the engineers will followto the shore. ItNE SET OF SCALLOPS Twenty-Five Years Ago IN THE PECONIC BAY lobe /2__ 4*44 / k7e' Potatoes were selling f-jr 45 Z 40 ����CIALS GO TO There is a fine set of escallops in cents a bushel. T 6 0-1 econic Bay this season and the i Th Southold Union School opened bagmen have been making good with 112 pupils in attendance. FISHERS ISLAND catches since the season opened on Mrs. J. N. Hallock was speaking before Teachers' Institute% in Now It i, s the custom of the Southold Labor Day. On Tuesday the num- York State. Town to make. a pilgrimage once ft ber of boats from South Jamesport Miss Dora Quarty was teaching your to Fisliers Island to inspect the and New Suffolk engaged in scal- school at West Orange, N. J. island roads anal learn the needs of loping was about 240. The price of ' the island for the corning year. The scallops in the New York markets Miss Elizabeth Terry was teaching trip was made this year on Fliday of opened at$6 a gallon,but they were school at East Islip• last week on the oyster boat Daisy,E. being peddled about the streets of 1 Chas. E. 'ferry and Henry Gaffga Smith, Call.t. Vernon Vail. The sail , Riverhead on Wednesday at $1 a llattended the National Encampment, over i, delizhtful. Oil theisland the was made v�,elcojne and was en- quart. I �G. A. R_ at Philadelphia. =ned at dinner in the 'Mansion R S. Sturges was building a large House by the Furgesons who own Mrs. Joseph F. Carrot] anti Miss H. hennery for A. A. Folk. ,lost or by island. After dinner, in Maude Terry are igftin teaching the I Miss Annie Korn was teaching school two I trucks am),'three aUtom6biles the entire was taken ,ill over the Peeanic school. at Freeport. island and illown its crops and various The early cauliflower crop was When but a little way Southoldi Sept. 2, by Rev. Henry W. I being tartley, Charles Augustus Avent and forwarded to market. The net price out on the ret Urn trip, the vessel ran Miss Dorothy Janie Taylor, both of received was$3 to$5 per bbl. into a hou'l tvin.l with high sea. The Ill,s,sel guuw,,le deep and , , Cutchogue. Mise Alice Higgins, who was engaged _,rig„, tato sea, causing the high to teach the Intermediate Dept. of our �Jh,�, y �,pra� Lr) dash across "v o"3 0 "L . the skin every 127th 'Union School, was unable to come, and , 111chilig to 1271h DOW Ren"1011 d, k%” The annual reunion of CO. Mims Slia Bunco, a former teacher, one on board. ()Illy one or the com- Re.iment, Veterans Of the Civil War, parry got seasich, t1l'o others took their House, was secured in her place. Wetting r,-1lilc>sop!,ieally or gloried ill was held at the Aryandank In one day W. C. Albertson loaded �the exhllarat�ng- cKperience. Not one Greenport, on Sept. 8th, The BPReiGus 2500 bushels of small Potatoes and 800 far a-, is known has suffered any dining TOM was artistically trimmed bushels of large ones. effects from being thoroughly o'clock the soaked with salt water. The Board with old Glory, and at One At a special school meeting, to con- e: Mr. and, Mrs. to the nurnber and its -nests were: "boys," with friends, tables Bider heating the school building,it wait David'V. Tuthill, Joseph N. Hallock of twenty-five, sat down to decided not to install a heating plant, and daughter Ann, Mr. anti Mrs. Goo, beautirully arranged, with tempting but instead purchase three large staves Fleet and daughter Katherine, Judge Comrade H. W. Prince; aild Mrs. Hellbert M. flawkins, Judge food. After at a cost of$100. W. Griffin, Mrs. J. L. Townsend, had given thanks, the feast was par The assessment roll showed that the MW.rs. W. Y. Mathews, Misses Maud taken of, A social hour followed in. valuation in Southold and Daisy Conk, Judge an() Mrs. Os- with -Comrade Julia total assessed . Robinson, Goo. C, Terry, Judge Os- the P&TIOr, Town was $5,963.100—$5,247,200 real -11 istress of cerernonie® A Harry Terry, Rev. Philip H.Dodd,Mr. ztitConklin as 11) estate and$715,900 personal. Mrs. E. F, Dewey, H. Seymour pleasing program was Carried out, con- Mise Sarah K. Salmon died, aged 36 oung, Miss Willi- Alice Lou- Ca-e Mrs. Ansel Y music, with Miss rr_e`Il 'Young, Mrs. Reuben Arnold, W. misting of m player, and years. 11. H.Huritting, Mr. and iso Conklin I-t the piano- A great fire in Greenport destroyed E,. Town-;en�l, I of poems by Mrs. A. O. Smith, Dr. F. D. Petersen number Phoenix Hall and the store and reui. with wire and inot her, George Wet- the recitation of a After the Sage and friend-1 Comrade Jobn H. young- dance of M. Brown. �niore, Mrs. Charles reading of the minutes of the last Mildred Cox Mauch has left meeting by the, secretary, Comrade J Mrs. 1). Cleveland, the,question came up as Celebrates 93d ffirthdaY Southold, where she spent the greater to whether it was advisable to give up Mrs. Susan T. Salmon celebrated her part of the Burnmer with her aunt, the reunion It was the unanimous' I Mitts AgneB Goldsmith, and sister, Miss f all present that the meet- 93d birthday on Monday. Excel)t that She has gone to Hemp- sentiment 0* me time and�.she has lost her eyesight, Mrs. Salmon Eunice Cox. 0 with friends, ing be continued at the same health and is in fall stead to spend Borne tirn place. A telegram was received from in excellent acuities. and will soon start for Willmington, Comrade H. lleanne, regretting him in-ilp-asession of all her mental f N. C., to join her husband, whose busi- t. The Comrades' She is a woman who is very highly' be presen er. She DOOR for the government keeps him ability to were J. D. Cleveland, J- H esteemed by all who know h ing in southern cities. present w L. T. Butler, received a number of calls, telegrams I travel Young, Wickham CROOP F. and postals on her anniversary. There Mise Eunice L. Cox went to Mineola 1?6,ce, Robert Ebbitts, C.d Isaac T. are only two persons in Southold, and last week and entered the Nassau Hos- Terry. Henry Hallock anso far as we know in Southold Town, pital Training School for Nurses. She Moore, who have attained tbia advanced age— surroundings, Mr. and Mrs. Israel V. 'ferry are Mrs, Maria J. Hallock and Benjamin repogoodrts pleasant food, plenty home work, some fun, , of spending a week in Mrs. Hisie Williams' Horton, both of whom celebrated theirso she doesn't have time to get lone- bungalow at South Harbor. 93d birthdays last January. some. Gomez—At the Eastol-11 L. 1. 110"pi- L G ff ilbert LEAGUE EAST END LEAG tal, Sept. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. 'ea. family& Gomez, a daughter, Janet. G. Iss- i-ftson Monday for eears. Gaffga an Age will STANDING OF THE CLUBS atOrange, N. J-, Sept. 13, Ken. the D. L. Wei beth.Allen Lewder and Miss Lois Wil N Won Lost P-r" b,,, daughter of Mr. and M r8. Charles' work far no Con- struction Co. in building houses' st Fultoriville and Dolgeville and other Southold . . . . . . 13 6 684 De Witt Hedges. places. West Hampton . . . 10 5 G67 Southold, Sept. 16. by Rev. Win. H. Southampton 9 8 529 Lloyd, James Ira Campbell and Miss Work has been commenced On Bel- Riverhead 9 9 500 Lucy Mabel Smith of Paradise Point t Hall preparatory to the chang- and N. Y. City. 'mon' a, 11 be made. Announced in Mattituck 7 11 3891 e, which wi� Henry East Hampton . . . 4 14 222' School Not08 'Irav r last week that the Traveler Goldsmith would be in charge. It s who will do Results Saturday, Sept. 13 'rho Board of Education is to be con. eems it i George Smith gratulated upon the splendid fashion in the-wolk. - Southold, 4; Southampton, 0 which it has fitted up both the new and Through the real estate agency of West Hampton, 6; East Hampton, 0 old buildings. The pupils realize this TbomaR Farley, Thomas J. Phillips Mattituck, 6; Riverhead, 1 and will make every effort to carry out has sold a plot of ground at the Sound Dr. and Mrs. Ii. R. Shipherd of Cam- the Board's wish, i. e., to refrain from Flushing. Mr. I to Lawyer PO'sy of "" bridge, Mass.. have returned after a �marking, scratching the desks, wood- poey will build a fine summer residence short visit with Southold and Cutchogue work or black boards. on this Plot in the near future. friends, Dr. Shipherd. familiarly Under a new ruling of the Board, the Through the real estate agency of known to us as "Rob," is coaching Behoolhonse is not opened before half Vincent poliwad English in Boston past eight, and the session begins at men, Vine L Univer&ity. Hi®Ijohn P. RuebsR of land to Robert work along his special line, in several nine. There are seven forty-five min- has gold three acres ute universities, has been of H high periods, and school closes at three- Lang. character, and we hope to see soon a fifteen. sold specimen of it in concrete form, We have the largest registration ever his cot- Wm. H. SvFRrtwout has I at S. if. S. this year, all rooms in both tage on Sound View AV. to Mr. Purdy, Can it be possible that our "Ted the new and old buildings but two small Vice President of the Chsce National Shipberd has a son nineteen years ones being full. The number of pupils old? Why the Rev. Theodore Ship- Bank, N. Y. City. have herd was a boy here only—well yes, it in the different graees are: Grade 1,41; Mr. and Mrs. Otto K Kramer I must have been—'spoke it was a good Grade 11, 40; Grade 111, 36; Grade IV, returned from a very enjoyable trip to many years again. His father was a 39; G-ade V, 3L; Grade V1, 40; Grade Mr. Kramer's old home in Germany. I talented minister too, once Vice Presi- VII, 20; Grade VIII, 27; High School, (lent of the 'oath Side Railroad. Y.. Aug ere last 54;Total, 328. McKinnels. N. 21i .1m T "Ted" and his wife were h Stevens and Miss Helen ,I, week. The Peconic 6th and 7th grades are former teacher in Southold nigh School. We think' "Ted" Shipherd might transported daily to and from S. H. S. Cutchogue, Sept. 9, Robert M. Ham- have told us of the honor recently con- A number of eighth grade and high Warlund, aged 36 years. (erred on him, viz., the degree of school pupils are also from the East I -P. D.- by Oberlin ColicQ. We for- Cutchogue and Bay View districts. Tw()Uty-Five Years Ago give the slight and join with others in Pieparations are being made for Aoffering sincere congratulations over painting the interior of the auditorium, ceiling 'or 19 his well-earned honors. t that 10,- to get it in the best possible Bbape be- Small potatoes were 0 ttherer has I cents a bushel, The Dews gs ere went fore use. 000 biLishels Of Potatoes wl . The Last year the Board, instead of giv- The corn crop waft very good. this s la��t week -Riverhead �tat,on in. 14, Lloyd arrived home fron, new is 70 cents a lo"shel- ing but one holiday for the Revi;iig�ttrip to Wales- -price Fair, decided to give two and expect. from ahus who has a fine full attendance on the other three days. John I Carey entered St. Michael's I 1,,Gymond Don Corry, P8.1 is This plan worked so well that the Board 1 position as a chemist at Co Toronto, Canada. ng his mother. has decided to do it again; accordingly, The colored people of Greenport gave visiti g teaching there will be no sessions of S. R. S. on ca o Terry I kle walk In Belmont Hall Miss Marion the Old i,h at the Poughkeepie Thursday and Friday, Sept. 25 and 26. John Singley tore down to Second Year ED91 The first meeting of the Senior Class tenement house on his lot and was igh school. of 1925 was held Monday afternoon,8nd erect a two-story cottage on the site. H Bo(Ah to Clement following Officers elected : P"'i. Edna Cahoon to 17 A s s the Booth, quit-clalm deed John R dent, Robert Booth; Vice President, cave, adi land of nook.I ,,, to Sound View I Helen Thompson; Secretary, Clara Me- post has sold his pla Post T 'I ll Charles '. ngl.,afit. Southold, Wil Caffery; Treasurer. henry Dickerson. and Mr. find Mrs, �"'Awont &w to WM. R. Close, C William t 11 s sound View The other members of the Class are to leave for Glendale, avenue, Purdy, 101 Anna Borcbcu, are soon e $13.50 Ruth Silleck, Arthur Gagen, Hollis fornix, to make that future horn di. land of e them leave avefill" to Edward Grathwohl, John Kramer, Evans Waiji- are Very sorry to haV Southold, tax, I,. &w ThonlaS J Phillip Ps road adJ- Wright, Donald Robinson, Frank Kra- Southold. J. , s Daley Fauth &W ax' m aley, SOutbold'$t3969 D .()() aper and William Carroll. This is the land of ThCMlargest class in the history of S. H. S. and promisee to ne one of the most ac- EAS` END LEAGUE tive. The Class expects to join the I �W. P. Bi�VLr KING�AM Annual Students'' "Cour to Washington, �" D. C., in the Spring. The members SPANNING OF THE m CLUBS HOUSE � will soon begin to sell candy and proWon Lost P.C. U ise a unique Hallowe'en Party in the Southold . . . . . . 13 6 684 new auditorium. West Hampton . . . 11 7 6t1 NEGRO COUPLE,Next Saturday afternoon, Sept. 20, Southampton. . . . 10 M 5561 at 3 o'clock sharp, the Senior Class Riverhead . . . . . 9 10 474 will hold a Food Sale in Hawkins' Store Mattituck S 11 421 (formerly Sunriso Music Shop). All East Hampton . 4 14 222 I'econic ;Ulan in Will Repays Them for sorts of cakes, pies, bread and candy ;<. Kindness by Providing a Home will be on sale. No advance orders Postponed Games flayed Last Saturday for Life will be taken, so be on band early. All Southampton, 1; West Hampton, 0 those wishing to donate any food should Mattituck, 9; liiverhead, 0 Because they had been extremely notify the committee, Clara McCaffery. (Forfeited) kiTul to him and looked carefully after William Carroll or Helen Thompson,and Last Saturday, Southampton and I his interests and his health for sev- the articles will be called for. West Bampton played a postponed eral years, Mr. and Mrs. 'Woodson Southold high School offers to its game, Southampton winging by 1 to 0. ` Hatchen, a negro couple, of Peconiil, students the regular academic course, This, by hasty conclusion, would seem are now repaid by the late William P. preparing for a college entrance diplo- to put West Hampton beyond pennant Buckingham, an elderly bachelor, who ma. Although all subjects are not ossibilities. but not so. Mattituck died recently, taught every year, the languages, his- p The couple are given the hams prop- and Riverhead were to play a left over erty of Mr. Buckingham for their life tories, mathematics and sciences are game also on that day at Mattituck, use, Outside of that the will is silent so alternated that students may take f but as Riverhead failed to keep the as to what shall be done with an es- all of them in four years' time. The a ointment, the ams was forfeited tate valued at more than $10,000. > v- subjectmnow taught are : English, I, pp g idently Mr. Buckingham was willing to Mattituck. Southold and West to have his distant relatives share it 1I, III, IV; French, I, II, Ill; Latin, I Humpton have a postponed game, according to law as if he had died en II, IV; Physics; Biology; Ancient Ibis- which will be played at West Hampton tirely intestate. tory; English Grammar; Geometry; In- on Oct 4. Should West Hampton win, Mr. Buckingham leaves he , so 11 termediate Algebra, Algebra. F, c terelatives—noo :sister or brothers,, ed it would cut i3outhold's present lead of the personal property will be divided, �Wf3>1t�-�'1VeO8r8 ASO a game and a half, down to half a now among a considerable number! game, Then, to complete the schedule, of quite distant relatives land follow- 5c Z 4 oma '� fir' West Hampton would play the final ing the deaths of the negro couple the l G, bred Rummel entered Williams (real estate will undoubtedly be shn- gam,, with Mattituck on Oct. 11, and ilarly divided. George C. Terry of College. 1 should they again win, it would throw I Southold, is named as executor. The Steamer Long Island discontinued 1 that club and Southold in a tie for first will was dated June 2. 1524. place. In this event, the two clubs The. legatees named in the pappers d her route between #lag Harbor and New filed here include Daniel V. Ilawell of London. have agreed to play the all important Pecoaaic, a cousin, and the following. '1 Frank. C. Hulse of Part Jefferson game on neutral ground, to break the Miller P, Davis, Riverhead; Sarah L. was teaching the Bay View schoo l. knot, and the Mattituck diamond has Plaillikps, Daniel B. Phillips, Inez P.1 E. C. Havens and a chorus of 30 been chosen. Should Southold win over Duffee, Sidney 11, Phiilips, Joseph N. Phillips, Arthur W. Phillips, John S, I Greenport voices gave a concert in the I West Hampton on Oct. 4, the pennant Phillips, Fred P. Swezey, Georgia I{,. M. E. Church, will be secure, and baseball closes a Swezey, Irving M. Swezey, Nellie D. Rev, Wm, If. Murray of•Troy ac-' successful season, Woodbury, Bertha E. Terry, Emma cepted the call to the pastorate of the M 13adeaaa. Southold Universalist Church. r p "Subsoil," George F. Hummel's new Ga. lI, 127th Regt., had its annual Handsome Log 11031defice book, is meeting with a big gale in reunion at New London. Architect Labarde of Malone, N. Y., Southold. Douglas Atherton, the actor, well- is here with plana for the handsome known in Southold, was at Karlabad, residence to be erected at Pine Neck Richmunal G G s& tv to 1�aY L Mulvane]r, l.�t Austria. He had been touring Europe. for Alexander S. Williams of Long s s ....North r`.seta other land Mulvaney,... ... S©uth- The Huntingte,n Bulletin said that Island City. The contract has been nla steli i. 'Frank L. Wells of Fair Ground, former- ain stun W � � At to � utho ,s�-- "'t 1100, awarded to Builder Monsen of North-�n+ta;n st esti turd Eua�tace. sf>lythota �t�i, ly of Southold, was the largest grower ern New York. The house will be 260 Arthur S. Weller, :31 years of age, of potatoes in that section and one of feet long, including wings,two stories, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Weller, of the least farmers. and will be built of logs. Twenty car- Peconic, died on Tuesday, September loads of logs are to be brought here 23rd, after an Iingering illness. Ftaaa- John Bucci,the earner, seri his Earn- from Northern New York. When fin- eral services were held at his late ily will lige an the eastern home in that village on Thursday, the part of ished, Mr. Williams will have one of Rev. P. H. Badge, Pastor of the Cut- Russell Davison's house which he isl the largest and most unique houses on ehogue Methodist Church officiating. no,v painting and repairing for occu- ,Eastern Long Island, and it will be one ]Interment was in the Cutchogue Cen, iP panel-. of our "show-places. etery with Masonic honors. " quests are. to overrun or abate as the STATE HONORS FOR L. L BUY i FRIENDS SHARE value of the residuary may be at the Stephen O Salmon, instructor in � time the division is made. agriculture in the Union Endicott Athelstan Kendrick is named as High School, has been elected presi- THE ESTATE aF sole executor. The will was dated `dent of the New York State A€°ricul- ! Nov, �9, 1x321, and testator came near tural Teachers Association. The honor defeating the purpose lie intended as is the highest which the associatit)" h. to two of the bequests for he first had can pay and has been earned, ofEieial IV1 B. GOLDSMITHMichael S. Hand and J. Ernest How- explain, by 14Ir. Salmon's admirable ell, two of the legatees, sign the will service to the Endicott school and by ae witnesses. These names were his progressive work In the interests stricken out by drawing a red ink line of the State Association. Prominent Cutchogue Man Also Gives through them, and Byron C'. Grath- a- wohl anti Julius A.Tuthill then signed Dr S. L. Mann, the new pastor of Church There $5,000 and Helps I as subscribing witnesses. Shiloh Baptist Church, will hold a rally the Sunday School at the church this Friday evening. Ice 6.T,6. Post Entertainment Coarse cream and refresbments will be served. The will of the late Oliver B. Go9d- Sun- smith, giving $5,000 to the CutchogueG. T. G. Post, A. L., is to be highly I2. E. Vroaman will speak at the Sun- in pin- day morning service on""God is Lave." Presbyterian Church for the general commended for its public spirit purposes of that parish, and providing viding 0 , people of Southold and vi- The pastor will preach in the evening. purposes for some of his friends, is cinity an Entertainment Course this 'Subject, ""The Sun Does Move." one of the interesting documents filed winter. The talent is secured from Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Booth are AR- in the Surrogate's Court at Riverhead the White Entertainment Bureau of iting their son Elton at Edwards, St. Boaton, favorably known for the en a few days ago. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where the latter Distant relatives and friends are tertainments they furnished the South- has a fine position with the State En- dividing substantially ali of the large old Lecture Course in past years. We gineer's Department. Mr. and Mrs. estate left by Mr. Goldsmith, whose trust that the public will encourage Booth went by auto, making the trip fancily is becoming extinct—a family the Post by a large purchase of season throug, the New England States. 'that was at one time'large and prom- tickets. inent in the Cutchogue section. At A heavy southwest gate lashed Eastern his death Mr. Goldsmith, who was for The course of six high-sloes enter many years one of the vary prominent tainrments is as follows. Lang Island on Tuesday. The rain fell and successful business men in Cutch- October 24—Westminster Quartette. in torrents and the streets were littered ogue and other villages near there, November 18—The Blanchards. with large limbs of trees. The electric left no widow, no children, no broth- December 2—The Holland Bell Ring- I light service wap put out of commission, ers or sisters. The nearest surviving and we had no lights at night. relatives are cousins, one of whom, ere. p tilerwin Tuthill„ of Mattituek, is in Charles Kendrick, now camas into Jz+nasiy 13 — Thompson Blood, Chris Grattan's store now that V)'nitcr possession of more than half of his Comedian. Gagen has gone back to Villanova estate. The will gave to Mary A. Horton, a January 20—Swanee River Quartette, College, Pa., and Joe Canfield to w),k . cousin, a home for life, together with Colored Minstrels. for "Ju r" Mahoney in the potato busi- cornfortable support, including food, February 13—The Kenmore Girls. ner,s at Peconic. clothing, heat, etc., to be paid out of Mise Theresa Fielder left this week the estate, and $200 per year for her- Greenport, Sept. 19, b Rev. Wm, i for 'Peck Memorial Hospital, Brooklyn,. self, but as she died prior to testator y where she ,will study to become a 'p Striker,.. George William Baker of the old homestead, where testator's Peconic and Mies Kathr n Al nma trained nurse. father lived, and the house where Latham of Orient. y testator himself lived, now go to Mise Luc Yennicock Fruit Farm, Nat E. Booth Charis C. Kendrick, a cousin; to whom y M. Laicht left last Satur- is also given the furniture, pictures, day for San Diego, California, where proprietor, won fib prizes out of 67} silver, etc., and one-half of the re- she will spend some tune1 entries at the County Fair-43 first and f Ik siduary estate. 13 second. Cunnin The other half of the residuary is to gham---At New Jersey, Sept. be 3,vided as follows; Presbyterian 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Church, $5,000 for general church Cunningham, a daughter. Mrs. 1u,_ Jahn Ruebaamsn had weld for T. J. nin haphilli s, 238 feet Sound frontage to purposes; same church, $500 for the hi� StarkaoffG formerly Jose- p expenses of the Sunday School; same p p Edwin H, Brown. church, $500 for the care of the{ t graves of testator's family in the Old Twenty-Five ive Years Ago v � e Cemetery; Cutchogue Cemetery,i A. G. Ca,a has been made sup $500 for Are of te�gtator's plot; Marie C1e ,' a p �' tendent of work on the Fultor�ville, N. Havens, Peconic, cousin, $5,0041; Kath- T. M. Shipherd entered Ugion Theo- y,, schoolhouse. ryn Goldsmith and Madeline Gold- smith, Manhattan, cousins, each $5,- Dayton, nr Nt H & ora to B M Stebbins„ int 000; Grace Devers, friend, Brooklyn; O. A. Prince purchaaed.Mra. J. Wick- adi land H T Fisher• s Long rsrautl Sound, r'- Constance Kendrick, Cutchogue; am's place on Railroad Ave. eons $i ToImb Kathryn C. Goldsmith, Manhattan; W. Corey Albertson returned to Syra Kent, F J & Lv to M )v Gilrmit, 1,, ady bay I Fay Kirkup, Mattituck; Michael S. use University, and Albert AlbertsoC& tend or Kent, paradise point .......$5,ono Hanoi, Cutchogue; and J. Ernest '. Howell, Southold, each $500. ntered Claverack College. Testator says in the will that it is The "boys" of Co. H. 127th Regt., his intention that the amounts above'were tendered a reception driller by named are to be used i computing;their wives at Peconic Ball. his estimate of half of his estate, but 1 that the amounts mentioned in the be_ William 3. 'Vail died, aged 83 years. / �f y eLY -rall kno'Nl.. ° Piece in which miss tsatYer, as Ls g y suitable for a gathering P is the daughter of Nicholas Murray ` � DTWATCHMAN to bald the parties that were then ed 13usler. It is of interest to know also ! tll much in vogue, and were called and for such other pur- thot she>�nd Mrs. Gian, fere the •'Sociables, warp clAss- ���� rr(ti d'+�1L+p�''� accomplished rirusician, !V lr £111 paces as might be needful. The room mates at Barnard. Monday over the store, now owned and occu At the meeting held on pied by Louts Jefferson,had been used, N. Sanford's, lF4rmer Editor of Klan Kraft, y and afternoon, at Mrs. L permanent but having been built pYimaril y 441rs. Sanford was made Purchases Well-lei'1o�yia e and. for storage,. and afterward made use- chairman of the Women'® Coolidg Democratic V4Teekly blo, was entirely inadk quote for the paves Club of Southold, of the First needs of the place and times. Assembly I)imtrict, Mrs. Edmund R. The Greenport Watchman, one of Four men, R. T. Goldsmith, F. H. news- Lupton, chairman of the Norwasth Fork present the oldest Democratic weekly Overton, Jesse G. Calle and LewiQ h Coolidge and Dawes Club, papers in New York State, has been Case, all of whose died years BgO, at the meeting and told of the arrange- ald to the Rev.Howard E. Mather, of gave one hundred dollars toward the mento being made for the all day's goriches, the fol editor of the purpose of raising the roof and adding meeting at Southold, MIR. T,nptao Klan Draft. The Watchman was es- to the building as eeemEd wise, and the will entertain all the opeakers. She the tablished in Sag Harbor, in 1826, by result was as may be seen today.day giving much time and Anergy Samuel W. Phillips. After a few nabors rallied and gave many perfecting of all details necessary for years Mr.Phillips moved to Greenport the success Of this Southold rwhether `and continued to publish the Repubh- work to help along s finished,�contdribu- Are not we, of this village, can Watchman, as it was then called, ter the buildingeek or strong in Republican faith, until his death, after which the Wells,, ted money and labor to further fit or a matter of was published by his son S- complete the work. The building was ,under obligations as Phillips. In 1851 Mr. Phillips sold the owned by two residents Of the place, . publication to the Hon. Henry A II but the donors exacted no require- courtesy, it not or interest, L. -J11-- Hon. Reeve,who was for many years one of s to her efforts by at least Our presence f the Democratsc leaders of Suffolk rnents, so there were no stripy Mrs. Lupton hoped there would not County. I their giving. A Years ag,a the Watchman office was 1 For many years thereafter, Peconic be i hall-hearted Saline to the Flag, located on Mzrin street,in the building) lace far social owing to lack of familiarity with the owned by the late Charles L. Corwin,I flail was a rallying pballs, religious words, and asked that this pledge be adjoining the Stirling Hall ancfilreb°on parties, MRSgrlBradee, buildings were destroyed by and club meetings and dramatic per- pubish' a allegiance to the flag of 1899 After the con- P New Year's Eve, areha�ed the formanees of various aorta, eke. the Unit States of America and. to fiagrataan IVir. Peeve 13 t fr r the 1lepllhllC for wbteb it stands, one property on Forst street and had the POLIMAL FLATTiSBURfl nation, indivisible, with liberty and present Watchman efface erected. In FOUN➢Fits' T,ANDING. SOUTHOLD 191fa 141x,Reeve passer)away and. Sam-' justice for all." uel L. Bennett and Herbert Hawkins, Then the luncheon! If anybody of Southold, purchased the Watchman VUIE3QAAY, ()CTQSSIti 7th' we to '"buy" and not "bring," be from the Reeve Estate, The partner- Beginning at 10 a. tn. ship was continued until 1921 when Goon Sor she can do so, l Mr. Bennett purchased has partner's I'iAxEtts Tnere will be for sale interest and the name of the publica- Come to school for one day and learn 300 ham sandwiches tion was changed to the Greenport what voters ought to know. 16 pumpkin pies Watt m.san. of this publication, which Bring or buy your lunch Bunches of large, luscious Catawha is in its one hundredth year, brings grapes. to mind the name of two other men, The above advertisement has been to Gallons of Coffee with real cream well known in Greenport and who evidence for several weeks. it only rovided were closely identified with the remains now for 8 juthold to turn Out P French cracker and pantry cakes Watchman—Charles peeve, brother of the Zion. Henry A. Reeve,and Captain strong on Tuesday, Oct. 7, and help and— ase,Case, who for. many years was make the meeting a great success. FANCY FULL CREAM CHEESE a familiar figure at the Watchman The speakers for the Platteburg have from the famous office as he worked setting up the type been announced as follows: Mrs. Ber- CpoLSi)GE CHEESE FACTORY for the paper. The new editor, the at eRev.nce Howard hiss father and gris an and- can Women's Stat secretary Executive Commit VERMONT encer:l printer, PLYMOUTH, father were both printers, and he him- tee; Miss Sarah Sclitlyler Butler, chair- Priced reasonable. Proceeds for self, learned the printers trade. Rev. man of the same f ommittee; MTs Ladies' Park Auxiliary. Mather is at present the pastor of the Marion Booth Kelly, also a member of Methodist Church at Moriches, but as soon as arrangements can be corriplet- the Committee, and a fourth speaker Mr. and Mrs.. Harry W. Glover an- ed he will prove to Greenport to en- to be announced. ,; erre PntQrnrase. Spnial request is made that attend- nounce the marriage Of their daughter ABit Of R'eI[iDiSCenCe ants be on bane at the opening of the Grace to Mr. non P. Coleman of Law. meeting. Mrs. Ives is the first speaker rence, Kansas. Mr. Coleman is a Somewhere along in the early seven- r graduate of the University of ]Kansas, ties, or perhaps late sixties, the inbab on the Side ho as she was at the South Side'Schwil, sed there much re-1 having received a degree of Master of itants of Peconic—which village had ret was expressed by those who Lnaas 'I Sc,ence. become quite a social center—began I. tt ed part of her speech, realize the necessity for having a hall Twenty-Five Years Ago Twenty-Five Years Ago �*TE AND CLOTHING The baymen were doing a fin4usi- 0.c-, �-, -7/444 4 / i—y7- i FOUND ON SHORE' Aeas at HortoD'g Point, catching seed Rob,ert L, Hadley was buiWing an oysters, office for his livery stable. Edward Fox left for River poilt, It. Three hundred voters were registered Clothes and FaTewell Note in!, I., to act as telegraph operator. in this election district. 0 to Traveling Bag, Found Near Nat. E. Booth was to bui!d for him. Cauliflower were selling at $15 Horton's Point oelf a residence in the eastern part of $2 00 per bb]. the village. Geo. G, lZichmond caught six wagon I There is considerable mystery at- H. W. Simons was enlarging Mrs. loads of chub mackerel at the Sound tacbe(t to the finding of a leather I one afternonn. traveling bag containing a quantity of Bertha 0 Ghandlere residence on Bay George 1. Johnston went to N. Y. I,n . I Dthing on the Sound shore. en"i c Ave. he �osltioli in. which the bag was Owing to the immense shipments of City and �Jobn Lindsay of Peconic, took found andsulie condition of its con- his place in L. W. Korn's store. _n 1; eauliflower, there was a glut in the 'as, ch that it could not have A big bed of scallops was found ot? 1,ossibly drifted across the Sound. markets and the price was low. Bay View and baymen were takipg from Connecticut. The bag was found Michael Stelzer, while plowing on of Southold, early George Harper's land, found a Span from 30 to 60 bushels a day. by Leland Booth ish Sunday morning, an the beach nearl coin, 160 years old. Rowland Miles of Northport addressed Horton's Point. Mr. Booth was walk- & Democratic meeting at Belmont Hall. ing along the shore when he uoticed George H. Wells had the finest piece an over-turned of cauliflower on Eastern Long Island. Rev. Win. H. Murray was attending Eornething black under the Universalist General Convention at row, boat which was a considerable The Town Board appointed Henry 0. distance irom the water"s edge. He Horton of Cutcbogue Truant Offleer Boston. reached under the boat and brought for the Town, Station Agent E. W. Morrell was out a mmils. black leather travelinz I transferred to Bag Harbor. Burton D ag which he found packed wiCh b rne�', Work was begun on the new iron , clothing. bridge across Mill Creek. The wooden Corwin was transferred from Mr. Booth -returned to Southold'i bridge was found to be very rotten in Harbor to Riverhead. where he and Deputy Sheriff FreK1 Booth, made a thorough examination places, Two Honored citizens of the contents of the bag. The wtrange fact about the clothing was Mrs. S. A. Collins Eaqle.y of Portl MLnday's Brooklyn Eagle bid a very that wMle there, were several 'suits Of Jefferson will speak at Shiloh Baptist interesting article on two of southold'S underwear of excellent quality, a 11wsh light and t;everal silk shirts and Cburch on Friday, Ort. 31. at 7:30 P honored citizens, Benjamin Horton, in pnirs of silk socks, there was also a, in., for Willis Hobson's clab Ruth. his 94th year, and James B. Conklin, complete khaki strit somewhat soiled Subject, "Woman." All are invited. in his 90th yk�ar. k1r. Horton has never ax,d worn. The clothing was size 14 Come and hear this wonderful speaker. missed v(Itilig at an election for the and the shirts bore the label of M.' t 73 years, and he always votes the Menzin, Shirt Maker, 638 East Main' Max Newbold has gone to Michigan pas St Bridgepoit, C4Dnn� Ill one of the raticticket. Mr Conklin " " Obile con- straigbtDemoe pockets of the klialki trousers wns the to take a course in autorn is an equally strong Republ�lan and following note: struction. always votes the straight Republican My Dear Folks-: 'M111- Rmnleft ghrigiy ticket. Mr. Horton has never been I want to tell you that I am going av� She was Doiis Hagerman. , a son. sick in his life, never misses his meals a fortune, so please forgive me moth- ha, ray and wont corrie back'till I make or his pipe and is always ready to 90 er and don't worry dear. I %vill be down street to play dominoes. Mr. back soon and successful. On the Grattan--O, Wednesday, October the other side of the paper were the 2bdy to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Conklin has been a member of rds: "May the Lord be good to Yol�' Gratian. Of %uthold, a daughter. New York Fire Department for i�66' 1vo �d 't allt Good-bye, Zign-vond.." On. the years and is now on the retin 1 � o om of the note was written. Ueorge W Smith &()Is to Annie His fire fighting days go back to 1858 "Don't worry, I will 4end money until aukiewic &ano lot n s Hummel ave r I strike a job." adj lall(I Of �anies M Grattan, and he is full of stories about New 6,Lalthold, I An investigation is behig made to 50c. York's big fires. Mr. Conklin came to see if any young man of a similar Southold 32 years ago to make this name is ml�ssipg from Bridgeport. It Met Mr. Alvall -Tq. Sallnon On the is supposed that the party who le " �:treet I,'Llst week Ind. in spite of the village his home. the bag on the shore must have el]%, to (lit -ncl crossed the Sound in a boat of somel hi., ere Of NVI-Im'L Ile IS JL:Stl�, proud, fie maintains the Community Hall Notes �.escriptlon and then dressing himself! %ki Same ratty appearance and has the in his good clothes, placed the, km erial manner a,; of the long Our new addition to Community Hall !tuit in the travelirg baf, but why the I I 90 eft iander the J - 11141 his carriage h, a, jaunty a's is progressing rapidly. bag should have.,A-:ten eVe". In recalling events of the past cided boat, Terriains a m.- he referred to a sleigh-ri,�e Ile took The Board of Directors has de with our ��U�cle Bell,, Hol,ton to install two pipeless beaters. The Miss Jennie Albertson, who has been 1 9,4 and still a�&,ive) to G,-,f-,np' details were left to the Building Com- , I see the Afln Sa�lilla _1il wl,eort to visiting friends in Greenwich, Conn., n thr-- mittee. I orty-niners' tarted foy C I f - here. and in Flatbush, will remain in Brook-, "quest of golts 41, orru.�� The new chairs for the hall are . . 1, Ili` uncle, Stephen They are the same as at the H lyn this winter, acting as secretary toi 11101), bellig ofie of that partv. NVII ig, � eii requipe(l mo Ith.,; " at Dr. Cross of Flatbush. She will mpke I arouiid the School. her horrie in the Y. W� C. A. building, rn," is now accompli6he(l ill a fe�� known as the Harriett Judson Home. J S0IT1R I;RUPLE 1 `} ert} the MARRIED FIFTH' YEARS E. L. t, hospital drive gra School Notes The drive for funds with which to On 'October 22, 24 and 27 the usual build an addition to the Eastern Long chapel exercises were held, They con- r. and 14'�rs. henry 'C. Prince Island Hospital has resulted in the sues sisted of numerous sor°.gs, recitations, Celebrated Event at Their of $20,795 75 being collected. The readings, and current topic speeche . Howe Tuesday Evening amount of money collected up to date Students participating in the exercises Mrs. Prince deceives Many and the sum received from each village act were: Evelyn Van Wyck. Rita Diel.- `� --�� is as follows: ar erson, ii+)iarg'uerite Ehrhardt, Robert Giffa. C]-���� � � �� � Orient........................$2,95105 Tl Gagen, Alice Gordon, Dwight Bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carpenter East Marion.................. 5,71960 �II Horace Sgmonds, Katherine Hilliard, Prince, well known and highly re- Greenport.................... 7,464 30; (, Ruth Grathwohl and Helen Dickerson. garded residents of Southold, cele- Southold...................... 5,295 75 The annual Teachers' Party was held brated their gol4en wedding anni, Peconic....................... 536.75 in the Auditorium an the evening of versary at their home Tuesday eve- Cutchogue.................... 556.50 g nin It was a very delightful af- October 27. This affair was different g Nassau Point.................. 105.75 from those held in past years. blah fair, being attended s. relatives and ..... 392 50 friends, including Mrs. Susan Prince'. New Suffolk........ .. 2,297.:5,. Jongg and progressive cards kept the Salmon, a sinter, who is 93 years of Mattituck...... ..I. ......1. guests occupied. Music was supplied age, and has been blind for some Jamesport.................... 3000 by Miss Helen Cochran and Harold time. In spite of her great age and. Laurel........................ i25 flit Booth. This evening afforded an ex- her infirmities,the sister of Mr. Pr. Pr Salmon. who is ince, entered into Isiverbead .................... 134 0 cellent opportunity for our parents to the spirit of the occasion and en- Flanders...................... 1 inspect the new buildingand observe , every feature of the evening's Miscellaneous................. 1,171 .'Dyed the facilities available for the educe- entertainment. Mrs. Salmon was tion of their children. present at her brother's wedding half The fiftieth wedding anniversary Tuesday afternoon a straw vote wa a century ago. Mrs. Prince was presen held lhruughout the school. The re- ted with a Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Cls shower bouquet, tied with ribbons at occurred on Wednesday, Oct.22d. Mr: sults mere as follows: the erd of which was attached a bag and Mrs. Clark are justly held in high High School containing :$5t? in gold. .She also re- teem by the people of Southold a ceived a number of other gifts of es their many friends extend hear' President: Coolidge, Republican 44 gold and other presents. Davis Democrat 10 Mrs. Frank Smith, of Peconic, read eongratuiations. La Follette, 3d Party 3 an original poem; Miss Edith Prince, Governor: Roosevelt, Republican 35 a cousin of Mr. Prince, sang "Auld At a meeting last Friday night s Smith Democrat 22 Lang Syne,,' with variations to r ut the Board of Managers of the East the occasion; Mrs. Charles Tilling- Southold was awarded End League, 3J. 4th, 5th, 6th, 7tb and 8th Grades hast, of Sag Harbor, gave several the pennant without further playing of. 136 recitations, and Mrs. Rensselaer President: Coolidge Terry rendered several selections on postponed games. Davis 84 the piano. Mrs. Tillinghast and Mrs. Governor: Roosevelt 1261 Terry are nieces of Mrs. Prince. The filing of the will of the late Smith 94 Games were played and refreshments Charles Floyd Smith of Cutchogue in Smi s prettily , I wa y se re- will house P , were served. Th the Surrogate s Court on Monday re Friday, Oct. 31, the Seniors will cel- decorated with chrysanthemums and i',ebrate Senior Night with plays, ant- calendula, the color scheme being yel- weals the interesting information that mated poems, and a dance. This even- low. the reported bequests to Cornell Uni- ing promises to be a huge success. Mr. and Mrs. Prince were married versity are even of a more local Don't miss it. in Greenport. Mr. Prince is 72 and character than was at first supposed. Mra. Prince is 69, .and both enjoy the Now it is learned, students at that Literary Digest Pottbest of health. Mrs. Pripee was for- cone e who hail from Southold Town n.erly Miss Louise Huntting Bunce, g The final returns in the nation-wide Her father who was a well-known are to be the persons chiefly benefited Presidential Poll conducted by the Lit- I se=a captain, brought from Germany by 'the income from Mr. S'mith's es- erary Digest shows 2,386.052 votes cast, about 75 years ago, one of the first, tate, which is valued at about $10,000. if not the firat upright piano, to For many years Mr. Smith was re- ef which Coolidge received 1,348,516. Long Island. Capt, Bunce purchased r;arded throughout Suffolk County as Davis, 505,410,and La Collette, 508,rib. the piano in Germany for hia eldest. somewhat of a unique character, but President Coolidge thus receives many daughter, Mre, M. J. Ashbey, who, always taking an active interest in more votes than all of hie opponents now resides m Utica. It was hand- the public affairs of the county. put tngether. If this pall is a true in-' somely carved and came packed in a In his will he gives various relics to zinc case. the Suffolk County Historical Satiety; der of public sentiment, audwill we think Mr. and Mrs. Prince have never Father L. A. Oppo of Brooklyn is it is, President Coolidge wily sweep the been separated for more than two: given a chair and he is to be paid for country next Tueadsy. The poll, both weeks ata time during the fifty all "he has done for me;" Mrs, Henry in actual number and in percentage of years of their married life. They G. Grathwohl of Cutchogue is given a oved to be the largest have two daughters, Mrs. Alexander real paisley shawl; Ly,lia P. Potter returns, has pr ' Monsell, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. of Patchogue is given a chair; Lucy in history. Harry Lee, of Riverhead- and five Horton of New Suffolk is given $75; Providence, R. I„ Oct. 24, Capt. grariLhilc ren, .Myron H. 11•e and J. C. Albertson is given a chair; Mar- ; Clar- George E- Rowland,formerly of South- Louise A. Monsell, Marshall Monsell of Riverhead; Miss encet A. McKeon son,is $and after old, in his 72d year. and Clara Monsell, of Philadelphia. I other small articles_of personal prop- { ! ��,�,r.rct�tt3e¢ because this particular road is now This may a source of gratification Roosevelt .,.•••• • .28,593 being rebuilt and on Nov. 12 a new I to some—and again it may not. As - issue of $200,000 of county hi hway prisons go it is a show place of the S;ni li . ... ... .. . 1 x,46=1 +bonds will be sold by County meas- State; it is kept so immaculate by Rnosevelt's plea .lity. .1.4,12 3 urer Scudder, a part of which will be Warden Goebel's men that a fly would S1IPREYI l COURT fTJST10E used to pay for rebuilding this road. slip up on its polished floors—aud 'be- 28,CE The original issue back in 1908 was ing such an unusual place in construe- LavT .• " ••••••••• • ' for $80,000. Some of it was used also tion, coziness, improvements and lliegelmann . . ... . .. ....13,474 on the Babylon-Bay Shore road and cleanliness there might have been a some or. the Huntington-Amityville time when somebody would 'like to Law's plurality . .. . ."15,033 road, Both of those thoroughfares 'have it for themselves. But if they CONGRESS l <ve long since been relaid with con-1 had such a wish it is too late now— Bacon .... ...... ... . ..•29,455 trete. Thus it is shown that the olds' the county owns every bit of It. Terry ................ . macadam highways ys have; 11,758 fashioned When the jail was built it cost failed to live as long as the reason- about $250,000, which was a tremen- Bacon's plurality •...17,�G97 ably short-time bond issues. dous sum in those days rid at that Today the thought is, "Will the time it was said to be by far the fin STATE SENAT'OI� new, steel-reinforced concrete high- est jail in the State, bar none. It Thompson ..•.... ..... .29,272 was built to house a large family,but Dunn ... .... ... .....11,939 ways last until paid for?" Many clo not believe that they will. They fig- for several years its population has Tlion�pson's plurality.17,333 ure that the tremendous burdens been so small that those inhabiting it placed upon them by the ponderous almost got lost in its vastness and ASSEMBLY-1st District trucks carrying 20 tons or more will emptiness. Downs . .14,„g 1 wear out the roads before the bonds Outside of the pride of feeling that Skinner ...... ......... 5,931 are retired; and yet today the high- nobody holds any sort of a claitia to it ways are being constructed of the now the taxpayers also rejoice to Downs' plurality. .....8,660best material that. engineers can de- think that some v£ its overhead, the ASSEMBLY-2rd District vise. bonds and interest, as now eliminated. Boyle . 14,031 Changes are!being constantly made Although the first of the highway Boyle . ..... ........ .”.e er ... . ...... . .. .. 6,225 i in the specifications with the hope bonds are all pa-id off d oand the jail is that still stronger roads may be ibui t. fully paid for, the county's bonded Boyle's plurality .. . . 7,80'6 Far instance, on the road from River- debt stall remains about the same as LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR head to Port Jefferson, built in three it has for several years over $1,- Lownlan 28,182 sections by three different contract- 000,000. When the new 200,000 is- 12,488 ors, and with different set" of State sued is added the net banded debt of Lunn ................ engineers preparing the specifications I the county will be '$1,318,561. plurality- 15,6c34 for them, there are three different Meeting 0f `TOWR Board ' Lowman's p y-• styles of reinforcing. As this is a SECRETARY OF STATE trunk line perhaps that highway may The Southold Town Board met at Mrs. Knapp ............28,168 solve one of the problems. Mattituck on Fri-sy, Oct. 3t, 1924. Hamilton ...... ....•...12,336 gig Jump in Road Costs ' Present, Supervisor Tuthill, Town Mris. Knapp's plurality, 15,832 When the good roads fever struck Clerk Hillock, Justices Griffin, Terry, STATE COMPTROLLER Suffolk County back, in 1907 it was I awkins and Robinson, Supt. of-Hig .26,5:38 believed that macadam was the thing Fleming . .. ......... to build roads with', it was felt that ways Fleet, and Counsel Terry. Fleming .... ...........12,699 such roads never would wear outs-- The Town Board approver?the fano ...11 839 hence that material was used on all of ing 'l'ax Budget for the year 192 Murphy's plurality ,5 • - Vthe improved roads. It was not long, IIaGRways $ STATE TREASURER though, when it was seen that ma- 48; Pounds .............. ..28,322 cadam would need, to give way to' Highways 000 00 Shuler . .........••..•..11,712 something vastly more durable, and East Marion Bridge 5, the experiments with concrete began. Bridge Fund 3,000 00 Pounds' plurality ....16,610 The first improved road was start- Machinery Fund 3,000.00 ed in 1908. It was the Riverhead 2 500.00 FIRST uo ue highway. Robertson & Geo Removal of Scow , COUNTY'S T eerha t of Brooklyn were the contract Removing Weeds and Brush 3,500.00 ors. Macadam roads then were cost- Salary Town Supt.andexpensrs 2,500 W S ing about $ per mile, which h HIGHWAY BONDS those days was as a a large,sum. Now the e Total $67,50U.00 concrete roads to take the place of TOWN BUDGET ETIRED the old macadam ones are costing Conting ' $'5,000 00. BST lose to $50 000 per mile. That hart g 5,000.00 of the e-Riverhead road that is Audited Dille -- being relaid with concrete is 3.02 Support of Poor 4,00000 miles long-, the contract price is Board of Health 1,50000 Issued in 1908 and Helped Build the $138,559.40. Public Libraries 5,000.00 Riverhead-Quogue Road, Jail We Now Own the Jail Memorial Day Observance 200.00 All Paid for,Too And it is also learned that the last Total '$20,700 of the jail construction 'bonds havg DISTRICT'TAXES Bonds issued; in 190'8 by Suffolk i,likewise lately been retired, so this Gaunt to help build the first State-' Year nothing is being raised in the Southold Light District $2,202 p tax levy�to pay for ether bonds or in-�Southold Park District 1,565.6 aid roads in this county, one of which terest on -the county's handsome jail. 4 . was the Riverhead-Quogue highway, For the first time since it was built Southold Fire District 013013 4 405 have lately been entirely retired. the county owns it "free and clear." Orient Fire District This is of more than passing interest Now nobody can lay claim to the Orient Light District 1,369 9' county's "palace jail" if they, want to, Orient Mosquito District 799 description. They caricatured wan attituck Light District 2,323 50 I' L Dawns &ors to IJrum land Rutz- af attituck Fire District 522 96 ler, lot e s Youn>=,s ave, adj ruthless hand our darling old classics. ishers Island Light District 1,600.92 I L` 11" ns, Southold, noin' Henceforth, we tree no more our youth The Town Baird inspected the road Na.%.st�u Point Cluh Pmperties to R B Fver- who "'climbed mid snow and ice," but $1,pun ett• lot 101, Nassau Point applied for at Mattituek, known as instead, S grotesque figure, mounting Same to F S 13mum. lat 222. sante —1). a stepladder higher and higher, then Sigsbee Road, running from the Main st'""" falling and expiring, buried 'neath South Road to Peconic. Gay, a distanceIi 1Ltn ]out e s 3+3 - peitiogs of excelsior. And Bluebeard— of 3200 feet, ` Horton, J 1, & w t i A petition signed by a majority of 1 for adj King St. New t"if„t!; ...$500 good-bye again! what a strapping fam- the taxpayers of the Southold Lighting ��! i[y of Amazons he had to deal with ' District, was presented, asking that a 1 We had nothing to fear for this last et the time—I' wife, Bluebeard had met his match. street light be placed at the easterly Southold will not forg. These could be but one ending. We end of Korn Avenue in said district. Hallowe'en, 1924; the plica—the new The petition was granted. High 'School Auditorium; the dramatic were mighty proud of those boys for J. N. IIALLOf;Ii, Town Clerk p9rsonae- the Senior Class of S. H. S- the Way they put the whole thing over. The time being HailOwe'en, one might A[I these burlesques called for more misi Ottitia Draeb of New York City, expect a program full of fun. A funny real acting than if the acted poems had will spend the winter, beginning about: program is more of a problem than ever been treated seriously and provoked a the First of December, in Southold to-day. It has been said that audiences lot more fun. Enthusiastic approval She will have a room at Mrs. A. A. aren't susceptible any more to fun; reached its height in the last chorus, Folk's. Miss Drach comes to us as a laughing is almost a lost art; that, give when all the actors in costumes sang highly recommended dressmaker, and human beings time, they will become the closing song. The chorus sang it- is willing to take on a few more non-laughing animals. Be this as it self into everybody's heart may, the audience on last Friday even- patrons [resides those already employ- y "Tho arrow Is duos, ing her at this end of the Island. ing was one of the most responsive we We,ve had our fun, time. have seen in Southold fora long Wa'elnLgonna viii nouiure,no more Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Albertson !„ Tile people laughed more than we ever announce the engagement of their saw them laugh before. Everything The Senior Class not thirteen.. daughter Jennie Wells Albertson to from beheadings and gory tides, to the 'i The characters were not all taken by LeRoy Milton Hammond of Greenport, meanderings of the wooden horse, was the members. They were : In The Re N. Y. just pure fun. Audience and perform- versible Play—the Mather, Clara Me- The Senior Class of S. H. S. netted us era were one in real enjoyment of the Caffery; the Hero, Arthur Gagen; the ram. It was indeed a cause for Sheriff. Donald Robinson. In "Ma about $152 from their Senior Night program. ld program. Judging from their success Pride lend gratitude that SoutbO sed oor the Judge,Donald uRobin Robinson; s wife, thus far, there's nothing unlucky in got itself, forgot to be Tep generous Marion Albertson; Maud's Husband, eritieal, and in a marvellously their number—thirteen members. manner, supported the young actors Joseph Bond. In "Bluebeard,"—the 1 As rreu �Yenlungs garage approach- es completion it would seem as who were out before the famtiigllts just I William CWrrull tlYe W[fe,�Hollis Gratthe h though the fire that consumed the for- for sun, for a good time only. mer one was almost a blessing, for Then, the place—ab, that new High wrist , tl,e Beother,John farces Kramer; while the other was but a utility af- School Auditorium I How glad we are Bluebeard, Ro,ert Booth. In "Excel- fair, the new one is an orYiament to the village. All it heeds now is a We went I How glad we are that we slot"—the Youth, Charles Vreeland; Have such a place in Southold and can the Old Man, James Cogan; the Mai- backyard for derelicts Just note the artistic setting and go to it again! Every time that place den, Ruth Sellick; the Monk, Lyle appearance of the bungalow Frank is mentioned, what a vision of beauty, Meredith; the Dog, Adolph Westerlind. Moffat is having built on Boisseau i "1'be Village Blacksmith" was played Road, and it is a current report he'll and comfort comes to t - a erson it Adolph Westerlind. Miss Flora Al- soon occupy it. with some one at the "Tho place doesn't matter—if a p } P head of tiie house.' wants to go, he'll go and the place bertson presided at the plana; Robert Also look out for Treat Merwin"s doesn't make any difference?" Now Booth delivered the Salutation; Miss new house on the road, just below the I we know better. Every time we think' Helen Thompson conducted the pro- High School, into which he-is moving. Frzd Case and Leslie Jewell left by of those clean, cream-tinted walls, the grim; Mica Miriam Kramer, teacher, rich folds of that beautiful gray velour was, we mistrust, author, inspirer, and train Wednesday afternoon for Fulton- cf}train sweeping the #loon, the bright 1,lirector of the "whole show." B. H villa, Al. Y. They will return by aura. lights beyond the eye-dazzling height, & •v to R J Patter, lot it s r1 LaGrange, III,, Nov. 1, Fannie the warm, pure air, and the rise luxuriously zwd�lmt, G 11 F 1) fete to Fleets NCck ....$1'�1 1 Glover, wife of Albert G. Francis, comfortable chairs, every sense tingles formerly of Southold, where interment with pleasure and we want to go again the Freshmen Class in the took place. 'way up the street, to that very same School has organized and elected Southold, Nov. 4, William H., son of lace, the first opportunity offered. eels: L Ry, Overton, gresloo- William U. and Alice Rafford, aged P We want Marion Carey,vice-pies.; Alice Blaolir 1 year, I month, 16 days. And ttose young players!ust as they field, sec., and Corey Albertson,tresis- to see them all again, too, j Again, as years ago, seed oy ste West Bampton Beach, Nov. 1, were, unsophisticated, Perhaps, in the have been formed in the Sound an Leander B. Glover of Cutchogue and art of acting, taut eo free and ao full of arE being collected and placed ere wh Miss Freda Ludder of *Neat Hampton did is beyond 1 al- Beach. promise What they they le . Sound oy ters have a metallicrow and ecorne more taste. Vincent Pol"wo•da &W to Robert Cae1111ower Crop Reload Z Wenty r1 vu x d&P8 A90 bang, lot n s '.Plain highway, adj land /Yuy, / L74fs of Pilary Caley, Southold, tax, $2.50 The extremely mild weather of the past few weeks was followed on Sun= In Suffolk County the entire Re- Twenty-Five Y@al'g Ago day night by a terrific gale and rapidly publican ticket was elected, except f,� v. 2 f ���� falling temperature and the mercury Schaal Commissioner in the Second � �� dropped to 12 above z�ra Mlnnday main. District. Joseph N. Hallock wag re- We had the first snow storm of the season. ing, That day continued very cold and elected Member of A?se.mbly by 1042 we had another very cold night, the of majority. J. Sheridan Wells was Steamer Montauk made her last trip the season. thermometer registering 17 Tuesday elected Sheriff by 389 majority, John morning. On account of the unprec- Sherry was elected County Treasurer Rev. J. R. Robinson, a former Prih- edented long spell of dry weather, the by 23 majority. Livingston .Smith was cipal of Southold Academp,was preach cauliflower crop was very late and elected District Attorney by 100 ma- ing at Knoxville, Pa. shipments were just at their height., jority. John J. Kirkpatrick was elected Our school teachers were attending Our growers have lost hundreds of Supt. of Poor by 1300 majority. Regis Teachers' Institute at Riverhead. H. R. Shi ]yard had a thousands of dollars by this cold so ag« H. Post was re-elected Member of p position in a We never remember of having s Assem::ly in the Second District by large job printing establishment in N. Y. C. cold weather so early in the Beason. I 753 majority. Charles H. Howell was is too bad. With the low price of po- elected School Commissioner in the First I A reception was tendered the new tatoes, our farmers made nothing on District by 789 majority, pastor of the Universalist church, Rev, that crop, and they were doping to re- Nat, E. Booth and harry R. Vail Wm, H. Murray, at the home of Mr. . trieva their fortunes with the cauli- ` of steam yacht Reba were home for and Mrs. J. E. Appleby, Peconic, flower crop. the winter. Improvements, estimated to cost ap- Henry W. Prince, President of the The Phineas Fanning place on the proximately $7,000, were soon to be Southold Savings Bank, celebrated his North Road was sold to Richard J. begun on the M. E. church, Mr. Hop- 85th birthday on Monday. Mr, Prince Sandlands of Brooklyn. ping was engaged to move the present is one of our most highly esteemed Thousands of bushels of seed oysters church building back. George W. citizens and has always been identified were being taken from the Horton's Kramer, a New fork architect, fur- with our village life. His mental Point natural growth beds. nished the plans. J. E. Corey had the faculties are just as keen as ever, contract to build the church, though we regret to say he is not REPORTER COMBINES Rlyerhead• reeoport Road enjoying very goad Health just at present. I WITH "WATCHMAN" Finishing three miles of 20-foot con- Etrete road within two months from the Rev- and Mrs. J. T. Langlois and The Mattituck Reporter which was; date the contract w.,s signed in Albany daughter Muth, who have been living started several years ago by John L. was the unusual stunt of the West- at Riverhead since they left Southold, Hagen, and which for the past few chaster Construction Co , which is have moved to Greenport and are .ears has been edited as a Republican p paper by Carll S. I.eValley, of Matti- building the first section of the•'million occupying the residence of David tuck, has been combined with the Re- dollar" road to Greenport. The cora-kPatterson on 1 ifth Avenue. publican Watchman. Since last May tractors declare that this is a record I 1 Jahn Ruebsumen and when the Suffolk Printing Plant at in wife are mov- Mattituck, was destroyed by fire, the never before equalled in State highway g from ,Hummel Ito2d to the terse - Reporter has been printed at the Suf- work. Within a werk or two the •ti t house of Mr. bang doh EtL folk Times Office. For the present the splendid new road will b� opened to gypt'l Reporter will be published in connec- travel all the way from Peconic Ave, ° Mrs. Florence Anderson of Green- tion with the Watchman. in Riverhead village to the Aquebogue port is now employed as bookkeeper The siren sounded the fire alarm on poatoffice. The job the company has 'for Goldsmith & Tuthill, Sunday forenoon, a blaze being dis- performed includes moving the plant covered in some bushes near the cen- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Taylor left ter of the village, back of the bake to the site of the new road, doing all of last week for Hendersonville, N. C., a risky spot. ' the grading and layint_* the concrete. people The total enrollment of p where they will spend the winter,- The remains of Mrs. Delia P. Salmon e able to ,take part in the primaries next Thomas J Phillips &w to Edwin H aF Babylon, Formerly of Greenport, year is 98,991, divided as follows: Brown, lot n s Sound View ave, adj, were interred in the Presbyterian Democrats, 10,782, Republicans, 28,- estate of Thompson, Southold, Cemetery Sunday. 007; Socialists, 202. There were also _ Tax 2,917 blank ballots east and 124 voids. y Cutchogue, Nov. 16 by Ileo. I. Mr. and Mrs. R. Treat Merwin are I Iowa a enrollment b towns is as fol- � acki of Caiverton moving into their pretty new cottage Z�awi„ny Edward Suj on Oak Lawn Avenue. Democrat Republican Socialist and Mi$s Helen Krupski of Peconic. Huntington 1,328 Smithtotivn .,. 736 1,089 46 Cutchogue, Nov. 18, Oscar Si,lleck, l We are having one of the longest dry Babylon 1,291 3,085 35 ears, Funeral services at the spells on record. We have had ract- Islip .-- 2.125 5,149 55 aged 84 y p p Brookhaven .. 2,167 48 4 home Friday afternoon. tally no rain for six months. Riverhead 506 5,727 Southold . 1,327 9 770 2,241 2 John B. Grandy of Hermon, N. Y., Gratton. R E East Hampton. Siff 1,260 to G R Hillard, tot aadi 'and Southampton 1,242 3'310 4 Ia visiting his sister, Mrs. Goa. C. I G H Terry & land G Jennings,. Horton d Shelter Island 101 0 Poi at Terry. $1,000 10,782 28,007 - - - ......_.... y y • tirade VIII. Julia McCaffery 94, rFWOritp-Five Years Ago The Ylr.,•c�'117ar Care and Chariot P f `� �© / Stelser will ,graduate as trained nurses Alice Dawns 91, Frances Gordon 90, this week fxotrx the Peck Memorial ilei}n Dickerson 91, Evelyn Van Wyck The free delivery of express was Hospital, in Brooklyn. Mrs. Thomas discontinued. Carey �vi11 b dowrn to be present on 89, 1.lwight Bridge 86, Esther Booth 96, Janet Mrs, W. A. Clark went to Brooklyn the occasion. Grade VII. to spend the winter. _ gravis 93, Robert Gagen 93, Horace M ss Molly Henderson of Port Ches- Symtmds 92, Walter Williams 89, W. J. Brown of ArBhamomoque mov Y Eileen Mahoney 85. ter, former) teacher of English in our ed into the Landon house at Czeekside. l p Grady VI. Anna Zaveski 93, Rose- Station Agent E. W. Morrell moved High School, will spend Thanksgiving miry Grattan 92, Anna Plaster 92,i his household goods to Sag Harbor,! vacation in S,,uthold, at Mrs, J. N. !, where he had been transferred. Elallock's. Lawrence Carroll 91, Muriel Young 91, The M. E. Ladies' Aid held an X-Ray Mattituek. Nov. 21, by Justice (?. B. Jerome Grattan 90, McLela Ehrhadt Bazar at Belmont Hall. Robinson, Peter Wyckoff of Msttituck Plorma Van Wyck 90, and Miss Harriet Ruth White of Peconic- t 89, Nora McCaffery 89, Leonie Stacey Travis1 The tax rate on each $100 00 in this llum wee R x to M ii t3u.,:ut t, Tait..� 83. Josephine Annabel Sharp Swia t cha86 Robert Berths r .;,e orid wt!'t. nth_ town is as follows: Rate rtr[Ld av I,I,i lath ,;arty .600 .,t,s .. Hipp Bra. High School EIRMl'�allons Grade V. Rensselaer Terry 9 , State, County and lawn..,, .1 20 695 exarnina Agnes Zebroaki 93, Violet Boergeseon 'Highway ......,.... ,022 In the regular quarterly Will Board of Health.... ..... _ _ l ,..,.1.917 tions recently held in the xSxouahTed 93a Evelyn�n Mas��rg 9Kartiil9�mCara! Iltgh School, the following Pupils ,Total Town Rate,...,....•... per cent or over: Gomez 91, Pauline Albertson 91, ceived a mark of 90 g Frances Simon $8, Jane Heckman 88, Village of GreenportE,,glish IV. Clara pdeCaffery 90, Richard Butler 8'7, Thompson 90. Elmer Butler 87, State, County and Town........ 200 1 2101 Helen 1'hamp son Fannie O'Vsianik 87, Joe Ostroski 85. SchJa1...................... Engli, 111. Katherina Thompson (;rade 1V, Bever) Gordon 90, Lloyd -�' ,h Grammar. Clara b1cC'af- 9 3 20 9i, N Buxsseau 91. Dickerson 90, Anne Thornpson 89, Total Village Rate ... ••••, Eng Helen Boisseau 92, ICatherxne Dorothy Howell 88, Ruth Cr Smith 87, District Rates ` j fery 93, son 91, 87, Terry Jennings 87, Edgar Smith 87, 31 I t'hompson 91, Helen '1homp Orient Lighting............... II Donald Lohinson 90, Mary Strasser 90. Constance Terry 87, Chartres Bennett 104 Katherina Thompson 90. 87, Julius Zebroski 86, Loretta Stelzer Orient Fire..., .....• 126 French L 92 Joe 85. Orient Mosquito.. .........•..• .36 I French 1. Heien Sterling Grade III. Pauline Howell 93, Edna Southold Lighting ...•........ 31 i Bond 94. Shirley Southold Fire.... . ... .12 'i,�atin L Doris Williams 98, Helen Dickerson M lobo Grattan rt Lyle Meredith 97, Lillian II Fisher 91, Mary MatTat 90, Arthur Me- Southold Park...... .... 12 4 Koke 97; 95, 4 Caffery 9o, Daniel 'Bridge 89, William ,dattituck Lighting .40,09 4 I Stelzer 97, Kathryn McCaffery Grattan 89, Laura Kramer 88, Eliza- Mattituck Fire... 334 Grace Vreeland 93, Joe Bond 93, Alice beth Jennings $8, Natalie Bladoa 88, F'isher's Island Lighting......•••• Bloomfield 92, Fred.rick Bridge 92, Kathleen Grattan 87, John i.ueey 87, Charles Vreeland 90uerite Ehrhardt 98, Edwin Lucey $6, Mary Ann Hobson 86, I School ]Districts History A. Marg ....... 1 05 Charles Vree_ Letitia Grattan 85. Dist. 1-Orient Point.. 2 25 Harriet Dickerson 96, Grade 11. Lewis Davison 90. •' 2-Orient.................. `and 93, Lyle Meredith 91, Flora AI- 3-East Marion ............ 1 11 I Ruth Grathwohi 90, Danis] Grade I. Ruth Sawisn 91, L a M bartson 90, Zehroski 91, John Sawiska 91, Corot 4-Fisher's Island.......... 1'32 Smith 90. +� 5-Southa6d................ 200 Clara Wells 90, Jennie Rutkaski 90, Helen ` History C, Robert Booth 95, Volk 89, Lydia Dickerson 89, 4 «+ 6-Bay View.....,......... 70 mcCaffery92. Jahn Butler 88, Virginia 7-Pecnnic................. i 48 Doris Williams 99, Lillian Bond 88, Biology• Marion Carey .Iacabs 88, Henry Gadomski 89, �• 8-East Cutchogue.......•••• 1 05 i Stelzer 97, Joe Bond 97, ine .• 9-o,.attituck............... 1.71' 94, Louise Overton 93, Winifred Bil- 87�Ruth Jennings ment ng67�F:mmatRothmxan •¢ 10-Greenport ............• 0 . 2.0 0 rd 93. 11-Laurel.................. . laphysics. Katherine Thompson 93, 86 perfect it 12-Cutchogue... ... 17.1 The following pupils Diad a p 14-Oregon,..,., ...,. 2` 19 John Kramer 90. Int. Algebra. henry Dickerson 91. attendance record for the entire quar- 15=New Suffolk ............ 1.62 . Helen Sterling 98, Alice ter:team_try. High School. Helen Boisaeau, Wil- The log house of Mr. Williams at 41eCafEery 97, Marion Robinson 96. Pine Nee.k is likely to be some build- s The following pupils were on the Liam Carroll, Harriet Dickerson, Mil-, The cellar walls are two feet Honor Roll, having maintained an ton FO Donald Katherina Hilliard, Lyle tlxick, nine feat higx and seven hon- Bernice Simone, Helen Sterl- thic feet long, built a d leve stogie, average of 85 per cent or over for the Sayre, Bernice Donald lfobinsan, Marion dre roken so the farmer,; are clearing their land entire quarter: 89, ing, P elen Thompson, Katherine of all cobbles and rocks in order to High School. Helen Sterling _ r,rnm son, Clara Tuthill, Grace Vree- sul,laly the demand and reports of ex- Helen Thomp P Katherine Thompson 89, Louise laver- land. ploding dynamite are often heard. on 88. Doric Williams$8, 111 The men roc*.,and to be employed will ton 87, Clara McCaffery 87, Lyle ))fere- Grade VIII. Julia McCaffery, Marie be :t big help to the villages Helen Saisseau 86. 'Colombo, Adelaide Aksein, Kathryn dith 86, Butler, F'raricia Thompson, Ernest 2 Brookhaven . . 882,349.92 370,901.36 Dickerson, Stanley Gadomski, Henry Total Town Taxes $87,744.17� {Islip ... .. ... . 862,819.96 339,853.97 KressBabylon . .... . 461;,803.12 229,700.93 rson,, gneEvelyn Van Wyck, Helen Dick- DISTg[cT TAXES � Huntington .. 855,489.32 390,958.65 arson, Irene McKeon. Southold Light District $2,202 99 Smithtown . .. 216,067.97 79,754.60 Grade VII. Walter Williams, Horace Southold Fire District 4,01.3.85 102.18 Symonds, Eileen Mahoney, Esther Southold Park District 1,565 69 "total . .•$4,�6n,321.85 $i ,llu, V-�rbth, Marie Doherty, Kathleen Mere- Mattituck Light District 2,323 50 In addition to the $4,96'2.321.85 to lith, Gerald Hobson, Howard Terry, g be raised. by the towns, the fifteen in- Yattituck Eire District 52296 corporated villages in the county will luseph Butler. Orient Mosquito District 799.26 probably raise more than $500,000 for Grade VI. Alberta Dickerson, Helen Orient Fire District 405.41 the support of their "city govern I', Light District 1,369.11 tnents" and the State and county is Krukowski, Katherine Kulowski, Anna Orient Li g ,expected to spend about $1.000,000 in Naster, Grace Roenbeck, S)phie Sav- Fishers Island Light District 1,60092 the construction of new highways and age,. Annabel Sharp, Leonie Stacy, - for reconstruction work in fi„rr,ty Norma Van Wyck, Muriel Young, Total District Taxes $14,803.69 Smith Home Burglarized Kenneth Case, Jerome Grattan, Fran SCHOOL DISTRICTS cis Strasser. Dist. 1—Orient Point $ 2,005.06 Sinclair Smith and family left South- Grade V. William Williams, Rena- 442—Orient 9,988 31 all for their Brooklyn home a few aelaer Terry. Howard Caley, Vincent ” 3—East Marion 3,607.08, days after election. ()n 'their return e s ,,&mski, Fannie O'Vsianik, Joseph " 4—Fishers Island 8.49974 to spend Thanksgiving here, they Gadomski, Margaret Kart, Pauline Al- '• 5—Southold 26,102.78 found that their large residence had bertson, Stanley Poliwoda, Sophie Sla- 6—Bay View 1,832.84 been broken into by burglars and a vonik. of 7—Peconic 6,009.71 number of things stolen. tie burg_ Grade IV. Charles Bennett, Lloyd 8—East Cutchogue 5,38652 lars evidently gained entrance by open- Dickerson, Winifred Butler, Vincent 9—Mattituck 16,024.80ina back door with a skeleton key. Droskoski, 'Terry Jennings, Edgar "' 10—Greenport 45,628.68 Bureau drawers, closets, etc , were Smith, William Smith, Loretta. Stelzer, " 11—Laurel 1,327.43 ransacked and clothing, linen, etc., Constance Terry, James Gagen, Walter 12--Cutchogue 7,371.03 .were all over the floors. The burglars 'Grattan, Herman Howard, Edna 14—North Mattituck 8,013.41 took quite a lot of linen, a fine carving Leicht, Julius Zebroeki. " 15—New Suffolk 5,121.19 set, an overcoat, etc. The booty was Grade III. John Bednosky, Ed a ---- evidently pa-ked in a large suitcase Dickerson, Shirley Fisher, Mary Ain Total School Tax $146,918.58 belonging to Mr. Smith. They left be- Hobson, Elizabeth Jennings, Edwin STATE AND COUNTY TAX hind them a traveling bag which they kart, George Klos, Joseph O'Vsianik, Direct State Tax $21,40300 brought, a bunch of keys and gloves John Poliwoda, Anna Savage, Frances Armory Tax 2,756.91 Which they had evidently used so as Van Wyck. Supreme Court Expenses 650.67 not to leave floger-prints. Mr. Smith Grade 11. Jennie O'Vsianik, Bea- County Tax 31,736.52 offers a reward of $300 for information trice Strasser, Jennie Surozinska, Double and Erroneous that will lead to the arrest and convic- Mary Surozinaka, Caroline Terry, Assessments 1,119 21 Support of Epileptics and other tion of the burglars. It is hoped that Lewis Davison, Egbert Malmborg, Indigent Persons at Insti they may be apprehended and brought Frank Stankeweiz, John Terp, i tutions 2,900 47 to justice. Grade 1. Ruth Overton, Ruth Jen- Town Poor at Almshouse 11600.00 doming Pigeons nings, Elizabeth Metcalf, Frank Dros- Support Dependent Children 700.00 coski, Henry Gadomski, Emmett Hob- Child Welfare 2,000.00 It is a great satisfaction to me that son, Virginia Jacobs, Alica Kart, An. Insane Commitments 30.00 I so many items have been before the tone Poliwoda, Joseph Poliwoda, John School Supt. Salaries 329.421 public about the homing pigeons that Sawisks, Francis Schriefer, Ambrose /acquisition Motor Trucks 317.30 were found here, I hope it will serve Terp, Clement ;Thompson, Constant Election Expenses 608 00 to make people watchful for any stray Weygand. --_ ones, and see if they are branded. A Payable to Co. Treasurer $66,151.50 homing pigeon would probably be more Southold Town Tax Budget � Total Town Taxes $ 87,744 17 tame than those kept here and would e• TOWN Total District Taxes 14,803 69 doubtless be alone. I have heard that Maiinkenance of Highways $48,000.00 Total School Taxes 146,918.58 the pigeon sent in by Mr. McCabe ar- Reconstruction of Bridge 'Total State and County Taxes 66.151.50 rived safely. Great credit is due Mr, East Marion 5,000.00 Total of Warrant $315,617.94 and Mrs. McCabe for the splendid care Maintenance of Bridges 3,00000 'they gave the bird, becoming much' Highway Machinery 3,000 00 The tax warrants were signed b;,° attached to it, and it would come at Removal of Snow and the Board of Supervisors on Muond�, and the Receivers of Taxes in most their call of Dick," the name they Miscellaneous Purposes 8150000 ave it. I vprote Mr. Collins not to of the ten towns will begin the collet- R Bontingent Fund 5100000 tion of taxes on Docember 10. send pigeons to me for testing, for I kudited Bills 4,410.33 Total of School should fear something might happen 3u ort of Poor Warrant Pur ores '0• M 1?p 4,000.00 P to them. Board of HealthEast Hampton $290,272.34 $152,813.81 a out' 1,500.00 Southampton . 744,837,53 265,967.1'0 The Bank of Southold will p y Public Libraries 5,000.00 Shelter, Island 42,915.02 14 705,53 10.800 in Christmas Memorial Day Observance 200 00 Southold . .... 315,617.94 146,918.58 this week over $ Omitted Taxes from 1923 133.84 i Riverhead .... 288,148.43 123,437.56 Club checks. rf I 1_Z 1{�1 School Notes and clothing was all over the floor. School Notes Valuable linen, twelve fine table cloths, The Chapel exercises held Dec. 3 in- Wednesday morning chapel was held carving set, etc., were stolen. eluded a recitation by Gerald Hobson.' with the following Thanksgiving pro- Harry Vail, who has charge of Pat and a humorous one-act Way, A gram'. Rooney's house, fofind that burglars Minister's Mistake," with the fol'ow' had been there and the same condition Assembly prevailed in the house as in the other iog cast: Song Rev Edmund Belmont, a young min- Reading, "Too Many Thanksgivings' two Southold homes burglarized. I he ter James C9gan Lillian Stelzer robber in these three homes was un- rs. y Mrs. Smith Katherine 'Chorapson Reading, Thanksgiving Proclamation doubtedly done by the same vandals. Marie, the maid Louise UvertaT Frank Kramer The burglars pick out vacant homes ,Since the apparatus has been put in Recitation, "First Thanksgiving Day" and for the most part steal valuable lace the bo s' and girls' basketball Mary Heckman linen, while they leave other costly p y goods. squads issue been. assigned regular, Piano solo houra�for practice- Marie Ducey Mrs. W. D. Breaker's house at Mat- Phe auditoripm has been rented to. Recitation "I'm Thankful"'� tituck was entered; and the ear-marks Janet Travis of the robbery are the same as in the Greenport team, which will prrre- Song Southold. It is to be hoped that the tee there several times a week and Assembly will hold their games there. I burglars will be caught and phased , Recitation 11A Boy'a Tiainks" where they will have no opportunity to Chapel exercises were heal Dec. 6, Herbert Smith burglarize for many years to come. which included, besides the usual sirg- play, "The First Thanksgiving Day " ng by the assembly, a reading by Characters Twenty-Five Years Ago Mary Strasser and a recitation by John Winthrop Joseph Bond Q d, 1 , 1,44* /S-IQ f Marie Colombo. William Pierce Donald RobinsonGeo. J. Tilling bast was agliiin clerk- A mass n,ee'ing was held in the l,igh Thomas Dudley Frederick Bridge. iog for L. W. Korn. 4' school room last Fcid�y afternoon to John Wilson Charles Vreeland Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. gave apractice basketball yr lis and cheers Roger Clap Corey Albertson dance in Belmont Hall. Clic high school pupils will endeavor Mrs. Freeman Helen Buisseau Union Thanksgiving services of the to have organized cheering ins'ewl of Mrs. Garrett Clara Tuthill Methodist and Universalist Churches the usual j-imble of shouts and whistles 'T Patience Freeman Kathryn McCaffery were held in the Universalist Church, at the basketball games this year. Samuel Garrett Lyle Meredith the sermon being preached by the The Seniors wish to thank all who Chdef of Narragansett Indians pastor, Rev. Wm. H. Murray. either contributed to or purchased arti- Frederic Prince The Lighthouse Inspectors inspected cies at the food sale bed last Satur- Young Narragansett Brave Horton's Paint Lighthouse. day. George stelzzr George Simons left the employ of Helen 13oisseau, Clara Tuthill at Man servant to Gov. Winthrop Adolf Weaterlund F. T. Wells to learn the carpenter. Marion Rubinson were the delegates trade of his father, and Benj. G. sent by Southold High School to the yAfter spending three mo r.ths in Fula- Conklin took his place in Mr. Wells' High school Girls' Conference of the tonville, N. Y., with the U. L. Weid- store. Suffolk C"unty Y. W. C. A. 'phis aas mann Construction Co , A. G. Case Thirty cents a bushel was pad for the third annual cov.ventinn and was has returned to Southold for a time. the seed oysters taken at Horton's held at Amityville, Dec, 5, 6 and 7. !!tre Burglaries Here Paint. The principal topic at this year's con' Work was begun on the extensive! ference was"Comillunity Citizenship Aftwas discovered that Sinclair improvements to be made to the M. E and the gir:s report many helpful S�vith's residence had been burgNrszed Church. speeches, talks, and interchanged ideas. during the absence of the family at Clarence Davis was the new mail Besides the conference proper, in their Brooklyn borne, investigation was carrier, which mics from all over wereSuffolk Cous made in regard to the residences of As Gilder S. Conklin was driving ty participated, theca were games, other summer people who had returned across the track at Tucker's Lane, his devotions, councils, and a banquet. to the city for the winter. team was struck by the east-bound The Seniors recently received a fresh Oscar L. 'Wells, who looks out for freight train. supply of Dairymaid candy, which is Mr, slid Mrs. Wro. D. Faulkner's Rev. Dr. Arvine C.Bowdish, a former selling very fast, especially at basket- place,, found that burglars had entered pastor of the M. E. Church, died at ball games. ^ that house. They gained entrance by City Island. Woods Patrolledpry iog open a wooden shutter over a J. B. Terry was appointed on a com- cellar window, smashing the glass of mission to divide the west bay between I Some of the residents of Bay View the window and opening the button On the Smith heirs and Brookhaven Town. (Heydon) have clubbed together and. the sash. They then took an ax and will have the woods and fields there- smashed in the panel of the inside cel- shouts sharply patrolled for the protec- lar door, thus gaining entrance to the Mr. and Mrs. Sereno H. Smith have tion of the trees and evergreens, pre. house. As in the Smith home, every- moved to Riverhead, where they will ceding the Holiday season. Because thing had been ransacked, closet doors, make their future home, A. W. Symonds of the wanton cutting that has been bureau drawers and trunks were open having purchased their place. going on in previous years, this pro- tective measure is necessary. The will of Oscar Silleck of Pe- T. C. Hit by I. W. P. Stealing Christmas Trees conic, filed here for probate, disposes of an estate valued at more than $40,- Mrs. A. H. Cosden entertained T Thieving and destruction of trees to 000 by giving Mary and Josephine Tuesday Club at her home, last week, provide happiness for children and Silleck, daughters, the homestead 9 N grown-ups to commemorate the Birth farm, furniture in the house and other at a beautifully appointed Christmas e of Christ—think of it ! Can there be articles; the farm le Bay avenue, is Luncheon, It seemed at first se if khe given to Oscar Silleck, Jr., and the bii greater travesty on and debauchery of residue of the estate is d'ivi'ded among kindly disposed hostess had done everm- u= the Christian Religion? This has been the three children. thing in her power to relieve herguests Be a common occurrence in this neighbor- 1 �to hood for a number of years to my It was decided at the meeting of the of any effort on their part, and yet w knowledge. Parent-Teacher Association to have a make the time spent together as profit- hil w A few years ago Mrs. Marshall set Community Christmas Tree. Anyone able as possible. Even the current po out a number of small pines on either who wishes to contribute to the sum of events covering our land from the lat- ail side of the entrance to our little camp twenty dollars to be raised may hand est benefactions to education down to of in the woods on Sound View Avenue, the donation to Albert W. Albertson or nc asst of Peconic. It has been to source Mrs. Charlotte C. Overton. peonage in the Philippines, had been Is of much pleasure to her to watch them John Ruebsamen has sold for George looks d lip fer them and the news items th grow into fine little trees. For two C. Terry his residence at Willow Hill, had only to be taken from little rcd th years past some miscreant has cut down Southold, to Mrs. A. Ralphs of Yon- wrappers, lying at each plate, and read. re the finest ones of the lot for Chrietmas keret, N. Y, Che Christmas spirit prevailed gener- trees, lugged them off and decorated New Suffolk, Dee 4, Thomas Gowan, ally. At the business meeting, twenty, them with lights, spangles, toys and giffhe little folks in memory ofets aged 78 years. dollars was voted unanimously for gifts,, thCharrist tchild. C.utchoyiue, Dec. 5, henry V. Downs, for the children at the Holteville Sav- aged 84 years. itarium. Last Christmas Eve morning I was It was later, however, when the just shout half an hour too late to catch TWOUtY-FiVO Y0fir8 Ago I guests had;gathered comfortably around the thief who had hacked off the very �� F pa:,� !r7 9 the fireplace for an afternoon's idle beat tree and loaded it on a Fliver, the Prin. S. S. Shaw rented Mrs. .Mary tracks of which I followed for twr. chat, that the intellectual might of the Malone's house on Beckwith Ave. hostess, her courage in taking initia- miles, but I coWd not be dead sure Henry F. Van Wyck rented Mrs. S. tive, and the falsity of the impression into which of two houses it had turned O. Salmon's house on Railroad Ave. that "an easy time" was ahead, were The car was equipped with a peculiar Potatoes were selling for 60 cents a tire, and while 1 am sure in my awn all revealed at one roaster-stroke. Mrs. mired I saw the earns fire on a Ford nem bushel. Cosden with a nonchalance all her own, Osborn Wella of Peconic was learn- dro q, into the tap of each lad a the street of Southold afterward and pP p irrg the printer's trade at the'TItAVELER folder)sheet of paper. The effect was know to whom it belonged, thus bear- dng out the circumstantial evidence 1 ofFicQ. magical. There were shouts of genu- ng out th had,circumstantial was not sufficient Services of the M. E. Church were ine,j,ry from some and politely sup- being held in H. G. Howell's Halt. pressed groans from a small minority. legal evidence on which to caul: an A soldiers' surprise was given to A Cross Word Puzzle, home made, or arrest. I am giving fair warning that I have Comrade H. N. Booth, rather, made on the train corning H. F. Van Wyck was laying the home, ' just all about the Club," had applied to the Federal Department of Justice for the privilege of planting foundation of the new M. E. Church. hit The uesd-y Club. Everybodyruse 1 Tear Gas Bombs where any disturb:+oc, The tax rate in Southold Town was to the i,ceasion, the adepts to prove ] � of these trees this year will trap the .62. their t&,d»out metal, and the beginners o thief and expose hire to the public. Mrs. Mary E. B. Hartranft died, to show that they had only to Pine trees are not Christmas trees ' aged 36 years. try and they could play that anyway; only the sprue a true f I Kindergarten game. The fire blazed one, �e��lel for �e�e��ant I ' cnerrfuly Ch-.tong ceased, but i It is time for people to follow the nobody seemed to be doing what she suggestions of President Coolidge and The case of E. Lelebt vs. Deputy Ithought she could do. The proud be t Sheriff F. E. Booth was tried before came meeker by the second and the ,our own "E B. H." of the TRAVELERSheriff Mitchell May and jury Rt Su- and do away with the custom of de- y ' humble-minded melted away into hope- and dog the young trees fururn of de.- preme Court in Riverbead, Wednesday I le_a n,ie!ivity before the contradtions tide decorations. morning. Plaintiff claimed that de` of the T. C. Puzzte. It purported to J. H. MARSHALL, &1, D. fendant used undue force in arresting tell by its verticals and horizontals him an the street of Southold and that what every member knew "perfectly Wilbur S. Petty, who made a good o-he suffered humiliation in being placed well" about the Ciub. In vain did the record up state this fall hunting, tock in the Greenport lockup over night. aurhor move continuously from center a notion the first of the week to try I, At the conclusion of the cave, Justice to circumference and round and round the game up Great Pond way. Besides 1I May ordered s verdict for the defend- about the circle of absorbed workers, lesser game captured, he returt,ed with�'ant. James T. Walsh for plfl:.; Leroy correcting here and hinting there, as two large wild geese and a black duck. I M. Young for deft. she tried to assure them the words were very easy and well known." Hours Twenty- 'give Yeal'S Ago I Among those home for the holidays, passed, and experts and inexperts lied c; �� 4",* 02we we noticed Mise Elizabeth A. Terry of A Bloomfield N. J., Mj:;s Marion S, to go down in ignominious defeat. Mrs. Jerry Bingley rented his new house Terry of Poughkeepsie, Miss Ann Hal- Marshall's "unrepub1canism" in early to Jedediah Conklin. dgi November, Mrs. Hallock's knowl- George G. Richmond held the record lock ld Cambridge, Mass , 117iB Lucy edge(?) of "ems'" and "ens,'" the for high bowling at G. W. Phillipa' Hodgin of Patchogue, Miss Beatrice bird,of '"Green Geese" variety, the b alley. Hons of the State Teachers'College. wuil "inanna" type of refreshmentsJ, L. Corey and H. F. Van W .ck Albany, Mise Edith Breitstadtof West- bury, Walter Gagen of Villnovia Cal- served, the "dancing" fad of last win- were rushing work on the new M. E. lege, Pa., Thomas Hall o€ Stevens ter, and a certain "Plupy Shute"term, `church. Institute of Technology, Roy Wilkin- were fair samples of the seventy-one Southold Town raised $2,766.32 for son of Dolgeville, N. Y. Edward and hidden words the members were sup- contingent expenses. Curtis Gooden of the Fay School, South- posed to know. Prue—they might pas_ P . Protection Engine Co. elected the bora, Mass., R,ymond Donahue of eib•y have been worked out in a couple following officers: Foreman, R, S. Corry, Pa., John Purcell of the Coast of days after a two weeks' fast, but Sturges; Asst. Foreman, S. S. Shaw; ,Guard Academy, New London, not on that afternoon. A crown of See., 0. V. Penney; Tress., A. F. laurel enwreathes the brow of the au- Lowerre. It is of general interest to read that thor, but ashes, only plain ashes, adorn Rev. Dr. William Force Whitaker the first Methodist services that were the head, of those who toiled without received a purse of $440 from his pa- held in this village occurred in 1794, reeults till darkness fell. rishioners, on the completion of his that a "class" -was organized the fol- CINDERELLA fifth year as pastor of the First Pres- lowing year,from which the long used byterian Church of Albany, term "class meeting" got its title. In Fred R. Prince is again in the A 1856 Southold became a "station" X_ P. store, much to the pleasure of Surrogate Pelletreau has entered a with 87 merdbers. In 1518 a church his friends. He has recently had the. decree fixing a tax of $1,238 68 on the was built (it is still standing) which roof of his house reshingled, another had no inside finish and benches made eni toward restoring the Frank estate of Albert E Salmon. The net from, slabs of logs with legs driven in Htunme] place to its old-tissue good estate, valued at$38,212 20, is disposed the bored holes. 1850 saw an edifice I l(,Ol~s. of as follows : Nellie W. Salmon, wid- built where the present building Jay Glover has returned from Detroit; ow, $12,292 90; William D. Salman, stands, Enlarged in 1867 and in 190e' Midi., where he has been taking a the present M. E. church was built brother, $3,187; Alice C. Salmon, sfs-Iand a pipe organ installed, and a fine special course in automobile engineer- ter, $672; Jennie Bryan, sister, '$1,343;'bell placed in its steeple. 'Many able ing. During his absence his garage I Alberta Truett, sister, $672; Murlin men have given messages from its has been in charge of Richard Fowler, young, niece, $636; Don S.-Whitcombpulpit, the present incumbent, Mr. , who will continue with Mr. Glover. nephew, $636; Stephen 0. Salmon, Belden, being one of the number. Teunis S. Bergen has returned horse nephew, $9,519; W. Albert Salm•n, Charles D'Elecr, who used to run from Pa Brook, Essex Co„ N. Y., nephew, $9,519; Florence S. ,Beebe, the barker shop in the Southold Hotel, Pay was here on :Monday calling on his much improved in health, we are happy niece, $635.30. 1 friends. .Tie is now located at'Glen to state. We hear with a -good deal of eon- Cove. He has been to Europe several g times as barber on an ocean liner, and J. Leo Thompson has completed Mrs. cern that Alvah M. Salmon, of Pe- 'has also been to a number of South May Hummel's new huftgalow on Rail- conic, has Brawn quite feeble of late American countries in the five years road Avenue. It is a very attractive and has taken to his bed just tired out Mrice leaving this place, after his ninety years journey. He little place. has certainly kept up courage for a j Another cold wave struck Southold Dickenson—At the Essteirr Lon long time and moved about more like Saturday night, and the thermometer klar:d hospital, December 1511x, to a a man of three scare years than of registered 14 above zero Sunday morn- If. and Mrs, David Dickenson, of Ne- four score and ten, Cold weather is ing and it was very cold all that day,J.tftill roaie. a son, Blythe. not helpful to elderly people, so the warmer weather of spring may help At a special meeting of the Southo!d hiixi to he about again. He is of a These was choral singing around the type in his neatness of appeararce Community Christmas Tree on Christ- 'Fire Department last Friday evening, and jaunty air that many a much mas afternoon, under the leadership of it was voted to bold the annual New younger man might imitate. Mies Mary Conklin. Year's Day parade, starting at 2 pi m. lysis Beatrice. Hodgins is home from sharp. Greenport, Mattituck, ()sleet college. So is Miss Esther Bond from The large star of laurel, lighted with and East Marion will be given invi- her school in Westhampton, and Miss colored electric lights, over the doors tationa to participate. L u n c h Lucy Karold from a like work in of the Universalist church, was much and coffee will be served in the show Patchogue; also Thomas Hall, from New Jersey Tech.; Walter Gagen, admired. room of Jennings' Garage after the from Villanova Penn. College, and Bert Salmon is now working at the parade. Of the$400 received from the ;John Percival, from. New London plumbing business with William Raf- Carnival last August, it was decided to Coast Guard school, and a number ford and thinks he will be able to give$175 to each company and th it the MOM "wipe a joint" as well as"wipe up" as remaining$50 be placed in the treasury A cold wave struck Southold Satur- daa ball tosser. of the department. It was voted to y night, and on Sunday morning it Pumell, Davison will a.ill—fte the again hold the Carnival next summer. was 10 above zero--the coldest of the wincipatship of Peconle School reNt season. we+rk, Mrs. Carrol ha,imr resigned. New England to the forein Pccv ;e•� Twenty-Five Years Ago Leo Thompson's wife Presented her THE TRAVELER THE _rR E ER L/4,sn, 2- 1*+*I� husband with the gift of a daughter EL on December 25, and it is named Mlar- Ig Published !y morn- The The present month was the dryest guerite Christina. 1-ko's offspring ins of each week by December in 28 years. now number eight, L OCK Fred K Terry was acting as Station JOSEPH N. HALLOCK Agent here during the vacation Philadelphia, Nov. 22d, by the Rev Editor a Prepr tor of Samuel W. Purvis, Beryl Halsey Horton Editor and Proprietor Agent Fry. of Southold a A Andrew Bowman Miles Wednesday was the coldest day of of Philadelphia. the year, the thermometer registering Greenport, Dec. 25, by Rev. Otto SOUTHOLD, N. Y. IS above zero. Posselt, Frank H. Sanford of Southold The Station Agents at Southold, and Miss Elsie Julia Reiter of Green- port. Mattituck and Greenport received Friday, January 9, 1925 honorable mention for keeping th,i,, Pecanic, Dec. 31, Alvah M. Salmon, in his 90th year. Funeral FerviceH on stations and grounds in a neat condition. Sr4turday at. 2 p. M. at the Universalist "Dry" Headlines William C. Albertson died, aged 47 [church. years. New York had a dry New Year's. The annual parade of the Pouthold We wondered what those words meant A Generous Gift Fire Department took place on New and read, "There was less drunken- Year's Day. The Greenport Fire De- nese in New York on New Year's Eve Henry Pape, commission merchant partment joined in the parade, and the than at any time since the Nation went of Washington Market, N. Y. City, firemen, with their up-to-date appars- dry. Christmas and Thanksgiving we likewise represented in this vicinity by Harry tuR, made a fine appearance at th re Flwlse more orderly." five Sunday marched through our streets. ey Cusack, presented the After Again, headlines state: "England Schools of Southold with an apple and the parade, refreshments were served is headed toward ending the evil of orange for each member. There are in the outhold Garage show rooms. drink." Then follows an explanation 204 Sunday Schools that Mr. Pape i that prohibition laws are not going to remembers each Christmas. Isis genes- Twenty-Five Years Ago be enacted along lines similar to those oaiLyI is greatly appreciated by both in the United States. What has hap- young an old. i Howard E. Dickerson was clerking peried is that England is'driuking much Through the agency of E. Leiebt, for H. W. Prince, less liquor than before the war and is Arthur MacNish has sold his property The New Year was ushered in by a going to drink still lesm; that in the on Boisseau Ave. to John Hogg of heavy snow storm. first place public sentiment is against Brooklyn. Through the Elaine agency, Sheriff Wells reappointed A. R. Vail drinking. It is bad form for a man to Benj. F. Gaffga has sold to Vir.cent as Deputy Sheriff. drink too much. If he appears into,xi- Polowoda, 10 acres of land adjoining The thermometer registered 10 above cated at a social function he is not Mr. Polowoda's farm at the north. zero, asked again. It simply isn't done. Gen. C. Terry and W. A. Williams The same thing is true of the industrial Harold Booth is to move into the were harvesting 7-inch ice at their classes. Drunkenness is disappearing, Universalist parsonage. Fred T. Jen- houses at Great Pond. and crime with it, ninge and family, who have lived there Nicholas MLQ'Iillen celebrated his The latest headline to arrest atten- so long, will occupy the fine rooms 102d birthday. His sister, Mrs. John tion is that "Lloyd George Starts a over the Southold garage. Thompson, was 92 years old. Crusade against the Drink Monopoly," John Embert, telegraph operator at Gen. C. Wells purchased of Mrs. J. The former Prime Minister comes out the station, is spending the holidays at W. Horton a lot on Youngs Avenue and declares it is idle to talk of social bia home in Queenstown, Md. and was to build a residence on it. reform until a party arises in England I At a meeting of the Board of Elu- courageous enough to tackle the evil I Mary M. H. Dayton dors to Bella cation, Win. H. Glover was elected a and strong enough to overthrow it. . Stebbins, lot '100x114 feet n .9 member of the Board in place of the Finally, we read from Belfast, Ire- Sound View ave, Parotic. Tax $1. Bella M. Stebbins :to Mildred M. late Wm. C. Albertson, and James land, "St. Patrick's Day to be Dry." Hancock, parcel 119XI170 feet n q Thompson was elected President of the The Irish Free State Senate recently Sound View ave, adj lands of Mary Board in place of Mr. Albertson. I amended the Liquor Bill so as to make H. Dayton, Peconic. Tax $i. N. Hubbard Cleveland and Miss !, St. Patrick's Day entirely "dry," like R J Potter &,w to W G Overton, lo', Helen Virginia Horton were married. Good Friday and Christmas. 50x200 feet adj lands of Potter and G H Fleet,feet, Tax 50c. The Methodist choir gave the cantata, We may think right here in this part 'The Prince of Peace." of the world, that "dry" sentiment is to J. H. Rambo, lots 245 '14 Station Agent H. B. Fry and Miss not strong, but it really is. And if we 270, 271, 272 and 2-73, alni'Dilded' snipMarion Pettibone were married. were to quote statistics and could re. A of Nassau Point, Peconil, Tax $9. Assemblyman J. N. Hallock left for pent the sentiment coming from all George W Young &vv to Georg, Albany to attend the sessions of the over the country, we would know that A-1drich, 26 acres w s Depot lane, ad.i Legislature. During his absence, the Prohibition is being more and more .and ofCharles Williamson; also 14 acres 1v s D,_aot lane, adj land 0J.' Traveler was in charge of his foreman, favorably regarded. Fr.nk HauruR.' Cutcn, o_ue. rl m. L. P. Wilkinson. Mrs. Regina Sturmdorf is spending the winter at Miami, Florida. <Y 4- l D � 1 1� Bridgehampton, Jan. 7, by Rev. Wm. I i Southold Savings 1 gs � k H. Lloyd, John H. Lehr of Southold 1 y, Q, 0, F. Installation The 1334 semi-annual statement of and Miss Florence Pelle Halsey of At S,)uthold Lodge rooms Monday the 'Southold Savings Bank, issued Jan. Bridgehampton. evening, the newly elected officers of 1, 1925, is one that can be pointed to Cutchogue, Dec. 31, Terrance Hand, iGreenport and Southold Lodges were with pride by ever well-wisher of this aged 46 years. it installed by District Deputy Grand financial institution. Twenty-Five Yearg Ago Master Howard E. Dickerson of Stony The total assets at par value are Brook, assisted by his staff of Grand $8.507,018 09; assets at market value, �le.ys. / � bU Lodge officers, Mr. Dickerson is a $8,570,06799; assets at investment Joseph Wells accepted a position at former 'Southold boy, and a large num- value, $8,555,079.03. The total amount Toronto, Canada, ber were present to greet him on his due depositors is $7,086,767.86. The Jaynes Lucey was carrying the mail first official visit. surplus at par value is $1,420,250 23; between the station and post office. The officers of Southold Lodge are: surplus at market value, $1,483,300 13; At the annual parish meeting of the N. G. Harry J, Smith; P. G., Herbert surplus at investment value, $1,468,. Presbyterian Church, Geo. H. Terry W. Fisher; V. G., George C. Terry; 311.17. and Waldo Brown were elected Trustees. Rec, Sec., Frederick Fickeissen; Fin. Bat! Qi ��y}, 1 Michael. Fisher rent d his farm at Sec., Lewis W. Korn; Treas., W . R. an Southold Bay View to Joseph Southard. Newbold; War., Roland Horton, Con., The condition of the Bank of South- The lid. E Church extended a unani- Wm. H. Terry; Chaplain, Rev. Abram old, Dec. 31, 1924, shows total resources mous call to Rev. H. E. f iler to remain Conklin, R. S. N. G , Albert W. Al- of $422,2:30.61, as folly'ks: Canadian as pastor for another year. bonds, $47,910.00; other bonds, 116,- bertsoin L. S. N. G., Herbert IG. 'I $ Franklin M. Dorsch of Brooklyn and Hawkins; R. S. V. G , Rensselaer G. 609.02; mortgages, $14,770 00; banking Miss Lucy A. Vail of Southold were house and lot, $1,000.00; loans and dis- married. Terry; L. S. V. G., John tRuebsa- counts, $180,617.41; cash on hand and Samuel Tuthill of Southold and Miss Slee; R 5. S., John Breitsodt; L,A. S. in banks, $58,824.18; accrued interest, 8., Ch .,s. Gordon; Violet Smith of Blue Paint were Prince; I.. G., William G , Orrinm Mengweit; $2,500.00. married. Trustee, John Breitstadt. The capital is $25,000; surplus and Mrs. Orlando Smith died, aged 53 Greenport officers: N. G , Wm. C. undivided profits earned, $30,429.6$; years. _ deposits, $36fi,800.93. !4[onsell; V. G., F. Kenneth Merrill; At the communication of Pecanic I Protection- Engine CO. Rec. Sec., Irving C. Wells; Fin. Sec., L. K. Leder; 'Trees , Victor Booth; Ledge, F. and A. M., on Wednesday 1 Tne annual meeting of Protection War., Charles Randall; Con., Eugene evening, the retiring Master, Fred K. 'I Engine Co. was held last Friday even- Conklin; Chaplain, H. Seymour Case; Terry, was presented with a very ing, when the following officers were R S N G., Frank Berger; L. S. N. handsome gold and silver trimmed elected : Captain, Henry W. Fisher, G,, Effingham Townsend; R. S. V. G., lambskin Past Masters' Apron. This! Lieutenant, Fred Manweiler; Secretary, E. J. Brooks; L. S. V. G., John was presented by the twenty-four R. G. Terry; Treasurer, Fred K. Terry;- Warner; R. S. S., George GrifTing; Masons who were raised by Mr. Terry Trustee for t.hreeyears,H. H.Huntting. Fred T. Jennings who has served the L• S. S., Arthur Maaarter; O. G., —a record number. The presentation Louis Gladding; 1, G., Henry Conklin. speech was made by Right Worshipful eompaoy long and faithfully as Captain, Following the installation, refresh- E. D. Tuthill, and Mr. Terry accepted declined a re-electioo, notwithstanding menta were served. the gift with much feeling. the efforts of the members to have him accept. I Mrs. Garaphelia Bowman has The Annual Parish Meeting of the As there are a number of young men rented her farna to _vlahlon Dickery.)n Presbyterian Church was held last Sat- for the coming season. Archy Sy-- y who wish to juin the company, it was urd r afternoon. Silas A. H. Dayton to 'h, exew pul halePrinin 1, has mAarl y voted that all firemen who have served to his new purchase in the vac-.tern and Ernest D. Corwin were re-elected twenty-five years be placed on the kart of the village. He has been Trustees for a term of three years exempt firemen's list. farming since he quit teaching. .H,, The fieances of the church were re- It was voted that any member not' ought Ser.-ro Smith's place, Ser no ported in first-class condition, all bills attending at least three meetings g nzasirtg to Riverhead. being paid and a balance in each de- year shall be dropped automatically� John Merwin arrived at the home of partment, from the compaasy'e list of members, hie sister, Mrs. Albert Albertson, on Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Phillips are and he will therefore be subject to Monday evening, having motored in his spending the winter at Washington, jury duty. Dodge coupe all the way from Ne- 1 a le oraska. Ile came through without a D. C.` g eetin riz ladder Ca° had its puncture, averaging 250 miles a day. annual nreetin Inst Thursday night G R Jennings &w to F T' Jenningsanal elected these officers: Captain. He encountered no blizzards, but the lot 85x220 feet n s Main st, adj lanrl -,"Ac' I. Gordon; Lieutenant, J. temperature was sometimes ten below of Thomas Farley, Southold, nom, Leo Thompson; Secretary, Edward zero. Ile brought his mother, Mrs. Donahue, Treasurer, Nat. E. Booth; Fieet, H L to x Hand got s s Main rd adi Trustee, A. R. Vail. Michael Fisher Florence Merwin, with him, from requash av, cutchogue nam _ad prepared z liberal supply of m,0, Bridgehampton. C O Moore to V R Moore, norther exr€.f ent tlani chowder, of which the E. L. I, Hospital, Greenport, Jan. Iy half of homestead on Manor Hili thirty-five five members present most lib- 10, William O. Davids of Cutchogue, ue, orall " tJt�xcho g none, y partook after the regular busi-� where interment took place, aged 65 'less wa„ completed, year 3/ �+ Dispatcher Mrs. Maria J. Hallock, now the oldest SoUthtlala SaVI Rank Chief Train Dispatcher resident of Southold, passed her 94th �$ 1! The December number of the Long I birthday on January 10. She wa® the The annual meeting of the Trustees recipient of many cards and other of the Southold Savings Bank was held Island Railroad Information Bulletin tokens of remembrance, all of which last Thursday, when the following contained a very readable article on were much appreciated and enjoyed. officers were re-elected by a unanimous our old friend, James M. Magee, the I vote: President, Henry W. Prince;. Chief Train Dispatcher, One year We had a fall of snow Monday night, i 1st Vice President, Dr, Clarence C. after his birth Mr. Magee came to follt.wed by rain, and our streets and!' Miles; 2d Vice President, Joseph N, Southold with his parents and spent his sidewalks are in a very icy condition, Hallock;Secretary-Treasurer,Frederick boyhood days here. He received his education in the public school and Max Newbold has returned from R Terry; 1st Assistant Treasurer, Rensselaer Terry; 2d Assistant Detroit, Mich., where he attended an R . Southold Academy and then learned � Treasurer, Israel P. Terry; Member the printer's trade in the TRAVELER automobile school. Finance Committee for three office, He later went to N. Y. Cit years, City P Danz to Sohn Flynn, 3 A w George Henry Terry; Member Examin- and took charge of the mailing deport- highway adj land of Martin Lehr ir,g Committee for three years, Edward ment of the Christian at Work. While Southold, $2,300 W. Latham attending E:chool at 8nuthold, Mr, Garvey, J E & w to J Zuhoski, assn s The Trustees were the guy*sts of Magee helped around the railr-ad North rd adi land J Lindsay, ala s s North� Secretary-Treasurer Terry at a fine i 'station anti this early railroad experi- rd, Cutchogue .,... :blah©oa turkey dinner at Mrs, L. N. Sanford's. VIII encs prompted him to give up bis I Hummel, G F & w to E C Davison, tot n 9 11 Full justice was done to the appetizing Position in the city and return to South- I Hummel av adi land w Griswold, Southold, spread. old, where he entered the employ of I $Gds the Railroad Co. as assistant agent and King, H C & ,v to ront¢no, las w s 'n- is snowstorm telegraph operator, He then became than Week lane adi land B Moxa. l eco$ooii a station agent and operator in a I - - The biggest snowstorm of the winter number of places on Long Island. InI ].Nassau Point Club Properties to A M Knox,0 i struck here early Tuesday morning, 1889 he was promoted to train tis-j tots 327, 329 Nassau Point ...........$a,nou and when people got up in the morn- patcher and five years later wasing there was a bigfall of snow. advanced to the important past of chief Terry, G C & w to A E Rslpbs, tat a e After a Peap its of several hors the Main rd adj rd to Bay View, Southold.$10,000 train dispatcher. For six years he J storm began again and assumed almost acted as assistant trainmaater, but was Twouty-Five Ye&Y'8 Ago I b'izzard-tike proportions. Supt. of redrafted into the dispatching service. t, . 6,0, Highways Fleet's men were kept busy There is more dependent on th, train scraping the roads, Fortunately the Albert Albertson returned to Claver- dispatcher than on any other man in eek College to resume his studies theresnow did not drift. There was no the service. Despite forty-two years Hill Bros. of Riverhead donated a trouble with the running of the trains, of most intensive application to his corner-stone for the new M. E. Church. Miss Ethel M. Jones has accepted a railroad duties, Mr. Magee,,just having E. M. Jewell, who was employed in position as stenographer at the State reached the age of three score years, the boiler room of the L. 1, R. It. Co. Institute of Applied Agriculture, is still an indefatigable worker and at L. I. City, was severely burned by Farmingdale. refers with pride to the fact that he is hot oil. on the jib every day from 7:30 a. m. At the annual parish meeting of the Teunis S Bergen to W. R Newbold, to 6:30 P. m., and on call at all times." Universalist Church, Geo, C. Wells was &w, 19 A adj land of T S Lester, near Southold, tax, 50c We note that in that City of Clubs, elected trustee, and Mrs. A. F. owerre clerk- Faster, T H to S Bolger, lot n s Jackson- San S8II Francisco, where education, art, r and drama specially flourish, Mrs. Station Agent H. B. Fry received a �st adj other land Bolger, New Suffolk..$2,000Gaffga, B F & ono to V Poliwoda, lot a(l) Emily K. McGovern is chairman of the call to take charge of the Patchugue other land Poliwoda, Southold ,,......$l.Goo Drama Section in the Allied Arts Club. station. I . Leicht has sold to r'red Dries_t We On the Social Day program Mrs. Mc- Mrs. Robinson, mother of Rev. James �house next to the Traveler office, for Govern gave an interpretative reading it. Robinson, for many years Principal the Carroll 'heirs, of Lord Dunsany's "'Tents of the of Southold Academy, died at Oswego, . N. Y. Susie M Thompson cyano to Josepl, Arabs." The few who heard her last IDrokoski &ca, 32 A s s. Sound View summer know what an enj,eyable f -- — number this must have been. Fred. Thomas' friends were all glad ave adj land of Leon Sawicki. Southold, tax, $11At to see him on Sunday last as he tp- Frank Stowski to Joseph Zarzecki A Record ur�a���+ peared in the village after an absence &w 18 A e s Alvah's lane ad land of Au of twelve years. His boyhood anG phili Monahan; also 4 A e s Alvah': bane adj land of J A Hallock, Cut- Durng the Tisk leo business days a$ early manhood wvere slant at the home kip $12.00 January, 1925, the Southall Savings on the _vorth road. chogue, tax, Bank received from 1737 depositors P Stanley Vojic, now occupying the Jernick--At the Eastern L. I. Hos- the sum Of $377,331.62. This ie the Carroll place, has rented the Wm. 0. pital on Wednesday, Jan. 21st, to Mr. largest amount ever received during a Salmon farm. The rental was made and Mrs.Joseph Jerrnick, of Bay View,. tea-day period of this institution. by E. Leicht. a slaughter. 1 2- 5" ~` C.eor e W Smith &ors to Elizabeth 1 county district coanin,ander, all telliaa 'Farmingdale, L. L. Jan. 17, Mrs. g and to the point. But the best and Jane Thomas, formerly of South.I�'1 Ruebsamen, lot n s Hummel ave, most coropellinl; speech teas from ;where interment took place, in her adT land of Joseph Turner. Southold. Tax 5tic Mrs. T. J. Hawley, chairman of :Tie h year. - A. L. A. in Suffolk county. She lair] Peconic, Jan. 17, Thomas Joseph Southold, Feb. 4, Capt. William T. clown the law in good shahs, =enol told ore, driven nnelly, aged 61 years. Bacon. Funeral services at his late truths which each ]Terson should home on Sunday, at 2:34 p. m. to himself. Twenty-Five Years Ago - The storm of wind and raga least Sout�atd. Honored The Wrens played here, under the Thursday night did considerable (lam- age to property along the shore front auspices of Protection Engine €"o. of the village. It was the highest Southold is to bs remembered for its Miss Emily C. Brown, a former title known`-in'many, years and the )l>; good work don® during the famous teacher in our public school, was blocby ks force of albs-aof icerl�d andtide, ar- clipse of January 24, 1926, We were married at Deposit, N. Y., to Dr. Wm• riedd away all the bulkheads along the all much gratified to see in magnificent Hitchcock of N. Y. City. shore. Edv.ard Hovnmel's wharf wasdisplay on the illustrated sheet of the Ezra S. Tillinghast died, aged 56 wrecked and the piazza of his bunga.- Sunday's Herald-Tribune a reproduction years, low on the watt>rfront was, damaged. Mrs, Michael Kenney died, aged 62 The s,It water cants over into the cote of Mr. C. t El e E pee." rIt of tale avid the bedding and furniture "The Start of the Eclipse." It was yearswas daraaaged. Edward L. Coffisa's dock taken at hie summer home of observa- Philip J. Hahn of N. Y. City, a was wrecked The-water Mint over the tories at Cedar Beach near Southold died, aged Village wharf and swept it ;]ear of not Greenport as reported),in company former resident of Southold, dwhatever lobster pots and tackle had been stored on it; 91-eat cakes of ice with other astronomers Wm. A. Cochran and family moved and photogra- 6'7 years. came over the concrete wall on the p'hers, and is mentioned as a "wonder- into a part of the Presbyterian parson- shove by the 1h,orld War tnornrment ful photograph." The large picture age. and-piled high in the street, and on show,, with beautiful effect fleecy both sides of the monument. Cellars apprehension Lawyer Georke C. Terry has begun 'al esng the shore were filled with water. clouds that caused much to rix up the house', he bought next t,: Jelin )✓ckel lives in a bungaloes near at different finis,, during the eclipse. the M. E. church. both for a residence: the shore in the vicinity*of the Latham The moon had cut into the sun's circle and off cT, The building in which h!` Bros.' farm, alnd t.V ti 4 nwde l l� about one-quarter of the way when the: pflice is now located has been sold, boors anei u0 was lorect to flee fin the stud was made. Another fine, but hence the necessity for removal as raiglit to rife Latham R*os.' home f9r y the owner wf11 remodel it in the near dry clothing and for a refuge front the smaller picture, taken at the same future in order to occupy it as a clwel- storm. The bridge over the creek in place, shows the moon and awn at liras. front of rife Mount Pleasant House totality with the brilliant corona of the - was carried away. Some damage was latter and its gaseous streamers. Mr. vital statistics done to the boats moored in the creek Elmer claims to be only an amateur. During the year 1914 there were 132 for the ill balmost useless ee. Tarry gardens by the shore will be rendered Judging from results, where shall the births and 32 deaths in 'Southold Town, for growing produce neXt summer as line be drawn between amateur and V exclusive of the incorporated village of the stilt -eater which covered them professional work? iGreenport. There were 79 marriage,, dei_it of salthe on the tide soil making t in the Town, including Greenport unfavorable for the growth of most SChQoI KO[1QC ��` Village. all vegetables with the exception of The following pupils are on the Honor as arc , � � ]toll at the Southold High School for Benjamin Horton. the aecona otueat p ' resident of r Southold, celebrated his The G. S. G. Post, A. L, and i;nc the second quarter, which means that 94th birthday on Jan. 30th. He enjoys Ladies' Auxiliary held the arnnual n- they bays maintained an average of S5 hast .Saturday night. Th fli errs of per cent or over for the entire quarter very good health and his mind is just stallation services in Fora to j llall, High Scho over for h Thompson 94, as clear as it ewer was. If you do not the Post ave: Commander, .Anton believe it, tackle him at a game of StrasGer; 1st 1 ice-Comulauder, John Katherine: Thompson 88, Clara Mc- dorninoes, at which he is an expert. Carroll; 2nd \'iic:-Conannander, L. A. Caffery 88, Helen Sterling $$. Joe Jeiho D. Merwin, who has done a Blodgett; 3rd Vice-C'onim<ander, Le- Bond 85, Lillian Stelzer $5, Louise Ira.' Pottinger; :Adjutant, 14. J. Cl;- Overton 85. most successful work as County Super- sick; Treasurer, J. P. Ruelasa_r-en; grade VIII -Helen Dickerson 88, intendent of Y. M. C. A. work in Chaplain, Wilbert Petty; Sergeant-at- Nebraska, has resigned his position in .firms, Walter McAslin, The <:uxilF Alice Dawns 92, Frances Gordon 89, the Pleat and will study in Columbia Florence officers are: Pre cent, Miss Julia McCaffery 92, Evelyn Van Wyck I'lorence Strasser; let Vies President; 86. University,working toward his master's -.Urs. W. H. Rafford; 2nd Vag e-Pres•;- Grade VII-Esther Booth 96, Horace degree in pedagogy. dent, Miss Agnes Turner, :1rd Vk-2- President, 'Mrs, Walter McAslrie; Symonds 94, Robert Gagen 94, Janet Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dennis quietly Secretary, Miss Emma -Christianson; Travis 92, Walter Williams 9U, Marie celebrated the 54th anniversary of their Treasurer, 'Airs. H. Cusack Chaplain, Doherty 88. wedding on Sunday, Feb. lot. Con. Mrs. LeRoy Drake- Historian, Mi" {,Trade VI-Anna Zaveski 95, Jerome gratulations to this jolly "young" Mary Kelley; Superintendent Wel- Grattan 93, Muriel Young 93, Laurence couple, who are active as d chipper fare Work, Mrs. Melvin Booth. Alter the ceremonies -were completed there Carroll 92, Leta Ehrhardt 9L, Rosemary far in front of their years. was a fife supper and then spe hes Grattan 90, Leonie Stacy 89, Norma 'from A. L. Ward, State vice-conn Van Wyck 89, Nora McCaffery 88, � Kramer, w G & ano to x Emerson, 7a adi, mander; Flc;yd Ketcham.. county Anna Naaster 88, Robert Travis 87,1 lirid formerly of w L Glover, southold.$4,500 coniniander, and Michael Flynn, i Mary Naster 86.. Benjamin Horton -reefed his nine!y Grade V-Rensselaer Terry 96 Mar- Grade III-,John. Bednosky, Mary! fourth birthday on January 0 N% th rache garet Kart 93, Carol Gomez 92Pauline Ann Hobson, George Klos,John Lucey, ne-es a r alert ,end abilityreach to ��a!� Albertson 92, William 'Williams 92 Edwin Lucey, Frances Van Wyck. And a.t°y mite to teem the village,ofi uta rl�y�oniinoes "vitlt sill Ills oId- Agnes Zabroski 91, Frances Simon 91, Grade 11 Agnes Morris, John Terp, time skill and vigor, and to cuss most Richard Butler 89, Jane Heckman 88, Robert Leicbt, Lnuia Des RosierB, Ed- fluently over pool. playixi„ Nannie Q'Veianik 87, Harry Gagen 86, ward Charnews, Theodore Klos. Tohn V. M. Howell is repeatinj his Elmer Butler 85, Christopher Grattan. Grade I--Henry Gadomski, Ambrose I la..1t wi�ttter', experience L - retakinp 85, James Baker-85. "perP. Clarence Morris. th-e same ti-ip oil a steamer down t. rna Grade IV-Anne Thompson 93, and through the 7?a^,cat canal :i ,s ui Twenty-Five Years Ago the west coast. to ',e=3ttle and btu. Beverly Gartlan 92, Lloyd Dickerson �> ✓ J �, H,? �-� r , to be home in April. 92, Dorothy Howell 92, Terry Jennings 3 ©�C,-_s ! r Bicycle tags were placed on sale, "Palk about London foga We bad a 91, Ruth Christiansen 89, Edgar Smith y specimen o£ them on Monday and Tues- 89, Julius 2;broski 88, Charles Bennett N. E. Booth tore down the old house 88, Alice Grattan 87, Constance Terry on his property, preparatory to build- day- 87, William Smith 87, Loretta Stelzer ing a fine residence on the old site. Potatoes are selling for 90 cents a 85, Rev. Wm. H. Murray addressed the bushel Grade III-Pauline Howell 93, Wil- students of Southold Academy on the " George H fleet &w to Fred 41 liam Grattan 92, Edna Dickerson 92, Beginning of a Practical Business Young,lot e s Voest Creek rd adj land John Grattan 91, Daniel Bridge 90, Training." of George H Fleet, fleet's Neck, C Shirley Fisher 89, Mary Moffat 89, Rev. Dr, J. Coleman Adams of chogue, tax, Laura Kramer 89, Arthur McCaffery Brooklyn gave an address in the Uni- George W Smith &w.to Robert A 89, Edwin Lucey 89, John L icey 88, versaliet church on "The Spiritual As- Newhold, lot s s Main st, adj land of Kathlenn Grattan 88, Elizabeth .Jen- sets of the Universalist Church." Alvah S Terry, Southold. Tax 81, nings 88, Natalie Bladus 86, Mary Ann parent-TeachersMeeting Peter Waraneski &w to Ignatz Ber- Hobson 86, Frances Van Wyck 85. the Parent- kow ki, lot s s main Highway, adj Of Grade II-Louis Davison 94. The February meeting land of C D wore, Cutchoguc. Grade I-Laura Zebroski 98, HenryTeachers' Association will be held in Tax 50c. Gadomski 98, Huth 0ver ton 97 Clem t the High School building next Tuesday I N. Y. City, Jan. 28, at St. Brigid's Thompson 96, Emma Rothman 96, afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Church, by Rev. Philip 'McGrath, Ray- Joseph V. Poliwoda 93, Alec Poliwoda It is with much pleasure that the an- mond W. Donahue, formerly of South- 93, Charles Gr%gonis 89, Lester Albert- nouncement is made that one of our old. and Miss Anna Quirk of N. Y.City. son 88, Jennie Rutkoski 88, Mary' own teachers is to address the meet Jamesport, Feb. 6, Henrietta Emily Grigonis 87, Helen Velk 87. ing. Miss Miriam Kramer will give a Fleischman, aged 20 days. Interment The following pupils have a perfect talk based on her studies last Bummer at Southold. attendance record for the second quar. at Syracuse University. It will include Southold, Feb. 4, Eugene Lester, son I ter: j topics relating to Child Psychology, '�of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hipp, aged 21 High School-Henry Dickerson Mil- Psyebo-Analysis and of course will in- years, 5 months, 27 days. ton Folts. Marcella Akscin, Alice dicate directly or incidentally MethWe Q Bloomfield, Alice McCaffery, Clara in Training based on the receding. I NSES McCaffery, Marion Sayre, Mar Simon know that when Miss Kramer has any- LOWEST IN COUNTY Lillian Stelzer, Helen Sterling, Helen thing to say, she says it in an interest- Thompson, Katherine Thompson, ing manner. Tbat she has very much I A report from the State Depart- Grade VIII-Adelaide Aliscia, Marie of value to tell us from her worm of last rnent of Education had been received Colombo, Helen Dickerson, Ernest summer, we haven't a shadow of a setting forth the comparative cost of Dickerson, Catherine Grattan, Stanley doubt. A large audience should be education throughout the state. The Gadomski, Henry Kress, Irene Me- present. There will be special music. lengthy tables in this report offer the chance to school boards and tax-pay- Keon, Joseph Stelzer, Francis Thomp- Movies In Southold ers to compare costs. A most inter- son, Leone Simon, Evelyn Van Wyck. Grade VII--Marie Daherty, Eileen We are to have Movies in Southold, esting table is that snowing the co st Mahoney, Kathleen Meredith, Dorothy J• W. Wilson, proprietor of the Metro per pupil for the last school year. for Theatre has leased Southold Community the tu-Ling e.,ponse of the school B7.11 Jennings, Anthony Czeltka, Gerald easetaking; the 27 High ,Schools of SW703": Hobson. Hall for three nights a week and will County to the order of coat per pupil Grade VI-Jerome Grattan, Helen present Movies here. There will no we find Greenport numbered next to Krukows,,i, Joseph Krukowski, Edwin longer be any need of going out-of- the lowest and Mverhead the lov,est. If the actual cost per pupil per toucher Malmborg, Mary Naster,Francis Stras. town. is con:;idered alone we find Grepnpoit� ser, Hedwig Weygand, Muriel Young. to stand the lowest in actual cost for Grade V-Elmer Butler, James Grat- �anC�n ��a�SeS teachers' and supervisors' salaries. tan, Joseph Gadomski, Vincent Gadom- f Anyone interested in a course of Moreover, many of the schools have ski, Rensselaer Terry, Pauline Albert- dancing lessons to be conducted by Mr. recenI tly built new and Schools and are bonded sive High the son, Frances Simon, Sophie Slavonik. James Myers of Columbia University,1 limit, all of which is charged to cani- Grade IV-Charles Bennett. Daniel kindly enroll before Tuesday, Feb. 17. tal outlay and is not included in the Charnewe, Walter Grattan, Alice Grat- Names may be given to Mrs. Cosden, above mentioned tables. In this re- tan, Constance Terry, Loretta Stelzer, Mrs. Fred Terry or to Mrs. Symonds spect Greenport is practically free of expense as our school buildings are al-, Frances Stelzer, Inez Myers. at the High School. �2_ /'7 most entirely para ior, so that by rea- i Up to this time only a copy of a son of the economy practised by our PECONIC MAN FOUND will made bthe late Alvah M. Sal- Board of Education we are spending � SERIOUSLY WOUNDED y far less nionev per pupil than any moll of Peconic can be found among other High School community in thehis effects, according county, if not in the state. For the I Harry S. Midgley, aged 58 years' I to the petition sake oftKivat Is absolutely accurate the found seriously wounded ecr%ing interested folks infor- well known resident of Peconic, wThuras for letters of administration filed in mation a - the Surrogate's Court here. AppaT- � table of cost per pupil follows. day morning by members of , flin- ently at some time Mr. Salmon made ily. An old 38 caliber army revolver Village Cost per pupil per year W�s found Close byl A buffiet, I,,,, a will, and retained acopy of it for For total current For passed thorugh his body just a little himself, but whether he destroyed the expense teachers only below the heart. Dr" Frank Peters'" original and failed� to destroy the Stony Brook $166-37 $101-55 of Cutebogue was called and the in- copy, or whether be entrusted the Orient .................. 123-07 92.92 jured man was removed to the East- . . Hampton Days 122-08 83.84 ern Long Island Hospital in the motor original with some person not now, Eastport 119.27 62.79 i i-mbulance owtied by Reginald Tut- known, are merely matters of spec.� Amityville 116-42 67-07 1 hill of Riverhead. Upon his arrival at ulation. Bel port 113-97 80-87 the hospital an operation was per- Mr. Salmon wai very well known Bayport �! -ined by Dr. Hildreth. Mr. Midgic-.y V��polt 112.81 79.78 foi West _ l a very seriou��. condition. throughout Eastern Long Island. For �t Hampton - is in PALle, Beach109.91 72.38 to financial reverses Mr. MidgleY hn� many years he was a director in the Shelter Island... 107.27 75-20 'tatrly Been in a very despordent Suffolk County National Bank in Riv- Southampton 103-70 66.06 ditiou, As we go to preis little or -"() erhead. Islip __ . 98.45 71.36 hopes are held for Mr. !NlidgleY's re- It is said that his estate will exceed S e t a u�-e ._m_,...._" 96.20 71.60 covery. $25,000 in value. Henry G. Salmon, a Smithtown 95-84 67-P2 son,is the petitioner for the letters of Fort Jeff"erson 95.50 60 63 administration, and the petition itself Ewst Islip 95.00 68.80 One of the unusual and interesting recites the fact that a copy of a will Southold 9'3.19 67281 incidents concerning the late Oscar executed by Mr. Salmon can be found Babylon .......... 93.19 67.281 Selleck, who had for several years but no original. B'bampton __. 92.71 64.r,3' EMerSon D Lindenhurst .,-...._..90:12 60-94 made his home in Peconic, revealed by tuark East Hampton 88.54 58.63 the transfer tax papers in his estate There is much needed wetk to be Mattituck 86.559 67-47, that were filed in the Surrogate's Sayville 82,06 67,20' Court here this week, is that he had done to Emerson Park,at South Harbor, Center Mo'ches Aim 66.63 now in the Southold Park DistricL Sag' Harbor._..... 7().S6 67-09 the habit of carrying a very large Will all those interested in clearing up Northport ....... 77.83 55.24 sum of money in cash in his home and the underbrush and thinninout trees G�-cenport 71.72 53.47 a much larger sum in a bank. g ,Plea 0 meet the Riverhead U,.12 53.60 Nowadays the facilities of modern Park Commis�aioners at - banldng make it so unnecessary to : the Park on Saturday, Feb. 21, at 9 —Twenty-Five Years Ago have much cash actually in hand the a. M.? Please bring axes, t a 4%,6 2-a custom is, even for men of large af- PARICCOMMISSIONJERS I. fairs; to have but little of it about. The warm weather of the past few The ever-handy and safe checkbook Gold- weeks lowered the price of eggs from takes the place of actual cash. A man Charles F. Kramer and Harold Gold- 26 cents to 18 cents a dozen. with more than $100 about his clothes smitb made a trip to the city this week John Butler left for California, (ir in the house is rare indeed. And to look up costumes for"Strongheart," where he was to engage in business 'ash, too, is usually kept at work, in- the play that is to be given in the near Mead of lying idle ip tTie house or with his brother William, drawing only a 2 per cent "daily bal- future at the opening of Southold Com- La grippe was very prevalent here. ance" in a bank. munity Hall. Miss Dora Quarty, who had been But following Mr. Selleck's death teaching in East Orange, N. 3 se- those settling his estate were rather Shiloh Baptist Church ''school. amazed to find $6,490 in actual cash REV. S. L. MANN, Pastor cured a position in a:N. Y. City sch in a safe in his Peconic residence, and The pastor will preach Sunday morn- The Universalist Ladies' Society while listing his securities they were ing at 11 o'ciock on "Heaven was Si-I gave a Valentine Party in Belmont more astonished to find that he had a Hall. cash balance in one of the New York lent for the Space of Half an Hour," banks that exceeded $158,000, and in the evening, at 7:30, his subject Concert in High School auditorium Why Mr. Selleck, who had been a will be "Hold the Wind; Don't Let it by travelinbusiness mail up to the time of his Blow." g troupe Monday evening. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Wretirement, had such a large sum of in(low back of stage left open. Val-, money idle and about the house, is All are welcome. cubic properties lying on table near not known. I,— New that the crop is nearly market- ripen windows spied by kids outfide. " 2-v, /912-s— ed,the price of potatoes has advanced Kid attracted. Valuables abstract- Total Estate $330,446.38 to 95 cents a busshel. So living in Loss discovered. ,owners dis- The reports filed in the court here hope as the farmer ever does, he is acted. Audience -contracted. Char- acter of place detracted, General show a gross estate appraised at carting more fertilizer, buying more uneasiness protracted. Next morning $320,446.38, and a net estate of $313,- seed, and planning to plant a large Property recovered. Accusations re- 777.46. A tax amounting to $5,244.70 acrea--e. -bed. Par- has been levied. Sereno H Smith &w* traded. Kids duly admonished. S.'ooutAhiCohuientry eats warned to teach children tilt, The net estate is divided as follows Seymonds &w, 30 A s s � eighth corn inandment, and the -whole among his three surviving children: rd adj land of J Addison Baker, affair is now side-tracked and active Oscar Selleck, son, $101,860.25; Mary Southold, nom, interest subtracted. land Josephine Selleck, daughters, each $105,958.60, Brooklyn, Feb. 11, Mrs. Mary A. Trainor, daughter of Thomas Farley of Southold. Mrs. Prank Strasserave birth to a p son on Friday morning 13th, inst.— Woman's Missionary Society L. L R. R. Co, Passenger William Davids. Come very near be- ing a Valentine. Miss Juliet Brush is The Woman's Missionary Society held Data just compiled by the Lon in attendance. its annual meeting on friday after- Island Railroad Company shows that in Riverhead, Feb. 14, by Rev. Joseph noon in the Pariah House;the devoilon- 1924 this railroad handled the greatest ` H. Curran, G. Stanley Brown of Bay al service was cond.eted try the Free1- number of passengers of any year in Shore and Miss Rose MarieLaksa of dent, Miss Orietta M. C Erwin, after its history. Besides indicating the Cslverton, formerly of Southold. which reports were read of the work , intensity of traffic, which reflects the Southold, Feb. 17, by Rev. George of the past year. The secretary of� growth of population in the territory D. Sherman, Frank James Moffat and literature, Miss Layton, read two very served, the results of 1924 also show a Mise Jane Madeline Carroll. interesting lettere from Mr. and Mrs { marked increase in efficiency in per- Twenty-Fiv Years Ago { Louis E. Wolferz, who report a pleasant forming the service required by Long; Tole. a 2 ; 44" � 9Z1,1 voyage to their home in Peking, China, Island patrons. ' J. N. FXalloA was elected a Trustee and a warm welcome from their co- Last year the Long Island Railroad of the Southold Savings Bank, in lace workers after fifteen months' absence carried 92,991,010 passengers, an 4n-; p in the home-land. Letters were read crease of 7 92 per cent over the of the late Wm. C. Albertson, from other parte of Chirp where the preceding year. The number of pas- Eggs were selling for 14 cents a doz. war has been raging, telling of the sengers carried one mile aggrega ' Wm. T. Graham of Southampton, suffering and hardships endured by 1,439,596,563, representing an finer formerly of Southold, left for Cuba to those in the mission stations, also one of 7 35 per cent over 1923. The average' set as superintendent of a brickyard. letter from the Supt. of the Severance distance traveled by each rider was The bakery business of E. Leicht Hospital, expressing much gratitude to 15.48 miles, a decrease of 0 51 per cent was purchased by Mr. Schaeffer of the Women's Societies for the wonder- compared with 1923. The average Northport. ful boxes of necessary articles recently revenue per passenger per mile was Grover C. Conklin shipped as fireman receivvd 1.539 cents, a decrease of 0 45 per cent. on steamer Montauk. Th: Over-Seas Hospital work is now Increased mileage covered by pas- Mas. Minna H. Edwards received a! on hand for this year in this society, senger trains and individual passenger College Graduate's State Li.:ense. the sewing being done by the members cars show that there has been an A big snowstorm delayed the trains increase in the number of cars per for some tin® in their awn homes. Mrs. H. M. Hawkins was chaser to train and more intensive use of the The young friends of J. Leo Thomp- Occupy the chair to conduct the busi- company's equipment. son gave him a big birthday surprise ness_of election of officers, which. More than 54 per cent of the total party' resulted in a re-election of them all: number of passengers carried in 1924, Richard Carpenter died, aged 88 President, Miss Orietta Corwin; First were commuters, who paid an average years• of ei bt-tenths of a cent per mile. Vice President, Miss Mary L. Dayton; g p Second, Mrs, May H. Hummel; Third, William Howell Wells, son of Mr. Mrs. Robert Jefferson; Treasurer, Mrs. , W. B. Codliog and others to and Mrs. Joseph A. Wells, Bummer Geo. H. Terry; Sec. of Literature, Miss! Bailey, lot w e Mill Road, ad}sten residents of Southold, was married on Mary L. Dayton; Sec. of Stewardship, Sound, Peconic $3,9 Feb. 21st, at 'Brookline, Mass., to MiseMrs. H. N. Booth; Secretary, Mise A. Robert J Potter to Adam Zanigsk Dorothea Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, H. Sturges. S-w, 20 A n s Main st, adj land of and Mrs. Herbert Crowe of Brookline. I Henry E Grathwohl, Cutcho;ue. Tax $10.5. They will be at,home after April 1st at February Makes Record 49 Christopher St., N. Y. City. Mr. _ Mass., Feb. 21, William Wells has a responsible February has been an extraordinary Brookline, p position with Howell WeYla and Mies Dorothea Eliza- the well-known Publishers, month from a weather standpoint, beth Crowe. P , D. Appleton & Co., New York. The TRAVELER I There has been a departure from the normal temperature so far of about 9 Hospital, Feb. 20, Harry S. extends hearty congratulations and degrees above. If that average is Midgley of Peconic, aged 61 years. beet'wishes. maintained, it will mean this will be Huntington Station, Feb. 22, Delia the fir_t February since 1890 with an Eliza Tuthill$ lido Interment of Wrn. H The will of Edwin M. Millard, lateat Cu President of the John Moore Shippingaverage temperature of about 40 de- aged73 7 grees. The normal temperature for gu e. and Towing Co. of N. Y. City, by which hs leaves his $10000,004 estate in Cutcht)gthis time of year is 31 degrees. ue, Feb.24, Henry O Horton,trust for his widow, has been ears. Funeral services Fri- filed for Mr. and Mrs. Gen. C. Terry have S ag,d 87 yday afternoon at 2.30, at his late probate. The will directs that the en- moved into their new home, west of I residence. tire estate be kept in trust for Mrs. the M. E.Church. Many improvements I On Feb, 22d Mrs Carrie M. Lowe Mary A. Millard. Upon her death, it I have been made on the place by Geo. ' passea to a daughter, Mrs. Helen L. G motoring to Nassau Puint and otb W. Smith, Mr. Terry has maned his g Latson. The will, drawn July 31, 1905, law office to his hams, places along the bay, saw red-wing was witnessed by E. H. Bern and J. G. blackbirds and several great black. Emmons. Mrs. Millard is executrix. Protection Engine Co. and Eagle backed gulls, the latter not common Hook and Ladder Co. took part in the here. She also reported that grackles Firemen'sParade at Greenport on had been seen. What Mrs. Lowerre Monday. --Al` -j-f– reports on birds, we know is correct. Lon Island Experiences first that word puzzles—nothing more dead- .,Thomas Butler reports seeing turtles` affected the ly—had aected their brains and things butterflys last week. We trust, Earth Tremors r�1TiGe were swaying and tottering. Some, e are harbingers of an early spring. i ,-., Year 1888 even, confessed the hastily�, y r — 9 Put their ., e February issue of the Oil Tradepuzzle books and dictionaries away and tained a very interesting and On Saturday evening Greenport was got out long-neglected, more serious n y ructive article on "A Glimpse of shakeiii earthquake, not a polio- reading. Yea Southold was right in cal earthquake, but a real,distinct and g• g Petroleum Industry of Venezuela," alarinkng movement of the earth's sur- line—it felt the earthquake, and, may- Orlando W. Wells. Mr. Wells, who face. Such a plienomenon of riature be, a beneficent effect. President of the Southern Exploration has not occurred since 1888. In the M�et(�q of Town Board 1)h,,New York, has an intimate know! village the vibration of the bpiture• stopped a number of clocks, picture sdge of oil developments in Venezuela, hanging on tiie walls and electric light The Southold Town Board met at the pdaccount of his many years'association chandeliers shook perceptibly while office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, tlfi6 the pioneer oil group operating in the filaments in the electric light office a Feb. 28 globes quivered for several minutes Y, , 1925. Present, Su- dot country. after the tremors were over. Many pervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, people reported a creaking and groan- Justices Griffin, Terry, Hawkins and 'W6I11 Y-�'1V6 Years Ago ing of the timbers in the houses,while Robinson, Supt. of Highways Fleet, i,j, v. 6 m��{> � x 0-V loose windows rattled loudly. The pe- and Counsel Tear y p iRm, H. Terry bought of S. B. Corey Zutiar lateral motion of the floors of y. Count Supt. of the rooms gave many a feeling of diz Highways 0. A. Smith of Port Jeffer- the building a.jofning his place of Liness and many experienced that son was also present. Witless. queer sensation always accompanying, Rev. Abram Conklin, pastor of the Postmaster M, T. Horton purchased seismic disturbances. Sout'iu.d Un,verealist Church,presented of S. B. Corey the residence next west In the business section of the village et the M. E. Church. hardware and dishes on the shelves a petition from the pastor and trustees of the stores, moved and rattled and of the church and also one signed l y The M. E. Sunday School pledged articles hanging from hooks, swayed 118 representative citizens of Southold, V5 toward the new courch building. back and forth. many of the mer- chants er-think rnfeeting against the plan of the State f. B. Terry took a trip to Florida, l an k at there out ml the explos- Highway Commission to change the The old Cochran house was being longi. Chief Rackett and a number of course of the highway at the Universal- torn down by J. C. Eustace. firemen, who were seated on one of ist Church corner, when the State An exhibition of lighting by acetylene the motor fire trucks, at Fire Station cement highway is built, so as to take gas was given in Howell's Hall. No. 2, were great).y surprised to feel n feet or more from the front H. W. Simone contracted to build a the building tremble and the machine some te start to move. 'Throughout the Island of the prop,rty of the church and now house for Nat. E. Booth. the same trembling of the earth was j would remove a valuable row of shade Fred K. Terry was acting as supply experienced. I trees which are an ornament to the agent at the Railroad station. i The earthquake was felt an the Fred G. Kaelin of Cutcbogue and whole northwestern section of the village. Cdr. G'ankth gave good and. Miss Amelia Kochi of Southold were country from Boston as far west as valid reasons why this should not be Detroit and as far south as Richmond, dom-, claiming it would be a serious married. Va. In the western part of New York damage and detriment to the com- Mrs. Bridget Burke died, aged 75 State the tremors were so severe that telephone lines were put out of conn- :munity. years. mission. According to seismographic The Town Board, by a unanimous LLCAUSES' records in many of the Ilnireran at vote, went on record as opposed to the and colleges ,the disturbance began at plan of the State Highway Commission VERY LOW TIDE 9:21 and its greatest intensity the to change the course of the highway ex- 1 "2, tended over four minutes. Only the major tremors were felt as the instru- at this point. County Supt. of High- The howling northwest gale last ments continued.to record shocks for ways Smith also said that he would do Fii iii ciiu5ed an unusually low oder more then an hour. In no locality in all in his power to keep the highway in I econic Bay. There was very little the affected area were the shacks of where it is at present, and that he did water in Stirling Creek and on the sufficient force to do extensive dam- beaches excellent clamming was en- age and no loss of life or serious acci- not anticipate much trouble from the ioyed by many. dents were reported. Several theories State and Federal Departments in At Shelter Island the large ferry_ regarding the origin of the earth's keeping it there. boats were unable to navigate—they tremor are given by scientists, one of 3 he members of the Board then went i were hard aground in their slaps at which places the beginning of the both Dering harbor and at the South quake in the movements of amass of to Mill Creek Bridge, Arshamomaque, Ferry, anti they remained that way rock in the Atlantic Ocean off the and approved the proposition of the the.better part of the day. Passengers coast of Maine, about 351 miles from State Highway Commission, that the were accommodated in smaller boats, I New York. Town build a new bridge at the south but cars and trucks had to remain Of course Southold felt the earth- of the resent P bridge, when the State wbecre they were; it was impossible to Thle here could telt as net them to or from the Island.Before quake. e peop road is built, so that the road will be noon it was possible to walk almost interesting stories as to their reactions straightened out. The bridge will be ,jeross the bay at Jamesport .and. to the great wave-like tremors, as quite a little higher than the present other Palaces. Men with hip boots y papers—how bridge, so that motor boats can pass ceded around' the buoys that mark the were told to an of the whip channel. under houses cracked as if a crowd were under ft. walking overhead, and the pendulums J. N. HAi.LOcK, Town Clerk - James B McKeon is acting as book banged from side to aide in their cases; keeper for Gagen &Carroll. how some thought they had lost con- trol of their bodies, and some, even, t TA. Stacy, the electrician, the I Black Eagle, a messenger Indian from the West Members Night last making his presence known occa- Butler, at Nelson's It was a thoughtful, courteous act of signally by the wonderful play of lights R Fred Skinner, a sport the President of the Board of Directors on the scene. Yes, there was a fourth Siegfried, a mascot of the Southold Community Hall, to in-i very active member of the Board, who Members of the Football Team: vite first, on its completion, about one stood also in a corner of the stage ►n Fred Case, Leslie Jewell, Merwin Tut- week ago, the members of the Board the latter part of the evening and told till,Henry Dickerson,Frederick Prince, to inspect the Hall, and then on this in a modest way some of the interest- Charles Simon, Harold Dawns, Corey Wednesday evening, the members of ing facts relating to the purchase and Albertson. the Hall Association for the same pur- remodelling of Old Belmont. Dr. able time together. Stokes' little informal speech, hacked Music will be furnished by Al. Dennis' pose, plus an enjoy b his large interest in the work, was Orchestra, and there will be dancing These latter people comprised, of Y after the performance. course, according to the constitution, greatly appreciated. AdrnisRion, $1.00; reserved sesta those who bad contributed funds to- Later, ice cream and cake were ward the remodeling of the old Hall, served in a generous manner. All v0, for.sale at Kramer"e Drug Store. L`ennia' musicians played with telling Play begins at 8:15. e the transformation they would be interested to New and special scenery has been seethe transformation. that had been effect., and we doubt if those dancers P Y wrought, and the large gathering tee- or non-dancerB went home very early. made for the production of "Strong Now for the real Opening Night heart," and it will be the most;; tiTied to their appreciation of the op elaborate ever seen on Eastern Lon Would you g portunity offered. on next Wednesday I Evidently the members are not Banc- know just bow the Hall looks—that has ;eland. not been described--go on March 11 to This, too, will be the Opening Night ers, for never on entering the Hail,with see "Strongheart." of Southold Community Hail. Every dance music filling the air, were so few A GUEST one will want to come to see the new dancers seen on the floor and so many tiIi 0�ghea�l�f stage, largest and best equipped this people on the stage. It was a novel side of Brooklyn, the unexcelled light- and beautiful sight. The background Stronghsart, an American comedy- ing effecta, and the newly painted hall, was really the foreground. The music, drama in four seta, will be given `n and if you get your seats early, you the clean, smooth floor, the brilliant Southold Community Hall, Wednesday can sit in a new and easy chair. lights from center and sides, a few evening, M+rch 11, by The Southold `°Strongheart" will also be pre. gliding couples in the forepart, and Players under the direction of Charles sented then, full of life and color and more F Rraii,er. Thie play, in which the At Capitol Theatre, Riverhead, Fri. lights,in the rear, the really vast stage noted actor, Robert Edeson, played the day evening, March 13, for benefit caught and held the attention. It had title rile, h9d a long run in New York Woman's Club. caught and held every guest who had a few -Fare ago and proved one of the At Auditorium, Greenport, Monday stepped upon it, for more than a bun-, most popular plays ever given on evening, March 16, for benefit E. L. I. dyed were seated in groups of four so- Broadway. Hospital Fund. looking intent an games. The Directors, , The caste, in the order of their ap- At Library Hall, Mattituck, Monday all happy and well satisfied, hovered on the outskirts of the comps- pearance, is as follows: I evening, March 23, for benefit Ameri- n,y,quietly observant of any assistance Taylor, a sophomore Wm. H. Raiford can Legion. to be given. They were evidently the Roost, a freshman John F. Scott At Community Hall, Bridgehampton, hosts and their unobtrusive manage-` Reade' a griod James B. Cogan Wednesday evening, March 26, for ment seemed perfect. We imagine, Thorne, a special Barry J. Cusack benefit American Legion. --�-- though, there was nue very live direc Frank Nelson, a seniorMartin W. McCaffery tor, who has been center and circum-, Fick Livingston, a junior The Southold Fire Department was ference of all the plans for this per- Anthony J. Strasser called out to J. Addison Baker's last tett night. Mr. (and also Mrs.) Kra- Billy Saunders, a senior (by courtesy) 1'rhursday night. There was no fire, mer have neither slumbered nor slept Alvah B. Goldsmith but Mr. Baker's family thought there on this job from the beginning. Ev- 3oangataha, known as Strongheart, was and gave the slarm. A water- ery detail in the construction and dee- a Post Grad Harold E. Goldsmith oration hag been under his eye, aided Molly Livingstonthe Dick's sister pressure teak had burst and the dust arguerite G. McMann caused by the explosion made i in the latter work by his artistic wife- Betty Bates, Molly's chum family think it was smoke. Our people will never know how con- Alice C. Rafford j stantly and conscientiously the work of Maud Weston, Molly's chum's friend Mrs. Mae Newbold and eon Robert remodeling has been supervised,—the Florence J. Strasser have moved into their new home at fine results of which were so apparent Dorothy INekon, Frank's sister Willow Hill, which Rjbert recently on Wednesday evening. Miriam E. Kramer purchased of Geo. W Smith. Three other persona sat or stood Naeh, a back. John P. Carroll Nton1ca G Gallz�^hor to Thowas a` quietly in corners, their faces reflect- Josh, a trainer Charles B. Vreeland rlougirls c:.t, 29 A F, 3 new itigtlay, ing much of the pleasure of the occa- Buckley, head coach, a grad adi laird of Edward F Jewcll, South harry C. Myers old, lrom. . cion. These were the men who had Farley, manager of visiting team 1'limpas 111 Hodgins &wF to Monica actually achieved the results. They Jay M. Glover!, G Gallagher°, 2Q tw s s rids lii�hrvay were George W. Smith, the carpenter, ad,l land of Edward F Jewell,sSouth- William H. Raiford, the plumber, and old, -"lEltwoh:l &W Twenty-Five Years Ago I The net estate of Oliver B. Goldsmith A s A Hata+ ' � ��/ exceeds$126,000, and is divided as fol- ad land o't" i, i' l ur-� 2r~a, / � nonw � 9n „lit. !'u�. .Sal.:. The bay was frozen over for the lows :Claris Kendrick, ;rp70,436.0 ; Cut- ehogue Presbyterian Church,$11,518.12; 9 Brown c to S Floyd second time this winter. I Sunda School cemetery and aid cerc- i, lou 7�, iitap of Nassau Poirt.� Four carloads of seed potatoes were y Tai ”44 received from Aroostook County,Maine. etery, each $1,15181; Marie Havens, oil. Kathryn Goldsmith, Madeline Gold on. M B to H P Dietrich, lot rn Part' The Edison Projectoscope Co. gave smith, $11,518 12; Grace Devers, $2.G00 i�ssau Pcint .. an entertainment in Belmont Hall. Constance Kendrick, Katherina C.Gold- thold, March 2, Louis B. Adams, I?llu Robert Turner of Boston gave smith, Fay Kirkup, J. Ernest Howell 75 years: an illustrated lecture an The Way of and Michael S. Hand, each $1,151,82, L. L Hospital, Feb. 26, Mrs' the Cross," in St. Patrick's Church. The tax levied on the estate is 6044. et Furey of Southold, in her 77th The post office receipts lacked but a l $ Interment at St, Patrick's Com- small amount to make this office a Tuesday afternoon's happenings third class one. were a bit unusual. At 12 M. a burial The Thirtieth Preside�[t E. Leicbt and family moved to Jersey S�dmoie, of (laughter hogue, for years as handing upon the steps of the Capitol,i City" resident here. At 1 p. m., the funeral �Ita Coolidge renewed his oath as Lewis Goldsmith sold his farm and of W. H. Terry. At 3 p. m, the ser-I Vvinth President of the United States dwelling to Geo. H. Terry and Chas. E. vices for Frank K. Cochran. The two Overton. lust were members of L 0. 0. F„ pllarch 4th and laid down a three- Mas. Jeanie A. Whitcomb resigned which order conducted the final cere- Id program for his administration— her position as head of the department moniesand both low ll Cemetery.were buried at. Wil- �raomy,tax-reduction,and co-operation sill the nations of the world. Chief in Public School No. 3, Brooklyn, after withlatthe Taft administered the oath. fifteen years' service, and was married N Y. City, March 4, at Gospel lacing his right hand upon the Bible on March 7th to S. S. Bryan of New Tabernacle Church Chapel, James Orleans. �Tarpley Redding and Miss Jessie Aiida Which his grandmother gave to him Andrew Schuholx died, aged 76 years. Prince of Macon, Ga. when he was a child, the President 011 i-nndl,Y. Igsin pledged himself to defend thea Tt o l . ". H. L. Jewell intend♦ LU make [,enter qtr,:tha]�l, T,+. Constitution and the Nation. For the Market one of the "spotleaa spots" on T] I t 5 , ,:, l,i,s -Rill ,naw I"�nr,'']F ehot aremonmein waBraaCBa a tnaurarattan, t�ire,1 ut Ll,c { nti , ,:lig t'1„:, h,l history g the East End,and so far has succeeded, , at la: ld; I., F., an y la t0 pill ions a sheen spectators. Ameii- bat that alone doesn't satisfy him, and �p ee raepoaeib ity to ead the world to one improvement has followed another bat Southold, March 7, Frank K Cochran, pprmanent peace and prosperity was in regular order until to day to the aged 63 years. proclaimed by the President as the a perfectly appointed and ill p t His Middletown,Ct..Mar.5,Geo.P.Hahn, paramount duty facing the Nation. minute shop in every p aged 83 years. Interment in. Willow reviaus big venture was the installs- Hill Cemetery, Southold. He re-emphasized government economy p lent samH time pad tax reduction as the basic internal tion of a refrigerating p Patchogue, March 8, Mise Ella Skid. ministration. Glut- age. Now he has had put in a 16-font more, formerly of Southold, where policies of his administration. laiog specific ways which the United refrigerated glass show case, in a new- interment took place, aged 42 years. its vast ly painted interior. The [Heats ar;d Me [tail and the Play could properly exert n stuff are on show in clean, cool In the phraseology of our childhooc ♦fluence, the President advocated gree idherence to the World Court, the compartments. friends, '-Janie, Josie and Joe,"—A bolding of frequent international ic,Siraagheart” to be Repeatea beautiful night, a beautiful Hall, and a conferences such as those which result- I beautiful play !—yes, and a beautiful "Strangheart" is to be repeated next audience—sums up the impression, thia d in the Dawes Plan and the Paris Thursday evening, March 19, at South- lQreement, continued endeavors to y g� Thursday morning, at 6 a. m , of last rmit armaments,economic and financial old C,:rmmunity Hall. This production night's events. As we moved slowly. resistance to less favored peoples, and-I will be for the benefit of the younger; toward the stage at the close of tLe the codification of international law. set, and adults, also, who did not see play, all we could hear on every side in closing his address, the President rhe play on Wednesday evening. The was the word "wonderful !" uttered said "America seeks no earthly empire '`younger set" will include any one of now with ringing sincerity, now awe- Wilt on blood and force. The legions high school age and under. All seats somely under hated breath, and here which she Benda forth are armed, not will be reserved, young people paying 'and there as if it were a hard-wrung, with the sword, but with the cross. only 50c for any reserved seats and but glad-to-be-admitted conviction. The the cherishes no purposes save t< adults, $1.00. Reserved seats for sale barriers of doubt as to the advisability nerit the favor of Almighty God." at Kramer's drug store. of remodelling the old Hall must have School was closed Tuesday at 12 gone down last evening with nearly Ile['rn•r'est Horton &w to Felix Sadclock in order that the faculty might everyone. The old Hall was still 1, I 1 e s Alvah's lane, add Land of pay their last respects to the late 11dr, there. We could see its face and feel .g,rraast Horton, Cutcf:ogue• its atmoaphere beneath all its changes. _ Tax 50,. Wm. H. Terry, who was for a long - - time connected with this school as a The exulting thought came th+t we h.ttl member of the Board of Education, and to Frank preserved a good old building, and were James Lucey has been engaged as therefore in line with the great m:•ve or oSouthold - anitf Sthold Community Hall. a Cochran, who was for l many years, janitor of the school. went for preservation about to be Long Building ©� LO�f Is1an Threugh,the real estate ak(ney of F. From papers received from Oxnard, Licht, Alvah S. Terry has sold five California, we learn that Samuel J. More new buildings were erected nacres of woodland at Bay View to Silas Dickerson, of the Little Mint Cafe of Long Island during 1924 than in any A. H. Dayton. Through the same le an an automo i tail death previous year, according to a survey of agency, Peter A. Ga1Pga has sa'd his bile that place, met t $avi death Road, near building operations just completed by farm of twelve acres on Laurel Ave. to bi Rio. The accident occurred neat the Long Island Railroad Company. Stanley Bladon. Tuesday evening, and Mr. Dickerson This survey covered the number of dwellings, stores, factories and miss Helen Cochran won a $10 prize diedreganing consciousness. Mr. Dicker- the following morning, without i s structures of various kinds built on from the New York Daily Graphic for son was driving a Ford at a high rate Long Island, outside of the old city of solving a cross-word puzzle. of speed, and in rounding a curve he Brooklyn and Long Island City, was unable to keep away from the The compilation for 1924 shows that Walliam. H. Hummel has returned over 43,000 from Florida, where he spent the win. edge of the highway where a Chevrolet buildings-43,567 to be was parked. The Dickerson machine exact—were constructed lastyear in ter' smaebed into the rear end of the the four counties of Long Island, Peconic, March 12, Mrs. Anne Laity, 'f Chevrolet and skidded around. Mr. exceeding by 939 the number of build- ago d 68 years. I! inge credited to 1923. Dickerson, who was picked up bleeding Of the total new structures erected Twenty-Five Years Ago and unconscious, was rushed to St. John's Hospital, where all attempts to last year, 31,645 s:Qre dwelling houses, save his life failed, The remains were 4,395 stores, 57 factories and 7,470 Wm. A. Cochran was reappointed as ,brought life his old borne in Southold re miscellaneous buildings, such as a Notary Public. f Wednesday for interment in the family on garages, outbuildings, etc. Taking the Capt. A. W. Thomas gave an enter- plot a the Presbyterian cemetery, building statistics by Counties, 7,380 tainment in Belmont Hall for the ben. ' at the hem® Funeral services were held structures were put up in King's efit of the Jr. 0. U. A. M. of his mother, Rev. end H. Lloyd County, being an increase of 2,484 over The Montauk Steamboat Co. com- officiating. Sammy J., as he was 1923; (queens County showed a decrease menead running its boats from Eastern familiarly called, had many friends of 1,289, the number of buildings con. Long Island to N. Y. City. bore, who heard with sadness of his etructed in that County in 1924 ag Mrs. Sarah Meadows of Brooklyn, a' tragic death. He was of a genial gaeg'ating 25.317; in Nassau County summer resident of Southold, dled,aged nature and always had a cheery word 7,870 new buildings were erected, 99 years, for everyone. He was a first-class representing a decrease of 406, while iqq r,hef and followed that business with $2 Suffolk County, with 3,000 now strue. ,500 to Universalist} GhUrCh satisfaction to his employers. To the aged mother and brothers of the tures built teat year, shows an increase The will of William 11. Terry, late of deceased we extend heartfelt sympatby. of 140 buildings over 1923. Southold, in disposing of an estateBook i11i1uiD9 ResouleS ACtlVe ServIce valued at over$10,000, after the death Savings of his widow, Isabelle P. Terry, directs At the meeting of the Trustees of Major Thaddeus B. Glover of Buffalo, that the executors and trustees of his the Southold Savings Bank last Thum 73 years old, went back to active ser. ' estate pay over to the trustees of the day, it was voted to purchase the vice on March 2d, and was the oldest ° First Universalist Church of Southold, Southold hotel property of Tbeo. officer in the United States Army. $2,600„ of which$2,000 is to be used as Hoinkis for$17,000, and the purchase Every year retired officers on their own a permanent endowment to be known has been made. The property has 168 application may be allowed two weeks as the "A. Augusta Terry Fund," and feet frontage'on Main Street and 220 of active duty. Major Glover has had $500 10 be used as.a permanent endow. feet on Railroad Avenue. For business a distinguished military career. Hement to be known as the "Milton R. purposes, we consider this property served with General Crook in the Terry Fund." the most desirable and valuable in Indian wars preceding Custer's defeat, Israel Y. Terry, son, is given all the Southold village. The Hotel building and after that diiaster for his services personal property in the buildi„g oc- will be sold and moved away. The under General Nelson A. Miles in a cupied by the Southold Post Offiv.e, Savings Bank is rapidly outgrowing its campaign against the Sioux, he was R which belonged to the testator, and all present quarters, and it was thought awarded the C,agressional Medal of j bo„k acconats, etc., in connection with advisable to build a new building at Honor, the country's highest military the undertaking business conducted by some future time, rather than build prize. He resigned his commission the deceased. The widow is to be paid onto the present property. The Hotel' after the Spanish war, but returned to the income from the residue of the lot was considered the most desirable the service far the duration of the estate during her lifetime and at her that could he obtained, and so the World war. He was discharged from death the principal, with the exception: property was purchased for use at active duty in November, 1919, and has of the$2.500 bequeathed to the First such time as the Trustees decade to since been on.the reserve list. Universalist Church, is to go to the build. It may be of interest to many to above-named son. The latter and R. At the monthly meeting of the Trus-V ,earn that F. G Wadsworth, a some- G. Terry are named as executors, tees of the 'Southold Savings hank last IP time res.clent hese, i:a now a referee in Thursday, George B. Preston of Green- settling disioutes between Ehoe manu- port wasFi- facturea.s and theiremployees with an Many of our farmers are planting a nano Comlmittee�n placer off thee late o,iice in the city, his family living atlarge acreage of peas. George H. Baldwin, L. I. Wells has twelve acres planted Wm. H. Terry. L Twenty-Five Years Ago 'Mrs. Metta Horton Cook of Hemp- It is not after well to repeat a play ej�,s' stead, was entertained in the George in a village in which it has been given }, 44414 /r Jennings Home over the week-end. recently, but this was. not the case The first fresh fish of the season were .She attended the Pageant in which with "5trongheart," for an even larg- offered for Bale here. she was much interested, called on er audience than greeted it the first Victor H.Overton shipped as engineer many of her old friends, and of course IE' was resent on its second on the Viking, P production at inspected the new Hall. Her boat and Southold Community Hall last Thurs- Suffolk Council, Jr. 0. U. A. III., hostess declare that Mrs. Cook is as day evening. The play went off -as was booming. active and interested along musical smooth as silk," and the players had Geo. C. Wells' new house on Youngs lines and in creative work as she was an enthusiastic reception. "Strong- Ave. was nearing completion. years ago, when she kept things Some of our progressive farmers mov- heart" was given in Library Hall, Mat- ing 9n Southold, 1' tituck, Monday evening, and Commu-Iwere plowing. Pigeons taken feU:n Antons N J. . Hallock was speaking at nfty Hall, Brdgehampton, Wednesday Mrs. Gradney's place in Southold, aaei°e Teachers' Institutes in New York State. evening, to capacity houses, and the found, at the home of Joe !Sofas §, enthusiasm for the work of the "South. H. Jennings, W m. H. Beebe, 'E. E. Who confessed that he and Stan�y Tuthill were elected old Players, under the capable direction. Boisseau and B.Trustees of the M.B.E. Church. Kiuski had taken them. They 'uveae of Charles F. Kremer, knew no bound-. each fined ;1;10 and 30 days in. Rivei-il- The Players have certainly placed r Rev. Dr. Epher Whitaker celebrated head jail. The jail. sentence was stis- Southold on the map in the dramatic; his 80th birthday. He was the recipient ],ended and they were place on six art. 1 of many presents and congratulatory I letters. ld months probation, with orders to re- ; According to the transfer tax pa- port to Special Deputy Sheriff I'. E.f pers filed in the Surrogate's Court Moving Pictures In Southold Booth, here the estate of the, late Henry J. Southold Community Hall will have Brown of Southold Town is appraised its first presentation of Moving Tucker's Lane from Soldiers Monu- at $39,813.67, gross, and $38,040.71, P g Pictures ment can boast a bigger boom in build- net, tax, $3910.81. Net estate divide-don Saturday evening of this week. ing in a short period of time, than any as follows: Edith G. and Ethel M.Considerable interest has been mani- other street in Southold. The last Brown, granddaughters, each $1,000;felted ever since it became known that Abram H. Brown, son, Richmond house to be added is Harry Howell's, Hill, $36,040.71. this popular form of amusement was to and a very pretty home it will be, so_' become an established business in this E Charles H. Tuthill lies gene to Dr. colonial in design as to remind on Williams' Sanitarium at Brentwood, as viiiage, and many have been waiting strongly of •'Hunttinghurst" on whos;. with keen interest the announcement' Mrs. Tuthill was no longer able to care of the opening date. old site it is located. Henry Goldsmith for him in his infeebled condition. Mrs. The feature picture selected for the is the builder. Tuthill will make her home with her opening is an adaptation of Owen Dav- The will of Frank K. Cochran, gives sister, Miss Kate L. Dickinson of East is' famous old stage play, "Broadway his estate, valued at about $5,000, to Orange, N. J. After Bark," featuring Adolph Mee- his widow, Elizabeth W. Cochran, on Mise Edith Breitstadt, nowteaching j)u, Anna Nilsson, Willard Lewis, Ivor- conditi n that she provide a home for at Westbury, has been engaged to ma Shearer, Carmel Myers and an all- her sister, Mary A. Worthington, dur- teach at Rockville Centre the coming star cast. ing the latter's lifetime. year. Do not judge the Picture by its title, for it is apt to give you a wrong irn- Fred Case has gore to the city to J. N. Hallock has been made trustee I ny. pression. Those who expect to find a la_Y his part of a schooled mechanic- to fill out the unexpired term of Wil- liam compthe H. Terry, deceased, in Protection spicy, blood and thunder production cc, the tini•' when public Fres e_n gine C;c. will find they are mistaken. On the •;ill be one-company service stations. Estate James Thompson, Southold, contrary, they will find a classic of the - gross, $15,350; net, $14,809.77, net screen, which ranks well up with thl I'William L. McDermott of Riverhead estate to Susie M. Thompson, Rose L. best of recent productions. It is beau- has sold bis real estate and insurance Thompson and John J. Thompson, tifully staged, gorgeous scenes, re- business at Riverhead to Charles W. children. markable bits of ebaracterizatioc and Sanford and Sereno H. Smith. E. Leicht has purchased of E. E, comedy that is sure fire. It is a pic- E. Leicht has sold the Town Clerk' Bick the Town Clerk's office and a lot ture that is full of surprises and you office and the 60 ft. lot, earner Main',- 60 feet front, corner Main St. and never know what the next scene is go- St. aad Hobart Ave., to Wm. D. Hobart Ave. The building is to br' ing to spring on yon. moved off its present site. Included in the program will be a Faulkner. Oxnard, California, March 18, Samuel news reel, a two-act comedy and a car- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Jennings hav J. Dickerson, formerly of Southold, I toon comic. returned home, after spending th where interment took place, in his 38.h The doors will open at 7:30 p. m, and winter in Florida. year. I the performance will start at S. 'There Brooklyn, March 21, C. Oscar Moore Raymond 1~' U4 Nor to Ernest of Cutchogue, where interment took will kis but one performance, Ba it will Llllerich, 20 A n s North rd adj and place, aged 73 years. be a good plan to be on hand before of Henry W Prince, Southold, tax. Cutchogue, March 17, Isabella G., eight o'clock. $1..00 widow of Henry E. Horton, aged 93 Betts, F G & w to M F Barteau, lot n s Main rd adi land of cemetery, Cutchogue, years. $1,ap Hitherto�i Pageant tc HltheTlo Greenport, where it joins with the I Twenty-Five Years � ,$_] North Road. }I R-AV. /'`T **4,V / A very large audience was present at As the Town Clerk's officeThe fres delivery of express was has been', the Methodist.Church Monday evening, when the Pageant "Hitherto written sold and it is to be moved away- the resurrt•d. Wm. N. Carey was employ- west ed to&) this.. by Mrs. Eva Horton of Greenport, was The post office receipts at this office under the auspices of the W. front rooms of the Albertson House, C. T. U. The Pageant was based on Southold (the old grade school room)!lacked but$9 69 to make this office a the steady growth of the prohibition' for a term of two years. at $240 per third-class one. year, from May 1, 1925. Rev. tienry E Hiler was attending movement. The first part of the pro- 7 M. E. Conference at Dan- gram waspresented by the Southold Southold Community Hall the Annual Ori Dan- branch of the W. C. T. U., ander the hurt', Ct, direction of Mrs. Margie Jennings. The first annual meeting of the Many of our farmers had finished The remainder was portrayed by the Southold Community Hall, Inc., was planting their potatoes. people of Greenport,under the direction held at the Hall last Thursday evening. J. Howard Davis, a former resident of Mrs. Arnott and Mrs. Horton. I The President, Dr. J. W. Stokes, of Bay View, was appointed policeman ided, and Secretary Wm. L. Wil- at Patchogue, at a salary of $500 per Songs appropriate to the various scenes P res were rendered. The first scene repre- liams recorded. The report of Treasur- year. sented the State Legislature of about er A. T. Dickerson was read and An order was placed to put memorial 70 pears ago, when women first started accepted. window-4 in the new M. E. Church. to plead for the temperance cause. S. Lester Albertson, Harold E. Gold- Work on the J. C. Eustaca house was The old fashioned costumes and the smith, harry J. Cusack, Fred T. 3en- progressing finely. manner in which the law makers looked rings and Dr. J. W. Stokes were Wcn. I. Hagerman, after nearly 30 on the prohibition movement, was a unanimously re-elected Trustees for a gears' continuous service with W. & J great contrast to the present day. The term of three years each. Sloane, New York,resigned his position second scene was one in which the The President spoke of the work that as head bookkeeper. women crusaders met and talked over had been done in purchasing and ren- their warfare against the saloon. ovating the old Belmont Hall, and The Waterbury, Ct., American of Those who participated from Southold said that still further improvements April 1st says; "An unexpected arrival in these scenes, were: Miss Nancy were contemplated, including the a Bethel. William Wells, Aft the ball grounds this morning was an Baker, installation of a ventilating system and Pitcher Harold Goldsmith of the Wor- Dean DeLong, Martin Lehr, Harold the purchase of 200 more seats. center Club, who was a member of our Tuthill, Mrs. Florence Moffat, Mrs. The Board of Trustees met for re- team for a short time last season. He DeLong, Mies Marion Albertson, Miss �organization after the meeting and re- I brought with him Pitcher Albert Salmun Helen Cochran, Miss Helen Boisseau, '�elected the present officers, as follows: 'r of Southold, a young Left-hander, who Miss Marjory Hagerman, Miss Florence President, Dr. J. W. Stokes; 'Vice lis highly recommended by Goldsmith. Albertson, Miss Ruth Thomas and Miss President, H. H. Huntting; Secretary, I Salmon warmed up with Catcher Alice Gordon. Scene three portrayed Win• L. Williams; 'Treasurer, A. T. Ragnow and immediately attracted the the difference in the attitude of Dickers:)n. attention of Manager Bloomfield. For Legislatures and medical men of years Charles Betts &w�to Madeline '' a southpaw he has a free and easy ago and today. Scene four illustrated Barteau, lot n s Main st adj land of I motion and Goldsmith says he has the steady growth of prohibition amen Henry E Grathwohl Cutchague,$061 perfect erfect control, that big factor in the States. The fifth and last Beene winning ball gatnes." was the binding together of the nations from an old Friend of the world, in the cause of world-I We shall never forget Principal and We congratulate Pitcher Albert wide prohibition. The entertainment was one of the most epjoyable ever' Esther Lush S,A] , two of our teachers Salm a an securing a position an the given in Southold. It was presented in of former ytars, nur their daughter Waterbury baseball team, but it means Greenport last Wednesday evening, Florence,who carne to us later for one a big loss to our ball nine. "Al" was year, ay a teacher. Mrs. Shaw is again our biggest factor in winning the Meeting alDwn Board on Long Island, at Boy Shore, at the pennant f„r Southold. Southold Town Board met at the home of her daughter F orence, after The fallowing members of the Class The Sou spend ng some time i I Virginia with of 1925, with Miss Keohane as chaper- office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport,I her son Arnold one, left Monday morning for the Saturday, March 28, 1925. Present, .S43pe[viea[ Tuthill, Town Clerk Hal- ()n a card announcing the birth of a Easter trip to Washington, D. C.; lock, Justices Griffin, Terry, Hawkins daughter, Florence Esther, to Mr. and Helen Thompson, Ruth Silleck, Clara Odes. Frank A. Page, she includes this McCaffery, Robert Booth, Henry and Robinson, and Counsel Terry. friendly bit of news : Dickerson, Arthur Gagen, William Howard Neagle, representative of „To you acid to our old friends in Carroll, Elallis Grathwohl, Jahn James the Milliken Electric Street Signal or "Talking Lamp," appeared before the Southold, we would like to announce Kramer, Frank Kramer and Donald "Talk. It was voted to purchase two the new happiness that has come into Robinson. of these lamps, at a cost of $268 each. our u all ver14to you all thoughts wander back y often, even though it is'� Mrs May H. Rummel has sold her one is to be placed at the cross sada twenr five years since I called the old former home on Railroad' Ave.to Frank at the Presbyterian church, Mattituck, y and the other at the head of Main St., town my home." i Strasser, through the agency of E. Leicht. 2- MATTITUCK BANK IS Independent Hose Gnmpany New Standard Oil 'hanks at ENTERED BY THIEVES The new fire company, Independent Greenport Filied Dose Company, by name, waa organ- On Monday the new tanks of the ized at Protection Engine House last Standard Oil Company at the foot of Door of Safe Was as Removed, Friday night. Tt,irteen were enrolled Fourth Street Greenport, were put But 'Thieves Were Unable as charter memtrers, but that number into use, when the .tanker "Schenec- is considered meaningless, because it tady" arrived in the harbor and her to Get to Money Chamber probably will rte enlarged at the meet- cargo of gasoline and kerosene, about —Laurel Station Robbed of ing this Thursday evening. During 8000 g.a.lons, was pumped into thein. 3.15• organization,Nred Maonweiler acted as These three ,large stora,.g`e tank, chairman and Robert 1. Booth recorded` Sunday afternoon it was discovered, will- supply t'he North Fork of Lone, that the Mattituck Bank, had been Officers were elected as follows: Cap Island with gasoline and kerosene, entered by thieves and the outer door fain, Fred T. Jennings; Lieutenant, and it is said .that the Compank are of the safe had been removed and w Leslie V. D. Jewell; Secretary, Harold planing to erect a modern bri'cl;:oflicc papers in that compartment were S. Downs; Treasurer, John James scattered about. The burglars batter- building on the property, ed the combination of the door of the Kramer; '1"rusteea, 1 year, Fred Mann- compartment containing the cash,, but Weiler; 2 years, Raymond F. Ullerich; Moving Pictures proved as great an! they were unable to open or remove 3 years, F. T. Jennings. atlraeticn in Southold as elsewhere, that door, Although they made rather After naming the company, by-laws a crude job of it, it is belteaed that for Southold Community Hall was the job was done by pro€es5ionals, as were adopted,which call for the month- packed on the initial sh"Wiog lass ly meetings each second Thursday p no finger prints were found, indicat- evening, and the annual meeting in Saturday evenmg. alt. RViisotr prop•rses ing that they wore g„nve.s. Nothing of April. The En h a nual any has re- to give three shows a week—Tuesdtay, value was taken. . Thursday and Saturday evenings. ! Entrance to the building was gained modeled the front of-their building to through a window in the rear of the Library Hall building in which the house the new apparatus, and the up- Daylight Saving will go into effect, bank i-s located and then doors were per room also will be the rendezvous. April 26th. jimmied. The company extended a vote of I _- This is the second time this bank thatjl q to Mrs Thomas Faulkner of Joseph F Carroll &ors to Fred Dries has been entered. A number of years Brooklytr, who, ibrroah the solicitation &w, lot s s Traveller st adj land of ago the safe. of the bank was }jlowrr of Ilii s,n snit our f.ikaw townsman, iIienry Tk Prince, Sotathold, tax, $9.50 wird the ye�ggs carried off many tlrUus-' ands of dollars in loot. W nn D F-opener, h is donat,�d theMaria J Halloek-to Dwight M Petri: � Friday night the railroad station at' nucl,us that will mike the raisitlg of lot e s Maple ave ad,j land of E E Bi(! Laurel was entered and $3.15 was fund.; a much c isles task, Southold, tax, °pl.t" stolen from the money drawer. Sheriff Amza W. Biggs and District Cala ain J.•nni:cgs appointed drivers Southold, April 6, by Just ce H. M. attorney George W. Hildreth and the (order of Tann) as frrllows: L-slie Hawkins, Turner Booker and tosietler latter-,,, confidential investigator, E Jewell, fi-ed Ma•inwei'er, R-yinand Flinuen. both of Peconic. Brett C. Petty, have been investiga Ullerich. Cutchrgue, April 8, Miss Helen Burtis ing both robberies. t The company at prest"A iA comp,sed Morrell, Aged 16 years Funeral ser Estate has sold mostly of young men from etre dup..rt- vices at the home Saturday, at 2 p, m. The RVm. II. Teary os,' Z'wt3L1t i'' est office building, including p meat. The age limit has been lowered Y" iFo Years Ago the p Wt H. Raeford store. Jobn F to 16 years, which will admit members ,t'�';ri'tt. /7 &44r /Y,001 f lice, in- real estate office and O in the hese company not eligible in Rev. H. E. Hilar was returned to the Fellows' Hall, to Geo. W• Smitb. Vie department. The company is what pasto,at, of tire M. E church. the name implies—independent—and is. Clarence Davis seeured a position in John P, Ruebsamen has rented the not to be maintained by the fire dis- the Fahys Watchcase Factory at Sag S• L. Bennett house to Miss Jones of trict; therefore, to get further impetus Harbor. New York, who will use it as a tea on the start to put a hose cart on th« We had a drought for the past s°x I room. He has also rented rooms in the road, some of our public minded city- ,weeks. Griswold house to Uean DeLong. zens would be "good fellows" if they J. N, Hallock returned from Alban just would "come across" with a helpful where he had served as a Member of BY the terms of anew law, donation. Oace equipped, the company Assembly• signed by Governor Smith, oysters can- will [eke care of itself. The expenditures of the Southold not be caught or Bold between May 15and Aug. 31. New d06CB have been placed in Pro- Fire Department for the last year were$333 30. Mr. and Mrs. W m. I-1. Taylor have taction Enitine House, so that there Mits Ethel Bonth won the prize in returned from Hendersonville. N. C-, will be ample room to get the apparatus the Silver Medal Oratorical Contest, where they spent the winter with their in and out of the building, and a new held under the auspices of the W C. }daughter, Mrs. Caroline Bly. floor has been laid. 1'. U. ' We had quite a heavy thunder strew Mr. and Mrs. Dean Qe Long are Rev. E. L. Conklin was called to thepastorate of a large Universalist early Wednesday morning. keeping houie in tb{ Griswold house on church at Elgin, Ill. {Conrad Hipp has sold his place on Hummel Ave. Boisseau Ave. to John Slavonik. Won were in the affirmative. Reception Cutehogue, April 11,"by Rev. P H. Chief Engineer Nat E Booth in his The Ladies' Society of the fJniver- Dodd' Clarence A. Webb of Green.eort report, said th, fire apparatcis and hose Y and Mise Ellen Jane Jacobs of New were in first-class shape. We need 200 salist Church had a reception on Mon- Suffolk. fre#ull, and are in good slip , t more hose. The eimerns are ail House, night last at their Parish ❑use, , Twenty-Five Years Ago a few to which the members of the Sunday f minor repairs are needed Anew hose School, the Young Men's Club, and all FreA Dries moved to Plymouth, Mass. company is to ba formed and a drive with the church, were invit- early a hundred people were H. F. Van Wyck was putting on the should bre made far new members for ed, and n there. ea supper was served at a walls of the new M. E. Church. the Uept. During the past year, there South- o'clock and the guests were waited Gen. G. Conklin entered the employ have been the following fires: South- o'clo most promptly and efficiently er. wa ed of L. M. Brush & Co., Huntington. old Garage,total loss; Benj F.Gaffga's H. F. Van Wyck purchased of the house; Patrick's C',arey's barn, total members of the Sunday School. The loss; brush fires at Nassau Point` Mrs. tables were most tastefully arranged, Benjamin Wella estate a building let and the decorations were bowls of I on Main St., next west of the school G. W. Phillips' pines, Pine Neck; near g e lovely pansies, contributed by the ytind house. 5t. Patrick's Cemetery; alarm at J. A. thntfuloess and liberality of Zonis A. 0. F. Payne was elected head of the Baker's, and Geo. F. Hummel's cademic department of Stewartstown garage. The total loss was estimatEd Tuthill. At the close of the meal. Mrs. a Harrison Goldsmith, the society's pres Collegiate Institute, of which his son; at $20,000 The Commissioners have ident, announced that she had a eur-: Prof. Harry M. Payne, was president. installed four new fare wells the past prise. She trod captured a rare bird, The bell for the new M. E. Church year, and expect to install five this which could da a number of things, and was put an place. The bell was given kk year. The report of the Chief was b Mrs. Ada Albertson as a memorial�seceptcd, she then presented to view . . What 9 SOUd flee DOp IM0111 was it? Its color was yellow, its mN to her husband, Win. C. Albertson, I tN ` l wings white, and its shoe button eyes who was greatly interested in the new The annual meeting of the Southold} looked very, very wise. "Then came church and was one of the chief Fire Department was held at the rooms 1 the surprise. It bore a note in its contributors for its erection. p p y beak. which showed 'twos a freak, and Among the priests who accompanied a Protection Engine Co. i Sat",rda Bisha McDonnell on the Jubilee evening, April l8, 1925 Chief �Grgrinthe when read it was found that Mr. P Conkli.i had been 'round for three- Pilgrimage to Rome was Rev. Richard Nat. E Booth preside:, S. Foley of Brooklyn, a former rector absence of the Secretary, 3. N Hal'ock 1 score and seven years, tho' he neves y recorded. Further of is Patrick's Church. appears to have a y age. Mies Elixa Miller Howell was ap- ,I 7'he Treasurer"s report showed total se revelations showed that this was—yes, rece it proved to be a sort of g nose, because pointed a missionary to Peking, China, mentstofa$520567,leaving2 find aaabalancer on t had hatched out a cake, from a by the Presbyterian Board. probably, and also a from H The beautiful and impressive services hand of$436 85. $483 SO were received golden egg, P from the Carnival, The balance of the eagle. Well, Mr. Conklin was almost of Holy Week were fully carried out in recei is were from donations, foreign "tiabbergasted,".. but be recovered St Patrick's Church, Rev. Father. p sufficiently to respond in a most telling Lynch officiating. insurance, etc Fhe report was ac- arid appreciative reply to this evidence cepted, special of the kindly regard which all have h d C i Minutea of last meeting and of for him. He told how harmoniously southoid fire District meetings were read. matters go on in the society, where ail The an..elal meeting of the Southold It was voted that the department help so willingly and etFecrively. Mr. purchase a snare drum and a beater Conklin stated that this Universalist Fire District was held at Pro, April I forthe Department Church was the only so-called Liberal Engine House Saturday evening, for the base drum. Church on Dong Island outside of the 18, 1925. Meeting was called to order drum Corps. Greater City limits, had been estab- b Commissioner S. Lester Albertson A. R. Vail was re-elected Inspector lished for more than four-sc re years, y of Election, and Charles G Corey, end was now in a more prosperous and he was elected chairman. Goo L. condition than ever before. A talented Gaff,ca and Harry R. Vail were ap- Clerk. 'friend from N. Y. City_ Raymond pointed tellers. Call of meeting was The following efficient offaeers of the Macdonald, played selections on the P the Clerk. Minutes of last Fire Department were re-elected by a organ, and Mrs. Williams sang with read by unanimous vote: Chief Engineer, Nat. Mr. Davisnn. All Ran¢ Old Lang Syne meetV lg were read. u Booth; Asst. Engineer, Spencer W. and left e„riy. _ ip l balance A CLUB MEMBER Trea,urer'R report showed fatal recei is of$6,295 13., and total,,iaburse- Petty; 'treasurer, L. W. Korn; Secre- Jay M. Glover has been elected a merits of $6,021.80. leaving tary, A. T. Dickerson. Deacon of the Universalist Church, in on hand of $273.33 The report. was P'rudent'a Carnival is to.be here again approved. 'this year, ar:d it was voted to ask it•to place of the late Wm- H. Terry. Pp come the second week in August. S. Lester A1bertso� was re-elected Southold, April 15, Anne, widow of Fire C,mmissi,ner for a term of three Chief Engineer Booth appointed S. Michael McCabe,aged 81 years. Funeral ears' J N }Iallack was re-el'acted Clerk Lester Albertson as chairman-C a n of the services at 5t. Patrick's Chulcb Friday y Finance Committ,e of the Carnival. morning. Riverhead, April 14, William H. for one year. Turbush. aged 58 years. Interment at On the propo®it ion for an appropriation ! Mise Frances Backwell of Brooklyn Cutchogue. of$4.500 for expenses for the ensu ng Vs spending a few days with her niece„ IF real Prince is at the A&P store in� year, eight votes were c est, all of Mrs. Clement W- Booth. C atchnwue. The following from a San rrancrsco I School Notes Southold Mayers paper will be of interest: Chapel was held as usual on Friday, The April meeting ufthe Southold Mrs. Chauncey McGovern, wife of a April 17. A piano solo by Ruth Grath- Play yrs waw held at •1 N. Hallock's on Sark Francisco handwriting expert, won wohl and several songs sung by the the evening r,f Atr '� 20. In the ab- 0 $a"0 prize by c rntributing the title school composed the program. On the of the preside ii the vise- r ab- "Behind the Clouds," which was pick- Monday, April 20, Rita Dickerson re P ed from upwards of 1500 au dent, Alvah. Goldsmith, presided. The P suggestions as cited in chapel, secretary ai,a being absent, Mrs. 1Ia!- a name for the playlet in which Eiliott With the election of the editorial lock rt corded. Dexter and hie company appeared last staff by the Senior Clam, work on the The minutes ref the last meeting week. Many excellent titles were school paper. I he Snuff Bax," was were read and approved. received, but Mrs. McGovern's was started last Friday. The following Mrs. A bertson, the treasurer, gave� deemed superior to the rest, in that it editors were selected : Editor-in-chief, an interesting irenrizrd report of the excited the imagination without",giving Helen Thompson; Aasuciate E.litors, recwi rs and e. p'uses from the play,the ane awey Katherine Thompson, Flora Albertson; "Stronglrenrt," the tulais of which Teunis Bergen wa7 taken to Soutn-iLiterary Editor, Clara McCaffery; Bus- we,e: itecri'is, $2,20875, expenses, Rolf n Hospital Sunday to be oper- loess Manager, Rahecb Booth; Asst. 1,577 14; net proceeds, $031 61, wr.ieti, atetl on for hernia, .which operation $ -vas successfully performed by Dr. Business Managers, Henry Dickerson, with the ba:aace on hand snakes a total Wheelwright. It will be remembered 'Corey Albertson; Athletic Editors, in the Bank of ;Southold of $710 08. j that AVIr. Bergen had appendicitis at Marion Albertson, John Kramer; Joke It v.aa voted t„ g ive the Community the time he was married. Later his lEditors. Arthur Gagen, Joseph Bond; wife �.iietl leaving a little son.. Last Hall Assrr.i�rtir�n a d,natian of$150. year Teunis spent in a cold country,IArt Nditar, Holiie Grathwahl; Class A vote of thanks was read from Mrs. having• the germs of t. b. frozen out, Editors—Alumni, Charles Simon; Sen- Kramer, ex ressin her a and came home looking fine. What tor, William Carroll; Junior, Helen P 1► PPreeiation of the Easter lilies sent her by the Players will attack him nest? 130isscau; Sol,lromore, James Cogan;i g on the Saturday before Easter. Rev. W . H. Lloyd was elected Freshman, Doris Williams; Faculty It was voted to send Mr. Kramer as Modemtorofthe Long Island Presbytery Adviser, Miss Evelyn Sample. Last l a representative of the society to the at the annual meeting held at South- year the "Snuff Box" was first put be- Little Theatre Tournament to be held ampton on Tuesday. RPv. Thomas fore the public. It expressed a new in New '.fork during the first week of Coyle of Westhampton, was re-elected idea in school papers, because for the Stated Clerk and the Rev. Frederick Past few �1lay. pears the popes was made up Voted to get a eefueal of the Park G. Beebe of Cutchogu«,, Permanent by the Senior Class alone. However, Commissioners for the use of The Clerk. when the whole school, includingthe seventh and le Landing Pavilion on the last Friday eightgrades, shared in evening The Southold Fire Department made� gin July and the last Friday q responding making the magazine, the result was l evening in August. nick time in res ond'n to an s.laro° far o,ore eatisfactury than it has ever of fire at G. Fred Hummel's garage, been before. This year, with the ad- The matter of having some part in. Sound View, last Thursday morning. (been bee re capably editors and lent the opening of the Pavilion on Decora- The lire was put out before much vantplenty tion Day, was also discussed. damage was done. of time, we hope to put out a still bet- The business mee,ing adjourned t ter "Snuff Bux.'° At the UniversaliA church next Sun- Tuesday night, after school, Prin, I listen #n readiog by Mrs Minn' day morning the services will begin on `�Creatures of Impulse." So fine Blodgett called a meeting of the edi- Terry Smith of W, S.. fine t' daylight-saving time, church at eleven toriai staff of the "Snuff' Box." He was Mrs. Smith's rendering of this one-set o'clock and Sund ry school at ten. By 'outlined the duties of the editors and special request, the choir will repeat gave some sound advice. This meeting:play, its gond pointe in eharacterizatio% some of the Eraser music. g and the rare fun in it were keenly ap. started the actual work on the paper. preciated and enjoyed. The interest. We had quite a en,,w•fiuny Monday On Friday, April 24, at 2 p. tn•, the inq Possibility of producing it in South- evening—the fist snow we h-ive seen Annual Arbor flay exercises will be olewas c,osidered quite favorably. here in about two m,rnths. No snow held. If the weather is favorable, ex- fell in March and none in April up to ercises will be held out-of-doors; if not, E Ti. ec. pro to this time. The thermomete r«gimpred in the auditorium. In either case, the { Sec. Fra tette 30 Monday night and ice formed a public is cordially invited, especially the Meeting 01 Town Hoard quarter of an inch thick. parents of the pupils. For several uEni The first of the week showed old years, a tree has been Planted on Ar- The Southold 'Town uthi me[ at winter dallying in the lap of spring•. bur Day. Last year, however, owing the office of Supervisor Tll, Green Snow, ice, frozen ground and lights to the construction port, Friday, April 17, 1925. Present, , going on, nothing in all the kitchen windov<•s, showing was dons about the matter, This year'Supervisor 'Puthill, Town Clerri Hal- that many people have ]et their fires we d e to la y r'lock, Justices Terry, Hawkins and out and are clustering round the good P plant some shrubs and per- old cook stove. haps even the usual tree. There will Robinson,ealtSupt. t Highways unse also be songs, recitations, stories, etc. Health 41Tieer Peterson, and Counse Through the real estate agency of E. All are invited. Terry. Leicht, George W Smith has sold the, Tuesday, work was started by Mr. The following bids for furnishing ap- store building now occupied by D. A. Dickerson in making the lawn in front proximately 100,000 gallons of road oil, Rothman to Mr. Rothman, of the school building. This will great- or so much more as is necessary, con- ly improve the looks of the school. taming forty per cent of asphalt, de- li. W. G. fivered in tank earn to the several rail- 1,11cy W Horton to Howard G Tut-' road stations in the Town_ were re- hill &,kv, lot n s Fifth st, adi I-and of School Notes Ilarrison. 11 Tuthill, New Suffolk. The annual Arbor Day exercises eived: Tax $I. were held as usual on Friday, April 24, exas Oil Company, .0794 per gal SOUTHOLD SAVINGS. BANK on the front steps. Despite the rather .075 TO BE USED AS LIBB ARY inclement andard Oil Company, 1croent weather, the program was aruer-Quinlan Company. .0765 Mrs. Edna Cahoon Booth, of South- old, daughter of the late Edwal put on with great success, as follows: The contract was given to the Stand. Cahoon, has purchased the brick' Song, - Pussy Willows," 16 girls of Oil Co., that company being the building on the Main Road, Southold,' Grade 3; recitation, "The Heart of a weet bidder. which for many years has been Tree Joseph • Ostroski; recitation, The Board, by a unanimous vote, home of the Southold Savings B– --� The title to the building will be': ""ProBpectin'," Francis Thompson; ed that the continuation of the passed when the bank moves into the! song "The Grand Old Trees," girls of tate concrete highway from Matti- new building, which it is planned to� ,Grade 5; recitation, "Trees," Robert tuck to the west corporation line of build on the property recently pur-1 Grattan; recitation, "Pine Needles," rrreenport Villa.-,e be widened to twen- chased in the business section of the village for that purpose. The pur- Carol Cosden, an acrostic, "Arbor tyfeet. The state builds a highway chase price was seventeen thousand Day," girls of Grade 1; recitation, eighteen feet wide, and the Town will dollars. The building will be present-�I "Planting a Cherry Tree," Lewis pay for the additional two feet. fh, ed to the Southold Public Library As- Davison; "A Chorus of the Flowers." total length of this highway is 61,200 sociation as a memorial to 1MIrs.1 Booth's father, who was vice president 1 6 girls of Grade 4; recitation, "The feet. of the Library Association at the tlme Blue Jay," Margaret Kart; reading, Lonlereuce Appointments of his death and greatly interested in "Trees," Eugene Gagen; a fulk The New York East Conference of the civic welfare of the village. Work dance., " Hot Cross Buns," Grade 1; ' the bank building was commenced recitation, "Trees," John Grattan; the Meth idiot Episcopal Church, which in 1890, the building being completed� was in aensiun at Jamaica, closed its in 1891, In 1,903 the building was en- Sir Robin," 3 boys of Grade 3; reci- iaburs Monday night. The following larged and a portion of the building tation, I I Tulips," Bertha Hipp; Danish appointments are of especial interest carried up two stories. 1 Dance of Greeting, 16 girls of Grade 3; to our readers : P. E. T wenty-Five Years Ago I recitation, " We Love the Trees," Jamaica; G. F. Roesch, Riverhead; H. /A4L,./ lfp*4�* 9 t V Caroline 1 'I e Terry, Margaret Purcell, W. Hancock, Glen (,ove; W. E. Harry 'R. Vail took a po3itionon Helen Grattan, Bertha Savage; An Schoutil-inven, Huntington; M. L. G. steam yacht Marion. � English Square Dance, girls of GradEs Proper, Woodbury; W. D. Beach, Elm- Road Overseers Geo. A. Maier and 7 and 8. hurBt; E W. Shrigley, Ozone Park; Henry Gaffga made fine bicycle paths± Last Friday afternoon the Beason for C. E. Furman, Calverton; Flanders and in their districts. the Southold High School baseball Jarnesport; P. H. Dodd, Cutchogue; Geo. H. Fleet took office as one of team opened and resulted in a victory R. R. Rob,arts, Greenport; E. S. the Commissioners of Highways of for Southold with a score of 10 to 2. Belden, Southold; E L. Frost, Orient; -outhold Town. Southold played Greenport at Green- W. M. Cirr, Goodsell, Brooklyn; H. E. Our pound fishermen were putting in port. Alth�)ugh this was the first Maraland, Roosevelt and East Meadow; their nets. game of the Beason, our boys showed J. J. B y(he. Southampton; T. B. Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. F,, cele- excellent team work, and since they Miller, West Hamptoa Beach. brated the 81st anniversary of the obtained quite a few hits it does not Dance at Southold Pavilion founding of Odd Feliowst,ip in America. have to be said that they still have The following were elected officers of their "hattiog eye." Each player On next Thursday evening, April 30, the Southold Fire Pepartment: Chief, showed excellent skill and judgment a good snappy dance will mark the A. R. Vail; Aust. Chief, J. K. Davis; throughout the game. The line-up for i opening of the pavilion at Founders Secretary, L. P. Wilkinson; Treasurer, (he first game who a bit different than Landing, Southold. George Walters. it was last year, due to the absence of The dance will be given under the The Town Board of Health organized Downs and Purcell. The line-up for auspices of the Southold Sunday Ball as foliows: President, Supervisor B. the game was as follows: R. Booth, Club. D. Skinner; Secretary, Town Clerk pitcher; C. Simons. catcher; G. Stel. An impressive feature of the even- Win. Y. Fithian; Health Officer, Dr. zer, lot base; F. Kramer, 2d base; Ing will be the presentation of a token. j. M. Hartranft; Citizen Member, H. F. Bridge, shortstop; C. Vreeland, 3d of the team's esteem to ""Al" Salmon, G. Howell. base; A. Gagen, left field; J. Cogan, Wolof local ball fans, who has made At the annual meeting of the South- center field; D. Bridge, right:field. good with ""faster company" and will old Fire District, Nathan Davis was Substitutes, F. Prince for J. Cogan; leave us on May first to pitch for the elected Fire Commissioner; H. G. F. Van Wyck for D. Bridge. Salisbury, Md. Club, of the Eastern Howell, Clerk, and H. H. Hun ttinv Ernest E Sick-&w to Williami .DI Shore League. Treasurer. An appropriation of $25� Faulkner, lot E; 3 Main st, adi land of Music by Al. Dennis Orchestra.' was carried E E Rick, Southold. Tax A- Admission $1.00 per couple, single Riverhead, April 25, by Rev. Ilis gents$1.00. Ladies free. MEM13ER John D. Merwin has gone to Hadden- B. Holcombe, Theodore White ofNiv- erbead and Miss Ethel May Austin of field, N. J. He has acceptPd the popi- Cutchogue. Turner.—At theEasternL. I. Hos-i tion of Assistant Superintendent of Y. pital, Monday. April 20th, to Mr. and i M. C. A. work in Camden St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. City, ill i-� April 28, Dr. Edward L'Hommedieu i -. Joseph Turner of Southold, a! daughter, Jane Mary. McGinuii, in his 64th year. 9 .L Riverhead's new central office, pro- I'lle equipment ;tIrl installed Ir- Twenty-Five Years Ago cludes :3,000 lilies for local wvrvice ii:,� ,idjng service of the common battery iill], hric-� to,other u-n- P�9_" ,y 4-S,4* 900 IyTe for local telephone users and and 200 direct tr J I raaking Riverhead the toll call center tral offices on LQn,,' 1,41allif and 1-1w Our pound fishermen were ca.tching for Eastern bong Island, was placed mctrr,;)olit�-.n area for handing tort some menhaden. d in service Saturday last (April 25) at anlomz ffiwance calls. At the present F. S. Fanning.and family returned to ):30 p. in. without a hitch. The new t.;i-me, there are 900 telephones in the Brooklyn. offices are in the Benjamin building, Riverhe id central office district and Lewis H. Bennett entered the employ Main street and Roanoke avenue, and thcy are used to make an average of the "cut-over" or transfer of local and �,000 calls'a day. of S. B. Horton, Greenport. .oil lines to the new switchboard was The toil sections of the central office ' James Sharp moved to East Pat- �ompleted in 45 seconds, thus cul- al%2 exreLted to handle an average of chogue. minating the work of many months. 12.500 calls daily in Eastern Long Is- The successful opening of the now land. Miss Elizabeth Terry was re-engaged office is the result of careful planning I fn using the local service, the tele- as teacher in the East Islip school.. by telephone engineers, and long tire- phone company's local commercial Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Taylor of paration and tests to make sure that 11manager, Mr. Lightbody points out Brooklyn moved into their new home. every one of the hundreds of elements that ctai-Ling a call hi simply a matter involved in the transferring of line-, of liftirg the receiver from the hook There was every prospect that we to the new central office was ready to I and giving the -number when the would have a fine crop of hay. function Properly when the "cut-over" o, rotor answers. To recall the Rev. Father Richard S. Foley of took place. , oparator it is necessary to move the Brooklyn was presented with a puree So skillfully was the work done that receiver hook up and down slowly. there was practically no, interruption Be sure to hang up the receiver after of$1,100 by his parishioners. to the service of anyone who hap-' you have finished talking. This latter Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Terry of Pat- pened to be telephoning at the time Wsecr`M a queer admonition, but Mr. chogue left for a European tour the change was made. Lightbody says that frequently when The method used for placing the a common battery switchboard is first new switchboard in service is., an ex- placed in service, people forget to uellent example of modern onwineer- hang up the receiver after concluding Annual SCh001 Meeling 1 ing. A complicated looking system of a conversation. The Annual School Meeting Of the duplicate Wiring was installed between j Struck AlberIS011 WD Southold High School District was held the terminals of lilies in the old cen- tral office and the terminals of lines in During the thunder storm of last at the School Auditurium on Tuesday the new one. On each line from a evening, and was largely attended. subscriber's telephone, there is a "heal S'A turday afternoon, a bolt of lightning Meeting was called to order by F. K. r,.ofl" or fuse to protect the subscriber, struck the barn of W. Corey Albert- Terry, President of the Board of Edu- the operator and the equipment frfim son on Railroad Avenue. The bolt cation, and on motion be was elected any excessive current of electricit.v. made a hole in the roof, knocked off chairman. Secretary W,o. L. Wil- In the old office all of these fu el w+�rp chat -tied by short cords to long mastcr the ridgeboard and some other boards. liams recorded. A. W. Symonds, Ed- and all of these fumes wery Fortunately it did not Bet fire to the w Donahue, W. it. Newbold and H. -yanked ("it ',il_1lultal10-"`W41Y %VhUn the huilding and the damage was very word to "pull" was giovii. "light. Mr. Albertson was in the barn L. Jewell were appointed tellers. In the new offive there wa,; a similar Call of the meeting was read by the --irrangeniont. of master cords to which at the time, but felt no effects of the Secretary. wE,r(, t;-fl tiny wm!g1l,s whivii pro- lightning. The minutes of the last meeting were the r1pty" connerl...I V i,1,i , ,]I icrihers' lines froth -,vorking .1101ro , George Tiebout and family have, read and approved. 1 ire" I ni,micrit of cut-over. Ai son as the I rented Mrs. R Sturmdorf's place onl The report of Treasurer A. T. Dick- fuse, were Pulled in the nisi office the To, n Harbor Lane. erson was read and approved. It -nw,ter cords controlling, the wedgos showed total receipts of$54.688.54, and on the apparatus in the new office The Easter Collection in St. Patrick's total payments of $50,321 63, leaving a were cut. Thus, as the current wasChurch amounted to$660 67. cut off from the old sv,`tchhoard, ill balance on hand of $4 366 91. The Was switched into the new offi,-e by Calling on Nat. E. Booth on Sunday, bonne unpaid amount to $72,700. The releasing the wedges and the ap- who has been and still is a victim Of receipts on account of the new build- paratus took up the work just u, that painful disease known as "shin- ig amounted to $29,323.89, and the though nothing had happened. If gles,' he was found busily engaged there was anyone using the telephone, reconstructing some Indian, pottery payments were $28,767 61, leaving a they might have noticed a slight from the bushel or naw'e, of frag- balance of$556.28, to be carried to the clicking in the receiver, but little else. ments, varying in size from a nic'kle general fund. Before the cut-over, operators who to that of one's palm. Any one in- the budget of school expenses?, had been carefully trained for thu,iterested in curios should pay Nat a work they did were stationed at both visit and see his collection c, Indian amounting to$35,000, was carried by a switchboards. Every telephone line relies. unanimous vote. 'this calls for tbe' connected oil the board that was takenraising of$27,000 by tax, the estimated out of service, was duplicated exactly The first of June the Lorg island receipts from State Aid and non-resi-I on the new switchboard and thus no E'Pr'., "i "party will cease deliver-� dent tuition amounting to $8,000. conversations were interrupted. ing of ""'in or packages in South- nie plan will bd put 1 work old. Doubtless's f so I Chairman Terry spoke of the s.xklitchboard has 21 operatinx in operation, pw, t,,.'To 1, sc, the People will be on the school ouilding and grounds. li I fill' halldin;� l(eal calls t able 1) "get their express. parcels. Frank For member of the Board of Educa. incl 16 for takin;e care of toll ;Illd long; Grattan,'Who has,for some, years been tion, in place of Thomas C. Fox, Mr. distance calls. The opora!ing forc" the accommodating deliverl at present numbers 33 ywmz y agent,, of whom miss Smith arld .11 1 i I ss felly has already quit and is workinStrasser athe Fox received 100 votes, and John U. y Metro in Greenport. "Tony" Strasser was re-electe,d are supervisors. Miss M. i*�,I Ldhr, 53 F. X. Terry is takintr charge during the remain- as a member of the Board by a utrani- toll chief operator, and Mi-,is A. Ider of thfs nionth. Crei0itt'll, local chief opornJor, mous vote. IL Codling. W B et al to G Matthews, lot adl Corey Honored Clerk's Office Moved land A M Salmon & L I Sound, Pee"i,, lOn Monday evening about thirty-five � Charles T. Gordon and men, with the.1 $5,000 1 members of Greenport Lodge, I. O. Q. assistance of Win. N. Carey and his May If Rummel to Frank V1 Stras- F.. Visited Southold Lodge. The prin- big truck, moved the Town Clerk's �;,_,r &w. lot e s Railroad ave, adj land cipal object of the visit was to honor'!"ffice fixtures, including four safes, of James Grattan, Southold. One of their members, J. Edward 1 uno a five-ton one, to the west part of Tax $4. Corey, who united with the Order At the Albertson House, last Friday and J(�allrwttLW Stiles to willialli H Greenport fifty-two years ago. A gold Saturday. They made a fine job of it, SL:Ies, lot s -, highway, adj land of badge was presented to Mr. Carey in too, not a thing being injured. The AVickhani Case, Cutchogue Neck, Cut-1 commemoration of his long member- IWO West front rooms of the Albertson chogti.e. Tax_$1_1 ship. Rev. Abram Conklin made the H-Puse make rA fine, very pleasant Town 1Vi;linul 11 Tayl,, presentation speech in behalf of Clerk's offict—one tnat the Town has Tenz, 12 A s s read t) Pm- Nt:,; Green ort Lod P. He told of the high no cause to be ashamed of- k,f G(_�u W Phillips, Suut.iIo Ta 1:8teem in which Mr. Corey is held, not As heretofore, the Town Clerk can only in his Own Lodge, but in Southold be found most of the time at his pla,e Peconic, May 1, Joseph Kress, aged its Well. Other members also spoke of of business in the TRAVELER office. 1 64 years. Mr. Corey as a "Good Odd Fellow,'• The Southold Town Cleri,'s othee %�a TWentY-FiVS YearS Ago devote worthy of the honor bestowed upon not pay enough for one to � Into is him. Mr. Corey responded in a pleas- whole time to it—he must necessarily /,,Z4y /1- 111,/ !Ug speech, and spoke of those who run it in connection with some other H- F- Van Wyck 11 Goldsmith tenement moved to the J. A. were the officers of the Lodge at the I bueiness. nt house. time he was initiated. Only two or A well-written sketch of appreciation R. S.-Sturges was building additional of Mrs. n Booth and of her stables for Liveryman R. L. Hadley. three are now living who were mem- Edna CahooBRev. Eugene L. Conklin comms recent gift of a Public Library building menced burs at that time. Greenport Lodge his duties as as of the Universalist had previously presented medals to tu a' to Southold, appeared recently in the church at Elgin, ill, Others Of its fifty-year members, viz., Brooklyn Daily Eagle, from the pen of Rev. Dr. James Montgome Capt. Henry Conklin and Schuyler 6 Mr. Austin, the Eagle correspondent new Prt-siding Elder, ry, the from the East End. held the first Hortop, Capt. Conjin, who-is over, quarterly conference of eighty years of age, was present on;3ee "Hi,�tcrical 3ook All church. the M. E. Monday evening, and acted as Left P a z,e s 43 '_- 44 The Board of Assessors organized by Supporter to Mr. Corey during the pre- Dr. J. W. Stokes has presented to The Charles E. Overton as chair_ sentation. A most enjoyable time was man, had by all present, the school one dozen roots of Boston ivy, Steamer Montauk made three trips Down Reydon''W ay which are to be set out along the 1. north sicie of the school house. We a week to the city, anIt deserves togo Ql)-record' that the appreciate this gift and thank Dr. nual school meeting, field in the old Stokes fur it. This ivy will add great- Mr. and Mrs. Dean De Long are to schoolhouse on Tuesday evening, Was ly to the attractiveness of our school. move to Miss Lizzie Beebe's house on Probably the last and the best ever held South. Oak Lawn Ave. on Saturday. Harry if) this place. Fred E. Booth has bought the Son G. Howell and family, who have been: Silas A. H. Dayton acted as chair- old Hotel' building of the Southold man, and Clerk Howard H. Terry re- Savings Bank, the present owner of occupying the rooms, will Moved to corded. The election of officers result- this Property- See his _aid else- their beautiful new home on Main St. ed as follows: Trustee, Martin J. Ship- where. Miss Anna Mahoney of Jamaica-has uluSky; Clerk, Howard H. Terry- I Al. Salmon is now at Saulsl)ury, been visiting her Parents. Cressurer, G. C. Koko. Md., playing wit], the Blue Ride It was voted unanimously topurebase fLl hall club for the season. May heBerry.—At-the Eastern Lg oi Island Tl,�eet with all Ithe success his friendi of Mrs. Mary Horton Dayton the site here wish for hint. Hospital, on riday, May 8th, to iAlr undier consideration for the new school- Iand AL-. John Berry, Of Southold, a house. This is about a quarter of a Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hutchings of, son, Cheater Arthur.' Philadelphia have rented for the seasn;n .1 mile north of the present site on the Mrs. Southold, May 9 at the residence of Elsie Williams' cuttage at South the bride's parents' M North Road to Southold, comprising Harbor. r. and Mrs. Louis two acres of woodland—the price to be Baumann, by Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd Merwin Edward Leden Miss Hazel Elizabeth Baumann. paid being $1800, this including the -Wav Newbold row waits, behind thE- and Mi' of Greenpori clearing of the land. Thus ample space counter of Chris Grattan's store. Ir-j is provided for a safeplayground. WM Tuthill had a peremptory c:111 tj, go to Patchog-Ile. I Ridgewood, N. j May 6, The new schoolhouse is to be 4 two, L1E widof Ca Josephine, Leon Slepnosky has re,ted his p ace , Bon,ow formerly Pt. George H. Wil. room building and cost approximate_ in the eastern part of the village Of Southold. lY$Z000. The old building will be sold, George Horton, Jr. to at auction. The old triangular site at I the meeting CutchOgue, May 11, Mrs, Mary M. of three much-traveled, Miss Agnes Griffitig, aged 83 years. roads will be converted into Goldsmith hia, leased tive little park. an attrac- rooms in the Albertson House. i C. , / ._- `J I issue, to his next of that he may select; Dr. heouar_ the; estate to be erluall Fred E. Booth has bought the Wendell Kilmer, of Manhattan, $5, tween Harold Tobey ai y- Southold Hotel and is selling off see- 00 j tkgtli the request that he buy The will provided that if the Tobey tions to be. made into houses. Conrad sciite keepsake "in remembrance of brothers predeceased the testator' Hipp has bought a part and will have our inutual aff+eetion and friendshilt that the residuary estate should ger to it put into shape on Hummel road. of ,,any years and in gratitude of hi3 the Pastern Long Island Hospital. Harry Cusack has bought another care of m^e during a very critical time, fTs¢r¢y G. Tobey and Dr. Theron W. ` part and will stove it un on Wells' in iaiy life and career," and Dr K¢T- film-er at°e named executors. - road and have a permanent home. mer i,s also given all of the testator'-s This place has been a sort of land- tameras, photographic materials, T*enty-Five Years Ago k mark for over a century, but did not photos, surgical instruments, medical begin to assume its present propor- books, etc. Albert Leicht was clerking far L. W. tions until 1835, when William H. Lawyer Silas A. H. Dayton, of Wells started a store and became ith Manhattan and Southold, who is set- Korn. keeper, also a clothes cutter, employ ilia the estate, $2;500; Charles B. Dr. J. M. Hartranft was elected a ing several people and a tailor to g Trustee of the M. D inanufaeture. He also kept the post- Denny, of institute , a friend, $2, 00; ehunch. Crocker Institute fern Cancer Ke-� haat week ice formed and this week office, had a blacksmith shop, ran a search of Columbia Un¢4e¢a'ty ill hotel and boarding house, and a gen electroetherapeut:•c machsne' t*tr¢ the mercury registered 90 degrees. h sixties. ,l ; at- n fishermen made big catches e t � pound on in � e u store tntil.al gerta¢nin t Th p •cral st t G and apparatus p re_ a ment of cancer and aleso a tabs of^ of menhaden, some getting 100,000. B1fi REQUEST TO radium, the latter to be used under S 5• Shaw declined an invitation to the direction of Dr. Francis Ga¢ +i'i Ee i L e Ie Hoon Wood, the present director of the In- remain as Principal of the inion School, L tttute- and as used at the testators as be had accepted a position as Principal office, 203 W. 86th street, Manhattan. of the school at Central Valley, N. Y. Dr. DlcGinr+is' "old friends and col- Mr. Shaw had served most acceptably That Institution Receives leagues" at the Woman's Hospital, as Principal of aur school for the past $25,000 Under Will of Dr. :Manhattan, in reccgnition of their loyal coolieration, are given $250 ten years. Misses Bunco and Deals Et wlar�l L' McGinnis, Q each, with the request that each may accepted an invitation to remain. Manhattan and Southold— buy some keepsake with the money in The Suffalk County Mutual Insurance memory of the testator. They are Co_, at its annual meeting, elected the Southampton a3mJ :r Dr. Edward Warwick Pinkhant, Dr. I $2,000 iiaSouthampton D .LeRoy bo gal Brown, :rselgand r. Dr.aFrancis Terry; Vice Presidentwing officers: ,rSamuel Dicker- Hospital. A. Dorman. Dr. Hugh M. Cox, of son; Secretary, Silas F. Overton;. :Manhattan, ar.d Dr. Cordon Gibson, Attorney. N. D. Petty.. Dr. Edward L'Holnmedieu -rlcGin- 1 of Brooklyn, former assistants of Dr. n¢s. noted surgeon and specialist in McGinnis, at the Wornan s Hospital, nis. en's diseases, of Manhattan, Who) 310+4 each, with rile request that they BAST END LEAGUE LT�r' :=as an esteemed sunini r resident of buy souse keepsake in the testator . Pine Neck, Soarthold, for a run oer memory; Hospital Graduates' Club,{ cf years, by his will, which has been Manhattan, $I,04D0,, in memory of I STANDING OF THE CLUBS filed in the Suffolk Surrogate's court. many years' of good fellowship with j Won Lost P. , h bequeaths $25;000 to the Eao-tern its member4, both before and after Southold . . . . . . 1 0 1 Lon„• Island Hospital, Greenport, to my incumbency as president;" WO-� Mattituck . . 1 0 1 he added to its cnclotvri.ent fund, and man's Hospital Society of Alumni, the income to be used. for the mainte- $1,0,00,, "in memory of the m.ary, East Hampton . 0 1 000 Mance OF the institution. years of good fellowship with the I Greenport . . 0 1 000. Dr. .McGinnis, who died on April members, both before and after My Hampton Saye . 0 0 000 '38. performed a 'lumber of successful incumbency as its, president"; Grace , Southampton . . 0 0 000 r,l,eratforL at that hospital and he wa Sherman, "faithful housekeeper," +;•ready intertsted in.its welfare. In $1,o(7o; Maurice R. King, wki° wall aciclitioii to 3aeinir a famous physician employed on the testator's country RESULTS MAY 16 and surgeon, Dr. VcGinni:, was an place at Pine Neck, Southold, $1,0'0'0; Southold, 18; East Hampton, 6 e--pex•t i¢i amateur photography and Mrs. Maurice R. King, $1,0041; Dr. his eNnibir I,, the Suffolk Count}: Fah, Francis Cartel' Wood, director of Mattituck, 21; Greenport, 17 it Rivenc�¢¢d last year attracted niuf h Crocker Research Laboratory, Colum-' — lli favorable attertion. bia University, '$1,4100, "in gratitude rhe grauncla alaout the Soldiers' Th;: will, }vhieh disposes of an es- for the many kindnesses and cauxev. tate valued at more than $154,0'00, cies extended to me by him;:, the Rev. Monument have been put in order for makes the following other bequests: William H. Lloyd, pastor of the Pres- Memorial Day. The work wag dans Woman's Hospital, 1,11 W. 10'pth byterian church, Southold, $500; Mrs.. under the direction of George 8weezy street, :Manhattan, of wbif•h Dr. Mc- Elise C. Mead, of New York city, and his brother, who deserve much Ginnis w¢is a meiiiber of the house "daughter of my dear friend and staff in 1894 and 188, his diploma; master Dr. Clement Cleveland, $2; credit for this public service. The l.,ang T .lan,l College Hospital, Bra 504?, in�g•ratitude and affection for her . perk and monument will he taken c lyn the lilaloma that institution father throughout the many years of of for the year by the Men's Club granted to the testator with the de- our association together at the Wo- the Universalist church, of which 1+Ir. ; gree r,f Doctor of 1'Ie¢3icine, Class of else's Hospital;" Harold Tobey, cif , Frank N. Sa�cm.io. of Man- VTanhattan, son of Harry G. Tobey Sweeny is a member. hatt¢i¢i, 591540011; Ha C. Tolrev, and Ida L Tobey, friends of the tes- friend, of Manhattan, $:x,000, with tator, �i50,044; Allen Tobey, another 3. Leo Thampson is building ileum- ' the request that he buy some kip- 0 of Harry G. and Ida L. Tobey, mer ice-cream parlor, that will j vin sake. in remembrance of the mutual the life use of the testator's country Chas. F. Kramer'a present ice-cream affection and friendship since boy- mace at Southold, and at his death parlor on the west. These pleasant Food and :he mms will no doubt be failed to capacity may also have any piece the property is bequeathed to Allen P of jewelry belonging to the testator Tobey's issue, or if he dies without roo A this summer. The John Ruebsemen agency has sold the P. A. Gaffga farm for Stanley r wentp'-Five Yt3a.rs tkgo Miss. Vera ferry, who for several Bladis to Robert Lang; a lot on Hum /1 A^1 ?.-7 +44, )?u t/ years has.so acceptably served as or- Mel Ave. for Elizabeth Ruebsamen to Potatoes did not come tip well, as the ganist at the Universalist church, has Geo. M. Hahn; and rented. W. F. seer] rotted badly. resigned her position, on account of Moore's cottage to Mr. Tymatt of N. Our pound fishermen were carching rhe increasing demards made upon her Y. City. + many weakfish. time by ber successful muBrCal Ctasses. We have a "Sunrise Trail Inn"I H. F. Vara Wyck was laying cement She has won the praiwe and rhe grati- now for the accommodation of tran- sidewalks in froom of the M E. church. tude of the pe,ple for her skillful work sients. it is just east of Town Har- H B Fry, the Station Agent, moved sit the orytan, wh ch has o enri,ili d hor lace, and under the direetion of to Long Beach, arid, Fred 1.£ Terry and beautified the services of worship I _ Nlr. ittall. His daulghter, Miss at this church. Her fines lett seed her �,lic� ave a party on Tuesday night took his place. pi " da tivh(,n all who attended had a good The Universalist choir gave a concert fine mueic have been highly apprecia- 3'r- time. of the sweet wings of fifty years ago. ted. Her place will be taker, by Mrs. ' Steps were being taken toward the Russed Davison, who has had expert-� L. N. Sanford has sold his place an , encs in or an work in Franklin, mass , N consolidation of Eloutho.d and Locust g �w 3 Main Street to Dr. J. H. Marshall. °and who is an accom h, a , Grove School Districts p 'shed musician, 4117 Edward Butler has, bought the John N rv'U Edward Hutitting Post, G. A. R , mi3ges Ruth E. Christiansen aria „ r .Boisseau property on Academy Lane, w d" so long owned and occupied by descen- held Memorial services at Orient Rev, EsthrrJ. Christiansen receiveddiplomas Qrr � dacts of Barnabas Horton the first, Wm J. White of Greenport gave the at the 19•h annual commencement of whore table tomb is in the old God's address. the Swedish Hospital Teaching School, .fere near the First Church. The corner atone of the new M. E. held Monday evening at the Poneh Mansion,Brookl n. Miss Ruth Christian- -�s Jahn L Burns k4cars to Joseph M church was put in place with ap- y � ,- Burns, 32 A w s highway leading propriate ceremonies. The stone was Ben was the valedictorian of the class. presented by F. H. Hill & Bro. of Following the exercises there was a i o from the South to the North road, adj x ,n land of Alanson Hallock, Cutch none, Riverhead and was put in place by H. reception and dancing under the auspices r` Mina. H 'Edwards to Fannie Dono- F. Van Wyck. The pastor,. Rev. H. E, of the women's auxiliary of the hospital, van, lot w s Light House rd ady_lana Hiler, was assisted by .Rev. 4Pm. J. Al the meeting of the Trustees of of Lillie C Hummel, Horton's Point. White of Greenport, in the ceremonieB. the Southold Savings Bank last Thurs- Southold, tax, $4.04 Mrs. George J. Tillinghast died, aged day, Henry P. Tuthill of llYattituck Conrad Hipp to John 'Siavonik &w 52 years. was elected,a Trustee, in place of the lot w s Boisseau ave adj land of Bene p late Wm. H. Terry. jatnin Wells, Southold, taxGeo $3'011LONG ISLAND TOWN SWEPy, BY Jessica- L Payne too George Coch- rane, lots 80 & 81, map- of Nassau Point, Southold.tax. $8.001 SE LAL A Howard G `Tuthill &w to Grathwoh' " D ELECTRICAL L � C Curran, lot 41, map t Nassau Trees Uprooted, Wire $town Down During Heavy Downpour of � Paint Club properties, Southold, tax $150 I Rain and Hailstones—Lightning Strikes in Many Places— Southold, May 17, Maria Jane, widow of George Hallock, aged 94 years, 4. House at Peconic Struck and Burned to the Ground i months, 7 days, al's broke. This storm was accom- Riverhead, May 19, Harry Lee, aged The severe thunder storm and high P 52 years. g :T,Ind, accompanied by hail and rain,'parted by a terrific gale and a dawn- 1.i:at swept Long Island on Saturday pour of rain that resembled that sl a Claud I!, did a great deal of damage and burst. It is velestocity that the wind ��rQ�us �����ira�Q�s g� R reached a velocity of nearly 60 miles ��r.any peculiar accidents were report- ,per hour. Florence E. S. Knapp, Secretary of c6 as a result of the storm. The gale State,announces the following as Census it as equal in intensity to the storm of Southold, during the storm, a •4grist, 1924, but of shorter duration. Itea;e on the outskirts the village, Enumerators for Southold Town: Mrs. Not only was Saturday the hottest ownert by John Brush, as struck by Delma E. Beat, Fishers Island; Mrs. May 23rd in over fifty years, but after lightning and burned to the ground.i Mary D. Young, Orient; Clara A. the storm the temperature dropped so One of the chimneys on the Southoldp Horton, East Marion; Mrs. Nellie '', idly that Sunday was one of the Savings Bank was struck as was theI Monsell, Mrs. Grace Carman, Edith ef"dest on rpeord. On Saturday- the residerrce of Mrs. Samuel Dickerson.p Moore, Mrs. Mattie 73oerunt, Gear e temperature was over ninety and the The electric wires of the Long Island i Seawood, Sr., Greenport; Mrs. Helen 1-teat was oppressive, while on Bandar, and villatning ge wasany ere without alights a ar�rrace fire was necessary for cont- g g Gomez, William H. Glover, Southold; fort. :Saturday night and part of the day Monrue D. Baldwin, Peconic; Edna H. Shortly before six o'clock Saturday Sunday until repairs could be made. Foster, Cutehogue and New Suffolk, r-t ternooli black thunder clouds began Half way between East Marion and E. C. Tuthill, Fred W. Hallock, Matti' To pile up and showers of rain fell. Greenport, a large maple tree in front thick. bout seven o'clock another storm of tare residence of Fred Syrett, was !,rake, accompattieri by large hail, uprooted and the road blocked until Rev. Edward Green st,nes, the ground for a few minutes,' portions of the tree could be chopped gave his first being• white with hail. A peculiar' way. In East Marion the gigantic sermon since h ordination in the feature of this squall was the fact LinJen tree, in front of the residence chapel at North Ylattituelc on Sun- that no hail was experienced at Shel- of Mrs Herbert Patterson, was blown day last, to a full house. ter Island, only a hard rain stoyru. At lw ri. This tree, 1rl,ich was one of for eight o'clock the rnost severe <rluall of l:cr est in the village, anti had beer 1 r 'rlark for mangy- years, 'was struck I, ightning sometime ago, btrt was A• M. Salmon Estate Over $60,000 Chas. T. Gordon has moved the old 3ve-n careful attention anrd seemed as A ne't estate of over $60,000 is di- Town Clerk's office to Miss R. I a'=lry as ever. At Orient the. resi- vided by the transfer tax papers in Bergamini's lot on Harton'a Lane. i we of J. B 13 ascuslci was struck by the estate of the late Alvah M. Sal- The office will be remodeled into a lightly da=aged. mon of Peconie. Two sons, Henry G. bungalow. and William C. Salman share the Electric light and power service wasproperty, each receiving $30,564.93• Mrs. Mabel Bell of New York, has i cut off at Sag Harbor for three hours The grass estate was valued at more joined Mrs. Amy Ford Doblin at from 6 to 9 o'clock, Saturday, clue to than $65,000. The inheritance tax on Founders' Landing, to assist in the the severe wind and hail storm. Great the estate is fixed at $522.60. management of the Inn. trees were blown down and the light- ning struck, but did not damage other Harry and William Salmon have sold than to tees and foliage. The thun- the house and barber shop occupied by Carroll—At the Eastern Long Is]- Valentine ar.rl lightning storm was followed Valentine Heubel and the store oc- and, Hospital, on Thursday, June 4th, two hours later by a asfol gale to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carroll of and cloud-burst. Hailstones sixty-mile big le cupied by Ralph Booth to Roy Graff, a Southold, a daughter Elizabeth Marie. hazelnuts fell. Damage was done to Polish barber of Riverhead, for '$6,000. 1 Cutchngue, May 31, by Rev. I. tender growths in truck gardens. iCharles 1-1. Tuthill carne home from Zbawinny, Mikalaj I{onaraki and Anna At Bridgelrampton a horse and caw Brentwood on Saturday last where he Bedeitl, both of Peconic. ' were struck by lightning and killed, fisc; b?en for two months for treat- while during the height of the storm njent. He is looking very well. Ile EAST END LEAGUE at. East Hampton, houses owned by' has a housekeeper-nurse to care for Philip Bono and Henry Chapman, and him, and is glad to be horse among I --a- a silo owned by Gould Brothers, were his friends and acuuaintanees. STANDING OF THE CLUBS ,truck by lightning and damaged. i_ the -lira Edwards bungalow near ruiner .hong Island towns also sur-i Horton's Point, has been sold to '-lis. Won Lost P tere,.d damage from the storax. At °f E. Davison, a£ New York city. Southold , 000 iverhead, eighteen ducks on the big Mattituck 3 0 1000 Cutchngue, May 20, by Rev. James 1 2 333 duck farm of Frank W. Satterly, in East Hampton, . :,e eastern part of the village were I p Sullivan, Francis D. Coyne of Green- Greenport 0 9 000 JAwd when rrgtrtnrng struck a'tree on port and Mies Ruth Haff of Cutchngue. farm during the storm,. The Hampton Bays . 0 2 000 T ets were strewn. with limbs of tv®laty-Ff Pe Yt3arS Ago Southampton . 0 1 000 trees and for a time the street lights -14-0 'd- ®*00 t 50 U were out of commission. It was one The "Census Man" was taking tho RESULTS MAY 30 of the most severe storms while it census. Southold 10, Greenport 4 lasted, that has visited that section Mattituck 21, Hampton Bays 0 in sometime. Rain not only fell in tor- The pews were being put in the new East Hampton 6, Southampton 2 rents, but it hailed and some of the M. E. church, hailstones were as large as marbles. A. B. Gordon was chief engineer,and During the gale and downpour of rain Nat. E. Booth, assistant engineer, orsJar T��nrile$ q and hailstones at Patchogue, F'reder- Y ick Schwab, of Medford avenue, hada the Shelter Island ferry boat. tnulited States Government will narrow escape from being struck by There was a total eclipse of the sun. ship to the Southold Park District the lightning. While attempting to put a The new M. E. church was lighted I flock of young chickens under shelter, with acetylene gas for the first time. following captured World War trophies:, a bolt of lightning ran up and down a� The church was to be dedicated on Mile plain bayonets, two sawtooth wire fence and killed a cat standing bayonets, one infantry canteen, two I within ten feet pf him. dune loth, Bishop John F. listrat to medical canteens, three brass cartridge reach the sermon, We are glad to welcome back to pcaaes, two steel helmets, two German Southold, Mr. and Mrs L ,arles M. Estate Daise L. Prince„ Maxim machine guns Y gross Post, who have spent the winter in 411,108.34; net, $10,O61.88; tax ' California. 'lbey made the trig, back $62.58. Out of the net estate the sung tnrs week the publishing giant of via the 1'anarri'a Canal. "!'here is no I of. $3,678 passes to Wesley L. Prinec he +Eas, n prang Island Publications, place like Southold to this worthy 'of Astoria, and most of the balance lrullisl=illt; the Republic-all Watchman to persons not now determine,l couple, and we are glad to know they Should the legatee die before reaching 111d the Mattituck Reporter was intend to make it their future home. the age of 35 most of the e:;tatc noved to Mattituck f1rorn Gieenport, At preseut they are living in Pat !passes to the Methodist Epr.,eopai fbe plant its its Low lr;a:atian will be Rooney's residence. Church, Southold. a shop with Linogr;aph Machine, cy,l- Saturday was the hottest May day Wasn't it hot .Monday? At 5 o'clock inder and job presses and complete since 1881, the thermometer registering P. mi., the thermometer in the sun re- crusting outfit i tOtidina 'prat making corded 104 degrees in the shade it 92 degrees in the afternoon. 'I he heat was 98, 'The highest temperature machine. The Greenport office will wave was general over the Southern, reached at one bound ever recorded be -maintained at the old stand on Central and Eastern States. we had so early, in the season.-Jt4 Lc f First st.,Nvith -Associate Editor, S. L. two very heavy thunder storms in the - E`ellnett and Win. M. S. Sells on the evening, and on Sunday one needed to Capts, William Bond and William joh, lrerw<rd E. M,,,ther, Editor and wear an overcoat. ' Clark are having great luck catching 1'ubli,si,or of the Republican Watch- weakfiah in their draw-seine this year. n;an, wi11 live in Mattituck and sup- On Monday night, May 25, the pupils One night they caught over 1500, and ervise the printing plant and publi- of Miss Vera Terry and Miss Helen 1 the next night, over 1400. cations. Terry danced at the Community Hall. - SAG HARBOR N1NE Mrs. C3iarlee H. Tuthill cone arae ]EAST ENI! LEAGUE AB R H O A E 'on Saturrlay from Uras:gN, NJ„ —o— S,&hrockett, ss,rf 4 0 1 _2 0 1 i vdiere site went to recuperate, v:hile STANDING OF THE CLUBS Ryan, lb . 4 0 -i 8 0 0 her husband way away at Brentwood ' Jordon, 3b-p 5 0 0 2 3 0 for a similar purpose, illi•. Tuthill re- Won Lost P,C. Miller, c 4 1 0 4 4 0 turnrd borne sole ttvo weeks go and Southold . . . . . . 4 0 1000 Ryder, rf-ss .... 3 0 1 0 0 0 while in good shape then lta since Mattituek . . 3 1 76(1 Harper, ]f ,., 4 0 1 2 0 0 .had a set back, There are two p*acti- M'aat Hampton . 2 2 560 W. Sebockett, p, . 3 2 1 1 2 0 cal nurses now in charge one fee the A. 8chockett 2b, 4 1 1 3 4 1 l day and one for.• night attendance. The Greenport . . . . . 1 2 333 G. Sehockett,'cf.. 4 0 2 2 0 0 intense heat we've ha is very t.ryin Southampton . . . . 0 2 000 — -- — — — — on invalids. Hampton Bays . . . 0 3 000 Totals 33 4 8 24 13 2 The Salisbury, Md., papers speak SULTS JUNE 6 Two-base hits—Valma, S. Stelzer, very REhighly of the pitching of Albert Bauthold 6, RESULTS rnJn 0 Booth, Ryan, Harper' W. ,Schockett; 'Salmon of the Salisbury baseball team• sacrifice hits—Thornhill, Ryan; stolen One paper says: "Salmon, an easy- East Hampton 18, Hampton Bays 6 bases -- Thornhill, 2; Vreeland, 2; going portsider, worked a cool, hearty Greenport 9, Mattituck 7 Palma, Strasser, Ryder; struck out— ams, yielding but eight bite and one by Downs, 12; by W. Sebockett, 4; B outhold Defeats by Jordon, 0; base on' balls—off earned tally. The holler also figured ,Sag Harbor 1Q to 4 Downs, 3; off W. Sebockett, 3; off 1 heavily in �®he scoring by collecting two Jordon, 2; number of innings pitched Il q Southold came back last Sunday,I by Downs, 0; W. Schockett, 6; after losing two straight, and plas Jordon, 2; left on bases—Southold, 8; The moving picture lousiness ven- tered Sag Harbor with a 10-4 defeat. Sag 'Harbor, 8, tura in. Community Hall carne to ao Downs. Southald's sterlingmound end oft Saturday night after two The score by innings: artist, had his dependable "hook" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 months of a somewhat unsatisfactory working to.perfeetian and struck out Southold 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 4 x-10 existence. The pictures have never 12riiien as he waded through the Sag Harbor ..0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1— 4 been well patronized,audiences ha Harbor boys supported by an air- hh r1 been small. The advertising ii hf tight defense. WHOUR Gag and WIN Gat for this in part, and the habit of The Founders scored a run in each ing elsewhere another item hindering of the first three innings, and mean- Southold had had many attractions, full attendance, while held the Whalers scoreless for but this summer it has added to its list, II Mr. Wiegand has actcta porch s- five innings. The Harborites then Pea Rooms. Never before have we Il the f"nt of his home, much incieus ' spurted and tallied 3 runs in the next been so blessed—hat onlyin charming ing the be and utility oa paragu 1 two frames, tying the score. Then pea Roams, but Tea Rooms, or Inns, , ven acres of grass and there the First (Settlers decided ;,.; v,�liat Fred E. Fiekeissen has to logit to squelch the fishermen, and opened under charming management. Besides out for now, to provide pasture for up with a mauling bombardment Founders' Landing Inn, we have re- 1 hungry vegetarians. And the tteaut- whic°h sent little Willie Schockettceived notice now that -The Gingham I ful strawberries he brings to the vil scurrying from the mound. Jordan Dog and The Calico Cat" (S. L, Ben- lage are just "sold on sib t." was rushed in to replace him after Southold had scored one run; and nett place), run by Miss Dorothy H, M. M. Purcell is acting as R. F. D maicarrier dieing the vacation of l stopped the Founders' picnic in that Jones and Mica Eleanor S. Moore, will frame, but in the seventh and eighth open on Saturday, June 20, In addi- Wm. J. Grattan. innings the new hope was pommeled tion to regular meals, special ties Pe-anic, June 7, by Rev. E. for six runs, giving Southol a wide parrGreen, margin to win on. will be served and home-made food Joseph S. Crump of Arshaanomoque The outfield work of both teams sold. A Gift Shop will be another of and Miss Mollie Mary Ilughes of was superb, George "Hienie" Stelzer, their attractions. We Southoldere must Suutbald the schoolboy rookie who made good do our duty by all these new comers by The will of the late Maria J. Hal- in a game, patroled 'his left field ter- visiting their places and sampling their lock, who was one of Southold's olcI- ritory as faultlessly as a veteran. A. food. We need these e , S�;hockett, playing center field for the people badly in I est residents dying a few weeks ago visiting 'Whalers, won a burst of ap- Southold. at nearly the age of 100 years, has plause when 'he accomplished, a run- been filed in the Surrogate's Court ning, back-hand stab and gathered Tue weather of last week broke a]I here for probate, in "Brick" Stelzer's hard drive to early June weather for hotness, the It disposes of property valued at right center in the seventh inning. over $17,000. George B. Hallock, Ed- thermometer registering in the nineties na J. Percy, Helen Brooks, Ruth Bar- SOUTHOLD NINE all the week, On Sunday afternoon, her, grandchildren, are given $8,500 AB R H D A E the wind changed to the east and we to be divided equally among theta; Palma, 3b ...... 3 2 1 1 1 0 had a welcome change. The mercury Lucy A. Folk, daughter, is given a TTuthill, cf ...... 5 1 0 0 d 0 dropped 32 degrees in a very short tract of land at Paradise Point grid a hip 1�Ecf c .... 5 2 3 12 d 0 tract on the east side of Maple ave- G. r,I z 1, ss ..., 4 2 2 1 1 1 time. nue, Southold; former Assemblyman Montt„ 7b . 5 1 2 1 2 0 Nat. E. Booth is spraying the elm Joseph N. Hallock, son, is given a tract of land on Main street, South- Vreeland, rf .... 4 1 3 0 0 0 trees on Main St.'to ,protect them from old; and the residue of the estate Strasser, lb . .. . 3 1 1 8 0 0, the ravages of the elm beetle. This is goes to the daughter, Mrs. Folk. The G. H. Stelzer, If.. 4 0 1 4 0 0 a most commendable public improve- son and the daughter are named as Downs, lr 2 0 1 0 2 0 I executors. — — — — _ ment,-and all should give it aid. What _. - - – Totals ...... . 34 10 14 27 6 1 would our village be without its beauti-++I Frank Gomez, of Tampico, Mexico, ful shade trees, which are the pride of I who is with the Mexican Oil Co., is Southold? spending part of his vacation with his mother. �.. 6 7 � Twenty-Five wears Ago Southold Free Libras Tree Spraying Fund ufiN �� Baa© / Gr U she members The annual meeting of the Southold he the Tums Bureau FLibrary was held at the Library with to extend their sincere gratitude Free Charles M. Putt donated a memorial to those who so generously donated to window to the M. E. church. Itooms Monday evening, with the Pres- the fund for spraying our trees, also to B. T. Payne was taking the census idem, Ur, J. W. Stokes, in the chair, the societies, who cooperated with in this village. and Secretary R. G. Terry recording. them in the good work—the Tuesday John A. Bliss purchased of Wm. y, The finances were reported in good Morning Club, Southold Playere, W. C. Fithian 300 feet on Maple Ave., adjoin. shape by Treasurer H. H. Huntting. T. U., Sunshine, L. V 1. S., Catholic ing Mr. Bliss' place. 1. The Librarian, Mrs. Ralph P. booth, � Guild, Presbyterian Ladies` Aid, Uni- T. M. Shipherd was to have charge reported that during tke past year g versalist Ladies' Aid, M. E. Ladies 1 of the services at the Shelter Island 9.093 volumes of fiction, 1,372 volumes Aid. Amount subscribed, $360.00. Heights chapel this summer. of non-fiction, and 827 magazines had Wm. M. Wood of Oriskany, N. y,, been taken out of the Library. Many The fine rains of this week have been was engaged as Principal of the South- also take advantage of the reading of great benefit to our farmers and to old Union School. room. lawns. It was getting pretty dry. John M. Howard and Miss Charlotte By a unanimous and hearty standing Large quantities of peas are tieing U. Cleveland were married. vote of the Secretary was instructed shipped to market and they are bring- Harry A. Wells and Miss Jennie W. to extend the heartfelt thanks and ing good prices. Case were married, appreciation of the Library Asso- The Southold Methodist Church was ciation to Mrs. Edna Cahoon Booth for G H Fleet &w to F A Hawkhurst, dedicated free of debt. The sermon her splendid gift of the present South. lot on Pequash & Bay aves., Cut- was preached by Bishop John F. Hurst, old Savings Bank building to the peo- chogue,tax, $4.00 considered the greatest scholar in ple of Southold for a library, in mem- M ISmobnski &w to U N' Johnson ory of her father and mother, Mr. and S ono. lot on Main & Second sts., New 1 Methodism. Others who took part in �Suifol�C. tax, $1.00 the services were Presiding Elder James Mrs. Edward D. Cahoon. The follows Trustees were elected: Miller, on the Eastern Long Island Montgomery,Rev. Dr.Epher Whitaker, 4g Hospital, on Tuesday, June 16th, to Rev. George Taylor, Rev, Wm. H. Mrs. Frank D. Smith, Dr. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Peconic, Floyd, and the pastor, ,Rev, 11. E Stokes, for term ending 1928;. Mrs. a daughter, Elsie May. Hiler. The church was not only Lucy H. Folk, Mrs. H. M. Hawkins, j East Greenwich. R. L. June 12, by dedicated free of debt, but $2600 was for term ending 1929; H. H. Huntting, Mev. F. W. Lindstrom, Max W. New- raised toward a new parsonage. The `Mrs. Edna Cahoon Booth, for term bold of Southold and Miss Mildred Asp church and furnishings cost $7,672 J ending 1530• The other Trustees are of East Greenwich. iE. Corey was the builder. H. F. Van Mrs. Wm. Rich, Mrs. H. M. Hawkins, Southold, June 15, Charles H. Tut-� Wyck did the mason work, and F. P. R. G. Terry, J. Leo Thompson, and hill, aged 82 years. Pottinger, the painting. the pastors of the village, Rev. father Sherman, Rev. Abram Conklin, Rev. °�'WSIit�'-Five Years Ago EAST END LEAGUE Wm. H. Lloyd and Rev. E. S. Belden, 1 ���� !�t G and the School Principal, L. A. Blod- / ,�,�.�, 2,. Q 0 gets- The dreaded army worms arrived STANDING OF THE CLUBS At a meeting of the Trustees the here. Won Lost P.C. present officers were re-elected, as fol- W. 1. Hagerman leased W. H. Southold . . . . . . 4 1 800 lows: President, Dr. J. W. Stokes; Howeil's house on the North Road. Mattituck . . . . 3 2 600 Vice President, Mrs. H. M. Payne; The teachers and pupils of the East Hampton . . . 3 2 600 Secretary, R. t1. Terry; Treasurer, Academy enjoyed a picnic at Husing's Greenport . . . . 2 2 500 H. H. Huntting. Grove, Mattituck. Southampton . . . . 1 2 383 The President reappointed Mrs. The Locust Grove School District ,Hampton Bays . . . 0 4 000 Frank D. Smith, Mrs, Lucy H. Folk voted to consolidate with the Southold and R. G. Terry as Book Committee, Union School District. RESULTS JUNE 13 and Mrs. H. M. Hawkins, Mrs. Wm. The graduating exercises of Southold Southampton 7, Southold 4 Rich and Mrs. H. M. Payne as Publici• Academy were held in the Presbyterian Greenport 23, Bampton Bays 6 ty Committee. Church. The graduates were Katherine East Hampton 7, Mattituck b E. Carey, Cora S. Glover, Daisy L. Walter Gagen graduated from Villoovia WillTerry, William J. Grattan, James P. Will somebody come forward and College, Pa., last week. His parents, Buxton, Edith J. 'Thomas, Grace M. say he ever knew strawberries to he Mr, and Mrs. James J. Gagen, attend- ripe so early as this year. Cherrie- ed the Commencement Exercises. Wells and M. Agnes McCabe, ready to be picked by the 15th of June. I Children's Day exercises were held or peas big enough to eat much earl- New steps from the Sound bluff to in the Presbyterian and Methodist ser than the first of July or new pota- the beach have been erected at Horton's. ,churches. toes either? The season shoes sone, unusual qua ties,or phases. Point, opposite the public highwiiy. J• Albert W. Albertson was home from I Leo Thompson was the builder. Claverack College. M pa Helen.'Booth is staying with George Morton and Mies Caroline her parent;; this summer,resting from. . her ,work at the State College for The Arshamomaque Inn will open fur Sweet Corey were married. Women in Maryland. the season on June 20. I t d � '' k In regard to the American Legion Douglas R Henderson.&w to Aug- EAST END �.�l.'$ Dance at Founders' Landing, upon ust F A Wig-gens,lot 66, map of Nas- consultation as to reason of absence of` sau Point, Southold. Tax $2.50 STANDING OF THE CLUB$ the fair sex, we concluded to lift the I to Dassau R I�iendeint rson,lub lot d6,,map1ofiNas- Won Loot P.C. tax on the girls and welcome them as� sau Point, Southold. Tax $1. Southold . . . . . . 4 2 667 our gueete. 1 00, which is the Southold, June 23, by Rev. Geo. D. Msttituck 4 2 667 Gents' admission, $ Sherman, Lloyd Francis Cogan of East Hampton . . . 4 2 667 general admission at any of the public Southold and Miss Grace May Stelzer Greenport 3 g 600 dances, with as many ladies as they 'of Peconic. Southampton . . . . 1 3 254 wish. Brothers, bring your sisters, Southold, June 17, by Rev. Wm. H. Hampton Bays. 0 5 OW then you can change sisters ADJUTANTtse LloyAmelia C.Parker, bothJollin P. of rand s. Southold. dance. RESULTS JUNE 20 Cutchogue, June 6, by Rev. P. H. River- Gres t 7, Southold 2 npar + ` Dodd, Elbert Septet Luce of river judge Grijtmg S Estate 1 of head and Miss Harriet Christina Glover East Hampton $, Southampton 6 Mattituck 25, Hampton Bay@ 1 The late Judge T. M. Griffins of Riverhead, June 21, by Rev. Michael Riverhead left an estate of $783,000. Kindy, Semen Kalachuk of Peconic and LnmmeRcement The net value is divided as follows Mrs. Jeannette Matthews of Orient. For the second time, the new High Caroline P.Grilling,widow,$231,712.38; Founders' Landing ton School Auditorium was used for Com- Fred L. Griffing, Grace G. Hoen, mencement exercises, and on this even- Angeline G. Wolf, Mabel G. Stephens irtBwhich®the community isp dally ing of June 22, it was filled to capaci- and Robert P. Griffing, children, each y tufirst tinse, on this occa- $101,01L35-35. The bulk of Judge' interested, the managers have been y. For the tion, or stage was lighted with over- Griffr 1L l property was in gilt- asked to send The TRAVELER any items persona He left no will. The of news that nosy be of interest socially head lights and footlights, so that Ilse edge securities. draperies and decorations were seen to inheritance tax was fixed at $14,169.55. or otherwise to*he people of Southold. + good effect, and afforded a background t•he John Ruebsamen agency has I Founders'Landing Inn,the manager~, worthy of the impoging gronp that ap- peared an the stage short) after eight sold a house and two acres on the main i Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Dohlin, are sappy g y road for John Kenney to Ezra P. Conk- to say, is growing more popular day by B lock. Id the second row were the lin of Keyport, N. J. The same agency Board of Education, Principal Blodgett, upper floor of the Gri,,- day. Last week several of the teachers, has rented the upp Miss McMann, Miss Locker and Mrs. and Rev. E. S. Belden, who made the wold house on Hummel Ave. to LeRoy Overton, brought their young chargee opening prayer; in the first row, were Pottinger, and the lower floor to Rus- down for a picnic and ice cream, which the eleven graduates—Robert I. Booth, sell Davison. was greatly enjoyed by all. President of the Class,Helen M.Thomp` After Commencement and Class Day son, Vice President and Valedictorian, A mud digger is working on the bay � exercises many young couples drove Clara B. McCaffery, Secretary and front at Arshamssmngae inn, removing# dawn to the Inn for their refreshments, Salutatorian, Henry P. Dickerson, the meadow thatch skirting the beach. When the work is completed it wi'li and one night six young couples brought Treasurer, William L. Carroll, Arthur their phonograph and enjoyed an F. Gagen, Hollis W. Grathwohl,Clsarles give a clear beach line and batter informal dance. F. Kramer, Jr., John James Kramar, water for bathing. During the regular dances on Wednes-i Donald P. Robinson, Ruth B. Silleck. day and Saturday nights, which, by the Miss Marguerite McMann, who has The army worms made their appear way, are growing in attendance each been a very successful and popular sues here the latter part of last we:k week, much amusement is had about teacher in our High School for many and created havoc in a number of fields the informal service of chowder, years, has declined an invitation to of hay. The pest did not seem general, weenies, sandwiches and ice crests, remain here and will teach at East only appearing in different fields. out on the back porch, for many who Orange, N. J., next year, at an ad- are not dancing. I Mrs. Frank J.ad- Moffat and 61r,,.W. H• A new spring board has replaced the vanced salary. Miss McMann will be 1 Rsf£ard have returned after attending old one which eo mysteriously disap- greatly missed in our village, where shave n exercises of Boston she was very active in promoting good the g eared, and a new piano has been thing,,. The Southold Players will lose University Medical School, when their installed for the use of the Webb one of its star actresses, and St. Pat- brother,John H.Carroll,was graduated• Orchestra. rick°, Church one of its best workers, Mr. and Mlrs. Gilman and child of Several residents, in emergencies, Taxation palters tiled in the Surra- Brooklyn are spending the summer at have availed themselves of our services I Sinclair Smith's cottage. by taking home cooked food such as ,ga'le's Court here in the estate off soups, chowder, sandwiches and cakes, Miriam R. 0. Horton of Pee•anic show sa Abram H Brown&w to Julia Peters and cottages putting their summer t4 a gross estate of '$20,559.98 and a net ;ors, 5/s A w s South Harbor lane,homea in order, have bad substantial estate of about $17,000, which is II ad.i land of Fred Hutchinson, South meals} at the Inn, by notifying us in equally divided between Philip H. old. Tax S10-50 q Y p advance. Horton, son, of Peconic, and Harry D. `: ' Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick, Mr.and Mrs.0 Horton, Easton, Pa., grandson. An Butler, lot e s Horton's lane, adj land Harret and family, had Sunday night inheritance tax of $185.92 has been of James:M Grattan Southold. g Ino,after levied. I ,Tax $,I supper at Founders Landis r � 9L - I The Southold Town Board met at the their splendid gong and organ recital, Twenty-Five Yea,rlil A.go �office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, L1-,1,,Mrs. Woodruff of New Suffolk with Friday, June 26, 1925, Present, Su- her family, visitors from Los Angeles, Thee eIt�,epa o�ohficsn National �' �r ,lional Convention pervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, California, enjoyed Saturday night Justices Griffin, 'ferry, Hawkins and nominated William McKinley for Robinson, Supt. of Highways Fleet dinner so much that they returned for P • Sunday evening supper. President and Theodore Roosevelt for Counsel Terry, and Co. Supt. of High- Mr. and Mrs. Wells of Mattituck and Vice President. ways A. O. Smith. Mr.and Mrs„Lindell of the soros pisco, F. H. Hill of Riverhead presented a 7 It wee resolved that the sum of $64,- with party of six, were at the Inn for handsome 7-taut flag pole to St. 000 be appropriated to pay for the Sunday night supper. Patrick's Church. ,• extra width of two feet,making twenty Mr. and Mrs. Dautb and family and J. E. Corey was making extensive feet in all, of the Federal-,State Cement Mr. and Airs. Goldsmith and family alterations and improvements on Mrs. Highway, from Mattituck Village to ordered special dinners while getting Nancy Beckwith's house. the west line of the incorporated Village their summer homes in order. The Trustees of the Southold Sav- of dtreenport. On a roll call every Mr. Scott has been a regular patron ings Bank directed that interest be member of the Board voted in favor of of our Sunday night suppers, credited depositors at the rate of four the resolution. Again, we ss make per cent per annum. B g y, your reserva- y a similar vote, it was resolved tions in advance, to be certain of being Rev. Dr' Theodore C. Beach of that the sum of$10,000 be appropriated accommodated. Fredonia, N. Y., a former pastor here, to build a new bridge across Mill Creek, Mrs. Bell and Mrg. Doblin were do- gave two magnificent sermons in the Southold. This bridge will be south of lighted to receive a visit from Miss I M. E. church, His bearers set spell- the present bridge, so that the road Jones and Miss Moore, proprietors of bound under the magic of his oratory. will be straightened out at that point, the Gingham Dog and Calico Cat, Mrs. Bertha Bly Selleck was made and it will also be high enough so that whom mutual friends introduced, and 'a Bachelor of Laws by New York motor-boats can pass under it without upon their return visit were charmed University difficulty. by their attractive tea room, Thomas S. Lewis died, sled 54 6.a It was voted that after the roads now Mrs. Dobiin and Mrs. Bell have mapped out for permanent improve- found that Monday, being a very inao- meat under the Lowman Act 'are i tive day, they have decided not to open EAST END LEAGUE completed, that from the next available the Inn until 3 o'clock on Mondays, OR funds thereafter, Railroad Avenue, that being their time for relaxation. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Southold, shall be concreted from the Mrs. J. N. Hallock and Mrs. Dicker- Won Lost P.C. L. I. R. R. tracks to the North Road. . eon have brought delicious vegetablesMattituck . . . . . 5 2 714 The petition for this road was sign4d to the Inn, and Mrs. Horace Booth East Hampton. . . 6 2 714 by 165 taxpayers. beautiful sweet peas. Southold . , - , , • 4 3 671 It was voted to employ Deputy. Dr. Marshall had four grandebildren'Greenport . . . . , 3 3 500 Sheriff Fred E. Booth to regulate I to supper on Tuesday night. Southampton . , . , 2 3 400 traffic in front of the Southold Poet Mr. and Mrs. Richmond celebrated Hampton Bays . . . 0 6 OOCI' Office during mail bears at noon and their first wedding anniversary by a evening, from July 1 to Sept. 15, at supper at Founders' Landing Inn. RESULTS JUNE 27 $2,00 per day, Ed Horton, who is staying at the Mattituck 3, Southold 0 � ��tQC4t•Greenpor� IghW�y Booth House, was a recent visitor. Eset Hampton 10, Greenport 1 Lloyd Dickerson, who is staying with Southampton 12, Hampton Bays 1 his uncle, Capt. Wines, contributed a The Suffolk Board of Supervisors on large bunch of beautiful pond lilies to 141 r. and Mrs. Grayson Weymouth, Monday passed a resolution approgri- the Community House. members of Reydon, and family are in acing the county's share of the Matti- the I. Crum of the Crum Press, 'Mise Lucy Leicht's cottage for the tuck-Greenport sections of the River- seasonhead-Greenport State highway, to be . Greenport, was at The Landing lately built with Federal aid. The total cost to take a picture preparatory to havingMiss Marjorie Hagerman has gradu= of the Mattituck-Greenport sections, a good plate made for pictorial or decorative purposes. aced from the Greenport Teachers which are to be advertised for bids on Training Claes. July 15, is estimated at$763,100. P, Alvah S.'Terry&w to Mary H Day- Amount subscribed for tree spraying The length of these sections, includ- ton, lot w s highway to Southold, adi for 1925, '$393.25; amount paid N. E. i'ng the •55 of a mile within the in- land of A S Terry, Bayview, South- $ old. ,Tax $F•r50 I Booth, $382 00; balance on hand, 11.26„ corporated village of Greenport, is 18.14 miles. The estimated cost of the Mary M H Dayton lC.ano to t_' Southold, June 28. by Rev. Win, highway from Mattituck to the West Dwight Baker, lot on Paradise Paint, Striker, Sylvester Warren Wines May g y ad'j lard of Robert M Sear) alaout 2 southamp.nn and Miss Anna May boundary of the incorporated village of A., Southold. Tax $"r. Beach of .outhold. Greenport, is$712,000, of which the U. S. Government is to pay $173,850; the to Nors F t�lood troad,adi r Isn d er;. State, $247,350; Suffolk County, $226,- Oliver B' trrlsntitYX � r #�, .���n�yrr 0 GratliNvolil, lot s s Mlin st, adj (;rathwohl Cul.ran, Cutchn�;ue:. 740, and Southold Town for the extra land of Chester I Beebe, CUtchoguh;,_ Tax 50C two feet, making it a twenty-foot wide nano. highway, $94,000. The length of this 5 of d I�Fen Hive Years Ag�o' f 1 section is 11.59 miles. The .6 y EAST ENI) LEAGUE mile within the incorporated village of G. Pred Hommel of Williams t ollege waa home for the summer vacation. - o Greenport is estimated to cost $51,1.00, Mrs and Mrs. Geo. C. Wella moved STANDING OF THE CLUBS of which the Skate is to pap $20,085; 0,816, and the vi1- into their new home. Won Lost P.C. Suffolk County, $1 Sage of Greenport, 0,815,$20,20. Jahn Carey, Jr., of St. Michael's East Hampton . 6 2 750 College, Toronto, was home for the Southold . 5 3 625 Supervisor David W. Tuthill of 5 3 625 Southold has worked hard for several summer. SouMatthampton tuck . . Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman gave a Sankhampton , 3 3 500 years to have this highway constructed. . . . . 3 4 429 The Riverhead-Matti tuck section of lecture on "Life in London," in the Greenport the Riverhead-Greenport highway is M• E Church. Bampton Bays 0 7 000 . . At the Commencement Exercises of now under construction, several miles Wesleyan University, Horace D. RESULTS JULY 4 of concrete having already been laid. radu- Southold 1.1, Greenport 0 The total cask of this section, about �Bprnea, formerly of Southold, g eted with the highest honors of his East Bampton 9, Hampton Bays 2 nine miles in length, is upwards of class. Southampton 5, Mattituck 3 $400,000, including the bridge under The 84th semi-annual statement of the railroad between Laurel and Matti- The Southold Library will soon have the Southold Savings Bank showed tuck. The total cost of the Riverhead- in operation what is variously known Greenport highway, about twenty- tots! aaadte at par value of value and a surplus at par value of as "The Pay Shelf," the "`Borrowers three miles in length, is, therefore, Shelf," etc. This will contain the very estimated at nearly $1,200,000. $302,160.72. newest books. For details concerning The Glorious Fourth was enjoyed Series of picnics. this plan, watch the later issues of the Talk an Indians here by a Joseph A. Wells and hiss Mary H. TRAVELER ar inquire of the Librarian, On the morning of the last day of Howell were married, Mrs. Booth. school, Nat. E. Booth, a very busy Wandell B. Secor and Miss Ads C. Miss Miriam Kramer is in New York man these days, took some of his valuable time to address the Greenport Terry were married. City for six weeks, taking a course, or courses, of study at Columbia Uni- Teachers' Training Class, His snbjeet l Ip�'ll1±p Years A(',O J varsity. Success to her in her intention was one of great interest to the elaas B, Van Dusen became editor and to win -seven count@," one more than and one upon which Mr. Booth is well proprietor of the TRAVELER. what is usually the maximum at a sum- pooted—the Indians who inhabited this The Beecher-Tilton trial came to an mer school. fork of the Island in the days before end by the disagreement of the jury. the white settlers arrived. As he Miss Sarah Whitaker returned home The Southold and ship o farmers talked, the class felt that they were from Mt. Halyoke College, have commenced re ship potatoes to back many years ago, seeing' the William Wells entered New York market. They are willing for $ti.00 p University. per bbl. The yield is good. The out- villages, of tepees that comprised the look is goad far farmers this season. little Indian villages, watching the I. Frank Russell took. the highest squaws as they fashioned their pottery, honors at the Commencement Exer- Miss Beth Elmer, Supt. of Nature following the braves on deer hunts and cines of New York University, Study in the South Orange Schools, r. fishing trips. As a connecting link p. K. Buckley built a house for Bich-' spending the summer with her sister, between the history of the Island ant] and Carpenter. I Mrs. Elsie Williams, at "Wee Nook." other parts of the country, Mr. Booth Arthur H. Terry took the entrance described the customs of indG>;,ns m the I examinations to Yale College. Miss Mary Grattan, a teacher in the Mississippi Valley, and the fine pottery Rev. Epher Whitaker delivered an i N- Y. City Schools, is home for the they made. oration at the Commencement Exer- summer vacation. Tnis interesting information will be cises of Delaware College. Mrs, Charles H. Tuthill is to move to of great help to the Training Claes as The races at Oak Lawn were won by Orange, N. J., where she will live with iodividuale in teaching home Geography Robert Lee, Blunderbus and J. Am- her sister. in their schools next year. They will brose Goldsmith's horse. Ezra P. Conklin of Keyport, N. J., be especially helped if they take The potato bug made its first ap- has moved to Southold, where he will advantage of the kind invitation to pearance. It was described as a pois- make his future home. visit the Yenoidock Fruit Farm and see onous insect and persons were cau- Mr. Booth's collection of Indian rrl cs tinned against touching them. Maria L Booth to William A booth there. In the census just taken of the Elec- � � w lot w s Cottage place, acl] land The talk was as interesting as it was tion District, which extended from of Lewis W Korn, Southold, nano. educational and the Training Class is Cox's Lane to Mill Creek, the popula- Southold. June 11, by Rev. Abram very gratified to Mr.. Booth for his i tion was 1316; in Southold village it Conklin, Whitney Myron Hubhard and M. H- was 585. The oldest person was Wil- Miss Rutb-A. Langloia, both of Green- kindness. I part. Norma ld Fleet to Willitjata tf liam Prince, aged 89 years. The larg- Teres, lot e r, Fleetwood roar], radj I an,t est number of acres in any one farm 11. L 1. Hospital. Greenport, June of Grathwohl Curran, f'utchorte. was 106. The largest number of acres 27, Benjamin Nagler of Peconic, aged Tax 50c. 45 years. Interment at St. Patrick's Norrna H Fleet to Zoe V McCarroll pastured by one farmer was 55. The Cemetery, Southold. Int e Fleettvcmd rand, adj land oflargest crop of hay cut was 25 tone. Gratlrwohl Curran, *Mth"4+6 The largest valuation of any farm was Tax 50- $23,000. EAST END LEAGUE Ralpb P. Booth is acting as Clerk �`�'Wa>ltg� 'iV� e&rr�gqA¢Q I, for the Town Assessors this year, and (larmers were harvesting their we are confident his work will be very wheat. STANDING OF THE CLUBS satisfactory. The prolonged drought was creating Won Lost P.C. i Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson have great damage. East Hampton . . . 7 2 778lesaed R. Wiseman's house. Lewis Goldsmith, having sold big Southold .. . , . . . 6 3 667 farm, moved to South Jamesport, Mattituck . . . . . 6 3 667 N N Bergen by guardian to S A H Wilmot Van Dusea fell out of a hair- Southampton . 3 4 428 Dayton, tract meadow on Pine. Neck, mock and broke his arm. Greenport . . . . . 3 5 375 $2115. F 5 Bergen to S A H Dayton, lot Mies Louise C. Pond, a former Hampton Bays . . . 0 8 000 e s Oak Lawn ave, -adl land N N Ber- Principal of Southold Academy, was gen, Southold. Tax $1.50 appointed Assistant Dean of the RESULTS JULY.. 11 Ilayton, s a 1r to w a wateon, lot n a' Woman's Department cf Oberlin Col- Southold 7, Hampton Bays 2 Pine Neck rd adj land C E Terry,. Southold, lege. Fast Hampton 10, Greenport 7 ssaa The Presbyterian Sunday School Mattituck 13, Southampton 3I T Hoinkis &w to Southold Savings went on an excursion to Middletown, llBank, lot w s Railroad ave, adj Main Ct., per qtr. Halyoake. Conklin 1875 Will JOSI filed st. Southold. Tax $L,. C. M. Post and family of Brooklyn Denney, J & w to E P Conklin, lot a s.Main were at their summer home. The will.of Pally M. Conklin, of Cut- I st adi land M I Booth, Southold ......$4.000 I H, G. Booth sold his ice cream and chogue,who died July 3, 1878, bas just been filed for probate in the Surrogate,, H G Salmon &ors to J Konanski, confectionery business to Herbert M. g lot e s land J Carroll, Peconic. Court. George C.Terry, of Southold, Hawkins. Tax $3. Mrs. Harr Taylor appears as attorney far Rev,Eugene L. Harry y gave a birthday L 1V Sanford &w to J H Marshall, Conklin, a grandson, who has applied lot e s Main st, ad party in honor of Seth L. Tuthill, j land Community Paul E. Taylor and Miss Bertha for letters of administration with the Hall, Southold. Tax $7.50 Annie Born were married. will annexed. The instrument was C A Voorhies to M B Johnson, lots 1 executed on August 20, 1175, and 84. 95. Nassan Point. Tax %4. © ° witnessed by Dr. Henry P. Terry, then "I;`Fift Rears ,�, d J�%,�" EAST END ��1SEI3ALL LEAGUE a resident of Cutchogue and later of Standing of the Clubs The following officers of Southold Riverhead, and Emily T. Moore, both Won 2t 80(7 Lodge, 1. O. O. F., were installed by of whom have been dead for a number Fest H.`.ini p Lost P.C. tan .,..... B D. D. G. M. B. Rosenthal of Green- of years. Southold 7 3 .700 port; N. G., Godfrey .Hahn; V. G. The instrument, which disposes of Mattituck ....,,.... 6 4 .600 Jacob Riemann; See.,, John Korn; about $2,500, provided that the tee- Southampton ......,. 4 5 .444 Tress., Christopher Leicht. tatrix's husband, Lewis Conklin,should Greenport .., ....... 4 6 .400 Misses Sarah Forbes,Carrie Huntting, have the use of the homestead during Hampton Bays o 9 .000 Jennie Salmon, Myra Robinson, Hattie his lifetime and at his death the Results of games played July 18 Griffing and Hattie Fanning were to daughter, Mary M, Griffiing, ahould Bampton Bays (1), at Southold enter the Oswego Normal ,School, have the use of the property during her (11). Miss Victor gave a temperance lifetime on condition that Albert L. Greenport at Southampton. (Each lecture in the M. E, Church, and David T. Conklin, sons, have the won a game). Prof. D. P. Horton was giving right of a home there if in needand Mattituck (3) at East Hampton lectures in Vocal Culture at Southold after the death of the daughter and (6)' Academy. sons the property should' be divided We see Leroy Hammond working among their issue or the next of kits, for T. A. Stacy putting in electrical EASTERN STAKE ENDS The residue of the estate was to be appliances, divided among the daughters and the George Penney, of Laurel, has soli his little house at the 1 eons, all of whom are now ending to 41is, deceased.d• Florence i4loii'att. Carpenters Are Back at Work in I - fff Southold Town The residence of F. W. Bridge is to Hannah L Tillinghast to-Fred Man- ' &w, lot e s Main South road, The strike of the carpenters in Mast- be moved to the lot on the Sound west ad.i land of William H Taylor, South- tituck, Peconic, Southold and other of the Cahoon estate. F. W. Bridge old. Tax 50c. eastern villages, is said to have been ee- and family will occupy the L. N. Nassau Point Club Prop. to Edgendeai m ntwas reached to partiallylate last week, when an agrant Sanford place, recently purchased by �N4_,6auePoint Southold.. map of hold. tabs demands of some of the roan. Dr. Marshall. Tax $2, it All of the carpenters wanted $8 per Fleet, G H & w to K Moeblus, lot n s Bar J f day--a raise of $1. The contractors' Cap. Dunes,at the Sound, has now' I zv 200 ft e Ficets Neck rd, Cutohogsue..4i,,soo refused, claiming that all were not itsmfull coinpleinent of 50 girls in worth that sum. Finally at a confer- camp, training under the careful and ence, it is reported,, the contractors competent supervision of Miss Luvia .agreed to meet ithe demands as to Willard, M.D. some of the hest men andput the John S. Boigseau, who has a position others on probation for six moziths Those who qualify for the higher at Nassau Point this year, visited wage will receive it, and those who! Southold friends this week. fail will be discharged, it is claimed. / �2_ J For unaccounted years the express The many friends of Mies Kate1 matter of the Long Is Railroad Kenney beard with deep sorrow of her ' The box score ha, lasers collected and delivered by r death at Bridgeport, Ct. Funeral ser- 1 2 3 4 ',5 6 7 8 9 one horse andca market wagon. Now vices were held in St. Patrick's Church 'East Bampton 0 3 0 ll 0 0 0. 0 3-6 i the express packages, trunks and so >r;uthsalcl ' 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 '0— ora are delivered by two automobiles. Wednesday manning, end the interment East Hampton AB R H SOF T9.S do kve progress. was in St. Patrick's Cemetery. Miss Rollar, 3b . 5 1 2 1 2 Kenney was keeping house for her l;drnes, c f .....,.. 1 3 0. 0 The price of potatoes is soaring— niece, Miss Mary Kenney, who is a Boss, 21) ......... u 0 1 1 0 $1.75 and$1.80 per bushel being paid teacher in the Bridgeport schools, and BY-Wer, H :, 0 0 0 1, for them. Who wouldn't be a farmer has always accompanied her wherever Strong, If ' '``' 4 0 0- 0' 0 this year? There will be same income G. Leddy, n ..... ..,. 4 1 0 2 0 she has taught, the two being greatly Gordon, _;s 4 2 1 0 0 tax returns to be made out. attached to each other. The deceased F. Leddy, 113 .._.... . 4 1 1 0' 1 Apotato brought to the station re- was a woman who was highly respected Peterife, c ........... 4 0 2 1 0 Gently weighed one and three quarter by all who knew her for her many 40. 6 10 ;5 4 pounds, which at present prices would admirable traits of character. The ,Southold AB R H So E make it worth about four and a half bereaved family have our heartfelt cents. sympathy in their great sorrow. Strasser, 2b 2 0• 1 1 ! Haney, 3b ' ,. •• „ 2 2 1 0 Chas. L. Fanning of Chester, Conn., Cassidy,-, c called on old friends last week. `I'We11ty-F1V0 Y@1Lf'8 t'�gvo .. 4 0. 0 01 2 �/ Prince ssPn�at'd�es w�e selling for for ents 'klds ich, of .. 4 '0 `3 0 0 {;songs H Fleet &w to Kurt Moe- per bushel. Sanford, lb . . 4 0 0 0 0 land of kuru F 4 0 0 2 0 bans,lot n s Bay ave, adj Tax $1.50 Miss Eliza M. Howell was to sail for Scott, if ...• •.• � Moebius, Cutchogue. rt -- 1 Simnions, rf Korea on Aug. 11th. Ernber.t, p ........... 4 0 1 0 0 Vernon R Moore &w to aKazaemierz The W. C. Albertson Estate shipped — — __ — J Solecki, lot s s Main roan, adj ]and the first car load of potatoes from 40 5 7 7 4 of Marguerite Hawkins, Cutchogue. Tax $3. Long Island this season. Two-base Hits-1 . Leddy, 1; Rol- Miss Louise C. Pond was spending liar. Aldrich, 2 ctrasser, 1. Three- Aiuertson—At the Eastern Long lease Hit—Hane-1 1. St>uck-out—l3y; Island Hospital on Saturday, July 24, her vacation in Honolulu. Leddy, 7; by Embert, 5. Stolen Bases to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Albertson, of J. W. Conklin was erecting scales 'East Hampton, 3; Southold, 1. Southold, a son. +SLdY1"g \P),r,,.. and a. waiting room east of the station, Base on Ball:—Off Leddy, 2; off Em- hest, :3. Passed Bails—Southold, 2; Goldsmith—At the Eastern Long to he used in his potato business. East Hampton, 1. Time of Game—2 Island Hospital,on Monday,July 27th, hours, iv minutes. Umpire—Terry. to Mr. and Mrs'. Everett Goldsmith, of P )Fifty Years ggt17 -� the baseball' Peconic, a slaughter. Last Sunday n1ornng i ore than twenty persons were fans frons C'utchog;ue, Poeonic, South-j camping out at Long Island Sound. old and Greenpor;d and elderly residents last to the number of Southold lost one of its highly es- The army worms appeared and farmers 'twenty-eight journeyed to Port Jeff- teemed of Miss were advised to ditch their fields if 'I cheerand Goilie'"sltcla 9ned ti� Bril �ploraau Wick"hamt to week in tHortonhwhn passedaway they would save their crops. But it aairaesl and the g,, at the ripe old age of 91 years. For . According to the recent census, the I;ofF Here are the name many years she was a princips. in a Shinnecock tribe of Indians numbered tllu5aasts: Mrs. Harrisoia {xald n`rith; Brooklyn school. 11-1-1%] •tel, 184, inhabiting 30 houses and occupy ' and sun• Alvah, 'lasses Sophie Lang 184, a reservation of 1,000 scree. I ham. 1llariani savie. and Frances Brooklyn. July 24, Mrs. Margaret A. Cvej•tost, 141r, and Mrs. E. W. Bedell, 'Willow Williams, aHillged d 70 ears. Interment at S. Bedell, F. F. Overton, W.Hipp. H• E. L. I. Hospital, July 25, Miss EAST END LEAGUEtiv het, Dr. J. C Cage. J. W. It Baker,, Annie F. '1"aylor of Bay View. Inter Bootle, John Carroll, B. McKeon, A. ids, hoinas rnent at Southold. J. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Gagen,Fred Baldwin, George Steltzer, II By order of the Southold Park Com_ Won Last P.C. George Strasser, Belrjanlin Diller, missioners, Founders' Landing Park East Hampton . 9 2 818 Fred K. Pxince, Harry Wiegand, Rob- will be closed for free admission on Southold . . . 7 4 636 e`t CarrollI Harr;,= Myers, W. 1• Ga- Friday evening, July 31, the date of Sou t old . . . 7 4 636 gen acrd Jaa res Cogan. They surprised the Midsummer Frolic, under the aus- Golclie" at a hotel, who found he was Southampton. 5 5 500 sot forgotten by his home people and piece of the Southold Players. An ad Greenport . . 4 7 363 rrpor°t a fire rinse. mission of$1.25 will be charged at the Hampton Bays . . . 0 10 000 Not only the millions who have Kate• By purchasing your ticket at faithfully followed his political stand Kramer's Drug Store before that ev- RESULTS JULY 25 and for many years, but also those ening you can Have 25 cents. Admis- East Hampton 6, Southold 5 who have consistently opposedi him, I cion for children, 12 years old and un- Southampton 16, Hampton Bae 0 der, 50 cents. Everyone entering the R R y grieve at the sudden passing of the Park must wear an admission tag. Mattituck 5, Greenport 2 Hon. William J. Bryan on Sunda The.big entertainment and dance are Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Kranenberg last,at the age of 65 years. given for a public benefit—Southold and three sone, Ferdinand. Jr.. John, George Hortarr has moved with his i Community Hall—and the Park Com- ard Carl, of Amsterdam, Holland, are, family to the house on Academy Lane,I rnissioners, at the request of the South- at the Howell Farm, the former home, to the house once lived in by Simeon old Players, feel fully justified in clos- of Mrs. Kranenberg, nee Eleanor How-j'',Horton. j ing the Park for free admission that ell. eveninLy. -- Gray, Mathilda Verba as they congen- ially performed together on the stage— The dancing by Helen Gray was one which,by the way,was most theatrically `of the purest works of art we ever saw. T enty.Five Years A o decorated with onlookers, local-color, Young, slender, supple to the point of 1a. s++�, „�t0 scene-flats, Btage lamps,dressing-rooms perfection,she danced her interpretative There tae aln excursion $o tshers and stage-loft stairs. The informality 'dances with no suggestiveness in face Island. of the stage was unconsciously an asset or motions that betrayed aught but the Through the efforts of O. V. Penney, V to the informal happy feelings `f! purest devotion to her art—the work- a number of large subscriptions were Iintimacy between stage and audience ing out of certain ideals in rythmic received toward procuring a larger fare on this rainy night. Rainy nights, motion. Mies (fray was accompanied engine for Southold. themaelves,however,are often conducive by her mother, whose playing and Rev. W. L. Douglas, of Kirkwood, Ito such happy intimacy. interest in her daughter was another' Illinois, a former pastor, filled the Programs often do not turn out as charming feature of the young girl's pulpa of the M. E. Church. expected or advertised. It is always work. The Harvest Biome Festival was to with a little trepidation that we receive Mathilda Verba captured the audi- be held at Oak Lawn on Aug. 16, or deliver goods that have been"boom- ence. Southnld loves good music and Pine Neck had a narrow escape from ed" to the utmost—we don't know showed its appreciation of this singer destruction by fire, when fire was dis- whether duly or unduly. So it was in an unusually demonstrative manner. covered in the underbrush near G. with great elation of spirit that no Everything about the solist—her choice Wells Phillips' bowling alley. weather could dampen that we fol- of songs, her voice, her manner--ap- At the annual school meeting, it was lowed to the close, the vaudeville pro- pealed strongly to our people. They voted to increase the number of mem- gram of last Friday evening. It was were genuinely pleased and showed it hers of the Board of Education from first class in every respect. We have', by their unwonted enthusiasm. five to seven, so that Locust Grove no mental reservations when we If Greg Patti really had doubts as to District,which had recently consolidated affirm now that every number on that the encore be might receive, should he with Southold, would have repreaen- program was of a very high order,— leave the stage, he need never have tation on the Board. Geo. M. Howell clean, finished, pleasing. All the such again in Southold. His black face! and Waldo Brown were elected as such talent were artists in their line and it will receive the warmest kind of a representatives' J. N. Hallock and was a favor to Southold beyond eetimat- welcome. IIe, too, was uniquely good henry C. Prince were also elected ing to have such come to us, solely for of his kind, Really talented, really members of the Board. Wm. Y. our benefit. funny, he was unanimously declared by Fithian was re-elected District Clerk, Al Menard's orchestra struck the many as the beet they had ever heard. and Prin. W. M. Wood, Librarian. It right note at the beginning. It was It was one good thing after another, was voted to raise$1804 by tax. the joynote. As soon as they arrived, with no abatement in merit or interest, sv4V's, with only a few present, they began Kenny, Noll and Whalen closed the ,-./ jFifty Years Ago /s-71_ to play as if for their own pleasure. program. The three really made the The population of Suffolk County Their faces, their feet, their whole "Gold Dust Twins," for Messrs. was 64,000. bodies showed they would rather play Noll and Whalen were too ably sup- kran not. 'Think what an effect such The Sound beach campers broke camp t ported by their accompanist, Mr. and returned to their city homes. I music and musicians have on people, Kenny, not to count him as an integral Rev. Wm H Russell preached in coming in from a wet night outside! part in the "Twin" performance. the M. 0. church. We all smiled with them and the smile These talented men may have played Boas Smith was pushing work on stili goes out to them for their music before larger audiences, but they never Daniel Terry's new store. and manner of playing throughout the played before a more appreciative one. I � long evening into the wee sma' hours. Such originality and power of peculiar Senator Ford seems almost one of us characterization, such pith and point EAST END LEAGUE and we greet him now with the and pep were not met with every day I ^—0 cordiality and admiration due a friend and the audience would not let them i STANDING OF THE CLUBS as well as a good entertainer. The go easily. f 'Won Lost P.C. happy manner with which he talks and i May they all come again, is the clos- East Hampton . . . 11 2 845 touches gently our faults and foibles{ ing wish? Mattituck 9 4 692 1 never fails to get the alert, happy After the program the floor and large Southold . . . . . 7 6 538 response from his audience. We hope stage were crowded with dancers. The Southampton . . . . 7 6 638 he enjoys us as much as we do him. heartiest applause greeted Mr.Kramer's` Greenport . . . . . 4 9 308 Harry Armstrong is a master song- announcement, that one week from, Hampton Says . . . 1 12 076 leader. A better one could not have that night, a dance, with Al Menard's if ollowed the musicians and the Secator Orchestra to play, would be given at RESULT'S AUGUST 8 -in the good work started in making The Landing Pavilimi, This will be on Mattituck 7, Southold 2 audience and actors one. Southold, ,Friday night, August 7. May the 500 East Lampton 10, Greenport 4 seldom, if ever, responds to a stranger's who weren't there and whom we Southampton 9, Hampton Bays 3 i ieadings, but they followed Mr. Arm- I expected, be present then, and join the strong as they would a magic flute and 500 who were. There is an outside and Saturday a solid trainload of 89 cars sang or did not sing according as the inside platform for dancing. Al Menard I of potatoes was made up in the short fun or the "hit"to be made demanded. is accustomed to play for several distance between Southold and Manor- It was a rare treat to hear the author thousand at Pleasure Beach,Conn. He ville, while thousands of bushels in of ",Sweet Adeline" Bing with the will not feel lonely at our Founders' addition were sent by boats and motor- audience this old favorite. !trucks.Landing, on August 7, Y2 We are in receipt of the Telephone questing the State flighway uomn-lis- Twenty-Five Years Ago Almanac for 1925, that gives in con- Sion to award the cor-tract for the %I /9 r- building (If the Mattituck-Greenport 4ie new Principal of the Souttiold nection with other noted events, the se,tions of the Riverhe ad-Gree n port Union School, W. M. Wood, and his history of the discovery and develop-1 State highway to the Westchester wife arrived and were settled in Mrs. ment of the Bell telephone. 'Under COnAtructiOn Co., which ie, construct- Mary Malorie's house. March, we note with interest the inz the Riverhead—Mattituck section Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Payne left for picture of Thomas A. Watson who on and is doing an excellent job. I the 10th of this month. 1876, received Connor'Brothers, of Long Beach, Stewart9town, Pa., where Mr. Payne were the lowest bidders for the Mat- was to assist his son, Prof. H. M. from Mr. Bell the first message ever tituck-Greerpurt sections, their figures Payne, President of Stewartatown transmitted. We remember Mr. Wat. i)elng $500,268 and the Westchester Collegiate Institute. son's lecture on the telephone us well Construction Co.'s bid was $515,624.-, The thermometer registered 95 as his delightful readings of poetry and 50. The aections to be built total about 14 miles in length. There were degrees—the hottest of the year. plays, with which he favored us,during 16 bids all told, the highest being A large number of weakfish were his visits to Southold when his daughter $596,000. The bids were opened last being caught by book and line at the Esther taught in our High School. Friday, but the contract has not yet Sound, been awarded. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold P. Danz, son Connor Brothers have the contract The Champion Fishing Club, Corn- and daughter, of Larchmorit, N. Y. to construct the State highway at madore L. H. Tuthill, was making fish- ' Oakdalt. have been visiting at John Breitetadt's. ing Wps to Gardiner's L41and and Mon- Residonts of this sectiou generally tauk, Miss Gertrude r 1 are ai xious to see the Westcheste' Koke has been re. Conctruction Co. receive the contract The carpenters, masons and painters ii engaged as teacher of the Bay View because thLit concern has done such of Southold Town entered into an! school. uud work on the RiverheadL-Matti- agreementto work but nine hours 81 �uck section, which is completed W day. PJeQL LO lot on Fleetwood road, far east as Laurel lane, Laurel. The The Board of Education organized by Cutchogue. Ne c 1�, Westchester Co. has its equipment, Tax $I. 'vhich is the most modern and efficient re-electing James Thompson, President, Same to William A Bangert, lot on t-'.-,at can be procured, on the ground and Win. H. Terry, Secretary. The Betts st, Fleet's Neck, Cutchogue. and for that reason it is believed that follorwing officers were chosen: Treasur- Tax 50c. the Matti tuck-G reen port c—ectiors will er, A. T. Dickerson; Collector, 0. V. Same to John M Eng1c.druie, lot 11 be completed mLch sooner by that Glenwood road, FleeVs Neck, Cut- company than by any other. Penney; Janitor, Win. Y. Fithian; chogue. Tax 50c. The total cost of the Riverhead- Truant Officer, A. R. Vail, A com- Sanie to William -Menchen, sr,, lot Grei:nport highway when completed mittee was appointed to ascertain what on Fleetwood road,,Fleiet's Neck, Cut- will be nearly $120,0,000. suitable sites could be procured for a chogue. Tax I5De. The design calls for concrete pave- ne -Sallle to William A Bangert, lot on ment 8 inches thick (in the edges and w school house. Fleetwood road, Fleet's Neck, Cut_ 7 inches thick in the center except on 40444 chol-ue. Tax 1)i) the widened portions where the thick- 4,)V;Fif ty C. ness will be 7 inches uniform. The Years Ago /P)f Same to Joseph L Rassingrer lot mix will be one part of Portland ce- Corn sold for$1.10 per bushel; oats, on Fleetwood road, Fleet, Neck, ut_ tnent, 1% parts of sand and 3 partz,- 80 cents per bushel; butter, 28 cents; chogue. Tax of broken stone, The pavement will eggs, 24 cents per doz. Same to Willit'n' Geil, lot (in Fleet- be reinforced with marginal ba wood road, Fleet's Neck, Cutehogue. Connor Bros. have been enga Z Tax ,jo,�. - gd for "Lunatic fringe" was the name the seasons of 1924 and 1925 in Lhe given to the fashion of cropping the _n reinforced concrete hairand letting the ends hung down Cutchogue, Aug. 9, by Rev, P. H. construct'o of Dodd, Charles P. Williamson of cut. str(,ets for the City of Long Beach. , over the forehead. al chogue and Mrs.Annie Elizabeth Horton The otiier bidder,% and the amounts A party of gentlemen from Southold W lof Peconic. of their bids follow: and neighboring villages started on a gi Sound Avenue Riteway Construetion , Aug. 12, by Rev Corp N. Y. C. ... .... .$533,750.40 trip to Martha's Vineyard. it Wells H. Pitch, Edith Genevieve Brown: The R."W. S. Corp., Hunt- . Southold Division, Sons of Temper- a( daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abram H. ingtan ................ 536,624.40 ance. paid a fraternal visit to Agawam Brown of Richmond Hill. N. Y., and ood, Roads Engineering & iT Minot Jerome Raff ord of MattitnAr G Contr,,Icting Co.t Lyn- Division of gag Harbor. an I brook ... .. ..... .... . .. 540,828,40 Bessie Turner won the race at Oak wil HIUS OPENED FOR Frederick Roeber Co., Inc., 548,130-95 Lawn, with Henry W. Beecher second, N. Y. C. .............. and Charlie third. John Arborio, New Haven, THE STATE H16HWAY !Conn. ...I............ 650,776.00 7FIeling Contracting Corp., so I Lindenhurst .......... 5n,829.45 The Southold Fire Department Was I M: Long Beach F'irm Agrees To I-&r,,Iw Wednesday, about 11:30 PC ll�ne,r B&Bankc, Mt. Kisco 565,843.30 , 'S., Mechanieville 566,3,8.89 called out on ire at Mrs- Anna Build the Mattituck-Green- P. if. Murray, Rochester . - 567,686.05 a. m_ because of a f roof caught fire part Sections For $500,268 Henry NV. Horst, Rock Eldredge's barn, The island, III. ............ 585,443.40 from sparks from a brush fire. The 2. —Westchester Construction David Schoent.1g, Sauger- vaa oxtingushed before much W Co.'s Bid Is $515,624.50- ties ................** 590,198.40 fire 01 J. Mullen Contract-rig I de,mulze was done. at f( Co., Inc-� Jamaica ...... 596,519.40 The potato market is pretty' dull IV A ptAition is being circulated in present, and the price has fallen, with Riverhead and Southold towns 1:e- IV little demand. EAST END LEAGUE CM Cornell &w to Freida E Mor- j�_ yFifty Years Ago gan, lot 277, map -of proposed subdi- 4 visi�un See. C, Nassau Point, Peconic. It was predicted that scallops would STANDING OF THE CLUBS Tax_$3. be very plentiful in the fall. Won Lost P.C., Norma H Fleet to H H Plimpton, 1'erry conlraelel to build a in f of St. Patrick's Ceme- East Hampton . . . 11 3 .785 lot adj land of Anahel, Fleet's Neck, fe _",t �Mattituck . . . 10 4 .714 Cutchogue. Tax 50-c. tery. ,Sout.hold . . . . . . 8 6 .572 H R Talmage &w C H Y"ng2ctw-t�� mrs. Win. H. Wilbur,milliner, leased iSouthampton . . . . 7 7 .500 D S Corwin, Parc'e'l 3,00x300- 11 beach, the west part of the Cochran house. Greeriport . . . . . 5 9 .357 1,�ingls highway. adj Sound Tax $3.50 Winfield S. Bennett was engaged as �Hsmpton Bays . . . 1 13 071 Arshmomogue- Principal of the Public School. H L Tillinghast to L B. Eldredge sa�, loa. A Stolen f,belonging to James Ging RESULTS AUGUST 15 &w, lot e s Main South road. adj land as rum Horton'S Point. Southold 6, East Hampton 2 now or formerly Of W H Tay enry H. Lewis of Port Jefferson Mattituck 8, Southampton 3 Southold. Tax �arHfived and took possession of his now tin and Stove store. Greenport 17, Hampton Bay$ 31 The Firemen's Carnival breezed into Rev. Dr. Wi8well lectured in the East Hampton ran onto the rocks town for the entire week, with all the Presbyterian church. last week when they played in their features that go with a show of that The Southold Cemetery was grOsAll 04 in sploth Once own bailiwick and encountered Al Sal- kind. One of the stunts is a "burnii, imPrOv mon's pitching. The Beore was 5 to 2, fly" circling the frame-work of the ,and A] didn't have to turn a f eatber to Ferris wheal while in motion. The EAST END LEAGUE turn in a win for Southold, a lately weather thus far has been ideal, and 0 losing nine. Up to last Saturday, East the nightly crowds have been a mass STANDING OF THE CLUBS Hampton had lost but two games dur- of fun-seeking humanity. Some, how- Won Lost P.C. ing the season and are still setting the ever, have been hampered with their East Hampton . . . 11 4 .732 pace, This Saturday they play at parcels of sPoil—comfortables,blankets, Mattituck . . . . . 11 4 .732 Southold, and it oar boys will Rive A] suit cases, dolls, beach balls, con- Southold . . . . . . 9 6 .600 the help he has a right to expect, he fectionery. toys, etc., parrotettes, Southampton . 7 .533 will admini i ster the leaders another set- Guinea pige, pigeons, canaries, white breenport . . . . . 5 10 .333 back and pull them down in a tie with mice and rabbits—to SHY nothing Hampton Buys . . . 1 14 .066! Mattituck, as the latter nine plays of the delight the Youngsters get Hampton Buys and there is little dan- with the gas balloon and the RESULTS AUGUST 22 ger of a trip, But to better their own thrill of copping the gold ring Southold 5, East Hampton 4 (13 ins.) third place position, Southold must help Ion the dazzling merry-go-round, The Southampton 8, Greenport 3 Home other club. The following week, male gentry while away much of their Mattituck 27, Hampton Bays 21 Aug, 29, Southold will have the oppor- time-and dimes at the gallery, seeing tunity to settle with Mattituck, when how many Of the clay pigeons they can The box score: that nine.will play here. Don't miss miss. It's a good carnival and it's be., East Hampton AB R H E this coming East Hampton I Southold ing well patronized. Manager Prudent Rawler, 1 f .... .. . ...... 7 JO I I Ram e, which will Start at 3;30 and be says Southold is one of the beat stands Barns, c f .......... ... . 6 0 2 1 ill baseball. i Rose, 2b .. .. .......... 6 0 3 1 in his circuit. If Saturday, the closing Brewer, 3b ............ . 6, () 3 1 Henry F. Van Wyck is building a I night, is favorable, the affair will wit- Leddy, p ....... .. .. .6 1 3 0 vAse a tremedous crowd and end with a Strong, r f ............. 6 1 2 0 stone well in front of his house and I bang. F. Leddy, lb . .......... .6 1 2 0 will also lay a cement walk, We will Jordan, ss ............. 6 1 1 1 guarantee the job will look fine when Twentv-five Years Ago reterite, c ............. 6 0 1 0 itiefinished, for Mr, Van Wyck is an Potatoes were sel'ling at 45 .and -50 55 4 19 5 RdePt at Such work. cents per bushel. Southold AB R 11 E 4 W. 1. Hagerman purchased of G. F. Stelzer, r f ............ 6 0 01 0 Gagen&,Carroll have recentlY installed Hummel six acres of land on Boisaeau lleaney, 3b . ... ........ 6 0 0, 1 Camidy, e .............. 6 () 0. 0 RD electrically operated Potato leader, Ave., for $1200, on which he was to Salmon, p ....... ..... .. 6 2 1 0 1with a capacity of 500 bushels. build a residence. Strasser, 2b ...... ...... 6 1 2 0 11 The Presbyterian Sunday School Sanford, 1b ....... ..... 6 0 2 0 il The John Ruebsamen Agency has picnic! was held at Fleet's Neck. Ulrich, c f .... ......... B 0 2 0 Scott, I f .... .......... .6 1 2 1 Isold a house and plot at Pine Neck for The Southold Cornet Band gave a Simons, ss .... ......... .6 1 1 0 Mrs. A. Langdon to A. Blachaek of lawn paity and open air concert on — — — — PecoDic. Miss J. W. Horton's lawn. 54 �5 10 2 4 Rev. Dr. C. W. Biddfe, who was at Hits—Off Leddy, 10; off Salmon, 19. S A 11 Dayton to W P Kesel,lot 50x Struck-out—By 1-ddy, 9; by Salmon, (217 feet e s Oak Lawn ave, adj land one time pastor of the Southold Uni- 6. Two-base Hits — Peteritc, 1; 0, of W B T Reynolds, Pine Nec�-, South- versaliat church, died at his home in Barns, 2; Ulrich, 1; Sqott, 1. Stolen 01 OK Tax $2.50 Brookline, Mass. Bases—East Hampton, 4; Southold, 1. 1,W H Ball &w to E C Henwood, one- The yourig people boarding at Mrs. Batse on Balls—Ofl` Leddy,.2; off Sal- earth of an acre e s Bay ave, adj Nancy L. Horton's gave a fine enter- nion, 0. Left on Bass—East Hamp- 1, land formerly of estate ton, 13; Southold, 9. 4�f B T Bil lard, Peconic. Tax $1. ,tainment. EAST END BASEBALL LEAGUE Prudent's Carnival, which p A. B. Gordon has purchased of Mrs. Standin- of the Clubs u' Dickerson and Mrs. R. S. Sturges, nights here last week und.:n til,xe ts�e Charles H. Tuthill place and will Won Lt)st P.C. auspices of the Southold Fire Depart- _qatLitu ... . 12 -1 .750 move there in the near future. East, Hampton .. ..... 11 5 .69� Ment, turned in a revenue to the fire- Sout!,,old ..... . ... .. . () 7 .561 men of $641.17, and a net amount of W A Fleet to G H Fleet, parcel n s, Southampton 9 7 .5(3)1 about $560, after paying for lot, elec. East,road, adj land of G 1-1 Fleet, G reenport . I........ (; 10 .37 4 tricity, etc. The Carnival was a great Fleet s Neck, Cutchogue, nOni. Hampton Bays .... .. . 1 15 .062 success and was attended by good F A Schmucker &w to H H Robill. crowds five nights of the six, the son. par-eel s s East road, adj land 01 Results ok Gaines Played L Allen, Fleet's Neck, Cutchogue - Saturday, August 29 weather Friday putting the affair a! Tax'$4. Mattituck, 1; at Southold, 0. littleoutof luck. But Sa.turday was GreeDport, Aug. 24, by Rev RMy. 5 EasL liaimpton, 4; at Southampton, ideal and more people witnessed the Roberts, Edward Carr Parke �,d ise ' Greenport at Hampton Bays. close than the grounds could con- Elgle Murie Raynor, both r of New jja,�tjtuvj� aci2uteil Scuthold Satur veniently accommodate. A new at. Suffolk. day, Fleet Wielli the' w.hitewash traction was added the last night. nty-Five Years A-go brush ,n the F;rst Settivrzz and pitcJi- Spencer W. Petty raised a freak 11W / -�9c(u ed his team i�t. first plac2 in the. rooster, which had three leg8. Mr. A few early cauliflower were shipped East End League. The game was as Petty gave the use of his feathered from here. �ne a ccntest as has been Played for prodigy to the firemen Saturday night, Potatoes sold for GO cents per bushel. some Opposing Fleet was an(Aber left hand pitcher, none other' and it was put in an exhibition tent. Mr, and Mrs. Frank D. Smith than the famous Al-Sulma-ri, star for People were skeptical of the signs and returned frorn their wedding trip th2 Southolders for several seasom the hawker'H calls, for fear of a fake, through the mountains of New Eng- past. Al had his curves and smile but enough curiously bent viewed the land. antl everything, and Mattituck was three-legged bird to turn in to the fire. Wm. H. Terry purchased the M. El able to get but Tour hits off his deliv- ery. Two of these, a double by Nor- men nearly $12, One person didn't parsonage and was to move i't on his ris, and a single by Dowi,s, resulted consider the rooster a fake, and that IA, car, Main St. and Oak Lawn Ave. in th�L, lone tally of the game, for was Proprietor Prudent. He gave Mr. A genuine old-fashioned country Fleet, too, was in rare furni, and kept Petty ;10 for the bird, and Spencer dance was held at Belmont Hall. the paths cleared, sending away t2n forthwith donated$5 of his sale to the Rev, Father Myles A. O'Reilly, a by the strikeout route, He allowed one inore bit than Salmon, but kept them department. former rector of St. Patriek'R Church, rar'apart, Both teanis fiQlded sharp- died at the home of his brother in �y. On Labor Day East Hampton tho A few of the firemen workers gath- Brooklyn. runners-up in the league, plays ilat- ered on the Carnival lot Monday even- Louis 13aumann and Miss Amelia E. tituck on tb.2 Mattituck diamond in irig to clean up the litter. One of the a game that will probably decide th few was R. T. Merwin, who, while Dennis were married. �hnnipionshi`p. Mrj. Samuel W. Weeks, a former, The box score �raking, scratched out a fountain pen. resident of Southold, died at Babylon. Scuthold AB R H PO A E He comidered he wag in luck--.he only Stelzer, r f .4 0 0 1 0 find of the evening. A little later, FILany, 3 b ....... .4' 0 0 1 4 Ca."idv, c . .......4 0- 1 4 0 Darne Fortune frowned on him and he Fifty Years Ago Salmon, p ..... ...4 0 0 0 2 discovered he was out of luck. His �* I lk7�_ Strasser, 2 b . .. .. .4 0 1 3 3 watch and fob were gone. Diligent Rev. Dr. Wiswell returned to his, Sanford, I b ......4 40 1 14 0 aearching never revealed the loss, and home in Philadelphia. Ullcyich, c f .. .. ..4 0 1 0 0 it was concluded the watch and fob Charles D. Benedict succeeded Edwin Scott, I f . .......2 �O 1 4 0 0 A, Simpson as clerk in H. W, Prince's Simons, s s . ...... .2 0 .0 0 6 0 were in one of the several bon-fires. Strasser ... .. .. .. .0- 0 0 0 1) store. The Southold Fire Department will W. A. Horton was engaged as -%2 0 5 27 15 0 attend the annual tournament at Ami- assistant in the public school. Mattituck AB R H PO A E tSville next Wednesday. Bus wilt Miss Sarah Whitaker returned to Mt. Gagen, 2 b ... . ..4 0 1 0 4 0 1 leave at post office at 6:30 a. m. Fare, Holyoke Seminary. RLeve, S s .... . . . .3 0 1 1 0 10 $3.00. Outsiders, same price. Tieketal There was a small fruit crop. I Norris, 1 b �.. ..� .4 1 1 11 0 1 eights,� Downs, I f ... . ....4 0 1 0 0 9 limited. Those going, notify Harold The hotel at Shelter Island H Mitchull, r f .. .....3 0 0 1 0 0 Downs by Tuesday. under the management of Capt. Benj. CybUlski, c f .. ....3 0 �O 0 0 f) Cole, had a very successful season. C�jjteljjjj, c f 0 0. 2 0 0 Prof. Rusaell Davison hai3 been Ruland, 3 b .3 0 0 1 1 0 Large quantities of menhaden were engaged as Teacher of English in the Stelzer, c ... . . . _3– 0 0 10 1 N. J., High School. taken in our bayn. Flept� 31 . ... . . .....3 T 0, 1 1. 1 ,'East Orange, Albert B. Tarry died, aged 7fi years.i — — — — — — 1 4 27 7 Edward Gates of Chicago has been with tThree base hit—Cassidy. Two ba visiting at F. Fickeissen's. Walter B. Gagen has a position hit—Norris, Ullerich, Sanford. Sa John C. Paige& Co., Inc., insurance,. rifiee hit—Sinions. Stolen base Potatoes are aelling for $1.20 peri N. Y. City. and will commence work Strasser. Struck out—)),y Fleet 1 next Monday. Mr. Gagen is a graduate bV �ahnon 3. Bases- on balls— bushel. of the Southold High School and Flea -1. Umpire—TVfr. Jackson. Villnovia Business College,Philadelphia. �7 'East Hanvpton, August 29, 1925, MAD CONTRACT AWARDED Pat Rooney is now busy rehearsing To the County Review: TO THE j,oWEST BIDDER him new play, "Rosie O'Grady," in In view of the fact that President It is understood that the con- Fitch, of the East End League, has tract for the construction of the which there will be a cast of sixty. refused to entertain the. written pro- Mattituck-Greenport section of the Pat Rooney. Marion Bent and Pat test of Manager Lynch, East Halilp- state highway has been awarded Rooney 3d will have the star parts. ton's manager, against allowing Sal- to Connor Brothers of Long Beach, The play will open at Philadelphia on 111011, (if Southold, to pitch in the East the lowest bidder, and that their I End League, on account of his having bond has been approved by the Sept. Sth and after a short tour on the S - road it will appear on Bfoadway for a, been with :Waterbury, (if the Eastern tate Highway C,Ommission. Busi League, all suninifr., I want our wor- ress men anill other residents of long period. Mr. Rooney has not been thy 1,�reMtlent and his admirers at Greenport, Southold, Peconic, Cut- ableto have any vacation this year, S,,uthold to krow whether his theorivq chogue, Mattituck, Laurel, James- Fire uplicloi (,r not by the highest au- p Aquebogue and Riverhead and consequently Southold has seen ort' tition tharities on athletic�s in the state. signed asking the Gov- little of him. (je 'John 13, Foster, a p Highway M r. ernor an, the State Ani,�,rican SLI)orts PublishinZ Co., Commission to award the contract Miss Alice Bloomfield has returned 45 Rol— St., Newark, N. Y. to the Westchester Construction f mm 0 stay at Camp T .. ,,ar Sir: Co., which has the contract'for the )n:ettwneam0Anutghu8st8, Maine. Her A gentleman by the name of Sal- construction of the Riverhead- father and sister Ruth met her at -iold, L. L, ha� Best -end. nion, native of Soutl Mattituck section and which has 1. been ritchinlp- f,)r the Southold tearn the work in a very on, where they spent the week oiT cf thc Etst End League, a strictly �,artinlfacto`rgy and expeditious man aniateur team IE&gLIC for a number of state Annie L. Taylor, Soul neT. F, ivester M. Jordan, years. He -was acquired by the Wa- Connor ]Brothers' bid was about $1,200, letters to Sy terbury teani. of the Eastern Leal-w- $l5,000 less than the Westches- cousin. this spring, and has been with that' ter Co., which was favored by lo- The Southold Fire Department at- mara-ement until two weeks ago, cal people for the contract for the ad the Fireman's Tournament at when'he was released for some reason reason that it was believed that tend or anether and sent back home. He ;s that concern would be able to fin- Amityville on Wednesday. woner ish the wo�k a year s because now pitching for Southold. UndSr fhe long and severe drought was these circumstancess would you enlist they have their plant and equip- broken Thursday morning. this playror as an anlateur? ment on the job. Yours truly, Frederick Boergesson &A, to G A J. Gilmartin. Faithful Servants o'f William P. Buck- peterson, parcel e s 'South Harbor rk! 'Under date of August 25th, Mr. ingham Bequeathed $4,888, Trans- adi land of Edward H Smith, 'South Foster repliles, as follows: Harbor, Southold. Tax 50c My dear Mr. Gilmartin: far Tax Papers Show J 'S-Hornan. &w to M-G Morriso-ii, The player to whom you refer is lot 36, map o�f See. A, Nassau Point not an amateur in any sense of the Because they had been faithful em- Club Properties, Peconic. Tax $I ,vord. Ganies in which he took part ployes, quiet and law-abiding, two ne- would not be rated as legal by any groes living in Peconic un the prop- WSoqlhol.� , Aug,11, by Rev. Dr. D. conruission of athletics. arty of the late William P. Bucking- owe . Ha old Tuthill Richmond (Signied) John B. Foster. ham, are to receive a substantial be- of Peconic and Miss Nancy Victoria A ccpy of this letter was also sent quest from Mr. Buckingham's estate, Bethel, Principal of Southold Academy. to _11r. R. A. Searfoss, physical dircc� it was shown by the transfer tax pa- Cutchogue, Sept. 2, at the Presbyte- tor of Buckley College, New York, pers filed in the Surrogate's Court rian Church, by Rev. F. G. Beeb who replied as follows: here a few days ago. father of the bride, William C, Omtro� "I would class the player to whom The lucky servants are Patience of Schenectady, N. Y.,and Miss Norma you refer as a professiona� and wo,Ij Hatcher and her husband, Woodson McGrath Beebe. bar him, fron-1, all amateur athletics. Hatcher. The will provided that they Were to havea home on Mr. Bucking- WELLS, EXPERIENCED FARMER, (Signed) R. A. -Searfoss." I Under this ruling, it -seems to me, ham's property for the remainder of SPECIALIZES IN MELONS the- games in which this man took their lives. This is now figured to. G. H. Wells began farming over 35 part thould be cancellea and played mean that they are entitled to cash - over. legacies amounting to $2,558 for Pa- years ago. Now he has farms ut-7-- "JUSTlCE." tience and $2,330 for Woodson. Peconic and Southold. It has always The total estate left -by Mr. Buck- been his policy to make a specialty in ,n 5F. ingham was appraised at over $17,- one plant and devote most of his time, cd 2" The Southold Town Board met at the 00g. Most of it goes to cousins, as money and work to the cultivation of w.� officeof Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, follows: Sarah L. Phillips, Willi4m this plant. Mr. Wells first specialized Friday. Aug. 28, 1925. Present. Su-I E. Phillips, Daniel B. Phillips, Inez P. in cauliflower. Then strawberries 0 pervisor Tuthill. Town Clerk 111111LCk Phillips, Sidney 11. Phillips, Joseph, gained :his attention, and now he is i I Arthur W. Phillips, John S. P'li"lp*q' Justices Griffin, Terry, Hawkins and Phillips, Fred P, Swazey, Irving M. primarily interested in the growth of -7 Robinson, and Supt. of Highways i 'w"'y' Miller P. Davis, Georgia R. muskmelons of which he has eight Fleet. Swezey, Nellie B. Woodbury, Bertha A petition, signed by fifty-four tax- E. Terry, Emma M. Badean, each of acres. Seine of his melons have on whom gets $648.54; and Daniel V. weighed as much as 20 pounds, payers of Peconic, asked that theTown Howell; $574,49. air. Wells, melons are extremely w=-1n:t Board create a Peconic Lighting I be a popular on the Island. They are sold 0 U d, District, to be lighted with electric The voill of AnnleMcC9be of South-I b Cavanaro Bros. of Riverhea lights. It is proposed to light Peconic old, disposing of $3,000, gives Cather-I Y rnartin a Lane and the North Road from Bridge lne E. McCabe, daughter, furniture in� Henry Jewell Of Southold, Gil P6, c Lane to Bowery Lane. the home on Horton's lane; John G.I Bros. of Southampton and the Central L-9:1 The petition McCabe, William McCabe and James fruit market of Patchogue, was granted by a unanimous vote. McCabe, sons, each $800, Margaret 'Conway, daughter, $1,000; Mary A. Callaghan, (laughter, $1,000; Cather-: ine McCabe, the -residue. .I J 1 a z The heavy downpour of rain on Sun-Years Ago Cutclhogue , �_` ,►°3�r day night and Libor Day interfered; IV' Halfock was elected a delegate greatly with the enjoyment of the holi- The quiet of Labor Day was broken to the Republican State Convention at day. but it was a great blessing to our by great excitement in the afternoon, Saratoga, farmers, for the crops needed rain very j when crowds gathered to watch the Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd returned from badly. The breaking of the long destruction of the North Fork Country his trip to his old home in Wales. drought will mean thousands of dollars Club House by fire Owing to the There were more city people here to our cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and Acarcity of water, the fire companies this summer than ever before. cabbage growers, The lawns already I from 'Mattituck, Southold and Green- The Southold Union School opened have a new appearance. N port, which responded to the call for with a good attendance. help, were unable to render much as- ed Universalist Church Society voted Weakfish have struck on again, and sistance and the house was burned to to re-engage Wm. H. Capt. Ezra G. Beebe knows where to the ground. The blaze was discovered Murray far another yeaar,r. find them. Ander his guidance, parties about 3:30 in the basement. owing to The Long Island Presbytery met at from Arshamomaque Inn have been the severe storm, only a few persons Southold. making some fine catches with book were in the house. The firemen and residents of Cutcho us prevented the Q ,,� ;�a and line. One day 14 large weakfish g A,A4,,/ 1ft.V Years Ago lk7 were caught, 17 another day, and 20 locker house from catching fire. -)lost Rev. Epher Whitaker lectured before the third time. of the valuable furnishings were saved, the Teachers' Institute at Riverhead. ;' The house and contents were insured Lewis S. Tuthill has sold a lot north for about$25,000, bye understand that W. C. Albertson was laying the side of 'Sound View Avenue to Mrs. ! foundation fora building back of his Joseph Callahan of Hill Crest, Jamaica. another club house will he erected in store. Mrs. Callahan will build a bungalow on the near future. The North Pork The Sons of Temperance had a picnic' Country Club is one of the beat-known the plot same time in the future, country clubs on Eastern Long Island at oak Lawn. ]hiss Eva A �11iss Elizabeth Terry has returned to and was organized about fifteen years elocutionist, gavvee aaraher school duties at Bloomfield, N. J., ago by the late Stuart H. Moore and n entertainment of Jamespart,ntertainment io the Universalist church, and :Mise Marion 'ferry to her school friends. The golf course was laid out duties at Poughkeepsie. on land owned by Mr. Moore and was EAST END LEAGUE John Purcell of the Coast Guard pert of his ancestral home, --------0— Academy, New London, spent Labor The rain on Sunday and Monday STANDING OF THE CLUBS Day with his mother. lle has just is estimated to have been worth at returned from a European trip, least $,500,000 to the.cauliflower grow- Won Lost P.C. ers of the towns of Southold, River- Mattituck 13 4 .764 heat] and Brookhaven. Cauliflower East. Hampton . . . 12 5 .705Misses Mary McCaffery and Helen and other crops were suffering from Southold 9 8 .523 Bond attended the summer school at the continued drought. Dwight '1''. New Paltz Normal School. Corwin, general manager of the Long Southampton . . . 9 8 .529 Island Cauliflower Association, stated Greenport 7 10% .412 Founders' Landing Inn and the Ging- after the rain this week that the pr.es- Hampton Bays . ham Do 1 16 .069 g and Cativo Gat closed on Tues- ent outlook ii good for a profitable crotr of cauliflower. There are about day, after a very successful season. 3 wo acre planted in three towns this RESULfiS SEPT. 5 Fred Wseason an increase of approximately Greenport 1, Southold 0 (10 innings) , Bridge and family have 5410 acres over last year. Good stock East Hampton 7, Southampton 0 moved into their new home on Iklain St. is selling for $2;50 a trate. Mattituck 11, Hampton Bays 1!I The shipments of potatoes continue John P. Ruebsamen, realtor, has sold to le heavy frons Riverhead and other The Mardi-Gras held on Mechanic the followingstations in the county and that eros; Street last Friday and Saturday even- properties: For E. H. already has been very profitable. 'file Brown, a plot on the Sound to Mrs. D. -Price for several weeks in the early j Ings for the benefit of G. T. G. Post, Conslyea of Queens, L. I., and a plot part of the season was $1.75 a bushel American Legion, was a great success. to Miss A. Shonwater of Jamaica, L, and about ten days ago the price went The weather was perfect, a large crowd 1.: far Mas Iow as $1.10, but advanced again rs. id. Baitey a plot et the I was present on both evenings, and ,Sound, Peeonic, to Mrs. D. Schneider that t gure to $1.25 and continues ate. t! jollity reigned supreme. The net of Norwalk, Conn. The same agency From July 15 to :September 5, al receipts were nearly $700, which will has rented a house in Bay View for be used for the Posta nese home, total of 4111 carloads of potatoes were next season for Ibis. Harald Kellock shipped by freight from the River- Again has Charles F. Krasner proved to S. Carroll of New Jersey, and rent- head station, for which the farnners his peerless leadership as a manager, ed the lower half of the Griswold house were Pi, more than ;$5.00,000. Ian} on Hummel Ave. to Wilson Petty. thoixsands of .bushels were also ship- .d Beatrice Hodgins attended the Ped to market -by motor truck. River- summer school at the State Teachers' Frank Dries &w to E D Callahan head ,I,-s the largest freight business &w, about 3-4 A n s Pine Neck rd of any station outside of'the two west- d College at Albany. She will return adj land of W F'.Chadburn, Pine Neck, end terminals, and Station Master IIII this rnanth for her graduation year at{ near Southold. Tax $1 Adam. Hill, jr., and his assistants are !I this College. AV A Fleet to Norma H Fleet,parcel being kept very busy these clays. on East Creek adj land of Anabel. Lima beans are selfing for excep- Fleet's, Neck, Cutchogue, noln, tionally low priects, going as low as bV f administration iigurea up to *35,-; cents a bag after bringing as high as A440(7ifty Years Ago/?�J— '518.97, the papers show. $31 a bag early in the season. Cucum- Arthur H. Terry entered Yale Col- Stock in Publishing Co. 6ers have also been so low that the lege. �g owers have not received enough to The bulk of his personal estate is Jesse L. Case began his Senior year made up of 1,700 shares of stock in Pav them for the trouble of picking, One grower, who spent two hours at Yale College, the Harry Lee Pubfishing Co., which picking and packing two bushels of William H. Wells entered the Uni- were appraised by Hiram A. Baylis of Huntington and Frank A. Burling "eukes" received the sum of 50 cent, versity of the City of New York. of Southampton as worth $53 per net, Green corn ;has netted �-,ame of Miss M. Belle Terry entered Packer share, making a total valuation for the growers less than half a cent an ear. Green tomatoes are selling for Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn. this stock of $90,100. In addition to this stock his personal estate was, about 50 cents a bushel ard -,.quash is Rev. Epher Whitaker preached his I I bringing a small price. The same is 24th anniversary sermon as pastor Of made up of $2,271.58 cash in banks, true of other vegetables. 27 shares of Suffolk County Trust the Southold Presbyterian Church. Co. stock; 20 shares of Garden City Southold, Sept 3 by the bride's W.fi. m F- Whitaker entered an his Bond & Mortgage Co. stock; 5 shares of Osborne Trust Co.; IS shares A. 'father. Rev. E. L 'Conklin, Maxwell last ye a; Union Theological Semin- Alvord Miller of Freehold, New Jersey, ary, IT. & T.; 8 shares New York Tele- and Miss Alice Louise Conklin of South- phone Co.; 2 bonds of the American old and Derby Line, Vermont. EAST EN D LEAGUE Bond & Mortgage Co.; 10 shares Na- tional Bank, Riverhead; 15 of the Two t -Five Years Ago Long Island State Bank; a small sum 2A in jewelry and two motorcars. Mosti Th; Tew York State Aeopoutdreans STANDING OF THE CLUBS of the debts owing by him consisted nominated Benjamin B. Odell for Gov. Won Lost P.C. of notes—about $20,000. ernor and Timothy L. Woodruff for Mattituck . . . . . 14 4 .778 Review Plant $1,01,04 Lieutenant Governor. The Democrats East Hampton . . . 12 5 .705 nominated John B. Stanchfield for Gov- I For the purpose of arriving at thel Southold . . . . . . 10 8 .556 value of the stock in the Harry Lee ornor and William F. Mackey for Lieu- Southampton 9 9 .500 Publishing Co. thcoappraisers figured tenant Governor. Greenport . 7 11 .389 the real estate c nnected with the Large quantities of potatoes were Hampton Bays . . . 1 16 .069 Riverhead plant at $48,000; _ the, shipped from here at 50 cents per bu, equipment, $34,000; accounts re- Only two persons went from here to RESULTS SEPT. 12 ceivable, $14,618.27; and cash, $4,-' 137.93, making a total of $101,129.51, the Firemen's Tournament at Linden- Southold 5, Southampton 4 and after deducting the accounts pay- hurst. Mattituck 5, Greenport 4 able and notes it is figured there was E. Leicht and family moved from East Hampton-Hampton Bays an equity of $85,848.47. The equity in the Huntington plant is $9,327.21; Mattituck to the Villefeu cottage in Postponed and the equity in the Bay Shore the western part of the village. plant is $5,833.89. The good will was Mrs. Alice Evans of N. Y. City pur. Joseph Hewitt of Jamaica closed his appraised at $6,000. chased the Win. E. Booth place at Riding Academy at Albertson's stables Willow Hill. on Tuesday, after a very successful 9JVV2 t Five Years Mrs. Win. H. Tuthill sold her place season. He intends to return here next on Bay Avenue to Arthur G. Stone of year. J. N, allock was renominated for Brooklyn'for$3,000. Member of Assembly fir a third term. Miss Jennie Baker was teaching the Miss R. Bergamini has returned to The rest of the Republican ticket was Locust Grove School. her school duties in N. Y. City, after a's follows: State Senator, Win. M John A, Bliss was building . ...'a spending the summer at her Southold McKinney; County Clerk, Solomon barn in place of the one destroyed by home on Horton's L%ne. Ketcham; Coroner, Dr. John Nugent. Charles T. Gordon won seven first fire. Southold, Sept, 13. Earle A. Cochran, prizes at the Count Fair. Mr. and Mrs, Paul Taylor left for aged 37 years. y Porto Rico, where Mr. Taylor had a A large quantity of seed oysters was position as a government teacher, One of the transfer tax appraisals being caught in the Sound off Hortons The annual reunion of Co. H, 127th in which the public has been consid- Point. Frably interested, filed a few (lays ago Miss Ella Skidmore entered her Regt., N� Y. Vol., was held in the M. in the Surrogate's Court here, con- second year at the �amaica Normal E. church parlors, Southold. Over cerns the estate of the late Harry Lee fifty were present. of Riverhead who dropped (lead in School. Mrs. Catherine Wells died, aged 80 his flower garden a few months ago, Hopping Bros. were moving the old years. The formal papers fix the ap- M. E. parsonage to Wm. H. Terry a, praised gross value of his estate at lot. I i $133,191.58, and the net value, all of Misses Hattie Hartranft, Edith Piince]I Mr. and Mrs. Israel P. 'Ferry and Mr, which goes to his widow, Cia I and Mrs. Harry G. Howell are taking is placed at $96,672.61. U ra Lee, and Hattie Van Dusen entered Pon- pwarqa of an auto trip through New $91,000 is taxable, and on this an in- nington Seminary, New Jon York State heritance tax of $1,583.45 has been The school tax rate was .24. this week, with Niagara Falls as their levied. This is subject to the usual re- destination. bate of 5 per cent if paid within a Thomas C. Bennett died, aged 73, certain time. years. Miss Marjorie Hagerman is teaching' Mr. Lee',s personal estate was ap, praised at $119,563.58 and his realty at Cutchogue this year. at $17,000. This is his home place in Riverhead. The debts and expenses Eugene L. Lehr gave his friends a Langdon. A V to A Hlaschael,, lot a s land Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Coleman of surprise on Sunday, when be brought a S A H Dayton, Pine Neck ..._ ......$,3,500 Bartlesville, Oklahoma, announce the bride to church with him. They are Wilaon, E D.to A Hahn. lot 274 part 275, birth of a daughter, Nancy Glover seniors at Cornell University and were Nassau Point ........................ $2,600 Coleman, at the Memorial Hospital, married last June. They are now at Salmon, H G & ors to L (Irafr, lot n s main on Sept. 9th, Mrs. Coleman is the Southampton, where Eugene is 1149ist- rd adi land Eimer, Southnld Tovm ....KDOO daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. ing W. H. Halsey in surveying for the Glover, the happy grandparents, who Montauk improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Greenport, Sept. 27, Rev. Jahn T. are now visiting their daughter at Ok- Lehr will return to Cornell next year Langioi%, a former pastor of the South- lahoma. for graduation, old M. E. church, aged 79 years. I E. L. 1. Hospital, Greenport, Sept. Mrs. H. P. Sinclaire, who has been Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dickerson are 24-' James H. Conklin of Southold, aged spending the summer at Orient, has attending the National Bankers' Can- 90 years, I month, 22 days• returned to her N. Y. City home. vention at Atlantic City, N. J. From Twenty�Five Years AL10 Mrs. Sinclaire's son, Richard Berges-' there they will go to WaBbington,D�C a -,'L-- 6'V ford, returns to Harvard for his Bopho. to see their son Henry and Arthur Ga- Potatoes were selling for 55 cents per more year, and Miss Virginia Berres- gen, who are at school there. Mr. and bushel, ford will go to Paris to continue her Mrs. Dickerson are making the trip in Albert Albertson returned to Claverack studies in painting. their car. I College. Large quantities of cauliflower were William L. Williams has purchased Miss Helen Booth has returned to the being shipped from here. of Harry G. and William C. Salmon Woman's College of Maryland for her The firm of Cleveland & Glover, I the store he occupies. Mr. Williams senior year after spending the summer blacksmiths, was dissolved, Mr. Cleve- will lower the store to the street level at home. land retiring on account of poor health, and carry it out to the sidewalk, mak- Nat. E. Booth made 53 entries of Rev. H. E. Hiler and Frank T. jug a very nice front. fruit at the Suffolk County Fair and Wells started on a trip to Florida. took part to help make captured 42 first prizes and 7 second. An imposing ceremony was held in All those w Congratulations to the head of yenni- St. Patrick's Chuich, when the Munich the recent fireman's carnival a Su,- cock Farmstatue of the Sacred Heart, donated by cess, are invit,d to a supper to be I Mrs. Hughes of Now York, was given in Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. E. Leicht has purchased of Harry G. blessed. Mrs. Frank D. Smith opened, building this Thursday evening. tenement the program with a prelude on the new Mr. and Mrs. Wilson L. Petty have ,and Win. C. Salmon the twopipe organ. This was followed by the Ihouses belonging to the late A. M. P' I moved from Peconic and are occupying Salmon on Railroad Avenue. blessing of the statue, Father Lynch the Griswold house on Hummel Ave. officiating-. The chair under the Fleet, G 14 & w to A B Horton, lot s 8 M-rs. Frank D. Smith has Bold the direction of J. Leo Thompson, rendered Fleets Neel, rd. Cutchogue .......$500 -flippodrome Lot," about six acres, Vespers. Mrs. A. F. Lowerre sang Southold, Oct. 2, at the residence of -ffn part of the Village' to "The Lord is my Shepherd," the bride's parents, by Rev. E. S. in the east Belden, Allan Baker Robert Batterman of Brooklyn. E, Booth playing the accompaniment. end Miss Marjorie Father McGoldrick of Brooklyn preach. Rhodes Hagerman, daughter of Mr. Mies Charlotte C. Stelzer is taking a ed the sermon. Miss M. Louise Conklin and Mrs. W. 1. Hagerman. special course in Pediatric Nursing at sang "Ave Maria," Mrs. C. H. Cutchogue, Sept. 27, by Rev. 'i the New York Nursery and Child's Hommel playing the accompaniment. 'Zbawiony, Joseph Stanley Danowski 0 Jamesport and Miss Stacia Agathal Hospital, N. Y. City. 4*4,* SEepnoski of Peconic. Bennett De Beixedon has closed I Arshamonacque Inn and has returned c*7F11Fty Years Agog`%_ I Cutchogue, Oct. 3, by Rev, M tr- y Beebe, Roy Hallock Reeve to his Brooklyn home for the winter. The Southold Lyceum Association tuck and Miss Kathryn Irwin Morrell Robert Booth has entered the fresh- added 50 volumes to its library. of Cutchogue. Richard Carpenter moved into his man class at Dartmouth College, New Bridgeport, Ct., Oct. 3, George G. Hampshire. new house. Conklin, formerly of Southold, aged 56 P. Quarty bought the Seboener noose. years. Walter Galen, of New York City The sum of$500 in stock was taken ' Bay View, Oct. 7, Henry A. Clark. li spent the week-end with his parents for extending Southold wharf so that aged 74 years, Funeral services at the Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Gagen. steamers could land. house on Friday, at 2 p. m. William J. Grattan. Jr., won first Central Islip, rept. 28, Julia Moore, prize at the Suffolk County Fair for aged 90 years. Interment at Cut- his thoroughbred Dascbsbund dog. The will of Mies Jerusha W. Horton I ch,gu,. disposing of over $4,000, has these Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hahn have bequests: Abbie Teague, $1,000; Miss Edward UgHttiflo POSI UlDeS moved into their new bungalow on Hodgins, nurse, $2,000; Florence Teed' $500; Josephine Bowye $300- Georg, Edward Huatting Post entertained , Hummel Ave. most generously the widows and or, Fred Hawkins is clerking at C. J Horton Terry,$200-1 Univereali.t Church pbans of their comrades on Saturday or ax Grattan's store, substitutingfMSouthold, $100; residue to S. Lester for dinner at the Jackson House. Albertson, who is also made the Greenport. The proprietor certainly Potatoes are selling for $1.30 per executor of the estate. furnished a delicious repast, for which IL_byisbel.__ onsompmpq_� be was given a hearty vote or [nanics. CT ffgYlV�-Five Year$ Ago meeting of Town Board ll The occasion was one of mingled jogs Our publicschoolteachefe were at- The Southold Town Board met at� and sorrow. "Tliv boys " are grow• tending the Teachers' Institute at Re. don Country Club on Saturday, i ing less now that "the tooth of time Amityville. Oct. 10, 1925. Present, Supervisor makes its inroads, and only the follow- Rev. Wm. H. Murray, pastor of the 'rtAl ill, Town Clerk Halloc'k, Justices ing were able to be present: John Southold Universaliet church, and Miss Griffin, Terry, Hawkins and Robinson, D. Cleveland, John H. Young, J. Wick- Gertrude Gait of Montreal were married. and Supt. of Highways Fleet. ham Case, Leonard Butler, Henry The tombstone of Rev. John Youngs, The meeting was called to take action Christian, Robert Ebbits. Julia L. one of the first settlers of Southold in on the application of Allan `I'obey and Conklin„ in a brief speech, compliment 1640, was relettered by one of his i Alexander S. Williams to close the ed "the boys" for their thought to !descendants. lower part of fine Neck Road, leading once more get together, and asked for f Mrs. Mina H. Edwards was engaged to the Old Channel, and giving in its a rising vote of thanks for the pleasant to teach in a school at Porto Rico, place a three-rod road from Pine Neck affair. The following Overseers of High- Road to Jockey Creek, running along Comrade laanc Moore of Patchogue ways in this vicinity were appointed the easterly line of land of Silas A. H. phoned his regrets that the storm pre- Samuel Dickerson, Wm. H. Gagen, Dayton, this road to be built without vented him from being present. The Henry Gaffga, M. V. B. Gordon, expense to the Town. The present passing of Comrade Henry Hallock was Charles G. Terry and Geo. M. Howell, road and the proposed road were regretted. A special meeting of School Diet. inspected and discussed,and an adjourn-' After a brief social time the com- ii No. 5, Southold, was called to vote on meat was taken until Friday, Oct. 16, pany broke ranks. purchasing one of three schoolhouse at 1 p. m., when a public meeting of Artist of Beautitni Me amine Goer sites: One on Oak Lawn Ave.; one of the Town Board will be held at South- Daniel Terry, bounded northerly by old Community Hall to discuss the Southold has had the pleasure this the L. I. R. R., or to purchase ad- question. summer of making the acquaintance Of dilional land of 0acar L, Wells, adjoin- Whereas, on the 26th day of June, Miss Virginia Berreeford, who has` ing the present schoolhouse. 1925, a resolution was duly adopted by been spending the summer in Orientthe Town Poard of the Town of South- with her mother, whom we all know as 4/ Fifty YearB Ago{k7+S-" old, approving modified plana, apecifi- Mrs. Mary B. Case Sinclaire. Miss The summer bad been cooler by five cations and estimate of the cost to be Berreaford, who is beginning her ca- borne by the 'Town of Southold for the reer as an artist, is the designer of the degrees than the average season for 86 construction of the additional width of cover of the October House and Gar- years• two feet of the Mattituck-Greenport I ' den. The vase of flowers, with their Ice formed here. County Federal Aid highway, Parts 1 brilliant coloring, is a most appropri- At the annual school meeting it was and 3, No. 8229, Projeet No. 348-B,and ate autumn decoration. It is in color. voted to raise $750 by tax. It was appropriating the sum of Sixty-four l ing that Miss Berresford excels partic- 'also voted to paint the schoolhouse- Thousand {$64,000 00} Dollars, being ularly. She has studied in New York Henry W. Prince was elected trustee; the amount required of said town for and abroad and is now to spend three N. 'Hubbard Cleveland, clerk; H. C. such cost as aforesaid, including five years in Paris. We are told that she Prince, collector, and W. S. Bennett, per cent (5g'v) for engineering charges; is the youngest artist to have had her librarian. Now Therefore, be it resolved, by pictures exhibited in the Fifth Avenue Cauliflower were selling at from $3 the Town Board of the said Town of galleries, where they have attracted to$9 per bbl. :Southold, that the said share of the favorable attention as well as purchas- The following were appointed a visit- cost of construction and improvement ora ing committee to the public school: of maid highway to be,borne by the Stuart T. Terry, Rev. Ilpher Whitaker, .gown of Southold, in the amount of Charles H. Ingalls, 82 years Old, II Rev. J. W. Simpson, T. B. Force, Dr. Sixty-four Thousand ($64,000 QO) Dol- organizer and former President of the A. L. Sweet, Albertson Case, Henry 'Staten Island, 1 ars, be sols(d by the issue and wale of First National Bank of Huntting, J. B. Terry, J. H. Boisseau )'awn bonds pursuant to Sections 138 died recently at hie home at West New 1 and J. R. Robinson. I land 142 of the Highway Law and other Brighton, S. I. Mr. Ingalls was born in Southold, lived here until he was 18 Friday's storm almost left Lang s 'statutes in such case made and provided. years old, when he went to New York creek dry, the west wind being so J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk R to take a position in a bank. Mr, strong that.it blew much of the creek's Ingalls was formed President of the `"ter into the bay. Trees were blown olid ?sirs. Willi;rnr Newman, wha'j';: Y down as well es radio poles, one beim have been s,rending the sunnier at! Children's Aid Society of Richmond i three-inch steel pole very firmly Holmes, Dutehess county, arc at Rev.' County and served (ave years as a imbedded. At the ;Sound the breakers 1 L Conklin's home on Town Harbor covered the whole beach and made a member of the Board of Education of lane, for the winter. New York City. spray that the wind carried for almost -- incredible distances. Albert Case aril daughter, Dorothy, J. F. Embert, who has served as ' Snow fell here Inst Saturday, carless are to move to th-o lov��er floor of the: Bed- ticket agent and telegraph operator at than it has ever fallen before, although Hipp house, awned by Louis Bed- our station for some time, has returned noski. it was a mere Hurry. The touch of to his home at Queenstown, Md. Mr. winker was ushered in with a 72-mile Work is progressing rapidly on the Embert roads moo friends while here bonze that George ticrith is re�irodel ng y gale and the mercury dropped 21 de- for .Principal 131(1(.;. gar Dr. Hart- and they regret his departure. green in 24 hours,until it registered 36. ranft'.s lot on R.dilroa(t z;veliue. - E P. J, O"Vialley is having his home on Town Harbor lane remodeled andl Ll 3 enlarged. A modern ,tea-m he Ming. I plant is also to 1re ins-talled. JW,?4jr-Five Years Ago J. L. Thompson has commenced ex- Cards were out for the we fine cavating for a bungalow which he will I The will of James H. Conklin, South- erect for C. M. Post on his lot on Bay Miss Florence S. Reeve of South old, disposing of $2,000, gives James Ave. Jamesport and Frederick G. Prince Of H. Conklin, Jr. and William H. Conklin, Southold, on Oct, 24th. sons. each $350; Clarence Q Conklin, Chas. T. Gordon is moving part of The people of St. Patrick's Church 'son $50U; Dorothy C. Case, grand- the old Southold Hotel for J.P. Carroll, took up a collection of$50 for the Gal- daughter, $400; Frederick C. Case, who will remodel it into a house. vestort sufferers. grandson, $200; Benjamin Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkinson are! A smah barn owned by the heirs of nephew, $200; residue to Clarence occupying rooms in Miss Elizabeth Andrew Schultz was burned. Conklin, son. Beebe's house on Oak Lawn Ave. Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Jewell cele- Rev. Dr. D. W. Howell has resigned brated th�ir Silver Wedding. as General Secretary of the Deaconess J. Leo Thompson is to remodel A. W. Bishop McDonnell decided that the Board of the Methodist Church, and Albertson's tenement house West of tine had come for a division of the has returncd to the pastorate. He has his store. parish of St. Patrick's Church' South-th been appointed pastor of GraceM. E Miss Mary Grattan has been engaged old, and the Church of the Sacred Church, Corning, N. Y., in tbeGenesse as an additional teacher in the Southold Heart, Cutchogue, and hereafter each Conference. Mrs. Howell left last ;High School. place will have a resident pastor of its wet k for her new home, Dr. Howell own, A new rectory was ordered built William, E Carroll, a member (if having preceded her. the class of '25, s. 11. 9., hta-s entered at Cutchogue. The will of Catherine Kenney of C� GeorKetown. University-. y Years Ago 4 , . I "45Fift ')5– Southold, disposing of over $3,800, Henry Goldsmith is building a house gives the homestead with seven acres for Wm. A. Booth on Cottage Place. Charles E. Case and Miss Mary J. of land and most of the contents of the Green were married. house to Rose Kenney, a sister, for Potatoes are selling for $1.76 per A meeting in the interest of extend- her life; then to Mary E Kenney, bushel. ing Southold Wharf 75 feet was held. niece, who is also given silverware and John Kenney has sold his farm to It was voted to raise $1,000 for this money in Southold Savings Bank; John Wm. J. Conway. purpose, the shares to be$10 each. I Kenney, a brother, is given $100. H G ,Salmon &ors to LeRoy Graff, Rev. Epher Whitaker and Elder - of Riverhead, parcel n s Main st, ad.1 Stuart T. Terry attended the Presby- The winter time-table of the L. 1. R. land of Einer, Southold. Tax $6. terian Synod in Brooklyn. R. went into effect. on Wednesday, and E D Wilson to A Hahn, lot 274 and the corrected schedule appears else- part of lot 275, rnap of Nassau Pointwhere. The Friday and Saturday only properties, near Peconic. Tax $2.50 Meeflug of Town Board and Sunday paper trains are taken off. fail—At the Easzeyn L. I. Hospital The Southold Town Board met -at The second morning train to the city N o51 Tl-,ir.sday, October lith, to M,% and Southold Corn-unity Hall, Southold, goes ten minutes earlier. The CapF. Mrs. Carl Vail, of Peconic, a Llaugli- Friday, Oct. 16, 1925. Present, Su- Horn train reaches here at 1:06 illsteaLl ter, 1-1i-Zinia. pervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallpek, of 1:22, and leaves here in the after- V Cutchogue, Oct. 10. by Rev. 1, Justices Griffin, Terry, Hawkins and noon at 2:24, instead of 2:11. Other- Zhawiony, Raymond Majewski of Now Robinson, Supt. of Highways Fleet, wise there is no change. Suffolk and Miss Sophia Kramkowski and Counsel Teri y. This was a public y § J Dickerson &ano to A B Gordon, of Peconic. meeting of the Board, and a large 11 A s s land J Mayo, Southold. .11r. aid Mrs. Wesley Prinec!, form- number were present. - Tax $1:3. erly of A-4oiia, have moved to South- The meeting was called to take action G Lelcht &w to F G K Williams, lot old, and are occupying the lower floor by the Boaid on the application of c s road, adj land of Williams, South-1 of Miskatherine McCabe's home- Allan Tobey and Alexander S. Wil- old, Tax $12.50 r Muffatt &)A, to M 11 1)aytoli, lot e Mr. Priiire is to be employed by Mr.1 liams to close the lower part of Pine s Town Grecdk, adj land C Stopw, ('harles ff. BeeMold. 1 Neck Road, leading to the Old Chan Tax $2. nel, Southold. George Barr of Greenport is having and,giving in its place a three-rod road L S Tuthill to M A Callahan, Eyt' a gas station built on the Sound beach from Pine Neck Road to Jockey Creek, n s road, adj land late of Casc, South- be ]eased from the Town. running along the easterly line of land old. Tax $1. Alax Newbold lial, a po-41tion With- of Silas A. H. Dayton, this road to be L Al Wiseman to W Adams, lot %v S built without expense to the Town. road, adi land L A Tuthill, Southold. Goictsmitli &- Tutl.)"' I Mr. Williams addressed the meetirg. Tax $3.50 Potatoes have reached. the highest saying as the proposition evidently wag Southold, Oct. 17,at the Presbyterian W Church, by Rev. m. H. Lloyd, price of the season—$2.00—and ourl gcontr`ary to the wishes of the people Kobert Webb Olason of Tarpon Springs, farmers who still have some on hand and be had no idea of acting contrary to Fia , and Miss Edith M. Mills, are happy- their wish", he would withdraw the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward application. Mills of Reydon, Southold. #—A* , No. 101 Southold, Oct. 17, George B. Horton, PATENTED E. Leicht has rented the place on aged 58 years. Railroad Avenue, formerly occupied by, New Suffolk, Oct. 18, Henry Ander. Geo. M. Hahn, to Arthur F. Bennett, i sun, aged 61 years. and the adjoining place to Wesie Cutchowup, Oct. 15, Almeda, widow y of Gilbert V. Terry, aged 87 years.