HomeMy WebLinkAboutField InspectionsFIELD INSEPCTIONS WED., OCTOBER 8, 2008 8:00 AM For discussion: THOMAS & ANDREW ZOITAS - Discuss an Amendment to Resolution dated August 20, 2008 to include the proposed in-ground swimming pool, patio, fence, as applied for. Located: 6255 North Rd., Greenport. SCTM#40-1-7 · Discuss Scallop Season ~T/EAST MARION (/"-1. ~uffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on~-f SUSAN MAGRINO- ~....../'DUNNING requests the last One-Year..E~tension to Wetland Permit #6257 .d'~.~'~,~.,~'"~. and Coastal Erosion Permit #6257/G~, as issued on December 21,2005 and Amended on June 18, 200..8f', and as depicted on the revised plans last --"-'-"~dat/ed September 17, 2008..~-dcated: 925 Stephenson's Rd., Orient. (-- .~TM#17-1-2,1 /" \/'2. (~arrett A. Strang, Architect on behalf of FRED...E)AClMO requests a , , /'....._~etland Permit to demolish an existing on.~,~'tory storage building 1,8. X 26 and replace it with a new 1-Y~story gara. g~/storage building 20'X 40 in the same location. Located:~ ./S520~Narr~kRiver~Rd~-Orient' SCTM#27-2-4 3. Mark K. Schwartz, AIA on'h-b~'half o{ STEV~OLGA TENEDIOS request a Wetland Permit to demolish the existi, pg'structures on the property and c:°"n"str~u-c!i~a-ne~w"'d~w~ ~e/l~n~gla~n~d.~,~ t ,v,,~,u~,. o~.,--,v,**~o- -.,+ ldeta~='''~ garage. Located: 17327 Main Rd., 4. Garrett A. Strang, Architect on behal,~AUL T. BENTANCOURT requests a Wetland Permit and C~stal Erosion Permit to construct alterations and additions to th~/~xisting single-family dwelling including " 2 new garage and swimming pool with terrace at grade. Located: 1825 Aquaview Ave., East Marion. SCTM#22-2-6 5. Ray Nemschick, R.A. on behalf of STEIN FAMI/L~ESIDENCE TRUST requests a Wetland Permit to construct a on.,e,~tory addition to the existing single-family dwelling, new front porch an~ half-story addition with utility (1) toilet (1) sink to existing one-story ~l~age. Located: 2535 Cedar Lane, East Marion. SCTM#37-4-10 ~ 6. Costello Marine Contracting Cor~p. on be~alf of JOSEPH LlCClARDI & CATHERINE PINO requests a Wetla,od' Permit to backfill eroded bank areas and regrade as required wit~:i~dlean trucked-in fill. Construct 95' of rock revetment using 500-1000 I~. rock. Remove remains of existing displaced stairway to beach a.?fl construct new stairway in original location. Located: 50 Clea,~ Point Rd, East Marion. SCTM#38-2-31 GREENPORT 7. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of JOHN S~quests a Wetland Permit to construct an attached, two-st/~ garage addition (equipped with leaders and gutters) to an existing t,~-story single-family dwelling; install a pervious gravel driveway; and/i~'stall a drywell to capture and recharge roof run-off. Located: 565 Gull~_ ond Lane, Greenport. SCTM#35-4-28.27 \ 8.~am Sand & Gravel, Inc. on behalf of BREWER YACHT YARD AT ~,,~EENPORT, INC. requests a Wetland Permit to remove and replace the /' - ~'~" 6xisting floating docks using Grade #1 southern yellow pine floats and to ~ ^~ ~ reconfigure with zero net increase in square footage. Located: 1410 L~.~\ ' Manhassett Ave. & Beach Rd., Greenport. SCTM#43-3-2 9. Fairweather-Brown Design on ~ehalf of DA,,N~L & URSULA VAVAS requests a Wetland Permit to construct/a~'0'X 28' addition to the existing dwelling. Located: 3085 Bayshore R/d~'Greenport. SCTM#53-6-6 SOUTHOLD ~ ~ 10. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on b/efialf of CLAUS RADEMACHER requests a Wetland Pe~it to construct a 1,665 sq.ft. second-story addition to the existing.,d~elling; a 127 sq.ft, second-story and 174 sq.ft, one-story addition ?,fi/the northern face of the existing dwelling; a 206 sq.ft, second-sto~ addition addition, 190 sq.ft, porch and 162 sq.ft, steps off the northe, e~tern face of the existing dwelling; a proposed 220 sq.ff, drivew~expansion off the southwestern existing driveway; and a new sar~ary system. Located: 950 Blue Marlin Dr., Southold. SCTM#57-1-31 \ 3 11 .Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf/elCALVAH & ALLAN GOLDSMITH [,,equests a Wetland Permi/i~ construct a 4'X 70' dock leading to a 32 X 20' ramp and a 6'X./2~' floating dock secured by two 10" dia. pilings. Located: 2550 Hobart Rd., Southold. SCTM#64-3-8 12. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of GOLDSMITH BOAT SHOP, INC. requests a Wetland Permit to remove existing timber ramp; construct a 4'X 20' ramp to a 4'X 40.~xed dock leading to a 32"X 20' ('~-'~'~ seasonal ramp onto a 6'X 20' se~"~nal floating dock with a landward 4'X ~. 4 access platform, secured by,~wo 10 d~a. pd~ngs. Located. 2620 Hobart ~,~ Rd., Southold. SCTM#64-3-9~ ~.Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of GAI~ERISI requests an ~J Amendment to Permit #6!73 to construct'a fixed open walkway 4'X 107' with decking a min., of 3.,5 above veg.~t.e,,d ,grade, hinged ramp 3'X 10', ./and floating dock 5 X 20, and inst~'/two 6" c~a. piles to secure the floating ~dock. Located: 497 Private Rd. #.22, Southold. SCTM#76-1-15.3 14. Proper-T Permit Services on behalfj;~lCTOR RERISl requests an Amendment to Permit #6174 to c/o,'l'struct a fixed open walkway 4'X 67' with decking a min. of 3.5' ab.o/~e..g, etated grade, hinged ramp 3'X 10', and floating dock 5'X 20', and' install~wo 6" dia. P~les to secure the floating dock. Located: 850 Private Rd.~, Southold. SCTM#76-1-15.6 15. CHERYL HANSEN reque~s the last One-Year Extension to Permit .,~F'~ #6242, as issued on I',~dvember/16, 2005. Located: 405 Williamsburg Rd., - SouthoId. SCTM~¢/~--I'¢ ......... 16.J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of HOWARD LUDECKER requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct in place +/-87' of timber bulkheading utilizing vinyl sheathing and to backfill structure with +/-10 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. Located: 370 Koke Dr., Southold. SCTM#87-5-3 17. Samuels & Steelman on behalf of JONATHAN ZANG requests the last ~,,//~.--One-Year Extension to Permit #6247, as issued on November 16, 2005. Located: 370 Takaposha Rd., Southold. SCTM#87-6-7 , 1~. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of BENALI, LLC requests a Transfer of ,[.4,~' Permit #6325 from Shirley Kram to Benali, LLC. Located: 1275 West ,/~.~t---~7'-- Cedar Point Dr., Southold. SCT~-2 19.Andrew J. Schmitz Ill, AIA on. half of CAROL PUFAHL requests a Wetland Permit to constru.C/a second-story master bedroom/bathroom addition onto the existing/dwelling, remove and install new sanitary system, relocate existi~tg hot tub, rebuild existing outdoor shower, replace k 4 the roof and siding on the dwell'.~g, and add drywells for roof drainage. Located: 700 Teepee Trail, S/e'uthold. SCTM#87-2-25 CUTCHOGUE/NEW SUFFO/~/ ~ ~..-20. GERARD GRALTON requests an/Amendment to Permit #5897 to lower ,~'~'~ the decking on the existing docy'l ~5'~_ocated: 5710 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#138-2-37~ 21 .Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of HENRY & DIANE HORR$ requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 53'X 27.5' second-stow addition to the existing dwelling and to expand the front porch. Located: 800 Sterling Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-4-9 MEET WITH CATHERINE MESIANO 22.John Hiller, Esq. on behalf of Eugene &~aw Jane Bolter requests a £ Transfer of Permit #5807 from Eugene'& Mary Jane Bolter to ARTHUR ~..~,7%~ SKELSKI & NAN MOLOFSKY, as/~sued on September 24, 2003. Located: 510 Bayberry Rd., c¢ogue. ~j~,4#111_14_36.8 2,3. John Hiller, Esq. on behalf of-Eugene ¢,/rvlary Jane Bolter requests a ~/ Transfer of Permit #5436 from Euge)~ & Mary Jane Bolter to ARTHUR ¥'~ SKELSKI & NAN MOLOFSKY, a/~issued on October 24, 2001. Located: 510 Bayberry Rd., Cutchogue.~CTM#111-14-36.8 24. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ALAN CARDINALE JR. requests a Wetland Permit to remove an existing accessory dwelling structure and attached deck, asphalt driveway, and leaching pool, and construct a one- stow detached garage, pervious gravel driveway extension, and install drywell to capture and recharge roof runoff. Located: 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#118-1-9 25. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ALAN CARDINALE JR. requests an Amendment to Permit #6536 to allow for the previously unapproved increase in habitable space in second-story as part of the previously approved roofed restructuring. Located: 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#118-1-9 2,~_ .,;Proper-T Permit Services on be,h, alf .o,f JUDIE LIZEWSKI requests a ,'.~ nWcetland Permit to construct a 4 X 35 fixed walkway dock with mooring --4 pole. Located: 145 Fleetwood Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#137-4-10.1 27. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of KIMOGENOR POINT CO. requests a Wetland Permit to construct approx. 343 linear ft. of vinyl bulkhead in place of and up to 8" higher than existing timber bulkhead (to el. 4.7' ALW); construct +/-25' vinyl return on landward side of existing northerly return to be removed; replace existing wood fence; remove existing return landward of existing dock to be temporarily detached during construction; re-sheath approx. 655 linear ft. of existing bulkhead below the lower wale on its seaward side with plastic sheathing; and backfill with approx. 200 cy. clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. Located: 50 Jackson St., Cutchogue. SCTM#116-6-24.1 MATTITUCK 28.JOSEPH F. GONZALES requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 16'X 18' deck attached to the rear of the existing dwelling and new sliding door. Located: 2700 Ole Juie Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#122-4-14 29. ROBERT KRUDOP requests a Wetland Permit to excavate bank to a 1:3 slope. Resultant 30 cy. of excavated material to be trucked off site to an approved location. Armor 95 linear ft. of slope with a 100 lb. toe stone and a maximum of 10-20 lb. stone along the face of the slope. Plant inter-tidal marsh in the upper 1/3 tidal range and a buffer area landward of the tidal wetland boundary. Located: 4650 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#122-4- 34 30. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of KIMBERLY MUELLER requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 30' fiberglass grid catwalk (2' above grade of marsh) with "L"-shaped 4'X 8' stairs at the seaward end. Located: 1445 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#123-3-19 .Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of ROBERT CELIC requests a Wetland Permit to replace three (3) existing wood jetties 68', 65' and 50', using 10'X 15' wood piles @ 6' on center and C-Loc vinyl sheathing or equivalent. Located: 910 Park Ave. Ext., Mattituck. SCTM#123-8-29 MEET WITH CATHERINE MESIANO SOUNDVIEW AVE., SOUTHOLD ~//I 32. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on CHARD JOHNSON & PAMEL,A, M~INO requests a Wetla.,~"Permit to construct a 3'X 10' ramp onto a 3 X 27 fixed dock with a c, efioe storage rack, and install one (1) swim ladder. Located: 7617.~ndview ,~tS~thold. SCTM#59-6-9 33. Peter Danowski, Esq. on behalf of RO/~ERT BOMBARA requests a Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion,,J;~rmit to construct a single-family dwelling, detached garage, pool/and associated water supply and sewage disposal facilities. Located: 1,7/Z5 North Sea Dr., Southold. SCTM#54-4-19 James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631 ) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FIELD INSPECTIONS Tues., November 11, 2008 8:00 AM SOUTHOLD 1 .~n-~ I~nts, Inc. on behalf of WILLIAM & JEANNE TURNBULL requests an ~' Am.end. mentt~Permit #6680 to reduce the scope of the proposed seaward and ~,~.~,y expansion of the dwelling, resulting in a 252 sq. ft. decrease in the footprint of the proposed dwelling from 2,315 sq. ft. to 2,063 sq. ft.; eliminate the proposed 10'X 13' deck addition and replace all existing decking with masonry patio; relocate and reduce the size of the proposed swimming pool from 20'X 37' to 20'X 32', resulting in a 92 sq. ft. decrease in the size of the pool and an increase in the setback of the pool to the crest of the bluff from 24' to 27'; and relocate the proposed shed, resulting in an increase in the setback of the shed to the crest of the bluff from 21'to 25'. Located: 54005 North Rd., Southold. SCTM#52-1-1 2. Stanley F. Skrezec on behalf of JOHN XIKIS requests Permit #6655 to extend the existing bulkhead 2' higher along the'2~(~spar~ocated: 55585 County Rd. 48, Southold. SCTM#44-1-13 EAST MARION 3. Mark K. Schwartz, AIA on behalf of RICHARD SAVARESE requests a~_pr_e~ ...subrnissi_~on inspection to discuss the proposed expansion of the existing dwelling. Located: 2575 Old Orchard Lane, East Marion. SCTM#37-6-7.1 MEET WITH MARK SCHWARTZ 4. Lo~alf of MARION LAKE RESTORATION COMMITTEE requests a(~___~.~-Ye, at E~ensi'On~o Permit #6484, as issued on November 15, 2006. Located: Bay Ave., East-~anor~SCTM#31-17-1,31-7-9 5. Cavalier Construction on behalf of HAVEN AVE. REALTY requests a I~ )E_~_[.l~ado~1Urisdiction to construct a single-family dwelling. Located: 5205 The Long Way, · SCTM#21-5-11 2 SOUTHOLD Inspect the property of REITERS SEVEN ACRE FARM - JOHN COSTELLO to verify the wetlands boundary, as flagged by Scott Hilary, Mark Terry and John Costello. Located: 69700 Main Rd., Southold. SCTM#45-5-2 Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of JOHN & EMILY BREESE requests a Transfer of Permit #2064 from Lud Becker to John & Emily Breese, as issued on A~'gust 28~' 1985. Located: 3689 Pine Neck Rd., Southold. SCTM#70-6-24 Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of FRED POLLERT requests a One- . Year E~ension to Permit #6503, as issued on December 13, 2006 and Amen'~h'ded- on March 21,20--0~7. Located: 375 Lighthouse Lane, Southold. SCTM#70-6-29.2 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of EDWARD FERGUS~ an ~Amendment to Per_~imit #R~n? t_o amend the septic system and includ~ drainage to comply with the drainage code, and the last One-Year Extension to Permit #6302 as issued on February 15, 2006 and Amended on February 14, 2007, and December 12, 2007. Located: 1854 North Bayview Rd., Southold. SCTM#70- 12-39.3 10. Peter Pappas on behalf of BRUNO FRANKOLA requests an Amendment to Permit #5999 to install a 5' wide concrete walkway from the front d~ dwe31ing to -- ~h-~Eh-d°f the driveway. Located: 840 Northfield Lane, Southold. SCTM#71-1-19 ~.~t_.,,X~,,.~l 1. Richard Hen B~L_~brhr Architect, P.C. on behalf of CHARLES & AMY SCHARF ~. e~e~o renovate the ex st ng 362 sr. boat house and 206 sf. bath house. Located.'~-TT~Paradise Point Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-3-25.1&26 12. LEE & MARIE BENINATI request a One-Year Extension to Permit #6510, as issued on December 13, 2006. Lo~ated: 855~akwood Dr., Southold.-SCTM#90-4- 17 ~ ,'~13. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of LEO & VIRGINIA ALESSl re,q, uests a Wetland ~. ~ ~¢~ ~e~,~__~to reconstruct, as needed, the existing 3'X 11' fixed dock, 3 X 12' ram,and ' ',.~' 8'X 15' floating dock. Located: 1700 Cedar Point Dr. East, Southold. SCTM#92-1-3 ~mental Design on behalf of DANIELE CACIOPPO requests a ~ w¢,.~~o remove the existing 1200 sq. ft. wooden deck around the pool ~ ~ ~nd replace with a permeable patio. Located: 1455 Inlet Way, Southold. SCTM#92- 15. CHERYL HANSEN requests an inspection of her property to consider reducing the size of the non-turf buffer from 15' to 10'. Located: 405 Williamsburg Rd., Southold. SCTM#78-5-17 16. ERIK HANSEN requests an inspection of his property to consider reducing the size of the non-turf buffer from .15' to 10'. Located: 305 Williamsburg R~ ~'~'TM#78-5-15 -- PECONIC 17. ROBERT & LISA DEFRESE~e~uesLan Amendment to.~Permit #6967 to relocate the 16'X 10' shed to the wesierly side of the property. Located: 5223 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic. SCTM#98-1-1.4 CUTCHOGUE/NEW SUFFOLK 18. CHRIS BURGER requests a~Duck Blind Pe_rmit in Broadwaters Cove. Access: Public 19.JANE SWEENEY requests ar~Administrative?__er~mit to trim and remove two (2) dead trees, and to maintenance trim four (4) trees. Located: 150 Mason Dr., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-7-1.3 20. Nancy Dwyer on behalf of SCOTT AMBROSlNO requests a~~ P~ to replace the existing siding, windows, doors and rotted wood"u. ;.hu exl~[if]g '~,~. dwelling; install two (2) new windows in back area left and right side of existing back wall; trim trees upland of wetlands and remove a fallen tree. Located: 1940 Mason Dr., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-7-16.1 21. Garrett A. Strang, R.A. on behalf of SPIRO GEROULANOS requests an ~t tr~ Pp, rmit #684 to remove the existing dock and construct a new dock "consisting of a 4'X 70' fixed catwalk using "Flow-Thru" decking, 2.5'X 12' ramp, and 6'X 20' seasonal floating dock, with 4"X 4" posts landward of MLW, and 8" dia. piles seaward of MLW. Located: 2130 Broadwaters Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-9- 13 22. Creative Environmental Design on behalf of JAMIE & NANCY SANTIAGO requests an AmendmenLt~o Permit #66_,54 to plant the 15' non-turf buffer and bluff face, in plac~are exposed to erosion. Located: 3745 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-9-4.1 23. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ALAN CARDINALE JR. requests a Wetland ,.P__.~it to remove an existing accessory dwelling structure ah-~ attache~l deck, asph-'alt"driveway, and leaching pool, and construct a one-story detached garage, ~. pervious gravel driveway extension, and install drywell to capture and recharge roof runoff. Located: 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#118-1-9 24. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ALAN CARDINALE JR. requests an to Permit #6556 to allow for the previously unapproved increase in habitable space 4 in second-story as part of the previously approved roofed restructuring. Located: 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#118-1-9 25. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of WUNNEWETA POND ASSOC. requests a ~etO dredge (with 10 years maintenance) an approx. 20'X 14,0,' area ad inlet channel to Wunneweta Pond to a max. depth of -4 ALW and place approx. 275 cy. of dredged sand spoil material above the high water line along approx. 415 linear ft. of shoreline to the northwest of the inlet. Located: Wunneweta Pond Inlet, Cutchogue. SCTM#118-1-p/o 11 26. Proper-T Permit Servi,c, es o.n, behalf of JUDIE LIZEWSKI requests a Wetland ~.~¢~'~-- P r~construct a 4 X 35 fixed walkway dock with mooring pole. L-~d: 745 Fleetwood Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#137-4-10.1 27. DAN HESTON requests a Duck Blind Permit in Wickham's Creek. Access: Private 28. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of ROBERTA JAKLEVIC requests a Wetland Permit to replace an existing timber 104' bulkhead situated within the eastern corner of subject property with a new vinyl-sheathed bulkhead. A ~.~...~ small open bulkhead extension 6'6" consisting of vinyl sheathing secured by two (2) rows of timber whalers, a timber top cap, and timber pilings is proposed to connect the southernmost terminus of the replacement bulkhead with the northernmost existing dock to provide structural stability without impeding tidal flow. Located: 900 Old Harbor Rd., New Suffolk SCTM#117-5-21.1 29. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of PATRICIA GILCHRIST MANCINO requests an Amendment to Permit #6183 to authorize the in-place replacement of +/-122 If. of timber bulkhead with vinyl; the in-place replacement of the existing 9' easterly timber return with vinyl; construct 10'X 30' wood deck in place of concrete patio to be removed; and construct 4' wood walkway landward of bulkhead. Located: 15 Fourth St., New Suffolk. SCTM#117-10-15 MATTITUCK 30.Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of ROBERT CELIC requests a Wetland Permit ~,.~,,,~. to replace three (3) existing wood jetties 68', 65' and 50', using 10'X 15' wood piles @ 6' on center and C-Loc vinyl sheathing or equivalent. Located: 910 Park Ave. Ext., Mattituck. SCTM#123-8-29 31. CHRISTOPHER & EVELYN CONKLIN request a One-Year Extension to Permit #6520, as issued on January 24, 2007. Located: 3400 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#122-4-20 32. STRONG'S MARINE, INC. requests an Administrative Permit to remove gravel over drains behind the existing shop building, remove drainage covers and clean out debris, raise the height of the covers approx. 10-12" to grade and reinstall covers and grade level with parking area. Located: Camp Mineola Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#122-4-44.2 33.Abigail A. Wickham, Esq. on behalf of BUD GEORGE HOLMAN requests an Administrative Permit for the existing porch and deck located on the southwest side of the dwelling. Located: 350 Park Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#123-7-8 LAU REL/MATTITUCK/CUTCHOGUE 34. Inspect the property of JAMES MURRAY for compliance with Wetland Permit #6205 as issued on September 21,2005 and Amended on May 17, 2006. Located: 1900 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#145-4-3 35. Inspect the floating docks on the property of the MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT for a possible violation. Located: R.O.W. off Love Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#140-1-19.1 36.ANTONIO & GRAZlA VANGI request a One-Year Extension to Wetland Permit #6505 and Coastal Erosion Permit #6505C, as issued on December 13, 2006 and Amended on April 18, 2007. Located: 645 Glen Court, Cutchogue. SCTM#83-1-7 PECONIC 37.JEANNE SWEET BARTOS & MICHAEL BARTOS request an Amendment to Permit #4950 to include the existing slate patio, existing shed, rebuild the existing wood steps and replace with stone, repair the existing bulkhead with sheathing and fill voids with existing fill. Located: 1820 Mill Lane, Peconic. SCTM#67-7-14 FISHERS ISLAND 13,.8,. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of FITF, LLC requests an Administrative ~ ,~.~, endment to Permit #6507 to reflect the change in the footprint of the proposed .,~"~ dwelling, and a One-Year Extension to Permit #6507, as issued on December 13, 2006. Located: Reservoir Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#9-8-2