HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-116.-6-24.1Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Newman Village, Suite E, 2322 Main Street, P.O. Box 2003, Bridgehampton, New York 11932-2003
(631) 537-5160
Bruce Anderson, M.S., President
Fax: (631) 537-5291
November 15, 2005
Mr. Mark Terry~ LWRP Coordinator
Southold Town Hall
P.O. Box 1179 '~,~x/ \~%'~
Southold, NY 11971
Re: Kimogenor Point Company Property
Situate: Kimogenor Point Road (western end)
New Suffolk; Town of Southold, New York
1000 - 116 - 6 - 24.1
Dear Mr. Terry,
This correspondence is submitted in response to your memorandum, dated October 21, 2005, in
which you declare that the proposed action is inconsistent with the Town's Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP).
Applicant seeks to construct a low-profile bulkhead to address erosion concerns. Applicant has
monitored the easterly shoreline and has documented the loss of intertidal wetland vegetation due
to the collapse of the underlying bog. Attached herewith are a series of photos that document the
receding shoreline and loss of tidal wetlands due to the collapse and erosion of the underlying
bog. The proposal, if approved, would enhance and add to the intertidal wetlands and would
stabilize the underlying bog. Applicant also proposes for re-sheathing of the northerly bulkhead
to protect the upland portion of the site and to reduce the turbidity/siltation impacts presently
occurring as a result of the prevent failing bulkhead.
In regards to your comment that the proposal is inconsistent with LWRP Policy 5.3, which states
"The Town of SouthoM recognizes the importance of maintaining high water quality in its
surface waters. Impairments to its salt andJgesh waters from careless landpractices,
stormwater runoff, malfunctioning on-site wastewater treatment systems and boater pollution
are the main concerns.", and more specifically, "protect and enhance water quality of coastal
waters...in three ways:
A) Protect water quality based on an evaluation of physical factors (pH, dissolved
oxygen, dissolved solids, nutrients, odor, color and turbidity..., please note that
the proposed bulkhead reconstruction and low-sill bulkhead will not alter the pH
due to West Creek being a tidal wetland system naturally buffered by calcium
carbonate, which is the chemical compostition of shells. Please remember that the
existing sheathing and wales are not being removed, only refaced, and that all
proposed fill being imported would be from a clean upland source. The proposed
bulkhead reconstruction will not alter the dissolved oxygen content as there will be
no addition of material to West Creek that would raise it. Nor will the proposal
lower dissolved oxygen content as it will involve no deposition of organic matter that
would then be decomposed and lower the oxygen content in West Creek by the same
degredative biological processes. No portion of the proposal involves use, or release
of, substances that would alter the odor or color of West Creek. ~
Concerning your implication regarding potential health factors (pathogens, chemical
contaminants and toxicity) that could result from this project, please note that the
l>roposed bulkhead reconstruction involves no septic related activities, thereby removing
the potential for contamination of West Creek by pathogens as a result of the proposed
actioh. The materials to be used in the reconstruction will all be NYSDEC approved t.~
construction materials and will contain no harmful chemicals. Again, the existing
sheathing and wales will not be removed, thereby keeping potentially contaminated soils
away from the surface waters. For all of the aforementioned reasons, the proposed
bulkhead reconstruction will cause no increase in the toxicity of West Creek either.
~g~,rning the issues involving aesthetic t~ctors (oils, floatables, refuse, and~
ag~, please note that the proposed bulkhead reconstruction will no~ cause any
ae'gthetic impacts such as oils, floatables, refuse, and/or suspended solids. As explained
above, impacts relating to suspended solids are ultimately reduced because the tidal
wetlands and underlying bog will cease to erode into the surface waters of West Creek
and the bulkhead construction will preclude the release of solids into the water column.
Minimize disturbances of streams and creek, g including their bed and bank~ in order
to prevent erosion of soil, increased turbidity, and irregular variation in velocity,
temperature, and level of water. As previously stated, piles cannot be driven into a
creek bed without some disturbance. Using proper bulkhead construction practices
will keep this disturbance to a minimum, as is the intention of this subpolicy.
Completion of the proposed actions will more aptly prevent soil erosion, especially in
the area of the Iow sill bulkhead installation on the east side of the proposed work
area, where no structure exists now to brace that side of the peninsula. Please r~fer to
the attached photo package that indicates the large amount or wetland erosion at the
site. In addition, the proposed action will in no way cause "irregular variation in
velocity, temperature, and level of water" in West Creek.
Protect water quality of coastal waters from adverse impacts associated with
excavation~tredging, and disposal of dredged material. The proposed bulkhead
reconstructiGn involves no dredging, or disposal of dredged material, nor does it
involve any excavation. The fill to be used to level the grade of the project site will be
from a clean upland source and will be placed landward of the proposed bulkhead.
No fill will be deposited into West Creek.
Therefore, the proposed action is consistent with Policy 5.3 and all of its sub-policies.
In regards to your comment that the proposal is inconsistent with LWRP Policy 6.1, Policy 6
states: "Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem.", and
which includes Policy 6. I, which specifically intends to "...protect and restore ecological quality
throughout the Town of Southold." by adhering to three sub-policies, including sub-policy A,
which intends to "avoid adverse changes to the Long Island Sound and Peconic Bay ecosystems
that would result from impairment of ecological quality as indicated by: 1) Physical loss of
ecological components, 2) Degradation of ecological components, 3) Functional loss of
ecological components", please note the following:
There will be no appreciable loss of ecological components as a result of the proposed
action, fhere is no planned excavation of the situate wetland. Only 150 ± cubic yar4fl~2"
of clean fill are proposed to be dispersed between two (2) sites. North of the existing, ~ '~k,
frame building, approximately 100 cubic yards ± of clean fill will be deposited on the
~grd side Of th~: wet!a~d~rea .~ f~ai~ I~ eiv~tj~o~ So Ileal i~._ is~ 19~[~t,h ~
[~faeed~l;~. No wetland is being lost in this case as once construction is
completM, native vegetation will undoubtedly propagate and thrive in that filIM ar~.
In the ar~ of the Iow sill bulkh~d installation, approximately flay (50) cubic yards of
clean fill will be plac~ at a 1.0' · maximum depth betw~n the proposed bulkhead
and the s~ward edge of the ,5~artina plantings. ' ~ ~
~roj~t. Rather the propos~ actious will iucrease wetlands.
B) There will be no degradation of ecological components as a result of the proposed
action. This policy states that "degradation occurs as an adverse change in
ecological quality, either aa' a direct loss originating within the resource area or as
an indirect loss originating from nearby activities. Degradation usually occurs over
a more extendedperiod t~'time than physical loss and may be indicated by increased
siltation, changes in community composition, or evMence of pollution'." This
assessment already demonstrates that on site wetlands and surface waters will be
protected and enhanced. The Iow sill bulkhead will allow high tide waters to flow over
that portion of the wetlands leaving the hydrolo~ of the site unchanged. The northern
area of construction is already improved with a bulkhead, lherefbre refacing said
bulkhead will not alter the existing hydrology. In addition, as the proposed action is
located in an area that is used to dock boats, tJ~na~ilfltife i~ aeeuatorn~d.to~
~hani .ZAXl disturban.e,~ and should not be adversely affected by the construction of
the improvements.
the proposed action is consistent with Policy 6. I and all of its sub-policies.
In regards to your comment that the proposal is inconsistent with Policy 6.3 A, which states,
"Comply with statutory and regulatory requirements r( the SouthoM Town Board of Trustees
laws and regulations for all .4ndros Patent and other lands under their jurisdiction ", the
proposed project complies witb the rules and regulations of the Town Trustees.
Additionally, Policy 6.3B states, "Comply statutory ami regulatory requirements of the State's
wetland laws." The proposed project complies with the regulatory requirements of the state. The
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has been consulted in this project and
has indicated to the applicant that the proposed project will be approved as applied-for.
Policy 6.3C ( I ) states, "Avoid placement o/tiff in, or, excavation q£vege/ated wetlands; a.
choose alternative sites that would not result in adverse impacts on wetlamls; b. reduce scale, or
intensity of development to avoid excavation or J~ll; c. choose design alternatives that wouM ~N
avoid excavation orfill." Please note that the proposed bulkhead replacement and Iow-sill
bulkhead are habitat-protection features that prevent further loss of wetlands (and other habitat)
because it will increase the amount of wetlands, as well as preventing erosion, which is presently
destroying the wetlands. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with these policies.
Policy 11 states, "Promote sustainable use oJ'living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the
Peconic Estuary and Town waters." Please note that the proposed project is consistent with this
policy because it promotes the sustainable use ot'living marine resources. It does so by protecting
and enhancing wetlands.
For the reasons stated above, I request you reverse your earliest determination of
December 21, 2005, and provide the Board of Trustees with a short memorandum that
this project is consistem with the Town's LWRP. Should you have any questions or
comments concern'rog this matter, please contact me at any time.
~Since~ j~ __
Bruce A. Anderson
B. Fox
A. Krupski (c/o Southold Board of Trustees)
Clubhouse Island Monitoring
Kimogenor Point
August 20, 1996
Bob Fox
Placed throe 6' rodwood stakes in the ground along the east side of the Clubhouse
island. Slakes aro located exactly six feet along the ground (not horizontally, see
sketch) from the edge of the bank along the west side of the creek channel. The tops
of the stakes are painted light blue. The distance between the stakes and the edge of
the bank' can be measured annually to, monitor the rate of erosion of the bank.
Took photos of all of the stakes in location.
Also photographed the large (3" +/-) locust (?) post located about mid-way along the
south side of the island. This post is approximately one foot from the bank edge.
There is another locust (?) post approximately 18' east of the bridge. This post is
approximately three feet from the bank edge.