HomeMy WebLinkAboutJustice - Town Law specific to F I LAWS OF NEW YORK, 1977 CHAPTER 276 AN ACT to amend'chaptor one hundred thirteen of tho lawe of eighteen hundre, d elxty, relating to addlfl~nal officers In the town of Sou~hold, Suffolk county, relation to town ]ustlcee in the town of ~outhold Beesme a law June 14:, 1977, with the ~pproval of the Governor. Pazscd by joHty vote, three-fifths bei.g present. The p~opl~ of the $lat~ of ]V~z' York. represented in ~enat.~ and A.n~ml/ty~ enact o~ ~-ction 1, Sort]on two of chapter one hundred'thirteen, of the laws of eighteen hundred .sixty, re.flag to additional officer~ ia the town of ~ou~hold, 5ul'folk enunty a~ ~m.ended by ~sptor three hundred seventy-three of thc laws.of eighteen hundred nine~y2eigb, t~ i~ hereby amended to read 'a~' ~ollows ~ 2. There ah~ll be elected at ~he meeting of. the town df'$outl/old, ia the county 0~uffolk, to be held ia .the. ap~ing of ¢~htegn' hundred [and] ninety- nine, and every four years therealter, one ]'justice of the pence (in additio~ to ~he four now pr~cribed by law)] to,tm jU*tlc.~ who .~hall rea/de upoo Fisher'S island in ~aid town. The ]ustie~ a6 elected .~hal~ enter up°n. the duties a~ the expiration o{ the't~rm of office of hie predecea~or~ and shah hold his office for four ye~rz. Noi~¢th~tanding tl~ prov~ions of any other law..nuc, h § 2. This ~t, eh.-II take effect immediately. N. 15, 200'9~ 2:53P~ ~ 7~4~ ~r~s N0.7~4 Section L 8~t~a e~en h~ s~ 8ou~old. 8a~alk eL~/. thee of ~l late ;~':~{~ ~Y ~apter ~ee hund~d ~ n~e~nin~ .nd e~ ~'~ Lq t? s~xn~ o[ e~htaen ~d~ Chxnges or a~aft/ons In fezt are lud~al~ Dy underllfl~ ·hall resid~ t~ ~ish~ isla~ in s~d ~ow~ The ju~cc so elected shall e.~= upon thc du~ o~ his qf~. at ~h~ e~iratlan of the tot'n~ of office oC' his pred~or, and. ehall hold hie ef~ec for foist ~'ea~. UAR 1] ?.004 <' " I TC', ' ' " ' ....... ,;'"::CE