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File # 2, 9/2008-
u b�- , Planning Transportation Land Development Environmental ServicesSEP 2 2014 Southold TownPlanning Board Creating results for our clients and benefits for our communities September 26,2014 Ref: 29305.00 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Heather M. Lanza,AICP, Planning Director Town of Southold Planning Department Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Environmental Review Proposed Heritage at Cutchogue Condominiums North side of the intersection of Griffing Street and Schoolhouse Road Hamlet of Cutchogue,Town of Southold,Suffolk County Dear Ms.Lanza: VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C,.(WHB")is conducting an environmental review of a proposed gated residential development on'an approximately 45.9 acre site.The project site consists of vacant,undeveloped°Ian&that was formerly farmed and is aocated on the north side of the intersection of Griffing Street and Schoolhouse Road,in the hamlet of Cutchogue,Town of Southold,Suffolk County, New York(see attached site location map). Specifically,the proposed action.consists of the construction of 130 senior/55+condominium units in 65 buildings and associated improvements and amenities o,n'subject property that would,be gated. Access to the property would be from the corner of Griffing Street and Schoolhouse Road, with emergency access from Bridle Lane and Spur Road.Additional site improvements and amenities to be provided include a community center,an outdoor swimming pool,two tennis courts,a gazebo and parking and landscaped areas. As part of the State Environmental Quality Review Act("SEQRA")process,VHB must examine relevant environmental and social issues,including potential cumulative impacts of the proposed action.Therefore,we are contacting you to determine if there are any recently-approved or planned developments(that have current pending applications)in the vicinity of the site that could potentially result in cumulative impacts in the area. Please provide as much specific information as possible about these developments,including,but not limited to,the type of proposed development;the size of the proposed development,(square footage;numbers and types of units,if residential);the location of the proposed development;the availability of traffic studies--completed or ongoing;the availability of SEQRA documents;and the VHB Engineering,Surveying and Landscape Architecture,P.C. 100 Motor Parkway,Suite 135 Hauppauge,New York 11788 631.787.3400■FAX 631.813.2545 www.vhb.com Ms. Heather M. Lanza, Planning Director Ref: 29305.00 September 26, 2014 Page 2 time-frame for commencement and completion of these projects.Copies of site plans would also be appreciated. We understand that we may be asked to pay for the cost of copying. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please feel free to contact the undersigned with any questions concerning this request. Sincerely, VHB Engineering,Surveyin and Landscape Architecture, P.C. Kathryn Magee Environmental Planner KM/ba • f enc. ��e -hO hey\ — /!O )04 ham^ d I✓Ae an,5 -eC> V,ec.) boat-' ?_k' she r via��a rye e- 2� \\NYLIDATA\Projects\29305.00 Heritage Cutchogue\Projrecords\Finaldocs\Southold Plan Dept Letter.Doc MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS *QF s�ujy P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ��� Ol0 Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS H -Nr Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR OI�COU � Southold,NY Telephone:631765-1938 Fag:631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 28, 2012 Mr. Edward Dart P.O. Box 1 Peconic, NY 11958 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Tree Management SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Mr. Dart: The Planning Board has reviewed your request to continue harvesting trees from the site referenced above. The Board has decided not to renew the agreement. No more trees or shrubs may be harvested from this site at this time. Please call Mark Terry with any questions concerning this matter. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman ('pi; (., 4-t i P)c MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS O�*OF SU!/jyol P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS CA Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS • �O� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ���, (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COU NT'I,N Southold,NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax:631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 21, 2012 Edward Dart AM 10 2W PO Box 1 Peconic, NY 11958 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Zoning District: HD Dear Mr. Dart: The Planning Board has agreed to the following at the March 12, 2012 work session regarding the management of trees and shrubs on your property. This agreement replaces The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal for 2011 executed 10/20/2010 and amended 5/10/2011. 1. The Planning Board has agreed to the request to remove trees and shrubs for the 2012 season in all areas of the parcel except: a. Within the 50' wide buffer established along the west and north property boundaries. b. Within 300' wide buffer (polygon 12) of the trailer park that abuts the property in the northeast corner. 2. Hours of operation to conduct the removal of trees or shrubs shall be restricted from 9:00am to 5:00pm. No activity associated with the tree/shrub removal operation shall occur on Sundays. 3. All holes resulting form the removal of trees and/or shrubs shall be filled within 6 months. The Planning Board reserves the right to inspect the property within 6 months of the above date. This agreement is renewable. • • All other terms and conditions remain in effect. Please have all involved parties acknowledge their acceptance of the amendments and agreement terms for 2012 and return this document to this office. NOC LTD. PER O NER PRESENTATIVE f Dae NOC . P ERTY OW ER CONSULTANT Date - If I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Don Wilcenski Chair Encl. cc: Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Heather Lanza, Director of Planning PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS "Of SoVry� MAILING ADDRESS:P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI p �� Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS GQ Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS ip 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III 0��. (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR CDU ,N Southold NY Telephone:631765-1938 Fax:631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 21, 2012 Edward Dart PO Box 1 Peconic, NY 11958 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Zoning District: HD Dear Mr. Dart: The Planning Board has agreed to the following at the March 12, 2012 work session regarding the management of trees and shrubs on your property. This agreement replaces The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal for 2011 executed 10/20/2010 and amended 5/10/2011. 1. The Planning Board has agreed to the request to remove trees and shrubs for the 2012 season in all areas of the parcel except: a. Within the 50' wide buffer established along the west and north property boundaries. b. Within 300' wide buffer (polygon 12) of the trailer park that abuts the property in the northeast corner. 2. Hours of operation to conduct the removal of trees or shrubs shall be restricted from 9:00am to 5:00pm. No activity associated with the tree/shrub removal operation shall occur on Sundays. 3. All holes resulting form the removal of trees and/or shrubs shall be filled within 6 months. The Planning Board reserves the right to inspect the property within 6 months of the above date. This agreement is renewable. i All other terms and conditions remain in effect. Please have all involved parties acknowledge their acceptance of the amendments and agreement terms for 2012 and return this document to this office. NOCRO LTD. PROPERTY OWNER REPRESENTATIVE Date NOCRO LTD. PROPERTY OWNER CONSULTANT Date If I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, a46ac Don Wilcenski Chair Encl. cc: Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Heather Lanza, Director of Planning PLANNING BOARD MEMBE MAILING ADDRESS: soar�QF P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H.SIDOR �Q� yOIO Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS G �c Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS �O 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Qlufm Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Via Facsimile: 369-0428 May 10, 2011 Edward Dart PO Box 1 Peconic, NY 11958 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Zoning District: HD Dear Mr. Dart: The Planning Board has inspected the site and found that the requirements of the original agreement have not been satisfied. Holes resulting from tree removal are not filled. In addition, site inspection further reveals that trees greater than 5" DBH are being removed with no signed addendum in place. The addendum is on hold while the Planning Board addresses recent community concerns. Based upon such the Planning Board is requiring that you cease any and all operations that were not agreed upon in the original agreement until the addendum can be executed. If I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call me. V yours, Martin Sidor Chair cc: Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Heather Lanza, Director of Planning Damon Rallis, Zoning Inspector 0 • WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, April 25, 2011 4:00 p.m. Applications .............................._.........................................................................................................._...._...__........... .............................................................................................................._.................................................................................... ..... . ......................................................................._......................._......._...._.,..................................... .. .. 1000-140-2-20Project name: T.K. Alpha, LLC Shopping Ctr. SCTM#: ........ ......... ..................................._.............................., _...._. ...... . . .. .. __._._...____ .. .. ......................._......................:................................................................._................. ........................................................... Location: 535 Pike Street, on the north side of Pike street, approximately 100 feet east of Love Lane, in the Hamlet Business Zoning District, Mattituck .........................................._........................................................................,........................................................................................................... ......................................._..... -- .................................................. Description: This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,573 s.f. mix-use building consisting of 3 units on the first floor for retail use, 2 at 554 s.f. each and another at 1,200 s.f. and 2 residential apartments on the second floor, 554 s.f. each. In addition, there is an existing 605 s.f. building ro osed as a retail use on an 11,561 s.f. g....P............p........ parcel.............................._...................................................................... Status: '..._Pending.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._.......................... ................................................................................................................... ,. Action: Provide comments to the ZBA regarding the revised plans submitted by a licant p...p...i............................................_................................................................ ................ Attachments: Staff Report, Draft Comments ............................... i...............................................p........................................_...........................................................-............................................................................................................................................................_......................................................................_.._.............. _..............................................__.................._........................_.._...................................................._..................................................................................................................................................................................,............._._................................r..............................................._.._....................._........................................................ .., Project name: Orient by the Sea Wireless Facility : SCTM#: 1000-15-9-8 i (AT&T/New Cin ular and T Mobile .................................... ......................................................;.. .....................................................................9....................................................................................................................,............................... ....u. ............... ............................... ...... .......... . . Location: 40200 NYS Route 25, Orient ..............................................................._.................................._................_..................................-----....._.............................._.......__......._....._...._-_.._....._........_...._......_.........._..............................................._..........................._..........---.............................._................................................_.............., Description: Proposed construction of an 80 ft. monopole wireless facility having internally mounted antenna for two wireless providers New Cingular Wireless and T-Mobile and equipment- area. ...................................................................................... a ............. ........._ _ ..........................................................................................................................................._...... . ........................................................ ......... Status: en m ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ . ......................................................................................................_........................pp...._....._...g g up-coming p.........._... ...............................................: Action: Applicant's agent to discuss their u comin revision to the plication to re lace MetroPCS with T-Mobile as a second carrier. ........................................................p._._...__.................................................................. ......_....._................................_.................._......_......._...._.......__.._.......................................................................---.......................................................................................................... , Attachments: None ............................................................. ... ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._........................................._........................ ............................................................................... ..................................................................._..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._....................._..............._................................; Project name: Neumann, James SCTM#: 1000-107-1-1.1 107-1-1.2 1_................. ............................................................................................._. ..............................................._.__..---....._......_....._..........._......._._.....;.................---..._.......__...................._..............._....................................................................._...._............._.................._................_.............__....................... Location: Mattituck Creek and Mill Road, Mattituck ........................................ ................................................................................................... ......................................................................................._..................................................................................._.................................._._............._............................... .. Description: This proposal is to create a total of 5 lots from a 24.9 acre parcel with one existinghouse bordering Mattituck Creek in the R-80 Zone. ............................................._............................................................. ........................................................................................9........................._....................................................................................................................................................._............................................................. Status: Pendin.g............................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... Action: Applicant's agent to address Planning...Board................. ........................... . :.............pp . . . ....g . . .................. _................................ _......_g . . . Attachments: Staff Report........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................... ............................... . ........................................._.... ......................._.........................................................................._.............................................. ...; Project Name: i SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 ....................................................................................._..............................................................._....................... ....................................................................... ......................................................... __...._........................................................................._.__.._._....._..........................._........................................................; Location: ' Northwest corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, a roximatel 1,079 feet north of Main Road, in Cutcho ue ......................................................................... . , p.P.................................................._Y.........._................................_.._...................._..........._....._.............._._...._......................................................................._..._.._...................._..................................................................................... ... Proposed CondommiumDeve Development Description: . ................................................... .. . ............... ............................. Status: Litigation ........................................................................._........................................a. ............... _.._........................................................................................................................................................................ _ ............._........... t' ......... ................... ............ .................................. ......... _............ ..... Action: Discuss site visit & amendment to agreement for shrub & tree harves ing ............................................. plan. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._................................................._...................................................................; Attachments: ` None ..................................................................................... ...................................................................... ...........................................:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0 WORK SESSION AGENDA 0 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, March 28, 2011 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Executive Session Applications: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .................I........................................................................................................................................................... Project Name: SCTM#: 1 1000-102-1-33.3 .................................................................................................... ............ ............. ................................................ .................... ...................................................................................................................................W..................................................................................................................... Location: Northwest corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, approximately 1,079feet north n R of Maio...............ad, in Cutcho e........................................ ............................. . .... ........................ .................................................. ......................................... ...............................................9 1 ..... . ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ Description:......................................... 1 Proposed Condominium Development ........... ............................................................................................ ................................-...... ..-..................................................................... .......... ................................................Proposed ......... ..................................... Status: ..Litiqation .......................... ... ....................... ..................... ................... .......................................................................................................- ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Action: Discuss amendment to agreement ....................................................I........................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ...........................I............ ..... ..................................................................................... ............................................................................................... Attachments: None ...................................I............................................................... ........................................... ............................ ..........................111................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,...................-.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Project name: Owen Construction SCTM#: 1000-102-2-12.5 ;................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................... ....................... ...................................................................................... ........................................... We corner of Depot Lane and NYS Route 25, in CutchoQue Location: ................................................. ...............................................................................................................Depot ......................................................................................... ...................................................................................... Description: This site plan is for the conversion of an existing dwelling to professional offices on._a.._20,224.28 20,224.28 sq. ft. parcel in the RO Zoning.._District... ....................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ...................ft.....parcel .............................................................................................. Status: ; Approved Pending Inspection .......................'..................***"*.......... ................. .............1.. ................................. .........................................................L.....................................................................................Inspection .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Action: Discuss site visit. .......................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................. ......... .................. ........................................................................................................................................................ Attachments: Draft L.....e......t.......e.......r.....to.......Ap.p.l..i...c.....a.......n......t... ....................................................................................................................................I...................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ............................-..................................................................................................................................................................................._.........................I.......................11........................... ............ib.................................................................-.................-.1.............................................................1.................I........... S TM#: 1000-140-2-18 Project name: Price, Ma Ann ........................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ..................... .............................................7.......................................................................................... Location: 730 Love Lane, Mattituck ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Description: ZBA Special Exception consideration for a Flea Market having 28 individual vendors ......................... ............................................................................................. Status: ............. .................................................................................................................................. nd* .......................... .... .......... ...................... .......... .... ZBA 2 Request for Comments ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......... ......................................................................................................................................................... Review draft comments. Action: .............................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Attachments: Draft Comments .................................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................... .................................................................................... ................................I................................................................ ................................................ ................................... ....................I.............................................................................. ............................................................11........................................................I..................................................................... Project name: T.K. Alpha, LLC Shopping Ctr. SCTM#: 1000-140-2-20 .................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I.............................................................................................. Location: 535 Pike Street, on the north side of Pike street, approximately 100 feet east of Love Lane, in the Hamlet Business Zoning District, Mattituck ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Description: This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 2,573 s.f. mix-use building consisting of 3 units on the first floor for retail use, 2 at 554 s.f. each and another at 1,200 s.f. and 2 residential apartments on the second floor, 554 s.f. each. In addition, there is an existing 605 s.f. building proposed as a retail use on an 11,561 s.f. parcel located in Mattituck. ................. .......... ................................................................... ...............................................1............................................................................... d, .. ............ ........................ ............ ...................... ............................................ ..................... New Site Plan -ZBA 2n Request for Comments Status: ... ...... .. ............................ .......... ..................................... -............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................... Action: es changesReview Ian cg . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............ ................................................................................................................................................................................ Attachments: : None........... .......... ...................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................I............................. ....................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ .. ...................... .................. ..... ...............................................................I................................................... ...................................1............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Project name: James Creek Landing SCTM#: 1000-122-3-1.4 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................._...___.............................................................................. ...................... ................................................ ............................................................................................ Location: on the west side of Main Road, approximately 280' south of New Suffolk Avenue, in Mattituck ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................-.................................. Description. This proposal is to subdivide a split-zoned parcel into five lots where Lot 1 equals 40,686 sq. ft.; Lot 2 equals 33,007 sq. ft.; Lot 3 equals 44,986 sq. ft.; and; Lot 4 equals 43,520 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District. Lot 5 equals 77,747 sq. ft.' and is located in the B Zoning District. The open space is equal to 5.59 acres or 60% of the upland area. .... ......... .................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Status: Sketch Approval ........... .......... ..............................-...................................................................... .... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... Action: Review Preliminary Plat; discuss setting Preliminary Public Hearing. ........ ............................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Attachments: Staff Report ............... ............................................ ............................................................................I.............................................................................................................................................................................................................I................................................-..........................................-............................................................... LARK& FOLTS Attorneys at Law . 28785 MAIN ROAD n� ` PO BOX 973 C CUTCHOGUE,NEW YORK 11935 ------------------------------------- Tele. No. (631) 734-6807 Fax No. (631) 734-5651 E-mail: LarkandFolts@aol.com RICHARD F. LARK MARY LOU FOLTS March 9, 2011 Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson Southold Town Planning Board 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 RE: The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal SCTM#1000-102-1-33. 3 Dear Mr. Sidor: On behalf of Nocro, Ltd. , I am enclosing your letter to Edward Dart dated December 14, 2010 . At a recent meeting of Nocro, Ltd. , the Board of Directors approved the extension which I presume is until December 30, 2011 . If there is anything else that needs to be done, kindly let me know. Very truly yours, Richard F. Lark RFL/m Enclosure Mp� � � 2011 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �'QF so�jy P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H.SIDOR �0� Ol0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS • Q 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND Ql (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) DONALD J.WILCENSKI ���UMY,� Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 14, 2010 Edward Dart PO Box 1 Peconic, NY 11958 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Zoning District: HD Dear Mr. Dart: The Planning Board has agreed to extend the approval granted for attached document entitled; The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal for 2011 and executed 10/20/2010. This extension is subject to the same terms and conditions. Please have all involved parties acknowledge their acceptance of the extension and agreement terms for 2011 and return this document to this office. NOC�q LTD P NER REPRESENTATIVE Date--3-Z-J/ NOCRO LT Y ER ONSULT Date )— Z z�C P If I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, ti1V �Q��1 Martin Sidor Chair Encl. cc: Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS pF SO(/jP.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H.SIDOR ��`�` �� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y y� Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS G • Q 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L.TOWNSENDQ� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) DONALD J.WILCENSKI �CO�nM�� Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 14, 2010 Edward Dart PO Box 1 Peconic, NY 11958 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Zoning District: HD Dear Mr. Dart: The Planning Board has agreed to extend the approval granted for attached document entitled; The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal for 2011 and executed 10/20/2010. This extension is subject to the same terms and conditions. Please have all involved parties acknowledge their acceptance of the extension and agreement terms for 2011 and return this document to this office. NOCRO LTD. PROPERTY OWNER REPRESENTATIVE Date NOCRO LTD. PROPERTY OWNER CONSULTANT Date If I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call me. Very 4FWxyours, W ►� Martin Sidor Chair Encl. cc: Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney M7--- REQUEST REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE Date: p � Name: Telephone: Mailing Address: SCTM# of site you are inquiring about: Query: (Please be specific about the information you need. Provide supporting documentation - surveys, maps, sketches - where possible.) r- 102010 Planning Staff will attempt to respond as quickly as the workload permits. But, depending on the questions, and the research involved to answer them, please understand that it may be several days before we can get back to you. For Office Use Only- Routed to: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE Date: p Yo � Name: Telephone: C � � Mailing Address: SCTM# of site you are inquiring about: Query: (Please be specific about the information you need. Provide supporting documentation - surveys, maps, sketches - where possible.) S E P 1 0 2010 Planning Staff will attempt to respond as quickly as the workload permits. But, depending on the questions, and the research involved to answer them, please understand that it may be several days before we can get back to you. For Office Use Only- Routed to: • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS *Of SO(/j P.O. Box 1179 MARTIN H.SIDOR ��� yQIO Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND Ql (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Cow, Southold,NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fast: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 7, 2010 Revised October 15, 2010 Revised October 18, 2010 Richard F. Lark, Esq. 28785 Main Road PO Box 973 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Property Tree Management Proposal SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Zoning District: HD Dear Mr. Lark: The Planning Board is in receipt of your letter dated August 25, 2010 requesting a decision on the tree management program prepared by NOCRO LTD's partner and consultant Mr. Edward Dart of Dart's Tree Farm dated August 24, 2010 and submitted to our office on August 30, 2010. After careful consideration of the proposal, the Board has decided the following: I. Grant approval to remove trees from the center and east of the property (polygons 5/6/7/8/9 and 10) for the fall 2010 season. All tree species with a diameter breast height of less than 5 inches can be removed. No trees and/or vegetation shall be removed from Poly-gons 1. 2. 3, 4, and 11 at this time 2. Stake (with minimal clearing) the west property line for the purpose of erecting a 4' high, 6" mesh fence. Following staking the Planning Board will inspect the property. Following the inspection and approval, NOCRO Ltd. may establish a 15' wide mowed area along the perimeter of the property (except in the southeast corner of the property). All trees greater than 15" diameter breast height shall not be removed from the 15' mowed area unless such removal is approved by the Planning Board. In addition to the mowed areas on the west and north property boundaries a 50' natural vegetated buffer shall also be established. 15' mowed area 50'wide natural vegetated buffer Property Boundary Clearing or removing of vegetation or ground disturbance within the natural vegetated buffers is prohibited except for the selective manual removal of noxious ground cover species (poison ivy, etc). 3. Require that all holes resulting from the removal of trees shall be filled with clean topsoil to grade. t r 4. Establish anon-disturbance buffer with the stand of trees in the southeast corner of the property (adjacent to the mobile home park). 5. This approval will expire December 31, of each year or until a decision is reached with the pending site plan Heritage at Cutchogue. Upon expiration the Board will perform annual compliance inspections. Note, that if and when the parcel is developed, the Board will require sufficient landscaped buffers and interior landscaping to meet the Town's goals. Specifications of such vegetative species may require balled and burl aped sized trees. This agreement requires the signature of the property owner and the consultant performing the work on- site. NOCRO LTD, PROPERTY OWNER REPRESENTATIVE d- Edq Date NO R D. PrR,,O TY OWNER CONSULTANT � ' '- Date 1� Zd 2a/o If I can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, * &40� Martin Sidor Chair Encl. cc: Martin Finnegan, Town Attorney Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney File SURVEY OF PS'ERTY AT CUTCH TOWN OF MOLD SUFFOLK COMM N.Y. 1000-109604M SCALE PW AM 1; AAr[,4 A•s�Wsr PROW"LM[) Nro/� CAS7ELL0 01 BORCHESE LLC I ;OT 9 _ NSO'le'10'E 231.03' N eR•50 1v.2e' Aq YIOODt 1F�I1Fa"a 6717 4 •nM�93 LOT 6 �F L.•. i1� LOT 7 \ ) LOT B / X317', jV r �IN5 g6 p4 Z �i ... N36�•10 E laj N o ~ AiM I f,Al[f I AW 1�I � 1 I I I �o — rva AMilrAxsk. e O M a �t s a r 1 f zoo.. .soo .A(M_ sloe 2a r✓ _saw law •--- r� �,�' _3_._a_. _soa_..._Sd0 _.fat _rpt _ 4N? 4. l o a Soo Soo sbe Sou .. SPUR ROAD �$ �. ,. . LOa� . /O a.._ i00 _Soo sts1 __... Sod . aOA- 1!.. ._Pp _.ioLo.. ro_Q as row Aoalr 210.2 (DW)�ry6•yo'w I - V k y��tl yyL Nro/T ROMAN CAIMX CFK/RcH OF NE SACRED HEART ,i Z N2 L RR1 _ � e32>s3Y0'W 216.31•(AC 4 Z CER7wwo TO: 11 217.31' HERITAGE AT CUICNOCUE ZO i7RS1 AM£MCAN RILE INSWANCE COMPANY Of NEW MRK '' . SC,7lOLIL An=LAW AUG 30 3010 k! Town ��arr' e�Pwwr •.NO mENr SIAKE m. mill Awl My AWARLW W AWWM TO ROS SLMI(r R A W&AWN P.C. . or 1ZPSECII01,7SOIar PC AM vow ST..IR lDUCA RON LAK EMr AS A'E s[eeav rM_5WWW1WN?fE.ALL CERWiCArA}K (631 (631)763-7797 I AREA-45.998 ACRES OM7 PA 7N5 LOCA TEO rsoM MEWaV AW 141110 M LMS MAP AMI Cays"mw OKtr IT P.O. Box 906 sAO MA►a C&ACS WAR ME RMRESRD SEL ar W SURVEWR 1230 MAYEIER S/PEET . OiFIC WORMRTION weW so" AWARE MfWat ) 140 ___ SOL/INOLD, N.Y. 11771 � �� oe LARK&FOLTS Attorneys at Law 28785 MAIN ROAD PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE,NEW YORK 11935 ------------------------------------- Tele. No. (631) 734-6807 Fax No. (631) 734-5651 E-mail: LarkandFolts@aol.com RICHARD F.LARK MARY LOU FOLTS August 25, 2010 Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson - Southold Town Planning Board 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 AUG 3 0 r�10 Southold, NY 11971-0959 RE: NOCRO, LTD. 75 Schoolhouse Road, Cutchogue Dear Mr. Sidor: I represent NOCRO, LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "NOCRO") who was charged on March 18, 2010 by the Zoning Inspector, Damon Rallis, with a violation of §280-130B of the Code of the Town of Southold. Also charged was William Milner who at the time was the individual actually removing cedar trees and bayberry bushes from NOCRO' s property. No one was more surprised than Joseph Nolan, the President of NOCRO, who at the time of the alleged violation was in Puerto Rico. Mr. Nolan was not aware that Mr. Milner was removing trees from the property at the time of the alleged violation on March 18, 2010. In years past Mr. Milner had permission from Mr. Nolan to go on the property to do this type of work, but Mr. Nolan did not recall giving specific permission to Mr. Milner to remove trees in March 2010. Due to miscommunication, Mr. Milner believed he obtained permission from Mr. Nolan in December 2009 to remove trees in late winter or early spring of 2010. However past practice indicates Mr. Milner did have general permission because over the years he posted no trespassing signs and cleared vegetation along with removing trees from the property. As a result NOCRO will be responsible for his activities. Prior to his death in 2003, Richard Cron, who was the principal shareholder of NOCRO, gave permission to various local landscapers and others to remove trees especially the large cedar trees. It is noted Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson 2 August 25, 2010 Southold Town Planning Board this tree removal was on a limited basis with only a small amount of trees and shrubs ever being removed at any one time. NOCRO is currently legally obligated pursuant to a d+ontract of sale entered into by Mr. Cron and The Heritage at Cutchogue, LLC. (hereinafter referred to as "Heritage") . The contract provides that Heritage has the right to present site plans to the Planning Board for approval in order to develop the property. Upon receiving site plan approval Heritage has agreed to close title and become the owner of the property. Meanwhile NOCRO is responsible for the property and its condition. NOCRO has been informed that the Planning Board has rejected site plans previously submitted by Heritage. Further, Heritage is contesting the same in a Supreme Court action of which NOCRO is a party because of its property ownership. It is my understanding that there is a status quo while the matter is in litigation as far as the site plan and the whole entire process could take years to resolve. Previously NOCRO approached Heritage to inquire whether there was any objection by Heritage for NOCRO to manage the property by selectively cutting trees on its property as it has done in the past. Heritage indicated it had no objection as long as it did not interfere with the site plan application. This will not be a problem as there are ample native species on the property that would be left for site plan landscaping requirements. A cursory inspection of the property indicates there is a voluminous amount of trees and shrubs which are in an overcrowded condition. Selective cutting and removal will assure that healthy trees and shrubs can continue to grow properly. Otherwise if nothing is done, I am told the trees and shrubs will all grow together which in effect will require more of them to be destroyed and removed if there is to be any development of the property. After the Appearance Ticket was issued by Mr. Rallis, the alleged violation was brought to the attention of NOCRO' s Board of Directors who then selected one of its members, Edward Dart, to resolve the problem with the Planning Board. Mr. Dart has expertise in operating a tree nursery and is very knowledgeable about trees and. shrubs and he agreed to take charge of the property while it is in litigation and the site plan is in process. Mr. Dart is also responsible to the Board of Directors for getting his plan of property management approved by the Planning Board so there would be no further difficulties with the Zoning Inspector. Further, Mr. Dart was charged with the responsibility of obtaining whatever permits were necessary to construct a perimeter fence around the property. This has become necessary because the insurance company Martin H. Sidor, Chairperson 3 August 25, 2010 Southold Town Planning Board has notified NOCRO that it is concerned about the chronic trespassing problem and has indicated a fence is probably the only method of keeping trespassers out to avoid any liability claims. As a result Mr. Dart met with the Planning Board on June 7, 2010 and;had a preliminary discussion of his ideas and has agreed to submit a written proposal concerning his management of the property. After the undersigned accepted the Appearance Ticket on behalf of NOCRO, I immediately had a conference with Lori Hulse, Esq. , the Assistant Town Attorney in charge of the matter. It was agreed NOCRO would apply to the Planning Board for an interpretation of §280-130B and whether or not there were any zoning code violations on NOCRO' s part in the selective cutting and removal of trees and bayberry bushes from the property. The case is presently before the Justice Court of the Town of Southold and has been adjourned for the purpose of obtaining the settlement of the matter. Although NOCRO is not involved with any of Heritage' s site plans or its applications to the Planning Board, it is aware of the political climate created by the site plan. In recognition of this and the fact that the litigation and site plan could take years to resolve, NOCRO is taking steps in the interim to request two things from the Planning Board: (1) obtain a resolution that NOCRO' s removal of trees and shrubs from the property, as has been done over the previous years, is not in violation of the zoning code; (2) approve Edward Dart' s plan for management of the property while litigation and the site plans are pending. The approval of a management plan is essential. If the neighbors complain of not being allowed to continue to trespass and use the property as a playground, Mr. Dart if necessary, wants to show them he is not a trespasser or violator of the zoning code. Hopefully this will avoid any future complaints. Attached hereto is Edward Dart' s management plan dated August 24, 2010 for your review. The matter in Justice Court is returnable on September 27, 2010, so I would appreciate it if you would schedule a meeting before the Planning Board to answer any questions or concerns so the matter may be resolved. Very truly yours, 1 RFL/lk ichard F. Lark Enclosure cc: Lori Hulse, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Heather Lanzer, Director of Planning Dart's Tree Farm 2355 Main Bayview Rd Southold, NY 11971 (b31) 765-4148 August 24, 2010 r Attn: Martin Sidor, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 2010 Southold, NY 11971-0959 RE: NOCRO, LTD. 75 Schoolhouse Road; Cutchogue Management Plan Dear Mr. Sidor: I have been requested by the Board of Directors of NOCRO, LTD. to be Manager of their property at 75 Schoolhouse Road, Cutchogue, New York (SCTM 1000-102-01-33.3) and to establish a property management plan until the property is sold. The property is 45.99 acres, vacant, generally a flat parcel. Residential parcels adjoin the northerly and westerly boundaries. The property suffers from long-term neglect and is very much overgrown with vegetation. Poison ivy has seriously infested and taken over large areas of the property. Volunteer stands of native trees and shrubs, such as Red Cedar and Bayberry are often growing closely together in clumps with the result that one or more sides of the plant are, or will soon be, flat, brown and unattractive and as such, essentially worthless. It appears that some trees have been previously dug and removed from the property as there are some dug holes remaining. Throughout the property are various trails that have been made by trespassing all-terrain type vehicles. Some areas along the westerly boundary line have been strewn with garbage and lawn refuse. Due to apparent encroachments by the adjoining neighbors along the westerly and northerly boundaries, as well as heavy overgrowth in some areas, I am not sure of the exact location of the property lines. So that the exact location of the property lines may be known, my first priority will be to hire Peconic Surveyors to set monuments and to expose the existing ones, especially on the corners of the property and place new ones every 250 to 350 feet. I have been told that wood stakes had been placed in the past along the boundary, but most of them have been removed. As traversing some portions of the perimeter, even on foot, is extremely difficult, some of the most densely overgrown areas must be initially minimally cleared to enable the surveyor to set the monuments in the correct places. To: Mr. Martin Sidor, Chairman 2 August 24, 2010 Southold Town Planning Board RE: NO CRO, LTD (Management Plan) Once the property lines have been defined, it is the intention of the property owner to erect a perimeter fence to deter further encroachments and trespassing. In order to install and maintain a proper fence line with no trespassing signs, I want to create a clear perimeter strip along the boundaries. I propose to keep this 15 to 20 foot area open and mowed to 6-12 inches in height so that vehicles can be driven around the perimeter of the property. In the future, should the Planning Board require plantings in this perimeter area, this can be easily accomplished. Also, a gate and entranceway will be installed on Schoolhouse Road as that will be the only entrance to the property. For the management of the naturally occurring native species, I have identified them in numbered sections as shown on the attached survey for the purpose of inventory control. This should enable me to more effectively monitor and control the selective harvesting of the native species in a manner such that the remaining trees are a compliment to the property rather than a detriment. It is important in some areas to reduce the existing vegetation population so that the remaining trees and shrubs can grow in a healthy fashion. It is my strategy to work systematically across those sections and first focus where the largest areas can become under control in the least amount of time using good horticultural practices. Defective trees can be cut off right at ground level without disturbing the soil. Some areas can be mowed. Holes resulting from trees that are dug will be filled to ground level. Additional soil will have to be brought in from off-site to fill those holes that currently exist. By utilizing the existing dirt paths (ATV paths) as section boundaries within the parcel and then working within those sections in a controlled fashion, I should be able to manage the trees and other vegetation in a manner that allows for the selective removal and off-property relocation of a portion of the native species while at the same time improving the health of the remaining population. Cedar and bayberry are the most in-demand naturally occurring species on the property. In some places they are growing as thick as grass. I believe that approximately 25-35% of those plants over 4 feet and as much as 80% those less than 4 feet could be harvested without any detriment to the site. Limited quantities of other species such as birch, wild cherry, pine and poplar can also be selectively removed to enhance those that remain. Due to the property's current poor condition, it will take at least two years to get the property starting the look decent and probably another two to three years will be necessary to get the property shaped up so that all of the native remaining species will be in a healthy growing environment. After inspecting the property and looking at the areas where Mr. Milner removed trees, I conclude that he generally did a good job. Many of the trees that he dug out or selectively cut were done so the surrounding trees could grow. In the tree nursery business where you have trees crowding one another, good horticulture practices necessitate the removal of those trees that are preventing other adjacent ones from growing properly. In the situation where a landowner cuts a tree down or relocates it to another place, the result is exactly the same. Basically this is what NOCRO has been doing on a casual basis over the last 10 or more years but without any type of plan. Further, the removal of small cedar trees (whips) is a good idea because it prevents future crowding. To: Mr. Martin Sidor, Chairman 0 3 August 24, 2010 Southold Town Planning Board RE: NO CRO, LTD(Management Plan) The Board is aware that the vegetation on the NOCRO property is what is termed in the nursery business as "volunteers." This is not a man-made nursery, rather it's a former potato field that was basically abandoned and left for nature to take its course. The land has been left neglected and not cultivated unlike in a tree nursery. As a result, the property is now an overgrown tangle by any man's standards. It is the intent of the property owners to begin to reverse the years of neglect and abuse by implementing the aforementioned management plan. The property owners and I are aware of regulations within Southold Town Code that reference clear-cutting of trees on parcels currently subject to site plan review. It is our feeling that the intent of those Code sections was to prevent clear-cutting or removal of substantially all trees and vegetation from a site rather than the selective removal or harvesting for ongoing property management as is now our purpose. It is understood however that the Planning Board would naturally have an interest in any such management plan. It is noted that the Code specifically allows for mowing, selective pruning, and for that matter selective cutting of diseased or dead trees, this in apparent attempt to acknowledge that maintenance practices are exempted and encouraged. As I informed the Board of Directors of NOCRO, the select harvesting of the natural species will allow for healthy trees and plants to be available on the site when the property is to be developed. Further, the Board of Directors of NOCRO requires that I submit them a report every year so that this report may be made available to the Planning Board if it wishes to have one. I am open to any suggestions the Planning Board might have as to the management of this property, keeping in mind the goals which I have set forth. As it is anticipated there may be questions directed to me from the adjacent property owners to any efforts to reclaim, secure and manage this property, it is requested that the Planning Board pass a resolution stating that NOCRO may clear a perimeter, erect a fence and selectively remove native species as described above while the parcel is subject to site plan review. See survey showing "tree inventory sections" attached. Very tr ly yo , Edward Dart Enclosure Southold Town Plannim Board Work Session A enda—6/7/1 OmPage Two Project name: CMEEC SCT1000-6-8-7 & 3.2 Location: 1866 Central Ave. Fishers Island Description: The proposal is for the addition of 993 sq. ft. to the existing 7,144 sq. ft. diesel-electric generator facility on a 47, 441 sq. ft. parcel located in the Business District. Status: New site plan & request for comments by the ZBA for a Special Exception. _ Action: Review draft resolution. Attachments: Draft Resolution Project name: Barb's Veggies SCTM#: 1000-86-1-15 Location: 4195 SR 25, Peconic _ Description: Proposed hoop-house adjacent to an existing farm stand on 28.370 acres. The hoop-house is 15x48x8. The hoop-house will be used for storing plants, flower baskets and vegetables during the night. The hoop- house will not be accessible by the public. Status: Under Review Action: Review draft final resolution Attachments: Draft Resolution Project Name: The Heritage at Cutcho ue SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Location: Northwest corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, approximatel 1,079 feet north of Main Road, in Cutcho ue. Description: Proposed Condominium Development Status: Litigation Action: Review fence proposal by propertyowners. Project name: Bayberry Estates SCTM#: 1000-55-6-35, 55-6-36, 56-1-1 Location: The property is located on the west side of Laurel Avenue, approximately 150 feet south of Yennecott Drive in Southold. Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 50.0609 acre parcel into 18 lots and two (2) open space parcels, where the lots range in size from 30,000 square feet to 30,248 square feet, with the open space parcels totaling 35.0227 acres, excluding the wetlands in the R-80 Zoning District. Status: Conditional Sketch Action: Consider accepting preliminary plat application for review — send out _ referrals Attachments_ StaffReport Project name: Mazzaferro, Karen _ ___ SC M#: 1000-63-1-12 Location: _ on the east side of Horton's Lane, in Southold Description: This proposed standard subdivision is to subdivide a 4.28-acre parcel into 3.1ots, where Lot 1 equals 41,994 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 43,631 sq. ft., and Lot 3 equals 90,023 sq. ft., in the R-40 Zoning District. Status: Conditional PreliminaryApproval ^�^ Action: _ Review draft conditional final resolution. Attachments: Draft Resolution PQ Asti CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRIFFING AVENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK Mailing Addr-s : TEL: (631)369-8200 P.O. Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: charles.cuddyCverizon.net March 10, 2009 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold. NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms . Lanza: We appreciate your letter of February 18, 2009 . However, it has been and continues to be the applicant' s position that the recently adopted local laws are overreaching and cannot be sustained. Under the circumstances we will not be submitting revised plans . Very truly yours, a ���4 Charles R. Cudd CRC: dmc I Page 1 of 1 Kalin, Carol From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 9:48 AM To: Kalin, Carol Subject: FW: Heritage DEIS Attachments: Cuddy letter revised plans new code SEQR process.doc Please print this e-mail for the file. Thank you. From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 9:47 AM To: George Solomon (E-mail); Jeri Woodhouse (E-mail); Joseph Townsend (E-mail); Kenneth Edwards (E-mail); Martin Sidor(E-mail) Cc: 'Anthony-KPC@optonline.net'; Terry, Mark Subject: Heritage DEIS Due to the applicant needing more time to respond to the question of how they would like to handle moving forward on their application(see attached letter sent last week), we need to postpone making a decision on the DEIS for the Heritage at Cutchogue. I received a letter from Charles Cuddy today asking for more time because his client is away. Heather Lanza, AICP Town Planning Director 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 E-mail: heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us 2/23/2009 92/20/2009 17:16 631360 • PAGE -01/01 CHAaES R CUDDY AITORNEY AT LAW 446GRLFENGAVENUE RIVERHEAT),NP,W YORK M.ilin_ Addeeee: TEL: (631)369-8200 Riw Box FAX: (631)369-9080 Rivecbead,NNY Y 11901 E-mail:cltaAwxuddy@w i,,on.net February 20,2009 FACSIM765-3136 HaN rVaLaU Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 3 Re:The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#1000-102-1-333 Dear Ms. Lanza: Thank you for your letter of February 18, 2009. My client is away and we need to further discuss the options available to him,including a possible request for a variance. As soon as we can fully assess our position, I will contact you. Very truly Yours, 3" 14r 4! r - Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ms - II MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSVV S0(/ P.O. Box 1179 -`` JERILYN S.WOODHOUSE � "i� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS - Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON Wor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND ,�'p�Iy Southold, NY Telephone:881 765-1988 Fax: 681765-3186 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 18, 2009 Charles Cuddy 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 Re: Heritage at Cutchogue residential site plan application Dear Mr.Cuddy: As you are aware,the Town has passed three new local laws in relation to residential site plans, two of which apply to your client's site plan application,The Heritage at Cutchogue. The Heritage application, in its current form,does not meet the new town code, and must be revised to do so. I have enclosed copies of the new local laws for your reference. If your client wishes to proceed with the application, he can submit a new or amended site plan application. Alternatively, under SEQRA, I believe we can continue to process this project under the current DEIS,and your client could submit the revised plans in the Final EIS, or even sooner as an Alternative Plan Addendum to the current DEIS. The Planning Board has a special meeting scheduled on Monday, February 23 at 6:00pm, and at that time will be ready to make a determination on the adequacy of the current DEIS for public review. Please let me know by 3:30pm on Monday, February 23,how you wish to proceed with your application so I can notify the Planning Board. Sincerely, Heather Lanza, AICP Planning Director Encl. cc: Planning Board o��OF SOUryo��"" ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,RMC,CMC h . �O Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O.Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS to bw Southold,New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone(631) 765.1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER "vUIl1 ham" southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 30, 2009 Federal Express Linda Lasch New York State Department of State State Records and Law Bureau F IL R - 2009 41 State Street Albany,NY 12231 RE: Local Law Number6l --3 of 2009 Town of Southold, Suffolk County Dear Ms. Lasch: In accordance with provisions of Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, I am enclosing herewith certified copies of Local Law Number 1 - 3 of 2009 of the Town of Southold, suitable for filing in your office. I would appreciate if you would send me a receipt indicating the filing of the enclosures in your office. Thank you. Veryc truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Southold Deputy Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Town Attorney • NEW YORK s'rATE DEPARTMENT OIC STA FE 41 STATE STREET Local Law Filing - ALBANY,N9' 12231 (Use this form to rile a local law with the Secretary of State.) Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter. O County U City M "Town of SOUTHOLD ❑ Village Local Law No. I of the year 2009 . A Local Law entitled, A Local Law in relation to Zoning Amendments to limit the size of dwelling units in Residential Site Plans in the Hamlet Density District in the Town of Southold Be it enacted the Town Board of the: U County U City 0 Town of SOUTHOLD ❑ Village Section 1. Enactment 1. Legislative Intent The Town of Southold's Comprehensive Plan, comprised of a series of planning initiatives undertaken over the past 20 years, establishes a group of fundamental goals that together provide the underpinnings_of Southold's future vision. These goals are: I. To preserve land, including farmland, open space and recreational landscapes. 2. To preserve the rural, cultural and historic character of the hamlets surrounding the countrvside. 3. To preserve the Town's remaining natural environment; to prevent further deterioration of the Town's natural resources and to restore the Town's degraded natural resources back to their previous quality. 4. To preserve and promote a range of housing and business opportunities that supports a socio- economically diverse community. 5. To increase transportation efficiency and to create alternatives to automobile travel, while preserving the scenic and historic attributes of roads in the Town. The Town Board of the Town of Southold recognizes that the local community can absorb a finite amount of development in order to achieve the goals set forth above. The development that occurs will result in irreversible changes to the land and the community. The Town of Southold is engaged in a process for (If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet,and number each.) DOS-239(I2cv.0/05) 1 comprehensive planning for the hamlets located in the Town, and in 2005 adopted the Town of Southold "Hamlet Study". The Hamlet Study represents a unique exercise in Southold's long tradition of community planning as it was prepared by stakeholders from each hamlet representing a cross-section of the community. The primary goal of the Hamlet Study was to balance and accommodate an appropriate degree of growth in each hamlet. Since the adoption, the hamlet stakeholder process has been re-convened and the stakeholders are active in working with the Planning Board and staff to plan for the future of the hamlets. Presently, there are two applications for residential site plans before the Planning Board. These projects, if approved in their present form, would yield a significant change in the character of the hamlets in which they are proposed. The proposed project in Cutchogue contains the second-largest number of residential units proposed in a single development in the Town of Southold in recent memory. The impact of this development on the existing community and character of the hamlet is likely to be profound. The proposed project in Southold, while not as large in number of units, is large in scale and size of buildings. The Planning Department, faced with these applications, advised the Town Board that the current residential site plan regulations are inadequate to deal with the proposed developments. The current residential site plan regulations lack residential design standards and cluster requirements. The Town Board, Planning Board, Planning staff, and Code Committee reviewed the high density residential zoning, including Hamlet Density (HD) and Hamlet Business (HB), and proposed amendments. A public hearing was held on the proposed Code amendments on September 23, 2008. Thereafter, the Town Board, Planning staff and Code Committee met on several occasions to review the public comments and further discuss appropriate amendments to the town code. These proposed amendments are designed to assure that residential development in the residential zones is consistent with the plans for the hamlet, is compatible in scale with the hamlet, and will comprehensively meet the long-range goals of the Town. These amendments intend to assure a diversity of housing stock, promote moderate-cost dwellings, meet the needs of the existing population, and protect groundwater, open space and community character. The business zones that allow residential development have been removed from the proposal at this time, as the Planning Board, Town Board, and Code Committee have agreed that it is appropriate to examine the business zones and their uses comprehensively in the near Future. This proposed law places restrictions on the size of dwelling units in the HD zoning district. This district is the densest residential zoning district in the Town, and such restriction will serve to achieve the aforementioned goals. Section 2. CODE AMENDMENTS Chapter 280 of the Code of the Town of Southold is amended as follows: §280-137 A (7). Maximum amount of building area and size of buildings in the Hamlet Density Zoning District i. The maximum amount of total building area on a parcel shall be limited to the yield as determined by a yield plan multiplied by 1,200 s.f. (Yield shall be determined pursuant to §240-1 OB). The resulting total building area may then be divided into structures. ii. At least 50% of the total number of units proposed must not be larger than 1.200 s.f. livable floor area. The remaining building area may be distributed among units of varying sizes, provided the total number of dwelling units built does not exceed the yield as determined by the yield plan. Each unit built may have Lip to 400 s.f, incidental floor area in addition to the livable floor area. iii. Total building area for the purpose of this section is the cumulative amount of livable floor area, as defined below, of all dwellings. Total building area does not include clubhouse or similar amenities structures. 2 iv. Livable floor area per unit for the purpose of this section is the total area of all floors, including all spaces within the exterior walls of a dwelling unit,with no deduction for hallways, stairs, closets,thickness of interior walls, or other interior features. Livable floor area per unit shall exclude incidental floor area. Incidental floor area shall include,but not be limited to garages, unenclosed porches and decks, and shall not include unfinished basement area and unfinished attic area. Section 3. APPLICATION This local law shall apply to ALL [new and pending] applications for residential site plans in the Town of Southold. Section 4. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. 3 (Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which is not applicable.) 1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto•designated as local law No. 1 of 20 09 — of the( ('['own)(*44#ge) of SOUTHOLD was duly passed by the TOWN BOARD on January 20_, 20 09 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law, 2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval,no disapproval or re-passage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer*.) 1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. _ of 20 _ of the (County)(City)(Town)(Vi I]age)of was duly passed by the ___ on_ _ 20 , and was (approved)(not approved)(re-passed afk•r --------_ __ — — disapproval) by the --_—_ and was deemed duly adopted on _ 20 in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 3. (Final adoption by referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. ___of 20 of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the on 20 and was(approved)(not approved)(repasscd after disapproval) by the__ _ _on_ _20 _. Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual)election held on 20 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the _ on — 20 , and was (approved)(not approved) (repassed after disapproval) by the on 20 Such local law was subject to permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 20_ , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. * Elective Chief Executive Officer means or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county- wide basis or, If there be none, the chairperson of the county legislative body,the mayor ofa city or village,or the supervisor of a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances. 4 5. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No. of 20 of the City of having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the(special)(general)election held on -20-- -.-. became operative. 6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No _ of 20 of the County of __. —State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General Election of November 20 , pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal Home Rule taw, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cities of said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general election, became operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification. I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript there from and of the whole of such original local law , and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph 1 above. Clerk oirffie County legislative body. City. Town or (Sea/) Village Clerk or officer designated by local legislative body Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk Date: January 22, 2009 (Certification to be executed by County Attorney,Corporation Counsel,Town Attorney,Village Attorney or other authorized attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto. Siifiature Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq.,To Attorney Kieran Corcoran, Esq., Assistant Town Attorney Title Gity €ountY Town of SOMMOLD Villago Date: _. January 22, 2009______.________ 5 0 *A a- �apF SO!/Tyo EL17ABEM A.NEVILLE,RMC,CMC Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS co k Southold,New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER �O Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ,� Telephone(631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �"vU ,lw southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 30, 2009 Federal Express Linda Lasch New York State Department of State State Records and Law Bureau 41 State Street Albany, NY 12231 RE: Local Law Number 1 -3 of 2009 Town of Southold, Suffolk County Dear Ms. Lasch: In accordance with provisions of Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, I am enclosing herewith certified copies of Local Law Number 1 - 3 of 2009 of the Town of Southold, suitable for filing in your office. I would appreciate if you would send me a receipt indicating the filing of the enclosures in your office. Thank you. Very truly yours, Lynda M Rudder Southold Deputy Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Town Attorney NEW YORK SPATE DEPARTMENT OP STATE 41 SI ATP:STREET' Local Law Filing ALBANY,NY 12231 (Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.) Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter. ❑ County ❑ City 0 'Town of SOUTHOLD ❑ Village Local Law No. 2 of the year 2009 . A Local Law entitled, A Local Law in relation to Design Standards and Regulations for Residential Site Plans in the Town of Southold Be it enacted the Town Board of the: ❑ County U City 0 Town of SOUTHOLD ❑ Village Section 1. Legislative Intent The Town of Southold's Comprehensive Plan, comprised of a series of planning initiatives undertaken over the past 20 years, establishes a group of fundamental goals that together provide the underpinnings of Southold's future vision. These goals are: I. To preserve land, including farmland, open space and recreational landscapes. 2. To preserve the rural, cultural and historic character of the hamlets surrounding the countryside. 3. "fo preserve the Town's remaining natural environment; to prevent further deterioration of the Town's natural resources and to restore the Town's degraded natural resources back to their previous quality. 4. To preserve and promote a range of housing and business opportunities that supports a socio-economically diverse community. 5. To increase transportation efficiency and to create alternatives to automobile travel, while preserving the scenic and historic attributes of roads in the Town. The Town Board of the Town of Southold recognizes that the local community can absorb a finite amount of development in order to achieve the goals set forth above. The development that occurs will result in irreversible changes to the land and the community. The Town of Southold is engaged in a process for comprehensive planning for the hamlets located in the Town, and in 2005 adopted the "Town of Southold (If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet,and number each.) DOS-239(Rce05/05) 1 "Hamlet Study". The Hamlet Study represents a unique exercise in Southold's long tradition of community planning as it was prepared by stakeholders from each hamlet representing a cross-section of the community. The primary goal of the Hamlet Study was to balance and accommodate an appropriate degree of growth in each hamlet. Since the adoption, the hamlet stakeholder process has been re-convened and the stakeholders are active in working with the Planning Board and staff to plan for the future of the hamlets. Presently, there are two applications for residential site plans before the Planning Board. These projects, if approved in their present form, would yield a significant change in the character of the hamlets in which they are proposed. The proposed project in Cutchogue contains the second-largest number of residential units proposed in a single development in the Town of Southold in recent memory. The impact of this development on the existing community and character of the hamlet is likely to be profound. The proposed project in Southold, while not as large in number of units, is large in scale and size of buildings. The Planning Department, faced with these applications, advised the Town Board that the current residential site plan regulations are inadequate to deal with the proposed developments. The current residential site plan regulations lack residential design standards and cluster requirements. The Town Board, Planning Board, Planning staff, and Code Committee reviewed the high density residential zoning, including Hamlet Density (FID) and Hamlet Business (HB), and proposed amendments. A public hearing was held on the proposed Code amendments on September 23, 2008. Thereafter, the Town Board, Planning staff and Code Committee met on several occasions to review the public comments and further discuss appropriate amendments to the town code. These proposed amendments are designed to assure that residential development in the residential zones is consistent with the plans for the hamlet, is compatible in scale with the hamlet, and will comprehensively meet the long-range goals of the Town. These amendments intend to assure a diversity of housing stock, promote moderate-cost dwellings, meet the needs of the existing population, and protect groundwater, open space and community character. The business zones that allow residential development have been removed from the proposal at this time, as the Planning Board, Town Board, and Code Committee have agreed that it is appropriate to examine the business zones and their uses comprehensively in the near future. Section 2. CODE AMENDMENTS Chapter 280 of the Code of the Town of Southold § 280-137. Standards for residential site plans. The purpose of these residential site plan standards are to provide for a diversity of housing stock, promote moderate-cost dwellings, meet the needs of the existing population and protect groundwater, open space and community character. A. The Planning Board's review of the application and plans with respect to residential site plans shall include their compliance with the following: (1) The requirement that the applicant attend a pre-submission conference, at which time the applicant, the Planning Board and planning staff shall discuss the salient design features of the application. At such conference, the applicant shall be provided with a copy of the then- existing design manual as adopted by the Planning Board. (2) The applicable provisions of this chapter. (3) Where applicable, Town Law § 274-a and General Municipal Law § 239-m. (4) Construction standards and specifications of the Town highway specifications, Chapter 161 of the Code of the Town of Southold. For the purposes of residential site plans, one dwelling unit is the equivalent of one residential lot. (5) The requirements of the existing resources and site analysis plan(s) (ERSAP) and the allowable density of dwelling units as calculated using the yield plan criteria for standard 2 0 • subdivisions set forth in §§ 240-10A and B(2) of the Code of the Town of Southold, Subdivision of Land. (6) The provisions of Article XI, Cluster Development, of Chapter 240 of the Code of the "I own of Southold, Subdivision of Land, shall be applied by the Planning Board to residential site plans in residential districts, and may be applied by the Planning Board to residential site plans in business districts. In doing so, the Planning Board shall establish conditions on the ownership, use and maintenance of such open lands as it deems necessary to assure the preservation of the natural and scenic qualities of such open lands and shall not permit the use of such lands for the fulfillment of the park and recreation requirement. The procedures set forth in Article XI,of Chapter 240, Subdivision of Land, shall govern except as modified herein. To the extent that this provision may be construed to be in conflict with Town Law § 278 regarding clustered development, Town Law § 274-a regarding site plan review, or Town Law § 267, 267-a, 267-b or 267-c regarding the authority of the Zoning Board of Appeals, this provision supersedes and amends such sections insofar as they place any limitation on the Planning Board's application of such clustered development to residential site plans or the requirement of the fulfillment of the park and recreation requirement. (a) Design requirements where cluster development is required: 1. Open space i. Where required, cluster development design shall set aside a percentage of buildable land as open space in accordance with the schedule for Open Space, Buffers and Setbacks for Residential Site Plans at the end of this chapter, in Altachment 6. ii. Open space shall be vegetated, with no more than 15% of the land area to be irrigated. iii. Open space shall remain open and free of any buildings or structures, except those structures related to the use of the open space, including but not limited to split rail fences, signs and boundary markers. iv. The location, use and design of the open space areas will be determined by the Planning Board using the ERSAP, as set forth above, and as set forth and regulated in §240-1OC and §240-44. 2. Minimum setback i. The setback from the property line to all structures shall be in accordance H ith the schedule for Open Space, Buffers and Setbacks for Residential Site Plans at the end of this chapter. 3. Minimum buffer i. The buffer area shall be in accordance with the schedule for Open Space, Buffers and Setbacks for Residential Site Plans at the end of this chapter (7) [Reserved.] (8) Design considerations: (a) The location, arrangement, setbacks, size, design, and general site compatibility of buildings, structures, landscaping, lighting, and signs, in keeping with the character of the community; (b) The adequacy, safety and convenience of vehicular traffic access and circulation, including driveways, rights-of-way, curb cuts, intersections, pavement surfaces, traffic controls, and designated areas for access to public transportation; (c) The adequacy, safety and convenience of pedestrian and bicycle traffic and circulation, including sidewalks, walkways, and pedestrian/vehicle conflict points; (d) The sufficiency, convenience and appearance of off-street parking and loading areas, including visitor, employee and overflow parking, parking and storage for trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles, and the provision of alleyways; (e) The provision of and adequacy of emergency lanes, exits, tap streets, other safety 3 zones, and the provision of fire hydrants to promote the public safety; and (f) The proximity of recreational facilities and open space. (g) Garages should be set back from the front fagade of the building. Two-car garages should either have a separate door for each bay, or have the appearance of an individual door for each bay. B. SEQRA review. The Planning Board shall comply with the provisions of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, 6 NYCRR Part 617. [Added 8-2-2005 by L.L. No. 12-2005] C. Within 10 days after accepting the application, the Planning Board shall forward the application to the Architectural Review Committee for review. The Architectural Review Committee shall review the application at their next regularly scheduled meeting, and make a written recommendation to the Planning Board on the site plan within 10 business days of that meeting. If the Committee fails to make a recommendation within this time period, the project shall proceed to the Planning Board for consideration without Committee review. [Added 8-2-2005 by L.L. No. 12-2005] D. Preliminary hearing requirement. Prior to and in addition to the public hearing required by § 280- 131 H, the Planning Board shall hold a separate preliminary hearing on the application with notice provided pursuant to Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearings. [Amended 8-2-2005 by L.L. No. 12- 20051 E. Affordable housing requirement. Every new residential site plan involving the creation of five or more dwelling units shall comply with the requirements of§ 240-1 O13(2)(c)of the Code of the Town of Southold, Subdivision of Land, pertaining to the provision of affordable housing, except in the Hamlet Density zoning district the number of units to be set aside as moderate-income family dwelling units (MIFDU) is reduced from twenty percent to ten percent. The requirements applicable to lots within a subdivision in that subsection shall apply equally to dwelling units in affected residential site plans. F. Park and recreation requirement. The provisions of§ 240-53 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Subdivision of Land, pertaining to the reservation of parkland in subdivisions, shall apply equally to residential site plans approved under this chapter, except the fee per lot therein shall herein be applicable to each dwelling unit. [Amended 8-2-2005 by L.L. No. 12-2005] G. Performance bond requirement. The provisions of Article IX, Bonds and Other Security, and Article X, Required Public Improvements; Inspections; Fees, of Chapter 240, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of the Town of Southold, shall apply equally to residential site plans approved under this chapter. Pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law § 10, § 280-137B, C and D herein supersedes and amends New York State Town Law § 274-a regarding site plan review to the extent that the Planning Board is empowered to impose affordable housing, park and recreation and performance bond requirements in the residential site plan review process. [Amended 8-2-2005 by L.L. No. 12- 20051 H. Phased development. The Planning Board shall permit the phased development of residential properties that meet all other applicable standards, but shall condition the approval of the development of any permitted phase upon the maintenance of the undeveloped phases in their undeveloped condition, and shall prohibit all clearing and site preparation on such undeveloped phases until such time as development is permitted. [Amended 8-2-2005 by L.L. No. 12-20051 4 I. Planning Board authority to vary requirements for setbacks, building length, separation and courts, and open space. (Amended 8-2-2005 by L.L. No. 12-20051 (1) The Planning Board shall have the authority to reduce or amend yard setback requirements for individual buildings in favor of a perimeter setback for entire groups of buildings, to require that setbacks from interior streets be varied, and to reduce or amend the requirements of§§ 280-107 and 280-108, and to reduce or amend requirements for open space. In making these decisions, the Planning Board shall take into consideration the benefit to the applicant, as weighed against the detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood or community. In making such determination, the Planning Board shall also consider: (a) Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of the amendment; (b) Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than the sought variance; (c) Whether the variance is substantial; (d) Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district; and (e) Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created, which shall be relevant to the decision but shall not necessarily preclude the proposed amendment or variance. (2) This provision supersedes and amends New York State Town Law §§ 267, 267-a, 267-b and 267-c insofar as these sections give such authority to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Section 3. Chapter 280 is further amended as follows: 280-4 Definitions BUFFER— A natural or landscaped vegetated area along the boundaries of a subdivision, lot or parcel, designed to provide natural visual screening through the growth of dense vegetation, and ideally including evergreens. A new Attachment 6 is added to Chapter 280. 280 Atlachment 6 Town of Southold Schedule for Open Space, Buffers and Setbacks for Cluster Develo meet Residential Site Plans Size of Minimum open Minimum Minimum buffer property space set-aside setback (in (in feet)z (acres) (as a percent of feet)' total land area of project) <15 20 30 20 15-39 30 35 25 >39 50 75 50 Perimeter setback from property line to all structures including driveways, patios & decks (includes the buffer area). Setback must be vegetated. Where open space is between the property line and the buildings, the buildings must be setback from the open space a minimum of 10' as measured from the edge of structure to the nearest edge of open space. The portion of the setback not encompassing the buffer area is excluded from the open space calculation. '` The buffer is located within the minimum setback. The buffer begins at the property line and extends in towards the interior of the parcel. The area of the buffer shall be included in open space calculations. 5 At the discretion of the Planning Board, buffers can either be"non-disturbance" meaning the buffer area is left in its natural state and vegetation is not cut or removed, or a buffer can be planted and landscaped according to a plan approved by the Planning Board. Section 4. APPLICATION This local law shall apply to ALL [new and pending] applications for residential site plans in the Town of Southold. Section 5. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof'other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. Section 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. 6 (Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the riling of this local law and strike out that which is not applicable.) 1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. 2 of 20 09 of the ( ty (Town)( Wa )of SOUTHOLD was duly passed by the TOWN BOARD on_January 20, 20 09 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or re-passage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer*.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. _of 20 _ of the (County)(City)(Town)(Vil]age)of was duly passed by the on 20 and was (approved)(not approved)(re-passed after disapproval) by the and was deemed duly adopted on _ 20 in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. — - -" 3. (Final adoption by referendum.) 1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of the (County)(City)(Town)(ViI]age) of was duly passed by the on __20 , and was(approved)(not approved)(repassed after disapproval) by the _ on _20 . Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a(mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (genera l)(specia[)(annual)election held on 20 in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. -"- 4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting referendum.) 1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. _ __of 20 _ ol'the (County)(City)(7'own)(Village) of was duly passed by the on 20 , and was (approved)(not approved) (repassed after disapproval) by the _ on 20 Such local law was suhject to such permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting h referendum was filed as of 20 , ill accordance with the applicable provisions of law. ---- * Elective Chief Executive Officer means or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county- wide basis or. If there be none, the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances. 7 5. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the City of___ having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the(special)(general)election held on 20 became operative. 6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No of 20_ of the County of _ State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General Election of November__ _20 , pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal Home Rule Law,and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cities of said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general election, became operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification,) I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript there from and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph 1 above. Clerk of the ounty legislative body. City. Town or (Seal) Village Clerk or officer designated by local legislative bode Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk Date: January 22, 2009 (Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel,Town Attorney,Village Attorney or other authorized attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law mains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law an ed hereto. Si nature Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. w rney Kieran Corcoran, Esq.,Assistant Town Attorney Title GEfOfty town of SOUTHOLD silage Date: _ January 22, 2009 8 o��pF SOUryo//__ ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,RMC,CMC `o Town Hall,63096 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O.Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS co ac Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICERG� Fax(631) 766-6146 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER �(fC � Telephone(631) 766-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 30,2009 Federal Express Linda Lasch New York State Department of State State Records and Law Bureau 41 State Street Albany, NY 12231 RE: Local Law Number 1 . 3 f 2009 Town of Southold, Suffolk County Dear Ms. Lasch: In accordance with provisions of Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, I am enclosing herewith certified copies of Local Law Number l - 3 of 2009 of the Town of Southold, suitable for filing in your office. I would appreciate if you would send me a receipt indicating the filing of the enclosures in your office. Thank you. Very truly yours Lynda M Rudder Southold Deputy Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Town Attorney NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE ] Filing - 41 STATE STREET Local Law iing] ALBANY NY 12231 (Use this form to rile a local law with the Secretary of State.) Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter. ❑ County ❑ City RI Town of SOUTHOLD ❑ Village Local Law No. 3 of the year 2009 . A Local Law entitled, A Local Law In Relation to Open Space in subdivisions in the Hamlet Density Zoning District Be it enacted the Town Board of the: ❑ County ❑ City 0 Town of SOUTHOLD ❑ Village Section 1. Legislative Intent The purpose of this Local Law is to require an open space set-aside in subdivisions in the Hamlet Density Zoning district, identical to that imposed on residential site plans in the same district. Section 2. Chapter 240 of the Southold Town Code is amended as follows: ARTICLE XI Cluster Development § 240-42. Authority and purpose. D. The Planning Board, at its discretion, may mandate cluster development in the AHD, RR, RO, LB, HB and B Zoning Districts for residential uses as permitted by this Code. H. Design requirements for cluster development subdivisions. In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, the following shall apply: (1) In the R-400, R-200, R-120, R-80 and R-40 and A- C Zoning Districts, a cluster development design must set aside a minimum of 60% of the buildable lands as open space lands. (2) In the HD Zoning District, a cluster subdivision development must set aside a minimum percentage of buildable lands as shown in the "Open Space set-aside" column in the Schedule for Open Space, Buffers and Setbacks for Residential (If additional space is needed,attach pages the same size as this sheet,and number each.) . UOS-239(Rev.05/05) 1 Site Plans at the end of Chapter 280. (3) Utility and open space easements may be included in the calculation of the minimum required open space. (4) Roads, streets, rights-of-way may not be included in the calculation of the minimum required open space. Section 3. APPLICATION This local law shall apply to ALL [new and pending] applications for residential site plans in the Town of Southold. Section 4. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not effect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. 2 (Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the riling of this local law and strike out that which is not applicable.) 1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No. 3 of 20 08 of the ( (Town)( Hag®)of SOUTHOLD was duly passed by the TOWN BOARD on January 20_, 20 L8_, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval,no disapproval or re-passage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer*.) 1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the(County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the on 20_,and was(approved)(not approvedxre-passed after disapproval) by the and was deemed duly adopted on 20 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 3. (Final adoption by referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the on 20 , and was(approvedxnot approvedxrepassed after disapproval) by the on 20 . Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a(mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (gencral)(special)(annual)election held on 20 in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of 20 of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of was duly passed by the on 20 and was (approved)(not approved) (repassed after disapproval) by the on 20 Such local law was subject to permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of 20 , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. * Elective Chief Executive Officer means or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county-wide basis or, If there be none,the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances. 3 0 5.(City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No. of 20 of the City of having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law,and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the(special)(general)election held on 20 became operative. 6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto,designated as local law No of 20 of the County of State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General Election of November 20 , pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cities of said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general election, became operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certification.) I further certify that 1 have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript there from and of the whole of such original local law ,and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph 1 above. Clerk of t ounty legislative body.C ty. Town or (Seal) Village Clerk or officer designated by local legislative body Elizabeth A. Neville,Town Clerk Date: January 28. 2009 (Certification to be executed by County Attorney,Corporation Counsel,Town Attorney,Village Attorney or other authorized attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law an ed hereto. ignature Patricia A.Finnegan,Esq.,Town A ney Kieran Corcoran,Esq.,Assistant Town Attorney Title Gity C�uaty Town of SOUTHOLD Village Date: January 28, 2009 4 � 1 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC 1721-D North Ocean Avenue Medford,New York 11763 (631) 207-5730 February 12 2009 '— - -- Via Federal Express FEB 1 �^ 9 Heather Lanza Director of Planning Town of Southold 54375 Route 25 '" I Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue DEIS Dear Heather: Charles Cuddy informed me that Anthony Trezza called him at your request to ask that elevation renderings be sent to your office for the homes included in the January DEIS submission. While the renderings are not required to be submitted with the DEIS, I am enclosing ten sets of the requested renderings. Sincrely, w Jeffrey imland V enc. cc: Charles Cuddy JL x ." FeCEX USAirbill 0, 8689 6743 6895 Express 1 Fran ls �4s Express Package Service Paekegesupto He 868967436895 w Date mFe.°dmEP„n7u :wO.vmeame.lMh..a.v rysm,eau.0vg.Im..nryrvoT r.o.M1l.. FsendmExo.Finddree.n,OvernightFedEx Tracking NumberFedExSandard Overnight ❑I dx�nmex.axe.eaa• � - m.sssarvaonvoxr..n�aml.[me. s.m,aryo.s..vxm.,:°w. . Sentlets h6 <' 1 .,ja Fed&20ay FedEx Express Saver Name_ _ Phone see. .a amm.e.ery•m.ae.v ❑ maae.a.ae.v Npren6wMMMFarNmMmley $eeNrynaYmyNOlevaiexa. W l �$L1W9FYOMmYevM[6tl. W FkF.FnwKKa mara,evtilveY.M"mmim[Nme'.Orepuudrm •AY1Yea� CL Company - 46 Express Freight Service J a'exixgraswe/5a/ka • M F ,❑ FedEE.l jy reor ❑ IdFx uDay Fregm new ❑ FmeWd aeyryFr_egM m 2 - Mamn.wle. 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"w.n0gem,ax.m x.w4 �. aar.Dere lwm•P.nnsensmissareosr.eu.valmro lx osn•sns u� MC � S Review of Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement For the Heritage at Cutchogue Planned Adult Active Community To determine whether to accept the draft EIS as adequate with respect to its scope and content for the purpose of commencing public review. Prepared for Southold Town Planning Board February 2009 Prepared by KPC Planning Services, Inc 108 Mill Road Westhampton Beach,NY 11978 KPC Planning Services, Inc. has reviewed the revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Heritage at Cutchogue project, prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. dated as revised September 18, 2008. This document was submitted in response to our report dated June 2008, which indicated that the previous DEIS was not adequate for public review. We have reviewed the revised DEIS for compliance with our report of June 2008, which outlined the additional information needed to deem the DEIS adequate for public review, as well as, the Final Scope adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board on September 10, 2007. As a reminder to the Planning Board and as noted in our previous report dated October 2008, the SEORA Handbook is published by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and provides very detailed and user-friendly information as it relates to the entire SEQRA process. As described below, the DEIS needs to be adequate for public review, but is not required to address every technical issue that may be a concern to the Planning Board and/or the general public. Any additional concerns that are not addressed in the DEIS may be addressed in the FEIS if the Planning Board finds that said information is necessary to fully evaluate the potential significant environmental impacts, as well as, the proposed mitigation. The following excerpts are taken directly from the handbook, which the Planning Board should take into consideration as they review the draft EIS: A draft impact statement should describe the action, alternatives to the action and various means of mitigating impacts of the action. It should discuss all significant environmental issues relates to the action, but it is not the document in which all such issues must be resolved. Resolution of issues before acceptance of a draft EIS, in fact, defeats one of the major purposes of the draft EIS; that is, to give the public an opportunity to comment on the various alternatives regarding the action, so that such comments may be part of the final decision making considerations. The lead agency should remember that a draft EIS does not need to be perfect. It should contain a discussion of information, including significant impacts, alternatives and mitigation measures requested by the lead agency in a reasonable level of detail. The purpose of the public comment period is to allow all involved agencies and the public to review the draft EIS and comment on its inadequacies. These can usually be corrected in a final EIS. If there is a fundamental disagreement between the lead agency and the preparer of the draft EIS about its acceptability, it is possible to simply disclose that disagreement in the document itself and explain how the parties vary in their opinions. The public will then be able to comment on this as well. Must differences in interpretation between the project sponsor and lead agency experts regarding a technical issue be resolved before determining a draft EIS is complete? No. It is not necessary to resolve these types of disputes before accepting the draft EIS as complete. In cases where there are valid differences in 1 interpretation of a technical issue, the lead agency should include both interpretations in the draft EIS Providing both positions allows a reviewer to reach an independent determination regarding the impact. Proiect Location The subject property is a vacant 45.99-acre parcel located on the northwest corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, 1,079 feet north of Main Road (NYS Route 25) in Cutchogue. The property is currently zoned Hamlet Density (HD) and is identified as Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-102-2-33.3. Project Description This proposed residential site plan application is for the development of a Planned 55+ Active Adult Community consisting of 139 detached and attached dwellings, 14 of which will be permanently affordable. The affordable units are approximately 1,135 sq. ft each. 46 units will be 2,647 sq.ft. each, 21 units will be 1,930 sq.ft. each, 36 units will be approximately 2,700 sq.ft. each, and 20 units will be 3,110 sq.ft. each. Additional buildings proposed are an 8,840 sq. ft. clubhouse; a 1,160 sq. ft. swimming pool; two 3,200 sq. ft. tennis courts; a 2,400 sq. ft. maintenance garage; a gazebo; a gatehouse; 316 parking spaces, of which 272 are associated with the individual dwelling units and 44 are associated with the clubhouse and recreational facility; 197,043 sq. ft. of manmade ponds to serve as natural drainage basins/irrigation systems; 1,162,022 square feet (27.676 acres) of landscaping; and various other site improvements including road pavement, patio and sidewalk improvements, on a vacant 45.99-acre parcel in the Hamlet Density (HD) Zoning District located on the n/w corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, approximately 1,079 feet n/o the Main Road, in Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-102-1- 33.3. Review of Revised DEIS We have reviewed the revised DEIS to determine if all of the information requested in our report of October 2008 has been provided and whether the document complies with the requirements of the Final Scope and is adequate for public review. General Comment Regarding the Potential Impacts It was previously noted that the term "no impact' was used throughout the DEIS, which was determined not to be the correct terminology under SEQRA. In SEQRA, the proper terminology with regard to impacts speaks to whether an impact is "adverse", "significant', "low", etc. The DEIS has been revised to use the correct terminology when describing the potential adverse environmental impacts of the proposed project. Final Scope Requirement: Benefits of the Project The DEIS has been adequately revised to provide a more detailed discussion of the tax revenues to be generated by the proposed project. Section 3.3.1 provides data relating to the tax revenues generated by the site under the current conditions. Based on the information provided on the tax bill for the site, the DEIS provides a summary of the tax districts, tax rates and assessed valuation. Section 3.3.2 of the DEIS has also been 2 revised to provide the quantitative data used to provide an estimate of the potential tax revenue to be generated by the proposed project. Final Scope Requirement: Proiect Design and Layout It was previously noted that the lighting plan was nearly illegible and therefore must be replaced with clear, readable documents, particularly as it relates to the foot candle data. Although the foot candle data provided is at a very small font size (the result of the large amount of data that needs to be represented), the current lighting plan is more legible than the previous plan and therefore is adequate for public review. Final Scope Requirement: Soils The DEIS has been revised to provide the total amount of soil/sand being removed from the site. As requested in our previous review, the DEIS provides a range of the amount of excavated material based on one scenario where crawl spaces are provided and another where basements are provided, representing the minimum and maximum amount of soil to be removed. This range of excavated materials also includes the amount required for the sanitary systems and drainage leaching pools. The DEIS has also been revised to detail the connection between the grading plan and the soil management plan. According to the revised DEIS, Soil management will involve isolation of soils as part of the initial stages of the grading plan to ensure that either non-impacted subsoils are exposed at the surface, or impacted surface soils are covered with at least one foot of clean soil. This will involve the scraping of the top 12 inches of site soils (±74,197 cubic yards) that will either be buried on site or exported off site for proper disposal. It is anticipated that approximately ±42,400 cubic yards (CY) of the scraped soil will be buried beneath the proposed pond, in trenches located throughout the property and used to create berms along the property boundaries and in centralized landscaped areas. The remaining ±31,797 CY of material will be exported off site to an appropriate receivingfacility. In addition to the above, the soil management plan shows the proposed soil burial locations as previously requested. Therefore, the discussion regarding impacts on soils has been revised and is adequate for public review. Again, any additional information that is brought to the Board's attention during the public review period can and should be addressed in the FEIS, if the Board feels that said information is needed to fully evaluate and/or mitigate the potential environmental impacts. 3 Final Scope Requirement: Water Resources Our previous review of the DEIS requested quantitative data to support the notion that effluent and leachate from septic systems and stormwater runoff collection pools is clean enough to drink by percolating through 30 feet of sand, as stated in the DEIS. This statement is apparently based on information contained in studies conducted by the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP). The Planning Board may or may not agree with this statement and therefore will have an opportunity following the public review period to request this additional information to be included in the FEIS. While no specific additional information was provided, there is adequate information for the purpose of public review. Final Scope Requirement: Community Facilities and Services With respect to the impacts on community facilities and services, the DEIS has been revised to include limited additional information but no projections as to the potential increase in demand for services as a result of the proposed project. In addition, responses to inquiries made by the applicant have not yet been answered by the Fire District or Police Department. Essentially, the information that is needed is an analysis of the current levels of service for the police and fire departments — the existing number of volunteers/employees, existing equipment inventory, number of emergency calls received and average response times (it is noted that an equipment inventory for the fire district is provided). From this information, the potential impacts to the levels of service can be approximated, or at minimum, used to substantiate the statement that impacts to these services will be minimal as indicated in the DEIS. The underlying question,is at what threshold will the level of service for these services be impacted. However, for the purpose of public review, there is adequate information contained in the DEIS regarding the impacts to public services and any additional information that is needed can be provided in the FEIS. Final Scope Requirement: Aesthetic Resources, Open Space/Community Character and Public Health Our previous review of the DEIS indicated a lack of information as it relates to the impacts on community character and the historical pattern of development of Cutchogue. The DEIS has been revised to provide a substantial amount of additional information (both text and illustrations) regarding impacts on community character. With respect to the additional drawings, the applicant has provided photographs of existing multi-family developments in the HD Zoning District throughout the Town to "demonstrate how multifamily projects integrate into the visual character of the community. " More importantly, the DEIS provides modeled views of the proposed development from five (5) locations surrounding the project site, as required by the Planning Board. These 4 modeled views provide a representation of how the proposed project would look to a passersby traveling on adjacent roads and from within the existing neighborhood. Each provides the existing and proposed views, and includes a detailed narrative in the DEIS. Accordingly, the DEIS has been revised to provide the information as required by the Planning Board and is therefore adequate for public review. Final Scope Requirement• Alternatives to be Studied The previous review of the DEIS indicated that Alternative 5 (Alternative design for wastewater treatment) did not address the difference in the environmental effects of a sewage treatment plant versus the proposed septic systems. Although limited, there is additional information in the revised DEIS which provides a comparison of the concentration of nitrogen in groundwater under both scenarios — one with a sewage treatment facility and one with individual septic systems. Given that much of the focus relating to sewage is on the impacts on groundwater, this information is sufficient for a public review of the DEIS and any additional comments that may come out during the public review process may be addressed in the FEIS. Additional Comments/Recommendations 1. The DEIS has been revised to eliminate the reference to Residential Low Density AA, which is not a current zoning designation in the Town. 2. Section 3.2.1 of the DEIS has been revised to specify that the property is listed as eligible in the Community Preservation Project Plan. 3. The DEIS includes building elevations for each of the five types of units proposed for this site. 4. The lighting plans and floor plans have been replaced with clear, readable documents. Conclusions Based on the above, we find that all of our comments from our October 2008 review have been sufficiently addressed and therefore the DEIS is adequate for public review. As a reminder, the DEIS does not need to be perfect and every issue does not need to be resolved. The purpose of the public comment period is to allow all involved agencies and the public to review the draft EIS and comment on its inadequacies, which can then be corrected in a final EIS. 5 i • Lanza, Heather From: Anthony Trezza [anthony-kpc@optonline.net] Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 12:38 PM To: Lanza, Heather Subject: Heritage SEQRA Hi Heather As per our telephone conversation, I am going to call the applicant and advise that we need the building elevations for each of the proposed units in the development.This information is referenced but not provided. Anthony Trezza t CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRI FFING AVENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK Mailing Address: TEL: (631)369-8200 P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: Charles.cuddy@verizon.net February 3, 2009 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: Enclosed please find a check in the sum of$375.00 representing payment for the invoice#2007-193 from KPC Planning Services, Inc. Very ttrulyy yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ik f GPIGreenman - Pedersen, Inc. Engineering and Construction Services DATE 1/28/09 JOB NO.2007340 TO: Heather Lanza ATTENTION: Heather Lanza Town of Southold, Planning Department RE: The Heritage @ Cutchogue 53095 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 We are sending you: Attached Separately via: The following items BShop Drawings Prints Plans Lj Samples Specifications Copy of letter Change Order Other COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 1/28/09 CD with PDF of Draft Environmental Impact Statement submitted on 1/19/09 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval Approved as submitted Resubmit Copies for approval For your use Approved as noted Submit Copies for X As requested Return for corrections Return Corrected prints For review and FOR BIDS DUE 20 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO: Kyle Collins, KPC Planning Services (w/copy) Jeff Rimland (w/copy) Gary Becker, N&P SIGNED: Keith Holley 325 West Main Street, Babylon, NY 11702 Tel: (631) 587-5060 Fax: (631)422-3479 www.gpinet.com J t; L j J9 NY DOT 7515 ICC BC 121154 AOT. - O 5�U� U719 2 0 8 I ' BONDED INSURED 4 THIRD STREET•GARDEN CRY PARK,N.Y.11000 � (516)7464348 FAX(518)7/61072•(716)281-2220 DATE G - S S ' r I P //' / �J H H R Ck �f" Yl. o �. /[ 1 T ( ` P P M P O E ZIP EZIP D D ' p C.O.D. "I CUSTOMER REFERENCE G Y-/n ./ CUSTOMER REFERENCE - Iv r RECEIVED,SUBJECT TOrTKE CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THE ISSUE OF THIS BILL OF LADING. m PRIORITY SPECIAL REGULAR El OVERNIGHT MULTIPLE • A.. ll�T--�-117.��� m El PACKAGE Q tNVELOPE BOX OTHER WEIGHT m s�� v N.Y.D.O.T. --I UNLESS A DIFFERENT VALUE IS DECLARED,THE SHIPPER HEREBY RELEASES VALUE THE PROPERTY TO A VALUE NOT EXCEEDING ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (1100.00)PER SHIPMENT.CHARGES FOR ADDITIONAL VALUE DECLARED SHALL WAKING _ C.O.D. BE AT A RATE OF FIFTY CENTS(50¢)PER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS(6100.00) TIME SIGNED PICKUP DRIVER DELIVERING DRIVER TIME OF DELIVERY PICK-UP OTHER CHARGE A.M. P.M. THIS IS YOUR FFIENiFIT BILL THIS BILL MUST BE PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS ACCORDING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RE' AND INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REGULATIONS SERVICE CONSIGNEE SIGN PRINT LA T NAME r ULK CEL TOTAL (THMQ. G RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER AT TIMPSTATED Via e-mail to A. Trezza, KPC January 21, 2009 Mr. Kyle P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Fourth Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Collins: We received the January 2009 revised DEIS submission on January 20. A copy has been sent to you under separate cover via Express Mail. A CD showing changes will also be sent as soon as we receive it. We are faxing the signed proposal agreement to you. This letter will confirm your estimated cost of $2,000 for the above service. Prior to any work being done beyond this estimated cost, you must submit a second estimate for the additional work, and wait for our approval in writing before proceeding. Our thirty day review period ends February 19, 2009; we would appreciate receiving your first draft of this review by February 9, 2009. Thank you. Sincerely, Heather Lanza Town Planning Director r • 1721D North Ocean Avenue Medford NY 11763 Cly < 631-207-5730/Fax 631-207-5974 f The Heritage at Citchogue January 16, 2009 Town of Southold PO box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM# 1000-102-1-33.3 Today Friday January 16, 2009,we hereby submit the revised DEIS. Very y yours CSrnn Charles Kuehn i n • • . MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSP.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O�apF SOUIyO Southold, NY 11971 Chair ti OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON :cvp �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND �l,Y1ou Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 January 12, 2009 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Charles Cuddy 445 Griffing Ave Riverhead,NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Dear Mr. Cuddy, Thank you for calling to our attention to the matter referenced in your most recent letter, in which you asked that the Planning Board waive the Final Scope requirement to analyze the potential adverse impacts to public services such as schools and fire departments. You mentioned that our consultant was supposed to provide information on this topic to your consultant,hadn't, and that this was delaying your client's application. It is our intention to try and prevent delays in the project from our end. Upon reviewing the discussion from the December 1 work session,and discussing this with Kyle Collins and Anthony Trezza at KPC Planning Services, our recollection of who was responsible for providing information and what the next steps would be seems to differ from yours slightly. Please see the attached memo from KPC with details on their recollections and some helpful suggestions about how to proceed. While we recall the discussion where KPC offered to provide,as a courtesy to your client's consultant, some guidance on potential sources of information for impacts of development on schools and emergency services such as fire and ambulance,we also recall that the Planning Board recommended your client make a more concerted effort to contact the Cutchogue Fire Department directly, and that simply sending one letter and receiving no reply was not sufficient grounds on which to assume there would be no significant adverse impact to these services. The attached is the full extent of the information that KPC Planning will be providing. The Planning Board remains committed to carrying out its duty to investigate all the potential adverse impacts, and will not consider removing this requirement from the Final Scope. This issue is a common one for developments of this type,thus we are at a loss to understand the difficulty in providing sufficient analysis of the effect the proposed development will have on public services. In the spirit of providing additional assistance to your consultant, we contacted the Cutchogue Fire District to explain the nature of the information you are seeking. You may call Bob Fisher, Cutchogue Fire District Commissioner, at 631-734-6907 (home phone), 631-276-7240 (cell phone), or contact him by e-mail at bobtisher a,optonline.net. In addition,the fire district has a web site that contains statistics and data on emergency services calls. Another resource provided by KPC Planning is attached for your convenience. It is a publication from Rutgers University entitled, "Residential Demographic Multipliers."Please call Heather Lanza, Planning Director, with any further questions. Sincerely, Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson 2 0"- PLANNING SERVICES, INC. ,-Memorandum � 9 V� To: Heather Lanza, Planning Director From: Anthony P. Trezza, Principal Planner Subject: DEIS Review-Heritage at Cutchogue Date: January 5,2009 As you have already stated, the DEIS for the above-referenced residential site plan application does not provide any quantitative information as it relates to the impacts on community services, including impacts to police, fire, medical emergency and school services. We had simply advised at the December 1, 2008 Planning Board work session that there may be multipliers and conversion factors that can be used to evaluate the potential impacts on community services. We never advised them that they needed to wait for additional information from us in order to move forward. To the contrary, it is the applicant's consultant's responsibility to locate and provide the requested information. Much of the data they will need, as stated below, will come from the respective agencies and I believe they are going to need to be more aggressive in order to obtain the information, particularly from the police and fire departments, including but not limited to, emergency response characteristics, equipment and staffing, and any other information there may be regarding the overall operations. The underlying premise of this section of the DEIS is that service needs are related to the size of the population and geographic area served, the number and type of calls for service, and other community characteristics. The proposed project will have some affect on these factors and therefore may increase the demand for service from the fire, police and medical emergency service providers, although perhaps not to the extent there would be a significant adverse impact. The following needs to be evaluated: • The population increase resulting from the proposed project, based on the net increase of residential units and the square footage of non-residential floor areas, if applicable. • The demand for emergency services anticipated at the time of project buildout compared to the expected level of service available. Consider, as applicable, scheduled improvements to Cutchogue's emergency services (facilities, equipment, officers, volunteers) and the project's proportional contribution to the demand. • Evaluate project security and other design features (e.g., security cameras, officers, lights, fencing, gates, fire protection devices.) if any, and any other project features, which would reduce the expected demand for emergency services. • Evaluate the effect of increased traffic congestion on response times for police protection and other emergency services • Evaluate, where applicable, the potential number of school-aged children that can be expected to be generated from this project. A good source for the conversion factors in this case is the Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research Residential Demographic Multipliers. A copy of this document is attached to be passed on the applicant. I'm assuming that even though this is a 55 and over community,there is the potential for some school-aged children. Rutgers University, Center for Urban Policy Research Residential Demographic Multipliers Estimates of the Occupants of New Housing (Residents,School-Age Children,Public School-Age Children) by State,Housing Type,Housing Size,and Housing Price Prepared by. Robert W.Burchell,Ph.D. David Listokin,Ph.D. William Dolphin,M.A. Center for Urban Policy Research Edward J.Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick,New Jersey June 2006 DESCRIPTION,DEFINITION,AND ORGANIZATION OF RESIDENTIAL DEMOGRAPHIC MULTIPLIERS The national- state,and District of Columbia residential demographic multipliers are derived from the 2000 U.S Census 5-Percent Public Use Mfcrodata Sample(PUMS). The demographic multipliers include the following data fields and organization: 1. Household Size(HS):Total persons per housing unit. 2. Age distribution of the household members organized into the following age categories:0-4,5--13,14-17, 18-24,25-44,4544, 65-74,75+. 3. Total school-age children(SAC)or number of persons in the household of school age,defined as those 5 to 17 years old (The SAC is the as=as the combined ntmmber of household members in the 5-13 and 14-17 age categories.) 4. Total public school-age children(PSAC),or the SAC who attend public schools. 5. The SAC and PSAC by grade group organized as follows:kindergarten(K.yVadc 2,grades 3-6,grades 7-9,grades 10-12,and grade 9 by itself The above data permit the analyst to tabulate the SAC and PSAC by differing school levels(e.g.,K-6,7-12,and 9-12). The demographic fields shown above are differentiated by housing type, housing site, housing price, and housing tenare—four variables that have been found by Rutgers University to be associated with statistically significant differences in the HS,SAC,and PSAC.The multipliers are calculated for new housing,here defined as units enumerated in the 200D census and built from 19904200D. The housing or structure types include the following: single family detached, single-family attached, sometimes refined to as townbouses or townhomes; larger (5-on-morrunit) mufftYwngy but dhvgs, such as garden sparmteats or stacked flet&; smaller muWamt7y structures(2 to 4 units), such as a starter two-family home; and mobile homes As the 2000 censas,the source for the residential multipliers, does not have information on the stories in a housing structure(this was last available in the 1980 census), multiplier presentations cannot disaggregate multifamily bousing into garden,mid-rise,and high-rise categories. Housing-unit size is measured by the number of bedrooms,and data are presented for housing units ranging from I to 5 bedrooms. There is an association between housing type and number of bedrooms,and the demographic multiplier tables present the common configundions for each housing type. For instance, demographic data am shown for 1-through 3-bedroom muldfan*units and not for 4-to 5-bedtvom units of this type because multifamily housing tends to be built with fewer rather than mora bedrooms. The opposite is the case for single-family detached homes; in this instance, data are presented for 2-to 5-bedroom units as opposed to I-bedroom units because detached housing is typically built with more rather than fewer bedrooms. Housing is additionally classified by tenure:ownership or rental. According to the census,"A housing unit is owner-occupied if the 'owner or co-owner lives is the unit even if it is mortgaged or not fully paid for. . . .All occupied housing traits that are not owner- occupied,whether they are rented for cash rent or occupied without payment of cash rent,aro classified as renter-occupied" There is a further differentiation of the demographic profiles by housing value or rent. The census definitions for"value"and`tent' are shown on the Definitions page;with regard to the hitter,the current study indicates the"gross rent'(rent with utilities)rather than the"contract rent" Values and gross rents reported in the 2000 census are updated to 2D05 using a residential price inflation index available from the Federal Housing Finance Board A separate price index is applied for the nation, for each of the 50 states, and for the District of Columbia The demographic profiles by 2005 housing values and gross rents are organized following a four-tiered chissification:all value or rent housing, and then housing arrayed by tercu7rs(thirds)of value or rent(units at the Ist-33rd percentile of value or rent;units at the 33rd tbrough 66th po rceatile of value or rent;and units at the 67th-100th p=catile of value orient) DEFINITIONS OF DATA CONTAINED IN THE U.S. CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING PUBLIC USE MICRODATA SAMPLE (PUMS)2000 AND OTHER MULTIPLIER TERMS TWO DEMMOndCO.tDKErvT Bedrooms(BR) The number of rooms that would be listed as bedrooms if the house,apartment,or mobile home were listed an the market for sale or rent even if these rooms are currently used for other purposes. Housing Categories Single-family,detached This is a 1-unit structure detached from any other house;that is,with open (Structure Type) space on all four sides. Such structures are considered detached if they have an adjoining shed or garage. Single jam@y otlached. This is a 1-unit structure that has one or more walls extending from ground to mof separating it from adjoining strucum. In row houses(sometimes called townhouses),double houses,or houses attacbed to nonresidential structures,each house is a separate,attached structure if the dividing or common wall goes from ground to roof. Ld unim These aro units in structures containing 2,3,or 4 housing units. 5+units, These are units in structures containing 5 or more housing units. Mobile home. Both occupied and vacant mobile homes to which no permanent rooms have been added am counted in this category. Mobile homes used only for business purposes or for extra sleeping space,and mobile homes for sale on a dealer's lot,at the factory,or in storage,are not counted in the housing inventory. in 1990,the category was"mobile home or trails." Household Size The total numbs of persons in a housing unit Housing Tenure A housing unit is owns-occupied if the owns or co-owns lives in the unit even if it is mortgaged or (Ownership or not fully paid for. All occupied housing units that are not owns-occupied,whether they are rented for Rental) cash rent or occupied without payment of cash rent,are classified as rents-occupied. Housing Unit A housing unit may be a house, an apamnent, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied(or if vacant,is intended for occupancy as separate living quarters). Housing Value Housing value is the census respondent's estimate of how much the property would sell for if it were (Rent) for sale.In the cantor study,the value of a rented unit in a I-to 4-unit structure is estimated to be 100 times the monthly gross rent,and all such units am included with owns-occupied units in calculating the multipliers.The bousmgvalue and rents indicated by the 20M census were updated to 2005 using a residential price mtlation index(available from the Federal Housing Finance Hoard)for the nation,for each state, and for the District of Columbia. Housing value or rent is categorized into a four-tier classification all value(or rent)housing,and then housing units arrayed by terciles(thirds)of value(or rent). Housing Rent Contract rent is the monthly rent agreed to or contracted for,regardless of any furnishings,utilities, (Contract Rent) fees,meals,or services that may be included. Housueg Rent Gross rent is the contract rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities(electric,gas,wars (Gross Rent) and sews)and fuels(oil,coal,kerosene,wood,and the like)if these am paid by the rents(or paid for the renter by someone else). In the current study, the monthly gross rents are indicated in the demographic table. Irrsu,ffIcient Sample This notation in a table means that fewer than 600 weighted observations were counted for a housing typwbedroom/value combination or for an entire housing typrJbedroom combination. Public School Age The school-age children attending public school. Children 0%44 Residential Multipliers show the population associated with different housing categories as well as housing Demographic differentiated by housing value,housing size(bedrooms),and housing tenure. Mulhpliers School-Age The household members of elementary and secondary school age,defined bene as those 5 through 17 Children(SAC) years of age. NEW YORK(1-1)ALL PERSONS IN UNIT: TOTAL PERSONS AND PERSONS BY AGE STRUCTURE TYPE AGE BEDROOMSI TOTAL VALUE(2005)rIENURE PERSONS 0-4 5.13 14-17 18-24 25-44 45-64 65-74 75+ Single-Family Detached,2 BR All Values 2.31 0.16 023 0,06 0.10 0.80 0.64 0.20 0.12 Less than 5106,000 225 0.15 0.26 0,09 0.12 0.82 036 0.16 009 5106,000 m 5164,500 2.31 0.15 0.23 0.05 0,09 0.79 0.67 0..19 0.14 More than$1645D0 2.37 0.17 0.20 0.04 0.08 0.77 0.71 025 0.14 Single-FamOy Detached,3 BR All Values 3.06 091 0.55 0.16 012 121 0.56 0.11 0.05 Lets than 5135.000 3.09 0.27 0.65 0.20 015 L21 0.47 0.09 0.06 5135,000 to 5194,500 3.11 0.36 0.55 016 0.11 128 0.50 0.11 0.05 More than 5194500 2.95 028 OAS 0.13 0.11 1.10 0.72 0.12 0.04 Single-Family Detached,4 BR All Values 3.76 042 0.91 0.26 0.15 1.35 0.53 007 0.03 Less than 5224,500 3.87 0.38 0.95 0.34 0.19 1.40 0.50 007 0.03 5224,500 to$329,500 3.74 0.43 0.91 024 0.12 139 0..56 0.06 0.03 More than 5329,500 3.67 0.43 0.86 0.19 0.14 116 0.68 0.08 0.04 Single-Family Detached,5 BR AR Values 4.52 0.47 1.16 0.42 024 136 0.70 0.11 0.06 Less than 5329.500 4.84 0.46 1.18 0.56 0.34 1,47 0.60 0.15 0.07 $329,50D to$748,500 4.43 0.47 1.13 039 0.20 1.35 0.72 0.10 0.07 More than 5748,500 4.23 0.51 1.19 039 0.15 1.18 0.85 0.05 0.03 Single-Family Attached,2 BR All Values 116 0..16 0.16 0.06 0,13 0..73 0.57 0.23 0.13 Less than 5135.000 2.10 0,17 O.19 0.07 0.11 0.81 0.48 0.18 0.10 $135,000 to S194,500 123 0.17 0.18 0.06 0.16 0.75 0..56 0.22 0..13 More than 5194,500 2.09 0.13 0.10 0.03 0.07 0.58 0.70 0.30 0.17 Single-Family Attached,3 BR All Values 3.09 028 044 0.18 0.24 101 0.69 0.16 0.07 Less than 5164300 3.10 0.26 0.60 0.21 017 0.96 0.59 0.14 0.03 S164.500 to$269,500 3.17 0.30 0.45 0.19 025 1.06 0..70 015 0.07 More than 5269,500 2..33 0.28 0.26 0.12 0172 0.95 0.76 0.18 0.05 Single-Family Attached,4 BR All Values 3.83 0.26 088 0.31 0.34 1 11 0.71 0.14 0.09 Less than 5224.500 4.09 0.15 1.15 0.39 0.60 1.09 0.61 0.07 0.03 5224,500 to 5329,SD0 3.39 0.28 0.78 034 028 1.09 0.73 023 0.15 More than$329,500 htsuffinciant Sample 5+Units-Own,I BR All Values 1.86 0.08 0.15 0.02 0.12 0.84 0.32 019 0.14 Less than 5164,500 1-99 0.09 021 0 O 0.12 068 0.34 0.36 02D S 164,5DD to 5269,500 1.82 0.09 0.16 0.03 0.05 0.87 0.31 0.14 0.17 More than$269.500 1.77 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.19 0.94 0.32 0.09 0.04 S+Units-Owo,2 BR All Values 1.88 0.09 0.11 004 0.08 0.56 0.54 0.25 0.21 Less than S 135.000 1.54 0.12 0.09 0.01 0.06 0.43 0.45 0..17 0.21 5135.000 to 5329,500 2.0$ 0.07 012 0,06 0.09 0.55 0.35 032 0.27 Mom than 5329.500 1.88 0.07 O.l l 0.03 0.09 0.70 0.59 0.19 0.09 5+Units-Own,3 BR All Values 300 0.34 035 0.25 0..13 1.0D 0.72 0,10 0.11 Less than 5224,500 Insufficient Sample 52274,500 to 5748,500 Insufficient Sample More than 5748,500 Insufficient Sample NEW YORK(1-2)ALL PERSONS IN UNIT: TOTAL PERSONS AND PERSONS BY AGE STRUCtTRETYPE AGE BEDROOMS/ TOTAL VALUE(2005)iTENURE PERSONS 04 5-13 14-17 1844 2544 45-64 65-74 75+ S+Units-Rent,1 BR All Values 1.66 0.10 0.13 0.03 0.15 0.58 0.25 0.18 0.24 Less than 5500 1.32 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.15 0.21 0.37 0.41 5500 to 51,000 1.99 0.18 0.25 0.05 0.24 0.70 0.29 0.11 0.15 More that 51,000 1.67 008 006 002 0.14 0.87 0.25 0.07 0.17 S+Uoits-Rent,2 BR All Values 231 0.27 0.38 0.12 0.25 0.95 0.34 0.08 0.12 Less than$750 2.68 031 0.57 0.17 028 0.93 028 0..08 0.08 $750 to$1,100 2.55 0.29 0.39 0.12 0-25 0.95 0.33 0,07 0.13 More than 51.100 231 0.19 D.18 006 0-23 098 040 0.10 0.16 S+Units-Reor,3 BR All Values 4.20 0.52 0.97 0.40 0.63 1..17 0.45 0.06 0.02 Less than$750 423 0.55 1.13 0.47 0.59 1.10 032 D.08 0.01 5750 to sl,?50 4.54 0.61 1.11 039 0.68 120 0.50 0..04 0.02 More tban 51,250 3.81 039 0.66 0.33 0.63 120 0.51 0.05 0.03 24 Units,I BR All Values 2.20 0.16 0.21 0.10 024 0.65 0.40 0.13 0.11 Less than 574,50D 1.92 016 0.19 0.06 0.16 0..71 038 0.14 0.14 574500 to S1 10400 2.14 0.14 0.21 0.09 028 0.83 035 0..15 0.08 More than 5110,000 2.54 0.19 0.2-1 0.14 028 100 0.47 0.12 0.12 2-4 Units,2 BR All Values 258 0.29 0.36 0.14 026 0.92 038 0..11 0.10 Less than S86,OD0 2.49 0.30 0.35 0.12 0.41 065 0.33 Obil 0.05 $86,OD0 to 5132,000 2.63 029 0.43 0.12 0.25 1.03 0.34 0.10 0.08 More than 5132,000 2.63 0.27 0.29 016 0.18 0.89 0.49 0..17 0.18 2-4 Units,3 BR All Values 3.73 042 0.77 027 035 1.30 0.51 0.08 0.04 Less than 5713,500 3.73 044 084 0.31 0.40 139 034 0.08 0.01 5113,500 to 5213,5D0 3.83 0.41 0-84 0.28 036 135 0.46 0.06 006 Mom than$213,500 3.62 039 0.62 0.21 0.28 1.24 0.73 0.11 0.03 Mobile,2 BR AB Values 2-00 0.13 0.19 0.06 0.12 0.59 055 0.?12 0.13 Less than$33.000 189 oil 0.15 0.05 0.14 0.56 0.53 0.23 0.12 533.000 to 554,000 1.98 0..11 0.21 0.05 010 0.60 056 0.20 0..15 More than 554.000 2.12 0.16 0.19 0.08 0.15 0.61 056 025 012 Mobile,3 BR All Values 2.94 027 0.50 0.20 0,20 1.06 0.52 0.13 0.06 Less than$45.000 2.93 0.29 0.53 020 0,23 1.08 043 0.12 0.06 545,000 to S66,00D 2.93 027 D.51 0.19 0.19 1.04 054 0.13 0.06 Moro than 566.000 2.97 0.24 D 47 0.21 0..19 1.06 059 0.14 0.07 Mob0e,4 BR All Values 434 0.32 1.07 0.63 035 1.40 0-49 0.05 0.04 Less than S54,00 Insufficient Sample $54,000 to S78.DOD 4.41 035 0.96 0.64 038 153 046 0.04 0..05 More than 578,000 Insufficient Sample NEW YORK(2-1)ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN: SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN(SAC) GRADE STRUCTURE TYPE BEDROOMS/ TOTAL Gr. 9 VALUE(2005)IIENURE SAC K-2 3-6 7-9 1042 Only Single,Fnmily Detached,2 DR All Values 0.30 0..09 0.10 0.07 0.04 0.02 Less than 5106,000 036 008 0.11 0.10 0.06 0.03 5106,000 to 5164,500 0.28 0.08 0.10 0.06 0.03 0..03 .. More than 5164,500 0.25 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.02 Single•Family Detached,3 BR All Values 0.71 0.21 0.24 0.15 0.11 0.05 Less than$135,000 0.85 023 029 0.19 0.14 0.06 S335.000 to 5194,50D 0.71 0,212 0.24 0.14 0.11 0.05 More than 5194,500 0.58 0.18 020 0.12 009 0.04 Sing]&Famly Detached,4 BR All Values 1.16 0.32 041 025 0.18 0.07 Less than 5224500 1.29 0.30 045 0.29 0.25 0.10 5224,500 to$329,500 1.15 034 0.39 024 0.17 0.07 More than 5329,500 1.05 0.31 0.38 0.23 014 0.06 Single•Fataly Detached,5 DR All Values 1.58 0.39 0.53 0.36 030 0.12 Less than 5329,500 1.75 0.37 054 0.46 0.38 0.19 5329,500 to 5748.500 1.51 0.38 0.52 0.33 0.29 0.09 More than 5748.500 1.47 0.45 0.54 0.27 021 0.08 Single-Family Attached,2 BR All Values 0.22 0.08 007 0.D4 0.04 0.02 Less than 5135.000 0.25 0.09 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.02 5135,000 to 5194,500 025 0.08 008 0.04 0.04 0.02 Mon than 5194,50D 0.14 0.05 0.04 0.03 002 0.02 Single-Family Attached,3 DR All Values 0.62 0.14 0.22 0.13 014 0.04 Less than$164.500 0-81 0.19 0.33 0.14 0.15 006 5164,500 to 5269.500 0.64 0.13 021 0.14 0.16 0.03 More than 5269.500 0.39 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.08 0.05 Single-Family Attached,4 DR All Values 1.19 0.19 0.48 019 0.24 0.07 Less than 5224.500 1.54 0.26 062 0.39 0.27 0 12 5224.500 m 5329,500 1.12 009 045 031 027 0.07 Mon than 5329.500 Insufficient Sample 5+Units-Own.l BR All Values 0..18 0.06 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.00 Less than 5164500 021 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.00 000 S 164,500 to 5269.500 0.19 0.08 0.08 0.00 003 0,00 Mon than 5269,500 0.14 0.02 0.08 0.00 0.04 0.00 S+units-Own,2 DR All Values 0.15 0.03 0.04 0.05 0..03 002 Less than 5135.000 0.09 002 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.00 S135..D00 to S329.500 0.19 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03 More than 5329.500 0.14 0.00 006 0.05 0.03 0.00 S+Units-Own,3 BR All Values 0.59 0..13 0.11 0.16 0.19 0.06 Less than 524.500 Insufficient Sample S2124.500 to 5748,500 lnsufncient Sample More than 5748.500 Insufficient Sample NEW YORK(1-2)ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN: SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN(SAC) GRADE STRUCTURE TYPE BEDROOMS/ TOTAL. Gr, 9 VALUE(2005VTENURE SAC K-2 3-6 7-9 10-12 Only 5+Units-Rent,1 BR All Values 0..16 0.06 0.05 003 0.02 001 Less than 5500 0.10 0.03 003 0.02 0.01 0,01 SSDD to 51,000 030 0..11 0.10 0.05 0.04 0.01 More than SLODD 0.08 003 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 5+Uaits-Rent,2 BR All Values 0.49 0.15 0.17 010 0.09 0.03 Less data 5750 0.74 0.20 0.29 0.12 0.13 004 $750 to$1.100 051 0.16 0.15 0.11 009 0.03 More Ow S 1,100 023 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.01 5+Units-Rent,3 BR All Values 1.36 030 0.48 0.31 027 0.12 Less than 5750 1.59 027 0.63 0.38 0.32 0.15 $750 to S1,250 1.50 097 0.51 0.34 0,28 0.11 More Ow$1,250 1.00 025 0..31 0.21 023 0.10 2-0 Units,1 BR All Values 0.30 009 008 007 007 0.02 Less than 574,500 0.25 0.06 0.07 008 0.05 0.02 574,500 to$110,000 030 0.10 0.09 0.04 0.07 0.02 Mom than$110,000 0.36 0.11 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.04 2.4 Uaits,2 BR All Values 0.49 0.12 0.17 0..10 0.10 003 Less than 586.000 047 0.12 0.16 0.10 0.09 0.03 586,000 to 5132,000 0.55 0.14 0.31 0.11 0.09 0.03 Mom than S131000 0.45 0.10 0..13 0.10 0.12 0.04 24 Units,3 BR All Values 1.04 025 0..37 0.21 0.20 0.07 Lass than SI 13.500 1.16 028 0.42 0,25 0.20 0,11 5113,50D to$213.500 1.11 0.27 0.42 0..20 0.22 0.06 Mom than S213500 0.83 021 0.27 0.18 0.17 004 Mobile,2 BR All Values 0.25 0.07 0.09 0..04 O.OS 0.01 Less than$33,000 019 0-07 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.01 S33,DOO to 554,000 026 007 0.12 0.03 0.04 0.01 Mom than$54,000 0.27 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.06 002 Mobile,3 BR All Values 0.70 0.17 023 0.)6 0.13 0.06 Less than S45,UDD 0.72 0.20 0.23 0.15 0.14 0.06 $45,OOD to$66,000 0.69 0.16 0.26 0-16 0.11 0.07 More than 566.001) 0.68 0.16 021 0.16 0.15 0.06 Mobile,4 BR All Values 1.70 0,31 b.52 040 0.46 0.17 Less than$54,000 Insufficient Sample S54.ODD to$78.000 160 0.31 0.48 0.32 0.49 0.15 More than$78,000 Insufficient Sample NEW YORK.(3-1)ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN: SCHOOL-AGE CEM REN IN PUBLIC SCHOOL(PSAC) PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADE STRUCTURE TYPE BEDROOMS/ TOTAL Gr.9 VALUE(2005)rrENURE PSAC K-2 3-6 7-9 10-12 Onlv Single-Family Detached,2 BR All Values 0.27 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.04 0.02 Less than 5106.000 0.32 0.08 0.10 0.09 006 0.03 5106,000 to 5164,500 0.26 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.03 0.03 Mon than 516000 0.21 0,07 0.07 0-05 002 0.02 Single-Family Detached,3 BR All Values 0.64 0.18 0?t 0.14 0.10 0Z Less tlm 5135,000 0.79 0.21 0.27 0 18 0.13 0.05 $135,000 to 5194,500 D.63 0.18 0.32 0.13 0..10 0.05 More than5194,500 0.50 0.14 0.17 0.11 0.08 0.04 Single-Family Detached,4 BR All Values 100 035 036 023 0.17 0.07 Less than$224,500 1.15 0.25 041 0.27 023 0.09 5224,50D to 5329,500 0.98 0.27 0.34 0.22 0.16 0.06 More than 5329,500 0,67 0.24 0.32 0.19 0.11 0.05 Single-Family Detached,5 BR All Values 133 0.29 0.41 0.28 024 0.10 Less than 5329,500 1.48 0.30 0.45 0.41 032 0.17 5329,50D m 5748,500 1..14 0.26 0.40 024 0.23 0.08 More than$748500 1.03 0.34 0.38 0.17 0.14 0.06 Single-Family Attached,2 BR All Values 0,17 0.06 0.05 0.03 0..03 0.01 Less than 5135,000 023 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.02 5135,000 to$194,500 0.18 0.06 006 0,03 0.04 0.01 Mom than 5194,500 0.11 0.03 003 0.03 0.02 0.02 Single-Family Attached,3 BR All Values 0.52 0.11 0.19 0..11 0.11 0.03 Less than 5164,500 0.69 0.15 0.28 0.12 0.13 0.05 5164,500 to 5269,50D 0.54 0.11 0.18 0.12 0.13 0.03 More than 5269,500 0.28 0.06 0.10 0.08 0.05 0,03 Single-Family Attached,4 BR All Values 0.86 0.11 031 0.23 021 0.06 Less than$224.500 0.98 0.17 0.35 D.25 0..20 0.06 5224500 to 5329,500 0.92 0.06 0.32 0.27 027 0.07 More than 5329,500 Insufficient Sample 5+Units-Own,i BR All Values 0.15 0.05 007 OM 0.02 0..00 Less than$164,500 0.18 0.06 OAS 0.04 000 0.00 5164500 to 5269,500 0.16 006 0.08 0..00 0.03 0.00 More than 5269.500 0.10 0.02 0.05 0.00 004 O.OD 5+Units-Own,2 BR All Values 0..09 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 Less than 5135.000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5135,000 to 5329.500 0.15 0.05 0,06 0.02 0.03 0.02 Mom than 5329,500 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.02 D.00 0.00 5+Uoits-O n 3 BR All Values 049 0.10 0.07 0.14 0.19 0.06 Less than SM4,5D0 Insufficient Sample $224,500 to 5748.500 Insufficient Sample More than 5748500 Insufficient Sample NEW YORK.(3-2)ALL PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN: SCHOOL-AGE CHII.DREN IN PUBLIC SCHOOL(PSAC) PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADE STRUCTURE TYPE BEDROOMS/ TOTAL Gr. 9 VALUE(2005YFENURE PSAC K-2 3-6 7-9 10-12 Only 5+Units-Ren41 BR All Values 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 I=than 5500 0.09 0.03 0..03 0.02 0.01 0.01 SSOO to 51,000 0.27 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.01 More than S 1,000 0.07 0.02 002 0.01 0.01 0.01 S+Units-Rent,2 RR All Values 043 0.13 014 0.08 0.08 0.03 Less than$750 0.67 0.19 0.26 Oil 0..12 0.04 $750 to S1,100 0.45 0.14 0.13 0.09 0.08 0.03 Momthan Sl,100 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.01 S+Units-Rent,3 BR All Values 1.07 0.23 0.37 0,25 0.23 0.09 Less than 5750 127 022 0.47 0.30 029 0.10 $750 to S1_150 1.30 091 0.44 031 023 Oil Mom than S1,250 063 0.14 0.20 0.12 0.17 0..06 2.4 Units,I BR All Values 027 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.02 Less than S74,50D 0.23 0.06 0.07 0-07 0.04 0.02 574,500 to 5110,000 0.28 0.09 0.09 O-D4 0.06 0.02 More than 5110,000 0.30 0.09 0.05 0..07 0.09 0.03 2-4 Units,2 BR All Values 0.43 0..10 0.14 0,10 0.09 0.03 Less than 586.000 0.44 0.11 0.15 0.09 0.09 0.03 S86,ODD to S 132,000 0.48 0.10 0.18 0.11 0.09 0.D3 More than 5132,000 0.36 0.08 0.09 0.09 0,11 003 24 Units,3 BR All Values 0.83 0..17 029 0.19 0.18 0.06 Less than$113,500 1.012 0..20 037 0.25 0..19 0.11 SI 13,500 to S213.50D 0.66 0.18 032 0.16 0.19 0.04 More than S213,500 0,62 0.12 0.18 0.17 0.15 0.03 Mobile,2 BR All Values 024 0.07 0.08 0.04 0.05 0.01 Less than 533,000 019 0.07 0.05 0,04 0.04 0.01 S33,ODO to 554,000 0.25 0.07 0.1 l 0.03 0.D4 0.01 Mom than 554,000 0.27 0.08 0.07 005 O.D6 0.02 Mobile,3 BR All Values 0.69 0.17 0.23 0.16 0.13 0.06 Less than 545,000 0.71 020 0.23 0.15 0.14 0.05 545,000 to 566.000 0.68 0.15 0.26 0.16 0.11 0.07 More than 566.000 0.67 0.15 0.21 0.15 0.15 0.06 Mobiley 4 BR All Values 1.61 0.28 0.50 0.38 OAS 0.16 Less than 554,000 insufficient Sample 554.000 to S78,000 1.56 0.31 046 0.29 0.49 0.13 More than 578,000 insufficient Sample �R PLANNING SERVICES, INC. VIA FACSIMILE AN) MAIL Tuesday, December 30, 2008 —- Heather Lanza, Planning Director Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 - Southold NY 11971 t RE: Review of DEIS _ Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogj j;W1& ntial Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: As per your request, you have asked that we provide you with a written estimate for any additional work beyond the estimates provided in our proposals. Most recently, we sent you a bill for $600 for preparation and attendance of the December 1, 2008 Planning Board work session. As you know, those fees were beyond the scope of our proposal to review the DEIS and reflect your office's request to attend the meeting to assist the applicant with respect to the requirements to complete the DEIS. In addition, we will be sending you another bill for the preparation of the visual assessment information and the memorandum that was submitted to your office for the Planning Board work session on December 15, 2008. The amount for those services is $375 (2.5 hours @ $150 per hour). This work was specifically requested by both the Planning Board and the applicant at the December 1, 2008 work session. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at(63 1) 998-3919. Si rel Anthony P. Trezza Principal Planner 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W: 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRIFFING AVENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK Mailing Address: TEL: (631)369-8200 Y.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: charles.cuddy@verizon.net December 30, 2008 SENT VIA E-MAIL AND REGULAR MAIL Ms. Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue Dear Ms. Lanza: Please note that the applicant cannot complete the DEIS without input from KPC regarding the "factors" to be considered with reference to the public services required by or to be provided to the Heritage residents. Since, this information was promised a month ago and has not been supplied, I assume, it cannot be delivered. Therefore, this barrier to complete the DEIS should be removed. Very truly yours, ,� Charles R. Cuddy �l CRC:ik IJ ` a Lanza, Heather From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 10:32 AM To: 'charles cuddy' Subject: RE: The Heritage at Cutchogue December 19, 2008 Dear Mr. Cuddy, I read your attached letter regarding delays in providing information. Will the letter also be coming by regular mail? Thank you for calling my attention to this. It is our intention to do everything we can to prevent delays in the project from our end. Upon reviewing the discussion from the December I work session,and discussing this with Kyle Collins at KPC, it seemed to me that KPC did offer, as a courtesy,to provide some guidance on potential sources of information for standardized emergency services data. He said he did so via an e-mail to Mr. Grover recently. I hope, however,you will recall that we also discussed your client making a more concerted effort to contact the Cutchogue Fire Department directly because they would be the best source for the emergency services information. From my own experience,when a letter generates no response, I try a phone call,and if that doesn't work, 1 try more phone calls, and maybe even a personal visit, especially when the information I need is critical to the success of my project. Further,this issue is a common one for developments of this type, and any consulting firm in the business of preparing Environmental Impact Statements has likely had to answer these questions for other projects. Thus, I do not understand why Greenman/Pedersen and Nelson& Pope are mystified by this task. In the spirit of helping this project move along, I have called the Cutchogue Fire Department to see if they can provide the information we need. I expect a call back, I hope today, from one of the Commissioners, and 1 will let you know how they respond. Heather Lanza, AICP Town Planning Director 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 E-mail: heather.lanza(atown.southold.ny.us From: charles cuddy [mailto:charles.cuddy@verizon.net] Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 9:49 AM To: Lanza, Heather Subject: The Heritage at Cutchogue Dear Ms. Lanza, Please see the attached. Charles R. Cuddy t 0 ,�` CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW G ' } 445GRIFFINGAVENUE s RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK Mailing Address: TEL: (631)369-£200 P.O. Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9030 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: charles.cuddy@verizon.net December 19, 2008 SENT VIA E-MAIL AND REGULAR MAIL = Ms. Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 n Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue i ti Dear Ms. Lanza: My client is concerned that there is a continuous delay'on the`pan of KPC in producing requested information. As of this date, KPC has not provided the factors for computation of demand on various services by residents of this project. At the Planning Board meeting of December 1, 2008, Kyle of KPC stated he would provide this information. Without this information the applicant can not complete the DEIS. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ms WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, December 15, 2008 4:00 p.m. 4:00 P.M. Site Plans & Subdivisions Site Plans: Pro'ect Name: The Heritage at Cutcho ue SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Location: Northwest corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, approximately 1,079 feet north of Main Road, in Cutcho ue. Description: Development of a Planned 55+Active Adult Community consisting of 139 detached and attached dwellings, 14 of which will be permanently affordable on a vacant 46.17-acre parcel. Status: SEQR— DEIS being revised by applicant Action: Discuss proposed location of visual impact analysis points of view. Subdivisions: PMiect name: Adi ietro, Robert SCTM#: 11000-74-3-16 Location: on the a/s/o Peconic Lane, approximately 333 ft. s/o County Road 48, in Peconic Description: Standard subdivision is to subdivide a 2.038-acre parcel into three lots, where Lot 1 equals 20,229 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 29,817 sq. ft. and Lot 3 e uals 29,291 s . ft., in the HB Zoning District. Status: Conditional Sketch Approval Action: Town Engineer to discuss common driveway. For Discussion: ❖ Tasting Rooms— should the code be changed to allow them in the A-C or Residential Zones where they can't meet the current code, and if so, under what circumstances? Sec 208-13 of Town Code states: Permitted use in residential zones: J41 Wineries which meet the following standards: (a) The winery shall be a place or premises on which wine made from primarily Long Island grapes is produced and sold; (b) The winery shall be on a parcel on which at least 10 acres are devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, and which is owned by the winery owner; (c) The winery structures shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from a major road; and (d) The winery shall obtain site plan approval. �a- w Y PLANNING SERVICES, INC. `¢P , Memorandum \a To: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse,Chairperson Members of the Planning Board G� i From: Anthony P. Trezza, Principal Planner p Subject: Visual Impact Analysis—Heritage at Cutchogue Date: December 15,2008 As requested, KPC Planning Services, Inc. has prepared these recommendations to assist the applicant with respect to the requirements for the visual impact analysis component of the DEIS. It is important for the Planning Board and the applicant to understand there are two different objectives regarding the visual impacts analysis. First, is to get a sense for what this project will look like over time, compared to existing conditions, from a number of different vantage points. The other objective is to evaluate the proposed site plan as it relates to the character and historical pattern of development of the community, particularly as it relates to scale, massing and other physical attributes of the proposed project in relation to the community as a whole. In order for the Planning Board to adequately assess the impacts as described above, the following information is requested: A two-dimensional aerial overlay or an equivalent drawing showing the proposed site plan in relation to the surrounding community, extending at least 1000 feet from all property lines. This will allow the Planning Board to consider the scale of this project as it relates to character and historic patterns of development of the community. Said information should be supplemented with additional 3D color renderings, or similar visual assessment tools, to show the proposed buildings in the context of their actual surroundings. An effective way to illustrate this is through an oblique aerial view showing the proposed site plan, as well as, the surrounding neighborhoods. The applicant must submit detailed viewpoint panoramas to illustrate existing and potential visual impacts from the key viewpoints that we have identified on the attached aerial map. Although any number of spatial analysis tools may be utilized, it is important a that the data provided identify the major views, viewsheds, ridgelines and other features contributing to the amenity of the area, including an assessment from private residences in the area. It is important that photo-manipulation methods used realistically present future conditions. The attached aerial map shows the locations from which the proposed development might be visible, both close up and from afar. These are the key ground level viewpoints that need to be included in the visual impact analysis. An effective way to illustrate the existing and potential visual impacts is to use digital photographs to show the exiting conditions and to serve as backgrounds upon which renderings or elevations representing the proposed structures from that particular viewpoint at a certain height or scale could be electronically superimposed. The object is to provide an easily accessible answer to the question of how the addition of a building at a given height and width would affect the view of the site from the most significant and/or familiar vantage points. Equally important is an internal visual assessment to get a sense of pedestrian scale and what this project will look like from inside the proposed development. The applicant must submit color renderings showing the streetscape design at two different locations, one of which must be a streetscape view at the main entrance to the site looking north. The second should be a general streetscape rendering showing all the elements that constitute the physical makeup of the street and that, as a group, define its character, including building frontage, street paving, street furniture, landscaping, including trees and other plantings, awnings and marquees, signs, and lighting, as may be applicable. We have included with this memorandum a variety of samples to illustrate the type of information that the Planning Board needs to adequately assess the visual impacts of the proposed project, as described above. This information is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the full spectrum of the visual analysis tools that may be contemplated by the applicant to satisfy the requirements herein. Nor do these sample drawings represent the type of development that should take place on the subject property. Rather, they are examples of effective visual assessment tools recommended in order for the Planning Board to fully assess the impacts of the proposed project. Culohogu°Stetlon • +e +- O HB+vesl�c..� +.�. (. Nasse oinl.� 47 A. d' •• j rye r i �„ Z ` o Cutchogue Ivo. +° 7 is s e 9� � \ a •i' \ �� X16 � °4 i• <� _ 5Q ?�i �, Jy 4 b y o J , tk — 2009 New Y'olh GIS.,\ r P 1 � O.vi r ~ ' ail• 2476 it _`\ I. Z OB.Tle A l asl 1 ^• 6 �O 3 � �0 Pointer 41.00'47.53' N 72.29'4236'W elev 30 11 Strea ino 1111 VIII 100%' Eye all 860411 Master Plan and Pattern Rook 7- The new neighborhoods of Callaway Gardens have been Ot designed as a series of distinct places in a village setting. Each r neighborhood connects to the Gardens and the Preserve via an extensive network of trails and paths.The plan for the new e} village entailed extensive environmental analysis,landscape conservation,and dedication to building on the essential char- _ .`a' aster of south Georgia settlements and Callaway Gardens. _ Design principles for the new community aim to create sustainable, attractive housing that respects the qualities of + Above the local landscape.This focus on environmentally respon- - t�',vd ';�, Mountain View siblc design at both the community and architectural scales . �t Heights mews is a central theme in the key design elements,buildings,and - sites within the neighborhoods. .-`:G n ,`� ,`: i. � Lek PecspertivegfFounder.,Garden ti Left '' l Below e Illustrative house typesaµ rr Master Plan showing neighborhood Below _ frmneunrks med their Proposed view of connections to the A.,is tree houses along � ' "-``' Preserve avdthe Garden Martin Lake 1 b u .je u fx .. ., 'rt '" __ �� , Master Plan and Pattern Book Reynoldsboro is designed as a center for education,culture, commerce,and neighborhood living in southeast Georgia. The character,mix of uses,and sense of place draws on the remarkable pattern of traditional towns in rural counties throughout this region of the state. Reynoldsboro's focus on education—high quality secondary learning in a new public charter school campus and curriculum—is the cornerstone of this community.The town is designed with the school as its center.Neighborhoods are all within walking distance of the campus.Public parks,trails and sidewalks connect the campus to the residential,civic and commercial precincts of the town. UDA created a Master Plan and Pattern Book for - " Reynoldsboro which present a vision for the new town and serve as a general guide to the development of the comma- nity.Minimum standards were established that define the " intended character of the neighborhood,building design, e and landscape elements.These guidelines are based on ,y y AINA regional precedents, researched and documented by the design team,as well as on detailed design and testing of each neighborhood and building type. - � • A v S Top Maser Plan Above Perspective ofSgaarr Leh Tree-lined lanes wah .L Rl defined front yards in West Lake Pillage � I M F 1 (21 lowslO?.- Urban Design Associates is currently working on a master plan for a new town on the Yellowstone River in Montana. The town is designed to be a pedestrian-friendly western vil- lage that will retain much of the property as an open space _Y 7 preserve with walking trails and natural areas.A village main street is at the heart of the development which willv�' "� '�•��� offer a wide array of choices in residential unit types. �� Leh Above View of 1-2.5 acre Illustrative plan of site rounCry/of arcerred by a primate road Lek Recreation and kd. preservation of A �..:. Yellowstone Preserve Below w Y View of proposed main street with a mixture I" �, � ofYivelworh units and townhouses 1 � tv' V � tl v JIjI-t - Urban design plan for the Clarksdale neighborhood In the spring of 2000 a group of entities that included the City of Louisville came together to revise the Downtown Development Plan,a ten-year plan for revitalizing the center city of Louisville.The Plan calls for adding residential devel- opment for all income groups as a key element in economic _ _ revitalization,with the goal of transforming the Central Business District into a 24-hour,seven-day living Down- town.Clarksdale and the neighboring communities were I T T T included in this development area and were integral in this process;their participation in the planning focused mainly - ' Top on the larger Clarksdale area and their recommendations '2+ Illustrative site became a key part of the Downtown Development Plan. plan showing the redevelopment for the th i k6Clorksaale site im tLek and Bottom -- Illustrative views of neighborhood character far new housing in Clarksdale Lill nmmm �,�ir. - Lett and Bottom - Photographs afbuill housing t 99a �s I, I r Fast' III V, II; Architecture for bouse design Easton Village on the Tred Avon is a new traditional neigh- borhood within the town of Easton,Maryland on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay.UDA created a Pattern Book to document the best characteristics of the historic architecture of the Eastern Shore in three distinctive local styles: Eastern Shore Romantic,Arts&Crafts,and Classical. Following the Pattern Book process, two builders-Ilex Construction and K&P Builders-commissioned UDA to create a new portfolio of product types for the development. On the exterior, the houses conform to the principles of the _ Pattern Book and the three approved architectural styles, offering multiple facade possibilities on simple, marketable Above floor plans.On the interior, the architecture enables the Boxed bays provide builders to respond readily to the requirements and prevail- classical elegance and dimension to this ing desires of the local housing market. simple,rynrmetrical, gambrel-roofed Coloui,d Revivalproductiou hou.a•design that includes rr aide wing. Middle N- Addedfeaturer-such s-a. as theasymmetrical front gable and chimney,dormer,liont 3 parch and vestibule- _ lend a distinctive Arts _ &Crafts character to r i the simple,side-gabled volume a%this house 9 �T �'.,•�� F design while retaining .;•'.�I� - the standardized • cmutttaBm+ —. methodologies l important tom.ct- eu. $� - rfecHve production housebuilding. , i in •� M ,l � •i 1 ' V F 44J ', y �a IR -1/ .. is A too '2 �!➢ •P` .:yam - _ - � ` +..�4 r !� , -' l •1 ow ��z -� • A 1Y � ik . �/w I •"��v' :;: I.C. - '-A{E o � • , - a� s � �p • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSP.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O��QF so P.O. Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR N 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON ?d`O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND coulml � Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 17, 2008 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Cuddy: Enclosed are a copy of the final invoice for the third review of the Heritage DEIS from KPC Planning Services, and the proposal for the next review. The invoice for the third review is $2,700, and the estimate for the next review is $2,000. Your client has already paid $2,250 towards the third review. Therefore, at this time, we request the balance payment of$450 for the enclosed invoice, and an additional $2,000 to cover the next review for a total of$2,450 payable to the Town of Southold. Thank you. Sincerely, Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Encs. AA �9 PLANNING SERVICES, INC. Friday,November 14,2008 Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Fourth Review of DEIS Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Chairperson Woodhouse: Please find enclosed a proposal for a fourth review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the above referenced project, to assist the Planning Board with their SEQRA review as it relates to the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statement. The cost for these services shall be on an hourly rate as specified herein. We estimate that these services will cost approximately $2,000 plus any necessary fees associated with additional outside consultants as may be required. I estimate the process will require three to four weeks from the time we receive the executed proposal and revised DEIS, and will be completed within the timeframes permitted under SEQRA. To make the review substantially more efficient and cost effective, we recommend the project sponsor submit the specific pages that have been revised, with all changes clearly highlighted, along with a full copy of the DEIS. We would appreciate your executing this form and returning i eRrddresabelow, If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at(631 19 -� Sincerely, 010, NOV 1 7 2008 We P. Collins,AICP KPC Planning Services,Inc " 108 Mill Road,Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W: 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net 6. QUM STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REGION TEN 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 1 1788 www.nysdot.gov SUBIMAL CHAKRABORTI, P.E. ASTRID C. GLYNN REGIONAL DIRECTOR COMMISSIONER November 10, 2008 Ms. Heather Lanza Planning Director Town of Southold Town Hall - P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Your August 29, 2008 Submission The Heritage at Cutchogue Undated Traffic Impact Study Route 25, Cutchogue SCTM 1000-102-1-33.3 Our Case No. 06-357P Dear Ms. Lanza: This is in regardto the updated Traffic Impact Study for the referenced project which you submitted for our review. Prior to an approval of the site work and issuance of a New York State Highway Work Permit, the following items must be addressed: 1. Plans should be developed that show NY 25 and the intersections affected by the proposed development. The plans should include all existing and proposed pavement markings, signs, etc. We recommend that the applicant consult our driveway policy manual which is available on our website at www.nvsdot.gov. On the NYSDOT A-Z bar click on "H", then click on Highway Work Permits and then click on Policy and Standards for the Design of Entrances to State Highways. A site plan checklist is within this manual for items that should be included on site plans. 2. We recommend that the applicant perform traffic signal warrant analyses for NY 25 and Depot Lane and for NY 25 and Griffing Street. Both of these should be submitted for our review. Ms.Heather Lanza • November 10,2008 Page 2 of 2 Please have the applicant submit four (4) sets of plans and two (2) copies of each analysis. The applicant should also provide us with a cover letter that states how the above comments are addressed, item by item. Review of the subject material is being coordinated by Mr. Mark Wolfgang. He can be contacted at (631) 952-7973 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Please send all correspondence to his attention. Kindly refer to the subject case number and County tax map number in all correspondence. Thank you for your cooperation concerning this matter. Very truly yours, Original Signed By Shaik A. Saad SHAIK A. SAAR, P.E. Civil Engineer III Traffic Engineering and Safety cc: lV;r. Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold s. Jerilyn Woodhouse, Planning Board Chairperson, Town of Southold Mr. Eric McFerran, P.E.,Nelson and Pope, LLP SAS:MDW:ajf MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ap OF so P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE Dy��` �0 Southold,NY 11971 Char OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON '� �0 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND �,�'�U Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 5, 2008 Charles Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue DEIS Review for Adequacy for Public Comment SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Mr. Cuddy: The Planning Board, at their November 3, 2008 Work Session, received and accepted the report from KPC Planning Services, Inc., dated October, 2008, which provides a detailed description of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement(DEIS), and identifies areas where it is deficient and failed to fulfill the Final Scope. The Planning Board has determined that the DEIS is inadequate with respect to the adopted Final Scope and content for the purpose of commencing public review. Please revise the DEIS and re-submit it to the Planning Board. Enclosed please find the report from KPC Planning Services, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, �n�Q�I,J"Y�m Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson Encl. cc: Scott Russell, Southold Town Supervisor Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services Southold Town Clerk, Town Board Suffolk County Planning Commission Southold Town Building Department Suffolk County Water Authority Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals NYSDEC, Commissioner, Albany Southold Town Engineer New York State Department of Transportation NYSDEC, Regional Office, Stony Brook, NY Lanza, Heather To: 'Anthony-KPC@optonline.net' Cc: Heather Lanza Subject: Heritage report November 5, 2008 Anthony, The Planning Board accepted your report at their November 3,2008 work session,and is rejecting the DEIS again. Please send your invoice as soon as possible, as well as an estimate for the work to review the next draft. Thanks. Heather Heather Lanza,AICP Town Planning Director 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 E-mail: heather.lanzaLi)tOwn.sOuthold.ny.l1S 1 Review of Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement For the Heritage at Cutchogue Planned Adult Active Community To determine whether to accept the draft EIS as adequate with respect to its scope and content for the purpose of commencing public review. Prepared for Southold Town Planning Board October 2008 Prepared by KPC Planning Services, Inc 108 Mill Road Westhampton Beach,NY 11978 J NOV — 3 2008 I c T � • . f KPC Planning Services, Inc. has reviewed the revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Heritage at Cutchogue project, prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. dated as revised September 18, 2008. This document was submitted in response to our report dated June 2008, which indicated that the previous DEIS was not adequate for public review. We have reviewed the revised DEIS for compliance with our report of June 2008, which outlined the additional information needed to deem the DEIS adequate for public review, as well as, the Final Scope adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board on September 10, 2007. As a reminder to the Planning Board and as noted in our previous report dated June 2008, the SEORA Handbook is published by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and provides very detailed and user-friendly information as it relates to the entire SEQRA process. As described below, the DEIS needs to be adequate for public review, but is not required to address every technical issue that may be a concern to the Planning Board and/or the general public. Any additional concerns that are not addressed in the DEIS may be addressed in the FEIS if the Planning Board finds that said information is necessary to fully evaluate the potential significant environmental impacts, as well as, the proposed mitigation. The following excerpts are taken directly from the handbook, which the Planning Board should take into consideration as they review the draft EIS: A draft impact statement should describe the action, alternatives to the action and various means of mitigating impacts of the action. It should discuss all significant environmental issues relates to the action, but it is not the document in which all such issues must be resolved. Resolution of issues before acceptance of a draft EIS, in fact, defeats one of the major purposes of the draft EIS; that is, to give the public an opportunity to comment on the various alternatives regarding the action, so that such comments may be part of the final decision making considerations. The lead agency should remember that a draft EIS does not need to be perfect. It should contain a discussion of information, including significant impacts, alternatives and mitigation measures requested by the lead agency in a reasonable level of detail. The purpose of the public comment period is to allow all involved agencies and the public to review the draft EIS and comment on its inadequacies. These can usually be corrected in a final EIS. If there is a fundamental disagreement between the lead agency and the preparer of the draft EIS about its acceptability, it is possible to simply disclose that disagreement in the document itself and explain how the parties vary in their opinions. The public will then be able to comment on this as well. Must differences in interpretation between the project sponsor and lead agency experts regarding a technical issue be resolved before determining a draft EIS is complete? No. It is not necessary to resolve these types of disputes before accepting the draft EIS as complete. In cases where there are valid differences in 1 interpretation of a technical issue, the lead agency should include both interpretations in the draft EIS. Providing both positions allows a reviewer to reach an independent determination regarding the impact. Proiect Location The subject property is a vacant 45.99-acre parcel located on the northwest corner of Griffmg Street and School House Lane, 1,079 feet north of Main Road (NYS Route 25) in Cutchogue. The property is currently zoned Hamlet Density (HD) and is identified as Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-102-2-33.3. Proiect Description This proposed residential site plan application is for the development of a Planned 55+ Active Adult Community consisting of 139 detached and attached dwellings, 14 of which will be permanently affordable. The affordable units are approximately 1,135 sq. ft each. 46 units will be 2,647 sq.ft. each, 21 units will be 1,930 sq.ft. each, 36 units will be approximately 2,700 sq.ft. each, and 20 units will be 3,110 sq.ft. each. Additional buildings proposed are an 8,840 sq. ft. clubhouse; a 1,160 sq. ft. swimming pool; two 3,200 sq. ft. tennis courts; a 2,400 sq. ft. maintenance garage; a gazebo; a gatehouse; 316 parking spaces, of which 272 are associated with the individual dwelling units and 44 are associated with the clubhouse and recreational facility; 197,043 sq. ft. of manmade ponds to serve as natural drainage basins/irrigation systems; 1,162,022 square feet (27.676 acres) of landscaping; and various other site improvements including road pavement, patio and sidewalk improvements, on a vacant 45.99-acre parcel in the Hamlet Density (HD) Zoning District located on the n/w corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, approximately 1,079 feet n/o the Main Road, in Cutchogue. SCTM#1000-102-1- 33.3. Review of Revised DEIS We have reviewed the revised DEIS to determine if all of the information requested in our report of June 2008 has been provided and whether the document complies with the requirements of the Final Scope and is adequate for public review. General Comment ReQardine the Potential Impacts Throughout the DEIS the words "no impact" are used. These words are vague, inaccurate, and obviously incorrect in many instances. In SEQRA, the proper terminology with regard to impacts speaks to whether an impact is "adverse", "significant", "low", etc. In addition, there are places where the document states "no impact" then goes on to contradict itself in describing how the impact will be mitigated. One example is found on page 25 of the DEIS, where in the third and fourth paragraphs it is stated that there will be no impact to water quality, and the next paragraph states that there will be an impact. Generally, a development of this size in a setting such as Cutchogue will have impacts as it relates to the various environmental issues (i.e. transportation, water resources, aesthetics, etc.) identified under SEQRA. The question that needs to be addressed is whether the impacts are significant. 2 According to the SEORA Handbook published by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, ...the draft EIS should focus on the potential environmental impacts and issues identified in the EIS scoping process. Using the description of the environmental setting as a basis for comparison, the description of impacts should be objective, to the degree possible and include both quantitative and qualitative information to determine • how likely it is that an impacts will occur • how large the impacts will be • how important the impact will be • the timeframe in which the impact is anticipated Therefore, the DEIS needs to accurately, realistically and consistently identify the degree to which the project will have an impact for each of the environmental issues identified in the final scope. Final Scope Requirement: Benefits of the Proiect It was previously indicated that the project is a fulfillment of the Town's vision for the subject property as expressed in the Town of Southold Comprehensive Plan and zoning code. " However, we requested that the applicant provide additional information to support the statement. Section 1.1.4 of the DEIS states that that the property is zoned Hamlet Density (HD) and is being developed in a manner that is consistent with the zoning, but falls short of providing additional information to support the statement that the property is being developed in accordance with the Town's "vision" for the site. This information was requested each successive time we reviewed the DEIS, but the applicant has not responded to date. Under State Law, a Town's Zoning Laws must be in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan. In the Town of Southold, the Comprehensive Plan is a series of Planning Studies and Reports that outline a number of objectives for the area of the subject property, as well as the Town as a whole. The applicant has not demonstrated how the proposed development will fulfill the Town's vision. The property being developed at a density that is consistent with the zoning district is not, in and of itself, a "vision" for the site. However, while the Planning Board will ultimately make a determination as to whether or not they agree with the applicant's argument, the information provided is sufficient for the purposes of deeming the DEIS adequate for public review. Any additional information that may be received during the required public comment period regarding this issue may be included in the FEIS if the Planning Board finds that said information is critical to evaluating the project's environmental impacts. We previously requested that the DEIS provide a brief explanation of how the total tax revenues expected to be generated from the site were determined. This information was 3 not provided in the revised DEIS. Again, while this information is not critical from the perspective of deeming the DEIS adequate for public review, said information must be provided in the FEIS if the potential tax revenues to be generated by this development are to be considered by the Planning Board in their SEQRA Findings. Final Scope Requirement: Project Design and Layout Parking calculations have been revised showing the total number of required parking spaces to be 328, an increase in 13 parking spaces, with the most notable change in the parking coming from the clubhouse, which is now identified as a community center. The parking associated with the community center has increased from 30 spaces to 48 spaces, apparently the result of taking into account the gross square footage of the structure, although this is not entirely clear. The FEIS must clarify the square footages utilized in the parking calculations. In addition, the total number of parking spaces required for the tennis courts has been reduced from 10 to 5, due to the elimination of one tennis court from the proposed development and the associated 5 required parking spaces. The matter of the total number of parking spaces is a site plan issue and unless there is a significant discrepancy between what the applicant proposes and the Town's assessment of the total number of required parking spaces, the information provided is adequate for public review. Any technical issues (e.g. layout, total number of parking spaces, size, etc) can be addressed upon the issuance of the Board's SEQRA Findings and the continuance of the residential site plan review process. Section 1.3.5 of the DEIS has been adequately revised to provide a more detailed description of the site lighting and includes a Lighting Plan within Appendix A, that provide the footcandle renderings in 5' grids, extending 10' beyond the property lines, and includes all exterior luminaires on every building in the site, including wall mounted fixtures, lamps, poles or other supports. In addition, the lighting plan shows the isoplots for each luminaire in its place. With respect to the manufacturer's cut sheet for each luminaire type, it is noted that the Lighting Plan provides limited cut-sheet information from Beacon Products for the proposed post mounted and pendant mounted fixtures. The applicant should clarify if these are the only fixtures that are proposed for all site lighting. We previously noted a height discrepancy between street light detail and the information contained within the text of the DEIS. The discrepancy has been addressed and the DEIS correctly indicates that the street lights will be 14' in height in accordance with the requirements of the Town Code. i Our previous review of the DEIS indicated that a complete Landscaping Plan was not provided. Appendix A of the DEIS now includes a detailed Landscaping Plan for the entire site and is found to be adequate for public review. The issue regarding the dumpster locations has not been addressed. While the location of f the dumpsters is important from both a functional and aesthetic perspective, this is a technical issue that can be addressed during the site plan review following the conclusion 4 of the SEQRA process and is not crucial in evaluating the overall potential significant environmental impacts associated with the project. Final Scone Requirement Soils The DEIS has been revised to include a more detailed soil management plan as previously requested as follows: A Soil Management Plan (SMP) has been prepared for the site in accordance with SCDHS guidelines (included as Appendix E). The SMP calls for the top 12 inches of soils to be scraped from the site resulting in (74,197 CY of soil that will either be buried on site or exported off site for proper disposal. Approximately ±42,400 CY of the scraped soil will be buried beneath the proposed pond, in trenches located throughout the property and used to create berms along the property boundaries and in centralized landscaped areas. Figure 2 in the SMP depicts the soil burial locations proposed on the site. The remaining ±31,797 CY of material will be exported off site to an appropriate receiving facility. The clean soils from excavated areas will be used as cover (minimum of one foot) throughout the site. Section 4 of the SMP provides specific details of the phasing of excavations and stockpile areas. This plan will be reviewed by the Town in detail during the site plan review of the project to ensure the proposed plan adequately meets the objectives of soil management to mitigate potential concerns with regard to detected soil chemical concentrations present on the land. However, this section of the DEIS remains inadequate. The total amount of soil/sand being removed is not provided. The document states that they cannot provide this figure because it isn't known yet how many basements versus crawl spaces will be provided. The proposed plan shows the size and location of each unit, so it appears possible that this information can be calculated in an estimate, with a range based on one scenario of all crawl spaces, and one scenario of all basements of a certain depth (minimum and maximum amount of soil to be removed). There is no apparent connection between the grading plan and the soil management plan. How will contaminated soil be identified during the grading? How does the amount of contaminated soil to be removed relate to the amount of soil that is being re-graded? In addition, the contaminated soil remediation plan lacks specific application related to phases and NYSDEC protocols. Final Scope Requirement• Water Resources With respect to the requirement for a groundwater quality analysis from on site wells, it is noted that a groundwater quality analysis was done in 2002 from an on-site well and said information is provided in Appendix F. The notion that effluent and leachate from septic systems and stormwater runoff collection pools is clean enough to drink by percolating through 30 feet of sand is 5 unsubstantiated. Water-soluble contaminants such as Nitrogen flow through the sand along with the water and end up in the groundwater. Quantitative data to support this statement needs to be provided. As stated earlier in this report, the third and fourth paragraphs on Page 25 of the DEIS states that there will be no impact to water quality. Yet, in the first paragraph of the following section(Section 2.2.3), it is states that "development of the project site will impact groundwater in several ways, roadway runoff into the recharge ponds to the disposal of sanitary waste. " ' Final Scone Requirement: Vegetation and Wildlife The previous review of the DEIS indicated that a detailed landscaping plan was needed in order for the Planning Board to assess the adequacy of the site landscaping. In addition, we previously indicated that the DEIS did not provide a discussion about the feasibility of preserving some of the existing vegetation to mitigate the potential impacts to wildlife. As already noted in this review, a detailed landscaping plan has been provided and is adequate for the purpose of public review, as well as, for the Planning Board to evaluate the potential impacts and associated mitigation to wildlife and vegetation. There is still no discussion about the potential to utilize any of the existing vegetation to mitigate the potential impacts to wildlife. However, with the submission of a detailed landscaping plan, in addition to the general information provided regarding the existing vegetation on site, the Planning Board is in a position to make a determination as to whether or not any of the existing vegetation should be preserved. Additional mitigation in the form of preserving existing vegetation should be considered and included in the FEIS. Final Scone Requirement: Land Use Zoning and Plans Section 3.2.2 of the DEIS has been revised to provide a discussion regarding the compatibility and consistency of the proposed land use on the surrounding land uses, focused primarily on the residential nature of the surrounding area. The FEIS must also include a discussion on how the proposed development is consistent with the commercial zoning and associated land uses of the central business district to the south. The DEIS has been revised to include the North Fork Recreation Travel Needs Assessment among the land use plans that are required to be evaluated in the impact statement. It is noted that there are no specific recommendations for this site. Final Scope Requirement: Community Facilities and Services With respect to the impacts on community facilities and services, the DEIS indicates that responses from each of the service providers (police, fire school,utilities)have not been received and therefore impacts on services are not expected to occur. However, the Final Scope specifically requires that "the DEIS will include detailed projections of service 6 demand with supporting documentation. " There are no projections provided in this section of the DEIS, and the statement there will be no impact is not substantiated beyond the fact that the service providers did not respond to a letter send by the applicant. Final Scope Requirement: Aesthetic Resources Open Space/Community Character and Public Health As previously requested, the DEIS has been revised to specify the height to which each of the plant species within the perimeter buffer are expected to grow over time, although the renderings provided in Appendix C do not accurately depict those heights. The revised DEIS fails to adequately address the potential significant impacts to community character and historical pattern of development in the area. The proposed development is on a property that is situated within an established residential neighborhood and in close proximity to Cutchogue's central business district to the south. The historical pattern of development in Cutchogue and the Town as a whole, consists of well-defined "hamlet centers" or central business districts, surrounded by higher density single-family residential neighborhoods, followed by lower density residential development and open farmland. Impacts to community character are among the most important, and potentially significant, that require a thorough analysis with sufficient information to allow the Planning Board and the general public to assess the overall aesthetic and community character impacts of the project, as well as, the potential mitigation measures. The renderings submitted do not provide enough information to evaluate the overall scale, massing and other physical attributes of the proposed project in relation to the surrounding properties, particularly the residential subdivision to the west and the central business district to the south. It is not clear if this project is consistent with the historical pattern of development in Cutchogue. Therefore, our previous comments noted below are still applicable: Overall, the DEIS lacks a discussion of the visual impacts of the proposed project. While there are a few color renderings provided in Appendix C, the information provided is not sufficient to assess the overall visual impacts as it relates to community character. The DEIS must provide a detailed visual assessment for this project such as viewpoint panoramas to illustrate existing and potential visual impact from key viewpoints, a written analysis of the magnitude and significance of potential visual impact related to change through time, appropriate mitigation to limit visual impact and demonstration of its effectiveness by computer modeling or color renderings and photomontage based on accurate three dimensional models to illustrate the proposed development. The DEIS needs to include a discussion of the visual impacts as it relates to the character of the surrounding community, including the degree to which the development would result in buildings that would detract from the existing style or image of the area due to density, height, bulk, setbacks, signage, architectural style, massing or other physical elements. 7 The DEIS needs to provide a more detailed internal visual assessment to get a sense of pedestrian scale and what this project will look like from the inside. The single color rendering provided showing the interior view of the site is inadequate and does not address the issue at it relates to impacts on community character. Are the proposed structures effectively integrated into the aesthetics of the site, through appropriate design, and have the objectives of creating a traditional streetscape been accomplished though the proposed site design? Will this project connect to the existing community and how will the site design promote or enhance the economic vibrancy of the Cutchogue Hamlet Center? Final Scone Requirement: Use and Conservation ofEner"Resources The DEIS has been revised to indicate that the proposed site lighting will comply with "dark sky" standards to mitigate the potential impacts as it relates to energy consumption and light pollution. In addition, the DEIS indicates that energy-efficient high pressure sodium lamps will be utilized for site lighting. A complete lighting plan has been prepared and can be evaluated by the Planning Board for compliance with Town requirements and whether or not the site lighting will effectively mitigate the potential impacts associated with light pollution and/or energy consumption. Final Scope Requirement: Cumulative Impacts Section 4.1 of the DEIS has been revised to provide a general discussion regarding the design elements of the subject proposal in conjunction with the potential future development of the adjacent residential property to the east and the commercially-zoned properties along Griffrng Street. The information provided is adequate for public review. Final Scope Requirement:Alternatives to be Studied The final scope requires that five(5)alternatives be discussed in the DEIS: 1. No action alternative. 2. Alternative design including, but not limited to clustering of detached and attached units to create meaningful open space and maximize vegetative buffers along the perimeter of the property. 3. Reduce existing number of units. 4. Partial or full preservation of the property. 5. Alternative design for wastewater treatment. Section 5.0 of the DEIS has been revised to include a more detailed discussion of each alternative and includes Table 5-1, which is a comparison of each alternative in terms of lot coverage, water usage, amount of solid waste generated and other project attributes typically associated with a development of this type. Alternatives 1 and 4, the no action and full/partial preservation alternatives, respectfully, are discussed within the same subsection of the DEIS and assume the property would be 8 fully preserved and left in its natural state. The clustered alternative (Alternative 2) includes both a narrative as well as a site plan showing approximately 60% of the site as preserved as "open space" consisting largely of perimeter buffers and small "village greens" dispersed throughout the site. Alternative #3 requires that the number of existing units be reduced. The intent of this alternative is to provide a plan that shows less than the 139 units that are currently proposed. The DEIS has been revised to provide an alternative plan with 125 units. This alternative would not be age-restricted (as is currently proposed) based on the applicant's position that this would increase the marketability of the site, thereby justifying the further reduction in yield. With respect to Alternative 5, which requires an alternative design for wastewater treatment, the DEIS has been revised to provide a discussion focusing mostly on the reasons why a sewage treatment system is not a viable alternative. Simply put, the proposed age-restricted community has a design flow of 150 gallons per day, half the amount required for a standard condominium development. As a result, the project is able to comply with the requirements under Article 6 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code with the use of multiple septic systems as opposed to an on-site sewage treatment facility, which would only be required if the proposed development exceeds the allowable flow of 27,696 gallons per day. Nevertheless, the reduced density alternative does show an on- site sewage treatment facility incorporated into the project. This is because this alternative is not for an age-restricted community and therefore has a design flow of 300 gallons per day per residential unit, resulting in a development that exceeds the total allowable flow for the site. Therefore, Alternative 5 does not address the difference in the environmental effects of a sewage treatment plant versus the proposed septic systems. Instead, there is a lengthy discussion of the cost prohibitions to providing sewage treatment. The SEQR process requires that the potential large impacts to the environment must be examined, and septic system pollution of the groundwater remains a concern. Simply meeting the County's health department standards does not guarantee that groundwater, wells, and eventually the adjacent creeks and bays will not be polluted by the effluent from a large concentration of septic systems. Evidence that this is case is the requirement by the Health Department that this development be provided with public water from a source other than directly underneath this property after it is developed. Additional Comments/Recommendations 1. Page 3 of the DEIS has been revised to replace "Village Zoning Code" with "Town Zoning Code." 2. Within the zoning discussion on Page 42 of the DEIS, the R-40 Zoning District is described as being Residential Low Density AA. This does not appear to be a valid zoning district within the Town. If this zoning designation is being noted in a historical context,the FEIS must be revised to indicate such. 9 3. We previously requested that Section 3.2.1 of the DEIS be revised to specify that the property is listed as eligible in the Community Preservation Project Plan. This information is still not provided and must be included in the FEIS. 4. The DEIS has been revised to identify all public parks in close proximity to the subject property. 5. The DEIS has been revised to provide the floor plans and elevations for the community center but does not include building elevations for each of the five types of units proposed for this site. The elevations must include a height dimension from the ground to the top of the highest peak of the roof. 6. The final scope, lighting plans and floor plans are nearly illegible and therefore must be replaced with clear, readable documents. 7. A Yield Map that is referenced cannot be found in the document. Conclusions Based on our review of the DEIS as discussed in the above analysis, many of the previous issues we raised have been adequately addressed or may be further addressed in the FEIS. However, the document remains inadequate for the reasons stated in this report and therefore needs to be revised. The Planning Board is advised to review our findings and advise the applicant of the changes that will be required. If you have any questions concerning our comments or wish to discuss them further, we would be pleased to meet with you at work session to discuss. 10 • WORK SESSION AGENDA • SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, November 3, 2008 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Site Plans & Subdivisions/Lot Line Changes Site Plans Pro'ect Name: Seven Eleven __ SCTM# 1000-142-1-27 ? -- —� Location:_ 9945 NYS S Route 25, Mattituck _ Description: This site plan is to convert an existing 1,950 sq. ft. gas station/convenience store and add a 750 sq. ft. addition, having a total of 2,700 sq. ft. for a retail use (convenience store) on a 24,829 sq. ft. parcel in the Business Zone. Status: New Site Plan Action: Recommend the Planning Board accept the site plan and comments, start SEQRA review, and refer the application out to interested agencies. Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Owen Construction SCTM# 1000-102-2-12.5 Location: 29025 NYS Route 25, Cutcho ue Description: This site plan is for the conversion of an existing dwelling to professional offices on a 20,224.28 sq. ft. parcel in the RO Zoning District. Status: Review Site Plan Action: Recommend the Planning Board accept the comments and waive the _ public hearing. Attachments: --�-S ff Pro'ect Name: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Location: Northwest corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, I _ _--_qroximately 1,079 feet north of Main Road, in Cutchogue. Description: Development of a Planned 55+Active Adult Community consisting of 139; detached and attached dwellings, 14 of which will be permanently ____ affordable on a vacant 46.17-acre parcel. Status: SEQR – reviewing DEIS for adequacy for public comment _ Recommendations: Review the report from KPC and determine whether the Planning Board _.-- is ready to make a determination of adequacy for the DEIS. Pro'ect Name: Shizen aka Gala, Oki-do SCTM#: 1000-38-7-7.1 -a------......--1-------- --- _� I_ �. Location: 2835 Shipyard Lane, East Marion Description: This proposed action requires a special exception and site plan to construct a holistic health center. _ Status: ? SEQR - Reviewing DEIS for adequacy for public comment Recommendations: I Overview of application, and review of consultant's review of DEIS (if received in time -- -- ......._..-------- ---- --- ---------------------------...-..-: W MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBOS • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O��OF so P.O.Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSENDCOUNN, Southold, NY 111, Telephone: 631 765-1935 Faze: 631 765.3136 VIA FAX: 998-3921 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 29, 2008 Mr. Kyle P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Dear Mr. Collins: Re: Draft report on Heritage DEIS The Planning Board has reviewed your report and is requesting that you consider adding some additional issues that we feel warrant finding this DEIS inadequate. Please consider the following: 1. Throughout the DEIS the words "no impact" are used. These words are vague, inaccurate, and obviously incorrect in many instances. In SEQR, the proper terminology with regard to impacts speaks to whether an impact is "adverse", "significant", "low", etc. Worse, there are places where the document states "no impact" then goes on to contradict itself in describing how the impact will be mitigated. One of many examples is page 25 of the DEIS, where in the fourth paragraph it is stated that there will be no impact to water quality, and the next paragraph states that there will be an impact. 2. On page 9 of the final scope, in the Community Facilities-and Services section, number three, it states, "The DEIS will include detailed projections of service demand with supporting documentation." There are no projections provided in the Community Facilities and Services section of the DEIS, and the statement that there will be no impact (is it adverse impact? Significant impact?) is not substantiated beyond the fact that the service providers did not respond to a letter sent by the applicant. 3. The Final Scope provided in the DEIS is illegible. 4. The lighting plans are nearly illegible. 5. The floor plan dimensions are illegible. 6. There are no building elevations for each proposed unit. These must also include a height dimension (from the ground to the top of the highest peak of the roof) and provided for each building elevation. 7. A Yield Map that is referenced couldn't be located in the document. 8. The total amount of soil/sand being removed is not provided. The document states that they cannot provide this figure because it isn't known yet how many basements versus crawl spaces will be provided. The proposed plan shows the size and location of each unit, so it appears possible that this information can be calculated in an estimate, with a range based on one scenario of all crawl spaces, and one scenario of all basements of a certain depth (minimum and maximum amount of soil to be removed). 9. There is no apparent connection between the grading plan and the soil management plan. How will contaminated soil be identified during the grading? How does the amount of contaminated soil to be removed relate to the amount of soil that is being regarded? 10. Water Resources in the Final Scope#7. The notion that effluent and leachate from septic systems and stormwater runoff collection pools is scrubbed clean enough to drink by percolating through 30 feet of sand is unsubstantiated. Water-soluble contaminants such as Nitrogen flow through the sand along with the water and end up in the groundwater. 11. Aesthetic Resources, Visual Impacts is not adequately addressed. Substantiate and provide more information how this is consistent with the community character. 12. Alternatives. The basic flaws in the analyses done for the proposed project carry over into the analyses of the alternatives— especially Alternatives 2 & 3, which are both inadequately addressed. 13. Alternative 5 does not address the difference in the environmental effects of a sewage treatment plant versus the proposed septic systems. Instead, there is a lengthy discussion of the cost prohibitions to providing sewage treatment. The SEQR process requires that we examine the potential large impacts to the environment, and septic system pollution of the groundwater remains a concern. Simply meeting the County's health department standards does not guarantee that groundwater, wells, and eventually the adjacent creeks and bays will not be polluted by the effluent from a large concentration of septic systems. Evidence that this is case is the requirement by the Health Department that this development be provided with public water from a source other than directly underneath this property after it is developed. There are other issues (in addition to those listed above, some of which are in your report), that remain a problem in our view, but that we understand can be brought up during the comment period and addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. We would appreciate having a revised report back from you by Friday, October 31 to give us time to review it before the next Planning Board work session. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Planning Board Chair cc: Planning Board H. Lanza, Planning Director M. Terry, Principal Planner T. Sadoo, Planner • WORK SESSION AGENDA 40 SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, October 27, 2008 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Site Plans & Subdivisions/Lot Line Changes Subdivisions/Lot Line Changes Project name Thomas & Patricia Nadherney SCTM#:j 1000-70-5-34 &35 . Location 125 Pine Neck Road 1,175 feet West of Oaklawn Avenue, Southold ..... ......... ...- ... Description: This lot line change is to accommodate a side yard set-back requirement of 15 feet for the R-40 Zone. The existing house on SCTM#1000-70-5-34 sits on the property line of the adjacent parcel, SCTM#1000-70-5-35. Both lots are owned by the Nadherneys. In order to accommodate a requested second floor addition on the existing house, the ZBA has granted a side yard setback variance conditioned upon Planning Board approval of a lot line change which would create a 9 foot side yard setback for the eastern side yard of SCTM#1000-70-5-34. Both lots would remain conforming in over-all lot size for the R-40 Zone. -_-. ----- .......... ------ Status: Open Action: Review lot line change and ZBA variance. ..... .... _ ---- ... Attachments ; ZBA Determination Site Plans -------------- -------- ........... ................................. Project name: Dacimo Premises, Narrow River SCTM#. 1000-27-02-04 Road ..... Location: 5520 Narrow River Road, Orient _ ..... Description: Demolition of existing storage building replacing with new one Status: With Building Dept. Action: Discuss as to whether this would require a site plan. ... .- - -- Attachments Letter to Mike Verity from applicant and site plan. ...... .... _..- . ...... __.g g .._.. _Project name. The ---------Henta eat Cutcho ue !,_SCTM# 1000 102-1-33.3 Location: Northwest corner of Griffing Street and School House Lane, approximately 1,079 feet north of Main Road, in Cutchogue. Description: Development of a Planned 55+ Active Adult Community consisting of 139 detached and attached dwellings, 14 of which will be permanently affordable on a vacant 46.17-acre parcel ------ - - ---- -- -- Status: SEQR — reviewing DEIS for adequacy for public comment Recommendations. Review the report from KPC and determine whether the Planning Board is ready to make a determination of adequacy for the DEIS. .....__ CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRI FFING AV ENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK Mailing Address: TEL: (631)369-82D0 P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: charles.cuddy@verizon.net October 9, 2008 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: The revised DEIS was delivered to the Town on September 25, 2008. In accordance with SEQRA regulations please confirm that the Town will complete its review by October 25, 2008. Verytrulyyours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ms cc: Jeffery Rimland Inxin Ever_nan HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE 1721-D North Ocean Ave. Medford,N.Y. 1.1763 Tel.631207-5730 Fax 631207-5974 Letter of Transmittal f Tow.»» TOWN Of SOUTHOLD Planning Department P.Q.Box 1179 54375 State Road 25 Southold,N.Y. 11747 j Attention: Heather Lanza Director of Planning Date: September 25,2008 Project No.: Regarding: HERITAGE at Cutchogue DEIS re-submittal dated 9/18/08 we are sending you X Attached ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Under separate cover ❑ Copy of tetter ❑ Prints ❑ Change Order Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ Samples X For Approval ❑ Accepted as noted X For your use ❑ Returned for correction X For you information ❑ Resubmit_copies for acceptance X As requested ❑ Submit W copies for distribution For review and Comment ❑ Return_corrected prints _❑ Accepted as submitted ❑ Prints returned atter loan to us Copies Date Description 10 9/18/08 rev. Draft Environmental Impact Statement as prepared by Greeman-Pederson[GPI]revised date 9/18/08 1 9/18/08 CD of complete DEIS re-submission dated 9/18/08 1 9/22/08 Check# 2023 in the amount of$1475.00 Thank you Jeffrey Rimland If enclosures are not as noted„kindly notify us at once. • 10/07/2008 14:29 FAX • 0002 L . COUNTY OF SUMLK �6 SME Levi SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEFARnn w-Tr or HEALTH SERVICES HumAyuar j.CmAumu,D.O.,M.S. COMMISMOMM October 7, 2008 Hon. Edward P.Romaine Suffolk County Legislator- First District n 423 Griffutg Avenue, Suite 2 OCT 07 GtA70 Riverhead,NY 11901 Re: Heritage at Cutchogue Dear Legislator Romaine: In response to your e-mail dated September 28, 2008,my staff at the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) Division of Environmental Quality has reviewed your inquiries regarding the proposed Heritage at Cutchogue Planned Retiremcnt Community(PRC). This project proposes to develop a 46.17-acre parcel with 139 residential units and various other buildings associated with the planned community. The project has not received approval from the SCDHS Office of Wastewater Management, and SCDHS review of the proposal is still actively underway. As part of this review, the SCDHS Office of Water Resources has conducted a preliminary evaluation which has indicated that there appear to be several private wells in the vicinity of the project. However,this analysis is not complete,and is not yet ripe for distribution. Please be assured that SCDHS policy is that public water should be extended to serve Suffolk residents,where feasible, and to the maximum extent practicable. To that end, SCDHS'will work with the Suffolk County Water Authority to maximize the number of parcels which can be served by public water,ancillary to the proposed main extension to serve the proposed Heritage project. SCDHS will also coordinate closely with the Town of Southold in this regard. As a first step,we are working with the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) to verify the exact locations of public water supply mains and parcels not served by public water. Subsequent to this analysis,we will be able to prepare accurate information about the number of private wells in the area, as well as the locations of water mains. We expect that this�exercisq will take two to four weeks to complete. At that point,we would be able to give you an update: We'-will,of course, continue to work closely with the Town and the SCWA throughQgtte process., . F •On7Q Orn¢COMbIItSIONte• r � 225 RAno DEVI WT -Eretmreucc,NY11789-4290 (651)853-5000-Fuc(631)855-2927 10/07/2008 14:50 FAB 0 • 12 003 Hon. Edward P.Romaine October 7,2008 Page Two T hope that this information is helpful. Please feel free to contact Vito Minei,PE at 852.5800 if you have any questions or comments. Sincer y, Humayun . Chaudhry,Dc..O..,M.S. Commissioner WC/kn C: Matthew J. Miner, Deputy Commissioner Vito Minei,P.E., Director- Division of Environmental Quality Walter Dawydiak,P.E. -Chief Engineer Douglas Feldman,P.E. - Office of Water Resources Jason Hime, P.E. - Office of Water Resources ' • • Page 1 of 1 Liguori, Joanne From: Liguori, Joanne Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 3:42 PM To: Liguori, Joanne Subject: FW: Heritage at Cutchogue From: Romaine, Edward Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 1:05 PM To: Chaudhry, Humayun Dr. Subject: Heritage at Cutchogue Dear Dr. Chaudhry, In a letter dated July 24, 2007, Robert J. Farmer, Public Health Engineer Supervisor, stated, "The sewage generated from this area will move southeasterly, which is the direction of the groundwater flow, towards Wickham Creek and Cutchogue Harbor. Based upon the known direction of the groundwater flow and the areas where private wells are located, a review will be undertaken by the Bureau of Drinking Water to identify areas with private wells that may have their water quality impacted from this project. This information will be presented to the project developer. Project approval is contingent upon public water being made available to private well owners that could potentially have their water quality impacted." First, did the Health Department do a review to identify those private wells that might be impacted by this project? Second, was this information presented to the project developer and the Southold Town Planning Board? Third, can I receive a copy of this review? Fourth, has this project received Health Department approval? Fifth, has you department identified those homes whose private wells would be potentially impacted so that public water mains may be installed at the developers expense? I await your response to these questions. Ed Romaine 10/8/2008 0 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSQF SoP.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O�� UrGO Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G C 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON .�` �0 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND �IyCOU,M'� Southold, NY 111' Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 26, 2008 Mr. Kyle P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Third Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Collins: Enclosed are (1) a copy of the revised DEIS submission dated September 18, 2008, and (2) the signed proposal agreement for third review. We would appreciate receiving your first draft of this review by October 15, 2008. This letter will confirm your estimated cost for the above service in the amount of $2,250. Prior to any work being done beyond this estimated cost, you must submit a second estimate for the additional work, and wait for our approval in writing before proceeding. Thank you. Sincerely, F *4p Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Encs. ARITAGE AT CUTCHAUE 1721-D North Ocean Ave. Medford,N.Y. 11763 Tel.631207-5730 Fax 631207-5974 Letter of Transmittal To: TOWN Of SOUTHOLD �� � Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Road 25 Southold,N.Y. 11747 Attention: Heather Lanza Director of Planning Date: September 25, 2008 Project No.: Regarding: HERITAGE at Cutchogue DEIS re- submittal dated 9/18/08 We are sending you X Attached ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Under separate cover ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Prints ❑ Change Order Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ Samples X For Approval ❑ Accepted as noted X For your use ❑ Returned for correction X For you information ❑ Resubmit_copies for acceptance X As requested ❑ Submit_copies for distribution For review and Comment ❑ Return_corrected prints ❑ Accepted as submitted ❑ Prints returned after loan to us Copies Date Description 10 9/18/08 rev. Draft Environmental Impact Statement as prepared by Greeman-Pederson [ GPI] revised date 9/18/08 1 9/18/08 CD of complete DEIS re-submission dated 9/18/08 1 9/22/08 Check# 2023 in the amount of$1475.00 Thank you Jeffrey Rimland S ° I If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at oncc. Southold Town Plannina Board Work Session - PaRW o - 9/16/08 I. Project name: Group for the East End SCTM#: 1 1000 6 .......... Location_ : 54895 Main Road, in Southold. Descri tion: fox-the p This site plan is for the proposed re-use and alteration of a building to office space. ...-. Status: Request for Final Inspection ................ ............. Recommendations: Consider granting approval with the condition that landscaping will be completed by 10/31,/08. Attachments: J Approval Letter w/Agreement Project name: , Hart's True Value Hardware SCTM#: 1000-70-5-6 Location: 50000 Main Road, Southold Description: Applicant has an approved site plan. Applicant seeks to amend the approved site plan by adding asphalt pavement to the site in place of the gravel surface. Status: Approved Site Plan Recommendations Require adequate drainage and coordinate with other agencies with jurisdiction if necessary (Trustees, NYSDOT). Attachments: Engineer Report Subdivisions Project name: Arlene and Edgar Marvin SCTM#: 1000-117 10-9.1 & 9.2 Location: 1260 Jackson Street, New Suffolk Description: Proposed lot line change to add 100 s.f. to SCTM#1000-117-10-9.1 (40,030 s.f.) from SCTM#1000-117-10 9.2 (50,603 s.f.) R-40 zone. Status: Initial Review/Lot Line Modification Recommendations: Applicant believes the lot-line is necessary to bring lot 9.1 into conformance because it is less than one acre. Consider returning the application to the applicant with letter explaining that the code requires 40 zone, not a full acre (43,560 s.f only 40,000 s.f. per lot in the R .) Attachments: Staff Report Project name: Clark's Beach SCTM#: 1000-40-1-23 Location CR 48, Greenport Description: This proposal is to subdivide a 14.835 acre parcel, into two lots, where Lot 1 would be 6.326 acres and sold to Suffolk County as park land, and Lot 2 would be 8.509 acres and owned by the Village of Greenport in the R-80 Zone. Status: Application Recommendations: Consider granting Sketch approval at 9-22-08 Special Meeting., Attachments: Staff Report Discussion: Heritage at Cutchogue. Traffic Study review with the traffic engineers who prepared it. 09/09/2006 02:21 6317345_9,54 WICKHAM PAGE 01/01 L • �\ 1N For Heather Lanza, by fax 765-3136 From Tom Wickham Sept 9 08 Re. Groundwater studies The research group I spoke about this morning at Town .Bd is: Long Island Groundwater Research Institute SUNY/Stony Brook Dr. henry Bokuniewicz Tel 632-8674 j ' I Lanza, Heather From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 9:36 AM To: 'ckuehnjr@aol.com' Subject: RE: Heritage at Cutchogue Charles, Thanks for the information. 1 have a few questions as follows: This might seem a simple question,however I am confused by an optional second floor. If the buyer chooses no 2nd floor, what does the building look like finished? is it that there is no 2"d floor, or that the 2"d floor would be unfinished attic space instead of rooms? If the buyer opts for no living space on 2"d floor,can they convert it to living space later? 1 would like to know what the maximum possible square footage of living space on the optional second floors would be for each unit? What is the footprint of each building with and without the patio?( 1 think it would be a different number than the living space for the first floor plus the garage, correct?) What is the footprint of the clubhouse? Does that include the indoor pool? If not,what is the footprint of the clubhouse, plus the indoor pool area and any structures connecting the two buildings(or are they considered one building?) What is the size of the indoor pool (length,width, depth)? How much water does it hold? What is the size of the outdoor pool? How much water does it hold? About optional basements—does that mean the buyer of the unit would choose whether they want a basement? If they choose none, is the home built on a slab instead of a foundation?Or is it a foundation that only goes a few feet down to create a crawl space instead of a deeper basement. If they choose a basement, can they choose to make some of it living space? One last question on the affordable buildings. What is the footprint of the building?Are the units stacked?Two on first floor, two on second?Or are they all on one floor? Affordable Total building area - 4,578 s.f. Each unit(4 units total ) - 1,145 s.f. No garages Ridge height from fin. Floor to ridge - 28'-0" Thanks for your help. Heather From: ckuehnjr@aol.com (mailto:ckuehnjr@aol.com] Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 6:18 AM To: Lanza, Heather Subject: Heritage at Cutchogue Good Morning Heather, I was out all day yesterday ( went fishing! ) and am not sure if Dale from Jeffrey Rimland's office forwarded the unit s.f calc's to you. I did get a email from Jeffrey to have these emailed to you. So, I've I 1 . attached the info you requed. Please look everything over and le*e know if you need any additional info. A few side notes, None of the units will have raised decks,just grade level patios. Basements will be optional. Some of the units will have optional 2nd floors, but the base unit will be one story. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks, Chuck Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices& More! 2 CHARLESW. `. t THNi A R C h Z L ': P. C). Itos 641 '�orti7lxnt- A1" 11765 let: (6 1) 26'-840 Fat: (63 1) 202-8-;-11 Heritage at Cutchogue Cutchogue, New York The following are square footages and ridge heights of the proposed housing units for the Heritage project. Unit A - First floor area living space - 2,004 s.f. Second floor area living space - 600 s.f. Garage floor area - 460 s.f. Ridge height from fin. Floor to ridge - 28'-1" Unit B - First floor area living space - 1,950 s.f. Second floor area living space - ( optional ) Garage floor area - 568 s.f. 1F Ridge height from fin. Floor to ridge - 26'-0" V _ I Unit C First floor area living space - 2,080 s.f. Second floor area living space - ( optional ) Garage floor area - 468 s.f. Ridge height from fin. Floor to ridge - 28'-7" _ Unit D - First floor area living space - 2,095 s.f. Second floor area living space - ( optional ) Garage floor area - 425 s.f. Ridge height from fin. Floor to ridge - 27'-5" Unit E - First floor area living space 1,970 s.f. Second floor area living space - 860 s.f. Garage floor area 490 s.f. Ridge height from fin. Floor to ridge - 28'-0" Affordable Total building area - 4,578 s.f. Each unit ( 4 units total ) - 1,145 s.f. No garages Ridge height from fin. Floor to ridge - 28'-0" Note: Not raised deck in rear of units, only paver type patios. Basement will be optional. . WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Tuesday, September 2, 2008 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Site Plans & Subdivisions Site Plans Project name: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Location: : at the intersection of Schoolhouse Lane and Griffing St. in Cutchogue j Description: construct a 139 unit condominium complex Status: waiting for revised DEIS Recommendations: no action to be taken; review site plan application to re-familiarize the Planning Board with the details Attachments: None Subdivisions Project name: Sutton SCTM#: 1000-78-9-54 Location: North Bayview Road, Southold .................._ Description: This is for a standard subdivision of a 2.444 acre parcel into 2 lots, SCTM#1000-78-09-54 and 1000-78-09-78. The lots have been previously merged. The zoning is R-40. Lot 1 would be 61,899 square feet and proposed Lot 2 would be 44,587 sq. ft. Status: Lot Line Modification — applied for ..... _ Recommendations: await outcome of ROW Issues — proceed with lot line modification request Attachments: letter to agent Project name: Blue Heron Farm and Preserve SCTM#: 1000-75-6-6.1 Location: Peconic, 44030 Main Road (South side) Description: This is a standard subdivision proposing to create 4 lots from a 24.2 acre parcel. There is a 6 lot yield. 3 lots are proposed for building single family; dwellings and the 4th lot is proposed as open space. Zone: A-C Status: Sketch Approval stage Recommendations: request up-dated ERSAP reflecting significant trees, DEC designations, viewshed analysis Attachments: letter to applicant reflecting above requests Project name: Smith, Thornton/Hazel's Woods SCTM#: 1000-123-06-9, 123-06- 23 Location: The property is located east of Campe Mineola Road and north of Private Road in Mattituck. Description: This proposal is to subdivide an 8.46 acre parcel into 5 lots. Zone: R-80 Status: Sketch Approval stage Recommendations: request new maps for conditional sketch approval: consider granting conditional sketch on Sept.8 if all info needed is rec'd in time Attachments: Staff Report detailing further requests of new maps for conditional sketch approval _ 3_ C.—G Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 11563 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address 108 Mill Road Vendor Name KPC Planning Services, Inc. Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Vendor Telephone Number 998-3919 Vendor Contact Kyle P. Collins Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services _ 2009-17 2/17/09 $1,912.50 $1,912.50 19534 consulting fees reSEQR 20 4 500 300 prep, draft DEIS review for Heritage site plan $1,912.50 (1,912.50) Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature__ Company Name Date Title 4..,..: i ate o g L9 LAE � � Invoice 108 Mill Road DateInvoice# Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 u 2/IM009 200917 631-998-3919 kpcplanning@optonline.net "'--- 1 Bill To Town of Southold FEB 1 9 2009 �w Heather Lanza - 6^)7 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 4 Southold,NY 11971 SCTM# Site Location Terms SEQRA Heritage Due on receipt Date Description Hours Amount 2/52009 Began reviewing revised DEIS and preparing written comments for 5.75 862.50 Planning Board 2/10/2009 Finished preparing draft DEIS review and submitted to Planning 3.5 525.00 Board .. 2/132009 Kyle and Anthony met with Planning staff to discuss completion of 3,5 525.00 DEIS:process for FEIS preparation and review. Make all checks payable to KPC Planning Services,Inc. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Balance Due $1,912.50 MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Date: January 20, 2009 Subject: Environmental Review check from applicant Attached is a $2,000 check from an applicant meant to reimburse the Planning Department's Environmental Consultant line (88020-4-500-300)for review of an application before the Planning Board, as allowed for under SEQR. Please deposit to deferred account. Thank you. Enc. TOWN04 THE HER2039HER*AT CUTCHOGUE,LLC ORD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 1-15-09 1/15/09 DEIS Review 2000.00 .00 2000. 00 DATE CHECK 1-15-09 NUMBER 2039 TOTALS 2000.0 . 0 2000.00 THE HERITAGE ATCUTCHOGUE,,LLC NORTH FORK6ANK solei Eli 2n39 17 1-o NORTH OCEAN AVE. MF_DFORD,NY 11763 Pay:, ****************************************Two thousand dollars and no cents DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 1-15-2009 2039 $******2,000:00 Town, a£ Southold PAY 8 TO THE ORDER OF Eaa-i• 3 3 11'00203911• 1:0211,079121:1126924-01,87 Ila Q *OWN OF SOUTHOL* Purchase Order # 19534 Tax Exempt # A163554 Date February; 20, 2009 Account # B 8020 4 500 300 Deliver and send billing to: Vendor 11 11563 Department PLANNING BOARD KPC Planning Services, Inc. 109 Mill Road Address Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 L L VENDOR "Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL Fourth w 11 of to Exceed: HERI A to SC 0 —33.3 `• $2,000.00 `N. Ivry r �. 4a x .(ISI a iC THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN JAPPROPIRIAT N CHARGED Dept. Head I CERTIFY THIS TO BE A JUST AND TRUE RCHASEO ER ja Supervisor MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBE S • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O��OF S�UlyOl Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS ^ Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON 'O �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND lyC0Un11 Southold, NY 1111 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Via e-mail to A. Trezza, KP(PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 21, 2009 Mr. Kyle P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Fourth Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Collins: We received the January 2009 revised DEIS submission on January 20. A copy has been sent to you under separate cover via Express Mail. A CD showing changes will also be sent as soon as we receive it. We are faxing the signed proposal agreement to you. This letter will confirm your estimated cost of$2,000 for the above service. Prior to any work being done beyond this estimated cost, you must submit a second estimate for the additional work, and wait for our approval in writing before proceeding. Our thirty day review period ends February 19, 2009; we would appreciate receiving your first draft of this review by February 9, 2009. Thank you. Sincerely, Heather Lanza Town Planning Director k Proposal for Professional Services Contractor/Aeent/Permittee KPC Planning Services,Inc. 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach,NY 11978 Office;(631)998-3919, Fax; (631)998-3921, Email;kpcplanningQaoptonline.net Proiect Description Review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the Town of Southold Planning Board in connection with the SEQRA requirements for the Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan. Project Locations Owner/Client Griffin Street and School House Lane Town of Southold Planning Board Cutchogue,NY Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson SCTM# 1000-102-1-33.3 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Project Work Schedule Prepare and submit within 3 to 4 weeks after receipt of executed proposal and revised DEIS. Estimated Cost $2,000.00 (NOTE.Any subsequent work required and requested by the Town of Southold or any additional outside consultant work,as may be needed, may bring the cost over the estimated quote of$2,000.) Standard Schedule of Fees for additional work if necessary and aporoved• Principal Planner $150 per hr. Clerical fee $65 per hr. Terms of payment If the account remains overdue for a period greater than 60 days, KPC Planning Services, Inc. reserves the right to charge the Owner/Client a 2% finance charge per month. A $25.00 re- billing charge will be added to any invoice that remains outstanding for more than 90 days. In Addition to the payment for the services provided, if any invoice is sent out for collection, due to non payment, the Owner/Client agrees to reimburse KPC Planning Services, Inc. for all costs incurred toward the collection of these invoice(s)due, including legal fees. Items Required before Commencement of Proposed Work 1. Signed Proposal 2. Revised DEIS Proposal Chanes&Alterations Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra time or costs will be executed only upon approval,and will become an extra charge per the Standard Schedule of Fees over and above the quoted estimate. Y Performance All work is guaranteed to be as specified. KPC Planning Services, Inc. will provide professional services in conscientious, faithfW, and diligent manner according to standard practices. KPC Planning Services, Inc. cannot and will not warrant or predict results of final developments. All agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado, hurricane, and other necessary insurance. Owner/Client agrees to limit the liability of KPC Planning Services, Inc. and it officers and employees, to the client on the project due to negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the aggregate total liability solely to the total fees rendered for services provided by KPC Planning Services,Inc. for the completion of the project. Acceptance of Proposal The above prices,specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. KPC Planning Services, Inc. is authorized to do the work as specified Payment will be made as outlined above. Owner/Client Signature S Date: Jerilyn B. Wooahouse,Chairperson Southold Town Planning Board Proposal valid for 30 days from l Ul4/2008 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSS OO�r C P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN R.WOODHOUSE O� ��y�"" Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR CA 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSENDSouthold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1838 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: February 4, 2009 Re: Check Please send the enclosed check to revenue. Thank you. Applicant/Project Name & Tax Map # Amount Check Date/No' Type Authorization Code Heritage at Cutchogue 102-1-33 1/28/09—2041 $375 (KPC) PO#19522 LR 1 • TOWN04 2041 THE HERITAG CUTCHOGUE,LLC MEDFORD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 1-08-09 01/08/09 Prep of Visual Assessm 375 .00 .00 375 . 00 DATECHECK) CHECK 1-28-09 NUMBER 2041 TOTALS 375.0 . 0 375.00 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC NORTH FORK RANK 141 2041 1721=D NORTH OCEAN AVE. - MEDFORD,NY 11763 Pay: _ **************************Three hundred seventy-five dollars and no cents DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 1-28-2009 2041 $********375: 00 PAY Town of Southold 8 TO THE ORDER ^� OF 11'00204111' 11:0 2 140 79 1 21:11.692410'01 73'911' CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRIFPING AVENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK MailinoAddresa TEL: (631)369-5200 P.O. Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: charles.cuddy@verizon.net February 3, 2009 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: Enclosed please find a check in the sum of$375.00 representing payment for the invoice#2007-193 from KPC Planning Services, Inc. Very truly yours, lam / Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ik I n , ©� DOWN OF SOUTHOLE9 Purchase Order # 1 7 5 2 2 Tax Exempt # A 163554 Date January 14, 2009 Account B 8020 4 500 300 # Deliver and send billing to: Vendor Department KPC Planning Services Planning Board 108 Mill Road Address Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 L L VENDOR "Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL Invoice #2007-193 Prep. of visual assessment info & memo presented at Planning Board work session, as requested RE: The Heritage at Cutchogue $375.00 THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE APPRO/P/RIA N CHARGED /- —_ Dept. H a I CERTIFY S TO BE A JUST AND TR a- UURRCHASE DER e Supervisor VENDOR COPY y Invoice 108 Mill Road Date Invoice# Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 1/5/2009 2007-193 631-998-3919 kpcplanning@optonline.net Bill To Town of Southold Heather Lanza 54375 NYS Route 25 V JAN - 7 2009 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 _- SCTM# Site Location Terms SEQRA Heritage Due on receipt Date Description Hours Rate Amount 12/15/200'8 Preparation of the visual assessment information and 2.5 150.00 375.00 memorandum as submitted for Planning Board work session and as requested by both Planning Board and the Applicant at the December 1,2008 work session. Make all checks payable to KPC Planning Services,Inc. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Balance Due $375.00 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 11563 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address 109 Mill Road Vendor Name KPC Planning Services, Inc. Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Vendor Telephone Number 998-3919 Vendor Contact Kyle P. Collins Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services 2007-193 12. 15.08 $375.00 $375.00 19522 Visual assessment info 8020 4 500 300 Planning Board work sea a ISI Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Company Name Date Title jX Date d l • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSP.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O��QF �DUrGO! Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMONicA �� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND �lyCoUNT1, Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765.1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 8, 2009 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Cuddy: Enclosed is a copy of KPC Planning Services, Inc. Invoice #2007-193 for preparation of the visual assessment info and memo for the December 15, 2008 Planning Board Work Session regarding your client's project. At this time, we request the payment of$375 for the enclosed invoice, payable to the Town of Southold. Thank you. Sincerely, Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Enc. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MAILING ADDRESS: 5F Soart� P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN 13.WOODHOUSE �� 7O Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR 5437.5 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND Southold, NY Telephone:631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: February 4, 2009 Re: Check Please send the enclosed check to revenue. Thank you. Applicant/Project Name & Tax Map .# Amount Check Date/No. Type Authorization Code Heritage atCutchogue 102-1-33 1/28/09-2041 $375 KPC PC+#19522 LR • TOWN04 2041 THE HERITAGEOCUTCHOGUE,LLC G O n q •+1 MEDFORD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 1-08-09 01/08/09 Prep of Visual Assessm 375 .00 . 00 375 . 00 DATEK 1-28-09 NUMBER 2041 TOTALS 375. 0 .0 375.00 NORTH FORK BANK W781 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC 214 .2041 1721-D NORTH OCEAN AVE. MEDFORD,NY 11763 Pay:'; *******'*******************Three hundred seventy-five dollars and no cents `DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 1-28-2009 2041 $********375'.00 PAY Town of Southold TO THE ORDER °! OF 11800204111' 1:02i4079121:n■692Llol0l 731911' P� PLANNING SERVICES, INC. Friday,November 14, 2008 Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Fourth Review of DEIS Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Chairperson Woodhouse: Please find enclosed a proposal for a fourth review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the above referenced project, to assist the Planning Board with their SEQRA review as it relates to the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statement. The cost for these services shall be on an hourly rate as specified herein. We estimate that these services will cost approximately $2,000 plus any necessary fees associated with additional outside consultants as may be required. I estimate the process will require three to four weeks from the time we receive the executed proposal and revised DEIS, and will be completed within the timeframes permitted under SEQRA. To make the review substantially more efficient and cost effective, we recommend the project sponsor submit the specific pages that have been revised, with all changes clearly highlighted, along with a full copy of the DEIS. We would appreciate your executing this form and returning i °t"dress below. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at(63,1) X98-3919. Sincerely, We P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W: 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net Proposal for Professional Services Contractor/Aeent/Permittee KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach,NY 11978 Office; (631) 998-3919, Fax; (631) 998-3921, Email; kpcplanning@optonline.net Pro iect Description Review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the Town of Southold Planning Board in connection with the SEQRA requirements for the Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan. Proiect Locations Owner/Client Griffin Street and School House Lane Town of Southold Planning Board Cutchogue,NY Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson SCTM# 1000-102-1-33.3 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Proiect Work Schedule Prepare and submit within 3 to 4 weeks after receipt of executed proposal and revised DEIS. Estimated Cost $2,000.00 (NOTE.Any subsequent work required and requested by the Town of Southold or any additional outside consultant work, as may be needed, may bring the cost over the estimated quote of$2,000.) Standard Schedule of Fees for additional work if necessary and approved: Principal Planner $150 per hr. Clerical fee $65 per hr. Terms of payment If the account remains overdue for a period greater than 60 days, KPC Planning Services, Inc. reserves the right to charge the Owner/Client a 2% finance charge per month. A $25.00 re- billing charge will be added to any invoice that remains outstanding for more than 90 days. In addition to the payment for the services provided, if any invoice is sent out for collection, due to non payment, the Owner/Client agrees to reimburse KPC Planning Services, Inc. for all costs incurred toward the collection of these invoice(s) due, including legal fees. Items Required before Commencement of Proposed Work 1. Signed Proposal 2. Revised DEIS Proposal Chanties & Alterations Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra time or costs will be executed only upon approval, and will become an extra charge per the Standard Schedule of Fees over and above the quoted estimate. • • Performance All work is guaranteed to be as specified. KPC Planning Services, Inc. will provide professional services in conscientious, faithful, and diligent manner according to standard practices. KPC Planning Services, Inc. cannot and will not wan-ant or predict results of final developments. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to cavy fire, tornado, hurricane, and other necessary insurance. Owner/Client agrees to limit the liability of KPC Planning Services, Inc. and it officers and employees, to the client on the project due to negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the aggregate total liability solely to the total fees rendered for services provided by KPC Planning Services, Inc. for the completion of the project. Acceptance of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. KPC Planning Services, Inc. is authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Owner/Client Signature Q. W lrv-� J I Date: 1 ,2 o G Je n B. Woodhouse, Chairperson Southold Town Planning Board Proposal valid for 30 days from 11/14/2008 4POWN 'OF SOUTHOL[P ' I Purchase Order # 189.17 Tax Exempt # A163554 Date December 22. 2008 Account # B 8020 4 500 300 Deliver and send billing to: Vendor Department Planning Board KPC Consulting 108 Mill Road Address I Westhampton.Beach, NY 11978 VENDOR ".Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT"COST TOTAL Invoice #200 ate, Review Dre'p Heritage With P �+a /li a t PI, � ork .Seas e�A #600.00 i + '4 ( THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALI6,§WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE DEPARTMENT'S CERTIFICATION OF GOODS OR SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE SERVICES IN THE,&0P ATION CHARGED I certify that the goods or services were received by this / -- Dep ent and all exceptions duly noted. Dept. Head I CERTIFY THIS TO BE A JUST Signed Title AND TRUE PURCHASE ORDER 1 og Supervisor Date r MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS .p1 V S0(/r P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �yb` �0 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR N PE: 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON iT (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND �''� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: January 7, 2009 Re: Check Please send this check to revenue. Thank you. Applicant/Project Name Tax Map # Amount Check Date/No. Type Authorization Code Heritage at Cutchogue SEQRA 102-1-33 12/31/08—2035 $600 PO#18917 CK TOWN04 2035 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE,LLC MEDFORD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 12-31-08 12/22/08 DEIS Review (KPC) 600.00 . 00 600. 00 • DATEK 12-31-08 ICH NUM ER 2035 TOTALS 600.0 . 0 600 . 00 NORTH FORK BANK. 50-791 2035 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC 1721-D NORTH OCEAN AVE. MEDFORD,NY 11763 Pay. ***** ***********************************Six hundred dollars and no cents `DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 12-31-2008 2035 $********600 . 00 Town of Southold 8 • PAY TO THE ORDER OF it 11000203511' :0214079i21:11'69241110 &a73' 911' MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS QF sour P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE Southold, NY 111 971 Chair ` OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR N % 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND �l''C0 ' Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 22, 2008 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Cuddy: Enclosed is a copy of KPC Planning Services invoice #2007-181 which relates to review of the Heritage DEIS with the applicant at the December 1 work session of the Planning Board. At this time, we request the payment of$600 for the enclosed invoice, payable to the Town of Southold. Thank you. Sincerely, Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Enc. [HIM Invoice 108 Mill Road Date Invoice# Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 12/88008 2007-181 631-998-3919 kpcplanning@optonline.net Bill To Town of Southold Heather Lanza 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 SCTM# Site Location Terms SEQRA Heritage Due on receipt Date Description Hours Amount 12/1/2008 Planning Board Work Session-Review DEIS adequacy report with 4 600.00 Planning Board and applicant/Kyle Collins and Anthony Treaa Ni 1 11 j DEC 1 1 2008 JAI=. Make all checks payable to KPC Planning Services,Inc. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI Balance Due $600.00 PLANNING SERVICES, INC. VIA FACSIMILE AND MAIL Tuesday, December 30, 2008 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Review of DEIS Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: As per your request, you have asked that we provide you with a written estimate for any additional work beyond the estimates provided in our proposals. Most recently, we sent you a bill for $600 for preparation and attendance of the December 1, 2008 Planning Board work session. As you know, those fees were beyond the scope of our proposal to review the DEIS and reflect your office's request to attend the meeting to assist the applicant with respect to the requirements to complete the DEIS. In addition, we will be sending you another bill for the preparation of the visual assessment information and the memorandum that was submitted to your office for the Planning Board work session on December 15, 2008. The amount for those services is $375 (2.5 hours @ $150 per hour). This work was specifically requested by both the Planning Board and the applicant at the December 1,2008 work session. If you have any questions or need additional information,please feel free to contact me at(63 1) 998-3919. .. _ _...� S' el U L Anthony P. Trezza I i f JAN - 72(709 Principal Planner L= 108 Mill Road,Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W:631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optoaline.netw.,.-,.,. Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher 11563 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address 109 Mill Raod Vendor Name KPC Planning Services, Inc. Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Vendor Telephone Number 998-3919 Vendor Contact Anthony Trezza Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services 16499 & 2007-176 11/14/08 $2,700.00 $2,700.00 18915 3rd review: Heritage DEI Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Company Name Date " Ti11e�01 e,�to 1 We �' � *OWN OF SOUTHOLS b Purchase Order # 18915 Tax Exempt # A163554 �I 16Ib� Date November 17, 2008 Account * B 8020 4 500 300 Deliver and send billing to: Vendor 1111563 Department KPC Planning Services, Inc. 109 Mill Road Address PLANNING BOARD Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 L L VENDOR "Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL Add'l work re Third Review of DEIS for The Heritage At Cutchogue 102-1-33.3 (see P.O. 1118499) . $450.00 THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN TH PROPRIATION CHARGED Dept. Head I CERTIFY THISAO BE A JUST AND TRUE PUI •ZHHA�SE OR Supervis VENDOR COPY F *OWN OF SOUTHOLE9 Purchase Order # 18499 Tax Exempt # A163554 Date V UQte 15, 2-06 Account # � ' T '�o0 300 Deliver and send billing to: Vendor I ��p 3 Department �p Deliver Pi0.x,r,'t n SeW I PIS �` 109 MILL , Address \I L � L�es�Pia�� t 1 -18 VENDOR "Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL r� R ev(,2co af 1)6 I S ate-to 4evri4r,y o,5t THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE PPROPRIATION CHARGED Dept. Head I CERTIFY THIS TO BE A JUST AND TRUE PURCHASE ORDER t Safer-visor VENDOR COPY • + MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OF SU!/ P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O�a TyOI Southold, NY 11971 Chair O y � OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS T Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR G 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND OI�C�Ury 11 Southold, NY n 11 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Check Please send this check to revenue. It is balance for 3rd revision SEQR review of Heritage at Cutchogue DEIS. Thank you. Applicant/Project Name & Tax Map # Amount Check Date/No. Type Authorization Code Heritage at Cutcho ue SEQRA 102-1-33 $450 12/1/08-2020 LR • TOWN04 2oL0 THE HERITAIMT CUTCHOGUE,LLC ME1WD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 12-01-0$ DEIS 12/l/ DEIS 450. 00 . 00 450 . 00 CHECK I CHECK TOTALS DATE 12-01-08 NUMBER 2020 450 . 00 . 00 1 450 . 00 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC Noon FonK6AnK za' .2020 17214)NORTH OCEAN AVE. MEDFORD,NY 11763 Pays ******`* *****************.********Four "hundred fifty dollars and no cents -`DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 12-01-2008 2020 $********450 . 00 PAY Town of Southold 8 TO THE ORDER OF 1100020200 1:0 2 i 1,0 79 1 21:11.69 21,ol,0 18 7 3lol96• MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERSP.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �0f SOVry� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSENDI,YCOU,M' Southold, NY 111, Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 17, 2008 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Cuddy: Enclosed are a copy of the final invoice for the third review of the Heritage DEIS from KPC Planning Services, and the proposal for the next review. The invoice for the third review is $2,700, and the estimate for the next review is $2,000. Your client has already paid $2,250 towards the third review. Therefore, at this time, we request the balance payment of$450 for the enclosed invoice, and an additional $2,000 to cover the next review for a total of$2,450 payable to the Town of Southold. Thank you. Sincerely, `W Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Encs. PLANNING SERVICES, INC. Friday,November 14, 2008 Heather Lanza, Director Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Review of DEIS Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: Attached, please find the invoice for the third review of the DEIS for the above-referenced project. Please be advised that the final total cost for these services is $2,700, which is $450 more than the $2,250 estimate we quoted you. As stated in all of our proposals, the numbers we quote are estimates only. While we make every effort to operate within the cost estimates provided, additional time to complete a project is often required. In this case, an additional three (3) hours of work was necessary to complete and submit our report for the Planning Board's review. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at(631) 998-3919. Sin rely *R '�•1kGOy[r Anth ny P. Tr Z a '�— Principal Planner ' � I 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W: 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net invoice 108 Mill-Road Date Invoice# Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 11/14/2008 2007-176 Bill To Estimate Town of Southold Heather Lanza 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 SCTM# Site Location Terms SEQRA Heritage Due on receipt Date Description Item Hours Amount 10/21/2008 Reviewed revised DEIS;began preparing draft report for third review of Public Principal Planner 4 600.00 DEIS 10/28/2008 Continued to prepare draft report of third review of DEIS Public Principal Planner 3 450.00 10/29/2008 Finished draft report of third review of DEIS;e-mailed to Town Public Principal Planner 7 1,050.00 10/31/2008 Revisions to report;completed final report of third review of DEIS; Public Principal Planner 4 600.00 e-mailed to Town Make all checks payable to KPC Planning Services,Inc. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Balance Due $2,700.00 Phone# E-mail 631-998-3919 kpcplanning@optonline.net • • [slim PLANNING SERVICES, INC. Friday,November 14, 2008 Heather Lanza, Director Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Review of DEIS Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogne Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: Attached, please find the invoice for the third review of the DEIS for the above-referenced project. Please be advised that the final total cost for these services is $2,700, which is $450 more than the $2,250 estimate we quoted you. As stated in all of our proposals,the numbers we quote are estimates only. While we make every effort to operate within the cost estimates provided, additional time to complete a project is often required. In this case, an additional three (3) hours of work was necessary to complete and submit our report for the Planning Board's review. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(631)998-3919. Sin rely Anth ny P. T Principal Planner NOV 17 2008 i... l . 108 Mill Road,Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W. 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS .1 OF sour P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �0��` yO� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. 5IDOR Gn Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON .�O �AS (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND lCOMM'�� Southold, NY II1, Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 26, 2008 Mr. Kyle P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Third Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Collins: Enclosed are (1) a copy of the revised DEIS submission dated September 18, 2008, and (2) the signed proposal agreement for third review. We would appreciate receiving your first draft of this review by October 15, 2008. This letter will confirm your estimated cost for the above service in the amount of $2,250. Prior to any work being done beyond this estimated cost, you must submit a second estimate for the additional work, and wait for our approval in writing before proceeding. Thank you. Sincerely, *Vk- 4V-34�p Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Encs. • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS0� O f so P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE Southold, NY 11971 Chair i. OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS T Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND I,YCOU'M' Southold, NY n 11 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: September 26, 2008 Re: Payments Attached are the checks listed below. Payments are for deposit into a deferred account. Applicant/Project Name & Tax Map Amount Check Date/No. Type ## Heritage at Cutcho ue SEQRA fee 102-1-33 $1,475 9/22/08#2023 Encs. LR TOWN04 2 V L 3 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE,LLC MEDFORD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 9-22-08 9/22/08 Sept . 08 DEIS 1475 . 00 . 00 1475 . 00 CHECK CHECK TOTALS DATE NUMBER THE HERITAGE ATCUTCHOGUE, LLC NORTH FORK BANK 5214 2023 1721-D NORTH OCEAN AVE. MEDFORD, NY 11763 Pay: *************One thousand four hundred seventy-five dollars and no cents • DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 9-22-2008 2023 $******1, 475 . 00 PAY Town of Southold 8 ORDER OF %c) I - 33 ® 11100202311' 1:0 2 140 79 1 21:11.6924..-01 73111911' MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OF soy P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �0�� ryOlG Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G . 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON i2`O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSENDCOU'M'� Southold, NY 111' Telephone: 631 765-1936 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 16, 2008 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Third Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Cuddy: Enclosed is a copy of the approved proposal for a third review from KPC Planning Services, Inc. Your client has a credit balance of$775 from the previous review. Therefore, at this time, we request payment of $1,475 to the Town of Southold to cover the cost of the review of the DEIS document. Thank you. Sincerely, 4 Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Enc. r , PLANNING SERVICES, JUL � 7 2008 Wednesday, July 02, 2008 t _ Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 "" "Y Southold NY 11971 RE: Third Review of DEIS Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Chairperson Woodhouse: Please find enclosed a proposal for a third review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the above referenced project, to assist the Planning Board with their SEQRA review as it relates to the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statement. The cost for these services shall be on an hourly rate as specified herein. We estimate that these services will cost approximately $2,250 plus any necessary fees associated with additional outside consultants as may be required. I estimate the process will require three to four weeks from the time we receive the executed proposal and revised DEIS, and will be completed within the timeframes permitted under SEQRA. To make the review substantially more efficient and cost effective, we recommend the project sponsor submit at least one (1) copy of the revised DEIS that specifically identifies the changes that are made, making it significantly easier for the reviewer to compare the new document with previous one. We would appreciate your executing this form and returning it to the address below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(631) 998-3919. Sincerely, K P. Collins, AICP C Planning Services, Inc 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W: 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net r , Proposal for Professional Services Contractor/Aeent/Permittee KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Office; (631) 998-3919, Fax; (631) 998-3921, Email;kpcplanning@optonline.net Project Description Review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the Town of Southold Planning Board in connection with the SEQRA requirements for the Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan. Project Locations Owner/Client Griffin Street and School House Lane Town of Southold Planning Board Cutchogue, NY Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson SCTM# 1000-102-1-33.3 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Proiect Work Schedule Prepare and submit within 3 to 4 weeks after receipt of executed proposal and revised DEIS. Estimated Cost $2,250.00 (NOTE.Any subsequent work required and requested by the Town of Southold or any additional outside consultant work, as may be needed, may bring the cost over the estimated quote of$2,250.) Standard Schedule of Fees for additional work if necessary and approved: Principal Planner $150 per hr. Clerical fee $65 per hr. Terms of payment If the account remains overdue for a period greater than 60 days, KPC Planning Services, Inc. reserves the right to charge the Owner/Client a 2% finance charge per month. A $25.00 re- billing charge will be added to any invoice that remains outstanding for more than 90 days. In addition to the payment for the services provided, if any invoice is sent out for collection, due to non payment, the Owner/Client agrees to reimburse KPC Planning Services, Inc. for all costs incurred toward the collection of these invoice(s) due, including legal fees. Items Required before Commencement of Proposed Work 1. Signed Proposal 2. Revised DEIS Proposal Changes & Alterations Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra time or costs will be executed only upon approval, and will become an extra charge per the Standard Schedule of Fees over and above the quoted estimate. Performance All work is guaranteed to be as specified. KPC Planning Services, hic. will provide professional services in conscientious, faithful, and diligent manner according to standard practices. KPC Planning Services, hic. cannot and will not warrant or predict results of final developments. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado, hurricane, and other necessary insurance. Owner/Client agrees to limit the liability of KPC Planning Services, Inc. and it officers and employees, to the client on the project due to negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the aggregate total liability solely to the total fees rendered for services provided by KPC Planning Services, Inc. for the completion of the project. Acceptance of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. KPC Planning Services, Inc. is authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Owner/Client Sienature Date: AerilynB. Woodhouse, Chairperson ld Town Planning Board Proposal valid for 30 days from 7/2/2008 �ttlFFO(.r` ©�aL3 'OWN OF SOUTHOLIP Purchase Order # 18491 Tax Exempt # A163554 (� Date �V�FIF_ Z. ?�C Account Deliver and send billing to: 0. Vendooryy�� I�sto3 Department P`(�U,uticD� fl__ pk k oW1 SVC1t$ Address T 0� M tU {C VENDOR "Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE APPROPRI TION CHARGED Dept. Head I CERTIFY THilp TO BE A JUST AND TRUE CHASE ER Supervisor VENDOR COPY • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS tF sour P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE hO�� '7010 Southold, NY 11971 Chair .IL OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS T Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G C 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �O JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND Oly ..11 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) CO�im Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: June 6, 2008 Re: Payments Attached is the checkof/ listed below. Paymentpf are for deposit into a deferred account. Applicant/Project Nome & Tax Map Amount Check nate/No. Type # Authorization Code Heritage @ Cutcho ue—DEIS review 102-1-33.3 $4,000 6/6/08-2010 CK Enc(s). TOWN0 4 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE,LLC 2 0 Z Q MEDFORD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 6-06-08 DEIS 05 08 Deis 05 08 4000 . 00 . 00 4000 . 00 • CHECKCHECK TOTALS DATE NUMBER NORTH FORK BANK 5050-791 2010 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC 214 1721-D NORTH OCEAN AVE. MEDFORD,NY 11763 Pay: **************************************Four thousand dollars and no cents DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 6-06-2008 2010 $******4 , 000 . 00. PAY Town of Southold 8 TO THE ORDER OF 11.00 20 10110 1:0 2 140 79 1 21:11. 69 241110 18 P 311-911 w CHARLES R. CUDDY Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead,NY 11901 Mailing Address: Tel:(631)369-8200 PO Box 1547 Fax:(631)369-9080 Riverhead,NY 11901 e-mail: charles.cuddynn,.verizon.net June 6, 2008 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: Pursuant to your request,we are enclosing a check in the sum of$4,000 for the second review of the DEIS document. Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ik a h • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �a SOU G P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE 0� r'70//-- Southold, NY 11971 Chair o OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS 4 Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON i2`O �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSENDI,yCOU,M, Southold, NY 1111 Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 2, 2008 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Second Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Cuddy: Enclosed is a copy of the approved proposal for second review from KPC Planning Services, Inc. At this time, we request payment of$4,000 to the Town of Southold on behalf of your client, to cover the cost of the review of the DEIS document. Thank you. Sincerely, Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Enc. MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OF soar P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O�� y�l Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON i2` �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSENDCOUNTI,� Southold, NY 1111 Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 2, 2008 Mr. Kyle P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: Second Review of DEIS Dear Mr. Collins: Enclosed are a copy of the revised DEIS submission dated May 27, 2008, and the signed proposal agreement for second review. We would appreciate receiving your first draft of this review by June 20, 2008. This letter will confirm your estimated cost for the above service in the amount of $4,000. Prior to any work being done beyond this estimated cost, you must submit a second estimate for the additional work, and wait for our approval in writing before proceeding. Thank you. Sincerely, Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Encs. HL Ft't LP- r� av PLANNING SERVICES, INC— Monday, NS.Monday, March 10, 2008 — Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson MAA 1 ': 2008 Town of Southold Planning Board i P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Second Review of DEIS Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Chairperson Woodhouse: Please find enclosed a proposal for a second review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the above referenced project, to assist the Planning Board with their SEQRA review as it relates to the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statement. The cost for these services shall be on an hourly rate as specified herein. We estimate that these services will cost approximately $4,000, plus any necessary fees associated with additional outside consultants as may be required. I estimate the process will require three to four weeks from the time we receive the executed proposal and revised DEIS, and will be completed within the timeframes permitted under SEQRA. To make the review more efficient and cost effective, we recommend that the Planning Board request that the project sponsor submit at least one (1) copy of the revised DEIS that specifically identifies the changes that are made, making it easier for the reviewer to compare the new document with previous one. We would appreciate your executing this form and returning it to the address below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (631) 998-3919. Sincerely Ky P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W: 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net Proposal for Professional Services Contractor/Acent/Permittee KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach,NY 11978 Office; (631) 998-3919, Fax; (631) 998-3921, Email; kpcplanning@optonline.net Project Description Review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the Town of Southold Planning Board in connection with the SEQRA requirements for the Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan. Project Locations Owner/Client Griffin Street and School House Lane Town of Southold Planning Board Cutchogue, NY Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson SCTM# 1000-102-1-33.3 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Project Work Schedule Prepare and submit within 3 to 4 weeks after receipt of executed proposal and revised DEIS. Estimated Cost $4,000.00 (NOTE.Any subsequent work required and requested by the Town of Southold or any additional outside consultant work, as may be needed, may bring the cost over the estimated quote of$4,000.) Standard Schedule of Fees for additional work if necessary and approved: Principal Planner $150 per hr. Clerical fee $65 per hr. Terms of payment If the account remains overdue for a period greater than 60 days, KPC Planning Services, Inc. reserves the right to charge the Owner/Client a 2% finance charge per month. A $25.00 re- billing charge will be added to any invoice that remains outstanding for more than 90 days. In addition to the payment for the services provided, if any invoice is sent out for collection, due to non payment, the Owner/Client agrees to reimburse KPC Planning Services, Inc. for all costs incurred toward the collection of these invoice(s) due, including legal fees. Items Required before Commencement of Proposed Work 1. Signed Proposal 2. Revised DEIS Proposal Chances & Alterations Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra time or costs will be executed only upon approval, and will become an extra charge per the Standard Schedule of Fees over and above the quoted estimate. Performance All work is guaranteed to be as specified. KPC Planning Services, Inc. will provide professional services in conscientious, faithful, and diligent manner according to standard practices. KPC Planning Services, Inc. cannot and will not warrant or predict results of final developments. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado, hurricane, and other necessary insurance. Owner/Client agrees to limit the liability of KPC Planning Services, Inc. and it officers and employees, to the client on the project due to negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the aggregate total liability solely to the total fees rendered for services provided by KPC Planning Services, Inc. for the completion of the project. Acceptance of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. KPC Planning Services, Inc. is authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Owner/Client Sianature Date: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson Southold Town Planning Board Proposal valid for 30 days from 3/11/2008 r ; LR- oiav LWI PLANNING SERVICES, INS.. ,....a , w - I Monday, March 10, 2008 Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson MAR 1 3 2008 Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Second Review of DEIS - Town of Southold— Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Chairperson Woodhouse: Please find enclosed a proposal for a second review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the above referenced project, to assist the Planning Board with their SEQRA review as it relates to the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statement. The cost for these services shall be on an hourly rate as specified herein. We estimate that these services will cost approximately $4,000, plus any necessary fees associated with additional outside consultants as may be required. I estimate the process will require three to four weeks from the time we receive the executed proposal and revised DEIS, and will be completed within the timeframes permitted under SEQRA. To make the review more efficient and cost effective, we recommend that the Planning Board request that the project sponsor submit at least one (1) copy of the revised DEIS that specifically identifies the changes that are made, making it easier for the reviewer to compare the new document with previous one. We would appreciate your executing this form and returning it to the address below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (63 1) 998-3919. Sincerely, n K P. Collins, AICP KPC Planning Services, Inc 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W: 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net Proposal for Professional Services Contractor/Agent/Permittee KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Office; (631) 998-3919, Fax; (631) 998-3921, Email; kpcplanning@optonline.net Project Description Review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the Town of Southold Planning Board in connection with the SEQRA requirements for the Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan. Project Locations Owner/Client Griffin Street and School House Lane Town of Southold Planning Board Cutchogue, NY Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson SCTM# 1000-102-1-33.3 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Proiect Work Schedule Prepare and submit within 3 to 4 weeks after receipt of executed proposal and revised DEIS. Estimated Cost $4,000.00 (NOTE:Any subsequent work required and requested by the Town of Southold or any additional outside consultant work, as may be needed, may bring the cost over the estimated quote of$4,000.) Standard Schedule of Fees for additional work if necessary and approved: Principal Planner $150 per hr. Clerical fee $65 per hr. Terms of payment If the account remains overdue for a period greater than 60 days, KPC Planning Services, Inc. reserves the right to charge the Owner/Client a 2% finance charge per month. A $25.00 re- billing charge will be added to any invoice that remains outstanding for more than 90 days. In addition to the payment for the services provided, if any invoice is sent out for collection, due to non payment, the Owner/Client agrees to reimburse KPC Planning Services, Inc. for all costs incurred toward the collection of these invoice(s) due, including legal fees. Items Required before Commencement of Proposed Work 1. Signed Proposal 2. Revised DEIS Proposal Chances & Alterations Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra time or costs will be executed only upon approval, and will become an extra charge per the Standard Schedule of Fees over and above the quoted estimate. Performance All work is guaranteed to be as specified. KPC Planning Services, Inc. will provide professional services in conscientious, faithful, and diligent manner according to standard practices. KPC Planning Services, Inc. cannot and will not warrant or predict results of final developments. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado, hurricane, and other necessary insurance. Owner/Client agrees to limit the liability of KPC Planning Services, Inc. and it officers and employees, to the client on the project due to negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the aggregate total liability solely to the total fees rendered for services provided by KPC Planning Services, Inc. for the completion of the project. Aeceutanee of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. KPC Planning Services, Inc. is authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Owner/Client Signature 0. ✓0X0" k( Date: a 00 Jeril B. W odhouse, Chairperson Southold Town Planning Board Proposal valid for q0 days from 3/11/2008 USAirbill " 8640 7275 7239 rr Express ' Dao W1'lx�(�ro� sonaarbredFx I l'ic➢`� `. �./lA �- a �nPndr+gnService -/� nnrwo�rsrc AccwmNumher lY 0 i/'yc r�u Fn nrr;v MEX.Pd:'m O—Va �eeFx Standard Ovemipht 1:1 kd6cFNR0 rm.iw..ma• 6e.4yorYrim"mNN.Ytla FSY.rMwr EER 1rrYb.rrr4a' uir GTMIRYCiwY. 3b.MbMYNmrwlbY Senders Q Name Phone( 1 1 1� ❑s.�maGb�r�.�roba .. ���°{ ❑ ,® ?SeYer snNoarp.xmyi•"'""� sw.e.ow.rxmw.P.N.. S 1 1 ^ .d a.mr.x.wmmxTrmr..ammbemm J Trrr_ Com en �i` qb Fi�lsaf Flnjgh[$nryjp 'ryr..—y� MIELI eV Buhl' �� Pxepwaewf96. Addre.e� 1 -+ ❑ ri O W DM.ww ❑ N�m�wxr� "m.W ❑ sr�a eF»i0M l nbe.sxw.em x.aa'�.wwmr anmm�rorr: ���� 'pwbfpmm.bt '•Arms Q \1 5 Packaging r Some �.� n� �` ❑ Fes,. ❑mmmE..�r..m�roaElrdr- ❑rakx ❑ouner Bar rube 2 YourinWml Billing Reference 1�,� p .,I n,,:. 'b.mr.rrem ebarn.i.rb..o..P..m..w TZ1 V 6 �� BMdI' : Special^ mclwefw&we�in5emoni w g�aey� Ned iem's ❑ NOTAvailsUro�T ❑arrad& bm ❑ Mred&IDC fiOn :�, 3 To nn 1 Q(�(( 2 SanalMv r.t NDID Name IC `I1 Ph..(6�')q \�J r J�1� Y.�ngqwwe..�pp��'fwgepw NOTAwilabkbr Aveilebk nNlYror t ,' r� ��•. S.r.,.iWamy F..t PwbM1.Ob m�m.IN a Gmpem �\a-'�. y�y r V l.�l�> Na � dt ElD la a fleciphorrs Q1 p.ew..p.maxbmp.rm.urb.igwmM1ei.m... ❑caRCNmrak Onix e Address D ] Payment fir. 'v ❑ NLrmmtEYrvarmiO.Eou.ar P.O .wa pprRpiaygrb.. rTw.r.6rwNx.e.arOwrYYrm..� a$81d'! ❑ flecigenl [:1ThiN Party ElGed'RGrd ❑Ga1JCheck AxtM. Add, rei1xe Tn r..n... .abwee ....nNr. umnwon, Pwuwa�x... b.�eMrh W Smte� l ZIP \ 1 TmYPduaea Tondwsw T@WDeakneYaw E An rw�P.ney:m.ambm�.�xrwaa...xo..r.a.wmmrrrpw�.ru .b.rx..rew.m:au..mo..rNr.e.wwAr,b�..awb�«�rrm ❑P�identi4elDeliwrySignahneOptll 0 Ate :'ignorina :�.ems' ' 520 ❑wb.w.nb ❑ bppwa.myew.. xxr erm.Yr...wa. u.yerma ..P gWnb TbmMYw..ea n...pm ioovnnemnoiao~surwerPmxno ixuv.m HERITAGE AT CUTCHAUE �K 1721-D North Ocean Ave. tdL Medford,N.Y. 11763 Tel.631207-5730 Fax 631207-5974 Letter of Transmittal To: TOWN Of SOUTHOLD Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Road 25 Southold,N.Y. 11747 MAY 3'a 2008 Attention: Heather Lanza Director of Planning Date: May 30, 2008 Project No.: _... . . Regarding: HERITAGE at Cutchogue We are sending your»•X...»»Attached ..«»�•» »»•�»�� ❑ ... Shop drawings »�• ❑ Under separate cover ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Prints ❑ Change Order X Plans ❑ Specifications ❑ Samples For Approval ❑ Accepted as noted X For your use ❑ Returned for correction X For you information ❑ Resubmit_copies for acceptance X As requested ❑ Submit_copies for distribution For review and Comment ❑ Return_corrected prints «.»�. ❑ Accepted as submitted ❑ Prints returned after loan to us Copies Date Description » . 10 5/27/08 rev. Draft Environmental Impact Statement Z as prepared by Greeman-Pederson[GPI I dated 5/27/08 Attached please find 10 complete revised copies of our DEIS submission dated 5/27/08 Thank you Jeffrey Rimland If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher rdor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address `.e,,d,Name en dor Telephone Number q� - 39 11�Ps a , I°t1 8' �nc�,r cnma�t Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date "Final Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services JDO-1- - _ Kv6� M . �S6 3 - tt-©R s� 75. � Ra�ie� r0riIS r,ee�(-I � S -B�� • - 0 00 I ' I S'YTS Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Company Name Date Title )�. N-C Date 1 6 FFOI,r _ #TOWN OF SOUTHOLFO Purchase Order # 17871 Tax Exempt # A163554 Date 0 Account 140 :v 11563 Deliver and send billing to: ((�� \� Vendor (� Department P I"V\1 pocv.ct K KI C Noy o✓1� �V C2S (�lC. Address Kq LL h(V79 VENDOR "Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION t UNIT COST TOTAL -1 Cu+C-6 uj— 1101 -6 Sc� r-1 X1000 - �� � - I - 333 excrecf Dr-w .r,✓, m cQ -A.$000 . Cpro�o�" Slgr�er� 1- -fl$, THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE APPROPRI ION CHARGED De . Head I CERTIFY TOS TO BE A JUST AND TRUE RCHASE ORDER �4�/Zw/� Supervisor VENDOR COPY TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD is not responsible for materials, supplies,or equipment delivered or services performed without authority of written order. Quantities specified are not to be ex- ceeded. 2. No changes may be made in this order without written authority of the supervisor. 3. Inspection of delivery will be made at delivery point unless otherwise specified. Materials must be properly packaged. Damaged material will not be accepted. Include itemized packing lists with all shipments. Delivery indoors is required unless otherwise specified. All prices quoted must in- clude shipping, handling, packing and crating charges and be F.O.B. delivered, unless other terms are agreed to. 4. Substitutions of specified items will not be acceptable. The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject and return at shippers expense, materials delivered which do not conform to de- scription of item ordered. 5. If order cannot be filled in whole or in part in time specified, notify the town immediately. In case of delay in delivery, or in case of any default of the vendor, the town may procure the goods or services from other sources and hold the vendor responsible for any EXCESS COST, EX- PENSE OR DAMAGES occasioned thereby. 6. Upon acceptance of this order the vendor agrees to comply with all Federal, State or local laws relative thereto: a. The vendor shall defend actions or claims brought and hold the Town of Southold, its agents and its employees harmless from loss, suits, costs, rights, patent or patent rights of any invention or any other cause. b. The vendor represents and warrants that the unit prices charged herein are not higher than any applicable legal maximum prices permitted, and are not in excess of those currently charged to other governmental, institutional or commercial users for similar items, quantities and deliveries. c. Insofar as- applicable, the Vendor shall comply with Sections 220, 220-a, 220-b, 220-c, 220-d, 220-e and 222 of the Labor Law of the State of New York relating to maximum work- ing hours and minimum wages of employees and prohibiting descrimination on account of race, sex, color, creed or national origin in hiring employees within the State of New York involved in the manufacture of materials, equipment or supplies specified in this order. d. The vendor shall comply with Sections 103a and 103b of the General Municipal Law per- taining to disqualifications of contractor for failure to waive immunity before Grand Jury. 7. INVOICES RENDERED ON ENCLOSED CLAIM FORM MUST BE ITEMIZED IN DETAIL. Claims for partial deliveries are not allowed unless indicated. Claims in question will constitute a condition precedent to the right of the vendor or receive any payment and matters of dispute must be adjusted before final acceptance by the Town of Southold. 8. Billing shall allow for exemption from taxes under Federal Excise Tax Exemption Certificate No. A-163554 held by the Town of Southold. 9. Cash discount terms must be indicated on claim voucher; discount period will be computed from date of acceptance of delivery or receipt of a correct claim voucher, whichever is later. 10. The provisions of the New York State Fair Trade Law (Feld-Crawford Act) and the Federal Price Discrimination Law (Robinson-Patman Act) do not apply to purchases made by the Town of Southold. 11. All P.O./Claims must be audited and approved by the Town Board prior to actual payment. �© frOWN OF SOUTHOLQ Purchase Order # .787 3 Tax Exempt * 4 Date �3 — _05, Account # 0 Z� ' SCO Deliver and send billing to: Vendor Department �<FC, tRav,Ak� SVice-, Address VENDOR "Return this copy and Town of Southold voucher itemized and signed for payment" ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL Ragtso-xss-4z ReVAeu) 11S, THIS PURCHASE ORDER IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURES OF THE DEPT. HEAD AND THE SUPERVISOR I CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN APPROPRIATION CHARGED Dept. Head I CERTIFY THIS TO BE A JUST AND TRUEPfJRCHASE ORDER Supervisor VENDOR COPY r TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD is not responsible for materials, supplies.or equipment delivered or services performed without authority of written order. Quantities specified are not to be ex- ceeded. 2. No changes may be made in this order without written authority of the supervisor. 3. Inspection of delivery will be made at delivery point unless otherwise specified. Materials must be properly packaged. Damaged material will not be accepted. Include itemized packing lists with all shipments. Delivery indoors is required unless otherwise specified. All prices quoted must in- clude shipping, handling, packing and crating charges and be F.O.B. delivered, unless other terms are agreed to. 4. Substitutions of specified items will not be acceptable. The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject and return at shippers expense, materials delivered which do not conform to de- scription of item ordered. 5. If order cannot be filled in whole or in part in time specified, notify the town immediately. In case of delay in delivery, or in case of any default of the vendor, the town may procure the goods or services from other sources and hold the vendor responsible for any EXCESS COST, EX- PENSE OR DAMAGES occasioned thereby. 6. Upon acceptance of this order the vendor agrees to comply with all Federal, State or local laws relative thereto: a. The vendor shall defend actions or claims brought and hold the Town of Southold, its agents and its employees harmless from loss, suits, costs, rights, patent or patent rights of any invention or any other cause. b. The vendor represents and warrants that the unit prices charged herein are not higher than any applicable legal maximum prices permitted, and are not in excess of those currently charged to other governmental, institutional or commercial users for similar items, quantities and deliveries. c. Insofar as-applicable, the Vendor shall comply with Sections 220, 220-a, 220-b, 220-c, 220-d, 220-e and 222 of the Labor Law of the State of New York relating to maximum work- ing hours and minimum wages of employees and prohibiting descrimination on account of race, sex, color, creed or national origin in hiring employees within the State of New York involved in the manufacture of materials, equipment or supplies specified in this order. d. The vendor shall comply with Sections 103a and 103b of the General Municipal Law per- taining to disqualifications of contractor for failure to waive immunity before Grand Jury. 7. INVOICES RENDERED ON ENCLOSED CLAIM FORM MUST BE ITEMIZED IN DETAIL. Claims for partial deliveries are not allowed unless indicated. Claims in question will constitute a condition precedent to the right of the vendor or receive any payment and matters of dispute must be adjusted before final acceptance by the Town of Southold. 8. Billing shall allow for exemption from taxes under Federal Excise Tax Exemption Certificate No. A-163554 held by the Town of Southold. 9. Cash discount terms must be indicated on claim voucher; discount period will be computed from date of acceptance of delivery or receipt of a correct claim voucher, whichever is later. 10. The provisions of the New York State Fair Trade Law (Feld-Crawford Act) and the Federal Price Discrimination Law (Robinson-Patman Act) do not apply to purchases made by the Town of Southold. 11.All P.O./Claims must be audited and approved by the Town Board prior to actual payment. ll ®® Invoice P.O. Box 467 Date Invoice# Remsenburg, NY 11960 3/11/2008 2007-80 Bill To Town of Southold Heather Lanza 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 SCTM# site location Terms Due on receipt Date Description Hours Amount 3/5/2008 DEIS Meeting with Planning Department Staff-Kyle P.Colliins 3 Public Principal Planner 450.00 3/5/2008 DEIS Meeting with Planning Department Staff-Anthony Trezza 3 Public Principal Planner 450.00 Review of DEIS and supporting materials 7 Public Principal Planner 1,050.00 Preparation of Report-DEIS Review 25.5 Public Principal Planner 3,825.00 Phone# E-mail Balance Due $5.775.00 031-998-3919 kylec@optonlme.net Make all checks payable to KPC Planning Services, Inc. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Total $5,775.00 a PLANNING BOARD MEMBER MAILING ADDRESS: JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �o��OP.O. Box 1179 Chair f SO(/j�Qlo Southold, NY 11971 KENNETH L.EDWARDS OFFICE LOCATION:Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G GEORGE D.SOLOMON Q 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND '�Q (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) IyC�U �G` Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1838 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Fax: 631 765-3136 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: April 14, 2008 Re: Checks Enclosed herewith is the reimbursement check listed below. Please credit Planning Consulting Budget Line 88020-4-500-300 and return a receipt to us. Thank you. Applicant/Project R1 1 1 & Tax Map Amount Check Date/No. Tye # Herita eat Cutcho ue: DEIS review 1 102-1-33.3 $7-75 -3/-31/08 -2003 LR Enc(s). � TOWN09 2003 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC MEDFORD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 3-31-08 2007-80 Ad Increase fee for DEIS 775 . 00 . 00 775 . 00 CHECK CHECK TOTALS DATE _.1 - NUMBER -1 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC NORTH FORK BANK 214' 20 "j 1721-D NORTH OCEAN AVE. MEDFORD,NY 11763 Pay: *************************Seven hundred seventy-five dollars and no cents DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 3-31-2008 2003 $********775 . 00 PAY Town of Southold e TO THE ORDER OF as 11'00200311' 1:02 It,079121:Ir6924-0La ? 3... II CHARLES R.CUDDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRI EFING AVE NUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK Mailing Address: TEL: (631)369-5200 P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9050 Riverhead,NY 11901 E-mail: charles.cuddy@verizon.net April 10, 2008 Heather Lanza, Planning Director "" - it Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue �` J SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 'C Dear Ms. Lanza: Enclosed please find a check in the sum of$775.00 representing an additional fee in connection with the DEIS review. - Very truly yours, Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ik MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBEOF SOU • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE � ljyO� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR y Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND ��o '..e1� Southold, NY �� Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Date: March 17, 2008 Subject: Environmental Review check from applicant Attached is a $5,000 check from an applicant meant to reimburse the Planning Department's Environmental Consultant line (B8020-4-500-300) for review of an application before the Planning Board, as allowed for under SEAR. Enc. cc: File TOWN 04 THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE,LLC 2 0 0 ! MEDFORD,NY 11763 DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE 3-10-08 DEIS Initial Review of DEIS 5000 . 00 . 00 5000 . 00 I CHECK CHECK TOTALS DATE NUMBER rnnn nn NORTH FORK BANK 50-791 n O THE HERITAGE AT CUTCHOGUE, LLC 214 G 01 1721-D NORTH OCEAN AVE. MEDFORD,NY 11763 Pay: **************************************Five thousand dollars and no cents DATE CHECK NO. AMOUNT 3-10-2008 2001 $******5, 000 . 00 PAY Town of Southold ` 6 TO THE ORDER OF 11400200111' 1:0 2 1,40 7`9 1, 21:11.69241110187 - Ila LR CHARLES R.CUDDY HL ATTORNEY AT LAW 445 GRI FFING AVENUE RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK Mailing Address: TEL: (631)369-8200 P.O.Box 1547 FAX: (631)369-9080 Riverhead, NY 11901 E-mail: chanes.cuddy@vecizon.net March 12, 2008 Heather Lanza, Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue SCTM#1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: In accordance with your request of February 27,2008,we are forwarding to you a check in the sum of$5,000 for review of the DEIS document. Very truly yours, C�_04 . Charles R. Cuddy CRC:ik MAA 1 4 2008 • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OF soy P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �0�� llyO� Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON � �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND 0('.Co Southold, NY 111, Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 17, 2008 Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. 445 Griffing Avenue P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: The Heritage at Cutchogue: DEIS Review Dear Mr. Cuddy: Enclosed is a copy of March 10 letter from KPC Planning Services, Inc. and their invoice in the amount of$5,775. Their final cost for the review was $775 more than their original estimate. Accordingly, we request the additional payment of $775 to the Town of Southold on behalf of your client, to cover the cost of revisions to the initial review of the DEIS document. As you know, we anticipate receiving a further billing for the second review. As soon as this is received, we will forward a copy to you. Sincerely, qw4t� Heather Lanza Town Planning Director Enc. cc: File kL L� PLANNING SERVICES, INC. Monday, March 10, 2008 Heather Lanza, Director Town of Southold Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: Review of DEIS Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Ms. Lanza: In response to your letter dated February 27, 2008, please be advised that the total cost for services for the initial review of the DEIS for the above-referenced project is $5,775, which is $775 more than the $5,000 estimate we quoted you. This is largely due to additional revisions requested by the Town after our meeting on March 5, 2008. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (631) 998-3919. Sincerely Ky P. Collins, AICP 7 KPC Planning Services, Inc. MAA 1 ? 2008 E II i t n, r .'n+sV ......mss.. ,.n.... .w.- �_. .. .a'.6.M 108 Mill Road,Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W: 631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcplanning@optonline.net 75 PLANNING SERVICES, INC. Wednesday, January 23, 2008 Town of Southold Jerilyn B. Woodhouse P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 RE: DEIS Review Town of Southold—Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan SCTM#: 1000-102-1-33.3 Dear Jerilyn: Please find enclosed a proposal for the review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the above referenced project, to assist the Planning Board with their SEQRA review as it relates to the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statement. The cost for these services shall be on an hourly rate as specified herein. We estimate that these services will cost approximately $5,000, plus any necessary fees associated with additional outside consultants as may be required. I estimate the process will require four to six weeks from the time we receive the executed proposal and will be completed within the timeframes permitted under SEQRA. We would appreciate your executing this form and returning it to the address below. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at(631) 998-3919. S'ncerely, r *, le P. Collins,AICP > >f KPC Planning Services, Inc -_ n. 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 W:631-998-3919 F: 631-998-3921 E: kpcpianning@optonline.net 0 `. Proposal for Professional Services Contractor/Aeent/Permittee KPC Planning Services, Inc. 108 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach,NY 11978 Office; (631) 998-3919, Fax; (631) 998-3921, Email; kpcplanning@optonline.net Proiect Description Review of the DEIS and preparation of a report for the Town of Southold Planning Board in connection with the SEQRA requirements for the Heritage at Cutchogue Residential Site Plan. Proiect Locations Owner/Client Griffin Street and School House Lane Town of Southold Planning Board Cutchogue,NY Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson SCTM# 1000-102-1-33.3 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Proiect Work Schedule Prepare and submit within 4 to 6 weeks after receipt of executed proposal. Estimated Cost $5,000.00 (NOTE:Any subsequent work required and requested by the Town of Southold or any additional outside consultant work, as may be needed, may bring the cost over the estimated quote of$5,000.) Shwdard Schedule of Fees for additional work if necessary and approved: Principal Planner $150 per hr. Clerical fee $65 per hr. Terms of payment If the account remains overdue for a period greater than 60 days, KPC Planning Services, Inc. reserves the right to charge the Owner/Client a 2% finance charge per month. A $25.00 re- billing charge will be added to any invoice that remains outstanding for more than 90 days. In addition to the payment for the services provided, if any invoice is sent out for collection, due to non payment, the Owner/Client agrees to reimburse KPC Planning Services, Inc. for all costs incurred toward the collection of these invoice(s)due, including legal fees. Items Required before Commencement of Proposed Work 1. Signed Proposal Proposal Chances& Alterations Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra time or costs will be executed only upon approval, and will become an extra charge per the Standard Schedule of Fees over and above the quoted estimate. Performance All work is guaranteed to be as specified. KPC Planning Services, Inc. will provide professional services in conscientious, faithfiil, and diligent manner according to standard practices. KPC Planning Services, Inc. cannot and will not warrant or predict results of final developments. All agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to cavy fire, tornado, hurricane, and other necessary insurance. Owner/Client agrees to limit the liability of KPC Planning Services, Inc. and it officers and employees, to the client on the project due to negligent acts, errors or omissions such that the aggregate total liability solely to the total fees rendered for services provided by KPC Planning Services, Inc. for the completion of the project Acceptance of Proposal The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. KPC Planning Services, Inc. is authorized to do the work as specified Payment will be made as outlined above. Owner/Client Sianatare Date: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse,Chairperson Southold Town Planning Board Pronosai valid for 30 days from 1/2312008