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Howell, C. Fordham
No. 1~ TOWN OF$©UTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. SINGLE TRAILFR OR HOUFEC 'iR LOCATION PERMIT Date OCtobar Street Town Fordham Howell pine tre* Your application for a (single trailer)]~~ permit was reviewed by the Town Board on _~.~._lg.~R , and (was) ~approved. permit is hereby issued to locate a (single trailer)~ license number or serial number 21~601 pursuant to ~pplication dated 0a~u'~hm~, !!~ and the following conditions: r~.,~ _~0_~_~ ~ ........ e~= tzaiie~ for two TOWN BOARD, TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Aptlicatien NO,..~ .... ' .... [Supervisor ' ~ ~R m,, ~ }UT_SIDE CF AF~LICATION FOR L~CATICi~I CF oL, GL~ A,'L'OY~,BIL~ ~IL~. ~R .. a. This ~pplicaticn must be completely fille. In by t~ewriter~or,..in...i~, .and sub- mitted In duplicate to the Town Clerk. b. Plot plan showing location cf lot and of building~ on premises, relationship to adjoining r~remises or rublic streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of l~out of property ~nd propcsed~locaticn.of, trailer Est be drawn cn the di~ram which is f~,rt of this apvlicatlcn. c; ~on approval of t~is a~plication, the Town Board will issue a trailer permit to the a~plican%. ~ch permit ~hall ~e kept on the ~remises available for in- srectlon. d. NS trailer shall be occuried cr used in wfole or in ~art for any p~pe~e what- ever other th~'m ~ecifio~ in vermit. Aprlication. is hereby maBe tc the Town Beard for the issuance of a Trailer rermit rursuant to the ~ilding Zone Srdinance of the Town oF Southold, Suffolk Co~ty, 17ev York. and other a~plicable Laws, Ordinances or Re~lations. The a~licskt agrees to co~ly with all aTplicable laws, or~nanc~~~. ~ (Si~ature of ~71icant) .. ....... . .... Address State whether a~plicant If a[rlic~nt i~ a cc~crnte, signature cf duly authorized officer, 1. Location of land on K~%ic~ ~roposed traile~Lbe Street and Number ..~:...~......~ 2. State existing use and occupancy of~rem~ses and ~ntended use ,~,nd ~ccup~cy ~f · proposed trailer: ~, . ~ O~ ~ ~ .' a. Existing use and cccu~ancy....~~...k .... b, Intended use and occur~ncy c, Period ef time trailer 3. Fee..~.....,t..~ .............. ko ~aid on filing ~'~rlic~,ti~n) of et: ront .............. ...... .... ,.. 6. Date of purchase er lease of t~d ........... ' ..... ' ....... %'....,..,.,..~,. , 7. Zone or use district in which promises are situated ........... Does P~O~osed use violate ~ny zoning~law~ ordinance or regulation?o.~ ~. Source of Water Sul~ply ................................................. c, 8o~r¢~ of electricity ......................................... Locate ~learly and distinctly all buildi~.s, whether exi~ti~ or proDoso~, and ~n~ic¢,~o gli sot-back dimenslgns fr~m Propoerty lines. Give'strdet ~ block num- -bors or ddscTi*¢tion according to deed, and '~how street no, mos ahd indicate *,.e~or' ' interior or corner lot, Indicate clearly lo~s,t~on of proposed ~ailor on promises, showing''distancos from .' ' all t~i.ldir~s and ~op~r~y lines. ' STATE CF ~V YO~K ) SS. Ooun~ Of Suffolk ) ,. ; ...................... lng.duty,sworn, doposos and says that ha ~s th~ applicant above namod. Ho is tho ..... ~ ................... (owner or lossoo.or ,~ent) .. o~[s~i~'oWhbr or e~ers, o~d is duly guthorized ~o m~kc ~R file.this gpplication; znd ~ha~ gll s~a~o~ents'66~tAin6d'l~'this ~ppltcgtion ~re ~e ~o the ~ost of his knowiedgo a~d ~e~iof; and thgt t~e'.tr&ilbr~will be loc&tod in tho manner set forth · in°~ho?~prli.ea~o~ fitoi therewith. Sworn~t his. 2~/._~ day of (Not ~ryPublic) ( si~naturel ............. ~' Inetructions ~. This application must %e completely filled in by typewriter or fn ink and sub- mitted in duplicate to the Town Clerk. b, Plot plan showinM locatlcn cf lot and of buildings on premises, relaticnshi% to a~joining rremises or ~ublic streets or areas, and givi~ a detailed description of layout of prorerty ~.nd -¢noposed 'location of trailer ~st ~e drawn cn the di~ram which is ~art of this application. c. ~on aprroval of ~hls arplication, the Town Board will issue a trailer permit to the a~rlicant. · Such permit shall be kept on the ~remtses availahle for in- srection. d. ~;o trailer shall be occuried cr used in whole or in part for any pu~cse whet- ever other th~,n sTeciftod in permit. A%rlication is hereby maSe to the Town Board for the issuance cf a Trailer rermit ~ursuant to the ~uil~ing Zone Srdinance of the Town oF ~ou%hold, Suffolk County, ~e,.~ York, and other a~lica%le Laws, Ordinances or Re~lations. The n.p~lica~t · ordinances and ~e~lat~ono. , sgrees tc tom'ely_ with~ ~11 arpl~cahle, laws,(~' ~L/'~' ~/~~' ~%~ ~~. (Signature of ~rlio~nt) , ' ,,, State whether ~F~licant is owncr, lessee or agent.... , .................... Fame of Dwner of ?remtses ..... ~. e~ .... If applicant is a co.crate, signature cf duly ~utherized officer, (i~me ,~nd title of Co~oEs,te.officer) 1. Location of land on which ~ro7osed trailer will be Street and Number .. .~.~..-~.-.$~.j' 2. State existing use ~nd occupancy of rremises and intended use and ~cc~rancy ~rovosed trailer~ ~ ,., ' ' - . c;' Period ef time trailer is to be iocatea on :re,,,ises 6. Date cf purchase or lense of t~ad. ....................... 7. Zone or use diatrzct 'ih'~Ki~h ..... ~'' pure prcmz ses situ~t cd .......... , ~ 8. Ioez pro~eed use violate nny zoning l~aw, ordinance or r,ogul~tion~? 9. a. Mothod of Sewerage dizposal ........... ~. Source of Water ~Dply .............. /.~'.-b ~' Source of electricity ~%' "~ Locdte clearly and distinctly all buil~di~gs, ,dhether existin~ or prope'~cd, and indic~%te all set-back dimensions from proDoerty lines. Give street -%nd btock~ hum- %orb'or de~cr~ut~on according tO deed~ end show street names and~ indicate whether, iutoribr or corner lot, SS. ~,~,n,~, Suffolk ) he zs the ~plic~ ab~e npmed. He ~in~l~ sworn, deposes and says that :~'b'"~'~o .~'~..~ ~..,.?rr~ !',<~ i .i-:..~-z ................. e · -(owne~ om lessee,or.agent) of said owner or owners, sad is duly authorized to m~ko ~m& fi~o this sgp~ication; ~n% ti~at. ~l!.st~.~em~ts cont~i~e~ in,~\is.~p~icotion arc,true to tho best of ki~ know,edge, and %clicf~ and that thc trai%or will be located in the manner set forth zn ~ho ~,prl .... tzon zilcd t}grewzth. ................... 19 .... .~... (Not ~ryPublic) ~Public State of Nm York esding i~ Suffolk County No. 52-03~7800 My Commission Expires March 30, t9g~