HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-75.-5-6.1FRI 15:~0 FAX ~1~ DAYIDOFF ~ALITO ~UTCHE~ DAVIDOFF MALITO & HUTCHER LLP 605 Third Avenue 34th Floor New York, New York 10158 (212) SS?-7200 Telccopiers (212) 286-1884 (212) 286-19~3 TO: FAX: FROM: Mark Terry Planning Department (631) 765-3136 Howard B. Presant DATE: July 8, 2005 YILENO.: 4878.003 NO. OF PAGES (Including cover sheet): 2 - Re: ~ Creek MESSAGE: The attached Conservation Subdivision has been marked by me to show separation of the two (2) development areas by moving la to the north. Size to remain the same. The separation of the two (2) 1.5 acre sites provides privacy for each, and in the writer's opinion, enhances the value of lot 1 by placing the house in the center of a conservation area. Please let me have your thoughts on the matter. Very tru~.~yours, ~ H~J/. Presaut THI;~ MBSSAOE IS [NT~ND~D ONLY FOR THE USE OF T~ ~DIVDUAL OR ENTITY TO ~ICH IT ~S ~D~SSED, ~D MAY CO~ ~FO~TION THAT IS PRWI~OED. C0~EN~IAL A~ ~ ~OM D~C~U~ D~R APPLIC~L~ LAW, · THE ~ER O~ ~[S MESSAO~ ~ NOT THE ~T~ ~CIPI~NT, OR ~ ~LO~ OR AGE~ ~SPONS~LE FOR DEL~E~ING T~ M~SAGE TO ~ ~N~ ~CIPIENT, YOU ~E ~E~BY NOT~D ~T ANY DISSEMINA~ON, DIS~UT~N OR COP~G OF ~I~ CO~UNI~TION 15 S~I~Y PKOHIB~D. W YOU l~ ~CE~D T~I$ C~ ~ICATION IN ~ROR, PLEASE NO~ US ~D~T~LY BY ~PHONE ~D ~TURN ~E ORIG~AL MES~AOE TO US AT ~ ~O~ ~SS v~, THE U.S ~iTAL SERVICE ~ANK YOU. FRI tS:21 FAX 212 286 1983 DAVIDOFF MALITO HUTC~ER O02 r t~uh'em~t~ of ~ 75/75 Conr.~vaQon ~ubdlvB~on, ot the ~7~97~ sq. ft of ~ui~ab~ w~cb yiel~ 8 lot~ by ~aly t$,7~ ~. ~ may ~ developed luta 2 lat~. ft (i Terr~, Mark From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Terry, Mark Tuesday, August 03, 2004 7:58 AM Spiro, Melissa Scopaz, Valerie Peconic Bay Winery 75-- 5-6.1 I reviewed the yield plan with the PB last night and queried them on their proposed sketch plan requirements: The PB would require a cluster lot configuration of 30,000 sq ft lots. Lots would be clustered in the southern area of the parcel. All lots may be configured to include waterfront. I will calculate the moratorium criteria today. ¥ 08/02/20B~ 0!:17 ~12040~11 PECONIO LAND TRUST PA~E 01 ~e: mlJqp~t [~ForRe~w OPleasoCommer~ DJ~h~eReply Ol~toeRewcte 08~02/20~ 01:1' 631204071i PECONIC LAND TRUST O h 8O,OO6 scI. .~ ?etonic I~nd Trust 0~/02/20~4 0i~l 63i204071i PECONIC LAND TRUS1 PAGE 82 o N In order to satisfy the requirements of the Moratorium, 75% of the Buildable Acreage (which excludes wetlands) must be protected. Therefore, of 15.5+ buildable acres, 11.6+ acres must be protected, leaving 3.9+ acres of the buildable land for a development area. ' 50' 100' 200' Prepared By: Dawn Haight;, 02 April 04 the Lands of Tax Map Number: 1000-75-6-6.1  Peconic Land Trust Peconic Bay Winery Concept Plan To ^creage:20.7*a P.O. Box 1776 Southampton, New York 11969 Town of Southold One (631) 283 - 3195 Suffol]( County, New York JUN 2 2 2004 DEPT. OF LAND PRESERVAT(ON LASER FICHE FORM SUBDIVISIONS Proiect Type: Conservation Status: Incomplete SCTM # ' 1000 - 75.-5-6.1 Proiect Name: Peconic Land Trust/Peconic Bay Wine Location: Hamlet: Peconic Applicant Name: Owner Name: Zone 1: Approval Date: PLAT Si.qned Date: Peconic Bay Winery ,Zone 2: C and R's' OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information Zone 3: Homeowners Association: R and M ARreement: Address: County Filin.q Date: SCAN Date: "-~SCANNED Records Management