HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunson, Edward J.No. 11 TOWN OF ~OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N, Y, SINGLE TRA_ILFR OR HOUFEC 'IR LOCATION oERMIT October Date 1958 Name Street F~w. J. Munson Westph-]ta Ave. Mattituck, N.Y. To~rn Your a~plication for a (single trailer) (~ -permit was reviewed by the Town Board on October I 19 ~8, and (was) (~approved. permit is hereby issued to locate a (single trailer)~ ,license number or serial number 66-55-5590 E/S Westphalia Ave~ Mattituck~ N.Y, at pursuant to ~pplication dated Sept ~3 19~ and the following conditions: To be used as home for period nf ttm~ to 2 ye-__-: TOWN BOkRD, TOWN OF SOUTH_OLD Ap~ licat ion I~o. L//. ..... (Supervisor A~PI~f~Ag'iON 'FCR L~CATION-OF SINGLE .Ar~2©ii~BIl-Ji TRAIL?J~ aR HOUSE CAR. ~SIDE 0F TO~I ST C~ ' Inet ~ctions a. This application mue~ be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and mitted in duplicate to the Town Clerk. b. Plot plan showing tocaticn of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to aSJoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description df layout of property and proposed location of trailer must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this applica~ion~ c. Upon approval ~f this application, the Town Bonrd will issue a trailer permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for in- spection. d. No trailer shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what- ever other th~ specified in permit. Application is hereby mm, de to the Town Board for the issuance of a Trailer rermit pursuant to the Building Zone Srdinance o£ the Town oF Sou%hold, Suffolk County, l~ew York, and other applicable. Laws, Ordinances or Regulations. The applicaht agrees to co~ly with all applicable laws, ordinances and re~lations. ..... ,.,.,, (Si~ature of a~licant ) .... Addres~ State whethe~ applic~t is o~o~, lessee or aEent,.~~....,.~ ..... ~*ame of Owner of premises .,. ..~ .,.. ..,...,...... ...., If applicant Is a co~orate, si~ature of duly authorized officer? (N~me and title of co~orate officer) 1. 'Locabion-of land en~which~r~p~sed', traiI~r will be locate~.~.,~..w.~.,.~.. ' Street and ~m%er 2. State exi~ti~ u~e and cccuvancy of ~remises and intende~ use and ~ccupancy cf proposed trailer~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~. a. ~xS~[ng u~e an~ eeea~ane~, ...... ,., ......................... c. Period, e.f..time trailer is to be locat~ on ~emi~es , ..~. ~, ...... 3. Fee ........... , ......... . to be p~,id on f~ling 4. Dimensions of trailer, length ..... ~.width ....... ~he gHt... Registration kk~mber.. .... . ........... .~erla~ number ............ 5. Size of lotl Front...(.9, J ...... Rear....~.~r.....~e~,~,,/~,,...,.,...... 6. Date of purchase or le,~,se, of land.' .................. · ....... 7. Zone or'.:us~ distric~ in ¢hic_h ~romise~ ~ro situated ..... 8, Does. proposed use violate ¢.?y zoning lo, w, ordinonco or regulation?, .... 9, a. Method of Sewerage disposal ....~.. ........................ b. Sourc8 of Water ~ply ..'...(~,.~ ...................... ¢ ............. C~ Saurce of electricity.,, ,, .' ................................. PLOT D I AGPJ~M' Loc~t~ cl~rly ~nd rid'stingily alt buti'dings, whethe9 exi's~n~ br propos-ed. ~n~' indico, to all sot-~ack dimensions from propoertyrli~'es, Give stre~ ~nd block n~m- bors or de,scription mccording to deed. m.nd. show stree~ n~me~ ~%ud indica4e %Hether interior or corner lot~. Indlco~t~ cleverly' loc~.ition' of pMoposed ~ailer~on showing disto~uces from ~ll ~uildings ropor~y line~. Oounty. of..Su,f£ot~ ..... · .... ' ................. · ........... ...... . ....... i;,'...bei~ duly~sworn, del~ose~ ~nd s~y~ tho, t ho is tho ~oplic&nt &bore ~mod. He is tho ...~...k.... ..... .... ' ............. ' ....... ~dwner or lesaee~or ,~ent) o¢, ~d ~r. ¢~,.p~¢~., ~& &~ duly. ~0.r~z~d ,to ~ko ~i file this ~plication; ~d t~t ~ll st~,tements cont¢,ined in this applic~,tion &re t~e to t~ best of his , ~l~'d4~' ~n~ ~%I~'0~;' %~d ~t ~ho tr&iler will be loc&tbd in the m&nner set fbrth in tho ¢~plicgbion filed therewith. · S~n t~ ~e~ore 'me this ~ d~,y of .... · ..... . (Not ~,~Public) AHlicatien No.// ....... (Supervisor APPLICATION' ~R' L~CAT~DN' OF SII~SLE A~'~TOK~BILE Ti~ILER ~R HOUSE C~, ~SIDE 0F T~I'S? "· ... Inet ~ct i a. Thio application ~st be co~letely filled in by t~ewriter or in i~ and sub- mitted in duplicate to the Town Clerk. .b. Plot plmn chewing loc~ticn qf lot and 6f ~ilding~ on premiseo, relaticnshlp to ~jo~n~ng ~remises or ~ublic streeto or areas, and glvi~ a detailed description of la~out 0f property and. proposed, loc~tton of ~railer ~st be drawn on the di~r~ which is part of'this application. c. ~on approval of thi~ application, the Town Board will i~sue a trailer permit to the ~pplicant. ~ch permit s~ll be 'kept Ch..the Iv'e~s~s available for in- spection~ d. No trailer shall be occupied or used tn whole or in part for any p~ose w~t- ever other tho.n specified in permit. Application is hereby m~de to the Town Board for ~he issuance of a Trailer Permit p~arotmnt to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town oF $outhold, Suffolk County, l~ew York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinanceo or Regulations. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordin,~nces and regulations. (Signature 6~ applicant) A'ddr~ s~ State whether applicant is owner, lessee or. agent,.,,~.,,,..... .... ,. If applic~t is a cerporate.,' signature cf duly authorized officer. (Name and. title of corporate officer) Stree~ 2. State exi.t~ng use and occupancy of premises and intended use and sccupancy ~f c. Per~od ~f time,trailer is to be located on ~remiseo ..~..~...~:.~-m~ .... (to Be ) 3. Fee .......................... id on filing ~plico,ti~n $. Dimensions of trailer, le4thl.~.,~idth ....... .~'~eight..,.~ ....... Registr&tion h~umber ....... '.. 1 .... ,,;.~..S~rial number. . 6. Date of purchase or le,~se oT.l~...~¥~...~ ..... 7, Zone or u~e distrt'ct in Which pr'omiseo are *itm~tod ....... , .......... 8, Doe~ proposed u~e violate any zoning law. ordinance or regulation?,.~. 9. a. Method of Sewerage:di~p0~ ~ .............................. ~ S0~rce ~ , · of W~tur'~gpl~ · ,,.,~ ~,. Source.of elcctric,~y, .................................. ~ PLOT D I AGPJJ~ ''1' Locate clearly and distinctly all buildi,ngs, whether existing or proposed, ~nd i-ndi,cm, te all sea-back dimenstsns,.frQm propoerty li-n~s. Give/street amd block num- ,ber~ or description ~ccording ,~.o.~,&eo&, e,nd show' s~ree: n~me, s lc~nd in&ic~te whethor interior or cornor tot~. i,I~i~e cle.~,rly lo, cn,tion of prol~osed trailer 'on rremi.~os, showing distances from ~ll ~uildir~s an~ ~pr,ol~or~y linos~ County of Suffolk~ ) .............. .. (owner or los~oe~or ~en~). '' 6f ~d. owner or o~er~, ~md is ~ly a~t-ho.~ized to m~ ~ ftlo this ' ~d t~'~I1 ste, tement~ cont~{n~ in this ap,plice~tion are tme to the bo~t of his knowledge ~nd ~olicf; r.nd ghat tho trailer ~rfll be locatod in the mp.nncr sot ~