HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Impact Study November 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE OF REPORT .................................... ....".~i ........................................... ~ .............. 1 STUDY METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ :. ....... , ............. 4 EXISTING CONDITION....~ ............................................................................ ~, ............. ....... 5 Land Use .......................................................................................................................................................... Roadway Network ............................................................................................................................................ $ TRAFFIC VOLUME DXTA ................................................................., ................................ 7 Accident History ............................................................................................................................................. 12 LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTION .............................................................. ~ ............... 15 EXISTING CONDITION ANALYSIS .................................................................................16 NO BUILD CONDITION .......................................................................... , .................. . ....... 19. Traffic Growth ............................................................................................................................................... 19 Other Planned Projects ......... : ........................................................................................................................ 20 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ........................................ ~., ........................................ ... ....... 24 Site Access ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 Trip Dis~ibution and Assignment .................................................. ~: ........................................................ :.... 25 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS .......................................... ~ ............................................. 33 Proposed Mitigation ....................................................................................................................................... 37 CONCLUSION ................................................. , ........ ~ .......................................................... 38 FIGURES Figure 1: Area Map ................................................................................................................... ; .......... 2 Figure 2: Location Map ........ ~ ............................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3:2007 Seasonally Adjusted Weekday AM Traffic 'volumes .................................................... ~.. 9 Figure 4:2007 Season~l!y Adjusted Weekday PM Traffic 'Volumes ...................................................... 10 Figure 5:2007 S~ason~lly Adjusted Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes ................................................ Figure 6:2009 No Build Weekday ~AM Traffic Volumes ...................................................................... 21 Figure 7:2009 No Build ~Vcekday PM Traffic 'Volumes ....................................................................... 22 Figure ~: 2009 No Build Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes ..................................... : ................ ; .......... 23 Figur~ 9:2009 Si~ Generated Traffic Distu-bution ............................................................................... Figure 10:2.009 Site Genera~d Weel~day AM Traffic 'Volumes ........ ~ ................................................... 27 F~g~rc 11: 2009 Site Gene~-~ted Weekday PM Traffic Volumes .......... ~ ................................................. 2~ Figure 12:2009 Site Generated Midday Saturday Traffic 'Volumes ....................................................... Figure 13:2009 Build Weekday AM Traffic 'Volumes .......................................................................... 30 Figure ! 4: 200~ B~dld Weelc~y PM Traffic 'Volumes .......................................................................... 3 THE HJERrI'AGE AT CUTCHOGU~; m'~,-- ,'~ ......... Figure 15:2007 Build Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes ..................................................................... 32 TABI Table 1: Intersection Geometry ....................................... : ...................................................................... 7 Table 2: Accideat Summ/Lvy by Severity ............................................................................................... 12 Table 3: Accident Summary by Type of Collision ................................................................................. 13 Table 4: Existing Condition Level of Service Snmmary ........................................................................ 16 Table 5: Main Road (eastbound and westbound) west of Depot Lane ........................................... '" ~/~ .~,~'~'~d~a~ :. ,_ . ::::: ....... . .-: :::..;. -.: ~ Table 8: Level of Service~Summary ............................................ ' ......................................................... 33 Table 9: Level of Service Summary-Continued .................................................................................. 3'4' Table 10: Proposed Mitigation Level of Set'Ace Table .......................................................................... 37 Appendix A: Existing Traffic Volume Appendix B: Trip Generation Appendix C: L~vel of Service Definitions Appendix D: Capacity Analysis/Level of Service Worsh~ets & Summary Tables PURPOSE OF REPORT NelSOn & Pope has investigated the potential traffic impacts 8ssociated with a proposed senior residential developm~mt comprised of i39 condominiums. The site is currently zoned H~mla Density (HD) Reslde~tial District. The 46.16 acre lot site is located On the north side of the Schoolhouse Road and Griffiu Road intersection~ Figure 1 shows a genexal map of the area and Figure 2 the location of the site. ~ report summan~ the results of a detailed investigation of the traffic impacts of the proposed resk!e~tial developme~.~t'by'reviewing the arm's existing roadway characteristics and traffic conditions, estimgting the vehicular Volume and pattern that the proposed development will generate during peak hours, and analyzing the effect of the additional volume On the surrounding roadway network. THE ~ITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ ~_~ ~ r-~ TOWN OF sOUTHOLD AREA MAP Long Island Sound PIom Riverheod ~rookhoven Boy Y SITE LOCATION N l~gure 1: ArenMap Cern Heart SOURCE: USGS Southold 1991 North Fo~ Country Figure 2: Location Map STUDY INTER~ECTIONS 3 STUDY METHODOLOGY The:methodology used for this investigation consisted of a detailed review of ~ting land-use, roadway and traffic conditions near the proposed site for the Existing Condition, the~o Build Condition (future traffic conditiom without the proposed development), and the Build Condition (future traffic conditions with tho proposed development). The: _EexiS'~ ting qpndition was analyzed utilizing seasonally adjusted traffic volumes to represont the peak month of the yea[~_~..a!!d field g~eometry collected at the following intersections: o M~gd (lqYS Route 25) at North Street ·' '~r-a'{n R-~d (N-YS Route 25)'bt Griffin Street · Main Road (NYS Route 25) at Highland Road · Main Road (NYS Route 25) at Crown Land Road · Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane · Schoolhouse Road at Depot Lane The No Build Condition traffic volumes consist of the existing volumes adjusted by an annual growth factor to account for increases in population as well as pr0p°~ developments within the vicinity of the site. At the time this report was wtitten, there were no other projects being planned in the immediate area that were identified. The traffic volumes generated by the proposed project were calculated and then added to the No Build Cohdition to determine the traffic volumes for tl~?utm:e B.m!' d Condition with the proposed development. The study intersections were then analyzed using I-Aghway Capaci~ Software (HCS+) by applying the existing field geometry, signal timings, and the calculated traffic volumes to deto-mine levels of service (LOS). EXISTING CONDITION Land Use The site is a 46.16,acre vacant and wooded parcel zoned Hamlet Density (HI)) Residential District situated on the north side of the Schoolhouse Road and Griffin Road intersectiOn approximately 0.75 miles south of the Long Island Raft Road- The site is surrounded by farmland and residential homes. Roadway Network The following is a list of roods that comprise the roadway network surrounding the siW~ The general descriptions refer only to the sections of the road that exist in the vicinity of thc site. The cross-section of these roads may vary further away. The AADT- Average Annual Daily Traffic is provided for each road, where available fi-om either New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) or the Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW). Main Road (iVYS Route 25) is under the jurisdiction of the NYSDOT and extends east-west across the Town of' Southold and Suffolk County. It has one travel lane in each direction, full shoulders, and a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour. The average annual daffy traffic volume is 11,173 vehicles per day (source: NYSDOT 2004 Traffic Vglume Report). North Street is a local resiclential road under Town of Southold jurisdiction. It extends from NYS Route 25 to School House Road. It has one travel lane in each direction and a posted speed limit of 30 miles per Griffin Street is a local access road under Town of Southoldjurisdiction. R extends north-south for a short distance eounecting Main Road with Schoolhouse Lane. Currently, Griffin Street t~rminates at the south end of the proposed site. It has one travel lane in eseh direction and a short landscaped median aged turning lan~s at the intersection with Main Roo& The posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour. tt(ghland Road is a local residential road under Town of Southold jurisdictioo~ It has one travel lane in each direction and a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. Crown Land Road is a local residential rood under Town of 8outhold jurisdiction. R extends from NYS Route 25 to Itigl~land Road- It has one travel lane in each direction and a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. 5 Middle Road (CR 48) is under SCDPW jurisdiction and provides a major m-west throughway across the Town of Southold and into the Town of Riverhead where it change8 to Sound Avfinue. Within the stud~ axea, the roadway is divided with a landscaped median and two travel lanes in each direction. Exclusive turning lanes are present at the study intexsectiom Middle Road has a posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour. The average annual daily traffic volume is 14,463 vehicles pe~ day (source: SCDPW 2004) DePot Lane is located east of the site and is under Town of Southold jurisdictiom The roadway extends 'north-south from Main Road/NYS Route 25 to CR 84/Oregon Rea& Depot Lane has one travel lane in Schoolhanse:Road~s~nnrl~r~To~_w-~.o-f~o~u~th~ol~ J~r~Cg~n and e~xtmds east-west on the south end of the site with its eastern terminus at Depot Lane and its western terminus at Griffiu Street. It has one travel lane in each direction and a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. Spur Road is a local resickmtial road under Town of Southold jurisdictiom It extends east-west for a short distance providing access to Highland Road and Crown Land Lane. Currently, Spur Road terminates at the southwest portion of the proposed site. It has one travel lane in each dlreetion and a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. Table 1 sl~mmarizes the lane configurations and traffic controls at the study intersections. THK H~;RI'I')~I~ AT ~t~I'(;LIO~UE l l~dl" NELSON ~ POPE: Table 1: Intersection Geometry Lane Intersecilon Approach Desil~nation* Traffic Control EB L-T Main Road (NYS Route 25) at Depot Lane WB TR Stop Control at SB LR Depot T ane Approach EB LT Stop Centrol at Main Road (NYS Route 25) at North Street WB TR SB LR North Street Approach EB LT Main Road (NYs Route 25) at Griffin Street WB TR. Stop Control at SB LR Griffin Street Approach EB LT Main Read (NYS Route 25) at Highland WB TR Stop Control at Road SB LR Highland Road Approach Main Read (NYS Route 25) at Crown Land Road Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane Schoolhouse Road at Depot Lane IqB SB EB LT WB TR Stop Control at SB LR Crown Land Road Approach EB L-T-T-R Grass Median on Middle Road WB L-T-T-R lffB LTR (CR zig) and Stop Control at SB LTR Depot Lane Approaches LR Yield at LT TR Schoolhouse Road Approach * L = Left turn lane; T = 7~rough lane; R = Right tarn lane; LT ~ Left/through la~e; TR = Through/right laae Traffic Volume Data Turning movement volume counts were collected at the study intersections on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 during the AM (7:00-9:00 AM), and PM (4:00~6:00) peak periods, and on Saturday, October 27, 2007 during the Saturday midday (11:00 AM-2:00 PM) peak pease& The peak hour volumes at the study intersections were identified; peak hour factors were calculated for each intersection; and the traffic volumes were adjusted to account for seasonal variations. In order to adjust the traffic volumes to the peak month of the year, seasonal adjustment factors for weekday and weekend were obtained from data contained in the 2006 NYSDOT Traffic Data Report. These seasonal adjustment factors are developed from NYSDOT continuous data collected fur a three year period. The continuous counter sites are grouped into three major factor Groups. Factor Group 30 is characteristic of highways carrying heavy commuter traffic with only a small variance of traffic throughout the year. Factor Group 60 is characterized by large seasonal traffic variations and Factor Group 40 Highways lie between these two extremes. A copy of the section of the 2006 NYSDOT Traffic Data 7 THE lq~.RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE m~.~ ~'~=~-~ ~' .... Report that contains the seasonal adjustment factors and the way they w~re established is included in Appendix A of this report. NYSDOT classified the sections of NYS Route 25 and Middle Road (CR48) in Southold as Factor Group 40 roadways. Seasonal adjustmeat factors of 1.22 (22%) and 1.20 (20%) for the weekday and weekead respectively calculated from a~ustme~t factors for the month of Octobc~ (month of counts) and month of July (month with highest adjustmeat factor) were applied to the weekday and midday Saturday ~olumes to adjusted the volumes, to_ ~the','~'P~'-' month of the year. The seasonally adjusted existing weekday and detailed m Ap _~d~x A. ' 8 Figure 3:2007 Seasonally Adjusted Weekday AM Traffic Volumes 9 Figure 4:2007 Seasonally Adjusted Weekday PM Traffic Volumes 10 TH ~;'HERITA. GE AT ~OGIYE ~ NELS'~3N ~' F~DPE , Figure 5:2007 Seasonally Adjusted Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes 11 7 THI~ HERITAGE AT CUT~OG~ Accidem History The'most recent available accident data, July 2004 through June 2007, in the vicinity of the site, was obtahaed f~om the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). Table 2 8nmrnalizes the accident data by location and severity of injury and Table 3 8nmmaliT~ the ~ of ¢ollisiol~ Table 2: Accident Summary by Severity Accident Severity Property TOTAL Location Fatality Injury Damase · (CR4 - Depot Lane at Middle Road (CR48) 8 6 14 Depot Lane between of Middle Road (CR48) and School House Road Depot Lane at School House Road ' - - Depot La~e between School House Road and Main Road 0qYS 25) 1 1 Depot Lane st Main Road (Iq'Ys 25) 2 2 Main Road 0qYS 25) betwean Depot Lane and North .Stxeet Main Road 0qYs 25) at North Street Main Road {Ixpxrs 25) between lqorth Street and Griffin Street Main Road 0qYS 25) at Griffin St~et Main Road 0qYS 25) between Griffin Street and Highland Road Main Road (NYS 25) at Highland Road Main Road (lqYS 25) between Highland Road and Crown Land Road Main Road 0qYS 25) at Crown Land Road Griffin Street between North Street and Main Road (lqYS 25) 1 1 0 9 9 18 Total 0% 50% 50% 100% 12 Table 3: Accident $,lmm~ry by Type of Collision Accident TYPe Right Re~ Head Left Right' Fixed:---,Ped/A BaCking Over- Other/ Angle End On Turn Tam Object B,~,~ taking AnimalUnknown Total Location Depot Lane betwe~ Oregon Road and RO d Depot Lane at Middle Road (CR48) 7 1 1 5 14 Depot Lane betw~m Middle Road (CR48) and School House -Road Depot Lane at ' School House Road Depot Lane between School House Road and Main R__o_ad _~Cb~__S__2_5) Depot Lane at Main Road 0q~S 25) 1 1 Main Road (NYS 25) between Depot Lane and North Street ~ Road (lq~S 25) at Street Road (NYS 25) between North Street and Griffin Street Main Road (NYS 25) at Griffin Street Main Road (NYS 25) between G-tiffin Street and Highland Road Main Road (NYS 25) at Highland Road Main Road CNYS 25) between Highland Road and Crown Laxtd Road Main Road (NYS 25) at Crown Land Road Griffin Street between North Street and Main 1 ~ 0,nOS 2_5) 1 t3 THIg I~nr. RITAGE AT CU'I;~HU~U~ mu Accident Type Ri~t R~r H~a Left Right 1~k~ . Owr- ~.~.~al oth~/ To~ Location Angle End On ~urn Turn Object Bicycle Backing taking Unknown 8 I 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 6 Total - 44% 6% 0% 0% 0% 6% 0% 5% 6% 0% 33% A total of 18 accidcats occurred v~thin the study area during the 3-year analysis perio~ Haft of the accidents involved injuries and half involved pioperty damage. There were no fatal accidents expca-ieaeed in the vicinity of the site within the time period studied. The greatest number of aecideats occurred at the interaction of CR~ 48 and Depot Lane (14 accidents). A review of Table 3 indicates that excluding non- ~,~,,-*oU,- r~ +h~. ~luraliw of the aecideats (44%)'revolved right ~o~i]~ons. ~6~~~ angle aeeideats (7 accidents) occurred at the mte~sect~on of CR 48 and Depot L~ie, which may be -e~itg~l by drives failing-to yield right-of-way. 14 LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTION Level of service and capacity analyses for the study intersectiens were p~formed using Highway Capacity Software (tICS+) Release 5.21, prepared by the Federal Highway Aclmlni~tr~tion. HCS+ is a. series of computer programs strictly adhering to the guidelines set forth in Transportation Research Board (TRB) Special Report 209: Highway Capacity Manual (tlCM), 3rd Edition. HCM contain~ procedures and methodologies for estimating capacity and detea'mining level of service for many transportation facilities and modes including signalized and uasignalized intersections. The 3rd edition of this manual was updated in 2600'as Highway Capacity Manual 2000. An ixttersection's level of service (LOS) describe~ its quality of traffic fl0w. It ranges in grade from LOS "A" (relatively congestion-free) to LOS "F" (very congested). The level of service definition, as well as the threshold values for each level, varies according to whether the intersection is controlled by a signal or a stop sign. A brief description is given here and a more detailed definition is found in Appendix C. The flow at a two-way stop controlled (TWSC) intersection is gauged in teaxns of LOS and capacity. The capacity of a controlled leg is based on the distribution of gaps in the major street traffic, driver judgmeat in selecting a gnp, and the follow-up time required by each driver in a queue. The LOS for a TWSC intersection is determined by the control-delay, and is defined for each movgment rathi:~ than for the overall intersection. As with signalized intersections, HCS+ quantifies only the ~verage control delay, which is a fonetion of the approach and the degree of saturation for any particular minor movement. The capacity of a signalized intersection is evaluated in terms of the milo of demand flow rate to capacity (V/C ratio). The capacity for each approach represeats the maximum rate of flow (for the subject approach) which may pass through the intersection under prev~illng traffic, roadway and signal conditions. The level of service of a signalized intersection is evaluated on the basis of average control-delay measured in seconds per vehicle (see/veh). The control-delay is .calculated using au equation that combines the stopped-delay with the vehicle acceleration/deceleration delay that is caused by the signalized intersection. 15 EXISTING CONDITION ANALYSIS The existing traffic volumes d~icted in Figures 3 through 5 were used with thc intersection geometry and traffic contro! to delermine the existing capacity and LOS of the study intersections. Table 4 contalnn the LOS sum,mO' for the Existing Condition calculated through the HCS+ software desoribod previously. The detailed analysis worksheets are in Appendix D. Table 4: Existing Condition Level of Service S,,mmary AM Peak, Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour interSecffo~ ApprOach ~ ~e SB ~ D 29.0 0.47 F 51.4 0.62 F 50.1 0.70 Main Road (NYS 25) at EB LT A 9.2 0.00 A 9.1 0.00 A 9.2 0.00 North Street SB LR B 13.7 0.00 D 28.7 0.01 C 21.7 0.05 EEl LT A 9.3 0.07 A 9.1 0.04 A 9.1 0.04 Main Read 0%'YS 25) at SB L D 32.5 0.26 D 31.2 0.14 E 37.2 0.37 Griffin Street K B 13.4 0.10 B 13.5 0.08 B 13.7 0.13 Main Road (NYS 25) at EB LT A 8.8 0.01 A 8.9 0.01 A 8.6 0.00 Highland. Road SB LR C 19.3 0.06 C 19.2 0.05 C 25.0 0.06 A 8.9 0.01 A 8.8 0.01 A 8.8 ~ EB LT Main Road (NYS 25) at Crown Land Road SB LR C 16.7 0.04 B 14.4 0.03 B 14.2 0.03~ EB L A 9.2 0.01 A 9.2 0.02 A 9.0 0.04 WB L A 9.5 0.08 A 9.2 0.04 A 9.1 0.09 Middle Road (CR 48) at NB LT D 30.2 0.37 C 24.5 0.27 D 26.8 0.27 Depot Lane R B 11.5 0.12 B 10.9 0.07 B 10.9 0.10 SB LT D 25.2 0.11 C 21.4 0.04 C 25.0 0.11 R B 10.7 0.02 B 10.8 0.02 B 10.5 0.02 Schoolhouse Road at NB LT A 7.6 0.00 A 7.5 0.00 A 7.7 0.00 Depot Lane EB LR B 10.2 0.06 A 9.9 0.06 B 10.4 0.08 Notes: LOS = Level of Service, Delay = seconds~naehicle, V/C= Yolume/Capaci~ Ratio As shown in the results contained in the table above, the eastbound left turn movement operates at LOS A during each of the analyzed peak hours. The southbound approach currently operates at LOS D during the morning peak hour and at LOS F during the PM and Saturday peak hours. It is not unexpected to see results of LOS D, E or F for traffic at the stop-controlled approach of an un~gnalized intersection with a 16 TH ~; ]tERITAGE AT Cg. YrCii'OGUE ~ N~LSON ~, POpP: major roadway. The availability of gaps in the h-affic on the major roadway determines the level of delay that is assigned to the Stop-controlled traffic. Higher volumes along major roadways result in fewer available gaps. It should be noted that the Town of Southold has recosn[?~l the poor LOS at the southbound movement for this intersection and has requested the installation of a traffic signal from the NYSDOT. Main Road at North Street The eastbound Main Road approach currently operates at LOS A during each of the analyzed peak hours. The southbound North Street approach currently operates at LOS B, D and C during the weekday morning, weekday evening and Saturday midday peak hours respectively. Main Read at CuSffin Street The eastbound Main Road approach currently operates at LOS A during each of the analyzed peak hours. The southbound left-turn movement onto Main Road currently operates at LOS D during the morning and evening peak hours and at LOS E during the Saturday midday peak hour. The southbound right turn movement operates at LOS B during each of the analyzed peak hours. Main Road at Highland Road The eastbound Main Road approach currently operates at LOS A during each of the analyzed peak hours and the southbound Highland Road approach currently operates at LOS B during each of the analyzed peak hours. Main Read at Crown Land Koad The eastbound Main Road approach currently operates at LOS A during each of the analyzed peak hours. The southbound Crown Land Road approach currently operates at LOS C during the morning peak hour and at LOS B during the evening and Saturday midday peak hours. Middle Road at DePot Lane The eastbound and westbomad lett-turn movements from Middle Road operate at LOS A during all the ~nalyzed peak hours. The Depot Lane northbound left and through movements operates at LOS D during the morning and Saturday midday peak hours and at LOS C during the evening peak hour. The Depot Lane southbound lett and through movements operates at LOS D during the morning peak hour and at LOS C during the evening and Saturday midday peak hours. The Depot Lane northbound and southbound fight turn movements operate at LOS B during each of the analyzed peak hours. 17 HERITAGE AT CIYI'CHO~UE Schoolla0u~¢ Road at Depot Lane Schoolhouse Road at Depot Lane is controlled by a yield sign on tho eastbound approach, however for analysis purposes thc eastbound approach was analyzed as stop-controlled resulting in LOS B or better for all time periods. 18 NO I~UILD CONDITION Traffic conditi°ns in the area will change even if the proposed project is not constructed. The future condition without the proposed project, known as the No Build Condition, is developed by considering traffic associated with the following factors: , Other planned projects, located near the study area, that have the potential to affect traffic patterns at the study intersections in this report. · Ambient growth that stems fi.om increases in population and fi.om minor developments outside the project area. Traffic Growth The turning movement counts collected on Main Road and Middle Road in October 2005 and October 2007 were compared to determine an annual growth factor in the study area. The following Tables present the growth factors calculated f~om the counts. Table 5: Main Road (eastbound and westbound) west of Depot Lane Time Per/od AM (7-9 AM) PM (4-6PM) Saturday (ll-2P1V0 Year of Count 2005 2007 2005 ' 2007 2005 2007 Volumes 1736 1576 2150 1978 3636 3157 °/u increase/decrease in -5.0% -4.1% -6,8% traffic per year Table 6: M~ddle Road (eastbound and westbound) east of Depot Lane Time Per/od AM (7-9 AM) PM (4-6PM3 Saturday (ll-2PM) Year of Count . 2005' 2007 2005 2007 2005 2007 Volumes 2212 2273 2494 2173 2905 2920 % increase/decrease in +1.4% -6.7% +0.3% traffic per year A review of Tables 5 and 6 reveal that, the traffic volumes collected on Ma'm Road ha 2007 are less than those collected in 2005 during each of the time periods and the traffic volumes collected on Middle Road in 2007 a~e less than those collected in 2005 by 6.7% during the evening peak hour and are higher than those collected in 2005 by 1.4% during the morning peak hour and by 0.3% during the Saturday midday peak hour. The New York State Department of Transportation (lqYSDOT) calculated an anmlal growth factor 19 'I'~l~ ]~RITAGI~, AT ~d'rCHOGLr~ ~ NIELE~ON ,~ POPlE of 1.8% for the North Fork of Long Island utilizing data presented in the Long Island. Transportation Plan 2000 study (LITP2000). The 1.8% annual growth factor ishigher than growth factors calculated fxom the 2005 a~l 2007 counts in the study area. Ig other to perform a conservative analysis, thc 1.8% growth factor ~vas applied to the seasonally adjusted existing traffic volumes at the study intersections for a period of 2 years in erder to develop year 2009 No Build Condition volumes. Other l~nl.~ "Other Planned Projects, is a term that refers to developments located near the project site that are influence the operatiOnS of the study intersections and would:not be represented in the field At the time ofthe Preparati°n offs repOrt, the Towaidentified one project being planned in the imm~te area. The project is a 4-lot division of 'B' (Business) zoned land into approximately four, 4-acre lots. Access is planned to be t~om Griffin Street just south of the Post Office and School House Road east of GrifEm Street. However, it is anticipated that the competition of this planned project will be subsequent to the completion Of the proposed project (2009) therefore it was not included in the No Build analysis. The 2009 No Build Condition volumes for each peak hour are illustrated in Figures 6 through 8. 20 THI~. HERITAGE AT CU~CHOGUE ~ N~I--~::ON & POPE Figure 6:2009 No Build Weekday AM Traffic Volumes 21 Figure 7:2009 No Build Weekday PM Traffic Volumes Figure 8:2009 No Build Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes THE I~I~RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ I~-~C~N e~ ~,.~ PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Access As depicted on the site plans prepared by Nelson & Pope, two means of access arc proposed to serve the residential development. A proposed access will intersect Schoolhouse Road directly opposite Griffin Street. This access will be s~ntrolled and eoafigured for all movc~nents. The second access is provided ~ Spur Drive which currently .tc~,,,;nates at the western boundary of the site~ An emergency access will be pr6vid~d via a connection to Bridle Lane. Trip Generation As: requested by the Town bf S0i~tholcl Planning Board, Nelson &~Pope has conducted traffic counts at an age restricted residential development similar to the proposed development (Founders Village) located on Youngs Road in the Town of Southold. The data was collected by means of automatic traffic recorders placed on the exit and entrance driveways of the Founders Village development for a period of one week. Founders Village contains 92 age-restricted residential enndomininm units. The site data indicates rates of 0.33, 0.17 and 0.51 trips per unit during the weekday AM, PM and Saturday midday peak hours of the adjacent street respectively. The trip generation es6m~tes for the proposed dev~opment were based on the trip gcaea-ation rates obtained from the enunts conducted at Founders V'dlag~ The following table summarizes the trips anticipated to be generated by the proposed 139 age-restricted 'residential cendo~inium units. The data enllected at Pounders Village is included in Appendix B. Table 7: Trip Generation AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Land Use Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Tripgenerationrates 0.15 0.19 0.34 0.08 0.09 0.17 0.27 0.24 0.51 (t~p~/un~O 139 age-restricted 21 26 47 11 13 24 38 33 71 coadominium units Source: Traffic Counts collected at Founders Villag~ $outhold~ NY AS sho~n in Table 7, the proposed residential development is projected to generate 47 trips in tke weekday AM peak hour (21 entering, 26 exiting), 24 trips in the weekday PM peak hour (11 entering, 13 exiting), and 71 ~ps in the Saturday midday peak hour (38 entering, 33 exiting). 24 Trip Distribution and Assignment The site-g~erated t~affie volume was disl~ibu~l and assigned to each movem~t at the study intersections based on the ex~sting roadway aad travel pattems. The nature of the proposed land uses and its a~sociated travel pat~e~-as were considered as well. Figure 9 presents the ~ip distribution for the weekday AM, PM, and Saturday peak hours. Figures 10 through 12 depict the actual site-geaerated volumes for the respective peak hours. The site-geaerated volumes were then added to the No Build Condition volumes resulting in the Build Condition volumes shown in Figures 13 through 15. 25 THE ltERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ NE~ON ~ ~ Figure 9:2009 Site Generated Traffic Distribution 26 T~RITAGE AT CUTCItOGUE ~ NELSON ~; ~=~'~ 21 ENTER (26) EXIT Figure 10:2009 Site Generated Weekday AM Traffic Volumes 27 Tl~; klERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ NELSON g. POPE N 11 EN?F'R (13) EXIT Figure 11:2009 Site Generated Weekday ]PM Traffic Volumes 38 ENTER (33) EXiT Figure 12:2009 Site Generated Midday Sah~rday Traffic Volumes 29 ! Figure 13:2009 Build Weekday AM Traffic Volumes 3O 'I:H I~~. HI~I~ITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ' ~ ~EI-~ON ~ pOPE z~ Figure 14:2009 Build Weekday PM Traffic Volumes 31 THJE HERITA~,.~ A'I' ~U t~to~u~ mm~.~m Figure 15:2007 Build Midday Saturday Traffic Volumes TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS As stated previously, the intersection capacity and level-of-sexvice (LOS) analyses were based on the procedures and guidelines presented in the Highway Capacity Manual (2000), published by the Transportation Research Board. The FIqWA Highway Capacity Software Release 5.21 was used to analyze the study intersections and provide a LOS measurement of the intersection operations. The six classes of LOS, ranging from LOS A (excellent) to F (worst), are defined in Appendix C. Each study intersection was analyzed for the Existing, No Build, and Build Conditions. Table 8 illustrates the LOS summary for the study intersections and the site access at Griffin Street. Detailed capacity analysis worksheets and a detailed LOS summary table can be found in Appendix D. Table 8: Level of Service S,mmary AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour IntersectionsUnsignalized Condition Approach Mort LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C Existing EB L A 9.4 0.08 A 9.5 0.05 A 9.4 0.06 Main Road SB LR D 29.0 0.47 F 51.4 0.62 F 50.1 0.70 CNYS 25) No Build EB L A 9.5 0.08 A 9.6 '0.05 A 9.6 0.06 at Depot Laue SB LK D 32.1 0.51 F 61.4 0.69 F 61.6 0.77 Build EB L A 9.5 0.09 A 9.6 0.05 A 9.6 0.06 SB LP, D 34.9 0.54 F 65.2 0.71 F 68.3 0.81 Existing. EB LT A 9.2 0.00 A 9.1 0.00 A 9.2 0.00 Main Road SB LR B 13.7 0.00 D 28.7 0.01 C 21.7 0.05 (lqYS 25) No Build EB LT A 9.3 0.00 A 9.1 0.00 A 9.3 0.00 at North Street SB LK B 14.0 0.00 D 30.4 0.01 C 22.8 0.06 Build EB LT A 9.3 0.00 A 9.1 0.00 A 9.4 0.00 SB LR C 24.1 0.02 D 30.7 0.01 D 25.9 0.08 Existing EB LT A 9.3 0.07 A 91.1 0.04 A 9.1 0.04 SB L D 32.5 0.26 D 31.2 0.14 E 37.2 0~37 R B 13.4 0.10 B 13.5 0.08 B 13.7 0.13 Main Road No Build EB LT A 9.4 0.08 A 9;2 0.04 A 9.2 0.04 (NYS 25) SB L E 35.8 0.29 D 33.7 0.16 E 41.3 0.41 at Griffin St. R B 13.7 0.11 B 13.9 0~09 B 14.0 0.14 Build EB LT A 9.4 0.08 A 9.3 0.04 A 9.3 0.05 SB L E 37.4 0.32 D 34.2 0.17 E 44.3 0.44 R B 13.8 0.13 B 14.0 0.09 B 14.2 0.15 33 THI~ ~4~RITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ v~=~_~t~c~ ~ Table 9: Levd of Service Snmmary - Continued , . ,.,,~i~ ~sti~[_ _ EB LT_ A 8.8 0.01 A · 8.9 0.01 A 8.6 0.00 Main Road SB LR C -' 1913 · 0~06 (~ · i9,2 '~ 0.05 - ~' C 25.0 (NYS 25) No Build EB LT A 8.9 0.01 A 90.0 0.01 A. 8.6 0.01 at Highland Road SB LR C 20.1 0.06 C 20.1 0.05, D 26.4 0.06 Build EB LT A 8.9 0.01 A 9.0 0.01 A 8.7 0.01 SB LR C 19.6 0.07 C 19.7 0.05 C 23.6 0.07 ~. Existing_ EB LT A 8.9 0.00 A 8.8 0.01 A 8.8 0.01 Main Road SB LR C 16.7 0.04 B 14.4 0.03 B 14.7 0.03 0"IYS-~5) ' NoBuild .... EB LT .... A .. ~.0;: ~0~0q .A .... 2;9, ~9~1 A 8.9 S,B~~' LR '~C:: .... I6'~'6~ ~.i0:05',:,'' ,-B: 't4:8- - :0~3~- B: 1-5,0:,:0.04 Existing EB L A 9.2 0.01 A 9.2 0.02 A 9.0 0.04 WB L A 9.5 0.08 A 9.1 0.04 A 9.1 0_09 NB LT D 30.2 0.37 C 24.5 0.27 D 26.8 0.27 R B 11.5 0.12 B 10.9 0.07 B 10.9 0.10 SB LT D 25.2 0.11 C 21.4 0.04 C 25.0 0.11 R B 10.7 0.02 B 10.8 0.02 B 10.5 0.02 Middle Road (CR48) at Depot Lane No Build EB L A 9.4 0.02 A 9.3 0.02 A 9.1 0.04 WB L A 9.7 0.09 A 9.3 0.05 A 9.2 0.10 NB LT E 35.9 0.43 D 26.1 0.29 D 28.7 0.29 R B 11.9 0.16 B 11.1 0.08 B 10.9' 0.11 SB LT D 27.6 0.11 C 22.2 0.04 D 26.4 0.13 R B 11.1 0.02 B 10.9 0.02 B 10.6 0.02 Build EB L A 9.4 0.02 A 9.3 0.02 A 9.1 0.04 WB L A 9.7 0.09 A 9.3 0.05 A 9.1 0.10 NB LT E 37.5 0.46 D 26.3 0.30 D 30.0 0.33 R B 12.0 0.16 B 11.1 0.08 B 11.0 0.11 SB LT D 27.9 0.11 C 22.2 0.04 D 26.8 0.13 R B 11.1 0..02 B 10.9 0.02 B 10.6 0.02 Existing NB LT A 7.6 0.00 A 7.5 0.00 A 7.7 0.00 EB LR B 10.2 0.06 A 9.9 0.06 B 10.4 0.08 Schoolhouse Road No Build NB LT A 7.6 0.00 A 7.5 0.00 A 7.7 0.00 at Depot Lane EB LK B 10.2 0.06 A 9.9 0.06 B 10.4 0.08 Build NB LT A 7.6 0.01 A 7.5 0.00 A 7,7 0.01 EB LR B 10.4 0.08 A 10.0 0.07 B 10.7 0.11 Site Access at Build EB LT A 7.3 0.00 A 7.3 0.00 A 7.3 0.01 Griffin SB LR A 8.9 0.02 A 8.7 0.01 A 8.9 0.02 St/Schoolhouse Rd Notes: LOS ~ Level of Service, Delay = secondsA, ehicle , V/C = VolumeICapaciO~ Ratio 34 Main Road (IqYS 25) at Depot Lane The southbound approach currently operates at LOS F in the evening and Saturday midday peak hours. As traffic increases due to backgr6Und growth and project gemerated truffle volume the southbound approach will remain at a LOS F during the No Build and:Build Conditions. However, as shown in the table, the southbound approach delay will increase by 3.8 seconds and 6.7 seconds during the evening and Saturday midday pdak hours respectively in the Build Condition when compared to the No Build Condition. It is our opinion that, the increase in delay due to the construction of the project is not significant; however, 'constructing a traffic signal at tiffs intersection will alleviate the failing Levels of serAce. As previously stated, the Town of Southold has recognized the existing poor LOS for the southbound movement at this intersection and has requested the installation of a traffic signal from the NYSDOT. We therefore recommend that, NYSDOT consider the installation ora traffic signal at this location. Main Road (NYS 25) at North Street After the completion of the proposed project, all the approach movements to the intersection of Main Road and North Street will continue to operate at No Build LOS except for the southbound North Street approach that changed from LOS B to C during the morning peak hour and f~om LOS C to D during the Saturday midday peak hours. Main Road (NYS 25) at Griffin Street The southbound lel~ turn movement currently operates at LOS D during the morning and evening peak hours and at LOS E during the Saturday midday peak hour. AS traffic increases due to background growth in 2009 this approach will operate at LOS E, LOS D, and LOS E in their respective peak periods and will continue to operate at these levels once the project is constructed. However, following the installation of a signal at the intersection of Main Road and Depot Lane, site traffic and existing traffic win most likely seek the signalized intersection to turn leit and travel westbound on Main Road. This should alleviate delays at this intersection. Main Road (NYS 25) at Highland Road The southbound approach currently operates at LOS C during each of the analyzed peak hours and will continue to operate at these LOS once the project is constructed. Main Road (iqYS 25) at Crown Land Road The southbound approach currently operates at LOS C or better during the analyzed peak hours and will continue to operate at these LOS once the project is constructed. 35 Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane The northbotmd left turn moveanent will operate at LOS E, LOS D and LOSD ia the NoBui!d condit4on during the momlng, evening and Saturday midday peak hours~ respectively. Once the project is constructed this movement will not experience any changes in LOS during any of the study time periods. Schoolhouse Road at Depot Lane As mentioned previOUSly the eastbound approach is currently controlled by a yield sign but for the purposes of fffis 's~udy it was analyzed as a stop,control. The intersection currently operates at LOS 3, for the .northbouncLleff. tum aad_easlho.und. ~ movements~ These movements will Continue to opiate at LOS 36 THE ~ ~,iR1TAGE AT cUTcHOGUE 'IIF...,',',',',',~I~ r~.SOfN ~ "POPE. -.' Proposed Mitigation Table' 10 illustrates the LOS summary for the proposed mitigation messure at the intersection of Main Road (NYS Koute 25) and Depot Lane. The resulting detailed capacity analysis worksheets for this measure can be found in Appendix D. The results show that the signal proposed for the Main Road and Depot Lane intersection w~ll result in an overall LOS B during all three peak hours. This signal will sc~ve traffic to and ~om the adjacent street network as well as the school located on Depot Lane. Table 10: Proposed Mitigation Level of Service Table Main Road 0'q'YS Route 25) and Depot Lane AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Intersection Condition Mort. Operation LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C Unsignalized Build EB-L A 9.5 0.09 A 9.6 0.05 A 9.6 0.06 SB-LR D 34.9 0.54 F 65.2 0.71 F 68.3 0.81 Signalized Build with Overall B 14.5 0.63 B 15.4 0.64 B 15.4 0.66 Mitigation 37 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE ~ I~LSON ~ ~ CONCLUSION Nelson & Pope]ms investignted the potenlial traffic impacts associated with~a residential development comprised of 139 age restricted condominiums on a 46.16 acre lot zoned Hamlet Density (ltD) Residential District situated on the north side of the Schoolhouse Road and Griffin Road inters~tion in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. The following is a summary of this investigation and the findings thereof: 1. The following intersections were included in this study: Main Road (N-YS Route 25) at Griffin Street · Main Road (NYs Route 25) at Crown Land Road · Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane Schoolhouse Road at Depot Lane 2. Existing peak hour traffic volumes were collected and a seasonal adjustment factor was applied to account for variations in monthly traffic volumes. Future No Build traffic volumes were determined by applying an annual growth factor to the existing volumes projected to year 2009. The traffic this proposal will generate was estimated and aistributed to the study intersections and incorporated into the furore Build Condition scenario. 3. The proposed senior housing development is projected to generate 43 trips in the weekday AM peak hour (21 mtering, 26 exiting), 24 trips in the weekday PM peak hour (11 entering, 13 exiting), and 71 trips in the Saturday Peak hour peak hour (38 c~tering, 33 exiting). 4. As depicted on the site plans prepared by Nelson & Pope, two means of access are proposed to serve the residcatial development. A proposed access will intersect Schoolhouse Road directly opposite Griffin Street. This access will be stop-eontrolled and configured for all movements. The second access is provided via Spur Drive which currently terminates at the western boundary of the site. An emergency access will be provided via a connection to Bridle Lane. 5. Traffic impacts were created at the intersection of Main Road and Depot Lane. It is proposed to install a signal at Depot Lane and Main Road to mitigate these impacts. 38 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE NOVEMRER 2007 N & P JOB NO. 00026 Appendix A: Existing Traffic Volume Data TURNING MOVEMENT DATA N~LSON ~ POP~ INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS ZS) @ HIGHLAND ROAD PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE'i~T Q~TCHOGUE BROOKHA~EN~ DATE COLLECTED: 10/2/-*/07 WEDNESDAY START TIHE EASTBOUND WEBTBOUND NORTHBOUND ~' SOUTHBOUND TOTAL HOURLY U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT ~HRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL hTUR~ LEFT THRO RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-~ ~ ~EFT THR~ RI~ RTOR TOTAL 7;00 AH 0 0 65 0 0 65 0 0 7:15 AH 0 0 6~ 0 O 66 0 0 6~ I 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 ~ 0 5 136 7:50 AH 0 0 9Z 0 0 9Z 0 0 91 I 0 9Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 190 662 7:~5 ~ 0 I 75 0 0 76 0 0 ~08 PHF HIGHLAND ROAD 7 MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) t 9 INTERSECTION: HAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ CROWN LAND ROAD DATE COLLECTED: 10/2/~/07 WEDNESDAY PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN 0 2 368 0 0 570 0 0 &SO I 0 ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 PHF MA~N ROAD (NY$ 6 CROWN LAND ROAD PEAK HOUR: 8:00-9:00 AH Weekday AM.xls /iO'VEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ GRIFFIN STREET PROJECT T~TLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE OLLECTED: ]0/2M07 WEDNESDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN CUM. START TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL HOURLY U-TORN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL II-TURN LEFT THRU R]6.T RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU EIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TEEN LEFT T~E~ RIGHT ETOR TOTAL 7:00 ~M 0 5 ~ 0 0 69 0 0 b9 9 0 78 0 0 7:15 AH 0 6 58 0 0 64 0 0 I[0 6 0 116 0 0 7:50 AH 0 2 80 0 0 82 0 0 7L ]5 0 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 3 0 g 178 7:45 ~H 0 ~ 98 0 0 102 0 0 B~ 9 0 9D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 ~ 0 10 205 728 PEAK HOUR; 8:00- 0 ~6 ~32 0 0 ~78 0 0 ~9S 70 0 ~6~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 $~ 0 66 909 GRIFFIN STREET HAIN ROAD (NYS 25) t 70 4--' ~ -.1' 4 ~gs 4 ~5 ! PEAK HOUR: 8:00-9:00 APt Weekday AM.xis TURNING MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS Z5) @ NORTH STREET DATE COLLECTED: 10/Z&/07 WEDNESDAY START TIME EASTBOUN0 LEFT THRU 0 67 0 0 66 o 0 99 0 0 103 0 PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE ~T~T C~TCHOGUE JURISDICTION: RROOKHA~EN ~ WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR 0 I00 0 0 0 0 0 0 IE~ I 0 0 0 0 0 97 5 0 0 0 0 0 92 6 0 0 0 0 MAIN ROAD (NYS E5) NORTH STREET 0 0 0 0 0 0 T PEAK HOUR: §:00-9:00 AM [ dOVEMENTDATA iNTERSECTION: HAIN ROAD (NYS Z§) @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOSUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/Z~,/07 WEDNESDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN START TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHDOUND TOTAL HOURL' U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-Tt~BH LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT T~RU RIGHT RTOE TOTAL 7;00 ~ 0 10 ~ 0 0 5~ 0 0 68 5 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 9 0 ~ I~1 7:15 ~H 0 ~ 55 0 0 56 0 0 98 7 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 ~ 0 15 17~ 7:80 AH 0 7 87 0 0 9~ 0 0 85 6 0 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [2 0 13 0 25 208 7;~5 A~ 0 12 9~ 0 0 10~ 0 0 95 lO 0 )05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JO 0 I~ 0 ~ 2~ 758 PEA~ HOUR;8:00- 0 ;8 327 0 0 375 0 0 ~36 ~m 0 ~77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 56 0 87 939 9:00 AH PHF 0,82 MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) DEPOT LANE B7 T t ~ z~77 ~s8 ~ PEAN HOUR:8:O0-9:00 AH Weekday aM.xls TURNING MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE~CgTCHOGUE BROOKHAVEN · DATE COLLECTED: 10/Z/+/07 WEDNESDAY ~ CUM. START TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL HOURLY U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRD RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-T~8~ ~"~FT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL 0 7:00 AH 0 ~ o z o 5 o o o o o o 7d5 ~ 0 A 0 3 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IO 0 0 ~0 7:30 ~ 0 I 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Z3 0 0 Z~ 0 ; ~ 0 Z5 E 0 27 60 (75 PEAK H~R: 8:00- 0 19 0 l0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9:00 AH 0,7~ PHF DEPOT LANE SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD DEPOT LANE : ~OVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: MIDDLE ROAD (CR /*8) @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/2~/07 WEDNESDAY JURISDICTION: RROOKHAVEN START TIHE I EASTDOUND WESTDOUND NORTHDOUND SOUTHDOUND TOTAL CUM. II 0 25 DEPOT LANE 25 T S5 26 68 DEPOT LANE PEAK HOUR: 7:z+5-8:A5 AM Weekday AM,xls TURNING MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS Z5) @ CROWN LAND ROAD DATE COLLECTED: 10/Z~/07 WEDNESDAY START TIHE EASTgOUND_ WE..._~STBOUND LEFT THRU T~IRU ~TURN /.:00 PH 0 108 0 0 O li7 2 LEFT 0 0 0 PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE ~ CUTCHOGUE JURISDICTION: BF NORTHBOUND 0 105 0 0 0 2 106 0 0 0 0 IOE 0 0 0 PEAK HOUR: 6:15- 0 10 /,61 0 0 A>7~ 0 0 L, BS ~ 0 5:15 PM PHF MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) 8 CROWN LAND ROAD ID 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 I0 5 L6~ I~ I =EAK HOUR: L,:15-5:15 PHI 0~- ,IOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: MAiN ROAD (NYS 25) @ GRIFFIN STREET PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: [0/~4/07 WEDNESDAY JURISOICTIOb BROOK START TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL CUM, 5:00 PM 0 ~ 45J 0 0 475 0 0 ~69 5B 0 507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 27 0 4~ 1026 GRIFFIN STREET 27 17 MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) L ~8 ( 4*6 3 ~ ~,~9 ( so7 · Weekday PM,xls TURNING MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ NORTH STREET DATE COLLECTED: 10/2/,,/07 WEDNESDAY START TIHE EASTBOUN__~_O WESTBOUNO LEFT THRU LEFT THRU LEFT 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT T~TLE: H.E?'TA~E ~A~ ~TCHOGUE JURISDICTION: BF NORTHBOUND SOUTHI PHF 0 97 0 0 9& MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) 0 7 0 0 0 0 NORTH STREET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 530 PEAK HOUR:~.:O0-5:00 PM IOVEMENT DATA POPE iNTERSECTION: MA!N ROAD (NYS 25) @ HIGHLAND ROAD PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/Z/~/07 WEDNESDAY E~ROOKHAI U-TURN LEFT T~RU R~6HT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RI6HT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U URN LEFT THRU, RIGHT RTOR TOTAL TOTAL 5:00 PM ~ 0 0 JJ8 0 0 ~i8 0 0 121 3 0 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 I 0 2 EGG 96t 5:~5 PM ~ 0 ~ III 0 0 115 0 0 [15 3 0 JIB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Z Z55 9~7 HOUR: g:00-~ 0 ~ ~59 5~00 PH 0 0 66~ 0 0 ~06 ~0 0 506 0 HIGHLAND ROAD 5 5 MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) t ~o I sol 3 ~ ~,96 i so~ PEAK HOUR: ~;00-5:00 PM Weekday PM.xls TURNING MOVEMENT DATA iNTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ DEPOT LANE DATE COLLECTED: 10/2&/07 WEDNESDAY START T3ME EASTBOUND'~R~ PROJECT TITLE: HER TAGE ~T C~TCHOGUE JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN 6 87 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 /+ 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 ~2 0 /+0 MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) 29_1' DEPOT LANE 82 T ~ 50~. PEAK HOUR: &:00-5:00 PP1 I TI~ IOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/~&/07 WEDNESDAY JURISDICTION', BROOKHAVEN CuM. START TIME EASTBOUN~ WESTEOUND ~ORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL HOURLY U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL DEPOT LANE t SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD D~POT LANE J . Weekday PM,xls ~RN1NG MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: MIDDLE ROAD (CR ~,8) @ DEPOT LANE DATE COLLECTED: [0/2~/07 WEDNESDAY STAET TINE EASTBOUND 0 5 I20 9 0 l~ 0 8 126 6 0 2 PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE A~ c~TcNoGUE JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN NORTHBOUND :~ SOUTHBOUND THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TuRN L~FT THRU ~ io o 26 0 ~ I NELSON ~, POPE 0 6 0 0 0 0 15 563 82 0 590 0 PHF MIDDLE ROAD (CR &8) 626 ~9o ~ 0 9 6 9 2 8 2 5 ob DEPOT LANE t Tr-+ DEPOT LANE 96 0 t 2 0 5 Ii jPEAK HOUR& ~0-5:30 PHI ,MOVEMENT DATA p~p~ INTERSECTION: MAiN ROAD (NYS ;>5) @ CROWN LAND ROAD PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/;>7/07 SATURDAY JURISDICTION: RROOKHAVEN Il:00 AM 0 2 8b, 0 0 ~ 0 0 117 0 0 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 2 0 5 208 11:30 AH 0 I 128 0 0 129 0 0 115 0 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2z,~, CE0WN LAND ROAD MAiN ROAD (NYS ;>5) TURNING MOVEMENT DATA INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS ZS) @ HIGHLAND ROAD DATE COLLECTED: 10/Z7/07 SATURDAY Ih00 AH IZ:00 PM 12:30 PH 0 0 69 0 0 69 U-TURN LEFT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL 90 I 0 91 109 7 0 116 I I JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN ~ NORTHBOUND U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D-TURN LE~FT T.RU RIGHT o g o ~ 0 5 0 2 0 5 0 ~ 0 2 0 2 NEL~30N ~' POPE RTOR TOTAL' 0 5 D 3 0 6 0 7 0 ~ 0 6 0 ~ PEAH HOUR: 0 0 157 0 0 0 115 0 & 503 0 0 507 0 0 401 PHF 7 0 Z, 08 0 MAiN ROAD (NYS 25) 5o~ ~ HIGHLAND ROAD t 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o i 0 0 0 0 8 PEAK HOUR: 12:~.5-1:Z~5 PM "j .ffOVEMENTDATA INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ GRIFFIN STREET PROJEET TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/27/07 SATURDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN Ih00 AH 0 6 78 0 0 EL> 0 0 ]0O 22 0 122 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 16 0 29 225 Ih20 AM 0 fl H7 0 0 J25 0 0 105 J2 0 117 0 0 0 0 o 0 o iA 0 Il 0 25 267 i:oo PM 0 6 Ia} 0 0 J29 0 0 89 a 0 9t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 J5 2t7 1071 GRIFFIN STREET MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) t ~'~ ~ PEAK HOUR: 12:00-1:00 PM Saturday,xls INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ NORTH STREET PROJECT T~TLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE J BROOKHAVEN DATE COLLECTED: IUlYlIUI SATURDAY ~um,o~,~,,v,,. ~,, ........... CUM, START TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL HOURLY J-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL lJ-TUEN LEFT THRU RI~HT RTOR TOTAL ~TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN L~FT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL 1~:15 AH 0 { 128 0 0 ~29 0 0 127 2 0 {29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 259 HAIN ROAD (NYS 25) ~-- 570 552 ~ NORTH STREET t 56a ~ 565 PEAK HOUR: 12:00-hO0 PM I ~MOVEMENTDATA INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/27/07 SATURDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN START TIME EASTS0UND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUNO TOTAL CUM, h00 PH 0 15 IZ7 0 0 Ib~ 0 0 96 7 0 ~0~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 13 0 20 265 PEA~ HOUm PHF 0.96 MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) DEPOT LANE L PEAK HOUR: i2:00-hO0 PM I Saturday.xls TURNING MOV~JvlENT DATA NELSON ,~ POPE INTERSECTION: SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUffCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/27/07 SATURDAY JURISDICTION: BROOKHAVEN START TIME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL CUM. U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT ETOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRt~ RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TuRN L~FT THRB RtSHT RTOR TOTAL HOURLY Ih00 AH 0 9 0 ~ 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 15 0 0 ~6 0 ~ ~9 5 0 ~ 55 11:15 AH 0 6 0 7 0 ~5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i9 0 0 [9 0 0 I~ II 0 Z5 57 1l',30 AH 0 8 0 I 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 15 0 0 m6 0 '0 7 6 0 13 It:~5 AH 0 7 0 2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 19 0 0 El 0 0 17 6 0 E~ 55 ~0~ SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD ~ ~0 DEPOT LANE DEPOT JPEAK HOUR: 12:00-l:O0 PH] ~.~, MOVEMENT DATA [NTERSECTION: MIDDLE ROAD (CE 48) @ DEPOT LANE PROJECT TITLE: HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE DATE COLLECTED: 10/;'7/07 SATURDAY JURISDICTION: RROOKHAVEN START TiME EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND TOTAL CUH. U-TuRN LEFT THRU RIOHT RTOR TOTAL iU-TURN LEFT THRU RJOHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL U-TURN LEFT THRU RIGHT RTOR TOTAL HOURLY ~'~;~i'~C~O'P~~:L: )~ ;:0 ~;~J60;] '~ '~'~' ": '~ ' ' DEPOT LANE 506 ~ 578 MIDDLE ROAD (CR 48) 69 , 1' r-* 27 DEPOT LANE PEAK HOUR: 12:00-hO0 PM Satu rday.xls RC/STATION 070049 ST, TOURING RTE; 25 ROAD NAME: RT 25 SECTION FROM: N SUFFOLK AVE CUTCHOGUE FEDERAL DIR. 7 FACTOR GRP 40 COUNT DATE: 61201 2 New York State Department of Transportation COVERAGE AND SPECIAL COUNT HOURLY REPORT MILEPOINT 0415990 NHS TO: TUCKER LA SOUTHOLD FUNCTIONAL CLASS 06 HPMS NUMBER: WEEK OF YR 25 RECORDER PLACEMENT: PGM. VERSION COUNTY: SUFFOLK TOWN: SOUTHOLD B[NNUMBER: REEERENCE MKR: RECORDER SERIAL : 3597 ADDITIONAL DATA: NOTES: Wb RT 25TUBE COUNT 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO DY D D I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g IO 11 12 DAY HI HI PM ~ TOTAL COUNT HOUR MO W R AM 362 816 479 524 532 509 511 431 332 238 249 ;~24 138 86 7343 617 16 28 4 2 21 5 2 43 t7 10 9 11 41 142 248 382 424 444 504 605 540 523 617 612 53~ 405 315 266 i279 257 114 22 8 2 85 85 22 17 18 37 1t7 204 348 438 589 548 880 498 519 576 554 495 446 362 355 !394 304 190 7671 580 13 23 7 2 101 68 48 31 t4 28 66 176 263 352 439 482 479 465 526 580 576 458 429 346 323 ~41 166 72 6719 580 18 24 I 2 53 29 25 10 11 54 162 262 348 380 411 503 490 449 499 472 448 448 329 239 2t5 1207 12t 77 6242 503 12 25 2 2 37 22 11 6 8 35 112 242 292 357 368 418 457 435 452 490 482 417 302 235 234 5169 119 S0 5775 498 16 26 3 2 28 13 10 8 13 36 116 213 298 342 390 412 460 413 431 350 439 318 183 216 97 56 28 18 4888 460 13 27 4 2 13 3 4 3 4 12 32 57 180 153 197 234 229 189 263 245 194 160 RTE 25 070049 ADT AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOUR (MON 6AM THRU FR[ 12 NOON) 30 14 9 7 9 31 113 210 300 331 362 431 423 402 438 413 415 355 287 232 199 i164 102 55 5339 AXLE' FACTORED (VEHICLES) AVG WEEKDAY HOUR FACTORUSED=~'9$4) ADT 29 13 9 7 9 30 108 200 286 316 345 411 404 384 418 394 396 339 274 '22t 190 156 97 62 8098 HRS DAYS AVG % AVG FACTORED % FACTORED SEASONAL COUNTED COUNTED HIHR CAY HIHOUR DAY FACTOR 176 8 435 8.1% 415 8.1% 1,108 SEASONALLY FACTORED iESTIMATED AADT . 1-WAY COUNT 4598 ON RT 25 COUNT DATE: 6~20~ 2 FROM N SUFFOLK AVE CUTCHOGUE TO ST. DIR: RECORDER PLACEMENT: TucKER LA SOUTHOLD New York State of Transportation RC/STAT)ON 070049 COVERAGE AND SPECIAL COUNT HOURLY REPORT ST, TOURING RTE: 25 ROAD NAME: RT 25 MILEPOINT 0415990 NHS SEOTION FROM: N SUFFOLK AVE CUTCHOGUE TO: TUCKER LA SOUTHOLD FEDERAL DIR, 3 FACTOR GRP 40 FUNCTIONAL CLASS 06 HPMS NUMBER: COUNT DATE: 6120/2 WEEK OF YR 25 RECORDER PLACEMENT; NOTES: EB RT 25 TUBE COUNT 9 PGM. VERSION COUNTY: SUFFOLK TOWN: SOUTHOLD BIN NUMBER: REFERENCE MKR: RECORDER SERIAL #: 3597 ADDITIONAL DATA: 12 1 2 3 4 5 $ 7 $ 910 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 $ 7 s 9 10 11 TO TO ~0 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO DY D D 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 Io 11 12 MO W R AM PM 20 4 1 492 847 680 833 519 543 522 436 366 292 270 216 166 78 21 5 I 58 16 $ 10 7 59 178 337 482 439 580 631 738 674. 483 639 626 625 434 436 385 266 182 137 22 8 I 84 38 18 10 18 48 16t 204 394 486 622 692 684 643 $22 737 514 531 461 387 351 309 188 127 26 7 I 81 41 28 22 12 31 131 157 258 4t8 530 607 661 879 $76 483 450 424 286 240 211 182 115 74 24 1 I 54 25 9 $ 16 55 179 300 418 418 527 500 627 508 491 488 480 436 383 284 241 196 117 66 25 2 I 39 17 7 7 IZ 48 184 325 441 478 831 603 631 565 5Z8 $OE 525 462 362 290 251 213 132 61 26 3 I 36 19 10 10 20 62 183 315 438 457 539 524 584 616 558 610 602 449 485 288 319 273 249 109 27 4 I 58 33 17 16 14 80 314 807 644 738 688 800 860 876 775 773 847 810 TOTAL COUNT HOUR A V E R A G E WE E K D A Y H O U R (MON 6AM THRU FRI 12 NOON) ADT 48 21 10 11 13 62 208 357 488 805 855 601 656 820 576 884 895 819 389 284 270 228 t68 78 7048 A X L E - FA C T O R E D (VEHICLES) AV G WE E K D A Y H 0 U R (FACTOR USED =0,954) ADT 46 20 10 10 12 $9 198 341 463 482 $29 $73 826 891 550 857 868 495 381 27t 258 215 158 74 7487 HRS DAYS AVG % AVG FACTORED % FACTORED SEASONAL COUNTED COUNTED HI HR DAY HI HOUR DAY FACTOR 176 8 656 8.4% 626 8,4% 1.108 SEASONALLY FACTORED ES~MATEDAAOT 1-WAY COUNT 6757 TUCKER LA $OUTHOLD ST.'TOURING RTE 25 ON RT 25 FROM N SUFFOLK AVE CUTCHOGUE TO STATION: 070049 COUNT DATE; 6120/2 ST, DIR: 1 RECORDER PLACEMENT: ROAD ~: 0480 ROAD NAME: CR 48 DIRECTION: Easlbou n~ FACTOR GROUP: 40 STATE DIR CODE: 6 WK OF YR: 3{) DATE OF COUNT: 07/23/2004 NOTES LANE 0'. 000000111630 ADDL DATA: COUNT TYPE: AXLE PAIRS COUNT TAKEN BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS:-- PROCESSED BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 12 t 2 3 4 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO ~ 2 3 4 5 ..... 8. 7 .___L_.._9 !0 .!J_ 1__~I 2 3 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 l' 7 W 8 T 9 F 10 S 11 S 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 S 18 S t9 M 2O T 21 W 22 T 23 F 2,{ $ 25 $ 26 M 27 T 28 W 29 T 30 F 31 S New York State Department of TransportatiOn ~ Traffic Count Hourly Repod ~,, FROM: DEFOT LANE TO: PE,CONIC.~E~ REC. SERIAL ~ 1002 FUNC. ClaSSiC02 pL~,CEMENT: NH$: yes @ REF MARKER: JURIS Coentyi~ Page 1 of 2 CR48- 11 EB COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN: ~OUTHOLD BIN: RR CRO~S.rNG: HPMS SAMPLE: $9 45 19 3~ t4 10 33 tl 14 37 t7 11 28 26 1.05 46 23 CC Sin: ~. BATCH ID; DO~'-rl0sW'~4b 5 8 7 ~8 9 10 11 TO TO TO TO TC!. [FO TO TO TO DAILY DAILY 4 5 6 7 ~ ~g:~ ~ .._ ~0 11 12. DAILY HIGH HIGH ~ ................ TOTA~ COU~ HOUR 18 2~1 8'i 274 404 490 ~14 ~34 780 7~9 743 72G 71~ 629 54~ 452 ~2~8 237 ~69 118 ~08 780 8 ~ ~ 200 256 313 419 ~2 64~ ~30 69t 807 8~ S89 491 4~ ~85~2~1 205 117 75 ~35' 6~ 7 ~7 ~ 366 ~ 6'~4 ~ ~5 ~4 ~90 608 603 596 63o. 602 482 ~6~264 ~05 114 72 8573 6~ 4 I0 ~ 3;4 ~3 ~4 539 ~2 ~7 ~7 573 520 6~0 683 637 467 3~2 ~295 1~ I3~ 62 85~ 683 7 ~0 ~ 3~2 52t 59~ 538 4~ ~9 536 5~7 670 546 670 6t6 514 ~9~ ~3 228 ~32 7~ 81~7 670 9 27 85 351 ~S 6~ 620 ~ 627 667 7~5 660 670 726 694, ~9 ~7 ~ ~9 258 217 g8 9739 726 13 30 ~ 39~ ~ 650 656 T24 714 756 72J ~9 805 849 786 688 ~2 473 ~32 316 220 11404 849 2~ 25 8~ 25t 5~ S3~ 7~5 79~ 892 974 11 15 11 16 16 16 t4 34 18 13 DAYS HOURS C,ounted Counled g t94 8 t9 WEEKDAYS WEEKBAY COu~le~ Hours 5 t03 ~.VERAG_~E ~WE_EKDAY .... High Hour % of day AVERAGE W~EKDAY I~0URS (Axle Factored, Mort 6AM to Fri Noon) , ~ 7t 348 567 620 ~572 684 628 577 5~ 580 5g~ 668 629 487%~6 ~ 2~G ~ t48 ~te Adj. Seasona~day S'~I~ 07'~116 STATE DIR CODE: 6 ADT 7~ 8717 ESTfl~ATED AAD¥ 7204 TO: PECON C LANE COUh Suff01~ : ; DA~rE C 07/23/2004 071116 New York Stat~-~rb~ent of Transportation Traffic"~ount Hourly Report TO: PECONIC LANE FUNC. CLASS: 02 NHG: yes JUEIS: Courtly CC 5ATCH ID; DOT-r10sw34b ROAD ~: 0480 ROAD NAME: CR 48 FROM: DEPOT LANE COUNTY: Suffolk DIREGTION: Westbound FACTOR GROUP: 40 REC. SERIAL #: 1003 TOWN: SOUTHOLD STATE D~R CODE: 7 WK OF YR: 3(3 PLACEMENT: BIN; DATE OF COU~T: 07/23/2004 @ REF MARKER: RE CROSSING: NOTES LANE 0: 000000111670 AODL DATA: HPMS SAMPLE: COUNT TYPE: AXLE PAIRS COUNt' TAKEN BY; ORG CODE; OCT INITIALS: --- pROCESSED 6Y: ORG CODE; DOT INITIALS: 12 1 2 3 ~4 $ 6 7 B 9 I0 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TO TO TD TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO DAILY DALLY T 62 39 22 81 39 21 4~ S &l 18 11 38 19 7 40 12 18 81 49 39 2 F 3 S 4 S $ T 7 W 8 T 9 F 10 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 18 S 1~ M 2O T 2t W 22 T 23 F 24 25 28 M 27 T 20 W 30 F 31 S 674 606 600 67l 728 736 643 57'0 387 360 255 2'77 t44 2t 21 6'$ 168 255 '378 686 8,18 730 71~ 857 6~8 708 561 493 ~9 370 3~ 323 2?2 14~ 8~8 736 ~7 t~ 46 8~' t71 314 471 ~ 676 743 774 882 010 751 586 048 61~ 6t2 424 319 136 10065 8~ 24 5~ t3~ 33~ 480 6~ 596 630 638 670 808 650 739 7~ 59~ 566 386 ~6 206 IB~ 73 ~ 749 15 28 78 2?9 4~ 578 568 661 ~6 ~71 5~6 625 825 649 624 ~8 ~60 ~3 186 124 17 8218 ~9 18 26 122 297 ~ 639 593 5S5 534 600 620 669 738 776 648 ~6 393 432 2¢7 110 108 9252 ~6 ~ 41 10B 300 ~4 ~68 803 597 649 681 628 645 769 756 638 60~ 417 391 303 230 13~ 9653 759 15 29 30 70 134 26t 405 57~ 529 754 732 AVERAGE WEEd(DAY HOURS (Axle F~cto~,ed, Mort 6AM to Frl Noon) ADT 3D 19 t8 18 31 101 299 46t 608 ~80 579 596 605 584 629 887 724 600 511 337 338 192 142 78 8783 OAY$ ROAD # STATION; 071116 HOURS WEEKDAYS WEEKDAY .......... '~Y.{.F~AQ E. ,W- E~ ~[~,A¥ Axle Adj. Seasonal/Weekday ,(";~Jll~d, Coun~ F)¢~r~ High Hbur % of day F~clo[ A~mtment Easter t94 5 t03 734 8% 0,887 1.210 RO,'~D NAME: CR 48 STATE DIR COt)E; 7 FROM: DEPOT LANE PLACEMENT: TO: PECO' C ESTIMATED COUNTY: Suff'oJk DATE OF COUNT] 07t23t2004 HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES NYS ROUTE 25 (MAIN ROAD) WEST OF DEPOT LANE Wednesday, October 24, 2007 - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUMES DEPOT LANE NORTH OF NYS ROUTE 25 (MAIN ROAD) Wednesday, October 24, 2007 - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 Chapter 6 Adjustment Factors Chapter 6 Adjustment Factors 2006 NYSDOT Traffic Data Report Section 6.1 Seasonal (Monthly) Adjustment Factors Seasonal or monthly adjustment factors convert average daily traffic (ADT) to annual average daily traffic (AADT). The ADT is divided by the seasonal factor to obtain the AADT value. The work week seasonal fact6rs are developed from NYSDOT continuous counter data collected for a three year period. ~e ~co~ ntinuous counter sites are grouped into three major Factor~ Groups. .............. F~ro~6t~0~s~e~a -. ~ ,~_' .~ .... -:tz~~~5~a;smalt ............. variations. Factor Groul~' z~{~fi~hway~ lie beiwie~ [h~s~t49o ~trLmaes. Mihor Facf6i(Groups surround each of the major groups. The factor values associated With these minor groups are + and - one standard devi~ifi0ii {STD) 0fth~ nffttjb~:'gr~u-p's vlfltie. Monthly average daily traffic (MADT) values based on weekday data are developed for each month in each factor group. The factor values are computed by dividing the week day MADT by the AADT within each factor group. The factoring procedure does account for weekend traffic. Other daily (7 day) and weekend seasonal adjustment factors are available from the Traffic Monitoring Section by request. The Full Week MADT is calculated by applying the "hour nde" to continuous count data. For inclusion and computations~ the intervals must be complete, the data valid, and include both dixeelions and all lanes. A determination is made whether there are sufficient counts for each interval to calculate an MADT using the "3 hour nde." The "3 hour nde" requires, for the month, at least 3 valid counts for each count interval of the 24 hours for each day of week. If there are not sufficient intervals to calculate an MADT using the "3 hour nde," the "2 hour rule" is used which requires at least 2 valid counts for each count interval of the 24 hours for each day of the week. Each hour interval for the entire month is averaged. The 24 hours is sBmmed to get the Full Week MADT for the associated month. Work Week and Weekend MAI)Ts are calculated in the same fashion except for the days and hourly intervals used. The "hour rule" used is reported to indicate the amount of data present for the particular month that was used in calculations. The total number of traffic monitoring sites in each factor group is adequate to achieve a precision of±l 0% with 95% confidence when applying these factors to adjust count volume data in accordance with TMG requirements. Refer to Figure 5 for the work week seasonal adjustment factors which are also available via the interact on the NYSDOT web page specified, on page 2. To calculate an AADT for a short term or coverage count using a Seasonal Adjustment Factor, refer to section 6.3, "Example of Estimation of AADT". 39 Chapter 6 Adjustment Factors WORK WEEK (WEEK DAY) SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR 2007 TRAFFIC COUNT PROCESSING Based on 2004 - 2006 Continuous Count Site Data ) FACTOR GROUP JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 31 1.003 1.046 1.068 1.107 1.129 1.174 1.147 1,158 1,124 1.127 1.075 1.060 30 0.935 0.903 1.003 1.057. 1,080 1.120 1.105 1.111 1.070 1.067 1.025 1.009 29 0.867 0.920 0.936 0.997 1.031 1.066 1.063 1.064 1,016 1.007 0,975 0.958 STD (+1-) 0.068 0.063 0.065 0.055 0.049 0,054 0,042 0.047 0.054 0.060 0.050 0.051 41 0.875 0,948 0.949 1.0Z9 1.118 1.193 1,339 1.310 1.138 1.071 0.992 0.967 40 0.797 0.855 0,870 0.945 1.041 1.111 1,226 1.206 1.057 1,004 0.926 0,895 39 0.719 0.762 0.791 0.861 0.964 1.029 1,113 1.102 0.976 0,937 0.860 0.823 STD (+/-) 0.078 0.093 0.079 0.084 0.077 0.082 0,113 0.104 0.081 0.067 0.066 0,072 61 0.727 0.772 0.810 0.904 1.066 1.297 1.748 1,658 1.132 0.941 0.847 0.773 60 0.650 0.687 0.713 0.786 0.972 1,177 1.617 1.542 1,065 0.886 0.765 0.706 59 0.573 0.602 0.616 0.668 0,878 1.057 1.486 1,426 0.998 0.831 0.683 0.639 STD (+/-) 0,077 0.085 0.097 0,118 0.094 0,120 0.131 0,116 0.067 0.055 0.082 0.067 Figure 5 FACTOR GROUP JAN 31 0.858 30 0,779 29 0,700 STD (+/-) 0,079 41 0.867 40 0,756 39 0.645 STO (+1-) 0,111 61 0,725 60 0.650 59 0,574 STD (+/-) 0.076 WEEKEND SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS FOR 2007 TRAFFIC COUNT PROemS,' ilNG ( Based on 2004 - 2006 Continuous Count Site Data ) FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0.879 0.930 0,949 1.005 0.806 0.883 0.877 0,923 0.733 0,796 0.805 0,841 OCT NOV DEC 8 ~ 0.919 1.015 %007 0.984 0.97 ~ 0.989 0,930 0.936 0,913 0.896 0 9~3 0.892 0.856 0.839 0.857 0.819 0.808 0.8!30 0.815 0.782 0.759 0.077 0.074 0.080 0.073 0,087 0.072 0,082 0.079 0.094 0,088 0.073 0.952 0.956 0.977 1.099 1.161 1.319 1.305 1.%36 i 1.069 0.822 0.863 0.908 1.012 1,075 1,167 1,153 ~.~3 0.974 0.692 0.770 0.839 0.925 0.989 1.015 1,001 0.950 ~ 0.879 0,130 0.093 0.069 0.087 0.086 0.152 0.152 0 093 i 0.095 0.805 0.824 0.905 1.198 1.386 1,911 1.824 1.371 0.706 0,744 0.816 1,072 1.240 1,663 1.593 1.201 0.607 0.664 0.727 0.946 1.094 1,415 1.362 1~031 1.125 0.986 0.847 0,139 0.099 0.080 0,089 0.126 0.146 0.248 0.231 0.170 0.994 0.894 0.794 0.100 0.884 0.783 0.682 0.101 0.883 0.806 0,729 0.077 0.762 0.681 0.600 0.081 Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 92 Occupied Dwelling Units of Active Adult Community Founder's Village, Town of Southold October 2007 Average Driveway Rate/Unit Volume Weekday Average 8-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.15 13 8-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.19 17 8-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.34 31 4-5 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.08 7 4-5 PM Peak Hour Exit 0.09 6 4:5 PM Peak Hour Total 0.17 13 Saturday 11-12PM Saturday Peak Hour Enter 11-12PM Saturday Peak Hour Exit 11-12PM Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.27 25 0.24 22 0.51 47 Appendix B: Trip Generation HOURLY TRAFI~IC VOLUMES FOUNDER~ VILLAGE DRIVEWAY - ENTER & EXIT Wedn~day, October 24~ 2007 - Tuesday, October 30 2007 Appendix C: Level of Service Definitions LEVEL OF SERVICE: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Level of service for signalized intersections is de£med in terms of delay, which is a measure of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, and lost travel time. The levels of service range between level of service A (relatively cungestion-fi'ee) and level of service F (congested). The delay experienced by a motorist is made up of a number of factors that relate to control, geometry, traffic, and incidents at an intersection. Total delay is the difference between the travel time actually experienced and the reference travel time that would result during ideal conditions: in the absence of traffic control, in the absence of geometric delay, in the absence of any incidents, and when there are no other vehicles on the road. The portion of the total delay attributed to the control facility is called the control delay. Control delay includes initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration delay. Control delay may also be referred to as signal delay for signalized intersections. Level of service criteria for signalized intersections is determined in terms of the average control delay per vehicle. The following average control delays are used to determine approach levels of service: Level of Service A -< 10.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service B > 10.0 and -< 20.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service C > 20.0 and _< 35.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service D > 35.0 and _< 55.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service E > 55.0 and _< 80.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service F > 80.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service A describes operations with very low control delay. This occurs when progression is extremely favorable; most vehicles arrive during the green phase and do not stop at all. Short traffic signal cycles may contribute to low delay. Level of Service B generally occurs with good progression and/or short traffic signal cycle lengths. More vehicles stop than for level of service A, causing higher average delays. Level of Service C has higher delays than level of service B. These higher delays may resuk from fair progression and/or longer cycle lengths. Individual cycle failures, where motorists are required to wait through an entire signal cycle, may begin to appear at this level. The number of vehicles stopping is significant, although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. Level of Service D At this level, the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result ~om some combination of unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths or high voluine-to- capacity ratios. The proportion of stopping vehicles increases. Individual cycle failures are noticeable. Level of Service E is considered the limit of acceptable delay. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths and high volume-to-capacity ratios, individual cycle failures occur frequently. Level of SerVice F is considered unacceptable to most drivers. This condition often occurs with over saturation, i.e., when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of the intersection. It may occur at volume to capacity ratios below 1.0 with many individual cycle failures. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such delay levels. LEVEL O17 SERVICE: TWO WAY STOP CONTROl J,ED INTERSECTIONS The quality of traffic service at a two-way stop controlled, or "TWSC," intersection is measured according to the level of service and capacity of individual legs. The level of service ranges f~om LOS A to LOS F, just as with signalized intersections. The right of way at the TWSC intersection is controlled by stop signs on two opposing legs of an intersection (on one leg of a "T"-type intersection). The capacity of a controlled leg is based on the distribution of gaps in the major street traffic flow, driver judgment in selecting a gap through which to execute the desired maneuver and the follow up time required by each driver in a queue. fl ~o~d~q~a~, Th~-'d'~l~¥: e~¢rieng,il: by a, m~t'0~st.lgmade uw0f a number~:o~factors~that. relate to control; geometry, traffic,;~ iacidants. Total dela~ is the~ifference between the travel time actually experienced and the r~'~rEfiEe"ff-a~'~'~F~iffi~-tii§t '~-60:l:~l,--r'e-iuit"dhring 'coridiii0ns 'wlth ide/d- g~om&try-and in.theXabsei~c6-of incidents, control, and traffic. This program only quantifies that portion of the total delay attributed to traffic control measures, either traffic signals or stop signs. This delay is called control delay. Control delay includes initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration. Average control delay for any particular minor movement is a function of the approach and the degree of saturation. The expectation is that TWSC intersections are designed to carry smaller traffic volumes than signalized intersections. Therefore, the delay threshold times are lower for the same LOS grades. The following average control delays are used to determine approach levels of service: Level of Service A -< 10 seconds per vehicle Level of Service B > 10 and < 15 seconds per vehicle Level of Service C > 15 and -< 25 seconds per vehicle Level of Service D > 25 and < 35 seconds per vehicle Level of Service E > 35 and -< 50 seconds per vehicle Level of Service F > 50 seconds per vehicle Appendix D: Capacity Analysis/Level of Service Worksheets & Summary Tables )etailed LOS Summary - Weekday AM Peak Hour Analysis Main Road (NYS 25) at Highland Road SB LR 0.06 19.3 C 0.06 20.1 C 0.07 19,6 Main Road (FLYS 25) at North Strut SB LR 0,00 13.7 B 0.00 14.0 B 0.02 24.1 )etaile_d LOS Summa~ peak Hour Anal s_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l~.~ ~ Build Cond~on with Traffic Signal Miflgstion LOS V/C Ratio 031 6.6 A 0.76 B 0.36 32.4 C 0,53 B o Detailed LOS Summa~ - Saturday Peak Hour Analysis E~]st~g Condition No Build Condition 200T Build Condition Z00? Build Cond~on with Traffic Stgaal Mitigation Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Main Road (NYS 25) at Highland Road SE LR 0.06 25,0- C 0.06 26,4 . D 0.07 23,6 C Existing Condition knafyst kgency/Co. }ate Performed \nalysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope 11/I/2007 Existing AM Peak Hr In{ersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crownland Jurisdiction Analysis Year 2007 (Adjusted) Description Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Cm_wn Land Rd (Ex AM Peak Hr Adjusted) ~ Road (NYS 25) ]_North/South Street: Crown LandRoad IStudy Pedod (hrs): 0.25 ~ajor Street 4ovement rolume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor1 PHF tourly FI0w Rate, HFR veh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles Aedian Type ~,T Channelized .anes .~onfiguration Jpstream Signal ~linor Street Aovement /olume (veh/h) )eak-Hour Factor, PHF 4~r 'v Flow Rate, HFR Eastbound I Westbound L I T I R I L I T R 554 0 0 661 Undivided } I o I I I o o I ~ I o I o I 1 o LT I I t I TR Northbound I Southbound 7 L 0.8'1 0.8'1 0 0 0 0 9 ] ~o R I L I 4 0.81 I 0.81 0 )ercent Grade (%) 0 :lared Approach Storage [ N RT Channelized 0 11 o10 T 0.81 12 R 0.81 4 0 8 I 2 0 2 I o I o 0 I _anes 0 0 I 0 0 Configuration I I I LR Approach } Eastbound I Westbound Movement I 1 I 4 Lane Configuration v(veh/h) I 2 I C (m) (veh/h) J 927 j 95% queue length I 0. 0'1 I Control Delay (s/veh) I 8.9 I LOS I A I Approach Delay (s/veh) Northbound I Southbound 7 16.7 11 12 LR 12 Approach LOS I - I -- I c ~.~¢ 'qht © 2005 Un~versity of Florida, All Rights Reserced HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:26 PIV ~nalyst ~gency/Co. )ate Performed \nalysis Time Pedod MCM Nelson & Pope 11/I/2007 Existing PM Peak Hr (Adjusted) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Crownland 2007 ,roject Descripti°h Main Rd (NYS 25) at CroWn Land Rd (EX' PM Peak Hr Adjusted) !asqWest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) INorth/South Street: Crown Land Road ~tersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 /lajor Street I Eastbound J ~ovement I 1 J 2 J 3 i 4 Westbound ;~onfiguration Upstream Signal '.Vhnor Street cV1ovement 'Volume (veh/h) L~eak-Hour Factor, PHF oudY Fiew Rate, HFR -~veh/h) o I I o LT No~hbound 7 I 8 0.96 J 0.96 0 o t o 9 R 0.96 0 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles IPercent Grade (%) ~:lared Approach Storage RT Channelized ~anes ]~Donfiguration 0 I 1 0 Southbou nd 10 J 11 L I T 0.96 J 0.96 0 N 0 0 I N 0 6 R 4 ..,.-!.~ .- 4 : o T~ ~2 10 O. g6 ~0 2 0 0 ~.~,pproach Movement -'Lane Configuration Eastbound iJ~ (m)(vehlh) LT v (veh/h) ~2 963 ¢5% queue length lControl Delay (s/veh) --LOS JA~pproach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS 0.01 0.04 8.8 A Westbound No~hbound 7 8 I 9 ;outhbound 10 11 LR 12 393 0.03 0.09 ~4.4 B 14.4 B 12 ;opyfight © 2005 Universit7 of Florida, All Rights Reserved HC$+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 1 I/5/2007 4:28 Pf \nalyst ~,gency/Co. :)ate Performed '~nalysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 Existing Sat Peak Hr (AdjusO Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crownland 2007 Main Rd (NYS 25J at Crown Land Rd (Ex Sat Peak Hr~ _ Ma~-~ ~o~-~ ~) ~ S,reet: Crown Land Road IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ~lajor Street Eastbound Westbound J /Iovement 1 2 3 6 L T R R folume (veh/h) 5 574 5 4 I 5 j 592 J )eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 J 0.93 J 0.93 J ~ourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 5 617 0 0 636 5 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- - 0 I Aedian Type ~T Channelized _aries 0 I 1 ~'onfiguration Jpstream Signal ~inor Street ,4ovement /olume (vehlh) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF )ercent Grade (%) =Iared Approach Storage :~T Channelized Undivided J I o I o I ~ I o J LT I [ I I I TR J Approach No~hbound I I 8 9 0.93 0.93 J0 Southbound I 10 I 11 I 2 I 0.93 I 0.93 I 0.93 o I o o I J 2 J o 0 12 R 0.93 2 J N 0 0 o I Lanes Configuration Movement N [ o o [ LR Eastbound I Westbound 1 I 4 Lane Configuration LT Northbound I Southbound I 8 I g Il0 I *~ V (vehlh) 5 C (m)(veh/h) 943 vic 0.01 95% queue length 0.02 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.8 LOS A Approach Delay (s/veh) - Approach LOS - 'R I~'~ 10.03 I°'I° I ~'~'~ 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved -- 14.7 HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:28 PM knalyst kgencylCo. )ate Performed ~alySis Time Period ~rojeCt Description MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 Existing AM Peak Hr (Adjusted) Intersection Jurisdiction Anatysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) al Highlbnd Rd (Ex AM Peak HrAdjusted) Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Highland 2007 volume (veh/h) J 8 J 445 ~k~Hour:Factor, PHF J -- 0.8~ · J .0i8__3 ! 0.~3 P~ent HeaW Vehicles ~: ' ~ed an iYpe ~i Channelized :asr/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) JNorthlSouth Street: Highland Road 'ntersection Orientation: East-Wast IStud¥ Period (hrs): 0.25 ~laj°r Street Eastbound _ Westbound vlovement I 1 I 2 J 3 4 J 5 J 6 J L J T J R , L I T J R 5~0 J ~1 O. 83 J 0 83 J O. 83 ' - 0 ...... ~ ..... "]§7 UndiVided T~ zion figuration iUpstream Signal ~Vtinor Street [Vlovement Volume (veh/h) ¢Peak-Hour Factor, PHF L1ourly Flow Rate, HFR bercent Heavy Vehicles ":lared Approach Storage T Channelized ~anes No~hbound 7 8 L T 0.83 0.83 0 0 0__ ~_ 0 o N 0 ]Configuration J , i~,pproach Eastbound Westbound ]LaOVement J I J 4 ne Configuration 9 R 0.83 0 v (veh/h) -iC (m) (veh/h) :vic J 0.01 95% queue length J 0.02 Control Delay (s/veh) I 8.8 ~LOS J A -i~Approach Delay (s/veh) J Approach LOS J 0 0 10 L J · Southbound 0.83 J 0.83 10 L0 2 I o 0 J N 12 R 5 0.83 2 0 0 Northbound Southbound 9 10 I 11 12 16 268 0.06 0.19 19.3 19.3 C ;opyright © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:30 PI ~,nalys[ ~,gency/Co. :)ate Performed Analysis Time Period Description MCM Nelson & Pope 1 f/1/2007 Existing PM Peak Hr (Adjusted) Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland Rd (Ex PM Peak Hr Adjusted) I n te rs ectio n Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland 2007 J Street: Main Road (NYS 25) ntersection Orientation: East-West INorth/South Street: Highland Road IStudy Pedod (hrs): 0.25 ¢lajor Street I Eastbound Aovement I 1 I 2 L /olume (veh/h) I 5 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0:93 4curly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles Vledian Type T R 560 0.93 0.93 602 0 605 I ¢2 0.93 I ~93 I 650 12 - Undivided ~,T Channelized I I I 0 anes I 0 I 1 0 ~onfiguration I LT I I o 0 [ 1 0 Jpstream Signal I Minor Street t Northbound Southbound Viovement I 7 8 9 12 L Volume (veh/h) ] Peak-Hour Factor, PHF ] 0.9.3 T 0.93 R 0.93 (,P~4V Flow Rate, HFR ,) 0 I- .,,&,,~.~L Heavy Vehicles [ 0 10 t 11 L I T 5 I 0.93 I 0.93 I o I o Percent Grade (%) [ 0 0 Flared Approach t N I N Storage I 0 RT Channelized Lanes ] 0 Configuration 0 0 0 LR R 0.93 o I 0 I Approach [ Eastbound [ Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement [ I [ Lane Configuration [ LT [ V (veh/h) J 5 I C (m) (veh/h) J 927 J ~,/c I O. Ol I 95% queue length J 0.02 j Control Delay (s/veh) J 8.9 J LOS I A I Approach Delay (s/veh) J -- I Approach LOS J - l 4 7 J 8 I 9 10 J 11 J LR J 12 J 265 J 0.05 J 0.14 -- 19.2 - C 12 of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:30 PM '- :" Intersection ~,nalyst MCM ~,gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction )ate Performed 11/1/2007 ~ Aha ys s Year ~,nalysis Time Period Existing Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) I ~roject Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland Rd (Ex Sat Peak Hr Adjusted) ;asr/West Street: Main Roa~ ~fS~6uth street: Highland Road ntersection Orientation: East-West ~ ~ (~rs): 0.25 ~ ~ Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland 2007 ~lajor Street Eastbound Westbound ,Vlovement ~/olume (veh/h) I 5 I 604 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.88 I 0.88 0.88 Type Channe~zed Lanes 'Configuration ¢dpstream Signal [.Minor Street Vlovement IVoiume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF pvOUrly Flow Rate, HFR eh/h) ercent Heavy Vehicles .~ercent Grade (%) [,Flared Approach Storage iRT Channeiized .Lanes Configuration J~,pproach Movement vLane Configuration (veh/h) .O (m) (veh/h) v/c ~)5% queue length -pontrol Delay (s/veh) ILOS ~Approach Delay (s/veh) 0 I 1 0 No~hbound 7 8 L T 0.88 0.88 0 0 0 0 0 I N 6 R I L I T R I I ~81 8 0.88 I 0.88 t 0.88 Undivided 0 9 R 0.88 0 o I 1 I o ' Southbound 10 11 L T 10 0.88 0.88 11 0 2 0 0 TR N 0 0 0 LR -IApproach LOS 12 R 0 0.88 0 2 0 0 0 0 Eastbound Westbound ~Northbound 1 4 9 LT 5 1015 0.00 0.01 8.6 A 7 8 10 11 LR 11 191 O-06 0_18 25.0 C Southbound 12 _ _ 25.0 C [ '~opyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:30 P~ Intersection .............................. ~ ,nalyst MCM Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St ,gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction ~ate Performed 11/1/2007 Existing AM Peak Hr Aha ysis Year 2007 ~nalysis Time Period (Adjusted) r~._ Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Existing AM Peak Adjusted) ~ ~ ~a~7'"'~-S~ JNorth/South Street: Griffin Street J Re'~ction Orientation: ~ IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 I lajor Street Eastbound I Westbound lovement 'olume (veh/h) eak-Hour Factor, PHF Iourly Flow Rate, HFR /eh/h) 'ercent Heavy Vehicles ~edian Type ',T Channelized aries ;onfiguration Ipstream Signal ~inor Street 4ovement /olume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF Flow Rate, HFR itt Heavy Vehicles 1 I 2 56 I 405 0.83 I 0.83 67 487 2 J -- o I 1 3 I 4 I 5 R I L I T LT I I 482 0.83 I 0.83 I 0.83 0 0 580 UndivMed I I o No~hbound 7 I 8 O. 83 0 O. 83 0 R 85 0.83 102 t I I o I o I ~ I o I I I TR 9 o [ o R L 0.83 I 0.83 J46 o t 2 ~t Grade (%) 0 :lared Approach Storage I 0 I ~T Channelized 0 _aries 0 0 ] 1 3onfiguration ] I L \pproach [ Eastbound I Westbound No~hbound vlovement J 1 J 4 _ane Configuration I LT I ! (veh/h) ] 67 -~ (m) (veh/h) ] 971 ] 95% queue length I 0.24 Control Delay (s/veh) Southbound 11 12 T R 42 0.83 0.83 0 50 o 2 0 _OS ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) I - I ~.pproach LOS I - I ,~o,r ht © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved N 0 0 0 R Southbound 10 I 11 46 ?76 0.26 I 1.00 J 0.35 32.5 I 13.4 D I B - 22.5 - C HCS+TM Version 5.21 12 R 50 48? 0.10 J Generated: 11/512007 4:31 PM \nalyst ~,gency/Co. :)ate Performed ~,nalysis Time Pedod MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 Existing PM Peak Hr (Adjusted) :astlWest Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year ~tion Main Road ~t Griffin Street (Existing PM Peak Adjusted) J~0rth/South Street: ~tersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St Griffin Street 2007 i ~ajor Street I Eastbound I Westbound vlovement I 1 I 2 L T Volume (veh/h) I 29 I 550 tY~-~l~H0dr Factor, PHF 0.89 - 0189 ~E~'~t HbaW Vehicles I 2 / - ;~edian Type ,RT Channeiized ~ I onfiuration pstream Signal ~ [ 0 ~inor Street [ No~hbound ~olume (veh/h) ~ ~ l~eak-~our Factor ~HF ~ 0.8~ ~ 0.8~ I o [ o - . lared Approach [ ~ N 'r Storage I I 0 IRT Channelized I ~ ' 'Lanes 0 0 ~Approach ~/Iovement :Lane Configuration v (veh/h) [C (m) (veh/h) ~v/c _195% queue length [Control Delay (s/veh) ~LOS lApproach Delay (s/¥eh) ~Approach LOS :opydght © 2005 University of Florida, Alt Rights Reserved Eastbound Westbound 1 4 LT 32 902 0.04 A , R I L I T I R 4~ I 572 0.89 Undivided 0 9 R 0.89 Southbound 10 I 11 12 L T R 0.89 23 2 33 0.89 0.89 0 37 0 2 0 L oIo 7 loRhbound 10 L 160 0.14 0.49 31.2 o I Southbound 11 12 R 37 458 0.08 0.26 13.5 B 20.3 C HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 1115/2007 4:31 ,nalyst ,gency/Co. )ate Performed ~nalysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 Existing Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) Intersection Jurisdiction Ana ysis Year Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Existing Sat Peak Adjusted) ~st:' Street: Main Road (NYS 25)_ Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Griffin st 2007 ~Street: Griffin Street ~W t _~__. ~Sud Period(h~-s: ~ lajor Street I Eastbound I Westbound Iovement ] ~ I 2 [ 3 I 4 I 5 6 L T R ] L I T R olume (veh/h) I 34 547 I I I 556 101 eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.95 t 0.95 I 0.95 I 0.95 I 0.95 0.95 lourly Flow Rate, HFR I /eh/h) 35 575 0 0 585 106 'ercent Heavy Vehicles I 2 I -- I -- 0 -- ledian Type I Undivided :T Channelized I I I 0 I 0 aries I 0 0 0 I I 0 ] ] :onfiguration [ L T [ Ipstream Signal I I 0 I ttinor Street I Northbound ,lovement I 7 L 'olume (veh/h) ] ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF I tourly Flow Rate, HFR ,nt Heavy Vehicles [ 0.95 8 T 0.95 9 R 0.95 I I TR I oI I Southbound 10 I 11 L I T 52 0.95 I 0.95 65 0 2 ~ o R 59 0.95 62 N 0 0 1 0 I I 0 0 0 2 t Grade (%) [ 0 0 Approach I N Storage 0 ~,T Channelized I 0 .anes I 0 0 0 3onfiguration I \pproach I Eastbound dovement I _ane Configuration I LT / (veh/h) } 35 : (m) (veh/h) I 904 O, 04 Westbound Northbound Southbound Approach Delay (s/veh) [ 4 7 8 9 10 L 65 175 tlc 0.37 35% queue length I O. 12 1.59 Control Delay (s/veh) ] 9.1 37.2 _OS I A E Approach LOS J 11 12 R 62 477 0.13 0.44 13.7 25.7 D :opydght© 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:31 PN nalyst ,gency/Co. ~ate Performed ,nalysis Time Period ~on MCM Nelson & Pope '11/1/2007 Existing AM Peak Hr (Adjusted) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St 2007 Main Rd (NYS 25) at NOrfh St (_Existing ,AM peak Hr AdjUsted) ast/VVest Street: Main Read (NYS~ [North/South Street: North Street ~te~Sei:tiTn Orientation: F~.~t-West IStudy Pedod (hfs): 0.25 lajor Street Eastbound I Westbound 4ovement 1 2 3 I 4 I 5 6 L T R I L I T R lolume (veh!h) 2 493 I I 590 I 6 0.80 0.80 0.80 I 0.80 I 0.80 0.80 ~f~ ow Rate HFR 618 0 737 7 ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- ~di_a_rt]-yp...e Undivided :~T Channeli~zed J J 0 J J J 0 _aries 0 I 1 I 0 0 I 1 I 0 7_,onfiguration L T I [ I I TR Upstream Signal ~inor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 J 819 10111112 o ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.80 I 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Hourly FioTM Rate, HFR eroent.eew Vehicles 0 1_ 0 1~ 0 2 [ 0t 2 '?lared Approach I' Storage Ohanne, ed Lanes IConfiguration ~Approach I Eastbound I Westbound Northbound Southbound ~4,~ ,ovement I 1 I 4 7 8 I 9 10 I 11 I 12 Lane Configuration I L T I I I LR I -lc (m) (vehlh) I 864 I I I 417 I _ 95% queue length ~ 0.01 ~ I I 0'01 [ iControD~ay(s/~eh) I 9.2 I I ~ ¢3.7 ~ -1Approach Delay (~veh) 1 - ~ -- I 13.7 IApproach LOS ] - I -- J B Generated: 11/5/2007 4:31 3opyright © 2005 University of FIodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Analyst MCM Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St ~,gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction ;:)ate Performed 11/1/2007 I Analysis Year 2007 ~,nalysis Time Period Existing PM Peak Hr I (Adjusted) Main Rd (N¥S 25) at North St (Existing PM Peak Hr Adjusted) ~Street: Mai~o~ ~) _~JNorth/South Street: North Street IStudy pedod (hrs): 0.25 { ~lajor Street I Eastbound Westbound ......... ~ vlovement /olume (veh/h) )eakoHour Factor, PHF 4ourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) I )ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 4 I 5 6 T L I T R 637 9 0.91 699 3 0.91 o o 638 0.91 ] 0.91 701 0.91 9 Vledian Type ] Undivided ~T Channelized ] I [ 0 _aries I 1 I ~ I o Configuration [ L Jpstream Signal [ I 0 I ~ / o J I o I [ ~linor Street I Northbound Southbound 10 I 11 12 L I T R 0.91 Vlovement I 7 I I L I ¢olume (veh/h) [ [ Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.91 [ 0.91 0.91 (~'y Flow Rate, HFR ) 0 I 0 0 ] .~..,t Heavy Vehicles I 0 I 2 I o I 2 Percent Grade (%) I 0 0 Flared Approach I Storage I RT Channelized I 8 9 T R 0:91 0.91 0 0 0 0 Lanes I 0 Configuration N 0 0 0 0 Approach [ Eastbound Westbound Northbound I 4 7 I 8 I 9 ~Movement I Lane Configuration I 889 v (vehlh) ] C (m) (veh/h) I 'v/c t 0. 00 95% queue length I 0.00 Control Delay (s/veh) I 9.1 .LOS I A Approach Delay (s/veh) I I I [ I [Approach LOS I I I I I N 0 0 0 0 LR Southbound 10 ]11 ]12 I'R I I I I 153 I I 0.01 I I I I -- - 28.7 D of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 111512007 4:32 PM knalyst MCM I Intersection Main Rd (N¥S 25) at North St ~gency/Co. Nelson & Pope ~ Jurisdiction )ate Performed 11/1/07 / Analysis Year 2007 knalysis Time Pedod Existing Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) 'roject Description Main Rd (NYS 25} at North St (Existing Sat Peak Hr Adjusted) ~ ~ ~r_ reet:MainRoad NYS 25 NoAh/South Street: Nort~h Stree~t ~ ~ li~rsection Orientation: East-West -- Stud Period (hrs): 0.25 .... ~ ~lajor Street Eastbound Westbound ~1ovement 1 I 2 I 3 L I T I 4 I ~a5 I 0.90 I 0.90 I 0.90 ~5~'~iY[ ~l~'~avy VeBMes ~dian Type RZ~ Ch~np~lj~ed ?ume (veh/h) ~e, ak-Hour Factor, PHF Lanes '~,onfiguration Upstream signal Minor Street Movement ;Volume (veh/h) peak-Hour Factor, PHF ourly Flow Rate, HFR eh/h) ercent Heavy Vehicles Fercent Grade (%) larod Approach Storage LRT Channelized aries Configuration -[Approach 4 L .~ane Configuration (veh/h) 0.90 UndivNed ~ I ~ I o I o I o I NoAhbound 9 R 0.90 7 I 8 L t T 0.90 I 0,90 o I o o I o 0 I N I 5 6 677 0.90 0.90 0 Southbound 10 L 11 12 T R 7 5 0.90 0.90 0.90 5 0 Z 2 0 2 0 I N 0 Eastbound ~Vlovement 1 L 4 ..C (m) (veh/h) Iv/c 95% queue length -iControl Delay (s/veh) !LOS ~Approach Delay (s/veh) *lApproach LOS 857 0.00 0.0'1 9.2 A Westbound 4 1 I - r Copyright ©2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved No~hbound J 7 8 9 Southbound 10 J 11 12 I LR I ~2 J 227 J 0.05 J 0.17 J 21.7 21.7 C HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 1115/2007 4:32 pl~ ~nalyst MCM Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot ~gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Ln )ate Performed 11/I/2007 Jurisdiction Existing AM Peak Hr Analysis Year 2007 matysis Time Period (Adjusted) ~ Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Existing AM Peak HrAdjusted) 2q~[~treet: Ma/~o~ - ~epot Lane ~~ ~ - [Study~ ~ lajor Street Eastbound I Westbound lovement 1 I 2 3 I 4 I 5 6 L I T R I L I T R 59 I 399 I 532 50 'olume (veh/h) 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.82 I 0.82 0.82 Iourly Flow Rate, HFR /eh/h) 71 486 0 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 I '- - I 0.82 I 0.82 0 648 0.82 6O 4edian Type Undivided tT Channelized I I 0 I I 0 anes 1 I 1 I 0 0 I 1 ;onfiguration L f T I I ;pstream Signal /linor Street /Iovement folume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF Flow Rate, HFR I 0 I No~hbound L I T 0.82 0.82 o L_o o J_ o it Heavy Vehicles 9 R 0.82 I o I 0 TR Southbound 10 [ 11 12 L ] T R 38 I 68 0.82 [ 0.82 0.82 82 ~t Grade (%) :lared Approach N Storage 0 ~,T Channelized 2 _[ o 2 0 N 0 _aries 0 0 0 0 0 0 3onfiguration LR Approach Eastbound [ Westbound Northbound Southbound 4 I I I I 29.0 10 11 LR 128 275 0.47 Z32 29.0 D Vlovement 1 _ane Configuration L / (veh/h) 71 .3 (m) (veh/h) 89'1 z/c O. 08 ;~5% queue length 0.26 &pproach Delay (slveh) Control Delay (s/veh) 9.4 LOS A Approach LOS D 12 ;O' '~ht © 2005 Universit7 of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+~M Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:33 PM ~,n~lyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Pedod MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 Existing PM Peak Hr (Adjusted) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main I~d fNYS 25) at Depot Ln 2007 ~r6jec[ Descfipti0n Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Existing PM Peak, Hr Adjusted) :-astNVest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) ,ntersection Orientation: East-West INorth/South Street: DepotLane IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ~ajor Street { EastbOund I es[ :~ovement J 1 J 2 I L J T Volume (veh/h) J 35 J 60~ beak_H0~ Factor, PHF J 0.86 J 0.86 ~rceai:H~Vy 9e6i~les J 2 J -- M~dian Type J RT Channelized J J 6 R 53 3 I 4 I 5 R j L J T · 0.86 -I 0.86 J 0.86 undivided 086 -- ' 1 ! ~'Lanes I 1 J 1 J 0 J 0 J t I 0 ~Configuration I L J T I J I L TR Jupstream Signal J I 0 J J J 0 I Northbound J Southbound 'Minor Street J ¢ovement I 7 J 8 L I T Volume (veh/h) J J j~[Peak-Hour Factor, PHF J 0.86 J 0.86 H0urly Fl°w Rate, HFR I 0 J 0 veh/h) '[P_ercent Grade (%) J 0 - ~lared Approach J J N -~Percent Heavy Vehicles J¸ J o -f Storage J, RT Channelized Lanes -iC0nfiguration Approach ~JMovement ~-tLane Configuration v (veh/h) -lC (m)(veh/h) J - vic J 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) 'LOS -jApproach Delay (s/veh) J IApproach LOS J Eastbound Westbound 1 4 L 40 840 0.05 0.15 9.5 A ;opydght © 2005 University of Florida, All R~ghts Reserved 9 10 J 51 0.860 I 0.8659 11 T 0.86 2 0 I N I 12 R 49 0.86 56 0 0 0 J 0 0 J LF~ Southbound 11 12 LR 115 186 0.62 3.49 51.4 F 51.4 Northbound 7 8 F HCS+TM Version 5.21 10 Generated: 11/5/2007 ,nalyst MCM Intersection ~gency/Co, Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction Ln )ate Performed 1 I/1/2007 ~nalysis Time Period E~isting Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) Aha ys s Year 2007 ~ (NYS 25) ~(£xisting Sat Peak Hr Adjusted) ~:~L~treet: Main Road ~ ~o~ot Lane ~ ~ ~t-~F Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Depot IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 lajor Street I Eastbound I Westbound lovement I 1 [ 2 I L I olume (veh/h) I 50 I 611 eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.96 j 0.96 Iouriy Flow Rate, HFR /eh/h) 52 . 636 T R I L I R 'ercent Heavy Vehicles I 2 I - -- I 0 I - I -- ]edian Type I Undivided ',T Channelized I I 0 I 0 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 661 [ 54 0.96 I 0.96 I 0.96 0.96 0 0 688 56 aries I ¢ t 1 I 0 I t o [ 1 o ;onfiguration T I TR Ipstream Signal 0 I 0 ~inor Street Northbound Southbound 4ovement 7 I 8 9 10 I 11 12 I L I T R L I T R ¢oiume (veh/h) 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.96 I 0.96 ...... /FlowRate, HFR j 0 J 0 Heavy Vehicles _J 0 J o ~eroent Grade (%) I 0 ;lared Approach Storage ~T Channelized _anes ~onfigumtion \pproach vlovement 0.96 61 I 0.96 I 0.96 _ane Configuration Eastbound Westbound Norfhbound 1 4 7 N 0.96 98 I 8 9 0 0 0 0 LR Southbound 10 ] 11 I LB / (veh/h) 52 I 161 ~ (m) (veh/h) 864 I 231 /lc 0.06 [ 0.70 35% queue length 0.19 9.4 A .Control Delay (s/veh) _OS ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) 4.54 50.1 50.1 F 12 Approach LOS ©2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:34 PM mabjst kgency/Co. )ate Performed \nalysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope 1 '//1/2007 Existing AM Peak Hr (Adjused) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year School House Rd at Depot Lane 2007 'roject Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (Existing~AM Peak Adjusted) !asr]West Street: School House Road J_NOrth/South Street:~ot Lane 3te_rsection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 tlajor Street ,4ovement /olume (veh/h) 5 ~%k=HouF Factor PHF I 0.74 ~e~rcent Heavy Vehicles J 2 '_anes I 0 ,Configuration j LT Upstream Signal J ~Minor Street [ ~e~ian TYpe RT Channelized ;Movement J 7 olume (veh/h) 23 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF IHourly Flow Rate, HFR ~ercent Heavy Vehicles ~ Grade (%) ~Flared Approach Storage LRT Channelized .Approach Movement Lane Configuration v (yah/h) - JC (m) (veh/h) vic ~95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) ~LOS -iApproach Delay (s/yah) r' Approach LOS 0.74 31 2 Northbound SoUthbound 2 J 3 4 J 5 J 6 96 J 1~1~1 34 0.74 0.74 0.~ , J 0.74 0.74 unc~vided Eastbound T O. 74 0 J N I o J LR Northbound / Southbound 1 / 4 LT 1379 0.00 0.0'1 7.6 - I .~opyfighl © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 0 9 10 R L 12 0.74 0.74 16 0 2 0 0 0 0 Westbound 7 J 8 HCS+TM Version 5,21 Westbound J 11 12 I T R  0.74 0.74 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0~ 0 Eastbound J 11 12 LR 47 733 0.06 0.2~ ~0.2 B 'i0.2 B Generated: t115/2007 4:34 P~ \naiyst MCM Intersection School House Rd at Depot \gencylCo. Nelson & Pope Lane )ate Performed 11/1/2007 Jurisdiction Existing PM Peak Hr Analysis Year 2007 ~,nalysis Time Period (Adjused) at Depot Lane (Existin PM Peak Adjusted) North/South Street: Depot Lane ~te ecfion Orientation: ~ IStudy Per(od (hfs): 0.25 Street I Northbound I Southbound | /lovement J I J 2 3 R [ L I T lolume (veh/h) J 2 t 82 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF J 0.73 J 0.73 ~lourJy Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 2 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles j 2 J ~- dedian Type J O. 73 0 I 4 I 5 I 6 I L I T I R J I 0.73I 0.73 I 0.73 j 0 12~ 15 I o I - I -- J Undivided J ~T Channelized aries I 0 [ :onfiguration I L T I I 7R Jpstream Signal I I o I I o I Vlinor Street J Eastbound Westbound vlovement J 7 J 8 9 10 J 11 12 I L I T R L I T R Volume (veh/h) I 26 I l0 I ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.73 -I~" 'y Flow Rate, HFR ,,,A,~,,0 35 0 13 0 0 0 , ~ ,t Heavy Vehicles I 2 Percent Grade (%) j 0 0 ~tared Approach J J N N Storage RT Channelized J 0 0 Lanes 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration J J LR Approach Northbound J Southbound Westbound Eastbound J Movement 1 Lane Configuration LT v (veh/h) 2 C (m) (veh/h) 1448 vic 0.00 Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS 95% queue length 0.00 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.5 LOS A 4 7 9 I l0 I 11 12 J LR J 48 J I J 9.9 J ~- -qht © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2~ Generated: 11/5/2007 4:34 PM \nalyst \gency/Co. )ate Performed ~,nalysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope 11/I/'2007 ' Existing Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year ~rOj~Ct Descdpti0n School House Rd at Depot Lane (Existing set Peak Adjusted) ~ast/West Street: School House Road ntersection Orientation: North-South School House Rd at Depot Lane 2007 INorth/South Street: Depot ,ane IStudy Pedod (hfs): 0.25 Northbound I Southbound ~ I2 I 3 I 4 I5 4 I 97 I I I 139 o. so I 0.60 l,o. so°'~°" I ~'~_~ ...... Undivided o I 0 I 0 0 I 1 i/lajor Street ~ovement Volume (veh/h) '~e~k-Hour-Factor, PHF [~erPent Heavy Vehicles ~edian Type RT Channelized Configuration Upstream Signal Eastbound Westbound Movement I 7 I 8 9 i 10 I 11 12 I " I T * I ' I ~ R 'Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hou r Factor, PH F 0. 80 O. 80 O. 80 O. 80 O. 80 0. 80 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 37 0 23 0 0 ~Percent Heavy Vehicles I 2 I 0~ 2~ 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 'Flared Approach I i N 0 -I' Storage 0 _IRT Chafinelized I LR :Lanes I 0 ~C0nfiguration ;Approach Northbound Movement I 1 -~Lane Configuration I LT i1~(veh/h) (m) (veh/h) Southbound 4 1358 vic 0.00 -~95% queue length 0.0~' lControl Delay (s/veh) 7.7 ~LOS A _~A~pproach Delay (s/veh) -- Approach LOS - !~fopyrighl © 2005 Universib~ of Flodda, Ail Rights Reserved 0 Westbound 0 N 0 0 0 0 Eastbound 7 8 9 10 11 12 LR 60 730 0.08 0.27 10.4 B 10.4 B HCa+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 111512007 4:35 Pf~ Analyst ~,gency/Co. Date Performed MCM ] Intersection Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 l Jurisdiction Existing AM Peak Hr I Analysis Year (Adjusted) I Anatysis Time Period -- t Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (Existing AM Adjusted) --_ ~ lest Street: Middle Read (CR 48) INorth/South Street: Middle Rd (CR 48) ~ Depot Lane 2OO7 Depot Lane nt~l~'ection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 )/lajor Street I Eastbound I Westbound '~ovement J 1 J 2 I I T Jolume (veh/h) I I 654 beak-Hour Factor, PHF I Hourly Flow Rate, HFR iveh/h) 13 734 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles I 2 I -- !zledia n Type I RT Channelized I .Configuration Upstream Signal 3 I 4 I 5 6 L R I L I T R ~2 60 I 83 I 638 4 0.89I 0.69 0.~9I 0.89I 0.8~ 0.89 70 716 I 2 I -- Raised curb 56 4 I I 1 I t 2 1 L I T R 0 Minor Street I Northbound Southbound Movement I 7 I 8 9 10 I 11 12 L I T R L I T R 14 65 6 10 0.89 Volume (veh/h) I 61' Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.89 I 14 0.89 I 0.89 0.89 .(~b' -ly Flow Rate, HFR 68 [ 15 n) I i ,t Heavy Vehicles I 2 I 2 15 2 I 2 Pe-"~cent Grade (%) 73 0.89 11 0 0 ~Ftared Approach I N N Storage I 0 0 RT Channelized I 1 Lanes I 0 I 1 0 I 1 Godfiguration I L T R L T R :Approach ~Movement Lane Configurat on ,v (veh/h) Eastbound L 13 880 0.01 0.04 9.2 A Westbound L 70 867 0.08 0.26 9.5 A LT 83 224 0.37 ~i.62 30.2 D Northbound I Southbound 9 I 10 R I LT 630 I 199 0.12 I 0.11 0.39 I 0.35 11.5 I 25.2 tC (m) (veh/h) vic 95% queue length Contro Delay (s/veh) .LOS IApproach Delay (slveh) Approach LOS 11 12 R 638 0.02 0.05 10.7 20.2 ° I c 'ight © 2005 UniversibJ of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:35 PM I Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot tnalyst MCM Intersection Lane kgency/Co. Nelson & Pope )ate Performed 11/'//2007 ~ Jurisdiction Existing PM Peak Hr ~ Analysis Year 2007 \nalysis Time Period (Adjusted) ~ )rOj~ct Description Middle Road :_astJWest Street: Middle Road (CR 48) INorth/South Street: Depot Lane ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Pedod (hrs): 0.25 i/lajor Street Eastbound I Westbound vlovement 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I s 6 ¢Olume (veh/h) 18 p'~r~n~ HeavY Vehicles ~ ~. Type Raised curb m 'Lanes Configuration L T ~Upstream Signal 0 ~i~o~ Street ~o~hbound ~ Southbound 'Movement 7 8 9 ~ 10 J 11 12 L T R I L I T R Volume (veh/h) 54 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.97 0.97 - . ~0'97 ~ 0.97 ~ 0.97 0.97 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 [ 2 2 2 ~ercen~ Grade (%) 0 ~ 0 Flared Approach ~ N ~ N Storage ~ 0 ~ O RT Channelized Donfiguration L T ~ R ~ L T R Approach ~ Eastbound Westbound 4oAhbound Sou~bound Movement I 1 Lane Configuration I L (vehlh) I '/8 C (m) (veh/h) I 879 ¢/c ] 0. 02 95% queue length I 0.06 Control Delay (s/veh) I 9.2 LOS I A Approach Delay (s/veh) I Approach LOS [ Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 4 39 907 0.04 0.13 9.1 A 7 LT 68¸ 252 0.27 1.06 24.5 C 9 R 49 10 I 11 112 Lr I IR 655 227 0.07 0.04 0.24 0.11 'i0.9 B 18.8 C 638 0.02 0.06 HCS+TM Version 5.21 21.4 ~4.8 B Generated: 11/5/2007 4:35 P: knalyst MCM Intersection \gency/Co. Nelson & Pope . . I Junsdtction )ate Performed 11/1/2007 . \nalysis Time Period Existing Sat Peak Hr (Adjust) Analysis Year . Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (Existin Sat Ad'oared) Mi~ r [North/South Street: DepotLane Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Lane 2007 IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ~ajor Street I Eastbound I Westbound 4ovement I 1 I L I 'olume (veh/h) I 31 2 5 6 3 I 4 T T R 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.92 I 0.92 R I L 560 92 I 83 607 4 tourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 33 608 'ercent Heavy Vehicles I 2 I - 4edian Type 0.92 I 0.92 99 90 Raised curb 0.92 659 0.92 4 tT Channelized I I anes 1 I 2 I 1 ~ I 2 I ¢ :onrigur~tion I L I r [ R L I r I R Jpstream Signal I J o i o Airier Street I Northbound Southbound j Aovement I 7 I 8 9 12 J L [ ~- /olume (veh/h) I 32 I 25 )eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.92 I 0.92 'v Flow Rate, HFR 34 I 27 Heavy Vehicles I 2 I 2 r~t Grade (%) I 0 --lared Approach Storage ~T Channelized I _aries I 0 .~onfiguration I LT N R 65 0.92 7O 2 R 10 11 L T 8 14 0.92 0.92 8 15 2 2 LT ~,pproach I Eastbound I Westbound Northbound Vlovement J I J 4 _ane Configuration [ L j L , (veh/h) J 33 j 90 D (m) (veh/h) J 925 J 966 I I 0.09 LT I 225 J R 70 692 0.04 0.27 0.10 queue length I 0.1'/ j 0.31 1.06 I 0.34 9.0 26.8 10.8 Control Delay (s/veh) J J 9. 1 O I B R 0.92 11 2 0 N Approach Delay (slveh) J J -- Approach LOS t - t -- 10 LT 23 203 Southbound R 11 J 12 I R J 11 J 666 0.11 0.02 0.38 I 0.05 25.0 10.5 B C -- 18.3 20.3 C C ;, ,ht © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:36 PM No Build Condition ~nalyst MCM Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crownland ~gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction Z)ate Performed 11/1/2007 Analysis Time Period No Build AM Peak Hr Analysis Year 2009 ~ Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crown Land Rd (No Build) -- ~ ~ (NYS 25) JNorth/South Street: Crown Land Rood nt'6~ection Orientation: ~ IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 Street I Eastbound I Westbound ] ~lovement I 1 I 2 I L I T /olume (veh/h) I 2 I 465 ?eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.81 I 0.8? 4ourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 2 574 ;'ercent Heavy Vehicles I 2 [ -- vledian Type RT Channelized _aries I 0 Donfiguration j LT Jpstream Signal I I 0 I 4 I 5 6 I I b I T R I I I 555 I ? J I 0.8? I 0.81I 0.81 0 685 [ 1 f Undivided I I o ,~linor Street I Northbound Vlovement I 7 I 8 I 9 L [ T R Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.8'/ 0.81 [~y Flow Rate, HFR ) 0 0 i' ,t Heavy Vehicles I 0 I 0 Pe~nt Grade (%) I 0 Flared Approach I I N Storage I I 0 RT Channelized Lanes Configuration I I o j o I 1 I o j I o I 10 Southbound 11 12 L T R 4 7 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 4 0 0 0 0 N LR 2 ~pproach I Eastbound Movement I I Lane Configuration I LT v (veh/h) . I 2 C (m) (veh/h) [ 908 9/c [ O. O0 95% queue length I 0.01 Control Delay (slveh) I 9.0 iLOS I A 'Approach Delay (s/veh) I Approach LOS I 2005 Universiiy of Florida, A I Rights Reserved Northbound I Southbound 8 I 9 I l0 Ill Westbound 12 4 I I o I I 17.3 I HCS+TM Version 5~.1 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:41 PM ~,nalyst \gency/Co. )ate Performed knalysis Time Pedod MCM Nelson & Pope 1 .//1/2007 No Build PM Peak Hr Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crownland 2009 ~tion Main Rd ~_~__at Crown Land Rd (No BuildJ :.astM/est Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) ~lorth/South Street: Crown Land Road ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 ¢tajor Street Eastbound I ¢lovement 1 2 3 I 4 T L I L 7olume (veh/h) I '/2 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.96 Percent Heavy VehiclesI 2 Media. n Type RT Channelized 'Lanes ,Configuration Upstream Signal iMinor Street Movement N/Olume (veh/h) fveh/_eak-Hour Factor PHF Hourly Fi°w Rate, HFR '.~ercent Heavy Vehicles :er~'~ent Grade (%) lared Approach Storage .IRT Channelized Lanes ~~ ~?~ _~[]~°nfigurati°n -~pproach Movement Lane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) ~v/c _.;95% queue length IControl Delay (s/veh) ~LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) .. IApproach LOS 582 0.96 606 Westbound I 5 6 I 6'10 4 0.96 0.96 I 0.96 0.96 - ; ..... 0 Undivided 0 NoAhbound 7 J 8 L I T 0.96 I 0.96 0 J N 0 Eastbound 0 9 10 R L 2 0.96 0.96 0 2 0 2 I° 0 0 Westbound Northbound 1 I 4 LT 946 0.01 0.04 8.9 ;opyfight © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 7 J 8 9 HCS+TM Version 5.21 0 ~outhbound 11 12 T R 0.96 0.96 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 LR Southbound 10 I 11 12 J LR 377 0.03 0.10 ,14.9 J B ./4.9 B Generated: 11/5/2007 4:41 ~,nalyst ~,gency/Co. )ate Performed ~,nalysis Time Period ~ Main Rd (NYS 2_~ at Crown Land Rd (No Build) ~treet: M~25) [North/South Street: MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 No Build Sat Peak Hr intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crownland 2009 Crown Land Road IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 /lajor Street Eastbound I Westbound /lovement 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I5 I 6 I I b I T [ R I L IT I R J /olume (veh/h) I 5 I 595 I I I613 I 5 'eak-Hour Factor, PHFI 0.93 I 0.93 I 0.93 I 0.93 I0.93 0.93 ~ouriy Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 5 639 0 0 659 5 'ercent Heavy VehiclesI 2 I - I -- I 0 ] -- I -- '-'I ,/ledian Type I Undivided ~,T Channelized I _aries 1 I 3on~guration I L?- I Jpstream Signal I I 0 t/linor Street I Northbound vlovement I 7 8 T /olume (veh/h) :eak-Hour Factor, PHF -ly Flow Rate, HFR L 0.93 0 Heavy Vehicles I 0 0.93 o 9 10 R L 2 0.93 0.93 o o 2 I o j 1 I o j o I Southbound 11 12 T R 0.93 I 0.93 2 nt Grade (%) I 0 0 :lared Approach i I N i N Storage I 0 I 0 :~T Channelized I 0 I 0 _anes I 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 :onfiguration I I I LR Approach Eastbound t Westbound Northbound I Southbound Movement I t 4 7 8 9 I 10 I 11 12 Lane Configuration bT I I I LR v (veh/h) 5 t I I 13 C (m) (veh/h) 925 I I I 368 v~c o.o~ I I I o-o~ 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS 0.02 A I - t - I University or Florida, All Rights Reserved [ [ 0.11 ] Ic - ] ~5.1 - I c HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:42 PM ~,nalyst MCM I Intersection kgency/Co. Nelson & Pope I Jurisdiction )ate Performed 1 '1/1/2007 / Analysis Year 2009 knalysis Time Period No Build AM Peak Hr 'roject Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland Rd (No Build) !astJWest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) ~~land ROad atersection Orientation: East-West ~ Period(hrs,. 0.25 ~lajOr Street ,,lOVement 7olume (veh/h) >eak-Hour Eactor, PHF :~J an 3-ype RT_Cha~nelized Lanes T.3onfiguration CJpstream Signal Minor Street ;Movement ..Volume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ~ercent Heavy Vehicles '~ercent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage i~T Channelized aries Dbnfiguration I Main Rd (NYS 25) at High/and Eastbound Westbound L J T [ R 0.83 J 0.83 J 0.83 I J -555 . J I t I 0 I 1 ~ No~hbound 7 I 8 L I T 0.83 J 0.83 0 } 0 -- 0 J_ 0 0 J N I0 o I Eastbound -~lovement J 1 _~Lane Configuration J LT ¢ (vehlh) I 7 ]v~m) (veh/h) I 937 0.01 95% queue length J 0.02 Westbound 4 4 0.83 ° 0 Undivided o 9 10 R L 9 ~83 ~83 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 No~hbound 7 J 8 9 I HCS+TM Version 5~.1 5 6 T R 528 0.83 0.83 636 13 0 1 0 o Southbound I 11 12 I T R J 0.83 0.83 o 8 J_ o 2 0 N 0 0 0 0 LR Southbound 10 11 12 LR 16 254 ~06 0.20 2~1 C 20. 1 C Generated: 11/5/2007 4:42 pry ' Control Delay (s/veh) J 8.9 JLOS I A Approach Delay (s/veh) J -- 1Approach LOS J - ' ;opyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved ~,nalyst ' : \gency/Co. ;)ate Performed ~,nalysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 No Build PM Peak Hr Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland 2009 'ro~ct Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland Rd (No Build) ~t: Main Road '(NYS 2~ ~ Highland Road ~ajor Street Eastbound I Westbound 4ovement ¢olume (veh/h) 'oak-Hour Factor, PHF iourly Flow Rate, HFR ceh/h) 'ercent Heavy Vehicles /ledian Type ~,T Channelized _anes ;onfiguration L I T 5 I 580 0.93 I 0.93 5 623 3 I 4 f 5 I 6 R I LIT R 627 12 0.93 I 0.93 I 0.9~I 0. ga 0 0 I674 12 '- I o I - I -- ' LT o Undivided 0 I 1 0 I 0 TR Jpstream Signal ¢linor Street Nodhbound Southbound ¢Iovement 7 I 8 9 10 12 /olume (veh/h) ~e.ak-Hour Factor, PHF 4oudy Flow Rate, HFR [h) Vehicles ~nt Grade (%) =lared Approach Storage L I T 0.93 R ~T Channelized 0.93 0.93 o o o o I 0 o I o o I 11 6 I 0.93 I 0.93 6 0 __ 2 J o Configuration I N o I o I LR R 6 0.93 6 2 Approach I Eastbound Westbound Northbound I -- Southbound Movement I 1 Lane Configuration I LT v (veh/h) I 5 C (m) (veh/h) I 908 vic I 0.01 95% queue length I 0.02 Control Delay (s/veh) I 9.0 LOS I A Approach Delay (s/veh) I -- Approach LOS I - ~,opyrlght © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 8 9 I 10 11 12 LR 12 251 0.05 0.15 20_1 C 20.1 C HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:42 PM ~,nalyst Agency/Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope '11/1/2007 No Build Sat Peak Hr tlntersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland 2009 ~tion Main Rd (NYS 25)~nd Rd (No Buil¢ct~lS_outh Street: Ea§tANest~Street: Main Road (NYS 25) Highi~n~ R6ad ntersection Orientation: ~a]Or Street .Vlovement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF (verb/h) ~.ai~n Type ~T Channelized Lanes '~onfiguratJon ¢Upstream Signal lMinor Street Movement tVolume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF ,iHour!y Flow Rate, HFR '-";Percent Heavy Vehicles i~Fercent Grade (%) lared Approach Storage iRT Channelized Lanes Configuration East-West. IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 Eastbound ~ Westbound o.~8I 0.88 o. 8~ I o.¢~I 0.88j o. 8~ I 565 9 Undivided o [ ~ J o I o I ~ o LT I I ~ I TR No~hbound [ 7 8 J L T I 0.88 0 0 0 0.88 0 J N 0 0 9 10 L J 10 0.88 J 0.88 0 t 0 2 Southbound 11 T 0.88 0 o I 12 R 0 0.88 0 0 2 I Eastbound I Westbound I0 Northbound 0 0 LR ' 'Movement  ane Configuration (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) vic !95% queue length --iControl Delay (s/veh) .. ~LOS !Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS LT 5 999 0.0~ J 0.02 J 8.8 A Southbound k;opyd§ht © 2005 Universit~ of Florida,/MI Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 J 179 J J26.4 J 26.4 D Generated: 11/5/2007 4:43 pI~ \nalyst Ngency/Co. :)ate Performed ~,nalysis T!me Pedod MCM Nelson & Pope 1 '1/1/2007 No Build AM Peak Hr ~ect Description Main Road at Griffin Street (No Build) test Street: Main Read (N¥S 25) Intersection Jurisdiction Aha ys s Year Main Rd (IVYS 25) at Griffin St I 2009 INerthiSouth Street: Griffin Street _ I - ~tionOrientation: East-West IStudy Pedod (hrs): 0.25 /lajor Street I Eastbound Westboum I L I T R ~Ovement I 1 L /olume (veh/h) I 58 2 I 3 T R 420 I I 49¢ 0.83 88 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.83 I 0.83 I 0.83 I 0.83 0.83 -Iourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 69 506 0 0 601 106 )ercent Heavy Vehicles I 2 -- I - I 0 I - -- Undivided ¢ledian Type ~,T Channelized _anes _3onfiguration Jpstream Signal Minor Street · I V~ovement I 7 L Volume (veh/h) J Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.83 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (v~C,Jh) 0 ~~ioles J 0 ~nt Grade (%) No~hbound 0.83 Southbound 9 I 10 R 0.83 J 0 o I 11 12 L T R 40 44 0.83 0.83 0.83 48 0 53 2 0 2 0 Flared Approach J J N ! Storage J J 0 RT Channelized J J Lanes I 0 J 0 ~Configuration J I N 0 0 1 L R ,Approach Eastbound I Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement Lane Configuration ,.k¢ (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) v/c i95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS 1 I 4 89 I 891 J 0.08 J 0.25 J 9.4 J - - I ~.opydght © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 7 '1 I · I J 11 12 R I E I -- 24.2 C 53 467 0.11 0.38 13.7 B HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:43 PM Analyst Agency/Co. Date Pedormed Analysis Time Period MCM' Nelson & Pope 1 '1/'I/2007 No Build PM Peak Hr Intersection ,Jurisdiction Ana[ysis Year Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Griffin St ~ 2009 ~roject Description Main Road at Griffin Street (No Bulld) ~astJWest Street: ~ ~ GfihTn Street ~ nterse~tion ~-ientation: E~st-We~t ---~ --_~ ~ 0.25 Major Street Eastbound I 4 5 ,MOvement 1 2 3 6 [ VOlume (veh/h) psak-Hobr Factor, PHF 30 0.89 L T 57O 0.89 640, LT I 0 Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement IVolume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR eh/h) ercent Heavy Vehicles Fercent Grade (%) lared Approach Storage ~f~T Channelized Lanes NoKhbound 7 8 L T 0.89 0.89 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 ~onfiguration -~pproach Eastbound Westboun ..1 LT 33 '!Movement Lane Configuration (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) vic I O. 04 ?5% queue lengthI O. ~2 t' ~C°ntr°l_ILOS Delay DeLay (s/veh) I 9.2 A LlApproach (s/veh) -- 1Approach LOS I - 882 opydght ~ 2005 University of Florida, All Rights 4 Reserved R I L o: 89 I o: 89 Uficlivided 0 0 0 9 10 R L 22 0.89 O. 89 0 24 0 2 !° 0 L Northbound HCS+TM Version 5.21 T 593 R o: 89 0.89 666 . 53 0 Southbound 11 12 T R 34 0.89 0.89 0 38 0 2 0 N 0 o , o 1 [ Sou~bound 10 I 11 12 b I R 24 I 38 ~49 I 444 0.16 I 0.09 0.56 I 0.28 '33.7 13.9 2~.6 C Generated: 11/5/2007 4:43 knalyst MCM Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St ~,gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction )ate Performed 11/1/2007 Ana ysis Year 2009 ~,nalysis Time Period No Build Sat Peak Hr 'ro~ct Description Main Road at Griffin Street (No Build) ~eet: Main Road (NYS 25) ~ Griffin Street ~ ~ntation: East-West ' -- ~-- ~ajor Street I Eastbound I We~bound ~ovement I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 s5 I 56z 'olume (veh/h) J J 576 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF J 0.95 J 0.95 0.05 I 0.95 I 0.95 Ioudy Flow Rate, HFR J veh/h) 36 596 0 0 I 606 'ercent Heavy Vehicles J 2 J -- J -- J 0 J -- 4edian Type J Undivided 105 0.95 110 ~TChannelized J J :onfiguration J L T I Jpstream Signal 1 J 0 /linor Street J Northbound ,4ovement J 7 J 8 9 J L I T R /olume (veh/h) J )eak-Hour Factor, PHF J 0.95 J 0.95 0.95 0 0 0 Vehicles J 0 J_ 0 0 4ourly Flow Rate, HFR ~l~llht Grade (%) 0 --lared Approach J J N o I i Storage J ~T Channelized J 0 Southbound 10 J 11 L J T 0 ] o j 12 t R 64I 61 I 0.95 J 0.95 0.95 67 0 2 J_ o o I N 0 0 0 0 _anes J 0 0 0 1 0 1 R .Configuration Approach Movement Eastbound ~ Lane Configuration ] LT v (veh/h) J 36 C (m) (veh/h) J 885 vic J 0. 04 95% queue length J 0.13 Control Delay (s/veh) I 9.2 LOS ' J A Approach Delay (s/veh) J Westbound Northbound Southbound 4 7 8 9 10 11 I 12 ' I R 67 J 64 164 J 462 0.41 J 0.14 1.80 I 0.48 41.3 J 14.0 28.0 D Approach LOS J -- - ~opyrigh'~ © 2005 University of FIodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:44 PM knalyst \gencylCo. )ate Per[ormed ~nalysis Time Pedod MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 No Build AM Peek Hr Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St I 2009 'roject Des.c_ripti9n Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St (No Build) [as~est Str~et:_~Main Road (NYS 25) ~S°uth str&~t! Nbrth ~treet ~tersection Orientation: East-West ~lajor Street Eastbouno I v. /olume (veh/h) 2 I 511 I I 611 6 ~[y,~FJ:o.~/~Ba.t..e, +HFR ~ ~, 2 · 638 0 0 763 7 ive~h/h) ~ian Type Undivided R~ Channelized I I 0 I 0 :onfiguration L T Upstream Signal ~inor Street No~hbound Southbound ~ovement 7 yolume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.80 ~ 0.80 0.80 0.80 ~ 0.80 0.80 aUrly F,ow Rate, HFR ~ J 0 1 __~ 0 0 0 0 vy Vehicles 0 ~ 0 L 0 2 ~ 0 2 ercent G~de (%) ~ 0 0 lared Approach I ~ N I ~ N ~T Chan..,~a~"~ I 0 ~ 0 0 0 I 0 0 Configuration I I I LR -I~pproach IEastb°und I Westbound No~hbound ] Southbound --'Movement I 1 I 4 7 [ 8 9 I 10 11 Lane Configuration ~ L T ~ ~ ~ LR -iContro, Delay (s/veh) 1..,ro o LOS ' ;opyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generaled: 11/5/2007 4:44 P~ ~nalyst kgency/Co. )ate Performed malysis Time Pedod MCM Nelson & Pope : : 11/1/2007 No Build PM Peak Hr Intersection Main Rd (NYC 25) at North St Jurisdiction Analysis Year 2009 ro_~t Descriptio n Main Rd (NYC 25) at North St (No Build) a estStreet: MainRoad (NYC 25) ~ Street: No[ih Street ~ tionOdentation: Eas~-West ' -- ~ -- ~aJor Street -~ Eastbound I Westbound ~ovement 1 2 3 I 4 t 5 R I L J T R 'olume (veh/h) 660 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 Iourly Flow Rate, HFR zeh/h) 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 4edian Type ',T Channelized anes ;onfiguration 725 0.91 0 0 I I o '1 I t I o L I T Undivided 661 9 0.91 0.91 726 9 0 Jpstream Signal /linor Street Northbound Southbound /Iovement 7 I 8 9 10 L I T 0.91 I 0.91 R ~olume (veh/h) 0 0.91 0 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF L 0.91 0 0 2 0 0 -Iourly Flow Rate, HFR ,t Heavy Vehicles ~ v tGrade (%) J N J 0 :lared Approaoh Storage ~,T Channelized 0 _aries 0 I 0 0 0 :onfiguration Northbound ~pproach I Eastbound Westbound Vlovement I 1 _ane Configuration I L I (veh/h) J 1 D (m) (veh/h) J 870 l/c J 0.00 ;)5% queue length J O. 00 Control Delay (s/¥eh) J 9.1 LOS j A 4 7 Approach Delay (s/veh) J Approach LOS J 11 12 T R 9 0.91 ~91 0 0 o 2 N I 0 0 0 0 LR .. Southbound 10 11 I 12 LR '1 I '143 0.01 0.02 J 30.4 J 30.4 D ;opyright © 2005 Universit7 of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 111512007 4:45 PM tnalyst kgency/Co. )ate Performed ~nalysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope t 1/t/07 No Build Sat Peak Hr Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (N¥S 25) at North St 2009 'roj~ct Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St (No Build) ast/West Street Main Road (~ ~~treet: NOrth Street i ~tersection Orientation: East-West St.L~Pedod ~ 0.25 ~lajor Street I Eastbound ! . , r ,- ¢lm/ement 1 2 3 I 4 I o o :/olume (veh/h) t 4 I 658 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.90 I 0.90 R~.Channe!ized [ ~ ~onfiguration J L J T ~pstream Signal I I 0 J ,Minor Street J Northbound .,Vl°vement I 7L I T8 ,Volume (veh/h) J J ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF J 0.90 J 0.90 0 ourly Flow Rate, HFR ~ercent Heavy Vehicles k0 i~ercent Grade (%) 0 ,Flared Approach I N Storage I 0 'JRT Channelized Cbnfiguration -.[Approach J Eastbound "'Movement J 1 =[Lane Configuration I L y (veh/h) I 4 vOl(m) (veh/h) J 838 c J 0.00 95% queue length J 0.01 - jControl Delay (s/veh) J 9.3 -ILOS J A :Approach Delay (s/veh) J - 1Approach LOS J -- t'"~.opydght ~ 2005 Universily of Florida. Alt Rights Reserved R I L 0.90 J 0.90 0 Undh/ided J T R 701 1 0.90 0.90 I,_ 77.8 9 R 0.90 0 0 0 Westbound 4 0 10 L 5 0.90 2 Southbound J 11 12 I T R, J 0.90 0.90 L o _[ o 2 0 0 I o 0 0 9 Southbound 10 I 11 12 I LR 12 214 22.8 qo~hbound HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:45 ~,nalyst Agency/Co. :)ate Performed Analysis Time Period ~ Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Depot Ln (No Build ~--~o~ nte'f~ection Orientation: ~ MOM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 No Build AM Peak Hr Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year North/South Street: Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln Del~ot Lane 2009 ;tudy Pedod (hfs): 0.25 ~lajor Street ~lovement Eastbound I Westbound 1 I 2 L I T /olume (veh/h) 61 I 413 J )eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.82 J 0.82 0.82 J 0.82 4ourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) )ercent Heavy Vehicles Vledian Type ~,T Channelized 74 503 2 I Donfigurafion _anes I J Jpstream Signal 5 I 6 T I R 251 I 52 0.82 _1 0.82 871 63 - I - Undivided I 0 I o I Northbound J Southbound ~inor Street ~4ovement j 7 I 8 9 j lO I ~ I 12 I L I T R i L I T R /olume (veh/h) J I I 39 70 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF J 0.82 J 0.82 0.82 J 0.82 0.82 0.82 Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 ,t Heavy Vehicles , 0 0 ~~ 0~ ~ o I o Percent Grade (%) N Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized Lanes N 0 o I o I o J 0 0 0 LR Configuration Approach J Eastbound Westbound NOrthboun( Southbound Movement J Lane Configuration J v (veh/h) J 1 4 7 L 74 C (m) (veh/h) J 871 vic J O. 08 95% queue length J 0.28 Control Delay.(s/veh) J 9.5 iLOS J A iApproach Delay (s/veh) J - I 8 9 10 11 J 12 · R I 132 J 261 J 0.51 J 2.64 J 32.1 J o I 32.1 ~pproach I LOS J - - D ~o~ "~ght © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HOB+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:45 P~v \nalyst \gency/Co. :)ate Performed ~,nalysis Time Perio8 MCM Nelson & Pope 1 '1/1/2007 No Build PM Peak Hr ~tion -~ast/West Street: Main Road (NYS 2_~.~ Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (N¥S~t Ln (No Build) [North/South Street: Depot Lane ~tersection Orientation: East-West Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln 2009 IStudy Pedod (hrs): 0.25 ~ajor Street ~lovement Volume [veh/h) 5eak,Hour Factor, PH F Ho-"~Jy FI-o-~'~ate, HFR percent Heavy Vehicles ~Jian T~/pe RT Channelized %aries .Configuration iUpstream Signal Mtnor Street ovement Volume (veh/h) H eak-Hour Factor, PHF ourly Flow Rate, HFR ~Percent Heavy Vehicles erce~nt Grade (%) lared Approach _~R St°rage T Channelized Eastbound [ Westbound 1 I 2 I 3 4 I 5 6 0~_ .l~_o.~t~ ~10~ [-0.86 , 0.86 0.88 Undivided I I I J ~ I No~hbound L ! T I R I 0.86 I 0.86 0.86 ° ° ~o L o o N :~anes 0 '1 0 -¢Configuration I --~Approach t' Eastbound I Westbound 41 I 821 0.05 0.16 9.8 J -~Movement ,-JtLane Configuration v (veh/h) ~jC (m) (vehlh) vic ..95% queue length IControl Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS - I - I ;opydght © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved o I 1 0 TR Southbound 10 J 11 12 T R 53 0.86 J 0.86 51 0.86 59 2 ] 0 2 0 N 0 0 o 0 J LR 7 4o~hbound 8 I 9 I Southbound 10 J 11 12 LR 1~o ~75 0.89 4.10 61.4 61.4 F HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:46 vi ~nalyst MCM Intersection ~gencylCo. Nelson & Pope 'Jurisdiction )ate Performed 11/1/2007 malysis Time Pedod No Build Sat Peak Hr Analysis Year at Depot Ln (No Build) ~enta~on'. East-West Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln 2OO9 J~orth/South Street:__t~_~ot Lane IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 lajor Street Eastbound I Westbound lovement 1 L 52 'olume (veh/h) 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.96 Iourly Flow Rate, HFR 54 /eh/h) 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 3 633 0.96 0.96 659 0 4 5 6 L R T 685 56 0.96 0.96 0.96 0 713 58 qedian Type Undivided tT Channelized I I 0 t 0 anes 1 I 1 I 0 0 o I 1 ;onfiguration L TR lpstream Signal I 0 /linor Street Northbound Southbound T /Iovement i 7 8 9 i 10 I 11 12 I L T R I L I T R folume (vehlh) I I I 63 I 98 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF ] 0.96 I 0.96 0.96 I 0.96 I 0.96 0.96 ' t Heavy Veh~ ~ -~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ercent Grade (%) :lared Approach Storage ~,T Channelized _anes N ;onfigurafion ~ ~,pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound vlovement 1 4 7 I 8 9 _ane Configuration / (veh/h) .~ (m) (veh/h) //c ;)5% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) OS gproach Delay (s/veh) L 54 844 0,06 0.20 9.6 0 eroach LOS N J 0 0 0 LR Southbound 10 J 11 12 0.77 5.38 I A .... 61.6 J '\ 4qht © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:46 PM nalyst MCM gencylCo. Nelson & Pope ~ate Performed 1 '1/172007 No Build AM Peak Hr ,nalysis Time Period (Ad[used) llntersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year ~ Sc~Rd at Depot Lane [No Build AM Peak Adjusted) ast/West Street: School House Road iNorth/S0uth'Street: De_pot Lane )tersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 hjor Street /Iovement I 1 I 2 3 I ' I T R /olume (veh/h) I 5 I 96 ~ I' ~"~n~ Heavy vehicles I 2 ] Cedian ~YP:e ~T Channelized I I I 0 :.anes 3onfiguration I o I SchoolHouse Rd at Depot Lane 2009 Southbound 6 R 34 O; 74 4 I 5 ~ 111 ;; , ..~ 0.74 I o I -- Undivided Upstream Signal ~linor Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ~veh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles P_ercent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage IRT Channelized Eastbound 7 8 L T 23 0.74 0.74 31 0 2 0 I N 1Configuration ~- , J LR iApproach J Northbound J Southbound Movement Lane Configuration 1 ;V (veh/h) ] 6 'JC (m)(veh/h) J 137g i95% queue length J 0.01 . [Control Delay (s/veh) J 7.6 .ALOS JA Approach Delay (s/veh) I -- pproach LOS I -- 9 R 12 0.74 16 I 2 7 0 0 I o · 10 L 0.74 0 0 o Vestbound 9 I 1 I o Westbound 11 12 T R ~ ~74 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o o J Eastbound J 10 11 I L~ I 47 J 733 I 0.06 0.21 ~0.2 B 10.2 B Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 111512007 4:47' \nalyst MCM Hous ~,gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction )ate Performed 11/1/2007 Analysis Year 2009 \nalysis Time Period No Build PM Peak Hr 'r~, Description School House Rd at Depot Lane (No Build !~ol House Read _ Nor~/South Street: Depot Lane ~t'~l~ction Orientation: No[th-South IStudy Period (hfs): 0.25 Intersection School House Rd at School Northbound Southbound /Iovement /olume (veh/h) )eak-Hour Factor, PHF -lourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles ~ledian Type ~,T Channelized :anes .:onfiguration Jpstream Signal ~linor Street ¢lovement L ,/olume (veh/h) 26 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.73 35 2 Flow Rate, HFR ~eT~'ent Grade (%) Fared Approach 2 I 82 0.73 I 0.73 2 0 112 3 I 4 I 5 R [ L [ T I 89 0.73 I 0.73 I 0.73 0 0 12'1 UndivNed Eastbound 8 9 T R 0.73 10 0.73 13 o I I 0 Westbound 10 I 11 T 0.73 I 0.73 o I 6 R 11 0.73 15 TR 12 R O. 73 0 2 0 [ 0 0 0 0 I N N 0 Storage 0 RT Channelized 0 I 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 Configuration LR I Approach I Northbound 1 C (m) (veh/h) I Southbound Westbound Movement 4 7 8 Lane Configuration I LT v (veh/h) I 2 1448 vic I 0.00 95% queue length I 0.00 Control Delay (s/veh) I 7.5 LOS I A Approach Delay (s/veh) I 9 Eastbound 10 I 11 112 I0.0¢ I 10.20 I - -- 9.9 ~pproach LOS I - -- A ~-"4ght©2005UniversityofFIodda, AII Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version5.21 Generated: 1115/2007. 4:47PM %nalyst ,,%. gency/Co. Date Performed ~Analysis Time Period MCM Nelson & Pope 11/I/2007 No Build Sat Peak Hr Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year School House l-~cl at Depot Lane 2009 ~>r0ject DescriptiOn School House Rd at Depot Lane (No Build) East/West Street: School House Road INorth/South Street: Depot Lane ~htersection Orientation: North-South IStUdy Period (hfs): 0.25 ~-';;- '-I No~h~OundI' Southbound _~/10vement I * ' I 2 S I'4 I 5 VOlume (veh/h) I 4 I 97 ' } I 139 32 ~ak~HobrFactor; PHF 0:80 , ~ 0.80 0:80 0:80 ~rcent Heaw Vahides ~ 2 ~ I - -- I 0 ~dian Type I UndMd~d ~T Chan.e~iZ~d I I I 0 -~Donfigu ration 1 L T [ I o I 1 0 TR Upstream Signal I I 0 I 0 ~.~ino r Street I Eastbound Westbound ~Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R 30 0.80 19 0.80 0.80 .~olume (veh/h) Peak-Hour F~ctor, PHF Hourly Flow Bate, HFR ~eh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles iPercent Grade (%) I 37 2 _FFlared Approach I N Storage I 0 RT Channelized I LLanes I 0 0 tT~,onfigura:ion~;" ' I ....... LR I ~¢ApproacH-" i Northbound Southbound I~M;vement 1 4 rL[Lane Configuration LT V (veh/h) 4 C {m) (veh/h) 1358 0.00 0.01 7.7 A 95% queue length 23 0 0 Control De~ay (s/veh) _OS 0.80 0.80 ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) N 0 0.80 0 0 0 0 0 0 Westbound 9 10 Eastbound 11 LR 60 730 0.08 0.27 10.4 B 10.4 B 12 HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/~12007 4:47 r &pproach LOS D;opy6ght © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved ~,nalyst MCM Intersection ¢,gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction Date Performed 11/1/2007 Analysis Time Period No Build PM Peak Hour Analysis Year ?r~ ~~vliddle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (No Build) ~le R~o~8-) JNorth/SouthStreet: De~oot Lane .n~ection Orientation: ~ Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Lane 2009 IStUdy Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound I Westbound ~°vement ~/olume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Houdy Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 19 0,97 19 2 2 3 686 40 0.97 0,97 707 41 Raised Median Type RT Channe,zed I I I I Lanes I 2 2 Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Volume (vehlh) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Flow Rate, HFR nt Heavy Vehicles Grade(%) 'Flared Approach , Storage RT Channe zed 4 I 5 I e L I T I R 39 I 722 I 2 0.97 I 0.97 [ 0.97 40 744 2 curb ' I T I R I L I T I R I 0 I I I 0 I 7 L 56 Nodhbound I Southbound 'Lanes fConfiguration 8 T 14 9 I 10 I 'ti/ ~2 R I L I T 1 R 50 I 2 I 6 14 0.97 0.97 0.97 I 0.97 I 0.97 0.9~ 57 14 ,51 2 6 14 2 2 2 I 2 I 2 2 LT Approach I Eastbound Movement I 1 Lane Configuration I L v (veh/h) I 19 C (m) (veh/h) I 859 vic I 0. 02 95% queue length ] 0.07 Control Delay (slveh) I 9.3 0 J 0 LOS I A Approach Delay (s/veh) J - Approach LOS I -- N Westbound I N I R LT 0 1 1 R 4 7 L LT 40 71 887 0.05 0.14 9.3 241 0.29 1.19 26.1 D A NoAhbound 9 10 J R J 51 642 0.08 0.26 11.1 19.8 C J B Southbound 8 J 14 217 I J625 o. o4 I Io. o2 15.0 C Cg~ '~ight © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:48 PM -( ~,nalyst ~,gency/Co. ;)ate Performed Analysis Time Pedod MCM Nelson & Pope '11/1/2007 No Build Sat Peak Hour :ast/VVest Street: Middle Road (CR 48. ) Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Middle Rd (CR 48)@Depot Lane 2009 JNodh/South Street: Depot Lane ~Descrij)tion Middle Road (CR 48) at. ct Lane (No Build) ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ~ajor Street I Eastbound I Westbound ~ovement I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 6 L T R J L T Volume (Veh/h) I 32 580 I 95 86 I 629 ~Sy~t Heaw Vehicles ~ 2 I -- I -- I I - ~¢~aq Type ~ Raised cu~ RT ChAnn~lized 'Lanes ,,Configuration IUpstream Minor Street I NoC. hbound I T R Vlovement I L Volume (veh/h) J 33 J 26 .iPeak-Hour Factor, PHF J 0.92 J 0.92 JHourly FlOW Rate, HFRL 35 L 28 b 2 ~Percent Heavy Vehicles L 2 -'P_~,,ercent Grade (%) ' Flared Approach I I NO [, Storage JRT Channelized J Lanes J 0 :~iConfiguration :APProach I Eastbound ']Movement t 1 r .Lane Configuration J L A 0 Cv (veh/h) J 34 -JC (m)(veh/h) J 906 ,vic J 0.04 195% queue,ength J 0.12 JControl Delay (s/veh) J 9.1 J os -{Approach Delay (s/veh) [-J;Approach LOS 67 0.92 72 ~ 2 R R 4 0.92 1 I 2 I I , o J Southbound J 10 J 11 12 L I T R I 8 0.92 8 11 J 0.92 0.92 Westbound 4 L 93 948 0.10 0.33 9.2 A 7 LT 63 214 0.29 'i.18 28.7 D J16 2 J 2 0 N 0 11 1 0 '1 1 LT R R 72 68~ No~hbound 8 0.11 0.35 10.9 B Southbound 10 11 12 LT R 24 192 654 0.13 ~02 ~42 ~05 2&4 D B 21.4 _ J _- 19.2 HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4i48 PI Copyright © 2005 Universiiy of Florida, All Rights Reserved Build Condition Analyst OSB Intersection Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Depot Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Ln Date Performed 11/05/07 Area Type All other areas Time Period Build AM Peak Hr (Mitigated) Jurisdiction 00026 Aha ys s Year 2009 :R =lR =LT =LR = tlR EB I WB NB SB " (vph) % Heavy Veh PHF Actuated (P/A) Startup Lost Time Extension of Effective Green Arrival Type Unit Extension Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width Parking (Y or N) Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour O. 82 A 2.0 2.0 Pedestrian Timing 12.0 N N N 0 0 I 0 3.2 ] 3.2 N I 0 N EB Only I EW Perm ming Y = 5 5 ]-Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 ' I 03 I 04 SB Only G= 0.0 l~¢ 0.0 G= 17.0 Y='0 ~0 Y=5 I Y= IY = Cyce Length C = gO.O RT 70 0.82 ,lumber of Lanes fw f~rv fg fp flu Secondary fLT fRT fLpb fRpb Adjusted Satflow Secondary Adjusted Sablow lnalyst OSB I Intersection gency/Co. Nelson & Pope I Jurisdiction Date Performed 11/05/07 I Analysis Year ~,~'_ ~is Time Period Build Sat Peak Hour ~ Site Driveway at School House Road (Build Sat Peak Hour) =_~l~/est Street: ~ Site Dwy at School House Rd 00026 2O09 INorth/South Street: Site Driveway ~tersection Orientation: East-West IStud¥ Period (hrs): 0.25 ~ajor Street Iovement /olume (veh/h) ioeak-Hour Factor, PHF urly Flow Rate, HFR eh/h) )ercent Heavy Vehicles ITedian Type Channelized f~nn~i~ u ration 9pstream Signal Eastbound I WeStbound L I T 11 [ 46 1.00 ] 1.00 11 46 2 [ 3 I 4 I 5 R I L I T I I 32 0 I 32 Undivided 6 R 19 1.00 19 o I 1 0 0 0 0 o I 1 [ o ] o  inor Street Northbound Southbound ovement 8 9 12 'olume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF ~f)Flow Rate, HFR · ~nt Heavy Vehicles . ~ercent Grade (%) T R 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 N I lared Approach Storage 10 11 L T 16 1.00 1.00 16 0 2 0 RT Channelized I%nn;;uration 0 R 10 1.00 N 0 0 0 LR 10 2 0 0 0 I 0 pproach ovement Lane Configuration (vehlh) (m) (veh/h) f/5c% queue length Eastbound ~pOpSroach Delay (s/veh) LT 1555 0.01 0.02 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.3 A Approach LOS Westbound No~hbound 9 ~2 Southbound 10 11 LR 26 933 0.03 0.09 9.0 ht {3 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/9/2007 9:49 AM Analyst OSB ~gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 11/05/07 knalysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hour ltersection Site Dwy at School House Rd Jurisdiction Q0026 Analysis Year 2009 , 'roject Description Site Driveway at School House Road (Build PM Peak Hour) ;asfJWest Street: School House Road North/South Street: Site Driveway w ~tersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Eastbou nd Westbou n d major =~ree~ ~ .......... , 4ovement t I I 2 I 3 4 I 5 I 6 /olume (vehlh) I 3 I 35 , · I 12 6 L~eroent Heaw Vehicles ! 2 - --.,,.I -._. o I - 'Sdiad Type ~ Undiwded T Channelized J J 0 0 J _a.es ] 0 I 0 LT I .~onfiguration I Jpstream Signal I I 0 Ilinor Street I Northbound Aovement I 7 /olume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 1.00 -Iourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) I 0 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles I 0 'ercent Grade (%) :lared Approach Storage ~.T Channelized T 1.00 N R 1.00 anes 0 0 0 Donfiguration \pproach I Eastbound vlovement I 1 ane Configuration LT 3 1599 0.00 (veh/h) (m) (veh/h) )5% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) Westbound LOS 0.01 10 7 1.00 7 2 0 4orthbound 7 8 9 1 0 I ;outhbound [ 11 12 T R 4 1.00 1.00 0 4 0 2 N 0 0 LR Southbound 10 I 11 12 I 989 0.01 I 0.03 8.7 Approach Delay (s/veh) .... A Approach LOS -- - I opyfight © 2005 University of Florida, Alt Rights Resewed Hc$+T~4 Version 5.21 Generated: 11/9/2007 lnalyst OSB intersection gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction ate Performed 11/05/07 Analysis Year ~r~....' 'sis Time Period Build AM Peak Hour t Description Site Driveway at School House Road (Build AM Peak Hour) · 'est Street: School House Road Site Dwy at School House Rd 00026 2009 INorth/South Street: Site Driveway I~tersection Orientation: Eas~.W_~est IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ~ajor Street lovement /olume (veh/h) ioeak-Hour Factor, PHF urly Flow Rate, HFR eh/h) )ercent Heavy Vehicles Iedian Type T Channelized anes onfiguration pstream Signal inor Street ovement Eastbound I 2 I 3 Westbound 4 I 5 L R L I T R 6 I 37 1.00 I f.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 T 33 0 6 0 1.00 37 0 I -- 11 Undivided 1 o I 1 0 o I TR o I o Northbound Southbound 8 9 12 R T 10 I 11 L I T N 0 0 0 LR R 8 eaOlUme (veh/h) 13 I I-~ .k-H°ur Factor, PHF '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 1.00 1.00 ~,~,Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 13 ' [ 0 8 /,~nt Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 I 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach I N Storage I 0 RT Channelized 0 0 0 ~%r~%%uration 0 ,1ppr°ach ovement Lane Configuration V (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) vic ~5% queue eng~ Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound I 4 7 8 9 12 LT 1559 0.00 0.01 7.3 A 10 11 LR 21 952 0.02 0.07 8.9 A Approach Delay (s/veh) - - 8.9 Approach LOS .... A ~ht © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/9/2007 9:45 AM I .... Middle Rd(CR 48) @ Depot ~nalyst MCM /'mersectlOn Lane ~gency/Co. Nelson & Pope ~ Jurisdiction Date Pe~ormed ~ 1/1~007 ~ .... - - -- ~na~ysis Time Pedod Build Sat Peak Hour ~ Ana~yms Year 2009 ~roject Description Middle Road (CR 48) at Depot Lane (Build) East]West Street: Middle Road (CR 48) INorth/South Street: Depot Lane '~temection Orientation: East-West IStudy Pedod (hrs): 0.25 ~laiOr Street I Eastbound I Westbound ~i~vement I 1 I : j L I T R I L ~en/n) J 629 4 0.92 -- J 2 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 [ - fiedian Type T Channelized ~Upstream Signal inor Street ovement ¢olume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF i~lpUfly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) ~ercent' Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) :lared Approach Storage RT Channelized 0 No~hbound R 7 I1 8 ! g L J T R 38 26 72 0192 0.92 0.92 4~ 28 2 I 2 0 N !~pproach Eastbound -JMovement 1 34 906 0.04 78 Raised curb 1 J 2 1 L _ane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) F/c ~5% queue length 0.12 8 I 0.928 2 Southbound 10 I 11 12 T R ~5 1~ 0.92 0.92 16 11 I 2 2 LT 98 Westbound ! 4 7 L LT 69 948 0.10 0.34 212 0.33 1.35 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.1 9.2 30. 0 D ~9.9 qo~hbound 9 R 78 681 0.11 0.39 11.0 B C HCS+TM Version 5.21 --~OS A A :-~Approach Delay (s/veh) - -- ];opyright © 2005 University of Florida, Ali Rights Reserved 0 N 0 Southbound 10 J 11 12 LT j R 24 J 1~ 189 J 654 0.13 J 0.02 0.43 J 0.05 26.8 J 10.6 D J B 21.7 Generated: nalyst MCM genoy/Co. Nelson 8, Pope Jurisdiction Date Performed 11/1/2007  Build PM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2009 Middle Roa~-C~ ~ D---e~pot Lane (BuildJ_ ~ ~4~- qNorth/South Street: DepotLane Intersection Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Lane ~_tersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ajor Street ovement Eastbound L I T Volume (veh/h) J 19 J ' 686 leak-Hour Factor, PHF J 0.97 J 0.97 oudy Flow Rate, HFR iveh/h) 'i 9 707 ercent Heavy Vehicles edian Type RT Channelized j J ' I Westbound R L 42 40 2 T 722 6 R I 0.97 0.97 J 0.97 0.97 43 41 J744 2 I - Raised curb 2 T R 1 J 2 L j T R Upstream Signal J j 0 ~inor Street J Northbound Southbound [Vlovement J 7 8 9 10 I ' 11 12 J L T R L R ~/olume (yah/h) T 0.97 J 0.97 0.97 0.97 J 0.97 0.97 6 14 J 2 I 2 2 2 I 2 2 Hour Factor, PHF ~'ercent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) =lared Approach Storage RT Channelized ,~ao~uration 0 0 N 0 Lane Configuration J L N 0 1 I R 0 1 I 0 LT R LT ~,u~_~_~-e~_~:~ ~e ~' . - ...... ./ ....... , _. bppr°ach I Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southboum ~Movement J I 4 7 12 L 41 887 0.05 0.15 ¢ (veh/h) J 19 C (m) (veh/h) J 859 vic J O. 02 95% queue length I 0.07 LT 73 241 0.30 1.23 26.3 D 8 9 R 53 642 0. O8 0.27 11.1 B 19.9 C J 9.3 J 9.3 Control Delay (s/veh) LOS J A J A Approach Delay (s/veh) J -- J A,- '-oach LOS J -- J ht © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Resented 10 J 11 LT J 8 I R 14 217 J 625 0.04 J lo. o2 0°. I [0.07 22.2 I 10.9 15.0 HCS+TM Version 5.21 C J B Generated: 1115/2007 5:06 PM '~nalyst MCM 9ency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed ~11/1,/2007 ~ Period Build AM Peak Hour ~r_.~_ect Descri~tio-~ Middle Road ~Ot Lane [Build) Middle Rd (CR 48) @ Depot Intersection Lane Jurisdiction. Analysis Year 2009 East/West Street: Middle Road (CR 48) INorth/South Street: Depot Lane ~tersection Orientation: East-West ...... IStud¥ Period (hrs): 0.25 , ~lajor Strew[ I Eastbound westb°uno ~40~ement I 1 I 2 3 I 4 : 5 I 6 ' 2 - -- I 2 I -/ - ,eh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles ,,ledian Type RT Channelized onfiguration dpstream Signal ~inor Street I Northbound ovement I 7 I 8 I L I T 9 R R 9O 0.89 olume (veh/h) I 49 33 oak-Hour Factor, PHF ~_ 0.89 0.89 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR / 55 37 ! 101, ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 Raised curb L 10 0.89 Southbound 11 12 T R 17 '/4 0.89 0.89 ~9 2 15 2 ~ercent Grade (%) J 0 'lared Approach I I N Storage I I 0 RT Channelized I ~ 1 '~Lane~ I o / 1, 1 o --~Configuration L T I R L T ~,pproach I Eastbound I Westbound Vlovement I 1 I 4 _ane Configuration I L I L ¢ (veh/h) I 13 I 78 C (m) (veh/h) I 828 I 847 qc J 0.02 I 0.09 )5% queue length [ 0.05 I 0.30 Control Delay (s/veh) I 9.4 t 9.7 .OS I A I A ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) I - I - kpproach LOS opyfight © 2005 Universil'/of Florida, All Rights Reserved Northbound 7 I 8 9 LT I R 92 1,01 200 I 618 0.46 I 0.16 2.20 0.58 37.5E I 1,2.0B 24.1 C HCS+TM Version 5.21 N 0 I R Southbound 10 I 11 12 ,TI 177 0.38 27.9 D L R 605 0.02 0.08 1,1.1 20.7 C '~nalyst MCM gency/Co. Date Performed ~L ~is Time Period J -- t Descripfion Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 Build Sat Peak Hr School House Rd at Depot Lane (Build) --a~lFC/est Street: School House Road Intersection Jurisdiction Ana ys s Year School House Rd at Depot Lane 2009 INorth/South Street: DepotLane '/~tersection Orientation: North-South IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 tajor Street ovement Volume (veh/h) eak-Hour Factor, PHF curly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) lercent Heavy Vehicles edian Type RT Channelized %urat,on Upstream Signal jinor Street ovement Llume (veh/h) -Hour Factor, PHF V Flow Rate, HFR ,) ]>erc"~ent Heavy Vehicles IPercent Grade (%) ~=lared Approach J Storage IRT Channelized , onfiguration ~pproach Northbound I Southbound 2 Z i T 0.80 I 0.80 9 121 2 I -- 3 I 4 I ~ R I L I T 139 0.8o I 0.80 I 0.80 '173 R 43 0.80 53 Undivided t I o o } ~ I o ,T I o Eastbound , I ° 0 ] I 0 40 I Westbound 7 I 8 9 10 I ~ 12 L I ~ R L I T 22 0.80 I 0.80 0.80 0.80 I 0.80 49 [ 0 27 0 0 ~ I o 2 o I o 0 0 N 0 0 0 LR N I 0 Northbound Southbound 1 4 LT 9 1342 0.01 [ 0.02 oIo Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 10 11 R 0.80 0 0 0 0 Movement 12 _ane Configuration (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) 7.7 A 5% queue length LR 76 709 0.11 0.36 10.7 10.7 B Control Delay (s/veh) _OS ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) - - ~ _,oach LOS Z -- FOht © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 5:05 PM nalys{ gency/Co. Date Performed ~tion School House Rd at De_pot Lane (Build) MCM Nelson & Pope 11/1/2007 Build PM Peak Hr School House Rd at School Intersection Hous Jurisdiction Analysis Year 2009 East/West Street: School House Road North/South Street: Depot Lane Study Pedod (hrs): 0.25 *htersection Orientation: North-South _. lajor Street ! I ~ove~.ent I ~ I 2 3 I ~ercentHeew Veh c es 2 I .... I Undivided No~hbound Sou~bound dedian Type RT Channelized aries ~stream Signal 0 ~inor Street I Eastbound dovement I 7 L ¢olume (veh/h) I 30 ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF L 0.73 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ,_ ~ercent Heavy Vehicles T L :lared Approach 0.73 0 Westbound __0.73 ~_ 0.73 L 0.73 I 0 0 16 - 2 I o I o ~ercent Grade (%) 0 N Storage P,T Channelized I Lanes I 0 ~Donfiguration I Npproach I Northbound Vlovement I 1 _ane Configuration bT ¢ (veh/h) 5 C (m) (veh/h) 1443 vic 0. 00 0.01 7.5 A 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) ~(~pSroach Delay (s/veh) 0 LR Southbound 4 Approach LOS 12 R ~_ '0.73 0 0 o Westbound 7 8 9 N 0 0 0 0 Eastbound 10 I 11 12 I LR ] 57 778 0.07 0.24 10.0 10.0 ;opyfight © 2005 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 nalyst gency/Co. Date Performed ¢'~"' sis Time Period J __ .~ Description MCM Nelson & Pope 1 '1/1/2007 Build AM Peak Hr School House ,Rd at Depot Lane (Build) Intersection Jurisdiction Aha ys s Year School House Rd at Depot Lane 2009 Eas'~rANest Street: School House Road [North/South Street: Depot Lane Intersection Orientation: North-South ~ IStud¥ Period (hfs): 0.25  ajor Street Northbound ovement 1 I 2 I ' I T 3 Southbound 6 Volume (veh/h) [ 7 I 96 j~eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.74 I 0.74 ourly Flow Rate, HFR 9 129 (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles } 2 ] -- gledian Type I R 0.74 4 I 5 L I T 0.74 J 0.74 149 0 J -- R 41 O. 74 55 Undivided RT Channelized J Lanes Configuration j L T I Upstream Signal I I o ~qinor Street I Eastbound Movement I 7 J 8 J L J T Volume (vehlh) J 31 J y) HOur Factor, PHF J 0.74 J 0.74 Flow Rate, HFR 41 O 2 J o Percent Heavy Vehicles I --'lared Approach I 10 L O. 74 0 Westbound 0 TR ~ [ ~2 I 0.74 0.74 0 0 Percent Grade (%) I 0 0 N 0 0 9 R 0.74 20 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 Storage J RT Channelized J Lanes J 0 0onfiguration I ,.~_.~n~g_~,__n ~_ e en Approach J Northbound Movement J 1 Lane Configuration I LT (veh/h) J 9 C (m) (veh/h) J 1368 vic I 0.01 95% queue length J 0.02 Control Delay (s!veh) I 7.6 LOS I A Approach Delay (s/veh) I - 0 L,R Westbound Eastbound 4 Southbound 10 J 11 12 I L~ J 8~ J 722 J 0.08 J 0.28 J 10.4 10.4 7 J 8 9 x woach LOS J - - B , of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated; 1115/2007 5:05 PM Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln nalyst MCM intersection 9ency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction Dote Performed 11/1/2007 Analysis Year 2009 rnalysis Time Period Build Sat Peak Hr oject Description Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Depot Ln (Build) East/West Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) North/South Street: Depot Lane Int~rse. c¢_on Orientation: East-West Study Pedod (hrs): 0.25 ...... ~JJ~ Eastbound I Westbound blajor Street ~bveme~t ' ~ ' 1 · 2 ~ , 3 ~ 4 5 6~ I L I T R I L I T I R ~V~t. Me~W ~ehicles 2 - ~edian TyPe Und ded 0 T Channelized Lanes I I 0 1 t 1 0 0 I TR Configuration Upstream Signal I I I 0 I [Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 I 8 9 10 I 11 12 R )eak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ficles Flared Approach L I T 0.96 J__.~.96 o I o o I o 0 R 0.96 0 8 N 0 0 Storage RT channelized Configuration L I T 66 0.96 68 2 98 0.96 0.96 0 1021 o 2 0 N 0 0 LR Southbound 10 11 12 Eastbound Movement Lane Configuration L 54 (veh/h) (m) (veh/h) 835 0.06 95% queue length Delay (s/veh) LOS 0.21 9.6 A ~roach Delay (s/veh) I -- Approach LOS L - © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved Westbound 4 Northbound HCS+TM Version 5.21 9 LR 170 211 0.81 5.82 68.3 F' 68.3 F jnalyst MCM gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 11/1/2007  No Build PM Peak Hr Main Rd (~~(Build) Intersection Main Rd (NYC 25) at Depot Ln Jurisdiction Analysis Year 2009 INorth/South Street: Depot Lane ~.er~sec~ction Orientation: East-West. . IStud¥ Period (hrs): 0.25 ajor Street ovement iolume (veh/h) eak-Hour Factor, PHF ourly FIow Rate, HFR :veh/h) ercent Heavy Vehicles edian Type RT Channelized Eastbound L I T 36 I 632 0.86 I 0.86 41 Lanes t Donfiguration L Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Volume (vehlh) 734 F HOUr Factor, PHF Iow Rate, HFR 2 I - Westbound 5 R I L I T I I 639 0.86 I 0.86 I 0.88 0 0 743 R 57 0.86 66 Undivided 0 ~ o I o I o T 0 I I TR I I o 7 I 8 Northbound I Southbound 9 I 10 12 0.86 I 0.86 ° L o J 11 I 55 I 0.86I 0.86 I 0.86 o [ 63 I o o I 2 I o R 51 0.86 59 Percent Grade (%) 0 I 0 flared Approach I N I N Storage I 0 I 0 RT Channelized o I o oI 0 LR 0 hpproach Eastbound Movement 1 _ane Configuration L ~v (veh/h) 41 C (m) (veh/h) 817 iv/c O. 05 ;)5% queue length O. Control Delay (s/veh) 9. 6 ~t ;~e~ We.-stbound 4 LOS A Approach Delay (s/veh) - - ach LOS - t © 2005 Universi~7 of Florida, All Rights No~hboun~ 7 I8 Southbound 10 J 11 J 12 J 122 J 0.71 J 4_33 16 .2 I 65.2 - F Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 5:04 PM ~nalyst MCM / intersection Ln ~gency/Co. Nelson & Pope / Jurisdiction Date P.erf_o. rmed.... /..'//.,'/¢??.7,., - - /Analysis Year 2009 nalysls Time ~'enoa ~UllO ,AM h'eaK tdr I ' :_astNVest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) INorth/South Street: Depot Lane tersection Orientation' East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 ~~ .~e~'~--~ ,~ - .~ '-- . I WestDouna ~ajor street I Eastbound 'l~o'ver~ i ~ 2 ,I 3 I 4 I 5 J" J L T I R I L T I R ~'~'o~'ly FI~ RAt~, fi~R 1 ~4 J 5~g 0 J 0 J 676 J 65 ~ercent Heaw Vehicles J 2 j .... , j . , u I -- / - undivideo ~edian Type J 0 J ~ 0 ~,T Channelized anes Upstream Signal inor Street ovement /olume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 'ercent Heavy Vehicles ~ercent Grade (%) -'lared Approach No~hbound 8 0.82 o o 0 R 0 0.82 I I TR I o I Southbound 42 0.82 b 2 J Storage J 0 T channelized J 0 Lanes 0/ 0 0 0 Configuration _ ~ - -- ~ ~ane Configuration L j J J ¢ (veh/h) 74 J J C (m) (veh/h) 866 vic I O. 09 95% queue length 0.28 ;ontrol Delay (s/veh) J 9.5 _OS J A Approach Delay (s/veh) J -- -- Approach LOS L ;opyright © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 11 12 T R 70 0.82 0.82 0 85 0 2 0 0 0 LR Southbound 10 I 11 12 136 252 34.9 1_ D Generated: 11/5/2007 ] nalyst MCM Intersection Main Rd (NYs 25) at North gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction Rd Date Performed 11/1/07 I sis Time Period Build Sat Peak Hr [Ana ys s Year 2009 Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St (Build) EastJVVest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) INorth/South Street: North Street ~ters~e.c. tion Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 Vlajor Street vlovement Volume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) ercent Heavy Vehicles edian Type IiRT Channelized %u,at,on i I 2 Eastbound T 661 0.90 I 0.90 734 2 [ -- Westbound ~_~ 5 I 6 T I R zo5I 5 0.9o I 0.9o I 0.90 I 0.9o 0 0 783 5 I I o Undivided L I )stream Signal I 0 ~linor Street Northbound Southbound Vlovement - 7 I 10 I 11 12 I 8 I 7 Volume (veh/h) {_ >Hour Factor, PHF Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized 0.90 0 o I Lanes Configuration 8 9 T R 0.90 G90 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 · 0 Approach I I o o I ~ I o-- 0.90 ~ 0.90 8 0 0 ] N 0 o I o [ LR 0.90 7 2 0 0 Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southboum Movement Lane Configuration ¢ (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) ~/c 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) / 'roach LOS 1 4 7 8 L 4 O. O0 0.01 9 10 [ 11 15 187 0.08 0.26 12 9.4 A 113t © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 25.9 I D 25.9 D Generated: 11/5/2007 5:04 PM ~Analyst MCM I Intersection Ma~n Rd (NYS 25) at North St ~Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope I Jurisdiction JDate Performed 11/1/2007 / Analysis Year 2009 Analyms Time Period Build PM Peak Hr i Project Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St (Build) ~ast/West Street' Main Road (NYS 25) INorth/South Street: North Street ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Pedod (hfs): 0.25 laj6r street I Eastbo Iovement I 1 2 3 4 I 5 I 6 J L to um_e..,.(¥Ah/b) [ -/ 661 ~er~nt Heavy Veh c es 2 ~edian'Type ~ RT Channelized ~ ~ Lanes I 1 ~ 1 Configuration ~ L ~ T Upstream Signal 'T 0 Undivided o o 0 TR Minor Street 'Movement ¢olume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles 7 L 0.91 F0 0 No~hbound 8 ¥ 0.9'1 0 Percent Grade (%) :lared Approach Storage RT Channelized .aries Configurafion Southbou nd I 11 12 R 0.91 0 o I o I 2I o 2 o I o N 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 LR Approach [ Eastbound Westbound V~ovement Lane Configuration v (veh/h) O (m) (veh/h) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) J LOS J Approach Delay (s/veh) J Approach LOS J 1 4 869 0.00 0.00 9.1 A Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 10 J 11 2 J ~142 0.01 0.04 I 30.7 30.7 D 12 Copyright © 2005 University of Florida,/MI Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 1115/2007 ' '~ I i&nalyst MCM j~gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed ¢ 1/1/2007 sis Time Period Build AM Peak Hr ( Description Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St (Build) .est Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at North St Jurisdiction Ana ys s Year 2009 North/South Street: Street IStudy Period (hfs): North ntersection Orientation: East-West 0.25 Eastbound t Westbound Ieovement lume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF ourly Flow Rate, HFR ,veh/h) :)ercent Heavy Vehicles edian Type T Channelized L Minor Street ~ovement 2 0.80 2 2 T 5~4 0.80 642 3 I 4 I 5 R I L I T J 613 0.80 I 0.80 I 0.80 0 J 0 1786 6 R 0.80 Undivided 0 0 i I Lanes 0 1 0 0 0 fonfiguration L T I TR pstream Signal J 0 I Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 11 12 ]olume (veh/h) )eak-H0ur Factor, PHF 'y Flow Rate, HFR 0.80 J 0.80 0 0 ~ nt Heavy Vehicles R 0.80 lo L I T 2 I 0.80 J 0.80 2 2 I R 0.80 0 0 0 0 2 )ercent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach I N I N J Storage J 0 J 0 'P,T Channelized J 0 J 0 Lanes 0 J 0 0 0 J 0 0 Configuration J J LR Approach Movement Lane Configuration Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound 1 4 7 8 9 10 I 11 12 LT (veh/h) 2 C (m) (veh/h) 841 v/c 0. 00 95% queue length O. 01 Control Delay (s/~eh) 9.3 LOS A Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS -- - ght © 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 1 t/5/2007 5:03 PM LR 191 0.02 0.05 24. 'i 24. '1 C lgnalyst MCM I Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St ency/Co. Nelson & Pope ~ Jurisdiction ate Performed '1'111/'2007 I Analysis Year 2009 ~ Analysis Time Period Build Sat Peak Hr nMain Road at Griffin Str~ _astJWest Street: Main Road (NYS 25) INorth/South Street: Griffin Street itersection Orientation: East-West IStud¥ Period (hrs): 0.25 ~~~ d ...... 7- I Westbound lajor Street I Eastboun ! . , . ,. ~ovement 1 I 2 3 I 4 t ~ o Cercent Heavy Vehicles ]edian Type T Channelized _anes fonfiguration pstream Signal Minor Street vlovement Volume (vehlh) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF ~lourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles ~ercent Grade (%) Flared Approach ~ Storage T Channelized Lanes ~onfiguration ~,pproach Vlovement Lane Configuration 42 J 56? 2 I - 0 1 LT 0 ~o~hbound 7 8 L T 0.95 0.95 0 0 o o 0 I Eastbound I Westbound · T I v (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) 882 vic )5% queue length .3ontrol Delay (s/veh) I 0.05 0.~6 9.3 A Approach Delay (s/veh) -- Approach LOS I -' opyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved R J L I T R I I -m9 Undivided Southbound 9 J 10 11 12 R J L T R I 67 68 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0 J 70 0 7~ 0 J 2 0 2 o [ o L [ ~oAhbound Southbound 7 8 9 10 J 11 70 J 71 159 J 46~ ~44 I ~5 2.00 J ~54 #4.3 J ~4.2 E J I 29.2 D HCS~M Vernon 5.21 Generated: 11~/2007 5-~ Analyst MCM Main Rd (AIYS 25) at Griffin St ~,gency/Co. Nelson & Pope 3ate Performed 11/1/2007 ~"'sis Time Period Build PM Peak Hr ~ain Road at Griffin Street (Build) ntersection Orientation: ~ 'Intersection Jurisdiction Ana ys s Year 2009 j_North/South Street: Griffin Street IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ~lajor Street ¢ovement /olume (veh/h) ?eak-Hour Factor, PHF ~ourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) Oercent Heavy Vehicles ~/ledian Type :~T Channelized _aries Eastbound I Westbound I I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 L I T R I L I T 32 I 570 I I 593 o. 89 I 0.89 I 0.89 I 0.89 I 0.89 35[840[0 [0 665 6 R 49 0.89 55 Undivided o I ~ o I o I ~onnguration LT I t I I TR Upstream Signal I O I t I0 Nodhbound Southbound ~inor Street ovement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF (,,~)FIow Rate, HFR .~.. nt Heavy Vehicles ercent Grade (%) 7 8 9 L T R 0.89 0 0.89 0.89 0 I 11 10 12 L I T R 23 [ 37 0.89 [ 0.89 0.89 25 0 4'1 2 2 0 I Flared Approach Rst°rage T Channelized _anes 3onfiguration Lane Configuration Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement I 4 7 I 8 9 10 12 LT L v (veh/h) 35 88~ C (m) (veh/h) v/c O. 04 95% queue length 0. ~2 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.3 I LOS A Approach Delay (s/veh) -- Approach LOS - 25 ¢48 0.17 0.59 34.2 D - 21.6 - C 11 r of Florida, All Rights Reserved R 4?' 443 0.09 0.30 ?'4.0 B HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 5:02 PM \nalyst MCM I intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Griffin St ~,gency/Co. Nelson & Pope ~ Jurisdiction Date Performed 1'//I/2007 J_Analysis Year 2009 ~ malysis Time Period BuiM AM Peak Hr _~j_ect Description Main Road at Griffin Street (Build) iast/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) North/South Street: Griffin Street Intersection Orientation: :.asr-West Study Pedod (hfs): 0,25 ~ajor Street Eastbound 2 /lovement /-olume (,v, eh/h) ierceht Heavy Vehicles /ledian Type ~,T Channelized anes ~onfiguration Jpstream Signal linor Street L 2 0 Northbound Iovement I:' 7 I 8 Volume (veh/h) I ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.83 I 0.83 4curly Fl°w Rate, HFR I 0 I 0 veh/h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles I 0 I 0 Undivided ~ercent Grade (%) :lared Approach LStorage T Channelized Lanes 0 0 R 0.83 0 N 0 0 Configuration I I \pproach Eastbound I Westbound 10 t R 499 90 60~ 0 I 1 0 TR 0 Southbound 43 t 0.83 12 R 49 0.83 0.83 0 59 ~4ovement _ane Configuration z (veh/h) 1I4 tAControl Delay (s/veh) LOS pproach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS 74 C (m) (veh/h) 890 vic I 0.08 95% queue length 0.27 ]Bopyright © 2005 University of Florida, Alt Rights Reserved 0 51 0 0 0 R Southbound 12 R 59 466 0.13 I 11 24.8 HCS+TM Version 5.21 C 9 10 L 51 161 0.32 '/.27 37.4 E Northbound Generated: 11/5/2007 0.43 'i3.8 B lnalyst MCM Intersection gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction ate Performed f 1/1/2007 Aha ys s Year ¢~,-' 'sis Time Period Build Sat Peak Hr ~-i Description Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Highland Rd (Build) L w- Cest Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) INorth/South Street: Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland 2009 Highland Road ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 I~ajor Street I Eastbound I Westbound ~lovement I 1 I 2 L I T (/olume (veh/h) I 9 I 633 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF I 0.88 I 0.88 lvOUdyFlow Rate, HFR eh/h) 10 Percent Heavy Vehicles ¥edian Type Channelized 719 3 R I I 4 I 5 6 __1 I L I T R 505 0.88 I 0.88 I 0,88 0 0 573 8 I 0.88 Undivided I I I o Lanes onfiguration pstream Signal o I 1 I o o I o ~linor Street I Northbound Southbound Vlovement I 7 I 8 9 12 Volume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor-, PHF ~'y Flow Rate, HFR '0 w,.nt Heavy Vehicles ~)ercent Grade (%) L [ T 0.88 1 0.88 0 0 o I 0 Flared Approach I I N Storage RT Channelized R 0.88 , [o 0 [ 1 0-- t 10 I 11 L I T R 10 I 4 0.88 0.88 ] 0.88 11 [ 0 2 I o 2 0 N 0 0 0 LR _aries Configuration Lane Configuration I LT v (veh/h) I 10 C (m) (veh/h) I 992 v/c I o.o I 95% queue length [ 0.03 Control Delay (s/veh) I 8. 7 Los I A Approach Delay (s/veh) I - Approach LOS I -- hr © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 4 7 9 I 8 10 11 LR 15 209 0.07 0.23 23.6 C 12 -- [ 23.6 - I c HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 5:01 PM LAnalyst MCM Intersection gencylCo. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction Date Performed 1 ~/1/2007 Analysis Year Analysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hr ~..~j_ect Description Main Rd ~_~YS 25) at Highland_ R_d (Build =asr/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) NoAh/South Street: Highland Road 3tersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Pedod (hfs): 0.25 ~l.~'~~;~q~]~' " - ' ' ~'~ ........ vvestbouna !ajor Street I Eastbound Iovement [Vehlh) ' Percent Heavy Vehicles Main Rd (NYS 25) et Highland 2009 Lanes I 0 3 4 5 [ 6 R L T [ R 0 RT Channelized J I 0 J 0 0 0 0 Configurat on Upstream Signal ~linor Street J LT L 0.93 0 Movement No~hbound 8 T 0.93 0 0 0 0 peak-Hour Factor, PHF -Ioudy Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles rcent Grade (%) Storage ach RT Channelized Lanes Jration ach Eastbound LT 905 0.0~ 0.02 9.0 A Vlovement Westbound 4 Lane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m) (vehlh) Jeue length R 0.93 0 0 10 ~OS Delay (s/veh) L 0.93 6 2 0 0 0 Delay (s/veh) LOS ~ Southbound 11 12 z R 0.93 0.93 o 2 N J o o J LR Northbound J Southbound 9 I10 11 LR 258 0.05 0.16 19.7 C 19.7 12 C HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/512007 !1 Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved gnalyst MCM ency/Co. Nelson & Pope ate Performed 11/1/2007 ~ sis Time Period Build AM Peak Hr ~~n Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highland Rd (Built E~l~/est Street: ~ - Intersection Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Rd (NYS 25) at Highlanc 2009 North/South Street: Highland Road tntersection Orientation: East-West [Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street ovement Volume (veh/h) veak-Hour Factor, PHF oudy Flow Rate, HFR eh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Vledian Type AT Channelized Lanes Sonfiguration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Volume (veh/h) L! ak-Hour Factor, PHF y)Flow Rate, HFR Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized Eastbound 2 L I T 8 [ 465 0.83 I 0.83 9 560 2 I -- 3 I 4 Westbound 0.83 I 0.83 0 0 - I o Undivided 5 6 533 11 0.83 0.83 642 13 o } ~ o LT I 0 I 0 0 Northbound I 0 Southbound 7 8 L O. 83 T 0.83 9 I 40 I ~ R I I T 12 0 L R 0.03 I 0.83 I o. 83 0 10 [ 0 0 0 I N 7 0.83 8 2 0 I I N I I 0 0 I I Lanes 0 0 I 0 I 0 Configuration I I ] LR 0 0 J J I ] ] Approach } Eastbound Westbound Nor[hbound Southbound Movement I 1 Lane Configuration I LT v (veh/h) 9 C (m) (veh/h) 932 · 'lc 0.01 95% queue length 0.03 Control Delay (s/veh) 8.9 LOS A Approach Delay (s/veh) - ~pproach LOS - ht ~) 2005 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved 4 7 8 I 9 HCS+TM Version 5.21 10 11 12 LR 18 264 O. 07 0.22 19.6 C 19.6 C Generated: 1115/2007 5:00 PM nalyst MCM gency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed ~ 1/'I/2007 Build Sat Peak Hr Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crown intersection Land Jurisdiction Analysis Year 2009 od ~r_.~J_'ect DescriEtion Main R~t Crown Land Rd (Build)_ EastJWest Street: Main Road (N¥S 25) INorthlSouth Street: Crown Land Road ,~..~te[section Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 .................. Eastbound WestDouna : L 1 T I R I L I T I R Vehicles Type RT Channelized ~.anes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street vlovement ¢olume (veh/h) peak-Hour Factor, PHF 623 0.93 0.93 ~:': , 0 0 669 5 - I o I - I - Undivided ' ' Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) NoKhbound 7 8 0.93 0.93 o 0 0 0 Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized I I N Lanes Configuration Approach Movement Lane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m} (veh/h) vic 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS Eastbound LT 9~7 0.01 0.03 9.0 A 0 Westbound 4 ;opyfight ©2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 0 9 R 0.93 0 0 o Southbound 2 0.93 2 0 No~hbound 11 12 T R 14 ~93 0.93 0 15 0 2 0 N 0 0 0 0 LR I Southbound 10 I 11 t2 378 0.14 '15.0 8 9 15.0 B HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: nalyst MCM Intersection Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crown gencylCo. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction Land Date Performed 11/1/2007 J Ana ysis Year 2009 i~r(' is Time Period Build PM Peak Hr ~8~ Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Crown Land Rd (Build) -:asr/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) INor~h/South Street: Crown Land Road t{ersectionOrientation: East-West IStud¥ Period 0.25 (hrs): ~ajor Street I Eastbound (4ovement I I I 2 3 R I L I T /olume (veh/h) I 13 I 585 ~eak-HO'ur Factor, PHF [ 0.96 I 0.96 -{ourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 13 609 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles I 2 ~edian Type 7T Channelized Westbound 0.96 4 [ 5 0.96 0 0 Undivided 614 0.96 639 R 4 0.96 4 I I o I t t o I ¢ [ o o I ¢ I o _anes -Configuration Jpstream Signal I~linor Street Vlovement 0 LT NoKhbound [ Southbound ¢olume (veh/h) ,~.~.-Hour Factor, PHF Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized Lanes Configuration 7 I 8 L I T 9 [ 10 R 0.96 0.96 .J 0.96 0 0 11 L T R 2 0.96 0.96 0 { 0 0 2 0 0 0 N N 0 0 Approach Eastbound 12 0 2 1 LT 13 942 0.01 0.04 8.9 A Movement Lane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) V/c 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) -oach LOS 11 0.96 2 o I [ 0 0 0 LR Westbound ] Northbound Southbound I LR 380 0.03 0.11 J 14.8 J B 14.8 B I I 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 4:59 PM ~nalyst ~gency/Co. Date Performed I Main Rd (NYS 25) at Crown MCM In!ersection Land Nelson & Pope ~ Jurisdiction 11/1/2007 IAnalysis Year 2009 Build AM Peak Hr ( ~ Period ~~ --_ Main Rd_ (NYS 25) at Crown Land Rd ~ .asr/West Street: Main Road (NYS 25) JNorfh/South Street: Crown Land Road ntersectJon Orientation: East-West IStudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ~a]or S~eet ~ Eastbound ~ Westbound ~o~em~nt ~ I J 2 J 3 J 4 J 5 6 J L J T ~ R J L ~ T R ~eh/h) I ! / i 0 l ~ercent Heavy Vehicles ~ 2 ~ -- ~ - I I - -- ~edian Type ~ Undivided RT Channelized I I Jpstream Signal I ] 0 J 0 Minor Street I Northbound Southbound Movement [ 7 11 L Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF _L~0.8110'81 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR ',veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles ~ercent Grade (%) J 0 ,Flared Approach Storage RTC~annelized Lanes 0 Configuration APProach J Eastbound Movement I 1 JLane Configuration LT ¢ (veh/h) 4 C(m) (veh/h) 901 vic 0.00 95% queue length Control Delay (sNeh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS 0.01 9.0 A ;opyfight © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved N 0 Westbound 4 o J I I o 9 10 R L 4 0.81 0.8'1 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 Northbound 7 8 9 0.81 12 T R 10 0.81 0 ~2 0 2 0 0 I° 0 0 LR Southbound 10 11 12 LR 16 325 0.05 0.15 16.6 C 16.6 C HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated; Build with Mitigation Condition CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET ,,P-qject Description Main Rd (N¥S 25) at Depot Ln (Build AM Peak Hr Mitigated) Adjusted Flow Rate Satflow Rate Lost Time Green Ratio Lane Group Capacity vic Ratio Flow Ratio Critical Lane Group Sum Flow Ratios 1652 1801 396 [ 1261 O. lO Io. 4o I 743 1840 2.0 0.58 1063 O. 70 0.40 0.52 Lost Time/Cycle 15.00 Critical v/c Ratio O. 63 ILR 1786 2.0 337 0.08 ~e Group Jsted Flow Rate Lane Group Capacity vic Ratio Green Ratio Uniform ~y d~ Delay Factor k Incremental Delay d2 PF Factor Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Delay 6.6 17.3 I 14.5 Intersection LOS Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved 32.8 C B HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 3:00 OSB Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope D~[~ PerfOrmed. '/1/05/07 ~i~; ~i[Od BMId PM Peak Hr (Mitigated) Main Rd (IVYS 25) at Depot Ln All :other areas JUriSdiCtion ~026 Analysis Year 2_009 Grade = 0 Grade 0 0 Grade = 0 EB NB SB (vph) % Heavy Veh Actuated (P/A) , Lost Time IExtension of Effective Green Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width Parking (Y or N) Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour g 3.2 ! EB Only EWPerm [ 03 GLO_ 6.0 IG= 52.0 L~= 0.0 Timing I Y = ~ I Y = 5 I Y = 0 Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 J 04 JG= 0.0 JY= 0 3.2 SB Only G = 17.0 Y=5 I G 06 ~G 07 F;-- J Cycle Length C = 3.2 90.0 VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET Project Description Main Rd (NfS 25) at Depot Ln (Build PM Peak Hr Mitigated) LT Volume 36 )HF 9.86 Adjusted Flow Rate 42 Lane Group Adjusted Flow Rate 42 1.000 TH IRT 639 54 0.86 0.86 743 63 TR 806 LT I TH RT 55 -- 0.86 0.86 64LR 59 123 Base Satflow Number of Lanes rw fLT Secondary fLT fLpb fRpb .~,~djusted Satflow .T,..ocondary Adjusted Satflow 1900 0.935 :~.~80 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.950 0.238 1900 0.967 0.980 1.000 I. 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.238 __ 11.000 1.000 11.000 _ 1.000 1652 1801 413 1428 1900 1 !'000 0.980 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 0.989 1.000 _ 1.000 1843 1900 0 t. 06-7 0.980 1'000 I1.000 I1.000 11'000 1.000 0.975 _ 1.000 1811 Sum Flow Ratios 0.53 15.00 Critical vic Ratio Group Adjusted Flow Rate ~ Capacity vic Ratio Green Ratio Uniform Delay d1 Delay Factor k ~ntal Delay d2 PF Factor Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Detay 0.64 EB WB NB SB 8.7 '19.3 A B 15. 4 I Inte rsection LOS Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, All Rights Resen/ed HCS+TM Version 5.21 32.4 C Generated: 11/5/2007 3:0 Analyst OSB : ' '~ - ~ Main Rd (Nys 25) at D~epot .... Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope I m[ersecuon Ln Date Performed ~1/05/07 I Area Type AII other areas ~ r~... ~.~ Build Sat Peak Hr (Mitigated) Jurisdiction 00026 - I Analysis Year 2009 Grade: 0 0 0 Grade = 0 ~ EB I WB I NB SB LT I T~ RTILT I TH IRT LT ;TH IRT LT I TH I~T '~0,.me ~vph) 52639I E~ensionofEffectiveGreen 2.0 1~.o I ~.o I I I Arr,w,T~ ~ ~ ~.,,~n~,o, ~.o¢.o I¢'o I I ~.o I Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 ~ 00 0 0 0 0 Lane ~dth ~0.0 11.0 ~ 12.0 14.0. *~r*,n~or,) ~ ~r*,,~,,o.r I I I I ".~to,s,.ou, 0 Io I Io I Io I Pedestrian Timing 3.2 ~ 3.2 ~ 3.2 EB 0.~ I EW P~m I 03 04 S~ O.~X i.gY= 5 IY= S Y= 0 Iv= 0 Y= ~ Y= IY= IY= Duration of~alysis (hrs) = 0.25 ~ ~ Cycle Length C = 90.0 VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW RATE WORKSHEET fHV fg Secondary f~ ~ fRpb Adjusted Satflow Secondary Adjusted Satflow CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET Main Rd (NYS 25) at Depot Ln (Build Sat Peak Hr Mitigated) Lane Group Adjusted Flow Rate Satflow Rate Lost Time Green Ratio Lane Group Capacity vic Ratio Flow Ratio Critical Lane Group Sum Flow Ratios I EB WB 1843 2.0 9.58 1065 0.74 0.43 Y 1652 1801 380 1261 NB I I SB 339 0.55 Lost Time/Cycle 15. O0 Critical vic Ratio O. 66 ~ n~O £o u ~'~al~acl~:,~o ntrol~.Delav,~:ni:kEO,S}D ere rm m atlon ~}~ ~--. ~.:-~ :~ EB WB NB SB ane Group Jsted Flow Rate Lane Group Capacity vic Ratio Green Ratio Uniform Delay d~ Delay Factor k Incremental Delay d2 PF Factor Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Delay 7.9 ~8.5 I 33.5 A B I C 15.4 ] Intersection LOS I B Copyright © 2005 University of Florida, Ali Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.21 Generated: 11/5/2007 3:15 F