HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarshut, JohnTOWN OF $@UTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. SINGLE TRAILFR OR H©UFEC '~,R LOCATION 'PERMIT No. 6 Date June 1~ _. Name John F~rshut Street 68 Funst~n Ave, Town Albertson? L. TL Your ar~plication for a (single trailer) (h!]{~ permit was reviewed by the Town Board on .~un~_ lP 19 ~, and (was) (~ ~pproved. number at E/8 Hinehaha Blvd,, permit is hereby issued to locate ~ (single trailer) ~ license or serial number ~]_9~] Southnld; u_,j: pursuant to application dated and the following conditions: Temporary residence during constructicn of a perminent dwelling on these premises TOWN BOkRD, TOWN OF FOUTHOLD k ~ :" Town Cle~'k Application a. This application must· be ~omplet61y'flll%8.'tn by'typewriter or in ink and mitted in dumlicate to the Town Clerk, b. Plot plan showing location of lot end of buildings on premises, relationship to aSjoining rremises or zublic streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property ~nd proposed location of trailer must be drawn cn the diagram which ms part of this apphcat on. c. Upon approyaT of this application, the Town Board will issue a ~railer permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for d. No trailer shall be cc'curled er used in whole or in ~art for any purpose what-- ever other th~n specified in %~rmit~ ........... Aprlication is here%y made to the Town Board for the issuance of a Trailer rermit rursuant to the thrilling Zone Srdinance of the Town oF $outhold, Suffolk County. l~ew York, and other a~xlica%le_.. Laws, Sriinances, or Regulations. The applica~- ~aws, ordinance~and re~l~,tions. ,~ ,_ agrees to comply with all ayylica%Ie ~ (Signature of aprtican ) Address State whether a~plicant is owner, lessee or agent .... ............~. .............. Uame of Owner of premises., ........... , ...... ...-- ..... ~. · ---.,.-.. .... If applicant is a oo~crate, signature cf duly authorized officer. (Name and title of corporate officer) Location of land on which proposed trailer will State existing use and occupancy of premises ~ni intended use aad 3cc~ancy ~f provosed trailer: s. Existing use and cccupancy..~ .... · .................................... c. Period ef time trailer ts to be located on rremises ~/~;~f~.~..~,'~... · .~ ............... (to %e !aid cn filing pFrlic'~tim) .~. ~, ,'.wiith.. f.' 4. Dimensions of trailer, ~lcngth ....... height ............ , t~c strat~ion ~7umber ........ ocr]al number 5, Size cf lot: ~ '~ /.~.~. ..... aear.g~.~.~ .... ' 7. Zone or u~o district in which ~remise~ are . ~. ~..~ ............. ~.. ......................... ~, Ices yro~sed use vicl?.be ~ny zoning law, or,in,race or 9. a.~ethod of ~oserago disposal , ...................... e,,, ......... S of electricity · Locate'.clearly aad di~tinct!y all luil.i~mss, whether existing or Frc~csc~; an~ 'indicate all sot-~ack d~mansicr~s from ~ro?oerty lines~ Oiv~ street and block num- bers '~r dc~criyti6n acdording to deed, ~n~ shew stre$6 names and indicate whether intovior ~r ccr~cr l%t~ Indite. to cic,~rly sl{owing~ dist'ancos from all %uild~n~s and property ~ines. , ~"'~ 1~,.,.. . ' . , /20 O ....... f Su£f ) .... ......................................... be~n5 duly sworn, {eFosos nmi sans th~'~t he ..... ~li Ho is t;}c o"mt o. bcve ~'mod. tho .................. -- .~' ...................... . ............. (cwllor or Iessoo,or a~ent) cz ~aid. ovner or cwner~, and ms euly alltherized to nPko ~2~i file this ~'F~llicn. tion; and fl, r,% ~.lz ..... cm~nto cont~,inei tn this a.Fullsatton are t~e to tho %est of his know~m~ .nd o~mef, .,~.d tn.,t .L~ tram.or will %e located in the manner set Sworn to 5afore me this ~ . d~'y of . .......... ~.~.~ ..... 1~ ~ .~ ,~.., ~ [ slgn~turo~ { }{o~ ~rKP'a~li e ) Applicatien No ......... . risaroroved~a/a2~ ' , ( Su~ervisc r APPLICATION FCR LOCATIOi',~ OF SINGLE AUTOKSBI~i TP2ILZE ~R H~SE CAR )~SIDE CF T?~!ST '- 'Iist~ctions This applicat, i.oR ~Rst, }e-.co~'letel~ f~lted mitred in duplicate to the Town Olerk. 5. Plot plan showin~ locaticn cf lot end of %uil~fn~ on premises, relationship to a~oinin~ ~remizes or public streets or of layout of property ~ild propose~ location of traile~ ~st %e drswn cn the ~i~8.~ which is part of this application. c. ~on approval of this aFplic~tion, the Town ~oard will issue a trailer permit to the applicant, Such ~ermit sha}t %e kept on the premises availatle fop in- svectlon. d. 1_,~o %F~ileP shall %e occupied'or used in whole or in r~rt for any purpose what- ever other thr, n specifiei in ?ermit. Application is here%y mn. te to the gown Aaara for the issuance of a Trailer Permit F~Psuan% %o the }uildin~ Zone ~riinance of %ke Town oF ~ou%hold, Suffolk County, llev York, and other aputioable Laws, ~rtinances or Ne~lations. agrees to comply with all ~Fplicatle laws, ordinnnces~and ~tions. (~iFnatur9 of ar_ll State whether arplicant is owiser, leszee or aRent..., ~ ..... , ...... , ....... If applicant is a cc~cra%e, stCna%ure cf iul}- au~hcrizei officer. (l~me and title of corporate officer) 1. Location of land on which troFosed trailer will be loc,,te.{,~, ,...,~'..'c.'.... ...... Street and Num%er ...... .~ ..... ~g(,~'~.! ..... ~,.~.~...~-~ ~ orate existing use an~ ~ccuvancy Ox premises and intended use an~ accupancy ~f provoked trailer: ~ ~. Existing use and occupancy. ....................... , ................ 3 Fee ................... o to cr'.id on filing arrlico,ti~n Registration }lumber..~.~..~.~, ~. ',~t' ...... Serial 5 size cf io~: ~?~,~ (~q ~, ' . ~ · ,.. .... t= cf Turchase 6z .... of land. .... 7. Zone or uso district in which ~romise: are 8',' fees ~fb~gs~d'~e'viel~,~e .~ny zoning law, ordinance or rogutation~ .......... - 9. a. Mothod of "' oo~eragc disposal . . FLST D!AG~:.M Locate clearli¢ hnb. distinctly all buildin~Ts, whether exi~t~ ing, or trey. ecoa, indict,to all sat.-hack dimensions from loroToerty linez, Give street ~4~i -bicek ~o~s or ~.~cri~ti6n acc'ording tc duc[, oi',d ~ho-,' ~trcet n~mo~ and'in&ica, to interior or cernor lot. Indicate clearly .leer,ties of Wreposed 3ro, iter on , .S~,Ab, E q~, X~,., .'~gZ, K ...... ss., ................ Co ~ of Suffolk ) m :' ,r~. ,"')? ,~ ./., .................... being &ul~ swor~, &czo=cs an& szys that (owner or ~ossoo,or :',em:t) o~'sa~c5 ~v)~r'~r iwners, and {~ ~ul:~'m{{~Frizdd to make "mi rile this p:r~ licatic:n; ~nd ~-i~t al! 'c?:~Jcmd~t~ containel in this a~Flica, tion rzre true teethe.host af knowledge end belief; and that th:, trailer will ko located in tho mc,nncr sot forth in tho ¢'~r'[.iw:t~on f~!ci therewith. Sworn to ~oforc me this ~ ~ d%y of ........ ~.~.. zg..aw g.. (!fot~ryFubllc) Public, State of New York