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Guittard, Arthur
No, 1% Town OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. SINGLE TR~-ILFR OR HOUFEC %R LOCATION WERMIT Date October 1~. 1955 Name Arthur Guittard Street 34 W. Sunrise tiighwa¥ (box Town Fr~,eport~ I~.~. Your aoplication for a (single trailer) [~LK.~permit was reviewed by the Town Board on October j.l~ 19 gti, and (was)~ approved. number at Deep Hole Drive~ ¢ permit is hereby issued to locate a (single trailer) J~X~[' license or ~;erial number S ,c. 3~%120~ I4 Mat tituck m N, ~. pursuant to application dated , 0¢$Qber 10: 19.g~nd the following conditions: until ~orapletion Of bl~ilding n.w hnm. Application No, ..... , TOURIST Date ...... 19 ' ' ' ~ . ...... ISstrdc~i0ns ' a. This application must ,~ .com~etely'~lled in b~ typewriter or in ink and sub- miBt~d .in ~duplfcate to the Town Clerk. · b. Plot plan ~howing location of lot snd of buildingm on premises, relationmhip aSjoining premises or public streeti or areas, and glvi~ a detailed description of lay,ut of p~ope~ty and proposed !ec~t~n eft twatler ~mt be drawn on the di~ram which is pazt-of:this aprlication. c, ~on a~p'r0vaI o~ th[m-a~pl~atio~, the Town BQard wii1 imsue 'a trailer permit -to the ~p!icant, ~ch permit a~ll be kept: on the presses ~avallable for in- spection, - : ~. 17c trifler~ ~hail' ~. oc~upled or ~ed in whole or in par~ for any P~ome what- ever ot~er' th~n specified in permit. Application is hereby made to the Town Board for the issuance of a Trailer Permit pursuant to the ~{lding Zone ~rdinance of the Town oF ~ou~held, Suffolk 0~tu~ty. Uew York, ~nd other ~pplicable ~ws, ~rdin~noes or Re~lations, The apptic~t ordiDonce~ ~d re~l~io~s. ~ ~ ~"~ agree~ to eo~oly with ~ll applicable laws, State whethe~ applicant is owner, ~~.~~,. ]~ ap~l~eE~t. ~ a co~orate, ~at~re of duly ~thorized officer. {~me and t~tle of co.orate officer) 1. Location of la~d O~ ~htg$:ro~,ed tr~i~r 2. ~ate existing ~.se. ?~& occupancy .... p~opoaed t~tl~r: " a. Existing uae ~nd oc~p~ncy. ......................... . ................ b. Intended u~e and occupancy ,',~ .... .. ,../~... . ............. .... c. ~erlod of time trailer 1~ to be lecated on ~remt~es S: .' Fee,;..~ .................. (to b4 r~aid on filing ~pplic~tlon) D~eJs{ons of trailer, length..2.~..w/d~h~;;h~t~$~JU.'..J.. ~. ~o o~ ~so~e o~ Z~nse o~ Z~..~,~_~',. .,..~ ~ ................. 7. Zone or use' ~iatriot in which prcmi~e~ o, re situated ........ . ......... 8. ~,oes proposed ~se vloln, te . a. ethod of Sewerage di~ Locate die~ly ~.nd d~t~nct~y ~11 ~ildi~s,. ,~he~Sc~ ex~.t~ ~ ~ropcsed, p.nd in~ics~te a~ll sct-Zack dimen~f'ons from proroer~y lines. ~ Give ~trdet ~nd block m~m- ~ers or description accordihg to de~d ~,nd show ~reet namc~ and ~nd~c~e whether futerior or corHcr 16t,~ ~dlc~te cloo~rly loc~tlen of proposed t.~aiIer on promises, shewing listrnccs from ~ll tuildin~s --. " .. ~.o ,T~ - . Y /l ?'T '1 ' (owner or Iossee~or n~ent) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to m~c ,~u& fi~o t~is a~plication; ~d .tha$ ,~ll st~,tements conta~ed .in .th~s aDplicat$on cne true to the best of his .... kno~q~c ~d Telio~;~ e,nd ~h~t ~he t=a~lor will be located in [he m~,nner set forth Ap$1ication No...~. .... lnstruct ionm a. This apPfi'~atio~ ~us~ .be co .mp.l?.tely filled, i'n by' 't~pewriter or in i~ and sub- mitted i$.duolicate to the Town'CI~rk.' ..... b. Plot plum ~i~'loca~lc~O~ lot ~nd of ~ii~i~ On'p~emis~s~ re~ation~hlp te atjoining premimes or oublic ~eetm or areas, and givi~ a detailed description of layout of property ~nd proposed location ~f' %~,[~r ~st be' drawn on the di~ram which is part of this application. c. ~on approval of thi~ application, the Town Board will i~sue a trailer permit to the applicant~ ~ch permit ~ll be kept on the pre~mes available for spectlon. d. No trailer s~ll ~e occupied or ~sed in Whole or in Par~ for ~y pu~c~e what- ever other th,~n specif~e~ i,n permit. Application i~ hereby ~de to the'Town Board for the issuance of a. Tra[ler Permit pursuant to the ~lldl~ Zone trdinance of the T~wn oF '~oUthold, Suffolk Ce~ty, l~ew York, and ether applicable ~ws, ~dinancem or Re~lations. The applic~t agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordin~mc~ ~d re~l~.io~s... .... (Si~at~e of app~ic~t) ..................... If applicant is a co~ore~te, signc, ture cf duly authorize& officer. (N.~me and title of co~orate officer) l, Location of land o~ whio$_rro~osed trai~r will be located~.~..~.~.{~.~ 2. State existin~ use nnd occupancy of premise~ and intende~ use and occupancy ' proposed trailer: . ~ a. ~xtst~n~ ~ ~n~ o~cupanc~...~.~. ....................................... ooou= o .... ........... ... .. 3. Fee. ~ .................... (to be 'r~,%id ~n £111ng ~pplicn~tt~n) ~R~gistra~ton h~zmbe~.~ ........ Serial num~er~. 5. Size of lot~ Front..~, ....... Re~,r~.~ .... .,~e~th/j,~.~.J.~.~ 7. Zone or u~e.di~tr~G~.~.Wb~b'.p~.~ situ~ted...~.9.~ 8. Does proposed use vicL~te ~ny zoning l~w ordin~cc or regulation?,~, .... 9. a. Method of Sewerage disposal .~.~.~ ............. ~ l ~.~7~ Locate ~le~,rly ~,nd di~t~nct~,~!l ~t~d~s. whether ex~t~n~ or prdpo~d, indic~,tc all zot~b~k"~im~n~iS~ ~f~m prep~er6y li~eSj~ 'Give st~8'~t' ~t~d bl~'~Z ~- bors or description ~ccording to deed. ~nd ~how~ '~tree~es. and indicat~ whet~cr . c~c~ ~r~y loc~t i'o~ mT sho~ing 'di~t~n~cs frdm ~I1%u~ldir~s ~ property lines, '- o~.A'r. C~' ~,~r yos. K ) ss. E~ },,o~. ,, .~t~,:~::,~o~...~ ...... ~.be%ng duly aworn, deposes ~nd ho is tnc, appLi~m.t,e, bc~e, ne,med~, He. is tho. ,~~..~ ...... · ..... . ....... '.. (owner or lossoc~or o,gent) of s.%i~ov~ner or 'owners.-~n'd is~duly authorized to m~'~c ~ .file this ~plication; and that ~ll st~,toments cont~ined in this a~plic~tion ~%re t~e to the b0st of his knowledge ~.nd~ ~eliof;. r~d that thc trailer ~dl~. be located in tho mc,nner set forth in thc ~,prli~t~gn, Y~od t~cr~with ' ...~..~;'..~; .....'l~;.~..~ (~otpryPublic) TOWN OF $OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'F OFFICE $OUTH©LD, N. Y. SINGLE TRAILFR OR HOUeFC L, OC ~' TION i>ERMIT No. ~ Name_ AI'th~' g,~{fe:~"d Street 31+ W S, unri~e Hlghwa~r Date Your a~plication for a (single trailer} (h]13~ -permit was reviewed by ~h~ T~wn Board on ,l,,ly _g 19 ~d' and {was) {~(~) approved. permit is hereby issued to locate ~ (~ingle trailer} ~ license number pursu,~nt to zpplication dated July conditions: or :erial number S S ~ 9.~d and the following TO WN BO :'~.RD, TOWN OF FOUTHO~"D ~llcaticn No ......... ~ Inet ructions a, TKis application mu6t be comrletely filled in by typewriter or in ink and sub- mitted in duDlicate to the Town Clerk. b, Flot pl2n showin~ location of lot end of ~uildings on ?remiees, relationship to a~jo~ning rremises or ~ublic streets er areas, and givlng~ a detailed description of layout of ~roperty and yroposed location of trailer must be drawn cn the disgram which is part of this aprlication. c. U~ron aprroval of this application, the Town Beard will issue a trailer ~ermit to the apDlicant, Such permit shall be kept on the yremises available for in- srectlon. d. No trailer shall be occurted cr used in whole or in part for any purpose what- ever other thnn s?ecifie~ in ~ermit. Aprlication is hereby made to the Town Board for the issuance of a Trailer rermit rursuant to the 2uilozn~ Zone Ordinance cf the Town oF Scuthold, ~e,~ York, and other ar~lica%le Laws, Ordinances or Repletions. The aprlicsmt sgrees to ccm31y with all arplicakle laws, crdin~nceD and rea~laAicns. (Si~ature of arrlicant) State wheth avrtioant is owner lessee or agent. Uame of Owner of yremises .. .. If applicant is a co.crate, si~%u~e bT Ably autherized officer. (Nnme ,ond title of co.orate officer)' 1. Locatto~ of [land on ~r, hi%( rro~7~& %ratl~_ ~'~1 . 2.~otn, to existing use an'd ~ccuTancy of ~remtses. and intended use and ~ccurancy ~ro~osed trailor, ~--~--~. ...... ~. ~xlsting ~ and eccu~amcy~ ....................... c. reriod ~f time tra~ler is t~ b~ located on rremise~ 6. 7. 9. Yeo..~.¥, ..................... (to %,~ r;[id cn filing errlicn~tt~n)/ · -- w't- .,,q. ! -- C/ Dzmens~en.~ si trailer, lengtn..~.~..,,,i~ ..... ~. ..... Height .... ~... negiotration ~Tumber. ~ ....... ...~., :. Sci~ial number, .$'.g, Size cf lot: ~.o,t .............. ~ar..',,.'...~.j~D~rth~.' ~,t~ ~f ~urcha~e cr le~se of land. ..... Zons or usc dz~r~ct in which promises are o~tua~cd ...................... Ices ~ro~csedtuse violate nfly zoning law,.,cr~ilmnco or rogulnticn?~.~ ~. Source of Water G~D~ly~. ............,.....~4)~ ........................... ... o. Oo~roR o~ ~o~9~o~,.~ ........ · .......... Locate cler~rly and dz~tznctly all buzld~.ng~, whether existSng or ~ro~c~od. ~n3 _ndz ..... all ~et..Qack d]memszon~ from prb~oert~ lino~, j~i~ ~reet.sm& o~o~ hum- %ers or dqscrirt, ton acco~t~ng ~o ds(xm, and show ~treg% ns,m0a ~d indicate,, whet~xcr ' ~' '~ er toff_ct lot. InSicato c!~a.rly locat!o~ of showi~g distances from all luildings, and ~roperty lines. he is thc ~licant ~cve n~med. H6 is tho ..~.-,~ ........................... (c{znor o~ lessoc,o~' agent) cf ~ owner or owners, and is duly autherized to m~kc ~mi file:this ~ ~Lc~ ~ton. a%a thn~t aI ...... tcmm~t~ co~itaine5 in'this-ap?l~cat~on s, ro true to the ~cst of hSs kncwl,~'A~ u.adC'aL~cf~-ond ~h~t the trai!cr will ha.located in tho m?,nncr %0% furi.h in. the rR~,l, ica,tkon., filed thcrm,~ith. Sworn, to Lo~oro me t[i~ ~ day off ',Ia' LV ..... : ......... Ap~licaticn No .......... ........ (Supervisor APrLICATION FOR L~CATION OF oIJGL~ AUTOiS~BIIL TP~ILZE. oR HOUSE CAR, ~UT$IDE CF rate ....... ~ .... -19, Inst~c~ions a. This application must be completely filled in by ty~ewriter or in ink and suE~ mltted in du~liCate to~th~ ~;n Clerk. b. Plot plsn showing location of lot snd of ~uildings on premises, relaticnshlp to ,adjoining rremls~ o~'~%~i~' s~e~s or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property a~d ~ro~9~$d location of trailer must be drawn cn the · di~ram which io p&,r%'of this aprlicatien. c, Upon approval of this applicatioa, the Town Board will issue a trailer permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for s~ectlono d. Uo trailer shall be occuTied cr used in whole or in part for any purpose what- ever other th~m s~ecifiod in permit. Ayrlieation is hereby made to the Town Board for the issuance of a Trailer Permit pursuant to the Pull,Ping Zone Oriinance of the Town oF Sou%hold, Suffolk County, :re York, and other ap~licable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations. The applicakt sgrees to comply with all applicable laws, crdin~ and re~ati~n~.y · ($f~nature of applicant State whether applicant is owner; lessee or agent. ~...~.~ Uame of Owner of premices .,. ~/.~.~/~.,/~. ~.. ~.~X.SL~ ...... , ................ If ~r7licant is a co.crate, signature of duly authorized officer. (~me red title of co,crate officer) ~Location of land on which r~ro.eposed teat.let will be. located .... otreet and Number .. A ~.f.~.q~.5o.. J~.~)Z .~. ~../f~. ..... ~'.~-~.' .... ~r, ..~ ..... '. '. 2, State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and $ccupancy. ef ~roposed trailer: o. Existing use and occupancy .... ~..0.~/.~-7,. .................................... b. Intended use an~ occuranc~ .... ~.~.C~ .~.5.~ .......... ~ ......... v= ~5 .(to %e r~aid on filing a_rrlicati~n) p~e gi s t r a~ t on. ~umbe ~ .... ~ ..... Serial num~ er .............. to cf yurcha~e or lease of lomd... .~' x /'' ]] .... 7. Zone or u~e district in ~hich.prcmises.are situated 8, Ices proposed use vtcla, te any zoning law, or,iinomco or rcgulaticn?~. k Source of ~atcr Sunrly ................................................. ,..... .. , Locate clearly an~ dllt inctty 'a'll ~uilding. S,, who.thor existing or proTcs~5., indic~%e ail sot-h~Ck d~.rae~,sions :~rom proro6rty tincs~' ~ive street an~ %crc or dcccri~tion aecoriing to , '~ ~nd 'show stroet~ nar,~ b,~d inii'cat,c interior or corner lot. I~icate cleverly location oD orb~sed [{railSr on Irgmiscs, showing distances ~r,- .al! ~u~din~.~ and ~rcrcrty lines. . : C~unty of ~,~ ) ho is thc ~.~.~'%nt. abcvd ~,:~d-... Ho [~ ~''c ' (owner or losses,or oS said owner or owners, end is duly ~utherized to mskc an~ file this -' li~'~ znd tL~t al'! ~t~.tcu,~nt.s containci in this application are t~o to the h~st of kncwlc~r.o ~.nd ~'elficf: and thn, t. tho tr~tlo~ wf~i ~'.iS~,Q~d in tho ~anncr set forth·