HomeMy WebLinkAboutWoodhull (Croon)A P P R A I S A L R E S O L U T I O N © JUDr~'H T. _T~Y TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICE~ ~ECOl~g)S MJkI~kGEMENT OFFICER ~'~EDOM OF 12qFORMATION Oi~IC~R Tow~ Ha]], 53095 ~V~a/n Head P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (51~) 785-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE sOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 26, 1996: . RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the services of David Wimpelberg, Certified Real Estate Appraiser, to c~nduct an appraisal on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee on the property of Lois Woodhull, Eliiah Lane, Mattituck, N.Y., 5CTM#1000-108-3- 6.1, Approx. 28 acres, at a fee of $1,000.00. '-' Judith T. Terry ~f Southold Toen Clerk November 27, !996 P R 0 P E R T Y V I S U A L S "~ >,,/~L I Railroad[ New Suffolk Av Island [NY] data Copyright © Etak, Inc., 1984-1995. All rights reserved. ~ Streets Copyright © 't t,~l ,,X .;/ ':~"";.-~S -,. ,~ x. ./ x.. ".,. ,.....~;I. ~ I 1'., "X,.¢' x, ~::C,-'~. ...M. ' '?"% "x '"' '~" ,~ L ~ , / ~ x. ~:'"./.,~ ~s:..'~' -~ ~,' ~ . / ~ t ~. k X ',~""/, ~%.,, ~ ' .-% .' . J - - 'x 5X' x ,:', .... ,.,:~,/ :1' --~' --~ Xh h.. ~X... · ~ ........... h ":~:~['~ h~,,-~,..,~ "~ ........ .~ .... , , ...... :~,, ~o .... b ..... 1995 Suffolk County Tax Map Book Lois Woodhull property acres /t S E Q R A Stem ~vir~nmem:al ~uali~'/ Review SHO~7 5NViRONM~NTAL SEQR 'Town of Southold Land Preserv. Comm L. Woodhull Est. Devel. Rte. Purcha · :. ~c~ ~c~o~: To~ of Southold Suffolk 2450 Elijah's T~ne, Nattituck SCTN # 1000-108-03-006.1 ~ New ~ ~mn ~ M~lt~U=~temdon Purchase development rights to approx. 18 acres of a 28-acre parcel for prese~ation of agricultu~l l~ds. r. ~CU.T c~o :ntUally ~ bqll~t~ l~ Neighborhood of mixed residential and agricultural uses. ~ Approval of Southold To~ Board Southotd To~ Board approval to obtain appraisal ~d negotiate potent[a purc has ·. '1 ;, .,e ac:ion ia !n the Cass:al Area. and v~-,, are = s:a:e acenc',', ccm-'iete :he · Ccas~---J Asaeesmen~ .--arm before ?ccee~in~ with this :ssessmen: CVER TART H--ENVIRONMENTAL AS.SESSMENT ~o be c.:moie~e~ by Agency) NO. ' None. None. occur. Then ~roc..,~d ~Jrec:i¥ :o ;rte ~JLL --,~F and/Or ~reoare a oositive omc!station. cocumemadon. :hat :~e crcccse~_ ac.ion WILL NOT result in any significant 'acverse env,rcnme~qtai imosc:s Southold Town Board Jea~ W. Cochran P U B L I C H E A R I N G JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTttOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLO¥1/ING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOINN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON APRIL 1, 1997: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 15, 1997, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on the question of the acquisition of development rights in the agricultural lands of Lois Woodhull, 2485 Elijah's Lane, Mattituck, Tax Map #1000-03-6.1, 28 acres minus setoff for house and wooded lot, $6,500.00 per acre. Southold Town Clerk April 2, 1997 IFGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of the Agricultural Lands Preservation Law of the Town of Southold, constituting Chapter 25 of the Southold Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the 15th day of April, 1997, at 5:00 P.M., at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, on the question of the acquisition by 'the Town of Southold of the development rights in the agricultural lands of Lois Woedhull, 2485 Elijah's Lane, Mattituck, Tax Map ~1000-03-6.1, 28 acres minus setoff for house and ~ood lot, $6,500.00 per acre. FURTHER NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN that the file containing a more detailed description of the aforementioned parcel is available in the Southold Town Clerk's Office, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and may be examined business hours. Dated: April 1, 1997. by any interested person, during normal JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON APRIL 10, 1997, AND FORWARD ONE (I) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Land Preservation Committee Lois Woodhull Town Clerk's Bulletin Board PUBLIC 'HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN. BOARD APRIL 15, 1997 5:00 P-M. 0'N 'THE ACQUISITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT 'AGRICULTU'RAL LAND OF LOIS WOODHULL. RIGHTS FOR Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman Wiillam D. Moore Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Laury L- Dowd SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Alice will be reading the notice on the acquisition of development right on Agricultural Land os Lois Woodhull. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: ,E Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Agricultural Lands Preservation Law of the Town of $outhold, constituting Chapter 25 of 'the Southold Town Code. the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on the 15th day of April, 1997, at 5:00 P.M.,at the Southold Town Hall. 53095 Main Road. Southold. New York. on the question of the acquisition by the Town of Southold of the development rights in the agricultural lands of Lois Woodhull, 21~85 Elijah's Lane, Mattituck, Tax Map ~f1000-108-03-6.1, 28 acres minus setoff for house and wood lot, $6,500.00 per acre. Further Notice is hereby given that the file containing a more detailed descrrptlon of the aforementioned parcel is available in the Southold Towo Clerk!s Office, Soutbold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, Ne~v York, and may be examined by an interested person during, normal business hours. Dated; April 1, 1997. Judith T. Terry, Southold Town Clerk.a I have an affidavit attesting to the fact that this was published in The Suffolk Times, and also, on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. SUPERVISOR COGHRAN: Thank you, Councilwoman Hussie. Is there anyone who like to speak in favor or opposition of this local law? Chairman of the committee, Mr. Gold? JOE GOLD: As Chairman of the Land Preservation Committee I am pleased to present to the Board a unanimous recommendation by the · .commit. tee for the development rights that this property be purchased, · ~This is a working nursery ,in an area of the town, where we are very ~interested in securing the development rights in the area along Elijah's 'Lane. We just had an appllcation to sell development rlghts for property .'adjacent to thi~. 5o, we are starting to assemble preserved farms in an :'a~'ea that is almost pristine, farmland. This property rs actually one farm off Eliiah~s Lane. It has a right-of-way through. The farm is on ':F-Jijah~s Lane. It, has a working nursery. It's the type of industry we are :ehc0ur,ag.rng out here, and we recomntend tha( the'Reard approve this. SU.PER~I$OR COCHRRN: Thank you, Mr. Gold. Is there anyone else, tl~tl '~ci~d Ilke to~ address the Boarcl? '(No r'esponse.) If not, we will cl~ t~h~ hea~ing. ~ --3udlth T. Terry ~/ 5outhold Town Clerk P U R C H A S E R E S O L U T I O' N JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southo]d, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765~1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON APRIL 15, 1997: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase the' development rights in the agricultural lands of Lois Woodhull; and WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing with respect to said acquisition on the 15th day of April, 1997, pursuant to the provisions of the Southold Town Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest that the Town of Southold acquire the development rights in the agricultural lands set forth in the proposed acquisition between the Town and Lois Woodhull; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby elects to purchase the development rights in the aforesaid agricultural lands owned by Lois Woodhull, comprising 28 acres minus setoff for house and wooded lot, at a sale price of $6,500.00 per acre; said property located at 2485 Elijah's Lane, Mattituck,'raxMap#1000-108-03-6.1; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to give notice of such acceptance to Lois Woodhull; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any and all required documents for the acquisition of the said development rights. Judith T. Terry ~/ Southold Town Clerk April 16, 1997 C L 0 S I N G E X P E N S E S Account Number ............. Invoice # ............. Date ................ 19 ........... Payee Name: Address: ...~Z.E~st,Masem .Square .............. · ,.East.Patchogue.,. NY..33772 ......... TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, N.Y., Dr. Payee Identification or Social Security Number: Payee Reference: Phone No. ( .... ) ....................... Vendor Contact Cash Discount .................. % ......... Days .................................... Item Description of Material/Service Quantity Unit Amount No. Price Appraisal Servia:es Rendered - Lois Woodhull 1,000,00 2~,85 Eliiah~s Lane. Mattituck. NY Tax Map #1000-108-03-6.1 ; ' Total 1,000~00 ~' Discount Net The uno~'signed (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of above named claimant) does hereby certify that the forego~rig claim is true and correct and that no part thereof has been paid, except a~ therein stated, ~nd that the' balance therein stated is actually due and owing. ' I~t.cl February 2q 1O 97 GL108S 20 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ** Actual Vendor.. 003349 COMMONWEALTH LAND JE Date TrxoDate Fund Account · ............................ Begi ~8/19/1997 8/19/1997 A .600 8/19/1997 8/19/1997 A .600 10/14/1997 10/10/1997 Hi .8686.4.0 1/20/1998 1/07/1998 Hi .8686.4.0 Select Record(s) or Use Action Code : Trx Date ..... : Trx Amount... : Description.. : Vendor Code.. : Vendor Name.. : Alt Vnd.. : CHECK ........ : Invoice Code. : VOUCHER ...... : P.O. Code .... : Project Code. : Final Payment : Type of 1099. : Fixed Asset.. : Date Released : Date Cleared. : F3=Exit Disburs Inquiry by Vendor Name ............. Detail--OL100N .............. H-01201998-192 Line: 1 Formula: 0 : Account.. HI .8686.4.000.000 : Acct Desc ADMINISTRATION, C.E. : 1/07/1998 SDT 1/22/98 : 863.00 : TITLE FEES-WOODHULL : 003349 : COMMONWEALTH LAND : 45879 SCNB 010798 Addl. P Liquid. N BOX. N 1/07/1998 1/31/1998 F12=Cancel GL108S 20 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ** Actual Vendor.. .00408 KAGEN/KAREN Y JE Date Trx. Date Fund Account · ............................ Begi ~1/06/1998 1/06/1998 H1 .600 Select Record(s) or Use Action Code Disburs Inquiry by Vendor Name .............. Detail--GL100N .............. : W-01061998-108 Line: 100 Formula: 0 : : Account.. H1 .600 : :Acct Desc ACCOUNTS PAYABLE : : Trx Date ..... 1/06/1998 SDT 1/08/98 : : Trx Amount... 50.00 : : Description.. CLOSER ATTEND-WOODHULL : : Vendor Code.. .00408 : : Vendor Name.. HAGEN/KAREN : : Alt Vnd.. : : CHECK ........ 45824 SCNB : : Invoice Code. 010298 : : VOUCHER ...... : : P.O. Code .... : : Project Code. : : Final Payment P Liquid. : : Type of 1099.. N BOX. Addl. : : Fixed Asset.. N : : Date Released 1/06/1998 : : Date Cleared. 1/31/1998 : : F3=Exit F12=Cancel : D E E D DEED OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS THIS INDENTURE, made this 7/-(, day of January, 1998, BETWEEN ESTATE OF LOIS WOODHULL by JUNE CROON, as EXECUTRIX, residing at 54075 Main Road, Southold, New York, party of the first part, and JUNE CROON AND CHRIS LEPORE, both residing at 54075 Main Road, Southold, New York, as specifiq devisees Of. tk~ .Estate of Lois THETOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporauon ot me ~[a[e or I',leWF. Woodhull York, having its office and principal place of business at 53095 Main Road, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and state of New York, party of the second part. WITNESSETH That the party of the first part, in consideration of ten ($10.00) dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND RELEASE unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, by which is meant the permanent legal interest and right, as authorized by Section 247 of the New York State General Municipal Law, as amended, to permit, require or restrict the use of the premises exclusively for agricultural production as that term is presently defined in Chapter 25 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises for any purpose other than agricultural production, to the properties described in the attached Schedule A. TOGETHER with the non-exclusive right, if any, of the party of the first part as to the use for ingress and egress of any streets and roads abutting the described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, insofar as the rights granted hereunder are concerned. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. The party of the first part, as a covenant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agrees for the party of the first part, and its heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part, to use the premises on and after the date of this instrument solely for the purpose of agricultural production. AND the party of the first part, covenants in all aspects to comply with Section 3 of the Lien Law, as same applies with said conveyance. The definition of "Agricultural Production" as defined in Section 25-30 of Chapter 25 of the Southold Town Code is as follows: Agricultural Production - shall mean the production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock and livestock products, but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of such crops, livestock or livestock products. Land used in agricultural production shall also include fences, equipment storage buildir~gs, livestock barns, irrigation systems, and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes. The party of the first part and the party of the second part do hereby covenant and agree in perpetuity that either of them or their respective heirs, successors, legal representatives or assigns, shall only use the premises on and after this date for the purpose of such agricultural production and the grantor covenants and agrees that the underlying fee title may not be subdivided into plots by the filing of a subdivision map pursuant to Sections 265 and 277 of the Town Law and Section 335 of the Real Property Law, or any of such sections of the Town or Real Property Law or any laws replacing or in furtherance of them. The word "party' shall be construed as if it reads "padies" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. The party of the first part covenants and agrees that it will (a) not generate, store or dispose of hazardous substances on the premises, nor allow others to do so; (b) comply with all Environmental Laws; (c) allow party of the second part and its agents reasonable access to the premises for the purposes of ascertaining site conditions and for inspection of the premises for compliance with this agreement. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. The party of the first part, its heirs, assigns and/or party or parties in lawful possession of the premises subject to this deed of development rights, pursuant to lease, license, or other arrangement, covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and hold party of the second part and any of its officers, agents, employees, and, their respective successors and assigns, harmless from and against any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses, including, without limitation, responsibility for legal, consulting, engineering and other costs and expenses which may arise out of (1) any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in any representation or warranty made by seller in this agreement; (2) the breach or non-performance of any covenants required by this agreement to be performed by the seller, either prior to or subsequent to the closing of title herein: or (3) any action, suit, claim, or proceeding seeking money damages, injunctive relief, remedial action, or other remedy by reason of a violation or non- compliance with any environmental law; or the disposal, discharge or release of solid wastes, pollutants or hazardous substances; or exposure to any chemical substances, noises or vibrations to the extent they arise from the ownership. operation, and/or condition of the premises prior to or subsequent to the execution of the deed of development rights. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. &~,<....~_~ ESTATE OF LOIS WOODHUL/ by J~N.E 6ROON~EXECUTRIX JUN'E ,~oON c is STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the 7¢/'-; day of January, 1998, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared JUNE CROON, EXECUTRIX, personally known to me or proved to me ont he basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the indivudal, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. ' F~y' Publio..~ STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SS: N~. 4927029 On the 7th day of January, 1998, before me personally came JUNE CROON and CHRIS LEPORE, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed same. { NOTARY PUBL(Iy ' SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described and the easterly line of land now or formerly of John C. Tuthill and being the following three (3) courses and distances from a monument set on the easterly side of Etijah's Lane and the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Steve Perge and Juliana Perge: 1) North 25 degrees 11 minutes 20 seconds West, along said easterly line of Elijah's Lane, 50.01 feet to said land now or formerly of John C. Tuthill; 2) North 63 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds East, along said land, 606.01 feet; and 3) North 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West, 620.19 feet to the true point or place of beginning; RUNNING THENCE from said true point or place of beginning and still along said land now or formerly of John C. Tuthill, the following two (2) courses and distances: 1 ) North 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West, 315.00 feet; and 2) North 26 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds West, 40808 feet to the land of the Long Island Railroad; THENCE North 59 degrees 43 minutes 45 seconds East, and still along said land of the Long Island Railroad, 604.19 feet to land now or formerly of Anna Jablonski and Alice Slater et al; THENCE South 27 degrees 00 minutes 40 seconds East, along said land now or formerly of Anna Jablonski and Alice Slater et al, 1677.48 feet to other land now or formerly of Lois F. Woodhull; THENCE through said land now or formerly of Lois F. Woodhull. the following eleven (11 ) courses and 3tstances SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) 11) South 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West, 182.18 feet; North 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West, 110.00 feet; South 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West, 340.00 feet; North 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West, 802.68 feet; North 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds East, 235.00 feet; North 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West, 518.82 feet; South 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West, 75.00 feet; South 40 degrees 11 minutes 56 seconds West, 70.82 feet; South 00 degrees 38 minutes 45 seconds West, 297.79 feet; South 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds East, 225.20 feet; and South 63 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds West, 60.00 feet to land now or formerly of John C. Tuthill, at the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a right of way over said other land now or formerly of Lois F. Woodhull to and from Elijah's Lane, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the easterly line of Elijah's Lane and the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Steve Perge and Juliana Perge; RUNNING THENCE North 25 degrees 11 minutes 20 seconds West, along said easterly line of Elijah's Lane, 50.01 feet to land now or formerly of John C. Tuthill; THENCE North 63 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds East. a[ong said land now or formerly of John C. Tuthill and later through land now or formerly of Lois F WoodhulI. 706 01 feet' THENCE South 26 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds East, through said land now or formerly of Lois F. Woodhull, 50.00 feet; ~ SCHEDULE A (CONTINUED) Page 3 THENCE South 63 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West, still through said land now or formerly of Lois F. Woodhull, along land now or formerly of the Juliana Perge Revocable Living Trust and along land now or formerly of Steve Perge and Juliana Perge, 707.00 feet to the monument on the easterly line of Elijah's Lane and the point or place of BEGINNING. G R A N T S U B M I S S I O N TOWN COI~$PTROLLER John A. Cushman CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING John Sepenoski 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTING & FINANCE DEPT. Telephone (516) 765-4333 E-mail: accounting@southold.org CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING Telephone (516) 765-1891 E-mail: dataprocessing@southold.org Fax(516) 765-!366 May 7, 1998 Gall Fuller Associate Budget Analyst- NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Fiscal Manageraem Uint 1 Winner's Circle Albany, NY 12235 Re: Town of Southold Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grant October 15, 1997 through October 14, 1998 Dear Ms. Fuller: I have collected the respective executed purchase agreements and deeds, appraisals and title policies for Town of Southold Development Rights purchases for certain agricultural lands listed in the above referenced grant agreement as fbllows: Cecil Young and Marian Young SCTM #I000-125-01 -p/o 006.1 11.12 acres -- $88,960 land cost. Estate of Lois Woodhull, by June Croon, Executrix a~ t ~vt ~,~uuu-iuo-u.~-pto uuo.~ 17.5771 acres -.- $114,251 land cost. Walter Gatz and George McDowell SCTM #1000-095-04-p/o 014.1 28.5199 acres -- $171,119 land cost. Also enclosed are copies of the respective purchase payments reflecting the expenditure of $374,300 in direct land costs. This payment application requests the sum total of the grant as partial reimbursemem of the acquisition costs for these approved development fight purchases. Page 2 Gail Fuller NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets May 7, 1998 The necessary momtormg plan is best evidenced by the enclosed copy of Chapter 25 of the Southold Town Code. The provisions of this Chapter, as they relate to oversight management of town- owned easements, are delegated to the Land Preservation ConUmttee (LPC). The LPC has a process of site inspection and records-search in place to assure compliance with the terms of each easement. Lastly, I enclose a Standard Voucher to effect the payment of the sum of $165,000 provided in the grant. I would appreciate your call to (516) 765-1889 should you have any questions about this payment application. Sincerely yours, Jean W. Cochran Supervisor Enclosures cc: Dick Ryan, Chairman, LPC John Cushman, Town Comptroller SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COMPLETING STATE oF STANDARD VOUCHER NEW YORK riginating Agency ~;i~¥1ture & Markets OSC Use Only Payment Date (MM) (DO) (YY) 3~Payee ID ] Additional Zip Code 11-6001939 I Orig. Agency Code V2~ uther No. P-Contract (MM) (DD) (YY) IInterest Eligible (y/N) Liability Date MIR Date (MM) (DD) (Y¥ 4_.J Payee Name (Limit to 30 spaces) Torn of Southold Route I Payee Amount I's:.;;: Indicator-Dept. Payee Name (Limit to 30 spaces) Indicat or-Statewide Address (Limit to 30 spaces) 58095 Main Road Address (Limit to 30 spaces) City (Limitto 20 spaces) (Limit to 2 spaces) -) Zip Code 11971-0959 Agricultural Land Development Rights Cecil Young & Marian Young 11.12 acres Estate of Lois Woodhull 17.5771 acres Walter Gatz & George McDowell 28.5199 acres Ref/Inv. NO. (Limit to 20 spaces) (MM) (DD) (YY) Quantity 88,960 00 114,251 00 171,119 00 7_~ Payee Certification: I certity that the above biff is just, true and correct: that no part thereof has been paid except as stated and that the bai is actuail ' du nd owing, and that taxes from which the State is exempt are excluded May 7~ 1998 Town of Southold Dale Name of Company FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Merchandise Received Oate Page No By I certify that lhis voucher is correcl and just and payment is approved, and the goods or sendces rendered or tumished are tot use in the performance of the official functions and duties of this agency. Authorized Signature Expenditure DiSCOUnt Total 374,330 O0 Net 165 , 000 O0 STATE COMPTROLLER'S PRE-AUDIT Object Accum Amount Orig. Agency OSC [] Checkif Continuation P R O P E R T Y R E C O R D S 2004 Suffolk County Tax Book ~o property of June Croon File View Toolbar Help File ¥iev~ Too]bar Help 100_-3-6.3 4738~9 SoUthold ' : :Active 2458 E~lahs Ln ~ ~ : Land:Braze. 17 58 acTes ~To OWne~ ' ~ :~/~Totai: i ; ~a~able Value X~me: June' County: 5.500/ C~y,~: Cutch6g~b. NY_ Zip; 11935 Schla~e,~ar: 5.500 ~b~' Pag~ ::; Sal~ ~ate¢~ Sale Price O~,ner ,::~ PrpclNbhdS:Cd: oLand 6ght, Sewer: Ei~mption; ':~:: T~: I Term Own B~lding 41720 AG DIST ~ L~ 2.100 0 0 ~$~e~ial District ~:~ T~[3 Value/~ Improvement C~a~ .U~t= Pot ~p~ ~.,~.~ T~,~ N~m~ Prints the screen OWNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OPERTY RECORD CARD FORMER OWNER N ~, ~, 76 TNJZ'z S VILLAGE w? DIST. SUB. ACR. ~ ~. f ~'~.' TYPE OF BUILDING LOT RES. SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MtCS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS f' AGE BUILDING CONDITION ,:ST: NEW,, NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per V~lue Acre :Tillable. Woodland ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD Me~dowland DEPTH BULKHEAD >i'rotal DOCK t! ,1 -£5 xten:s~on xtension xtension orch ;arage ~ ~k~',r~ 5 'atio *otal /6_6' COLOR Foundoti.on IBasement jExt, Walls Fire Place type Roof ~,ecreation Room Dormer /;,// TRIM Bath Floors nterior Finish Heat Rooms 1st Floor Rooms 2hd Floor Driveway Dinette K. LR. DR. BR. FIN. B TOWN OWNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~I~OPERTY RECORD CARD FORMER OWNER RES: (2. ~--% SEAS. VL I/AP. VI LLAGE W j DIST. SUB. LOT TYPE OF BUILDING '~ / .~'~ ~: /J ('~ , COMM. CB. MICS. Mk~ Value LAND TOTAL DATE REMARKS .'~2 ~..~/.. ,,tv-..9 / NORMAL Acre CONDITIO~ BELOW ABOVE Value Per Acre Value FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD DOCK COLOR TRIM Exfension Porch Porch Breezeway Garage Patio Total Foundation Ext. Walls Fire Place Typ~ Roof' Recreation Room Dormer Both Floors Interior Fihish Heal' R$Oms 1st Floor R. oJr~s 2~d Floor ' Driveway Dinette LR. DR. BR. FIN. B 1 9 9 6 P H O T O S photos taken 1996 ENTRANCE - A 50 FOOT STRIP OFFICE & GARAGE BUILDING photos taken 1996 LOOKING NORTH TOWARD LIRR TRACKS LOOKING SOUTH TOWARD OFFICE & PORT. GREENHOUSES A E R I A L S 2004 Aerial CROON Property (formerly Estate of Lois Woodhull) 2458 Elijah's Lane, Mattituck 17.58 acres development rights easement purchased by Town of Southold on January 7, 1998 2001 Aerial Estate of Lois Woodhull 17.58 acres development rights easement 2458 Elijah's Lane, Mattituck S U R V E Y i®1 0 '40" g CUL C Q°W or fo Jo~ rmer/y un C. Tuthfll (1000~108~3_1) U L DE~ELo~ 0 G' ,~ ~ V ,A T ~ D ~ oler e~. & (1000~ 108~3~ ?;I, O T T----- D RESER YE W ~ Cegs © / / ~0" g erge ReVo '~rmerl}, (7000~108~..c~ble Living '~5.41) rl,~ rrna ~ uO0~108_ fricio Z OWski & (1000~10 Urewski 8-3-e. 2) n,ow or fo MIChoel , ~merly Young & Young, Land Surveyors 400 Oslr~ndew Aven~e, R'~verhead, New York 1190! 516-727-2303 WOODS / RESERVED AREA DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS TO THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOTAL AREA = 11,3244 ACRES = 17.5771 ACRES = 28.9015 ACRES NOTE: 1, ~= MONUMENT FOUND, 0 = REBAR FOUND. THF'~r~}F~ LOIS F. At: ~ }Tern ~,* SOUTHOLD ~R TI FlED TO. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WOODHULL SEPT. 8, 1997 DATE . SEPT, 2, 1997 SCALE :1~'=190' JOB NO' :97-0553 SHEET NO.:I OF 1 MAP NO. 50470 "970555.DWO"