HomeMy WebLinkAboutField InspectionsFIELD INSPECTIONS WED., JUNE 11, 2008 8:00 AM SOUTHOLD Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of STEVEN & SEVGI UYANIK request a Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to remove partial remains of existing bulkhead. Re-grade existing bank to top of bluff. Construct 88' of new bulkhead in place; 8' return on west end and 16' return on east end. Remove all existing rocks encountered during construction and replace as armoring at base of new bulkhead upon completion. Remove existing platform and stairway to beach. Construct new 10'X 16' upper deck; 10'X 12' lower deck and 3' wide stairways to beach in new location. Provide 10' wide non-turf buffer zone behind new bulkhead. Re-vegetate with Cape American Beachgrass. Install erosion control geometric design nylon matting "Enkamat" 7010 or equal from base of bluff to top of bluff and ;e-vegetate slope with a combination of Bayberry, Rosa Virginia and Beach Plum plantings. Located: 55055 North Rd., Southold. SCTM#44-1-6 MEET WITH JOHN COSTELLO GREENPORT B. Laing Assoc., Iric. on behalf of GEORGE BALDWIN requests a Wetland Permit to install 8' of bulkhead on each landward end of the existing bulkhead above AMHW. Placement of 24 If. of gabion baskets landward of AMHW to provide shoreline stabilization. Located: 1045 Island View Lane, Greenport. SCTM#57-2-21 EAST 6. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of THOMAS & ANDREW ZOITAS request a Wetland Permit to install an in-ground swimming pool, patio, and landscaping within 100' from the top of the bluff, retain a 30' non-turf buffer and construct beach access stairs. Located: 6255 North Rd., Greenport. SCTM#40-1-7 ROBERT KOEBELE requests a Mooring Permit in Gull Pond for a 9' boat, replacing Mooring #10. Access: Public DOUG KALUNAS requests an Administrative Amendment to Permit #1068 to repair +/-35' of the existing 3ulkhead. Located: 624 Osprey Nest Rd., Greenport. SC'¥M#35-6-25 MARION/ORIENT En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of lAN & AMANDA MORRIS requests a Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit for the pre-existing 16.8'X 17.8' attached deck; pre-existing 11.3' X 14.4' deck; and pre-existing timber stairs and platforms on the bluff. Located: 1595 Aquaview Ave., East Marion. SCTM#22-2-4 Frank Uellenc:ahi, A~-chitect on behalf of EDWARD & CATHERINE FORTE requests an Administrative Permit to extend the existing structure iandward. Located: 710 Truman's Path, East Marion. SCTM#31-12-3 Regi Weile, Architect on behalf of IRWIN SEIGEL requests a One-Year Extension to Permit #6421, as issued on August 23, 2006. Located: 17327 Main Rd., East Marion. SCTM#23-1-14.1 Young & Youn§ on behalf of SARGON VINEYARDS requests an Administrative Permit to install a deer fence along the northern portion of the property. Located: 500 Sou,qdview Dc., Orient. SCTM#13-2-8.2 FENCE CODE - Press # then 3885. 10.Young & Young on behalf of VALLO BENJAMIN requests an Administrative Permit for the as-built deer fence along the northern portion of the property. Located: 24315 Route 25, Orient. SCTM#13-2-4 FENCE CODE - Press # then 3585. 11. SOPHIE LATI'~AM & PRISCILLA JAMIESON request a Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Per,'nit to rebuild the existing jetty and repair the existing bulkhead. Located: 2180 Peter's Neck Rd., Oder, t. SCTM#32-1-6.1 iNSPECT AT LOW-TIDF 12. BRUNO SEMON requests an Onshore/Offshore Stake Permit in Narrow River fora 19' boat, replacing Stake #23. Access: Public 13. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of SUSAN MAGRINO DUNNING requests an Amendment to Wetland Permit #6257 & Coastal Erosion Permit #6257C to demolish the existing single-family dwelling and rear deck/steps, and construct a new single-family dwelling, rear decking, swimming pool and hot tub. Located: 925 Stephenson's Rd., Orient. SCTM#17-1-2.1 SOUTHOLD 14. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of JOANN WALKER requests an Amendment to Permit #6470 to eliminate the proposed pool deck, change ~he end of the proposed addition to the dwelling from round to square, and inkind/inplace repair of the existi;'~g beach stairs, beach cabana, wood platform and roof over wood platform. Located: 290 Town Harbor Terrace, Sou[hold. SCTM#66-1-33 15. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of KEVlN GALLAGHER requests a Wetland Permit to install a Bio-Log System (with fill and native plantings) within two (2) separate areas along the southern shoreline of subject property in order to prevent any further erosion thereon. Located: 40 Beechwood L~me, Southold. SCTM#70-10-62.1 16. MICHAEL CARBONE requests a~q Administrative Permit to remove all stumps and plant Leyland Cypress trees along the seaward side of the water main easement. Located: 1330 North Bayview Rd., Southold. SCTM#70-12-33.1 17. MICHAEL CARBONE requests an Administrative Permit to remove all stumps and plant Leyland Cypress trees along the seaward side of the water main easement. Located: 1380 North Bayview Rd., Sou[hold. SC'?'M#?0-12-33.2 18. Surfo~k Environmeatal Consulting, Inc. on behalf of BRUNO FRANKOLA ~'equests an Amer, dmen'; 'to Fermi[ #5999 to construct an 8'X 16' deck with stairs to grade located 49' from the wetland boundary, and to extend the length of the two existing concrete retaining walls by 10' each, located 53' and 70' from the wetland boundary. Located: 840 Northfield Lane, Southold. SC',~ M#71-1 -I 9 19. THOMAS D. PROKOP requests an Administrative Permit to remove existing dead junipers and retted wooden walkway; replace wooden walkway in different location; replant area with natural grasses and mulch. Locatec;: 2245 Lktte Pecoaic Bay Lane, Soutno;d. SCTM#90-1-16 20. McCarthy Management, Inc. on behalf of BAYVlEW PACIFIC, LTD CIO PATRICK MCCARTHY requests a Wetland Permit to remove the enclosed porch attached to the existing dwelling and construct an 18'X 34'9" addition in same location and a 15'X 34'9" deck. Located: 1100 Pine Ave., Southold. SCTM#77-3-1 MEET WITH TOM MCMCARTHY 21. LEO & VIRGINIA ALESSl request the last One-Year Extension to Permit #6190, as issued on August 24, 2005. Located: 1700 Cedar Point Dr. East, Southold. SCTM#92-1-3 22. ~_n-Consult&nts, ;?~c. on behalf of ANTHONY & GIUSTINA IENNA requests an Amendment to Permit #2009 to replace the existing dock with a fixed timber dock, consisting of a 3'X 21' fixed catwalk; 3'X 14' hinged ramp; and 6'X 16' float secured by (2) 6" dia. pilings. Located: 500 Glenn ;-Td., Southold. SCTM#78-2-3 23.JOHN & CYNTHIA SWISKEY request a Mooring Permit in Corey Creek for a 23' boat, ~'ep;acin9 Mooring #69. Access: Private 24. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of JOSEPH & JUNE IAVARONE requests a Wetland Permit to demolish the existing dwelling, construct new dwelling 75' r~'orn the bulkhead and install a new sanitary system more than 100' flom the bulkhead. Located: 405 Woods Lane, Peconic. SCTM#86-6-4 CUTCHOGUE/NEW SUFFOLK 25. GUSTAVE J. WADE requests an Administrative Permit to remove approx. 48 Locust trees, approx. 150 Poison Ivy vines and place 3" of natural woodchips on the surface. Located: 1024 East Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#110-7-28 26. Garret( A. Strang, Archkect on behalf of 2000 BROADWATERS LLC requests a Wetland Permit to replace the existing two-car garage with a new single-family dwelling with deck, terrace, sanitary system, lawn area ~v'ith retainin.q walls and path to dock, and drywells to contain roof run-off. Located: 2000 Broadwaters Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-9-12 27. Garrett A. Strang, Architect on behalf of 2000 BROADWATERS LLC requests a Well,nd Permit to construc[ a 4'X '[24' fixed catwalk, a 2.5' X 12' rsmp and 6'X 20 floating dock. Located: 2000 Broadwaters Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-9-12 28.ARNOLD BLAIR requests a Wetland Permit for the as-built log gazebo and to re-vegetate a cleared area. Located: 4660 Vanston Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-10-15 29. Patrick Brennan, Architect on behalf of LAWRENCE HIGGINS requests a pre-submission inspection to construct a two-story beach house with walk- out basement, in-ground swimming pool, deck and pergola. Located: 410 Jackson St. & 484 Jackson St., New Suffolk. SCTM#117-10-3.3&3.4 30. BONNIE NAULi' requests a Mooring Permit in East Creek for a 25' boat, replacing Mooring #757. Access: Public 31. OLIVE HOWARD requests an Onshore/Offshore Stake Permit in West Creek for a 15' boat. Access: Public MATTITUCK 32. En-Consultar~ts, h~c. on behalf of STRONG'S MARINE, INC. requests a Wetland Permit to construct approx. 344 Ir. of vinyl bulkhead in place of existi~,9 ~,im~,e~ bu,khead; regr~ove -h'-.~.' & +/-31' northerly sections of existing timber bulkhead and construc'~ +/-30' of new vinyl bulkhead landward thereof (excavate approx. +/-20 cy. of material from between old arid new walls to a depth of-2'ALW); maintenance dredge (to a max. depth of -5' ALW) approx. 390 cy. spoil from area up to 20' off. bulkhead; reuse approx. 75 cy. excavated/spoil material as backfill and truck rernaining +/-335 cy. of material off'site to an approved upland source; reconstruct platforms and ramps attached to bulkhead; and replace existing paved pa~'king and gravel walkway areas behind bulkhead. Replace/upgrade existing fuel t.ank and pumps with 6K gasoline tank and 2.5K diesel tank. Located: 2402 Camp Mineola Rd.,Mattituck. SCTM#122- 9-6.2 33. Linda Mercurio on behalf of SEAN & DEBORAH HALLAHAN requests a pre-submission i~spection to discuss the possibility of constructing a docking facility. Located: 440 Rochelle Place, Mattituck. SCTM#144-5- 25.1 34. En-Consuit&r~ts, inc. on behalf ot ANNE REI',~GANESCHI requests a Wetlan,~ Permi~ ~o construct approx. 112 iinear ft. of vinyl bulkhead in place of exis'~,;*,9 timber bulkhead and backfill wiIh approx. 25 cy. clean sand from an approved upland source. Located: 2005 Westview Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#107-7-4 SOUNDVIEW AVE.,SOJTHOL. D 35. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of RICHARD JOHNSON & PAMELA MAINO requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 10' ramp up to a 4'X 18' level fixed dock section with a 3'X 10' seasonal wooden ramp onto a seasonal 5'X 18' floating dock secured by (2) 4"X 4" posts. Located: 7617 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#59-6-9 36. R.O. Barratt PE on behalf of SHUI CHING CHEN requests a Wetland Permit to construct an addition to the existing dwelling, abandon existing we;I snd cesspool, install a new septic system and raise grade level to elevations 9.4' and 10.2' when excavation spoil and top soil is replaced after installation, r.~nd connect to public water service. Located: 7433 Sound¢iew Ave., Sodthold. SCTM#59-8-5.1 37. CHARLES LUYSTER requests an Administrative Permit to construct an 8'X 12' storage shed. Located: 1870 Leeton Dr., Southold. SCTM#58-2-7 38. Suffolk -2nv,ronme,'~tal Consuit[rt9, Inc. on behal',: of LLOYD KAPLAN ~'equests an Adrr, i."¢istrative Permit to maintenance trim the existing vegetation alc. r,9 d~e top of tile bluff within the central section of the property. Located: 105 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#50-2-3 FISHERSISLAND MICHAEL & SUSAN JEFFRIES ,'equest a Wetland Permit to install an in- ground swimming pool 56.6' from the top of the bank and terrace with a iow brick re';ainin9 wsll 45.8' '/ro~-~, the top of the bank. Located: Private P,d., Fisi~ers ts;an~. SC I-M#~ 2-! 1 ROBERT NOYES requests a Oc, e-Year Extension to Wetland Permit #6410 and Coastal Erosion Permit #6410C, as issued on July 19, 2006. Located: East End Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#3-2-1