HomeMy WebLinkAboutField Inspections FIELD INSEPCTIONS
WED., SEPTEMBER 10, 2008
8:00 AM
For discussion:
1. Discuss application of Billman raquesting a Letter of No-Jurisdiction to
construct a single-family dwelling.
2. Discuss revising procedure for LWRP reviews.
3. Discuss scallop season.
8:45 AM - Meet with Pete Harris, Jaime Richter, Councilmen Vincent
Orlando and Albert Krupski to discuss the drainage issue on Silvermere
EDWARD ERNST requests an Administrative Permit to hand-trim the
phragmites to 12", as needed. Located: Long Creek Dr. Ext., Southold.
EDWARD ERNST requests an Administrative Permit to hand-trim the
phragmites to 12", as needed. Located: Long Creek Dr. Ext., Southold.
EDWARD ERNST requests an Administrative Permit to hand-trim the
phragmites to 12", as needed. Located: Long Creek Dr. Ext., Southold.
EDWARD ERNST requests an Administrative Permit to hand-trim the
phragmites to 12", as needed. Located: Long Creek Dr., Southold.
5. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of JOHN & STELLA SCOURAKIS
requests a Wetland Permit to construct a two-story addition to the existing
_ ~, two-story dwelling, demolish the existing garage, remodel existing two-
,~. story dwelling, lift existing house n order to replace locust post foundation
~U'~ with full foundabon. Located: 955 Soundv ew Ave. Ext., Southo d.
~ ~ SCTM#5O-2-10&11
~/'Anthony Verona on behalf of the PEBBLE BEACH LO; OWNERS
, ~.-~ L-/'"//~' ASSOC. requests an inspection of their property to discuss the rec~
, , i-3~,-~ ,,,./ 0z'-- violation for clearing the vegetation at the beach entrance. Located:
~.1 ~v ~.O~-), The Long Way, East Marion. SCTM#21-5-10 .~.
MEET WITH ANTHONY VARONA 477-2325 OR 917-332-8833 ~'~ ~'-~
7. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of BETTY SULLIVAN requests an(~
~ ~'"" Amendment to Permit #5258 for a 4'× 13' addition to the previously
..-~'- approved proposed deck. Located: 380 Inlet Lane, Greenport. SCTM#43-
\ ~ 8. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of VARUJAN ARSLANYAN requests
~ ~,~ a,Wetland Permit to install a doc,k, ing facility consisting of two floats, each
~. ~.,/.~-'~.~ __ 8,X 20' and secured by four (4) 8 dia. piles, with access by hinged ramp
(...~'~;~M~a 4 X 16' secured at its landward end to existing bulkhead. Located: 12~8GL~-.
~'b" ~2,~ \ ,~::~x, Sage Blvd., Greenport. SCTM#53-5-10 d'o~/.~r.~
~ 9. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of DONALD HYMANS
~ ~ .~,equests an Amend,ment to Permit #6648 to remove existing stairway to
~._ _.,,~,/peach; remove 136 of existing bulkhead and construct new bulkhead in-
~, ~,,c~1'"'~ place extending west return 10 additional feet; reinstall in-place th.e,
~ ~,~ existing stairway to beach that was removed; and provide a 12'-15 non-
~' ~ ~ '" ~rf buffer behind new bul~hea~. Locate¢: 1050 Blue Marlin Dr., Southold.
10. Douglas McGahan on behalf of THOMAS & MARY IRENE MARRON
requests a Wetland Permit to construct additions to the front and rear of
the existing dwelling, add detached garage and new deck, demolish
existing deck, walls and roof of existing structure to facilitate new framing
of taller (9') walls and steeper roof with dormers into the attic. Located:
3125 Wells Ave., Southold. SCTM#70-4-10 ~ f-
/--'-~ 11. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of PATRICIA & THOMAS NADHERNY
· _( I request a Wetland Permit to construct a second-floor addition over the
,. ~ / existing dwelling, renovate the first floor, and install new windows and
/'- ( ?~[ siding. Located: 1025 Pine Neck Rd., Southold. SCTM#70-5-34
~"~ 12. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of CLA RE & ROB R CC O requests a
~,--- Wetland Permit to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new
\(,~,~ ,,..,/dwelling, swimming pool, and sanitary system. Located: 6512 Indian Neck
~ ~ ~ [ Lane, Peconic. SCTM#98-6-1
. ~'~'. Mark Boeckman on behalf of STEVE MITCHELL requests an Amendment
~. ~\ to Permit ¢~4201 to rebuild existing 16'X 10 platform at bottom of stair for
'~ t,.~~ storage. Located: 7132 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic. SCTM#86-7-8
14. MARTIN KOSMYNKA requests a pre-submission inspection to discuss
(~. ic.~¢,~%~~P'' theMEETLane,pOssibilitYcutchogue.WiTH MARTY°f constructingSCTM#1KOSMYNKA38.2_25a docking384.9979 facility. Located: 5800 Skunk
5~Ohristopher Stress, R.A. on behalf of CUTCHOGUE-NEW SUFFOLK
~ ,~A~ .I~ARK DISTRICT requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct the existing
~.[.~"", - ,~-.q~andicap access ramp and to construct a new wooden walkway to buffer
~"~L~ \ ~r,.0" beach from the existing parking area. Located: Nassau Point Causeway
~)~,, ~-~ Beach, Cutchogue. SCTM#104-8-6.1
16.JAIME SANTIAGO requests an Amendment to Permit #6654 to modify
the pool dimensions to 20'X 40' and re-shape the patios at pool and rear
.~j~m'~'"-~'-'~ of dwelling. Located: 3745 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-9-
17. M~i~t~lA on behalf of MICHAEL & ROBIN DREWS requests
,a,'Wetland Permit' to"r.~move the existing stairs and replace with new 4'
/wide set of stairs with ~ 4'X 8' platform. Located: 7425 Nassau Point Rd.,
18. Christopher Stress, R.A. on behalf of CUTCHOGUE-NEW SUFFOLK
PARK DISTRICT requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 10'X 16'
pavilion 6' from the top of the bluff. Located: S/w corner of West Rd. &
Pequash Ave., Cutchogue. SCTM#110-7-13
\,/,1~. GERARD SCHULTHEIS requests an Amendment to Permit #5746 to
allow for the existing enclosed porch. Located: 1640 First St., New Suffolk.
20. Mark K. Schwartz, AIA on behalf of ARTHUR & MELISSA BEISEL
requests a Wetland Permit to construct a one-story addition to the
% /¢andward side of the existing dwelling, complete interior renovations, new
,.V windows, exterior doors and siding, remove roofing and insulation boards
~ to expose existing roof rafters, install new insulation panels and asphalt
~"~ shingle roofing, remove and replace "ink-kind" existing wood decking
"railings, install new deck and stairs. Located: 3760 Ole Jule Lane,
Mattituck. SCTM#122-4-24
~'~[~2'~ .JOAN SAUNDERS requests an Administrative Permit to hand-trim the
phragmites to 12'", as needed. Located: 1375 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck.
~,,~y. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of TERRY TRIADES requests an
Amendment to Permit #6351 to repair the existing stairs, in-kind and in-
place. Located: 2505 Sound View Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#94-1-12.2
~n,~d~,23. Mark K. Schwartz, AIA on behalf of KURT FREUDENBERG requests a,n,
Administrative Permit to remove the existing deck stairs, construct a 6'6'X
24'-10 ½" deck addition and relocate the stairs. Located: 165 Lester's
Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#114~7-2.1
24. JERRY KALAS requests an Administrative Permit to replace/repair the
\_ , existing front entry steps and open garage to existing structure for front
/~,~, _~.¢~,V"~'/yard access. Located: 995 Glen Court, Cutchogue. SCTM#83-1-10