HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrowell, HaroldTOWN OF$OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. SINGLE TRAILER OR HOUFEC iR LOCATION ~ERMIT Date ~; ~959 Name l{arold L. 0rowell Street E/S D.._n ~nl. D~-tv- Town ~att~,mk; N.Y. Your application for a (single trailer) (~(permit was reviewed by the Town Board on .~,,ly ? . 19~9 , and (l~P~) (was not) approved. denied reloee te permit is hereby ~to ~ a (single trailer) (l~l~g~, license number or serial number /.5-21587 and the following pursuant to application dated -;-~ ?.~ !959 conditions: permission denied t,o r,aloeate tee. lief on t~erminen~ ~sis, TOWN BOkRD, TOWN OFSOUTH@LD Town e~k' .... . ,.,.. ~. T,O'Ui~IST C~37 ' · ' ' ....' ....... P~.t e .. ....... ~ . . .,, . ; ,, ' a, This application ~st %e com~{e~i~ fiiled'tn"%y.t~Vr$~r or f~ i~ and mitred in duplicate to the Town Clerk, ._ %, rlot /.l~n showin6 loca~Izn of lot an~ of hil~tn~ on premi~e~, relation:hiT to a~jotnin~ ri.revises or fublio ~treets or-areas, ~n& 61vin~ a ~et~ile~ description of layou~ of ~roTerty an&"..proTose& location of trailer mst %e &rawn cn the ~t~ra~ which i~ ~r~ of~ thi~ a~Tli~atfon, c, ~on approval of this application, tt:e Town Board will i~sue a trailer permit to the arplicant. ~ch permit shall be kept on the Fremises ~vatla~ie for.. in- srection.. . - · . d. No trailer shall be occuried cr used in'w'ho'le 'or' in_part far an~ pu~cae what- ever other thJ~.n s~ecified in hermit. Apr. lication is hereby ma.to to the Town Board for the issuance cf a Trailer rermit ~ursuant to the ~utl..iing Zone Er.iinance of the Town oF ~ou'thold, Suffolk County, Ne~,., York, and other ap~Jlicable L~ws, Ordinances or Re~lations. The a~plic~t agrees to comply with all aFplicatle laws, crdin$,nce~ and re~lations. ( Siym~ture of ap21ic~t ) Address State whether a~ticant is owner, lessee or agent.. Yame of Owner oe_ premises ..... ~ ....................... . ,....,. If applicant is a ccrpcrate, signature cf duly authorized officer. N~.me and title o cor~orate o icer 1 Location of land on which Troposed trailer will be located....,.... .... .......,. St eot and N~N,b ' ' - ~ ~ , . , ~.,. ,.. . .. , . , . ~ta',to existing use S, nd occupancy of rremises and intended use and ,c~pancy. ~f ~rorose~ trailer: ~.. ~Exioting .u~e and occupancy. .................... .............. .... c.......Peri°d, of time. ...trailer.~ .,..~is~ ~te be located on :.~remi~es .~.~.,. -- . ~ . ' ' '"';' '"~' (to be r, aidcn filing ,~rrlicat ~n) ~. .;~ ......... . .......... 4' mimensions of trailer, length ,¥idth z, egiatration >Tumber ............ ~ .,~ ,. . ~Serial number'[ 5, S'[ze cfi lotl Front, ...... ~,~ecr. , ..,~ · ,,, .... ~.. ?. Zone er u~c ~i:tri'ct i'n which ~romisee are aituatcd. ,. . . .. . 8 I.~s proposed u~e violate ,~.ny zoning . .law' ordin~mcc or rcgu~t'~ .... , ~ ..," · : ~ Y. Source of Water 2uDFly ........................... .. , .- , . . . . " . . .... ., . '~ "' " ' rLOT ~~~" .' - .." . . " Locate c'lea, r~T~' a~d dist'in~ttM'ali .bu~.l~n~s, 'whether existi, ng-o~ prc~c~, indicate ali '~ctLb~;c~:.dSmensions-fr~m.1}z'oroer6y li'nes. Give street ~d' ~o].0'C~ 'hum-.. %0~ or doec. ri~..tSon ~,ccnrtSug to .5¢,~i, ,m'~d' ~hc~'.,r atr~et-nama~, and. 5nJ.ica~.~ ,:.~-~,.... interior or co~ho~'!o~", t.ndicate..clcarl7 lpcation of proponcd traitdr on ~Omlscs, ~howing dS. sta,nce~ from all iui!dings'~d'prepcr'ty lines.' .- ' ... ..... .. , ,. ' ' "" ' '""'~ '"':'~";~'{' ~'/' 'q' ~e'n¢' dui; that h4 is tho .~rFlic .... nt abcve n,.med He is tho ,.~r.¢-~"~.';'"~"~.,, ,' ..... .. . (ewer or loas~¢,or, agent) '"o¢ s~;~d-gv..,~er or- owners, a,n~ is duly autherised to make ami fi[lo this ,.Ta~d. t.l'~at ,ail s{atcmm~ts, containei in,thi~,~rp$}cation are true to tho bo~ o-i' '~-~s knowt6.t.~[~-,.~.nd'~ot¢.ef~-and that tho trailer will %e tocatod in the manner set,forth in tiJ'.~,~,-~i~at~02 filed therewith.' ' . .... ~- ...~ ~¢~~ .... ... ~NOt oryPubli Notary Pub/[c, State of New Y~'~. ~o, 52-3344963, Suf~ofk County a. This application must be completely £ille~ in by typewriter or in ink and sub- mitted in duplicate to the Town Clerk. b, Plot plan showing locatlcn of lot end of ~uildings on premises, relationship to a~joining ~remises or public streets or areas, and givin~ a detailed description .of layout of property and proposed location of trailer mu§t b~ dra~.~ cn the diagram which is part of this appl$cat!o~. c. Upon approval of this ~pplication, the Town Board 9ill issue a trailer permit to the applicant, Such permit shall be kept on the ~remises available for in- spection. d. No trailer shall be occuFied cr used in whole or in part for any purpose what- ever other th,~n s~ecifie~ in permit. Application is hereby made to the Town Board for the issuance of a Trailer Permit pursuant to the ~uil,$ing Zone Or~inance of the Town oF Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations. The applicaht agrees to comply with all applicable laws~ ord~i~ances and regsblat%ons. (Sign:~ture of ~r_ylicant) Addre~ State whether applicant is owner, les-.ee or agent..~./.~/.n.eJ,. ................... lT~me of 9wner of premises ,,,...~,~,.,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, If applicant iea corporate, signature cf duly authori~zed'iofficer. ' (Name ,~nd title of cor~.orate officer) 1. Location of lan& on. which ~oppsed tr~ler willy,be, ' Street and Number 2, State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and 9ccupsncy ~f proposed trailer: R~-~i~C ~ e.. Existing use and occupancy .................................. b. Intended use ~nd ¢c~urancy ...~.~.~.~.... ....... ~-~ .,~ ........ :~ ...... o, ~eriod ef time trailsr is to be located on rre~i~es ~.{.'f.~.~l.~Y~,~..) .... 3. Fee...~/.-. .................... (66 be ~aid on filing aTrliaati~n) Lees proposed use'viol,~te any zoningflaw ,,or&inomco or .reguAatio~? V-- PLOT 2IAGRZM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether e~ist{'~g or prope'sed, ~nd. indian.to ail ~n.t ~ l~monsions from _pi'oroor~Y_ ~ino~ Give ~tree~ ~nd bors or deccrz~tzon according to leo~, and show street ns. mos and indicate, whetne~ interior er ccri~cr lot. Indica¥'a c!cai-ly loca.t~on o~ oroposcd t'~.ilcr on showing distances from all %uildings and property lines. County off Suffolk ¢ ) . ho ~s tho a~plicant above named. Ho is tho ....... Q~;%% ~ -' (owner or' losses.or agent) of said .Jwnor or owners, and is duly authorized to nmkc ami ~ilo' this .and t,haat..mL1..~tm, tcment, s contain.o~ i.~ .t~zs e~ppl~-cat~on ..re t~e to the best 6f his kno~l.odMu..%~.~oiicfL ~'.nd t~at t~,c. ty.&~.~qr. ~.(i.~l ~e located in thc manner so~. forth in t.h,o ,,,r ~licat~ on f~ls~ thcrewi>h. Sworn to ]~ef~ro me t~is ~ --dr% of (~o%~ryPublic) JU~IIH T. ~tH Hota~ public, ~tate of Hew York No. 52-0344963, Suffolk County Comm,ssio. ~pi~S ~a~ch 30~ l~ ~/ ' (signRture)