HomeMy WebLinkAboutCPF Management & Stewardship Plan 2009 Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Adopted by Local Law No. 5 of 2009 March 24, 2009 Filed with Department of State April 13, 2009 Town of Southold Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Prepared by: Melissa Spiro, Southold Town Land Preservation Coordinator James McMahon, Director, Department of Public Works Scott Hilary, Stewardship Coordinator Reviewed by: Natural Resource Management & Stewardship Working Group - Feb. 10, 2009 Southold Town Land Preservation Committee - Feb. 10, 2009 Southold Town Board - Feb. 24, 2009 For additional information, contact: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Southold Town Land Preservation Depar[ment (631) 765-5711 melissa.spiro~,town.southold, n¥.us Table of Contents II. III. IV. V. VI. Introduction ............................................................................ Page 1 Project List and Cost Estimates .............................................. Page 1 Stewardship and Management Expenditures ............................Page 3 Acquisition Expenditures ....................................................... Page 5 Debt Service Expenditures ..................................................... Page 7 Total Proposed Expenditures From Community Preservation Fund ...................................... Page 8 ATTACH M ENTS Attachment A Project List and Cost Estimates ............................... Attachment A 1-6 Spreadsheet ...................................................... Att. A Spreadsheet 1-2 Attachment B Town Owned Easements: Non-Agricultural Properties ............. Att. B 1 Attachment C Town Owned Easements: Agricultural Properties ....................Att. C 1-3 Attachment D Land Preservation Department Budget .................................... Att. D 1 I. INTRODUCTION On July 23, 2008, Governor Paterson signed A.10724/S.811 into law. This legislation enacted into law administrative reforms to the Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund. The legislation became effective as of July 23, 2008. One of the amendments to the law provides that each town may establish a management and stewardship plan for lands acquired by the fund. The revised New York State Town Law Section 64-e 6 reads as follows: "As part of, or in addition, to said Community Preservation Fund Project Plan, each Town Board may also adopt a Management and Stewardship Plan of interests or rights in real property acquired pursuant to this Section. No monies from the fund shall be expended for management and stewardship, except as approved in said Plan. Said Plan may provide management and stewardship projects for up to a three year period and shall provide a description and estimated cost for each project. Said Plan shall be approved and adopted by Local Law and may be updated from time to time at the discretion of the Town Board. Only management and stewardship projects permitted pursuant to Subdivision Nine-A of this section shall be eligible to be included in the Plan." The Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan (CPF Stewardship Plan 2009) provides details pertaining to proposed expenditures from the Community Preservation Fund. The primary purpose of the CPF Stewardship Plan 2009 is to identify how Southold Town will expend monies from the Community Preservation Fund for management and stewardship purposes in 2009 and into 2010. It is intended that the CPF Stewardship Plan 2009 will be amended in early 2010 in conjunction with the Town Board's adoption of the FY2010 budget. The secondary purpose of the CPF Stewardship Plan 2009 is to show all expenditures to the Community Preservation Fund, including those which do not relate directly to management and stewardship. Community Preservation fund expenditures are broken down into three categories; CPF Stewardship/Management, CPF Acquisition and CPF Debt Service. Included in the CPF Stewardship Plan, Attachment D, for clarification purposes only, are expenditures which are charged to the Land Preservation Department and are not charged to the Community Preservation Fund. The Town has adopted a Community Preservation Project Plan, known as the CPF Plan. The CPF Plan is a separate document from the CPF Stewardship Plan 2009; the CPF Plan identifies how the Town intends to preserve or protect properties and includes a list of eligible properties for acquisition, the CPF Stewardship Plan 2009 identifies how the Town will expend monies from the Community Preservation Fund. II. PROJECT LIST AND COST ESTIMATES The Project List and Cost Estimates spreadsheet shows all Town owned open space (non-farmland properties acquired with Community Preservation Funds and notes Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Page I projects and cost estimates, primarily for FY2009, for each property. The Project List and Cost Estimates is a spreadsheet included as Attachment A. The Town also acquires easements on properties. Attachment B includes a list of Town owned easements on non-agricultural properties acquired with Community Preservation Funds and Attachment C includes a list of Town owned easements on agricultural properties acquired with Community Preservation Funds. When the Town purchases easements, the landowner remains the steward of the land. The Town intends to perform yearly monitoring of easements. During FY2009 monitoring is proposed to be performed by LPD Staff and the volunteer Land Preservation Committee Members, and except for the LPD Staff salaries, is not a separate expenditure charged to the Community Preservation Fund. The Project List and Cost Estimate spreadsheet is a list of the type of work proposed to be performed on each property. The Project List and Cost Estimate spreadsheet is intended to include the work plan outlined in specific property Management Plans, if such exist. The Project List and Cost Estimate spreadsheet is not intended to allow for work to be performed that is not approved in a specific property Management Plan, if such exists, or if none exists, approved by the Land Preservation Committee and Town Board. The Town's preservation program has focused on acquisition. As a result, there is a backlog of properties needing specific Management Plans. Management Plans have been written for some properties; some have been formally adopted by the Town Board and some have not. It is the Town's goal to have a Management Plan, with a budget, for each acquisition. The costs shown per project are estimated. The Town is undergoing a process to prioritize stewardship and management projects, and will continue to make adjustments to priorities, esPecially during this period of downward economic trends and economic uncertainty. The Project List and Cost Estimates describes projects that are proposed, subject to prioritization, completion of specific property Management Plans and Town Board approval. It is understood that not all projects will be approved or completed. The CPF Stewardship Plan total budget exceeds that of the Town Board adopted budget for 2009; however, total actual costs will not exceed that in the adopted Town Board 2009 budget. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Page 2 III. STEWARDSHIP AND MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES The section of the adopted Town FY2009 budget for stewardship and management expenditures from the Community Preservation Fund is shown in the Table below. Details are described in the section after the Table. Annual Category Town Budget Budget Number Expenditures 2009 Site Development Personal Stewardship/ Services, Full Time Employees, Management H3.1620.1.100.100 Rag Earnings $30,000 Stewardship/ Contractual Expense: Misc Management H3.1620.4.100.100 Supplies $7,000 Stewardship/ Management H3.8710.2.400.200 Land Stewardship/Management $30,000 Stewardship/ Laurel Lake Improvements Management H3.8710.2.400.300 (Grant) $97,500 (Grant) Stewardship/ Management H3.8710.2.400.400 Bittner Improvements (Grant) $195,000 (Grant) Stewardship/ Pipes Cove Phrag Eradic. Management H3.8710.2.400.500 (Grant) $30,000 ~ (Grant) DETAILS FOR STEWARDSHIP AND MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES Site Development Personal Services, Full Time Employees, Reg Earnings This line is for Stewardship work performed by Department of Public Works (DPW) Staff on properties purchased with Community Preservation Funds. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Page 3 Work includes: trail mowing, pruning and upkeep, grassland restoration invasive species removal, parking area creation/upkeep, debris removal and similar types of activities. Specific properties on which work will take place and estimated cost per property are listed in Attachment A (Project List and Cost Estimates.) DPW Staff are not exclusively dedicated to implementing the CPF Plan. Cost will be documented by a time accounting system and no more than the cost of the actual time expended directly dedicated to implementing the provisions of the CPF Plan will be charged to the Community Preservation Fund. · Contractual Expense: Misc Supplies This line is for Stewardship supplies and materials for projects on properties purchased with Community Preservation Funds. Supplies and materials for projects include, but are not limited to: supplies/materials for grassland restoration and native plantings; supplies/materials for creation/upkeep of parking areas, lumber for kiosks, benches, boardwalks, signs, chains, gates, etc. This line does not include projects covered by grants listed under grant lines. Specific properties on which work will take place and estimated cost per property, are listed in Attachment A (Project List and Cost Estimates.) · Land Stewardship/Management This line is for land stewardship management such as Flora & Fauna inventories, site restorations, trail improvements, invasive species removal, parking area improvements and other similar types of work performed by non-town employees on properties pumhased with CPF. This includes: o Cornell Cooperative Extension: Flora & Fauna inventories, trail mapping and trail information; o Other Contractors. All independent contractors assist the Town in implementing the provisions of the Community Preservation Plan. Bills are itemized per project and reflect actual time expended. Specific properties on which work will take place and estimated cost per property are listed in Attachment A (Project List and Cost Estimates.) This line does not include projects covered by the grants listed in grants line. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Page 4 Land Stewardship/Management: Grants Laurel Lake Improvements (Grant) $97,500 Bittner Improvements (Grant) $195,000 Pipes Cove Phrag Eradic. (Grant) $30,000 The above-mentioned three rants are described in detail in Attachment A (CPF Stewardship Plan Project List and Cost Estimates.) Charges for the projects will be charged to the CPF budget and the Town will be reimbursed from the awarded grants. All grant re-imbursements will be deposited into the Community Preservation Fund. IV. ACQUISITION EXPENDITURES The section of the adopted Town FY2009 budget for acquisition expenditures from the Community Preservation Fund is shown in the Table below. Details are described in the section after the Table. All acquisition expenditures are considered preliminary and incidental costs in connection with the acquisition of interest or rights in real property Unless otherwise noted, and are not considered a Management and Stewardship expenditure item. Non-stewardship expenditures are included within the CPF Stewardship Plan to show all expenditures to the Community Preservation Fund. Annual Category Town Budget Budget Number Expenditures 2009 Contractual Expense: Legal Acquisition H3.8660.2.500.100 Counsel $45,000 H3.8710.2.400.100 Land Use Consultants $80,000 Acquisition Full Time Employees: Regular Acquisition H3.8710.1.100.100 Earnings $148,346 H3.8710.1.100.200 Overtime Earnings $5,000 Acquisition Employee Benefits: Social Acquisition H3.g030.8.000.000 Security $18,693 $676,056 Acquisition *Plus 15 million pending H3.8660.2.600.100 Land Acquisitions bond sale ~CQ~!S!TIO~ BUDGET WITH ~N~~ < Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Page 5 DETAILS FOR ACQUISITION EXPENDITURES · Contractual Expense: Legal Counsel This line is for Legal Counsel pertaining to acquisitions for properties funded by the Community Preservation Funds. Land Use Consultants o The Town has a contract agreement with the Peconic Land Trust for Conservation Planning, Acquisition and Professional Services. The contracted amount for FY2009 with the Peconic Land Trust is for a total of $60,000 for assisting the Town in implementing the provisions of the Community Preservation Plan. Peconic Land Trust monthly bills are itemized per project and reflect actual time expended. The Town has a contract agreement with The Nature Conservancy for Conservation Planning, Acquisition and Professional Services. The contracted amount for FY2009 with The Nature Conservancy is $20,000. TNC contract is for providing professional services to facilitate acquisition efforts directly dedicated to implementing the provisions of the Community Preservation Plan. TNC quarterly bills are itemized per project and reflect actual time expended. TNC may assist the Town with Management and Stewardship Plans for the Pipes Cove area. Any assistance with Management and Stewardship Plans for the Pipes Cove area will be considered a Management and Stewardship expenditure item. · Full Time Employees: Regular Earnings Full Time Employees:Overtime Earnings Employee Benefits: Social Security These lines include salaries, overtime and social security for: · Land Preservation Coordinator. The duties and responsibilities of this employee are directly dedicated to implementing the provisions of the Community Preservation Plan and Fund. Duties include acquisition as the primary duty, stewardship is secondary. Senior Administrative Assistant to Land Preservation Department. The duties and responsibilities of this employee are directly dedicated to implementing the provisions of the Community Preservation Plan and Fund. Duties include acquisition as the primary duty, stewardship is secondary. In 2008, the Town Board hired a Planner as part of the Planning Department's budget. It was determined that 20% of the job duties include that of stewardship and management (Stewardship Coordinator.) It is noted that the CPF budget does not include any part of the Stewardship Coordinator's salary and no Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Page 6 charges are made to the CPF budget. This position is 100% charged to the Planning Department budget. Land Acquisitions The Land Acquisition line includes funds for land and easement purchases in addition to the costs associated with purchase; appraisal, survey, title, environmental site assessment and real estate property tax. The FY2009 approved Town budget includes $676,056 for such costs. In 2007 the Town Board authorized $22.5 million in bonds to acquire and manage rights in real property in furtherance of the Community Preservation Fund. The Town has issued bonds for part of the $22.5 million authorization and anticipates issuing additional bonds during FY2009. V. DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES The section of the adopted Town FY2009 budget for debt service expenditures from the Community Preservation Fund is shown in the Table below. Details are described in the section after the Table. H3.9710.6.100.100 Serial Bond Principal $632,500 Debt Service H3.9710.7.100.100 Serial Bond Interest $701,405 Debt Service H3.9730.6.100.100 Bond Anticipation Notes Principal $551,000 Debt Service H3.9730.7.100.100 Bond Anticipation Notes Interest $750,000 Debt Service In 2007, the Town Board authorized $22.5 million in bonds to acquire and manage rights in real property in furtherance of the Community Preservation Fund. Although these bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the Town of Southold, repayment of the bonds, both principal and interest, is provided by the CPF. The Town has issued bonds for part of the $22.5 million authorization and anticipates issuing additional bonds during FY2009. Serial Bond Principal and Interest appropriation amounts reflect debt payments due in 2009 for that part of the serial bonds already issued; BAN Principal and Interest appropriation amounts provide flexibility for (1) debt payments on notes that may be issued in anticipation of issuing long-term serial bonds or (2) debt service on serial bonds issued in the current fiscal year where debt service payments are due in the current fiscal year. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Page 7 VI. TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FROM COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND Stewardship/Management Expenditure Budget Without Grants $67,000 Stewardship/Management Expenditure Budget For Grants $322,500 Acquisition Expenditure Budget Without Land Acquisition Costs $297,039 $676,056 Acquisition Expenditure Budget For Land *Plus 15 million Acquisition Costs pending bond sale Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Page 8 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT LIST AND COST ESTIMATES SEE ATTACHMENT A SPREADSHEET PAGES 1-2 Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment A Page I ATTACHMENT A SPREADSHEET PROJECT LIST AND COST ESTIMATES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND FEE TITLE ACQUISITIONS 'Proposed Proposed Proposed i I 2009 Grant CPF orr FY2009: FY2009: Proposed Proposed FY2009: I !Proposed [re-imb )in I ~FY2009: Add? Estimated addition to Preserve Name (bold) Non- I Flora & Management FY2009: FY2009: Proposed FY 2009: Access/ Detailedin Project Costs other project Acquisition Name(ltalic) SCTM# Acres CPF ;2009 status ~Fauna Plan Trail Work Grassland lnvasive Species Parking Proposed FY2009: Misc. Attachments FY2009 costs Arshamomaque Pond 56.-1-6 & 52.1, - Preserve Neuer/Suterrneister '56.-1-8.1,10 (23.+~ & John Q. Adams Estate & & 56.-4- 7.8+1 I Mowing/pruning/ General Audchio 16 3'~ CPF Open to Public Completed Update trail upkeep No Work Planned Potential Removal upkeep None No $3,500 None Arshamomaque P~eserve 44.-4-5 & 45- -- Mowing/pruning/ -- General '- '-- - -- Levin 1-9 53.16 CPF'Open to Public Completed Update ~rail upkeep Mow Potential Removal upkeep Boardwalk No $8,000 None 58.-1-1 & Plan trail; Create 68-1-17.2, [rail; install signage; Purchase/Install kiosk and Bittner/Moeller/T.M.J. Really 17.3 57.06 CPF Undeveloped In progress Create Plan trail upkeep No Work Planned Potential Removal Create sign; Trail brochure Yes $2,000 $195,00£ No work No Work- Blackham 74.-1-3 0.46 CPF~Undeveloped )lanned No work planned No work planned No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $0 None No work No Work C&D Realty 113-4-1 0.78 CPF Undeveloped )fanned No work planned No work planned No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $0 None No work No Work Purchase/install signs, Contingency Projects NA NA CPF Unknown ~lanned Create 2010 No work planned No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned clean debris, ensure safety Yes $1,500 None Create trail, install Corey Creek Preserve signage, trail Blocker 87.-6-12.1 45.03 CPF Undeveloped In progress Create Plan upkeep No Work Planned No Work Planned Create Potential Installation gate No $7,000 None Maintain nursery area, Custer Preserve Mowing/pruning/ No Work Update brochure listing Zazecki 70.-8-1 6.00 CPF Open to Public Completed U?date trail upkeep No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned trees&shrubs No $50C None Dam Pond Maritime Reserve 37.0~ Lettied/Dam Pond/PLT & 23.-1-20.1 & (0.54 & Lettied/DamPond/PLT&Dam 31-5-1.2 & 14.98 ', i [ Mowing/pruning/ General Pond/Gazza/Lettied 22.-3-22.1 21.64 CPF Open to Public CompleX_ed Update trail upkeep Mow Potential Removal upkeep None No $8,008 None No work No Work -- Damianos 59.-3-28.4 22.33 CPF Undeveloped ,planned ! Create Plan No work planned No Work Planne~d _ No Work Planned Planned None No $0 None ppl o work -- No Work- Dickerson Estate ,115-12-1 0.22 CPF Undeveloped armed Create Plan I No work planned No work planned Potential Removal Planned Viewing Area & Access No $750 None IN~ -- __ No Work Drum/Saland 87.-1-26 2.15 CPF. Undeveloped ~ I No work planned _ No work planned No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $0 None ~I~ Create; I i Proposed T mowing/pruning/ FITF, LLC (Dixon Harvey) 9.-8-2 2.36 CPF Undeveloped 2009 ,Create Plan trail upkeep No Work Planned Potential Removal Create None __ No $4,500 None , No work [ - '-- _] i ' No Work Fred 56.-4-4 0.32 CPF Undeveloped .planned No work planned No work ~ No Work Planned No Work Planned Planne_~l None No $0 None 51.5 ! -- , [ (30'79i i ! [Update trail upkeep. Young- ' ' ' Laurel Lake (Town) 125.-1-14 & (Adamawicz & NOFO/McFeely/ 18121..-5-4.1 J 10&10.J I I Young need to be signage,Create trail,geninStalltrail Improve/ Adamowicz/Young &125-1-6.3 [ 7)[ CPFIOpen to Public /Completed Incorp w/existing) upkeep. ~Potent a Removal redesign i ManorGreve (potential 2009 ~ ---- ~ ? ~ .... ~Propo~ed ~ ~M°w NoeXistingwork BuildingSee DetailSDemolition;re: grant Yes ,' $6,00£ $97,500_ acquisition) i53.-1-1.2&1.3/ 29+i CPFiPrivateOwnership 12010 Create i 2010 No WorkPlanned [No Work Planned Planned Debris clean-up lyes I $1,00£ None Attachment A Spreadsheet Page I of 2 ATTACHMENT A SPREADSHEET PROJECT LIST AND COST ESTIMATES FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUND FEE TITLE ACQUISITIONS ' ' i ' i i 12009 Grant "Proposed Proposed Proposed I Proposed (re-imb)in ,CPF'°r 2009 status FY2009: FY2009: Proposed Proposed FY2009: ~Proposed FY2009: Add'l Estimated add t on to Preserve Name(bold)SCTM# CNP°Fn Flora& Management FY2009: FY2009: Proposed FY 2009: Access/ rDetailedin Project Costs other project Acquisition Name(Italic_)~ Acres Fauna Plan Trail Work Grassland ilnvasive Species Parking FY2009: Misc, IAttachments FY2009 costs Mill Road Preserve 106-6-14 &~ i Mowing/pr~uning/ - - General ' I -- McGunnigle 20 25.06 CPF Open to Public Completed Update trail upkeep ._ Mow _ Potential Removal upkeep None 'No $4,000 No Create trail, install -- North Bayview Preserves signage, general No Work Forestbmok/J&C Holding~ 79.-2-7 25.75 CPF Undevelope_d ,Prepare Update trail upkeep No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $3,000 None Create trail, install North Bayview Preserves I signage, general No Work Hurtado 79.-5-20.13 16.04' CPF Unde?Joped Prepare Update trail upkeep No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $5,500 None Create trail, instaii North Bayview Preserves signage, general No Work Zoumaa 79.-4-17.17 36.90 CPF Undeveloped Prepare Update trail upkeep No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $3,000 None No work No Work Peconic Land Trust/Palmer 56.-5-12.1 0.56 CPF Undeveloped )lanned No work planned No work planned No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $0 None Create Plan (add r Pipes Cove Preserve No work to other Pipes No Work Carroll, Carla 53.-3-2 10.67 CPF Undeveloped ~lanned Cove properties) No work planned No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $£ None Pipes Cove Preserve No Work -- Reese 45-5-5 47.31 CPF Undeveloped In progress Upda[e~. No work planned No Work Planned Potential Removal Planned Remove debris Grant description $5,50¢ $30,000 Create Plan (add Pipes Cove Preserve 53.-1-7 & 53- No work to other Pipes No Work Posillico/WestburyProperties 3-15.1 5.0~ CPFOpentoPubiic planned Cove properties) No work planned No Work Planned No Work Planned Planned None No $~3None 45.-5-7.1, 7.2 ' , Remove Debris; (part of Pipes Pipes Cove Preserve & 47-2-33, No Work Purchase/install Kiosk, i Cove/Reeseg~ Stackler 34 & 53-1-18 35.42 CPF U_ndeveloped In progres? Update No work planne~d_..N° Work Planned Removal Planned Sign Grant description $5,500 ant) Create Plan (add ', Pipes Cove Preserve i No work Io other Pipes = i No Work Waldron 5~-2-5 ___ 2.~51~ CPF Undeveloped )lanned Cove properties) No work planned "No Work Planned Potential Removal Planned None No $0 None Tall Pines !-- Create from ' VJ Dev Corp & Paradise Point 79.-8-16 & ' existing, install Remove debris; Holding Corp. 81.-2-5 21.91 CPF Undeveloped In progress Create Plan signage __ No Work Planned No Work Planned Create Purchase/Install kiosk; No $5,500 None ~ Purchase/installation/ I ~ upkeep of property signs NA (property posting, hunting, i ATV signs, etc.) Trail ALL PROPERTIES NA NA CPF NA NA NA NA NA NA __ maps and information. No $1,600 None ' i I 1~TOTAL$: $76,350 :$322,500 Attachment A Spreadsheet Page 2 of 2 ADDITIONAL DETAILED INFORMATION FOR ATTACHMENT A BITTNER The Town of the Southold, with the County of Suffolk, acquired fee title to a 58-acre parcel, with 1,400 feet frontage on Long Island Sound, for open space and recreational purposes. The Town of Southold has received a grant from the New York State Department of State, Environmental Protection Fund, in the amount of $195,000, for improvements to the Bittner Preserve. Work will be performed by Town Department of Public Works Employees and outside contractors. The purpose of this project is to implement and advance the intent and policies of the Town of Southold's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, through the acquisition and improvements of this biological, scenic and recreational resource. The project will include the following tasks and objectives: · Construction of a.small, stone blend parking area, for 8 cars, just off of Sound View Avenue. · Removal and disposal of a +/- 3,750 s.f. one story brick and frame single family home, with basement, septic system and underground oil tank · Removal and disposal of a +/- 700 s.f. brick and frame garage · Removal and disposal of an in-ground swimming pool, retaining wall and pool house · Removal and disposal of a +/- 310 linear feet of timber bulkhead. · Removal of any contaminated fill and backfill the area to mimic the adjacent dune contours, with clean sand from the dredging of Goldsmith Inlet · Re-plant the new dune area, with beach grass, beach plums and other native vegetation · Design and construct a nature trail that is resource compatible and in accordance to the standards of the USDA Forest Service specifications. · Install trail markers along the trail to highlight the various flora communities that are found on the site The proposed nature trail will meander through the property and allow visitors to experience the property's unique and diverse habitats, which include the following: · Mature woodlands · Fresh water ponds, vernal ponds and freshwater wetlands · 1,400 feet of beach and dunes on Long Island Sound · Secondary dunes and shrub lands · Unique plant and animal habitats Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment A Page 2 ADDITIONAL DETAILED INFORMATION FOR ATTACHMENT A ContinRency Proiects As of the time of the adoption of this plan, the Town has 1 open space (non-agricultural) project (Manor Grove -See Manor Grove Section) pending acquisition on which stewardship expenditures are expected. The Town has several pending agricultural development right easement purchases for which stewardship expenditures are not expected. During the timeframe of the CPF Stewardship Plan 2009, there is the potential that the Town will acquire unanticipated lands by purchase or gift. The contingency line will allow the town to install signage, clean Up, and ensure safety of the site without necessitating an amendment to the CPF Stewardship Plan 2009 Comnmnity Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment A Page 3 ADDITIONAL DETAILED INFORMATION FOR ATTACHMENT A Laurel Lake Properties The Town of Southold has acquired 3 properties within the Laurel Lake area with Community Preservation Funds: SCTM# 1000-125-1-14 (NOFO/McFeely) 30.70 acres SCTM# 1000-121-5-4.1 (Adamowicz) 10.00 acres SCTM# 1000-125-1-6.3) (Young) 10.68 acres These properties, together with additional properties owned by New York State, Suffolk County, the Town of Southold and the Suffolk County Water Authority, make up the Laurel Lake Preserve. The Town of Southold has management agreements with the State, the County and the Suffolk County Water Authority to create a trail system within the Laurel Lake Preserve Area. The trail will be designed, constructed and maintained by the Town of Southold, creating a 520-acre passive recreation area which will encompass most of the land surrounding Laurel Lake. The Town of Southold has received a $97,500 grant from New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for the Laurel Lake Preserve Area. The grant will enable the Town of Southold and its partners to: · Link the preserved parcels around Laurel Lake through a trail system · Improve public access to Laurel Lake · Remove old dilapidated building and debris · Create a handicapped accessible observation deck, overlooking Laurel Lake · Construct and re-design parking lot at the trail head of the Laurel Lake Preserve Work will be performed by Town Department of Public Work Employees and outside contractors. Costs will reflect actual time expended, supplies and materials. Estimated cost for all of the above, in addition to ongoing general maintenance of existing trails and grassland areas, is $98,550. Funds from the Community Preservation Fund will be used to complete the described work within the Laurel Lake Preserve. The Town will be reimbursed from the awarded $97,500 grant. All grant re-imbursements will be deposited into the Community Preservation Fund. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment A Page 4 ADDITIONAL DETAILED INFORMATION FOR ATTACHMENT A Manor Grove Properties (Potential Acquisition) The Town of Southold and County of Suffolk are in the process of acquiring 2 properties totaling 29+ acres, currently known as the Manor Grove Properties (SCTM# 1000-53-1- 1,2 & 1.3.) Acquisition is anticipated during 2009. These properties are adjacent to and within the view shed of the existing Arshamomaque Preserve. The property includes a residential dwelling, barns, and an old farm stand currently known as the "Craft Shack." It is anticipated that the dwelling and barns will be subdivided from the property prior to Town/County acquisition; however, the Craft Shack will remain on Town/County property and will require demolition after acquisition for safety purposes. General clean-up of the debris from the site is necessary also. The proposal may include acquisition of the entire property; if this occurs demolition of all structures will be necessary. Work will be performed by Town Department of Public Work Employees. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment A Page 5 ADDITIONAL DETAILED INFORMATION FOR ATTACHMENT A Pipes Cove Preserve Reese/Stackler The Town of Southold has acquired properties within the Pipes Cove Preserve Area with Community Preservation Funds. The Town of Southold proposes to remove the invasive species Phragmites australis from 3.6 acres located within the properties formerly known as the Stackler Property (SCTM# 1000-45~5-7.1,7.2 and 1000-47-2-33, 34 and 1000-53-1-18) and the Reese Property (SCTM# 1000-45-5-5) both within the Pipes Cove Preserve. The Phragmites will be cut and wicked over a period of three years. A five year monitoring program will be established to record the success of the project and identify areas in need of follow up treatment. The goal of the project is to permanently remove Phragmites from the affected upper tidal wetland (locales), encouraging the recruitment of native plant species. The Town will contract a certified pesticide applicator with proven experiences in the eradication of Phragmites within tidal wetland systems. Successful control of Phragmites will require a combination of mechanical and chemical control over a three year schedule. The strategy recommended for Pipes Cove includes herbicide applications, followed by biomass removal via cutting during the dormant season. The application technique will depend on the size, and density of each individual Phragmites stand. Larger stands generally will be treated using the 8TRAC, a specifically modified, amphibious all-terrain vehicle. Smaller stands will be treated using primarily backpack spray equipment. Sensitive areas where Phragmites exists within predominantly native vegetation will be treated by wicking of stem and leaves. Cutting will be accomplished primarily by a Iow- ground pressure, tracked brush hog. Sensitive areas where native vegetation is mixed will be accomplished through manual cutting. The project site will be monitored by a Southold Town designee assigned to the Phragmites eradication project. The locales targeted for eradication will be photographed before and after each phase of the project schedule. Transects will be established for purposes of monitoring the eradication results. The Phragmites eradication project and results will further be utilized in Stewardship applications such as invasive species education and Phragmites australis eradication projects throughout Southold Town. The Pipes Cove Preserve Phragmites eradication project is a grant reimbursement/Town match for $30,000.00 awarded by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Funds from the Community Preservation Fund will be used to complete the described work within the Pipes Cove Preserve. The Town will be reimbursed from the awarded $30,000 grant. All grant re-imbursements will be deposited into the Community Preservation Fund. Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment A Page 6 ATTACHMENT B TOWN OWNED EASEMENTS AQUIRED WITH COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUNDS: NON-AGRICULTURAL PROPERTIES SCTM# Owner Acreage Sale Date Sale Price Fund 109.-5-16 & 109- 6-15 Caberon Properties (Cedars Golf) 12.66 8/1/2006 $551,540 CPF 59.-1-20.1 Harper/PLT 0.67 4/14/2005 $56,000 CPF 55.-2-24.2 Hubbard 7.22 12/17/2003 gift CPF 63.-1-16 Hubbard 1.00 12/17/2003 gift CPF 5.-1-8 (partial) Nielsen 3.62 7/21/2003 gift CPF 68.-3-7 E. Axien 9.01 1/8/2003 gift CPF Totals: 34.18 $607,540 Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment B Page 1 ATTACHMENT C TOWN OWNED EASEMENTS ACQUIRED WITH COMMUNITY PRESERVATION FUNDS: AGRICULTURAL PROPERTIES Per Fed/State SCTM# Owner Acreage Sale Date Sale Price Acre Fund Reimb. Wesnofske, Eugene and 69.-4-8.1 Wesnofske, C. 6.01 12/8/2008 $408,977 $68,000 CPF Ficner, Stacia 95.-4-p/o 6 et.al. 6.54 11/20/2008 $517,000 $79,000 CPF Sepenoski, John and Sepenoski, 54.-3-24.1 Patricia 45.24 11/13/2008 $3,575,512 $80,000 CPF 63.-1-25 PLT/Charnews 21.04 6/9/2008 $1,683,440 $80,000 CPF Demchak, $413,786 Maria and State 84.-1-13 Michael 14.27 5/13/2008 $1,070,138 $75,000 CPF Expected Pfeifle, Richard and 97.-4-p/o19 Carlin 9.79 10/12/2007 $763,940 $78,000 CPF Deerkoski, 101.-1-p/o2.3 Felix 17.20 9/19/2007 $1,320,415 $78,000 CPF Tuthill, Hallock 101.-2-p/o22 E. 5.20 9/19/2007 $374,695 $72,000 CPF N&J Management $74,615 113.-13-1.2 Co., LLC 16.57 6/20/2007 $1,118,192 $68,000 CPF State Macari Associates, $924,970 96.-2-10 LLC 25.69 5/11/2007 $1,849,939 $72,000 CPF Federal R. Rowehl (see $719,464 100.-2--p/o6.1 94-4-2) 24.11 5/9/2007 $1,880,424 $78,000 CPF State R.Rowehl (see 94.-4-2 100-2-6.1) 5.00 5/9/2007 $448,000 NA CPF 94.-3-1.3 Arrieta, Allan 10.00 3/29/2007 $780,000 $78,000 CPF East Coast Residential, 69.-3-9.3 LLC 15.96 2/14/2007 $1,149,098 $72,000 CPF Galluccio Estates 109.-1-p/o 13 Vineyard, LLC 42.13 12/13/2006 $2,864,779 $68,000 CPF Flower Hill 69.-3-10.1 Buildin9 Corp. 22.23 11/2/2006 $620,487 $35,000 CPF Badenchini Family Limited $325,950 95-1-p/o 5 Partnership 23.75 10/19/2006 $651,900 $30,000 CPF Federal Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment C Page 1 Per Fed/State SCTM# Owner Acreage Sale Date Sale Price Acre Fund Reimb. Shur, Randy 94.-3-1.6 Scott 13.23 7/28/2006 $767,172 $58,000 CPF 84.-2-2.1 Shalvey 19.94 6/15/2006 $813,592 $52,000 CPF $1,125,385 120.-3-11.12 P.Harbes 34.50 3/10/2006 $1,897,500 $55,000 CPF State Meyer (f.k.a. 102.-2-23.5 Scott) 6.00 2/9/2006 $270,000 $45,000 CPF Manzi (Oregon 83.-2-9.1 Landing I) 17.02 8/24/2005 $359,048 $24,500 CPF E. and P. 51.-2-7 & 8 Booth 21.86 6/14/2005 $801,213 $37,000 CPF S. Dubner $889,330 84-4-p/o6.1 (South) 46.22 6/14/2005 $1,294,216 $28,000 CPF State 122.-1-2.2 P&M Grippa 8.51 5/4/2005 $255,426 $30,000 CPF Dorset Farms, Inc. (P. $510,538 100.-4-p/o8 Carroll) 31.18 2/18/2005 $1,021,078 $34,000 CPF Federal $310,451 69.-1-6 Seponoski 35.09 12/1/2004 $973,482 $30,000 CPF State 63-2-6 Duff¥ 7.13 11/18/2004 $196,075 $27,500 CPF Meyer (f.k.a. 102.-2-23.4 Scott) 9.00 9/23/2004 $202,699 $23,000 CPF A. Krupski/PLT 95.-4- p/o 9 (see 95-4-10) 4.25 9/23/2004 $170,184 $40,000 CPF A. Krupski/PLT 95-4-10 (see 95-4-9) 19.70 9/23/2004 $689,360 $35,000 CPF 19.-1-11.3 R. Webber 8.41 6/3/2004 $197,201 $24,500 CPF $689,549 112.-1-7 E. Harbes 30.54 4/29/2004 $909,300 $30,000 CPF State $282,850 115.-8-3.3 J. Elak 24.54 8/25/2003 $613,545 $25,000 CPF Federal H&H Rutkoski $264,150 115-2-10 (see 108-2-3) 25.16 5/29/2003 $528,299 $21,000 CPF Federal Dickerson, Parker and 88.-1-10 Chester 10.15 3/27/2003 $213,112 $21,000 CPF 74.-4-(4.1- 4.6) N. Aliano 12.25 8/22/2002 $400,000 NA CPF 19.-1-1.2 M. Cullinane 29.53 5/22/2002 $425,000 NA CPF $478,354 95-1-4 R. Schreiber 32.27 4/15/2002 $645,400 $20,000 CPF State G. and J. 96.-3-2 Starkie 16.83 11/14/2001 $156,711 $9,400 CPF $252,794 107-10-p/o 3 C. Sidor 19.37 6/25/2001 $221,724 $12,000 CPF State 107-10-p/o 6 J. Sidor 13.30 6/25/2001 $159,552 $12,000 CPF $121,646 75.-5-1 R. Blum 11.98 5/1/2001 $161,730 $13,500 CPF State $157,056 102.-2-23 J. and S. Scott 23.09 3/15/2001 $229,538 $10,000 CPF State Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment C Page 2 Per Fed/State SCTM# Owner Acrea~le Sale Date Sale Price Acre Fund Reimb A.M. Goerler Trust (see 96- 96.-2-11 3-4.1 & 5) 56.55 3/5/2001 $655,980 $11,600 CPF R. and J. 102.-2-2.3 Jenkins 16.06 2/23/2001 $189,288 $12,000 CPF Hubbard (see 55-1-11.2, 55.-1-11.1 11.3, 11.4) 3.63 12/21/2000 Gift NA CPF 59.-10-2 Hubbard 7.85 12/21/2000 Gift NA CPF Hubbard (see 59-4-9 & 63-1- 59.-4-8 16) 5.73 12/21/2000 Gift NA CPF 74.-2-15 Hubbard 6.89 12/21/2000 Gift NA CPF 63.-1-1.5 G. Conway 8.58 12/29/1999 $103,000 NA CPF Totals: 947.10 $36,597,360 $7,608,888 Community Preservation Fund Management and Stewardship Plan 2009 Attachment C Page 3