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FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPD~NCY No: Z-33750 06/01/09 T~IS CERTIFIES that the building WIRELESS FACILITY I~Dcation of Property: 23300 MAIN RD ORIENT (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HD~4LET) Co%u~ty Tax ~mp No. 473889 Section 18 Block 5 I~)t 13.8 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated APRIL 17, 2009 pursuant to which Building Per,it No. 34618-Z dated APRIL 17, 2009 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is CO LOCATION AND WIRELESS FACILITY PER ZBA ~5408 DATED 3/21/05 AND ZBA #5863 DATED 4/23/06. The certificate is issued to ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUF~DLK COLiCkY DEP~qT~T OF ~AL~/{kPPRO%A~J~ N/A ELEC~IC~%L CERTIFIC3%~ NO. 128146C 05/08/09 PLIERS CERTIFIC~%TION DA'r~ N/A ~/A~ t ~/r / z/~igna t u r e Rev. 1/81 05/01/2009 09:20 ?65664! BOARD OF TRUSTEES PAGE Bi TOWN' OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 7g~-1802 APPLICATION FOR C1[R'i'II~'iCATE 01~ OCCUPANC BLDG. DEPT. TOWN OF SOLlrHOLI) application mUsl b~ filled in by t!ti~rit~t or ink and ~ubmitted to ll~e Buil~inl[ D~parl~mt with the following: For new bmllding ornew use: .~ Fh~ surv~ of propei'ty v~.th actuate 10cation of nll'buildlngs, prope~/lines';' slz~ets, and tmusu~ natural or topographi~ feature.. x~' i P ired Approval from Heatli~ Dept. of water supp~ ~nd s,~'w~ag~:($-9 f0~n). A+,~,,,,val of electrical in.stall.on from ~ ofPi~ Under'~/ri~. Swom statement 'from plumber c~ttifying that the solder used in syat~n'contains'iess thnn 2/I 0 of 1%lead. Commerdal building, induarrinl buildingi, mulliple residents and similar b~ildings and'installations,.a certificate ol~Cod~ Compliance. f~m a~hiu~ or ~ responsible for'the building. %SubmR Planning Board Approval of completed site ?nn requirements: '.1.'.' Acc-ura~ ~-v~~ ~hoMng ~~bm'[di~and.unusual.~amta[ or topographic 1. Cerlificat¢. 0f Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dweltiag $25.00, Alt~ations ~ dwe}l~ Swimming I~Ol $25.00, ~ce~SOry buildioi] $2fi.00, Additions to ac.c~saory building ~2~.0 ,~usinesscs $50.0~.'"').,/ Certificate~ofOccupanoy.on Pre-existing B~ildin~ - $100.00 3_ Copyof Ccrtificnte o[ Occupancy - $.25 Updated'Ce~ificate ofOc~tpancy - $~0.00 Temporary Certificate o£ OCCUpancy - Resideniial $1 ~.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. , o /o /./o New Construction: ~ Old or Pre-existing Building;. · House No. .Street Suffolk OOunt~ Tax Map No 1000, $~tion .... l, ~ Subdivision Permit No. ~ Z/(~ / ~' Plarm/ng Board Approval: Da~ of Permit. Hamlet (check one) Applicani Signature Issue Date 5/8/2009 Electrical Inspection Certificate Electricallnspection Service, Inc. Application Number 375 Dunton Avenue 128146C East Patchogue, New York 11772 (631) 286-6642 Issued To: Verizon Wireless Street: 23300 Main Road Village: Orient Point Zip: Section: Block: Lot: 11957 Town: Southold Contractor: Fast Track Elect'ric Lic. # 4787-ME Was examined and found to be in compliance with the National Electrical Code. iX Commercial : : NV Defects Pool 1st Floor ;x Indoor Basement Hot Tub ~ ; Residential Det. Garage Attic 2nd Floor X Outdoor Addition Survey Switches Receptacles Fixtures GFI Heaters A/C Fans Dishwasher Washer/Amps Dryer/Amps Oven Range/Amps &iicrowaves Furnace Oil Gas Circulators Smoke Detector Bell Transformer Meter Amps Phase UG/OH Jacuzzi Television CO Detector I 200 3 ~x, Bldg. Permit: Other Equipment i~L200 amp :3 phase Raintight Disc./1-200 amp phase Subpanel Hugo S. Surdi President John M~ Mahon Ill This certificate must not be altered in any manner. Inspectors may be identified by their credentials. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JER1LYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND March 30, 2007 Lawrence C. Ri Munley, Meade, Nielsen & Ri 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Proposed Amended Site Plan for Orient FD Telecom Located on the s/s/o Main Road at the s/e intersection of Main ] Orient. SCTI~ 1000-18-5-13.8 Zoning Dis' MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 oaa aha flct: R-80 Dear Me. Ri: At the written request of Edward J. Boyd requesting final site phn inspection, Planning Department staff peffomaed a site visit on January4, 2007. In reference to the above, the Planning Board held a work session on March 19, 2007 to discuss the submitted materials, the approved site plan and resolution dated June 13, 2006, the final survey dated December 27, 2006 and the letter from Vincent Cannuscio for Michael Walker dated Febnuary 7, 2007 detailing the changes from the approved site plan. Please be aware the Planning Board has accepted the 'Final Survey Tower Site Orient F.D." prepared by PJM Land Surveying, PLLC dated December 27, 2006 for the file. The Planning Board accepts the letter from Vincent Cannuscio for Michael Walker dated February 7, 2007 detailing the changes from the approved site plan. This is to inform you that the site plan requirements have been satisfied and include the following items: · The Planning Board approves the installation of all hndscaping, including seeding, in the Spring of 2007. The Planning Board recognizes that, due to weather constraints, this will be completed no later than June 30, 2007. If the landscaping is not installed by June 30, 2007, the applicant must request an extension from the Planning Board, in writing, detailing the expected time of completion. · As per the landscape survivability guarantee, the applicant agrees to rephce any of the landscaping which fails to survive within three (3) years of planting. · All outdoor lighting shall be shielded so that the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixlm~s shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. The lighting must meet the Town Code requirements. · The Planning Board approves the fencing and relocation of the gates around the equipment compound as detailed in the letter from Vincent Cannusio for Michael Walker dated February 7, 2007. · The applicant agrees to complete the remaining asphalt work no later than June 30, 2007. If this work is not completed by June 30, 2007, the applicant must request an extension from the Planning Board, in writing, detailing the expected time of completion. · The Planning Board acknowledges and approves the revised driveway layout. Orient FI) Telecom Page Two March 30, 2007 This letter does not condone any other changes from the approved site plan or approvals from other agencies if required. Sincerely, ~erilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson File Building Department* Town Engineer* Edward J. Boyd, Esq.* Enc: Letter from Vincent Cannuscio for Michael Walker dated February 7, 2007* pLANNING BOARD JERILY~ B wOODHOUS~ Ch~' KE, NI~ETH L. EDWARD~ G~OR~E D. ~OLOMOlq JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNI/~G BOAI~D OFFICE TOWN OF $OIFFHOLD MAIL~G ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54~75 State Route 25 (co=. M~in Rd. & Youn~ Ave.) Sovthold, NY ' Telephone: ~I 765-1988 June 13 2006 Lawrence C. R~ Munle¥, Meade, Nielsen & Re 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Orient FD Telecom Located on the slSlo Main Road at the sle intersection of Main Road and Tabor Road in Odent, SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 Zoning District'. R-80 Dear Mr. R~: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, June12, 2006, adopted the following resolulions: The final public hearlngwas closed. WHEREAS, the site plan is for the co-location of Nextel ~ 85' height. Cingular @ 75' height & Verizon @ 65' height on a proposed 90' communications flagpole tower with tim/police emergency communication mounted on a cross bar ~ 90' height and includes a 43'x46'x 6' high fenced enclosure on a 4.4-acre parcel in the R-80 Zone located on the s/slo Main Road at the s/e intersection of Main Road and Tabor Road in Orient. SCTM# 1000-18-5-13.8; and WHEREAS, Orient Fire District is the owner of the property located on the s/S/o Main Road at the s/e intersection on Main Road and Tabor Road in Orient; and WHEREAS, on March 31. 2005, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals granted a Vadance described under Appeal Number 5408-allowing the construction of a 90 fl. wireless communications flagpole and related equipment enclosure; and WHEREAS. on November 9. 2005, the agent. Lawrence C. R~. working for New Cingular Wireless PCS,. LLC. submitted an amended formal site plan for approval; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2005, the New York State. Department of Transportation responded after review and determined.a permit would not be necessa~, as long as all work is out of the State ROW; end Odent FD Telecom Project Page Two June 13, 2006 WHEREAS, on November 21,20051 the Orient Fire District responded that no' additional requirements and/or' recommendations for fire access are necessary; and WHEREAS, on November 28, 200{5, the Suffolk County Department of Planning responded after review and determined this matter is for "local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impect(s)" and the Planning Board accepts this pursuant.to 239L & M General Municipal Law; and WHEREAS, on December 1,2005, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the architectural drawings and associated site plan materials and tabled the application pending the receipt of further information; and WHEREAS, on January 12, 2006, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed .the architectural drawings and associated site plan materials and made recommendations; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 2006, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals, under previous Appeal humber 5408, granted a Variance described under Appeal Number 5863 allowing the relocation of the communications flagpole and related equipment enclosure; and WHEREAS, on Apd113, 2006, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals granted a Variance described under Appeal Number 5805 for public utility antennas and telecommunications use; and WHEREAS, on May 30, 2006, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed and certified the amended site.plan for a WVireless Communication Facility on an Existing Telecommunications Tower" use; and WHEREAS, on May 31. 2006. the $outhold Town Engineer reviewed the amended site plan materials regarding the relocation of the wireless communications tower and related equipment enclosures and requested further information; and WHEREAS, on June 1, 2006 the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the revised architectural drawings and associated site plan matedaie and approved the application subject to conditions, and, subject to their approval., the Planning Board incorporates this recommendation in the site plan; and WHEREAS, on June 12, 2006, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the amended site plan materials and approved the drainage of existing conditions along with the .proposed construction .subject to comments/conditions and the Southold Town Planning Board incorporates such comments/conditions as requirements Jn this approval; aad WHEREAS, the Southotd Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the nofiflcatio~ provisions; and Orient FD Telecom project Page Three June 13, 2006 WHEREAS, the following items shall be required: 1. All outdoor lighting shall be shielded so that the light source is not visible from · adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manneF as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. The lighting must meet town code requirements. 2. All signs shall meet Southold Town Zoning Codes and shall be subject to · approval of the Southold Town Building Inspector. 3. As per the landscape survivability guarantee, the applicant agrees to replaCe any of the landscaping which dies within three (3) years of planting; be it therefore RESOLVED that, on June 12, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (6 NYCRR), Part §17.5 c (11&13), makes a determination that the proposed action is a Type II and not subject to review; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the proposed action under the policies of the Town of Southold Local waterfront Revitalization Program and has de, ermined that the action is cOnsistent provided that the best management practices outlined in the December 23, 2005 memo prepared by the LWRP Coordinator are implemented; and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to Southold Town Cede 100-254 Part I, the applicant agrees to incorporate all the requirements, comments, and recommendations of each reviewing agency as referenced above and as indicated on the site plan 'and corresponding attachments; and be.it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant approval on the site plan drawings T-I, A-1 & A-2 prepared by Michael Walker Design/Builder, LLC and certified by Michael Walker, Architect dated December 6, '2004 and last revised March 6, 2006 and authorize the Chairperson to endorse the site plans with the following conditions: 1. The site plan approval requires that all work proposed on the site plan shall be completed within three (3) years from the date of this resolution. 2. Prior to the request for the Certificate of Occupancy, the owner or authorized agent must request the said Building Inspector and the Planning Board to perform an on-site nspection to find the site improvements ara ~n conformity wi h the approved amended site plan. 3. If the a~built site improvements vary from the approved amended site plan, the Planning Board reserves the fight to request a certified as-built site plan detailing all the changes. Orient FD Telecom Project Page Four June 13. 2006 4. Any changes from the approved amended site plan shall require Planning Board approval, and any such changes without Planning Board approval will be subject to referral to the Town Attorney's Office for possible legal action. The Planning Board will issue a final site plan approval in the form of a letter following a site insPection and atthe time the site improvements am found to be in conformance with the approved site,plan- A copy of the approved amended site plan is enclosed for your records. As per the Town Code, one copy each will be distributed to the Building Department Zoning Board of Appeals and Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, house Chairperson ~nc. cc: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Engineer Suffolk County Planning Department New York State Department of'Transportation File FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34618 Z Date APRIL 17, 2009 Permission is hereby granted to: FIRE DISTRICT ORIENT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT,NY 11957 for : CO-LOCATION & WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY PER ZBA # 5805 & PLANNING AS APPLIED FOR THIS PERMIT REPLACES # 32075. at premises located at 23300 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 018 pursuant to application dated APRIL Building Inspector to exl~ire on OCTOBER MAIN RD ORIENT Block 0005 Lot No. 013.008 17, 2009 and approved by the 17, 2010. Fee $ 250.00 Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 32075 Z Date JUNE 2, 2006 Permission is hereby granted to: VERIZON 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT,NY 11957 for : CO-LOCATION & WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY PER ZBA #5805 & PLANNING AS APPLIED FOR; CERTIFICATION OF INSTALLATION REQUIRED at premises located at 23300 MAIN RD ORIENT County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 018 Block 0005 Lot No. 013.008 pursuant to application dated MAY 18, 2006 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on DECEMBER 2, 2007. Fee $ 200.00 / Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ Examined 9 /Z-' ,20 ~51)~ I / z,20o,0 Approved ~ ! · Disapproved a/c Expiration PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying'? Board of Health 3 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey. Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.EC. Trustees Contact: Lawrence C. Re' Mail to: MU nl ey, Meade, Ni el sen & Re' 36 m. New York Ave. I4.ntington. NY 11743 Phone: 631-425-4100 Fax: 631-425-4104 B[fiTdin~ Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date March 3 ,2006 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and o£ buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection ttu'oughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate o£ Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. New .Y~o~k ,S,~SJ~ L~j~j t e ~ Pa ~tne r~J~i p~i/b/a By' '~ v{J--c-~vu"c'q--"'v ~ T (Signature of app~nt or nam~Qf a corporation) 4 Centerock Road, Rockland Corporate Park West Nyac~09O~/(Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder LESSEE Nameofownerofpremises Orient Fire District (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer N/A (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders LicenseNo. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location ofland on which proposed work willbe done: 23300 Main Road Orient House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Subdivision (Name) Section 18.00 Block 05.00 Lot 013.008 Filed Map No. Lot State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy Firehouse and Public Safety b. Intendeduseand occupancy Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility .. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Repair Removal Demolition Estimated Cost $118,000.00 Fee Addition Alteration O ...... Public utility WireT~- tner WOrKvM ........ 4--~iens Facility ................ ~IS~scription) If dwelling, number of dwelling units N/A Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars N/A 5. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. /(FH=Firehouse; A=Accessory Building) 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if anY: Fr°ntFH=80' ;A=40' Rear FH=43' ;A=40' Height. FH=30'; A=25' NumberofStodesFH=l; A=i Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Unchanged Depth Unchanged Height Unchanged Number of Stories Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Height Number of Stories Size of lot: Front 226' -+ Rear 570' + (To be paid on filing this application) N/A N/A Depth Di=110': A=80' Rear Unchancjed Unchanged Rear Depth Depth 458'± Irreqular shaped lot. 10. DateofPurchaseNovember 14, 1985 Name ofFormer Owner Barbara Dwiqht Schriever 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated Re s i d e n t i a 1 R - 80 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES x NO__ 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO x Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES Orient 23300 Main Road 14. NamesofOwnerofpremises Fire Biqtrint Address Orient, NY PhoneNo. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. NO x 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES__ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERIVlITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet ora tidal wetland? * YES__ NO x * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. NO x 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF kllar~sa-tl ) ~L~('k ~'C~ (POO~bl~l"~ ~- being duly sworn, deposes and says that (~)he is the applicant · (Name of individual slgning contract) above named, (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, e .) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are tree to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this · k,~-_., NStary ISublic 20 06 New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless~. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. nor thfork.net/Southold/ Examined ,20 Approved ,20 Disapproved a/c Expiration ,20 PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying'? Board of Health 3 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Lawrence C. Re' MailtoPlunley, Meade,Nielsen & Re' 36 N. New York Ave., Huntington,NY 11743 Phone: 631-425-4100 Building Inspector i APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT '} Date INSTRUCTIONS ,20 a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. vNew .Y o r~l~2~..M. SA J~J~ni~eejd ~Par t~er ~fi i p e.1 wr s ~ (Signature o~ applicant Cme, i( a col~-or i~n) 4 Centerock Road, Rockland Corporate Park West Nyack, (Mailing addressofapplicant)NY 10994 State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Lessee. Nameofownerofpremises Orient Fire District (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer N/A ,/'Name and title of co,orate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: 23300 Main Road It~a~Number Street Orient Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Subdivision (Name) Section 18.00 013.008 Block 05.00 Lot Filed Map No. Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy Firehouse and Public Safety b. Intended use and occupancy Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Repair Removal Estimated Cost $118,000.00 If dwelling, number of dwelling units If garage, number of cars Demolition N/A N/A Fee Addition Alteration Other WorkPublic Utility Wireless Tel ecommuni cations (Description) Faci 1 i ty (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor N/A 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. N/A /~(FH=Firehou~se; A=Accessory B~uildi~ng) 7. Lmnensions otex~sting structures,~rany: rrontFH=80; A=40' Rear FH=43:A=40 Depth FH:ll0; A =80 Height. FH=30; A=25 Number of Stories FH:I; A=i Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Fr~)nt Unchanged Rear Unchanged Depth Unchanqed Height Unchanged I~,umberof Stories tlnchangod Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear _Depth Height Number of Stories 9. Size oflot: Front 226'-+ Rear 570'+ Depth 458'-+ Irreqular shaped lot. 10. DateofPurchase November 14, 1985 Name ofFormer Owner Barbara Dwight Schriever 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated Residential R-80 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES X NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES__ NO X Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES__ Orient 23300 Main Road 14. NamesofOwnerofpremises Fire District Address0rient, NY PhoneNo. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. NO X 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES __ NO .. * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES __ NO X * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. X 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) C, x [f)e.,.t l, fr.~being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) alJove named, (S)He is the CO ~, 2> ~I-~ ~-'[4]0~ (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, ~c.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work ,M to make and file this application: that ali statements contained in this application are tree to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this NotaFy Public- MAURA POWERS NOTARY PUBUC, State of New York No. 01 PO5018558 Qualified in Nassau County Commission Expires Sept. 27, Signatu~plicant - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION FOUNDATION 1ST FOUNDATION 2ND FRAMING / STRAPPING FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [~FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION ~ov OB O~ la:50a ~ike G~nca~c,~ (201~ ~44-0121 STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 2006 Mr. Sieve L)clC~aud:o I-)un-Rile ( 'ommumcafions. Inc. l gl Greenwood A. venu¢ Midland Park. NJ 07432 reri,,~on Wlrciess In~tallafioa at 'l'elccommtm~atian.~ Fa¢ilily Fire I louse. 2331~0 Mare Road. ()nc'Ill. NY ~. 1957 ~,Ve have rcvtcwcd the ccbar installation tor the [bundal:on for Iht new Verzion ",Vireless unma~ preth~mcated equipmcn! shelter at the above referenced site. Ti:e feb'ar installation appeared to bcm con!b.'nlancc wilh lh~ bundaUon dh:wing 'ore~red by ()ur oflicc, drawing #5;-l laxt revised I Smcerc!y Structur,.fi Consullmg ,':,ervlces. P.('. Prin:~pal 67 Federal Road. Brookfield, C I' 06804 Tel: 203.n40.7-~78 Fax: 203.?75.5670 FOUNDATION (IST) (2ND) ~ ' FOUNDATION ROUGH FRAMING & PLUMBING INSULATION PER Iq. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE · ADDITIONAL COMIVIENTS ~',~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 13,2006 Lawrence C. Rb Munley, Meade, Nielsen & R~ 36 Nodh New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: TOWN OF SOUT~OLD Proposed Site Plan for Orient FD Telecom Located on the s/s/o Main Road at the s/e intersection of Main Road and Tabor Road in Orient. SCTM#1000-18-5-13.8 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. R~: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, June12, 2006, adopted the following resolutions: The final public hearing was closed. WHEREAS, the site plan is for the co-location of Nextel @ 85' height, Cingular @ 75' height & Verizon @ 65' height on a proposed 90' communications flagpole tower with fire/police emergency communication mounted on a cross bar @ 90' height and includes a 43'x46'x 6' high fenced enclosure on a 4.4-acre parcel in the R-80 Zone located on the s/s/o Main Road at the s/e intersection of Main Road and Tabor Road in Orient. SCTM# 1000-18-5-13.8; and WHEREAS, Orient Fire District is the owner of the property located on the s/s/o Main Road at the s/e intersection on Main Road and Tabor Road in Orient; and WHEREAS, on March 31,2005, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals granted a Variance described under Appeal Number 5408 allowing the construction of a 90 ft. wireless communications flagpole and related equipment enclosure; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 2005, the agent, Lawrence C. Rb, working for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, submitted an amended formal site plan for approval; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2005, the New York State Department of Transportation responded after review and determined a permit would not be necessary as long as all work is out of the State ROW; and Orient FD Telecom Project Page Two June 13, 2006 WHEREAS, on November 21,2005, the Orient Fire District responded that no additional requirements and/or recommendations for fire access are necessary; and WHEREAS, on November 28, 2005, the Suffolk County Department of Planning reslJonded after review and determined this matter is for "local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s)" and the Planning Board accepts this pursuant to 239L & M General Municipal Law; and WHEREAS, on December 1, 2005, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the architectural drawings and associated site plan materials and tabled the application pending the receipt of further information; and WHEREAS, on January 12, 2006, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the architectural drawings and associated site plan materials and made recommendations; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 2006, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals, under previous Appeal number 5408, granted a Variance described under Appeal Number 5863 allowing the relocation of the communications flagpole and related equipment enclosure; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 2006, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals granted a Variance described under Appeal Number 5805 for public utility antennas and telecommunications use; and WHEREAS, on May 30, 2006, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed and certified the amended site plan for a "Wireless Communication Facility on an Existing Telecommunications Tower" use; and WHEREAS, on May 31,2006, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the amended site plan materials regarding the relocation of the wireless communications tower and related equipment enclosures and requested further information; and WHEREAS, on June 1, 2006, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the revised architectural drawings and associated site plan materials and approved the application subject to conditions, and, subject to their approval, the Planning Board incorporates this recommendation in the site plan; and WHEREAS, on June 12, 2006, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the amended site plan materials and approved the drainage of existing conditions along with the proposed construction subject to comments/conditions and the Southold Town Planning Board incorporates such comments/conditions as requirements in this approval; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the notification provisions; and Orient FD Telecom Project Page Three June 13,2006 WHEREAS, the following items shall be required: All outdoor lighting shall be shielded so that the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. The lighting must meet town code requirements. 2. All signs shall meet Southold Town Zoning Codes and shall be subject to approval of the Southold Town Building Inspector. 3. As per the landscape survivability guarantee, the applicant agrees to replace any of the landscaping which dies within three (3) years of planting; be it therefore RESOLVED that, on June 12, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (6 NYCRR), Part 617.5 c (11&13), makes a determination that the proposed action is a Type II and not subject to review; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has reviewed the proposed action under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and has determined that the action is consistent provided that the best management practices outlined in the December 23, 2005 memo prepared by the LWRP Coordinator are implemented; and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to Southold Town Code 100-254 Part I, the applicant agrees to incorporate all the requirements, comments, and recommendations of each reviewing agency as referenced above and as indicated on the site plan and corresponding attachments; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant approval on the site plan drawings T-l, A-1 & A-2 prepared by Michael Walker Design/Builder, LLC and certified by Michael Walker, Architect dated December 6, 2004 and last revised March 6, 2006 and authorize the Chairperson to endorse the site plans with the following conditions: 1. The site plan approval requires that all work proposed on the site plan shall be completed within three (3) years from the date of this resolution. Prior to the request for the Certificate of Occupancy, the owner or authorized agent must request the said Building Inspector and the Planning Board to perform an on-site inspection to find the site improvements are in conformity with the approved amended site plan. If the as-built site improvements vary from the approved amended site plan, the Planning Board reserves the right to request a certified as-built site plan detailing all the changes. Orient FD Telecom Project Page Four June 13,2006 4. Any changes from the approved amended site plan shall require Planning Board approval, and any such changes without Planning Board approval will be subject to referral to the Town Attorney's Office for possible legal action. The Planning Board will issue a final site plan approval in the form of a letter following a site inspection and at the time the site improvements are found to be in conformance with the approved site plan. A copy of the approved amended site plan is enclosed for your records. As per the Town Code, one copy each will be distributed to the Building Department, Zoning Board of Appeals and Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, oS~rilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson Eric. cc: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Engineer Suffolk County Planning Department New York State Department of Transportation File APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman Gerard E Goehringer Vincent Orlando James Dinizio, Jr. Michael A. Simon Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road · P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 · Fax (631) 765-9064 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF MARCH 31, 2005 Appl. No. 5408 - ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT Zone District: R-80 Residential Property Location: 23300 Main Road (State Route 25) and Tabor Road, East Marion CTM 1000-18-5~13.8 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's property consists of 4.355 acres, situated on the south side of the Main Road (NYS Route 25) and the east side of Tabor Road in East Marion. The property is improved with the following buildings and structures: (a) fire station with an existing antenna facility and (b) detached metal building. BASIS OF APPLICATION: The Building Department's April 23, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, amended September 22, 2004 and October 4, 2004, which states the following reasons: (1) the proposed tower does not meet the code requirements with a proposed height at 125 feet, (2) the tower is not permitted to be located within 300 feet of historic properties, CTM 18-5-15.1, 18-5-11.1 (3) the tower is not permitted on a nonconforming lot size, or on a lot containing less than a minimum lot area in a residential district of five (5) acres, and (4) Special Exception under 100-162A(3). FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on October 2t, 2004, November 18, 2004, December 16, 2004, January 20, 2005, and February 3, 2005, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: The Applicant, the Orient Fire District ('OFD'), is seeking to construct a 120 ft. high wireless communications tower, for which Variances are requested under Zoning Code Sections 100-162A(3) and 100-165B. The requested Variances are based on the Building Inspector's April 23, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, amended September 22, 2004 and October 4, 2004, which states the following reasons: (1) the proposed tower does not meet the code requirements with a proposed height at 120 feet, (2) the tower is not permitted to be located within 300 feet of historic properties, CTM 18-5-15.1, 18-5-11.1, (3) the tower is not permitted on a nonconforming lot size, or on a lot containing less than a minimum lot area in a residential district of five (5) acres. Page 2 - March 3t, 2005 Appl. No. 5408 - Orient Fire District t8.-5-'13.8 at Orient SPECIAL DISTRICT TREATMENT REQUESTED: Based on the amended Notice of Disapproval dated October 4, 2005, the applicant, Orient Fire District, is also requesting approval as a permitted use on property in a special district under Section 100-162A(5) for wireless communications usage, with such use not requiring a Special Exception and subject only to the height restrictions listed in Section 100-162A (in lieu of a Special Exception). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Orient Fire District has an existing antenna facility at the Orient Fire Station, also used by the Town Police Department to transmit and receive messages to and from its various mobile units, marine units and personnel patrolling the areas and adjacent waters. The purpose of the requested wireless communications facility (flagpole tower) is to provide improved emergency communication services for the entire area lying east of the East Marion causeway. The wireless communications tower facility is proposed by the Orient Fire District at the rear of the fire house, behind the metal building, on this 4.35-acre parcel. The tower is proposed to be located south of the fire department's metal building located in the rear yard, distant 145+- feet from the northerly property line at its closest point, 140+- feet from the easterly property line, 135+- feet from the southerly property line, and at least 315 feet from Tabor Road to the west. RELATED INFORMATION: The property has 341 linear feet along Tabor Road, a side street, 226 linear feet along the Main Road (State Route 25), 570.70 linear feet along the most southerly property line, and variables along the easterly property line of 169.30 and 287.60 linear feet. The fire house is closest to the Main Road, and the tower is proposed behind the OFD metal building in the south/east yard area. There is no question that the tower would be visible from adjacent areas, including residences, pedestrians, and while driving along the Main Road and along Tabor Road to the west. By application dated 6/27/03, the OFD states that an antenna height of at least 90 feet is mandated, to provide the coverage necessary to reach the furthest extent of the mainland Southold, on physical sciences governing public service radio communications. The OFD and Town Policy Public Safety indicate a height at 90 ft. AGL is required, with 'low band' vertical whip antenna and future carrier antennas (see plans prepared by Michael Walker Design/Builder dated 10/5/04). At the top of the OFD's tower is a 9'6" dipole array to be externally mounted, 2.5" in diameter. With an increase in the height to 120 feet, the applicant states that it will be possible to co-locate commercial telecommunication antennas within the same structure thereby not only passing the initial cost of construction onto commercial users, but also providing a continuing source of income for the Fire District to help offset its usual and ordinary costs - Page 3- March 3'1, 2005 Appl. No. 5408- Orient Fire District 18.-5-'13.8 at Orient of operation. Additional antennas are shown for T-Mobile and AT & T or other carrier antennas above this 90 ft. height. During the hearings, the applicant offered expert testimony in support of the requested heights of 90 feet and 120 feet, and argued that 120 feet was necessary to achieve the industry standard of 90% efficiency. During the hearings, the Orient Association, and nearby residents and landowners expressed many concerns and disputed applicant's showing of need for the 120 ft. height in addition to the request for alternative relief, and questioned whether or not the fire district and its experts adequately investigated other alternative site locations in the necessary geographic areas for OFD's purposes and needs. Discussions were held during the hearings regarding the concerns raised, in addition to the question of whether or not alternative (lower) heights were adequately addressed by the applicant. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: The applicant, Orient Fire District, is an established special district for emergency communications on at least 4.35 acres of land. The OFD maintains at its fire station an antenna tower for communication transmissions to and from this site, and the new wireless communications tower would be in place of its existing tower facility. A structure at 120 feet in height is not consistent with the surrounding rural character of this area and will be visible from various segments of the lands surrounding the tower site. The installation of this structure at 120 feet instead of 90 feet will create a distinctly commercial view interfering with the historical and rural vistas on the New York State designed Scenic Byway, and the Town of Southold's major east-west thoroughfare. In addressing visual concerns, the applicant has offered: a) a neutral color and flagpole design, and b) to locate the structure behind the existing OFD buildings as far south from the Main Road as feasibly possible. These measures do not satisfy the concerns about visibility, since the wireless communications tower will be visible particularly at the top half portion of the tower where the antennas are visible over the existing buildings and tree lines, and not screened from view. 1. The emergency, fire, police, ambulance companies and departments need of wireless mutual aid communication systems. Individual (private) ambulance, radio and other aid companies are involved with the mutual aid system. There are existing dispatch problems, problems in scene management, fire safety issues, and fire ground operation issues. The fire departments and other companies join together to assist as needed, with fundamental resources (Iow-band paging and radios). These systems clearly need to be improved and expanded and to provide for more effective long-range communications and Page 4- March 31, 2005 · Appl. No. 5408 - Orient Fire District 18.-5-t3.8 at Orient senior managing during multiple fire ground and other emergencies. Because safety of citizens and fire personnel is of primary concern, an improved wireless communications facility is necessary and desirable. 2. The variance requested at 120 ff. height is substantial in relation to the code limitation of 60 feet in height. The applicant is proposing 100% increase in the code limitation of 60 ft. in height. So long as the height is not excessive, grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. It is the opinion of this Board that an alternative, with a 90 ft. in height, will be 50% greater than the code limitation of 60 ft., which would be more conforming. 3. The demonstrated difficulty is not self-created insofar as the safety considerations the tower will address are the result of problems of inadequate communications based on the current state of the science of radio communication. 5. The Orient Fire Department's testifying expert presented credible testimony to the effect that a wireless communications tower at the requested height of 120 feet will meet the needs required to be addressed. However, that expert did not respond adequately to questions raised concerning the effectiveness of a tower of lesser height. In particular, the expert was unable (or unwilling) to demonstrate that a height of 90 feet would be inadequate to meet the stated communication needs. 6. Other experts, including that of members of the Orient community, gave unrebutted testimony that effective coverage of the subject area can be provided by a communications tower of 90 feet or less. In addition, as discussed above, questions about results of field testing were raised, and the applicant's expert was unable (or unwilling) to demonstrate that a height of 90 feet would be inadequate to meet the stated needs. 7. While safety is the primary concern, other values, such as aesthetic considerations, character of the neighborhood, and preservation of the scenic nature of the State- designed Scenic Byways Corridor must be heeded to the extent that they do not compromise the tower's effectiveness in the locale it is designed to serve. The 120 ft. height requested is excessive, and grant the requested relief will produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. In addressing visual concerns, the applicant has offered: a) a neutral color and flagpole design, and b) to locate the structure behind the existing OFD buildings as far south from the Main Road as feasibly possible. These measures do not satisfy the concerns about visibility, since the tower will be visible particularly at the top half portion of the tower where the antennas are visible over the existing buildings and tree lines and not screened from view. A tower structure at 120 feet in height compromises the scenic and historic surroundings along the State designated Scenic Highway Corridor and is not consistent with the surrounding rural character of this area, with clear visibility from various segments of the lands surrounding the tower site. The installation of this structure at 120 feet instead of 90 feet will create a distinctly commercial view interfering with the historical APP~ALS BOARD MEMBERS Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman Gerard E Goehringer James Dinizio, Jr. Michael A. Simon Leslie Kanes Weisman Mailing Address: Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road · P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 http://southoldtown.north fork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 o Fax (631) 765-9064 TOW~'~ .......... ~: '~' '~,?=O_.__.~F NDINC--q, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF APRIL 13, 2006 Appl. No. 5863 - ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT Zone District: R-80 Residential Property Location: 23300 Main Road (State Route 25) and Tabor Road, East Marion CTM 1000-18-5-13.8 SEqRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type I! category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's property consists of 4.355 acres, situated on the south side of the Main Road (NYS Route 25) and the east side of Tabor Road in East Marion. The property is improved with the following buildings and structures: (a) fire station with an existing antenna facility and (b) detached metal building. BASIS OF APPLICATION: The Building Inspector determined on March 1 and March 8, 2006 (as amended), that the relocation of the OFD communications tower will require approvals under Section 100-162A (1) and (3) by the Zoning Board of Appeals. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on March 30, 2006, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: This application is strictly limited to a proposed change in location for a 90 ft. high wireless communications tower to be erected and used by the applicant, Orient Fire District ('OFD'). Previous approvals for this facility were granted on March 31, 2005 under Appeal No. 5408 with respect to Code Sections 100-162A, for the same 90 ft. high tower and use by the special district (OFD). RELATED INFORMATION: The Orient Fire District has a current building permit issued June 22, 2005 under No. 312'15, by the Southold Town Building Inspector. The OFD has an existing antenna facility at the Orient Fire Station, also used by the Town Police Department to transmit and receive messages to and from its various mobile units, marine units and personnel patrolling the areas and adjacent waters. The purpose of the Page 3 - April 13, 2006 Appl. No. 5863 - Orient Fire District 18.-5-13.8 at Orient 2. Grant of the amended location, on the same site, will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. 3. The demonstrated difficulty is not self-created insofar as the safety considerations the tower will address are the result of problems of inadequate communications based on the current state of the science of radio communication. 4. While safety is the primary concern, other values, such as aesthetic considerations, character of the neighborhood, and preservation of the scenic nature of the State- designed Scenic Byways Corridor must be heeded to the extent that they do not compromise the tower's effectiveness in the locale it is designed to serve. In addressing visual concerns, the applicant has offered: a) a neutral color and flagpole design, and b) to locate the structure behind the existing OFD buildings as far south from the Main Road as feasibly possible, and (c) to move the location closer to the OFD building. 5. Also, after considering the heights of the existing towers in Mattituck and Southold, and the police request for a 90 ft. high AGL system, it is the Board's determination that a 90 ft. tower by the OFD is the minimum necessary to be sufficient for the purposes requested. 6. The OFD does not own any other property other than the subject parcel, and the benefit cannot be sought by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance for the amended location on this parcel. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Goehringer, seconded by Member Simon, and duly carried, to GRANT the variance as applied for, shown on diagrams prepared and signed March 6, 2006 by Michael Walker. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Oliva (Chairwoman), G~hringer~ Dinizio, Simon, and Weisman. This resolution was duly ado pted (5-0).~.~..--"~".~ /,/~Ge~'~rd p. Goehrin~ger ~/1/200.6~' ,~....'~pproved for Filing (631) 425-4104 September 23, 2005 BY HAND Building Department Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Building Permit Application (for Denial) New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Premises: 23300 Main Road Orient, New York SCTM#: 1000-18.00-05.00-013.008 Ladies/Gentlemen: On behalf of our client, Verizon Wireless, we submit herewith the captioned Application as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Completed and executed Building Permit Application (for Denial); Owner's Authorization Affidavit; Three (3) sets of signed and sealed Construction Drawings, including Site Plan; Survey; Filing fee check made payable to the "Town of Southold" in the sum of $35.00. Please direct any questions or comments regarding the foregoing to the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, MUNLEY, MEADE, NIELSEN & R~ By: Lawrence C. R6 LCR:db Enclosures TOWN OF SOUTHOLD : BUILDING DEPARTMENT COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of NEW YORK SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP d/b/a VEKIZON WIRELESS 23300 Main Road Orient, New York District 1000 Section 18.00_ Block 05.00, Lot 013.008 AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS.: N, o,~.<~ .a ~ ~.,rx' , being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the ~o,~, ~., '-~, o,o ~r/.. of Orient Fire District, owner in fee of the premises known as Section 18, Block 5, Lot 13.8 (the "Premises" hereafter), and do hereby authorize New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ('Verizon' hereafter) and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as Verizon may require for the establishment of its public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, 1 will fully cooperate with Verizon and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. ORIENT_FIRE DI STRICT Sworn to before me this ,2005. NOTARY PUBLIC EDWARD JOHH BOYD 5th Hotary Public State of New York 02B00376625 Suffolk County Commission Expires April 30, 200~c Nov 13 OS 07:43a "1ik~ Ganca~co ~201) 444-0121 p.S' 396 MIDLAND AVENUE GARFIELD, NJ 07026 44~ BRONX BLVD. BRONX, NEW YORK f0470 $ T L ~ C, S 8, L L C. AN INDEPENDENT INSPECTION AND ENGINEEP,ING LAP. ORATORY CLIENT: DUN RITE COMMUNICATIONS INC. 181 Greenwood Ave Midland Park, NJ 07432 Afl. n: Lo~ ti PROJECT' ORIENT POINT Long Island, NY LOCATION: N/A DATE CAST': 1113/2006 REPORT NO: 1C LAB NO ' BAT3 CONCRETE CLASS: 4000 psi SAMP~.E.J aY: Client I I I i I I I I CYL. NO. I I AIR [ I 3 DAYS I 14 DAYS 28 DAYS I I (4"X8") J SLUk~P" I CONTENT%I TEMP,:; I PSi I PSI PSI I ! 3 4 5 N/A N/A N/A 750 870 reported ~o: 1 Id~ove, file, bill submitted, STL/CSS, LLC. AMIATO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. COUNSELORS AT LAW 666 OLD COUNTRY ROAD 9th Floor GARDEN Crib, NEW YORK 11530 TEL: (516) 227-6363 FAX: (516) 227-6367 402 MA1N ST. SUITE 204 April 15, 2009 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Building Department Town of Southold 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971-0959 Re: Building permit (the "Building Permit") issued by the Town of Southold (the "Town") Building Department to New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Vcrizon Wirclcss CVerizon Wireless") in connection with the existing public utility wireless communication facility located at 23300 Main Road, Orient, New York, Suflblk County Tax Map designation: Section 18, Block 5, Lot 13.8 NYSMSA Site Reference: NY - Orient/100-408 Building Permit No.: 32075 Dear Sir/Madam: This firm represents Vcrizon Wireless in connection with the above-referenced matter. Based on our recent conversations with the Building Department, we were advised that Verizon Wireless would be able to renew the Building Permit by submitting a payment of $250.00 to the Town. As such, we have enclosed a check in the amount of $250.00, payable to the "Town of Smithtown," to cover the renewal fees. lfall is in proper order, please lbrward a copy of the Building Permit renewal to our office at your earliest convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you have any questions. Thank you. Encl. BLDG. DEPT, TOWN OF SOUTNOLO Very',,/-7truly i~_~s, Eric J. l~lclman July 26, 2006 BY HAND Ms. Coimie Bunch Town of Southold Building Department Town Annex Building (North Fork Bank) 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Building Permit Premises: 23300 Main Road Ohent, New York SCTM#: 1000-18.00-05.00-013.008 Dear Ms. Bunch: On behalf of our client, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, we submit herewith DGCR, LLC "signed" fee Check No. 4651, dated July 2 l, 2006, in the sum of $200.00, required for issuance of the captioned Building Permit. Please return DGCR LLC's check No. 4625 dated June 29, 2006 to our firm in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, MUNLEY, MEADE, NIELSEN & RI~ By: Dorothy Belard, Paralegal /db MUNLEY~ MEADE, NIELSEN ATTORI~ys AT LA, V July 19, 2006 BY HAND (631) 425-4100 (631) 425-4104 Ms. Connie Bunch Town of Southold Building Department Town Annex Building (North Fork Bank) 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Building Permit Premises: 23300 Main Road Orient, New York SCTM#: 1000-18.00-05.00-013.008 Dear Ms. Bunch: On behalf of our client, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, we submit herewith DGCR, LLC fee Check No. 4625, dated June 29, 2006, in the sum of $200.00 required for issuance of the captioned Building Permit. Please release said permit to the bearer of this correspondence. Very truly yours, MUNLEY, MEADE, NIELSEN & RI~ By: Lovwreew~C. Rd,, Lawrence C. R6 LCR:db Enclosure MUNLEY~ MEADE~ NIELSEN (631) 425-4100 (631) 425-4104 March 8, 2006 BY HAND Ms. Patricia Conklin Building Permits Examiner Building Department Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Building Permit Application for Issuance of Revised Letter of Rejection New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless" Premises: 23300 Main Road Orient, New York SCTM#: 1000-18.00-05.00-013.008 Dear Ms. Conklin: On behalf of our client, Verizon Wireless, and pursuant to your request, we submit herewith the captioned Application as follows: 1) Completed and executed Building Permit Application (for Denial); 2) Owner's Authorization Affidavit; 3) Three (3) sets of signed and sealed Construction Drawings, including Site Plan; 4) Filing fee check made payable to the "Town of Southold" in the sum of $35.00. Please note that a survey is already on file with the Town. Kindly direct any questions or comments regarding the foregoing to the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, MUNLEY, MEADE, NIELSEN & RI~ By: Lovwr C. R& Lawrence C. R6 LCR:db Enclosures ]~ILrNLEY, MEADE, NIELSEN & 1~1~ (631) 425-4100 (631) 425-4104 September 23, 2005 BY HAND Building Department Town of Southold Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Building Permit Application (for Denial) New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") Premises: 23300 Main Road Orient, New York SCTM#: 1000-18.00-05.00-013.008 Ladies/Gentlemen: On behalf of our client, Verizon Wireless, we submit herewith the captioned Application as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Completed and executed Building Permit Application (for Denial); Owner's Authorization Affidavit; Three (3) sets of signed and sealed Construction Drawings, including Site Plan; Survey; Filing fee check made payable to the "Town of Southold" in the sum of $35.00. Please direct any questions or comments regarding the foregoing to the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, MUNLEY, MEADE, NIELSEN & RI~ By: Lawrence C. R6 LCR:db Enclosures TOWN OF $OUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER FORMER OWNER RES. SEAS. LAND IMP. Tilleble Woodlond M~odowlond House Plot { ~ Totel .5oo VL S V l LLAGE ACR, TYPE OF BUILDING FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value TOTAL DATE REMARKS \~-©0 FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD Extension ~ X~2._ ' 35-2. L~ ~ ~.._o. J~5:J Basement ~o~..,e. Floors Extension Ext. Walls ~z,c~ Interior Finish Extensio~ ~tI ~ FirePlace ~)~ . Heat / Deck ~ 2~ : ~2% ' Patio Roomsl~FIoor Breezeway Driveway Rooms 2nd Floor Garage DISAPPROVAL I FRED A. NUDD CORPORATION 1743 ROUTE 104, BOX 577 ONTARIO, NY 14519 (315) 524-2531 FAX (315) 524-4249 ww w. nuddtowers, corn Design of 90' Concealment Pble Tower MODEL/ti FB30 I ,} PROJECT ~: 105-12113 LOCATION: (Xi~nt,.NY BEACON WIRELESS ~NAGEMENT P.O. Box 303, Hampton Bays, NY 11946 May, 2005 I MONOPOLE CALCULATIONS Definition of Monopo!e characteristics: Pole Height: OAH:= 90-ft # of sides: Sides:= 18 % of applied Point Loads: PL:= 5 (8,!2,18) Definition of Wind and pressure characteristics: Wind speed: V:= 85.mDh Ice: Ice:= 0-in Exposure Coefficient: Velocity pressure: Define Top diameter of pole: Gust response factor: K(x) :=if x>33'ft, , 1 q(x) := .00256'K(x) · 'Gh'psf ODtop := 22.7.in Set the pole face taper: Beason Wireless OrienE, NY 5/05 ANSl/EIA/TIA 222-F AISC-ASD 9th Edition Gh~= 1.69 0.in .925.in 1.0.in Taperl.--- Taper22= Taper3:= 10.ft 10.ft 10.ft ToDofTaDer2:= OAH TopofTaper3~=OAH- 40.ft Equation for pole diameter as a function of elevation: D(x) :=ODtop + Taperl.(OAH- if (x> TopofTaper2,x, TopofTaper2) ) + Taper2.(TopofTaper2- x).(xkTopofTaper3).(x<TopofTaper2) ... + ~Taper2.(TopofTaper2- TopofTaper3) ... ~.(x<TopofTaper3) [+ Taper3.(TopofTaper3- x) Average diameter: D(OAH) = 32.7in D(TopofTaper2) = 32.7in D(TopofTaper3) = 36.4in D(0.fu) = 41,4in Plate thickness for each section. Th(x) := .4375.in .3750-in .3750.in .250.in .250.in if 0'ft ix<Elev1 if Elev1 Sx<Elev2 if Elev2 ix < Elev3 if Elev3 ~x ~Elev4 otherwise Fy(x) I65000'psi 50000'psi 46000'psi if 0.ft ~x<TopofTaper3 if TopofTaper3 i x < OAH otherwise Th(z) in 0.38 · 0.25 0.13 0'ft ] Elev:= / 0'fi/ ~25-ft] I I I I 20 40 60 80 100 Z Set equation coefficients for # of sides of pole: 12 16 sides 240 215 ] 365 365 Coeff:= .870 .852 .00129 .001372 C:=Coeff+ 2'(Sides=iS) 215 C=/365 Check limiting slenderness ratio by the limiting width-thickness ratios. Calculate dimension of flat on outside: b{z) := D(z).tan (~) Limits for compact & non-compact sections: 400 b(z) I FY(z) 300 Th (z)~ ksi Cl 200 C2 EXCEEDING COMPACT SLENDERNESS RATIO 100 2 '3 4 0 Calculate the deadload/axial stresses. XArea(z) :=Sides.b (z) .Th(z) TopofTaper3 PoleWt (x) := X XArea(j) .ft-¥steel j =x I 60 80 100 Z PoleWt (O.ft) = 5345.91bf Calculate force coefficient for 12/18 sided pole: V Dp ~ > 64 = 1 mph ft V Dp ~ > 64 = 1 mph ft OAH If both are 1, then Cf:= 1.03. (Sides = 12) + .65. {Sides = 18) Cf = 0.65 Definition of Point Loads: 91:= 1.. ~i pl = PLWLp 1 := · DB222 + TopMount 0.1bf 0.ibf 0.1bf 0.1bf PLDLpl:= 3.DB222DL+ TopMountDL 3.60.1bf 3.60.1bf 3.60.1bf 3.60.1bf PLEleVpl~= DAH + 6.ft 3AH - 5.ft 3AH - 15.ft ]AH - 25.ft 3AH- 35.ft Calculate overturning moment and shears: Point load forces: PLOTM{x) :=I PLWLpl.(PLEleVpl- x).(PLEleVpl>X) PLShear (x) :=~ PLWLpl.(PLElevpi>X) pl PLDLs (x):=I PLDLp!'(PLEleVplkX) pi Pole Section forces: D{j.ft) + D[ (j - I) .ft] PoleOTM(x) := / ,~ . 2.cos (~) J + 2.Ice].ft.q[ (j - .5)'ft] .Cf.[ (j - .5)'ft- X] .(j.ft kx) PoleShear (x):=II'D(j'ft)2.Cos+ D[ (j- 1)(~) .ft]+ 2.Ic e].ft.q[ (j - Total Overturning Moment & Shear functions: OTM(x) ~= PLOTM(x) + PoleOTM{x) Shear(x) := PLShear (x) + PoleShear (x) .5) .ft] .Cf.(j.ft kx) Shear (0.ft) = 6.6 kip Check Concealment pipe: PipeOD:= 12.75.in PipeWall:= .500.in 12" Sch. XH Pipe Fytube:= 50.ksi A500-C OTM(TopofTaper3+0.ft) 4 · 66'--' Fytube 3 -- 33.9% Spipe(PipeOD,PipeWall) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8(z) ~=D(z).(z<TopofTaper3) ... + 12.75.in. {z->TopofTaper3) ID (z) :=(8 (z) - 2'Th(z))- (z <TopofTaper3) ... + (12.75-in-2..5.in). (z->TopofTaper3) Calculate allowable compression stresses: b (x) J Fy(x) Th (x) ksi fb (x),- OTM(x) .8 (x) 2'1(x) 'cos (~) fax (x)~= PLDLs (x) + Po!eWt (x) XArea (x) OTM(0'ft) = 319.4kip'ft -- _<C23 ] Calculate bending & axial compressive stress: fa(x) ~= fb(x) + fax(x) Load Ratio: fa (x) SR(x) '= .100 Fa' (x) COMBINED STRESS PJtTIO(%) 120 I I I I I I I I I 100 SR(z) 80 100 60 4O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Elevs:= 41.ft SR(Elevl) = Elev1 = Anchor bolt calculations: Select Base Flange: Anchor bolt size: ABoltQTY~= 9 ABolt$:= 2.in Minimum Bolt Circle: Set bolt circle BoltArea := --.ABolt$ 4 ~ (0.ft) + 1.5.in+ 2.5.ABolt~= 47.9in BC:= 49.in Anchor Bolt Load: ABoltLoadi= BoltLoad(OTM(0-ft) ~BC. ABoltQTY) PLDLs(0.ft) + PoleWt (0.ft) ABoltQTY ABoltLoad Shear(0-ft) ftc= fv:= BoltArea ABoltQTY.BoltArea 4 4 4 t:=ifk.43.~''Fu- l'8'fv-< '33'-'Fu'3 '43'--'Fu- l'8'fv3 fy= 233.3psi Fu:= 58000'psi ft = 10736.9psi ft --= 42.1% Ft Base Flange Plate Design: For simplicity, calculate ~he maximum bending stress on the pole, assume it to be acting uniformly and calculate the bending stress of the plate. Calculate section modulus at base: Bending stress: OTM(0.ft) .~ (8.ft) °p°le:= 2.I (0.ft) °pole= 1!362.9psi Calculate the line load on the welded edge of the plate: ~'I0 (0-ft)2( (0.ft) - - .~ 2.?h (0. ft) Load:= x.8 (0.ft) Load= 2823.6 lbf in Apply this line load to the edge of the plate using AISC beam diagram ~23, Beam fixed at one end, free to deflect vertically but not rotaue at the other - concentrated load at deflected end. The section calculated as the width of the beam will be mid-way between pole and anchor bolts. IBC-~ (O'ft)I - NutOD(ABolt~) 2'~ 1 + 8 (0.ft) bx := 2 A~o]tQTy 2 1 = 2.2in bx= 15.2in Moment:= Load.bx-1 Moment = 96.2in.kip Check flange plate thickness for plate bending stress: FlangeWt = 4381bf Moment.6 FlangeThi= 1.5.in Fyflange:= 50000.psi 4 ~flange Oflange:= AISC F2-1: bx. FlangeTh2 Fbflange:= .75'Fyflange'~ Fbflange 33.7% r'Flange GussetCalcs Check base flange weld: Note that the pole will be welded ~o the base flange with fillet welds inside and ounsJde. 2 ~.~ (0-ft) OTM (0.ft) FilletWeld:= .375-in Sweld.- fbi= 4 Sweld Tension stress of base metal: TensionArea:= FilletWeld.2 fb TensionArea 4 -.3'--'70'ksi = 19.2% fb TensionStress TensionStress.- 9.5% TensionArea Shear Stress on base metal: 4 6 .-- - FVflange_ 3 TensionStress 4 .3----58000-psi 3 = 16.4% Calculate deflection and rotation au the top at operational windspeed: 6: ..... (OAH- z) . E I (z) V2 I~ OTM(z) ¥:= ' I(z) (50.mph)2 V2 6 = 4.1in ¥ = 0.47 deg Angle = 0.22 deg Monopole Pad & Pier Calculations Applied Loads: OTM: 618.09998 kip-ft Shear: 8.8889999 kip Deadload: 12.75 kip Pad Dimensions: Width: 16 Thickness: 2.5 OADepth: 5 Abolt Circle 49 ABolt QTY/~: 9 Pier Diam: 6 Pier Height: 0.5 Pier Depth: 2.5 Total Moment: 645 Soil Resistance: Soill: 512.0 Soil2: 58.8 Soil3: 2.2 ft ft ft in 2 in ft 5.42 ft min ft above Grade ft kip-ft kip-ft kip-ft kip-ft Bearing Pressures: fb(max}: 2922 psf fb(mid}: 985 psf OK Client: Beacon Wireless Project: Orient, NY 05/17/05 15:18 Allowable Soil Bearing: Specific Gravity: Soil Unit Weight: Submerged Unit Wt: Soil Ang: Concrete Unit Wt: Concrete f'c: Rebar Fy: Concrete Volume: Depth to Water: Concrete Resistance: 768 kip-ft OTM Capacity: 901 kip-ft 894 kip-ft 72.1% Loaded 97.4% Loaded Pad Reinforcement: Pad Moment: 592 kip-ft Pad Cover: p strength: 0.00095 p min: 0.00127 ACI 10.5.3 Req'd Steel: 6.6 inch2 Pad Bar QTY: 15 Pad Bar #: 6 6.8 inch= 3 in 95.9% Loaded Pier Reinforcement: LoadFactr 1.3 Pier Cover: 3 in Bar QTY: 27 Pier Bar #: 6 11.9 inch2 Bar Load: 17810 lbf Capacity: 18351 lbf Development Length: ACI 12.2.3 Ktr: 1.31 inch c: 3.74 inch ldb: 19.72 inch ~=. 9 C-C Spacing: Clear Spacing: Hoop #: 4 Cage~: 64.3 inch 97.1% Loaded Cage Wt: 203 lbf Pad Bars: 1442 lbf 1644 lbf Total Steel Wt A.Bolt Projection: Min. ~-nchor Bolt Length: Act. A~chor Bolt Length: 9 inch 37.22 inch 60 inch 3000 psf 2.65 100 lb/ft~3 62.26 Ib/ft^3 20 o 150 lb/ft^3 3000 psi 60000 psi 26.8 cuyd 5 ft 0.00274 (15) #6 Bars ~ 13.29 inch spacing 7.48 inch 6.73 inch 12 inch V.Spacing 205 + Lap=Cut Global Check: OK FLANGE-- 80'-0" 7o'-o" oo'-o" 50'-0" 45'-0" 37 9/15 40'-0" 0'-0" __ 41 3/8 TO~ER DESIGN EgNDITIONS Thl~ tower wos designed to conforn to the wind ond ice requirenents of 95 nph wind speed wTth ~/2' rodiol ice per ANSI/EIAz?CIA 222-F reconnended stondord. TD~ER LOADING EDNGITIONS QTY Antenno 3 ALLGDN 7262,02 ANTENNAS ~ITH MOUNTS IN CONCEALMENT ALLGON 7262,02 ANTENNAS ~ITH MOLINTS IN EONEOALNENT ALLGON 7262,02 ANTENNAS ~ITH MOUNTS IN EON[EALNGNT 3 ALLGON 72?o2,02 ANTENNAS ~ITH MOLINTS IN CONCEALMENT 3 ALLGON 7262,02 ANTENNAS NITH MOUNTS IN £ONOEALMENT NOTE: Any devlotlon fron the proposed design ontenno NOTE: Elevation 85 75 65 55 45 IT IS TNE RESONSIBILITY BF THE END USER TO EO~FIBM SUITABLE ANTENNA ANO TRANSMISSIBN LINE LAYOUT, 270° /- ~D53 ~47 ~;b3B (9)¢'! l/2'xO0' ANEHOR BOLTS CABLE ENTRY PORT LOEATIi]qS HEIGHT AZIMUTH SIZE 6' 0= Il I/2x24 4', B' 100° 11 1/2x24 6' lBO' Il 1/2x24 CLIMBING FACE: NA INSTALLATION GENERAL NOTES 1. Instollotlon of tower nust be perforned by o quolifled tower erector, 2, Instoll sections such thor pole seons ore oltgned, FRED A. NUDD CORPORATION go' FA30 CONEEALHENT TDWER ORIENT, NY 105-121 13-1 I I I I I I I I --T-q--I---I-~ -I--I--F-T- PAD BARS: (15) #E BARS BOTH WAYS TOP & BOTTOM CONTINUOUS THRU EENTER (g) 2'x60' A3B ~ ANEHOR 80LTS L. _' i.L'' ........... NOTE: ANCHOR BOLT ELLL~TER MUST BE CENTERED IN PIER REBAR TOP CLUSTER PLATE MUST BE REMOVED PRIOR TO SETTING POLE EDNERETE SPECIFICATIONS 1, Concrete shell hove O nininun compressive strenBth of et leost 3000 psi et 28 doys, I~ is our reconnendotlon ~hot 4000 psi concrete be Instolled to occount for ony unknown instollotlon voriobles thor could degrode the concrete, 2, Concrete Instellotion shell nee~ AEI 3]B-95 instollotion requirements for reinforced concrete, 3. All concrete sholl be ploced o9olnst undisturbed soil free of woter ond oil forei§n objects ond mnterlols, 4~ Hot foundotlon sholl beor directly unexcovoDed, undisturbed soil. 5. Minimum concrete cover sholl be 3" over oil relnforcln9 bors, B. Relnforcln9 bors sholl be ASTM A-615 Orode §0 deformed bors~ ?, Assenble bors wlEh Die wires, B, Ehompher oil shorp corners of exposed concrete, SOIL SPEEIFIEATIONS Soils Is ossuned Do be per report by Slocke TesE Borin9, Inc, doted ~OOS, Beorln9 Soil Is brown coorse to fine sond ond 9rovel, 1, All foundotlons sholl be free of free s~ondinq woter os for os possible prior %o pourln§ concrete ond shqll 8e kept thus until bockflll Is In plo~e, If nod possible, speciol pourin@ procedures must be followed, 2. Rock, non-cohesive, soturoted or submerBed soils ore not to be considered os nornol soil, See BIA 7,2,2, 3. Bockflll sholl be conpo¢~ed to lIDO pcf In §' lifts usin9 sultoble moterlol, 4. Bockflll sholl be Ioced so os to prevent occu~ulotlon of woter oround foumdotlO~S OP o~c~ors. TOWER REACTIONS: Dverturnln9 Homent: BI8 kip-ft Sheor: 8.g kip CONCRETE VDLUME~ 2?,0+/- cuyd A. NUDD CORPORATION FDUNDATIDN DETAILS BEAEON ¥IRELEES DEIENT, NY 113-2 TOWER LOADING CONDITIONS r~Ty Antenna Elevation 70'-0" 60'-0' 50' -0" 45' -0" ~8~ .... JUN 0 0'-0" 4] 3/B Section FA-3OA: 5~5 +/- 90' FAB0 CONCEALMENT TOWER CONTRACTOR'S NOTES 1. The CONTRACTOR SHALL Give ALL NOTICES AND COMPLY WITH ALL LAWS, ORDINANCES, RULES, REGULATIONS AND LAWFUL ORDERS OF ANY PUBLIC AUTHORITY, MUNICIPAL AND UTILITY COMPANY SPECIFICATIONS, AND LOCAL AND STATE JURISDICTIONAL CODES BEARING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. THE WORK PERFORMED ON THE PROJECT AND THE MATERIALS INSTALLED SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS, AND ORDINANCES. 2. THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEer HAS MADE EVERY EFFORT TO SET FORTH IN THE CONSTRUCTION AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THE COMPLETE SCOPE OF WORX. THE CONTRACTOR BIDDING THE JOB IS NEVERTHELESS CAUTIONED THAT MINOR OMISSIONS OR ERRORS IN THE DRAWINGS AND OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL NOT EXCUSE HIM FROM COMPLETING THE PROJECT AND IMPROVEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INTENT OF THESE DOCUMENTS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR OR BIDDER SHALL BEAR THE RESPONSIBILITY OF NOTIFYING (IN WRITING) BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT OF ANY CONFLICTS, ERRORS, OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL OR PERFORMANCE OF WORK. IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRICE THE MORE COSTLY OR EXTENSIVE WORK, UNLESS DIRECTED IN WRITING OTHERWISE, 4. THE SCOPE OF WORK SHALL INCLUDE FURNISHING ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, LABOR AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS AND LABOR DEEMED NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK/PROJECT AS DESCRIBED HEREIN. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE JOB SITE PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF BIDS OR PERFORMING WORK TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE FIELD CONDITIONS AND TO VERIFY THAT THE PROJECT CAN BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUbIENTS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO STARTING WORK ON ANY ITEM NOT CLEARLY DEFINED BY THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS / CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 7, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL iNSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S / VENDOR'S SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERW)SE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR ORDINANCES T~KE PRECEDENCE. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A FULL SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AT THE SITE UPDATED WiTH THE LATEST REVISIONS AND ADDENDUMS OR CLARIFICATIONS AVAILABLE FOR THE USE BY ALL PERSONNEL INVOLVED WITH THE PROJECT. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPERVISE AND DIRECT THE PROJECT DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES AND PROCEDURES AND FOR COORDINATING ALL PORTIONS OF THE WORK UNDER THE CONTRACT. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE WORK BY THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, THE STATE, COUNTY OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE NECESSARY PROVISIONS TO PROTECT EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, EASEMENTS, PAVING, CURBING, ETC. DURING CONSTRUCTION. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY HAVE OCCURRED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ON OR ABOUT THE PROPERTY. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE GENERAL WORK AREA CLEAN AND HAZARD FREE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DISPOSE OF ALL DIRT, DEBRIS, RUBBISH AND REMOVE EQUIPMENT NOT SPECIFIED AS REMAINING ON THE PROPERTY. PREMISES SHALL BE LEFT IN CLEAN CONDITION AND FREE FROM PAINT SPOTS, DUST, OR SMUDGES OF ANY KIND. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL OSHA REQUIREMENTS AS THEY APPLY TO THIS PROJECT. 1,~. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT WHERE A CONFLICT OCCURS ON ANY OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR IS NOT TO ORDER MATERIAL OR CONSTRUCT ANY PORTION OF THE WORK THAT IS IN CONFLICT UNTIL CONFLICT IS RESOLVED BY BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, PROPERTY LINES, ETC. ON THE dOB. 16. ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY INFORMATION WAS DETERMINED FROM SURFACE INVESTIGATIONS AND EXISTING PLANS OF RECORD. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO ANY SITE WORK. DIG SAFE 3 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG CALL TOLL FREE 8$8-DIG-SAFE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT SITF NAME: ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 25300 MAIN ORIENT, SITE RGAD (S.R. 25) NY 11957 DESCRIPI ION. IMPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY ON 90' REPLACEMENT STRUCTURE VICINITY MAP NO SCALE NORTH DRIVING DIRECTIONS RT. 25 EAST FROM RIVERHEAD TOWARD ORIENT POINT FERRY. FIRE STATION IS ON RIGHT IN ORIENT. PROJECT SUMMARY GEN CONTRACTOR'S NAME & ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: ELEC. CONTRACTOR'S NAME & ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: PROJECT SUMMARY SITE CASCADE NO: SITE NAME:. SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23300 MAIN ROAD (S.R. 25) ORIENT, NY, 11957-1102 MAP: SECTION 018BLOCK: 5 LOT: 13.8 DEED BOOK/PAGE: BOOK: PAGE: GOVERNING JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CURRENT ZONING: GOVERNING CODE: N.Y.STATE BLDG. CODE CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION: ANTENNA ARRAY - USE GROUP U PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23500 MAIN ROAD ORIENT NY (631) 323-3888 ROBERT HICKS (631) 323-3888 11957-1102 APPLICANTS NAME & ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 25500 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD NY ROBERT HICKS (631) 323-3888 11957 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S NAME & ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: MICHAEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER, 500 HORSENECK ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUT~A 02748 MICHAEL WALKER, AIA (508) 287-4313 LLC POWER PROVIDER: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: TELEPHONE PROVIDER: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY NAME AREACODE-PHONENUMBER NAME NAME AREACODE-PHONENUMBER BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT 765-1802 SAM TO 4 PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS; 1. FOUNDATION · TWO REQUIRER FOR POURED CONCRETE 2, ROUGH. FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSULATION ffENAL - CONSTRUCT[ON MUST COMPLETE FOB CO. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF NEW YORK STATE & TOWN CODES AS REQUIRE~(ND CONDITIONS OF I ' ~~8~TImlOLO TO~ ZBA - _AJ/- ..'~SO b THOL 0 TOWN PLANN,NG BOARD & { ] ~ 80~H~DTOWNmUSTEE8 OCCUPANCY OR USE IS UNLAWFUL WlTH(~ PROJECT Cdt t ,VTES LATITUDE: N ¢1' 8.579 (NAD 83) LONGTITUDE: W 72' 17.981 (NAD 83) GROUND ELEV.: AMSL (NAVD 88) SHEET INDEX SHT. REV. DESCRIPTION NO· NO. T-1 TITLE PAGE ii A-1 SITE PLANS & PLANTING PLANS 1 FLOOD ZONE~ COMPLY WI I ~ ~M~r Icn ~ FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION SOUTHOED TOWN .~AJDE. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BUILDING DEPT. NOTES 1. THIS TOWER INSTALLATION AND ASSOCIATED TELECOMMUNICATION SHELTERS AND EQUIPMENT ARE UNMANNED AND A SECURED EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION. EACH FACILITY IS MONITORED FROM A REMOTE LOCATION. EACH FACILITY IS ONLY ACCESSED BY TRAINED TECHNICIANS EVERY 4 TO 6 WEEKS. THEREFORE, THE COMPOUND DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY WATER AND WILL NOT GENERATE ANY SEWAGE EFFLUENT OR OTHER TRASH WASTE. 2. THE ESTIMATED VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION CREATED BY THE INSTALLATION OF THIS COMPOUND IS 6 TRIPS PER MONTH COMBINED. THE AVERAGE DAILY TRIP GENERATION RATE (ADT) IS .2 TRIPS PER MONTH. 5. THIS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPOUND IS NOT GOVERNED BY REGULATIONS REQUIRING PUBLIC ACCESS PER ADA REQUIREMENTS. 4. THE INSTALLATION OF THIS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPO' REQUIRES NOT ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACE(S). UNDERWRITEPr ~:~"IFICAIEI BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 303 HAMPTON BAYS, NY 11946 Tel: 631.484.5445 Fax: 631.728.554-6 MICHAEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER, IIc 500 Horseneck Road Dartmouth, MA 02748 Tel: (508) 287-4315 Fax: (508) 300-6051 E-mail: mwdb@comcasLne~ PROJECT NO: MWDB.ORIENT I I DRAWN BY: MW I CHECKED ISUBMITTALS 6 14/20/05 90' POLE 5 12/21/04 LANDSCAPE 2 13/17/04 LANDSCAPE 1 12/21/05 ADD S1.1 & A1.2 O0 102/05/0.~ FOR ZONING THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS IS PROPRIETARY BY NATURE. ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF THIS DRAWING IS NOT 24"x36", IT IS NOT TO SCALE. PROFESSIONAL SEAL SITE ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT NmY. 11957 SHEET TITLE TITLE PAGE SHEET NUMBER T-1 ~. ALL PLAN~ ~lLL B~ ~IGHT ~N~, ~LL H~ A~ ~T TO TH= APP~V~ O~ t~ ~~ ~':+:+:~ :+:+: ........... ~ ~ ......... ~ ~ ........ ~ ~+~~ PORN ~" 5~ TO ENGI~L~ ~tOOK A~ FILL "[TH 5" PI~ 5~ ~LGH. "L~g I~DIA~LY ~;>~:;:;:1 t B~CK VINYL INSERTS ~~ '.j;~;2~.;~ , ,, ANP ~ P~NTLT. ~,~ ~;.; ~:~. ~ ~ ~:;;~;~;~ 12 -6 VHF VERTICAL WHiP 4. ANY PL~T MA~Rl~ THAT DI~, ~RN5 ~ OR DEFOLIATE5 (PRIOR TO ACGE~A~E OF T~ ~ ~ ~ [,~ :.;+;.:~;.~,;~ ~ ANTENNA ~ 0 DEO (DB-222) 5TAtar5 ~T FORTH IN ~IGAN 5TA~A~ F~ ~ERY 5t~K, bA~T ID. ~NT ~ ~ ~ ........ ~ ~ ~++,+,~ ~+/~ ~+] / ~ DISH PORT WITH BOOT GOD--TOP TO ~R A~ ~ P~NTI~ FOR I ~AR, ~ ~ I ~ t~++~+ ~'ff ~ +~+ ~ ~ / .......... 10 -6 LOWBAND VERT CAL bUH~UUL~: ~2 FT ACCESS ~ ~ ~APPROX, LI~E ~ i~C.~.DDt~%~ / / ~wHP A~TE~A ~ 80 / ~ SPREAD FTC [ ~ ~ ....... ~+ / / / ~ EA~ U~I~ YEA BIB, 5' MIN HEleHT AT PLANTIn, PU~ ~LL B~HEP / ~ J FOR MONOPOLE ~ ~+%%+,++%*~+~ ~ ~** / / / I ~%' ~ J ~x.%%+,%,~., SOUTHOLD TOWN POliCE__ ORIENT ¢~U;} ~ ~ % [%%%~ ',',:~,' PUBLIC SafE~--90 AOL / FIRE DISTRICT 90 aOL ..... ~, %1 ~ L MONOPOLE WITH (2) S~DEARMS %%%%%%%~6 ~~ ~ %'+'+ +~+++hU ~ F+*,'+',+.*+%+,*+%' IIIIIII 500 Horseneck Road PROPOSED SCREEN PLANTINGS ~ + ~%++, ,~'.. ~ ~ ~+++%+*+,++'*+~- IIIIIII Dartmouth, MA 02748 (60) EA--8 EVERGREEN BOC. WITH , ~ ,I ~~....... ~ IIIIIII MULCHED P~NTING BEDS OVER WEED BLOCK FABR C ++~+,'~++.+'1+~ ~ C,%%:,;,~,LC~r IIIIIII Tel: (508)287-4313 ++ +~ .~, +'. ~ ~'.%'~+'+'~+.++' IIIIIII fax: (508) I .... ~+, ~v ~ ........... IIIIIII mwdbecomcast,net ~ N 8~-51 -50 E SPRnn I ......... I ........... J rllllll DRAWN BY: I MW ~ ~ ..... '.................................................. ~ ~. ...... ~ ~'' +/ IIIIIII CHECKED BY: I ' , %, , .... ++,///+*+++*/+*,*+,,~ ~*,+ ,*,*/,+,~ ~+,++*+% %~+ + ,++ +~,~/4 ,+,+.++~ ~,+++,+, b+++,+,+,+++,~ ~*,++*+% '/ I IIIII I CAD FILE: ORI ENTFD.A1 I ~~ I~ / ~P~N ~ GROUND IIIIlll ~ i~ - ~/////~:~//////~ ,s ~, k z / ~/8" = r-o" ~ I lllll I ~////~/~/~///////1 ~~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I ~ 9 o' H IG H FLU S H - ~ CONTOUR ~ - - ',s IHIIII ~ 4/~0/o~ ~o' .o.~ ~ ~ ~ j~ ' 0 12/6/04 FOR APPROVAL : ~//, ]~~ THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENTIS PROPRI~ARY BY NATURE. ANY USE or DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN ;2k~Ti? ¢~ THAT WHICH RE~TES TO MICHAEL ITE WALKER ARCHITECT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, IF THIS B~WlN6 IS NOT ~4~_ '3~ 24"x36", IT IS NOT TO SCALE. ~'1 deNT & PARKff /' -- ~'~%. ~/~~ . / ' 6'-0" HIGH SECUR,TY' I IIlll I / ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ - 'FOUNDATION~ FIRE DISTRICT 1' '--~~ // ~¢ ~. X 253000RiENTMAIN ROAD I NEW 90' FLUSH ~PE MONOPOLE~ / ~ ~ %.__ ,, ~ N.Y. 11957 / 60X60 ~ECUR'= FENCE WiTH LOCKED '2 SWING GATE X~ ~9 '~' ~1 I X ~,. ~ ~ FLUSH MONOPOLIE ELEVATION SHEET TITLE / ~, /~ X ' k ' / 1/8" = 1'-0" SITE P~NS & - _ ~ _ _ ~ P~NTING P~NS ~ 570,70' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1" = 4o' ~ _ ~ SHEET NUMBER ~ PLOT P~N INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C., P.O. BOX 909, SOUTHOLD N.Y. TITLED SURVEY OF PROPER~ FOR ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT AT ORIENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATED JULY 2, 2002 S NTI ROCK ROAD NYACK NY 10994 , SITE: OR LNI 233~30 MAI~ ROAD, ORIENT, NY 11957 INDEX OF DRAWINGS: C-1 COMPOUND PLAN, C-2 ANTENNA S-1 E 1.0 E 2.0 ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN E-5.O E-5.1 E-5.2 SITE PLAN AND NOTES &: CABLE SCHEDULE, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES EQUIPMENT SHELTER FOUNDATION PLAN, SECTIONS, ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS DETAILS AND ELECTRICAL RISER, PANEL SCHEDULE AND PHONE GROUNDINGNOTES AND DETAILS GROUNDINGRISER AND, DETAILS BOARD NOTES E-5.5 ELECTRICAL DETAILS APPROVED AS NOTED FEE: ~ NOTIFY BUL FO[' POLIF!E5 C"~NSRETE B. ROUGH - F~,AMING & PLUMBING 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR O.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CORES OF NEW YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR USE IS,UN~;WFUL WITHOUT C[RTI:FICATE OF OCCUPANCY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: S C S STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAD, SUITE AS, BROOKF1E, I,D, CT 06804 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.5670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BREEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT STRE~*T SUITE 7D NORWALK, CT 06855 1EL 203-866-1471 FAX 203-866-14-72 ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIEE~lkNTS OF THE coDEs OF NEW YORK STATE. F RETAIN STORM wATER RuNOFFi PURSUANT To'SECTION 45-10C oF, THE TOWN CODE CERTIFICATION OF NAILING & CONNECTIONS REQUIRED. PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION: UNOERWRffERS CERTIFICAT VERIZON WIRELESS CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: RICHARD WEYH'RETER (914-) 714--7612 , REQUIRED VERIZONI WIRELESS EQUIPMENT ENCINEER: ANTHONY WHITEHALL (914-) 714--761'3 VEDZON WIRELESS RF ENCINEER: VISHWA MITHU (914-) 714--7,3,39 VERIZON WIRELESS OPERATIONS MANAOER: BILL COFFIN (914-) 714--7600 VERIZON WIRELESS REAL ESTATE CONTACT: ROBERT MONTELEONE (516) .316-4-626 TELCO CONTACT: LIPA CONTACT: LANDLORD/SiTE CONTACT: VINCENT CANNUSCIO, BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT (6,31) 4-84--54-4-5 Approximate Latitude: ' Approximate.~0ngitude: Approximate Ground Elevation: N41' 08' 33" (NAD 83) W72' 17' 55" (NAD 83) 14 feet (NAVD 88) SITE NOTE: AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO THEIR ORIGINAL EXISTING CONDITION. EXIST. FIREHOUSE NEW 12'x30' PREFABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER WITH INTERNAL EMERGENCY BACK-UP DIESEL GENERATOR DESIDNED AND SUPPUED BY OTHERS. SEE DWG. S-1 FOR EQUIPMENT SHELTEE FOUNDATION pLAN AND DETAILS. NEW PLANTINGS AND CURB BY OTHERS, REFER TO THE- BEACON WIRELESS DRAWINGS BY OTHERS FOR DETAILS LIMITS OF 16'X32' VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA NEW CONCRETE PAD CERTERED ON EQUIPMENT SHELTER- DOORS, SEE OWO. S-1 FOR DETAILS UMITS OF 16'X24' NEXTEL LEASE AREA NEW 12'x20' NEXTEL EQUIPMENT SHELTER BY OTHERS NEW CRUSHED STONE SURFACING WITI-IIN COMPOUND BY OTHERS, R~PkK TO BEACON WIRELESS DRAWINGS BY OTHERS FOR DETAILS. REPAIR STONE SURFACING AS REQ'D TO MATCH EXIST. CONDITIONS AFTER INSTALLATION OF NEW EQUIPMERT SHELTER, CABLE BRIDGE, CONDUITS, ETC. UMITS OF 10'X25' CINBULAR LEASE AREA -- NEW GATE BY OTHERS, TYP. HOLE: Rt.r.e.~ TO 111E BEACON WIRElESS ONA~IINGS BY 0'1HERS FOR DLrrNLS ON COUPOUND CONS1RUCllON, PLAN11NgS AND COMPOUND PLAN SCALE: 1" -- 10' POLE (ElL #2) i' -'"~---MAIN ROAD (S.R. 25)~ NGO' 31' 30"E EXIST. FIRE COMPOUND BY OTHERS, REFER TO BEACON WIRELESS DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 226.00' I ;~ PROPER~' LINE, ~'P. I EXIST. CONCRETE PAD Ru-.u~ TO THE COMPOUND PLAN THIS SHEET FOR DETAILS RL:'~ARDING CON$1RUCTION OF tlERJZON Mia1 P~' NEW SI'IE M1HIN THE NEW COMPOUND BY OTHERS. Ru-tJ~ TO 1HE BEACON WIPru:'c~5 DRAWINGS BY 01HERS FOR DETNLS REGARDING LOCA'I]ON AND CONSIRUC~ON OF 1HE NEW COUPOOND AND UONOPOLS. PLAN ~1" ~.~ SCALE: = 60' 570.70' NEW FENCED COMPOUND BY OTHERS, REFER TO THE BEACON WIRELESS DRAWINGS BY OTHERS FOR DETAILS -NEW NEXTEL GENERATOR ON CONEREIE PAD BY OTHERS -NEW CONCRETE PAD FOR RRE DEPARTMENT DUMPSTER BY OTHERS ANTENNAS MOUNTED 2' ABOVE TOP OF SHELTER, TYPICAL FOR TWO (2) TOTAL. ORS MOUNT BY CONTRACTOR. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION OF GPS ANTENNAS WITH VERIZON WIRELESS. · NEW ABOVE GROUND CABLE BRIDGE, SEE DWG. C-2 FOR DETAILS -NEW 90' MONOPOLE BY OTHERS, REFER TO THE BEACON WIRELESS DRAWINOS ANT THE MONPOLE DRAWINGS BY OTHERS FOR DETAILS NEW UTIU17 BACKBOARD BY OTHERS, REFER TO THE BEACON WIRELESS DRAWINGS BY OTHERS FOR DETAILS · NEW TELCO HUB CSC CABINET BY OTHERS, REFER TO THE BEACON WIRELESS DRAWINGS BY OTHERS FOR DETAILS -- NEW PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER AND METER BOARD SIZED ADEQUATELY FOR ALL CARRIERS BY OTHERS, REFER TO THE BEACON WIRELESS DRAWINGS BY OTHERS FOR DETAILS NEW CINOULAR EQUIPMENT CABINETS ON CONCRETE PAD BY OTHERS DIG SAFE .3 WORKING DAYS ~BEFOREYOU DlOi~ CaLL TOU. FREg 800--962--7962 UNDERGROUND SERVICE N. ER; THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE ENGINEER A SET OF CONTHACT DRAWINGS WITH ALL CONSTHUC~ON REVISIONS AND/OR MODIFICATIONS DENOTED WITH RED PENCIL THESE DRAWINGS WILL BE CONSIDERED THE CONTRACTOR'S AS BUILTS. FINAL PAYMENT WILL NOT BE MADE UNTIL DRAWINGS ARE RECEIVED BY THE ENGINEER. GENERAL NOTES: 1.) ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: a.) THE "BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE," LATEST EDITION b.) THE REGULATIONS OF ALL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION 2.) COORDINATE ALL WORKING HOURS, MATERIAL DEUVERY SCHEDULE AND ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACllviTIES WITH VERIZON AND OWNER. 5.) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTIUTIES AND STRUCTHRES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND SURFACE UTIUTIES AND STRUCTURES AT OR ADJACENT TO THE SITE DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION, ANY EXISTING UTIUqES OR STRUCTHRES DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 4.) ALL AREAS DIS]URBED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE RESTORED TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDIqON AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 5.) COORDINATE THE DISPOSAL OF CONSTRUCTION/SITE CLEARING DEBRIS AND EXCESS SOIL FROM EXCAVATION OPERATIONS WITH VERIZON AND OWNER. 6.) ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS AND OTHER INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ARE TAKEN EROM UMITED FIELD OBSERVATIONS. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VEEIEY ALL EXISTING CORDFIIONS. ANY UNUSUAL CONDITIONS OR DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATENqON OF THE ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH ANY AFFECTED WORK UNTIL FORMALLY DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 7.) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF ALL DIMENSIONS AND/OR QUANTITIES AND FOR THE COORDINATION WITH ALL OTHER WORK. REVIEW OF THE CONTRACTOR'S SUBMISSIONS DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM THESE RESPONSIBILITIES. 8.) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ANGLE STRUTS, BRACKETS, GOGGLES, EYE BOLTS AND ALL OTHER ACCESSORIES REQUIRED TO PROPERLY SUPPORT, BRACE AND/OR REINFORCE ALL FINISHES, FRNdER, EQUIPMENT, ETC. 9.) ALL MATERIALS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE NO,ED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SAMPLES OF ALL MATERIAL TO VERIZON FOR APPROVAL. 10.) MANUFACTHRER'S INSTRUCTIONS: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH UANUFACTHRERS' INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND RECOMMERDATIONS TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY ARE MORE STRINGENT THAN THE REQUIREMENTS IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 11.) CLEANING AND PROTECTION: DURING HANDUNG AND INSTALLATION, CLEAN AND PROTECT CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS AND ADJOINING MATERIALS IN PLACE. APPLY PROTECTIVE COVERING(S) WHERE REQUIRED. A. CLEAN AND MAINTAIN COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY THROUOHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. B. UMITING EXPOSURES: SUPERVISE OPERATIONS TO ENSURE THAT NO PART OF CONSTRUCTION, COMPLETED OR IN PROGRESS, IS SUBJECT TO HARMFUL OR DELETERIOUS EXPOSURE. SUCH EXPOSURE INCLUDES, BUT NOT UMITED TO: o. WATER INFILTRATION AND EXPOSURE TO WEATHER b. EXCESSIVE HIGH OR LOW TEMPERAllJRE OR HUMIDITY c. UNUSUAL WEAR OR OTHER MISUSE d. HEAVY TRAFFIC, SOILING, STAINING OR CORROSION e. CONTACT BETWEEN INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS f. THEFT OR VANDALISM TOPOGRAPHIC MAP SITE LOCATION PLAN SCALE: NONE NORTH PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Scooe of Work: me purpose of these drawings is to illustrate the new installation of the fallowing: - 12'x30' (560:i: SF) prefabricated wireless telecommunication equipment shelter with on internal emergency back-up diesel g~nerotor within the new telecommunications compound being constructed by others. - Six (6) panel antennas (transmit and receive) mounted within the new 90' monopole being erected by others and two (2) OPS antennas (receive only) mounted 2'-0" above the top of the new equipment shelter. ~2. AoolIcanh 3. Enaineer of Record: New York SMSA Umited Parlnership d/b/o Verizon WIreless 4 Centerock Road West N~ack, NY 10994 4. Towa-/Comoound Beacon WIreless Management P.O. Box 305 Hampton Bays, NY 11946 (631) 484-5445 0. Site Data: Street Address: Section: Block: Lot: Municipalit~ Existing Use: Proposed Use: Approximate Latitude: Approximate Longitude: Approximate Ground Elevation: Notes: James H. Fahey, P,E., S.E. Structural Consulting Services, P.C. 67 Federal Road Brookfield, CT 06804 5. Prooertv Owner:. Orient Fire District 25300 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 (631) 323-3888 25300 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 18 5 13.8 Town of Southhold, NY Telecommunications Facility/~iunielpal (Fire Dept.) Telecommunications Facility/Municipal (Fire Dept.) N41' OB' 33' (NAD 83) W72' 17' 55' (NAD 85) 14 feet (NARD 88) 1.) New/proposed features labeled as such; all else existing. 2.) Boundary information, existing features and proposed work by others shown hereon were taken from limited field measurements and the following drawings prepared by Michael Walker Design/Builder, LLC, Dartmouth, MA, for Beacon WIreless Management: - Drawing T-1 entitled "TItle Page' last revised 02/23/06 - Drawing A-1 entitled 'Plot Plan & Pole Elevation' lost revised 02/23/06 - Drawing A-2 entitled 'Compound Plan WIth Planting' last revised 02/23/06 - Drawing S-t entitled 'Foundation & Concrete' last revised 06/01/05 - Drawing E-1 entilted 'Electrical Riser & Details" last revised 06/01/05 - Drawing E-2 entitled "Grounding" last revised 06/01/05 5.) The proposed use is unmanned and will be visited approximately once a month for maintenance purposes; therefore the site is net anticipated to generate addiBonal noise, fumes, vibroBons or traffic. 4.) No additional parking is required for the proposed use as this is an unmanned site. 5.) No solid ar liquid waste will be produced by the proposed use as this is an unmanned site', therefore, no water or sewage foellities ore required for the new use. 6.) There will be no commercial or retail signs, nor special lighting required for the proposed use. 7.) Fire protection and security provisions will include remote monitoring of the subject I S STRUCTURAL C CONSULTING S SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAD, SLqTE AS, BROOI~IELD, CT 06004 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.5670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BP, SEN ASSOCIAI S, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT STREET SUITE 7D NORWALK, CT 3EL 203-866-1471 FAX 203-866-1472 2 RELOCATED COMPOUND )3/02/0[ 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW/FILING 39/19/0.~ No. ISSUE OR REVISION DATE No use, reproduction or dissanination may be made of this drawing I end the concepts set f~h without the prior written consent of I Structure Consu tnc, I So,ices. P.C. Cop~ht© 2~ SITE: ORIENT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 COMPOUND PLAN, SITE PLAN AND NOTES SECTORS (1) ALPHA SECTOR AZIMUTH = 102" DOWNTILT = 0'* BETA SECTOR AZIMUTH = 222" DOWNTILT = 0'* GAMMA SECTOR AZIMUTH = 542' DOWNTILT = 0'* VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA &: CABLE SCHEDULE NTENNA MODEL ANTENNA 20LOP CODING (*~CABLE LENGTH (21 COAX CABLE (5) CPS ANTENNA (,4) (TWO (2) TOTAL} ANTEL CO/PO ADA-85408580CF ANTEL C1/P1 ADA-85408580Ct ANTEL CO/PO ADA-85408580C[ ANTEL C1/P1 kDA-85408580CF ANTEL CO/PO \DA-85408580CF ANTEL C1/P1 NDA-85408580CF GPS1 LUCENT KS-2~119L-112A GPS2 WHITE 90'± WHITE/1 PRPL 90'± WHITE 90'± WHITE/1 PRPL 90'~ BLUE 90'± BLUE/1PRPL 90'± BLUE 90'~ BLUE/1 PRPL 90'± GREEN 90'± GREEN/1 PRPL 90'± GREEN 9O'± GREEN/1PRPL 90'± 1 BROWN 2O'± 2 BROWN 2O'± ANDREW LDF5-50A 7/8"¢ NOMINAL ANDREW LDFS-50A 7/8"¢ NOMINAL ANDREW LDFS-50A 7/8"¢ NOMINAL ANDREW LDFS-50A i 7/8"¢ NOMINAL TRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE MECHANICAL DOWNTILT BRA_C_KE_T.S.. ...... IFY CABLE LENGTHS WITH VERIZON WIRELESS PRIOR IL) UNubr<u'~L, FY CABLE DIAMETER WITH VERIZON WIRELESS PRIOR TO ORDERING TRACTOR SHALL CONFRM GPS ANTENNA MODEL AND CABLE WITH VERIZON (*) CONFIRM WITH VERIZON WIRELESS REPRESENTATIVE WIRELESS WALL SUPPORT ANGLE MICROFLECT CAT. #43511 lNG TYPE BRIDGE CHANNEL TN 542' GAMMA (CC OR GP) 102' ALPHA (AC OR AP) 222' BETA (DC OR BP) ANGLES ARE MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM TRUE NORTH TRANSLATION OF ORIENTATION ANGLES LEGEND: CELLULAR ANTENNA PCS ANTENNA ITENNA CABLE, TYP. SUPPORT CABLES AT TOP OF VERTICAL RUN W/ TYPICAL HOIS~NG GRIPS. SUPPORT GRIP FROM EXIST. '"'~KELLUMS HOOK NEAR HANDHOLE OR FROM OTHER FIXED MEMBER HOISTING GRIP AS MANUFACTURED ~BY VALMONI/MICROFLECT OR APPROVED EQUAL, SEE BELOW FOR PART NUMBER. ~--8" SECTION OF 2" WIDE ELECTRICAL TAPE TYPICAL SCALE: NONE ~COAXIAL CABLE ~ PART 1/2"¢ B1729 7/8"¢ B1750 1-1/4"¢ B1751 1-5/B"¢ B1752 HOISTING GRIP DETAIL 11.2" 4.5" (FRONT) (BIDE) ANTENNA ELEVATION SCALE: NONE CABLE HANGER O.C. MAX., TYP. ENTRY pLATEH MONOPOLE AND (SUPPLIEDWl FOUNDATION SHELTER) CABLE BRIDGE SUF 10'-0" O.C. MAX. SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET. FINISHED GRADE NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE ALL PENETRATIONS INTO THE EQUIPMENT SHELTER WATERTIGHT. ( )TYPICAL EXTERIOR CABLE SCALE: NONE BRIDGE DETAIL LOOP. MAINTAIN MINIMUM CABLE BENDING RADIUS PER THE CARRIER'S STANDARDS. PORTHOLE ENTRY, VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION IN FIELD. SOUTHOLD POLICE AND ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT WHIP ANTENNAS BY OTHERS PANEL ANTENNAS ~THIN BY O~ERS, ]YP.- TOP OF MONOPOLE ELEV. 90.0'± AGL CEN~RLINE OF CONCEALMENT CYLINDER / NEXTEL ANTENNA ARRAY VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA &: CABLE_ NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL TRANSMISSION CABLE, JUMPERS, CONNECTORS, GROUNDING STRAPS, ANTENNAS, MOUNTS AND HARDWARE. ALL MATERIALS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR DAMAGE UPON DELIVERY. JUMPERS SHALL BE SUPPLIED AT ANTENNAS AND AT EQUIPMENT INSIDE SHELTER. COORDINATE LENGTH OF JUMPER CABLES IN FIELD WITH VERIZON WIRELESS AND COORDINATE 8: VERIFY ALL OTHER MATERIALS TO BE PROVIDED WITH VERIZON WIRELESS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID AND ORDERING MATERIALS, 2. AFTER INSTALLATION, THE TRANSMISSION LINE SYSTEM SHALL BE TDR/SWEEP TESTED FOR PROPER INSTALLATION AND DAMAGE WITH ANTENNAS CONNECTED. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN LATEST TESTING PROCEDURE FROM VERIZON PRIOR TO BIDDING. 5. ANTENNA CABLES SHALL BE COLOR CODED AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: AT THE ANTENNAS - AT THE BASE OF THE MONOPOLE - OUTSIDE THE EQUIPMENT SHELTER @ WAEVGUIDE ENTRY - INSIDE THE EQUIPMENT SHELTER @ WAVEGUIDE ENTRY - dUMPER CABLES @ EQUIPMENT 4. GROUND ANTENNA CABLES AT THE ANTENNAS, AT THE EQUIPMENT AND AT THE BASF OF VERTICAL RUNS 5. UTILIZE ANDREWS GROUNDING KIT #204989 SERIES WiTH DOUBLE HOLE CRIMP ON LUGS AT BOTH ENDS OF GROUNDING CONNECTOR FOR GROUNDING EACH SIGNAL CABLE (BY ANTENNA SIGNAL CONTRACTOR). 6. SYS~:.M INSTALLATION: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL CABLES AND ANTENNAS TO THE MANUFACTURER'S AND VERIZON'S SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. ALL CONNECTORS, ASSOCIATED CABLE MOUNTING, AND GROUNDING HARDWARE. 2. ALL MOUNTS, STANDOFFS, AND ASSOCIATED HARDWARE. 5. 1/2" HELIAX ANTENNA JUMPERS OF APPROPRIATE LENGTHS. 7. ANTENNA CABLES SHALL BE FOAM DIELECTRIC COAXIAL CABLES AS SPECIFIED BY VERIZON WIRELESS. BASE STATION ANTENNAS: FOR CABLE RUNS OF UP TO 200 FEET, USE 7/8" INCH CABLE. FOR CABLE RUNS OF 200 FEET TO 300 FEET, USE 1-1/4" INCH CABLE. FOR GABLE RUNS GREATER THAN .300 FEET, USE 1-5/8 iNCH CABLE. OPS ANTENNAS: FOR CABLE RUNS OF UP TO 200 FEET, USE 7/8" INCH CABLE. FOR CABLE RUNS OF 200 FEET TO $00 FEET, USE 1-1/4 INCH CABLE. FOR CABLE RUNS GREATER THAN 500 FEET, USE 1-5/8 INCH CABLE. 8. MINIMUM BENDING RADII FOR COAXIAL CABLES: 7/8" RMIN = 15" 1-1/4" RMIN=20" 1-5/8", RMIN--25' 9. BRASS TAGS AREA TO BE ATTACHED WITH STAINLESS STEEL Tie WIRES AT: ANTENNAS AND AT THE EQUIPMENT. TAPING OF ANTENNA CABLE: REFER TO ANTENNA & CABLE SCHEDULE INFORMATION ON BRASS 7AGS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: HEIGHT OF ANTENNA (i.e. 525') ANTENNA ORIENTAl]ON SECTOR (i.e. ALPHA, ETC.) CO, C1, PO OR P1 "VERIZON WIRELESS" 110. CABLES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM NUMBER OF BENDS WHERE POSSIBLE. CABLES SHALL NOT BE LEFT UNTERMINATED AND SHALL BE SEALED IMMEDIATELY AFTER BEING INSTALLED. 1! 1. ALL CABLE CONNFCTIONS OUTSIDE SHALL BE COVERED WiTH A WEATHERPROOF SPLICING KIT, 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LENGTHS AND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 15. CABLES SHALL BE FURNISHED WITHOUT SPLICES AND WITH CONNECTORS AT EACH END. C S STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAI), SUI'I'I; AS, BROOKFI~D, CT 06804 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.5670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BREEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT S"IREET ~11[ 7D NORWALK, CT 06855 TEL 203-866-1471 FAX 205-866-1472 CLIENT: 4 CENTEROCK ROAD WEST NYACK, NEW YORK 10994 PIPE COL. WIDE GRATING TYPE BRIDGE CHANNEL, VALMONT/MICROFLECT PART #B395 OR APPROVED EQUAL DARE FLAT PLATE WASHER MODEL #B201 BY B-LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL, TYP. GALV. STEEL UNISTRUT MEMBER SPACED 5'-0" O.C. NO TWIST SQUARE WASHER MODEL #B2D1D BY B-LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL, TYP. --'5/8"¢ TREADED ROD, TYP. --ANTENNA CABLE ATTACHED TO UNISTRUT W/ S.S SNAP-IN CLIP, TYP. --.PIPE HEAD FOR 9" WIDE GRATING TYPE BRIDGE CHANNEL, VALMONT/ MICROFLECT PART #B1275 OR APPROVED EQUAL 3-1/2" O,D. GALV. STEEL SCHED. 40 PIPE COLUMN @ 10'-0" O.C. MAX., VALMONT/MICROFLECT PART #B130 OR APPROVED EQUAL. OUT LENGTH AS REQ'D, UNREINFORCED CONCRETE FOOTING 3/4"x3/4" CHAMFER ALL AROUND FINISHED GRADE I, 1'-0"¢ -I CAL CABLE BRIDGE SUPPORT NONE DETAIL CENTERUNE OF CONCEALMENT CYLINDER / CINGULAR ANTENNA ARRAY ELEV. 75 0'± AOL CENTERLINE OF UPPER CO/PO _VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNAS ELEV. 67.5'± AGL CENTERUNE OF CONCEALMENT CYLINDER/ VERIZON WIRELESS ANTENNA ARRAY ELEV. 6~.O'J: ACL CENTERUNE_OF LOWER C1/P! VERIZO_N_ WIRELESS ANTENNAS ELEV, 62.5'± AGL NE~W DUAL-BAND PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED WIIHIN 10' HIGH FIBERGLASS COINCEALMENT CYLINDER, TYPICAL FOR SIX (6) ANTENNAS TOTAL (TWO (2) LE.VELS OF THREE (5) ANTENNAS PER LEVEL). PROVIDE 1'-0" SEPERA30N BETWE[EN UPPER AND LOWER ANTENNAS. REFER TO THE MONOPOLE DRAWINGS BY OTHERS FOR MOUNTING DETAILS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED INSIDE MONOPOLE UP TO ELEVAI]ON OF ANTENNAS. SUPPORT ANTENNA CABLES FROM WITHIN WITH TYPICAL HOISTING GRIPS AS REQUIRED. NEW 90' MONOPOLE BY OTHERS WALL MOUNTED AC UNITS- NEW CPS ANTENNAS MOUNTED 2' ABOVE TOP OF SHELTER, TYPICAL FOR IWO (2) TOTAL. CPS MOUNT BY CONTRACTOR. COORDINATE EXACT LOCAl]ON OF CPS ANTENNAS WITH VERIZON WIRELESS. WALL MOUNTEO UGHT ABOVE DOOR, TYP. F NEW 12'x30' PREFABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER W/- INTERNAL EMERGENCY BACK-UP DIESEL GENERATOR EMERGENCY BACK-UP GENERATOR EXHAUST PIPE TOP OF CPS AN~NNAS ELFV. 15.5':l: AGL TOP OF EQUIPMENT SHELTER NEW FENCING BY OTHERS GRADE ELEV. O' ABL, 14'± AMSL ( SOUTH SITE / FAA ELEVATION SCALE: 1" = 10' NOTE: EQUIPMENT OF OYHERS., SCREENING AROUND COMPOUND AND EXS,TNO FIREHOUSE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. I RELOCATED COMPOUND 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW/FILING No. OR REVISION 09/19/0~ DATE No use, reproduction or dissemination may be made of this drowin9 and the concepts set forth without the prior written consent of Structural Consultin9 Services, P.O. Cop~i~lht© 2005 IRC]EOT TITLE SITE: ORIENT 25300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 ANTENNA & CABLE SCHEDULE, ELEVATIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES SCAL~ AS NOTED VERO010 DRAWN BY DRAWING NO. JHF 09/16/05 STRUCTURAL NOTES: SLAB. ~WALL REINFORCING, TYP.-~ NOTE: PROVIDE SCHED. 80 PVC SLEEVES AS REQUIRED FOR ALL CONDUITS, STANDARD t =iPlab[HOOK, TYP. PIPES, ETC, REQUIRED TO PASS THROUGH THE FOUNDATION WALLS AND COORDINATE SIZE AND LOCATION OF SUCH REQUIRED SLEEVES WITH THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS AND EQUIPMENT SHELTER MANUFACTURER. [OUT-TO-OUT DIMENSION OF EQUIPMENT SHELTER SUPPORT BEAMS + 2"] PLATE LQ. ¢_ PLATE EQ..¢¢- PLATE LQ. PLATE ¢_ .6' 3/4"xlOx10" GALV. STEEL I j BEARING PLATE, TYP. SEE BEAR,ND PLATE ANCHORAGE .-, DETAIL THIS SHEET. I I I I I I ~ I I 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB I 12" REINFORCED CONCRETE I , I FOUNDATION WALL, TYP. I ""1 I I L % l"xl" CHAMFER ALL AROUND, TYP. :~ ~BROOM FINISH PAD, TYP. ~ 4'-0"x12' O" CONCRETE PAD CENTERED ON SHELTER DOORS. VERIFY LOCATION OF DOORS IN FIELD OR WITH SHELTER MANUFACTURER. SEE CONCRETE PAD DETAIL THIS SHEET. 12'-0" TYPICAL CORNER SCALE: NONE /-- #4 TOP &2~iT. ~ EQUIPMENT SHELTER FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" BAR DETAIL -- /4" BEARING PLATE OF SLAB --5/8"¢ A507 THREADED ROD, TYP. HEAVY HEX NUT, TYP. sc .. BEARING ANCHORAGE //~EDGE OF SLAB THREADED ROD ,.~...~BEARING PLATE SECTION SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" DETAIL BELOW, TYP. t. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE, LATEST EDITION AND WITH THE REGULATIONS OF ALL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 2. DESIGN BEARING PRESSURE = 5 KSF 5. IF ANY FIELD CONDITIONS PRECLUDE COMPLIANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS AND OR CONDITIONS SPECIFIED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND SHALL NOT PROCEED WITH ANY WORK THAT WOULD BE AFFECTED. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY FOUNDATION PLAN DIMENSIONS AND COORDINATE ANCHORAGE DETAILS WiTH THE PREFABRICATED TELECOMMUNICATION SHELTER MANUFACTURER. 5. THE PREFABRICATED TELECOMMUNICATION SHELTER SHALL BE A 12' × 50' EQUIPMENT SHELTER AS MANUFACTURED AND SUPPLIED BY KULLMAN INDUSTRIES, INC. OF AVENEL, NJ. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SHELTER MANUFACTURER WITH THE VERIZON WIRELESS REPRESENTATIVES AND NOTIFY ENGINEER IF DIFFERENT FROM ONE SPECIFIED FOR REVISED FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS. FOUNDA1]ON AND EXCAVATION NOTES: 1. ALL WATER SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE RASE OF THE PROPOSED FOUNDATION WALLS BEFORE COMPACTING FILL AND PLACING CONCRETE. 2. THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACING GRAVEL. 3. FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL BEAR ON AN 12" THICK MINIMUM LAYER OF COMPACTED GRAVEL FILL. THE REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE PLACED ON A 6 MIL THICK POLYETHYLENE VAPOR HARRIER OVER A 6" THICK MINIMUM LAYER OF COMPACII:B GRAVEL FILL. ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL (BRICK FRAGMENTS, ASPHALT, CONCRETE BOULDERS, ETC..) WITHIN THE BUILDING AREA AND EXCAVATION SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. 4. COMPACTED GRAVEL FILL SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED IN A MAXIMUM OIF 6" LIFTS USING VIBRATORY COMPACqON EQUIPMENT. THE COMPACTION EFFORT SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE ENGINEER. COMPACTION OF THE GRAVEL FIILL ABOVE THE BOTTOM OF THE FOUNDATION IS NOT REQUIRED. 5. FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL BE BACKFILLED SIMULTANEOUSLY ON BOTH S~BES, SO THAT THE MAXIMUM VARIATION IS LIMITED TO 8 INCHES. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY ALL NECESSARY MEASURES TO SAFEGUARD THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF ADJACENT STRUCTURES DURING EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF FOUNDATIONS. TEMPORARY SHORING SHALL BE EMPLOYED WHEN NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN STABILITY OF EXCAVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 1. ALL DETAILING, FABRICATION AND PLACING OF REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACI DETAILING MANUAL SP-66 (LATEST REVISION). 2. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE "BUILDING CODE REOUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, ACI318-99". 5. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT AND SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. SLUMP SHALL BE 4"(+1"). AIR ENTRAINMENT SHALL BE 8%. 4. REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE GRADE 60 DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM SPECIFICATION A615. USE CLASS B LAP SPLICES. 5. THE CONCRETE SLAB SHALL BE POURED LEVEL WITH WITH A TOLERANCE OF 1/8" OVER 10' IN ALL DIRECTIONS, 6. THE SLAB SHALL BE CURED WITH CURING COMPOUND APPLIED AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. COMPAC1ED GRANULAR FILL: 1. COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL SHALL CONSIST OF BROKEN OR CRUSHED STONE, OR SANK OR CRUSHED GRAVEL AND SHALL CONSIST OF SOUND, TOUOH DURABLE PARTICLES FREE FROM SOFT, THIN, ELONGATED OR LAMINATED PIECES AND FREE OF MUD, DIRT, VEGETABLE OR OTHER DELETERIOUS SUBSTANCES GRADED AS FOLLOWS: SHELTER SUPPORT BEARING PLATE 1 "Xl" CHAMFER~ ~ .SEE SITE PLAN \ 2'-0" ABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER BARS @ 24" O.C. BARS @ 12" O.C. SLAB, PROVIDE 1" X 1" CHAMFER ALL FOUR EDGES 6" THICK MIN. COMPACTED GRANULAR FiLL UNDER 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER /..~CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL BARS TOP AND BOTT. 1"X1" CHAMFER ~~. FINISHED GRADE,~PLAN SEE SITE \~i *~1,, I----Ill---HI PREFABRICATED EQUIPMENT SHELTER ii¸ BARS @ 12" O.C. BARS @ 24" O.C. SLAB, PROVIDE 1" X 1" CHAMFER ALL FOUR EDGES 6" THICK MIN. COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL UNDER 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER FOUNDATION WALL BARS TOP AND BOTT. l"xl" CHAMFER EXPOSED EDGES, TYP. FINISHED GRADE, ,,d, SEE SITE PLAN SQUARE MESH SIZES: PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT: PASS 3-1/2" 100 PASS 1-1/2" 55-100 PASS 3/4" 40-85 PASS 1/4" 25-60 PASS #10 15-45 PASS #40 5-25 PASS #200 0 5 FILL VOID BETWEEN PAD SHELTER SOLID WITH CONCRETE 1/2" THICK JOINT FILLER ¢ SLOPE CLR, TYP. EQUIPMENT SHELTER FLOOR OF SHELTER OF SLAB 2'- 0" MIN. MIN. COMPACTED DRANULAR FILL, TYP. 2'- 0" MIN. 12" MtN. COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL, TYP. #4 BARS @ 12" O.C. EA. 'WA/ -- 6" THICK MIN, COMPACTED GRAVEL FILL- S C S STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAD, SurI'E AS, BROOK~'IELD, CT 06804 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.$670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BREEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT STREET SI.lIE 7D NORWALK, CT 06855 'TEl. 203-866-1471 FAX 20;~-866-1472 lilY. wireless 4 CENTEROCK ROAD WEST NYACK, NEW YORK 10994 RELOCATED COMPOUND ISSUED FOR REVIEW/FILING OR REVISION DATE No use, reproduction er dissemination may be made of this drawing and the concepts set forth without the prior written consent of S ruc uro Consultn~ Servces, P.C. Copyright©2005 3P, OJECT TITLE SITE: ORIENT 23~00 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 EQUIPMENT SHELTER FOUNDATION PLAN, SECTIONS, DETAILS AND NOTES SECTI ON SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" SECTION SCALE: ,3/4" = 1'-0' SEAL SCALE )ROJECTNO NE[~ AS NOTED VEROO10 DRAWN BY }PAWING NO. JHF CONCRETE PAD DETAIL DAT~ JHF 09/12/05 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL NOTES: 1 GENERAL REOUIREMENTS ALL REQUIREMENTS UNDER DIVISION ONE AND THE GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE A PART OF THIS SECTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO BECOME THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH ALL ITS CONTENTS AS TO REOUIREMENTS WHICH AFFECT THIS DIVISION. THE WORK REQUIRED UNDER THIS DIVISION INDLUDES ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT. APPLIANCES, AND LABOR REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SYSTEM AS REQUIRED BY THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, OR REASONABLY INFERRED TO BE NECESSARY TO FACiliTATE EACH SYSTRMS FUNCTIONING AS INDICATED BY THE DESIGN AND THE EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED. Z - INSPECTION OF SITE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PERSONALLY INSPECT THE SITE OF THE PROPOSED WORK AND BECOME FULLY INFORMED AS TO THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICR THE WORK IS TO BE BONE. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED SUFFICIENT JUSTIFICATION TO REQUEST OR OBTAIN EXTRA COMPENSATION OVER AND ABOVE THE CONTRACT PRICE. 7 - SUBSTITUTIONS THIS SPEDIFICATION PROVIDES THAT THE BASE BID OF ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL INCLUDE THE PRODUCTS SPECIFICALLY NAMED, THE CONTRACTOR BEING PERMITTED TO SUBMIT IN THE FORM OF ALTERNATES. WITH HIS PROPOSAL, PRODUCTS OF ANY OTHER MANUFACTURERS FOR SIMILAR USE, PROVIDED THE DIFFERENCE IN COST, ~F ANY, IS SPECIFIED IN EACH CASE, THE TERMS "APPROVED", "APPROVED EQUAL", OR "EQUAL" SHALL MEAN APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTLRNATE BID. NO SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED THAT ARE NOT BID AS AN ALTERNATE. B - SHOP DRA~NGS SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL SiX SETS OF MANUFACTURERS SHOP DRAWINGS OF ALL MAJOR ITEMS OF EQUIPMENT AND ALL ITEMS REQUIRING COORDINATION BE~NEEN CONTRACTORS. BEFORE SUBMITTING SHOP DRAWINGS AND MATERIAL LISTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ~HAT ALL EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED IS MUTUALLY COMPATIBLE AND SUITABLE FOR TUE INTENDED USE, AND SHALL F~T THE AVAILABLE SPACE AND ALLOW AMPLE ROOM FOR MAINTENANCE. THE ENGINEER'S CHECKING AND SUBSEQUENT APPROVAL OF SUCH SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CON1~ACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS IN DIMENSIONS, DETAILS, SIZE OF MEMBERS, OR QUANTITIES, OR OMISSIONS OF COMPONENTS OR FI~TINBS, OR FOR COORDINATING ITEMS WITH ACTUAL BUILDING CONDITIONS. 9 - ADJUSTING. ALiGNiNG AND TESTIND ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ON THIS PROJECT FURNISHED UNDER THIS DIVISION AND ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY OTHERS SHALL BE ADJUSTED. ALIGNED AND TESTED FOR PROPER OPERATION BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. COMPLE~ WIRING SYSTEMS SHALL BE FREE FROM SHORT CIRCUITS. ALL MOTORS SHALL BE VERIFIED FOR PROPER ROTATION. 10 -- OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SUBMIT TO THE OWNER THREE COPIES EACH OF MATERIAL FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION INSTRUCTION MANUALS, APPROPRIATELY BOUND INTO MANUAL FORM INCLUDING APPROVED COPIES OF MANUFACTURERS CATALOG SHEETS, WIRING DIAGRAMS, MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, AND PARTS USTS, REVISED IF NECESSARY TO SHOW SYSTEM AND EOUIPMENT AS ACTUALLY INSTALLED, CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE ADEQUATE VERBAL INSTRUCTIONS OF SYSTEM OPERATION TO OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AT THE TERMINATION OF THE WORN. 11 - START UP OF SYSTEMS PRIOR TO START-UP OF THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK ALL COMPONENTS AND DEVICES, LUBRICATE ITEMS ACCORDINGLY, AND TIGHTEN ALL SCREWED AND BOLTED CONNECTIONS. ADJUST TAPS ON EACH TRANSFORMER FOR RATED SECONDARY VOLTAGE. CHECK AND RECORD BUILDING'S SERVICE ENTRANCE VOLTAGE. GROUNDING CONDITIONS, GROUNDING RESISTANCE AND PROPER PHASING. BALANCE ALL SINGLE PHASE LOADS AT EACH PANELBOARD, REDISTRIBUTING BRANCH CIRCUIT CONNECTIONS UNTIL BALANCE IS ACHIEVED. REPLACE ALL BURNED-OUT LAMPS. AFTER ALL SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN ~NSPECTED AND ADJUSTED, CONFIRM ALL OPERATING FEATURES REQUIRED BY THE DRAWINGS ANB SPECIFICATIONS AND MAKE FINAL ADJUSTMENTS AS NECESSARY. 12 - GUARANTEE GUARANTEE AGAINST DEFECTIVE WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF FINAL PAYMENTI GUARANTEE SHALL INCLUDE MATERIAL TO BE REPLACED AND ALL LABOR REQUIRED. !_3 - INSpECTiONS THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ARRANGING AND PAYING FOR ALL ELECTRICAL INSPECRONS. 14 -- CLEANING DIRT AND REFUSE RESULTING FROM THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PREMISES AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT ACCUMULATION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COOPERATE IN MAINTAINING REASONABLY CLEAN PREMISES AT ALL TIMES. IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE A FINAL CLEANUP OF DIRT AND REFUSE RESULTING FROM HIS WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN ALL MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLED UNDER THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACT. DIRT. DUST, PLASTER. STAINS AND FOREIGN MATTER SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL SURFACES. DAMAGED FINISHES SHALL BE TOUCHED UP AND RESTORED TO TREIR ORIGINAL CONDITION. 15 - CUTTING AND PATCHING THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL DO ALL CUTTING OF WALLS, FLOORS, CEILINGS, ETC. AS REQUIRED TO INSTALL WORK UNDER THIS SECTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN PERMISSION OF THE OWNER BEFORE DOING ANY CUT. NC. ALL HOLES SHALL BE CUT AS SMALL AS POSSIBLE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PATCH WALLS. FLOORS, ETC. AS REQUIRED BY WORK UNDER THIS SECTION. ALL PATCHING SHALL BE THOROUGHLY FIRST CLASS AND SHALL MATCH THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION. ALL CORE DRILLING SHALL REQUIRE LOCATING REBAR VIA X 16 ROUGH--IN COOROINATE WITHOUT DELAY ALL ROUGHING-IN WITH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. ALL CONDUIT ROUGH-IN SHALL BE CONCEALED EXCEPT IN UNFINISHED AREAS AND WHERE OTHERWISE SHOWN. 17 - CONDUIT ALL CONDUIT SHALL BE RUN CONCEALED EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL CONDUIT RUN EXPOSED TO WEATHER, OR OTHER HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS SHALL BE Rigid GALV. PAINTED STEEL ALL OTHER CONDUIT MAY BE E.M.T. W/COMPRESSION FITTINGS WHERE APPROVED BY LOCAL CODE. FINAL CONNECTION TO EACH MOTOR AND TO ANY DEVICE WHICH WOULD OTHERWISE TRANSMIT MOTION, VIBRATION OR NOISE, SHALL BE IN FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT. WHERE FLEXIBLE METAL CONDU~T IS EXPOSEO TO LIQUIOS, VAPORS OR SUNUGHT, LIQUID-TIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT SHALL BE USED. ALL FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN INSULATED DROUND WIRE. !8 - CONDUIT INSTALLATION A. ALL WIRING SHALL BE RUN IN CONDUIT, EXPOSED AND CONCEALED INSTALLATION, B. CONDUIT SHALL BE CONCEALED IN WALLS OR FLOORS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. ALL CONDUIT RUNS ARE PARALLEL IN SPACE. C. CONDUIT SHALL BE INSTALLED TO REQUIREMENTS OF STRUCTURE AND TO REQUIREMENTS OF ALL OTRER WORK ON I~lE PROJECT. CONDUIT SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CLEAR ALL OPENINGS. DEPRESSIONS, PIPES, DUCTS, REINFORCING STEEL, ETC, CONDUIT SET IN FORMS FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURE SHALL BE INSTALLED tN SUCH A MANNER THAT INSTALLATION WILL NOT AFFECT THE STRENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE. EXCEPT WHERE APPROVED tN WRITING BY THE ARCHITECT. NO CONDUIT SHALL BE RUN IN A SLAB ON GRADE. CONDUIT SHALL BE LOCATED IN GRANULAR FILL BELOW SLABS-ON GRADE. D. CONDUITS SHALL BE INSTALLED CONTINUOUS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS TO OUTLETS, BOXES AND CABINETS WITH A MINIMUM POSSIBLE NUMBER OF BENDS AND NOT MORE THAN THE EQUIVALENT OF FOUR 90 BENDS BETWEEN CONNECTIONS. BENDS SHALL BE SMOOTH AND EVEN AND SHALL BE MADE WITNOUT FLATTENING CONDUIT OR FLAKING ENAMEL RADIUS OF BENDS SHALL BE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE AND NEVER SHORTER THAN THE CORRESPONDING TRADE ELBOW. LOND RADIUB ELBOWS SHALL BE USED WHERE NECESSARY, E. CONDUITS SHALL RE SECURELY FASTENED IN PLACE WITH APPROVED STRAPS, HANGERS AND STEEL SUPPORTS AS REQUIRED. SINGLE CONDUITS FOR FEEDERS SHALL BE HUNG WITH MALLEABLE SPLIT RING HANGERS WiTH BOO AND TURNBUCKLE SUSPENSION FROM INSERTS SPACED NOT OVER 10 FEET APART IN CONSTRUCTION ABOVE. GROUPS OF HORIZONTAL FEEDER CONDUITS SHALL BE CLAMPED TO UNtSTRUT STEEL CHANNELS AND SUSPENDED FROM INSERTS SPACED NOT OVER 10 FEET APART IN CONSTRUCTION ABOVE. VERTICAL FEEDER CONDUITS SHALL BE SECURELY CLAMPED TO STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS ATTACHED TO STRUCTURE. CABLE CLAMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED FOR SUPPORT OF VERTICAL FEEDERS WHERE REQUIRED. CONDUIT SUPPORTS SHALL BE ADDED WITHIN 12" AT ONE END OF ALL BENDS. CONDUIT SHALL NOT BE SUPPORTED FROM SUSPENDED CEILING COMPONENTS. F. CONDUIT ENDS SHALL BE REAMED BEFORE INSTALLATION AND ALL CONDUIT SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED BEFORE INSTALLATION AND KEPT CLEAN AFTER INSTALLATION. OPENINGS AND BOXES SHALL DE PLUGGED OR COVERED AS REQUIRED TO KEEP CONDUIT CLEAN DURING CONSTRUCTION AND ALL CONDUIT SHALL BE FISHED CLEAR OF OBSTRUCTIONS BEFORE THE PULLING OF WIRES. ALL CONDUIT SHALL BE OF AMPLE SiZE FOR PULLING OF WIRE AND SHALL NOT BE SMALLER THAN CODE REQUIR~EMENTS AND NOT LESS THAN 1/2" iN SIZE. G. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST DAMAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY WORK DAMAGED OR MOVED OUT OF LINE AFTER ROUGHING--iN SHALL BE REP,AIRED TO MEET ENGINEER'S APPROVAL WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE O~ER H. CONDUIT TERMINATIONS AT pA~NELSOARDS AND JUNCTION BOXES SHALL BE ALIGNED AND INSTALLED TRL~E AND PLUMB. L INSTALL APPROVED EXPANSION FITTINGS WHERE CONDUIT OR EMT PASSES THROUGH EXPANSION JOINTS. J. INSTALL A PULL WIRE IN EACHI EMPTY CONDUIT WHICH IS LEFT BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR INSTALLATION OF WIRES OR CABLES BY OTHERS. K. MAKE ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN A MANNER WHICH WILL INSURE MECHANICAL STRENGTH AND ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY, L THRU-WIRING OF LIGHT FIXTURES IS NOT PERMITTED M. ALL INTERIOR EXPOSED CONDUIT SHALL BE FIELD PRIMED AND PAINTED BLACK COORDINATE WITH OWNER FOR F~AINT SPECIFICATIONS. N.ALL EXTERIOR EXPOSED CONDUIT SHALL BE ROB ROY SCHEDULE 40 PVC COATED STEEL CONDUIT, 19 BUSHINGS AND LOCKNUTS WHERE CONDUITS ENTER BOXES, THEY SHALL BE RIGIDLY CLAMPED TO THE BOX BY A BUSHING ON THE INSIDE AND A LOCKNUT ON 1HE OUTSIDE, AND CONDUIT SHALL ENTER THE BOX SQUARELY, BUSHINGS AND LOCKNUTS SHALL BE MADE OF GALVANIZED MALLEABLE IRON AND SHALL HAVE SHA~RF, CLEAN-CUT THREADS. WHERE THIN-WALL CONDUIT ENTERS BOX, PROVIDE APPROV'ED E,M.TI CONNECTORS. USE INSULATED GROUNDING BUSHINGS WHEREVER CONNECTION tS SUBJECT TO VIBRATION OR MOISTURE, 20 WIRE ALL WIRE SHALL HAVE COPPER CONDUC'TORS, WITH U.L LABEL, AND 600 VOLT INSULATION. ALL WIRE SHALL BE RUN iN CONDUIT, ALL FEEDER AND BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRE #8 AWG AND LARGER SHALL BE TYPE THWN OR XHHW, BOTH WITH STRANDED CONOUCTORS. ALL WIRE #10 AWG. AND SMALLER SHALL BE TYPE THWN (WET OR DAMP LOCATIONS OR THHN (DRY LOCATIONS ONLY AND ABOVE GRADE), E~OTR WITH SOLID CONDUCTORS. WIRE WITHIN FLUORESCENT FIXTURE CHANNELS SHALL BE TYPE TMHN, ALL BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING SHALL BE NOT SMALLER THAN #12 AWG WIRE. CONTROL WIRING SHALL HAVE 600V INSULATION AND BE OF THE PROPER TYPE, SIZE AND NUMBER AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISHED SPECIFIED FUNCTION WIRING INSTALLATION A. ALL WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN APPROVED RACEWAY AND ENCLOSURES. B. SUPPORT ALL WIRE AND CABLES IN VERTICAL iNSTALLATIONS AS REQUIRED BY CODE BY INSTALLING CABLE SUPPORTERS OR PLUG-TYPE CONDUIT RISER SUPPORTS, C. ALL WIRE AND CABLE IN CONDUIT SHALL BE CONTINUOUS WITHOUT TAPS OR SPLICES. ALL SPLICES OR ~-APS SHALL OCCUR IN APPROVED BOXES AND ENCLOSURES AND SHALL BE KEPT TO THE MINIMUM REQUIRED, AND SHALL BE MADE UP WiTH APPROVED S(OLDERLESS CONNECTORS. ALL SPLICES, TAPS, AND JOINTS SHALL RE INSULATED~ AS REQUIRED BY CODE. D. ALL MATERIALS USED TO TERMINATE, SPLICE OR TAP CONDUCTORS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR, PROPERLY SIIZED FOR, AND U.L. LISTED FOR TRE SPECIFIC APPLICATION AND CONDUCTORS INVOLVED, AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFAC~JRER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, USING THE MANUFACTIJRER'S RECOMMENIDED TOOLS. E. WHERE WIRE IS INDICATED TO BE INSTALLED, BUT THE CONNECTION IS INDICATED "FUTURE" OR "BY OTHERS". CONTRACTOR SHALL LEAVE A MINIMUM OF $ FEET OF "PIGTAIL" AT THE BOX, TAPE THE ENDS OF THE CONDUCTORS, AND COVER THE BOX. F. THE NUMBER OF CURRENT CAIRRTIND CONDUCTORS IN A SPECIFIC CONDUIT RUN ARE INDICATED WITH CROSS LINE~ ON EACH "CONDUIT RUN" ON THE DRAWINGS. IN GENERAL. DIRECTION OF BRANCH CIRCUIT "HOME RUN" ROUTING IS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. COMPLETE WITH CIRCUIT NUMBERS AND PANELBOARD DESIGNATION. THiS CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUE ALL SUCH "HOME RUN" ~RING TO THE DESIGNATED PANELBOARD, AS THOUGH "CONDUIT RUNS" WERE INDICATED IN THEIR ENTIRETY. C. CONDUCTORS SHALL HAVE INSULATION OF THE PROPER COLOR TO MATCH N.E.C. COLOR CODE SYSTEM IN LARGER WIRE SIZES WHERE PROPERLY COLORED INSULATION IS NOT AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE VINYL PLASDC ELECTRICAL TAPE OF THE APPROPRIATE COLOR AROUND EACH CABLE AT ALL TERMINATION POINTS, JUNCTION AND PULL BOXES. H. ALL TERMINAL BLOCKS AND WIRE TERMINALS FOR CONTROL WIRING SHALL BE PROPERLY NUMBERED FOR IDENTIFICATION WITH VINYL STiCK-ON MARKERS OR EQUIVALENT. ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL HAVE AN EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTOR INSTALLED IN THE BRANCH CIRCUIT RACEWAY, SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC TABLE 250-95. VOLTAGE DROP IN BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL NOT EXCEED 2~ N. HOMERUNS AND BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING FOR 277V OR 120V CIRCUITS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWED: LENGTH - FT HOMERUN WIRE SIZE CIRCUIT WIRE SiZE 0-50 #12 #12 S1-100 #10 #12 101--150 ~ ~10 22 - JUNCTION BOXES. PULL BOXES. CABINETS AND WIREWAYS PROVIDE JUNCTION BOXES, PULL BOXES, CABINETS AND WIREWAYS WHEREVER NECESSARY FOR PROPER INSTALLATION OF VARIOUS ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND WHERE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. SIZE AS REQUIRED FOR THE SPECIFIC FUNCTION OR AS REQUIRED BY THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, WHICHEVER IS LARGEST. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE OF A NEMA DESIGN SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT INSTALLED. EXTERIOR ITEMS SHALL BE AT A MINIMUM RATED AS A NEMA DR, 25 - OUTLET BOXES ALL OUTLETS INCLUDING LIGHT, SWITCH, RECEPTACLE, AND SIMILAR OUTLETS. SHALL BE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL. APPLETON, STEEL CITY, RACO OR APPROVED EQUAL GALVANIZED STEEL KNOCKOUT BOXES, SUITABLE IN DESIGN TO THE PURPOSE THEY SERVE AND THE SPACE THEY OCCUP'~ SIZE AS REQUIRED FOR THE SPECIFIC FUNCTION OR AS REQUIRED BY THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, WHICHEVER IS LARGEST. ALL OUTLET BOXES SHALL BE SET IN WALLS. COLUMNS, FLOORS, OR CEILINGS SO AS TO BE FLUSH WIIH THE FINISHED SURFACE AND BE ACCURATELY SET AND RIGIDLY SECURED IN POSITION. PROVIDE PLASTER RINGS, EXTENSION RINGS AND MASONARY RINGS AS REQUIRED FOR FLUSH MOUNTING. 24 - EOUIPMENT IDENmmCATION THIS CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION NAMEPLA~S ON ALL PANI~TLBDARDS, TIMESWITCBES, ETC, INCLUDING SWITCHES )N DISTRIBUTION PANELS, OUTEE-[S, PHONE/DATA & LIGHT SWITCHES: NAMEPLATES SHALL BE ENGRAVED PHENOLIC PLASTIC, AND SHALL BE FIRMLY ATTACHED TO THE EQUIPMENT. NAMEPLATES SHALL CLEARLY iDENTIFY EACH ITEM AND WHAT IT CONTROLS SEE DRAWINGS FOR TYPE, SIZE. VOLTAGE, PHASE. ETC. 26 - GROUNDING THE ELECTRICAL SERVICE, ALL EQUIPMENT, CONDUCTORS, CONDUITS, MOTOR FRAMED, ETC, iN THiS CONTRACT WHICH REQUIRE GROUNDING SHALL BE PERMANENTLY AND EFFECTIVELY GROUNDED BY THIS CONTRACTOR IN A THOROUGH AND EFFICIENT MANNER IN CONFORMANCE TO THE ELECTRICAL CODE AND/OR NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, WHICH EVER IS MORE STRINGENT. THIS GENERATOR iS NOT FOR LIFT SAFETY OR UFE SUPPORT PURPOSES LOADS FOR THIS GENERATOR ARE COMPRISED OF DATACENTER EQUIPMENT, DATACENTER COOLING, AND DATACENTER LIGH~ING SYMBOLS LEGEND EP ~ ELECTRICAL PANEL DUPLEX OUTLET GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPT OUTLET JUNCTION BOX THERMAL OVERLOAD SWITCH SINGLE POLE SWITSH ELECTRICAL MOTOR FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH ~HOME RUM TO PANEL ~ PANEL CIRCUIT DESIGNATION CHAIN-SUSPENDED FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE - LITHONIA MODEL HL--2-S2-120 S C S STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAD, SUITE AS, BROOK~IELD, CT 06804: TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.~670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BI IEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT S]REET SI.NE 7D NORWALK, CT 06855 FAX 203-866-1472 I i~~,,~/CLIENT: 4- CENTEROCK ROAD WEST NYACK, NEW YORK 10994 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW/FILING 39/19/05 No. ISSUE OR REVISION DATE No use, reproduction or disseminotion moy be mode of this drawing and the concepts sat forth without the prier written consent of Structure Consultin(~ Services, ?.C. Cop~igh[©20~ SITE: ORIENT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 DRAWING TTFLE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS COMMUNICATION CONDUIT // TERMINATION CONDUIT INSIDE SHELTER TO TELCO ~ . POWER CONDUIT- TERMINATION " VERIZON WIRELESS 12'x30' EQUIPMENT SHELTER W/ INTERNAL EMERGENCY BACK-UP DIESEL GENERATOR (BY SHELTER MANUFACTURER) V;-P/TY7]I ~7PFIF.?? WALL MOUNTED AC UNIT (BY SHELTER MANUFACTURER), TYP. FOR (2) TOTAL VERIZON WIRELESS ELECTRIC & TELCO CONDUITS ROUTED UNDERGROUND FROM CBC CABINET AND METER HANK TO VF/~f. TIH ~/£PFI /.9.? EQUIPMENT SHELTER. EXIT GROUND AHEAD OF SHELTER RASE, RUN UP EXTERIOR OF SHELTER AND CONTINUE INSIDE SHELTER TO TERMINATION POINTS. NEW COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLE RUN TO MONOPOLE ON ABOVE GROUND CABLE BRIDGE NEW 90' MONOPOLE BY OTHERS I I I I -- NEW VERIZON METER IN METER BANK BY OTHERS TELCO HUB CBC CABINET FOR COMPOUND BY OTHERS SiTE 1T~ANSFORMER BY OTHERS ALL CONDUIT ENTERING SHELTER SHALL BE BONDED TO HALO GROUND WITH GREEN INSULATED #6 CONDUCTOR. GENERATOR: KATOLIGHT MODEL #VSPD-30 S C S STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAD, SUI~E AS, BROOKFllnLI~, CT 06804 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.5670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BREEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT S~REET SUITE 7D NORWALK, CT 06855 1EL203-866-1471 FAX 203-866-1472 wireless I4 CENTEROCK ROAD I 2 RELOCATED COMPOUND )5/02/01 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW/FILING 39/19/05 No. ISSUE OR REVISION DATE No use, reproduction or dissemination may be made of this drowimj and the concepts set forth without the prior written consent of Structure Consu ng Services, P.C. Cop~rgh ©2005 SITE: ORIENT 25500 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 DRAWING TITLE ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN AS NOTED VERO010 DRAWN BY DRAWING NO. CBB 09/15/05 B PAIR--~116: DEN SET CONTROLS PAIR- O'EN SET START CONTROL 3 PAIR FOR GEN SET ALARMS 1 PAIR SPARE CONDUCTORS, 1"C COMblNAllON 2OOA DOUBLF THROW TRANSFER SWITCH AND POWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL PRE-INSTALLED BY 30 KW GENERATOR NEW EQUIPMENT SHELTER // 5 PAIR #16 ALARM WIRES IN ~/4"C ITERMINAL #1 GENERATOR RUNNING TERMINAL #2 - GENERATOR FAIL TERMINAL #10 - COMMERCIAL POWER LOSS REMAINING CONDUCTORS ARE SPARE GROUND LEVEL THE CONTRACTOR WILL OBTAIN ALL APPROVALS FROM THE LOCAL UTILITY FOR PROVIDING THIS NEW SERVICE ARRANAOEMENT. NEW LIPA APPROVED METER IN EXISTING PAN NEW 20GA VERIZON SERVICE DISCONNECT CAD WELD ~ AWG TO GROUND ROD NEMA L5-15R TWIST LOCK RECEPTACLES bURIED CONDUIT 3 #3/0~ #60, 2"C CONTRACTOR TO EXAMINE EXISTING MEI~.R SETS J PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. NEW SERVICE GROUND ROD MIN. 5/8" X B'-O" LONG POWER/COMMUNICATION RISER DIAGRAM NO SCALE PP1 UTILITY 200A, 120/240VAC, 1¢/5W, 60Hz, M.BKR COLT AMPERES WIRE BREAKER BREAKER ~RE VOLT AMPERES LOAD A I B P I TRiP TRIP I P A I B LOAD SPARE - ~ ':"-~ .... 1 15 1,--- ~2 ~232 SPARE ...... 1 15-~ ~ 45 2 8 ~.~h-,~.Z 4252 AIR CONDITIONER ','~ i,r~ t-r;-~,~.,~, ~ UNIT ~2 SPARE .~.~-,..,, 1 4232 ,-?:~;r~ ~ ~8 20 1 12 720 ~':'c.r, ''~'',,, '-,~-' RECEPTACLES AIR CONDI~ONER ,%~-k"~;~ 42~2 UNIT ~1 ,~;~,~ ,.~s;R 180 SPA~RE '~':%~, ~2 20 1 12 -~,.-.-~ 120 FAN & ILOUVER ;'~"'-""d., 12 1 20 1~ ~4 20 1 12 180 '~',*~ ,~'RECEPTACLE (~ LOCK) LIGHT. IHT A EXT 776 ',?'~'>~'~': hD.?~.'~' ***S~OKE DETECTOR ....... ~ 120 12 1 20 1 6 20 1 - *"'; '~ SPA~RE RECEPTACLES(~ LOCK) ~ ' ..... ~ 180 12 1 15 1 8 20 1 - .'% ~,' SPA~RE RECEPTACLE (QUAD) 560 ~ 12 1 20 15 1 SPA~RE , ,z,'.' .~? 2~ ~-~,, ;~;~;r,,;;f,',,'350 ** RECT. DROP ~1 350 ,,'..~ ..... 10 2 50 2 30 2 10 350 ¢~,,.,,,.,, RECT. DROP ~2 ** .... ., ** RECT. DROP ~5 350 ,,,:-,,.-,v 10 2 30 2 6 30 2 10 350 ..... ,., RECT. DROP ~4 ** :.,t?:~, 350 ~ ~"?- 350 ** 8[Cl. ~80P ~5 350 ,.:~o;l~t.-~ 10 2 30 2 0 30 2 10 350 ;'~, ~ ~[Cl. D~O~ ~ ** q.:,~,.~¢,: 350 ;:4~.rr: ...... 350 ** RECT. DROP ~7 350 ~'~' ~" ...... 10, 2 30 3 4 30 2 10 350 ~'~'~ ~'' RECT. DROP ~8 ** , .: ~:: 350 .'..",'t~ ,~e.~'.m, 350 SPARE ~ cc:;~, - ,.,,~ .~ 1 15 SPARE SPARE ;'~'~->~¢' 1 20 3~ ~0 15 1 12 ~;~' ,,,,.~,~180 ~LCO ~ST LO~ SPARE - ' "' '~ ~2 '~'RE~,~ ~ 1~ 4~~ ~ 15 1 12 u;~.,,:,, 180 ~LCO ~ST LOCK /OLT AMPS PER PHASE 16768 ~5932 ~ ~ I 6532 6294 VOLT AMPS PER PHASE 15500 12226 TOTAL VOLT AMPS 110 102 TOTAL AMPS PER PHASE 1~8 A~PS x 125~ 151 MAIN X 110~ (2) #12, #12G, 3/4"C (2) ~12. #12Go UTILITY CONTACT INFORMATION: LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY EASTERN SUFFOLK DIVISION 117 DOCTORS PATH RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 RE PLANT GRASS FOLLOWING EXCAVATION COMPACTED BACK-FILL (TYPICAL)BELOW 12" OF TOP SOIL APPLY AN ASPHALT -- TACK COAT TO ALL VER~CAL SURFACES PRIOR TO THE APPLICA~ON OF F.A.B,C AND SUBASE LAFD FLUSH WITH EXIST'G SURFACE TREATED GRANULAR SUBASE AREA AS REQ'D GROUND CONDUCTOR GROUND ROIDS MANUFACTURED N E~VTO N # 2121530010 I 2 POWER CONDUIT COMMUNICATIONS CONDUIT COMPACTE~, BACK-FILL SAND BED M~N B' AROUND CONDUITS REMOVE EXIST'G ASPHALT AND STABILIZED BASE AROUND OPEN'G TO BE PATCHED A MIN. OF 1'-0" ON ALL SIDES COMPACTED SUBGRADE NO. 5810, 5/8" X lO' COPPER CLAD GROUND ROD QCONDUIT TRENCHING (~PAVEMENT PATCH (~)GROUND ROD S STRUCTURAL C CONSULTING S SERVICES, P.C. 67 lrEDERAL ROAD, SUITE AS, BROOI~'IELD, CT 06804 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.5670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BREEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT S~EET SUI3E 70 TEL 203-866-14-71 NORWALK, CT 06855 FAX 20~866--1472 CLIENT: I 4 CENTEROCK ROAD WEST NYACK, NEW YORK 10994 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW/FILING 09/19/05 No. ISSUE OR REVISION DATE No use. reproduction or disseminotion moy be mode of this drowin§ Grid the concepts set forth without the prior wrillen consent ot Services, P,O. Co )2005 PRO]ECT TITLE SITE: ORIENT 25500 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 DRAWING TITLE ELECTRICAL RISER PANEL SCHEDULE AND PHONE BOARD GROUNDING NOTES 1. CABLE CONNECTORS SHALL BE 2 BOLT COMPRESSION TYPE. PROVIDE "DO NOT DISCONNECT" TAG AT BOTH ENDS OF INTERFACE CABLE AND DESTINATION TAGS AT ALL TERMINATIONS. 2. GROUND ROD BARS, WHERE INDICATED, TO BE 10' COPPER/COPPER CLAD 5. CABLE CONNECTORS SHALL BE 2 BOLT COMPRESSION TYPE. 4. GROUND CONNECTORS SHALL BE RUN AS STRAIGHT AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT UNNECESSARY BENDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC & SHALL NOT BE RUN THROUGH ANY ENCLOSED METAL CONDUITS OR CLAMPS INCLUDING BAR dOIST WEBS. 5. ALL EXTERIOR COPPER WIRE/BARS SHALL BE TINNED (TYP.) 6. ALL TERMINAL LUGS SHALL BE TWO HOLE, DOUBLE--CRiMP LONG BARREL, COMPRESSION TYPE. COMPRESSION LUGS SHALL BE BURNDY TYPE YGA OR EQUAL. 7. CRIMP TAPS SHALL BE MADE OF HIGH CONDUCTIVITY WIROUGHT COPPER, SIZED TO ACCEPT A NO.2/O AWG MAIN & A NO.6 AWG BRANCH. B, ALL GROUNDING CABLE RUNS SHALL BE EXPOSED, MOUNTED CLEARLY VISIBLE FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION. ROOM GROUND "LOOP" CABLES SHALL BE FASTENED TO WALL, AND BE 2 FT ON CENTER. USE PLASTIC WALL MOUNTED EZ ANCHOR & SINGLE HOLE PLASTIC CABLE HANGERS. 9. ALL CADWELD ON LUG CONNECTIONS ON ROOF SHALL BE COATED. ROOF GROUND CABLE IS TO BE BRAIDED. 10. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS, STRANDED COPPER TYPE THHN/THNN INSULATION (BARE CONDUCTORS NOT ALLOWED), RUN AS STRAIGHT AS POSSIBLE (NECESSARY CHANGES IN DIRECTION SHALL HAVE 12" RADIUS, MINIMUM) DO NOT SPLICE. 11, SLEEVES PASSING THROUGH BUILDING WALL AND FLOORS SHALL BE RIGID NON-FERROUS CONDUiL 12. MATING SURFACES OF CONNECTORS AND GROUND BAR SHALL BE CLEANED TO A BRIGHT FINISH ~TH ANTI-OXIDATION COMPOUND APPUED BEFORE BOLTING. 15. BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS SHALL BE BRASS AS MANUFACTURED BY BURNDY. TYPE TMH SERIES. 14. PROVIDE 1 1/2" DIAMETER BRASS DISC AT EACH EACH END GROUND CONNECTION, ATTACH TO CONDUCTOR WITH STAINLESS STEEL S HOOK AND NYLON TY-RAP. EACH DISC SHALL BE STAMPED "DO NOT DISCONNECT" ON ONE SIDE AND DESTINATION/LOCATION ON OTHER. 15. COMPRESSION LUGS, 2 HOLE (COLOR KEYED, SHALL BE MANUFACTURED BY BURNDY: WIRE SIZE #6 AWG #2 AWG #1/o AWG #4/0 AWO 750 MCM CATALOG NUMBER YAGC-2LN YA2C-2LN YA25L-2TCBB YA28L-2TC58 YA25L-TC58 16. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING A COMPLETE AND CONTINUOUS GROUND SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 17 PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE GROUNDING SYSTEM, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST THE WATER MAIN FOR EARTH RESISTANCE, AND INFORM THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND THE CLIENT IF THE EARTH RESISTANCE IS GREATER THAN 5 OHMS. CONNECT GROUND WIRES TO BUS BAR WITH BURNDY LONG BARREL TWO HOLE TERMINAL LUGS. (TYP.) MOUNT AT 2" SPACING. PROVIDE QUANTITY AS REQUIRED TO CONNECT ALL GROUND CONNECTIONS CALLED FOR ON DRAWINGS OR IN SPECS. PROVIDE #2/0 INSULATED COPPER DR CONDUCTOR TO MAIN BUILDING SERVICE. GROUND FOR OTHER LOCAT PROVIDE #2/0 INSULATED COPPER GR, CONDUCTOR TO GROUND BAR IN MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM. BOND METAL CONDUIT TO BUS USE PVC CONDUIT UNLESS REQUIRED OTHER~SE BY APPLICABLE CODES. WHERE METAL CONDUIT IS U! GROUND AS SHOWN.-- 20' CONDUIT 6" ABOVE TOP OR 6" BELOW BOTTOM OF BUSBAR. AND INSTALL GROUNDING BUSHING FOR ALL METALLIC CONDUIT TERMINATIONS. SIMILAR TO TAB 3950 WIRE CONNECT GROUND WIRES TO BUSBAR Wl]~I BURNDY LONG BARREL TWO HOLE TERMINAL LUGS. (TYP.) MOUNT AT 2" SPACING. PROVIDE QUANtiTY AS REQUIRED TO CONNECT ALL GROUND CONNECTIONS CALLED FOR ON DRAWINGS OR IN SPECS. ICAL GROUND BAR CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE: NONE 5/8 DIA, o 20" ITEM NO. REG. DESCRIPTION NEWTON # (~ 1 GROUND BAR A-6163 (~) 2 WALL MTG. BRKT.(OR FLOOR) A-6056 (~ 2 INSULATORS 3061-4 (~ 4 5/8"-11 X 1 H.H.C.S. 3012-1 (~ 4 5/8" LOCK WASHER 3015-8 MAIN GROUND GROUND BAR NOT TO SCALE NOTE: ALL EXTERIOR GROUND BARS TO BE TINNED 18. BEFORE BONDING TO THE WATERPIPE, METAL OBJECTS, OR GROUND PLATES, THE SURFACE SHALL BE CLEANED AND AN ANTI-OXIDANT SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE MATING SURFACES. 19. ALL EXTERNAL GROUNDING CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE USING EXOTHERMIC WELDING PROCESS (CADWELD) U.O,N. ALL INTERNAL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE C-CRIMP TYPE AND/OR DOUBLE LUG HY-PRESS U.O.N. 20, ALL GROUNDING CONNECTIONS TO THE GROUND BAR PLATE SHALL BE MAKE WITH DOUBLE-HOLE LONG-BARREL HY-PRESS LUGS. 21. ALL METAL OBdECTS WITHIN 6 FEET OF WIRELESS EQUIPMENT CABINETS SHALL BE BONDED WITH A #6 STRANDED COPPER GROUND WIRE. REVIEW ALL TRADE DRAWINGS AND VERIFY THE EXTENT OF GROUNDING AT PRE-BID MEE]]NG. 22. 23. GROUND WIRES SHALL BE ROUTED INTO THE PRIMARY CABINET AND TERMINATED, GROUND WIRES FOR GROWTH CABINETS SHALL BE WOUND FOR FUTURE USE, PROVIDE 8'-0" SLACK COIL. SIGNAL CABLE CONTRACTOR SHALL GROUND ANTENNA WIRES AT THE ANTENNA MOUNTS, AT HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL TRANSITIONS, AND AT CABINET ENTRY PORT. 24. 25, UTILIZE ANDREWS GROUNDING KiT #204989 SERIES WITH DOUBLE HOLE CRIMP ON LUGS AT BOTH ENDS OF GROUNDING CONNECTOR FOR GROUNDING EACH SIGNAL CABLE. SIGNAL CABLE SHALL BE GROUNDED AT EACH O ROUND BAR PLATE (BY ANTENNA SIGNAL CONTRACTOR). CONTRACTOR MUST UTILIZE PROPER SIZE "C-TAP" FITTINGS AND PROPER COMPRESSION TOOLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. 26. BONDS TO CABLE TRAY SHALL BE MADE WITH BURNDY-TYPE KC OR KZC CONNECTORS EVERY 50 FEET AND AT OPEN ENDS. 27. GROUND CONNECTORS TO ANTENNA MASTS SHALL BE MADE WITH BURNBYTYPE GAR CLAMPS. INSULATED THR GROUND BUSHING WITH LAY-IN LUG (TYPICAL) GROUND BUS -- BRAZE TO BACKBOX OR BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUIT ( .3/4" CONDUIT OR SMALLER DOES NOT REQUIRE BONDING) TYPICAL BACKBOX EQUIPMENT GROUND WITH FEEDER OR BRANCH CIRCUIT (TYPICAL) NOTE: BONDING AT JUNCTION AND PULLBOXES SHALL BE SIMILAR #2/0 GROUND WIRE CONDUIT CLAMP 1" CONDUIT CONDUIT HUB SIMILAR TO T&B #3950. #2/0 BARE STRANDED GROUND ~RE GROUND WIRE CONDUIT HUB DETAIL SCALE: NONE 2B. ALL GROUND WIRES RUN IN METALLIC CONDUITS SHALL BE BONDED AT BOTH ENDS USING A HUB CLAMP SIMILAR TO T&B #5950. 29. THE INSTALLED GROUND SYSTEM MUST BE TbST~D FOR EARTH GROUND RESISTANCE AND FOR CONTINUITY AFTER IT IS INSTALLED. AND WITH ANY CONNECTIONS TO OTHER GROUNDS SUCH AS WATER PIPES AND ELECTRICAL PANELS. TEST RESULTS SHALL BE FILED WITH CLIENT AS PART OF THE PERMANENT SITE RECORDS, BONDING REQUIREMENTS AT PANELBOARD SCALE; NONE (COPPER) S C S STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAD, SUITE AS, BROOKFIELD, CT 06804 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.5670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BREEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT S1REET SUITE 7D NORWALK, CT 06855 TEL 205-866-14,71 FAX 20~-866-1472 4 CENTEROCK ROAD WEST NYACK, NEW YORK 10994- 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW/FILING 09/19/0~ No. ISSUE OR REVISION DATE No use, reproduction or disseminotion may be made of thin drawing I and the concepts set fodh without the prior written consent of I Structural Consulting Services, P.O. Cowight©20O5 PROJECT TITLE SITE: ORIENT 25500 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 DRAWING TITLE GROUNDING NOTES AND DETAILS SEAL NDTE, l, EXTERIOR DF ANTENNA AND CPS COAXIAL GRDUNDED TD TO MAIN RDDF GRDUNB DAR WITH ~B GROUND PRIDR TD ENTRANCE THRDUGH PORTAL, B, ANTENNA AND UPS CONDUCTOR GROUNDED INSIDE ENTRANCE THRU PDLYPHASDRS/SURGE ARRESTOR TD INTERIDR GROUND BAR lOOW HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM FIXTURE W/PHOTO CELL FURNISHED W/EQUIPMENT SHELTER. INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. TYPICAL FOR 2. SHELTER GROUND RINO. #2/0 BARE STRANDED COPPER BURIED GROUND WIRE. SEE NOTE #1 ~--INTERIOR GROUND RING INTERIOR DROUND BAR PLATE CONNECTED TO EXTERIOR GROUND BAR PLANT WITH ~WO (2) #2 BARE aNNED~ SOLID GROUNDING CONDUCTORS BARE S?RANBED COPPER BURIED GROUND WiRE TO (N)/(E) FENCE. G.R. TYPICAL. BARE SIH~ANDED COPPER BURIED GROUND WIRE. SEE DETAILS THIS DRAWING. TYPICAL TO AC UNIT. TYPICAL W,~LDS ONLY (CADWELDS). NO CRIMP CONNECTIONS ,ALLOWED. TYPICAL. GALV. SHEET METAL FOR ANTENNA CABLES. EXTERIOR GROUND BAR MOUNTED INSIDE GALV. SHEET METAL ENCLOSURE. BUILDING GROUNDING PLAN MEGGER INSTRUMENT EARTH VARtFS ' GROUND ROD 400' FALL-OF-POTENTIAL/THREE EARTH RESISTANCE TESTING PROCEDURE; A. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL MEASUREMENTS REQUIRED TO TEST THE GROUNDING NETWORK. ALL TEST DATA SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW. ADDITIONAL TESTING SHALL BE REQUIRED IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE ENGINEER. B. MEGGER EQUIPMENT, BY DIDDLE INSTRUMENTS OR APPROVED EQUAL, SHALL BE USED FOR TESTING. USE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR FALL--OF POTENTIAL OR THREE-TERMINAL TEST. UTILIZE EXIS~NG TEST INSPECTION SLEEVE FOR ACCESS TO TEST ELECTRODE POINT (EXISTING GROUND ROD). THE DRIVEN GROUND ROD, C2 ABOVE, SHOULD BE PLACED APPROXIMATELY WOO FEET AWAY. POTENTIAL REFERENCE GROUND ROD, PB, SHALL BE DRIVEN AT A NUMBER OF POINTS BETWEEN THE EARTH ELECTRODE AND GROUND ROD, CB. RESISTANCE READINGS SHALL BE TAKEN AT INTLRVALS OF 20 FEET. THE ACCEPTABLE RESISTANCE MEASURED FOR THE GROUND FIELD SHALL NOT EXCEED S.O OHMS. ADDITIONAL GROUND RODS. LONGER RODS AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF THE BOIL MAY BE REQUIRED AS NECESSARY TO MEET THE GIVEN CRITERIA. SEE DIADRAM ABOVE. C. TESTING SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE CLIENT'S REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR TRE ENGINEER TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED AND RESULTS SHALL BE FORWARDED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONNECTING THE PROPOSED GROUNDING NETWORK. D. CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM THREE SEPARATE GROUNDING TESTS: ~/ CLIENT'S RING ALONE OTHER CARRIERS RING ALONE ,3) CLIENT'S/OTHER CARRIER RINGS TOGETHER TERMINAL DIAGRAM N.TS ALL GROUND MASTS SHALL BUND WITH BUR TYPE KC DR KBC CONNECTOR TO CABLE TRAY BRIDGE, EQUIPMENT SHELTER, ~B/O BARE STRAND CUPPER GRUUND WIRE, TYPICAL, HATCH PLATE SIGNAL CABLE CUNTRACTOR, EXTERIOR GROUN BAR PLATE, (B) ~R/O STRANDED COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM EXTERIOR GROUND BAR PLATE TO EXTERIOR GROUND ROD, CADWELD TO GROUND ROB, TYPICAL, CONNECTIONS TO ANTENNAS BE BY ANTENNA INSTALLER, --GROUND ROD, TYPICAL GROUNDING RISER DIAGRAM N.T,S. BOND WITH A CADWELB TO CABLE TRAY SUPPORT, .E TRAY BY ANTENNA CONTRACTOR, TRAY SUPPORT, HAND HOLE SCREW CAP. 30' GROUND PVC GROUND TEST WELL 2 AWG SOLID TINNED BARE COPPER TEST LOOP. CADWELDED. FILL. RING--~2 AWG SOLID TINNED BARE COPPER GROUND ROD TEST WELL DETAIL B BOLT LUNG BARREL LUG (TYP FOR WITH ~B BARE TINNED COPPER GROUND CONDUCTOR TO EXTERIOR GROUND BAR WAVEGUIDE ENTRY PANEL GROUNDING EXTERIOR SHELTER WALL AWG INSULATED GREEN INTERIOR GROUND BY SHELTER MANUFACTURER 3LE (8) LONG-BARREL C TAP GROUND SLEEVE BY SHELTER MANUFACTURER, CONTRACTOR TO CAULK WEATHER TIGHT, 1' PVC AWG BARE SOLID TINNED COPPER TO EXTERIOR GROUND POINT BY CONTRACTOR BARE GROUND TO GROUND SOURCE BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ////~--CONDUIT OR METAL PIPE TYPE GAR GROUND CONNECTOR GROUND TO MAIN GROUND BAR TYPICAL FOR CONDUIT AND METAL PIPING EXTERIOR WALL GROUND SLEEVE SCALE: NONE TYPICAL GROUNDING METHOD FOR CONDUITS NOT TO SCALE S C S STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAD, SUII'E AB, BROOKFIELD, CT 06804 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.775.5670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BREEN ASSOCIATES, P.O. 25 VAN ZANT S'IREET SUITE 7D TEL 203-8,66-1471 CLIENT: I 4 CENTEROCK ROAD WEST NYACK, NEW YORK 10994 1 ISSUED FOR REViEW/FILING 39/19/05 No. ISSUE OR REVISION DATE No use, reproduction or dissemination may be mode of this drawing ond the concepts set forth without the prior written consent of Structurnl Consulting Services, P.O. Cop~rk~h[©2005 PROJECT TITLE SITE: ORIENT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 GROUNDING RISER AND DETAILS ISEAL /"~-~,,] ' 'SCALE PROJECT NO. ,, ~v~C~'- ' C VERO010 ~ ~. C" DATE m ~ I I ... I~-RAP T&B IY2¢M BRACKET RANDUIT PP1S-SIO-C #10 x 1-1/2" HHW-- pLATED SHEET METAL SCREW CUT EXCESS-- 2 GRN HALO GROUND INSTALLATION "C"TAP T&B #54730% i/8" M~M.[ 1/4" MAX. AXES to grounded GRN GRN HALO RING GROUND TAP PRIMARY GROUND BAR/~ METAL ENCLOSURE 2 HOLE LUG W,RE / V4-2o REX BOLT #6 ~~,.....-1/4" FLAT WASHER // // // // // // // // / ~ I/4" EXT. TOOTH LOCKWASHER ~1/4 20 HEX NUT Installation Notes e. select bolt length to provide a minimum of two exposed threads. b. burnish mounting surface to remove point m the oreo of lug contoct. c. apply onti oxidont compound to mating surface of lug and wipe cleon excess compound. d. use solid copper wire and mechanlcol 2-hole lug for oil exterior grounding. Q GROUNDING CONNECTION (~) CABLE LADDER CORNER BOND #2 AWG. (GREEN) COPPER ~RE 1/8" MINt I 11"±1/81 ~DOUBLE CRIMP C-TAP 1/4" M~ T & B #54740 HALO SPLICE 2-HOLE LUG TAB TO HALO RING J /DOOR TRIM NETAL DOOR FRAME 1 BOLT FLAT WASHER DOOR HINGE LINE BONDING STRAP DOOR BONDING STRAP A. LEGEND: PACKED AROUND G.R. AUGER A 3 INCH OR LARGER DIAMETER HOLE TO A DEPTH OF 6 INCHES LESS THAN THE LENGTH OF THE ROD. PLACE GROUND ROD INTO AUGERED HOLE AND DRIVE ONE FOOT (IF POSSIBLE) INTO BOTTOM OF THE HOLE. THE TOP OF THE GROUND ROD WILL BE APPROXIMATELY 6 INCHES BELOW GRADE. AT THIS TIME, MAKE ANY CONNECTIONS TO GROUND ROD USING CADWELD CONNECTIONS. POUR THE APPROPRIATE AMOUNT OF GEM (SEE CHART) AROUND THE GROUND ROD. TO ENSURE THE GEM MATERIAL COMPLETELY FILLS THE HOLE, TAMP AROUND THE GROUND ROD WITH A POLE. IF WATER IS AVAILABLE, USE APPROXIMATELY ONE GALLON PER BAG TO MIX GEM INTO A SLURRY. FILL REMAINDER OF AUGERED HOLE WITH SOIL REMOVED DURING AUGERING. FOR VARIOUS AUGERED-HOLE DIAMETERS AND DEPTHS, SEE THE CHART. GROUND B. ESTIMATED LINEAR FEET OF GROUND CONDUCTOR W/EA. BAG OF GEM_.' DIA. OF HOLE DEPTH OF HOLE (FEET) 8' MIN. G.R. LENGTH (INCHES) 6 7 8 9 17 19 3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 6 7 5 3 4 4 5 9 10 6 5 5 6 7 15 14 7 6 7 8 9 17 19 8 8 9 11 12 22 25 9 10 12 15 15 28 51 10 12 14 16 18 54 58 NOTE: EXCESS STANDING WATER MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE TRENCH. ROD BACKFILL INSTALLATION N.T.S. CABLE LADDER BOND VB" M N. II 1/4" MAX. ALL AXES I COPPER DOUBLE CRIMP "C" TAP (TYP) NYLON CLAMP 2¢" SPACING (TYP) (~)_HALO CORNER DROP #2 GRN% NEWTON BRACKET eve~ 18" Locate on Cable Tray CABLE TRAY #2 C -FLAT STEEL NEWTON BRACKET W/GROUND INSTALLATION secure to brocket with fy-reps (~)CADWELD #2 GRN TO FLAT STEEL SURFACE A_. LEGEND: DIG A TRENCH AT LEAST 4 INCHES WIDE BY 30 INCHES DEEP OR BELOW THE FROST LINE, WHICHEVER IS SPREAD OUT ENOUGH GEM TO UNIFORMLY COVER THE BOTTOM OF TRENCH - ABOUT t INCH DEEP. PLACE CONDUCTOR ON TOP OF GEM. USE EARTH STAPLES TO HOLD CONDUCTOR IN PLACE. ® SPREAD MORE GEM ON TOP OF CONDUCTOR TO COMPLETELY COVER CONDUCTOR - ABOUT 1 INCH DEEP. CAREFULLY COVER GEM WITH SOIL TO A DEPTH OF ABOUT 6 INCHES, MAKING SURE NOT TO EXPOSE THE CONDUCTOR. ® TAMP DOWN THE SOIL, THEN FILL IN THE TRENCH. FOR VARIOUS WIDTHS AND GEM THICKNESS, SEE TABLE BELOW. NOTE: EXCESS STANDING WATER MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE TRENCH. DEEPER. B. ESTIMATED LINEAR FEET OF GROUND CONDUCTOR W/EA. BAG OF GEM: NOTE: 1. EARTH STAPLE PART NUMBER: 5' TO 4' AS NEEDED. TRENCH WIDTH TOTAL THICKNESS OF GEM (INCHES) (INCHES) 1 2 3 4 4 14.0 7.0 4.7 3,5 6 9.3 4.7 3.1 2.5 8 7.0 3.5 2.3 1.8 10 5.6 2.8 1.9 1.4 12 4.7 2.5 1.6 1.2 T570A3. PROVIDE EVERY A 251b BAG OF GEM WILL COVER 7 LINEAR FT. OF CONDUCTOR LENGTH FOR A 4 INCH WIDE 2 INCH THICK COVERING (1 INCH BELOW AND 1 INCH ABOVE CONDUCTOR), BASED ON 63.51b/cu. ft. TRENCH INSTALLATION N.T.S. SURFACE S C S STRUCTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES, P.C. 67 FEDERAL ROAD, SUITE AS, BROOKIq ~:L1}, CT 06804 TEL: 203.740.7578 FAX: 203.7755670 M/E/P ENGINEER: CB BREEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. 25 VAN ZANT SI~EET SUIE 7D NORWALK, CT O6855 TEL 203-866-1471 FAX 205--866-1472 CLIENT: lWEST 4N y~EcNKIE ~ EO ~VK yRoOR ~ D 1 0 9 9 4 1 ISSUED FOR REVIEW/FILING 09/19/0~ No. ISSUE OR REVISION DATE No use, reproduction or dissemination m~y be mode of this drowing I end the concepts set forth without the prior written consent of I S ruc urn Consu n~ Servces, P.C. CopFgh ©2005 SITE: ORIENT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT, NY 11957 ELECTRICAL DETAILS J~c~,' ~ AS NOTED VERO010 , ]PAWN BY DRAWING NO. CBB SHECKED BY CBB DATE o9/~5/o5