HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/12/2008 James F. King, President
Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President
Pegg~ A. Dickerson
Dave Bergen
Bob Ghosio, Jr.
WED., MARCH 12, 2008
Town Hall
53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971-0959
Telephone (631) 765-1892
Fax (631) 765-6641
8:00 AM
1. InspTgct the property of BAYBERRY ESTATES to verify the wetland flags,
in accordance with the request for a letter of no jurisdiction. Located:
SCTM#56-1-1,55-6-36 & 55-6-35
~,!.'~'~, ~' P°lywaters Permits' L~rC °~ehalf °f GARDINER'S BAY ESTATES
HOMEOWNERS ASSl~C/'requests a pre-submission inspection to
discuss the dredging of-~l~fe center of the western canal in Spring Pond, to
~'--~'¥,J" remove the accumulating silt and sediment. Located: Spring Pond, East
Marion. SCTM#37-4-17
3. Proper-T Permit Services on beh/~ of CLEAVES POINT POA requests~a
Wetland Permit to resheath~ec_~ns, totaling up to 32+/- linear ft.
maximum, of the landward sf~l~Cf existing bulkhead using vinyl, T&G
plank sheathing with filter fabr~ l~er, and backfill with 20+/- cy. of clean
sand from an upland source. Located: 345 Qsprey Nest Rd., Greenport.
4. Peconic Associates on behalf of STir'LING HARBOR SHIPYARD AT
~ . ,¢hGREENPORT INC. request..5,,¢ W~fland Permit to replace in the same
. 9~..~6-~ ,l~.c,,ation as the existing, appr .,'~. 5 lip.ear ft. of deteriorated bulkhead, on
L, ~,~ zr "D dock, on "C" dock and ~)n t'~"work' dock, and remove/replace 1000
43 P' cy. of material behind the replaced bulkhead; replace 4100 sf. of fixed
dock with 4300 sf. of floating dock; replace 205 existing pilings in
conjunction with the fixed docks with 32 pilings to secure the proposed
floating docks. Located: Stirling Harbor, Greenpo~CTM#43-3-2
_"~. ANN MARIE NELSON requests a One-Yea~xtension to Permit #6354
t,P~ as issued on April 19, 2006. Located: 14:~Z)'9th St., Greenport. SCTM#45-
6. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of C JCl requests an
Amendment to,Permit #6725 to construct a 80'X 112' commercial building
to ,contain a 40 X 80' garage/storage area, 12'X 80' common area, 4.2.'~(
40 retail or office space and a 42'X 40' office space. Second-floor t
contain a 33'X 36' apartment and a 3,772 unfinished attic space.
(. ~ Proposed structure will be served by one attendant sanitary system and
~r~,~, ~_~-~,drywells to handle stormwater run-off. C,,onstruct a parking area with
attendant drainage to accommodate a 2' rainfall event. Located: 74495
~,~" .X.~',~ Route 25, Greenport. SCTM#45-4-4.1
~ .~.,s? 7. Sherman Engineering & Consulting, P.C. on behalf of CHRISTIAN & /
,~.~,~j~,~.~ HEIDI FOKINE requests a ,,Wetland Permit to remove the existin~r step,,~,
and to construct a 4'X 5!.4' catwalk using transparent plastic oral, m/
grated decking, a 4'X 12 10" prefabricated metal ramp, and a 5'X
(~ ,,~.~,.~. floating dock. Located: 2505 Wells Ave., Southold. SCTM#70-4-18
o~,~,~ -\_~Xid'8' an Amendment to Permit #6224 to ~onstruct a new uncovered entry deck
k Samuels & Steelman Architects on,behalf of WALTER GITLIN requests
and steps on the north side of the house; remove approved steps frown
south Side deck to grade; and install a 7' high fence from house to gar~g,~,
encloSing garden. Located: 1180 Smith Drive South, Southold. SCTM#~6-
9. DBV Partners on behalf of ADRIAN SAPOLLNIK requests an
Administrative Permit to trim/remove trees and brush from with'~0 theJ
wetland buffer area. Located: 225 Lakeside Dr. South, Southold.~/
SCTM#90-3-11 \
,10. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of THOMAS GIESE requests
a Wetland Permit to remove the remains M-e×iSting wooden dock, cut
down 32'+/- of ex st ng bulkhead to 9¢~(J~ level Construct a 4'X 12'
walkway onto a 4 X 34 fixed do.c~ with a 3 X 20 "L" sect on decked to 46"
wide at offshore end. Located!'"5860 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM#138-
// Broadwaters Rd., Cutchoa42/e. ~(~TM#104-9-14~
12. Garrett A. Strang, Architect o,~/behalf,~ SPIR~EROULAN~/requests
a Wetland Permit to install~n ~-g~rC~'nd sv~ming pool,'~%rr~e, retaining.,,.~'~
wall, and new lawn are~..ocat~///21'~roadwaters Rd.,'X~,utchog.u~
· SCTM#104-9-13 / k.~,-'/
13. Garrett A. Strang, Archit/ect o,j~ehalf,.~PIRO GEROU LANO$~uests
an Amendment t~o (i¢o'~e the exi~ing_dock,
~catwalk, dock, ~2 _arne .Iocatior/; _~.a_t_~ be I~[ward so_//'
'~s to be abov~ 'Et float· Locate(~ 2130 ~roedwaters Rd/:.,
Outch°gue'~TM~7-9_-13 ....
14. Creative Environme/ntal Design on behalf CENNIS HICKEY requests an
Amendment to Permit ¢6779 to install a/f~gpole above the non-
disturbance buffer, below the retaininj;y~vall. Located: 175 Clearwater
Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM¢118-5-2.2/
15. ROGER FLORE requests a Transfer of Permit ¢5053 f/rd~ William Walsh
to Roger Fiord, as issued on August 31, 1999. Loca~d: 1555 Fleetwood
Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM¢137-4-34
16. ROGER FLORE requests an Administrativ.~d'ermit for the existing 6'X 27'
second-story deck and 16'X 27' deck att~fhed to the existing dwelling,
and for the existing 10'X 16' detached/C'eck. Located: 1555 Fleetwood
Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM¢137-4-34
17. Condon Engineering, P.C. on behalf of MARY ANN MEARS requJi~ss a
Wetland Permit to remove existing wood steps; construc"t~n att~ed
,, wood deck and steps onto an existing one-story; one-fam~l,d~l~lling, and
~r- install gravel French drain for roof/deck run-o~.[L.~j?,a.t'ed.' l~'eear~ Dr.,
Cutchogue. SCTM#116-5-12
18. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of MICHA/EL & HEATHER GILL
requests a Wetland Permit to construct a ;~cond-sto~ addition; one-story
garage addition; re-construct existing deCk; abandon x~ting cas, spools
and install new conforming septic syst(~C-n. [.,oc~,t9~-¢¢325 Lupton s Point
Rd., Mattituck. SOTM#115-11-9 ~//
19. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf,of LE-~'VlS TOPPER requests ,a Wetland
Permit to demolish the existing 31 X 49' .~me hou,se located 15 north of
the existing bulkhead and co~.~struct a~X 60 !wo-story dwelling 40'
north of the bulkhead; reloca, te.~,'~,, i'to, v,,ate,the 18 X 37' accessory
structure presently Io~-~.~2~(~h of the bulkhead to 154' north of the
bulkhead; a,bandon the~is't'i~gJsepflc system and install a new sanitary
system 125 from the burl~bead and 125' from AHW; install drywells for
contain'ment of stormwater run-off, and create a 10' non-turf buffer.
Located: 3605 Camp Mineola Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#123-6-13
x20. Louis P. Giacalone, Ehasz Gia~lone Architects, P.C. on behalf of
~.-"~/EDUCATIONAL AND CUL~,~RAL FUND (Santorini Beachcomber
~l~lotel) requests a Wetlan~"Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to replace the
~ asphalt shingles on all tJ~fee buildings (two mote bud ngs and the
~P'J ~, restau:rant). Ren~vate/~ll three buildings (outside and inside)to modern ze
the complex. Loc~te/e': 3800 Duck Pond Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#83-2-
'~/2/.Jeffrey T. Butler on behalf of DANIEL HUME requests a Wetland Perr~it t¢
? construct beach stairs and related walkways and platforms. Located',,/,~',
/ 13945 Oregon Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#83-2-9.1r-,, _ _ '~' ~ -'~
/ 22. Jeffrey T. Butler on behalf of JOHN ELICK, AS 'I~S~T~E/E reque/s ~a~v~%.
% Wetland Permit to construct beach stairs and relate8 walkways
"',,%platforms. Located: Oregon Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#95-1-5
23.Costello Marine Contracting Co/on behalf of RICHARD K. JO,H, NSON
PAM,E, LA MAINO request a V~etland Permit to construct a 4'X 10 ramp up
to a 4 X 18' level f!xed,, oc~,k~,.ecti,on ,with a 3'X 10' seasonal wooden ramp
onto a seasonal 5 X 18'~ating dock secured by (2) 4"X 4" p~;;;~.
Located: 7617 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#59-6-9~
24. Ural Talgat on behalf of PAUL & CHERYL RAGUSA req'd~sts~'"'-a Wetland
Permit to install an in-ground swimming pool and terrace addi, ti.~.
Located: 1600 Hyatt Rd., Southold SCTM#50-1-6 -
_~&'S/uffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of LLOYD KAP/I,.AN
£~',.~,,,~equests a Wetland Permit to construct a swimming pool with a//
.(~ -xC~"~rrounding patio and attendant pool equipment, pool ~trywelJ/'and pool
'~' fencing, landscaping, landscape retaining wall and entr'~nce/'gate.
ated: 105 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#50-2-3~/~
Docko, Inc. on behalf of ROBERT MEYER requests a Wetland Permit to
reconstruct 138+/-If. of 5.7' wide fixed wood pile and timber pier including
ladders and four braced tie-off piles waterward of the high tide line.
Located: Crescent Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#6-1-12.1
Docko, Inc. on behalf of WILLIAM GAILLARD requests a Wetland Permit
to construct a 6'X 20' timber and pile supported pier extension and an 8'X
20' float with associated restraint piles, hinged ramp and one tie-off pile all
waterward of the apparent high water line. Located: Bell Hill Ave., Fishers
Island. SCTM#9-3-5
JM.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of FISHERS ISLAND FERRY
DISTRICT requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge an 80'X
480' channel to -20' ALW. The resultant spoil (+7,800 cy. of sand and
cobble) will be disposed of an island site upland disposal site. Located:
Foot of Fox Lane, Fishers Island.
Docko, Inc. on behalf of PIRATE'S COVE MARINA, INC. requests a
Wetland Permit to reconstruct straddle hoist piers and facilities at the
southwesterly corner of the boatyard. Located: Off Peninsula Rd. in Inner
Harbor, Fishers Island. SCTM#10-3-22
Docko, Inc. on behalf of FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB requests a
Wetland Permit to replace an existing 6'X 95' main float with a 6'X 95'
concrete float, construct a 6'X 30' main float extension, install four new 3'X
24' finger floats with associated restraint piles, add a 30 sf. pier extension
and three braced fender/tie-off piles to an existing fixed pier, all waterward
of the apparent high water line. Located: Central Ave., Fishers Island.
Docko, Inc. on behalf of HAY HARBOR CLUB requests a Wetland Permit
to reconstruct and relocate two 16' X 16' floats with new restraint pilings,
and one 14'X 16' float, install one new 14'X 16' float and new 10'X 42'
float with associated restraint pilings. Reconstruct 400 If. of fixed wood pile
and timber access walkway and pier of variable width, conduct
maintenance dredging, 25 cy. of sand from the diving area for upland
disposal at the beach, on site. Add new restraint pilings to an existing float
waterward of the apparent high water line. Located: Fox Ave., Fishers
Island. SCTMfl9-3-1
7. Docko, Inc. on behalf of LINDA BORDEN requests a Wetland Permit to
construct 4' wide stairs with a 4'X 4' landing, 20 If. of 4' wide wood pile and
timber pier and two 5' wide stairs from pier to beach and Iow step along
side of pier. Located: Equestrian Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#9-9-27.4
8. Bruce D. Kinlin, Architect on behalf of ANN G. DEARBORN requests a
Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to connect the two existing
dwellings on the property and expand landward of the existing dwellings.
Located: Private Rd. off East End Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#4-3-1