HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuckingham, Mrs. FlorenceMarch 11, 1959 ~lrs. Florence Buckingham Post Office Box $ Laurel~ L.I., New York Dear Mrs. Buckingham: Returned herewith is your map which the Town Board has examined and we have made a tracin~ of for our records. Thmuk you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Howard M. Terry Building Inspector Enclosure /Jb February 18, 1959 Mrs. Florence Buckingham P.O. Box 4 Laurel, L.I., New Yolk Dear Mrs. Buckingham: At the Town Board meeting yesterday there was a question raised as $o t~ dimensions of yowa- lot at Westphalia Hoa~ and Horton Road, Mattltuck. Could you please supply to the Board a survey of this prop- erty, preferably a map by a licensed surveyor. There also arose a question as to the agreement you have with the tenants of the existing building as to the use of the entire property. Could you inform us as to whether you b~ve an agreement limiting the use of the entire property by the tenants of the existing house, or whether they are Just tenants of the building. I would appreciate your prompt reply. Very truly yours, HMT/Jb ~oward M. Terry lldlng Inspector Mrs. Florence Buckingham P.O. Box ~ Laurel, New Zork Dear Mrs° Buckinghamt In answer to your letter of ~anuary 12, 19%9 about the proposed location of your trailer on ~orton Road. ! have checked the locations shown on your sketch and find it will meet all the requirements ~f it is not placed closer than 10 feet to the north property line, and the trailer may face either direction you ChOSee Very truly yours, Howard M. Terry Building Ir~peeto~ January 7, 1959 ~rs. Florence Buckingham Main Road Laurel, New York Dear Mrs. Buckingham: Enclosed is permit thr single house trailer located at Westphalia and Horton Roads, Mattituck. You will supply this office, as soon as the vehicle is purchased, the serial number or registration number of the trailer so that we may complete our records. This permit was granted as per the conditions you will note on the bottom of the permit. If there are any questions you may contact me by letter or phone. Very truly yours, Howard M. Terry Building Ins pector Enclosure H~iT/Jb No, 1~ TOWN OF $OUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. SINGLE TRAILFR OR HOU?EC iR ~ N LOC :'.TIO PERMIT Date ~)'~aaarlr 6, 1959 ~'~. Florence ~okin~h~ ~treet Ilain R~cl I,~urel, N Your ar~plication for a (single trailer) ~ permit was reviewed by the Town Board on J~nuar~ $ 19 59, and (was) (~ approved. ¢ permit is hereby issued to locate ~ (single trailer) ~~license number or serial number .J O 10 - I ~ ~- ~ at ¥/S Yestpl~uilia Rd~ N/~ Horto~ ~ ~t,~,.~. pursuant to application dated Jan. 2, 1959 conditions: and Lh~ following (~) per. it for per~ainent occur~nclr le granted on the referring ter~s and conditionel ~'hat all front, eide and rear yar~ requirements of the Zone Ordinance shall ~ co~plied with° TOWN BO:~,RD, TOWN OF HOUTHOL, D / / , ' -; n ' '-- Application No. /~ (~rper~isor .... !nst~ctions a, This a~licst~9~ ~t b~ c9~letely fiile~ ~n by t~ewriter, or in l~ mitte~ in duplicate to the T~'CI~k'. .......... ~' '". , , ' ' ., b. Plot. pl~ show,pg, locat$~p, 9~. l0t snd of ~ilii~s on premiaes, relationship ~Joinl~ premiae~ or public str~t'a' o? ~M~az~' and- g~vi~a d~ta~ted, deacri~tion of layer of property and proposed location off trailer mst be ~rawn on the di~ram Which is part of this application. ~on a~roval of th~s application~, the-Tows Board will iasue a trailer per~t to the .ar~l~c~t;~: ~ch p~rmit a~i' ~ kept[ on the pre~se~ available for s~ection. ~ trailer '~I1 ~e occur, lei or .used in ~hole or in 'Part for, ~y p~ose Whmt~ ever other thom' ~peclfffe~-in permit, Application is here~y ~de t~the To~ Board ~r the i~c~ ~f 'a Trailer Permit ~r~t to the ~ildi~ Zo~' Srdi~nce off the Town oF ~ou~hold, Suffolk l~ew York, ~d other apPlicable ~ws; Ordi~ncea or Re~lhttons. The a}pli~t agrees to co~ly with all applicable laws, o~dinonce~ ~d~e~latio~s. State whether ~pplic~t is o~er. lessee or ~gn~.........,.-,..,... ............. . . ..... .'..., ..... If applicant is a co~orate, signature off ~uly aut.horize~ offficer. (Name and title of. corporate officer) S reet and State exiati~ use proposed trailer: a. ~XTstin~ uae, ~ oc~ancy..~.~.~. .... ~..~.. b. Intended use and oc~p~cy ......... .... . ............ ~.,..,~ .... c, Period of time trailer is to be lo~ted on premises ...~~.. Pe~it is hereby granted upon the follow~g~ terns and'~nditions: (a) .That all front, side and rear yard, Ngqu$~ements of the Southold To~ BUylding ~ne ~di~nce s~ll be c~lied' with. (b) T~t no other residential b~Xl~Xn~ ;r'a6eiitU '.S6 .......... placed upon the premises. 4. Dimensions of trailey,' length-.,.;...w-idth, o .... ,,°height. ...... ~. Size of lot, ~ront~R ......... ~..' ~'~ o~ ~ o~ l~,~ ~. ~=~.,.,~./...~.f.~' '.7..',;.~ .... ?. Zone o~ use ~ts~rict ~ w~Ac~-pr~mt~es ~ro sit~%te~ .... 8~ Lees pr~p~se~ u~e viol,~e nn~ zoning law, or~in~co or ro~l~tion?. ..... %. So==~ of w~o~ ~1~ ~.~ ........ 4' ~ ...... ~ PLOT .DIAG~ - ': ' ind'icat'e all'~s~'~n~a~k ~imensions from ~ro2oerty .linesJ '~ G'i~e' ~r~%~! ~lock num- bers or 4escrin~ion acc.r~g.~o ~eo~, o.n~ ~o~. street m~'~'~ .~4tc~te whetho~ interior or co~'~r tot, Im~i~t'e~.clcarl~.'loc~.tion.of,.~'~b~osJ4 tr~i,ler on, ~romtses, : . .. ,~.~,,~:~',~ . .., . ~ ..~o~ ~F . . /~ , .. .,-'~' Z*' _, X' .. ....... '*'~ ~ ~t~* s~T~ 02. ~'~. ~ ~ ~.. ; .......... :* ho is ~ho ~pplio~n,t above ~mea. ~o is tho ...... ~.~.~ ....... ( owner, or.* los s~. or ~,en~ ) of s~id owner or oEers, ~d is duly muthorized to mskg.~.filo this mpplication: ~d t~%} $lI,a~a~.em~n%~ ,c~{~$4. ~hi~.a~l~{6~'are tee ~o the best of his ~8~1%~q .~'i%~teff~dH~ 't~{ t'ho trailer will b9 lectured.in the ~o~'set forth fE~t'~o 'applicat%o~ filed thorQwi'th. ~' "~ ' ~.to-~6f~J mg thi~''~ day of ,J~.*. · ' *'~ . ;,~~.,./~~.~., . '(~'" 'r~ ) eta ubltc ,.;., APPLICATION F~R LOCATION OF SINGLE AUT0i~OBILE TRAILER OR HOUSE CAR, GUTSIDE OF .TOURIST .C~P * Dmt~... : ..... Inet ~m. ct ione a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and sub- mitted in duplicate to the Town Olerk. b. Plot plan showing location bf lot' ~nd ol' ~uildings on premises, relationship to adjoining prdmises or' public street's' or areas, a~d giving a detailed description of layout off~roperty.afi~ pro~o.sed.~.o~a~iqn of trailer ~us~ be draw~ on the diagram wH~eh is'p~rt of 'this ~ll~atiOn.. ' ~ c. ~on a~roval of thi~ a~li~atioh, the Town Bbard will issue a t~iler permit to the applic~t. ~ch permit ~11 be kept on the pre~ses available For in- spection. d. No trailer s~ll be occupied or used in whole or in part for ~y p~oee what- ever ether th~n specified in pe~it. Application is hereby made to the Town Board for the issuance of a Trailer Permit pursuant to the Building Zone .~rdinance of the Town oF ~outhold. Suffolk County, l~ew York, and other applicable ~Laws, ~rdinances or Regulhtions. The applicator agrees to comply with all applicable ~aws, ordinances and reguZations. (Sig31atUre of applicant) '/" ' ' A~dress State whether applicant is owner, lessee or agent ..... ~ ........... · If a~lic~t is a co~or~te, si~ature of duly authorize~ officer. (~,,m d 'ti~e 'of at ) e an torpor e officer ........ - ' 1,' ~ocation'~f Iafld .6fl whicB pror~sed trailer will be located..~ . Street ~d ~r .~~~~.~ 2, State exiatt~ ~e .and o~cu~cy of premise~ ~d intended use a~ ~ccupancy e, · P,ri~' ~'f ~i~e t~ail~' ~ to be located on premise~ .,..~~. Permit is hereby granted upon the following. ,terms and conditions: (a) That all front, side and rear yard requirements of the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance shall m be complied with. (b) That no other residential building or dwelling' be placed upon the premises. .................... .(to %e,DSi~, on filing ~i~P.ti. cati~n) ~. .Dimensions of trailer le~th...%%....~i~t~;.,.,..~;~eigh~.~ .... ' ' Registra%~bn' ~>er ............ :,.., ~ .Sena'l K~...~.... ..... ~ · . . . . 5. Size of_lotl Front~....,.%'~.~r..,. ..... 6. Date of ~urc~se or te¢,s~ of 1 8.- ~oe~ propo~e~ use violate ~ zoning L~w. orai~co or r~Za~io ~, Source of Water ~1~ ,~ ........ ' ...' -.,....,~ . -. c Source 'of &leo~&~ity. ·; ( ....... -,., ......... ,.... · .', -, ,'. .......... ~', Locate cle~rlF' an~ ,d2s~ i~ctly all %~ilai~s,' .~h~her. indicate' all sot~,%ack d~n~&ons-f~om propoertF .be~: or ~escri~tion mccor&ing t~' deo~. ~n~ show ~treet ~':~d ~nd~c~e'~h~her Cnte~or or corneF lo$,, Indicate cloarty "' " ';! '.. ..... ..... ..... ........,.,,,.. ,_.." .., . ......... ',. '""' '-. '"'" · '. ~fr '~ ~! ~' '.¢~*~.'- ~, , , 't.~.~ , · ...... --. Oo~y o¢ ~¢o1~ ... " .. -,, . ~; ...:....,,~% ~ ..~ ' . . ' , · -~ ~4- , , . . ~ ~ . · ~o.,,.(~if&~ ~o~,. ~.~.H~ i., tho ...... ~.~ ~,., ..... · ......... . " , ....... ., ' (owner or lo~soe.c~ o~ent) of '¢~id' owmer or o~ers,"~d is duly"a~thorized tS' ~ko ~i.J~iIe" this a~lication; ~3d t~at all statements ~ontaine& i~ thi~ ~p~lica~io2.are t~e to the'best ef his ~owledgo and ~eliof~' sad 't~t ~ho trailef'~[]l be) leca~ed fn' the mo~er set fforth in' tho ap~lica~on fllod therewith. ~ , ,, (NotaryPublic) ~ ~ ~,,~, ~sMing in SUtTO, K I ._P'p.. o~ e- Ho' = I~'