HomeMy WebLinkAboutMuirhead, Donaldl'isarcroved a/c a. This application must %e comyletely filled in by 6y~ewriter or in ink. and sub- mitted in duplicate to the Town Clerk. Tlot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relaticnship to adjoining ~remises or ~ublic streets or areas, and giving a detailed deschi~tion of layout of property and proposed location of ~railer must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this aTpllcation. c. Upon approval of this application, the Town Board will issue a trailer permit to the arplicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises availakle for in- spection. d, ~o trailer sb~ll be occuried cr used in whole or in part for any purpose what- ever other th~,n specified in permit. Application is hereby ~.de to the Town Board for the issuance cf a Trailer Permit yursuant to the ~uil~ing Zone Srdinance of the Town oF $ou~hold, Suffolk County, i~ew York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Re~lations. The applic~t agrees to comply with all ayplicable laws, ord~n~es and re~iat~cns. ( Si~.ature ~0~ arrllcant ) ....... ........ ,,., ......... ..... A&&ress State whether applicant, is owner,~, le$~[~ or a,~?.~./.~.en~ ...... ,. ~[. .... ~[ ......... . [ ......... Yame of ~wner of premises .. ~P~.'~ . ;.. T~ 2.~ ................. , If applicant is a cc.~crate, signa,tur,~ q( ,~'~ly authorized offficer. (i~.me and title of co.orate officer) ~ 1. Location of lanR on,~ic~,,yro~osed}r¢iler ¥%1~ be logatea.~.'&. S reet ,n N ' -~ ~ ~ - ~ ........ t ~ a =~ W~. ~ ..... ~ ...... ~¢ ......... .ay .~7~... "~'L t State existing use and ~ccuoancy of rremises and intended use and ~6cupan6y cf · pro~o~ed .t-railer: ......~.~ ' · ..... s. Existing use and occupancy ........................../~ ~. ~ ....... ~ ......... b. Intended u~e~ .nd~ cccuy~ncy ..~. ~- ~ .... ..................._ ~, ~ ~:~.. ~..~ ....... c, Fer~od ~f time trazler is to be located on ~remses. ,'.... ~.. 6. 7. 9. ¥. Fee ........................... (to te _r~,id on filing :'.TFlic:.ti~n) ,.. . · . qB ~ 5¢' f ~.0. ~. . ~::men~cn~ of tra~ler, longtn..~ .... ~i~t,~ .... Size cY ~o~ Yron~...~i?.~.-.,~.'~..:ear .... ...~..,~e~:t ............. ,.. I~es t'roy~sed u=e violate ~ny zoning law, ordinanc~ or rogulation~..~ &.Hotbed of Sower&ge disposal , .............. Source of ?~ater Su~oty ... ~.~ ......... ~ ........... c. Source of elcctr~cm,~y, ....... . ................................ Locate clearly and.distinctly all 'mail.dings, ':bother existing or prcj¢soi, indicate all sat.-hack dimensions from pro~oerty lines. '~1ve street :uYd block n~m.- bors or dt~c~i~tion according to deci, ond show street names and ~nticate ,sh~ther intor~or er cor::er lot. Indicate clearly locs~ion o~ ~r~?osed trailer on oh(~ri~: dist::.ncoz from all luildir, gs ani ~ropcrt~ lines:. ......... ~ ...boin~ duly sworn, dcroso~ and says · s t~u .' a~cVd n~mod.' H'e.i~tho ...... .. ................... ' cf sai¢ owner or owners, and is duly m;thorized to m~kc ani file this ~T31icatien; m~d that all s~atemcnts ccntainei in this a~ulication are ~e to the >est of his knowlc~ an~ ¥clicf; ~nd thai tk 'tra;!!cr ,~ill he located in thc manner ~et forth ksign~tur¢) ( Supervisor AF~LiCATIOI; FCR L~CATICi, T CF SIi;GLE AJTOH~BILL TR/IL~ii ~R HOUSE CAR, J~SIDE CF TZ~I ST CAI~ ~atel.. , , ~ . Inst~ctions a. This application must be completely filled In %y t~ewri~er or ~n {~ and sub- mitted in duplicate to the Town Clerk. b. Plot ~l~n showing location of lot and of buildings on ?remises, relatfcnsk{T to aSjotning ~remlses or ~uhlic streets or areas, and giving a detailed description o~ layout of ~ro~erty and Tro~osed location of trailer ~st be drawn cn the di~ram which is part of thic a~Tlication. c. ~on approval of tk~s a~plication, the Town ~oard will issue a trailer permit to the a~licant. ~ch Termi{ ~hall be kept on the ?remises available for in- spectlon. d. ~o trailer shall %e occuTied cr used in whole or in part for any pu~ose what- ever o%her thr~n specified in rermit. Application is hereby made to the Town Board for the issuance cf a Trailer rermit pursuant to the ~ullding Zone ~rdinance of the Town oF ~ou%hold. Suffolk County, i~ev York. and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations. The ;~FlicaJat agrees to comply with all applicable laws. ordinnnces and re~laticne. (Signature of apylicant) Address State whether applicant is owner, les,ee or agent ...... ~T.,..., ...... :~ame of Owner of premises . .... ~.; .... . ..... ~.~,'..'~.-..... ...... If applicant is a cc.,crate, signature cf duly authorized officer. (i~nme and title of co~orate officer) 1. Location of land on whichrr~posed~ t~aile~ll %e lom.t~d,. .;;~.~; . .......... ...... 2. State exis~in~ use hnR occupancy off ~remises an& inten&e~ use and accnpancy ~ro~osed trailer: , ~....~.~....;~ ~. ~.~ ,.~ a. Existin~ use an~ cccu~ncy. .... .... ...~-.....;%;~..;..fL~ ...... ~. Intende~ ~se and occ~rgncy ...~{~};~;'~<-~%~.] ~.~<~%%';-; ;;~, ........ Period ,f time trailer is to be located v ~-~ ttO t¢ ~aid cn filing arrlic~ti~nl ~,t~ cf wurchr~e er 7. Zone d~ ~d6 d~tr~et ~n wh~c~ ~rem~se~ arc o~tua~c~..~ ........ ..~...~ .... 8. ree~ 7reposed use vioL%to ~ny zoning,l,~w, ordinance or regulation7 9. a. Mothod of Sewerage disposal , ............ ~ ...... , %. Source of W~.tcr ity c. Source of electric . ..... ~ ..... Locate clearly and distinctly all Buildings, whether exSatfng or prc~¢se~, and intricate all ~ct..~:ack ,~Smcnsicn~ from ~ro::oorty lin(:a. Give street .u~5 %er~ or des'cri~tion according to dec~, an~ show street name= and iniicate iutorior or core, er lot. In. ~c ..... clearly locr'.ti~n of wro~osed tra~.lcr on vrcmisos, chewing dist,,rices from ~,11 luilJ, in~s an~ ~rop~rty l~no~. . ~TATE CF k~v YO~.X ) Cou?y of Suffolk ) '"' ''' t ~ .... .b~1~ duly sworn, dcroses ani says th.t [c is tko ~.!:[lic'~.nt akcve n~,mod, Ho ~s tho .... ,,,,.. ~;~ ................. (owner or lossoe.or'~,~ent) O~'shid owno'r er owners, and is duly authorized to :hake am~ file tkis : :ilc~iun; and that all s~atements contained in th~s aFplication are t~e to the ke~t of his ~nSwlc~:',~n~'%oiiof~ rnd that thc trai!cr will ke tocn. tod in tho ma.nner sot forth Sw=rn ~,%ofor~ ~e.this ~ aay of / ' ....... ...... ~.~~z:~~ ~ ~... ..... ~;~:;t~;~ ........... ' ...... ' ·