HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-06/09/2009 LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman (left 10:40 p.m.) Chris Baiz Ray Huntington Lillian Ball Eric Keil (7:08 p.m.) Maureen Cullinane (7:09 p.m.) Members Absent: Monica Harbes Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison Jim McMahon, Director of Public Works (7:19 p.m.) Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:06 p.m. with four LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: ?? Acceptance of meeting minutes from May 12, 2009 MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Chris Baiz, to adopt the May 12, 2009 Land Preservation Committee meeting minutes. Motion carried: 4/0 Applications and Inquiries: ?? ZIP PECONIC WELLS LLC PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-86-1-10.9 Zoned: R-80 Location: 2350 Wells Rd, Peconic CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 32.83 acres (GIS 33.29 acres) Subdividable: Yes Update re: Planning Board status. James Richter, Town Engineer, has reviewed the conservation subdivision application before the Planning Board and presented May 29, 2009 report to Planning Board. LPC discussed #5 of the report which includes recommendation for 50’ wide by 924’ long drainage easement along Wells Road (within PDR area). Landowner’s attorney, having been advised of the Town Engineer’s report, is seeking alternative methods from the surveyor who designed the conservation subdivision map. Melissa to speak with Jamie for further details. ?? ACKERMANN PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-101-2-4 Zoned: A-C Location: 13452 CR 48, Mattituck F/Wet: 0 Total Acreage: 5.054 acres (existing survey) M/Wet: 0 CPF: Yes Subdividable: Yes SCTM #: 1000-108-3-7 Zoned: A-C Location: 13936 CR 48, Cutchogue F/Wet: 0.6 Total Acreage: 57.60 acres (GIS 56.15 acres) M/Wet: 0 CPF: Yes Subdividable: Yes Review of appraisal. [executive session] Information received from Teri Boyle (one of the landowners) and the real estate broker has confirmed that an offer has been made on the properties and will be reviewed by the Judge for his/her determination and potential acceptance on June 11, 2009. Ms. Boyle asked LPC for a letter stating that the Town is interested in preserving the property. LPC members favorable to providing Ms. Boyle with a letter stating that LPC has authorized appraisal, appraisal is under review, and LPC is interested in purchase for preservation purposes. Melissa will provide Ms. Boyle with said letter. The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. Melissa Spiro told LPC that some appraisal information was received just prior to meeting but that appraisal was not yet complete. Melissa went over appraiser’s methodology with LPC. Appraisal to completed and to be reviewed in further detail at next meeting. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Violations of Town Open Space or Easements: ?? SCTM #1000-74-1-3 (Town Open Space f/k/a Blackham) Status of Violation. Scott Hillary (Planning Dept) to provide mitigation plan for minor clearing violation on Town-owned open space. LPC in agreement that clearing damage needs to be repairs and road access made to be blocked off with natural plantings. ?? SCTM #1000-95-1-5.2 (Town PDR on Warren’s Nursery (f/k/a Badenchini) Status of Violation. An existing wooded area located along the northern boundary line of the easement area that Planning Board placed a “no clearing” restriction upon when subdivision was granted, and language was included within easement, has been cleared. Planning Board and Code Enforcement has been notified. Applications and Inquiries for Uses or Structures on Preserved Property ?? Laurel Lake Preserve Jim McMahon discussed plans for Laurel Lake Preserve. Jim provided LPC members with copies of 6 page memo to Melissa Spiro, dated June 4, 2009 re: Laurel Lake Preserve and suggested improvements funded by $97,500 NYS Parks Grant. The LPC made the following decisions Parking Area – redesign parking area to only place RCA blend to the west side of tree that is o located in the center of parking area. No mowing is to be done east of said tree. Any leftover RCA blend that had been delivered to site will be used in Laurel Lake lower parking area behind ball field. Melissa was directed to co-sign/approve the purchase order for the RCA blend. Disturbed Areas – Disturbed areas, resulting from the removal of the remnants of old o building, asphalt driveway, miscellaneous debris, concrete block buildings, the house, tennis & basketball courts. LPC approved re-seeding open areas with grass seed mix (tall fescue). LPC members recommended a self-made grass mixture, no clover, and sparsely seed disturbed areas allowing for natural vegetation to spread to these areas. In wooded disturbed areas, it was recommended that low bush blueberry, native rhododendron, and mountain laurels be planted. Request was made to watch for garlic mustard in woods and its subsequent removal, if spotted. Melissa was directed to co-sign/approve purchase order for grass seed. Dock removal – to be removed. Also request was made to remove block foundation near o tennis courts. Handicapped walkway & observation deck – Jim McMahon proposed walkway to be located o on adjoining Town property where an existing asphalt roadway is. Jim proposing handicapped trail to be a looped paved trail to a 10’x16’ viewing platform overlooking Laurel Lake. LPC members would like to inspect area for proposed handicapped trail for levelness, and easy access for wheelchairs before proceeding with review/approval of handicapped trail. LPC held off making any decision. Pavilion – LPC approved interior walls to be finished in rough cedar. LPC members approved o installation of stacking doors (possibly 4) on parallel tracks that would allow pavilion to open to the full extent of existing opening. Western section that was discussed at previous meeting for use as a locked storage area needs to be further reviewed and no decision was made. General Land Preservation Items: ?? MELISSA SPIRO’S STATUS REPORT [executive session re: status of offers] Not provided. ?? FINANCIAL “LP SNAPSHOT” Update from Town Board work session. HOLD – to be discussed at future LPC meeting due to time constraints. ?? MAY 26, 2009 SUFFOLK COUNTY FARMLAND COMMITTEE MEETING Update from meeting. Ray Huntington, Lillian Ball, and Melissa Spiro attended the County Farmland Committee meeting. Revisions to County Chapter 8 was not discussed at this meeting. Additions to Agenda: ?? SUFFOLK COUNTY LEGISLATURE – Drinking Water Protection Program Resolution adopted by Town Board, and letters from Supervisor Russell and the Land Preservation Committee in opposition to IR 1458-2009 that is proposing to move funding from the Drinking Water Protection Program into the County General Fund for a limited timeframe, were forwarded to the County Legislature in time for their meeting on Tuesday, June 9, 2009. ?? P&E, LLC PROPERTY (Peter Harbes) Status Update. Peter Harbes will be submitting an Open Development Area (ODA) subdivision application to the Planning Board for review. His proposal and the map he submitted to the Land Preservation Dept shows the creating of 4 proposed lots rather than the 2 to 3 he had proposed, and was approved, by the LPC. Corrections will need to be made to his plan as a 50’ wide access way is needed to the development rights easement area. Mr. Harbes would like to expedite this project and possibly close on the development rights easement by the end of August 2009. ?? DROSKOSKI ESTATE PROPERTY Status update given by Melissa. John Sepenoski was not present for the status update having recused himself due to a family relationship to the property owners. Next Regular Meeting: ?? The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., in the Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room. Adjournment: ?? The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. by the 5 remaining members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary