HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Impact Study July 2006TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE Cutchogue, Town of Southold JULY 2006 N & P JOB NO. 00026 NELSON ~ POPE TH~ HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ NELSON TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE OF REPORT .......................................................................................................... 1 STUDY METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 4 EXISTING CONDITION ......................................................................................................... Land Use ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Roadway Network .............................................................................................................................................. 5 TRAFFIC VOLUME DATA .................................................................................................... 6 Accident History ............................................................................................ 10 LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 13 EXISTING CONDITION ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 14 NO BUILD CONDITION ....................................................................................................... 16 Traffic Growth ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Other Planned Projects ..................................................................................................................................... 16 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................. 20 Site Access ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 Trip Distribution and Assignment .................................................................................................................... 20 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 28 Proposed Mitigation ......................................................................................................................................... 31 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 32 FIGURES Figure 1: Area Map ................................................................................................................................ 2 Figure 2: Location Map .......................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3:2005 Seasonally Adjusted Weekday AM Traffic Volumes ......................................................... 7 Figure 4:2005 Seasonally Adjusted Weekday PM Traffic Volumes .......................................................... 8 Figure 5:2005 Seasonally Adjusted Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes .................................................... 9 Figure 6:2007 No Build Weekday AM Traffic Volumes ........................................................................ 17 Figure 7:2007 No Build Weekday PM Traffic Volumes ......................................................................... 18 Figure 8:2007 No Build Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes ................................................................... 19 Figure 9:2007 Site Generated Traffic Distribution ................................................................................. 21 Figure 10:2007 Site Generated Weekday AM Traffic Volumes .............................................................. 22 Figure 11: 2007 Site Generated Weekday PM Traffic Volumes .............................................................. 23 Figure 12:2007 Site Generated Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes ......................................................... 24 Figure 13:2007 Build Weekday AM Traffic Volumes ............................................................................ 25 Figure 14:2007 Build Weekday PM Traffic Volumes ............................................................................ 26 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ NEL.~ON ~, POF'E Figure 15:2007 Build Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes ....................................................................... 27 TABLES Table 1: Intersection Geometry ................................................................................................................ 6 Table 2: Accident Summary by Severity ................................................................................................. 10 Table 3: Accident Seminary by Type of Collision ................................................................................... 11 Table 4: Existing Condition Level of Service Summary .......................................................................... 14 Table 5: Trip Generation ........................................................................................................................ 20 Table 6: Level of Service Summary ........................................................................................................ 28 Table 7: Proposed Mitigation Level of Service Table .............................................................................. 31 APPENDIX Appendix A: Existing Traffic Volume Appendix B: Other Planned Projects Trip Assignment Appendix C: Trip Generation Appendix D: Level of Service Definitions Appendix E: Capacity Analysis/Level of Service Worsheets & Summary Tables I1 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCI~OGUE V N~LSON ~ POPe PURPOSE OF REPORT Nelson & Pope has investigated the potential traffic impacts associated with a proposed senior residential development comprised of 139 condominiums. The site is currently zoned Hamlet Density (ltD) Residential District. The 46.16 acre lot site is located on the north side of the Schoolhouse Road and Griffin Road intersection. Figure 1 shows a general map of the ares and Figure 2 the location of the site. This report summarizes the results of a detailed investigation of the traffic impacts of the proposed residential development by reviewing the area's existing roadway characteristics and traffic conditions, estimating the vehicular volume and pattern that the proposed development will generate during peak hours, and analyzing the effect of the additional volume on the surrounding roadway network. TltF ~ !~i!TAGE AT CUTCItOGUE V NELSON ~, POPE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AREA MAP N Long Island Sound Plum ' Gordiners Block Island Sound R]verheod Sou SITE LOCATION Figure 1: Area Map THE HI~RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NELEsON ,~ I~0~ SOURCE: Hagsti'om Suffolk County Atlas Figure 2: Location Map 3 THJE ItERITAGE AT CUTCIIOGUE ~ r~ ~ON ~, ~3P,~ STUDY METHODOLOGY The methodology used for this investigation consisted of a detailed review of existing land-nsc, roadway and traffic conditions near the proposed site for the Existing Condition, the No Build Condition (future traffic conditions without the proposed development), and the Build Condition (future traffic conditions with the proposed development). The Existing Condition was analyzed utilizing seasonally adjusted traffic volumes to represent the peak month of the year and field geometry collected at the following intersections: Main Road (NYS Route 25) at Depot Lane · Main Road 0NYS Route 25) at Griffin Street · Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane · Schoolhouse Road at Depot Lane The No Build Condition traffic volumes consist of the existing volumes adjusted by an annual growth factor to account for increases in population as well as proposed developments within the vicinity of the site. At the time this report was written, there were no other projects being planned in the immediate area that were identified. The traffic volumes generated by the proposed project were calculated and then added to the No Build Condition to determine the traffic volumes for the future Build Condition with the proposed development. The study intersections were then analyzed using Highway Capacity Software (HCS+) by applying the existing field geometry, signal timings, and the calculated traffic volumes to determine levels of service (LOS). Any substantial degradation in LOS between the No Build and Build intersections were considered significant traffic impacts generated by the proposed development. 4 TE[E H E~rI'AGE AT CUTCI~OGUE V NELE~ON ,~- POPE EXISTING CONDITION Land Use The site is a 46.16-acre vacant and wooded parcel zoned Hamlet Density (ltD) Residential District situated on the north side of the Schoolhouse Road and Griffin Road intersection approximately 0.75 miles south of the Long Island Rail Road. The site is surrounded by farmland and residential homes. Roadway Network The following is a list of roads that comprise the roadway network surrounding the site. The general descriptions refer only to the sections of the road that exist in the vicinity of the site. The cross-sectioa of these roads may vary further away. The AADT - Average Annual Daily Traffic is provided for each road, where available fi.om either New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) or the Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW). Main Road (IVYS Route 25) is under the jurisdiction of the NYSDOT and extends east-west across the Town of Southold and Suffolk County. It has one travel lane in each direction, full shoulders, and a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour. The average annual daily traffic volume is 12,500 vehicles per day (source: NYSDOT 2004 Traffic Volume Report). Middle Road (CR 48) is under SCDPW jurisdiction and provides a major east-west throughway across the Town of Southold and into the Town of Riverhead where it changes to Sound Avenue. Within the study area, the roadway is divided with a landscaped median and two travel lanes in each direction. Exclusive turning lanes are present at the study intersection. Middle Road has a posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour. The average annual daily traffic volume is 14,500 vehicles per day (source: SCDPW 2004) Depot Lane is located east of the site and is under Town of Southold jurisdiction. The roadway extends north-south fi.om Main Road/NYS Route 25 to CR 84/Oregon Road. Depot Lane has one travel lane in each direction and provides a direct connection between Main Road (N'YS Route 25) and Middle Road (CR48). The posted speed limit is 40 miles per hour. Schoolhouse Road is under Town of Southold jurisdiction and extends east-west on the south end of the site with its eastern terminus at Depot Lane and its western terminus at Griffin Street. It has one travel lane in each direction and a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. TH ~: H E R1TAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ NEL~ON ~= Griffin Street is a local access road under Town of Southold jurisdiction. It extends north-south for a short distance connecting Main Road with Schoolhouse Lane. Currently, Griffin Street terminates at the south end of the proposed site. It has one travel lane in each direction and a short landscaped median and turning lanes at the intersection with Main Road. The posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour. Spur Road is a local residential road under Town of Southold jurisdiction. It extends east-west for a short distance providing access to Highland Road and Crown Land Lane. Currently, Spur Road terminates at the southwest portion of the proposed site. It has one travel lane in each direction and a posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour. Table 1 summarizes the lane configurations and traffic controls at the study intersections. Table 1: Intersection Geometry Lane Intersection Approach Desisnation* Traffic Control EB L-T Main Road 0qYS Route 25) at Depot Lane WB TR Stop Control at SB LR Depot Lane Approach EB LT WB TR Stop Control at Griffin Street Approach SB LR EB L-T-T-R Grass Median on Middle Road Main Road (NfS Route 25) at Griffin Street Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane WB L-T-T-R NB LTR SB LTR EB LR Schoolhouse Road at Depot Lane NB LT SB TR (CR 48) and Stop Control at Depot Lane Approaches Yield at Schoolhouse Road Approach * L = Left turn lane; T = Through lane; R = Right turn lane; LT = Left/through lane; TR = Through/right lane Traffic Volume Data Turning movement volume counts were collected at the study intersections on Tuesday, October 18, 2005 during the AM (7:00-9:00 AM), PM (4:00-6:00), and Saturday, October 15, 2005, (11:00 AM-2:00 PM) peak periods. The peak hour volumes at the study intersections were identified; peak hour factom were calculated for each approach; and the traffic volumes were adjusted to account for seasonal variations. Traffic volumes in October are typically lower than the peak month of August for the weekday and weekend traffic. Therefore, a seasonal adjustment factor of 1.14 (14%) was obtained fi-om NYSDOT and applied to increase the traffic data for the weekday volume and a factor of 1.19 (19%) was applied to the midday Saturday volumes. The seasonally adjusted existing weekday and Saturday peak hour traffic volumes utilized in the analysis are depicted in Figures 3, 4, and 5 and further detailed in Appendix A. THE HI~,,RITAGE AT CUTCItOGUE N Figure 3:2005 Seasonally Adjusted Weekday AM Traffic Volumes .., ~ ~ ~RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE NELSON ~, POI~ Figure 4:2005 Seasonally Adjusted Weekday PM Traffic Volumes 8 ~ ~i ~i ERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NE~_50N ~ Figure 5:2005 Seasonally Adjusted Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes TltE H ~:RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V N~L~ON ~ Accident [listory The most recent available accident data, June 1999 through May 2002, in the vicinity of the site, was obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). Table 2 summarizes the accident data by location and severity of injury and Table 3 summarizes the type of collision. Table 2: Accident Summary by Severity Location Accident Severity Property TOTAL Fatality Injury Damase Main Road (NYS 25) between Case Lane and Griffin Street Main Road {NYS 25) at Griffin Street Main Road (NYS 25) between Cn-iffin Street and New Suffolk Avenue Main Road (NYS 25) at New Suffolk Avenue Main Road (NYS 25) between New Suffolk Avenue and Depot Lane 6 7 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 5 Main Road 0qYS 25) at Depot Lane Main Road (NYS 25) between Depot Lane 2 and Pequash Avenue Griffin Street between Main Road (NYS 25) and Schoolhouse Lane Schoolhouse Lane between Griffin Street and Depot Lane Depot Lane at Middle Road (CR48) Depot Lane between Middle Road (CR 48) and L.I.R. IL Tracks Depot Lane between L.I.KR. Tracks and Schoolhouse Lane 4 8 12 2 3 5 1 3 I 1 0 Depot Lane between Schoolhouse Lane and Main Road (NYS 25) 7 4 11 2 3 0 I I 22 30 53 Total 2% 42% 56% 100% l0 THE I:IERITAGE AT CUTCHOGLrE ~ r~t..?,ON ~x ~OPE Table 3: Accident Snmmary by Type of Collision Accident Type Location Right Rear Head Left; Right Fixed Ped/ Side- Over- Non- Other~ Tota Angle End On Turn Turn Object Bicycle Swipe Taking Reportable Unknown Main ROad (lqYS 25) between Case Lane and Griffin Street 3 I 2 7 Main Road (NYS 25) at Griffin Street 3 3 Main Road 0qYS 25) between Griffin 1 I 2 Street and New Suffolk Avenue Main Road (NYS 25) at New Suffolk I 2 1 5 Avenue Main ROad 0xIYS 25) between New 5 3 1 2 1 12 Suffolk Avenue and Depot Lane Main Road 0xlYS 25) at Depot Lane 1 2 1 I 5 Main Road (NYS 25) between Depot I I I 3 Lane and Pequash Avenue Griffin Street between Main Road 0xIYS 25) and Schoolhouse Lane 1 1 Schoolhouse Lane between Griffin Street and Depot Lane 0 Depot Lane at Middle Road (CR 48) 9 I I 11 Depot Lane between Middle Road (CR I I 1 3 48) and L.I.R.R. Tracks Depot Lane between L.I.1L1L Tracks and Schoolhouse Lane 0 Depot Lane between Schoolhouse Lane I 1 and Main Road (IqYS 25) 21 11 0 I 1 3 2 0 4 7 3 53 Total 390/0 21% 0°/6 2% 2% 6% 4% 0% 7% 13% 6% 100°~ A total of 53 accidents occurred within the study area during the 3-year analysis period. The majority of accidents, 56%, involved property damage and there was one fatality that occurred on Main Road (NYS 25) between Case Lane and Griffin Street. The fatality involved a bicyclist merging fi.om behind a parked 11 ~ t~ I~RITAGE AT CUTCI]OGUE ~ r,~_so~ ~ 'iug struck by a vehicle with defective brakes in slippery/slush roadway conditions. The greatest accidents occurred on Main Road (NYS Route 25) between New Suffolk Avenue and Depot Lane (12 A review of Table 3 indicates that excluding non-reportable cases, the plurality of the aecideats .~,.'olved right angle collisions. Most of the fight angle accidents (9 accidents) occurred at the ~ of Middle Road and Depot Lane, which were caused by drivers failing to yield right-of-way. i~ghest category of accident type consisted of rear-end accidents (21%). Rear-end collisions may ~don of congested conditions or driver inattention and slippery/wet roadway conditions. 12 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NELSON ~, pOpF: EXISTl~G CONDITION ANALYSIS The existing traffic volumes depicted in Figures 3 through 5 were used with the intersection geometry and traffic control to determine the existing capacity and LOS of the study intersections. Table 4 contains the LOS summary for the Existing Condition calculated through the HCS+ software described previously. The detailed analysis worksheets are in Appendix E. Table 4: Existing Condition Level of Service Snmmai'y AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Intersection Approach Movt LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C Main Road (NYS 25) at EB L A 9.1 0.06 A 9.7 0.08 A 9.6 0.08 Depot Lane SB LR D 32.6 0.54 F 71.8 0.82 F 114.9 0.92 EB LT A 9.3 0.08 A 9.8 0.07 A 9.5 0.06 Main Road (NYS 25) at Griffan Street SB L D 30.0 0.16 E 48.4 0.31 F 55.0 0.52 R B 13.6 0.13 C 15.6 0.14 B 14.9 0.15 Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane EB L A 9.6 0.01 B 10.2 0.03 A 8.7 0.01 WB L A 9.4 0.09 A 9.4 0.10 A 9.1 0.07 NB LT D 34.6 0.44 E 39.1 0.45 C 21.6 0.21 R B 11.3 0.12 B 11.2 0.12 B 11.1 0.12 SB LT D 29.0 0.15 D 31.8 0.10 C 21.1 0.10 R B I 1.4 0.02 B 11.9 0.03 B 10.2 0.01 Schoolhouse Road at NB LT A 7.5 0.00 A 7.6 0.00 A 7.5 0.01 Depot Lane EB LR A 9.9 0.06 A 9.7 0.05 A 9.8 0.09 Note. I: LOS = Level of Service, Delay = seconds/vehicle, V/C = Folume/CapaciO, Ratio Main Road at Depot Lane As shown in the results contained in the table above, the southbound approach currently operates at an acceptable LOS D during the morning peak hour and a poor LOS F during the PM and Saturday peak hours due to heavy traffic volumes on Main Road resulting less gaps in the street traffic for these southbound vehicles. It should be noted that the Town of Southold has recognized the poor LOS at the southbound movement for this intersection and has requested the installation of a traffic signal fi.om the NYSDOT. 14 :'. ~tERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NI=L~ON ~ POP~: ,:~d at Griffin Street ~ hbound left-turn movement onto Main Road currently operates at a LOS F and E in the PM and peak hours, respectively. The other intersection movements operate at good or acceptable LOS ~.~ch of the peak hours. i..oad at Depot Lane ,>!~,ound and westbound left-turn movements fi.om Middle Road operate at very good LOS AfB peak hours. The Depot Lane northbound and southbound left and through movements however, :,.c significant delays during the morning and evening weekday peak hours with LOS D/E. These ~:~,:hcs are stop controlled requiting the left and through movements to wait for gaps in traffic on ~'.oad. i, rose Road at Depot Lane r, ,use Road at Depot Lane is controlled by a yield sign on the eastbound approach, however for , .arposes the eastbound approach was analyzed as stop-controlled resulting in a LOS A for all 15 ~' ~;LILITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NELSON ~; POPE ~ ,D CONDITION :,mditions in the area will change even if the proposed project is not constructed. The future Mthout the proposed project, known as the No Build Condition, is developed by considering : ;;~ciated with the following factors: Other planned projects, located near the study area, that have the potential to affect traffic patterns at the study intersections in this report. Ambient growth that stems from increases in population and from minor developments outside the project area. ~,rowth :mual growth factor, which projec~ the ambient growth for the North Fork, was obtained from lOT. This factor was derived through data presented in the Long Island Transportation Plan 2000 I I'P2000). The growth factor was applied to the seasonally adjusted existing traffic volumes at the :~ sections in order to develop year 2007 No Build Condition volumes. ~a~med Projects 'i~umed Projects" is a term that refers to developments located near the project site that are ~mder construction or in the planning stages. Traffic generated by these projects may significantly ~he operations of the study intersections and would not be represented in the field data collected. ~m~: of the preparation of this report, there were no other projects being planned in the immediate ~. ere identified. Build Condition volumes for each peak hour are illustrated in Figures 6 through 8. 16 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE NELSON ~; POPE Figure 6:2007 No Build Weekday AM Traffic Volumes 17 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~.~ NELS~C~4 ~, [:~O~ PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Access As depicted on the site plans prepared by Nelson & Pope, two means of access are proposed to serve the residential development. A proposed access will intersect Schoolhouse Road directly opposite Griffin Street. This access will be stop-controlled and configured for all movements. The second access is provided via Spur Drive which currently terminates at the western boundary of the site. An eanergency access will be provided via a connection to Bridle Lane. Trip Generation The trip generation estimates were based on the data provided in the m,'~nual, Trip Generation, 7~ Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (1TE) in 2003. The trip generation rate for Elderly Detached Housing was used to estimate the total site generated trips presented in the table below as well as in Appendix C. Table 5: Trip Generation ITE Land AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Land Use Use Code Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Elderly Housing 251 22 21 43 29 20 49 19 19 38 139 units -Detached Source: Trip Generation, 7th Edition As shown in Table 6, the proposed residential development is projected to generate 43 trips in the weekday AM peak hour (22 entering, 21 exiting), 49 trips in the weekday PM peak hour (29 entering, 20 exiting), and a total of 38 trips in the Saturday Peak hour peak hour (19 entering, 19 exiting). Trip Distribution and Assignment The site-generated traffic volume was distributed and assigned to each movement at the study intersections based on the existing roadway and travel patterns. The nature of the proposed land uses and its associated travel patterns were considered as well. Figures 9, 10, and 11 presents the trip distribution for the weekday AM, PM, and Saturday peak hour, respectively. Figures 12 through 14 depict the actual site-generated volumes for the respective peak hours. The site-generated volumes were then added to the No Build Condition volumes resulting in the Build Condition volumes shown in Figures 15 through 18. 20 ~ ~ ~t ~ RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V ~ELSON ~; POPE N Figure 9:2007 Site Generated Traffic Distribution 21 THE H ER1TAGE AT CUTCI~OGUE V NELSON N 22 ENTER (21) EXIT Figure 10:2007 Site Generated Weekday AM Traffic Volumes 22 · ~ ~ ~ ~: RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ ~ELSON ~- N 29 ENTER (20) EXiT Figure 11: 2007 Site Generated Weekday PM Traffic Volumes 23 ! '' ~ ITAGE AT CUTCltOGUE ~ NELSON 19 ENTER (19) EXIT Figure 12:2007 Site Generated Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes 24 HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NI::II~iON ~ I:~PI~ N Figure 13:2007 Build Weekday AM Traffic Volumes , i~t~ ~RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NI=I~ON ~:~ I:~I~l:~l:: N Figure 14:2007 Build Weekday PM Traffic Volumes 26 , ~ ~ ERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V N~L~ON ~ N Figure 15:2007 Build Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes 27 THE I-IERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NEL,.~ON ,'~ POPE TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS As stated previously, the intersection capacity and level-of-service (LOS) analyses were based on the procedures and guidelines presented in the Highway Capacity Manual (2000), published by the Transportation Research Board. The FHWA Highway Capacity Software Release 5.2 was used to analyze the study intersections and provide a LOS measurement of the intersection operations. The six classes of LOS, ranging fi-om LOS A (excellent) to F (worst), are defined in Appendix D. Each study intersection was analyzed for the Existing, No Build, and Build Conditions. Table 6 illustrates the LOS summary for the study intersections and the site access at Griffin Street. Detailed capacity analysis worksheets and a detailed LOS summary table can be found in Appendix E. TaMe 6: Level of Service S.mmary Unsignalized Intersections AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Condition Approach Movt LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C Main Road 0qYS 25) at Depot Lane Existing EB L A 9.1 0.06 A 9.7 0.08 A 9.6 0.08 SB LR D 32.6 0.54 F 71.8 0.82 F 114.9 0.92 No Build EB L A 9.2 0.07 A 9.9 0.08 A 9.8 0.09 SB LR E 38.3 0.60 F 97.3 0.93 F 157.7 1.05 Build EB L A 9.2 0.07 A 9.9 0.09 A 9.8 0.09 SB LR E 41.0 0.63 F 110.3 0.97 F 174.7 1.09 Main Road (NYS 25) at Griffin St. Existing EB LT A 9.3 0.08 A 9.8 0.07 A 9.5 0.06 SB L D 30.0 0.16 E 48.4 0.31 F 55.0 0.52 R B 13.6 0.13 C 15.6 0.14 B 14.9 0.15 No Build EB LT A 9.4 0.08 A 9.9 0.07 A 9.6 0.06 SB L D 32.6 0.18 F 55.4 0.35 F 64.9 0.58 R B 14.0 0.14 C 16.2 0.15 C 15.4 0.16 Build EB LT A 9.4 0.09 A 10.0 0.08 A 9.7 0.06 SB L D 34.2 0.21 F 59.7 0.39 F 70.4 0.62 R B 14.4 0.15 C 16.4 0.16 C 15.5 0.17 28 : ~, ~ ~ LtC1TAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NELSON C., POPE Table 7: Level of Service Snmmary - Continued Existing EB L A 9.6 0.01 B 10.2 0.03 A 8.7 0.01 WB L A 9.4 0.09 A 9.4 0.10 A 9.1 0.07 NB LT D 34.6 0.44 E 39.1 0.45 C 21.6 0.21 R B 11.3 0.12 B 11.2 0.12 B 11.1 0.12 SB LT D 29.0 0.15 D 31.8 0.10 C 21.1 0.10 R B 11.4 0.02 B 11.9 0.03 B 10.2 0.01 No Build EB L A 9.8 0.01 B 10.4 0.03 A 8.7 0.01 WB L A 9.5 0.10 A 9.6 0.11 A 9.2 0.07 NB LT E 36.1 0.46 E 44.3 0.50 C 22.7 0.22 R B 11.4 0.13 B 11.4 0.13 B 11.3 0.13 SB LT D 29.3 0.05 D 34.0 0.11 C 22.1 0.11 R B 11.5 0.02 B 12.2 0.03 B 10.2 0.01 Build EB L A 9.8 0.01 B 10.4 0.03 A 8.7 0.01 WB L A 9.5 0.10 A 9.6 0.12 A 9.2 0.07 NB LT E 41.4 0.52 E 46.8 0.53 C 23.2 0.24 R B 11.7 0.14 B 11.5 0.13 B 11.3 0.14 SB LT D 32.0 0.17 D 34.7 0.11 C 22.2 0.11 R B 11.5 0.02 B 12.2 0.03 B 10.2 0.01 Existing NB LT A 7.5 0.00 A 7.6 0.00 A 7.5 0.01 EB LR A 9.9 0.06 A 9.7 0.05 A 9.8 0.09 No Build NB LT A 7.5 0.00 A 7.6 0.00 A 7.5 0.01 EB LR A 10.0 0.06 A 10.2 0.06 B 10.2 0.10 Build NB LT A 7.6 0.00 A 7.6 0.00 A 7.6 0.01 EB LR B 10.2 0.09 B 10.4 0.08 B 10.4 0.11 Build EB LT A 7.3 0.00 A 7.3 0.01 A 7.3 0.00 SB LR A 8.9 0.02 A 8.9 0.02 A 8.9 0.02 ' Level of Service, Delay = seconds/vehicle, Y/C = Volume/Capacit~ Ratio .~J (NYS 25) at Depot Lane ~bound approach currently operates at LOS F in the PM and Saturday peak period. As traffic clue to background growth and project generated traffic volume the southbound approach will a LOS F during the No Build and Build Condition. However, as shown in the table, the LOS F :,_Zion at a higher delay for this approach in the Build Condition when compared to the No Build ';~ Therefore, it is recommended to signalize this intersection in order to alleviate delay. As 29 ~: L~ RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NEL..?:~3N C:. 1:~3PE . ', stated the Town of Southold has recognized the existing poor LOS for the southbound ~,, ~ ' at this intersection and has requested the installation of a traffic signal fi.om the NYSDOT. Id (NYS 25) at Griffin Street ilbound left turn movement currently operates at LOS D, LOS E and LOS F in the AM, PM and ?eak period, respectively. As traffic increases due to background growth in 2007 this approach ;~t¢ at LOS D, LOS F, and LOS F ia their respective peak periods and will continue to operate at ,.is once the project is constructed. However, following the installation of a signal at the ~;~n of Main Road and Depot Lane, site traffic and existing traffic will most likely seek the intersection to mm left and travel westbound on Main Road. This should alleviate delays at this :p_od (CR 48) at Depot Lane ~rthbound left turn movement will operate at LOS E, LOS E and LOS C ia the No Build condition AM, PM and Saturday peak hours, respectively. Once the project is constructed this movement :xperience any changes ia LOS during any of the study time periods. ~,tse Road at Depot Lane ,:, ~oned previously the eastbound approach is currently controlled by a yield sign but for the purposes ady it was analyzed as a stop-control. The intersection currently operates at LOS A for the · · td left turn and eastbound turning movements. These movements will continue to operate at LOS ;n the No Build and Build Conditions. 30 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCItOGUE V NELSON ~, POPE Proposed Mitigation Table 8 illustrates the LOS summary for the proposed mitigation measure at the intersection of Main Road (NYS Route 25) and Depot Lane. The resulting detailed capacity analysis worksheets for this measure can be found in Appendix F. The results show that the signal proposed for the Main Road and Depot Lane intersection will result in an overall LOS B during all three peak hours. This signal will serve traffic to and fi-om the adjacent street network as well as the school located on Depot Lane. Table 8: Proposed Mitigation Level of Service Table Main Road (NYS Route 25) and Depot Lane AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Intersection Condition Movt. Operation LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C Unsigaalized Build EB-LT A 9.2 0.07 A 9.9 0.09 A 9.8 0.09 SB-LR E 41.0 0.63 F 110.3 0.97 F 174.7 1.09 Signalized Build with Overall B 13.7 0.59 B 16.8 0.72 B 15.8 0..63 Mitigation 31 :, ~, ~ ~ ~i~JTAGE AT CUTCHOGUE V NELSON ~, ~OPE L[:SION ,' Pope has investigated the potential traffic impacts associated with a residential development i of 139 age restricted condominiums on a 46.16 acre lot zoned Hamlet Density (HI)) Residential :mated on the north side of the Schoolhouse Road and Griffin Road intersection in the Town of 5, uffolk County. The following is a summary of this investigation and the findings thereof.' t . fi-~llowing intersections were included in this study: · Main Road 0xlYS Route 25) at Depot Lane · Main Road (NYS Route 25) at Griffin Street · Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane · Schoolhouse Road at Depot Lane ×sting peak hour traffic volumes were collected and a seasonal adjustment factor was applied to 'ount for variations in monthly traffic volumes. Future No Build traffic volumes were determined ' ,pplying an annual growth factor to the existing volmes projected to year 2007. The traffic this ~ ,~,osal will generate was estimated and distributed to the study intersections and incorporated into · hture Build Condition scenario. :. proposed senior housing development is projected to generate 43 trips in the weekday AM peak : (22 entering, 21 exiting), 49 trips in the weekday PM peak hour (29 entering, 20 exiting), and a , :~ of 38 trips in the Saturday Peak hour peak hour ( 19 entering, 19 exiting). :. icpicted on the site plans prepared by Nelson & Pope, two means of access are proposed to serve · esidential development. A proposed access will intersect Schoolhouse Road directly opposite ;: ~ffin Street. This access will be stop-controlled and configured for all movements. The second .::-,.~ is provided via Spur Drive which currently terminates at the western boundary of the site. An :~ gency access will be provided via a conaeetion to Bridle Lane. :' !'tic impacts were created at the intersections of Griffin Street & Main Road and Depot Lane & '.~ :~m Road. It is proposed to install a signal at Depot Lane and Main Road to mitigate these impacts. THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE APPENDIX JULY 2006 N & P JOB NO. 00026 Appendix A: Existing Intersection Traffic Volume Data q~JRNING MOVEMENTDATA N~L~ON ~ POp~ INTERSECTION; MAIN ROAD (NYS ?5) @ GRIFFIN STREET PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: i0/18/05 TUESDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN CUM. START TIME EABTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHIIOUND TOTAL HOURLY U-TUaH LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURH LEFT TI';~U RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU R~HT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU R~aHT RTOR TOTAL 7:00 AM 0 7r$ ~ 0 6 70 0 0 76 0 0 85 6 0 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 &. 0 ~. 0 8 175 7:~0 AH 0 8 90 0 0 q8 0 0 99 IZ. 0 li5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4. 0 5 0 7 218 7:z. 5 AM 0 7 105 0 0 IIZ 0 0 $5 il 0 9& 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 g 0 II 217 701 8:00 AM 0 9 70 0 0 79 0 0 95 6 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /* 0 9 0 15 ~91 801 8:15 AH 0 B 89 0 0 97 0 0 105 15 0 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 7 0 12 227 855 8:~0 ~1 0 t~ 97 0 0 108 0 0 87 16 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 ~0 0 12 225 858 s:/.5 AH 0 22 97 0 0 119 0 0 117 27 0 I/*L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 ~2 0 19 282 925 PEAK HOUR: B:00- 0 50 555 0 0 GO5 0 0 GOO 6& 0 &6~. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 58 0 56 925 q;00 AH PHF 0,57 0.91 0.85 0.85 0.59 0.BI O.6h 0.79 0,7G. 0.82 GRIFFIN STREET HAIN ROAD (NYS 75) L 6~ ~--- ~ --T ~--- ~oo ~ ~6~ PEAK HOUR: 8:00-9:00 1:~2005~05300~TRAFFIC~Turning Mo~,emen! Counts~Weekdav AM TURNING MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: HAIN ROAD (NYS ZE) @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/18/05 TUESDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN ST Alit TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUNO NORTHHOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL CUM. U-TuaN LEFT TtfRU RmHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURK LEFT THRU R~GHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU R;EHT RTOR TOTAL HOURLY 7r00 AH 0 5 ~.2 0 0 /*5 0 0 67 , 0 71 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 8 0 I/* 150 7~t5 A~I 0 b 71 0 0 77 0 0 106 6 0 [12 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 H 0 l§ 0 26 215 7:50 AH 0 6 96 0 0 102 0 0 II0 6 0 ll6 0 0 g 0 O 0 0 8 0 21 0 29 2"7 7:~.5 AH 0 [I 125 0 0 156 0 0 [07 9 0 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t2 0 {$ O 25 277 869 E:00 AH 0 15 77 0 0 90 0 0 97 9 Q 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 O I& 0 t7 0 51 227 966 8rte A~I 0 Ii 96 0 0 107 0 0 ~19 ~5 0 13L~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 I5 0 21 25Z 1013 8:30 AH 0 12 96 0 0 108 0 0 88 8 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 I~ 0 ZI 2Z5 991 PEAK HOUR: 7:30- DEPOT LANE PLAIN ROAD (NYS Z5) T.. 59 ~.- .97 -T ~ ~ ~ .72 PEAK HOUR: 7:30-8:50 AH 1:\2005\05300\TRAFFICkTuming Mo.~ment Counts\WeekdavAM TURNING MOVEMENT DATA NI=L~ON ~ POPE INTERSECTION: SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD O DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/18/05 TUESDAY JURISDICTION: RROOKHAVEN START TINE EASTSOUND WESTSOUND NORTHOOUND SOUTHOOUND TOTAL CUM, U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL [,/-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL HOURLY 7:00 AM 0 6 0 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 0 Il 0 0 {G I 0 IE 55 7:[5 AH 0 7 0 L 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 7 0 0 I~ 0 0 16 I 0 17 ~.0 730 AH 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I~ 0 0 I/+ 0 0 Z~ 7 0 51 50 7:~5 AH 0 5 0 ~ 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 17 0 0 22 3 0 25 5l 170 8:00 AH 0 5 0 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 25 5 0 50 05 19~+ 8:[5 AH 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2l 0 0 21 0 0 l§ 2 0 ]8 ~2 196 8:50 AH 0 II 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 20 0 0 21 0 0 20 7 0 Z7 5~: E05 8:/*5 AH 0 7 0 2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 18 0 0 IR 0 0 16 IS 0 3l ~l~ PEAt~ HOUR', 8:00- 0 ~6 0 5 0 5l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 7G 0 0 76 0 0 77 E9 0 106 215 9:00 AH PHF 0,59 0.~,2 0.70 0.50 0.88 0.g0 0.77 0.g8 0.80 0.90 DEPOT LANE SCHOOL SOUSE ROAD ~ 76 PEAK HOUR: 8;00-9:00 AN DEPOT LANE TURNING MOVEMENT DATA NELSON ~- I~OF~E INTERSECTION: MIDDLE ROAD (OR /*8) ~ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/18/05 TUESDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN START TIHE EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL CUM. U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAl U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL HOURLY 7:00 AH I 3 i21 7 0 t52 0 17 87 I 0 105 0 10 I R 0 20 0 2 3 Z* 0 9 266 7:15 ~M ~ 7 i25 6 0 ~Z*I 0 [0 12Z, I 0 135 0 12 II 9 0 32 0 3 3 5 0 IJ 319 8:30 AM 0 I 119 Il 0 131 0 10 113 I 0 IZZ* 0 10 5 2Z 0 37 0 0 Z* 5 0 9 30i Il9& 8;~5 AH 0 2 IL, Z* 17 0 ~63 0 22 IRI 2 0 2J5 0 13 Z* IZ 0 29 0 3 5 0 0 6 ~i~ I 1~81 DEPOT LANE 25 8 12 5 t MIDDLE ROAD (CR /+8) o 4-~ t 3 7 58 2 ~ 0 DEPOT LANE PEAK HOUR: 8:00-9:00 AM J 1:\2005\05300\TRAFFIC~Turning Movement Counts\WeekdavAM TURNING MOVEMENT DATA NELSON ~, t~OPE INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ GRIFFIN STREET PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: [0/18/05 TUESDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN START TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL CUM. L~TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U~TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TuRN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL HOURLY ~:~0 PH 0 L 108 0 0 lid 0 0 97 I( 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 9 0 17 5~15 PPI 0 10 12§ 0 0 155 0 0 105 5 0 Il0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 7 0 7 0 I~ 259 1096 5:~0 PPi 0 2 118 0 0 JE0 0 0 97 I 0 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 5 0 L, 222 i08J 5~&5 PM 0 I IOI 0 0 t02 O 0 9/. 0 0 9L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 0 5 199 IQI~ 5=15 PPi 0 &5 500 0 0 $G5 0 0 G76 ~0 0 516 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 sB 0 6& liE5 GRIFFIN STREET MAIN ROAD (NYS ZB) L ~0 ~ ~ soo ~ sz6 ~ PEAK HOUR: &:15-5:15 PH TURNING MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: HAIN ROAD (NY$ ;~5) @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/18/05 TUESDAY JURISDICTION: RROOKHAVEN START TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL CUE. HOURLY U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT T~U RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TuP~4 LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL L:O0 PH 0 I0 12~ 0 0 IS5 0 0 156 I~ 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 20 0 56 5l9 ~:3o P. 0 6 ,6 0 0 122 0 0 109 i~ 0 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ii 0 9 0 20 265 5:00 PH 0 17 I~1 0 0 155 0 0 159 9 0 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 26 0 ~l 567 DEPOT LANE HAlE ROAD (NYS 25) L ~7 ~ 5sz ..T 4~ ~sz ~m S~9 PEAK HOUR: &:15-5:15 PN TURNING MOVEMENT DATA NEt-~ON ~ POPE INTEESECTION: SCHOOL HOOSE ROAn @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/18/05 TUESDAY JUEISOICTION: BROOKHAVEN /~:~0 PM 0 3 0 I 0 &. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 19 0 0 20 0 0 16 6 0 ZZ ~6 DEPOT LANE SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD i 85 ,J, 86 P~A~ Hour: ,:00-S:00 P. !l DEPOT LANE 1:\2005\05300\TRAFFIC~Turnin~ Movement Counts~Weekdav PM TURNING MOVEMENT DATA NEi-SON ~ PO[:;~E INTERSECTION: i"*IAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/1§/0§ SATURDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN DEPOT LANE MAIN ROAD (NYS Z5) L ~ 580 ~' ~ 537 ~ 575 5~ 871 ~ 617 ~ 6~s ~ ~ ~0~: I:00-~:00 ~ TURNING MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE NELSON ~ POPE DATE COLLECTED: 10/15/05 SATURDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN 11:~5 ~ 0 5 0 ~. 0 7 o o o o o o o 5 6 o o II 0 0 25 8 o ~5 5l 219 DEPOT LANE SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD ~7 ~ ~L S~ PEAK HOUR: IhlS-IZ:15 PM DEPOT LANE 1:~2005\05300kTRAFFIC~Tuminq Movement Counts\Saturday TURNING MOVEMENT DATA NEL. SONg PSPE INTERGECTION; PIIDDLE ROAD (CR Z+6) @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/15/05 SATURDAY JURISDICTION; BROOKHAVEN PhDDLE ROAD (CR /+8) z ~'~ DEPOT LANE 32 9 59 DEPOT LANE T.. .r- 8 IPEAR HOUR: 12:30~1:~0 PH 1:\2005\05300~TRAFFICWurning Movement Counts\Saturday ,~'~ ~dix B: Hourly Traffic Volume Data STATION: 071116 ROAD #; 0480 DIRECTION: Eastbou~d STATE DIR CODE: 6 DATE OF COUNT; 07/23~004 NOTE S LANE 0:0D0000 t 11630 New York State Department of Transportation ROAD NAME: CR 48 FACTOR GROUP: 40 WK OF YR: 39 COUNT TAKEN BY: ORG COOE: DOT INITIALS; -- 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 TO TO TO TO ~'O TO TO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 59 45 t9 18 21 79 229 20 8 16 33 14 10 7 17 33 11 14 4 10 37 17 11 7 10 28 25 11 9 27 43 20 15 13 30 105 46 23 26 25 DATE Traffic Count Houdy Report FROM: DEPOT LANE REC SERIAL #: 1002 PLACEMENT: ~ REF MARKER: ADDL DATA: COUNT TYPE: AXLE PAIRS PROCESSED BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: 7 8 9 10 11 t2 ! 2 3 4 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 'ro _8.. 9 ~0 ~ 1..__ !2 I 2 3 4 5 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 8 'F 9 F 10 S ~2 M 13 T 14 W 15 F 17 S 18 S 19 M 20 T 21 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 25 S 26 M 27 T 2.8 W 29 T 30 F 31 S P~tge 1 of 2 TO; PECONIC LANE COUNTY: Suffolk FUNC. CLASS: 02 TOWN: SOUTHOLD NHS; yes BIN: JURIS; County RR CROSSING; CC Sin; I-IPMS SAMPLE: BATCH ID; DO'[-~'10sw34b 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l'O TO TO TO TO TO TO DAILY DAtLY 6 7 6 9 11 1.2- DALLY HIGH HIGH . !'N ........ TOTA~ COUNT HOUR 767 7222 726 720 759 825 769 663 524 42:4 358 311 164 81 274 4(]4 490 614 634 780 759 743 726 711 629 545 452 392 288 237 169 118 9208 780 11 57 200 258 313 419 502 648 730 691 807 aS4 589 491 405 285 241 205 117 75 8035 854 15 72 366 587 614 545 585 634 590 605 603 596 630 602 452 356 264 208 114 72 8573 634 11 66 344 603 624 538 552 537 547 873 520 610 683 637 457 312 2295 184 '~37 82 8354 683 16 60 312 521 591 538 448 839 536 817 570 548 670 615 514, 349 273, 22B 132 78 8117 670 16 85 351 585 661 620 653 627 667 7t8 660 670 726 694 549 467 399 2258 217 98 9739 726 19 77 391 604 850 656 724 714 756 721 849 805 849 788 688 572 473 432 3t6 220 11404 849 14 83 251 5tl 530 7t5 791 892 974 34 18 13 AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURS (Axle Factored, Mort 6AM to Fri Noon) ADT 8 19 7t 348 567 620 572 584 628 977 594 580 598 668 629 487 366 296 216 148 76 8717 DAYS HOURS WEEKDAYS WEEKDAY AVERAGE W~¢_K.~A'¢. Axle Adj. Seas~nalNVeekc~ay Counte~ Houm H~gh Hour % of day Fa~i~r ~djustment Factor 9 194 5 103 677 8% 0.987 1 210 0480 ROAr) # STATION; 0711~6 gOAD NAME: CR 48 STATE DIR CODE: 6 FROM DEPOT LANE PLACEMENT lO: PECONIC LANE ESTIMATED ~DT COUNTY' Suffolk DATE OF COUNT: 07/23/2004 ST~TION 071116 ROAD #: 0480 DIRECTION: Westbound STATE [)iR CODEr 7 DATE OF COUNT: 07/2312D04 DATE DAY 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 8 T 9 F I0 S 12 M t4 W 15 T ~6 F 18 S 39 M 20 T 21 W 22 T 23 25 27 T 25 W 29 T 39 31 New York State Department of Transportation Page 2 of 2 Traffic Count Hourly Report ROAD NAME: CR 48 FRO~~ r,;'~_ · ,'~ r L~,NE* TO: PECONIC LANE COUNTY: Suffolk FACTOR GRQUP' 40 REC 5;F ,J !OC~' FUNC CLASS: 02 TOWN: SOUTHOLD TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO DALLY DALLY 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _9 10 11 12 .1_ 2 3 4 . ~,_ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DALLY HIGH HIGH TOTAL. COUNT 62 39 22 21 81 39 2t 27 46 8 8 24 41 18 11 16 38 19 7 15 40 12 t6 16 41 28 36 24 81 49 39 29 674 606 605 672 726 736 643 570 3~7 360 256 277 144 21 66 168 255 378 556 618 736 715 657 618 705 561 493 509 370 354 323 272 149 8668 736 11 16 46 89 172 3t4 471 609 676 743 774 882 810 751 5110 848 619 512: 424 319 136 10065 882 14 52 132 339 480 658 596 630 638 670 608 6~0 739 749 598 566 386 345 206 163 73 9364 749 16 28 102 298 510 626 584 591 555 611 67.6 603 $82 763 566 474 324 296 162 117 51 8661 703 16 28 78 279 423 578 566 561 566 571 556 625 625 64~ 624 488 260 293 t66 124 77 8216 649 10 26 122 297 455 839 593 555 534 600 620 669 738 776 645 54.6 393 432 247 170 108 9252 776 i6 41 105 300 464 558 603 597 649 681 628 645 765 756 838 605 417 391 303 230 130 9653 769 15 30 70 134 261 405 579 629 754 732 AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURS (Axle Factored. Mon 5AM to Fri Noon) ADT 39 19 18 15 3t 101 299 461 506 ~,80 579 595 605 594 629 687 7~4 800 $1'1 337 338 192 142 78 8783 DAYS ~o~lnted 9 ROAD # STATION 071116 HOURS WEEKDAYS WEEKDAY AVERAGE WEEKDAY Axle Adj SeasonaffWeei(day Counted Counted Ho~r[ High Hour % of day Factor Ad{uslmeOt Factor 5 103 734 194 0480 ROAD NAME: CR 48 STATE DIR CODE: 7 FROM: DEPOT LANE PLACEMENT: 0.987 1 210 TO: PECONIC LANE ESTIMA'~ED AADT 7259 COUNTY: Suffolk DATE OF COUNT: 0712312094 LEVEL OF SERVICE: SIGNALIT~D INTERSECTIONS Lewi ~ service for signalized intersections is defined in terms of delay, which is a measure of driver disc~ :, ~ ~, frnstration, fuel consumption, and lost travel time. The levels of service range between level of ser,. : :clatively congestion-flee) and level of service F (congested). The : .! experienced by a motorist is made up of a number of factors that relate to control, geometry, tral i.. ~ ~ iacidents at an intersection. Total delay is the difference between the travel tune actually expe, X, ~xl and the reference travel time that would result during ideal conditions: in the absence of traffic contrt', :~ the absence of geometric delay, in the absence of any incidents, and when there are no other vehicles ,:a the road. The portion of the total delay attributed to the control facility is called the control delay. Control delay includes initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration delay. Control delay may also be referred to as signal delay for signalized intersections. Level of service criteria for signalized intersections is determined in terms of the average control delay per vehicle. The following average control delays are used to determine approach levels of service: Level of Service A -< 10.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service B > 10.0 and -< 20.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service C > 20.0 and -< 35.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service D > 35.0 and - 55.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service E > 55.0 and -< 80.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service F > 80.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service A describes operations with very low control delay. This occurs when progression is extremely lavorable; most vehicles arrive during the green phase and do not stop at all. Short traffic signal cycles may contribute to low delay. Level of Service B generally occurs with good progression and/or short traffic signal cycle lengths. More vehicles stop than for level of service A, causing higher average delays. Level of Service C has higher delays than level of service B. These higher delays may result from fair progression and/or longer cycle lengths. Individual cycle failures, where motorists are required to wait through an entire signal cycle, may begin to appear at this level. The number of vehicles stopping is significant, although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. Level of Service D At this level, the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combination of unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths or high volume-to-capacity ratios. The proportion of stopping vehicles increases. Individual cycle failures are noticeable. Level of Service E is considered the limit of acceptable delay. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths and high volume-to-capacity ratios. Individual cycle failures occur frequently. Level of Service F is considered unacceptable to most drivers. This condition often occurs with over saturation, i.e., when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of the intersection. It may occur at volume to capacity ratios below 1.0 with many individual cycle failures. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such delay levels. LEVEL OF SERVICE: TWO WAY STOP CONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS The quality of traffic service at a two-way stop controlled, or "TWSC," intersection is measured according to the level of service and capacity of individual legs. The level of service ranges from LOS A to LOS F, just as with signalized intersections. The right of way at the TWSC intersection is controlled by stop signs on two opposing legs of an intersection (on one leg of a "T"-type intersection). The capacity of a controlled leg is based on the distribution of gaps in the major street traffic flow, driver judgment in selecting a gap through which to execute the desired maneuver and the follow up time required by each driver in a queue. The level of service for a TWSC intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. The delay experienced by a motorist is made up of a number of factors that relate to control, geometry, traffic, and incidents. Total delay is the difference between the travel time actually experienced and the reference travel time that would result during conditions with ideal geometry and in the absence of incidents, control, and traffic. This program only quantifies that portion of the total delay attributed to traffic control measures, either traffic signals or stop signs. This delay is called control delay. Control delay includes initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration. Average control delay for any particular minor movement is a function of the approach and the degree of saturation. The expectation is that TWSC intersections are designed to carry smaller traffic volumes than signalized intersections. Therefore, the delay threshold times are lower for the same LOS grades. The following average control delays are used to determine approach levels of service: Level of Service A < 10 seconds per vehicle Level of Service B > 10 and < 15 seconds per vehicle Level of Service C > 15 and -< 25 seconds per vehicle Level of ServiceD > 25 and <- 35 seconds per vehicle Level of Service E > 35 and < 50 seconds per vehicle Level of Service F > 50 seconds per vehicle ~, ?~endix D: Capacity Analysis/Level of Service Worksheets ~, .'~,~.~ ~qmary Tables Middle Roaa (NYS 48) at Depot Lane R HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE NELSON ~ POPE Detailed LOS Summar, - Weekda r AM Peak Hour Anal Existing Condition No Build Condition 2007 Build Condition 2007 Build Condition with Traffic Signal V/C Ratio Delay Delay Delay Delay S¢c/Veh LOS V/C Patio LOS V/C Ratio LOS V/C Ratio LOS Intersection Approach Move, Scc/Veh SecdVch Sec/Veh EB L 0.06 9.1 A 0.07 9.2 A 0.07 9.2 A 0.15 6.1 A Main Road (NYS 25) at Depot Lane T 0.49 7.5 A WB TR 0,63 15.$ B SB LR 0.54 32.6 D 0,60 38.3 E 0.63 41.0 E 0.47 33.5 C Overall 0.59 13.7 B EB LT 0.08 9.3 A 0.08 9.4 A 0.09 9,4 A Main Road (NYS 25) at Griffin Street SB L 0.16 30,0 D 0.18 32.6 D 0,21 34.2 D R 0.13 13.6 B 0.14 14.0 B 0.15 14.1 B EE L 0,01 9,6 A 0.01 9.8 A 0.01 9,8 A T R WE L 0.09 9.4 A 0.10 9.5 A 0.10 9,5 A T Middle Road (NYS 48) at Depot Lane R NB LT 0.44 34.6 D 0.46 36.1 E 0.52 41.4 E SB L3 0,15 29.0 D 0.05 29.3 D 0.17 32.0 D 1~ 0.02 11.4 B 0.02 11.5 B 0.02 11.5 B Overall School House Road at Depot Lane EB LR 0.06 9,9 ^ 0.06 10.0 A 0.09 10.2 B Site Driveway at School House Road SB LR N/A N/A 0.02 8.9 A HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ . Intersection Approach Vlovt. V/C Ratio SecTVeh V/C Ratio SecTVeh V/C Ratio SecTVeh V/C tLatio Sec/Veh EE L 0.08 9.7 A 0.08 9.9 A 0.09 9.9 A 0.19 7.0 A Main Road ¢NYS 25) at Depot Lane T 0.57 8.6 A WE TR 0.79 20.7 C SE LR 0.82 71.8 F 0.93 97.3 F 0.97 110.3 F 0.54 34.8 C Overall 0.72 16,8 B EE LT 0.07 9.8 A 0.07 9.9 A 0.08 10.0 A Main Road (~IYS 25) at Griffin Street SE L 0.31 48.4 E 0.35 55.4 F 0,39 59.7 F R 0.14 I5.6 C 0.15 16.2 C 0.16 16.4 C EI~ L 0.03 10.2 B 0.03 10.4 B 0.03 10.4 B T R WI] L 0.10 9.4 A 0,11 9.6 A 0.12 9.6 A Middle Road (NYS 48) at Depot Lane NB L'] 0,45 39.1 E 0.50 44,3 E 0.53 46.8 E SB L'I 0.10 31.8 D 0.11 34.0 D 0.1I 34.7 D I~ 0.03 11.9 B 0.03 12.2 B 0.03 12,2 B Overall I LTl0.0017.6I A 10.0017.6I ^ 10.0017.6 School House Road at Depot Lane LR 0.05 9.7 A 0.06 10.2 B 0.08 10.4 Site Driveway at School House Road SB LR 0.02 8.9 A Existing Condition Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/'1/2005 Existing AM Peak Hr Analysis Time Period (Adjusted) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln 05300 2005 Project Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Existing) AM Peak Hr Adjusted) EastJVVest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Perod (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channelized Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Vlovement ¢olume (veh/h) :eak-Hour Factor, PHF L 49 0.80 61 Eastbound 2 T 469 0.80 586 3 R 1.00 0 L 1.00 Westbound 5 T 515 0.88 585 Undivided L 7 L 0 Northbound 8 T 9 R 0 1 0 Southbound 10 11 L T 5O 0.85 1.00 58 0 2 0 6 R 46 0.88 52 TR 12 R 76 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 qourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 89 '~veh/h) :ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L LR v (veh/h) 61 147 C (m) (veh/h) 947 273 v/c O. 06 O. 54 95% queue length 0.21 2.95 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.1 32.6 LOS A D Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 32.6 Approach LOS .... D Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7~25/2006 8:14 AM file'//C'\Dncuments and ,qcttint~s\iames\l~ocai Scttin~s\Temn\u2k5.tmo 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 Existing PM Peak Hr (Adjusted) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd(NYS 2~ at DepotLn 05300 2005 Project Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Existing PM Peak Hr Adjusted) East/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): DepotLane 0.25 Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) Eastbound 1 2 L T 60 624 ~91 0.91 65 685 3 R 1.00 1.00 Westbound 574 O. 79 726 R 56 O. 79 7O ~ercent Heavy Vehicles -- 0 -- ~4edian Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 I 0 Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 J 0 Configuration L T TR ~stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 46 83 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 O. 75 1.00 O. 75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 0 0 0 61 0 110 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized Lanes ,Configuration I N N 0 0 0 LR 0 0 !Movement~ 1 4 7 8 9 10 I 11 12 Lane Configuration L LR Iv (veh/h) 65 171 C (m) (veh/h) 826 208 v/c O. 08 0.82 95% queue length 0.26 6.02 ,Control Delay (s/veh) 9.7 71.8 LOS A I F Approach Delay (s/veh) .... I 71.8 Approach LOS I .... I F Copyright @ 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7/25~2006 8:14 AM file'//C:\Docnments and Settines\iames\Local Settin~s\Temv\u2k8.tmp 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period Project Description RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 Existing Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln 05300 2005 Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Existing Sat Peak Hr Adjusted) East/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Eastbound 1 2 L T 62 703 0.85 ~85 72 827 3 R 1.00 4 L 1.00 -- O Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 Lanes I 1 0 0 Westbound 5 6 T R 612 44 0.86 0.86 r o I o TR o Configuration L T Upstream Signal 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ¢olume (veh/h) 58 49 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.81 1.00 0.81 -tourly Flow Rate, HFR ',veh/h) 0 0 0 71 0 60 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach .N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Approach Movement Eastbound Lane Configuration ~' (veh/h) 72 (m) (veh/h) 850 Westbound ¢/c 35% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) 0.08 Northbound 0.28 9.6 A LOS 9 HCS+TM Version 5.2 Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS Copyright © 2005 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved Southboun 10 11 12 LR 131 143 0.92 6.30 114.9 F 114.9 F Generated: 7/25/2006 8:14 A~, file://C:\Documents and Settia~s\iames\Local Settin~s\Temp\u2kB.tmp 7/25/200( Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 Existing AM Peak Hr Analysis Time Period (Adjusted) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Ma~ Rd(NYS 29 at Griffin St 05300 2005 Project Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Existin(7 AM Peak Adjusted) East/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Griffin Street Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud), Perod (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Eastbound Westbound L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 60 420 476 76 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 1.00 1.00 0.81 0.81 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 70 494 0 0 587 93 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 0 .... Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 I 0 Lanes 0 I 0 0 I 0 Configuration L T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ~/olume (veh/h) 21 45 Pea k-Hour Factor, PH F I. O0 1. O0 1. O0 O. 74 1. O0 O. 74 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 0 0 0 28 0 60 :'ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 ~ercent Grade (%) 0 0 =lared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration L R Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 7 8 9 10 t 1 Lane Configuration L T L 4 12 R 60 (veh/h) 70 28 C (m) (veh/h) 912 172 479 v/c 0.08 O. 16 95% queue length 0.25 9.3 A Control Delay (s/veh) 0.57 30.0 D 0.13 0.43 LOS 13.6 B Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 1&8 Approach LOS .... C Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated 7/25/2006 8 15 AM file://C:~Documents and Settings\lames\Local Settimzs\Temp\u2kE.tmp 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Page I of Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 Existing PM Peak Hr Analysis Time Period (Adjusted) Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2005 Project Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Existing PM Peak Adjusted) EastNVest Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Perod (hrs): Griffin Street 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 51 595 566 48 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 55 646 0 0 754 64 veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 0 .... Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 O 0 I 0 L T TR Configuration 0 Upstream Signal 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 31 45 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84 1.00 0.84 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 36 0 53 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 O 2 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 O 1 0 1 Configuration L R Approach Movement _Lane Configuration v (veh/h) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound 1 4 7 8 11 12 LT R 55 53 C (m) (veh/h) 810 392 0.14 v/c 95% queue length 3ontrol Delay (s/veh) 0.07 0.22 9 10 L 36 118 0.31 1.18 48.4 E 0.46 15.6 _OS A C ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) -- 28.9 ~.pproach LOS -- D Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated: 7/25/2006 8:15 AM file-//C-\I3cmnments and ,qettin~s\iames\l,ocal Settin~s\Tenm\u2kl 1 .trim 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Pedormed 12/1/2005 Ana ys s Year 2005 Analysis Time Period Existing Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) Project Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Existing Sat Peak Adjusted) EastANest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Griffin Street Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Perod (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 44 563 627 87 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.93 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 47 605 0 0 674 93 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 0 .... Median Type Undivided RT Channelized I 0 I 0 Lanes 0 1 I 0 0 I 1 0 Configuration L T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R v'olume (veh/h) 63 54 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84 1.00 0.84 dourly Flow Rate, HFR iveh/h) 0 0 0 75 0 64 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 I 0 1 Configuration L R iApproach Movement ~guration Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 LT L R v (veh/h) 47 75 64 C (m) (veh/h) 847 143 428 'v/c 0.06 0.52 O. 15 95% queue length 0.18 2.55 0.52 Contro Delay (s/veh) 9.5 I 55.0 14.9 A I F B ~LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 36.6 E Generated: 7/25/2006 8:15 AM HCS+TM Version 52 file://C:\Dnel~ments and Settings\iames\Local Settin~s\Temo\u2kl4.tmr~ 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of i TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Rd Intersection Middle Rd (OR 48) @ Depot Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Lane Date Performed 12/1/2005 Jurisdiction 05300 Existing AM Peak Hour Ana ys s Year 2005 Analysis Time Period (Adjust) Project Description Middle Road (OR 48) at Depot Lane (Existinq AM Adjusted) East/West Street: Middle Road (CR 48) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Perod (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R 8 572 69 63 638 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channelized Lanes Configuration 0.84 '9 0.84 0.84 0.75 84 0.75 Raised curb 2 82 2 4 I 2 L T 0 680 R I 2 L T 0 85O O. 75 5 1 1 R N 0 0 1 LT Upstream Signal I Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 61 14 65 6 14 10 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.80 0.80 0.80 O. 75 O. 75 O. 75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ~veh/h) 76 17 81 8 18 13 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 ~ercent Grade (%) 0 0 =lared Approach N Storage 0 RT Channelized 1 1 Lanes 0 I I 1 Configuration R LT R Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L L T R L T R v (veh/h) 9 84 93 81 26 13 C (m) (veh/h) 784 908 212 656 176 578 v/c 0.01 0.09 0.44 O. 12 O. 15 0.02 95% queue length 0.03 0.30 2.06 0.42 0.51 0.07 Control Delay (s/veh) 9. 6 9.4 34.6 11.3 29.0 11.4 LOS A A D B D t IB Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 23. 7 23. 1 Approach LOS .... C C Copyright © 2005 Universffy of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7~25~2006 8:15 AM file://C:\Documents and Settin~s\iames\Local Settin~s\Temr>\u2klT.tnm 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of i TINO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period Analyst RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 Existing PM Peak Hour (Adjust) Project Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (Exisl EastRVest Street: Middle Road (CR 48) Intersection Orientation: East-West Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Intersection Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2005 'nc] PM Adjusted) North/South Street: Depot Lane Study Perle, hrs): 0.25 Eastbound 2 3 Westbound 6 4 5 L T 77 775 0.81 0.81 95 956 Major Street Movement L T R R Volume (veh/h) 19 647 64 13 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.81 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 20 681 67 16 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 ...... Median Type Raised curb RT Channelized 1 1 Lanes 1 2 I I Configuration L T R R Upstream Signal 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound 7 I 1 2 L T 0 8 12 T Movement R R Volume (veh/h) 60 17 70 14 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.86 77 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 10 11 L T 6 8 0.86 0.86 6 9 2 2 0 66 18 16 2 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized I 1 Lanes 0 Configuration LT R LT R ~,pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Vlovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 _ane Configuration L L L T R L T R (veh/h) 20 95 84 77 15 16 C tm) (veh/h) 715 907 187 656 149 534 v/c 0.03 O. 10 0.45 O. 12 O. 10 0.03 95% queue length 0.09 0.35 2.10 0.40 0.33 0.09 Control Delay (s/veh) 10.2 9.4 39. I 11.2 31.8 11.9 LOS B A E B D B Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 25.7 21.6 Approach LOS .... D C Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 7/25/2006 8:15 Ab fil~.'llC"\F'lc~c,~ment~ nncl ~eftinc,~\iames\f.ncal Settint*s\Temn\u2kI A.tmn 7/25/2.006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of ] TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 Existing Sat Peak Hour (Adj) Project Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (Exisi East/West Street: Middle Road (CR 48) Intersection Orientation: East-West Intersection Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2005 ~.¢ Sat Adjusted) North/South Street: Depot Lane Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 5 6 L T T R Volume (veh/h) 9 587 482 9 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.83 0.83 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 9 645 580 10 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 Median Type 3 4 R L 56 53 0.91 0.83 61 63 Raised curb RT Channelized I 1 I 1 Lanes ?' 2 I 1 2 1 ,Configuration L T R L T R Jpstream Signal 0 I I 0 IMinor Street Northbound Southbound Viovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R 36 10 67 9 10 6 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.75 0.75 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 44 12 82 12 13 8 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 ,Flared Approach N N i - Storage 0 0 ;RT Channelized 1 1 Lanes 0 1 I 0 I 1 ~uration L T R L T R Approach Eastbound Westbound Nodhbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L L T R L T R iv (veh/h) 9 63 56 82 25 8 C (m) (veh/h) 990 936 272 674 248 707 v/c 0.01 I 0.07 0.21 0.12 0.10 0.01 95% queue length 0.03 0.22 0.76 0.41 0.33 0.03 Control Delay (s/veh) 8. 7 9.1 21.6 11.1 21.1 10.2 LOS A A C B C B Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 15.4 18.5 Approach LOS -- I -- C C Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7/25/2006 8:16 AM file://C:\Documents and Settin~s\iames~Local Settin~s\Temp\u2klD.tmp 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 Existing AM Peak Hr Analysis Time Period (Adjused) Intersection School House Rd at Depot Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2005 Project Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (Existin9 AM Peak Adjusted) EastJWest Street: SchoolHouse Road Nodh/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: No~fh-South Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street i;qJuslmell' Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 2 88 92 35 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 97 108 41 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration L T TR ~stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 31 6 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF O. 75 1.00 O. 75 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 41 0 8 0 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 _ane Configuration L T LR ,' (veh/h) 2 49 (m) (veh/h) 1432 781 v/c 0.00 0.06 95% queue length 0.00 0.20 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.5 9.9 LOS A A Approach Delay (s/veh) ~- 9.9 ~.pproach LOS -- A Copyright © 2005 University of FIorlda, All Rights Reserved HC$+TM Version 5 2 Generated: 7/25/2006 8:16Ab file://C:~)ocuments and Settin~s\iames\Local Settin~s\Temp\u2k20 tmp 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY I Analyst RJ Intersection School House Rd at Depot Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Lone Date Performed 12/1/2005 Jurisdiction 05300 Existing PM Peak Hr Analysis Year 2005 Analysis Time Period (Adjused) :roject Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (Existing PM Peak Adjusted) East/West Street: School House Road North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Houdy Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type 0.86 Northbound 2 I 3 101 0.86 117 R 1.00 4 1.00 Southbound T 27 0.75 36 6 R lO0 0.75 133 Undivided 0 0 RT Channelized Lanes 0 I 0 0 I 0 Configuration LT TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 12 L T R R 26 8 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 10 11 L T 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 0.81 1.00 0.81 1.00 !(veh/h) 32 0 9 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 ~ Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N i' Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 ration LR &pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 I_ 12 _ane Configuration L T LR I ~ (veh/h) I 41 I D (m) (veh/h) 1409 800 [ ~/c O. O0 O. 05 35% queue length 0.00 0.16 .3ontrol Delay (s/veh) 7. 6 9. 7 _OS A A ] ~pproach Delay (s/veh) I -- 9.7 ~pproach LOS I -- I A Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7/25/2006 8:16 AM file'//C:\Docnments and ,qettin~s\iames\l,ocal Settings\Tenm\u2k23.tmJ~ 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of l } TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/I/2005 Existing Sat Peak Hr Analysis Time Period (Adjused) Intersection School House Rd at Depot Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2005 Project Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (Existing Sat Peak Ad/usted) East/West Street: School House Road North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Perod (hfs): 0.25 Major Street [ Nodhbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) [ 9 84 27 96 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.76 0.76 1.00 1.00 0.82 0.82 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 11 110 0 0 32 117 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 0 Median Type RT Channelized Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF !(veh/h) IPercent Heavy Vehicles ~ Grade (%) Undivided 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 LT TR Eastbound 9 Westbound 12 L T R R 35 18 O. 75 1. O0 O. 75 1.00 24 46 10 11 L T 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Fared Approach 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Conf guration LR Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 I 11 Lane Configuration L T LR ¢ (veh/h) 11 70 C (m)(veh/h) 1432 820 ,/c o.o, 35% queue length 0.02 0.28 Control Delay (s/veh) } 7.5 9.8 _OS A A ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) .... 9.8 ~,pproach LOS -- ] -- A Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7/25/2006 816AM fi|r"//IT'\Dncnment~ nncl ,qettln~m\iames\l,ocal Settin~s\Temu\u2k26.tnm 7/25/2006 No Build Condition Two-Way Stop Control Page l of TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 No Build Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln 05300 200 7 Project Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (No Build Sat Peak Hr Adjusted) EastYW'est Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Movement 1 2 L T 64 731 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type 0.85 75 0.85 RT Channelized Lanes 1 L 859 3 4 R L 1.00 1.00 0 0 Undivided Westbound T 636 0.86 739 R 46 0.86 53 Configuration T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 6O 1.00 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 1.00 T 1.00 R 1.00 0.81 74 R 51 0.81 62 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes O O O 0 0 O LR Configuration Approach Movement Lane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m (veh/h) 'v/c 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS Eastbound L 75 829 0.09 0.30 9.8 A Nodhbound 9 10 Southbound 11 LR 136 130 1.05 -- I Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, Alt Rights Reserved Westbound 8 7.53 157.7 F 157.7 F 12 HCS+TM Vers}on 5.2 Generated: 7~25~2006 8:18AIV file://C:\Documents and Settin~s\iames\Local Settin~s\Temp\u2k2F.tmt~ 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page I of TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/1/2005 No Build AM Peak Hr Ana ys s Year 2007 Analysis Time Period (Adjusted) Project Description Main Road at Griffin Street (No Build AM Peak Adjusted) East/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) Intersection Orientation: East-West North/South Street: Griffin Street Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 62 437 495 79 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 1.00 1.00 0.81 0.81 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR '~veh/h ) 72 514 0 0 611 97 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 0 -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 _anes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Sonfiguration L T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 rVlinor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ,/olume (veh/h) 22 47 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.74 1.00 0.74 -tourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 0 0 0 29 0 63 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 I 0 Configuration L R Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Lane Configuration L T L v (veh/h) 72 29 C (m) (veh/h) 891 159 v/c O. 08 O. 18 0.26 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) 9.4 LOS A Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS HCS+TM Version 52 0.64 32.6 D Copyr gh © 2005 Universib/of Florida, All Rights Reserved R 63 463 0.14 0.47 14.0 19.9 Generated: 712512006 8:18AIV filp-//C"\I3ncnmentq nnct (~ttlnc~n\inme~\] ac:ti Rattinpg\Temn\u2k't2 tmn 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of ] TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Ne/son & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 No Build PM Peak Hr Analysis Time Period (Adjusted) intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Gdffin St 05300 2007 Project Description Main Road at Griffin Street (No Build PM Peak Adjusted) EastJVVest Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) North/South Street: Griffin Street Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud)/Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ',veh/h) :ercent Heavy Vehicles Vledian Type RT Channelized Lanes L 53 0.92 57 Eastbound T 619 0.92 672 R 1.00 UndivNed 0 1 [ 0 0 1.00 Westbound 589 0.75 785 6 R 5O 0.75 66 0 0 Donfiguration L T TR )stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 12 L T R R 47 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ~eh/h) 0 0 0 55 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N Storage 0 RT Channelized Lanes 0 Configuration 10 11 L T 32 0.84 1.00 38 0 2 0 N I 0 L  Eastb_ound Westbound Northbound Movement Lane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) 1~% queuelength Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) LT 57 788 0.07 0.23 8 9 4 7 10 L Southbound 11 12 R 38 55 108 376 0.35 O. 15 1.40 0.51 9.9 55.4 16.2 A F C -- 32.2 Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated: 7/25/2006 8:18 AM file'l/(2'\Dcmnmentg and ,qettin~m\iames\f,ocal gettings\Temn\u2k35.tmt) 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page I or' TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY I Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/1/2005 Ana ys s Year 2005 Analysis Time Period No Build Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) Project Description Main Road at Griffin Street (No Build Sat Peak Adjusted) East/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Perod (hrs): Griffin Street 0.25 Major Street Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 46 586 652 90 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.93 qourly Flow Rate, HFR 49 630 0 0 701 96 iveh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 0 .... I Vledian Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 3onfiguration L T TR Jpstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 12 L T R R Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Eastbound Westbound 10 11 L T 64 0.84 1.00 76 0 2 0 56 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 0 0 0 66 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 O 0 I O 1 Configuration L R Approach Eastbound ' Westbound I ' Norihb'etJ~ I ~0~t~'Dound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L T L R v (veh/h) 49 76 66 C (m) (veh/h) 825 131 412 jv/c 0.06 0.58 O. 16 95% queue length 0.19 2.91 0.56 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.6 64.9 15.4 LOS A F C Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 41.9 Approach LOS .... E Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated 7/25/2006 8 18 file'//C:\Dacnments and gettines\iames\Local Settings\Tenm\u2k38.tmD 7/25/200(5 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 No Build AM Peak Hour Analysis Time Period (Adjust) Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Intersection Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (No Build AM Adjusted) East/West Street: Middle Road (CR 48) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R ~/olume (veh/h) 8 595 72 66 664 4 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.75 0.75 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR iveh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 9 708 85 88 2 885 2 'vledian Type Raised curb RT Channelized 1 1 _aries 1 2 1 1 2 1 3onfiguration )stream Signal T R T 0 Nodhbound Southbound Minor Street 5 R Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 63 15 68 6 0 10 Pea k-Hour Factor, P H F 0. 80 O. 80 O. 80 O. 75 O. 75 O. 75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 78 18 84 8 0 13 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 LanesRT Channelized I 0 Configuration LT R 0 LT R Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 10 Lane Configuration L L L T L T 9 88 8 v (veh/h) (m) (veh/h) 96 209 Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) 760 887 156 vic 0.01 O. 10 0.46 0.05 95% queue length 0.04 0.33 2.20 O. 16 9.8 9.5 29.3 36. 1 E 8 9 R 84 642 0.13 0.45 11.4 B A A D .... 24.6 18.3 -- C C Copyright © 2005 Universib/of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 11 12 R 13 563 0.02 0.07 11.5 B Generated: 7/25/2006 8:19AM and Rettino~\iames\l,ocal ~qetlines\Temn\tt2k3Pl.tmr} 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 No Build PM Peak Hour Analysis Time Period (Adjust) Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot intersection Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (No Build PM Adjusted) East]West Street: Middle Road (CR 48) Intersection Orientation: East-West North/South Street: Depot Lane Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Iovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 19 673 67 80 806 14 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.81 0.81 0.81 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 20 708 70 98 995 17 veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 2 - -- Median Type Raised curb RT Channelized 1 1 Lanes 1 2 I I 2 1 Configuration L T R L T R Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 Volume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF Storage 62 T 18 R 73 L T R 15 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 68 20 81 6 9 17 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N 0 0 :~T Channelized I 1 _anes 0 I 1 0 I 1 Configu ration L T R L T R i Approach Eastbound Movement 1 _ane Configuration L v (veh/h) 20 (m) (veh/h) 691 ¢/c 0.03 95% queue length 0.09 ;ontrol Delay (s/veh) 10.4 .OS B Approach Delay (s/veh) -- Approach LOS Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, Alt Rights Reserved Westbound Northbound 8 L LT R 98 88 81 887 176 642 10 LT 15 139 0.11 0.50 0.13 0.11 0.37 2.45 0.43 0.35 9.6 44.3 11.4 A E B -- 28.6 HCS+TM Version 5.2 34.0 D 22.4 C Southbound 11 12 R 17 518 0.03 0.10 12.2 B Generated: 7/25/2006 8 19 AI~ file://C:\Documents and Settines\iamesX,Local Settin~s\Temp\u2k3E.tmp 7/25/200( Two-Way Stop Control TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Page 1 ofl Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 No Build sat Peak Hour (Adj) Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Intersection Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (No Build Sat Adjusted) East/West Street: Middle Road (CR 48) INorth/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West IStud¥ Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR vehlh) Percent Heavy Vehicles 0.91 Upstream Signal Eastbound 2 T 610 0.91 670 R 58 55 Westbound T 501 R 9 0.91 0.83 0.83 0.83 63 66 603 10 Raised curb Median Type RT Channelized I 1 Lanes I 2 1 1 2 1 Configuration L T R L T R 0 0 Minor Street Nodhbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 37 10 70 9 10 6 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.75 0.75 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 45 12 86 12 13 8 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 1 RT Channelized Lanes IConfiguration I I LT R LT R Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 [ 8 9 10 11 12 !Lane Configurat on L L L T R L T R tv (veh/h) 9 66 57 86 25 8 C (m) (veh/h) 971 916 260 66'1 236 694 vic 0.01 0.07 0.22 O. 13 O. 11 0.01 95% queue length 0.03 0.23 0.82 I 0.45 0.35 0.03 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.7 9.2 22.7 11.3 22.1 10.2 LOS I A A C B C IB Approach Delay (s/veh) [ .... 15.8 19.2 Approach LOS I .... C C Copyright © 2005 Universily of Florida, Alt Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated: 7/25~2006 8:19 AM ffd~'llC'\Flcmurnent~ and 5;ettinc,~\iames\l,ocal Settines\Temo\u2k41.tmt~ 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 No Build AM Peak Hr (Adjused) School House Rd at Depot Intersection Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (No Build AM Peak Adjusted) EasqWest Street: SchoolHouse Road Nodh/South Street: Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Perod (hrs): Depot Lane 0.25 Major Street Movement Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 Nodhbound Southbound 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 2 92 96 36 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 2 102 0 0 112 42 Median Type UndivNed RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration L T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 12 R 10 11 L T 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 R Volume (veh/h) 32 6 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.75 1.00 0.75 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 42 0 8 0 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 'RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 [C~-nfiguration LR Northbound Southbound Westbound [ Eastbound Approach Movement I 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L T LR v (veh/h) 2 50 C (m) (veh/h) 1426 771 v/c 0.00 0.06 95% queue length 0.00 0.21 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.5 10.0 LOS A [ A Approach Delay (s/veh) -- 10.0 Approach LOS -- A Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated: 7125/2006 8:19 AM file://C:\Documents and Settin~s\iames\Local Settines\Temo\u2k44.tma 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 No Build PM Peak Hr (Adjused) Intersection Jurisdiction Aha ys s Year School House Rd at Depot Lane 05300 2007 Project Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (No Build PM Peak Adjusted) East/West Street: School House Road North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Perod (hrs): 0.25 /Major street h/h) Factor, PHF ~(veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channelized ~Lanes IConfiguration . Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles IPercent Orad--~-~'-'~ (%) Northbound Southbound 0.86 2 T 105 0.86 122 3 R 1.00 4 L 1.00 5 T 104 0.75 138 Undivided LT 27 0.81 33 2 Eastbound T 1.00 9 R 0.81 Westbound 10 11 L T 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized Lanes Iconfiguration N LR N 6 R 28 0.75 37 TR 12 R 1.00 Approach Nodhbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound ~t 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v(veh/h) I 42 C (m)(veh/h) 1401 741 0.00 0,06 v/c 95% queue length 0.00 0.18 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.6 10.2 LOS A B Approach Delay (s/veh) 10.2 IApproach LOS B Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7/25/2006 8:19 AM file://C:\Documents and Settin~s\iames\Local Settin~s\Temp\u2k47.tmp 7/25/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of i TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 No Build Sat Peak Hr Analysis Time Period (Adjused) Intersection School House Rd at Depot Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (No Build Sat Peak Adjusted) East/West Street: School House Road North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Northbound Southbound Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF L 9 2 T 87 3 R T R 100 28 0.76 0.76 1.00 1.00 0.82 0.82 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 11 114 0 0 121 34 :ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- 0 -- Undivided Vledian Type RT Channelized Lanes Configuration LT 0 0 TR ~stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 7 8 9 12 L T R R Volume (veh/h) 36 19 Peak*Hour Factor, PHF 0.75 1.00 0.75 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage 48 2 N 25 2 10 11 L T 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Approach Movement Nodhbound Southbound Westbound 10 Eastbound 11 7 8 9 Lane Configuration L T LR v (veh/h) 11 73 C (m) (veh/h) 1425 768 v/c 0.01 O. 10 95% queue length 0.02 0.31 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.5 A 10.2B J LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS .... 10.2 12 Copyright © 2005 Un ves b/of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated 7/25/2006 8:20 AM file://C:\Dncuments and Settines\iames\Local Settines\TemD\u2k4A.tmD 7/25/2006 Build Condition Two-Way Stop Control Page I of TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period Rd Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 Build AM Peak Hr ntersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln 05300 2007 Project Description Main Road at Depot Lane (Build AM Peak) East/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Perod (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement 51 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Eastbound Percent Heavy Vehicles 1 2 L T 491 R Westbound 4 539 6 R 51 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00 0.88 0.88 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 63 613 0 0 612 57 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 0 -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 _anes 1 1 0 0 1 0 3on figuration L T TR Jpstream Signal 0 0 rVlinor Street Northbound Southbound V~ovement 7 8 9 12 L T R R Volume (veh/h) 79 :eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 92 veh/h) 0 0 0 2 10 11 L T 55 0.85 1.00 64 0 I 2 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channel/zed 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement I 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L LR v (veh/h) 63 156 C (m) (veh/h) 921 249 0.07 0.63 vic 95% queue length 0.22 3.79 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.2 41.0 LOS A E Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 41.0 Approach LOS -- Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:45 filo-//£"\F}ncmmenl~ anti gellinps\iames\l ocal ,qettings\Teme\u2kD2.tmo 7/24/200~ TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Analyst RJ Intersection Ln Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/1/2005 Analysis Year 2007 Analysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hr Project Description Main Read (NYS 25) at Depot Lane (Build PM Peak) EastNVest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Depot Lane intersection Orientation: East-West Study Pedod (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 62 652 601 62 Pea k-Hour Factor, PH F 0.91 0.91 1. O0 1. O0 O. 79 O. 79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 68 716 0 0 760 78 veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 0 - -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 1 I 0 0 1 0 Configuration L T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound IMovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ~olume (veh/h) 51 86 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.75 -Iourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 68 0 114 :veh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 ~ercent Grade (%) 0 0 =lared Approach N N Storage 0 0 :~T Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 3onfiguration LR Dea~ueue Een fJ t'~i~?and Eevel of Se~ ce~r~ ~ ~*?~ ~, ,~:~-~'~?~ ,~: ~ .~ :~' '. Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L LR ~ (vehlh) 68 182 3 (m) (veh/h) 796 187 vic 0.09 0.97 ~)5% queue length 0.28 7.95 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.9 110.3 LOS A F Approach Delay (s/veh) - - 110.3 Approach LOS - -- F Copyright © 2005 University of Flodda, Alt Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: /*/24/2006 2:38 PM Two-Way Stop Control Page l of i TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY , Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 Build Sat Peak Hr Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 2~ at DepotLn 05300 2007 Project Description Main Road (NYS 25) at Depot Lane (Build Sat Peak) East/VVest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Eastbound 3 I 4 Westbound Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 64 734 639 49 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.85 0.85 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.86 75 863 0 0 743 56 2 .... 0 .... Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 1 I 0 0 I 0 L T Configuration TR Upstream Signal 0 J 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) T 1.00 R 1.00 63 0.81 77 2 T 1.00 Percent Heavy Vehicles R 51 0.81 62 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 O 0 0 0 Configuration LR Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L LR (veh/h) 75 139 C (m) (veh/h) 824 127 v/c O. 09 1.09 95% queue length 0.30 8.01 ;Control Delay (s/veh) 9.8 174.7 _OS A F ~.pproach Delay (s/veh) .... 174.7 Approach LOS .... F Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 7/24/2006 245 PN filR'//C"\Dnm~manl~ nnd Rc:ttinpn\iarne~\l .final $~etlinps\Temn\u2kD5 tmo 7/24/200( Two-Way Stop Control TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Page I of 1 I Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 Analysis Time Period Build AM Peak Hr Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (N¥S 29 at Gfi~n St 05300 2007 Project Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Build AM Peak Hour) EastNVest Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) North/South Street: Griffin Street Intersect on Or entat on: East-Wes/ Stud), Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement IVolume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type IRT Channelized Lanes Configuration IUpstream Signal Minor Street Movement I qolume (veh/h) :'eak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ~veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) =lared Approach Storage IRT Channelized _anes Eastbound 66 0.85 77 2 437 0.85 514 R 1.00 1.00 UndivNed LT 7 L 1.00 Northbound 8 T 1.00 N 9 R 1.00 10 L 25 O. 74 33 2 Configuration L ~,pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Westbound T 495 0.81 611 1 0 Southbound 11 T 1.00 N Southbound R 82 0.81 101 TR 12 R 5O 0.74 67 2 R Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 'Lane Configuration L T L R / (veh/h) 77 33 67 lc (m) (veh/h) 888 156 462 //c 0.09 0.21 0.15 g5% queue length 0.28 0.77 0.50 Contro De ay (s/veh) 9.4 34.2 14.1 _OS A D B Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 20.7 Approach LOS .... C ;opyright © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:46 PM ile'llC'\Dcmumentg ancl ,qettinv's\iames\l,ocal Settines\Tem[)\u2kD8.tmo 7/24/2006 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin Analyst RJ Intersection St Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/1./2005 Analysis Year 2007 Analysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hr ~roject Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Build PM Peak) --asr/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) Nod. h/South Street: Griffin Street ntersec§on Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 ~lajor Street Eastbound Westbound Vlovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 58 619 589 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.92 0.92 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 63 672 0 0 785 72 Iveh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 I 0 0 1 0 Configuration L T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 35 50 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84 1.00 0.84 Houdy Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 41 0 59 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 I 0 1 Configuration L R Approach Eastbound Westbound Norlhbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L T L R v (veh/h) 63 41 59 C (m) (veh/h) 783 105 374 v/c 0.08 0.39 0.16 95% queue length 0.26 1.60 0.55 Control Delay (s/veh) 10.0 59.7 16.4 LOS A F C Approach Delay (stveh) - 34.2 Approach LOS - D Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, Ali Rights Reserved HCS+Tbl Version 5.2 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:39 PM Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY ! Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/I/2005 Analysis Year 2005 Analys s T me Per od Build Sat Peak Hr Project Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Build Sat Peak EastJWest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Griffin Street Intersection Orientation East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 IMajor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R IVolume (veh/h) 49 586 652 93 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.93 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR {veh/h) 52 630 0 0 701 99 Percent Heavy Veh c es 2 .... 0 .... Median Type Undivided IRT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 I 0 0 1 0 Configuration L T TR lUpstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 12 I L T R R Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 59 Percent Grade (%) ~- ared Approach 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 0 0 0 70 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 0 N 10 11 L T 67 0.84 1.00 79 0 2 0 Storage [RT Channelized N 0 1 0 L Lanes 0 0 0 1 Configuration R ~,pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 "_ane Configuration L T L R z (veh/h) 52 79 70 lC (m) (veh/h) 823 128 411 /lc 0.06 O. 62 O. 17 .~5% queue length 0.20 3.18 0.61 Contro De ay (s/veh) 9.7 70.4 15.5 _OS A F C Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 44.6 &pproach LOS .... E ;opyright © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Oenerated: 7/24/2006 2:46 PM ile'//C:\D~cnments and Settin~s\iames~Local Settin~s\Temp\u2kDB.tlIlp 7/24/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/1/2005 Analysis Time Period Build AM Peak Hour Intersection Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (Build AM) EastJWest Street: Middle Road (CR 48) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Perod irs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Ivolume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channe zed Lanes Configuration Upstream S gna Minor Street J-Movement Volume (veh/h) wFactor, PHF R-~e, H--~ (veh/h) Eastbound Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Westbound 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R 8 595 77 70 664 4 O. 84 O. 84 O. 84 O. 75 O. 75 O. 75 9 708 91 93 885 5 2 .... 2 .... Raised curb J 1 I 2 1 L T R 68 0.80 84 2 Nodhbound 15 0.80 18 2 R 72 0.80 89 2 1 2 L T 0 Southbound 10 11 L T 6 15 O. 75 O. 75 8 20 2 2 0 0 Flared Approach N 0 I I 0 1 I 1 LT J Storage RT Channelized R Lanes Configuration N 0 0 LT R 12 R 10 0.75 13 2 R Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound 12 R 10 11 LT 28 161 0.17 0.61 32.0 ° I 25.5 Approach Movement _ane Configuration L L L T R v (veh/h) 9 93 102 89 13 C (m) (veh/h) 760 887 197 642 563 dc 0.01 O. 10 0.52 O. 14 0.02 95% queue length 0.04 0.35 2.64 0.48 0. O7 3ontrol Delay (s/veh) 9.8 9.5 41.4 11.5 11.5 ,.OS A A E B B Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 27.5 &pproach LOS .... D D Copyright©2005UniversityofFlodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version5.2 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:46PM ile'//C'\f)cmnmenl~ and ~ettinps\iames\l,ocal ,qetlings\Temn\u2kDE.tmn 7/24/2006 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Intersection Middle Rd (CR 48) ~ Depot Lane Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/1/2005 Analysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hour Analysis year 2007 Project Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (Build PM) East/West Street: Middle Road (CR 48) North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Pedod (hfs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 19 673 73 84 806 14 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.81 0.81 0.81 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 20 708 76 103 995 17 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 2 - - Median Type Raised curb RT Channelized 1 1 Lanes 1 2 I 1 2 Configuration L T R L T R Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 66 18 6 8 15 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.86 0.86 0.86 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR iveh/h) 73 20 85 6 9 17 :'ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 :~ercent Grade (%) 0 0 --lared Approach N N Storage 0 0 ~T Channetized I 1 _aries 0 I 1 0 1 1 Configuration L T R L T R Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L L L T R L T R v (veh/h) 20 103 93 85 15 17 C (m) (veh/h) 691 887 175 642 136 518 v/c 0.03 0.12 0.53 0.13 0.11 0.03 95% queue length 0.09 0.39 2.69 0.45 0.36 0.10 Control Delay (s/veh) 10.4 9.6 46.8 11.5 34.7 12.2 LOS B A E B D B Approach Delay (s/veh) - - 29.9 22.8 Approach LOS - -- D C Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, Afl Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 7124/2006 2:39 PM Two-Way Stop Control Page I of 1 t TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 1211/2005 Build Sat Peak Hour Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Intersection Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (Build Sat) EastJWest Street: Middle Road (CR 48) Nodh/South Street: Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Perod (hrs): Depot Lane 0.25 Major Street Movement L Volume (veh/h) 9 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 0.91 9 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 Median Type RT Channelized tstream Signal Eastbound Westbound 2 3 4 5 6 T R L T R 610 62 57 501 9 0.91 0.91 0.83 0.83 68 68 670 - 2 Raised curb 603 0.83 10 Lanes 1 1 Configuration L T R R 0 1 2 L T 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 12 41 0.81 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF T R R 10 73 6 0.81 0.81 0.75 9O Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 50 10 11 L T 9 10 O. 75 O. 75 12 13 2 2 12 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N 0 0 1 LT Storage RT Channelized Lanes I 1 Configuration R R Approac~h IMovement iLane Configuration C (m) (veh/h) v/c i~5% queue length N 0 0 1 LT iALOS pproach Delay (s/veh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound 1 4 7 8 9 12 L L LT R R 9 68 62 90 8 971 916 259 0.07 0.24 0.01 661 0.14 694 0.01 0.03 0.24 0.91 0.47 0.03 Control Delay (s/veh) 8. 7 9.2 23. 2 11.3 10. 2 A A C B B .... 16.2 19.3 10 11 LT 25 234 0.11 0.35 22.2 C C C ]~Approach LOS Copyright © 2005 Universily of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:47 PM file://C:\Documents and Settines\iames\Local Settimzs\Temp\u2kEl.tmp 7/24/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period Project Description EastJVVest Street: School House Road RJ Nelson & Pope 12/1/2005 Build AM Peak Hr intersection School House Rd at Depot Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Depot Lane School House Rd at Depot Lane (Build AM Peak) North/South Street: Intersection Orientation: North-South Study Period (hrs): 0.25 '"'lMajor~'? ' Street I Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Volume (veh/h) I 5 92 96 45 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles IMedian Type RT Channelized 5 2 102 0 0 Undivided 112 52 o I Lanes 0 1 0 0 I 1 0 I Configuration LTI TR Upstream S gnal 0 I 0 Minor Street Eastbound Westbound IMovement ~/olume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) 7 8 L T 41 0.75 1.00 54 0 2 0 11 12 T R 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 9 10 R L 9 0.75 1.00 12 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 :lared Approach N I Storage IRT Channelized N 0 0 O LR Westbound 0 0 0 0 IConfiguration Approach Movement Eastboun( 12 _ane Configuration Northbound Southbound 1 4 LT 5 1414 0.00 0.01 7.6 A v (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) ,/c 95% queue length ~'ontrol Delay (s/veh) 7 8 9 , _OS Approach Delay (s/veh) ~,pproach LOS Copyrigh (D 2005 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved 10 11 LR 66 763 0.09 0.28 10.2 B 10.2 B I HCS+TM Version 5.2 Genecated: 7/24/2006 2:47 PM ile://C:\Dncuments and Settines\iames\Local Settines\Temu\u2kE4.tmp 7/24/2006 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ IntersecUon School House Rd at Depot Lane Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/1/2005 Analysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hr Analysis Year 2007 Project Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (Build PM Peak) EastNVest Street: School House Road North/South Street: Depot Lane IntersecUon Orientation: North-South Study Pedod (hrs}: 0.25 Uajor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R ~/olume (veh/h) 5 105 104 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.86 0.86 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR '~veh/h) 5 122 0 0 138 53 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 0 - - Vledian Type Undivided :{T Channelized 0 0 _anes 0 1 0 0 1 0 3onfiguration L T TR Jpstream Signal 0 0 ~linor Street Eastbound Westbound ~lovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ~/olume (veh/h) 35 11 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.81 1.00 0.81 1.00 1.00 1.00 -tourly Flow Rate, HFR l(veh/h) 43 0 13 0 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 O Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Delay~,Queue ~ength~ an~: Eeye! o~Se~. Approach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L T LR v (yah/h) 5 56 C (m) (yah/h) 1383 728 vic 0. 00 0. 08 95% queue length 0.01 0.25 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.6 10.4 LOS A B Approach Delay (s/veh) - - 10.4 Approach LOS - - B Copydgh~ © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 7/2412006 2:39 PM Two-Way Stop Control Page l of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst A§ency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/I/2005 Build Sat Peak Hr Intersection School House Rd at Depot Lane Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (Build Sat Peak) East/West Street: School House Road Intersection Orientation: Noflh-South North/South Street: Depot Lane Study Perod (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement J~olume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF IHourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) gercent Heavy Vehicles jMedian Type RT Channelized _anes 12 O. 76 15 Northbound 2 T 87 O. 76 114 3 R 1.00 1.00 Southbound T 100 0.82 121 R 35 0.82 42 Undivided 0 1 Configuration TR "Jpstream Signal J J 0 Vlinor Street Eastbound Westbound T JMovement Volume (veh/h) JPeak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR R 22 O. 75 29 0 LT 0 10 11 L T 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 43 O. 75 57 1.00 12 R 1.00 veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 --lared Approach N N J Storage 0 0 '~T C-~annelized 0 0 _anes 0 0 0 0 0 0 IConfiguration LR ,~,pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 .ane Configuration L T LR v (veh/h) 15 86 C (m) (veh/h) 1416 756 ,lc 0.01 J 0.11 95% queue length 0.03 0.38 ;ontrol Delay (s/veh) 7.6 10.4 _OS A B Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 10.4 ~,pproach LOS j .... B J Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated: 7/24/2006 247 PM ile://C:\Docnments and Settin~s\iames\Local Settin~s\Temp\u2kE7.tmp 7/24/2006 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY I Analyst RJ Intersection Site Dwy at School House Rd Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/7/2005 Analysis Year 2007 Analysis T me Per od Build AM Peak Hour Project Description Site Driveway at School House Road (Build AM Peak Hour) East/West Street: School House Road North/South Street: Site Driveway intersection Orientation East-West Study Period (hfs): 0.25 IMajor Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Eastbound IUpstream Signal Westbound 1 2 3 6 L T R R 38 4 5 L T 38 1.00 1.00 0 38 12 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR I(veh/h) 7 38 0 12 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 ...... Median Type Undivided IRT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 I 0 Configuration L T TR 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 1 t 12 L T R L T R 12 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ¢,veh/h) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 12 0 6 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 nt Grade (%) 0 0 Ap----~ N N Storage 0 0 IRT Channelized 0 0 _aries 0 0 0 0 0 0 LR Approach Movement 'Lane Configuration Eastbound Westbound Nodhbound Southbound 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 LT LR / (veh/h) 7 18 lC (m) (veh/h) ~557 938 //c 0. 00 0. 02 tqueue length 0.01 0.06 r~ ~eh) 7.3 8.9 _OS A A Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 8.9 Approach LOS .... A :opyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:49 PM ile:l/C:\Documents and Settin~s\iames\Local Settin~s\Temp\u2kl2E.tmp 7/24/2006 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst RJ Intersection Site Dwy at School House Rd Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 05300 Date Performed 12/7/'2005 Analysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2007 Project Description Site Driveway at School House Road (Build PM Peak Hour) East/West Street: School House Road North/South Street: Site Ddveway Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 9 35 29 16 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 9 35 0 0 29 16 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 0 - - Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 I 0 0 1 0 Sonfiguration L T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 11 6 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 lHourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 11 0 6 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Approach Eastbound Westbound Nodhbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration L T LR v (veh/h) g 17 C (m) (veh/h) 1563 947 vic 0.01 0.02 95% queue length 0.02 0.05 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.3 8.9 LOS A A Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 8.9 Approach LOS -- - A Copydght©2005UniversityofFIorida, AII Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version5.2 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:39PM Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co. I Date Performed Analysis Time Period RJ Nelson & Pope 12/7/2005 Build Sat Peak Hour Intersection Site Dwy at School House Rd Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Project Description Site Driveway at School House Road (Build Sat Peak Hour) EasfJVVest Street: School House Road Nodh/South Street: Site Driveway ntersect on Or entat on: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R IVolume (veh/h) 6 55 37 10 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 6 55 0 0 37 10 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 .... 0 - Median Type Undivided IRT Channelized I 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 L T TR Configuration IUpstream Signal I Movement 0 0 1 0 /Vlinor Street Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 12 T R Jolume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 'Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) R Percent Grade (%) ~ ared Approach 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 6 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Storage [iRT Channelized 10 11 L T 10 1.00 1.00 10 2 N _aries 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 LR .C~figuration ~,pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 ~Lane Configuration L T LR ,, (veh/h) 6 16 lC (m) (veh/h) 1560 934 /lc 0.00 0.02 35% queue length 0.01 0.05 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.3 8.9 Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 8.9 Approach LOS '- I -' A ;opyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:49 PM 'de'//C:\Documents and Settin~s\iames\Local Settinzs\Temo\u2kl 31 .tmp 7/24/2006 Build with Mitigation Condition Full Report Page 1 of 3 FULL REPORT Analyst GB Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Ln Date Performed 12/5/2005 Area Type All other areas Build AM Peak Hr (Mitigated) Jurisdiction 05300 Time Period Analysis Year 2007 Grade = 0 0 0 t Volume (vph) %Heavy Veh IPHF Actuated (P/A) Startup Lost Time Extension of Effective Green Arrival Type Unit Extension l Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width t Parking (Y or N) Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour I Pedestrian Timing 3.2 3.2 I NB SB 3.2 EB Only I EW Perm G 03 04 I Timing G = 6.0 G = 52.0 = 0.0 G = 0.0 GS=B Only 06 17.0 G = 51e'//C:\Dncnments and Settin~s\iameskLocal Settin~s\Temp\s2kl 18.tmp 07 G= G 08 7/24/2006 Full Report IY= 5 IY= 5 Y= 0 IY= 0 IY= 5c} cY=le LengthIY= , Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Page 2 of 3 C= 90.0 VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET 1 Project Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Build AM Peak Hr Mitigated) i Volume PHF I Adjusted Flow Rate i Lane Group Adjusted Flow Rate I Proportion of LT or RT Base Satflow Number of Lanes rw fbb ra Secondary fLT I fRT 1.000 1.000 __ 1.000 __ [fLpb, 1.000 ] .000 fRpb j -- I 11652 11801 I I 11841 51e'//(m\Flnm~ment~ and ,qettim~s\iames\I,ocal Scttimzs\TemD\s2kl 18.tmp 1.000 __ __ 1.000 11792 ?/24/2006 Full Report Adjusted Satflow Secondary Adjusted Satflow 500 518 -- t .... Page 3 of 3 -' CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET Lane Group I Adjusted Flow Rate Satflow Rate I Lost Time Green Ratio I Lane Group Capacity v/c Ratio I FIow Ratio Critical Lane Group I Sum Flow Ratios 0.49 SB Lost Time/Cycle 15. 00 Critical v/c Ratio I Lane Group Adjusted Flow Rate I Lane Group Capacity v/c Ratio I Green Ratio Uniform Delay d1 Delay Factor k Incremental Delay d2 I PF Factor Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay 7.4 15.5 33.5 Approach LOS A B C Intersection Delay 13.7 Intersection LOS B opyright © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 7~24~2006 2:48 PM ile://C:~Documents and Scttin~s\iameskLocal Settin~s\Temp\s2kl 18.tmp 7/24/2006 Full Report Page l of 3 FULL REPORT Analyst GB Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Intersection Ln Date Performed 12/5/2005 Area Type All other areas Time Period Build PM Peak Hr (Mitigated) Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 0 0 Grade = 0 Grade = 0 Grade = 0 = L T ~ = LR Grade= EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT ) 62 652 601 62 51 86 1 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 0.91 0.91 0.79 0.79 0.75 9.75 ~) A P P P A A Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 I 2.0 3 3 3 3 ,n 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 DR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.0 11.0 12.0 14.0 N N ~ur 0 0 0 J 0 ming 3.2 J 3.2 3.2 EB Only EW Perm 03 04 SB Only 06 07 08 G= 6.0 G= 52,0 G= 0.0 G= 0.0 iG= 17.0 :G= G= G= J Volume (vph) % Heavy Veh J PHF Actuated (P//~ J Startup Lost Time Extension J Arrival Type Unit Extension J Ped/Bike/RTOR Volum~ Lane Width j Parking (Y or Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour Pedestrian Timing ile'/l(~'\lbocnment~ and ,qettin¢~\iamen\f,ocal ,qeltings\Temn\s2kl40.tmn 7/24/2006 Full Report Page 2 of 3 [Y=5 [Y=S Y=O IY=o IY=5 Y= IY= IY= I I Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cyce Length C = 90.0 ] VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET ect Description Main Rd (NY$ 25) at Depot Ln (Build PM Peak Hr Mitigated) i Volume PHF I Adjusted Flow Rate i_Lane Group Adjusted Flow Rate I Proportion of LT or RT Base Satflow Number of Lanes rw flu Secondary fLT ' fRT I fLpb fRpb ~l~"//(~'\Da~'nmPnl~ nnd R~ttln¢~\i2me~\l',ocal ,qettin~m\Temn\,~2kl40.tmn I 7/24/2006 Full Report Adjusted Satflow Satflow 394 [ 408 [ I I Secondary Adjusted - Page 3 of 3 CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Build PM Peak Hr Mitigated) Lane Group I Adjusted Flow Rate Satflow Rate Lost Time Green Ratio Lane Group Capacity vic Ratio Flow Ratio Critical Lane Group Sum Flow Ratios 2.0 2.0 ?. 70 O. 70 360 1261 ).1910.57I 104 0.40 I Y N 0.58 1063 O. 79 0.~6 0.60 Lost Time/Cycle 15.00 Critical v/c Ratio 0.72 183 1785 2.0 0.19 337 0.54 Lane Group i. Adjusted FIo~w Ratem Lane Group Capacity v/c Ratio ~-'~-atio Uniform Delay d1 Delay Factor k ,ncremental Detay d2 PF Factor ~ontrol Delay ,-ane Group LOS Approach Delay 8.4 ~,pproach LOS A Intersection Delay 16.8 20.7 C Intersection LOS 34.8 C 34.8 J c I opydght © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 2 Generated 712412006 3:11 PM le'//C"\Docnment~ nnd ,qettinc,~\iame~\I octal :qeltinosXTemnX~2k140 tmn 7/24/9006 Full Report Page 1 of 3 FULL REPORT Analyst GB Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 12/5/2005 Build Sat Peak Hr (Mitigated) Time Period Intersection Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Depot Ln Area Type Afl other areas Jurisdiction 05300 Analysis Year 2007 Grade = 0 Grade: 0 0 O Grade = 0 ~ =lit ~'~ ~"~ =LR Grade= ~ = LTR Volume (vph) % Heavy Veh I'PHF Actuated (P/A) Startup Lost Time Extension of Effective Green i Arrival Type Unit Extension I Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width i Parking (Y or N) Parking/Hour 8us Stops/Hour Pedestrian Timing 3.2 3.2 SB 3.2 GE=B Only EW Perm G = 03 I Timing 6.0 G = 52.0 0.0 G =0~.0 GSB Only= 17.0 G06= 07 G= G 08 ~le'//C"\l~ncJirn~nt~ nncl ~¢,ttlncrq\inme~\l nc,al ~Pttinoq\Temn\~?k! ?g fmn 7~?4/? Full Report Page 2 of 3 1_~ ~lY= 5Y= o IY= oIY= 5IY= IY= IY= ; Duration of An~: ~; 0.25 I Cycle Length C = 90.0 ~ 4,/IE ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET Project Descril Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Build Sat Peak Hr Mitigated) NB Volume PHF Adjusted Flow Rate Lane Group Adjusted Flow Rate Proportion of LT or R Base Satflow Number of Lanes r~v [g j fbb f~ J fLU j fLT Secondary fLT IfRT J fLpb fRpb i' t il¢'//C"\FIc~'~lm~ntq nnct q;~ttin¢~\inm~\!.octal 5;ettinp~\Temn\s2k129 tmn 7/24/2006 Full Report Adjusted Satflow Secondary Adjusted Satflow 417 432 ] Page 3 of 3 CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET I Project Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Build Sat Peak Hr Mitigated) Lane Group Adjusted Flow Rate Satflow Rate Lost Time Green Ratio I Lane Group Capacity , v/c Ratio I FIow Ratio Critical Lane Group I sum Flow Ratios Lost Time/Cycle I Critical v/c Ratio 0.56 10.00 0.63 Lane Group Adjusted Flow Rate I Lane Group Capacity v/c Ratio i Green Ratio Uniform Delay d1 I Delay Factor k Incremental Delay d2 I- PF Factor 'Control Delay 'Lane Group LOS 10.5 19.0 32.9 B B C 15.8 Intersection LOS B Approach LOS Intersection Delay ;opyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 52 Generated: 7/24/2006 2:49 PM .'//C"\FIc~cnmen*e nncl ReltlnoR\i~me~\l',ocnl ~Rettin~g\Temn\s2k129 tmn 7/24/2006