HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/31/2008£~C. EIVT. D 2O08 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2008 IRWIN & ODELL, CPAs LLC 6 Sterlington Commons Greenport, NY 11944 (631) 477-3011 (631) 477-9533 (Fax) January 23, 2008 North Fork Animal Welfare League Inc. PO Box 297 Southold, NY. 11971 We have compiled the accompanying Statement of Financial position of North Fork Animal Welfare League Inc, for the years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007 and the related statements of income the years then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's financial position, results of operations, and its cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Irwin & Odell, CPAs LLC NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE EXHIBIT A COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET PAGE 1 Assets Cash-SCNB General Checking UBS Financial Services-Regular UBS Financial Services-Restricted CAP ONE-CD Petty Cash Prepaid Insurance TOTAL ASSETS DEC. 31, 2008 DEC. 31, 2007 $ 61,948 $ 41,228 425,081 415,356 290,936 283,653 5,983 5,565 230 230 5,604 6,845 789,782 752,877 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Deferred Income FICA/FWT Payable SWT Payable Payroll Taxes Payable Disability Withheld TOTAL LIABILITIES 8,204 15,208 3,635 711 251 1) 28,008 9,207 0 12 424 280 2) 9,921 Fund Balance League Fund Balance Restricted TOTAL FUND BALANCE 470,836 290,936 761,772 459,299 283,653 742,952 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 789,780 752,873 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2008 TO DEC. 31, 2008 JAN. 1, 2007 TO DEC. 31, 2007 REVENUES Donations Bequests Trust Fund Income Interest Income Interest Income-Treasury Accrued Interest Paid Dividend Income Net Capital Gains(Losses) Fundraising Events Dogs S-N Cats Cats S-N Feral Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Town Contract Miscellaneous Income $ 96,930 5,000 5,367 16,676 0 59) 10,592 9,544) 29,425 1,080 345 538 0 8,319 1,424 6O8 180,743 2,010 $ 111,244 0 15,347 21,474 2,796 690) 6,848 5,843 26,494 720 50 550 100 7,213 1,547 852 175,479 3,130 TOTAL REVENUES 349,454 378,997 EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Dog Veternarian Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Expense Telephone Utilities Office Expenses Insurance Advertising Liscenses & Fees Professional Fees Accounting Fees Bookkeeping Fees Bank/Investment Fees Miscellaneous Expenses Garbage Removal 172,813 15,845 15,403 21,642 19,954 1,154 4,035 0 3,663 917 3,946 14,095 1,336 713 16,783 2,000 7,200 321 1,600 2,371 173,130 15,663 12,830 24,363 22,511 1,191 2,581 135 3,124 1,025 2,103 14,382 469 129 8,298 2,000 7,200 290 3,767 2,578 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 JAN. 1, 2008 TO DEC. 31, 2008 JAN. 1, 2007 TO DEC. 31, 2007 Postage/Mailings Education & Training Cat Veternarian Cat Food Fundraising Expenses Truck Purchase TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,495 $ 2,225 259 2,515 11,690 18,702 5,724 7,840 4,675 4,904 0 19,610 330,634 353,565 NET PROFIT (LOSS} 18,820 25,432 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT UNRESTRICTED FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2008 TO DEC. 31, 2008 JAN. 1, 2007 TO DEC. 31, 2007 REVENUES Donations Bequests Trust Fund Income Interest Income Interest Income-Treasury Accrued Interest Paid Dividend Income Net Capital Gains(Losses) Fundraising Events Dogs S-N Cats Cats S-N Feral Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Town Contract Miscellaneous Income TOTAL REVENUES $ 96,930 $ 111,244 5,000 0 5,367 15,347 10,625 8,310 0 2,796 (59) (361) 10,592 6,848 (10,287) 5,451 29,425 26,494 1,080 720 345 50 538 550 0 100 8,319 7,213 1,424 1,547 608 852 180,743 175,479 2,010 3,130 342,660 365,770 EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Dog Veternarian Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Expense Telephone Utilities Office Expenses Insurance Advertising Liscenses & Fees Professional Fees Accounting Fees Bookkeeping Fees Bank/Investment Fees Miscellaneous Expenses 172,813 15,845 15,403 21,642 19,954 1,154 4,035 0 3,663 917 3,945 14,095 1,336 713 16,783 2,000 7,200 83 1,600 173,130 15,663 12,830 24,363 22,511 1,191 2,581 135 3,124 1,025 2,103 14,382 469 129 8,298 2,000 7,200 140 3,767 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT UNRESTRICTED FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 2 JAN. 1, 2008 TO DEC. 31, 2008 JAN. 1, 2007 TO DEC. 31, 2007 Garbage Removal Postage/Mailings Education & Training Cat Veternarian Cat Food Fundraising Expenses Truck Purchase TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,371 $ 2,578 2,495 2,225 259 2,515 11,690 18,702 5,724 7,840 4,675 4,904 0 19,610 330,395 353,415 NET PROFIT (LOSS) 12,265 12,355 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATIVE DEPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT RESTRICTED FOR THE PERIODS PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2008 TO DEC. 31, 2008 JAN. 1, 2007 TO DEC. 31, 2007 REVENUES Interest Income Accrued Interest Paid Net Capital Gains(Losses) TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Bank/Investment Fees TOTAL EXPENSES $ 6,051 $ 13,164 0 ( 330) 743 391 6,794 238 238 13,225 150 150 NET PROFIT (LOSS) 6,556 13,075 ..............................