HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-07/08/2008LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman Michelle Zaloom Ray Huntington Eric Keil Lillian Ball Members Absent: Chris Baiz , Monica Harbes Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison (8:29 p.m.) Keith Koppelman, Applicant Landowner Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:10 p.m. with five LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: ?? Acceptance of meeting minutes from June 10, 2008. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Ray Huntington, to accept the meeting minutes from June 10, 2008. Motion failed: 3/0/2 (Eric Keil and Michelle Zaloom abstained) Applications and Inquiries: ?? KOPPELMAN PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-31-7-7 Zoned: R-40 Location: 8740 Rt 25, East Marion CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 6.43 acres Subdividable: Yes Reviewed application. Melissa gave background information on this application, then gave the floor to the landowner, Keith Koppelman, to address the committee. Landowner is in the process of applying for a standard subdivision but would like to give the Town the opportunity to purchase the land outright. He is willing to sell fee title and will consider selling to the Town for the appraised value of the land. MOTION made by Lillian Ball, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to direct Melissa Spiro to commission an appraisal for the purchase of fee title on the Koppelman property. Discussion ensued.LPC is in support of purchase if property is reasonably price; however, due to this property being located within the East Marion halo zone, LPC would like to request an appointment with the Town Board to discuss this project at their work session. If Town Board shows interest, then appraisal should be ordered. MOTION made by Lillian Ball, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to direct Melissa Spiro to make an appointment with the Town Board at their next work session to discuss preservation of the Koppleman property which is located within the HALO area and if Town Board is in agreement, then Melissa Spiro is directed to commission an appraisal for the purchase of fee title on the Koppelman property. Motion carried: 5/0 ?? C.W. FRANCIS & SON, INC. PROPERTY (Orient Reserve) SCTM #: 1000-19-1-14.7 Zoned: R-80/R-200 Location: 32400 Rt 25, Orient CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 26.5 acres (GIS 26.8 acres) Subdividable: Yes Reviewed re-activated PDR application and revised Conservation Subdivision layout. Melissa Spiro gave report on updated LPC application. Landowners have moved the location of a controversial proposed lot to a location suggested by the LPC and Planning Board at a prior meeting. Since landowner has complied with suggestion, Melissa has been directed to commission an appraisal on the Francis property (Orient Reserve) for the purchase of a development rights easement as discussed at a previous LPC meeting. The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. ?? DAMIANOS (PINDAR) PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-108-4-1.1 Zoned: A-C, R-40 Location: 18625 Rt 25, Mattituck CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 23.8 acres (GIS 23.8 acres) Subdividable: Yes Reviewed re-activated application [executive session] This property is located next to Elijah’s Lane, on Route 25 in Mattituck. Landowner is willing to sell development rights easement on approximately 20 acres, leaving a 3 acre reserved area around the existing house. MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by John Sepenoski, to request from the appraiser, an appraisal update letter on the Damianos property (Pindar) and if not possible to receive such an update due to time extension, then to direct Melissa Spiro to commission a new appraisal for the purchase of a development rights easement on the subject property. Motion carried: 5/0 END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Addition to Agenda: ?? DICKERSON (Estate of) PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-115-12-1 Zoned: R-40 Location: 5840 New Suffolk Ave CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 0.12 acre (GIS 0.19 acre) Subdividable: NZ F/M Wet: 0.17 acre Reviewed inquiry. Gary Olsen, Esq. called with an inquiry concerning the donation of part of an Estate located on Deep Hole Creek. The subject property is a small lot, apparently not buildable, but may be beneficial to the Town for the purpose of natural drainage in the area, public access to Deep Hole Creek, and/or a kayak or canoe launch area. LPC recommended that this donation inquiry be brought before the Town Board for discussion and to elicit comments from James Richter, Town Engineer. General Items: ?? SMALL LOT POLICY Ray Huntington talked to the Town Board at their last work session concerning the “small lot policy” and found Board’s reaction positive toward proposed written policy. Specific comments and issues were addressed by Town Board and revisions were made to drafted policy. LPC found revisions acceptable and a formal transmittal letter with the revised policy will be sent to the Town Board for their consideration and acceptance of “small lot” policy. ?? AgPDD: ANNUAL PURCHASE PRICE FOR AgPDD Confidential information including comps and summary of both appraisals submitted for review were distributed to LPC members and discussed. MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Lillian Ball, to recommend to the Town Board that a purchase price of $75,000/acre for purchase of development rights be considered for Town Board adoption, keeping in mind that there be a conversion to 80,000 sq. ft. as determined by Town Code. Motion carried: 5/0 The members re-entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. ?? MELISSA SPIRO’S CONFIDENTIAL STATUS REPORT [executive session re: status of offers] Melissa’s confidential status report distributed and reviewed. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Informational: ?? GRANTS – CELCP award for Stackler; potential for additional Federal Farmland funds; State grant RFP CELCP awarded $1, 996,822 in funding towards partial reimbursement of the Stackler purchase price rd at a press conference held on July 3 at Pipes Neck Road. Congressman Tim Bishop presented the award. There is much paperwork to do to receive the actual funds. THE NATURE CONSERVANCY awarded the Town of Southold a $325,000 grant towards the partial reimbursement of the Stackler “island” parcel, at the above-mentioned press conference. The TNC check has been deposited to the CPF account. FEDERAL FARM & RANCHLANDS PROTECTION PROGRAMfunding (totaling approximately $1.2 million in extra funds) may be available to the Town of Southold for the ZIP Peconic Wells, LLC project. Melissa is providing documentation to the federal government seeking approval of this project for grant funding. STATE AG & MARKETS had announced that projects (only two can be submitted) can be submitted for consideration of grant funding are due by mid-September 2008. ?? ZIP Peconic Wells, LLC – Town Board public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 4:50 p.m. ?? SEPENOSKI – Town Board public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 4:55 p.m. ?? ANNUAL FISHER ISLAND TOWN BOARD MEETING – to be held on Wednesday, August 6, 2008. Any LPC member interested in attending will need to contact the Supervisor’s office (765-1889) prior st to Friday, August 1. Melissa instructed to locate a driver to provide transportation for LPC members attending. Next Regular Meeting: ?? The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 29, 2008, at 7:00 p.m., in the Town Hall Conference Room. Adjournment: ?? The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. by the five attending members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Committee Secretary At the close of meeting, Ray Huntington made an informal request to LPC members as to their interest in pursuing the purchase of marshland at the end of Skunk Lane in Cutchogue that is for sale. LPC favorable and instructed Ray to find out more information on this property.